HomeMy WebLinkAboutBALANCE REPORT EXPERT BURGER.pdf NEBB Certification #3235 JEDI Balancing, Inc. Certification #BB009025C 568 Briggs Street (physical) P.O. Box 525 (mail) Erie, CO. 80516 Phone (720) 839-5333 www.jedibalancing.com Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Certified Report Project Expert Burger Address 616 W Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 Architect Mechanical Engineer Contractor Climate Control TABB Certified Supervisors Don Pittser & Bryan Hund & Daniel Pegues Date 2/24/2017 Job Number 2017-8215 Instrumentation: Digital Manometer Alnor Balometer EBT-721 Flowhood Alnor Balometer EBT-721 Digital Pressure Gage Alnor Hydronic Manometer HM-680 Tachometer DT-36M Digital Volt-Amp Meter Fluke 335 Thermometer Alnor Balometer EBT-721 Method of Balancing: Supply, Return and Exhaust diffusers, grilles and registers were measured with an Alnor Balometer EBT-721. Heating and Chilled water flow rates were measured with an Alnor Hydronic Manometer HM-680 connected to the installed flow meters. Warranty Information: This project was completed according to NEBB Procedural Standards. The data presented in this report is a record of system measurements and final adjustments that have been obtained in accordance with the current edition of the NEBB Procedural Standards for testing, adjusting, and balancing environmental systems. Any variances from design quantities, which exceed NEBB tolerances, are noted in the Test-Adjust-Balance Report Project Summary. If a Test-Adjust-Balance Report Project Summary is not issued directly following this cover page, all measurements met the design requirements as specified by the design mechanical engineer. This project has a one-year guarantee on all Testing, Adjusting & Balancing from the date listed on this cover page. Don Pittser President NEBB Certified Professional TABB Certified Supervisor Abbreviation Index TAB: Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Cx: Commissioning AHU: Air Handling Unit Motor FLA: Full Load Amperage RTU: Roof Top Unit S.F.: Service Factor PACU: Packaged Air Conditioning Unit OD: Outside Diameter MAU: Make Up Air Unit P.F.: Power Factor FCU: Fan Coil Unit Nom. Eff.: Nominal Efficiency CRAC: Computer Room Air Conditioning Unit RPM: Revolutions per Minute VAV: Variable Air Volume T1: Terminal 1 K Factor: Correction Factor T2: Terminal 2 FPB: Fan Powered Box T3: Terminal 3 AK: Area Correction PSI: Pounds per Square Inch Design D.P.: Design Differential Pressure TDH: Total Dynamic Head Actual D.P.: Recorded Differential Pressure CS: Circuit Setter Ind.Imp.Dia. Indicated Impeller Diameter BV: Balance Valve CUH: Cabinet Unit Heater Valve D.P.: Discharge Pressure UH: Unit Heater Valve S.P.: Suction Pressure ERV: Energy Recovery Ventilator ERU: Energy Recovery Unit EF: Exhaust Fan PEF: Power Exhaust Fan KEF: Kitchen Exhaust Fan SF: Supply Fan RF: Return Fan TF: Transfer Fan Diff.: Differential SEF: Smoke Exhaust Fan SPF: Stairwell Pressurization Fan DX: Direct Expansion SACU: Spilt Air Conditioner Unit SP: Static Pressure TSP: Total Static Pressure in. wc: Inches Water Column ESP: External Static Pressure HW: Heating Water VP: Velocity Pressure CHW: Cooling Water SA: Supply Air CW: Condenser Water RA: Return Air HX: Heat Exchanger OSA: Outside Air SWD: Sidewall Diffuser OA: Outside Air EAT: Entering Air Temperature MA: Mixed Air LAT: Leaving Air Temperature SD: Supply Diffuser EWT: Entering Water Temperature CD: Ceiling Diffuser LWT: Leaving Water Temperature ER: Exhaust Register MVD: Manual Volume Damper RG: Return Grille OBD: Opposed Blade Damper CFM: Cubic Feet Per Minute NAC: No Access FPM: Feet Per Minute NG: Not Given SSD: Square Supply Diffuser NIC: Not in Contract SRD: Square Return Diffuser E: Existing TG: Transfer Grille cm: Centimeter l/s: Liters per Second M: Meter mm: Millimeter Pa: Pascal kPa: Kilopascal CMH: Cubic Meters per Hour GENERAL NOTES SEE ALL FIELD NOTES LOCATED BELOW EQUIPMENT DATA Table Of ContentsPROJECT:LOCATION:EXPERT BURGER VAILVAIL, CO 2017-8215PROJECT #: DATE:CONTACT:2/24/2017Josh Cota Table Of Contents1 Air Handling Unit...........................