HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_iwuic_with_ammendments-09092018.docxCHAPTER 1 SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION SECTION 101 SCOPE AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS [A] 101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Wildland-Urban Interface Code of the Town of Vail, hereinafter referred to as "this code." [A] 101.2 Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration, movement, repair, maintenance and use of any building, structure or premises within the wildland-urban interface areas in this jurisdiction. Exception: Additions or alterations less than 500 square feet is size are exempt from the provisions of this code. Repair or replacement of more than 25% of a deck surface or support structure shall comply with all applicable provisions of this code. Buildings or conditions in existence at the time of the adoption of this code are allowed to have their use or occupancy continued, if such condition, use or occupancy was legal at the time of the adoption of this code, provided that such continued use does not constitute a distinct danger to life or property. Buildings or structures moved into or within the jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of this code for new buildings or structures. [A] 101.3 Objective. The objective of this code is to establish minimum regulations consistent with nationally recognized good practice for the safeguarding of life and for property protection. Regulations in this code are intended to mitigate the risk to life and structures from intrusion of fire from wildland fire exposures and fire exposures from adjacent structures and to mitigate structure fires from spreading to wildland fuels. The extent of this regulation is intended to be tiered commensurate with the relative level of hazard present. The unrestricted use of property in wildland-urban interface areas is a potential threat to life and property from fire and resulting erosion. Safeguards to prevent the occurrence of fires and to provide adequate fire protection facilities to control the spread of fire in wildland-urban interface areas shall be in accordance with this code. This code shall supplement the jurisdiction's building and fire codes, if such codes have been adopted, to provide for special regulations to mitigate the fire- and life-safety hazards of the wildland-urban interface areas. [A] 101.4 Retroactivity. The provisions of the code shall apply to conditions arising after the adoption thereof, conditions not legally in existence at the adoption of this code and conditions that, in the opinion of the code official, constitute a distinct hazard to life or property. Exception: Provisions of this code that specifically apply to existing conditions are retroactive. [A] 101.5 Additions or alterations. Additions or alterations shall be permitted to be made to any building or structure without requiring the existing building or structure to comply with all of the requirements of this code, provided that the addition or alteration conforms to that required for a new building or structure. Exception: Provisions of this code that specifically apply to existing conditions are retroactive. Additions or alterations shall not be made to an existing building or structure that will cause the existing building or structure to be in violation of any of the provisions of this code nor shall such additions or alterations cause the existing building or structure to become unsafe. An unsafe condition shall be deemed to have been created if an addition or alteration will cause the existing building or structure to become structurally unsafe or overloaded; will not provide adequate access in compliance with the provisions of this code or will obstruct existing exits or access; will create a fire hazard; will reduce required fire resistance or will otherwise create conditions dangerous to human life. [A] 101.6 Maintenance. Buildings, structures, landscape materials, vegetation, defensible space or other devices or safeguards required by this code shall be maintained in conformance to the code edition under which installed. The owner or the owner's authorized agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings, structures, landscape materials and vegetation. SECTION 102 APPLICABILITY [A] 102.1 General. Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall govern. Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code specify different materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. [A] 102.2 Other laws. The provisions of this code shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of local, state or federal law. [A] 102.3 Application of references. References to chapter or section numbers, or to provisions not specifically identified by number, shall be construed to refer to such chapter, section or provision of this code. [A] 102.4 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 7 and such codes and standards shall be considered as part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference and as further regulated in Sections 102.4.1 and 102.4.2. [A] 102.4.1 Conflicts. Where conflicts occur between provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall govern. [A] 102.4.2 Provisions in referenced codes and standards. Where the extent of the reference to a referenced code or standard includes subject matter that is within the scope of this code, the provisions of this code, as applicable, shall take precedence over the provisions in the referenced standard. [A] 102.5 Partial invalidity. In the event that any part or provision of this code is held to be illegal or void, this shall not have the effect of making void or illegal any of the other parts or provisions. [A] 102.6 Existing conditions. The legal occupancy or use of any structure or condition existing on the date of adoption of this code shall be permitted to continue without change, except as is specifically covered in this code, the International Property Maintenance Code or the International Fire Code, or as is deemed necessary by the code official for the general safety and welfare of the occupants and the public. SECTION 103 ENFORCEMENT AGENCY [A] 103.1 Creation of enforcement agency. The fire chief is the official in charge and the official in charge thereof shall be known as the code official. [A] 103.2 Appointment. The code official shall be appointed by the chief appointing authority of the jurisdiction. [A] 103.3 Deputies. In accordance with the prescribed procedures of this jurisdiction and with the concurrence of the appointing authority, the code official shall have the authority to appoint a deputy(s). Such employees shall have powers as delegated by the code official. SECTION 104 AUTHORITY OF THE CODE OFFICIAL [A] 104.1 Powers and duties of the code official. The code official is hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this code. The code official shall have the authority to render interpretations of this code and to adopt policies and procedures in order to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretation, policy and procedures shall not have the effect of waiving requirements specifically provided for in this code. [A] 104.2 Interpretations, rules and regulations. The code official shall have the power to render interpretations of this code and to adopt and enforce rules and supplemental regulations to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretations, rules and regulations shall be in conformance to the intent and purpose of this code. A copy of such rules shall be filed with the clerk of the jurisdiction and shall be in effect immediately thereafter. Additional copies shall be available for distribution to the public. [A] 104.3 Liability of the code official. The code official, member of the board of appeals or employee charged with the enforcement of this code, acting in good faith and without malice in the discharge of the duties required by this code or other pertinent law or ordinance, shall not thereby be rendered civilly or criminally personally liable for damages that accrue to persons or property as a result of an act or by reason of an act or omission in the discharge of such duties. [A] 104.3.1 Legal defense. A suit or criminal complaint brought against the code official or employee because of such act or omission performed by the code official or employee in the enforcement of any provision of such codes or other pertinent laws or ordinances implemented through the enforcement of this code or enforced by the code enforcement agency shall be defended by this jurisdiction until final termination of such proceedings, and any judgment resulting therefrom shall be assumed by this jurisdiction. The code enforcement agency or its parent jurisdiction shall not be held as assuming any liability by reason of the inspections authorized by this code or any permits or certificates issued under this code. [A] 104.4 Subjects not regulated by this code. Where applicable standards or requirements are not set forth in this code, or are contained within other laws, codes, regulations, ordinances or policies adopted by the jurisdiction, compliance with applicable standards of other nationally recognized safety standards, as approved, shall be deemed