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75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, CO 81657 Office: 970.479.2139 Inspections: inspections@vailgov.com Construction B18-0397 Issued: 09/24/2018 TOWN OF VAIL Property Information Address: 1044 HOMESTAKE CIR (210109205005) ( 210109205005 ) Unit #: Parcel Number: 210109205005 Legal Description: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 Block: 6 Lot: 4 & PT OF 7 Contacts Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: Rhonda Woodruff Address: 225 Main St. G1 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 9707182489 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: VATH, TRICIA L. & STEVEN D. Address: Phone: None Contact Type: Site Superintendent Full Name: Ondrej Mertlik Address: CO Phone: 6086283684 Contractor Contractor Type: General Company: Balance Point Construction State License #: Phone: 5053192379 Project Information Project Name: Vath Residence 2018 Project Description: Interior Remodel: Kitchen renovation, new cabinetry, new master bathroom layout with new tub and shower. Removal of shower from main level powder room. New appliances. Upsized boiler and associated piping. Fees Paid Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Building Permit Fee Fee Amount:$2,959.35 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Building Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$1,923.58 Account #: 110-0000.31060.00 - Construction Use Tax Fee Fee Amount:$8,820.00 Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Mechanical Permit Fee Fee Amount:$600.00 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Mechanical Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$150.00 Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Plumbing Permit Fee Fee Amount:$300.00 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Plumbing Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$75.00 Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Building Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00 Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Mechanical Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00 Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Plumbing Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00 Total Paid:$14,842.93 Conditions CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH PERMITS BECOME VOID: If construction is not begun within 6 months from the date permit was issued. If more than 5 months elapses between inspections. If incorrect information is given on the application at the time the permit was issued. Christopher Jarecki - Town of Vail Building Official NOTICE: By issuance of this Permit the applicant agrees to comply with all Titles of the Town of Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law. Failure to do so will void this Permit and the applicant shall forfeit all applicable fees. PERMIT FEE RECEIPT Case # B18-0397 Date Printed: 09/13/2018 TOWN OF VAIL - FEES RECEIPT Permit Summary Case Number: B18-0397 Status: Created Permit Number: Date Started: 09/11/2018 Permit Type: Construction Subcases Single Family Lot Number: 4 Property: 1044 HOMESTAKE CIR (210109205005) (210109205005) Contacts Contact Type: Applicant Company Name: Balance Point Construction Full Name: Rhonda Woodruff Address: 225 Main St. G1 Edwards, CO 81632 Email: rhonda@bpcvail.com Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: VATH, TRICIA L. & STEVEN D. Address: Contact Type: Site Superintendent Full Name: Ondrej Mertlik Address: CO Email: ondrej@bpcvail.com Permit Fees Fee Information Account Amount Permit Fee 001-0000.31111.00 $3,859.35 Construction Tax 110-0000.31060.00 $8,820.00 Will Call Fee 001-0000.31128.00 $15.00 Payment Information Date Paid Payment Type Amount Permit Fee 09/13/2018 Check $3,859.35 Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#1101 Balance Point Construction Construction Tax 09/13/2018 Check $8,820.00 Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#1101 Balance Point Construction Will Call Fee 09/13/2018 Check $15.00 Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#1101 Balance Point Construction FEE TOTAL $12,694.35 AMOUNT PAID $12,694.35 BALANCE DUE $0.00 09/13/2018 - 9:35:49 AM - Generated by: cgodfrey75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 1 / 1 Po Box 2096, Edwards CO 81632 Ph. 970-390-5827 Email: ron@trueperspectivehc.com ASBESTOS REPORT 1644 Homestake Cir, Vail CO Prepared for Balance Point Construction We highly recommend that the entire report including the standards of practice, limitations, scope of the inspection and inspection agreement be read as there may be other facts or conditions not contained in a home inspection document that may affect your conclusions or decisions. Inspected by: Ron Amass Date:8/8/2018 Time: 11:29 AM Copyright by True Perspective Home Consultants© 8/8/2018 Not Transferable Without Written Permission. Page: 3 of 10 Asbestos Inspection 1.1 REPORT NUMBER: 2038. 1.2 INSPECTION DATE: 08/08/2018. 1.3 CLIENT NAME: Balance Point Construction. 1.4 INSPECTION SITE STREET ADDRESS: 1644 Homestake Cir. 1.5 CITY/STATE/ZIP: Vail, CO 81657. 1.6 CLIENTS E-MAIL ADDRESS: Rhonda@bpcvail.com. 1.7 CLIENT PHONE NUMBER: 505-319-2379 General Notes & Exclusions 1.8 Building Type / Age It is our understanding that the building was constructed in 1970 . This information was communicated to the inspector by the available listing documentation, client or representing Realtor at or before the time of inspection. 