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 FCU-01A.................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 FCU-01B.................................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 HV-01......................................................................................................................................................................1 1.4 MAU-01...................................................................................................................................................................2 2 Fan Unit........................................................................................................................................................................3 2.1 KEF-01....................................................................................................................................................................3 JEDI Balancing, Inc. Air Handling UnitPROJECT:LOCATION:EXPERT BURGER VAILVAIL, CO 2017-8215PROJECT #: DATE:CONTACT:2/24/2017Josh Cota SYSTEM/UNIT: FCU-01A Log:FCU-01A 2/24/2017 Ruben Romero Add not used Unit Data Total CFM Design 600 CFM Total Connected CFM 600 CFM SYSTEM/UNIT: FCU-01B Log:FCU-01B 2/24/2017 Ruben Romero Add not used Unit Data Total CFM Design 600 CFM Total Connected CFM 600 CFM Tested By:Ruben Romero Date:2/24/2017 SYSTEM/UNIT: HV-01 Log:HV-01/Supply Fan 2/24/2017 Ruben Romero Existing unit above finished dining area no access Unit Data Unit Manufacturer no access existing unit. Total CFM Design 1000 CFM Outside Air CFM Design 200 CFM Total Connected CFM 1000 CFM Test Data Total CFM Actual 1340 Motor Data HV-01/Supply Fan Motor Manufacturer NAC JEDI Balancing, Inc.Page 1 of 3 Air Handling UnitPROJECT:LOCATION:EXPERT BURGER VAILVAIL, CO 2017-8215PROJECT #: DATE:CONTACT:2/24/2017Josh Cota Tested By:Ruben Romero Date:2/24/2017 SYSTEM/UNIT: MAU-01 Unit Data Unit Manufacturer CAPTIVE AIRE Unit Model Number A1-D.500-G10 Unit Serial Number 2824790 Total CFM Design 2450 CFM Design SP 0.5 in. wc Outside Air CFM Design 2450 CFM Total Connected CFM 2450 CFM Test Data Total CFM Actual 2380 Outside Air CFM Actual 2380 MAU-01/Supply Fan Fan RPM Actual 1440 Motor Volts 1 208 Motor Volts 2 209 Motor Volts 3 209 Motor Amps 1 3.9 Motor Amps 2 4.0 Motor Amps 3 4.1 Motor Data MAU-01/Supply Fan Motor Manufacturer HSSA Motor HP 2 Motor RPM 1740 Motor Frame 56 Motor Rated Volts 208-230/460 Motor Phase 3 Motor FL Amps 5.7-5.5/2.8 Motor Service Factor 1.15 Nominal Efficiency NG Power Factor NG Sheave Data MAU-01/Supply Fan Motor Sheave Model 1VL40 Motor Sheave Bore 7/8 in. Fan Sheave Model AK39 Fan Sheave Bore 3/4 in. Number of Belts 1 Belt Size AX37 Test Pressures Pre Filter In -0.07 in. wc Pre Filter Out -0.07 in. wc Filter SP In -0.07 in. wc Filter SP Out NO ACCESS in. wc Heat. Coil SP In -0.13 in. wc Heat. Coil SP Out -0.81 in. wc Cool. Coil SP In NO ACCESS in. wc Cool. Coil SP Out -0.13 in. wc Fan SP In -0.81 in. wc Fan SP Out NO ACCESS in. wc System/Unit Outlet Type Face Area AK Factor Design Reading Prelim Reading % Prelim Deviation Final Reading % Final Deviation Outlet-01 SD 250 460 184 265 106 Outlet-02 SD 350 115 33 315 90 Outlet-03 SD 250 420 168 240 96 Outlet-04 SD 800 770 96 790 99 Outlet-05 SD 800 700 88 770 96 Totals:---2450 2465 101 2380 97 MAU-01 Supply Outlet Summary JEDI Balancing, Inc.Page 2 of 3 Fan UnitPROJECT:LOCATION:EXPERT BURGER VAILVAIL, CO 2017-8215PROJECT #: DATE:CONTACT:2/24/2017Josh Cota Tested By:Ruben Romero Date:2/24/2017 SYSTEM/UNIT: KEF-01 Unit Data Fan Manufacturer CAPTIVE AIRE Fan Model Number USBI18BD-RM Fan Serial Number 2824790 Rated CFM 2450 Total SP Design 0.83 in. wc Total Connected CFM 2450 Test Data Total CFM Actual 2405 Fan RPM Actual 1160 Motor Volts 1 Actual 120 Motor Amps 1 Actual 5.8 Motor Data Motor Manufacturer HSSA Motor HP 1 Motor RPM 1750 Motor Rated Volts 115/208-230 Motor Phase 1 Motor FL Amps 8.1/4.4-4 Motor Service Factor 1.15 Motor Frame 56 Nominal Efficiency 82.6 % Sheave Data Motor Sheave Model 1VL40 Motor Sheave Bore 5/8 in. Fan Sheave Model AK54 H Fan Sheave Bore H 1-3/16 in. Number of Belts 1 Belt Size AX44 in. JEDI Balancing, Inc.Page 3 of 3 10/27/16 Sequence of Operation1.Commercial Kitchen VentilationA.Provide control panel for Kitchen Exhaust Hood, mounted remotely on wall. Panel shall interlockKEF-1, MAU-1 and automatically control Ansul system. In the case of fire, Ansul shall beactivated, MAU-1 shall be off, KEF-1 shall be on and solenoid valve in gas line to kitchen shallshut-off.B.KEF-1 Kitchen Exhaust Fana.Fan shall be controlled by switch located on control panel.b.Include a temperature sensor interlock to comply with 2015 IMC 507.2.1.1. Exhaust fan shallautomatically turn on during cooking operations.C.MAU-1 Gas Direct-fired Make-Up Air Unita.Fan shall run whenever exhaust fan is on. Normally closed motorized damper integral toMAU-1 shall open when unit is called to operate.b.Integral modulating gas control valve shall modulate to maintain discharge air temperature ofƒ) DGM c.*DVKHDWLQJVKDOOEHGLVDEOHGZKHQHYHU26$WHPSHUDWXUHLVDERYHƒ) DGM d.&RROLQJ:KHQ26$WHPSHUDWXUHLVDERYHƒ)ZDWHUVROHQRLGYDOYHVKDOORSHQWRIORZWKHevaporative cooler pad.2.WH-1 Gas Fired Water Heatera.Upon a call for domestic hot water from integral aquastat, gas burner shall be enabled. Integralcontrols shall maintain tank temperature setpoint.3. FC-1a & b Fan Coils and HP-1 Heat Pumpa.COOLING: Upon a call for cooling, associated fan coil blower shall start and HP-1 heat pumpshall be enabled and shall modulate as directed by integral controls to meet the cooling load.b.HEATING: Upon a call for heating, associated fan coil blower shall start and HP-1 heat pumpshall be enabled. Heat pump shall modulate as directed by integral controls to meet the heatingload.4. (E) HV-1 Heating & Ventilating Unita.Upon a call for heat from existing thermostat, fan shall start and electric element shall beenergized. Unit shall be cycled to maintain room setpoint.PRICING ALTERNATESPRICING ALT. #1 - TANKLESS WATER HEATERSPROVIDE SEPARATE LINE ITEM COST TO INSTALL TWO (2) COMMERCIALINSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS (PIPED IN PARALLEL) AND ONE (1) STORAGETANK WITH RECIRCULATION PUMP, AS PER BELOW, IN LIEU OF THE SPECIFIEDWH-1 TANK TYPE WATER HEATER:(2) NAVIEN NPE-240-A WATER HEATERS, 199,900 BTU/H INPUT, 3.8 GPM AT ƒ)7(03(5$785(5,6(()),&,(17)25&(''5$)7',5(&7VENT, PVC VENTING, STAINLESS STEEL HEAT EXCHANGER(S), 120 VOLT, 200WATTS.(1) LOCHINVAR STORAGE TANK, SBT030, 30 GALLON CAPACITY, STAINLESS STEEL TANK CONSTRUCTION.(1) GRUNDFOS WET-ROTOR CIRCULATION PUMP, 115/1.BECAUSE OF THE INCREASED GAS REQUIREMENT FOR INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS, INCLUDE IN THE PRICING THE COST TO UPGRADE THE MAIN GAS LINE FROM 2" TO 2-1/2", AND TO INCREASE THE GAS RISER (FEEDING THE WATER HEATER & INFRARED RADIANT HEATERS) FROM 1-1/4"TO 1-1/2".10/27/16 135827101112134691617181419202115222310/27/16 9101187MAIN LEVEL HVAC PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"ROOF LEVEL HVAC PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"BASEMENT LEVEL HVAC PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"10/27/16 KEF-01MAU-01250 CFM250 CFMFCU-01AFCU-01BMAU-01KEF-01HV-01800 