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10/08/18 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:24:25 PMA000 COVER SHEET 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 04.13.2018100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE GENERAL NOTES: 1. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 2. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS, AND UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK OR ORDERING ANY MATERIALS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES IN THE DOCUMENTS IMMEDIATELY. 3. AREAS OF CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES MUST BE FULLY RESOLVED WITH WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE ARCHITECTS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION CONTINUES IN THESE PARTICULAR AREAS. 4. PLAN DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD, CENTERLINE OF STEEL, TIMBER, STUD COLUMNS, OR FACE OF CONCRETE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SECTION AND ELEVATION DIMENSIONS ARE TO TOP OF CONCRETE, TOP OF PLYWOOD, OR TOP OF WALL PLATES OR BEAMS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY BLOCKING IN STUD WALLS AND CEILINGS. LOCATIONS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO CEILING AND WALL MOUNTED FIXTURES, TOILETS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, CABINETRY, COUNTERTOPS, SHELVES, CLOSET RODS AND FALSE BEAMS. 6. REFER TO FLOOR PLANS FOR DOOR LOCATIONS. REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE FOR DOOR TYPES. 7. REFER TO FLOOR PLANS FOR WINDOW LOCATIONS. REFER TO WINDOW SCHEDULE FOR WINDOW TYPES. 8. COORDINATE ALL ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL FIXTURES TO FIT WITHIN CEILING FLOOR AND WALL SPACES. VERIFY WITH ARCHITECT WHEN DIVERTING FROM DRAWINGS. 9. IN THE EVENT THAT ADDITIONAL DETAILS OR GUIDANCE IS NEEDED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY ASPECT OF THE PROJECT, THEY SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT. FAILURE TO GIVE 10 DAY NOTICE TO ARCHITECT SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A DELAY IN THE PROJECT. 10. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SATISFYING ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND OBTAINING ALL PERMITS AND REQUIRED APPROVALS. THIS PROJECT IS GOVERNED BY THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE. COMPLIANCE IS MANDATORY. THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT PERMIT WORK THAT DOES NOT CONFORM TO ALL RELEVANT CODES INCLUDING IN UBC AND ALL LOCAL AND REGIONAL CODES. 11. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL FIELD COORDINATE AND OBTAIN APPROVALS FROM THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER BEFORE ANY CUTTING, NOTCHING, OR DRILLING OF ANY CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, STRUCTURAL FRAMING, OR ANY OTHER STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS WHICH MAY AFFECT THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION. 12. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING GRADES AND SCALE OUT THE BUILDING FOOTPRINT FOR OWNER AND ARCHITECT APPROVAL PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY SITE WORK. 13. THE OWNER HAS BEEN ADVISED THAT DUE TO HARSH WINTER CONDITIONS, ROOF & DECK SURFACES MUST BE MAINTAINED REASONABLE FREE OF ICE & SNOW TO ENSURE MINIMAL PROBLEMS WITH THESE SURFACES. 14. SUBSTITUTIONS OF "EQUAL" PRODUCTS WILL BE ACCEPTABLE WITH ARCHITECT'S WRITTEN APPROVAL. 15. IT IS THE INTENT AND MEANING OF THESE DOCUMENTS THAT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND EACH SUBCONTRACTOR PROVIDE ALL LABOR, MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, ETC. TO OBTAIN A COMPLETE JOB WITHIN THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDS OF THE INDUSTRY. 16. ALL CONSTRUCTION IS TO FIT WITHIN THE BUILDING ENVELOPE AND/OR OUTSIDE SETBACKS WITHOUT CREATING EASEMENTS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 17. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE LOCATED TO MINIMIZE EXCAVATION AND VEGETATION IMPACTS TO THE SITE. 18. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE THE LIMITS OF EXCAVATION AND TAKE ADEQUATE MEASURES TO PROTECT ALL VEGETATION BEYOND THE LIMITS OF EXCAVATION. ALL AREAS OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE RE-VEGETATED TO BLEND WITH THE NON-DISTURBED LANDSCAPE EXCAVATION. ALL AREAS OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE RE-VEGETATED TO BLEND WITH THE NON-DISTURBED LANDSCAPE. 19. THE SOILS REPORT IS AVAILABLE FROM OWNER'S SOILS ENGINEER. 20. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL SITE DEVELOPMENT WITH LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. THE SITE PLAN IS FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPE PLAN IS FOR LAYOUT; ANY DISCREPANCIES VERIFY WITH ARCHITECT. VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA, VAIL, COLORADO DRAWING INDEX CIVIL: C-1 CONDOMINIUM MAP SURVEY ARCHITECTURAL: A001 EXISTING SITE PLAN A002 PROPOSED SITE PLAN A003 AREA AND CODE INFO A101 EXISTING LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A102 LOWER LEVEL DEMOLITION PLAN A103 PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A104 EXISTING MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A105 MAIN LEVEL DEMOLITION PLAN A106 PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A201 SOUTH ELEVATIONS A202 EAST ELEVATIONS A203 NORTH ELEVATIONS A204 WEST ELEVATIONS A501 ENTRY DETAILS A502 WINDOW & COFFEE BAR DETAILS A601 EXT. DOOR & WINDOW CALLOUT A602 DETAILS AND DOOR CALLOUT STRUCTURAL: S-1 GENERAL NOTES S-2 STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN S-3 DETAILS S-4 DETAILS MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL: M000 MECHANICAL COVER SHEET M001 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES M101 LOWER LEVEL MECHANICAL PLAN M102 PLAZA LEVEL MECHANICAL PLAN M201 MECHANICAL DIAGRAMS E000 ELECTRICAL COVER SHEET E001 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E101 LOWER LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLAN E102 PLAZA LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLAN E201 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS PROJECT SUMMARY: CODE: IBC 2015 ZONING: SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #6 UNDERLYING TWO-FAMILY PRIMARY/SECONDARY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: M (R-3 ABOVE) TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TYPE II-A FIRE SEPARATION AND SPRINKLERS: 2-HR SEPARATION, BUILDING FULLY SPRINKLED PROJECT TEAM: ARCHITECT: CURRENT ARCHITECTS PO BOX 5293 VAIL, CO 81657 PH: 970.331.6345 CONTACTS: MICHAEL CURRENT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: KERRIGAN ENGINEERING PO BOX 3032 EAGLE, CO 81631 PHONE: 970-331-4733 CONTACT: SEAN KERRIGAN MEP ENGINEER: BG BUILDINGWORKS 222 CHAPEL PLACE, UNIT AC-201 AVON, CO 81620 PHONE: 970-949-6108 CONTACT: MARC SACCONI CONTRACTOR: ROCKY MOUNTAIN CONSTRUCTION GROUP 120 WILLOW BRIDGE RD, STE. 7 VAIL, CO 81657 PHONE: 970-476-4458 CONTACT: MARK HALLENBECK PROXIMITY MAP: 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 No. Description Date PROJECT DESCRIPTION: REMODEL OF EXISTING RETAIL AREA, CONSISTING OF 2 FLOORS. PROJECT TO INCLUDE NEW EXTERIOR WINDOWS AND SOME ADDITIONAL EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING NEW OVERHANG STRUCTURE, WINDOW BOXES, FINISHES AND LANDSCAPING. INTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE REPLACING EXISTING STAIR WITH NEW FROM PLAZA LEVEL TO LOWER LEVEL. RAISING OF FLOOR AREA IN SOUTHERN PORTION OF PLAZA LEVEL TO PROVIDE ONE CONSISTENT FLOOR THROUGHOUT. NEW COFFEE STATION AND FINISHES THROUGHOUT. IN LOWER LEVEL OFFICE AREA AND PHOTO STUDIO TO BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG WITH NEW BATHROOM AND FINISHES THROUGHOUT. 10/08/18 A201 1 A204 1 A2021 A203 1 0 40 60 8020 GRAPHIC SCALE ADJACENT BUILDINGS, TYP. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:22:25 PMA001 SITE PLAN 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1" = 10'-0"1 SITE PLAN - EXISTING No. Description Date 10/08/18 A2022 A201 2 A203 2A204 2 ELONGATED ENTRY ROOF ADJACENT BUILDINGS, TYP. EXTENSION +/- 12' - 3" 0 40 60 8020 GRAPHIC SCALE 4:12 REPLACE EXTG GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT W/NEW COPPER 6" HALF-ROUND GUTTER AND 4" ROUND DOWNSPOUT, TIE INTO EXTG OUTLET VFY SNOW RETENTION REQ'MTS RECLAIMED TERRA COTTA TILE (2) ROOFS AT SE AND SW CORNERS OF BLDG ASI 021 NE ENTRYDETAILRECLAIMED TERRA COTTA ROOF TILES ICE AND WATER SHIELD, WATERPROOFING TO EXTEND MIN 16" UP ANY WALLS ADJ. TO ROOF STRUCTURE. FLASHING 6" ROUND COPPER GUTTER 2X6 FACIA STAINED 2X14 FACIA STAINED 1X4 STAINED T&G SOFFIT STRUCTURE PER ENGINEER INSTALL FIBERGLASS INSULATION TO FULLY FILL CONCEALED CAVITY SPACES SHEATHING PER ENGINEER 5/8" DENSLGASS FIREGUARD SHEATHING O/FRAMING, UNDER FINISH MAT'L FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 10/2/2018 12:32:09 PMA002 SITE PLAN 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE10.01.18 WMC 1" = 10'-0"1 SITE PLAN - PROPOSED 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 2 ROOF DETAIL No. Description Date 10/08/18 UP DN 2056 SF Area EXIT EXIT1799 SF Area 87 SF Area EXIT EXIT EXIT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:25:38 PMA003 AREA PLAN 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 LOWER LEVEL 1/8" = 1'-0"2 RETAIL LEVEL CODE ANALYSIS CONT. AREA CALCULATIONS: LOWER LEVEL (M) 1391 LOWER LEVEL (B) 665 PLAZA LEVEL (M) 1799 TOTAL 3855 MERCANTILE BASEMENT AND GROUND FLOOR AREAS = 30sf GROSS/PER OCCUPANT BUSINESS BASEMENT = 100sf GROSS/PER OCCUPANT LL OCCUPANCY = 30 PL OCCUPANCY = 60 STAIR WIDTH: 38" MIN. APPLIES EXITS: LL = 2, PL = 3 No. Description Date CODE ANALYSIS CONT. 1 HOUR FLOOR SEPARATION BETWEEN RETAIL SPACE PLAZA LEVEL AND RESIDENTIAL ABOVE. SEE DETAIL 1A602 1 HOUR WALL SEPARATION BETWEEN RETAIL SPACE LOWER LEVEL AND EXIT CORRIDOR SEE DETAIL 2A602 ALL GLASS GUARDRAILS TO BE LAMINATED FULLY TEMPERED WITH A LINEAR LOAD CAPACITY OF 50 LBS PER LINEAR FOOT MIN. CODE ANALYSIS NEW CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO ALL RELEVANT CODES INCLUDING IBC. PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL TO ALL BE DESIGNED SEPARATELY AND PERMITTED AS DESIGN BUILD. IBC 2015 IECC 2015 NEC 2015 EGRESS TRAVEL DISTANCE IN SPRINKLED BUILDING IS MAX 75' MAX PROPOSED - LOWER LEVEL 70' 10/08/18 UP UP UP Not Enclosed MEN'S 04 Not Enclosed WOMEN'S 05 217 SF MECHANICAL ROOM 1 287 SF STORAGE 2 144 SF OFFICE/STORAGE 3 200 SF LIBRARY 5 276 SF OFFICE/PHOTO STUDIO 6 THESE AREAS NOT PART OF PROJECT (5) EXISTING PUBLIC EGRESS CORRIDOR EXISTING PUBLIC EGRESS CORRIDOR NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:25:48 PMA101 FLOOR PLAN 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 00A_EXISTING - LOWER LEVEL No. Description Date 10/08/18 UP UP UP DEMO PARTITION WALLS SEE PROPOSED PLAN FOR DIMENSIONS FOR NEW DOOR OPENING. DEMO DROPPED CEILING OUTLINE OF LEVEL ABOVE THESE AREAS NOT PART OF PROJECT (5) 287 SF STORAGE 2 237 SF OFFICE/STORAGE 3 270 SF PHOTO STUDIO 5 DEMO EXISTING STAIRS AND REPLACE WITH NEW EXISTING SEPARATION WALL TO REMAIN EXISTING EXIT DOOR TO REMAIN. CONFIRM IT MEETS ALL RELEVANT IBC AND LIFE SAFETY CODES. REPAIR OR REPLACE AS REQUIRED STRUCTURAL COLUMN TYP. OUTLINE OF LEVEL ABOVE DEMO EXISTING DOORS, WALLS AND FLOORS AT LIBRARY LOCATION NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:25:56 PMA102 DEMO PLAN 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 00B_DEMO - LOWER LEVEL No. Description Date 10/08/18 UP UP UP - - - - -- -- OUTLINE OF LEVEL ABOVE 1156 SF OFFICE/STORAGE 3 THESE AREAS NOT PART OF PROJECT (5) - - EXTENT OF CONSTRUCTION WRAP EXISTING CONC. COLUMNS NEW WASH ROOM. SEE SCHEDULE FOR DOOR INFO. PROVIDE FOR NEW SUPPLY AND WASTE LINES. PROVIDE NEW TOILET, SINK, SHOWER NITCH AND ALL REQUIRED HARDWARE. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED LIGHTING AND VENTILATION PER IBC. EXIST NEW CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO ALL RELEVANT CODES INCLUDING IBC. PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL TO ALL BE DESIGNED SEPARTELY AND PERMITTED AS DESIGN BUILD. NEW PAINT, FLOORING AND CEILING THROUGHOUT. PATCH ANY DAMAGED WALLS FOR A LIKE NEW FINISH TO MATCH. EXTENT OF CONSTRUCTION 260 SF PHOTO STUDIO 5 PATH OF EGRESS 58' PROPOSED HEAT N GLO PHOENIX GAS FIREPLACE. INSTALLED AND VENTED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 LINE OF FLOOR ABOVE EXIST - -Elev a t ion 9 - a Redundant Room LOWER RETAIL 11 ARCHED TOP, THIN, ANTIQUE BRICK OPENING RELOCATE ELECTRIC AND ALARM PANELS 11' - 0" 3 1/2" 13' - 11 1/8" 3 1/2"5' - 0"ARCHED TOP, THIN, ANTIQUE BRICK OPENING 6' - 0"4' - 7"4' - 1"+/- 59 .03° EXISTING ~60° ANGLED WALLS TO REMAIN CONCEALED DOOR TO STORAGE ADD'L 2X8 FURRING W/ARCH TOP NICHE, SEE DETAIL 6' ROUND TABLE RETAIL DISPLAY HEARTH +18" AFF CHANGING AREA STORAGE 30"X80" DR 2' - 0" 10' - 0" 14' - 0"5' - 4 3/4" 1' - 0" 8' - 1 5/8" 2' - 6"11 5/8"10' - 0"1' - 0" 8' - 11 7/8"159 SF OFFICE 14 PATH OF EGRESS 70' 3' - 0" 3' - 5" 3' - 5 5/8" EXISTING PUBLIC EGRESS CORRIDOR EXISTING PUBLIC EGRESS CORRIDOR 1' - 2 1/4"3' - 0"2 3 23' - 6" EXIST. 20 MIN. RATED STEEL DOOR EXIST. 20 MIN. RATED STEEL DOOR A602 4 DOO R 2 A602 5 DOO R 33 1/2" +/- 5' - 2" 5' - 4 3/4" ANTIQUE WD TRIM SEPARATOR +/- 6" 1' - 0" 4' - 0" 1' - 0" FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 10/2/2018 12:16:33 PMA103 PROPOSED LL FLOOR PLAN 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE10.01.18 - 1/4" = 1'-0"1 00C_PROPOSED - LOWER LEVEL No. Description Date 10/08/18 UP DN DN DN 5' - 3" A201 1 A204 1 A2021 A203 1 PLAZA LEVEL COMMERCIAL SPACE PRIVATE RESIDENCE ENTRY SOUTH PLAZA COMMERCIAL ENTRY SERVICE ENTRY 108' - 6" 110' - 0" ASSUMED STRUCTURAL ELEMENT EXISTING BAR UP UP UP EXISTING EXIT EXISTING EXIT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:26:19 PMA104 FLOOR PLAN 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 01A_EXISTING - PLAZA LEVEL No. Description Date 10/08/18 UP DN DN DN PLAZA LEVEL COMMERCIAL SPACE PRIVATE RESIDENCE ENTRY SOUTH PLAZA COMMERCIAL ENTRY SERVICE ENTRY DEMO PARTION WALLREMOVE OR COVER EXTG WINDOWS W/ SHUTTERS OVER FRAME NEW FLOOR TO FLUSH OUT W/UPPER LEVEL DEMO WING WALLS DEMO RAILING AND STAIR DEMO EXISTING BAR AND CABINET REPLACE WITH NEW PER DETAIL DEMO EXISTING WINDOW AND INFILL TO MATCH DEMOEXISTING DOOR AND WINDOWS AND REPLCE WITH NEW CUTAIN WALL SYSTEM DEMO DOOR AND WINDOW SYSTEM AND REPLACE WITH NEW DEMO EXISTING WINDOW UNTI AND REPLACE WITH NEW RECESSED UNIT DEMO EXISTING WINDOWS AND REPLACE WITH LARGER UNIT DEMO WINDOW AND DOOR SYSTEM AND REPLACE WITH NEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:26:30 PMA105 DEMO PLAN 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 Author 1/4" = 1'-0"1 01B_DEMO - PLAZA LEVEL No. Description Date 10/08/18 UP DN DN A2022 A201 2 A203 2 A204 2 PLAZA LEVEL COMMERCIAL SPACE PRIVATE RESIDENCE ENTRY NO MODIFICATIONS SERVICE ENTRY NO MODIFICATIONS ENLARGE, RECESS NEW WINDOWS NEW STOREFRONT GLASS ENTRY WALL ADD SHUTTERS AND WINDOW BOXES BELOW WINDOWS 1' - 11 1/2" 7' - 0"3' - 0"6" 11' - 6" 6"2' - 5"NEW WOOD WINDOW BOXES PROVIDE WATER AND DRAINAGE FOR DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM COFFE BAR W/TILE ROOF O/HEAD PROVIDE ELECTRICAL, POWER AND WASTE RE ALL RELEVANT CODES. SEE ENLAGED PLAN FOR DETAILS INCLUDING ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING LOCATIONS LED ART WALL GL GL GL GL GL GLGL GL GL GAS LANTERN (GL), TYP. SHADE TOLERANT PERINNEALS, SHRUBS, AND DECORATIVE GRASSES PROVIDE WATER SUPPLY FOR DRIP IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. NEW STOREFRONT ENTRY DOOR COVER EXTG WINDOWS W/WOOD SHUTTERS OUTSIDE PROVIDE FOR NEW WINDOW BOXES TYP. NEW LARGER WINDOW UNIT NEW PLANTER BOX. PROVIDE WATER SUPPLY FOR DRIP IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE A502 5 A502 1 EX T E RIOR WI N D O W AN DBOX INFILL DOOR LOCATION WITH WALL SYSTEM TO MATCH. NEW RECESSED CURTAIN WALL WINDOW SYSTEM SIM. SOUTH SIDE CONST.TO INCLUDE NEW 3' MIN. EXIT DOOR SOUTHERN PLAZA COMMERCIAL ENTRY A501 2 7' - 4 1/2" 10 7/8" 2' - 3 1/8" 2' - 0" 1' - 8" 2' - 0" 1' - 8" 2' - 0" A502 3COFF EE BAR1A502 4 COF F E E BA R 3 2 COF F E E BA R 2 1639 SF EAST RETAIL 12 NEW PAINT, FLOORING AND CEILING THROUGHOUT. PATCH ANY DAMAGED WALLS FOR A LIKE NEW FINISH TO MATCH. ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS O BE REPLACED WITH NEW SEE SCHEDULE. SERVICE CHASE NO MODIFICATIONS NEW GUARDRAIL BOTH SIDESOF STAIRCASE AND FLOOR OPEN TO BELOW. ALL GUARDRAILS TO BE LAMINATED FULLY TEMPERED GLASS ABLE TO WITHSTAND LINEAR LOADS OF 50 LBS PER LINEAR FOOT. A501 3 ENTRY ELEVATION EXIST EXIST. A601E1-CWA601 10N10-CW A6012 E2-CWA601 4 S4-CW A601 7 W7-CWA601 6 W6-DWA601 8N8-CW A601 9N9-W 11 NE11-WA601 3 S3-CW A601 5 S5-CW 8' - 1 1/4"2' - 6" REMOVE WINDOW & PROVIDE STUCCO & STONE INFILL TO MATCH WINDOW DISPLAY W/ RAISED FLOOR B.O. WIN SILL STORAGE CLOSET W/CONCEALED DOOR DRESSING ROOM 1' - 0"3 1/2"4' - 0" 7 1/2"GL GL 5'x4' GLASS DISPLAY CASE 5'X4' WOOD MERCH TABLE 6'X4' WOOD MERCH TABLE 6'X4' WO O D ME R C H TABL E 5'X4' WO O D ME RC H TABLE POS COUNTER 7" 1' - 2"3 3/8" 9' - 0" 3 3/8" 1' - 2" 7" DW MINIFRIDG E WET BA R NEW FURRING WALLS TO COVER WINDOWS A502 6 4 +/- 5' - 2"+/- 7' - 6 1/8" 2' - 6" +/- 8' - 9 1/8" 2' - 10" 6' - 4" 4' - 11 1/2"3' - 4 1/2"3' - 7 1/2"4' - 11 1/2"1' - 3 1/2"8' - 1 1/4" 3' - 2 5/8" 2' - 8 5/8" 2' - 4" 3' - 4 1/2"1 ASI01.2 ASI01.1 1 ASI 021 NE ENTRYDETAILFOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 10/2/2018 12:17:40 PMA106 FLOOR PLAN 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE10.01.18 WMC 1/4" = 1'-0"1 01C_PROPOSED - PLAZA LEVEL No. Description Date 10/08/18 RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" T.O. SLAB-MECH ENTRY 107' - 0" UPPER LEVEL 130' - 0" ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" T.O. SLAB-MECH ENTRY 107' - 0" UPPER LEVEL 130' - 0" FURR OUT STUCCO AND STONE, RECESS NEW WINDOWS ANGLED TIMBER COLS TO MATCH EXTG NE CORNER STOREFRONT GLASS ENTRY TENANT SIGN TBD RECLAIMED TERACOTTA TILE ROOF SNOW RENTENTION BARS NEW WINDOWS AND ARCHED TOP STUCCO OPENING W/WINDOW BOXES NEW GAS LANTERNS WHITE WASH EXTG SERVICE DOOR, ARTISTIC FLORAL ACCENT PAINTED BORDER ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 10/2/2018 12:21:22 PMA201 ELEVATIONS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE10.01.18 WMC 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 SW ELEVATION 01 - EXISTING 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SW ELEVATION 01 - PROPOSED No. Description Date 10/08/18 RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" T.O. SLAB-MECH ENTRY 107' - 0" UPPER LEVEL 130' - 0" ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" T.O. SLAB-MECH ENTRY 107' - 0" UPPER LEVEL 130' - 0" NEW TERACOTTA TILE TIMBER TIMBER FRAMED ENTRY ROOF ENLARGE GLAZING, REPLACE (3) WINDOWS W/(2) WINDOWS & (1) DOOR NEW ENTRY DOOR AND WINDOWS DEMO EXTG MUSHROOM EXHAUST NEW GAS LAMPS TYP. SET AT STANDARD ELEVATION. COVER/DEMO EXTG WINDOWS, PATCH WALL W/EXTG ADJACENT MAT'LS NEW GAS LANTERNS FURR OUT STUCCO & STONE, RECESS NEW WIN/DRS ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" 6' - 0" 5' - 6" WRAP EXISTING COLUMNS/BEAMS W/RECLAIMED WD PER OWNER FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 10/2/2018 12:21:54 PMA202 ELEVATIONS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE10.01.18 WMC 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION - EXISTING 1/4" = 1'-0"2 EAST ELEVATION - PROPOSED No. Description Date 10/08/18 RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" UPPER LEVEL 130' - 0" RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" UPPER LEVEL 130' - 0" ENLARGE GLAZING, NEW WINDOWS/DOOR NEW WOOD SHUTTERS AND WINDOW FLOWER BOX COVER/DEMO EXTG WINDOWS, INFILL W/FAUX WOOD SHUTTERS, NEW WINDOW BOXES NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:28:10 PMA203 ELEVATIONS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 NORTH ELEVATION - EXISTING 1/4" = 1'-0"2 NORTH ELEVATION - PROPOSED No. Description Date 10/08/18 RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" T.O. SLAB-MECH ENTRY 107' - 0" UPPER LEVEL 130' - 0" ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" T.O. SLAB-MECH ENTRY 107' - 0" UPPER LEVEL 130' - 0" COVER/DEMO EXTG WINDOWS, INFILL W/FAUX WOOD SHUTTERS, WINDOW BOXES NEW GAS LANTERNS ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6"NEW GAS LANTERNSFIREPLACE FLUE TERMINATION+/- 10' - 6"FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 10/2/2018 12:22:56 PMA204 ELEVATIONS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE10.01.18 WMC 1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION - EXISTING 1/4" = 1'-0"2 WEST ELEVATION - PROPOSED No. Description Date 10/08/18 EXISTING EXTERIORPLAZA STEPS 8 1/2" 4' - 4" 2' - 0 1/4"2' - 6"9 1/4" NEW TIMBER STRUCTURE SUPORTING ROOF ABOVE NEW STUCCO WALL FINISH NEW EXTERIOR WALL EXTENSION IN ORDER TO FRAME ENTRY STONE CAP AT TOP OF STONE VENEER TYP. STONE CAP AT TOP OF PLANTER 1' - 3 3/4"2' - 10 1/2"NEW PLANTER TO BE 6" CMU BLOCK PER ENG. W/ STONE VENEER TO MATCH. CAPPED WITH STONE CAP. PROVIDE WATER FOR DRIP SYSTEM AND DRAIN SYSTEM. PLANTER TO INCLUDE WATERPROOFED SYSTEM TO ENSURE WATER DOES NOT MIGRATE TOWARD STRUCTURE AND CAN DRAIN APPROPRIATELY. STORE ENTRY. TILE O/ CONC. SLAB ASSUMED. MAINTAIN 1/8" SLOPE MIN. AWAY FROM STRUCTURE. NEW STOREFRONT DOOR AND WINDOW SYSTEM EXISTING PLAZA PAVERS TO REMAIN 1 A501 10 1/4" 10' - 8" 1' - 1 1/4" 1' - 1 5/8" 2' - 10 1/2"A501 3 ENTRY ELEVATION A601 3 S3-CW LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" T.O. SLAB-MECH ENTRY 107' - 0" ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" PRE-TENSION CONC. SLAB LIGHTWEIGHT CONC FOR LEVEL SURFACE FINISH FLOORING STONE PLANTER TOP TO MATCH VENEER CAP STONE VENEER TO MATCH BUILDING TILE AT ENTRY TO BE SET ON LIGHTWEIGHT AS NEEDED TO CREATE A LEVEL SURFACE AT PROPER ELEVATION. EXISTING PAVERS SET ON EXISTING POST TENSION SLAB TO REMAIN. NEW CURTAIN WALL ENTRY SYSTEM NEW STRUCTURAL HEADER PER ENGINEER CL CHANGE IN FINISH MATERIAL ROOF FRAMING BEYOND ARCHED STUCCO CLAD ENTRY CEILING STORE SIGNAGE FILL CONCEALED FRAMING SPACES FULLY W/FIBERGLASS INSUL., TYP. DENSGLASS FIREGUARD SHEATHING O/FRAMING, UNDER STUCCO AND WD T&G, TYP. RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" EXISTING SERVICE ENTRY NO CHANGES 6' - 6"R 13' - 6" 11' - 8 5/8" 11' - 3 1/8"8' - 6"8' - 10 3/4"6' - 2" 4' - 6"3' - 3"PROPOSED CURTAIN WALL DOOR AND WINDOW SYSTEM PER NOTED DIMENSIONS PROPOSED GAS LAMPS TYP. NEW TRANSITION FROM STUCCO TO WOOD FINISH TYP. NEW PLANTER PROVIDE WATER SUPPLY AND DRAIN. FINISHED TO MATCH BUILDING. NEW SIGNAGE FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 10/2/2018 12:23:25 PMA501 ENTRY DETAILS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE10.01.18 SD 3/4" = 1'-0"2 20_PROPOSED - PLAZA LEVEL PERMIT - ENTRY 3/4" = 1'-0"1 ENTRY DOOR SECTION FOCUSED 1/2" = 1'-0"3 ENTRY ELEVATION No. Description Date Signage not approved with this appllication. 10/08/18 2' - 3 5/8" 7' - 9 7/8" 2' - 3 1/4"1' - 2 1/4"1' - 3 3/4"4 1/4"ALIGN NEW WALL WITH EXISTING, CONSTRUCT PARALLEL TO EXIST. 