HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-28 VLHA Meeting Results Vail Local Housing AuthorityAgenda Tuesday, August 28,2018 Regular Meeting Public Meeting 3:00PM –5:00PM Housing Department Large Conference Room 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 MEMBERS PRESENTMEMBERS ABSENT Steve LindstromJames Wilkins Francisco Meza Mary McDougall Molly Morales Staff George Ruther, Housing Director Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator Chris Neubecker, Planning Manager Public Present: Alex and Carlos, Vail InDEED applicants. Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 3:05PM. All members present except James Wilkins. 1.Review and Approve August 14, 2018Meeting Results MOTION:MoralesSECOND:MezaVOTE:4-0 2.Resolution No. 15, Series of 2018 a Resolution Approving thePurchase of a Deed Restriction Interest in Property TypeIII Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described as Lot2 MercoTownhouses, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 2992 Bellflower Drive Unit A, Vail Colorado; Subject to Ratification by the Vail Town Council: and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. Molly Morales made a motion to approve Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed Restriction Interest in Property Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described as Lot 2 Merco Townhouses, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 2992 Bellflower Drive Unit A, Vail Colorado; Subject to Ratification by the Vail Town Council: and Setting Forth Details inRegard Thereto. MOTION:MoralesSECOND:MezaVOTE:4-0 3. Alex Jakubiec and CarlosJimenez-Molina,Vail InDEED applicant,presented their request to the Authority. Currently tenants in local rental housing. Want to purchase versus rent. Jakubiec and Molina stated the unit needsupdating which they plan to do themselves. Their offer is contingent upon Vail InDEED funding. Final review of the application will occur in executive session. 4. Proposed Text Amendment to Type III Deed Restriction Square Footage Increase VLHA AgendaAugust 28, 2018 Dominic Mauriello with Mauriello Planning Group(MPG) presented a proposed text amendmentto increase aType III deed restriction maximum allowed square footage from 1,200 to 2,500.Mauriello went on to describe other deed restriction types currently adopted by the Town. The current property owner and MPG’s client wants to do addition on his existing Type III. The property is part of Lodges of Timber Creek currently zoned RC (residential cluster) and is non- conforming.The owner cannot do addition without modification to Type III deed restriction. Maurielloand Chris Neubecker, Town planner, agreed a variance due to hardship most likely would be a stretch. Discussion ensuedregarding intent, square footage and housing objectives. Ruther recommended the Authorityfocus on the housing side. Is there an objective to achieve?The Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC)will focus on code policy. What if any unintended consequences may occur increasing a Type III maximum square footage?He said there could be an implication on Vail InDEED and potential impact on number of EHUs, opportunities available. Neubecker asked the Authorityto look at the request asan overall policy change not just for the propertyin question. Lindstrom, McDougall and Meza supports change, Morales against proposed text amendment. Ruther stated the Authority could make a formal recommendation or provide a position statement prior to the September 10, 2018 PEC meeting. The Authority wants a position statement for PEC. Ruther said the Authority’sposition statement could include both positive and negatives to the change could be addressed. Hewill draft a position statement to share with the Authorityand include with MPG’s text amendment request for theSeptember 10, 2018 PEC meeting. 5. 6 West Vail InDEED Recommendation Ruther said there is a deal for acquisition for 23 deed restrictions and he is requestinga recommendation from VLHA to the Town Council. Cost is less than $36K per rental unit. Exchange for Town’s purchase the Vail community gets preference annually to lease in the September / October range. Renewal time could be modified. 6 West is required to notify of vacancies for 21 st days, if not rentedby the 21dayto aVail employeethe lease can go to Countynon Vail employees.The same units each year are deeded to Town of Vail. Unit mix will be 1-3 bed units majority being 1 & 2 bedroom units. Do the units have to be to individuals or can a corporation lease some? This is under review. Question is who does the obligation for occupancy verification fall to, the individual or corporation? Leases will be with 6 West the Town only has an interest with the deed restriction. September 18, 2018 Town Council agenda will have a resolution and agreement before them. Ruther would like the recommendation for that packet. This is a great down valley public / private partnershipfunded by the Vail InDEED program. The Authority is in favor.Morales made a motion to recommend purchase of 23 deed restrictions located at 6 West Apartments in Edwards Colorado. MOTION: MoralesSECOND:MezaVOTE:4-0 VLHA AgendaAugust 28, 2018 6. Update Economic Value of Housing–BBC & Research Consulting Proposal Ruther reviewed the proposal to update the Update Economic Value of Housing. Cost proposed is significantly higher then the original report and the report data is only being updated not recreated. Authority and staff feel price is high. Ruther asked Authority’s permission to review the report specifics to be updated with BBC. Lindstrom said the environmentalpiece appears to be a stand alone issue and if they aren’t comfortable with this data find someone else. He wants them to show where housing is available. Focus report on what is financial impact of not having qualified employees. Lindstrom suggested the Authority direct Ruther to get back with BBC to reduce cost or find another vendor. 7. Long Term Funding Source –David Cunningham Meeting Update Ruther and Lindstrom gave the group an update on their meeting with David Cunningham, President Summit Info Services.Cunningham explained his process to preparing and moving a ballot initiative forward through elections. Town steps out once the ballot is voiced.Cunningham stated January 2019 is a good time to start with what housing needs are and bring in housing subcommittee. The Authority needs to identify how much funding is needed and to spend on what. Ruther is working with Cunningham on proposal and fees. 8. Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) -to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and to determine positions, develop a strategy andinstruct negotiators, regarding: submitted Vail InDEED applications and program details. McDougallmade a motion to enter an executive sessionper C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) -to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and to determine positions, develop a strategy andinstruct negotiators, regarding: submitted Vail InDEED applications and program details. MOTION: McDougallSECOND:MezaVOTE:4-0 McDougallmade a motion to exit executive session and re-enter the regular meeting. MOTION: McDougallSECOND:MoralesVOTE:4-0 The Board reconvenedthe regular session, McDougall left the meeting. Attending are Lindstrom, Meza, Morales, Ruther and Campbell are present. Meeting adjournedat 5:00PM. MOTION: MoralesSECOND: MezaVOTE:3-0 Next Meeting –September 11, 2018 Future Agenda Items: 2019 BudgetEast Vail Parcel Update Housing DataWest Vail Master Plan Discussion Open Lands Plan Discussion VLHA AgendaAugust 28, 2018