CFM800 CFM12345350 CFM 10/27/16 General1.Immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies.2.It shall be assumed that all subcontractors are experienced and thoroughly knowledgeable in their respective areas of the constructionindustry and shall perform in a responsible manner in an appropriate construction sequence.3.Do not scale drawings. Verify dimensions in field prior to commencement of work.4.It is the intent of these drawings and specifications to establish a standard of quality. The Engineer reserves the right to takeexceptions to approve methods and materials not reflected herein.5.Failure to order, or release order, for materials and/or equipment will not be accepted as a reason to substitute alternate materials,equipment, or installation methods.6.Work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the Architect & the Engineer.7.Labor, materials, and equipment shall conform to the latest applicable editions of local, State of Colorado, and National Codes andordinances. If conflict between those publications exists, the most stringent requirement shall apply.8.9.Provide record drawings to architect. Drawings shall include all addendum items, change orders, alterations, re-routings, etc.10.The drawings show the intent of the mechanical systems but do not show all details required. It is the responsibility of theContractors to install complete & operable systems, which conform to the manufacturers' installations instructions & industrystandards.11.Systems shall be tested for proper operation. If tests show work is defective, Contractor shall make corrections necessary at no costto Owner.12.It is the Contractors' and manufacturers' responsibility to assure themselves that the code authorities will approve any product to beinstalled on the project.13.Provide necessary trenching, backfill, excavation, supports, piping, insulation, saw cutting and patching, concrete/paving, etc., asUHTXLUHG%DFNILOOWUHQFKHVLQ´OD\HUVDQGWRFRPSDFWLRQDQGSDWFKWRPDWFKH[LVWLQJJUDGH14.Systems shall be professionally labeled. Piping shall be labeled with color coded commercial grade labels indicating piping serviceand flow direction. Equipment, fans, pumps, valves, switches and controls shall be labeled with engraved plastic or metal tags andan equipment/valve schedule shall be provided and mounted on the mechanical room wall. Equipment labels shall follow the samenomenclature as the mechanical drawings.15.Mechanical Contractor to make final connections to kitchen equipment.16.See architectural reflected ceiling plan for all ceiling penetrations.17.Coordinate architectural, structural, electrical, landscaping, fire protection, and interior design drawings with mechanical drawingsprior to installation.18.Offset piping, ductwork, etc. as necessary to accommodate structure, beams, columns, and existing equipment.19.Verify exact locations of existing and new underground utilities, piping, and raceway systems prior to trenching. Contractor shallobtain and verify exact utility company drawings and requirements.Electrical20.Contractor must carefully verify electrical service voltage and phase available before ordering any equipment.21.The following are to be furnished by MC and wired by EC: equipment motors, magnetic starters, line voltage thermostats, factorydisconnect switches (if specified as part of factory wired equipment) resistance heaters, fire and smoke detectors.22.The following are to be furnished and wired by EC: disconnect switches, thermal overload switches, manual operating switches andcontactors.23.The following are to be furnished and wired by MC: low voltage thermostats, control transformers, control relays, control panels,motorized valves, motorized dampers, pilot lights, multi-speed switches and interlocks.Shop