4' - 2"5' - 2"NEW CURTAIN WALL WINDOW SYSTEM TO BE RECESSED 6 1/2" BACK FROM EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL. STORAGE DISPLAY CHANGING PLANTER BOX GLGL NEW RECESSED WINDOW STONE CAP TYP. BUMP OUT FRAMING AROUND WINDOW TYP. ø 5 ' - 0" 5' - 4 3/8" 3 1/2" 6" 7' - 0"6" 3 1/2" RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" DW RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" 2' - 2 5/8" 7' - 9 1/2" 2' - 2 5/8"4' - 1" 2 1/2"2' - 7"9" 5' - 8"PLANTER BOX WITH IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. WOOD CLAD NEW GAS LAMP TYP.R 7' - 6 1/4"7' - 9 1/2" 7' - 0" STONE CAP 6" STONE VENEER RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" A5023 COFFEE BAR1A502 4 COFFEE BAR 3 2 COFFEE BAR 2 GL GL 8"1' - 6" 1' - 6 1/2" 2' - 3 1/2" 2' - 8" 1' - 4 1/4" 1' - 6" 8" 1 ASI01.2 GFCI +44 GFCI +44 PARTIAL HEIGHT WALL BELOW +42" SLAB BAR TOP EXTG COL. TO REMAIN DISHWASHER BELOW FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 10/2/2018 12:24:06 PMA502 WINDOW ELEV AND COFFEE 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE10.01.18 Author 1/2" = 1'-0"5 20_PROPOSED - PLAZA LEVEL PERMIT - RECESSED WINDOW 1/2" = 1'-0"3 COFFEE BAR 1 1/2" = 1'-0"4 COFFEE BAR 3 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 EXTERIOR WINDOW AND BOX 1/2" = 1'-0"2 COFFEE BAR 2 3/4" = 1'-0"6 20_PROPOSED COFFEE BAR ENLARGED No. Description Date 10/08/18 RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" CL TYP.6' - 11"R 8' - 6"EDGE OF STUCCO 2' - 0"8' - 0"NEW OUTSWING EGRESS DOOR CLR. 4' - 0" 4' - 6 1/2" 3' - 0" 4 1/2" 3' - 6"6' - 0"(3) LAYERS OF STUCCO O/3" RIGID INSULATION RECLAIMED WD SIDING RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0"6' - 0"2' - 0" PLANTER SEE DETAIL FOR CONSTRUCTION 6' - 11 1/4" CURTAIN WALL WINDOW SYSTEM VFY. STUCCO WOOD TRIM TRANSITION RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0"8' - 0"R 9' - 3"2' - 8 1/2" 4' - 2 1/2"8' - 6"10' - 9 1/2" NEW RECESSDBL FRENCH DOOR W/ SIDELITES EXISTING SERVICE DOOR, NO PROPOSED CHANGES 3' - 0"3' - 0" 3' - 0" RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" EXISTING WINDOWS TO BE COVERED WITH WOOD SHUTTERS NEW PLANTER BOXES RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" 1' - 11" 9 1/2" 1' - 11" 10" 1' - 11"2' - 0" 4' - 9"6' - 10"4" TYP.2' - 5" TYP. RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" WINDOW TO BE REMOVED RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" 7' - 0"9" R 7' - 6 1/4"7' - 10 3/4"5' - 8"1"1' - 10" 6' - 1 1/4"CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM TYP. RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0" DEMO EXISTING WINDOWS. PROVIDE NEW WOOD SHUTTERS TO MATCH AT PREVIOUS WINDOW LOCATION NEW PLANTER BOX UNITS? RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" LIVING LEVEL 121' - 0"3' - 2 1/2" 4' - 3 1/2"4' - 10 1/2" 5' - 1 3/4"R 4' - 5 3/4"NEW FAUX WOOD SHUTTERS 7' - 6"RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" EXISTING SERVICE ENTRY NO CHANGES 6' - 6"R 13' - 6"11 ' - 8 5/8" 11' - 3 1/8"8' - 6"8' - 10 3/4"6' - 2" 4' - 6"3' - 3"PROPOSED GAS LAMPS TYP. NEW TRANSITION FROM STUCCO TO WOOD FINISH TYP. NEW PLANTER PROVIDE WATER SUPPLY AND DRAIN. FINISHED TO MATCH BUILDING. NEW SIGNAGE 5' - 3"3' - 3" RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0" ENTRY SLAB 108' - 6" 2' - 2 5/8" 7' - 9 1/2" 2' - 2 5/8"4' - 1"2 1/2"2' - 7"9" 5' - 8"PLANTER BOX WITH IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. WOOD CLAD NEW GAS LAMP TYP.R 7' - 6 1/4"7' - 9 1/2" 7' - 0" STONE CAP 6" STONE VENEER FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 10/2/2018 12:26:45 PMA601 EXT. DOORS AND WINDOWS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE10.01.18 SRD 1/4" = 1'-0"1 E1-CW 1/4" = 1'-0"2 E2-CW 1/4" = 1'-0"8 N8-CW 1/4" = 1'-0"9 N9-W 1/4" = 1'-0"10 N10-CW 1/4" = 1'-0"11 NE11-W 1/4" = 1'-0"4 S4-CW 1/4" = 1'-0"6 W6-DW 1/4" = 1'-0"7 W7-CW 1/4" = 1'-0"3 S3-CW 1/4" = 1'-0"5 S5-CW No. Description Date 10/08/18 1_2"INTERIOR WALLS 1 LAYER NEW 5/8" QUIETROCK DRYWALL BLOWN-IN INSULATION NEW ICW SPRING ISOLATION HANGER EXTG. 11 7/8" LVL FLOOR JOISTS 1/4" RESILIANT UNDERLAYMENT EXTG. 3/4" PLYWOOD TERMINATE ACOUSTICAL UNDERLAYMENT AT DEMISING AND COORIDOR WALLS 1/8" PERIMETER ISOLATION BOARD FINISH FLOOR2 LAYERS NEW 5/8" QUIETROCK DRYWALL SECURED TO UNDERSIDE OF PLYWOOD BETWEEN JOISTS, CAULK ALL JOINTS 1 LAYER NEW 5/8" TYPE "X" DRYWALL STEEL 3.5" C CHANNEL 5/8" SHEETROCK FIRECODE CORE GYPSUM PANEL 5/8" SHEETROCK FIRECODE CORE GYPSUM PANEL 7' - 0"2' - 6" 2' - 6"7' - 0"3' - 0"6' - 8"2' - 0"6' - 8"RETAIL LEVEL 110' - 0"1' - 6" 5' - 0"1' - 6" 2' - 6"6' - 8"NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:29:37 PMA602 INTERIOR DOORS & DETAILS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 RD No. Description Date 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 FLOOR CEILING DETAIL - UL DESIGN NO. L581 12" = 1'-0"2 1 hour wall UL Des U419 3/4" = 1'-0"3 Door 1 NAME: LL BATHROOM STYLE: SLAB MTERIAL: WOOD HARDWARE: SS LOCKSET MANUFACTURERE: TBD NOTES: 3/4" = 1'-0"4 DOOR 2 NAME: LL PHOTO STYLE: BARN DOOR MTERIAL: WOOD HARDWARE: RECESSED MANUFACTURERE: TBD NOTES: 3/4" = 1'-0"5 DOOR 3 NAME: LL STORAGE STYLE: SLAB MTERIAL: WOOD HARDWARE: SPECIAL MANUFACTURERE: TBD NOTES: CONCEALED 3/4" = 1'-0"6 DOOR 4 3/4" = 1'-0"7 DOOR 5 3/4" = 1'-0"8 DOOR 6 NAME: UL STORAGE STYLE: SLAB MTERIAL: WOOD HARDWARE: SPECIAL MANUFACTURERE: TBD NOTES: CONCEALED NAME: UL DISPLAY STYLE: SLAB MTERIAL: WOOD HARDWARE: SPECIAL MANUFACTURERE: TBD NOTES: RAISED TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO DISPLAY AREA CONCEALED DISPLAY SIDE NAME: UL CHANGING STYLE: SLAB MTERIAL: WOOD HARDWARE: LOCKSET MANUFACTURERE: TBD NOTES: 10/08/18 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:30:20 PMA901 3D DRAWINGS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1 SE PERSPECTIVE - EXISTING 2 SE PERSPECTIVE - PROPOSED No. Description Date 10/08/18 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:30:41 PMA902 3D DRAWINGS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1 NE PERSPECTIVE - EXISTING 2 NE PERSPECTIVE - PROPOSED No. Description Date 10/08/18 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:31:03 PMA903 3D DRAWINGS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1 NW PERSPECTIVE - EXISTING 2 NW PERSPECTIVE - PROPOSED No. Description Date 10/08/18 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project number Date Drawn by 4/13/2018 3:31:30 PMA904 3D DRAWINGS 100EMD-18UNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADO100 EAST MEADOWDRIVE04.13.18 WMC 1 SW PERSPECTIVE - EXISTING 2 SW PERSPECTIVE - PROPOSED No. Description Date 10/08/18 ' ' ISSUE LOG KEY: # DATEISSUE LOG ELECTRICAL SHEET INDEX TITLE ELECTRICAL COVER SHEETE-000 PERMIT SET04.13.2018ISSUED AS PART OF A SET ' ' NOT PART OF SET ' ' ISSUED FOR INFORMATION ONLY* √ √ √ √ √ LOWER LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLANE-101 PLAZA LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLANE-102 ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE DIAGRAM AND SCHEDULESE-200 ABBREVIATIONSPOWER SYMBOLS SINGLE RECEPTACLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE GFCI DUPLEX RECEPTACLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE; HALF SWITCHED ISOLATED GROUND DUPLEX RECEPTACLE WALL MOUNTED SPECIAL OUTLET AS NOTED SPECIAL OUTLET AS NOTED JUNCTION BOX WALL MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX FLOOR MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED ABOVE COUNTERC FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE; HALF SWITCHED FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AND TELECOM DIVISION 15 EQUIPMENT POWER CONNECTION FUSED DISCONNECT NON FUSED DISCONNECT MOTOR STARTER ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKER PULL BOX PUSH BUTTON TRANSFORMER PANELBOARD OR LOADCENTER CONTACTOR ELECTRIC MOTOR METER THERMOSTAT ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ONE-LINE DIAGRAM SYMBOLS CIRCUIT HOMERUN CONDUIT RUN CONDUIT RUN BELOW GRADE CONDUIT UP CONDUIT DOWN DISCONNECT SWITCH FUSE CIRCUIT BREAKER CURRENT TRANSFORMER POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER METER SURGE PROTECTION DEVICE VOLT-METER SELECTOR SWITCH GROUND GF GROUND FAULT PROTECTION AMP-METER ST SHUNT TRIP NORMALLY OPEN CONTACT NORMALLY CLOSED CONTACT COLD WATER GROUND CONNECTION BUILDING STEEL GROUND CONNECTION TIMER SWITCH MULTI-OUTLET PLUG STRIP TIME CLOCK PHOTO-CELL SWITCH THERMAL OVERLOAD SWITCH VARIABLE SPEED SWITCH KEY SWITCH LIGHTING FIXTURE SYMBOLS RECESSED LIGHTING FIXTURE WALL MOUNTED LIGHT WALL MOUNTED UP-LIGHT PENDANT MOUNTED LIGHT SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT DIRECTIONAL/ADJUSTABLE RECESSED LIGHTING FIXTURE MONO-POINT LIGHTING FIXTURE RECESSED STEP LIGHT FLUORESCENT STRIP LIGHT WALL MOUNTED LINEAR FLUORESCENT LIGHT RECESSED OR SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT TROFFER FIXTURE WITH EMERGENCY BACKUP OR ON EM CIRCUIT WALL MOUNTED EXIT SIGN W/ FACES & ARROWS AS SHOWN EMERGENCY LIGHTS CEILING MOUNTED EXIT SIGN W/ FACES & ARROWS AS SHOWN SWITCH THREE-WAY SWITCH FOUR-WAY SWITCH DOOR JAMB SWITCH LIGHTING CONTROL SYMBOLS EXTERIOR POLE MOUNTED LIGHT EXTERIOR POST (BOLLARD) MOUNTED LIGHT DAYLIGHT PHOTO SENSORDL KEY SWITCH LV VARIABLE SPEED SWITCH DIMMER THREE-WAY DIMMER LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH WALL OCCUPANCY SENSOR/SWITCH THERMAL OVERLOAD SWITCH OCCUPANCY SENSOR - WALL MOUNTED OCCUPANCY SENSOR - CORRIDOR CEILING MOUNTED S S3 ST SO D 3 D SV SK SJ S4 SK SV ST S PC TC TS A V SPD M T C T PB CB N -- J J J NOTE: ALL SYMBOLS SHOWN ON LEGEND ARE NOT NECESSARILY USED.ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS LEGEND OS OS OCCUPANCY SENSOR - CEILING MOUNTED OS NOTES: · LIGHT LINEWEIGHT INDICATES EXISTING. · HATCHED AREAS INDICATE DEMOLITION. · 'C' ADJACENT TO A DEVICE INDICATES MOUNTING ABOVE COUNTERTOP. AFC AFF AFG AHJ - ABOVE FINISHED CEILING - ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR - ABOVE FINISHED GRADE - AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION AL - ALUMINUM AWG AP - ACCESS POINT - AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE BFG BMS BAS - BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM - BELOW FINISH GRADE - BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM C CATV CCTV - CONDUIT - COMMUNITY (CABLE) ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM - CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CKT - CIRCUIT CPU - CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT CT - CURRENT TRANSFORMER DISP - GARBAGE DISPOSAL DW - DISHWASHER (E) - EXISTING EM - EMERGENCY EWC - ELECTRIC WATER COOLER FBO GFI FA FACP GRD GC - FIRE ALARM - FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL - FURNISHED BY OTHERS - GENERAL CONTRACTOR - GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER - GROUND IAW IN ACCORDANCE WITH- IC IDF IG IR LAN - INTERMEDIATE CROSS-CONNECT - INTERMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION FRAME - ISOLATED GROUND - INFRARED - LOCAL AREA NETWORK NIC MDF (N) MAIN DISTRIBUTION FRAME- NEW- NOT IN CONTRACT- NL NIGHT LIGHT- NTS NOT TO SCALE- OC PA ON CENTER- PUBLIC ADDRESS- REF REFRIGERATOR- TVSS TTB TELECOMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL BOARD- TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSOR- TVTB TELEVISION TERMINAL BOARD- UG UNO W V UNDERGROUND- UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE- VOLT- WATT- WP XP WAN WLAN WAP WIDE AREA NETWORK- WIRELESS ACCESS POINT- WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK- WEATHERPROOF- EXPLOSIONPROOF- +18" DEVICE ABOVE FINISH FLOOR (VERIFY W/ ARCH ELEVS) MOUNTING HEIGHT TO CENTERLINE OF- C GENERAL NOTES: LIGHTING CONTROL NARRATIVE: GENERAL 1. ALL LIGHTING CONTROLS SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (IECC). 2. ALL OCCUPANCY SENSORS SHALL BE SET TO TIME OFF AT 15 MINUTES. LOWER LEVEL 1. LOWER RETAIL AREA SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY LUTRON GRAFIK EYE SYSTEM WITH TIME CLOCK FUNCTION TO TURN LIGHTING ON/OFF AT TIMES DETERMINED BY OWNER. PROVIDE LUTRON ENERGY SAVR NODES WITH 0-10V DIMMING AND CONTROL STATIONS IN LOCATIONS SHOWN ON PLAN. PROVIDE NECESSARY PROGRAMMING AND OWNER TRAINING. 2. OFFICE/STORAGE AREA SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY STANDARD DECORA SWITCHES WITH CEILING MOUNTED IR VACANCY SENSOR. 3. RESTROOM SHALL BE HAVE STANDARD DECORA WALL SWITCH WITH CEILING MOUNTED DUAL TECHNOLOGY OCCUPANCY SENSOR. 4. PHOTO STUDIO SHALL HAVE LUTRON DIVA DIMMERS (0-10V) DIMMERS WITH CEILING MOUNTED IR VACANCY SENSOR. UPPER LEVEL 1. UPPER RETAIL AREA SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY LUTRON GRAFIK EYE SYSTEM WITH TIME CLOCK FUNCTION TO TURN LIGHTING ON/OFF AT TIMES DETERMINED BY OWNER. PROVIDE LUTRON ENERGY SAVR NODES WITH 0-10V DIMMING AND CONTROL STATIONS IN LOCATIONS SHOWN ON PLAN. PROVIDE NECESSARY PROGRAMMING AND OWNER TRAINING. 1. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFY DIMENSIONS ON ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND IN FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 2. VISIT SITE PRIOR TO BID AND VERIFY THAT CONDITIONS ARE AS INDICATED. CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN HIS BID COSTS REQUIRED TO MAKE HIS WORK MEET EXISTING CONDITIONS. 3. SYSTEM OUTAGES SHALL BE PERMITTED ONLY AT TIMES APPROVED BY OWNER - IN WRITING. WORK WHICH COULD RESULT IN AN ACCIDENTAL OUTAGE (BEYOND BRANCH CIRCUITS) SHALL BE PERFORMED WITH THE OWNER'S MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ADVISED OF SUCH WORK. 4. SERVICE SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO EXISTING AREAS DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PORTABLE GENERATORS, CABLES, OUTLETS, ETC. AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN CONTINUITY OF SERVICE. PLACEMENT OF SUCH PORTABLE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO OWNER APPROVAL. 5. REVIEW ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND OTHER DRAWINGS PRIOR TO BID. 6. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN A WORKMANLIKE MANNER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ARCHITECT. 7. WORK, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. 8. PROVIDE PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED. 9. CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO ORDER OR RELEASE ORDER FOR MATERIALS AND/OR EQUIPMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AS A REASON TO SUBSTITUTE ALTERNATE MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, OR INSTALLATION METHODS. 10. EXISTING SYSTEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS ARE TO BE NOTED “FOR GUIDANCE ONLY”. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO FIELD CHECK ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BIDDING AND TO INCLUDE IN HIS BID AN ALLOWANCE FOR REMOVAL AND/OR RELOCATION OF EXISTING CONDUITS, WIRES, DEVICES, FIXTURES, OR OTHER EQUIPMENT AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR AS REQUIRED TO COORDINATE AND ADAPT NEW AND EXISTING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TO ALL OTHER WORK AS REQUIRED 11. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION REQUIRED. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL AND ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION DRAWINGS FOR LOCATION AND EXTENT OF DEMOLITION REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT SITE PRIOR TO BID TO DETERMINE EXTENT OF WORK INVOLVED. 12. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY DEMOLITION TO REMOVE EXISTING UNUSED CONDUIT, WIRE, CABLE, J-BOXES, RECEPTACLES, SWITCHES, LIGHTS, FIRE ALARMS DEVICES, ETC. COMPLETE WITH ASSOCIATED CIRCUITING TO SOURCE. WHERE IT IS NOT FEASIBLE TO REMOVE THE ABOVE, OUTLET SHALL BE ABANDONED, WIRE REMOVED, AND BLANK COVER PLATES PROVIDED. 13. ALL (E) EQUIPMENT, LAMPS, BALLASTS, ETC. BEING REMOVED SHALL BE DISCARDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE EPA REQUIREMENTS. 14. EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, ETC. BEING REMOVED SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE OWNER, EXCEPT FOR THOSE ITEMS BEING RELOCATED. 15. VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT TO BE FURNISHED BY OTHERS PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. 16. INSTALL ALL MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ANY DEVIATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S ATTENTION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 17. FINAL CONNECTIONS TO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S APPROVED WIRING DIAGRAMS, DETAILS, AND INSTRUCTIONS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT COMPATIBLE WITH EQUIPMENT ACTUALLY SUPPLIED. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPLACING EQUIPMENT WHICH IS DAMAGED DUE TO INCORRECT FIELD WIRING PROVIDED UNDER THIS SECTION, OR FACTORY WIRING IN EQUIPMENT PROVIDED UNDER THIS SECTION. 19. ALL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED OR LABELED BY U.L. OR OTHER RECOGNIZED TESTING FACILITY. 20. WIRING DEVICES SHALL BE SPECIFICATION GRADE AND RATED AT 20 AMPERES FOR LIGHT SWITCHES, AND 20 AMPERES FOR DUPLEX RECEPTACLES. THE COLOR OF THE DEVICES AND COVER PLATES SHALL BE AS DIRECTED BY ARCHITECT. 21. ALL WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LISTED METALLIC RACEWAYS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. CONNECTORS SHALL BE INSULATED THROAT TYPE. MINIMUM RACEWAY SIZE IS 3/4”. ALL FEEDERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN RACEWAY CONFIGURATIONS SHOWN ON ONE-LINE. BRANCH CIRCUITS 25A AND LARGER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN INDIVIDUAL RACEWAYS. BRANCH CIRCUITS 20A AND SMALLER MAY BE GROUPED INTO RACEWAYS AS TO NOT EXCEED 6 CURRENT-CARRYING 75-DEGREE CONDUCTORS, OR 9 CURRENT-CARRYING 90-DEGREE CONDUCTORS, IN A SINGLE RACEWAY. METAL CLAD CABLE IS NOT PERMITTED. 22. ALL EMPTY RACEWAY SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE A 200LB NYLON PULL STRING OR EQUAL, AND SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AT ALL JUNCTION, PULL AND TERMINATION POINTS, USING PERMANENT METALLIC TAGS. TAG SHALL INDICATE INTENDED USE OF CONDUIT, ORIGINATION, AND TERMINATION POINTS OF EACH INDIVIDUAL CONDUIT. 23. WIRE SHALL BE COPPER, 75 DEGREE CELSIUS RATED FOR GENERAL USE. WIRING WITHIN 3 INCHES OF FLUORESCENT BALLASTS WIRE SHALL BE COPPER, MINIMUM 90 DEGREE CELSIUS RATED. SIZES INDICATED ARE FOR INSTALLATION IN A MAXIMUM 30 DEGREE CELSIUS AMBIENT. CONDUCTOR AMPACITY SHALL BE DERATED FOR HIGHER AMBIENT INSTALLATIONS. 24. PANEL DIRECTORIES SHALL BE REMOVABLE. ROOM NAMES AND NUMBERS SHALL BE AS DIRECTED BY OWNER. DIRECTORIES SHALL BE TYPED AND INSTALLED UNDER CLEAR PLASTIC COVERS. 25. FINAL CONNECTIONS TO MOTORS, TRANSFORMERS, AND OTHER VIBRATING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SEAL TITE FLEX AND APPROVED FITTINGS. DO NOT SECURE CONDUITS, DISCONNECTS, OR DEVICES TO DUCTWORK OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. 26. FIRE ALARM, SOUND, TELEPHONE, COMPUTER AND SIMILAR SYSTEMS CONDUITS LARGER THAN 1” SHALL HAVE LONG RADIUS SWEEPS (12 TIMES THE DIAMETER). 27. SYSTEMS SHALL BE TESTED FOR PROPER OPERATION. IF TESTS SHOW THAT WORK IS DEFECTIVE, CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE CORRECTIONS NECESSARY AT NO COST TO OWNER. 28. GUARANTEE THE INSTALLATION AGAINST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP WHICH MAY OCCUR UNDER NORMAL USAGE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER OWNER'S ACCEPTANCE. DEFECTS SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMEDIED WITHOUT COST TO THE OWNER. 29. SYSTEMS SHALL BE COMPLETE, OPERABLE, AND READY FOR CONTINUOUS OPERATION. LIGHTS, SWITCHES, RECEPTACLES, MOTORS, ETC. SHALL BE CONNECTED AND OPERABLE. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSE-001 √ MODULAR DIMMING PANEL LOCATION: UPPER LEVEL CLOSET GRAFIK EYE SYSTEM MOUNTING: SURFACE ENERGI SAVR NODE CIRCUIT LUTRON CIRCUIT # AREA ZONE DESCRIPTION LOAD TYPE DIM TYPE ACTUAL LOAD MAX LOAD (1920W/VA MAX) NOTES 1 P2-24 1 LOWER LEVEL TAPE LIGHT LED 0 476 14632 LOWER LEVEL DOWNLIGHTS LED 0 57 3 LOWER LEVEL RETRACTABLE DISPLAY LIGHTS LED 0 759 4 LOWER LEVEL ADJUSTABLE DOWNLIGHTS LED 0 171 2 P2-24 5 LOWER LEVEL OFFICE DOWNLIGHTS LED 0 114 15266 UPPER LEVEL NORTH TAPE LIGHT LED 0 746 7 UPPER LEVEL MAIN ENTRY LED 0 171 8 UPPER LEVEL GENERAL LIGHTING LED 0 495 3 P2-24 9 UPPER LEVEL DISPLAY LIGHTING LED 0 748 86210 UPPER LEVEL BAR LED 0 38 11 UPPER LEVEL DRESSING ROOMS LED 0 38 12 UPPER LEVEL DISPLAY WINDOW DOWNLIGHTS LED 0 38 4 P2-24 13 UPPER LEVEL DISPLAY WINDOW TRACK LED 0 288 124814 UPPER LEVEL CHANDELIER INC 2 320 15 UPPER LEVEL CHANDELIER INC 2 320 16 UPPER LEVEL CHANDELIER INC 2 320 5 P2-24 17 UPPER LEVEL CHANDELIER INC 2 320 192718 UPPER LEVEL SOUTH TAPE LIGHT LED 0 607 19 EXTERIOR SOUTH ENTRY LED 0 500 20 EXTERIOR NORTHEAST ENTRY LED 0 500 LOAD TYPE DIM TYPE CFL COMPACT FLUORESCENT F FORWARD PHASE ELV ELECTRONIC LOW VOLTAGE R REVERSE PHASE FL FLUORESCENT 0 0-10V INC INCANDESCENT 2 2 WIRE MLV MAGNETIC LOW VOLTAGE 3 3 WIRE LED LIGHT EMITTING DIODE SPECIFIC NOTES: (1) (2) (3) (4) FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SHALL DEISN/BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEET E-001. Designed: Reviewed: Project No: 9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00E000.DWG04.13.1811:33:42 AM Scale: As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820www˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 ELECTRICAL COVER SHEET E-000 BAS MAS 10/08/18 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: DIVISION 26 - ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 26 00 10 - GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 PROJECT DESCRIPTION A.This project is a remodel of a commercial retail building. The project is approximately 3,650 square feet located at 100 East Meadow Drive in Vail, Colorado. 1.02 PROVISIONS A.Work performed under this division of the specifications shall conform to the requirements of Division 1, and the electrical drawings and all items hereinafter specified. 1.The drawings and specifications for the electrical work are intended to describe a complete electrical system; omission of minor items obviously necessary to accomplish the above intent shall not relieve the Contractor from providing same. 2.Prior to any work being performed under this division examine architectural, structural, mechanical, and interior design drawings and specifications and if any discrepancies occur between them and the electrical drawings and specifications, report same to the Architect in writing and obtain written instructions for the work. 3.Electrical drawings are diagrammatic but shall be followed as closely as actual construction of the building will permit. All changes from drawings necessary to make the electrical work conform to the building as constructed shall be made without cost to the Owner. 4.Coordinate the electrical work with the General Contractor and be responsible to him for satisfactory progress of same. Coordinate electrical work with all other trades on the project without cost to the Owner. 5.Do not scale drawings. Verify dimensions on architectural drawings and in field prior to commencement of work. 6.All work and materials covered by drawings and specifications shall be subject to review at any time by representatives of the Architect and Owner. If the Architect or Owner's agent finds any material or installation that does not conform to these drawings and specifications, Contractor shall remove the material from the premises and correct the installation to the satisfaction of the agent. 7.In acceptance or rejection of installed electrical systems, no allowance will be made for lack of skill on the part of the installers. 1.03 WORK INCLUDED A.The electrical system required for this work to include, but is not necessarily limited to: 1.Complete feeder system to branch circuit panels. 2.Complete branch circuit wiring for lighting, motors, receptacles, junction boxes, and similar uses. 3.Lighting fixtures, wall switches, receptacles and similar items. 4.Lighting control system. 5.Fire alarm system as required by national, state, and local codes. 6.Electrical requirements for fireplace. 7.Power Owner furnished equipment. 1.04 CODES AND STANDARDS A.The applicable and enforced editions of the following Codes and published standards (including supplements and official interpretations) are minimum requirements: 1.NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). 2.NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code. 3.NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code. 4.Conform to all applicable State and Local Codes. 5.American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 6.National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). 