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B18-0386_Approved Documents_1537903128.pdf
75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, CO 81657 Office: 970.479.2139 Inspections: inspections@vailgov.com Construction B18-0386 Issued: 09/25/2018 TOWN OF VAIL Property Information Address: 183 GORE CREEK DR (210108210006) ( 210108210006 ) Unit #: Parcel Number: 210108210006 Legal Description:Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Block: 5-B Lot: A PT OF BK-0225 PG-0204 WD 07-25-72 BK-0232 PG-0841 QCD 01-08-74 BK-0376 PG-0799 QCD 12-31-83 Contacts Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: Josh McCandless Address: 0090 W Benchmark Road 207 avon, CO 81620 Phone: 9709495200 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: SITZMARK AT VAIL INC Address: Phone: None Contractor Contractor Type: General Company: Ulf & Associates LLC State License #: Phone: 970-926-7600 Project Information Project Name: Sitzmark Deck 2018 Project Description: Spa & deck replacement with new deck & terrace tile. New planter boxes on terrace & deck. Fees Paid Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Building Permit Fee Fee Amount:$2,567.35 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Building Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$1,668.78 Account #: 110-0000.31060.00 - Construction Use Tax Fee Fee Amount:$7,404.00 Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Mechanical Permit Fee Fee Amount:$120.00 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Mechanical Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$30.00 Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Plumbing Permit Fee Fee Amount:$285.00 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Plumbing Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$71.25 Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Building Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00 Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Mechanical Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00 Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Plumbing Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00 Total Paid:$12,161.38 Conditions CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH PERMITS BECOME VOID: If construction is not begun within 6 months from the date permit was issued. If more than 5 months elapses between inspections. If incorrect information is given on the application at the time the permit was issued. Christopher Jarecki - Town of Vail Building Official NOTICE: By issuance of this Permit the applicant agrees to comply with all Titles of the Town of Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law. Failure to do so will void this Permit and the applicant shall forfeit all applicable fees. PERMIT FEE RECEIPT Case # B18-0386 Date Printed: 09/25/2018 TOWN OF VAIL - FEES RECEIPT Permit Summary Case Number: B18-0386 Status: Approved Permit Number: Date Started: 09/05/2018 Permit Type: Construction Subcases Mixed Use Lot Number: A Property: 183 GORE CREEK DR (210108210006) (210108210006) Contacts Contact Type: Applicant Company Name: Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Full Name: Josh McCandless Address: 0090 W Benchmark Road 207 avon, CO 81620 Email: JOSHM@VMDA.COM Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: SITZMARK AT VAIL INC Address: Permit Fees Fee Information Account Amount Permit Fee 001-0000.31111.00 $2,972.35 Construction Tax 110-0000.31060.00 $7,404.00 Will Call Fee 001-0000.31128.00 $15.00 Payment Information Date Paid Payment Type Amount Permit Fee 09/25/2018 Check $2,972.35 Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#3418 Ulf & Associates LLC Construction Tax 09/25/2018 Check $7,404.00 Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#3418 Ulf & Associates LLC Will Call Fee 09/25/2018 Check $15.00 Paid By: Carolyn Godfrey - Notes: ck#3418 Ulf & Associates LLC FEE TOTAL $10,391.35 AMOUNT PAID $10,391.35 BALANCE DUE $0.00 09/25/2018 - 1:08:49 PM - Generated by: cgodfrey75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 1 / 1 SECTION 071413 HOT FLUID-APPLIED RUBBERIZED ASPHALT WATERPROOFING (CCW-500R) 900 Hensley Lane Wylie TX 75098 800-527-7092 www.carlisleccw.com MANUFACTURERS GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS Carlisle is a trademark of Carlisle. ©2014 Carlisle.600321 12.18.14 07 14 13-1 SECTION 07 14 13 HOT FLUID-APPLIED RUBBERIZED ASPHALT WATERPROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES: Installation of hot-applied membrane waterproofing on surfaces indicated on drawings, consisting of preparation of existing and repaired concrete surfaces, sealing of cracks and joints, and application of a 215-mil reinforced CCW-500-R Hot-Applied Membrane Waterproofing. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03 15 00 Concrete Accessories/Expansion Joints B. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-In-Place Concrete C. Section 07 90 00 - Caulking and Sealants D. Division 04 - Masonry E. Division 20 Mechanical/Floor Drains and Standpipes F. Division 25 Electrical/Conduit and other Electrical 1.3 REFERENCES A. CGSB-37.50-M89 Canadian Specification for Hot-Applied, Rubberized Asphalt for Roofing and Waterproofing. B. ASTM Applicable Standards and Test Methods. C. UL 790 Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof Materials. 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Product provided by this Section is a 215-mil thick, reinforced, hot-applied rubberized asphalt membrane system, consisting of two layers of rubberized asphalt membrane reinforced with polyester fabric. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit in accordance with Section 01 30 00. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product literature and installation instructions. C. Subcontractors approval by Manufacturer: Submit document stating manufacturer's acceptance of subcontractor as an Approved Applicator for the specified materials. D. Warranty: Submit a sample warranty identifying the terms and conditions stated in Section 1.7. 