HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0220_REV1 approved documents_1539122024.pdf 75 South Frontage Road Construction West, TOWN OF VAIL B18-0220/Revision 001 Vail,CO 81657 Issued: 10/09/2018 TOWN of VAIL0.ZOffice:970.479.2139 Inspections: inspections@vailgov.com Property Information Address: 100 E MEADOW DR 24(210 10 82560 24) Unit#:24 ParcelNumber: 21010 82560 24 LegalDescription: Subdivision:VAILVILLAGE PLAZACONDOS Unit:24 BK-0684 PG-0190 WD 12-15-95 Contacts ContactType:Applicant Full Name:Mark Hallenbeck Address: 120 willow bridge rd 7 vail,CO 81657 Phone: 9704764458 ContactType:PropertyOwner Full Name:NICO VAIL INC SLIFERMGMT Address: Phone: None ContactType:Site Superintendent Full Name:JonathanCohen Address: 120 Willow Bridge Rd 7 Vail,CO 81657 Phone: 9704764458 Contractor Contractor Type:General Company: RockyMountainConstructionGroup State License#: Phone: 970-476-4458 Projectlnformation Projec1Name:Nico Vail Restaurant 2018 R EV1-the pages A2.1,A9.1 and A9.2 need to be changed/updated to matchthe agreed upon design that ProjectDescription: meets the Building Officials comments during his review.Lanonna Restaurant Remodel(formerly Camp di Fiore)demo interiorand adding exteriorsquare footage.Remodel kitchenand bathrooms. Fees Paid Account#:001-0000.31111.00-Building Permit Fee Fee Amount: $5,471.00 Accoun#:001-0000.31123.00 Building Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $3,556.15 Account#: 110-0000.31060.00ConstructionUseTax Fee Fee Amount: $19,220.00 AccounP:001-0000.31111.00-Mechanical Permit Fee Fee Amount: $3,140.00 Account#:001-0000.31123.00 Mechanical Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $785.00 AccounP:001-0000.31111.00 Plumbing Permit Fee Fee Amount: $2,550.00 A ccoun#:001-0000.31123.00 Plumbing Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $637.50 Account#:001-0000.31111.00-Revision Fee Fee Amount: $110.00 Account#:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Building Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 Accoun#:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Mechanical Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 A ccoun#:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(PlumbingScope) Fee Amount: $5.00 TotalPaid: $35,484.65 Conditions CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH PERMITS BECOME VOID: If construction is not begun within 6 months from the date permitwas issued. If more than 5 months elapses betweeninspections. Ifincorrectinformationis given on the application at the time the permitwas issued. --../1., 4's, ChristopherJarecki-Townof Vail Building Official NOTICE: By issuance of this Permitthe applicant agrees to complywith all Titles of the Townof Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law.Failure to do so will void this Permit and the applicant shall forfeitall applicable fees. MARTIN M A N L E Y ARCHITECTS Date: 06-14-2018 Response to Building Department comments on Permit drawings Item 1 Sheet A9.1 Proposed bathrooms reduce the lev el of accessibility to that which currently exists. Response:The comments below in this item are not valid with the current design direction(currently exists) shown in the revised plans. We are leaving the existing toilet room'as-Built'with the following changes. Add new grab bars at the toilets, new toilets,sinks/faucets, new floor finishes, and reducing the size of the mens toilet room slightly by adding a wall on the west to accommodate a recessed kitchen element on the other side of the wall. 1. Proposed urinal encroaches the turning space in the mens bathroom. 2. A min 18" maneuvering clearance is required on the pull side of a door. 3. The door to the womens bathroom does not have a min 60" depth maneuvering clearance on the pull side of the main door. 4. The door to the womens bathroom does not hav a the min 48" depth maneuv ering clear space on the entry approach to the bathroom. 5. The proposed compartment in the womens is required to have 9"toe clearance below the front and side partition. 