7.Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 117. 8.National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA). 9.Underwriter's Laboratories (UL). 10.Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA). 11.International Building Code. 12.International Mechanical Code. 13.International Fire Code. 14.Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). B.Comply with requirements of Underwriters Laboratories for all items installed for which U.L. standards have been established. C.The drawings and specifications take precedence when they are more stringent than codes, statutes, or ordinances in effect. Applicable codes, ordinances, standards and statutes take precedence when they are more stringent or conflict with the drawings and specifications. 1.05 EXAMINATION OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A.Each bidder shall examine the bidding documents carefully, and not later than seven days prior to the date of receipt of bids, shall make written request to the Architect for interpretation or correction of any discrepancies, ambiguities, inconsistencies, or errors therein which he may discover. The Architect will issue any interpretation or correction as an Addendum. Only a written interpretation or correction by addendum shall be binding. No bidder shall rely upon interpretations or corrections given by any other method. If discrepancies, ambiguities, inconsistencies, or errors are not covered by addendum or written directive, Contractor shall include in his bid, labor, materials and methods of construction resulting in higher cost. After award of contract, no allowance or extra compensation will be made on behalf of the Contractor due to his failure to make the written requests as described above. B.Failure to request clarification during the bid phase of any inadequacy, omission, or conflict will not relieve the Contractor of their responsibilities. The signing of the contract will be considered as implicitly denoting that the Contractor has a thorough comprehension of the full intent and scope of the working drawings and specifications. 1.06 EXAMINATION OF PREMISES A.Visit site prior to bid and verify that conditions are as indicated. Contractor shall include in his bid costs required to make his work meet existing conditions. 1.07 EXISTING CONDITIONS A.Existing systems and conditions shown on drawings for existing buildings are to be noted "for guidance only". The Electrical Contractor shall field check all existing conditions prior to bidding and is to include in his bid an allowance for extension, removal and/or relocation of existing conduits, wires, devices, fixtures, or other equipment as indicated on the plans or as required to coordinate and adapt new and existing electrical system to all other work. B.Where the reuse of existing conduits, wires, devices, etc. is permissible, make certain that the wiring for same is continuous from outlet to outlet and that such circuit or systems shall pass through no outlet or junction boxes which may be rendered inaccessible by the structural changes to be made to the building. Existing conduits, wire, devices, etc. which are not indicated for reuse shall become the property of this Contractor however lighting fixtures, panel fused switches, circuit breakers, fire alarm equipment, etc. shall become the property of the Owner. C.System outages shall be permitted only at times approved by Owner in writing. Work which could result in an accidental outage (beyond branch circuits) shall be performed with the Owner's maintenance personnel advised of such work. D.Service shall be maintained to existing areas during construction. Contractor shall provide portable generators, cables, outlets, etc. as required to maintain continuity of service. Placement of such portable equipment shall be subject to Owner approval. Generator system shall be complete and operable and shall include required accessories, fuel tanks, piping, muffler, block heater, battery charger, etc. E.Immediately after award of contract, verify available physical space and ampacity of existing panelboards, switchboards, distribution boards, motor control centers, etc., and provide written documentation of findings to the Architect/Engineer. Documentation shall include a minimum 24-hour recording ampere reading on all existing switchgear being utilized for this project. F.Provide new updated panelboard directories for existing and new circuits being utilized for completion of project. 1.08 PERMITS, FEES & NOTICES A.Obtain and pay for all necessary permits, inspections and certificates that may be necessary for the full completion of the work. Furnish the Architect with a certificate of final inspection and approval from the AHJ over the electrical installation. B.Notify proper authorities when work is ready for inspections required by applicable codes, rules and regulations, allowing sufficient time for inspections to be made without hindering progress of the work. Furnish to the Owner copies of inspection certificates of acceptance. 1.09 TESTS A.Upon completion of all work and adjustment of all equipment, provide complete operational tests of all electrical equipment provided under this division. 1.10 WARRANTY A.Guarantee that all work governed by this division shall be free of defects in workmanship, materials and parts for a period of one (1) year after written acceptance. Promptly repair, revise, and replace defects as directed with no additional cost to the Owner (lamps and fuses are exempt). 1.11 RECORD DRAWINGS A.During the progress of the work, maintain an accurate record of the installation of the electrical system. Upon completion of the electrical installation, transfer all record data to prints of the original drawings. Drawings shall include all addendum items, change orders, alternates, reroutings, etc. As a condition of acceptance of the project, deliver to the Architect one copy of the record drawings. 1.12 PROTECTION A.Of People: Arrange barriers, signs, etc. as required to minimize the hazard of people. Comply with applicable safety and health regulations. Coordinate as necessary with the Owner and the General Contractor. B.Of Work: Take all measures necessary to protect the work both before and after installation, to assure that it will be in clean, undamaged, unblemished condition when turned over to the Owner. Repair/replace work damaged during construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 STANDARD FOR MATERIALS A.All electrical material shall be new and of the quality and type specified. B.Manufacturer and catalog number shown in these specifications or on drawings are intended as a guide to quality. Equivalent materials and equipment of other manufacturers will be considered provided such substitutions are requested in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.03 and shall include all information necessary to support the claim of equivalency. C.No extension of completion date shall be allowed for time lost in consideration, shipping, or installation of approved substitutions. Review of substitutions signifies general equality of materials and equipment only. This review does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for proper operation of the system, compliance with specifications and necessary changes due to dimensional differences or space requirements. 2.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A.Shop drawings required for this project are as follows: 1.Lighting fixtures 2.Panelboards 3.Fire alarm and detection system 4.Disconnects B.Present shop drawing submittal data at one time, in electronic (PDF) format, indexed in a neat and orderly manner. Partial submittals will not be accepted. Provide submittal data in accordance Division I. C.Place orders for all equipment in time to prevent any delay in construction schedule or completion of project. If any materials or equipment are not ordered in time, additional charges made by equipment manufacturers to complete their equipment in time to meet construction schedule, together with any special handling charges, shall be borne by the Contractor. D.Shop drawings: Contractor agrees that shop drawing submittals processed by the engineer are not change orders; that the purpose of shop drawing submittals by the Contractor is to demonstrate to the engineer that the Contractor understands the design concept, that he demonstrates his understanding by indicating which equipment and material he intends to provide and by detailing the fabrication and installation methods he intends to use. Contractor further agrees that if deviations, discrepancies, or conflicts between shop drawing submittals and contract documents in the form of design drawings and specifications are discovered either prior to or after shop drawing submittals are processed by the engineer, the design drawings and specifications shall control and shall be followed. 2.03 BID ALTERNATE(S) A.Refer to Division 1 for additional information. B.Alternate(s) for Material and Equipment 1.Equipment and material bid alternate(s) shall be proposed as additive or deductive alternate(s) to specified items by submitting it as a separate line item from the base bid on the Bidder's letterhead. 2.Such bid alternate proposals shall not be substituted or included in the base bid. Bid alternate proposal(s) must be accompanied by full descriptive data on the proposed equipment, together with a statement of the cost to be added or deducted for each item. The bid alternate shall include all materials, equipment, labor, connections, coordination with all other trades, etc. for a complete and operational system. 3.The Contractor shall submit the bid alternates at the time the base bids are due. 2.04 SUBSTITUTIONS A.Bidder's Choice: Material or equipment listed by several manufacturers' names are intended to be bidder's choice, and any of the listed manufacturers may be used in the base bid. B.Performance Specifications: When any item is specified by requirements to meet a performance, industry or regulating body standard, or is specified by a generic spec, (no manufacturer's name listed) no prior review by the Engineer is needed unless specifically called for in these specifications. C.Contractor to be responsible for any changes and costs to accommodate any equipment except the first named in the specification. D.Substitutions of Material (Contractor and owner initiated) 1.Other items of material and equipment not listed as equivalents may be offered (at the Contractor's option) as substitutions to specified items by submitting it as a separate price with his base bid on the Bidder's letterhead. 2.Such substitute proposals shall not be included under the base bid and must be accompanied by full descriptive data on the proposed equipment, together with a statement of the cost to be deducted for each item and all deviations from specified items. Highlight all difference from specified equipment. If any such substitutions are to be considered, the Contractor shall submit a list of the proposed substitution items within 14 days of award of contract. Late requests for proposed substitutions shall not be accepted by the Engineer due to scheduling or delivery concerns. 3.If substitutions are rejected, Electrical Contractor shall supply base bid item as specified. 2.05 PRODUCT HANDLING A.Use all means necessary to protect electrical system materials before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. B.In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Architect at no additional cost to the Owner. C.Upon completion of all installations, lamping and testing, thoroughly inspect all exposed portions of the electrical installation and completely remove all exposed labels, soil, markings, and foreign materials. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 WORKMANSHIP AND COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION A.Contractor's personnel and subcontractors selected to perform the work shall be well versed and skilled in the trades involved. B.Coordinate electrical equipment and materials installation with other building components. C.Sequence, coordinate, and integrate installations of electrical materials and equipment for efficient flow of the Work. Give particular attention to large equipment requiring positioning prior to closing-in the building. D.Any changes or deviations from the drawings and specifications must be accepted in writing by the Architect/Engineer. All errors in installation shall be corrected at the expense of the Contractor. All specialties shall be installed as detailed on the drawings. Where detail or specific installation requirements are not provided, manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed. E.Upon completion of work, all equipment and materials shall be installed complete, thoroughly checked, correctly adjusted, and left ready for intended use or operation. All work shall be thoroughly cleaned and all residue shall be removed from surfaces. Exterior surfaces of all material and equipment shall be delivered in a perfect, unblemished condition. F.Contractor shall provide a complete installation, including all required labor, material, cartage, insurance, permits, and taxes. 3.02 PROGRESS OF WORK A.Order the progress of electrical work to conform to the progress of the work of the other trades. Complete the entire installation as soon as the condition of the building will permit. Any cost resulting from defective or ill-timed work performed under this Section shall be borne by this Contractor. 3.03 CUTTING AND PATCHING A.Provide all cutting, trenching, backfilling, patching and refinishing or resurfacing required for electrical work in a manner meeting the approval of the Engineer and at no additional cost to the Owner. B.All openings made in fire-rated walls, floors, or ceilings shall be patched and made tight in a manner to conform to the fire rating for the surface penetrated. 3.04 DELIVERY AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS A.Arrange and be held responsible for delivery and safe storage of materials and equipment for electrical installation. B.Carefully check materials furnished to this Contractor for installation, and provide receipt acknowledging acceptance of delivery and condition of the materials received. Thereafter, assume full responsibility for its safekeeping until the final installation has been reviewed and accepted. 3.05 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY A.Where there are existing facilities, be responsible for the protection thereof, whether or not such facility is to be removed or relocated. Moving or removing any facility must be done so as not to cause interruption of the work of Owner's operation. B.Close all conduit openings with caps or plugs during installation. Cover all fixtures and equipment and protect against injury. At the final completion, clean all work and deliver in an unblemished condition, or refinish and repaint at the discretion of the Architect. C.Any equipment or conduit systems found to have been damaged or contaminated above “MILL” or “SHOP” conditions shall be replaced or cleaned to the Engineer's satisfaction. 3.06 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A.Final acceptance by the Owner will not occur until all operating instructions are received and Owner's personnel have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the maintenance and operation of all equipment. B.Operating manual, parts lists, and indoctrination of operating and maintenance personnel: Furnish the services of a qualified representative of the supplier for each item or system itemized below who shall instruct specific personnel, as designated by the Owner, in the operation and maintenance of that item or system. C.Instruction shall be made when the particular system is complete and shall be of the number of hours indicated and at the time requested by the Owner. A representative of the Electrical Contractor shall be present for all demonstrations. Provide the following hours of instruction for each system: 1.Fire alarm -2hrs. 2.Lighting control system -4hrs. 3.Electrical distribution equipment-2hrs. D.Deliver three (3) complete operating manuals and parts lists to the Owner (or his designated representative) at the time of the above required indoctrination. Fully explain the contents of the manuals as part of required indoctrination and instruct the Owner's personnel in the correct procedure in obtaining service, both during and after the guarantee period. The operating manual and parts lists shall give complete information as to whom the Owner shall contact for service and parts, including the address and phone number. Furnish evidence that an authorized service organization regularly carries a complete stock of repair parts for these items (or systems), and that the organization is available for service. Service shall be furnished within twenty four (24) hours after requested. E.Clean up: Remove all materials, scrap, etc., relative to the electrical installation and leave the premises and all equipment, lamps, fixtures, etc. in a clean, orderly condition. Any costs to the Owner for clean up of the site will be charged against the Contractor. F.Acceptance Demonstration: Upon completion of the work, at a time to be designated by the Architect, the Contractor shall demonstrate for the Owner the operation of the entire installation, including all systems provided under this contract. G.Operating and Acceptance Tests: Provide all labor, instruments, and equipment for the performance of tests as specified. Submit three (3) copies of a typewritten test report for the Architect for his approval. 1.Record the full load current in each phase or line at the main service entrance and for each feeder leaving the main distribution panelboard. Readings shall be taken with the maximum installed load connected and in operation. 2.Perform a careful inspection of the main switchboard bus structure and cable connections to verify that all connections are mechanically and electrically tight. 3.Measure the resistance to ground for the service ground, which shall not exceed ten (10) ohms under normal soil moisture conditions. If required, install additional ground provisions in a manner accepted by the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.07 IDENTIFICATION A.General: Provide the following services and materials to assist the Owner in operation and maintenance. B.Directory Cards, Nameplates and Labels: No temporary markings, which are visible on equipment, shall remain after the project is complete. Repaint trims, housing, etc., where such markings cannot be readily removed. Defaced finishes must be refinished. All engraved metal or plastic nameplates shall be white letters on a black or gray background. Raised letter type tape shall not be used. No abbreviations in labeling will be permitted without special approval. All panelboards shall be labeled as designated on the electrical drawings. Thoroughly clean surface to which pressure sensitive type labels are applied to assure adherence of label. Directory cards, nameplates, and labels shall indicate the general area and type of electrical load served by each circuit. Provide the following types of labels at these locations. 1.On each separate mounted disconnect for a motor or fixed appliance, indicate motor or appliance designation, voltage, and phase. (Motor or appliance designations shall be as given on the Mechanical or Architectural plans.) Use three-sixteenth inch (3/16”) minimum height letters. 2.On all branch circuit panelboards indicate panel designation, voltage and phase. Use three-fourths inch (3/4”) minimum height stenciled letters in metal tape or one-half inch (1/2”) engraved letters on laminated nameplate. Apply to the inside of each door. All emergency panels and disconnects shall be painted with red enamel. 3.For all branch circuit panelboard directories, provide neatly typed, removable cards and protective plastic faces. Spare circuit breakers shall be identified as such. 3.08 CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING AND POWER A.Provide all temporary facilities required to supply construction power and light. Install and maintain facilities in a manner that will protect the public and workmen. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations. B.The General Contractor shall pay for all power and light used by him and his subcontractors where construction power is separately metered, or is taken from the permanent project metered service solely for construction use. 3.09 REMODELING PROVISIONS A.Existing systems and conditions shown on the drawings are provided for guidance only. The Electrical Contractor shall field check all existing conditions prior to bidding and shall include in his bid an allowance for the removal and relocation of existing conduits, wires, devices, fixtures, or other equipment as indicated on the plans or as required to coordinate and adapt new and existing electrical systems to all other work required for this project. B.Where the reuse of existing conduits, outlets, junction boxes, etc., is permissible, make certain that the wiring form them is continuous from outlet to outlet. Provide modifications to assure that circuits, or system, shall not pass through outlets or junction boxes which may be rendered inaccessible by changes to be made to the building. Existing conduits, wire, devices, fixtures, etc., which shall be removed shall become the property of this Contractor unless otherwise noted. C.Connect new work to existing in a manner that will assure proper raceway grounding throughout in conformance with the National Electrical Code. D.Remodel Work Cutting and Patching: The Contractor shall perform cutting, channeling, chasing, drilling, etc., as required to install or remove electrical equipment in areas of remodeling. This work shall be performed so as to minimize damage to portions of wall finishes, surfaces, plastering, or the structure which are to be reused, resurfaced, plastered or painted under another division of these specifications. E.Carefully coordinate with the required remodeling work, cutting and patching etc., performed by the other trades. Remove or relocate existing electrical conduits, wires, devices, fixtures and other equipment as necessary. F.All outages on portions of existing electrical systems shall be minimized and shall be at a time and of duration as accepted by the Owner. 3.10 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION A.Examination 1.Verity field measurements and circuiting arrangements are as shown on drawings. 2.Verify that abandoned wiring and equipment serve only abandoned facilities. 3.Demolition drawings are based on casual field observation and existing record documents. Report discrepancies to Architect before disturbing existing installation. 4.Beginning of demolition means installer accepts existing conditions. B.Preparation 1.Disconnect electrical systems in walls, floors, and ceilings scheduled for removal. 2.Coordination outages with Architect/Owner. 3.Provide temporary wiring and connections to maintain existing systems in service during construction. When work must be performed on energized equipment or circuits, use personnel experienced in such operations. 4.Fire protection, fire alarm, and detection systems shall be maintained and capable of proper operation during construction. The local Fire Marshall shall be notified before construction starts, when scheduled interruptions are expected and after construction is complete. Protect and support life safety systems routed through areas of demolition. 5.Existing telephone system: Maintain existing system in service. Disable system only to make switchovers and connections. Notify Owner/Architect in writing at least 24 hours before partially or completely disabling system. Minimize outage duration. C.Demolition and Extension of Existing Electrical Work 1.Demolish and extend existing electrical work under provisions of Division 1, Division 2, and this section. 