07 14 13-2 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Applicator shall be experienced in applying the same or similar materials and shall be specifically approved in writing by the membrane manufacturer. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with applicable codes, regulations, ordinances, and laws regarding use and application of products that contain volatile organic compounds (VOC). C. Pre-Application Conference: Prior to beginning work, convene a conference to review conditions, installation procedures, schedules and coordination with other work. 1.7 WARRANTY Provide a written, single-source-year warranty for all system components agreeing that during the warranty period to promptly make repairs or replacement of defective materials of the waterproofing system without additional cost to the owner. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to project site in original, factory-sealed, unopened containers bearing manufacturer's name and label intact and legible with following information. 1. Name of material. 2. Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture. 3. Material safety data sheet. B. Store flashing, mastic and primer in a protected area out of direct sunlight. Protect from rain and physical damage. 1.9 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not apply membrane if temperature is less than 0ºF or to a damp, frosty, snow covered or contaminated surface. B. Coordinate waterproofing work with other trades. The applicator shall have sole right of access to the specified areas for the time needed to complete the application. C. Protect adjoining surfaces not to be waterproofed against damage or soiling. Protect plants, vegetation and animals which might be affected by waterproofing operations. D. Warn personnel against breathing of vapors and contact of material with skin or eyes. Wear applicable protective clothing and respiratory protection gear. E. Keep flammable products away from spark or flame. Do not allow the use of spark producing equipment during application until all vapors have dissipated. Post NO SMOKING signs. F. Maintain work area in a neat and orderly condition, removing empty containers, rags, and rubbish daily from the site. 07 14 13-3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS Provide products manufactured and supplied by Carlisle Coatings and Waterproofing Incorporated, 900 Hensley Lane, Wylie Texas 75098, phone (800) 527-7092, fax (972) 442-0076. 2.2 PRODUCTS A. Hot-applied liquid membrane: Shall be CCW-500 Hot-Applied Membrane, rubberized asphalt compound, and shall meet or exceed the requirements of CGSB-37.50-M89. B. Reinforcing fabric: Shall be CCW-500 Reinforcing Fabric which is a 1.18 oz/square yard spunbond polyester fabric. 2.3 ACCESSORY PRODUCTS A. Flashings: Shall be CCW-711-90 90-Mil Sheet Membrane and Flashing or CCW 60-mil uncured neoprene for non-exposed areas and Sure-Seal® EPDM, Sure Weld 120-mil AFX TPO or Sure Seal Fleeceback 115-mil EPDM for exposed areas. B. Surface Primer: Shall be CCW-550 Primer. C. Mastic: Shall be CCW-550, CCW-702, CCW-702LV or CCW-AWP. D. Sealants: Shall be CCW-703 Vertical Grade LIQUISEALTM Membrane or CCW-201 two- component Polyurethane Sealant. E. Backer Rod: Shall be closed-cell polyethylene foam rod. F. Expansion Joints: Shall be the EJ-500 G. Protection Course: Shall be CCW Protection Board-HS or H. H. Root Barrier: Shall be the CCW Root Barrier I. Drainage Composite: Shall be CCW MiraDRAIN as recommended by the manufacturer for each condition. J. Insulation: Shall be extruded or expanded polystyrene insulation with a minimum 40 psi (or as specified by architect) compressive strength as manufactured by Insulfoam, Foamular or Dow. K. Pavers: Where required, shall be as recommended and supplied by the membrane manufacturer. L. Perimeter Drainage System: Where required, shall be MiraDRAIN HC. M. CCW 200V, CCW 300 HV or H.P Protective Mat shall be applied over insulation prior to ballast placement. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION 07 14 13-4 A. Before any waterproofing work is started the waterproofing applicator shall thoroughly examine all surfaces for any deficiencies. Should any deficiencies exist, the architect, owner, or general contractor shall be notified in writing and corrections made. B. Condition of Concrete Surfaces: 1. The concrete surfaces shall be of sound structural grade, 3500 psi minimum, and shall have a wood float or fine broom finish, free of fins, ridges, voids or entrained air holes. 2. Concrete shall be cured by water curing method. Curing compounds must be of the pure sodium silicate type and be approved by the Carlisle representative. 3. Concrete shall be cured at least 14 days and shall be sloped for proper drainage. 4. Voids, rock pockets and excessively rough surfaces shall be repaired with approved non-shrink grout or ground to match the un-repaired areas. 5. Two-stage drains shall have a minimum three inch flange and be installed with the flange flush and level with the concrete surface. 6. Surfaces at cold joints shall be on the same plane. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION A. The concrete surface must be thoroughly clean, dry and free from any surface contaminates or cleaning residue that may harmfully affect the adhesion of the membrane. B. Detail expansion joints per manufacturers recommendation using the EJ-500. C. Apply a thin film of CCW-550, CCW-702, CCW-702LV or CCW-AWP primer 16" wide, centered over sealed cracks and joints. Apply 60-90 mils of CCW-550, CCW-702, CCW-702LV or CCW-AWP membrane to cover primed areas. Install a 12" wide strip of CCW-711-90 centered over joints and cracks greater than 1/16" in width. D. Preferred Flashing Method (500-4B): Apply CCW-550, CCW-702, CCW-702LV or CCW-AWP Primer at the juncture of all horizontal surfaces and vertical surfaces to the height indicated on the drawings (eight inches min. recommended), such as parapet walls, curbs, columns and all penetrations through the deck at at the published sq. ft. per gallon rate recommended. Avoid puddles. Allow