6.The width of the door approach leaving the mens bathroom is less than the min 48" required. Item 2 Sheet A0.0 Please submit asbestos test report. Response:An asbestos report was completed and will be submitted to the Town of Vail with this response, if not delivered already by the contractor. Item 3 and 4 Sheets A4,0 and A4.1 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with section updates shown. Response: Louverswere needed to be prov idedto accommodate the mech systems for the kitchen equipment/condensers. These are necessary for the function of the kitchen. Louv erswill be pained to match the existing color of the stucco wall they reside within. An application for change to approvedplans is submitted to the TOV. Item 5 and 6 Sheets A3.1 Revise sheet to show edge of wall on elevation. Sheet A3.1 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown. Response: Please clarify needed wall information. No work is being done in the area clouded by the planner. I have included a photo on the sheet A3.1. There is a railing that this not shown, but not work is occurring to the railing either. The roof hatch needed to be relocated to be functional for access the roof without climbing through the access scuttle door of the upper level. This access from the storage area abovethe toilet rooms allows easier access that should be a benefit to the fire department and for sery icingthe exhaust vents. An application for change to approved plans is submitted to the TOV. Item 7 Sheet A3.0 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown Response: Louverswere needed to be provided to accommodate the mech systems for the kitchen equipment/condensers. These are necessary for the function of the kitchen. Louv erswill be pained to match the existing color of the stucco wall they reside within. An application for change to approvedplans is submitted to the TOV. 970.328.5151 info@martinmanleyarchitects.com martinmanleyarchitects.com P.O. Box 1587 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Item 8 Sheet A3.0 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown with french doors. Response: The Folding `Nana' type door is still accurate. The swinging door leafs are shown on the plan and elevationto explain to the building dept. that the code will be satisfied with having one of the leav es operate as a swing door within the entire 6-panel folding door configuration. The door will be made of 6 panels. The 51h panel can either fold or be operated like a standard swing door. The 6th panel can be operable and fold upon the east wall if desired to open the entire opening. Item 9 Sheet A3.0 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown. Response: Louverswere needed to be prov idedto accommodate the mech systems for the kitchen equipment/condensers. These are necessary for the function of the kitchen. Louverswill be pained to match the existing color of the stucco wall they reside within. An application for change to approvedplans is submitted to the TOV. Item 10 Sheet A3.0 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown. Response: see response in item 8 and 9. An application for change to approvedplans is submitted to the TOV. Item 11 Sheet A2.2 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with roof hatch location changes. Response:The roof hatch needed to be relocated to be functional for access the roof without climbing through the access scuttle door of the upper level. This access from the storage area abovethe toilet rooms allows easier access that should be a benefit to the fire department and for servicing the exhaust vents. An application for change to approvedplans is submitted to the TOV. Thank you, Jeffrey P Manley AIA Martin Manley Architects 970-328-1299 (direct) 970-688-0326 (cell) www.martinmanleyarchitects.com 970.328.5151 info@martinmanleyarchitects.com martinmanleyarchitects.com P.O. Box 1587 Eagle, Colorado 81631 A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman P.Q. Box 1230 Clifton, CO. 81520-1230 Cell 970-270-3689 E-Mail adasbtest@gmai1.com June 12, 2018 To: Rocky Mountain Construction Group 100 E. Meadow Dr. Suite # 6 Vail, Co. 81657 Attn: Mark RE: Asbestos inspection and testing at A Vail Restaurant 100 E. Meadow Dr. Unit # 24 Vail, Co. Oty. Description Cost 10 — Bulk Samples (3-5 day turn around) @ $45.00 each $ 450.00 2- Point Count Analysis (24 hr. turn around) @ $55.00 ea. $ 110.00 1- Days Labor $ 400.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $ 960.00 Due and Payable upon Receipt — Thank you for your business A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman *********** P.O. Box 1230 Clifton, CO. 81520-1230 Cell 970-270-3689 E-Mail adasbtest@gmail.com INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: Rocky Mountain Construction Group 100 E. Meadow Dr. Suite # 6 Vail, Co. 81657 LOCATION: A Vail Restaurant 100 E. Meadow Dr. Unit # 24 Vail, Co. REPORT PREPARED BY: "4, John R. Peterman Inspector Manager COLORADO Certificate No. 6601 COLORADO Registration #ACF-16522 2 T A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asbestos Testing and Consulting INTRODUCTION: On May 31, 2018 an inspection/survey was conducted and 10 bulk samples were collected from: A Vail Restaurant 100 E. Meadow Dr. Unit # 24 Vail, Co. The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected Asbestos containing materials that might be present in the area of unit# 24 that is planned for interior renovation. The inspection was made, and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado Certified Asbestos Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Wheat Ridge, CO. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A. Quality Assurance (QA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: • A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. 3 A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asbestos Testing and Consulting A Vail Restaurant 100 E. Meadow Dr. Unit # 24 Vail, Co. RENOVATION AREA DESCRIPTION: The area of unit # 24 that is planned for renovation is the interior of the unit. The interior walls are covered in sheetrock with a lite texture, sheetrock with a troweled texture and metal sheets. The ceiling is covered with sheetrock like the walls. The floor is covered in painted concrete and ceramic tiles. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory analysis of the bulk samples indicates that Asbestos was detected in the grey texture layer of samples # 007 and # 008. The Asbestos content of the positive samples is less than the Regulatory Limit (Greater than 1% Asbestos). The Asbestos Content of the positive samples was verified by the required Point Count Analysis. No Asbestos was detected in any of the remaining samples collected. 4 Date: June 12, 2018 Location: A Vail Restaurant 100 E. Meadow Dr. Unit#24 Vail, Co. SAMPLE LOCATIONS SAMPLE NUMBER AREA SAMPLE REMOVED FROM DESCRIPTION FRIABLE HA Approx. Sq. Ft. AVR24-B 001 3L Storage Room Wall Composite Sheetrock Lite Texture No 1 <1000 AVR24-B 002 3L Storage Room Ceiling Composite Sheetrock Lite Texture No 1 <1000 AVR24-B 003 3L Storage Room Wall Composite Sheetrock Lite Texture No 1 <1000 AVR24-B 004 Entry Level Wall Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No 2 >5000 AVR24-B 005 2L E. Wall By Counter Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No 2 >5000 AVR24-B 006 2L SW Dining Room Ceiling Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No 2 >5000 AVR24-B 007 2L Emergancy Exit Area Wall Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No 2 >5000 AVR24-B 008 2L Bathroom Area Wall Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No 2 >5000 AVR24-B 009 2L E. End Middle Room Wall Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No 2 >5000 AVR24-B 010 2L SE Dining Room W Wall Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No 2 >5000 Key- 2L-Second Level 3L-Third Level HA-Homogeneous Area Date: June 12, 2018 Location: A Vail Restaurant 100 E. Meadow Dr. Unit#24 Vail, Co. SAMPLE RESULTS SAMPLE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ASBESTOS TYPE AVR24-B 001 Composite Sheetrock Lite Texture No Asbestos Detected 0 AVR24-B 002 Composite Sheetrock Lite Texture No Asbestos Detected 0 AVR24-B 003 Composite Sheetrock Lite Texture No Asbestos Detected 0 AVR24-B 004 Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No Asbestos Detected 0 AVR24-B 005 Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No Asbestos Detected 0 AVR24-B 006 Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No Asbestos Detected 0 • AVR24-B 007 Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. Chrysotile/Point Count Analysis c )-5- AVR24-B 008 Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. Chrysotile)Point Count Analysis = •T s AVR24-B 009 Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No Asbestos Detected 0 AVR24-B 010 Composite Sheetrock Trowel Tex. No Asbestos Detected 0 Date: June 12, 2018 Location: A Vail Restaurant 100 E. Meadow Dr. Unit#24 Vail, Co. SUSPECT MATERIAL CONDITION SAMPLE NUMBER TYPE OF SUSPECT MATERIAL OVERALL DAMAGED % TYPE OF CONDITION DAMAGE AVR24-B 001 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A AVR24-B 002 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A AVR24-B 003 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A AVR24-B 004 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A AVR24-B 005 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A AVR24-B 006 Surfacing Good No 0 NIA AVR24-B 007 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A AVR24-B 008 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A AVR24-B 009 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A AVR24-B 010 Surfacing Good No 0 N/A Date: June 12, 2018 Location: A Vail Restaurant 100 E. Meadow Dr. Unit#24 Vail, Co. POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE SAMPLE NUMBER ACCESSABILITY POTENTIAL INFLUENCE BY POTENTIAL PLENUM YES I NO CONTACT VIBRATION AIR EROSION AVR24-B 001 Yes High Low Low No AVR24-B 002 Yes High Low Low No AVR24-B 003 Yes High Low Low No AVR24-B 004 Yes High Low Low No AVR24-B 005 Yes High Low Low No AVR24-B 006 Yes High Low Low No AVR24-B 007 Yes High Low Low No AVR24-B 008 Yes High Low Low No AVR24-B 009 Yes High Low Low No AVR24-B 010 Yes High Low Low No i I a'''''j /-'`.