HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0372_Approved Documents_1537194773.pdf75 South Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Office: 970.479.2139
Issued: 09/17/2018
Property Information
Address: 5128 GROUSE LN B (209918212010 B) ( 209918212010 )
Unit #: B
Parcel Number: 209918212010
Legal Description: Subdivision: GORE CREEK SUB Block: 1 Lot: 8 PARCEL B
Contact Type: Applicant
Full Name: John Martin
Address: John G Martin, Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 Phone: 9703280592
Contact Type: Property Owner
Address: Phone: None
Contractor Type: General
Company: Crestone Building Company
State License #: Phone: 970-710-7129
Project Information
Project Name: Jeranko Residence 2018
Fees Paid
Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Building Permit Fee Fee Amount:$6,955.60
Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Building Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$4,521.14
Account #: 110-0000.31060.00 - Construction Use Tax Fee Fee Amount:$27,171.50
Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Mechanical Permit Fee Fee Amount:$1,500.00
Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Mechanical Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$375.00
Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Plumbing Permit Fee Fee Amount:$1,245.00
Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Plumbing Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$311.25
Account #: 111-0000.31127.00 - Recreation Fee Fee Amount:$0.60
Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Building Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00
Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Mechanical Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00
Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Plumbing Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00
Total Paid:$42,095.09
If construction is not begun within 6 months from the date permit was issued.
If more than 5 months elapses between inspections.
If incorrect information is given on the application at the time the permit was issued.
Christopher Jarecki - Town of Vail Building Official
NOTICE: By issuance of this Permit the applicant agrees to comply with all Titles of the Town of Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal
law. Failure to do so will void this Permit and the applicant shall forfeit all applicable fees.
Case # B18-0372
Date Printed: 09/17/2018
Permit Summary
Case Number: B18-0372 Status: Approved
Permit Number: Date Started: 08/28/2018
Permit Type: Construction Subcases Duplex
Lot Number: 8
Property: 5128 GROUSE LN B (209918212010 B) (209918212010)
Contact Type: Applicant
Company Name: John G Martin, Architect
Full Name: John Martin
Address: John G Martin, Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631
Email: john@martinmanleyarchitects.com
Contact Type: Property Owner
Permit Fees
Fee Information Account Amount
Permit Fee 001-0000.31111.00 $9,700.60
Construction Tax 110-0000.31060.00 $27,171.50
Recreation Fee 111-0000.31127.00 $0.60
Will Call Fee 001-0000.31128.00 $15.00
Payment Information Date Paid Payment Type Amount
Permit Fee 09/17/2018 Check $9,700.60
Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#1004 First Chair Properties LLC
Will Call Fee 09/17/2018 Check $15.00
Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#1004 First Chair Properties LLC
Recreation Fee 09/17/2018 Check $0.60
Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#1004 First Chair Properties LLC
Construction Tax 09/17/2018 Check $27,171.50
Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#1004 First Chair Properties LLC
FEE TOTAL $36,887.70
AMOUNT PAID $36,887.70
09/17/2018 - 8:17:04 AM - Generated by: cgodfrey75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657
1 / 1
HealthSafe Inspections Inc
390 Apple Drive
Basalt CO 81621
Jim Baker
CDPHE Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS) &
Project Designer Certification #13437
CDPHE Lead-Based Paint Inspector & Lead Hazard Assessor Certification #23607
Stan Jeranko
c/o Crestone Building Company
501 W Hallam St
Aspen CO 81611
5128 Grouse Lane, Vail, Colorado 81657
The photos above are a small representation of the west duplex slated to be demolished
and disposed of.
For orientation purposes, the front driveway and overhead garage door faces south.
The Client, Stan Jeranko, hired Crestone Building Company to demolish and dispose of
the entire duplex. This west side of the duplex addressed as 5128 Grouse Lane in East
Vail will be demolished along with the east side of the duplex addressed as 5130 Grouse
Lane. Prior to the demolition of this property, an asbestos inspection is required. Crestone
Building Company hired HealthSafe Inspections, Inc. (hereinafter, HealthSafe) to
perform the required asbestos inspection for an unlimited, exterior and interior asbestos
inspection for the demolition and disposal of the structure.
Note: this report is not intended for estimating purposes. Measurements provided in this
report are for the sole purpose of determining numbers of samples required per suspect
material. Contractors or subcontractors will have to do their own surveys and inspections
for their own estimating.
An inspection was conducted by Jim Baker of HealthSafe on July 5, 2018 with the
President/Owner of Crestone Building Company present during the inspection and
sampling. All interior and exterior suspect ACM/ACBM were identified and sampled.
Samples of each homogeneous miscellaneous material were collected in opposite
diagonal corners or opposite sections or rooms; in the case of surfacing materials,
samples were collected randomly—considering different sections of walls and ceilings
and different rooms or locations where each homogeneous material was applied. No two
samples were collected next to the other. This inspector did his best to get a broad
representative of each homogeneous miscellaneous and surfacing material without bias of
locations. Those materials collected and analyzed by PLM analysis are the following:
1. Basement Laundry & Blue South Bedroom Orange Peel Surfacing
Material/Texture: a homogeneous spray-applied surfacing material/texture
[samples 1-3: F1-OP-C/W-T-1,2,3]. This surfacing material/texture is on ceilings
and walls of the first floor, the bottom-basement section of the west duplex. The
estimated surface area is more than 10 sf, but less than 1,000 sf (778sf), requiring
a minimum of at least three surfacing/texture material samples. The samples were
collected in the laundry room and the south bedroom east and west blue bedroom
walls. The EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results: NONE
2. Basement Laundry & Blue South Bedroom Joint Compound: a homogeneous
miscellaneous seam taping compound requiring at least two samples [samples 4-
5: F1-OP-C/W-JC-1,2]. Sample 4 was taken from the laundry-water heater wall
joint and sample 5 from the south blue bedroom southeast wall corner which is
water damaged. The PLM analytical estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
3. Basement Laundry & Blue South Bedroom Gypsum Wallboard/Drywall
System: a homogeneous taped and joint compounded drywall system with
gypsum wallboard panels, trowel-applied joint compound and tape (classified as a
miscellaneous material as a complete integral system) [sample 6: F1-OP-C/W-J];
these composite layered taped and joint compounded drywall materials are on
ceilings and walls of the first floor-basement laundry-water heater room and the
adjacent south bedroom with blue walls with a surfacing material/texture known
as “orange peel“—different than the other locations of the house. The EPA 600
method PLM analytical estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
4. Basement Bedrooms Ceiling Skip Trowel Surfacing Material/Texture: a
homogeneous trowel-applied surfacing material/texture [samples 7-9: F1-BRS-
CLG-ST-T-1,2,3]. This surfacing material/texture is on ceilings of the two
basement bedrooms. The estimated surface area is more than 10 sf, but less than
1,000 sf (350 sf), requiring a minimum of at least three surfacing/texture material
samples. The EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results: NONE
5. Floors 1, 2 and 3 Skip Trowel Surfacing Material/Texture: a homogeneous
trowel-applied surfacing material/texture which has the same appearance,
different than the skip-trowel in paragraph #4 above [samples 10-18: F1-3-ST-
C/W-T-1-9]. This surfacing material/texture is on ceilings and walls of the west
duplex. The estimated surface area is more than 5,000 sf, requiring a minimum of
at least seven surfacing/texture material samples (nine were collected as
recommended by AHERA due to the three floor levels. The AHERA random
sampling grid #10 was used, balancing three samples from each floor from walls
and ceilings. The EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results: NONE
6. Floors 1, 2 and 3 Joint Compound: a homogeneous miscellaneous seam taping
compound requiring at least two samples [samples 19-20: F1-3-C/W-JC-1,2].