primer to dry for 1 hour minimum, 8 hours maximum. Membrane will not properly adhere to wet primer. Apply 60-90 mils of CCW-500 membrane to cover primed areas. Install CCW-711-90 mil sheet membrane or uncured neoprene flashing into this first course of CCW-500 to cover the vertical section and extend six inches onto deck surface. Flashing installation may be done during crack and joint treatment or during installation of the first layer of CCW-500 membrane. Completely cover all flashing material during installation of the subsequent layers of CCW-500 membrane. E. Install Sure-Seal EPDM, Sure Weld 120-mil AFX TPO or Sure Seal Fleeceback 115-mil EPDM flashings in exposed areas per Carlisle recommendations (500-4A). Always clean and prime per Carlisle splice procedure prior to application of CCW-500 membrane. F. Apply a thin film of CCW-550, CCW-702, CCW-702LV or CCW-AWP Primer in a four foot square area around drains. Allow primer to dry, one hour minimum, eight hours maximum. Apply 60-90 mils of CCW-500 membrane to cover primed areas. Install a three foot square section of CCW-711-90 or uncured neoprene flashing over the drain and onto the deck. No splices or seams are allowed within three inches of the drain flange. Terminate the flashing under the clamping ring of the drain and cut away the inner portion of the flashing. Use firm pressure to press the flashing against the CCW- 07 14 13-5 500 surface and ensure good adhesion. Do not interfere with weep holes. Completely cover all flashing material during installation of the subsequent layers of CCW-500 membrane. 3.3 APPLICATION A. Apply CCW-550, CCW-702, CCW-702LV or CCW-AWP primer to all surfaces and at the juncture of all horizontal surfaces and vertical surfaces, to the height indicated on the drawings (eight inches min. recommended), such as parapet walls, curbs, columns and all penetrations through the deck, to receive CCW-500 Waterproofing Membrane, including over flashings at the published sq. ft. per gallon rate recommended. Avoid puddles. Allow primer to dry for one hour minimum, eight hours maximum. Membrane will not properly adhere to wet primer. B. Heat CCW-500 Membrane blocks in a twin wall kettle with continuous agitation and apply at 350ºF or between temperatures of 325ºF to 375ºF. (Caution: Do not exceed maximum safe operating temperature of 375®F.). C. Apply heated CCW-500 Hot Applied Membrane to primed area and any pre-installed flashings at a rate of 18 sq. ft. per gallon or as required to obtain an average thickness of 90 mils. D. Apply CCW-500 Reinforcing Fabric and any required flashings while membrane is still warm and tacky. Cut and trim off any wrinkles or overlap sections of the reinforcing fabric or hot the fabric splices together with CCW-500. E. Apply a second coat of CCW-500 Hot Applied Membrane at a rate of 13 sq. ft. per gallon or as required to obtain an average thickness of 125 mils. Total thickness of the CCW-500-R System shall be 215 mils. F. Apply CCW Protection Board H or HS into the last course of CCW-500 and splice the protection board seams together with CCW-500. 3.4 INTEGRITY TESTING A. Test is required for all expanded warranties beyond the standard material warranty of horizontal applications. B. The test can be done with Electronic Vector Mapping or flood testing. Flood testing requires 2 minimum head of water for a period of 24 hours. 3.5 PROTECTION COURSE A. Install CCW MiraDRAIN HC Perimeter Drainage System as the first course of drainage composite immediately after membrane has cured on vertical surfaces. Install CCW MiraDRAIN Drainage Composite to complete the drainage and protection System on Vertical installations. B. Install CCW MiraDRAIN 9000 or 9900 over CCW Protection Board immediately after flood testing on horizontal surfaces. If flood testing is delayed, install a temporary covering to protect the CCW-500 membrane from damage by other trades. C. Apply CCW Root Barrier in planter areas and green roofs covered with soil and plants. Apply over Protection Board and beneath the MiraDRAIN. CCW Root Barrier splices are a minimum of four feet and taped with CCW MiraDRAIN Drainage Composite Board. 07 14 13-6 Note: All fluid applied product application rates are based on theoretical coverage relative to the percentage of solids in the material. These are minimum application rates to achieve the required dry film thickness for the system and do not account for substrate condition or porosity. A thicker application of the product may be necessary to achieve the required dry film thickness for system relative to the substrate. The global leader in door opening solutionsASSA ABLOY Hospitality VingCard Classic RFID Electronic Lock DIMENSIONSFEATURES :Standalone electronic lock with RFID technology. :Supports Mobile Access. :Fire-listed for use on fire doors. (UL, EN, BS). :High security mortise lockcase available in ANSI, JPN, AUS and EURO versions. :CE, FCC approved. :Solid steel handles with self-lubricating long life bearings. :3-point steel latch construction with an anti-friction mechanism. :Case hardened full 1-inch (ANSI) throw deadbolt. :Panic release function – the deadbolt and latch are automatically retracted by inside handle for easy regress in emergency situations. :ADA compliant (persons with physical disabilities). :Future proof re-programmable FLASH RAM lock memory. :Powered by three (3) AA batteries that provide up to 2 years normal life. :Up to 2000 event audit trail. :Compatible with Visionline. :Optional high security mechanical override. :Upgrade kit from VingCard Classic (both 4.5V and 9V) magnetic stripe or combo technology reader to RFID technology. :Only need to add the RFID reader by replacing the top end plug. A few minutes operation and no need to replace the lockcase or handles. Classic RFID offers the latest Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and the quickest path to go contactless if you currently have standard Classic VingCard electronic locks installed. :RFID Specifications: - 13,56MHz technology - Compatible with the following standards: - ISO 14.443 A (MIFARE including Desfire) - ISO 14.443 B - ISO 15.693 ASSA ABLOY Hospitality www.assaabloyhospitality.com Art. Nº: 4819047 | Updated: 03/2018 | Copyright ASSA ABLOY Power 4,5 V DC (3 x AA alkaline batteries). Battery location Inside of the room. Material Escutcheon: Stainless steel, quality SS316 Handles: Stainless steel quality SUS304 Battery cover: Polycarbonate (Makrolon 6265 . V0). RFID cover: Polycarbonate UL94V0 (Makrolon 6555). Metal finishes Satin Chrome (Stainless Steel with PVD), Polished Chrome (Stainless Steel with PVD), Satin Brass (Stainless Steel with PVD), Polished Brass (Stainless Steel with PVD), Light Bronze, Velour Nickel and US Antique Dark. Standard plastic color Black RAL 9005 (RFID cover, end caps and battery cover). Handle options in standard range Ship, US Ship (as standard) Standard, Gothic, Straight, Functional ANSI, Wing, Flair (against an upcharge). Emergency opening options Electronic emergency opening with service unit and optional mechanical cylinder. User interface 3 colored LED display (green, red, yellow). Locking mechanism Electro-mechanical locking mechanism located in the lockcase. Door thickness 34 - 90 mm / 1,34 - 3,54 Inches. System Software compatibility Visionline and Vision. Online compatibility Wireless (based on ZigBee protocol) in Visionline. Storage temperature 0-70 °C / 32-158 °F: non-condensing environment. Tested operating temperature Tested from -25 °C to 70 °C ( -13 °F to 158°F), according to IEC 60068-2. Certifications European EMC, LVD and R&TTE Directives Fire approved according to EN 1642-1 Fire approved according to UL (timber doors and metal doors). Fire approved according to German MPA standard. TECHNICAL DATA ANSI lock case variants ANSI DA, ANSI DB (both available in the following versions: 4-switch, Auto deadbolt (ADB) Australia version (AUS) and Japan (JPN) version). ANSI lock case widths 25 mm / 0,98 inches, 28 mm / 1,10 inches, 32 mm / 1,26 inches. ANSI backset 70 mm / 2,76 inches. EURO lock case variants EURO, EURO ADB, EURO MPA. EURO lock case widths 20 mm / 0,79 inches, 22 mm / 0,87 inches, 24 mm / 0,94 inches. EURO backsets 65 mm / 2,56 inches, 80 mm / 3,15 inches. LOCKCASE DIMENSIONS ANSI DA lockcase: EURO lockcase: ANSI DB lockcase: Specifications may change without notice | Note: Image colors in this brochure may differ from actual colors STAINLESS STEEL CARE 1) Stainless steel is highly resistant to rust and corrosion. Stainless steel is extremely durable and with proper care and maintenance will maintain it's luster and appearance indefinitely. 2) DSI uses 316L or 304L grade stainless. Each unit has a random hand finish applied to it as all product is hand crafted, exhibiting a visible concise weld seam. 3) DSI recommends rinsing any exposed stainless steel with fresh water on a a regular basis to remove any salt air or pollution contaminate. 4) Minor build up and/or spotting is simply removed with regular care and a "Scotch-Brite" scouring pad. 5) NEVER use steel wool or steel brushes on a DSI product. These products are carbon steel and leave particles that will rust and create stains. 6) If you should notice any staining and/or discoloration on the stainless steel surface it must be removed immediately. Most discoloration and staining is removed with the "Scotch-Brite" scouring pad. After the area is cleaned rinse with fresh water and dry with a a soft cloth. 7) If you have any questions, please contact DSI at 1-800-951-7727 REVISION CHANGES REV. DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DSI Internal Use Only: Fabrication Plumbing Project Management Sales SHEET OF DRAWN CHECKED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING MATERIAL FINISH ROTARY HAND BRUSHED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. IS PROHIBITED. 4409 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80504 ph. 720-864-9115 1-800-951-SPAS fax. 1-866-605-2358 MR 8/13/2018SK 8/13/2018 1 9 316L & 304L STAINLESS STEEL REVISION A POOL COMMERCIAL 3499 - SITZMARK AT VAIL ELECTRICAL 1) Electrical requirements are specified for each unit. Only a licensed qualified electrician should connect the power supply. 2) Some units require more than one supply circuit. All power supply circuits must be located in the same disconnect box. (per NEC) Disconnect box must be more than 5(five) feet away from the tub and less than 50(fifty) feet away and within sight of spa. 3) All spas require a continuous bond. All spas are shipped with a bond connection on the frame. This connection must be made in the field. 4) Never turn the power on to the spa if it is empty. The spa needs water to properly test and satisfy diagnostic computations. 5) All electrical supply to the tub must be GFCI protected. 6) Any nearby electrical outlets, windows, hand rails or metal fencing may have special bonding requirements. Consult your licensed qualified electrician. 7) The communication cables for touch pad, low voltage lighting and water level sensors must be housed in separate conduits from the power supply. Never run communication and line voltage wires together. GAS 1) Gas requirements are specified with each unit. (where applicable) 2) Gas lines must follow guidelines and code requirements for your location. 3) Ventilation and combustion air needs are different for each unit. Please take time to check all proposed heater locations with your gas company or gas fitter to insure adequate combustion air and ventilation. PLUMBING 1) Pipe materials for all pool recirculation and therapy lines to be schedule 40 PVC(ASTM D1785). PVC pipng shall be stamped with N.S.F. seal of approval. All plumbing fittings and pipe must be pressure rated. 2) Prior to connection to spa, all underground plumbing must be pressurized and maintain pressure for 24 hours minimum. 3) All plumbing stub-out locations will be labeled on drawing. Confirm location if applicable. 