- w Tj i ,---,,,,--,-,-- i- i '-- IRfill.!:,.',..F.T'..,.....i.i:......:"....3:...!:.:.•!...:i.:...4.:.....i.. 6111...:,1;.;,e;.,4.!•;r:i..,..1 .. . r je .•...........;...„....:,..t...2.,.......,,.........„..,.....,......:,..„......:::,., . . ' :.:3€4.unt , , ,, .. .. 10.4„.3.,:tii4.4..!:„....! , .... ___..„.............. . . ..._...... _ . .... . .,......_.......... ._. : �` .tx.i:::i.„.„?..,, f 1 t.„4,.., iv . ... .. 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A04 - . 100E Meadow Dr 424,Vail.CO 81657 OM-32241S,OFFICE ,:Y PO Ba,1511.Eno*,GO 91531 'renal-hi Improvement _ 1 }c _ -40); ill tbaiin ti :4�F: 1•t;i pi. 1 I rl i a: `liltirt .6 j Ilii ss i' {i r l c"�# IA niL 13 I rtl lrl IT! n-, ` 4 _ NEW E,M,E'rE6WW£ROOFWTDW.,CH TE Eai11GR00F I aflu mvEe.eE,w,gma rr+ew6E iMnRo6.,spas. _7, 2 > r2,- , R 1-1 W ee*UMW-aE,ur R tl COMM!Car ,w▪ears' w i ill rl ✓ tl IMNOe.p are t d ii � A -i co 177_,,,p,-,-,,-7----- I 9a - sem -` I I ff f--, C 11 9b F� ti, r rya .,T't �n-r � ill I 1e ,' - � i , �_ i [1:1 7. CP' : — — — g 0 ...:.5... I. iti . ..- r'-_,-,711 ;I jib _ • . . __ __ ____„,T, ai! N -i --1 iiij lip, s — — — — — — — —— _• r �_ ma III_- - - � l a t 1111111 TIN iliih ilpit:i q !_- ------ J ®b a.r. w4141, Reranl renovalian for Nim Vail Inc. pEvmo,ac .24.1...m. 'm A Vail Restaurant MARTIN^MANLEY urpu•Ew�Heanerrw - .w�^ _Y Uni124-Vail Village Plaza VAIL COLORADO 6A '1'0^wE !plL/ 1 po Om,l6i.ongo cc 1,b4, PERMIT SET ,Wy...... .rpN6Mmzom 0 DCM s•c•1•E•N•c•E P 4_ 12421 W.49111 AVENUE.UNIT 66 WHEAT RIDGE,CO 80033(303)461.8276 BULK ASBESTOS TEST REPORT PAGE 1 OF 4 r CLIENT: ANALYSIS DATE: 6-8-18 \ . AkD ASBESTOS TESTING AND CONSULTING REPORTING DATE: 6-8-18 P.O.BOX 1230 RECEIPT DATE: 6-4-18 CLIFTON,CO 81520-1230 CLIENT JOB NO.: A VAIL RESTAURANT-VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA PROJECT TITLE: 100 B.MEADOW DR.,UNIT 24,VAIL,CO DCMSL PROJECT: ADATI I94 PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VISUAL ESTIMATE TOTAL DCMSL CLIENT TOTAL PERCENTAGE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE PERCENT ASBESTOS ASBESTOS OTHER FIBROUS NON-FIBROUS IDENTIFIED NUMBER NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE TYPE RANGE % IN SAMPLE CONSTITUENTS CONSTITUENTS MATERIALS -1 AVR24-B-001 5-31-18 A. MULTICOLORED PAINT 3.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 B. WHITE TEXTURE 5.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 C. TAN FIBROUS 10.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 I D. PINK DRYWALL 82.0% ND 1.0 99.0 100.0 ND -2 AVR24-B-002 5-31-18 A. MULTICOLORED PAINT 3.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 B. WHITE TEXTURE 4.0% Ni) 0.0 100.0 100.0 C. TAN FIBROUS 10.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 D. WHITE DRYWALL 83.0% ND 1.0 99.0 100.0 • ND -3 AVR24-B-003 5-31-18 A. MULTICOLORED PAINT 4.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 B. WHITE TEXTURE 5.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 C. TAN FIBROUS 15.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 D. PINK DRYWALL 76.0% ND 1.0 99.0 100.0 ND -4 AVR24-B-004 5-31-18 A. MULTICOLORED PAINT 2.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 B. TAN FIBROUS 5.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 C. WHITE TEXTURE 20.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 D. WHITE DRYWALL 73.0% ND 1.0 99.0 100.0 ND -5 AVR24-B-005 5-31-18 A. MULTICOLORED PAINT 3.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 B. TAN FIBROUS 5.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 C. WHITE TEXTURE 40.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 D. WHITE DRYWALL 52.0% ND _ 1.0 99.0 100.0 ND 4,D S•C•I•E•N•C•E 72421 W.497H AVENUE,UNIT 06 WHEAT RIDGE.CO 80033(3a)4627o BULK ASBESTOS TEST REPORT PAGE 2 OF 4 CLIENT: ANALYSIS DATE: 6-8-18 A&D ASBESTOS TESTING AND CONSULTING REPORTING DATE: 6-8-18 P.O.BOX 1230 RECEIPT DATE: 6-4-18 CLIFTON,CO 81520-1230 CLIENT JOB NO,: A VAIL RESTAURANT-VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA PROJECT TITLE: 100 E.MEADOW DR.,UNIT 24,VAIL,CO DCMSL PROJECT: ADAT1194 PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VISUAL ESTIMATE TOTAL DCMSL CLIENT TOTAL PERCENTAGE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE PERCENT ASBESTOS ASBESTOS OTHER FIBROUS NON-FIBROUS IDENTIFIED NUMBER NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE TYPE RANGE % IN SAMPLE CONSTITUENTS CONSTITUENTS MATERIALS -6 AVR24-B-006 5-31-18 A. WHITE TEXTURE 3.0% ND 0.0 100,0 100.0 B. MULTICOLORED PAINT 6.