Drawings24.Submit entire HVAC and plumbing and fire protection shop drawing submittal data at one time. Submittal to be bound in three-ringbinders, indexed in a neat and orderly manner. Partial submittals will not be accepted. Submittals shall include, but not be limitedto: equipment, fixtures, insulation, diffusers, pumps, fans, piping, valves, boilers, furnaces, and fire protection.25.Provide with shop drawing submittal, 1/4" scale layout drawings of rooms with mechanical equipment, piping and ductwork.Layouts shall show locations of mechanical systems and shall be coordinated with plumbing, fire protection, and electrical systems.Equipment shall be drawn to scale.Remodel, Demolition & Unforeseen Conditions26.Visit site prior to bid and verify the conditions. Include in the bid, costs required to make work meet existing conditions, whetherindicated or not.27.Provide mechanical demolition required. Refer to architectural demolition drawings for location and extent of demolition required.Visit site prior to bid to determine extent of work involved. Provide labor and materials as required to maintain and/or restorecontinuity of service to existing systems.28.In as much as design for remodel, renovation and/or rehabilitation requires that certain assumptions be made regarding existingconditions and because some of these assumptions cannot be verified without destroying otherwise adequate or serviceable portionsof the building, the Engineer cannot assure the Owner or the Contractor that the professional consulting services herein encompassall contingencies. Field coordination during construction is imperative. Contractors bidding this work must make reasonableallowances for unseen conditions and should include associated allowances in their bids noted as such.29.Be responsible to field verify existing equipment or ductwork remaining to be reconnected to new or existing systems. Provideductwork, piping, controls, diffusers, etc., as required to restore continuity to system(s).30.All ductwork, diffusers, and equipment shown on this plan are new, except where noted.31.All new ductwork, piping, equipment, etc. is shown with dark lineweight. All existing ductwork, piping, equipment, etc. is shownwith light lineweight.32.All removed piping, ductwork, equipment, etc. are to be disposed of by Contractor unless noted otherwise.33.All existing support rods and straps now supporting ducts, pipes, air tubing, electrical conduit, etc. that are removed to allow roomfor installation of new equipment shall be relocated and reinstalled, or replaced if damaged.34.Cap all demolished and abandoned duct take-offs at trunk duct.35.Extend and modify existing fire protection systems to new and remodeled areas.36.New hot and cold water branches to be routed from nearest hot water and cold water of line size equal to or greater than new branch -typical.Insulation37.Piping Insulation Schedule:ServiceThickness (in.)Domestic Hot Water1.0Domestic Cold Water0.55HIULJHUDWLRQ6XFWLRQ OHVVWKDQ´SLSH 0.55HIULJHUDQW/LTXLG ´SLSHDQGJUHDWHU 0.5Condensate Drain0.0Piping insulation shall be U.L. approved, white, all service, glass fiber, snap-on, pipe insulation. Insulate fittings with glass fiberblanket insulation and premolded PVC covers. Provide submittal.