1.9 Remarks The properties plans and specification sheets were not present at the time of inspection. These documents may have valuable information which may have relevant facts about current condition that cannot be readily seen by the inspector. We recommend that the be studied in full with any concerns being reviewed by an appropriate person. Reason for Inspection 1.10 Reason for inspection The building will be remodeled and this is a pre construction assessment looking for asbestos containing materials prior to the start of the demolition. Type of Inspection 1.11 Compliance with Colorado State Guidelines A limited bulk sampling of suspect ACM was conducted in accordance with Colorado State requirements. Surfacing materials: each homogenous area of less than 1000 square feet of surfacing , a minimum of three samples must be collected randomly. For each homogenous area of 1000-5000 square feet , a minimum of five samples must be collected. For areas larger than 5001 square feet a minimum of seven samples must be collected. Miscellaneous materials: at least one sample must be taken. A homogeneous area is defined as one which shares suspect material, texture, color, location, and/or apparent time of construction. Copyright by True Perspective Home Consultants© 8/8/2018 Not Transferable Without Written Permission. Page: 4 of 10 Thermal system insulation: At least 3 random samples from each homogeneous area. At least one bulk sample from each homogeneous area of patched thermal insulation if the patched section is less than 6 lineal feet. Introduction 1.12 The Inspection Ron Amass of True Perspective Home Consultants conducted an asbestos inspection and collected asbestos bulk-samples of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM) within the structure.. The purpose of the inspection was to identify and sample potentially hazardous friable and non- friable ACM. 1.13 Type of asbestos inspection performed. The type of inspection performed was Limited asbestos Inspection. The Limited Asbestos Inspection does not include a visual examination of the entire building, but is limited to a specific area of the building identified and described by the inspector. The areas inspected are as follows Master bath walls, stair area, kitchen, laundry room and family room area. No other areas were tested. If the scope of work moves beyond these areas further testing must be completed. The limited asbestos inspection did not constitute a full building inspection and does not fulfill the asbestos inspection requirements for structures that are to be demolished. c. Certifications 1.14 Inspector The limited asbestos inspection and bulk-sampling was conducted by Mr. Ron Amass with True Perspective Home Consultants LLC. Mr. Amass is a CDPHE certified Building Inspector; having certification number 21688. The Inspection, Sampling Procedures and Laboratory Analyses 1.15 Inspection Process. The asbestos inspection was conducted by CDPHE certified Building Inspector. The inspection process included identifying and sampling suspect ACM within the pre-defined areas, submitting samples to an accredited laboratory for analysis, classifying the materials and assessing their condition, and providing a final report detailing the inspection and the analytical results of the bulk-samples. 1.16 Sampling Methodology Statistically random bulk-samples representative of the suspect ACM of each homogeneous area were collected according to the guidelines published as EPA Final Rule: Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 USC, Sections 2641 through 2654 and in compliance with 40 CFR, Part 763 and CDPHE Regulation Number 8, Part B - Asbestos (Reg. 8). The Inspector has collected the appropriate number of bulk-samples to meet all regulatory requirements for the classification and quantity of each homogeneous area. Some minor destructive sampling was conducted; however, walls, columns and perimeter pipe chases were not broken into in order to locate and quantify suspect ACM. It should be noted that additional ACM might be located in these and other inaccessible areas. Copyright by True Perspective Home Consultants© 8/8/2018 Not Transferable Without Written Permission. Page: 5 of 10 1.17 Analytical Process The percentage of asbestos within each individual bulk-sample can vary depending on sample location, homogeneity of the material, and the type of application. Any sample reporting a "TRACE" amount of asbestos must be considered positive for asbestos greater than 1% unless it is re-analyzed utilizing the point-count method and verified to be less than 1%. Materials containing less than or equal to 1.00% asbestos are not regulated by CDPHE Regulation 8, Part B Asbestos. However, all demolition/abatement activities should be performed following the applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. This would include, but not limited to, the appropriate asbestos training for the type of material being removed/disturbed as well as having a properly trained supervisor onsite, using wet removal methods, wearing adequate personal protective equipment (HEPA-filtered particulate respirators), medical surveillance of workers, personal- exposure air monitoring, area air monitoring in occupied buildings, etc. There may also be landfill disposal requirements for these