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100,0 C. TAN FIBROUS 25.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 D. WHITE DRYWALL 66.0% ND 1.0 99.0 100.0 ND -7 AVR24-B-007 5-31-I8 A. GREY TEXTURE 2.0% CHRYSOTILE [TR-1] 1.0 0.0 99.0 100.0 B. MULTICOLORED PAINT 5.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 C. WHITE TEXTURE 7.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 D. TAN FIBROUS 10.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 E. WHITE DRYWALL 76.0% ND 1.0 99.0 100.0 <0.1 -8 AVR24-B-008 5-31-18 A. GREYTEXTURE 1,0% CHRYSOTILE [TR-1] 1.0 0.0 99.0 100.0 B. MULTICOLORED PAINT 4.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 C. WHITE TEXTURE 5.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 D. TAN FIBROUS 8.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 E. WHITE DRYWALL 82.0% ND 1.0 99.0 100.0 <0.1 -9 AVR24-B-009 5-31-18 A. MULTICOLORED PAINT 3.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 B. WHITE TEXTURE 5.0% ND 0.0 I00.0 100.0 C. TAN FIBROUS 7.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 - D. WHITE DRYWALL 85.0% ND 1.0 99.0 100.0 ND DCM S•C•1•E•N•C•E waAmNc or 12421 W.49TH AVENUE,UNti#6 WHEAT RIDGE,CO 80033(303)463-4270 BULK ASBESTOS TEST REPORT PAGE 3 OF 4 CLIENT: ANALYSIS DATE: 6-8-18 A&D ASBESTOS TESTING AND CONSULTING REPORTING DATE: 6-8-18 P.O.BOX 1230 RECEIPT DATE: 6.4.18 CLIFTON,CO 81520-1230 CLIENT JOB NO.: A VAIL RESTAURANT-VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA PROJECT TITLE: 100 E.MEADOW DR.,UNIT 24,VAIL,CO DCMSL PROJECT: ADAT 1194 PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VISUAL ESTIMATE TOTAL DCMSL CLIENT TOTAL PERCENTAGE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE PERCENT ASBESTOS ASBESTOS OTHER FIBROUS NON-FIBROUS IDENTIFIED NUMBER NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE TYPE RANGE % IN SAMPLE CONSTITUENTS CONSTITUENTS MATERIALS -10 AVR24-B-010 5-31-18 A. MULTICOLORED PAINT 3.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 B. TAN FIBROUS 5.0% ND 100.0 0.0 100.0 C. WHITE TEXTURE 7.0% ND 0.0 100.0 100.0 D. WHITE DRYWALL 85.0% ND 1.0 99.0 100.0 ND FOR CALCULATION PURPOSES,TRACE(TR)IS ASSUMED TO BE 0.5%. (1)INSEPARABLE LAYERS ND-NONE DETECTED THE SAMPLES WERE RECEIVED IN ACCEPTABLE CONDmON. THIS TEST REPORT RELATES ONLY TO THE ITEMS TESTED. THIS REPORT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE LABORATORY. .. 4nCM S • C • I • E • N - C • E 12421 W. 49th Avenue. Unit#8 Wheat Ridge: CO 80033 0GM Project No.: ADAT 1104 Client Job N(L: tt)C F MEADOW)l UNIT 24 Bulk Sample Analysis P e_off BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: Datil Science LabOratory Inc. ana.yzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the McCrone Research Institute and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA-6001M4-82-020, 1982 and EPA-6001R-931116. July, 1993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a contamination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM)at 100X. When the sample consists of more than one layer. each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix materials are identified by the characterization of optical properties inc►uding color and pleochroism form, cleavage, relief. birefringence extinction,orientation. twinning interference figure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtained from analyses using the stereo and PLM microscopes In-house and NIST standards as weii as a chart prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger tor The Journal of Sedimentary Petrology", i'Volume 24, pp. 229-234, 1955)provide a guide for estimating percentages. All samples are archived for six months unless other arrangements are made by the client. ACCREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by NVLAP{since April 1, 1989). Our NVLAP Lab Code Ls 101258-0 DCMSL complies with NVLAP requirements unless otherwise noted. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S.Government The analysis was performed by : I ` )t 1 - John Siverr-iar.Ana•yst lion Scout.Analy* +- _ •ems Analyst Dale N\P ri (�)! Ron Schott •�tl.w r Laaoratory Drecor NVLAP Lab Code 1e42°f.-G 1 - 141 • . . . . d .... . i ..;„ ,.. =,. 7 .7-- ":. .-- " „. .. .._ 1 P.: -T.-, g ‘, A kt4. ' '\\t. : _ P , , es 1 r_ CI) i z r ). v ::. c 17 ' — °'. 7 --' 1- S. t... IP• - E. IN6 0 r \ y v f r , r g • i r S = gc; \ •( c-. :-.-. 