Sample 19 was taken from the kitchen corner near the deck door and stairwell and
sample 20 from the uppermost third floor bedroom hallway. The PLM analytical
estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
7. Floors 1, 2 and 3 Gypsum Wallboard/Drywall System: a homogeneous taped
and joint compounded drywall system with gypsum wallboard panels, trowel-
applied joint compound and tape (classified as a miscellaneous material as a
complete integral system) [samples 21-22: F1-3-C/W-J-1,2]; these composite
layered taped and joint compounded drywall materials are on ceilings and walls of
the three floor levels (with the exception of part of the basement) with a surfacing
material/texture known as “skip-trowel“. The estimated surface area is more than
5,0000 sf, requiring a minimum of at least two composite core samples of all
drywall layers (“…number of samples sufficient to determine” …if asbestos is
present or not). Sample 21 was taken from the main second floor east wall just
north of the fireplace and sample 22 was taken from third uppermost floor twin
bedroom closet. The EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results: NONE
8. Asphaltic Composition Roofing Shingles: a homogeneous miscellaneous
roofing material requiring at least two samples [samples 23-24: COMP-RF-1,2].
The EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
There were no other additional suspect asbestos building materials to sample which were
slated to be disturbed, removed or disposed of. A total of 24 suspect homogeneous
ACM/ACBM bulk samples were collected and 24 samples were analyzed. The bulk
samples were analyzed by EPA 600 PLM analytical methods by a NVLAP accredited
laboratory in accordance with Colorado State Regulation 8 for the presence of asbestos
mineral fibers. There is NO asbestos in all 24 samples analyzed.
See supporting Hayes Microbial Consulting, Inc. data report #18021193.
• There is NO asbestos in any of the suspect building materials slated to be
demolished and disposed of in the landfill. NO asbestos abatement will be
required. All building materials can be dealt with without the concerns for
asbestos fibers. All building waste and debris can be disposed of in any landfill
which accepts normal, non-hazardous building waste.
Sincerely Submitted,
Jim Baker
Regulation No. 8 Part B – Asbestos of the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment (CDPHE), Air Quality Control Commission requires a State-certified
Asbestos Building Inspector to inspect and collect bulk samples of all suspect asbestos
containing materials (ACM) or suspect asbestos containing building materials (ACBM)
prior to their disturbance, removal or demolition and disposal. The suspect materials shall
be analyzed by a NVLAP accredited laboratory by polarized light microscopy (PLM)
using EPA 600 analytical method. A material which is estimated to contain more than 1%
asbestos is classified as ACM/ACBM and regulated by the State and Federal
governments. Any friable (able to crush or reduce to powder by finger pressure) asbestos
with trace amounts of asbestos fibers or less than 1% must be point-counted using EPA
400 analytical method to prove that it is indeed less than 1%; if not, it must be classified
as ACM/ACBM and shall be treated as a State and Federal regulated material. Any
friable asbestos containing material (greater than 1% asbestos concentration) or
ACM/ACBM that could be rendered friable during its removal or demolition and disposal
shall require an asbestos abatement by a certified asbestos abatement contractor to
remove and dispose of the material(s).
A Colorado State (CDPHE) issued asbestos abatement permit is required for the
following trigger levels of ACM/ACBM:
1. Residential buildings of four or fewer units--if more than 32 square feet of any
surface coverage (e.g., gypsum wallboard or drywall and associated applied surfacing
materials/textures, acoustic sprays, joint compounds, plaster, etc.), 50 feet of asbestos
covered or asbestos insulated pipe or any material which would fill a 55-gallon drum is
going to be disturbed, removed or disposed of, an asbestos abatement permit is required.
2. Residential complexes with more than four residential units, public access areas to a
residential building, commercial and retail buildings, public and civic buildings,
industrial buildings--if more than 160 square feet of surfacing materials, 260 linear feet
or more than 35 cubic feet (NESHAP) or 55-gallon drum (CDPHE) of suspect
ACM/ACBM is going to be disturbed, removed or disposed of, an asbestos abatement
permit is required under NESHAP and by the CDPHE. See note below on OSHA.
The regulations require an absolute minimum of 3 samples (EPA suggests 9) per
homogenous suspect surfacing and TSI materials and an absolute minimum of 2 samples
of homogenous miscellaneous materials or any number of “samples sufficient to
determine whether a material is ACM” (Reg8.IV.D.3). More samples are required based
on surface area or volume. These are minimums; the asbestos building inspector has the
field responsibility to determine homogenous materials and the number of samples to
collect per material; more than the minimum number of samples may be necessary at the
discretion of the inspector. An assessment of friability and functional space conditions of
the materials are also the inspector’s field responsibilities.