%XULHG3LSLQJ&ORVHGFHOOIRDPLQVXODWLRQ$3$UPDFHOO$UPDIOH[RUDSSURYHGHTXDO3URYLGHVXEPLWWDO6XUURXQGZLWK´RIclean sand.38.,QVXODWHDOOQHZUHIULJHUDQWVXFWLRQSLSLQJ FRQGHQVDWHSLSLQJZLWKIOH[LEOHFORVHGFHOOHODVWRPHULFLQVXODWLRQ´WKLFN,QVXODWLRQshall have a flame spread index of not more than 25 and a smoke-developed index of not more than 50 when test in accordance withASTM E 84, latest revision.39.Elastomeric insulation: Slip insulation over pipe before assembly so that there are no length wide seams. Where lengths of insulationare butted together, use factory recommended adhesive. Glue the butt ends of insulation to each other to form a homogenousmembrane maintaining the vapor barrier. Exterior elastomeric insulation shall be installed with the longitudinal seam on the bottomof the pipe and shall be protected with an ultra violet resistive paint. Elastomeric insulation shall be covered with two coats of paintmanufactured specifically for covering Elastomeric insulation, Armaflex WB Finish or equal.40.Insulation for all types of piping shall be carried full size through pipe hangers or pipes shall be supported with vibration clamps.41.Internally line all new ductwork inside the thermal envelope (unless noted otherwise) with 1/2" thick, 2.0 PCF, U.L. rated, glass fiberinsulation with a continuous vapor barrier.42.([WHUQDOO\ZUDSDOOXQOLQHGGXFWZRUNZLWK´WKLFNLQVXODWLRQZLWKDFRQWLQXRXVYDSRUEDUULHU0LQLPXP59DOXHRI43.,QVXODWHWKHILQDO RIDOOH[KDXVWGXFWZRUNDWH[WHULRUWHUPLQDWLRQVZLWK´WKLFNLQVXODWLRQZLWKDFRQWLQXRXVYDSRUEDUULHUMinimum R-Value of 6.0.Piping44.Domestic Hot & Cold Water piping inside building - Buried lines type 'K' copper water tube, wrought copper fittings and 1100Fsolder. Non-buried lines, type 'L' copper water tube, wrought copper fittings and no lead solder. Provide alternate pricing for PEXtubing (no oxygen diffusion barrier necessary).45.Waste & Vent piping inside building:Waste lines above ground - Standard weight, C.I. soil pipe, and fittings, or hubless, C.I. soil pipe and fittings. Up through 2-1/2" maybe standard weight, galvanized steel pipe with black, C.I. drainage fittings.Waste and vent lines may also be Schedule 40 ABS-DWV plastic pipe and fittings (ASTM D2661) or Schedule 40 PVC-DWV plasticpipe and fittings (ASTM D2665). All pipe and fittings shall bear NFS-DWV mark and shall be joined with solvent weld joints asrecommended by the manufacturer.46.PEX piping shall be supported by continuous cradles supplied by the manufacturer.47.Drain Pan piping - Not Buried: Type 'M' copper, wrought copper fittings, and no lead solder. - Buried: Type 'L' copper, wroughtFRSSHUILWWLQJVDQGQROHDGVROGHU$OOEXULHGSLSHVKDOOEHVXUURXQGHGZLWK´RIFOHDQVDQG'UDLQSDQSLSLQJPD\DOVREH3(;RUSchedule 40 ABS-DWV plastic pipe and fittings (ASTM D2661) or Schedule 40 PVC-DWV plastic pipe and fittings (ASTMD2665).48.Condensing Water Heater Condensate shall be neutralized via a neutralization basin before discharge into building drainage system.Condensate piping shall be PVC or other approved material suitable for pH levels of 3.49.Refrigeration Piping - Type 'L', ACR Grade copper, cleaned, dehydrated, capped and charged with clean nitrogen at the factory. Usewrought copper fittings and hard solder having a minimum melting point of 1100F for buried lines, no lead solder for non-buriedOLQHV9DOYHVDQGVSHFLDOWLHVVKDOOEHVWDQGDUGEUDVVRUEURQ]HYDOYHVIRUUHIULJHUDWLRQVHUYLFH%XULHGSLSHVKDOOEHVXUURXQGHGE\´clean sand.50.Gas Piping - Schedule 40 black steel pipe, 150 lb. malleable iron screwed fittings on above ground pipe, welded fittings with allpiping coated and wrapped on buried pipe. Welded gas piping shall be pressure tested at a minimum of 60 psi per Town of Vailamendment to the 2015 IFGC, section 406.4.1. CSST pipe is permitted for final connections only.51.For commercial kitchen gas appliances, use "Safe-T-Link" gas connector kits with stainless steel braid and extruded coating, quickdisconnect, ball valve and restraining cable per code, for all connections to under the hood that are moveable (wheels).52.Gas Valves - Lubricated plug valve 175 lb. W.O.G. iron screwed or flanged.53.Copper pipe Valves and Specialties:Gate Valves:Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G.Ball Valves:Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G.Check Valves:Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G.Balancing