as prima facie evidence of compliance with the intent of this code. [A] 104.5 Matters not provided for. Requirements that are essential for the public safety of an existing or proposed activity, building or structure, or for the safety of the occupants thereof, which are not specifically provided for by this code, shall be determined by the code official consistent with the necessity to establish the minimum requirements to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare. [A] 104.6 Applications and permits. The code official is authorized to receive applications, review construction documents and issue permits for construction regulated by this code, issue permits for operations regulated by this code, inspect the premises for which such permits have been issued and enforce compliance with the provisions of this code. [A] 104.7 Other agencies. Where requested to do so by the code official, other officials of this jurisdiction shall assist and cooperate with the code official in the discharge of the duties required by this code. SECTION 105 COMPLIANCE ALTERNATIVES [A] 105.1 Practical difficulties. Where there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this code, the code official is authorized to grant modifications for individual cases on application in writing by the owner or an owner's authorized agent. The code official shall first find that a special individual reason makes enforcement of the strict letter of this code impractical, that the modification is in conformance to the intent and purpose of this code, and that the modification does not lessen any fire protection requirements or any degree of structural integrity. The details of any action granting modifications shall be recorded and entered into the files of the code enforcement agency. [A] 105.2 Technical assistance. To determine the acceptability of technologies, processes, products, facilities, materials and uses attending the design, operation or use of a building or premises subject to the inspection of the code official, the code official is authorized to require the owner, the owner's authorized agent or the person in possession or control of the building or premises to provide, without charge to the jurisdiction, a technical opinion and report. The opinion and report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer, specialist, laboratory or fire safety specialty organization acceptable to the code official and the owner or the owner's authorized agent, and shall analyze the fire safety of the design, operation or use of the building or premises, the facilities and appurtenances situated thereon and fuel management for purposes of establishing fire hazard severity to recommend necessary changes. [A] 105.3 Alternative materials or methods. The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of any material or to prohibit any design or method not specifically prescribed by this code, provided that any such alternative has been approved. An alternative material, design or method shall be approved where the building official in concurrence with the fire chief finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of this code, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, not less than the equivalent of that prescribed in this code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety. Where the alternative material, design or method is not approved, the building official shall respond in writing, stating the reasons why the alternative was not approved. SECTION 106 APPEALS [A] 106.1 General. To determine the suitability of alternative materials and methods and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this code, The Town of Vail Board of Building and Fire Code Appeals shall serve as the Board of Appeals for matters regarding this code. . The code official, building official and fire chief shall be ex officio members. The board of appeals shall be appointed by the legislative body and shall hold office at their discretion. The board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and shall render decisions and findings in writing to the code official, with a duplicate copy to the applicant. [A] 106.2 Limitations of authority. The board of appeals shall not have authority relative to interpretation of the administrative provisions of this code and shall not have authority to waive requirements of this code. SECTION 107 PERMITS [A] 107.1 General. Where not otherwise provided in the requirements of the International Building Code or International Fire Code, permits are required in accordance with Sections 107.2 through 107.10. [A] 107.2 Permits required. Unless otherwise exempted, buildings or structures regulated by this code shall not be erected, constructed, altered, repaired, moved, removed, converted, demolished or changed in use or occupancy unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the code official. For buildings or structures erected for temporary uses, see Appendix A, Section A108.3, of this code. Where required by the code official, a permit shall be obtained for the following activities, operations, practices or functions within a wildland-urban interface area: Automobile wrecking yard. Candles and open flames in assembly areas. Explosives or blasting agents. Fireworks. Flammable or combustible liquids. Hazardous materials. Liquefied petroleum gases. Lumberyards. Motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations. Open burning. Pyrotechnical special effects material. Tents, canopies and temporary membrane structures. Tire storage. Welding and cutting operations. [A] 107.3 Work exempt from permit. Unless otherwise provided in the requirements of the International Building Code or International Fire Code, a permit shall not be required for the following: One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided that the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet (11.15 2 m ) and the structure is located more than 50 feet (15 240 mm) from the nearest adjacent structure. Fences not over 6 feet (1829 mm) high. Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. The code official is authorized to stipulate conditions for permits. Permits shall not be issued where public safety would be at risk, as determined by the code official. [A] 107.4 Permit application. To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file an application therefor in writing on a form furnished by the code enforcement agency for that purpose. Every such application shall: Identify and describe the work, activity, operation, practice or function to be covered by the permit for which application is made. Describe the land on which the proposed work, activity, operation, practice or function is to be done by legal description, street address or similar description that will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed building, work, activity, operation, practice or function. Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed work, activity, operation, practice or function is intended. Be accompanied by plans, diagrams, computation and specifications and other data as required in Section 108 of this code. State the valuation of any new building or structure or any addition, remodeling or alteration to an existing building. Be signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized agent. Give such other data and information as required by the code official. [A] 107.4.1 Preliminary inspection. Before a permit is issued, the code official is authorized to inspect and approve the systems, equipment, buildings, devices, premises and spaces or areas to be used. [A] 107.4.2 Time limitation of application. An application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned 180 days after the date of filing, unless such application has been pursued in good faith or a permit has been issued; except that the code official is authorized to grant one or more extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding 180 days each. The extension shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated. [A] 107.5 Permit approval. Before a permit is issued, the code official, or an authorized representative, shall review and approve permitted uses, occupancies or structures. Where laws or regulations are enforceable by other agencies or departments, a joint approval shall be obtained from agencies or departments concerned. [A] 107.6 Permit issuance. The application, plans, specifications and other data filed by an applicant for a permit shall be reviewed by the code official. If the code official finds that the work described in an application for a permit and the plan, specifications and other data filed therewith conform to the requirements of this code, the code official is allowed to issue a permit to the applicant. When the code official issues the permit, the code official shall endorse in writing or stamp the plans and specifications APPROVED. Such approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified or altered without authorization from the code official, and work regulated by this code shall be done in accordance with the approved plans. [A] 107.6.1 Refusal to issue a permit. Where the application or construction documents do not conform to the requirements of pertinent laws, the code official shall reject such application in writing, stating the reasons therefor. [A] 107.7 Validity of permit. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or conceal the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. [A] 107.8 Expiration. Every permit issued by the code official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building, use or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the building, use or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Any permittee holding an unexpired permit is allowed to apply for an extension of the time within which work is allowed to commence under that permit where the permittee is unable to commence work within the time required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The code official is authorized to extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days on written request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action from being taken. Permits shall not be extended more than once. [A] 107.9 Retention of permits. Permits shall at all times be kept on the premises designated therein and shall at all times be subject to inspection by the code official or other authorized representative. [A] 107.10 Revocation of permits. Permits issued under this code can be suspended or revoked where it is determined by the code official that: It is used by a person other than the person to whom the permit was issued. it is used for a location other than that for which the permit was issued. Any of the conditions or limitations set forth in the permit have been violated. The permittee fails, refuses or neglects to comply with any order or notice duly served on him or her under the provisions of this code within the time provided therein. There has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or application was made. The permit is issued in error or in violation of any other ordinance, regulations or provisions of this code. The code official is allowed to, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this code whenever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code. SECTION 108 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS [A] 108.1 General. Plans, engineering calculations, diagrams and other data shall be submitted in not fewer than two sets with each application for a permit. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. Where special conditions exist, the code official is authorized to require additional documents to be prepared by a registered design professional. Exception: Submission of plans, calculations, construction inspection requirements and other data, if it is found that the nature of the work applied for is such that reviewing of plans is not necessary to obtain compliance with this code. [A] 108.2 Information on plans and specifications. Plans and specifications shall be drawn to scale on substantial paper or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed, and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. [A] 108.3 Site plan. In addition to the requirements for plans in the International Building Code, site plans shall include topography, width and percent of grade of access roads, landscape and vegetation details, locations of structures or building envelopes, existing or proposed overhead utilities, occupancy classification of buildings, types of ignition-resistant construction of buildings, structures and their appendages, roof classification of buildings and site water supply systems. The code official is authorized to waive or modify the requirement for a site plan where the application for permit is for alteration or repair or where otherwise warranted. [A] 108.4 Vegetation management plans. Where utilized by the permit applicant pursuant to Section 502, vegetation management plans shall be prepared and shall be submitted to the code official for review and approval as part of the plans required for a permit. [A] 108.6 Other data and substantiation. Where required by the code official, the plans and specifications shall include classification of fuel loading, fuel model light, medium or heavy, and substantiating data to verify classification of fire-resistive vegetation. [A] 108.8 Retention of plans. One set of approved plans, specifications and computations shall be retained by the code official for a period of not less than 180 days from date of completion of the permitted work or as required by state or local laws; and one set of approved plans and specifications shall be returned to the applicant, and said set shall be kept on the site of the building, use or work at all times during which the work authorized thereby is in progress. [A] 108.9 Examination of documents. The code official shall examine or cause to be examined the accompanying construction documents and shall ascertain by such examinations whether the construction indicated and described is in accordance with the requirements of this code and other pertinent laws or ordinances. [A] 108.10 Amended construction documents. Work shall be installed in accordance with the approved construction documents, and changes made during construction that are not in compliance with the approved documents shall be resubmitted for approval as an amended set of construction documents. [A] 108.11 Previous approvals. This code shall not require changes in the construction documents, construction or designated occupancy of a structure for which a lawful permit has been heretofore issued or otherwise lawfully authorized, and the construction of which has been pursued in good faith within 180 days after the effective date of this code and has not been abandoned. [A] 108.12 Phased approval. The code official is authorized to issue a permit for the construction of foundations or any other part of a building or structure before the construction documents for the whole building or structure have been submitted, provided that adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with pertinent requirements of this code. The holder of such permit for the foundation or other parts of a building or structure shall proceed at the holder's own risk with the building operation and without assurance that a permit for the entire structure will be granted. SECTION 110 INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT [A] 110.1 Inspection. Inspections shall be in accordance with Sections 110.1.1 through [A] 110.1.1 General. Construction or work for which a permit is required by this code shall be subject to inspection by the code official and such construction or work shall remain visible and able to be accessed for inspection purposes until approved by the code official. It shall be the duty of the permit applicant to cause the work to remain visible and able to be accessed for inspection purposes. Neither the code official nor the jurisdiction shall be liable for expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any material required to allow inspection. Approval as a result of an inspection shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Inspections presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. Where required by the code official, a survey of the lot shall be provided to verify that the mitigation features are provided and the building or structure is located in accordance with the approved plans. [A] 110.1.2 Authority to inspect. The code official shall inspect, as often as necessary, buildings and premises, including such other hazards or appliances designated by the code official for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any conditions that could reasonably be expected to cause fire or contribute to its spread, or any violation of the purpose of this code and of any other law or standard affecting fire safety. [A] Approved inspection agencies. The code official is authorized to accept reports of approved inspection agencies, provided that such agencies satisfy the requirements as to qualifications and reliability. [A] Inspection requests. It shall be the duty of the holder of the permitor their duly authorized agent to notify the code official when work is ready for inspection. It shall be the duty of the permit holder to provide access to and means for inspections of such work that are required by this code. [A] Approval required. Work shall not be done beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the code official. The code official, upon notification, shall make the requested inspections and shall either indicate the portion of the construction that is satisfactory as completed, or notify the permit holder or his or her agent wherein the same fails to comply with this code. Any portions that do not comply shall be corrected and such portion shall not be covered or concealed until authorized by the code official. [A] 110.1.3 Reinspections. To determine compliance with this code, the code official can cause a structure to be reinspected. A fee can be assessed for each inspection or reinspection where work for which inspection is called is not complete or where corrections called for are not made. Reinspection fees can be assessed where the approved plans are not readily available to the inspector, for failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the code official. To obtain a reinspection, the applicant shall pay the