2.Remove, relocate, and extend existing installations to accommodate new construction. 3.Remove abandoned wiring to source of supply. 4.Remove exposed abandoned conduit, including abandoned conduit above accessible ceiling finishes. Cut conduit flush with walls and floors, and patch surfaces. 5.Disconnect abandoned outlets and remove devices. Remove abandoned outlets if conduit servicing them is abandoned and removed. Provide blank cover for abandoned outlets, which are not removed. 6.Disconnect and remove abandoned panelboards and distribution equipment. 7.Disconnect and remove electrical devices and equipment serving utilization equipment that has been removed. 8.Disconnect and remove abandoned luminaires. Remove brackets, stems, hangers, and other accessories. 9.Repair adjacent construction and finishes damaged during demolition and extension work. 10.Maintain access to existing electrical installations, which remain active. Modify installation or provide access panel as appropriate. 11.Extend existing installations using materials and methods compatible with existing electrical installation, or as specified in individual section. D.Cleaning and Repair 1.Clean and repair existing materials and equipment, which remain or are to be reused. 2.Panelboards: Clean exposed surfaces and check tightness of electrical connections. Replace damaged circuit breakers and provide closure plates for vacant positions. Provide typed circuit directory showing revised circuiting arrangement. 3.Luminaries: Remove existing luminaires for cleaning. Use mild detergent to clean all exterior and interior surfaces; rinse with clean water and wipe dry. Replace lamps, non-operational ballasts, and broken electrical parts. E.Installation 1.Install relocated materials and equipment under the provisions of Division 1. END OF SECTION 26 00 10 SECTION 26 10 00 - BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 - GENERAL (Not Used) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS A.Conduit: 1.Conduits installed underground or in grade slabs shall be Schedule 40 PVC with ground wire. 2.Conduits subject to mechanical damage or where otherwise required by code shall be galvanized rigid heavy wall conduit; all other conduit may be electric metallic tubing. 3.Flexible metallic conduit shall be used where vibration or other reasons do not allow solid connections to motors, equipment, etc. Flex may also be used to fish in existing walls or where required to connection in millwork. The use of flex shall be held to a minimum. Where flexible metallic conduit is used in areas subject to moisture, PVC-coated flex (Liquidtight) shall be used. B.Fittings: 1.Use solvent welded fittings for all PVC conduit. 2.Use set-screw or compression fittings for all EMT conduit. 3.Use threaded fittings for all rigid conduit. 2.02 WIRE AND CABLE A.Voltage range 0 to 24: High conductivity copper, thermo-plastic insulation, 300 volt rating. B.Voltage range 24 to 600: High conductivity copper, moisture-resistant thermo-plastic insulation, 600 volt 75°C rating for general use. For HID fixtures and wiring within 3 inches of fluorescent ballasts, wire shall be copper, minimum 90°C rated. Sizes indicated are for installation in a maximum 30°C ambient. Conductor ampacity shall be derated for higher ambient installations. 600 volt aluminum wire and cable in sizes 1/0 and larger may be substituted for copper on services and feeders if ampacity is equal to or greater than copper, voltage drop is equal to or less than copper, and termination at switches, lugs, circuit breakers, etc., is with Mac-adapt series "MPT" machine compression adapters or equal. C.Conductors used specifically for equipment or service ground may be bare or have insulation to match circuit/feeder conductors. 2.03 WIRE CONNECTIONS A.All electrical connections shall be electrically and mechanically secure, using the following methods: 1.Wire size #8 and smaller--pressure type connectors (scotch-lok) or equivalent. 2.Wire size #6 and larger--mechanical or compression lugs, Burndy, T & B, Ilsco or equivalent. B.Wire termination provisions for panelboards, circuit breakers, safety switches, and all other electrical apparatus shall be listed as suitable for 75°C. 2.04 SURFACE RACEWAYS A.Surface Metal Raceways: Galvanized steel with snap-on covers. Manufacturers standard enamel finish in color selected by Architect. B.Manufacturer shall be Thomas& Betts Corporation, Walker systems, Inc. (The Wiremold Company), or approved equal. 2.05 OUTLET BOXES A.Outlet boxes shall be: one piece steel, galvanized, Steel City Electric, Appleton Electric, Raco or approved equivalent. Where NMC or ENT is used, plastic boxes are acceptable. 2.06 DEVICES A.Wiring devices shall be specification grade and rated at 20 amperes for light switches and 20 amperes for duplex receptacles. Switches, receptacles, and other devices shall be Leviton Decora style, or Pass Seymour, Cooper, or Hubbell equivalent. Color shall be ivory unless noted otherwise by Architect. B.GFCI receptacles shall be straight blade feed through type with indicator light that is lighted when device is tripped. C.Switches shall be 120/277V, 20A, rocker type. D.Dimmers shall be continuous adjustable slider, modular, full wave, solid state units with integral quiet ON/OFF switch with audible frequency and EMI/RFI suppression filters. Lutron Diva or equal. E.Wall plates shall be smooth, high-impact thermoplastic material for finished spaces. Smooth, high-impact thermoplastic for unfinished spaces. Cast aluminum with spring-loaded lift cover and listed and labeled for use in “wet locations” in damp spaces. F.Wet locations weatherproof cover plates shall be NEMA250, complying with type 3R weather resistant in-use rating die-cast aluminum with lockable cover. G.Poke Through Assemblies shall be factory fabricated-and-wired assembly of below floor junction box with multi-channeled, through-floor raceway/firestop unit and detachable matching floor service outlet assembly. Unit shall be listed and labeled for fire rating of floor-ceiling assembly. H.Multi outlet assemblies shall be aluminum 3” high, divided channel raceway for use as a complete matching assembly. Duplex 20 amp receptacles shall be located every 18” or as shown in drawings. Route #12AWG minimum. Derate conductors as required by NEC. 2.07 DISCONNECTS A.Safety switches shall be heavy-duty, quick-make, quick-break with cover interlock, fusible or non-fusible, and grounding lugs in enclosure to suit locations and requirements. G.E., Siemens, Square D, Cutler-Hammer. 2.08 FUSES A.Time delay, rejection type, high capacity or current limiting as shown on the drawings. Manufacturers shall be Bussmann, Littelfuse or Gould Shawmut. B.Provide one (1) set of three (3) spare fuses for each size and type provided on this project. Provide fuses in a sheet metal storage cabinet with a hinged door equipped with clips or cubicles, each marked with the size and type fuse stored therein. Provide nameplate "Spare Fuses". Install in locations as directed by Owner. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CONDUIT INSTALLATION A.All wiring shall be installed in listed metallic raceways. Raceways in slab-on-grade or below grade shall be schedule 40 PVC. Transitions from below to above grade shall be with rigid steel elbows with P.V.C. Jacket or approved equal protection. EMT fittings shall be malleable iron or steel. Connectors shall be insulated throat type. B.Make conduit bends with standard conduit elbows or conduit bent to not less than the same radius. All bends shall be free from dents or flattening. C.All fittings in wet places, locations exposed to weather, or buried in masonry, concrete or fill, shall be water-tight. Apply listed compound to threads of raceway and fittings before making up joints. Follow compound manufacturer's instructions. D.At locations subject to moisture or vibration, use insulating bushings to protect conductors, including conductors smaller than No. 4 AWG. E.Cap conduit ends to prevent entrance of foreign materials during construction. F.Run concealed conduits in a direct line. Run exposed conduits parallel to, or at right angles with, lines of the building. Install all conduits at least 6" away from flues, steam and hot water pipes. Install horizontal raceway runs above water and steam piping. G.Run underground conduits a minimum of 2' 0" below grade. H.Seal all conduit penetrations of fire rated walls, floor, or ceilings with U.L. listed "Dow Corning" #2000 or #2001 fire stop sealant or equivalent. I.All empty raceway systems shall have a polypropylene pullwire or equal, and shall be identified at all junction, pull and termination points using permanent metallic tags. Tag shall indicate intended use of conduit, origination, and termination points of each individual conduit. J.Non-metallic and flexible metal conduits shall have a code-sized copper grounding conductor. Increase conduit size as required. K.Conduits penetrating through roof shall have roof flashing with caulk type counter flashing sleeve. Installation shall be watertight. L.Where panels are installed flush with walls, empty conduits shall be extended from the panel to an accessible space above or below. A minimum of one 3/4"c shall be installed for every three single pole spare circuit breakers or spaces, or fraction thereof, but not less than two conduits. 3.02 WIRE INSTALLATION A.Branch circuit conductors shall be as follows: 1.For general applications through size #8: THWN 75oC wire and full size ground, or type THHN 90oC. 2.Branch circuit conductors through size #10 to be solid, #8 and larger stranded. 3.Unless indicated on the drawings, (the minimum) wire used for branch circuits shall be #12 THWN protected by 20 ampere circuit breakers. 4.Branch circuits for receptacles shall be on 20 amp, single pole circuit breakers with #12 conductors. No more than eight (8) duplex receptacles shall be on any one branch circuit. Circuits serving bathroom GFCI receptacles may serve lighting but shall not serve any other receptacles. 5.Lighting branch circuit shall not be loaded to more than 70% of breaker rating, in effect, 14 amps per circuit. B.The drawings indicate the general direction of routes of branch circuit home runs. Continue all such home runs to panels as though the routes were completely indicated. 1.Conductors shall be continuous from outlet box to outlet box, or junction box, with no splices except in such boxes. 2.Do not install wire in conduits until after plastering or drywall is completed and all moisture has been removed from conduits. 3.03 WIRING DEVICE INSTALLATION A.Review architectural and mechanical drawings before installing outlets. Changing of outlets to conform to these drawings and any other slight change in mounting height or location of outlets required shall be considered as a part of this contract. Use outlet boxes of sufficient size and shape to best suit the particular location and to contain the enclosed wire and connections without crowding. Size all boxes per N.E.C. Article 370. B.Switch and receptacle outlet boxes shall be standard boxes with cover plates. Where more than one switch or device is located at one point, use gang boxes and gang cover plates. C.Receptacles in wet locations shall be installed with a hinged outlet cover/enclosure marked “suitable for wet locations while in use” and “UL listed”. There must be a gasket between the enclosure and the mounting surface, and between and hinged cover and mounting plate/base to assure proper seal. Taymac; specification grade or equivalent. D.Flush mount lighting switches 4'0" centerline above finished floor unless otherwise indicated. Flush mount wall type receptacles and other wall mounted wiring devices and outlets 18 inches centerline above finished floor unless otherwise indicated. E.Route dedicated neutral conductors on line and load side of dimmers per manufacturer's instructions. F.Set metal floor boxes level. Trim after installation to fit flush with finished floor surfaces. G.Set non-metallic floor boxes level. Trim after installation to fit flush with finished floor surfaces. 3.04 DEVICES A.Support all panels, junction boxes and other electrical devices in a manner as required by the N.E.C. Use extra bracing, supports, etc. as necessary to provide a proper and substantial base to which all electrical equipment is attached. B.Bolt-free standing equipment to 4" high concrete housekeeping pads. 3.05 EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY OTHERS AND/OR OWNER A.Verify exact location and requirements of equipment to be furnished by others prior to rough-in. B.See mechanical drawings for location of mechanical equipment. Provide service to, and connect equipment as required. C.Inspect owner furnished equipment for damage, defects, missing components, etc. Report deficiencies to the Owner immediately. Do not install or connect deficient equipment. D.Rough-in equipment furnished by Owner to locations as required. Final connections will be made by Electrical Contractor. 3.06 EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS A.Final connections to motors, transformers and other vibrating equipment shall be with seal tite flex and approved fittings. Do not secure conduits, disconnects, or devices to ductwork or mechanical equipment. B.Final connections to equipment shall be in accordance with manufacturer's approved wiring diagrams, details, and instructions. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide materials and equipment compatible with equipment actually supplied. C.Electrical Contractor shall provide controls, interlocks, accessories, etc. in motor control starters as required by the temperature control Contractor. Starters shall contain 120V control transformer, pilot light, and pushbuttons or selector switch as required, in addition to other items (auxiliary contacts, door switches, relays, etc.) required. Submit elementary control diagrams. END OF SECTION 26 10 00 SECTION 26 40 00 - ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 ELECTRICAL SERVICE CHARACTERISTICS A.The Contractor is responsible for all coordination with the utility company for this project to ensure the installation of electrical services shall be compatible with the utility company's requirements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ELECTRICAL SERVICE ENTRANCE EQUIPMENT A.Electrical service entrance equipment shall be UL listed and labeled for service entrance equipment and shall have a series interrupting rating of circuit breaker units equal to or greater than fault currents, which might be imposed on them. It shall further limit the available fault current to branch circuit panels to 10,000 amperes or less. 2.02 BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELS A.Bolt on circuit breaker type with hinged door, indoor circuit directory. Circuit breakers to meet the non-interchangeability requirements of the N.E.C. where applicable; all breakers 20 ampere single pole unless otherwise noted; all multiple units common trip. Mains with lugs or main circuit breakers as shown on the panelboard schedules. All panels to have neutral and ground bus. General Electric, ITE, Square D, Cutler-Hammer equivalent. B.Molded case circuit breakers with series-connected rating interrupting capacity to meet available fault currents. GFCI circuit breakers shall be single or two pole configurations with 5 or 30 mA trip sensitivity. AFCI circuit breakers shall be single pole configuration that provides protection from an arcing fault by de-energizing the circuit when the fault is detected. Shunt trip circuit breaker energized from a separate 120V circuit set to trip at 75 % of rated voltage. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 MOUNTING A.Install distribution equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation, and as shown on the drawings. B.Install wall-mounted equipment 5' 0" centerline above finished floor unless otherwise indicated. C.Install top of panelboards 6'6” above finished floor unless otherwise noted on the drawings. Mount plumb and rigid without distortion of box. Mount recessed panelboards with fronts uniformly flush with wall finish. D.Stub four 1-inch empty conduits from panel boards into accessible ceiling space. 3.02 IDENTIFICATION A.Identify panelboard name, voltage and ampacity with engraved machine printed nameplate on panelboard mounted with corrosion resistant screws. B.Create a typewritten directory schedule indicating installed circuit loads mounted to inside door cover in removable transparent pocket. 3.03 COMPATIBILITY A.The Contractor is responsible for all coordination with the utility company for this project, to insure the installation of electrical services shall be compatible with the entire project, and to insure that electrical service is installed at a time as to provide necessary electrical power as required to the completed project. Single phase equipment on a three phase distribution system shall be connected to insure as near a balanced system load as possible. END OF SECTION 26 40 00 SECTION 26 50 00 - LIGHTING & LIGHTING CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 PROVISIONS A.Provide all interior and exterior lighting fixtures as shown on the plans and hereinafter specified. All items shall be provided to make a complete and operable lighting system, including lamps, ballasts, poles, hangers, painting, plaster frames, etc. B.Fixtures shall be as shown in the fixture schedule. Catalog numbers shown are the latest available at the time of design. If discrepancies occur between description and catalog number, description will take precedence. C.Verify trim, finish and general description of all lighting fixtures through shop drawing approval prior to placing order for fixtures. Modify catalog numbers accordingly. D.If it is necessary for the Architect/Engineer to reselect light fixtures which are still available from the manufacturer (i.e. not “discontinued”) but cannot be obtained in time for installation as the result of the contractor's failure to promptly order such fixtures, the contractor shall be back charged at the rate of $75 per hour for the Architect's/Engineer's services. 1.Alternately, the Contractor may be required to pay to air freight fixtures to the construction site at no additional charge to the Owner if this will result in the specified fixtures being available for installation in time to meet the project schedule. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 INCANDESCENT FIXTURES A.Incandescent fixtures to be complete with lamps, and all necessary accessories to provide for their installation. Provide necessary blocking or other protection to maintain separation of recessed fixtures from combustible material and building insulation system. All recessed fixtures to have thermal protection device. Provide sloping ceiling adaptors where required to place lamp center line beam candlepower perpendicular to the working plane. 2.02 EMERGENCY LIGHTING A.Fixtures indicated as being on emergency light circuits shall be provided with self-contained battery powered inverter unit for direct mounting in fixture. Provide unit with fully automatic two rate charger, nickel cadmium battery, AC "on" pilot light, and test switch. Design and wire unit to automatically transfer to battery supply on loss of normal AC power and to operate for a minimum 1-1/2 hours. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A.Install lighting fixtures straight and true with reference to adjacent walls, and securely fasten to and support by structural members of the building. Refer to architectural or interior reflected ceiling plans and elevations for exact location of fixtures. B.Provide photocontrols, time clocks, contactors, relays, etc. to control interior and exterior fixtures. All items for lighting controls that are to be mounted outdoors or in wet locations shall be installed in weatherproof housings. C.Recessed light fixtures installed in gyp. board or plaster ceilings shall have plaster frames installed prior to ceiling material. D.Fixtures recessed in "t-bar" ceiling shall be supported independently of ceiling system, with four #12 hanger wires up to structure. Secure hanger wires to corners of fixture. Clip fixture to grid on two sides with factory-furnished clips. Final connection to fixture shall be made with a flexible U.L. approved assembly. END OF SECTION 26 50 00 DIVISION 28 - ELECTRONIC SAFETY AND SECURITY SYSTEMS SECTION 28 30 00 -FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 3.02 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (DESIGN/BUILD) A.GENERAL 1.Combination automatic and manual fire alarm system. Devices shown on Drawings are the minimum acceptable, additional devices and zoning may be required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and shall be provided at no additional cost to the Owner. Alarm shall achieve minimum of 80db throughout occupiable spaces and meet ADA requirements. 2.The fire alarm system shall be installed under a design/build concept and shall consist of a complete manual and automatic fire alarm system, and all associated appurtenances fully coordinated within all other systems and structure in this project. Include full design calculations with shop drawings prepared, reviewed, and sealed by a registered engineer or NICET Class III Certified Technician. 3.Secure all necessary approvals for a complete fire alarm system acceptable to the Fire Rating Bureau and Fire Marshall/District Having Jurisdiction, and in accordance with the standards set forth in these specifications. 4.The system shall include a central control panel, power supply, signal initiating devices, audible and/or visual alarm devices, a conduit and wiring system, and all accessory devices required to provide a complete operating system. 5.The system shall comply with the applicable provisions of the National Fire Protection Association, (NFPA), Standard 72, Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, National Electrical Code, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), NFPA 70 and 90A. The system shall also meet all requirements of the Fire Marshall or Building Authority Having Jurisdiction. All equipment and devices shall be listed by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Fire alarm panel shall be UL Listed as an assembled unit. 6.Provide shop drawings showing equipment and device locations and connecting wiring of entire fire alarm system. Include wiring diagrams, panel layout drawings, and descriptive literature of all components. Upon completion of project, provide to the Owner as built system plans and 3 sets of system operation and maintenance manuals. 7.To establish the type and quality of system desired, the following equipment is considered equivalent: Pyrotronics, Simplex and Notifier. Other manufacturer's equipment may be considered upon proper submittal per Section 16010. B.Qualifications of Installers: The entire fire alarm system shall be fabricated, installed, and tested by a contractor with five years minimum experience specializing in such systems. If required within jurisdiction of project, contractor shall be a licensed specialist. C.Type of System: The system shall be a [hardwired] [addressable] fire alarm system. D.Submittals: 1.Shop drawings: Before any fire alarm system materials are delivered to the job site, submit complete shop drawings to the architect in accordance with the provisions of these specifications. a.Prior to submittal for architect's review, secure approval and stamp of acceptance of the Fire Marshall/District Having Jurisdiction. b.Upon request, the Architect with furnish without charge to the contractor one set of reproducible transparencies of those drawings included in the contractor documents which may be suitable for use in preparation of shop drawings. c.Shop drawings shall include: 1)Layout drawing of the complete fire alarm system indicating relationship of all other overhead items including ceiling air diffusers, lighting fixtures, and all other items. 