OSHA compliance is required for all employers and employees no matter the
quantity of asbestos present with strict regulations regarding 10 sf or more of TSI or
friable surfacing materials, and therefore it does not matter what the quantity or
State trigger levels are: all suspect ACM/ACBM shall be inspected and tested for
asbestos prior to their disturbance, removal and disposal for worker protection and
safety. See EPA 40 CFR 763.121 Worker Protection Rule, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134
Respirator Protection Standard, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001 General Industry Standard and
OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 Construction Standard regulations when dealing with asbestos
Note: County or City regulations may be more stringent.
HMC #18021193
Analysis Report prepared for
HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO. 81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5128 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Date Sampled: 07-05-2018
Date Analyzed: 07-13-2018
Report Date: 07-13-2018
EPA Laboratory ID# VA01419
NVLAP Lab Code: 500096-0 Asbestos License: 300435 License: #PH-0198
Page 1 of 6
HMC #18021193
HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
July 13, 2018
Client Job Number:
Client Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5128 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Dear HealthSafe Inspections,
We would like to thank you for trusting Hayes Microbial for your analytical needs. On July 6, 2018 we received 24 samples by FedEx for the job
referenced above. 24 samples were received in good condition.
The results in this analysis pertain only to this job, collected on the stated date and should not be used in the interpretation of any other job. This report
may not be duplicated, except in full, without the written consent of Hayes Microbial Consulting, LLC.
This laboratory bears no responsibility for sample collection activities, analytical method limitations, or your use of the test results. Interpretation and
use of test results are your responsibility. Any reference to health effects or interpretation of mold levels is strictly the opinion of Hayes Microbial
Consulting. In no event, shall Hayes Microbial Consulting or any of its employees be liable for lost profits or any special, incidental or consequential
damages arising out of your use of the test results.
Steve Hayes, BSMT(ASCP)
Laboratory Director
Hayes Microbial Consulting, LLC
Page 2 of 6
HMC #18021193
EPA 600/R-93, M-4/82-020 (PLM)HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
Job Number:
Collected by:
Jim Baker
Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5128 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Date Collected:
Date Received:
Date Reported:
# Sample Name Description Asbestos Fibers Other Fibers Non- Fibers
1 1 F1-OP-C/W-T-1 Texture / White (None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
2 2 F1-OP-C/W-T-2 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
3 3 F1-OP-C/W-T-3 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
4 4 F1-OP-C/W-J/C-1 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
5 5 F1-OP-C/W-J/C-2 Brittle / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
6 6 F1-OP-C/W-J Drywall / White/Brown
(None Detected)
12 % Cellulose fibers
88 %
Layer 2 F1-OP-C/W-J Joint Compound / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
7 7 F1-BRS-CLG-ST-1 Brittle / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
8 8 F1-BRS-CLG-ST-2 Brittle / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
9 9 F1-BRS-CLG-ST-3 Brittle / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
10 10 F1-3-ST-C/W-T-1 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
Signature: Date: 07/13/2018 Reviewed by: Date: 07/13/2018
Page 3 of 6
HMC #18021193
EPA 600/R-93, M-4/82-020 (PLM)HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
Job Number:
Collected by:
Jim Baker
Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5128 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Date Collected:
Date Received:
Date Reported:
# Sample Name Description Asbestos Fibers Other Fibers Non- Fibers
11 11 F1-3-ST-C/W-T-2 Texture / White (None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
12 12 F1-3-ST-C/W-T-3 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
13 13 F1-3-ST-C/W-T-4 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
14 14 F1-3-ST-C/W-T-5 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
15 15 F1-3-ST-C/W-T-6 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
16 16 F1-3-ST-C/W-T-7 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
17 17 F1-3-ST-C/W-T-8 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
18 18 F1-3-ST-C/W-T-9 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
19 19 F1-3-C/W-JC-1 Brittle / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
20 20 F1-3-C/W-JC-2 Brittle / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
21 21 F1-3-C/W-J-1 Brittle / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
Signature: Date: 07/13/2018 Reviewed by: Date: 07/13/2018
Page 4 of 6
HMC #18021193
EPA 600/R-93, M-4/82-020 (PLM)HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
Job Number:
Collected by:
Jim Baker
Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5128 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Date Collected:
Date Received:
Date Reported:
# Sample Name Description Asbestos Fibers Other Fibers Non- Fibers
22 22 F1-3-C/W-J-2 Drywall / White/Brown
(None Detected)
12 % Cellulose fibers
88 %
Layer 2 F1-3-C/W-J-2 Joint Compound / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
23 23 COMP-RF-1 Roofing / Black
(None Detected)
8 % Fiberglass
92 %
24 24 COMP-RF-2 Roofing / Black
(None Detected)
12 % Fiberglass
88 %
Layer 2 COMP-RF-2 Tar / Black
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
Signature: Date: 07/13/2018 Reviewed by: Date: 07/13/2018
Page 5 of 6
HMC #18021193
Asbestos - Additional InformationHealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
All samples were received in acceptable condition unless otherwise noted on the report. The Report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or
endorsement by: AIHA, NIST, NVLAP NY ELAP, or any agency. The results relate only to the items tested. The results include an inherent uncertainty of measurement associated with
estimating percentages by polarized light microscopy. Measurement uncertainty data can be provided when requested. None detected: Below the detected reporting limit of 1% unless
point counting is performed, then the detected, reporting limit is .25%. Per NY ELAP198.6 (NOB) TEM is the only reliable method to declare an NOB material as Non-Asbestos
Containing. Hayes Microbial Consulting reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of 60 days in compliance with state and federal guidelines.
Signature: Date: 07/13/2018 Reviewed by: Date: 07/13/2018
Page 6 of 6
HealthSafe Inspections Inc
390 Apple Drive
Basalt CO 81621
Jim Baker
CDPHE Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS) &
Project Designer Certification #13437
CDPHE Lead-Based Paint Inspector & Lead Hazard Assessor Certification #23607
Stan Jeranko
c/o Crestone Building Company
501 W Hallam St
Aspen CO 81611
5130 Grouse Lane, Vail, Colorado 81657
The photos above are a small representation of the east duplex slated to be demolished
and disposed of.