Valves:125 psig w.p. for 250F service tight shut-off, Illinois dual-purpose, balancing/shut-off valve, Hoffman, Sarco, orequivalent.54.Refer to Fixture Connection Schedule for pipe sizes to individual fixtures.55.Support pipe with rod and clevis or clamps. No pipe tape allowed.56.Dielectric Unions - Furnish and install a dielectric union at all connections where non-ferrous material is in contact with ferrousmaterial and fluid is not protected with corrosion inhibitors.57.Install plumbing clean-outs as required by applicable codes.58.Fire caulk all penetrations of fire-rated assemblies with 3M or Hilti fire sealant.Water Heater Flue & Combustion Air Piping59.Water Heater flue and combustion air piping shall be PVC, complying with ASTM D1785.Ductwork60.Duct sizes shown on drawings are outside (sheet metal) duct dimensions.61.All ductwork shall be sealed airtight with duct mastic. Duct tape is prohibited.62.Provide 1/4" galvanized mesh screen on all combustion air ducts or openings.63.Seal all ductwork joints and vapor barrier penetrations at all exterior walls.64.Ducts and piping penetrating through roof shall have roof flashing with caulk type counter flashing sleeve or by method acceptableby roofing manufacturer. Installation shall be watertight.65.Provide backdraft dampers at any and all ductwork penetrations through exterior wall (except outside air and combustion airductwork).66.Provide turning vanes in all mitered rectangular elbows.67.Provide volume dampers at all accessible round duct take-offs.68.Make all final connections to supply GRD's with acoustic flexible duct. Minimum length shall be 4 feet. Maximum length shall be 8feet.69.All ductwork or surfaces which are visible behind a grille, register, diffuser or louver shall be painted flat black.70.Sheet metal and fittings to be pursuant to SMACNA and ASHRAE standards.71.All ducts shall be 26 gauge minimum. Duct gauge and construction shall conform to SMACNA HVAC Duct ConstructionStandards.72.Contractor to coordinate exact location of grilles and registers before installation.73.Seal off all ducts during construction.Vibration Isolation74.Where specified, duct-to-fan connections shall be made with flexible canvas duct connector material. Provide duct alignment within1/2" at the fan collar and duct collar.75.Where specified, spring vibration isolators for support of equipment shall be properly aligned so that support rod does not contactspring housing.Type I Grease Exhaust Ductwork85.Furnish double wall, factory built grease duct for use with Type I kitchen hoods, which conforms to the requirements of NFPA-96.Products shall be ETL listed to UL-1978 and UL-2221 for venting air and grease vapors from commercial cooking operation. ModelsDW-2R, 3R and 3Z are used for grease duct applications when installed in accordance with these instructions and National Fire3URWHFWLRQ$VVRFLDWLRQ³1)3$´6WDQGDUGIRU9HQWLODWLRQ&RQWURODQG)LUH3URWHFWLRQRI&RPPHUFLDO&RRNLQJ2SHUDWLRQVDouble wall grease ducts are listed for a continuous internal temperature of 500 degrees F and intermittent temperatures of 2000degrees F. The duct sections shall be constructed of an inner duct wall and an outer wall with insulation in between. The inner ductwall shall be constructed of .036 inch thick, 430 type stainless steel and be available in diameters 8" through 24". The outer wall shallbe constructed of stainless steel at a minimum of .024 inch thickness. The duct, based on model number, shall include layers of SuperWool 607 Plus insulation between the inner and outer wall. Grease duct joints shall be held together by means of formed V clampsDQGVHDOHGZLWK0)LUH%DUULHU7KHGXFWZDOODVVHPEO\VKDOOEHWHVWHGDQGOLVWHGDWô´RU]HURLQFKFOHDUDQFHDFFRUGLQJWRclassifications.86.Type I grease exhaust ductwork