2)Complete details and sections as required to clearly define and clarify the design, including a materials list describing all proposed materials by manufacturer's name and catalog number. 3)As-Built Drawings: During progress of the work, maintain an accurate record of all changes made in the fire sprinkler system installation from the layout and materials shown on the reviewed shop drawings. 4)Manual: Upon completion of this portion of the work, and as a condition of its acceptance, deliver to the architect a copy of a manual complied in accordance with the provisions of Sections 16010 and 16100 of these specifications; include a copy of the as-built drawings. END OF SECTION 28 30 00 Designed: Reviewed: Project No:9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00E001.DWG04.13.1811:33:49 AMScale:As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820www˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-001 BAS MAS 10/08/18 UP UP UP UP SCALE:1 LOWER LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" S 3 S3 EXISTING 1200 AMP, 120/208Y VOLT, 3-PHASE, 4W SWITCHBOARD. X2 R1 R3 X2 R1 R1 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 V1 V1 R1 R1E R1 R1E R1 R1 R1 R1E R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R3 X1 T12 T12 OS R5 R3 R3 R2 R2 1. PROVIDE LEGRAND #24S7224GBX99IV PLUGMOLD WITH DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SPACED 24" ON CENTER. PROVIDE 18' RUN OF PLUGMOLD AT 12" AFF AND AN 18' RUN OF PLUGMOLD AT 12" BELOW CEILING. 2. RECEPTACLE SHALL BE CONTROLLED VIA LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL WIRE THE POWER SUPPLY OF THE 'T1' FIXTURE WITH CORD AND PLUG END. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONCEAL POWER SUPPLY IN SHELVING. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION OF POWER SUPPLY IN SHELVING WITH SHELVING SUPPLIER AND ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. LABEL RECEPTACLE TO INDICATE THAT ONLY LIGHTING LOADS SHALL BE PLUGGED INTO THIS RECEPTACLE. 3. PROVIDE (1) RUN OF FIXTURE 'T1' ON LOW SHELF AND (1) RUN OF FIXTURE 'T1' ON HIGH SHELF. FIXTURE SHALL BE WIRED TO PLUG INTO A SWITCHED RECEPTACLE. 4. EXISTING PANEL 'P2' LOCATION. REFER TO ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE DIAGRAM ON SHEET E-200 FOR MORE INFORMATION. 5. COORDINATE EXACT POWER REQUIREMENTS WITH REVIEWED FIREPLACE SUBMITTAL PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. 6. HUBBELL SYSTEM-ONE FLOOR BOX #S1SFB STAMPED STEEL FLOOR BOX, VERIFY COVER FINISH WITH ARCHITECT/OWNER. 7. PROVIDE LUTRON #GRX-4124-T-WH GRAFIK EYE CONTROLLER. 8. PROVIDE LUTRON #NTGRX-2B-SL 2-BUTTON WALL STATION. 9. PROVIDE LUTRON #CUS-1000 DUAL TECHNOLOGY OCCUPANCY SENSOR. FLAG NOTES:# R3 1 R5E R5 R5 R5E R5E R5 R5 R5E S1 S1T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 , TYP. 'P1' 'P2' 4 P1-1 P1-1 P1-1 P1-1P1-3 P1-3 P1-3 P1-5 P1-5 P1-5 P1-5 P1-5 P1-7 P1-7 P1-7 P1-7 P1-7 P1-9 P1-9 P1-9 P1-9 P1-9 P1-9 P1-11 P1-11 P1-11 P1-13 P1-13 P1-15 P1-15 P1-19 P1-17 P1-17 P1-19 P1-19 P1-21 P1-21 P1-21 P1-23 P1-23 P1-23 P1-23 P1-25 P1-27 P1-29 P1-31 P1-33 P1-35 SJ FP 5 FC 1 FC 1 EF 1 ERV 1DC 1 1. ALL LIGHTING ON THIS SHEET SHALL BE CIRCUITED TO P1-2 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. ALL SWITCHED RECEPTACLES ON THIS SHEET SHALL BE CIRCUITED TO P1-6 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL SWITCHED RECEPTACLES ON THIS LEVEL SHALL BE ON ZONE #1 OF LUTRON GRAFIK EYE SYSTEM. NOTES: P1-4 P1-4 P1-8 P1-10,12 P1-14 P1-37 P1-16 OS SDDDZ2 Z3 Z4 Z5 6 6 6 7 LV LV 8 9 9 Designed: Reviewed: Project No: 9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00E101.DWG04.13.1811:33:56 AM Scale: As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820www˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 LOWER LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLAN E-101 BAS MAS Exit sign and lighting req'd e x i tProvide additional exit sign and lighting here 10/08/18 UP DN DN SCALE: 1 PLAZA LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" P1 X1 R1 R1 R1E R1 R1E R1 R1E R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 P1 P1 P1 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R1 T4 R3 R3 R5 R5 1. CEILING MOUNTED RECEPTACLE. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. 2. RECEPTACLE SHALL BE CONTROLLED VIA LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL WIRE THE POWER SUPPLY OF THE 'T1' FIXTURE WITH CORD AND PLUG END. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONCEAL POWER SUPPLY IN SHELVING. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION OF POWER SUPPLY IN SHELVING WITH SHELVING SUPPLIER AND ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. LABEL RECEPTACLE TO INDICATE THAT ONLY LIGHTING LOADS SHALL BE PLUGGED INTO THIS RECEPTACLE. 3. PROVIDE (1) RUN OF FIXTURE 'T1' ON LOW SHELF AND (1) RUN OF FIXTURE 'T1' ON HIGH SHELF. FIXTURE SHALL BE WIRED TO PLUG INTO A SWITCHED RECEPTACLE. 4. THIS FIXTURE SHALL BE BACKED UP VIA CENTRAL EMERGENCY INVERTER LOCATED AT FLAG NOTE #5 ON THIS SHEET. 5. PROVIDE PHILIPS BODINE #ELI-S-250 CENTRAL LIGHTING INVERTER OR EQUIVALENT. 6. PROVIDE CEILING MOUNTED SWITCHED RECEPTACLE FOR DISPLAY WINDOW. 7. PROVIDE DEDICATED RECEPTACLE FOR AV DISPLAY WALL. 8. LUTRON ENERGI SAVR NODE FOR GRAFIK EYE SYSTEM. 9. PROVIDE LUTRON #NTGRX-4M 4-BUTTON MASTER WALL STATION. 10. PROVIDE 20(2WG) ELECTRICAL FEED TO THIS LOCATION FOR SIGN. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. FLAG NOTES:# 1 R2 R2 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R2 R2 R2 T4 T4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 X1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 , TYP. ERV 1DC 1 FC 1 FC 1 FC 1 SFC 1 P2-1 P2-1 P2-1 P2-1 S WPSSP2-1 P2-3 P2-3 P2-3 P2-3P2-3 P2-3 P2-5 P2-5 P2-5 P2-5 P2-5 P2-7 P2-9 P2-11 P2-13 P2-13 P2-13 P2-13 P2-13 P2-13 P2-13 P2-15 P2-15 P2-15 P2-15 P2-15 P2-15 P2-15 P2-17 P2-19 P2-21 P2-23 P2-23 P2-27 P2-27 P2-27 P2-29 P2-31 P2-31 P2-31 P1-33 P2-37 1. ALL LIGHTING ON THIS SHEET SHALL BE CIRCUITED TO P2-2 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. ALL SWITCHED RECEPTACLES ON THIS SHEET SHALL BE CIRCUITED TO P2-8 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL SWITCHED RECEPTACLES ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE RETAIL SPACE ON THIS LEVEL NOTED WITH FLAG NOTE #2 SHALL BE ON ZONE #6 OF LUTRON GRAFIK EYE SYSTEM. ALL SWITCHED RECEPTACLES ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE RETAIL SPACE ON THIS LEVEL NOTED WITH FLAG NOTE #2 SHALL BE ON ZONE #18 OF LUTRON GRAFIK EYE SYSTEM. 3. ALL FLOOR BOXES THIS SHEET SHALL BE HUBBELL SYSTEM-ONE POKE THROUGH #SPT4X4AL. VERIFY COVER FINISH WITH ARCHITECT/OWNER. NOTES: P2-4 P2-4 P2-4 P2-4 P2-6 P2-6 P2-6 P2-10 P2-12,14 P1-18,20 P2-27 P2-35 P2-35 P2-16,18 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z9 Z9 Z9 Z9 Z10 Z11 Z13 Z17 Z16 Z15 Z14 4 4 4 5 E1 E1 J J 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 AC 1 AC 1 P2-20 P2-20 P2-22 P2-22 Z12 Z20 Z19 8 LV9 10 10 Designed: Reviewed: Project No: 9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00E102.DWG04.13.1811:34:03 AM Scale: As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820 www ˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 PLAZA LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLAN E-102 BAS MAS 10/08/18 M M M M M 50/3L-570/3L-670/3L-770/3L-8150/3L-970/3L-10811460 CR 6-A 810497 L-8 BLANK L-9 81459 L-6 811461 L-5 811458 L-10 BLANK BLANK BLANK 100/3SPARE125/3L-2L-350/3L-4125/3M M 811456 CR 6-A 811457 L-8 M M 811455 CR 6-A 811454 L-8 800/3 ALPENROSE BAKERY HP1 HOUSE PANEL EXISTING 1200 AMP, 120/208Y VOLT, 3-PHASE, 4W, GE AV-LINE SWITCHBOARD. EXISTING 4-#2/0 AL, #4 GRD. 'P1' 'P2'(E) 1. DEMO EXISTING PANEL ON PLAZA LEVEL AND FEEDER BACK TO EXISTING METER STACK. 2. REROUTE AND EXTEND EXISTING FEEDER FROM EXISTING LOCATION TO NEW PANEL LOCATION IN 'OFFICE/STORAGE 3'. REFER TO FLAG NOTE #4 ON SHEET E-101 FOR EXISTING PANEL LOCATION. FLAG NOTES:# 2 SCALE: 1 ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE 1. IT IS ASSUMED THAT THE FEEDERS BETWEEN THE TRANSFORMER AND THE 1200A SWITCHBOARD ARE 4 SETS 500 KCMIL ALUMINUM. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING FEEDER SIZE. IF THE EXISTING FEEDER SIZE IS DIFFERENT FROM THE ENGINEER'S ASSUMPTION, THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ACTUAL SIZE FOR VERIFICATION OF SHORT-CIRCUIT AND VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATION. NOTES: SHORT CIRCUIT / VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATION SUMMARY POINTTAG VOLTAGE / PHASE LENGTH (FT) COPPER / ALUMINUM CONDUIT WIRE SIZE # OF SETS FEEDER VOLTAGE DROP (%) TOTAL VOLTAGE DROP (%) Isc AVAILABLE UPSTREAM Isc (FAULT) F1 SWITCHBOARD 208V, 3Ø 170 A N 500 4 1.9% 1.9% 99,500 37,600 F2 P1 208V, 3Ø 30 A S 2X 1 0.3% 2.2% 37,600 16,297 F3 P2 208V, 3Ø 30 A S 2X 1 0.3% 2.2% 37,600 16,297 ** PER THE UTILITY, THE MAXIMUM AVAILABLE (SYMMETRICAL) FAULT AT THE SECONDARY SIDE OF THE SERVICE TRANSFORMER IS 99,500 AMPS, ASSUMING A 500 KVA TRANSFORMER. SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATIONS ARE FURNISHED FOR ALL FAULT LEVELS ABOVE 10,000 AMPS @ 208 VOLT. ANY FAULT CURRENT BELOW THIS LEVEL IS CONSIDERED SAFE FOR THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TO CLEAR OR EQUIPMENT IS BUILT TO WITHSTAND THIS LEVEL OF FAULT SAFELY. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE MARK DESCRIPTION VOLT / PHASE HP WATTS FLA MCA MOCP DISCONNECT/ FUSE SIZE FEEDER CIRCUIT SPECIFIC NOTES AC-1 OUTDOOR AIR CONDITIONING UNIT 208/1 - 4971 17.5 23.9 25A2P 30A, 2P, NF 30A(3WG) SEE PLANS FC-1 FAN COIL UNIT TYPE #1 208/1 0.5 1123 5.4 6.8 20A2P 30A, 2P, NF 20A(3WG) - (1) ERV-1 ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOR #1 120/1 0.5 960 8.1 10.1 20A1P 1P MOTOR RATED SWITCH 20A(2WG) SEE PLANS DC-1 ELECTRIC ERV HEATING DUCT COIL #1 208/1 - 5000 24.0 30.0 30A2P 30A, 2P, NF 30A(3WG) SEE PLANS EF-1 BATHROOM EXHAUST FAN #1 120/1 - 8.6 0.1 0.1 20A1P 1P MOTOR RATED SWITCH 20A(2WG) SEE PLANS (2) GENERAL NOTES: A. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL DIVISION AND MECHANICAL DIVISION MOTOR STARTER COORDINATION. B. PROVIDE PHASE PROTECTION FOR ALL THREE PHASE MOTORS ABOVE 7-1/2 HP. C. PROVIDE ALL EXTERIOR DISCONNECTS WITH NEMA 3R RATING. D. WHEN EQUIPMENT IS LISTED WITH ONLY A HORSEPOWER RATING THE DISCONNECT AND FEEDER ARE SIZED PER THE N.E.C. SPECIFIC NOTES: (1) FAN COIL SHALL BE POWERED THRU 'AC-1'. COORDINATE EXACT WIRING REQUIREMENTS OF FAN COIL UNIT WITH REVIEWED MANUFACTURER'S SUBMITTAL PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. (2) EF-1 SHALL BE CONTROLLED VIA LOCAL WALL SENSOR SWITCH CONTROLLING LIGHTING. (3) (4) LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE TYPE DESCRIPTION MOUNTING RECESS DEPTH LUMEN OUTPUT COLOR TEMP. (K)INPUT WATTS VOLT MANUFACTURER CATALOG NUMBER SPECIFIC NOTES E1 EXTERIOR EMERGENCY WALL SCONCE WITH BATTERY HEATER WALL - - - 21 120 LITHONIA AFN W EXT R1 3.5" LED DOWNLIGHT, 90 CRI RECESSED 3.53" 1500 3000 19 120 FOCAL POINT FLC3D RO 1500L 120 L11 T BH LC3 RO 1500L FL CD BP R1E 3.5" LED DOWNLIGHT WITH INTEGRAL BATTERY BACKUP RECESSED 3.53" 1500 3000 19 120 FOCAL POINT FLC3D RO 1500L 120 L11 T BH EMR LC3 RO 1500L FL CD BP R2 2-HEADED, 4" LED, FULLY RETRACTABLE FIXTURE, 90 CRI RECESSED 6" 1600 3000 33 120-277 WAC LIGHTING MT-4LD216N-F930-BK R3 3-HEADED, 4" LED, FULLY RETRACTABLE FIXTURE, 90 CRI RECESSED 6" 2400 3000 49.5 120-277 WAC LIGHTING MT-4LD316N-F930-BK R4 1-HEADED, 4" LED, FULLY RETRACTABLE FIXTURE, 90 CRI RECESSED 6" 800 3000 16.5 120-277 WAC LIGHTING MT-4LD116N-F930-BK R5 3.5" LED ADJUSTABLE DOWNLIGHT, 90 CRI RECESSED 3.53" 1300 3000 19 120 WAC LIGHTING FLCS3 RO 1300L 930K FL 120 L11 T BH LCS3 RO AA CD BK R5E 3.5" LED ADJUSTABLE DOWNLIGHT WITH INTEGRAL BATTERY BACKUP RECESSED 3.53" 1300 3000 19 120 WAC LIGHTING FLCS3 RO 1300L 930K FL 120 L11 T BH EMR LCS3 RO AA CD BK P1 OWNER PROVIDED PENDANT SUSPENDED - TBD TBD 320 120 TBD TBD (3) S1 BACK OF HOUSE, ROUND SURFACE MOUNT FIXTURE WITH INTEGRAL OCCUPANCY SENSOR SURFACE - 800 4000 8.7 120 LEVITON 001-09864-LED T1 TAPE LIGHT MOUNTED TO SHELVES TO LIGHT MERCHANDISE, 90 CRI SURFACE - 500 lm/ft 3000 4.1 W/FT 120 KELVIX 006 I XX" PQ 3K WH CP SV ULV T4 4' TRACK W/ 3 LED ADJUSTABLE BEAM TRACK HEADS, 90 CRI SURFACE -1350 / TRACK HEAD 3000 24 / TRACK HEAD 120 WAC LIGHTING TRACK: WT 4 WT TRACK HEAD: WTK LED523 930 WT T12 12' TRACK W/ 6 LED ADJUSTABLE BEAM TRACK HEADS, 90 CRI SURFACE -1350 / TRACK HEAD 3000 24 / TRACK HEAD 120 WAC LIGHTING TRACK: WT 12 WT TRACK HEAD: WTK LED523 930 WT V1 RECESSED LED TAPE LIGHT ROUTED VERTICALLY THE LENGTH OF THE BATHROOM MIRROR, 90 CRI RECESSED 9/16" 670 lm/ft 3000 7.7 W/FT 24VDC KELVIX TAPE: DV3K-24V CHANNEL: CH071-*-WH-FL-EC (1)(2) X1 EXIT SIGN SURFACE - - - 2.4 120/277 EVENLITE RZR3-EM-G-U-WH-CN-SD X2 EXIT SIGN AND EGRESS LIGHT COMBO SURFACE - 250 - 4 120/277 EVENLITE TCXCOM-G-U-W-SD GENERAL NOTES: A. THE LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE CAN NOT BE USED INDEPENDENTLY OF THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO OBTAIN LUMINAIRE COSTS. THE INDIVIDUAL ESTABLISHING LUMINAIRE COSTS SHALL NOT QUOTE PRICING WITHOUT FIRST SEEING APPLICABLE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS AND ELECTRICAL DIVISION SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS REPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO THE INDIVIDUAL QUOTING LUMINAIRE PRICING. B. REFER TO DRAWINGS FOR FIXTURES REQUIRING EMERGENCY BATTERY BACKUP OPTION (SHOWN BY HATCH IN/OVER SYMBOL). MINIMUM LIGHT OUTPUT FOR EM BALLAST SHALL BE 600 LUMENS. C. ALL FLUORESCENT LAMPS ARE TO BE 3500° KELVIN COLOR TEMPERATURE SPECIFIC NOTES: (1) PROVIDE KELVIX #ULV96 96W 120V-24VDC POWER SUPPLY. (2) CONFIRM TAPE LIGHT LENGTH AND CHANNEL LENGTH WITH BATHROOM MIRROR SUBMITTAL PRIOR TO ORDERING. (3) TO COMPLY WITH ENERGY CODE, THIS FIXTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED A TOTAL RATED LOAD OF MORE THAN 320 WATTS. (4) PANEL: P1 VOLTAGE: 120/208V, 3PH, 4W MINIMUM BUS: 125 LOCATION: OFFICE/STORAGE 3 MAIN: 125/3 CB MOUNTING: SURFACE MINIMUM AIC: 22,000 NO. LOAD TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION BREAKER BUS BREAKERTYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION LOAD NO.A B C POLE TRIP A B C TRIP POLE A B C 1 720 R OFFICE/STORAGE 3 1 20 + 20 1 L LOWER LEVEL 1424 2 3 540 R OFFICE/STORAGE 3 1 20 + 20 1 L LOWER LEVEL 288 4 5 900 R LOWER RETAIL 11 1 20 + 20 1 L LOWER LEVEL SWITCH 476 6 7 900 R LOWER RETAIL 11 1 20 + 20 1 M LOWER LEVEL ERV-1 960 8 9 1080 R LOWER RETAIL 11 1 20 + 30 2 E LOWER LEVEL DC-1 2500 10 11 540 R LOWER RETAIL 11 1 20 + - - E - 2500 12 13 540 R OFFICE 14 1 20 + 20 1 M LOWER LEVEL EF-1 8.6 14 15 540 R OFFICE 14 1 20 + 20 1 E LOWER LEVEL FP 180 16 17 540 R OFFICE 14 1 20 + 25 2 M LOWER LEVEL AC-1 2486 18 19 540 R OFFICE 14 1 20 + - - M - 2486 20 21 540 R PHOTO STUDIO 5 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 22 23 720 R PHOTO STUDIO 5 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 24 25 1080 R PLUGMOLD - STUDIO 5 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 26 27 1080 R PLUGMOLD - STUDIO 5 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 28 29 1080 R PLUGMOLD - STUDIO 5 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 30 31 1080 R PLUGMOLD - STUDIO 5 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 32 33 1080 R PLUGMOLD - STUDIO 5 1 20 + SPACE 34 35 1080 R PLUGMOLD - STUDIO 5 1 20 + SPACE 36 37 180 R LOWER LEVEL BATH 1 20 + SPACE 38 39 SPARE 1 20 + SPACE 40 41 SPARE 1 20 + SPACE 42 LOAD TYPE PANEL TOTAL FEED THRU TOTAL SUBFEED TOTAL FEEDER SUBTOTAL DEMAND FEEDER TOTAL GENERAL NOTES: A. (L) LIGHTING 2188 2188 125% 2735 B. (R) RECEPTACLES 14760 14760 NEC 220 12380 C. (LM) LARGEST MOTOR 0 0 25% 0 D. (M) MOTORS (ALL) 5941 5941 100% 5941 E. (E) EQUIPMENT 5180 5180 100% 5180 SPECIFIC NOTES: (A) APPLIANCES 0 0 0 0 (1) PANEL TOTAL (KVA): 26.2 (2) (3) PANEL TOTAL (A): 73 (4) (5) PANEL: P2 VOLTAGE: 120/208V, 3PH, 4W MINIMUM BUS: 125 LOCATION: OFFICE/STORAGE 3 MAIN: 125/3 CB MOUNTING: SURFACE MINIMUM AIC: 22,000 NO. LOAD TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION BREAKER BUS BREAKERTYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION LOAD NO.A B C POLE TRIP A B C TRIP POLE A B C 1 900 R EAST RETAIL 12 1 20 + 20 1 L UPPER LEVEL 1528 2 3 1080 R EAST RETAIL 12 1 20 + 20 1 L UPPER LEVEL CHAND. 1280 4 5 900 R EAST RETAIL 12 1 20 + 20 1 L UPPER LEVEL DISPLAY 288 6 7 180 R UPPER LEVEL BAR (1) 1 20 + 20 1 L UPPER LEVEL SWITCH 1353 8 9 180 R UPPER LEVEL BAR (1) 1 20 + 20 1 M UPPER LEVEL ERV-1 960 10 11 180 R UPPER LEVEL BAR (1) 1 20 + 30 2 E UPPER LEVEL DC-1 2500 12 13 1080 R EAST RETAIL 12 1 20 + - - E - 2500 14 15 1260 R EAST RETAIL 12 1 20 + 25 - M UPPER LEVEL AC-1 2486 16 17 360 R UPPER LEVEL CLOSET 1 20 + - - M - 2486 18 19 1000 R UPPER LEVEL ENTRY 1 20 + 20 1 L EXTERIOR LIGHTING 42 20 21 1000 R UPPER LEVEL ENTRY 1 20 + 20 1 L EXTERIOR LIGHTING 1000 22 23 1000 R UPPER LEVEL ENTRY 1 20 + 20 1 L LIGHTING CONTROL 300 24 25 1000 R UPPER LEVEL ENTRY 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 26 27 720 R WINDOW DISPLAY 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 28 29 180 R ENTRY CEILING 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 30 31 540 R WINDOW DISPLAY 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 32 33 180 R GLASS DISPLAY 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 34 35 360 R EAST RETAIL 12 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 36 37 180 R EXTERIOR 1 20 + SPACE 38 39 SPARE 1 20 + SPACE 40 41 SPARE 1 20 + SPACE 42 LOAD TYPE PANEL TOTAL FEED THRU TOTAL SUBFEED TOTAL FEEDER SUBTOTAL DEMAND FEEDER TOTAL GENERAL NOTES: A. (L) LIGHTING 5791 5791 125% 7239 B. (R) RECEPTACLES 12280 12280 NEC 220 11140 C. (LM) LARGEST MOTOR 0 0 25% 0 D. (M) MOTORS (ALL) 5932 5932 100% 5932 E. (E) EQUIPMENT 5000 5000 100% 5000 SPECIFIC NOTES: (A) APPLIANCES 0 0 0 0 (1) 5-mA GFCI CIRCUIT BREAKER. PANEL TOTAL (KVA): 29.3 (2) (3) PANEL TOTAL (A): 81 (4) (5)WIRING SCHEDULE - COPPER AMPS (2WG) (3WG) (4WG) :,5( *5281' :,5( *5281' 25 :,5( *5281' :,5( *5281' 20 (2#12 & 1#12 G) 3/4"C (3#12 & 1#12 G) 3/4"C (4#12 & 1#12 G) 3/4"C 30 (2#10 & 1#10 G) 3/4"C (3#10 & 1#10 G) 3/4"C (4#10 & 1#10 G) 3/4"C 40 (2#8 & 1#10 G) 3/4"C (3#8 & 1#10 G) 3/4"C (4#8 & 1#10 G) 1"C 50 (2#6 & 1#10 G) 3/4"C (3#6 & 1#10 G) 1"C (4#6 & 1#10 G) 1"C 60 (2#4 & 1#10 G) 1"C (3#4 & 1#10 G) 1"C (4#4 & 1#10 G) 1 1/4"C 70 (2#4 & 1#8 G) 1"C (3#4 & 1#8 G) 1 1/4"C (4#4 & 1#8 G) 1 1/4"C 80 (2#2 & 1#8 G) 1"C (3#2 & 1#8 G) 1 1/4"C (4#2 & 1#8 G) 1 1/2"C 90 (2#2 & 1#8 G) 1"C (3#2 & 1#8 G) 1 1/4"C (4#2 & 1#8 G) 1 1/2"C 100 (2#1 & 1#8 G) 1 1/4"C (3#1 & 1#8 G) 1 1/2"C (4#1 & 1#8 G) 1 1/2"C CONDUCTOR SIZES ARE BASED ON 60° TERMINATIONS LESS THAN 100A AND 75° TERMINATIONS GREATER THAN 100A CONDUIT SIZES ARE BASED ON NEC TABLE 4 (RNC) AND TABLE 5 (THHN INSULATION). Designed: Reviewed: Project No: 9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00E200.DWG04.13.1811:34:13 AM Scale: As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820www˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 ELECTRICAL E-200 BAS MAS 10/08/18 ' ' ISSUE LOG KEY: # DATEISSUE LOG MECHANICAL SHEET INDEX TITLE MECHANICAL COVER SHEETM000 PERMIT04.13.2018ISSUED AS PART OF A SET ' ' NOT PART OF SET ' ' ISSUED FOR INFORMATION ONLY* √ √ √ √ √ LOWER LEVEL MECHANICAL PLANM101 PLAZA LEVEL MECHANICAL PLANM102 SCHEDULES, SPECIFICATIONS, CONTROLSM001 SINGLE LINE DESCRIPTION DOUBLE LINE D D SPLIT BRANCH TAKE-OFF WITH SQUARE ELBOW & SPLITTER DAMPER SPLIT BRANCH TAKE-OFF WITH RADIUS ELBOW & SPLITTER DAMPER POSITIVE PRESSURE RISER, TYPICALLY SUPPLY NEGATIVE PRESSURE RISER, TYPICALLY RETURN, EXHAUST OR OUTSIDE AIR F/S COMBINATION FIRE & SMOKE DAMPER F/S FIRE DAMPER MOTOR OPERATED DAMPER (MOD) MANUAL VOLUME DAMPER, SINGLE BLADE DAMPER (SBD) FOR ROUND OR <10" TALL, OPPOSED BLADE DAMPER (OBD) >10" TALL BACKDRAFT DAMPER BDD BDD SMOKE DAMPER SMOKE DETECTOR DUCT SIZE: FIRST NUMBER IS PLAN WIDTH, SECOND NUMBER IS DEPTH. 24x36 24x36 DUCTWORK LEGEND SDSD PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE SHOCK ABSORBER STRAINER W/ BLOW-OFF VALVE SAFETY RELIEF VALVE VACUUM BREAKER PRESSURE GAUGE W/ PIG TAIL & COCK THERMOMETER PRESSURE - TEMP. TAP AIR VENT PIPE ANCHOR FLEXIBLE CONNECTOR PIPE EXPANSION JOINT PIPE UNION DOUBLE CHECK BACKFLOW PREVENTER PUMP & EQUIPMENT CONNECTOR TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVE (2-WAY) DRAIN VALVE W/ HOSE END PLUG VALVE IN RISER FLOW BALANCING VALVE GATE OR GLOBE VALVE IN RISER FLOW CONTROL VALVE BALL VALVE PLUG OR BALANCING VALVE CHECK VALVE GLOBE VALVE BUTTERFLY VALVE VENTURI/FLOW INDICATOR TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVE (3-WAY) SOLENOID VALVE 90° ELBOW UP TEE UP TEE DOWN SHUT OFF (BALL, GATE, BUTTERFLY) PIPING SYMBOLS 90° ELBOW DN S DUCT/PIPE RISER DESIGNATION KEY CH DW HW G W V PR ST S2 FLOW SWITCH HOSE BIBB WALL HYDRANT TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER OR SENSOR STEAM TRAP TEST CHAMBER STEAM TRAP: FT-FLOAT & THERMOSTATIC TD-THERMODYNAMIC IB-INVERTED BUCKET TS-THERMOSTATIC BP-BALANCED PRESSURE BAR SINK BS 1/2" 1/2" 1-1/2"1-1/2" FIXTURE CONNECTION SCHEDULE HW CW WASTE VENT NOTES: 1. SIZES SHOWN ARE MINIMUM PIPE SIZES TO A SINGLE FIXTURE. LARGER SIZES MAY BE INDICATED ON PLANS WHERE REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM DOMESTIC PIPE SIZE TO (2) OR MORE FIXTURES IS 3/4". 3. RE: MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR INDIRECT WASTE SIZES. 4. WASTE AND VENT SIZES SHOWN ABOVE APPLY TO INDIVIDUAL VENTING ONLY. WHERE ALLOWED, INDIVIDUAL VENT CONNECTIONS MAY BE OMITTED OR SIZES MAY VARY WHEN CIRCUIT VENTS, COMMON VENTS, WASTE STACK VENTS, WET VENTS, OR COMBINATION DRAIN AND VENT SYSTEMS ARE USED. PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE ENGINEER IS REQUIRED TO USE THESE ALTERNATIVE VENTING METHODS. 5. PROVIDE TRAP PRIMER FOR ALL FLOOR DRAINS AND FLOOR SINKS NOT LOCATED IN FOOD SERVICE AREAS. 6. MINIMUM SIZE FOR WASTE AND VENT PIPING BENEATH SLAB IS 2". 7. ALL FIXTURES LISTED ARE NOT NECESSARILY USED ON THIS PROJECT. 8. REFER TO APPLIANCE SCHEDULES (BY OTHERS) FOR ADDITIONAL PLUMBING FIXTURE CONNECTIONS SUCH AS INST-HOTS, COFFEE MAKERS, AND GARBAGE DISPOSALS. 