reinspection fee as set forth in the fee schedule adopted by the jurisdiction. Where reinspection fees have been assessed, additional inspection of the work will not be performed until the required fees have been paid. [A] 110.1.4 Testing. Installations shall be tested as required in this code and in accordance with Sections through Tests shall be made by the permit holder or authorized agent and observed by the code official. [A] New, altered, extended or repaired installations. New installations and parts of existing installations that have been altered, extended, renovated or repaired, shall be tested as prescribed herein to disclose defects. [A] Apparatus, instruments, material and labor for tests. Apparatus, instruments, material and labor required for testing an installation or part thereof shall be furnished by the permit holder or authorized agent. [A] Reinspection and testing. Where any work or installation does not pass an initial test or inspection, the necessary corrections shall be made so as to achieve compliance with this code. The work or installation shall then be resubmitted to the code official for inspection and testing. [A] 110.2 Enforcement. Enforcement shall be in accordance with Sections 110.2.1 and 110.2.2. [A] 110.2.1 Authorization to issue corrective orders and notices. Where the code official finds any building or premises that are in violation of this code, the code official is authorized to issue corrective orders and notices. [A] 110.2.2 Service of orders and notices. Orders and notices authorized or required by this code shall be given or served on the owner, the owner's authorized agent, operator, occupant or other person responsible for the condition or violation either by verbal notification, personal service, or delivering the same to, and leaving it with, a person of suitable age and discretion on the premises; or, if such person is not found on the premises, by affixing a copy thereof in a conspicuous place on the door to the entrance of said premises and by mailing a copy thereof to such person by registered or certified mail to the person's last known address. Orders or notices that are given verbally shall be confirmed by service in writing as herein provided. [A] 110.3 Right of entry. Where necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this code, or whenever the code official has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any building or on any premises any condition that makes such building or premises unsafe, the code official is authorized to enter such building or premises at reasonable times to inspect the same or to perform any duty authorized by this code, provided that if such building or premises is occupied, the code official shall first present proper credentials and request entry; and if such building or premises is unoccupied, the code official shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner, the owner's authorized agent, or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises and request entry. If such entry is refused, then the code official shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry. Owners, the owner's authorized agent, occupants or any other persons having charge, care or control of any building or premises, shall, after proper request is made as herein provided, promptly permit entry therein by the code official for the purpose of inspection and examination pursuant to this code. [A] 110.4 Compliance with orders and notices. Compliance with orders and notices shall be in accordance with Sections 110.4.1 through 110.4.8. [A] 110.4.1 General compliance. Orders and notices issued or served as provided by this code shall be complied with by the owner, the owner's authorized agent, operator, occupant or other person responsible for the condition or violation to which the corrective order or notice pertains. If the building or premises is not occupied, then such corrective orders or notices shall be complied with by the owner or the owner's authorized agent. [A] 110.4.2 Compliance with tags. A building or premises shall not be used when in violation of this code as noted on a tag affixed in accordance with Section 110.4.1. [A] 110.4.3 Removal and destruction of signs and tags. A sign or tag posted or affixed by the code official shall not be mutilated, destroyed or removed without authorization by the code official. [A] 110.4.4 Citations. Persons operating or maintaining an occupancy, premises or vehicle subject to this code who allow a hazard to exist or fail to take immediate action to abate a hazard on such occupancy, premises or vehicle when ordered or notified to do so by the code official shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [A] 110.4.5 Unsafe conditions. Buildings, structures or premises that constitute a fire hazard or are otherwise dangerous to human life, or that in relation to existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health or public welfare, by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster damage or abandonment as specified in this code or any other ordinance, are unsafe conditions. Unsafe buildings or structures shall not be used. Unsafe buildings are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal, pursuant to applicable state and local laws and codes. [A] Record. The code official shall cause a report to be filed on an unsafe condition. The report shall state the occupancy of the structure and the nature of the unsafe condition. [A] Notice. Where an unsafe condition is found, the code official shall serve on the owner, owner's authorized agent or person in control of the building, structure or premises, a written notice that describes the condition deemed unsafe and specifies the required repairs or improvements to be made to abate the unsafe condition, or requires the unsafe structure to be demolished. Such notice shall require the person thus notified, or their designee, to declare to the code official within a stipulated time, acceptance or rejection of the terms of the order. [A] Method of service. Such notice shall be deemed properly served where a copy thereof is served by one of the following methods: Delivered to the owner or the owner's authorized agent personally. Sent by certified or registered mail addressed to the owner or the owner's authorized agent at the last known address with a return receipt requested. Delivered in any other manner as prescribed by local law Where the certified or registered letter is returned showing that the letter was not delivered, a copy thereof shall be posted in a conspicuous place in or about the structure affected by such notice. Service of such notice in the foregoing manner on the owner's authorized agent or on the person responsible for the structure shall constitute service of notice on the owner. [A] Placarding. Upon failure of the owner, the owner's authorized agent or the person responsible to comply with the notice provisions within the time given, the code official shall post on the premises or on defective equipment a placard bearing the word "UNSAFE" and a statement of the penalties provided for occupying the premises, operating the equipment or removing the placard. [A] Placard removal. The code official shall remove the unsafe condition placard whenever the defect or defects on which the unsafe condition and placarding action were based have been eliminated. Any person who defaces or removes an unsafe condition placard without the approval of the code official shall be subject to the penalties provided by this code. [A] Abatement. The owner, the owner's authorized agent, operator or occupant of a building, structure or premises deemed unsafe by the code official shall abate, correct or cause to be abated or corrected such unsafe conditions either by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or other approved corrective action. [A] Summary abatement. Where conditions exist that are deemed hazardous to life and property, the code official is authorized to abate or correct summarily such hazardous conditions that are in violation of this code. [A] Evacuation. The code official shall be authorized to order the immediate evacuation of any occupied building, structure or premises deemed unsafe where such hazardous conditions exist that present imminent danger to the occupants. Persons so notified shall immediately leave the structure or premises and shall not enter or reenter until authorized to do so by the code official. [A] 110.4.6 Prosecution of violation. If the notice of violation is not complied with promptly, the code official is authorized to request the legal counsel of the jurisdiction to institute the appropriate proceeding at law or in equity to restrain, correct or abate such violation, or to require the removal or termination of the unlawful occupancy of the building or structure in violation of the provisions of this code or of the order or direction made pursuant thereto. [A] 110.4.7 Violation penalties. Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter, repair or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the code official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a [SPECIFY OFFENSE], punishable by a fine of not more than [AMOUNT] dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding [NUMBER OF DAYS], or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense. [A] 110.4.8 Abatement of violation. In addition to the imposition of the penalties herein described, the code official is authorized to institute appropriate action to prevent unlawful construction or to restrain, correct or abate a violation; or to prevent illegal occupancy of a structure or premises; or to stop an illegal act, conduct of business or occupancy of a structure on or about any premises. SECTION 111 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION [A] 111.1 General. A building, structure or premises shall not be used or occupied, and a change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building, structure, premise or portion thereof shall not be made until the code official has issued a certificate of completion therefor as provided herein. The certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until the certificate of completion indicating that the project is in compliance with this code has been issued by the code official. [A] 111.2 Certificate of occupancy. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other pertinent laws and ordinances of the jurisdiction. Certificates presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other laws or ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. Exceptions: Certificates of occupancy are not required for work exempt from permits under Section 107.3. Accessory structures. [A] 111.3 Temporary occupancy. The code official is authorized to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy before the completion of the entire work covered by the permit, provided that such portion or portions shall be occupied safely. The code official shall set a time period during which the temporary certificate of occupancy is valid. [A] 111.4 Revocation. The code official is authorized to, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy or completion issued under the provisions of this code wherever the certificate is issued in error, on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or where it is determined that the building or structure, premise or portion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code. SECTION 112 TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AND USES [A] 112.1 General. The code official is authorized to issue a permit for temporary structures and temporary uses. Such permits shall be limited as to time of service, but shall not be permitted for more than 180 days. The code official is authorized to grant extensions for demonstrated cause. [A] 112.2 Conformance. Temporary structures and uses shall conform to the structural strength, fire safety, means of egress, accessibility, light, ventilation and sanitary requirements of this code as necessary to ensure the public health, safety and general welfare. [A] 112.3 Termination of approval. The code official is authorized to terminate such permit for a temporary structure or use and to order the temporary structure or use to be discontinued. SECTION 113 SERVICE UTILITIES [A] 113.1 Connection of service utilities. Any person shall make connections from a utility, source of energy, fuel or power to any building or system that is regulated by this code for which a permit is required until released by the code official. [A] 113.2 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The code official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by this code and the referenced codes and standards set forth in Section 102.4 in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property or where such utility connection has been made without the release required by Section 113.1. The code official shall notify the serving utility and, where possible, the owner or the owner's authorized agent and the occupant of the building, structure or service system of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnection, the owner, the owner's authorized agent or the occupant of the building, structure or service system shall be notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter. SECTION 114 STOP WORK ORDER [A] 114.1 Authority. Where the code official finds any work regulated by this code being performed in a manner either contrary to the provisions of this code or dangerous or unsafe, the code official is authorized to issue a stop work order. [A] 114.2 Issuance. The stop work order shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property involved, to the owner's authorized agent or to the person doing the work. Upon issuance of a stop work order, the cited work shall immediately cease. The stop work order shall state the reason for the order and the conditions under which the cited work will be permitted to resume. [A] 114.3 Emergencies. Where an emergency exists, the code official shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work. [A] 114.4 Failure to comply. Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be liable to a fine of not less than [AMOUNT] dollars or more than [AMOUNT] dollars. CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS SECTION 201 GENERAL Scope Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following words and terms shall, for the purposes of this code, have the meanings shown in this chapter. Interchangeability. Words stated in the present tense include the future; words stated in the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter; and the singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular. Terms defined in other codes. Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in other International Codes, such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as in those codes. Terms not defined. Where terms are not defined through the methods authorized by this section, such terms shall have their ordinarily accepted meanings such as the context implies. SECTION 202 DEFINITIONS ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. A building or structure used to shelter or support any material, equipment, chattel or occupancy other than a habitable building. [A] APPROVED. Acceptable to the code official. [A] BUILDING. Any structure intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. [A] BUILDING OFFICIAL. The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the International Building Code, or the building official's duly authorized representative. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION. Written documentation that the project or work for which a permit was issued has been completed in conformance with requirements of this code. [A] CODE OFFICIAL. The official designated by the jurisdiction to interpret and enforce this code, or the code official's authorized representative. CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER. A set of weather conditions (usually a combination of low relative humidity and wind) whose effects on fire behavior make control difficult and threaten fire fighter safety. DEFENSIBLE SPACE. An area either natural or manmade, where material capable of allowing a fire to spread unchecked has been treated, cleared or modified to slow the rate and intensity of an advancing wildfire and to create an area for fire suppression operations to occur. DRIVEWAY. A vehicular ingress and egress route that serves no more than two buildings or structures, not including accessory structures, or more than five dwelling units. [BG] DWELLING. A building that contains one or two dwelling units used, intended or designed to be used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied for living purposes. [F] FIRE CHIEF. The chief officer or the chief officer's authorized representative of the fire department serving the jurisdiction. FIRE FLOW CALCULATION AREA. The floor area, in square feet (square meters), used to determine the adequate water supply. FIRE PROTECTION PLAN. A document prepared for a specific project or development proposed for the wildland-urban interface area. It describes ways to minimize and mitigate the fire problems created by the project or development, with the purpose of reducing impact on the community's fire protection delivery system. FIRE WEATHER. Weather conditions favorable to the ignition and rapid spread of fire. In wildfires, this generally includes high temperatures combined with strong winds and low humidity. See "Critical fire weather." FIRE-RESISTANCE-RATED CONSTRUCTION. The use of materials and systems in the design and construction of a building or structure to safeguard against the spread of fire within a building or structure and the spread of fire to or from buildings or structures to the wildland- urban interface area. [BG] FLAME SPREAD INDEX. A comparative measure, expressed as a dimensionless number, derived from visual measurements of the spread of flame versus time for a material tested in accordance with ASTM E 84. FUEL BREAK. An area, strategically located for fighting anticipated fires, where the native vegetation has been permanently modified or replaced so that fires burning into it can be more easily controlled. Fuel breaks divide fire-prone areas into smaller areas for easier fire control and to provide access for fire fighting. FUEL MODIFICATION. A method of modifying fuel load by reducing the amount of non fire- resistive vegetation or altering the type of vegetation to reduce the fuel load. FUEL MOSAIC. A fuel modification system that provides for the creation of islands and irregular boundaries to reduce the visual and ecological impact of fuel modification. FUEL-LOADING. The oven-dry weight of fuels in a given area, usually expressed in pounds per acre (lb/a) (kg/ha). Fuel-loading may be referenced to fuel size or time lag categories, and may include surface fuels or total fuels. GREEN BELT. A fuel break designated for a use other than fire protection. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. As defined in the International Fire Code. HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION. As described in the International Building Code. IGNITION-RESISTANT BUILDING MATERIAL. A type of building material that resists ignition or sustained flaming combustion sufficiently so as to reduce losses from wildland-urban interface conflagrations under worst-case weather and fuel conditions with wildfire exposure of burning embers and small flames, as prescribed in Section 503. IGNITION-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION, CLASS 1. A schedule of additional requirements for construction in wildland-urban interface. LOG WALL CONSTRUCTION. A type of construction in which exterior walls are constructed of solid wood members and where the smallest horizontal dimension of each solid wood member is at least 6 inches (152 mm). MULTILAYERED GLAZED PANELS. Window or door assemblies that consist of two or more independently glazed panels installed parallel to each other, having a sealed air gap in between, within a frame designed to fill completely the window or door opening in which the assembly is intended to be installed. NONCOMBUSTIBLE. As applied to building construction material means a material that, in the form in which it is used, is either one of the following: Material of which no part will ignite and burn when subjected to fire. Any material conforming to ASTM E 136 shall be considered noncombustible within the meaning of this section. Material having a structural base of noncombustible material as defined in Item 1 above, with a surfacing material not over 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) thick, which has a flame spread index of 50 or less. Flame spread index as used herein refers to a flame spread index obtained according to tests conducted as specified in ASTM E 84 or UL 723. "Noncombustible" does not apply to surface finish materials. Material required to be noncombustible for reduced clearances to flues, heating appliances or other sources of high temperature shall refer to material conforming to Item 1. No material shall be classified as noncombustible that is subject to increase in combustibility or flame spread index, beyond the limits herein established, through the effects of age, moisture or other atmospheric condition. NONCOMBUSTIBLE ROOF COVERING. A roof covering consisting of any of the following: Cement shingles or sheets. Exposed concrete slab roof. Ferrous or copper shingles or sheets. Slate shingles. Clay or concrete roofing tile. Approved roof covering of noncombustible material. SLOPE. The variation of terrain from the horizontal; the number of feet (meters) rise or fall per 100 feet (30 480 mm) measured horizontally, expressed as a percentage. [A] STRUCTURE. That which is built or constructed [Z] SUBDIVISION. The division of a tract, lot or parcel of land into two or more lots, plats, sites or other divisions of land. TREE CROWN. The primary and secondary branches growing out from the main stem, together with twigs and foliage. UNENCLOSED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. An accessory structure without a complete exterior wall system enclosing the area under roof or floor above. WILDFIRE. An uncontrolled fire spreading through vegetative fuels, exposing and possibly consuming structures. WILDLAND. An area in which development is essentially nonexistent, except for roads, railroads, power lines and similar facilities. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE AREA. That geographical area where structures and other human development meets or intermingles with wildland or vegetative fuels. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE AREAS SECTION 301 GENERAL Scope. The provisions of this chapter provide methodology to establish and record wildland-urban interface areas based on the findings of fact. Objective. The objective of this chapter is to provide simple baseline criteria for determining wildland-urban interface areas. SECTION 302 WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE AREA DESIGNATIONS Declaration. The Town of Vail has declared, based on the proximity to high hazard wildland fuels and ignition potential, that all property within the municipal boundaries is within the wildland-urban interface. Mapping. Maps identifying the wildland-urban interface can be viewed through the Town of Vail GIS portal at maps.vailgov.com. Review of wildland-urban interface areas. The code official shall reevaluate and recommend modification to the wildland-urban interface areas in accordance with Section 302.1 on a 3-year basis or more frequently as deemed necessary by the legislative body. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE AREA REQUIREMENTS SECTION 401 GENERAL Scope. Wildland-urban interface areas shall be provided with emergency vehicle access and water supply in accordance with this chapter. Objective. The objective of this chapter is to establish the minimum requirements for emergency vehicle access and water supply for buildings and structures located in the wild- land-urban interface areas. General safety precautions. General safety precautions shall be in accordance with this chapter. See also Appendix A. SECTION 402 APPLICABILITY Subdivisions. Subdivisions shall comply with Sections 402.1.1 and 402.1.2. Access. New subdivisions, as determined by this jurisdiction, shall be provided with fire apparatus access roads in accordance with the International Fire Code and access requirements in accordance with Section 403. Water supply. New subdivisions as determined by this jurisdiction shall be provided with water supply in accordance with Section 404. Individual structures. Individual structures shall comply with Sections 402.2.1 and 402.2.2. Access. Individual structures hereafter constructed or relocated into or within wildland-urban interface areas shall be provided with fire apparatus access in accordance with the International Fire Code and driveways in accordance with Section 403.2. Marking of fire protection equipment shall be provided in accordance with Section 403.5 and address markers shall be provided in accordance with Section 403.6. Water supply. Individual structures hereafter constructed or relocated into or within wildland-urban interface areas shall be provided with a conforming water supply in accordance with Section 404. Exceptions: Structures constructed to meet the requirements for the class of ignition-resistant construction specified in Table 503.1 for a nonconforming water supply. Buildings containing only private garages, carports, sheds and agricultural 2 buildings with a floor area of not more than 600 square feet (56 m ). Existing conditions. Existing buildings shall be provided with address markers in accordance with Section 403.6. Existing roads and fire protection equipment shall be provided with markings in accordance with Sections 403.4 and 403.5, respectively. SECTION 403 ACCESS Restricted access. The installation of security gates across a fire apparatus access road or driveway shall be approved by the fire code official. Where security gates are installed, they shall have an approved means of emergency operation and the emergency operation shall be maintained operational at all times. Electric gate operators, where provided shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. Gates intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F 2200. Driveways. Driveways shall comply with all applicable Town of Vail codes and ordinances. Bridges. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges on driveways and private roads. Design loads for bridges shall be established by the code official. Fire apparatus access road. Where required, fire apparatus access roads shall be all-weather roads with a minimum width of 20 feet (6096 mm) and a clear height of 13 feet 6 inches (4115 mm); shall be designed to accommodate the loads and turning radii for fire apparatus; and shall have a gradient negotiable by the specific fire apparatus normally used at that location within the jurisdiction. Dead-end roads in excess of 150 feet (45 720 mm) in length shall be provided with turnarounds as approved by the code official. An all-weather road surface shall be any surface material acceptable to the code official that would normally allow the passage of emergency service vehicles typically used to respond to that location within the jurisdiction. Marking of roads. Approved signs or other approved notices shall be provided and maintained for access roads and driveways to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof. Sign construction. Road identification signs and supports shall be of noncombustible materials. Signs shall have minimum 4-inch-high (102 mm) reflective letters with1/2 -inch (12.7 mm) stroke on a contrasting 6-inch-high (152 mm) sign. Road identification signage shall be mounted at a height of 7 feet (2134 mm) from the road surface to the bottom of the sign. Marking of fire protection equipment. Fire protection equipment and fire hydrants shall be clearly identified in a manner approved by the code official to prevent obstruction. Address markers. Address markers shall comply with section 505 of the international fire code. Grade. The gradient for fire apparatus access roads and driveways shall not exceed the maximum approved by the code official. CHAPTER 5 SPECIAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS SECTION 501 GENERAL Scope. Buildings and structures shall be constructed in accordance with the International Building Code and this code. Exceptions: Accessory structures not exceeding 120 square feet (11 m ) in floor area where located not less than 50 feet (15 240 mm) from buildings containing habitable spaces. Agricultural buildings not less than 50 feet (15 240 mm) from buildings containing habitable spaces. Objective. The objective of this chapter is to establish minimum standards to locate, design and construct buildings and structures or portions thereof for the protection of life and property, to resist damage from wildfires, and to mitigate building and structure fires from spreading to wildland fuels. The minimum standards set forth in this chapter vary with the critical fire weather, slope and fuel type to provide increased protection, above the requirements set forth in the International Building Code. Fire-resistance-rated construction. Where this code requires 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction, the fire-resistance rating of building elements, components or assemblies shall be determined in accordance with the test procedures set forth in ASTM E 119 or UL 263. Exceptions: The fire-resistance rating of building elements, components or assemblies based on the prescriptive designs prescribed in Section 721 of the International Building Code. The fire-resistance rating of building elements, components or assemblies based on the calculation procedures in accordance with Section 722 of the International Building Code. SECTION 503 IGNITION-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL General. Buildings and structures hereafter constructed, modified or relocated into or within wildland-urban interface areas shall meet the construction requirements in accordance with ignition-resistant construction in accordance with Section 504. Materials required to be ignition-resistant materials shall comply with the requirements of Section 503.2. Ignition-resistant building material. Ignition-resistant building materials shall comply with any one of the following: Material shall be tested on all sides with the extended ASTM E 84 (UL 723) test or ASTM E 2768, except panel products shall be permitted to test only the front and back faces. Panel products shall be tested with a ripped or cut longitudinal gap of 1/8 inch (3.2 mm).Materials that, when tested in accordance with the test procedures set forth in ASTM E 84 or UL 723 for a test period of 30 minutes, or with ASTM E 2768, comply with the following: Flame spread. Material shall exhibit a flame spread index not exceeding 25 and shall not show evidence of progressive combustion following the extended 30- minute test. Flame front. Material shall exhibit a flame front that does not progress more than 10 1/2 feet (3200 mm) beyond the centerline of the burner at any time during the extended 30-minute test. Weathering. Ignition-resistant building materials shall maintain their performance in accordance with this section under conditions of use. Materials shall meet the performance requirements for weathering (including exposure to temperature, moisture and ultraviolet radiation) contained in the following standards, as applicable to the materials and the conditions of use: Method A "Test Method for Accelerated Weathering of Fire- Retardant-Treated Wood for Fire Testing" in ASTM D 2898, for fire- retardant-treated wood, wood-plastic composite and plastic lumber materials. ASTM D 7032 for wood-plastic composite materials. ASTM D 6662 for plastic lumber materials. Identification. Materials shall bear identification showing the fire test results. Exception: Materials composed of a combustible core and a noncombustible exterior covering, made from either aluminum at a minimum 0.019 inch (0.48 mm) thickness or corrosion-resistant steel at a minimum 0.0149 inch (0.38 mm) thickness shall not be required to be tested with a ripped or cut longitudinal gap. Noncombustible material. Material that complies with the requirements for noncombustible materials in Section 202. Fire-retardant-treated wood. Fire-retardant-treated wood identified for exterior use and meeting the requirements of Section 2303.2 of the International Building Code. SECTION 504 IGNITION-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION General. ignition-resistant construction shall be in accordance with Sections 504.2 through 504.11. Roof covering. All roof coverings and roof assemblies shall comply with section 14-10-5G of the Vail town code which requires class A roof coverings or class A roof assemblies for all structures in the town. Wood shingles and shake coverings or assemblies are prohibited except where exempted for replacement or repair per section 14-10-5G, Vail town code. For roof coverings where the profile allows a space between the roof covering and roof decking, the space at the eave ends shall be firestopped to preclude entry of flames or embers, or have one layer of 72-pound (32.4 kg) mineral-surfaced, nonperforated cap sheet complying with ASTM D 3909 installed over the combustible decking. Exceptions: Class A roof assemblies include those with coverings of brick, masonry or an exposed concrete roof deck. Class A roof assemblies also include ferrous or copper shingles or sheets, metal sheets and shingles, clay or concrete roof tile or slate installed on non-combustible decks or ferrous, copper or metal sheets installed without a roof deck on noncombustible framing. 2 Class A roof assemblies include minimum 16 oz/sq. ft. (0.0416 kg/m ) copper sheets installed over combustible decks. 504.2.1 Roof valleys. Where provided, valley flashings shall be not less than 0.019 inch (0.48 mm) (No. 26 galvanized sheet gage) corrosion-resistant metal installed over a minimum 36-inch-wide (914 mm) underlayment consisting of one layer of 72-pound (32.4 kg) mineral-surfaced, nonperforated cap sheet complying with ASTM D 3909 running the full length of the valley. Protection of eaves. Eaves and soffits shall be protected on the exposed underside by ignition-resistant materials or by materials approved for not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction, 2-inch (51 mm) nominal dimension lumber, or 1-inch (25 mm) nominal fire-retardant-treated lumber or 3/4 -inch (19.1 mm) nominal fire-retardant- treated plywood, identified for exterior use and meeting the requirements of Section 2303.2 of the International Building Code. Fascias are required and shall be protected on the back-side by ignition-resistant materials or by materials approved for not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction or 2-inch (51 mm) nominal dimension lumber. Gutters and downspouts. Gutters and downspouts shall be constructed of noncombustible material. Exterior walls. Exterior walls of buildings or structures shall be constructed with one of the following methods: Materials approved for not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction on the exterior side. Approved noncombustible materials. Heavy timber or log wall construction. Ignition-resistant materials complying with Section 503.2 on the exterior side. Exception: Combustible siding may be used as long as it does not cover more that 25% of a given wall and may not be within 5 feet of the ground level. Combustible siding which has a profile that may allow ember intrusion such as wood shake or wood shingle is prohibited under this exception. Such material shall extend from the top of the foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing. Underfloor enclosure. Buildings or structures shall have underfloor areas enclosed to the ground with exterior walls in accordance with Section 504.5. Exception: Complete enclosure shall not be required where the underside of exposed floors and exposed structural columns, beams and supporting walls are protected as required for exterior 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction or heavy timber construction or fire- retardant-treated wood. The fire-retardant-treated wood shall be labeled for exterior use and meet the requirements of Section 2303.2 of the International Building Code. Appendages and projections. Unenclosed accessory structures attached to buildings with habitable spaces and projections, such as decks, shall be not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction, heavy timber construction or constructed of one of the following: Approved noncombustible materials. Fire-retardant-treated wood identified for exterior use and meeting the requirements of Section 2303.2 of the International Building Code. Ignition-resistant building materials in accordance with Section 503.2. Exterior doors. Exterior doors shall be approved non-combustible construction, solid core wood not less than 1 ¾ inches thick (44 mm), or have a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Exception: Vehicle access doors. Vents. Attic ventilation openings, foundation or underfloor vents, or other ventilation openings in vertical 2 exterior walls and vents through roofs shall not exceed 144 square inches (0.0929 m ) each. Such vents shall be covered with noncombustible corrosion-resistant mesh with openings not to Exceed 1/4inch (6.4 mm), or shall be designed and approved to prevent flame or ember penetration into the structure. 