For orientation purposes, the front door faces south.
The Client, Stan Jeranko, hired Crestone Building Company to demolish and dispose of
the entire duplex. This east side of the duplex addressed as 5130 Grouse Lane in East Vail
will be demolished along with the west side of the duplex addressed as 5128 Grouse
Lane. Prior to the demolition of this property, an asbestos inspection is required. Crestone
Building Company hired HealthSafe Inspections, Inc. (hereinafter, HealthSafe) to
perform the required asbestos inspection for an unlimited, exterior and interior asbestos
inspection for the demolition and disposal of the structure.
Note: this report is not intended for estimating purposes. Measurements provided in this
report are for the sole purpose of determining numbers of samples required per suspect
material. Contractors or subcontractors will have to do their own surveys and inspections
for their own estimating.
An inspection was conducted by Jim Baker of HealthSafe on July 5, 2018 with the
President/Owner of Crestone Building Company present during the initial survey. All
interior and exterior suspect ACM/ACBM were identified and sampled. Samples of each
homogeneous miscellaneous material were collected in opposite diagonal corners or
opposite sections or rooms; in the case of surfacing materials, samples were collected
randomly—considering different sections of walls and ceilings and different rooms or
locations where each homogeneous material was applied. No two samples were collected
next to the other. This inspector did his best to get a broad representative of each
homogeneous miscellaneous and surfacing material without bias of locations. Those
materials collected and analyzed by PLM analysis are the following:
1. Laundry Sheet Vinyl: a homogeneous miscellaneous flooring material requiring
at least two samples [samples 1-2: LNDR-SV-1,2]. The EPA 600 method PLM
analytical estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
2. Acoustic “Popcorn” Surfacing Material/Texture: a homogeneous spray-applied
surfacing material/texture [samples 3-5: F1-STR-PC-1,2,3]. This ceiling surfacing
material/texture is on ceilings of the third-floor master bedroom, the lower
stairwell and under-stair closet and the basement floor northwest bedroom. The
estimated surface area is more than 10 sf, but less than 1,000 sf (400sf), requiring
a minimum of at least three surfacing/texture material samples. The samples were
collected from the third-floor master bedroom ceiling, lower stairwell and the
basement NW bedroom. The EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results:
3. Orange Peel Surfacing Material/Texture: a homogeneous spray-applied
surfacing material/texture [samples 6-12: F1-3-OP-T-1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. This surfacing
material/texture is on certain ceilings and most walls of all three floor levels of the
east duplex. The estimated surface area is less than 5,000 sf, requiring a minimum
of at least five surfacing/texture material samples, but seven were collected due to
the various floor levels. The AHERA random sampling grid #15 was used to
determine sampling areas with samples taken from all floor levels. The EPA 600
method PLM analytical estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
4. Joint Compound: a homogeneous miscellaneous seam taping compound
requiring at least two samples [samples 13-14: F1-3-OP-JC-1,2]. Sample 13 was
taken from the lower stairwell mid landing area and sample 14 from the under-
stair storage closet east wall. The PLM analytical estimated results: NONE
5. Gypsum Wallboard/Drywall System: a homogeneous taped and joint
compounded drywall system with gypsum wallboard panels, trowel-applied joint
compound and tape (classified as a miscellaneous material as a complete integral
system) [samples 15-16: F1-3-OP-J-1,2]; these composite layered taped and joint
compounded drywall materials are on ceilings and walls of the first through third
floors. Sample 15 was taken from the kitchen pantry closet and sample 16 from
the master bedroom closet south wall. The EPA 600 method PLM analytical
estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
6. Bathrooms Flat-Finish Surfacing Material/Texture: a homogeneous trowel-
applied surfacing material/texture [samples 17-19: F1-3-BTHS-F-T-1,2,3, sic. FL-
3…]. This surfacing material/texture is on ceilings and walls of the three
bathrooms of each floor level. The estimated surface area is more than 10 sf, but
less than 1,000 sf (300 sf), requiring a minimum of at least three surfacing/texture
material samples. One sample was taken from each bathroom wall or ceiling. The
EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
7. Bathrooms Joint Compound: a homogeneous miscellaneous seam taping
compound requiring at least two samples [samples 20-21: F1-3-BTHS-F-JC-1,2,
sic. FL-3…]. The PLM analytical estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
8. Bathrooms Gypsum Wallboard/Drywall System: a homogeneous taped and
joint compounded drywall system with gypsum wallboard panels, trowel-applied
joint compound and tape (classified as a miscellaneous material as a complete
integral system) [sample 22: F1-3-C/W-J-1,2]; these composite layered taped and
joint compounded drywall materials are on ceilings and walls of the three
bathrooms, one on each floor level. The composite sample was collected from the
third-floor master bathroom behind the door. The EPA 600 method PLM
analytical estimated results: NONE DETECTED.
9. Exterior Siding Tar Paper: a homogeneous miscellaneous material requiring at
least two samples [samples 23-24: X-TP-1,2]. This material is homogeneous to
the whole duplex exterior. The EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results:
There were no other additional suspect asbestos building materials to sample which were
slated to be demolished and disposed of. A total of 24 suspect homogeneous
ACM/ACBM bulk samples were collected and 24 samples were analyzed. The bulk
samples were analyzed by EPA 600 PLM analytical methods by a NVLAP accredited
laboratory in accordance with Colorado State Regulation 8 for the presence of asbestos
mineral fibers. There is NO asbestos in all 24 samples analyzed.
See supporting Hayes Microbial Consulting, Inc. data report #18021192.
• There is NO asbestos in any of the suspect building materials slated to be
demolished and disposed of in the landfill. NO asbestos abatement will be
required. All building materials can be dealt with without the concerns for
asbestos fibers. All building waste and debris can be disposed of in any landfill
which accepts normal, non-hazardous building waste.