1 o 8x X roan 0 , 9 _ „,,, „Jr. ,.., , , , v o 6 ...E .."05 -("17 it g 8 M. ci. 1 r- ,- . , :., , 1 ix- 6 r 0 �4• r — is o,. d COA. r _ , _ _ __ - _ , r -r• AZ III ' RIM ": .:- r: 4 DCM D S • C • I• E •N • C • E LABORATORY,wG 12421 W.49TH AVENUE,UNIT#6 WHEAT RIDGE,CO 80033 (303)463-8270 BULK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS-POINT COUNT METHOD PAGE 1 OF 2 CLIENT: ANALYSIS DATE: 6-12-18 A&D ASBESTOS TESTING AND CONSULTING REPORTING DATE: 6-12-18 P.Q.BOX 1230 REQUEST DATE: 6-11-18 CLIFTON,CO 81520-1230 CLIENT JOB NO.: A VAIL RESTAURANT VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA PROJECT TITLE: 100 E.MEADOW DR.#24 VAIL,CO DCMSL PROJECT: ADAT1196 CROSS REFERENCE: ADAT1194 PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY AREA/VOLUME DCM LAB NO.: -IR -2R SAMPLE DATE: 5-31-18 5-31-18 %OF TOTAL SAMPLE: 2.0% 1.0% CLIENT NO.: AVR24-B-007 AVR24-B-008 PART A PART A ASBESTIFORM MINERAL FIBERS: CHRYSOTILE 0.25% 0.75% AMOSITE ND ND CROCIDOLITE ND ND TREMOLITE-ACTINOLITE ND ND ANTHOPHYLLITE ND ND TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED 0.25% 0.75% TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER 0_.5% 0.75% TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SAMPLE 0.01% 0.01% NOTES: SAMPLES NO. 1R AND 2R ARE GREY TEXTURE. ND-NONE DETEC I ED DEFINITIONS TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED = THE AMOUNT OF ASBESTOS PRESENT IN THE SAMPLE EXPRESSED AS A PERCENT. TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER • THE PERCENT OF SAMPLE REMAINING TIMES ASBESTOS COUNTED EXPRESSED AS A PERCENT. TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SAMPLE = THE PERCENT OF TOTAL SAMPLE(FROM PLM/SM ANALYSIS)TIMES THE TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER(IF NO ASBESTOS IN OTHER LAYERS). • DCM S - C • I • E • N - C • E LABORATORY RVG 12421 W. 49th Avenue, Unit#6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM Project No.: ADAT 1196 Client Job No.: A VAIL RESTAURANT Quantitative Bulk Sample Analysis (Point Count) PageoI QUANTITATIVE BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk samples in accordance with the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants(NESHAP)for asbestos (Federal Register, Vol. 55, No. 224: pp. 48406-48433, 11/20/90). The analytical procedures followed are described in "Interim Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples', (USEPA 600/M4-83-020, 1982), with minor modifications recommended by the Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory, USEPA, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Samples analyzed by the point count method are milled to homogenize the sample, prepared on microscope slides and point counted using polarized light microscopy(PLM) in conjunction with a point counting stage and counter. One hundred counts are performed on four separate preparations of each sample for a total of 400 points . If asbestos is identified but not counted during the point counting procedure, total asbestos is reported as zero and presence is noted on the report. Other preparation procedures including ashing and acid washing may be performed with client permission to improve accuracy in determining asbestos concentration, All samples are archived for six months unless other arrangements are made by the client ACCREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by NVLAP (since April 1, 1989). DCMSL complies with NVLAP requirements unless otherwise noted. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the written apprcval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by: John Silverman.Analyst Ron Schott.Analyst Ron Schott (.0 Laboratory Director Date TLS I'Nu NVLAP Code 101258-0 irdt COMcheck Software Version A4 Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2015 IECC Project Title: La Nonna Restaurant Project Type: Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Unit 24 La Nonna Andrew Wilder Vail Village Plaza Unit 24 Wilder Engineering LLC Vail, CO Vail Village Plaza 1170 BlueSage Drive Vail, CO Steamboat Springs,CO 80487 970-819-7848 Allowed Interior Lighting Power A B C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts/ft2 (B X C) 1-Entry Lobby(Common Space Types:Lobby-General) 164 0.90 148 2-Stairwell(Common Space Types:Stairwell) 192 0.69 132 3-Restaurant Dining (Common Space Types:Dining Area-Bar Lounge/Leisure) 1535 1.07 1642 4-Kitchen(Common Space Types:Food Preparation) 721 1.21 872 5-Storage(Common Space Types:Storage>=50-<=1000 sq.ft.) 581 0.63 366 6-Office(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) 87 1.11 97 7-Restrooms(Common Space Types:Restrooms) 169 0.98 166 Total Allowed Watts= 3423 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B C D E Fixture ID : Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Entry Lobby( Common Space Types:Lobby-General 164 sq.ft.) LED 1: L3:Sconce:LED A Lamp 25W: 1 2 16 32 LED 3: L7:Downlig ht:LED A Lamp 13W: 1 9 13 117 LED 6: L16: Sconce:LED