9. PROVIDE ICE MAKER BOX ROUGH IN W/ 1/2"CW CONNECTION FOR ALL REFRIGERATOR LOCATIONS. ABBREV. CS CLOTHES WASHER ROUGH-IN 1/2" 1/2" 2" 1-1/2" DRINKING FOUNTAIN / E.W.C. DF - 1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" DISH MACHINE ROUGH-IN DM 3/4" 3/4" 2" 1-1/2" DW DISHWASHER ROUGH-IN - 1/2" 2" 1-1/2" FD FLOOR DRAIN - - 2" 1-1/2" FS FLOOR SINK - - 3" 2" HOSE BIB HB - - -3/4" HAND SINK HS 1-1/2" 1-1/2"1/2" 1/2" KITCHEN SINK W/ OR W/O DISPOSER KS 1/2" 1/2" 2" 1-1/2" LAVATORY LAV 1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2"1/2" MOP SERVICE BASIN MSB 3/4" 3" 2"3/4" SHOWER / BATHTUB SH 3/4" 3/4" 2" 1-1/2" SERVICE SINK SS 3" 2"1/2" 1/2" TROUGH DRAIN TD - - 3" 2" URINAL (BLOWOUT) UR 1" 2" 1-1/2"- URINAL (WASHDOWN) UR UR URINAL (WATERLESS) 3/4" 2" 1-1/2" - 2" 1-1/2" - - WATER CLOSET (FLUSH VALVE) WC WATER CLOSET (FLUSH TANK) WCT - 1" 4" 2" - 1/2" 4" 2" WS 3/4" 3/4" 2" 1-1/2"WORK SINK EQUIPMENT ABBREVIATIONS AIR HANDLING UNITAHU AIR SEPARATORAS BOILER (HOT WATER)B BASE BOARDBB BUFFER TANKBT CONSTANT VOLUME BOXCV DISHWASHER EXHAUST FANDEF ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEATEREBH FURNACEF FAN COILFC FAN POWERED BOXFP GLYCOL FEEDERGF HUMIDIFIER HC HEATING COIL HP HEAT PUMP HX HEAT EXCHANGER KITCHEN EXHAUST FANKEF MAKE-UP AIR UNITMAU MOTOR CONTROL CENTERMCC MIXING VALVEMV PUMPP RETURN (OR RELIEF) AIR FANRF RADIANT ZONERZ SNOWMELT AREASA SUMP BASINSB SUPPLY FANSF STORAGE TANKST THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVETMV UNIT HEATERUH VARIABLE VOLUME BOXVV WATER HEATERWH H CHILLERCH COOLING COILCC CIRC PUMPCP CABINET UNIT HEATERCUH COOLING TOWERCT DUCT COILDC ELECTRIC WATER HEATEREWH EVAPORATIVE COOLING UNITECU ENERGY RECOVERY UNITERU EXHAUST FANEF EXPANSION TANKET VARIABLE VOLUME BOX W/ REHEATVR TYPE OF AIR DEVICE RE: GRD SCHEDULE. AIR DEVICE DESIGNATION KEY # CA EXH OSA RA XFR SIZE (INCHES) OR MINIMUM FREE AREA REQUIRED IN SQUARE FEET. NOTE: FOR STANDARD MODULE SIZE REGISTERS, SIZE GIVEN IS NECK SIZE. REFER TO GRD SCHEDULE FOR MODULE SIZE. INDICATES AIR INLET DEVICE. = = = = = = AIR QUANTITY (CFM) COMBUSTION AIR EXHAUST OUTSIDE AIR RETURN TRANSFER B XFR 12x6 A 150 12x6 REFERENCE SAMPLE FFI = FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FCT = FOR CONTINUATION RE: B/M400 FFI REFER TO: DRAWING NUMBER OR DIAGRAM LETTER SHEET NUMBER PLAN ABBREVIATIONS ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AIR ADMITTANCE VALVE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AUTOMATIC BUILDING CONTROL SYSTEM BACK DRAFT DAMPER BUILDING AAV AFF AFG AUTO BCS BDD BLDG BETWEEN COMMON (OR CLOSED) COMBUSTION AIR CONTROLS CONTRACTOR CONTINUATION DESIGN BUILD B/N C CA CC CDBBC CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE (AIR FLOW RATE) CAST IN PLACE CEILING (OR COOLING) CONCRETE CONDENSATE CONNECT (OR CONNECTION) CONTRACTOR CFM CIP CLG CONC COND CONN CONTR'R CLEANOUT TO GRADECOTG DOMESTIC HOT WATER RECIRC EXISTING DWR (E) EXHAUST AIREA ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ENTERING WATER TEMPERATURE EAT EC EXH EXHAUST EWT GENERAL CONTRACTOR GROUND HEAT EXCHANGER GC GHX GALLONS PER MINUTE (WATER FLOW RATE)GPM HORSEPOWER HOT WATER IN LIEU OF HP HW ILO KILOWATTSKW LEAVING AIR TEMPERATURE LINEAR FOOT LEAVING WATER TEMPERATURE LAT LF LWT MECHANICAL CONTRACTORMC MANUFACTURER MOTOR OPERATED DAMPER NEW MFR MOD (N) NORMALLY CLOSEDNC NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE NOT IN CONTRACT NORMALLY OPEN NEC NIC NO OUTSIDE AIROA OPPOSED BLADE VOLUME DAMPER ON CENTER OBD OC OUTSIDE AIROSA RETURN AIR REQUIRED RA REQ'D REQUIREMENTSREQ'MTS SUPPLY AIR SQUARE FOOT (FEET) SA SF STATIC PRESSURESP STAINLESS STEEL THROW-AWAY (TRANSFER AIR) TYPICAL SS TA TYP UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEUNO WALL CLEANOUTWCO WITH REGARD TO WATER COOLED TRANSFER WRT W/C XFR DIAMETERØ BY CONTRACTOR COLD WATERCW HOT WATER RECIRCHWC ABOVEABV BELOW FINISHED GRADEBFG DOMESTIC WATER DOMESTIC HOT WATER DW DHW DOWNDN DOMESTIC HOT WATER RECIRCDHR COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER FURNISHED BY OWNER FSD FBO FLOOR CLEANOUTFCO FOR CONTINUATIONFCT FD FIRE DAMPER REFER TO:RE: WITHW/ CLEANOUTCO FUTURE(F) FREE AREAFA FFI FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WITHOUTW/O VENT THRU ROOFVTR NOTES 1. ALL SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND DESIGNATIONS ON LEGEND SHEET ARE NOT NECESSARILY USED ON THIS PROJECT. 2. THIS DRAWING SET CONSISTS OF DATA GENERATED, IN PART, BY OTHER PARTIES. NOT ALL SYMBOLOGIES AND NOTATION CONVENTIONS OCCURRING IN THIS DRAWING SET ARE NECESSARILY DEFINED ON THESE LEGENDS. CONSULT THE ENGINEER IN THE EVENT SYMBOLOGY OR NOTATION INTERPRETATION IS REQUIRED. EA OA RA SA RISER NUMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - CHILLED WATER DOMESTIC WATER HEATING WATER GAS WASTE AND/OR VENT PIPING RISER (MISC TYPES) STORM DRAIN SECONDARY STORM DRAIN EXHAUST AIR OUTSIDE AIR RETURN AIR SUPPLY AIR AIR SIDE: PIPING SIDE: PLAN SYMBOLS CONTROL PANEL/RADIANT MANIFOLD CARBON DIOXIDE SENSOR CARBON MONOXIDE SENSOR DIAGRAM CONTINUATION REFERENCE PLUMBING/HVAC RISER POINT OF NEW CONNECTION DUCT STATIC PRESSURE SENSOR ROOM PRESSURE SENSOR EMERGENCY POWER OFF SWITCH ACCESS PANEL SNOWMELT MANIFOLD SECTION CUT LETTER/SHEET SHOWN ON POINT OF DISCONNECTION - SP CO2 EPO P CO -- - P THERMOSTAT HUMIDISTAT REMOTE TEMPERATURE SENSOR T S H H B W H TC FS ROOF DRAIN FLOOR DRAIN FLOOR SINK HORIZONTAL CLEANOUT VERTICAL CLEANOUT DECK/ROOF DRAIN ABOVE PIPING DESIGNATIONS SNOWMELT SUPPLY SNOWMELT RETURN HEATING WATER SUPPLY (HIGH TEMP) HEATING WATER RETURN (HIGH TEMP) CHILLED WATER SUPPLY CHILLED WATER RETURN CONDENSER RETURN NATURAL GAS MEDIUM PRESSURE GAS HIGH PRESSURE STEAM HIGH PRESSURE CONDENSATE RETURN LOW PRESSURE STEAM LOW PRESSURE CONDENSATE RETURN REFRIGERANT SUCTION REFRIGERANT LIQUID DOMESTIC WATER DOMESTIC HOT WATER DOMESTIC HOT WATER (TEMP. SHOWN) DHW RECIRCULATION FIRE LINE PRESSURIZED WASTE PLUMBING VENT PIPE WASTE PIPE ACID WASTE PIPE STORM DRAIN PIPE STORM DRAIN OVERFLOW COMPRESSED AIR PIPE GREASE WASTE PIPE ACID VENT PIPE LIQUID PROPANE GAS SECONDARY DRAIN SAND AND OIL WASTE FLOOR COOLING SUPPLY FLOOR COOLING RETURN PROPANE GAS HEATING WATER SUPPLY (LOW TEMP) HEATING WATER RETURN (LOW TEMP) SOLAR HEATING WATER SUPPLY SOLAR HEATING WATER RETURN GROUND LOOP SUPPLY GROUND LOOP RETURN GROUND WATER SUPPLY GROUND WATER RETURN HEATING WATER SUPPLY HEATING WATER RETURN DRAIN PIPE FUEL OIL SUPPLY FUEL OIL RETURN GLYCOL FEED GREASE VENT MEDIUM PRESSURE STEAM MEDIUM PRESSURE CONDENSATE RETURN FUEL OIL VENT FUEL OIL FILL PUMPED CONDENSATE GEOTHERMAL (OR GROUND) LOOP SUPPLY GEOTHERMAL (OR GROUND) LOOP RETURN CLOSED CONDENSER SUPPLY CLOSED CONDENSER RETURN PROPANE DRAIN CONDENSER SUPPLY PLUMBING PIPING NON-SOFTENED DOMESTIC WATER CR CS CCR CCS GLR GLS CHR CHS GLR GLS GF HWR HWS HWR(LT) HWS(LT) HWR(HT) HWS(HT) FCR FCS SHWR SHWS SMS SMR PC MPR MPS LPS LPR HPR HPS PD D PG LPG MG G RS RL FOF FOV FOR FOS GWR GWS CW HW HWC NS 140° HW GV SO SD ST GW AW AV V W PW ST(OF) F CA SOLID DRAIN PIPEDS STEAM & CONDENSATE PIPING HYDRONIC PIPING 90° ELBOW DOWN (ROUND DUCT ONLY) ROUND 90° ELBOW UP (ROUND DUCT ONLY) OFFSET TO CHANGE ELEVATION (AT 30° WHEN POSSIBLE) D = DROP R = RISE ROUND RADIUS ELBOW 90° STRAIGHT TEE 90° CONICAL TEE 45° BRANCH 45° CONICAL TEE SIZE OR SHAPE TRANSITION ROUND FLEXIBLE DUCT 90° ELBOW DN (NEGATIVE PRESSURE) 90° ELBOW DN (POSITIVE PRESSURE) 90° ELBOW UP (NEGATIVE PRESSURE) 90° ELBOW UP (POSITIVE PRESSURE) 90° RADIUS ELBOW 90° RADIUS ELBOW W/TURNING VANES SQUARE DUCT SPLIT ROUND DUCT SPLIT SUMP PUMPSP PR 203 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS LEGEND ABOVE SEA LEVEL PROJECT ALTITUDE 8,200' DIAGRAMS AND DETAILSM201 √ Designed: Reviewed: Project No: SMS SMS 9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00M000.DWG04.13.187:56:12 AM Scale: As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820www˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 MECHANICAL COVER SHEET M000 10/08/18 GRILLE, REGISTER, DIFFUSER & LOUVER SYMBOL USE PATTERN FINISH MANUFACTURER* & MODEL #ACCESSORIES REMARKS ERV SUPPLY SINGLE DEFLECTION PER ARCH PRICE 640 - - EXTERIOR LOUVER STATIONARY LOUVER PER ARCH GREENHECK ESD-202 - - - - - - - - MANUFACTURERS: GRD KRUEGER, METALAIRE, TITUS LOUVER GREENHECK, L&D, RUSKIN GENERAL NOTES: A: B: A B C MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE MARK SERVICE TYPE CAPACITY ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURER* & MODEL #ACCESSORIES REMARKSMOCP VOLT/ PH ERV-1 LOWER LEVEL ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOR 500 CFM 15 120/1 RENEWAIRE EV450IN - - - - - - - - - - - MANUFACTURERS: * GENERAL NOTES: A: B: MULTI-SPLIT SYSTEM SCHEDULE INDOOR FAN COIL UNIT OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNIT ACCESSORIES REMARKSMARK CFM AIR CONDITIONS ELECTRICAL FILTER MANUFACTURER* & MODEL # MARK DUTY CAPACITY (TONS) AMBIENT TEMP. DB (°F) LOW AMB. CONTROL DB (°F) ELECTRICAL SEER MANUFACTURER* & MODEL # E.A.T. DB/WB (°F) L.A.T. DB/WB (°F) NOMINAL MBH HP VOLT/ PH MCA VOLT/ PH FC-1 420 75/57 55/50 12 - 208/1 TITANIUM PHOTO- CATALYTIC DAIKIN EMURA CTXG12QVJU AC-1 3 95 14 23.9 208/1 17.7 DAIKIN 4MXS36RMVJU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MANUFACTURERS: * MITSUBISHI, SANYO * CARRIER, LENNOX, TRANE GENERAL NOTES: A: B: EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE MARK TYPE FAN MOTOR MANUFACTURER* & MODEL #ACCESSORIES REMARKSCFM SONES ESP (IN WC)WATT VOLT/ PHASE EF-1 CEILING 70 0.4 0.25 8.6 120/1 PANASONIC FV-05-11VKS1 - - - - - - - - - - - - MANUFACTURERS: * ACME, COOK, GREENHECK, PANASONIC, PENN GENERAL NOTES: A: B: MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS General Workmanship 1. All subcontractors shall be licensed, experienced, and thoroughly knowledgeable in their respective areas of the construction industry and shall perform in a responsible manner with established construction sequence, shall recognize the priority of the construction documents, and shall inform the prime contractor of potential problems when the construction documents are unclear or inconsistent. 2. Work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the architect, Owner, and Engineer. 3. It is the contractor's responsibility to perform their work in conformance with all applicable codes, ordinances and life safety features as required by local, state, or national authorities. The contractor shall coordinate with the architect if modification of his/her work is required for compliance. If a conflict between those publications exists, the most stringent requirement shall apply. 4. All materials and/or equipment shall be handled and installed as per manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. 5. Submit record documents to architect. Documents shall include all addendum items, change orders, alterations, rerouting, etc. 6. Systems shall be complete, operable, and ready for continuous operation prior to acceptance by the Owner. 7. Systems shall be tested for proper operation. Perform at a minimum all code required tests or systems. If tests of work are defective, contractor shall make corrections necessary at no additional cost to Owner. 8. Warranty the installation against defects in materials and workmanship. The warranty shall be for a period of one year after Owner's acceptance. Defects shall be promptly remedied without cost to the Owner. 9. Do not scale drawings. Verify dimensions in field prior to commencement of work. Refer to architectural drawings for all dimensions. 10. Pay for and secure all required permits and inspections. Prior to final payment, turn over all certificates of completion to architect. Bid/Submittals 11. Subcontractors shall be responsible to notify the prime contractor of discrepancies or conflicts in the construction documents found during bidding and/or prior to performing the work. 12. Provide a base bid which shall include only specified equipment or approved equivalents. No other substitutions for the listed equipment shall be allowed in the base bid. A. The manufacturer of equipment or materials first named on the drawings is the basis of design. Other manufacturers listed are considered general equivalents only. B. Coordination of general equivalents and substitutions: Where contract documents permit selection from several general equivalents, or where substitutions are authorized, coordinate clearance and other interface requirements with mechanical and other work. 1) Provide necessary additional items so that selected or substituted item operates equivalent to the basis of design and properly fits in the available space allocated for the basis of design. 2) Provide all features which are standard on the basis of design plus any specified options. 3) Be responsible for assuring that piping, conduit, duct, flue, and other service locations for general equivalents or substitutions do not cause access, service, or operational difficulties any greater that would be encountered with the base design. 14. Submit all mechanical division shop drawing and product data at one time. Partial submittals will be rejected. 15. Shop drawing submittals shall state capacities, sizes, etc., of all equipment and shall be certified and include computer based project specific selections where applicable. Clearly mark each shop drawing, catalog cut and/or specification sheet to indicate those products and features which are intended to be furnished. Specifically indicate any deviations from the design intent. Engineer reserves the right to require correction at no cost to Owner for deviations not specifically indicated in the submittals. Review and approval of shop drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility of furnishing equipment and materials of proper dimension, size, quantity, quality and all performance characteristics to efficiently perform the requirements and intent of the contract documents. Submittal shall be bound and indexed in a neat and orderly manner. 16. Submittals shall include, but not be limited to: equipment, fixtures, insulation, diffusers, pumps, fans, piping, valves, boilers, furnaces, controls, and fire protection. 17. Failure to order, or release order for materials and/or equipment will not be accepted as a reason to substitute alternate materials, equipment, or installation methods, unless approved by the engineer. 18. Submit a balance report by a NEBB or AABC certified balancing contractor. Balancing procedures shall be in accordance with NEBB or AABC guidelines for proportional balance. Submit report on standard NEBB or AABC forms or submit forms for review prior to balancing. Measurements shall include all motor amperage and voltage readings; fan RPMs; static pressure at inlet and outlet of all equipment, at all controlled speeds. A. Adjust flows to within 10% of required quantity. If actual quantity is less than 90%, investigate cause, attempt to rectify and notify Engineer. B. Submit digital copies of all reports in addition to any required by the contractor and his suppliers. These files shall be retained by the owner, architect, and engineer. Discipline Coordination 1. Coordinate architectural, structural, mechanical, fire protection, electrical, landscaping, and interior design drawings prior to installation. 2. Verify electrical service voltage and phase available. 3. Subcontractor shall verify existence and location of all utility services and coordinate as required by their respective area of the construction, notifying the prime contractor of variations or conflicts. 4. Verify exact locations of existing underground utilities, piping, and raceway systems prior to trenching. Contractor shall obtain and verify exact utility company drawings and requirements. 5. Offset piping, ductwork, etc. As necessary to accommodate structure, beams, columns, equipment, etc. 6. Provide necessary trenching, excavation, supports, saw cutting, backfill, patching, and concrete/paving, etc., as required. Backfill trenches in 6” layers and to 90% compaction and patch to match final grade. 7. Temporary heat shall be furnished as required by the general contractor. Use of the permanent heating system will not be allowed. 8. Coordinate all penetrations of the floor slab prior to commencing work. Coordinate all new penetrations with other divisions of the work. All contractors are individually responsible for all penetrations required by their divisions. 9. See architectural reflected ceiling plan for all ceiling penetrations and air device locations. Mechanical 1. Mount all stats at 48” AFF where shown on floor plans unless noted otherwise. Coordinate locations with casework, furniture, door swings, heat sources, and exterior walls. Notify Engineer of any conflicts prior to beginning thermostat installation. 2. Ductwork: A. Flexible ductwork shall be UL listed and labeled, class 1 air duct. Working pressure rating: positive 6”, negative 4”. Flexmaster Type 5 or equivalent. Submit samples to determine equivalence. B. Flexible connection: Equivalent to Ventfab, fireproof glass cloth, 10” w.c. Rated. C. Round duct: Spiral seam, galvanized steel. Die stamped or 5 gore elbows. “Snap-Lock”, longitudinal seam duct, or adjustable fittings are acceptable on individual grille/diffuser runouts only. 1) Material shall meet all requirements of NFPA-90. 2) Install with adhesive and welded pins in accordance with SMACNA “HVAC Duct Construction Standards”. 3) Externally wrap all round supply air ducts with flexible glass fiber, ANSI/ASTM C612; 0.002 inch foil scrim facing. D. Ductwork: G60 galvanized sheet steel; lock forming quality; constructed to the latest edition of SMACNA “HVAC Duct Construction Standards”; +/- 1” WC pressure classification, seal class “C”; with galvanized steel fasteners, anchors, angles, straps, etc. E. Seal all seams (longitudinal and transverse) airtight with united McGill “Uni-Grip” UL listed, water based, non-hardening, elastic sealant or equivalent. Tape not allowed. 3. Provide ¼” galvanized mesh screen on all combustion air ducts or openings, and all open end return and exhaust ducts. 4. All ductwork dimensions are outside sheet metal dimensions. Duct liner has been accounted for. 5. Ductwork notes: A. Unless otherwise noted, all changes in direction shall be made with radius elbows with radius to centerline equal to 1.5 duct width. B. All flexible ducts shall not exceed eight feet in length. C. Ductwork support materials: Except as otherwise indicated, provide galvanized steel fasteners, anchors, rods, straps, trim and angles for support of ductwork. D. Duct sealing system: Equivalent to United McGill “Uni-Weather” UL listed sealant. Fire rating: UL listed. Contractor may propose alternate sealing systems. “Ductmate” and similar flanged joining systems are acceptable. E. Construct and seal ducts to 3” static pressure standards. Plumbing 1. Support pipe with rod and clevis, ring hangers, trapeze, or clamps. No pipe tape or strapping allowed. All hangers shall be sized for OD of insulation, if any. Protect insulated lines with 20 ga sheet metal shields and provide calcium silicate insulation inserts for all insulated piping. Maintain vapor barrier on all cold lines. Isolate bare copper lines from hangers with Vibrasorb or equivalent, copper coated hangers are not sufficient, wrapping pipe with tape not acceptable. 2. Refer to plumbing fixture connections schedule for pipe sizes to individual plumbing fixtures. 3. Provide shock arresters at all domestic hot and cold water branches serving fixtures and equipment with quick closing valves. Such fixtures and equipment includes flush valve water closets. Shock arresters shall be constructed with a piston in a sealed copper tube chamber, and approved for installation within walls without access panels. Sioux chief or equivalent. Bellows type not acceptable. 4. Domestic hot and cold piping inside building--Type “L” hard copper water tube, wrought copper fittings and no lead 95-5 solder. 5. Copper pipe valves and specialties A. Gate valves - bronze, class 125, 200 lb. w.o.g. B. Ball valves - bronze, class 125, 600 lb. w.o.g. C. Check valves - bronze, class 125, 200 lb. w.o.g. A. Balancing valves - 125 psi w.p. For 250 degree Fahrenheit service tight shutoff, Tour and Anderson STA, Armstrong CBV, Gerand, or Flowset, B&G circuit setter. B. Direct unions: Furnish and install a dielectric union at each connection between dissimilar metals. 6. Materials; soil, waste, and vent piping (inside building) A. Lines buried below ground: Standard weight, cast iron soil pipe, and fittings. Hub and spigot with neoprene gaskets. B. Lines above ground: Standard weight, cast iron soil pipe, and fittings. Hub and spigot with neoprene gaskets, or no hub with standard clamps. Up through 2-1/2” may be standard weight, galvanized steel pipe with black, wrought iron drain fittings, or DWV copper tube with DWV fittings and 95-5 no lead solder. 7. Drain pan piping: Not buried: Type “M” copper, wrought copper fittings, and 95-5 solder; Buried: Type “L” copper wrought copper fittings, and 95-5 solder. All buried pipe shall be surrounded with 4” of clean sand. 8. Piping insulation - insulate domestic hot water with UL approved, white, all service, mineral fiber, snap-on, pipe insulation. Insulate fittings with mineral fiber blanket insulation and pre-molded PVC covers. All materials shall have a smoke developed rating of 50 or less and a flame spread rating of 25 or less. Provide calcium silicate thermal insert at hangers and supports. Insulation shall pass uninterrupted through hangers. Vapor barriers shall be continuous, and sealed with “non-breathing” vapor barrier mastic on piping operating at temperatures below ambient. All raw edges of insulation shall be neatly trimmed and sealed with mastic. A. Insulation thickness below based on insulation conductivity value not exceeding 0.27 Btu*in/(hr*ft^2*°F): 1) Domestic hot water (DHW) and domestic hot water recirculation: all pipe sizes - 2” thick; non-recirculated DHW runouts within 8 feet of fixtures - 1” thick. 9. Identification: Label all [new] piping and equipment. Provide full band or strip type markers and flow arrows on piping. Provide engraved plastic valve tags with valve number and attach with standard chain or s-hooks. Provide engraved plastic sign on or near specified equipment. Fire Protection 1. Fire protection design/build requirements: A. Provide an automatic sprinkler system. Complete drawings, specifications, and details shall be submitted by the fire sprinkler design-build contractor. B. The fire sprinkler contractor shall serve as the Engineer of record for all work performed under this division. If required by the authority having jurisdiction, (AHJ) Submit complete fire sprinkler system shop drawings and hydraulic calculations, generated by contractor. Shop drawings shall be a minimum 1/8” scale, and shall show device and appliance locations, building background information, room occupancy descriptions, door swings, fire ratings and fire protection system layout and details. Shop drawings and hydraulic calculations shall be sealed by a professional Engineer or Nicet III licensed technician registered in the state of Colorado. Submit shop drawings and hydraulic calculations to the building and fire departments and obtain their approval before submission to the architect. C. Where required by the AHJ, all sprinkler heads should have the connecting main and branch pipe sizes shown. 1) Show the connecting main and branch pipe sizes for all sprinkler heads. 2) Conform to light hazard occupancy requirements of NFPA 13. 3) Provide flow test indicating static and residual pressured developed under fire flow conditions as required by AHJ. D. System shall be installed complete and operational, including water flow indicator, connections to alarm, drain piping, identification signs, etc. E. Work shall be performed by a qualified fire sprinkler installer with a minimum of five (5) years experience in similar installations. F. Coordinate all work with all other trades prior to and during installation. CONTROL SEQUENCE 1. MULTI-SPLIT SYSTEMS 1.1. MULTI-SPLIT FAN COIL UNITS, FC-1: THE FAN COIL UNITS WILL OPERATE BASED ON THE MANUFACTURER'S CONTROL SYSTEM. THE UNITS WILL PROVIDE HEATING/COOLING TO SATISFY THE UNIT THERMOSTAT REQUIREMENTS. 1.2. MULTI-SPLIT OUTDOOR UNITS, AC-1: THE MULTI-SPLIT OUTDOOR UNIT WILL BE CONTROLLED BY THE MANUFACTURER'S CONTROL SYSTEM. THE UNITS WILL PROVIDE HEATING OR COOLING ENERGY AS REQUIRED BY THEIR RESPECTIVE INDOOR UNITS. 2. BASEBOARD HEATERS, BB-1 AND BB-2: FLOW TO THE BASEBOARD HEATERS WILL BE STOPPED/STARTED BASED ON THEIR RESPECTIVE CONTROL VALVES. THE CONTROL VALVES WILL BE OPEN DURING CALLS FOR HEATING FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE THERMOSTATS. 3. ENERGY RECOVER VENTILATORS, ERV-1: THE ERV UNITS WILL OPERATE BASED ON THE MANUFACTURER'S TIME CLOCK CONTROL (TC7D). THE ERV WILL OPERATE ON LOW SPEED (250 CFM) DURING CLOSED HOURS FOR AREA VENTILATION. DURING OPEN HOURS THE UNITS WILL OPERATE ON FULL SPEED (500 CFM) TO PROVIDE AREA AND OCCUPANT VENTILATION. 3.1. ERV DUCT COILS, DC-1: THE ERV DUCT COILS WILL BE INTERLOCKED WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE ERV UNITS. WHEN THE ERV IS OPERATING, THE DUCT COILS WILL MONITOR SUPPLY DUCT TEMPERATURE (SEE TC LOCATIONS) AND PROVIDE HEAT TO MEET THE DISCHARGE AIR SETPOINT. SETPOINT TO BE 75°. 