4) Never handle or lift tub by plumbing. It is the responsibility of the client to make sure that all products are in compliance with local codes and regulations. Certain jurisdictions may require additional testing and/or listing. It is also the responsibility of the client to arrange and pay for any permits, permit fees, inspections and inspection fees. Consult your local governmental agencies for additional information. Diamond Spas, Inc reserves the right to change , amend and/or modify all or any part of the fabrication including but not limited to vessel and/or equipment design, layout and/or components, at any time without notice. Approval of this drawing is acknowledgement of this notice and is legally binding. GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Stainless steel and copper can become hot if left in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. DSI recommends undermounting all outdoor spas. NEVER LEAVE THE SPA UN-COVERED WHILE EMPTY excessive heat can build up on the spa if it is not full of water. A solid or opaque covering will suffice. Heat damage is not covered under your warranty. NEVER LEAVE CHILDREN UNATTENDED AROUND SPA 1) Spa must sit on a smooth, flat, level concrete pad. Pad should be a minimum of 4" thick an or as per the structural engineer. 2) The area under the hot tub unit and the equipment must have a waterproof pan or membrane that goes into a drain to prevent flooding or water damage to the region below. 3) Certain applications may use plywood decking and or other material for tub support. 4) PVC and conduit requirements are specified for each tub. Make sure that all underground lines are pressure tested prior to and during back fill. 5) DSI will specify the necessary space requirements for remote location equipment rooms. Equipment rooms are to be no more than 50' from the spa unless previously discussed with DSI. The room is recommended to be at or below the same elevation of the spa. 6) DSI recommends a floor drain in the spa vault and the equipment room vault. 7) Once you have the tub placed and level, connect all water, air and communication lines. All plumbing and communication lines are clearly labeled at the stub out location spa side as well as on the equipment package. DSI recommends that you fill and test the spa at this time to verify proper connection of all water, air and communication lines. 8) Upon inspection of all plumbing and conduits, you may now build the remaining retaining vault wall. Take appropriate precaution that the lines are not disturbed during back fill. 9) It is the responsibility of the owner/user to provide clear and easy access on all sides of the spa for repair. Any costs associated w/ gaining access for repairs will not be incurred by DSI. Inspection ports and/or service access is very important, please take this recommendation into consideration. If you have any questions and or need design ideas please discuss prior to approval w/ your sales rep. 44.00 2.00 144.00 96.00 50.00 80.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 5.00 LEDGE TYP 102.84 SHEET OF DRAWN CHECKED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING MATERIAL FINISH ROTARY HAND BRUSHED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. IS PROHIBITED. 4409 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80504 ph. 720-864-9115 1-800-951-SPAS fax. 1-866-605-2358 MR 8/13/2018SK 8/13/2018 2 9 316L & 304L STAINLESS STEEL REVISION A POOL COMMERCIAL 3499 - SITZMARK AT VAIL NOTES: - due to the custom nature and welding processes involved in fabrication, there may be some distortion, warping and or pitting of the flat surfaces on our products. - all inside weld seams will be visible. - spa will be insulated with a 2-part polyurethane foam. SPA DATA - SPA SURFACE AREA = 79 SQ. FT. - SPA CAPACITY = 1079 GALLONS - SPA WATER WEIGHT = 8983 LBS. - SPA SHELL WEIGHT = 3640 LBS. - SPA TOTAL WEIGHT = 12623 LBS. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL 1/4" TWO PLACE DECIMAL 0.25" 42.00 44.00 96.00 24.00 24.00 47.00 96.00 143.00 SHEET OF DRAWN CHECKED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING MATERIAL FINISH ROTARY HAND BRUSHED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. IS PROHIBITED. 4409 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80504 ph. 720-864-9115 1-800-951-SPAS fax. 1-866-605-2358 MR 8/13/2018SK 8/13/2018 3 9 316L & 304L STAINLESS STEEL REVISION A POOL COMMERCIAL 3499 - SITZMARK AT VAIL NOTES: - due to the custom nature and welding processes involved in fabrication, there may be some distortion, warping and or pitting of the flat surfaces on our products. - all inside weld seams will be visible. - spa will be insulated with a 2-part polyurethane foam. SPA DATA - SPA SURFACE AREA = 79 SQ. FT. - SPA CAPACITY = 1079 GALLONS - SPA WATER WEIGHT = 8983 LBS. - SPA SHELL WEIGHT = 3640 LBS. - SPA TOTAL WEIGHT = 12623 LBS. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL 1/4" TWO PLACE DECIMAL 0.25" FABRICATED WITH TILE NICHE AT ELEVATION CHANGES AND WATER LINE. TILE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OTHER. DSI RECOMMENDS LATICRETE LATAPOXY 300 TILE ADHESIVE WITH SPECTRALOCK PRO EPOXY GROUT FOR PROPER TILE ADHESION SHEET OF DRAWN CHECKED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING MATERIAL FINISH ROTARY HAND BRUSHED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. IS PROHIBITED. 4409 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80504 ph. 720-864-9115 1-800-951-SPAS fax. 1-866-605-2358 MR 8/13/2018SK 8/13/2018 4 9 316L & 304L STAINLESS STEEL REVISION A POOL COMMERCIAL 3499 - SITZMARK AT VAIL NOTES: - due to the custom nature and welding processes involved in fabrication, there may be some distortion, warping and or pitting of the flat surfaces on our products. - all inside weld seams will be visible. - spa will be insulated with a 2-part polyurethane foam. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: FRACTIONAL 1/4" TWO PLACE DECIMAL 0.25" 18.00 RECOMMENDED VAULT DIMENSION FOR FUTURE MAINTENANCE 18.00 18.00 18.00 A A CC DD B B 6.00 SECTION A-A SCALE 1 : 40 6.00 18.00 BENCH WATER DEPTH 34.00 FLOOR WATER DEPTH SECTION C-C SCALE 1 : 40 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 SEAT RECLINE TYP J K SECTION D-D SCALE 1 : 40 6.00 OPERATING WATER LEVEL SECTION B-B SCALE 1 : 40 2.00 .36 ELEVATION CHANGE TILE NICHE DETAIL J SCALE 1 : 20 6.00 .36 WATER LINE TILE NICHE DETAIL K SCALE 1 : 20 SHEET OF DRAWN CHECKED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING MATERIAL FINISH ROTARY HAND BRUSHED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. IS PROHIBITED. 