A Lamp 25W: 1 2 16 32 Stairwell(Common Space Types:Stairwell 192 sq.ft.) LED 7: L6:Downlig ht:LED A Lamp 13W: 1 4 13 52 LED 8: L17: Sconce:LED A Lamp 25W: 1 2 16 32 Restaurant Dining (Common Space Types:Dining Area- Bar Lounge/Leisure 1535 sq.ft.) LED 9: L1: Pendant: LED A Lamp 25W: 1 8 16 128 LED 10: L2:Pendant: LED A Lamp 6W: 1 6 5 30 LED 10: L3:Sconce:LED A Lamp 25W: 1 10 16 160 LED 10: L4:Sconce:LED A Lamp 25W: 1 9 16 144 LED 11: L6: Downlight:LED A Lamp 13W: 1 20 13 260 LED 12: L7: Downlight:LED A Lamp 13W: 1 4 13 52 LED 13: L13: Linear:LED Panel 70W: 1 1 68 68 LED 14: L14: Linear:LED Panel 36W: 1 1 35 35 Project Title: La Nonna Restau rant Report date: 05/21/18 Data filename: C:\_Wilder Engineering\_Projects\Rader Engineering\2017136- La Nonna Page 1 of 6 Restaurant\Calculations\La Nonna.cck A B C D E Fixture ID : Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. LED 15: L16: Sconce:LED A Lamp 25W: 1 1 16 16 Kitchen(Common Space Types:Food Preparation 721 sq.ft.) LED 16: L8: Downlight:LED A Lamp 13W: 1 7 13 91 LED 17: L9: Downlight:LED A Lamp 13W: 1 4 13 52 LED 18: L11: Troffer: LED Panel 40W: 1 14 40 560 LED 19: L12: Linear:LED Panel 36W: 1 2 35 70 Storage(Common Space Types:Storage>=50-<=1000 sq.ft.581 sq.ft.) LED 20: L11: Troffer: LED Panel 40W: 1 7 40 280 Office(Common Space Types:Office- Enclosed 87 sq.ft.) LED 21: L11: Troffer: LED Panel 40W: 1 2 40 80 Restrooms( Common Space Types:Restrooms 169 sq.ft.) LED 5:L7:Downlig ht:LED A Lamp 13W: 1 7 13 91 LED 22: L10: Sconce:LED A Lamp 6W: 1 3 5 15 Total Proposed Watts= 2397 Interior Lighting PASSES Interior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting alteration project represented in this docu ment is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations su bmittedwith this permit application.The proposed interior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requ irem-ntsin COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirementslisted in the Inspection • ecklis . Andrew Wilder- PE 5-21-18 Name-Title Signature Date Project Title: La Nonna Restau rant Report date: 05/21/18 Data filename: C:\_Wilder Engineering\_Projects\Rader Engineering\2017136- La Nonna Page 2 of 6 Restaurant\Calculations\La Nonna.cck COMcheck Software Version Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requ irements:0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions"column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirementsscreen. For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirementwill be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section # Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C103.2 Plans,specifications, and/or ❑Complies [PR4]1 calculations provide all information Does Not with which compliance can be determined for the interior lighting ❑Not Observable and electrical systems and equipment ❑Not Applicable and docu ment where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided shou Id include interior lighting power calculations,wattage of bu lbs and ballasts,transformers and control devices. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 I Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: La Nonna Restau rant Report date: 05/21/18 Data filename: C:\_Wilder Engineering\_Projects\Rader Engineering\2017136- La Nonna Page 3 of 6 Restaurant\Calculations\La Nonna.cck Section # Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C405.2.1 Lighting controls installed to uniformly❑Complies [EL15]1 reducethe lighting load by at least ❑Does Not 50%. [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.1 Occu pancy sensors installed in ❑Complies [EL18]1 required spaces. ❑Does Not ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.1, Independent lighting controls installed ❑Complies C405.2.2. per approved lighting plans and all ❑Does Not 3 manual controls readily accessible and [EL23]2 ,visible to occu pants. ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.2. IAutomaticcontrols to shutoff all ❑Complies 1 building lighting installed in all ❑Does Not [EL22]z buildings. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.3 Daylight zones provided with ;❑Complies [EL16]z individual controls that control the ❑Does Not lights independent of general area lighting. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.3, 'Primary sidelighted areas are ❑Complies C405.2.3. equ ipped with requ ired lighting ❑Does Not 1, controls. C405.2.3. ['Not Observable 2 ❑Not Applicable [EL20]1 C405.2.3, :Enclosed spaces with daylight area I❑Complies C405.2.3. under skylights and rooftop monitors ❑Does Not 1, are equ ipped with required lighting C405.2.3. :controls. ['Not Observable 3 ❑Not Applicable [EL21]1 C405.2.4 Separate lighting control devices for EComplies [EL4]1 specific uses installed per approved ❑Does Not lighting plans. ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.4 Additional interior lighting power EComplies [EL8]1 allowed for special functions per the ❑Does Not approved lighting plans and is automatically controlled and ['Not Observable 'separated from general lighting. ❑Not Applicable C405.3 Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per ❑Complies [EL6]1 face. ❑Does Not [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: La Nonna Restaurant Report date: 05/21/18 Data filename: C:\_Wilder Engineering\_Projects\Rader Engineering\2017136- La Nonna Page 4 of 6 Restaurant\Calculations\La Nonna.cck Section # Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C303.3, ;FurnishedO&M instructions for ❑Complies C408.2 'systems and equipment to the ❑Does Not 2 building owner or designated [F117]3 representative. [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.4.1 Interior installed lamp and fixture ❑Complies See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values. [F118]1 lighting power is consistent with what ❑Does Not is shown on the approved lighting plans,demonstrating proposed watts [Not Observable are less than or equ al to allowed Observable,__, Applicable watts. C408.2.5. ;Furnished as-built drawings for ❑Complies 1 :electric power systems within 90 days ❑Does Not [F116]3 of system acceptance. [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.3 Lighting systems have been tested to ❑Complies [F133]1 ensu re proper calibration,adjustment, ❑Does Not programming,and operation. [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: La Nonna Restaurant Report date: 05/21/18 Data filename: C:\_Wilder Engineering\_Projects\Rader Engineering\2017136- La Nonna Page 5 of 6 Restaurant\Calculations\La Nonna.cck Project Title: La Nonna Restaurant Report date: 05/21/18 Data filename: C:\_Wilder Engineering\_Projects\Rader Engineering\2017136- La Nonna Page 6 of 6 Restaurant\Calculations\La Nonna.cck 75 South Frontage Road Construction West, TOWN OF VAIL B18-0220 Vail,CO 81657 Issued: 07/20/2018 TOWN of VAIL0.ZOffice:9 70.479.2139 Inspections: inspections@vailgov.com Property Information Address: 100 E MEADOW DR 24(210108256024 24)(210 10 82560 24) Unit#:24 ParceNumber: 21010 82560 24 LegalDescription: Subdivision:VAILVILLAGE PLAZACONDOS Unit:24 BK-0684 PG-0190 WD 12-15-95 Contacts ContactType:Applicant Full Name:Mark Hallenbeck Address: 120 willow bridge rd 7 vail,CO 81657 Phone: 9704764458 ContactType:PropertyOwner Full Name:NICO VAIL INC SLIFERMGMT Address: Phone: None ContactType:Site Superintendent Full Name:JonathanCohen Address: 120 Willow Bridge Rd 7 Vail,CO 81657 Phone: 9704764458 Contractor Contractor Type:General Company: RockyMountainConstructionGroup State License#: Phone: 970-476-4458 Projectlnformation ProjeciName:Nico Vail Restaurant 2018 ProjeclDescription: Lanonna Restaurant Remodel(formerly Camp di Fiore)demo interiorand adding exteriorsquare footage. Remodel kitchenand bathrooms. Fees Paid Account:001-0000.31111.00-Building Permit Fee Fee Amount: $5,471.00 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Building Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $3,556.15 Account: 110-0000.31060.O0ConstructionUseTax Fee Fee Amount: $19,220.00 Account:001-0000.31111.00-Mechanical Permit Fee Fee Amount: $3,140.00 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Mechanical Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $785.00 Account:001-0000.31111.00 Plumbing Permit Fee Fee Amount: $2,550.00 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Plumbing Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $637.50 Account:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Building Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 Account:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Mechanical Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 Account#:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(PlumbingScope) Fee Amount: $5.00 TotalPaid: $35,374.65 Conditions CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH PERMITS BECOME VOID: If construction is not begun within 6 months from the date permitwas issued. If more than 5 months elapses betweeninspections. Ifincorrectinformationis given on the application at the time the permitwas issued. --../1., 4's, ChristopherJarecki-Townof Vail Building Official NOTICE: By issuance of this Permitthe applicant agrees to complywith all Titles of the Townof Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law.Failure to do so will void this Permit and the applicant shall forfeitall applicable fees.