504.10.1 Vent locations. Attic ventilation openings shall not be located in soffits, in eave overhangs, between rafters at eaves, or in other overhang areas. Gable end and dormer vents shall be located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from lot lines. Underfloor ventilation openings shall be located as close to grade as practical. Detached accessory structures. Detached accessory structures located less than 50 feet (15 240 mm) from a building containing habitable space shall have exterior walls constructed with materials approved for not less than 1-hour fire- resistance-rated construction, heavy timber, log wall construction, or constructed with approved noncombustible materials or ignition resistant building materials in accordance with section 503.2 . The fire-retardant-treated wood shall be labeled for exterior use and meet the requirements of Section 2303.2 of the International Building Code. 504.11.1 Underfloor areas. Where the detached structure is located and constructed so that the structure or any portion thereof projects over a descending slope surface greater than 10 percent, the area below the structure shall have underfloor areas enclosed to within 6 inches (152 mm) of the ground, with exterior wall construction in accordance with Section 504.5 or underfloor protection in accordance with Section 504.6. Exception: The enclosure shall not be required where the underside of exposed floors and exposed structural columns, beams and supporting walls are protected as required for exterior 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction or heavy-timber construction or fire- retardant-treated wood on the exterior side. The fire-retardant-treated wood shall be labeled for exterior use and meet the requirements of Section 2303.2 of the International Building Code. SECTION 507 REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR OF ROOF COVERINGS 507.1 General. Each structure with a nonconforming roof covering or assembly will be allowed one (1) replacement or repair of twenty five percent (25%) or less of the roof area. Replacement or repair greater than twenty five percent (25%) or a second replacement or repair of the roof shall trigger replacement of the nonconforming roof covering or assembly with a conforming roof covering or assembly in its entirety. Emergency repairs of less than 10 square feet shall not be considered toward the 25% threshold. CHAPTER 6 FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 601 GENERAL Scope. The provisions of this chapter establish general requirements for new and existing buildings, structures and premises located within wildland-urban interface areas. Objective. The objective of this chapter is to establish minimum requirements to mitigate the risk to life and property from wildland fire exposures, exposures from adjacent structures and to prevent structure fires spreading to wildland fuels. SECTION 603 DEFENSIBLE SPACE Objective. Provisions of this section are intended to modify the fuel load in areas adjacent to structures to create a defensible space. Fuel modification. Buildings or structures shall comply with the fuel modification distance of 100 feet or to the lot line, whichever is less. Distance specified shall be measured on a horizontal plane from the perimeter or projection of the building or structure as shown in Figure 603.2. Distance specified are allowed to be increased by the code official because of a site-specific analysis based on local conditions and the fire protection plan. Within the fuel modification area defensible space and landscaping must comply with Vail Fire and Emergency Services Fire-Resistant Landscaping guidelines.” / Responsible party. Persons owning, leasing, controlling, operating or maintaining buildings or structures requiring defensible spaces are responsible for modifying or removing nonfire-resistive vegetation on the property owned, leased or controlled by said person. SECTION 604 MAINTENANCE OF DEFENSIBLE SPACE General. Defensible spaces required by Section 603 shall be maintained in accordance with Section 604. Modified area. Nonfire-resistive vegetation or growth shall be kept clear of buildings or structures, in accordance with Section 603 and the Vail Fire and Emergency Services Fire-Resistant Landscaping guidelines.” Responsibility. Persons owning, leasing, controlling, operating or maintaining buildings or structures are responsible for maintenance of defensible spaces. Maintenance of the defensible space shall include modifying or removing nonfire-resistive vegetation and keeping leaves, needles and other dead vegetative material regularly removed from roofs of buildings and structures. Chimney clearance. Portions of tree crowns that extend to within 10 feet (3048 mm) of the outlet of a chimney shall be pruned to maintain a minimum horizontal clearance of 10 feet (3048 mm). SECTION 605 SPARK ARRESTERS General. Chimneys serving fireplaces, barbecues, incinerators or decorative heating appliances in which solid or liquid fuel is used, shall be provided with a spark arrester. Spark arresters shall be constructed of woven or welded wire screening of 12 USA standard gage wire (0.1046 inch) (2.66 mm) having openings not exceeding ½ inch (12.7 mm). Net free area. The net free area of the spark arrester shall be not less than four times the net free area of the outlet of the chimney. SECTION 606 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS INSTALLATIONS General. The storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LP-gas) and the installation and maintenance of pertinent equipment shall be in accordance with the International Fire Code or, in the absence thereof, recognized standards. Location of containers or tanks. LP-gas containers or tanks shall be located within the defensible space in accordance with the International Fire Code. SECTION 607 STORAGE OF FIREWOOD AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS General. Firewood and combustible material shall not be stored in unenclosed spaces beneath buildings or structures, or on decks or under eaves, canopies or other projections or overhangs. Where required by the code official, storage of firewood and combustible material stored in the defensible space shall be located not less than 20 feet (6096 mm) from structures and separated from the crown of trees by a minimum horizontal distance of 15 feet (4572 mm). Storage for off-site use. Firewood and combustible materials not for consumption on the premises shall be stored so as to not pose a hazard. CHAPTER 7 REFERENCED STANDARDS ASTM  ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700 West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959  D 2898—10: Standard Test Methods for Accelerated Weathering of Fire-    retardant-treated Wood for Fire Testing 503.2  D3909/D3909M Standard Specification for Asphalt Roll Roofing (Glass Felt) 504.2, 504.2.1,  14: Surfaced with Mineral Granules 505.2,    505.2.1, 506.2,    506.2.1  D6662—13: Standard Specification for Polyolefin-based Plastic Lumber 503.2   Decking Boards   D7032—14: Standard Specification for Establishing Performance    Ratings for Wood-plastic Composite Deck Boards and    Guardrail Systems (Guards or Handrails) 503.2  E84—2016: Standard Test Method for Surface-Burning Characteristics    of Building Materials 202, 503.2  E108—16: Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings 504.2, 505.2,    506.2  E119—2016: Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building    Construction and Materials 501.3  E136—16: Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube 202   Furnace at 750°C   E2768—2014: Standard Test Method for Extended Duration Surface    Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (30 Minute    Tunnel Test) 503.2   International Code Council, Inc. 500 New Jersey Ave, NW 6th Floor Washington, DC 20001  IBC—18: International Building Code® 107.1, /107.3, 108.3, 202, 404.10.3, 501.1, 501.2, 501.3, 503.2, 504.3, 504.5, 504.6, 504.7, 504.11, 505.5, 505.6, 505.7, 505.11, IFC—18: International Fire Code® 102.6, 107.1, 107.3, 202, 402.1.1, 402.2.1, 403.2.3, 404.10.3, 606.1, 606.2, IPMC—18: International Property Maintenance Code® 102.6 UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2096 263-2011: Standard for Fire Test of Building Construction and Materials— with Revisions through June 2015 723-2008: Standard for Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials-with Revisions through August 2013 790-2004: Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings- with revisions through july 2014  501.3 202, 503.2 504.2, 505.2, 506.2 /