4409 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80504 ph. 720-864-9115 1-800-951-SPAS fax. 1-866-605-2358 MR 8/13/2018SK 8/13/2018 5 9 316L & 304L STAINLESS STEEL REVISION A POOL COMMERCIAL 3499 - SITZMARK AT VAIL 3 1 5 6 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 4 4 77 7 7 AUTOFILL SENSOR LOCATED IN SKIMMER NOTES: - PLUMBING: - (2x) 3" PVC - SUCTION - (1X) 2.50" PVC - JET RETURN - (1X) 2" PVC - CIRCULATION RETURN - (1x) 1" CONDUIT - COMMUNICATION AND SPA LIGHT POWER - SPA SHELL TO BE BONDED WITH MIN. 6 GA BARE COPPER CONDUCTER - SPA LIGHT POWER REQUIRES MIN. 14 GA WIRE ITEM NO. QTY. Equipment DESCRIPTION 1 1 SPA SHELL 12/14 GA 316L STAINLESS STEEL SPA SHELL WITH 304L STAINLESS STEEL SUPPORTFRAME 2 1 HAYWARD SP1089 SKIMMER TOP AND FRONT BASKET ACCESS; 1 1/2" FEMALE PIPE THREADS 3 2 jet - Waterway - Whirlpool directional eyeball w/ 1" orifice - 1psi@30gpm - INCLUDEDS - P/N 228-2000& 229-2061S 4 24 WATERWAY MINI STORM JET PNs: 228- 0379 CPVC, 916-0024, 229-7921-LS JET - WATERWAY - MINI STORM THREAD 5 6 Balboa Suction - 5 Inch - #39152 Balboa - VGB rated 256gpm - 2008 ASMECertified - 5" Suction 6 2 light - Pentair - GloBrite Color Pentair GloBrite Color 12V 15W LED LightPN: 602054 with 50 ft cord, gray fiberglassniche PN: 620094 7 4 RIGGING POINT 025" 304 SS PLATE SHEET OF DRAWN CHECKED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING MATERIAL FINISH ROTARY HAND BRUSHED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. IS PROHIBITED. 4409 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80504 ph. 720-864-9115 1-800-951-SPAS fax. 1-866-605-2358 MR 8/13/2018SK 8/13/2018 6 9 316L & 304L STAINLESS STEEL REVISION A POOL COMMERCIAL 3499 - SITZMARK AT VAIL 36.00 30.00 LL INTELLITOUCH LOAD CENTER SHIPPED LOOSE AND• MOUNTED REMOTELY BY OTHER A MINIMUM OF 5FT FROM WATER LINE WIRING CONNECTIONS BETWEEN LOAD CENTER AND• EQUIPMENT COMPONENTS MADE ON SITE BY OTHER LOAD CENTER REQUIRES CLEARANCE FOR PANEL• ACCESS. TYPICALLY 36" IN FRONT OF THE SUB PANEL W/ 30" OF WORKSPACE MUST BE CLEAR OF OBSTRUCTION. GC IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROPER ACCESS PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS 16 15 19 20 17 9 14 8 13 12 10 10 EQUIPMENT BOLTS TO SPA FRAME. FINAL PLUMBING CONNECTIONS MADE ON SITE 2" PVC BYPASS STUBBED OUT AT THIS LOCATION FOR HEAT EXHANGER BY OTHER SECTION L-L SCALE 1 : 40 NOTES: - spa requires (1x)230V 60A service @ equipment - spa shell and all equipment to be bonded w/ min. #6AWG bare copper conductor. - Autofill requires 1/2" fresh water line with backflow and freeze protection located at equipment EQUIPMENT MUST BE LOCATED IN AN ENCLOSED VENTILATED AREA PROTECTED FROM WEATHER EQUIPMENT AND RELATED ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS Item No.QTY. Equipment Description Voltage H.P./Amps Notes 8 1 AUTO FILL LEVELOR K1100 auto-fill control -input fromsensor - 24VAC outputto1"solenoid valve 115/230 volt 1/.5 amp 115V connection to control.requires 1/2" backflowprotectedandfreezeprotectedwater line 9 1 PENTAIR-ESO3-EMERGENCY STOP PENTAIR-ESO3-EMERGENCY STOP 10 2 pump - Pentair -WFE-12 - 011516 centrifugal pump and motor, 3 h.p., 143gpm @ 60ft.TDH, 2" suction, 2" discharge 230 volt 15 amp 11 1 pump - Pentair -Intelliflo - 011056 variable speed centrifugal pump and motor - 2"suction, 2" discharge 230 volt 16 amp 12 1 filter - Pentair -Clean & Clear plus -CCP320 320sq.ft. cartridge filter - 116gpm max. flow rate -NSF listed requires 66" vertical height toremove filter cartridge forservice/replacement 13 1 IntelliChemCommercial System - 2 pump-PENTAIR P/N 522578 Automated chlorine/acid feed system with 2pumps and Screenlogic remote PC connectivity 14 1 control - Pentair - Load Center - 521215 spa control w/ built in sub-panel (150A) breaker base capable of holding up to ten 1-inch breakers. Also includes five 25A 3HP relays, 120V/240V transformer with secondary side circuit protection. 230 volt control to be located 5ft. min. fromspa by qualified electrician.requires 230V 100A service. allconnections to equipment to beGFCI protected. indoor controlpanel to be located remotely byother. 15 1 PENTAIR SCREENLOGIC KIT PENTAIR SCREEN LOGIC KIT, PN/ 522104 REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTION 16 1 control panel -Pentair -WHITEindoor controlpanel - 520138 3-3/4" monochrome backlit LCD control panel 17 1 PENTAIR COMEXPANSION BOARD P/N 520818 18 3 GFCI BREAKER-2 POLE GFCI BREAKER-2 POLE #PA220GF 19 1 PENTAIR-PERSONALITY KIT- i9+3 521221 PERSONALITY KIT - i9 20 1 topside control -BLACK - Pentair - is4- #520257 4 function spa topside control SHEET OF DRAWN CHECKED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING MATERIAL FINISH ROTARY HAND BRUSHED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. IS PROHIBITED. 4409 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80504 ph. 720-864-9115 1-800-951-SPAS fax. 1-866-605-2358 MR 8/13/2018SK 8/13/2018 7 9 316L & 304L STAINLESS STEEL REVISION A POOL COMMERCIAL 3499 - SITZMARK AT VAIL 96.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 144.00 VELCROHINGED 4.00 2.00 2.00 SKIRTING COVER TAPERED FOR DRAINAGE ASTM TAPERED FOAM COVER NOTES: *PROJECTS WILL NOT BE SCHEDULED UNTIL COVER COLOR IS SELECTED* 10" ADJUSTABLE STRAP LOCATIONS ARE DETERMINED BY COVER MANUFACTURER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED BY CLIENT - INCLUDES A MINIMUM OF 8 EVENLY DISTRIBUTED STRAPS. COVER MANUFACTURER MAINTAINS A +1.0" TOLERANCE ON OVERALL COVER DIMENSIONS SHEET OF DRAWN CHECKED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING MATERIAL FINISH ROTARY HAND BRUSHED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. IS PROHIBITED. 