Sincerely Submitted,
Jim Baker
Regulation No. 8 Part B – Asbestos of the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment (CDPHE), Air Quality Control Commission requires a State-certified
Asbestos Building Inspector to inspect and collect bulk samples of all suspect asbestos
containing materials (ACM) or suspect asbestos containing building materials (ACBM)
prior to their disturbance, removal or demolition and disposal. The suspect materials shall
be analyzed by a NVLAP accredited laboratory by polarized light microscopy (PLM)
using EPA 600 analytical method. A material which is estimated to contain more than 1%
asbestos is classified as ACM/ACBM and regulated by the State and Federal
governments. Any friable (able to crush or reduce to powder by finger pressure) asbestos
with trace amounts of asbestos fibers or less than 1% must be point-counted using EPA
400 analytical method to prove that it is indeed less than 1%; if not, it must be classified
as ACM/ACBM and shall be treated as a State and Federal regulated material. Any
friable asbestos containing material (greater than 1% asbestos concentration) or
ACM/ACBM that could be rendered friable during its removal or demolition and disposal
shall require an asbestos abatement by a certified asbestos abatement contractor to
remove and dispose of the material(s).
A Colorado State (CDPHE) issued asbestos abatement permit is required for the
following trigger levels of ACM/ACBM:
1. Residential buildings of four or fewer units--if more than 32 square feet of any
surface coverage (e.g., gypsum wallboard or drywall and associated applied surfacing
materials/textures, acoustic sprays, joint compounds, plaster, etc.), 50 feet of asbestos
covered or asbestos insulated pipe or any material which would fill a 55-gallon drum is
going to be disturbed, removed or disposed of, an asbestos abatement permit is required.
2. Residential complexes with more than four residential units, public access areas to a
residential building, commercial and retail buildings, public and civic buildings,
industrial buildings--if more than 160 square feet of surfacing materials, 260 linear feet
or more than 35 cubic feet (NESHAP) or 55-gallon drum (CDPHE) of suspect
ACM/ACBM is going to be disturbed, removed or disposed of, an asbestos abatement
permit is required under NESHAP and by the CDPHE. See note below on OSHA.
The regulations require an absolute minimum of 3 samples (EPA suggests 9) per
homogenous suspect surfacing and TSI materials and an absolute minimum of 2 samples
of homogenous miscellaneous materials or any number of “samples sufficient to
determine whether a material is ACM” (Reg8.IV.D.3). More samples are required based
on surface area or volume. These are minimums; the asbestos building inspector has the
field responsibility to determine homogenous materials and the number of samples to
collect per material; more than the minimum number of samples may be necessary at the
discretion of the inspector. An assessment of friability and functional space conditions of
the materials are also the inspector’s field responsibilities.
OSHA compliance is required for all employers and employees no matter the
quantity of asbestos present with strict regulations regarding 10 sf or more of TSI or
friable surfacing materials, and therefore it does not matter what the quantity or
State trigger levels are: all suspect ACM/ACBM shall be inspected and tested for
asbestos prior to their disturbance, removal and disposal for worker protection and
safety. See EPA 40 CFR 763.121 Worker Protection Rule, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134
Respirator Protection Standard, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001 General Industry Standard and
OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 Construction Standard regulations when dealing with asbestos
Note: County or City regulations may be more stringent.
HMC #18021192
Analysis Report prepared for
HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO. 81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5130 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Date Sampled: 07-05-2018
Date Analyzed: 07-13-2018
Report Date: 07-13-2018
EPA Laboratory ID# VA01419
NVLAP Lab Code: 500096-0 Asbestos License: 300435 License: #PH-0198
Page 1 of 6
HMC #18021192
HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
July 13, 2018
Client Job Number:
Client Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5130 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Dear HealthSafe Inspections,
We would like to thank you for trusting Hayes Microbial for your analytical needs. On July 6, 2018 we received 24 samples by FedEx for the job
referenced above. 24 samples were received in good condition.
The results in this analysis pertain only to this job, collected on the stated date and should not be used in the interpretation of any other job. This report
may not be duplicated, except in full, without the written consent of Hayes Microbial Consulting, LLC.
This laboratory bears no responsibility for sample collection activities, analytical method limitations, or your use of the test results. Interpretation and
use of test results are your responsibility. Any reference to health effects or interpretation of mold levels is strictly the opinion of Hayes Microbial
Consulting. In no event, shall Hayes Microbial Consulting or any of its employees be liable for lost profits or any special, incidental or consequential
damages arising out of your use of the test results.
Steve Hayes, BSMT(ASCP)
Laboratory Director
Hayes Microbial Consulting, LLC
Page 2 of 6
HMC #18021192
EPA 600/R-93, M-4/82-020 (PLM)HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
Job Number:
Collected by:
Jim Baker
Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5130 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Date Collected:
Date Received:
Date Reported:
# Sample Name Description Asbestos Fibers Other Fibers Non- Fibers
1 1 LNDR-SV-1 Vinyl / White (None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
Layer 2 LNDR-SV-1 Adhesive / Tan
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
2 2 LNDR-SV-2 Vinyl / White
(None Detected)
20 % Cellulose fibers
80 %
3 3 F1-STR-PC-1 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
4 4 F1-STR-PC-2 Texture / White
(None Detected)
12 % Cellulose fibers
88 %
5 5 F1-STR-PC-3 Texture / White
(None Detected)
3 % Cellulose fibers
97 %
6 6 F1-3-OP-T-1 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
7 7 F1-3-OP-T-2 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
8 8 F1-3-OP-T-3 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
9 9 F1-3-OP-T-4 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
10 10 F1-3-OP-T-5 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
Signature: Date: 07/13/2018 Reviewed by: Date: 07/13/2018
Page 3 of 6
HMC #18021192
EPA 600/R-93, M-4/82-020 (PLM)HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
Job Number:
Collected by:
Jim Baker
Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5130 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Date Collected:
Date Received:
Date Reported:
# Sample Name Description Asbestos Fibers Other Fibers Non- Fibers
11 11 F1-3-OP-T-6 Texture / White (None Detected)(None Detected) 100 %
12 12 F1-3-OP-T-7 Texture / White (None Detected) (None Detected) 100 %
13 13 F1-3-OP-JC-1 Brittle / White (None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
14 14 F1-3-OP-JC-2 Brittle / White
(None Detected)
15 % Cellulose fibers
85 %
Notes: Insufficient For Accurate Analysis
15 15 F1-3-OP-J-1 Drywall / White/Brown
(None Detected)
12 % Cellulose fibers
88 %
Layer 2 F1-3-OP-J-1 Joint Compound / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
16 16 F1-3-OP-J-2 Drywall / White/Brown
(None Detected)
12 % Cellulose fibers
88 %
Layer 2 F1-3-OP-J-2 Joint Compound / White
(None Detected) (None Detected)
100 %
17 17 FL-3-BTHS-F-T-1 Texture / White
(None Detected) (None Detected)
100 %
18 18 FL-3-BTHS-F-T-2 Texture / White
(None Detected) (None Detected)
100 %
Signature: Date: 07/13/2018 Reviewed by: Date: 07/13/2018
Page 4 of 6
HMC #18021192
EPA 600/R-93, M-4/82-020 (PLM)HealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
Job Number:
Collected by:
Jim Baker
Job Name: Stan Jeranko C/O Crestone Construction
5130 Grouse Ln.
Vail, CO 81657
Date Collected:
Date Received:
Date Reported:
# Sample Name Description Asbestos Fibers Other Fibers Non- Fibers
19 19 FL-3-BTHS-F-T-3 Texture / White (None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
20 20 FL-3-BTHS-F-JC-1 Texture / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
21 21 FL-3-BTHS-F-JC-2 Brittle / White
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
22 22 F1-3-BTHS-F-J Drywall / White/Brown
(None Detected)
12 % Cellulose fibers
88 %
Layer 2 F1-3-BTHS-F-J Joint Compound /
(None Detected)
(None Detected) 100 %
23 23 X-TP-1 Vinyl / Brown
(None Detected)
65 % Cellulose fibers
35 %
24 24 X-TP-2 Fibrous / Black
(None Detected)
55 % Cellulose fibers
45 %
Signature: Date: 07/13/2018 Reviewed by: Date: 07/13/2018
Page 5 of 6
HMC #18021192
Asbestos - Additional InformationHealthSafe Inspections
390 Apple Drive
Basalt, CO81621 USA
Phone: 970-920-2100
All samples were received in acceptable condition unless otherwise noted on the report. The Report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or
endorsement by: AIHA, NIST, NVLAP NY ELAP, or any agency. The results relate only to the items tested. The results include an inherent uncertainty of measurement associated with
estimating percentages by polarized light microscopy. Measurement uncertainty data can be provided when requested. None detected: Below the detected reporting limit of 1% unless
point counting is performed, then the detected, reporting limit is .25%. Per NY ELAP198.6 (NOB) TEM is the only reliable method to declare an NOB material as Non-Asbestos
Containing. Hayes Microbial Consulting reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of 60 days in compliance with state and federal guidelines.
Signature: Date: 07/13/2018 Reviewed by: Date: 07/13/2018
Page 6 of 6
Design Review Board (DRB)
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
Tel: 970-479-2139
Project Name: Jeranko Residence 2018 Application Number: DRB18-0185
Application Type: New Construction Date Applied: 05/14/2018
Project Description:
Contact Type: Applicant
Full Name: John G Martin, Architect (John Martin)
Address: John G Martin, Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 Phone: 9703280592
Contact Type: Property Owner
Address: Phone: None
Contact Type: Property Owner
802342529 Phone: None
Project Address:5128 GROUSE LN B (209918212010)|5128 GROUSE LN A (209918212009 A)
Job Site Location: A
Legal Description: Subdivision: GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION Lot: 8 Block: 1
Parcel Number: 209918212009
Motion By: Campbell Action: Approved
Second By: Cope
Vote: 3-0-0 Date: 07/18/2018
- Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless
Design Review Board (DRB)
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
Tel: 970-479-2139
Project Name: Jeranko Residence 2018 Application Number: DRB18-0411
Application Type: Change to Approved Date Applied: 08/17/2018
Contact Type: Applicant
Full Name: John G Martin, Architect (John Martin)
Address: John G Martin, Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 Phone: 9703280592
Contact Type: Property Owner
Address: Phone: None
Project Address: 5128 GROUSE LN A (209918212009 A) (209918212009)
Job Site Location: A
Legal Description: Subdivision: GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION Lot: 8 Block: 1
Parcel Number: 209918212009
Motion By: Action: Staff Approved
Second By:
Vote: Date: 08/20/2018
- Design Review Board approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant
to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3 Appeals.
- Design Review Board approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail
building personnel prior to construction activities.
- Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless
a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.
Planner: Jonathan Spence
TO: Planning and Environmental Commission
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: July 9, 2018
SUBJECT: A request for the review of variance from Section 12-6C-10, Landscaping and
Site Development, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail
Town Code, to allow for a deviation from the sixty percent (60%) landscaping
requirement, located at 5128 Grouse Lane/Lot 8, Block 1, Gore Creek
Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC18-0026)
Applicants: Stanley & Karen Jeranko, represented by Martin Manley Architects
Planner: Justin Lightfield
The applicants, Stanley and Karen Jeranko, represented by Martin Manley Architects,
are requesting the review of variance from Section 12-6C-10, Landscaping and Site
Development, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code,
to allow for a deviation from the sixty percent (60%) landscaping requirement, located at
5128 Grouse Lane.
Based upon staff’s review of the criteria outlined in Section VII of this memorandum and
the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department
recommends approval with one condition, of this application, subject to the findings
noted in Section VIII of this memorandum.
The applicants, Stanley and Karen Jeranko, represented by Martin Manley Architects,
are requesting a variance from Section 12-6C-10, Landscaping and Site Development,
Vail Town Code to allow for the construction of a new two-family residence. Section 12-
6C-10 states:
At least sixty percent (60%) of each site shall be landscaped. The minimum of
any area qualifying as landscaping shall be ten feet (10') (width and length) with
a minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet.