4. BATHROOM EXHAUST FAN, EF-1: THE BATHROOM EXHAUST FAN WILL BE INTERLOCKED WITH THE BATHROOM LIGHTING CONTROLS TO OPERATE WHEN THE BATHROOM IS OCCUPIED. DUCT HEATING COIL SCHEDULE (ELECTRIC) MARK SERVICE TYPE COIL DIMENSION CFM COIL COIL MAX. AIR P.D. (IN.) MANUFACTURER* & MODEL #ACCESSORIES REMARKS AIR CONDITIONS ELECTRICAL E.A.T. DB (°F) L.A.T. DB (°F)MBH VOLT/ PH MCA WATT DC-1 ERV HEATING ELECTRIC 12x8 500 30 70 16 208/3 13.9 5,000 0.15 GREENHECK IDHC SCR CONTROL WITH DUCT THERMOSTAT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MANUFACTURERS: * MARKEL, RAYWALL, WARREN GENERAL NOTES: A: B: FINNED TUBE SCHEDULE MARK BTUH PER L.F. @ S.L. BTUH PER L.F. @ ALT AVERAGE WATER TEMP. (°F) ENTERING AIR TEMP. (°F) TUBE SIZE (IN.) FIN SIZE (IN.) ENCLOSURE SIZE (IN.) H x W MANUFACTURER* & MODEL #ACCESSORIES REMARKS BB-1 450 400 150 68 1 4.5 PER ARCH SLANT FIN C-440 (5 FT LENGTH)- - BB-2 450 400 150 68 1 4.5 PER ARCH SLANT FIN C-440 (2 FT LENGTH)- - - - - - - - - - - - - MANUFACTURERS: * STERLING, VULCAN GENERAL NOTES: A: B: Designed: Reviewed: Project No: SMS SMS 9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00M001 - SCHEDULES.DWG04.13.187:56:18 AM Scale: As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820www˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES M001 10/08/18 SCALE:1 LOWER LEVEL MECHNICAL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" GAS FIREPLACE SPEC BY ARCH/CLIENT. GAS FIREPLACE FLUE AND MAKE-UP AIR TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. ERV-1 OUTSIDE AIR DUCT FROM ABOVE. ROUTED IN DROPPED CEILING SPACE TO LOWER LEVEL ERV. T SON/OFF SWITCH FOR FIREPLACE CONTROL. THERMOSTAT FOR OFFICE/STORAGE BASEBOARD CONTROL.SSWITCH WITH OCCUPANCY SENSOR/TIMER FOR BATHROOM LIGHTING. INTERLOCK SWITCH WITH CEILING EXHAUST FAN. WASTE AND VENT SYSTEMS FOR NEW BATHROOM GROUP TO BE DESIGN/BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. CW HW APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING SERVICE PIPING. HWS HWR HWC 3/4" CW3/4" HW1/2" HW C CW, HW, AND HWC LINES FOR LOWER LEVEL BATHROOM AND MAIN LEVEL COFFEE BAR FIXTURES. SYSTEMS TO BE DESIGN/BUILDING BY CONTRACTOR. CW, HW, AND HWC ROUTED TO EXISTING LINES SUPPLYING RETAIL SPACE IN LOWER LEVEL DROPPED CEILING. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE IN FIELD. G NEW GAS LINE ROUTED FROM MECHANICAL ROOM. CONTRACTOR/OWNER TO CONFIRM MECHANICAL ROOM TIE IN LOCATION AND ATTAIN AUTHORIZATION FROM BUILDING AUTHORITY. G NEW GAS LINES FOR FIREPLACES ROUTED IN DROPPED CEILING. ROUTING TO EXISTING SYSTEM TO BE COORDINATED. FIREPLACE FLUE ROUTED TO ROOF. SEE ROUTING ON LEVEL ABOVE. EF-1 CEILING EXHAUST FAN INSTALLED IN DROPPED CEILING PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS.12x812x8OFFICE/STORAGE 3 PHOTO STUDIO 5 LOWER RETAIL 11 T FC-1 FC-1 T WALL-MOUNTED SPLIT-SYSTEM FAN COIL UNITS. INSTALL UNITS PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. TYPICAL ALL UNITS. 6" 12x8 6" 4"BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-2 T THERMOSTAT FOR LOWER RETAIL AND BATHROOM BASEBOARD CONTROL. T THERMOSTAT FOR LOWER OFFICE BASEBOARD CONTROL. T THERMOSTAT FOR LOWER PHOTO STUDIO BASEBOARD CONTROL. RETAIL SUPPLY GRILLE INSTALLED HIGH ON WALL. ERV INSTALLED IN OFFICE/STORAGE ROOM. UNIT CONCEALMENT BY OTHERS. CONCEALMENT DETAIL TO MEET MANUFACTURER'S MAINTENANCE/ACCESS REQUIREMENTS. SEE DETAIL ON M201. ERV EXHAUST DUCT INSTALLED IN OFFICE/STORAGE SPACE. ENTRY TO REMAIN OPEN FOR TRANSFER AIR PATHWAY. BB-2 FIRE RATED WALL PENETRATIONS TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES. COORDINATE LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECT. DC-14"8"12x 8 8"10" 10" TC CW HW HWS HWR HWC G EXISTING HWS/HWR FROM EAST MECHANICAL ROOM. TEE OFF FOR LOWER LEVEL BASEBOARD ZONES. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET M201. ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES TO BE INSTALLED WITH ISOLATION VALVES PER IPC. BALANCING VALVE (CALEFFI 116240A OR EQUIV.) FOR DOMESTIC WATER RECIRCULATION SYSTEM BALANCING. PROVIDE VALVES AS NEEDED TO ENSURE ALL FIXTURES RECEIVE HOT WATER WITHIN 10 SECONDS OF FIXTURE OPERATION. Designed: Reviewed: Project No: SMS SMS 9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00M101.DWG04.13.187:56:28 AM Scale: As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820www˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 LOWER LEVEL MECHANICAL PLAN M101 10/08/18 SCALE: 1 PLAZA LEVEL MECHANICAL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" B1000 24x8 T EXISTING BASEBOARD HEATERS TO REMAIN AS INSTALLED. CLEAN, REPAIR AND REFURBISH UNITS AS REQUIRED. HEATER CONCEALMENT PER ARCH, MAINTAIN CURRENT AIR FLOW CONVECTION PATHWAYS. LENGTHS/LOCATIONS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN HERE. BASEBOARD THERMOSTATS TO BE CONFIRMED IN FIELD. RELOCATE, REFURBISH AND/OR REPLACE AS REQUIRED BY OWNER. T ERV-1 B7012x12EXHAUST FAN DUCT FROM BELOW ROUTED TO EXHAUST GRILLE. INSTALL EXHAUST GRILLE ON UNDERSIDE OF OVERHANG. B 1000 24x18 INSTALL 36x36" ACCESS HATCH FROM RETAIL SPACE FOR MAINTENANCE/SERVICE ACCESS. ERV-1 INSTALLED IN CEILING SPACE. MAINTAIN MANUFACTURER'S REQUIRED CLEARANCES FOR UNIT ACCESS. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET M201. ERV EXHAUST LOUVER. LOUVER INSTALLED HIGH ON WALL. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE PENETRATION WITH ROOF LINES. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET M201. ERV OUTSIDE AIR AND EXHAUST AIR DUCTS (12x8 EACH) ROUTED UP/DOWN EXTERIOR WALL TO UNIT BELOW. COORDINATE PLUMBING FIXTURES WITH ARCH. PROVIDE WASTE AND WATER FROM PIPING BELOW AS REQUIRED. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE GAS LINES FOR GAS LANTERNS. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE DOMESTIC WATER AND DRAINAGE AT WINDOW PLANTERS. GAS FIREPLACE SPEC BY ARCH/CLIENT. GAS FIREPLACE FLUE AND MAKE-UP AIR TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. NEW GAS LINE FOR FIREPLACE ROUTED UP FROM DROPPED CEILING OF FLOOR BELOW. S ON/OFF SWITCH FOR FIREPLACE CONTROL. FIREPLACE FLUE ROUTED UP CLOSET TO ROOF ABOVE. ROOF VENT PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. 12x8 12x8EAST RETAIL 12 FC-1 FC-1 FC-1 FC-1 AC-1 AC-1 TT T T WALL-MOUNTED SPLIT-SYSTEM FAN COIL UNITS. INSTALL UNITS PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. TYPICAL ALL UNITS. A 500 22x8 12x8 12x14 12x1412x8 12x8 A 500 22x6 12x8 AC UNITS INSTALLED IN TRENCH ALONG BUILDING. INSTALLATION TO COMPLY WITH MANUFACTURER'S UNIT CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR FLOW AND MAINTENANCE/SERVICE. TRENCH DETAILING BY ARCH. DC-1 SEE INSTALLATION DETAIL ON SHEET M201. TC ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES TO BE INSTALLED WITH ISOLATION VALVES PER IPC. Designed: Reviewed: Project No: SMS SMS 9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00M102.DWG04.13.187:56:40 AM Scale: As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820www˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 PLAZA LEVEL MECHANICAL PLAN M102 10/08/18 HRV DUCT CONNECTIONS AND CLEARNACES DIAGRAM NO SCALE TOP VIEW EA FA FRONT VIEW LEFT VIEW EA FA OA RA RIGHT VIEW OA RA FIELD PROVIDED SUPPORT FRAME, UNIT-STRUT OR EQUIV. PRIVDE SPRING VIB. ISOLATORS. ROUND HANGER ROD, TYP. FLEXIBLE CANVAS CONNECTOR, TYP. 4. PROVIDE 24.75" OF CLEARANCE AT FRONT OF UNIT. INTAKE DUCT CONNECTION DIAGRAM NO SCALE 12" MIN3"1" 2- 3/ 4 " 2" MASTIC. WEEPHOLES. 20 GAUGE ALUMINUM. WALL. DRAINABLE LOUVER. GROUT. THIS PORTION OF DUCTWORK SHALL BE ALUMINUM. PROVIDE WATERPROOFING ON BOTTOM & SIDES. NOTE: REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS FOR SPECIFIC MOUNTING DETAILS. COOR'D WITH ARCITECTURAL REQUIRMENTS. LINTELS. DRAINABLE LOUVER & SCREEN. RETURN SHEET METAL UNDER WALL BOX & EXTEND 2" BEYOND FACE OF WALL TO DRIP LIP. INSTALL 1" WRAP INSULATION 24" INBOARD OF ENVELOPE. MOTORIZED SHUT-OFF DAMPER. M 24" MIN BASEBOARD PIPING SCHEMATIC NO SCALE OFFICE/STORAGE 0.35 GPM LOWER RETAIL 1.75 GPM WORK STATIONS 0.35 GPM PHOTO STUDIO 0.7 GPM EXISTING HWS/R FOR PLAZA LEVEL. CONNECT NEW PIPING FOR LOWER LEVEL BASEBOARD. SEE PLANS FOR TIE-IN LOCATION. 3/4" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 1/2"1/2" 5/8"3/4"PROVIDE BALANCING VALVE AND SOLENOID VALVE AT EACH ZONE. BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-1 BB-2 BB-2 TOTAL: 3.15 GPM NOTES: 1. PROVIDE ACCESSIBLE OR KEYED SHUT OFF VALVE AT EACH GAS APPLIANCE. 2. GAS LOADS ARE ESTIMATES OR BASED ON PRELIMINARY INFORMATION. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT GAS LOADS AND INFORM ENGINEER OF ANY LOADS HIGHER THAN ESTIMATED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 3. GAS PIPE SIZING BASED ON 150 FT TOTAL DEVELOPED LENGTH AND SCHEDULE 40 METALLIC PIPE. 4. REFER TO PLANS FOR FIXTURE LOCATIONS, PIPE ROUTING TO BE DESIGN BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. 5. GAS PRESSURE ENTERING HOME TO BE 11"WC. GAS ONE-LINE DIAGRAM NO SCALE 1"100 MBH3/4" FIREPLACE 50 MBH PRV REDUCE PRESSURE TO 11"WC 200 MBH1-1/4" 200 MBH GAS LANTERNS 10 MBH EACH. LINE SIZED FOR 10 LANTERNS (100 MBH TOTAL) 3/4" 1" 100 MBH 3/4" FIREPLACE 50 MBH MULTI-SPLIT UNIT SCHEMATIC NO SCALE FC-1 AC-1 FC-1 FC-1 SOUTH UNIT FC-1 AC-1FC-1 FC-1 PHOTO STUDIO NORTH UNIT LOWER LEVEL WORK AREA COFFEE BAR EAST RETAIL EAST RETAIL EAST RETAIL CONFIGURATION BELOW APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE REFRIGERANT PIPE ROUTING TO FAN COIL UNITS AND VERIFY UNIT GROUPING. Designed: Reviewed: Project No: SMS SMS 9949.00 SEAL Issued: PERMIT 04.13.18 S:\BGPROJECTS\9949.00 100 EAST MEADOW DRIVE RETAIL\DRAWINGS\9949.00M201.DWG04.13.187:56:45 AM Scale: As Shown100 EAST MEADOW DRIVEUNIT 7A, 8, 21, 22VAIL, COLORADOSheet Title: Sheet No: Date: © 2018 BG BUILDINGWORKS INC. Current Issue: PERMIT ALBUQUERQUE | AVON | DENVER | FORT COLLINS303.278.3820 www ˛bgbuildingworks˛com4/13/18 MECHANICAL M201 10/08/18 24" o.c. 16" o.c. 16" o.c. 16d common 3" x 0.131" nail 3" 14 gage staple 23. Built-up corner studs 6d common nail 1 3/4 inch length for 25/32-inch sheathing. m. Staples shall have a minimum crown width of 7/16 inch. a. Common or box nails are permitted to be used except where otherwise stated. refer to Section 2305. Nails for wall sheathing are permitted to be common, box or casing. j. Casing or finish nails spaced 6 inches on panel edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports. l. For roof sheathing applications, 8d nails are the minimum required for wood structural panels inches on center at edges, 6 inches at intermediate supports for roof sheathing. p. Fasteners spaced 4 inches on center at edges, 8 inches at intermediate supports. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4mm. 2 3/8" x 0.113" nails and 3" x 0.131" nails are standard 8d and 10d Gun nails. g. Fasteners spaced 3 inches on center at exterior edges and 6 inches on center at intermediate supports. b. Nails spaced at 6 inches on center at edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports except 6 inches at supports where spans are 48 inches or more. For nailing of wood structural panel and particleboard diaphragms and shear walls, h. Corrosion-resistant roofing nails with 7/16-inch diameter head and 1 1/2 inch length for 1/2-inch sheathing and i. Corrosion-resistant staples with nominal 7/16-inch crown and 1 1/8 inch length for 1/2-inch sheathing and 1 1/2 inch length for 25/32-inch sheathing. Panel supports at 16 inches (20 inches if strength axis is the long direction of k. Panel supports as 24 inches. Casing or finish nails spaced 6 inches on panel edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports. n. For roof sheathing applications, fasteners spaced at 4 inches on center at edges, 8 inches at intermediate supports. o. Fasteners spaced 4 inches on center at edges, 8 inches at intermediate supports for subfloor and wall sheathing and 3 c. Common or deformed shank. f. Corrosion-resistant siding or casing nail. the panel, unless otherwise marked). d. Common e. Deformed shank. NOTES TO TABLE 2304.9.1 34. Interior paneling 25/32" No. 11 gage roofing nail 3/8" 1/4" No. 16 gage staple 8d common nail No. 16 gage staplei i 6d 4d j k h b(to framing): underlayment to framing): 32. Panel siding (to framing) Single Floor (combination subfloor- 33. Fiberboard sheathing: g 29. Joist to band joist Subfloor, roof and wall sheathing 31. Wood structural panels and particleboard: 30. Ledger strip 28. Roof rafter to 2-by ridge beam 27. Jack rafter to hip 24. Built-up girder and beams 26. Collar tie to rafter 25. 2" planks 1 3/4" x 16 gage 2 3/8" x 0.131" nail 2 3/8" x 0.131" nail 1/2" No. 11 gage roofing nail 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" 10d or 8d 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" 10d or 8d 7/8" to 1" 8d 5/8" 8d 1/2" or less 6d 19/32" to 3/4" 8d (per J&K) 7/8" to 1" 8d 3/4" and less 6d f d e f e 2" 16 gagec d e d e p 3 - 16d common 5 - 3" x 0.131" nail 5 - 3" 14 gage staple 3 - 16d common 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 16d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 1/2" and less 6d c,l h p face nail face nail face nail o n 3 - 10d common 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple face nail 2 - 16d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 16d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 3 - 10d common 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 16d common 2 - 20d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 20d common at 32" o.c. 3" x 0.131" nail at 24" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 24" o.c. face nail toenail toenail face nail at each bearing face nail at ends and at each splice face nail at top and bottom staggered on opposite sides 13. Top plates, laps and intersections 18. Ceiling joists to parallel rafters (See Section 2308.10.4.1, Table 2308.10.4.1) 22. Wider than 1" x 8" sheathing to each bearing wall 21. 1" x 8" sheathing to each bearing wall 20. 1" diagonal brace to each stud and plate 19. Rafter to plate (See Section 2308.10.1, Table 2308.10.1) 15. Ceiling joists to plate 16. Continuous header to stud 14. Continuous header, two pieces 17. Ceiling joists, laps over partions (See Section 2308.10.4.1, Table 2308.10.4.1) 12. Rim joist to top plate 11. Blocking between joist or rafters to top plate Double top plates 9. Double Studs 10. Double top plates 8. Stud to sole plate 2 - 16d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308.10.4.1 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308.10.4.1 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 3 - 8d common 2 - 8d common 2 - 8d common 2 - 3" x 0.131" nail 2 - 3" 14 gage staple 3 - 8d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 16d common 4 - 8d common 3 - 8d common 5 - 3" x 0.131" nail 5 - 3" 14 gage staple face nail face nail face nail toenail face nail face nail 16" o.c. along edge toenail toenail 8 - 16d common 12 - 3" x 0.131" nail 12 - 3" 14 gage staple typical face nail 16d at 16" o.c. 3" x 0.131" nail at 12" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 12" o.c. 3 - 8d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 8d at 6" (152mm) o.c. 3" x 0.131" nail at 6" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 6" o.c. 2 - 16d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 4 - 8d common 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 16d at 24" o.c. 3" x 0.131" nail at 8" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 8" o.c. face nail lap splice toenail toenail end nail face nail typical face nail toenail IBC FASTENING SCHEDULE (TABLE 2304.9.1) 4. Wider than 1" x 6" subfloor to each joist 6. Sole plate to joist or blocking 5. 2" subfloor to joist or girder Sole plate to joist or blocking at braced wall panel 7. Top plate to stud 1. Joist to sill or girder 3. 1" x 6" subfloor or less to each joist CONNECTION 2. Bridging to joist 3 - 8d common 2 - 16d common 2 - 16d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 16d at 16" o.c. 3" x 0.131" nail at 8" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 12" o.c. 3 - 16d per 16" (4)-3" x 0.131" nail per 16" (4)-3" 14 gage staple per 16" 2 - 8d common 3 - 8d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 8d common 2 - 3" x 0.131" nail 2 - 3" 14 gage staple FASTENING a, m face nail end nail typical face nail blind and face nail braced wall panels face nail toenail each end LOCATION toenail q Design Criteria: Code Edition: 2015 IBC Live Loads: Roof 100 psf (Snow load for new entry roof) Floor 100 psf (Retail Store Use) Dead Loads: Roof 30 psf (new entry roof) Main Floor 29 psf ( post tensioned slab + topping slab + overframe Lateral Loads: Basic Wind Speed: 90 mph (3 second gust) Exposure: C Seismic Site Class: D Seismic Design Category C Reinforced Concrete: A. All structural concrete had been designed in accordance with ACI 318-99. All structural concrete construction work shall conform to ACI 301-99 (or latest edition) unless noted otherwise. B. Cast in place concrete shall be made with type I/II sulfate-resistant cement to maintain the following requirements, admixtures containing chloride salts shall not be used. Element: F'c Mix Type Max W/C Ratio % Air Foundations & Footings 3000 psi ---- ---- Interior Slabs on Grade 3000 psi 0.5 ---- Exterior Slabs on Grade 4500 psi 0.45 6-8% C. Concrete coverage for reinforcing steel shall provide the following: 1. Concrete poured permanently against earth: 3" 2. Concrete poured in forms (exposed to weather or earth): 2" 3. Concrete (not exposed to weather or earth) · Slabs and walls 3/4" · Beams and columns 1 1/2" D. Concrete slabs on grade shall have sawn or trowel cut control joints at a maximum spacing of 12'-0" in each direction or 144 sq-ft within 12 hours of pouring. Carry reinforcement through joints and locate isolation joints around columns at exterior wall. Consult engineer prior to connecting the slab on grade to other portions of the superstructure. E. Hot and cold weather concreting procedures shall conform to the recommendations in the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice. F. Anchor bolts in wood sill plates shall be spaced at a maximum of 36" on center, unless noted otherwise on shear wall schedule, with one anchor at 12" from each end or corner and a minimum of two anchors per piece. Bolts for beam and column bearing plates shall be set with templates. G. Expansion bolts shall be placed a minimum of 6 bolt diameters from concrete edge and maintain a 10 bolt diameter in spacing, unless noted otherwise. H. Any stop in concrete work must be made at third point of span with verticcal bulkheads and horizontal shear keys, unless noted otherwise. Slabs, footings, beams and walls shall not have joints in a horizontal plane. Reinforcing Steel: A. All reinforcement detailing, fabrication and placement shall conform to the ACI Details and Detailing of Reinforcement (ACI 315-99). B. All reinforcing shall be of high grade deformed bars conforming to ASTM A615, grade 60, except ties and anchors which shall conform to ASTM A615, grade 40 or ASTM A706, grade 60. C. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A185, grade 60 and be lapped a minimum of one full mesh plus two inches at side and end splices and be wired together. D. Lap splices of reinforcement, where permitted, shall be a minimum of 48 bar diameters for #6 bar and smaller and 80 bar diameters for #7 and #8 bar, unless noted otherwise. Contact engineer for splicing recommendations prior to construction where not specifically detailed or noted. Do not weld or use mechanical splicing. E. Continuous top bars shall be spliced at mid-span and continuous bottom bars over supports. F. At corners make bar continuous through discontinuity or provide corner bars. Corner bars to extend 3'-0" each side of corner. Place two #5's (per 8" of thickness) to extend a minimum of 2'-6" around all openings/steps in walls, slabs and beams. Provide #5 x 5'-0" diagonal at all openings/steps in walls, slabs and beams. G. Contractor shall place (2)-#5's vertically full height of wall at high side of all wall steps higher that 4'-0" in addition to wall reinforcing shown otherwise. H. Extend reinforcing steel a minimum of 2'-6" through cold joints and coordinate cold joint locations with structural engineer. Structural Wood Framing: A. All framing and truss lumber shall be of dry Douglas Fir-Larch (DF), graded by Western Wood Products according to the following recommendations. All 2" nominal lumber, except studs shall be of DF #2 or better, and solid timber beams and post 3" nominal and wider shall be DF #2. B. All studs shall be of Stud Grade Douglas Fir or Hem-Fir (HF). C. Built-up 2x nominal lumber members shall be of the following requirements: Element Connection Beams 2x - DF #2 or better (2)-rows of 12d nails @ 12" o.c. (size per plan) or (2)-rows of 1/2" dia. thru-bolts @ 24" o.c. Beams 3x - DF #2 (2)-rows of 12d nails @ 12" o.c. (size per plan) or (2)-rows of 1/2" dia. thru-bolts @ 24" o.c. Posts DF or HF #2 or better (2)-rows of 12d nails @ 6" o.c. 2x4 or 2x6 studs D. Top and bottom plates shall be of Douglas Fir-Larch or Hem-Fir #2 or better. Plates in direct contact with concrete or masonry shall be of pressure treated Hem-Fir #2. Preservative treated lumber requires all connections and nailing be galvanived per code. E. For all solid or built-up columns bearing through floor joist spaces, provide blocking in joist space with cross sectional area to match column above. Typical door/window headers noted on plans consisting of a single stud are exempt from this requirement. F. Except as otherwise noted, the minimum nailing shall be provided as specified in the "Nailing Schedule" on the drawings (IBC Table 2304.9.1). G. Bolts used for wood framing connections shall be installed with standard washers and nuts. H. Unless noted otherwise, steel connectors such as those manufactured by the Simpson Company shall be used to join rafters, joists or beams to other beams at flush-framed conditions. Use all specified nails. Connector conditions not otherwise noted shall utilize Type U or Type HU hangers of a size specifically designed for the member supported, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer for details as required. I. Manufactured joists shall be from an approved manufacturer and shall be equivalent in load carrying capacity and deflection criteria to joists shown on plans. Provide blocking, bracing, web stiffeners and other accessories as required by the manufacturer. Alternative joists of the same depth and spacing may be considered provided their load carrying capacity is equivalent or greater bending, shear and deflection. All joist alternatives shall be approved by the Engineer of Record (EOR ) prior to use. J. Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) shall have the following stress properties: · Flexural stress 2600 psi · Modulus of elasticity 2,000,000 psi · Tension parallel to grain 2100 psi · Compression parallel to grain 3000 psi · Compression perpendicular to grain 900 psi · Horizontal shear 285 psi L. For multiple member beam connections, unless noted otherwise in manufacturer's specification, use the following guide: · Strong-axis Loading of Beams (vertical loading): 1. For members 12" deep or less, nail each member to the next with (2)-rows of 12d nails @ 12" o.c. 2. For members greater than 12" deep, nail each member to the next with (3)-rows of 12d nails at 12" o.c. 3. For four member beams, bolt through with (2)-rows of 1/2" dia. bolts staggered at 12" o.c. · Weak-axis Loading of Beams (lateral loading): 1. For two or three member beams, nail each member to the next with (3)-rows of 12d nails @ 12" o.c. 2. For four member beams, bolt through with (2)-rows of 1/2" dia. bolts at 12" o.c. 3. For members consisting of more than four members, contact structural engineer. M. Framing Notes: · Exterior Walls: a. All exterior walls are 2x6 studs @ 16" o.c. to a maximum height of 12'-6", 2x6 studs @ 12" o.c. to a maximum height of 14'-6", and (2)-2x6 studs @ 16" o.c. to a maximum height of 16"-0" unless otherwise noted. Walls taller than 16'-0" shall be framed with manufactured versa-lam studs, contact engineer for spacing requirements, if not indicated on plans. Cap with a double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not possible, strap top plates together with metal strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). b. Gable-end walls shall be balloon-framed to the bottom of rafters. c. Floor to roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5" of the studs beneath. d. Provide 1/2" thick APA sheathing (plywood or OSB) with floor/roof span rating of 24/16, exposure 1, at exterior face of exterior walls. Block all horizontal joints. e. Exterior headers shall be per header schedule. f. At beam bearing locations in stud walls, provide multiple-studs post equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. · Interior Load Bearing Walls: a. Interior load bearing walls are 2x4 or 2x6 studs (as indicated on plans) @ 16" o.c. with 1/2" plywood wallboard, unless noted otherwise. Cap with double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not possible, strap top plates together with metal strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). b. Floor and roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5" of stud beneath. c. Provide (2)-2x10 headers over all openings in wall, with (1)-2x4 or (1)-2x6 trimmer and (1)-2x4 or (1)-2x6 king stud each end, unless noted otherwise. d. At beam bearing locations in stud walls, provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. · Floor Construction: a. Provide 3/4" thick, unless noted otherwise, APA rated Sturdifloor rated @ 24" o.c., tongue and groove, exposure 1. Glue and nail panels with 10d nails @ 6" o.c. along panel edges and @ 12" o.c. at intermediate supports, unless noted otherwise. Install sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to joists and end joints staggered. b. Provide solid blocking between floor joists at all bearing locations. Blocking material shall match floor joist material. c. Panels shall be identified with the grade-trademark of the American Plywood Association and shall meet the requirements of U.S. product standard PSI, latest edition for plywood. d. Floor construction shall have blocking at intervals not greater than 8'-0. · Roof Construction: a. Provide 5/8" thick APA plywood sheathing rated 32/16, exposure 1. Install sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to rafters or trusses and end joints staggered and nails a@ 4" o.c. along panel edges and @ 12" o.c. at intermediate supports, unless noted otherwise. b. Plywood sheathing shall be applied continuously over the primary roof members (rafters or trusses) below over-framed areas to provide adequate lateral stability. c. Provide wind/seismic anchors at supports for all roof joists and trussed rafters. See "Connection Schedule" on the plans. d. Provide solid blocking between roof rafters, trusses and lookouts at all bearing locations. Blocking material shall match rafter, truss chord or lookout material. e. Panels shall be identified with the grade-trademark of the American Plywood Association and shall meet the requirements of U.S. product standard PSI, latest edition for plywood. · Wind Bracing: a. Exterior walls over 4'-0" long which are indicated as shear walls on plans shall serve as shear walls. b. At shear walls, screw 1/2" plywood or OSB to all studs and to top and bottom plates with 10d nails @ 6"o.c. maximum spacing. All other walls may be nailed w/ 8d nails at 6"o.c. maximum spacing. Structural Steel: A. Structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated and erected in accordance with the latest provisions of AISC "Manual of Steel Construction". B. All structural steel rolled shapes, including plates and angles, shall conform to ASTM A36. Tube shapes shall conform to ASTM A500 Grade B. Pipe columns shall conform to ASTM A53. The latest editions of these requirements shall be used. Steel supplier may optionally provide ASTM Grade 50. C. All structural bolts used in steel framing shall be A325-N, installed to a minimum snug nut condition. All anchor bolts shall be of ASTM A307. D. Typical Framed beam connections with steel bolts shall use the maximum number of bolts per AISC "Manual of Steel Construction" Table IIA and/or AISC "Simple Shear Connection Manual" with A325-N bolts. E. All welding shall be performed by an AWS qualified welder. F. Delay painting within 3" of field welds until welds are completed. Grout: A. All grout beneath column plates and steel beams at bearing shall be non-shrink, non-metallic type grout. B. Grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3500 psi. General Requirements: A. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final positions supported and braced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, shall provide shoring and bracing as may be required during construction to achieve the final completed structure. Contact engineer for consultation as required. B. Shop drawings: Submit shop and erection drawings for structural steel & miscellaneous steel, to structural engineer for review prior to fabrication. This review is for general compliance with the intent of the structural design. The manufacturing or fabrication of any items prior to written review of the shop drawings will be at the risk of the contractor. The architect and/or contractor are responsible for checking quantities, dimensions and coordination with other trades. C. Existing structures: Where construction adjoins an existing structure, the contractor shall be responsible for verifying dimensions, elevations, framing, foundation and anything else that may affect the work shown on the structural plans. Under pinning, shoring and bracing of the existing structure shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. D. The existing post-tensioned slab supporting the main level shall be x-rayed prior to drilling, cutting or otherwise modifying this structural element in order to prevent severing rebar or steel tendons. Notify EOR of results of x-ray and need for further direction and or design changes. E. Dimensions: Check all dimensions against field and architectural drawings prior to construction. Do not scale drawings. F. Construction practices: The general contractor is responsible for means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures for construction of this project. Notify structural engineer of omissions or conflicts between the working drawings and existing conditions. G. Coordinate requirements for mechanical/electrical/plumbing penetrations through structural elements with structural engineer. Prior to installation of such equipment or other items to be attached to the structure, the contractor shall obtain approval for connections and support. Contractor shall furnish required hangers, connections, etc. required for installation of such items, unless specifically noted on plans. H. Jobsite safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor. All methods used for construction shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the IBC. I. The structural engineer may make periodic observation visits to the jobsite for determination of general conformance with the construction documents. Such observation visits shall not replace required inspections by the governing authorities or serve as "special inspections" as may be required by Section 17 of the International Building Code. J. Though every effort has been made to provide a complete and clear set of construction documents, discrepancies or omissions may occur. Release of these drawings anticipates cooperation and continued communication between the contractor, architect and engineer to provide the best possible structure. These drawings have been prepared for the use of a qualified contractor experienced in the construction techniques and systems depicted. Special Inspections: A. The Structural Engineer may make periodic observations of the construction; such observations will not replace required inspections by the Governing Authorites or serve as "Special Inspections" that may be required by Chapter 17 of the International Building Code. B. Contractor shall submit a list of Special Inspectors that he intends to use for this project, to the Engineer and Governing Authorities. Submit all inspection reports and test results to the same. C. The following work shall be inspected by a Ceritified Special Inspector, unless specifically waived by the Building Official: 1. Soil Preparation · Earthwork excavation, placement and compaction of fill and in-place dry density of the compacted fill for conformance with the approved report. 2. Concrete Construction · Periodic inspection of reinforcing steel · Continuous inspection of bolts to be installed in concrete prior to and during placement of concrete · Periodic verification of use of required design mix · Continous inspection at the time fresh concrete is sampled to fabricate specimens for strength tests, perform slump and air content tests and determine the temperature of concrete · Periodic inspection of the maintenance of specified curing temperature and techniques. 3. Steel Construction · All welding shall receive continuous special inspection except welding done in an approved fabricator's shop in accordance with IBC Section 1704.3. · The special inspector need not be continuously present during the welding of the following items, provided the materials welding procedure and qualifications of welders are verified prior to the start of work: - Single pass fillet welds not exceeding 5/16" in size - Floor and roof deck welding - Welded sheet steel for cold formed steel framing members such as studs - Welding of stairs and railing systems. · Verify weld filler materials conform to AWS Specifications and Manufacturer's certificate of complience is required. · Periodic Inspection of the steel frames shall be performed to verify compliance with the details shown on the approved constuction documents such as bracing, stiffening, member locations and proper application of joint details at connections. · Special inspection of moment resistant high strength bolted connections verifying bolts are pretensioned in accordance with AISC Specifications for Structural Joints using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts, Section 8, Installiong and Tightening. · Verify structural steel material conforms to ASTM Standards specified in the Approved Construction Documents and Manufacturer's certified test reports. · Periodic inspection of high strength bolts, nuts and washers for conformance to ASTM Standards specified in the Approved Construction Documents and Manufacturer's certificate of compliance. CONSTRUCTIONCONST. HT. INT. HORIZ. HDR. GEN. GYP. G.L. GYPSUM/GYPCRETE HEIGHT INTERIOR GENERAL HEADER HORIZONTAL GLUE-LAM EQUIV. FDN. FTG. GA. FLR. EXP. EXT. EXSTG. EA. ENG. ELEV. DWG. DBL. EQUIVALENT FOUNDATION FOOTING GAUGE FLOOR EXISTING EXPANSION EXTERIOR EACH ELEVATION ENGINEER DOUBLE DRAWING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERTICAL WELDED WIRE FABRIC WITHOUT WITH W.W.F. W/O W/ U.N.O. VERT. TRANSVERSE TYPICAL TONGUE & GROOVE TOP OF WALL THROUGH TOP OF FOOTING TRANSV. TYP. THRU T.O.W. T.O.F. T&G SIMILAR STRUCTURAL STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION SCHEDULE STRUCT. STD. SCHED. SPEC. SIM. SECT. CANT. CONN. CONT. CONC. COL. CLR. L C BOT. B.O.W. BRG. BLKG. BM. BLDG. ARCH. APPROX. ANCH. CANTILEVER CONNECTION CONTINUOUS CLEARANCE COLUMN CONCRETE CENTERLINE APPROXIMATELY BOTTOM OF WALL BLOCKING BOTTOM BEARING BEAM ARCHITECT BUILDING ANCHOR A.B. ANCHOR BOLT LAMINATED STRAND LUMBER ORIENTED STRAND BOARD LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER REINFORCE/REINFORCEMENT PLATE PLYWOOD REFERENCE REQUIRED REVISIONREV. RE: REQ'D REINF. PLYWD. OSB PL MAXIMUM MANUFACTURER MINIMUM NOMINAL ON CENTER MATERIAL MECHANICAL MANUF. O.C. NOM. MIN. MAX. MAT'L MECH. LSL LVL LONGITUDINAL JOIST LONGIT. JST. DOWELDWL. E.O.R. ENGINEER OF RECORD TOP OF STEELT.O.S. ABBREVIATION LIST NO. ISSUEPROJECT: JOB NO. SHEET NO.JURISDICTION: S-1GENERAL NOTES UNITS 7A, 8, 21, 22 TOWN OF VAIL, CO 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE 18011 1 04.13.18 ISSUED FOR PERMIT4.13.18 10/08/18 UP DN DN DN1'-11 1/2" 7'-0" 2'-4" 8'-0" 2'-4" 3'-0" 11'-2 1/2"2'-6"7'-4 1/2" 3'-4 1/2" 1'-0 7/8"10 3/4"1'-3"2'-0 5/8" 2'-3 1/8" 2'-0" 1'-8" 2'-0" 1'-8" 2'-0" 4'-4" 4'-7 3/4"10'-0"9'-0" 12'-538"10x10C O L . D N A S-3 8x8 KNEE BRACE 8x8 KNEE BRACE 8x8 KNEE BRACE (2)HSS 4x4x14 COLUMNS A S-3 B S-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 G S-4 G S-4 C S-3 H S-4 9 1/4" LVL @ 16" o.c. EXI STI NG 2x6 ST U D WALL (V E R I FY) MID-PO I NT 2x6 STUD WALL 2x6 STUD WALL EXISTING 2x6 STUD WALL (VERIFY) 2x6 ST U D WA L L7'-3"9 1/4" LV L @ 16" o.c.11'-9"SIM . NEW 2x6 STUD WALL NE W 2x6 ST U D WA L L (2)HSS 4x4x14 COLUMNS 13'-014" (2) STUDS BEARING, BOTH ENDS J S-4 9'-2"9 10 D S-4 F S-4 E S-4 FLOOR INFILL FRAMING: 9 12 " LVL @ 16" w/ 1 1/8" PLYWOOD SHEATHING DISPLAY SHELF FRAMING: 2x8's @ 16" w/ 3 4" PLYWOOD SHEATHING 9 12 " LVL LEDGER TYP. AROUND PERIMETER OF INFILL FRAMING 2x4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. ,CURVED WALL (3) 2x4 STUDS FLOOR EXTENSION SIM.NORTHROOF FRAMING PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" UP DN DN '-0" 12'-538"9 14" LVL's @ 16" o.c.10 x 1 0COL. DNA S-310x12 D.F. No. 2 8x8 KNEE BRACE 8x8 KNEE BRACE 8x8 KNEE BRACE HSS 4x4x14 COLUMN 10x12 D.F. No. 2 10x12 D.F. No. 2 A S-3 B S-3 K S-4 L S-4 1 4x14 D.F. No. 2 LEDGER C S-3 (2)HSS 4x4x1 4 COLUMNS 13'-014" 2x6 STUD CRIPPLE HDR (2) STUDS BEARING, BOTH ENDS 9'-2"SI M.3'-4"TRIM BEAM HSS 4x4x14 COLUMN 4x14 D.F. No. 2 LEDGER PLAZA LEVEL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" PLAZA LEVEL PLAN PLAN NOTES: 1. FLOOR SHEATHING IS EITHER 3/4" OR 1 18" (RE: PLAN LOCATION), TONGUE & GROOVE APA RATED STURDI-FLOOR, EXPOSURE 1, RATING 24" o.c. 2. ROOF SHEATHING IS 58" PLYWOOD OR OSB, APA RATED, EXPOSURE 1, RATING 3216, STAGGERED END JOINTS AND FASTENED ACCORDING TO THE FASTENER SCHEDULE. 3. ALL FLOOR JOISTS SIZES VARY, (RE: PLAN). ALTERNATIVES JOIST TO WHAT IS SHOWN SHALL HAVE EQUAL OR GREATER CAPACITY AND SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 4. INTERIOR STRUCTURAL COLUMNS SHALL BE (3)-2x6 MINIMUM. 5. "LVL" INDICATES: LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER BEAM AS MANUFACTURED BY BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION OR TRUS-JOIST (WEYERHAEUSER). ALTERNATIVES SHALL HAVE THE SAME OR GREATER CAPACITIES AS THOSE LISTED IN THE "STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES". 6. (XXX'-XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED OR SHOWN (DROPPED). 7. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 2x6 STUDS SPACED AT 16" o.c., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE - RE: EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION SECTION IN THE STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES, SHEET S-0 ALL WALLS SHALL HAVE CONTINUOUS STUDS FROM FLOOR TO FLOOR OR FLOOR TO ROOF (INCLUDING RAKE WALLS). 8. KNEE BRACES SUPPORTING ENTRY ROOF STRUCTURE SHALL HAVE SAME ANGLE, LENGTH AND PROJECTIONS SUCH THAT THEY APPEAR IN ALIGNMENT FROM A SIDE ELEVATION VIEW. 9. STUDS LONGER THAN 16'-0" SHALL BE REPLACED WITH 112"x5 12" VERSA STUDS AS MANUFACTURED BY BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION. 10. RE: ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR SIZE AND LOCATION OF ROUGH OPENINGS IN WOOD STUD WALLS. 11. RE: ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR HANDRAIL AND STAIR FRAMING DETAILS. 1/4" = 1'-0" NO. ISSUEPROJECT: JOB NO. SHEET NO.JURISDICTION: 18011 S-2STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN 1 04.13.18 ISSUED FOR PERMIT UNITS 7A, 8, 21, 22 TOWN OF VAIL, CO 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE 4.13.18 10/08/18 SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 A S-3B SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 C SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0S-3 5/8" SHEATHING 9 14" LVL PURLINS 1x6 T&G 10x12 D.F. No. 2 89'-8" 4x14 LEDGER EXISTING STONE CAP - REMOVE FOR STONE CAP EXTENSION RE-CONSTRUCT STONE WALL 2x14 FASCIA 9 14" LVL PURLINS @ 16" o.c. 5/8" ROOF SHEATHING 10x12 D.F. No. 2 8x8 KNEE BRACE CENTER SLOT TO RECEIVE KNIFE PLATE HSS 4x4x3/16 BASE PLATE 12" x5" x0'-7 12" 1x6 T&G TERRA COTTA TILE ROOF - RE: ARCH EXISTING TOP OF CONCRETE BASE PLATE 12" x5" x0'-10" 2x14 FASCIA 9 14" LVL PURLINS @ 16" o.c. 5/8" ROOF SHEATHING 10x12 KNIFE PLATE 3/8" x6" x1'-6" (SEE DETAIL AA / S-3) 8x8 KNEE BRACE CENTER SLOT TO RECEIVE KNIFE PLATE KNIFE PLATE 38" x6" x1'-6" (SEE DETAIL AA / S-3) 1" 4"1 1 2"4" 4"112"4"3" 1" BRG 10x10 COLUMN KNIFE PLATE 5/8" x7" x0'-91/2" (4) 5 8" Ø ALL-THREAD x 6" SHOP WELD TO BASE PLATE w/ 316" FILLET WELD ALL AROUND, TYP. 1x6 T&G TERRA COTTA TILE ROOF - RE: ARCH 4" 4"6" 13 4" DRILL HOLE AND SET ANCHOR IN EPOXY ADHESIVE EXISTING TOP OF SLOPING RAIL CONCRETE WALL BASE PLATE 5/8" x91/2" x0'-91/2" (2) 3 4" Ø THRU-BOLTS KNIFE PLATE 5/8" x7" x0'-91/2" BASE PLATE 5/8" x91/2" x0'-91/2" STONE CAP ON ADHESIVE GROUT BED TOP OF SLOPING RAIL CONCRETE WALL STONE CAP ON ADHESIVE GROUT BED (4) 5 8" Ø ALL-THREAD x 6" SHOP WELD TO BASE PLATE w/ 316" FILLET WELD ALL AROUND, TYP. SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 AA KNEE BRACE KNIFE PLATE, TYP. SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 BB KNIFE PLATE AT BASE OF KNEE BRACE KNIFE PLATE 3/8" x6" x1'-6" (SEE DETAIL AA / S-3) EXISTING STUD WALL TO REMAIN EXISTING STONE VENEER TO REMAIN, RAISE TOP CAP 12" 5"712"3/16 4"112" 112"HSS 4x4x316" COLUMN ON BASE PLATE 12 " x5" x0'-7 12" w/ 13 16" Ø HOLE FOR 3 4" Ø EPOXY ANCHOR KNIFE PLATE 38" x7" x2'-7 12" (SEE DETAIL BB/S-3) (3) 1116" Ø HOLES FOR 58" Ø THRU-BOLTS 7"2' -71 2"112"3" 3"3" 31 2" KNIFE PLATE 3 8" x7" x2'-7 12" (SEE DETAIL BB/S-3) EXISTING 2x6 STUD WALLS AND STONE VENEER, TO REMAIN HSS 4x4x316" COLUMN ON 12 " x5" x0'-10" BASE PLATE, w/ (2) 13 16" Ø HOLES FOR 3 4" Ø EPOXY ANCHORS 6" 12" 3/16 10"5"112"4"1 12"112"112"5 8" P.T. PLYWOOD ON P.T. 2x4 STUDS @ 16" o.c., PLANTER HEIGHT NEW 2x6 STUD WALL, FULL HEIGHT 3/16 DRILL HOLE AND SET 3 4" Ø ANCHOR IN EPOXY ADHESIVE, 4" EMBEDMENT DRILL HOLES AND SET (2) 3 4" Ø ANCHOR IN EPOXY ADHESIVE, 4" EMBEDMENT 3/16 PL 12" x5" x10" w/ (2) 3 4" Ø THRU-BOLTS, COUNTER-BORE 3/16 TRIM TOP OF WALL TO RECEIVE CONNECTION PLATE 10'-4"8'-0"RESIDENTIAL FLOOR CRIPPLE HEADER, BEYOND ENTRY LEVEL 4x14 D.F. No. 2 LEDGER 2 12" 11 2" 1316" Ø HOLE FOR 3 4" Ø THRU-BOLTS 5" 10" S-3 S-3 S-3 1'-4" 1'-4"6"LEDGERLOK SCREWS, INSTALL IN 'W' PATTERN INTO EXISTING STUDS 5/8" SHEATHING EXISTING STUD WALLTERRA COTTA TILE ROOF - RE: ARCH LVL LEDGER 9 1 4" LVL PURLIN 1x6 T&G CEILING CLEARANCE AND FLASHING - RE: ARCH SOFFIT 10x12 BEAM L 6 x6 x38" x1'-0" w/ (2) 3 4" Ø THRU-BOLTS 3 4" Ø x 4" LONG LAG BOLTS 4x14 D.F. No. 2 LEDGER AGAINST SHEATHING, REMOVE SIDING AT LEDGER TIMBERLOK TLOK08 SCREWS, INSTALL INTO EXISTING STUDS 1'-4"434"4 34" PLAN VIEW 10x12 BEAM, NOTCH END TO RECEIVE LEDGER 4x14 LEDGER(3) 13 16" HOLES FOR 3 4" Ø LAG BOLTS 6"1'-0"112" 412"412"112"3"L 6 x6 x3 8" x1'-0" 3 4" Ø x 4" LAG BOLT LEDGERLOK SCREW33 4"4 1 2"2" HSS 4x4 COLUMN BLOCKING 1'-4" (3) TIMBERLOK TLOK08 IN ROW @ 16" o.c., INSTALL INTO EXISTING STUDS OR RIM BOARDS 2x4 STUDS @ 16" o.c. w/ 12" SHEATHING PLANTER BOX STONE CAP (1) COURSE STONE VENEER IN BOX 2x4 P.T. LEDGER PLANTER BOX: WATER PROOF AND DRAIN - RE: ARCH TAPERED INSULATION FOR BOX DRAINAGE EXISTING SLAB NEW STONE CAP ELEVATION - RE: ARCH EXISTING LOWER SLAB STONE VENEER EXTENSION 2x4 STUD WALL w/ 12" EXTERIOR SHEATHING8x8 KNEE BRACE - RE: SECTION B 2x4 P.T. STUDS @ 16" o.c. w/ 12" P.T. SHEATHING 92'-0" EXISTING FOUNDATION WALL NEW 2x4 STUD WALL, FULL HEIGHT 3'-4" 25° 2 5° 3'-4" VERIFY 2'-812"EXISTING POST-TENSION SLAB EXISTING SLAB EXISTING POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE SLAB EXISTING ENTRY LEVEL PAVERS (4) 1116" Ø HOLES FOR 58" Ø THRU-BOLTS (4) 1116" Ø HOLES FOR 58" Ø THRU-BOLTS SIM CUT AT SIM. CONDITION 6"NO. ISSUEPROJECT: JOB NO. SHEET NO.JURISDICTION: S-3DETAILS UNITS 7A, 8, 21, 22 TOWN OF VAIL, CO 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE 18011 1 04.13.18 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 4.13.18 10/08/18 K SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 FLASHING RE: ARCH 2x8 FASCIA 2x14 SUB-FASCIA STANDING SEAM MTL ROOF 5/8" SHEATHING 2x10 D.F. No. 2 PURLINS 1x6 T&G 10x12 D.F. No. 2 8x8 KNEE BRACE VARIES 2x10 BLOCKING TYPICAL EAVE DETAIL LEDGERLOK SCREWS: INSTALL IN 'W' PATTERN 5/8" SHEATHING EXISTING STUD WALL EXISTING UPPER LEVEL WINDOWS 2x LEDGER INSTALL PLUMB w/ TRIMMED TOP & BOTTOM EDGE 1x6 T&G CEILING CLEARANCE AND FLASHING RE: ARCH EXISTING PAVERS (ELEV. VARIES) EXISTING POST-TENSION SLAB EXISTING CONCRETE CURB 2'-0" (APPROX.) P.T. SILL PLATE SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 H S-4 L SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 D SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0S-4 J SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 S-4 G SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0S-4 EXISTING POST-TENSIONAL SLAB 1 18" PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING ON 9 14" LVL JOISTS @ 16" o.c. EXISTING STAIRS TO BE REMOVED 2x6 STUD WALL: STUDS @ 16" o.c., DBL TOP PLATE, P.T. SILL PLATE BLOCKING, TYP., B.E. EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL 2x6 STUD WALL @ 16" o.c., ALIGN WITH JOISTS DBL TOP PLATE 1 18" PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING ON 9 14" LVL JOISTS @ 16" o.c. BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS AT BEARING WALLS 12" EXP. ANCHOR @ 24" o.c., 4" EMBEDMENT EXISTING FLOOR JOIST AND SHEATHING 2x6 STUD WALL: STUDS @ 16" o.c., DBL TOP PLATE, P.T. SILL PLATE MID-POINT 2x6 STUD WALL REQUIRED AT SIM. CONDITION. STUDS @ 16" o.c., DBL TOP PLATE, P.T. SILL PLATE EXISTING 2x6 STUD WALL (VERIFY) S-4 S-4 P.T. SILL PLATE 2x6 CRIPPLE WALL STUDS @ 16" o.c., ALIGN WITH JOISTS 1 18" PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING ON 9 14" LVL JOISTS @ 16" o.c.1'-912"DBL TOP PLATE DBL LVL JOIST BELOW PARTITION EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB DBL STUD BELOW WALL 2x6 PARTITION WALL TERRA COTTA TILE ROOF - RE: ARCH TIMBERLOK TLOK08 SCREWS, INSTALL INTO EXISTING STUDS 1'-4"434"434" 1'-4" 1'-4"6"9 1 4" LVL PURLINS @ 16" o.c. 10x12 BEAM BEYOND HSS 4x4x316 BEYOND EXISTING CEILING LINE REMOVE EXISTING DRYWALL TO ACCESS STRUCTURE 2x6 CRIPPLE HEADER STUDS @ 16" o.c. BOTTOM OF HEADER RE: ARCH FOR DOOR CLEARANCE (2) 2x6 JAMB COLUMN, TYP. EA. SIDE OF OPENING 34" PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING 14" LVL (2) 58" Ø THRU-BOLTS W10x22x1'-2" 1'-0" VERIFY 9 14" LVL LEDGER (4) 58" Ø ANCHORS, SET IN EPOXY ADHESIVE,3" EMBEDMENT F SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0S-4 1 1/8" PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING 9 12" LVL JOIST SIMPSON ITS 1.81/95 TOP FLANGE HANGER 9 12" LVL LEDGER 58" HILTI HIT-2-F ANCHOR RODS x 3 3 4" EMBEDMENT w/ HILTI-HY 200 ADHESIVE SYSTEM, STAGGER BOLTS EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB STRUCTURE512"1'-4" 1'-4"2"512"E SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0S-4 34" PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB 2x8 RIM BOARD STANDARD SILL PLATE P.T. SILL PLATE 7 14" LVL LEDGER, FASTEN TO EXISTING STUDS w/ LEDGERLOK EXISTING STUD WALL 4"1'-4" 1'-4" EXISTING POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE SLAB 2X8 JOIST @ 16" o.c. 2x4 STUDS @ 16" o.c. EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB STRUCTURE EXISTING POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE SLAB212"7"FLOOR EXTENSION CIRCULAR STAIR STRUCTURE BY OTHERS NO. ISSUEPROJECT: JOB NO. SHEET NO.JURISDICTION: S-4DETAILS UNITS 7A, 8, 21, 22 TOWN OF VAIL, CO 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE 18011 1 04.13.18 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 4.13.18 10/08/18