materials, depending on the facility. True Perspective suggest that all demolition/renovation areas involving any amount of asbestos be subjected to visual inspections and a final clearance air testing by a CDPHE-certified Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS) after the work has been completed, but before any containments are dismantled and the area is reoccupied. Homogeneous Areas 1.18 Homogenous area description A Homogeneous Area (HA) includes materials that are uniform in appearance, color, texture and date of application. The asbestos content of the bulk-samples collected within a homogeneous area can be applied to the entire homogenous area if they conform to the above characteristics and the regulated minimum sample quantities of each type of material are collected and analyzed. Friability 1.19 Descripton of Friability A material can either be friable or non-friable. A friable material is one that, when dry, can be pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure, a non-friable material cannot. A non-friable material may become friable if its condition had deteriorated or has been impacted by forces that have rendered it friable. Classifications of Asbestos Containing materials (ACM) 1.20 Classifications of asbestos containing materials defined. Samples of possible ACM are divided into 3 different classifications. Surfacing Material: sprayed or trowel applied onto structural building members or surfaces Thermal System Insulation (TSI): any type of pipe, boiler, tank, or duct insulation Miscellaneous Material: all other materials not classified in the above two categories. Material Condition 1.21 Material Condition Description Sampled materials are placed into one of the three following categories of conditions: Good: none to very little visible damage or deterioration Damaged: the surface is crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, marred or otherwise abraded over less than one-tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed, or one-quarter if the damage is Copyright by True Perspective Home Consultants© 8/8/2018 Not Transferable Without Written Permission. Page: 6 of 10 localized Significantly Damaged: the surface is crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, marred or otherwise abraded over greater than one-tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed, or one-quarter if the damage is localized Sample Quantities 1.22 Description of sample quantities At least the minimum number of samples from each homogeneous area were collected to meet all regulatory requirements for the quantity of material to be disturbed. The quantities listed in this report are approximate and on-site verification of the exact quantity of each material is required. The following outlines the minimum sample quantities required per homogeneous area: Surfacing Materials: up to 1,000 ft2 of material requires a minimum of three (3) samples; between 1,000 ft2 and 5,000 ft2 of material requires a minimum of five (5) samples; over 5,000 ft2 of material requires a minimum of seven (7) samples; one (1) sample of each patch Thermal System Insulation (TSI): each homogeneous area requires a minimum of three (3) samples; at least one (1) sample must be collected from each patch; and collect enough samples sufficient to adequately assess the material and determine the asbestos content for TSI fittings such as pipe elbows or Ts. Miscellaneous Materials: collect enough samples sufficient to determine the asbestos content Homogeneous area of suspected asbestos containing material 1.23 Homogeneous area of material A homogeneous area of suspected asbestos containing materials is as follows wall in the master bathroom. 1.24 Classification of area Surfacing Material: sprayed or trowel applied onto structural building members or surfaces. 1.25 Size of material area The approximate area of the material is 1500 square feet . 1.26 Surfacing texture The texture on the ceiling and walls is a trowel applied . 1.27 Color The color on the ceiling and walls is yellow biege. 1.28 Surfacing condition The material condition is Damaged: the surface is crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, marred or otherwise abraded over less than one-tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed, or one-quarter if the damage is localized 1.29 Potential for Damage The possibility of damage or disturbance creating a friable condition is High as the home is about to undergo renovation or repair requiring removal of surfacing materials.. Copyright by True Perspective Home Consultants© 8/8/2018 Not Transferable Without Written Permission. Page: 7 of 10 Homogeneous area of suspected asbestos containing material 1.30 Homogeneous area of material A homogeneous area of suspected asbestos containing materials is as follows walls and ceilings in the entry stair area. 1.31 Classification of area Surfacing Material: sprayed or trowel applied onto structural building members or surfaces. 1.32 Size of material area The approximate area of the material is 2000 square feet . 1.33 Surfacing texture The texture on the ceiling and walls is a skip trowel . 1.34 Color The color on the ceiling and walls is off white. 