shall slope not less than one-fourth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal toward the hood or toward anapproved grease reservoir.87.Ducts exposed to the outside atmosphere or subject to a corrosive environment shall be protected against corrosion in an approvedmanner.88.Make up air ducts connecting to or within 18 inches of Type I hoods shall have insulation that is noncombustible or listed for theapplication.89.Joints, seams and penetrations of grease ducts shall be made with a continuous liquid-tight weld made on the external surface of theduct system. Internal welding or brazing shall be ground smooth. Penetrations not welded such as access doors shall sealed bydevices listed for the application.90.Duct joints shall be butt joints or overlapping duct joints of either the telescoping or bell type. Overlapping joints shall be installed toprevent ledges and obstructions from collecting grease or interfering with gravity drainage to the intended collection point.91.Duct-to-exhaust fan connection shall be flanged, gasketed, and bolted.92.Grease duct bracing and supports shall be of noncombustible material securely attached to the structure and designed to carry gravityloads within the stress limitations of the International Building Code. Bolts, screws, rivets and other mechanical fasteners shall notpenetrate duct walls.93.Duct systems serving Type I hoods shall be constructed and installed so that grease cannot collect in any portion thereof, and thesystem shall slope not less than one quarter inch per linear foot toward the hood.94.Cleanouts shall be equipped with tight-fitting doors constructed of steel having a thickness greater than or equal to the duct. Doorsshall be equipped with a substantial method of latching, sufficient to hold the door tightly closed. Doors shall be designed so thatthey are operable without the use of a tool. Door assemblies, including any frames and gasketing, shall be approved for the purpose,and shall not have fasteners that penetrate the duct. Listed and labeled access door assemblies shall be installed in accordance withthe terms of the listing. A sign shall be provided on access opening panels with wording as follows: "ACCESS PANEL. DO NOTOBSTRUCT."95.Contractor shall perform grease duct tests per 2015 IMC 506. shall perform performance testing per 2015 IMC 507.6, in the presence of the Engineer and the Chief Building Official.Controls96.Mount all thermostats 4'-0" above finished floor.97.All thermostats shall have a temperature range suitable for the application and have adjustable set points. The thermostats shall beable to display temperature setpoint and room temperature. All thermostats shall be approved by the Owner.98.See Sequence of Operation for additional control information.Balancing99.Air flows must be balanced, and fan belts and drive systems adjusted as required. Balance Contractor shall furnish subsequent airbalances after acceptance of the building.100.Submit a written balance report. Balancing procedures shall be in accordance with NEBB or AABC guidelines for proportionalbalance. Submit report on standard NEBB forms.101.Airside measurements shall include all motor amperage, voltage readings, motor RPM, fan RPM, fan CFM, fan inlet static pressure,fan outlet static pressure, and exhaust grille CFM.102.Adjust flows to within 10% of required quantity. If actual quantity is less than 90% of design, investigate cause, attempt to rectifyand notify Engineer. Submittal of balance report with less than required flows without explanation is cause for rejection of report.103.Submit three copies of all submittals in addition to any required by the Contractor. These copies shall be retained by the Owner,Contractor and Engineer.END OF SPECIFICATIONS.Mechanical Specifications10/27/16