The requested variance would be a deviation of approximately 388 sq. ft. from the
minimum landscape requirement of 10,153 sq. ft. The variance request is primarily a
result of an existing Eagle River Water and Sanitation District access and utility road
within the applicants’ lot. The access road totals 2,500 sq. ft. on the subject site and is
located to the east of the proposed two-family residence. The easement is 25 feet in
width and accommodates a 20-foot wide hard surface road which serves as access to
the adjacent properties (Lot 3, Lot 4 and Lot 5, Lot 7, and Lot 8B) and Eagle River
Water and Sanitation District water facility. The existing access road totals 2,500 sq. ft.
or 15% of the site area, thereby reducing the amount of land available for landscaping.
The subject site is currently split with Parcel A (0.1748 acres) to the south and Parcel B
(0.2127 acres) to the north. Within Parcel B, the average width of the access road is 20
feet and totals an area of 1,500 sq. ft. Since there is no access to residential units south
of Parcel B, the road narrows to an average of 10 feet in width and totals an area of
approximately 1,000 sq. ft. within Parcel A of the subject site. For zoning purposes, the
entire development lot is used to determine minimum lot area, site coverage, GRFA and
landscaping requirements.
A vicinity map (Attachment A), applicants’ project narrative (Attachment B), plan set
(Attachment C), Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 8, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision
(Attachment D), Access and Utility Easement (Attachment E), Gore Creek Subdivision
(Attachment F), and site photos (Attachment G) are attached for review.
Based on staff’s research, the specific boundaries of a 20 foot roadway easement were
established with the recording of Gore Creek Subdivision on October 16, 1969
(Reception No. 111711). The access road begins between Lots 4 and 5 and ends at the
Eagle River Water and Sanitation District water facility. A note indicates a 20 foot
roadway easement on the west side of high-water line of the creek.
On December 17, 1974 the subject property was annexed into the Town of Vail, via
Ordinance No. 31, Series of 1974. This annexation included the eastern portion of the
Bighorn area. A two-family dwelling was constructed on the subject property in 1979.
On June 28, 1999, the Planning and Environmental Commission reviewed two (2)
variance requests for 5166 Black Gore Drive/Lot 4, Block 1, located to the northeast of
the subject property. The two (2) variance requests included a request for a minor
subdivision to consolidate two existing lots (Lot 4 and 5) in East Vail through the
vacation of a contiguous property line and a request for a variance from the required
right-of-way widths for feeder roads (access 4 or more units) of 40 feet. At the time,
adjacent properties, including Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, were accessed
via a gravel road located just west of Gore Creek on Lot 5. The applicant requested a
variance from the Code in order to establish an access easement width of 25 feet.
Town of Vail Page 2
The purpose of the access easement was to relocate an old access road along the
eastern lot line of the existing Lot 4. The road was granted a temporary easement for its
construction in 1980, but had no recorded easement. On June 28, 1999, the Planning
and Environmental Commission voted 7-0 to approve the two (2) variance requests for
a minor subdivision to vacate a common lot line creating a new lot, and a variance to
allow for the establishment of an access easement less than 40’ in width.
On September 30, 1999, the access and utility easement was recorded by Eagle River
Water & Sanitation District (ERWSD), Lot 3 Owner, Lot 4 and Lot 5 Owner, Lot 7
Owner, and Lot 8B Owner (collectively, the Lot Owners).
Currently, the asphalt access road, shown in Attachment E, travels through four (4)
separate properties, which takes its access off of Black Gore Drive between Lot 3 and
Lot 4, then crosses Lot 7, and ends at Lot 8B (the northern half of Lot 8). The easement
is 25 feet in width and accommodates a 20-foot wide hard surface road which serves as
access to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District water facility. The road has
been designed to accommodate vehicular requirements (large trucks) of the Eagle River
Water and Sanitation District.
The applicants Stanley & Karen Jeranko, represented by Martin Manley Architects, are
proposing to construct a new two-family residence at 5128 Grouse Lane. The
applicants’ proposal for a new two-family residence meets the requirements of the Town
Code with the exception of the landscaping requirements of Section 12-6C-10,
Landscaping and Site Development.
It is important to note the applicant spoke with Eagle River Water & Sanitation District
about the potential of access reclamation to reduce the pavement on the western and
eastern edges of the access road, which would help the applicant meet their
landscaping requirements. Eagle River Water & Sanitation District stated they are
opposed to the reduction of asphalt due to needing all of the existing 25’ width for semi-
trucks that make deliveries to the water facility and for snow plowing and snow storage
The applicant believes that the existing access road restricts their ability to fully comply
with the landscaping requirements of the Two-Family Residential Zone District. The
application was conceptually reviewed Design Review Board at their June 6, 2018
meeting and the final design review is scheduled for July 18, 2018.
Staff finds that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review
of this proposal:
Title 12 – Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code
Chapter 2, Definitions (in part)
Town of Vail Page 3
LANDSCAPING: Natural or significant rock outcroppings, native vegetation, planted
areas and plant materials, including trees, shrubs, lawns, flowerbeds and ground
cover, shall be deemed landscaping together with the core development such as
walks, decks, patios, terraces, water features, and like features not occupying more
than twenty percent (20%) of the landscaped area.
Chapter 6, Article C, Two-Family Residential (R) District (in part)
12-6C-1: PURPOSE:
The two-family residential district is intended to provide sites for low density single-
family or two-family residential uses, together with such public facilities as may be
appropriately located in the same zone district. The two-family residential district is
intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling,
commensurate with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the
desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site
development standards.
At least sixty percent (60%) of each site shall be landscaped. The minimum of any
area qualifying as landscaping shall be ten feet (10') (width and length) with a
minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet.
Chapter 12-17, Variances (in part)
12-17-1: PURPOSE:
A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: In order to prevent or to lessen such practical
difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the
objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and
enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical
difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or
dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from
topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or
from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate
vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance
with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance.
B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted only with
respect to the development standards prescribed for each zone district,
including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, distances between
buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable
open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading
Town of Vail Page 4
requirements; or with respect to the provisions of chapter 11 of this title,
governing physical development on a site.
C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not extend
to the use regulations prescribed for each zone district because the flexibility
necessary to avoid results inconsistent with the objectives of this title is
provided by chapter 16, "Conditional Use Permits", and by section 12-3-7,
“Amendment”, of this title.