1.35 Surfacing condition The material condition is Damaged: the surface is crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, marred or otherwise abraded over less than one-tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed, or one-quarter if the damage is localized 1.36 Potential for Damage The possibility of damage or disturbance creating a friable condition is High as the home is about to undergo renovation or repair requiring removal of surfacing materials.. Homogeneous area of suspected asbestos containing material 1.37 Homogeneous area of material A homogeneous area of suspected asbestos containing materials is as follows walls and ceilings in the kitchen. 1.38 Classification of area Surfacing Material: sprayed or trowel applied onto structural building members or surfaces. 1.39 Size of material area The approximate area of the material is 1500 square feet . 1.40 Surfacing texture The texture on the ceiling and walls is a skip trowel . 1.41 Color The color on the ceiling and walls is red. 1.42 Surfacing condition The material condition is Good: none to very little visible damage or deterioration 1.43 Potential for Damage The possibility of damage or disturbance creating a friable condition is High as the home is about to undergo renovation or repair requiring removal of surfacing materials.. Copyright by True Perspective Home Consultants© 8/8/2018 Not Transferable Without Written Permission. Page: 8 of 10 Homogeneous area of suspected asbestos containing material 1.44 Homogeneous area of material A homogeneous area of suspected asbestos containing materials is as follows walls and ceilings in the lower family room. 1.45 Classification of area Surfacing Material: sprayed or trowel applied onto structural building members or surfaces. 1.46 Size of material area The approximate area of the material is 1500 square feet . 1.47 Surfacing texture The texture on the ceiling and walls is a orange peel . 1.48 Color The color on the ceiling and walls is orange. 1.49 Surfacing condition The material condition is Good: none to very little visible damage or deterioration 1.50 Potential for Damage The possibility of damage or disturbance creating a friable condition is High as the home is about to undergo renovation or repair requiring removal of surfacing materials.. Sampling Procedures 1.51 Sampling Procedures Statistically random bulk-samples representative of the suspect ACM of each homogeneous area were collected according to the guidelines published as EPA Final Rule: Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 USC, Sections 2641 through 2654 and in compliance with 40 CFR, Part 763 and CDPHE Regulation Number 8, Part B - Asbestos (Reg. 8). The appropriate number of bulk-samples to meet regulatory requirements for the classification and quantity of each homogeneous area. Some minor destructive sampling was conducted Walls, columns and perimeter pipe chases were not broken into in order to locate and quantify suspect ACM. Hidden asbestos containing building materials may exist. Copyright by True Perspective Home Consultants© 8/8/2018 Not Transferable Without Written Permission. Page: 9 of 10 Conclusions 1.52 Conclusions No asbestos was found in the samples taken of the listed materials If other suspect materials become visible/apparent during demolition or construction, work should be halted and more sampling/testing must take place, per Colorado regulations. If any other areas of the home that are not homogenous to the above listed areas are to be affected further testing is required. Per Regulations an homogeneous area is considered to not contain asbestos containing materials only if all samples submitted show negative. A homogeneous area shall be determined to contain asbestos based on a finding that the results of at least one sample collected from that area shows that asbestos is present. 1.53 Accreditations Ron Amass, a Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment certified building inspector, certification number: 21688, performed the inspection. Samples taken were sent to Sanair Laboratory, for PLM (Polarized Light Microscopy) analysis. 1.54 Abatement Guidelines If ACM is to be removed or disturbed in a single-family residence, and the total quantity exceeds any of the regulatory trigger levels of 50 linear ft. on pipes, 32 ft2 on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of a 55- gallon drum, a CDPHE-certified General Abatement Contractor (GAC) is required to perform the work. The regulatory trigger levels within a commercial building are 260 linear ft. on pipes, 160 ft2 on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of a 55-gallon drum. In addition, formal notification to CDPHE prior to the abatement of ACM as well as air monitoring, visual inspections, and final air clearances by a CDPHE- certified Asbestos AMS is required. DS can provide the client or building owner with a proposal for project design, abatement oversight and air monitoring upon request. CDPHE regulations allow for the demolition of a building that contains non-friable asbestos-containing materials, such as caulking, mastic or resilient floor tiles. However, demolition must be completed without causing the non-friable ACM to be rendered friable. Burning a building with any ACM is prohibited. Operations such as sanding, cutting, crushing, grinding, pneumatic jacking, etc. of ACM are not permitted. Recycling of building materials such as concrete, metal, or wood that are bonded or contaminated with ACM, e.g. glue, caulking, or mastic is also prohibited. If any of the non-friable asbestos containing materials are to be