A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the planning
and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with
respect to the requested variance:
1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential
uses and structures in the vicinity.
2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and
enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve
compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or
to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege.
3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of
population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and
utilities, and public safety.
4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to
the proposed variance.
B. Necessary Findings: The planning and environmental commission shall make
the following findings before granting a variance:
1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified
in the same zone district.
2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public
health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following
a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the
specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or
Town of Vail Page 5
unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives
of this title.
b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or
conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not
generally apply to other properties in the same zone district.
c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the
specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges
enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same zone
Address: 5128 Grouse Lane
Legal Description: Gore Creek Subdivision, Block 1, Lot 8
Existing Zoning: Two-Family Residential
Existing Land Use Designation: Low Density Residential
Mapped Geological Hazards: 100 Year Floodplain
Allowed /
Required Existing Proposed Change
Site Area 15,000 SF of
Buildable Area
16,923.06 SF Total of Site Area
No Change
Front – 20’
Sides – 15’
Rear – 15’
Front (West): 4’-3”
Side (South): 7’-3”
Side (North): 12’
Rear (East): 63’-6”
Front (West): 21’-6”
Side (South): 15’-6”
Side (North): 16’
Rear (East): 46’-6”
Front (West): +17’-3”
Side (South): +8’-3”
Side (North): +4’
Rear (East): -17’
Building Height
Flat Roof – 30’
Sloping Roof –
30’-0” (Flat Roof) 32’-10” (Sloping Roof) +2’-10”
Density (DUs) Max. 2 2 2 No Change
Density (GRFA) 6,750 SF 3,102 SF 6,634 SF +3,532 SF
Site Coverage Max. 20%
(3,384.6 SF)1,736 SF 3,382 SF +1,646 SF
Landscaping Min. 60%
(10,153.8 SF)
(12,477 SF)
(9,765 SF)(-16%)
Parking &
6 parking
spaces 4 7 +3
Existing Land Use: Zoning District:
North: Low Density Residential Two-Family Residential (R)
South: Low Density Residential Two-Family Residential (R)
East: Low Density Residential Natural Area Preservation (NAP)
West: Low Density Residential Two-Family Residential (R)
Town of Vail Page 6
The review criteria for a variance request are prescribed in Title 12, Chapter 17,
Variances, Vail Town Code.
1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses
and structures in the vicinity.
The applicants’ are proposing a landscape variance to allow for the construction of a
new two-family residence. Due to the location of the existing access easement, staff
believes the landscaping variance request allows this development to be compatible
with and comparable to the surrounding development in the area. The requested
landscape variance will have minimal to no impact on other existing or potential uses
and structures in the vicinity of the subject site.
Staff finds the proposed variance meets this criterion.
2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and
enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility
and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the
objectives of this title without grant of special privilege.
A similar landscape variance was granted by the Planning and Environmental
Commission on April 23, 2001 at 383 Beaver Dam Road, where a Town of Vail road
crossed onto private property. The total area of encroachment was 2,861 sq. ft. or
18% of the site area. A landscape variance was granted for 944 sq. ft. The Planning
and Environmental Commission stated that they could support the variance because
without the road running across the property, the proposed residence would not
have needed a landscape area variance. The situation in this case is similar – there
would be no need for a variance if the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District
access road did not cross through Lot 8.
The Code requires at least 60% of each site shall be landscaped, and the variance
proposal is 58% landscaping. Staff believes that it is necessary to receive relief from
the landscaping regulation to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment of the
applicants’ lot and to attain the objectives of the Code. Staff does not believe that the
granting of the requested landscaping variance will be a grant of special privilege, as
similar variances were granted in the past by the Planning and Environmental
Staff finds the proposed variance meets this criterion.
3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of
population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities,
and public safety.
Town of Vail Page 7
The proposed variance will not result in a negative impact on light and air; will not
alter the distribution of population; will not affect any existing transportation or traffic
facilities, public facilities, or utilities; and will not affect public safety in comparison to
existing conditions.
Staff finds the proposed variance meets this criterion.
4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the
proposed variance.
Staff finds the proposed variance meets this criterion.
5. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the
proposed variance.
Based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section VII of this memorandum and
the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department
recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with one
condition, variance from Section 12-6C-10, Landscaping and Site Development, Vail
Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a
deviation of 388 sq. ft. from the sixty percent (60%) landscaping requirement, located at
5128 Grouse Lane/Lot 8, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in
regard thereto.
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve, with one
condition, this variance request, the Community Development Department
recommends the Commission pass the following motion:
“The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicants’ request for
variance from Section 12-6C-10, Landscaping and Site Development, Vail Town
Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a
deviation of 388 sq. ft. from the sixty percent (60%) landscaping requirement,
located at 5128 Grouse Lane/Lot 8, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision, and setting
forth details in regard thereto.”
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve, with one
condition, this variance request, the Community Development Department
recommends the Commission applies the following condition:
“Approval of this variance is contingent upon the applicant obtaining Town of Vail
design review approval for this proposal.”
Town of Vail Page 8
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve, with one
condition, this variance, the Community Development Department recommends the
Commission make the following findings:
“Based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section VII of the staff
memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated July 9, 2018,
and the evidence and testimony presented, the Planning and Environmental
Commission finds:
1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege
inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Two-Family
Residential (R) District;
2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or
welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and
3. This variance is warranted for the following reasons:
a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation
will result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship
inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town
b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions
applicable to the same site of the variances that do not apply generally to
other properties in the Two-Family Residential (R) District; and
c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified
regulation would deprive the applicants of privileges enjoyed by the
owners of other properties in the Two-Family Residential (R) District.”
A. Vicinity Map
B. Project Narrative, dated May 29, 2018
C. Plan Set, dated May 28, 2018
D. Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 8, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision, dated October
23, 1991
E. Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Access and Utility Easement, dated
September 30, 1999
F. Gore Creek Subdivision, recorded on October 16, 1969, with the Reception No.
G. Site Photos
Town of Vail Page 9