recycled and rendered friable after demolition (i.e. crushing mastic-coated concrete), these materials must be abated of all ACM prior to shipping offsite for recycling. OSHA regulations regarding occupational exposure during demolition activities is still mandatory. OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 requires that workers performing construction-related activities be protected from asbestos fibers in excess of the permissible exposure limit of 0.1 f/cc of air. Contractors are must comply with applicable provisions of OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 during demolition and renovation activities. These OSHA provisions include, but are not limited to, PPE and respirators, personnel training, personal- exposure air monitoring, employee medical surveillance, wet removal methods, signage for regulated areas, etc. REPORT LIMITATIONS: We certify that our inspectors have no interest, present or contemplated, in this property or its improvement and no involvement with the trades people or benefits derived from any sales or improvements. To the best of our knowledge and belief, all statements and information in this report are true and correct. Copyright by True Perspective Home Consultants© 8/8/2018 Not Transferable Without Written Permission. Page: 10 of 10 1.Purpose: The purpose of the inspection is to attempt to detect the presence of asbestos containing building materials by performing a visual inspection of the property and collecting samples to be analyzed by a laboratory. 2. Scope: The scope of the inspection is limited to the readily accessible areas of the property, and is based on the condition of the property at the precise time and date of the inspection, and on the laboratory analysis of the samples collected. Asbestos can exist in inaccessible areas, such as behind walls and under carpeting. As such, the report is not a guarantee that asbestos does or does not exist. The report is only indicative of the presence or absence of asbestos. 3.. Report: The CLIENT will be provided with a written report of the INSPECTION COMPANY's visual observations, and copies of the results of the laboratory analysis of the samples collected. The INSPECTION COMPANY is not able to determine the extent or type of asbestos contamination from visual observations alone. The report will be issued only after the laboratory analysis is completed. The report is not intended to comply with any legal obligations to disclosure. 4. Exclusivity: The report is intended for the sole, confidential and exclusive use and benefit of the CLIENT, and the INSPECTION COMPANY has no obligation or duty to any other party. INSPECTION COMPANY accepts no responsibility for use by third parties. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this agreement. This Agreement is not transferable or assignable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the CLIENT understands that the INSPECTION COMPANY may notify the homeowner, occupant or appropriate public agency of any condition(s) discovered that may pose a safety or health concern. 5. An Asbestos inspection is not a home (property) inspection. 6. An asbestos inspection is not a comprehensive indoor air quality inspection. © True Perspective Home Consultants Inc. 2018. All Rights Reserved. This document contains material protected under Federal Copyright Laws. No part of this document or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author and True Perspective Home Consultants, Inc. SanAir ID#: 18034194 Project Name: 1044 Homestead Report Date: 8/8/2018 Analysis Report prepared for True Perspective Home Consultants Page 1 of 7 Dear Ron Amass, We at SanAir would like to thank you for the work you recently submitted. The 12 sample(s) were received on Wednesday, August 08, 2018 via FedEx. The final report(s) is enclosed for the following sample(s): 1LF, 2LF, 3LF, 1MB, 2MB, 3MB, 1K, 2K, 3KC, 1S, 2S, 3S. These results only pertain to this job and should not be used in the interpretation of any other job. This report is only complete in its entirety. Refer to the listing below of the pages included in a complete final report. Sincerely, Sandra Sobrino Asbestos & Materials Laboratory Manager SanAir Technologies Laboratory Final Report Includes: - Cover Letter - Analysis Pages - Disclaimers and Additional Information Sample conditions: - 12 samples in Good condition. 1551 Oakbridge Dr. Suite B, Powhatan, VA 23139 | 804.897.1177 | Fax: 804.897.0070 | www.SanAir.com | IAQ@SanAir.com Project Number: P.O. Number: Project Name: 1044 Homestead 8/7/2018Collected Date: 8/8/2018 9:35:00 AMReceived Date: 8/8/2018 11:12:41 AM 18034194 SanAir ID Number FINAL REPORT True Perspective Home ConsultantsName: Address: PO Box 2096 Edwards, CO 81632 970-390-5827Phone: Page 2 of 7 Analyst: Moore, Brandi Asbestos Bulk PLM EPA 600/R-93/116 Stereoscopic Components SanAir ID / Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non-fibrous Asbestos Fibers 1LF / 18034194-001 Lower Family Room, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 95% Other None Detected 1LF / 18034194-001 Lower Family Room, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 2LF / 18034194-002 Lower Family Room, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 95% Other None Detected 2LF / 18034194-002 Lower Family Room, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 3LF / 18034194-003 Lower Family Room, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 95% Other None Detected 3LF / 18034194-003 Lower Family Room, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 1MB / 18034194-004 Master Bath, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 95% Other None Detected 1MB / 18034194-004 Master Bath, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 2MB / 18034194-005 Master Bath, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 95% Other None Detected 2MB / 18034194-005 Master Bath, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected Analyst: Analysis Date: 8/8/2018 Date: 8/8/2018 Approved Signatory: Project Number: P.O. Number: Project Name: 1044 Homestead 8/7/2018Collected Date: 8/8/2018 9:35:00 AMReceived Date: 8/8/2018 11:12:41 AM 18034194 SanAir ID Number FINAL REPORT True Perspective Home ConsultantsName: Address: PO Box 2096 Edwards, CO 81632 970-390-5827Phone: Page 3 of 7 Analyst: Moore, Brandi Asbestos Bulk PLM EPA 600/R-93/116 Stereoscopic Components SanAir ID / Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non-fibrous Asbestos Fibers 3MB / 18034194-006 Master Bath, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 95% Other None Detected 3MB / 18034194-006 Master Bath, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 1K / 18034194-007 Kitchen, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 2% Glass 93% Other None Detected 1K / 18034194-007 Kitchen, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 2K / 18034194-008 Kitchen, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 2% Glass 93% Other None Detected 2K / 18034194-008 Kitchen, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 3KC / 18034194-009 Kitchen Ceiling, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 2% Glass 93% Other None Detected 3KC / 18034194-009 Kitchen Ceiling, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 1S / 18034194-010 Stair Area, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 2% Glass 93% Other None Detected 1S / 18034194-010 Stair Area, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected Analyst: Analysis Date: 8/8/2018 Date: 8/8/2018 Approved Signatory: 1551 Oakbridge Dr. Suite B, Powhatan, VA 23139 | 804.897.1177 | Fax: 804.897.0070 | www.SanAir.com | IAQ@SanAir.com Project Number: P.O. Number: Project Name: 1044 Homestead 8/7/2018Collected Date: 8/8/2018 9:35:00 AMReceived Date: 8/8/2018 11:12:41 AM 18034194 SanAir ID Number FINAL REPORT True Perspective Home ConsultantsName: Address: PO Box 2096 Edwards, CO 81632 970-390-5827Phone: Page 4 of 7 Analyst: Moore, Brandi Asbestos Bulk PLM EPA 600/R-93/116 Stereoscopic Components SanAir ID / Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non-fibrous Asbestos Fibers 2S / 18034194-011 Stair Area, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 2% Glass 93% Other None Detected 2S / 18034194-011 Stair Area, Joint Compound White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 2S / 18034194-011 Stair Area, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected 3S / 18034194-012 Stair Area, Drywall White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 5% Cellulose 2% Glass 93% Other None Detected 3S / 18034194-012 Stair Area, Texture White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 100% Other None Detected Analyst: Analysis Date: 8/8/2018 Date: 8/8/2018 Approved Signatory: 1551 Oakbridge Dr. Suite B, Powhatan, VA 23139 | 804.897.1177 | Fax: 804.897.0070 | www.SanAir.com | IAQ@SanAir.com Project Number: P.O. Number: Project Name: 1044 Homestead 8/7/2018Collected Date: 8/8/2018 9:35:00 AMReceived Date: 8/8/2018 11:12:41 AM 18034194 SanAir ID Number FINAL REPORT True Perspective Home ConsultantsName: Address: PO Box 2096 Edwards, CO 81632 970-390-5827Phone: Page 5 of 7 Disclaimer The final report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without written authorization from SanAir. Fibers smaller than 5 microns cannot be seen with this method due to scope limitations. The accuracy of the results is dependent upon the client’s sampling procedure and information provided to the laboratory by the client. SanAir assumes no responsibility for the sampling procedure and will provide evaluation reports based solely on the sample and information provided by the client. This report may not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any other agency of the U.S. government. Samples are held for a period of 60 days. For NY state samples, method EPA 600/M4-82-020 is performed. Polarized- light microscopy is not consistently reliable in detecting asbestos in floor covering and similar non-friable organically bound materials. Quantitative transmission electron microscopy is currently the only method that can be used to determine if this material can be considered or treated as non-asbestos containing. Asbestos Certifications NVLAP lab code 200870 City of Philadelphia: ALL-460 PA Department of Environmental Protection Number: 68-05397 California License Number: 2915 Colorado License Number: AL-23143 Connecticut License Number: PH-0105 Massachusetts License Number: AA000222 Maine License Number: LB-0075 New York ELAP lab ID: 11983 Rhode Island License Number: AAL-126 Texas Department of State Health Services License Number: 300440 Commonwealth of Virginia 3333000323 Washington State License Number: C989 West Virginia License Number: LT000566 Vermont License: AL166318 Revision Date: 11/30/2017 Page 6 of 7 Page 7 of 7