4409 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80504 ph. 720-864-9115 1-800-951-SPAS fax. 1-866-605-2358 MR 8/13/2018SK 8/13/2018 8 9 316L & 304L STAINLESS STEEL REVISION A POOL COMMERCIAL 3499 - SITZMARK AT VAIL COVER COLOR LINK: https://www.diamondspas.com/swimming-pool-spa-collection/custom-spas-hot-tubs/spa-cover-colors/ REVIEWED BY: DATE: Revise and Resubmit check one: Approved as Drawn By signing this page and checking "approved as drawn" I acknowledge that I have read and understand pages 1 through in this document.9 PRIMARY CONTACT: PHONE #: EMAIL: INSTALLATION ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PROJECT INSTALLER: PHONE #: INSULATED FOAM COVER COLOR: AUTOMATIC COVER COLOR: N/A "All service and repairs require access to the outside of the spa. The purchaser accepts the related responsibility for the method of access selected as part of the architectural design outside of the DSI scope of work. These drawings do not include access unless it is part of the metal fabrication we provide." Diamond Spas, Inc reserves the right to change,amend and/or modify any part of the spa fabrication/equipment design without prior notice. Approval of this drawing is acknowledgement of this notice and legally binding. By signing this page and checking "approved as drawn" I acknowledge that I have read and understand all pages in this document. I further acknowledge and agree that I am a fully authorized agent acting on behalf of the owner, have the requsite authority to bind the owner, and have informed the owner of the terms and conditions. Digital acknowledgements and signatures are legally binding. Access Methods below have been reviewed and considered (Checkbox) Date: ACCESS METHODS: Construct a crawl space a person can enter to make repair, minimum 18" wide. Plan to construct removable panels to gain access. - Metal Panel constructed by DSI - Panel Constructed by others Plan for a method to slide, move, or hoist the spa to gain access. Plan for demolition to occur to gain access. Plan to hoist spa as necessary Other method-PLEASE DESCIRIBE NOTE: installer should test the spa for leaks prior to completing surrounding finishes. POOL COMMERCIAL 3499 - SITZMARK AT VAIL A REVISION 316L & 304L STAINLESS STEEL 99 SK MR 4409 Coriolis Way Frederick, CO 80504 ph. 720-864-9115 1-800-951-SPAS fax. 1-866-605-2358 THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DIAMOND SPAS INC. IS PROHIBITED. DIAMOND SPAS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF ROTARY HAND BRUSHED FINISH MATERIAL ARE IN INCHES. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS CHECKED DRAWN OF SHEET 8/13/2018 8/13/2018 HYDRO BAN® DS-663.0-0515 Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.laticrete.com. DS-663.0-0515 1. PRODUCT NAME HYDRO BAN® 2. MANUFACTURER LATICRETE International, Inc. 1 LATICRETE Park North Bethany, CT 06524-3423 USA Telephone: +1.203.393.0010, ext. 235 Toll Free: 1.800.243.4788, ext. 235 Fax: +1.203.393.1684 Internet: www.laticrete.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION HYDRO BAN is a thin, load bearing waterproofing/crack isolation membrane that DOES NOT require the use of fabric in the field, coves or corners. HYRO BAN is a single component self-curing liquid rubber polymer that forms a flexible, seamless waterproofing membrane. HYDRO BAN bonds directly to a wide variety of substrates. Uses § Interior and exterior § Swimming pools, fountains and water features § Shower pans, stalls and tub surrounds § Industrial, commercial and residential bathrooms and laundries § Spas and hot tubs § Kitchens and food processing areas § Terraces and balconies over unoccupied spaces § Countertops and facades § Steam rooms (when used in conjunction with a vapor barrier) Advantages § Allow for flood testing in 2 hours at 70°F (21°C) or higher¥ § Does not require the use of fabric^ § Bonds directly to metal, PVC and ABS plumbing fixtures only § Thin; only 0.0200.030" (0.50.8 mm) thick when cured § Changes in color from a light sage to an olive green when cured § Anti-fracture protection of up to 1/8" (3 mm) over shrinkage and other non-structural cracks § Extra Heavy Service rating per TCNA performance levels (RE: ASTM C627 Robinson Floor Test) § Exceeds ANSI A118.10 and A118.12 § IAPMO approved § Equipped with anti-microbial technology § Rapid drying for a faster time to tile § Lighter color for ease of inspection § Safeno solvents and non-flammable § Install tile, brick and stone directly onto membrane ^ For gaps 1/8" (3 mm) or less see DS 663.5 for complete instructions ¥ Refer to cautions section for more information on curing Suitable Substrates § Concrete § Concrete & Brick Masonry § Cement Mortar Beds § Cement Plaster § Gypsum Wallboard* § Exterior Glue Plywood* § Ceramic Tile & Stone** § Cement Terrazzo** § Cement Backer Board*** § Poured Gypsum Underlayment * Interior applications only. ** If skim coated with a Latex Thin-Set Mortar. ***Consult cement backer board manufacturer for specific installation recommendations and to verify acceptability for exterior use. Interior use only. Follow TCNA Guidelines/ Methods: F200, RH111, RH122, F180 Packaging Commercial Unit: 5 gal (18.9 L) pail liquid (36 commercial units/pallet) Mini Unit: 4 x 1 gal (3.8 L) pails of liquid packed in a carton (30 cartons/pallet) Approximate Coverage Commercial Unit: 250 ft2 (23.2 m2) Mini Unit: 50 ft2 (4.6 m2) Shelf Life Factory sealed containers of this product are guaranteed to be of first quality for two (2) years* if stored at temperatures >32°F (0°C) and <110°F (43°C). Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.laticrete.com. DS-663.0-0515 Limitations § DO NOT bond to OSB, particle board, interior glue plywood, luan, Masonite® or hardwood surfaces. § Adhesives/mastics, mortars and grouts for ceramic tile, pavers, brick and stone are not replacements for waterproofing membranes. When a waterproofing membrane is required, use HYDRO BAN®. § Do not use as a primary roofing membrane over occupied space. For more information in installation of tile over wood decks, or, over occupied or finished spaces please refer to TDS 157 Exterior Installation of Tile and Stone Over Occupied Space. § Do not use over dynamic expansion joints, structural cracks or cracks with vertical differential movement (See HYDRO BAN Installation Instructions, DS 663.5 for complete instructions). § The installation of Waterproofing Membranes in submerged applications must be installed in a manner that creates a continuous "waterproof pan effect" without voids or interruptions. Therefore, applying waterproofing membranes in limited areas (e.g. solely at the waterline) in submerged applications is not recommended. § Do not use over cracks >1/8" (3 mm) in width. § Do not use as a vapor barrier (especially in steam rooms). § Do not expose unprotected membrane to sun or weather for more than 30 days. § Do not expose to negative hydrostatic pressure, excessive vapor transmission, rubber solvents or ketones. § Must be covered with ceramic tile, stone, brick, dry pack thick bed mortar beds, terrazzo or other traffic-bearing finish. Use protection board for temporary cover. § Obtain approval by local building code authority before using product in shower pan applications. § Do not install directly over single layer wood floors, plywood tubs/showers/fountains or similar constructs. § Not for use beneath cement or other plaster finishes. Consult with plaster manufacturer for their recommendations when waterproofing membrane is required under plaster finishes. § Not for use under self-leveling underlayments or decorative wear surfaces. Note: Surfaces must be structurally sound, stable and rigid enough to support ceramic/stone tile, thin brick and similar finishes. Substrate deflection under all live, dead and impact loads, including concentrated loads, must not exceed L/360 for thin bed ceramic tile/brick installations or L/480 for thin bed stone installations and L/600 for all exterior veneer applications where L=span length. Cautions Consult SDS for more safety information. § Allow membrane to cure fully (typically 24 hours at 50°F 69°F (10°C 21°C) and 70% RH and 2 hours at 70°F (21°C) or higher and 50% RH before flood testing); flood test prior to applying tile or stone. § Maximum amount of moisture in the concrete/mortar bed substrate should not exceed 5 lbs/1,000 ft2 (283 µg/s m2)/ 24 hrs per ASTM F-1869 or 75% relative humidity as measured with moisture probes. § During cold weather, protect finished work from traffic until fully cured. § For white and light-colored marbles, use a white Latex Portland Cement Thin Set Mortar. § For green and moisture sensitive marble, agglomerates and resin backed tile and stone use LATAPOXY® 300 Adhesive (refer to DS 633.0). § Wet coat thickness is 0.015 to 0.022" (0.4 to 0.6 mm) per coat. Use a wet film thickness gauge to check thickness. § Allow wet mortars to cure for 72 hours at 70°F (21°C) prior to installing HYDRO BAN. Allow HYDRO BAN a minimum 2 hours cure at 70°F (21°C) prior to flood testing in these conditions. § Protect from exposure to traffic or water until fully cured. § HYDRO BAN will go from a light sage green to a darker olive green when fully cured. The second coat should not be applied until the first coat is fully cured. All flood test times should be after the second coat is fully cured with no light sage areas showing. 4. TECHNICAL DATA Approval § ICC Evaluation Service Report ESR-2417 § IAPMO/Uniform Plumbing Code File No.3524 § Los Angeles Board of Building and Safety Commissioners File Number: M-070162 § City of Philadelphia Plumbing Advisory Board Case Number: 4624 § City of Tampa Construction Services Division VOC/LEED Product Information Applicable Standard ANSI A118.10 and A118.12 Specifications are subject to change without notification. Technical data shown in LATICRETE product data sheets and technical data sheets are typical but reflect laboratory test procedures conducted in laboratory conditions. Actual field performance and test results will depend on installation methods and site conditions. Field test results will vary due to critical job site factors This product has been certified for Low Chemical Emissions (ULCOM/GG UL2818) under the UL GREENGUARD Certification Program. For Chemical Emissions. For Building Materials, Finishes and Furnishings (UL 2818 Standard) by UL Environment. Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.laticrete.com. DS-663.0-0515 Physical Properties Physical Property Test Method HYDRO BAN® 7-day Hydrostatic Test ANSI A118.10 Pass 7-day Breaking Strength ANSI A118.10 265300 psi (1.82.1 MPa) 7-day Water Immersion ANSI A118.10 95120 psi (0.70.8 MPa) 7-day Shear Bond ANSI A118.10 200275 psi (1.41.9 MPa) 28-day Shear Strength ANSI A118.10 214343 psi (1.52.3 MPa) System Crack Resistance Test ANSI A118.12.5.4 Pass (High) Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E 9600E1 Procedure B 0.515 grains/h ft2 (0.3602 g/h m2) Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E 9600E1 Procedure B 1.247 perms 71.21 (ng/Pa s m2) System Performance ANSI A118.10; ASTM C627; TCA Rating cycles 114 "Extra Heavy" Potability of Water Applicable to Waterproofing Systems NBR 12170:2009 (Technical Norm from Brazil)Pass Tensile Strength for Elongation 250% Thickness (Dried) 2030 mils (0.50.8 mm) The data in the above table shall be used by the Project Design Professional to determine suitability, placement, building code conformance and over-all construct appropriateness of a given installation assembly. Time to Tile Substrate Time to Tile (min.)**** Concrete 50 Cement Board 30 Fiber Cement Underlayment 15 ****After second coat is applied at 70°F (21°C) and 50% RH. The time to tile will vary depending on substrate, temperature and relative humidity. Working Properties HYDRO BAN® can be applied using a paint brush, roller or trowel. All areas must have two coats to ensure waterproofing capabilities. When using a paint roller, substrate will not show through HYDRO BAN if coated with 0.020 0.030" (0.5 0.8 mm) of dried membrane. Color changes from a light sage to olive green when fully cured. 5. INSTALLATION Refer to DS 663.5 for complete installation instructions prior to using product Surface Preparation Surface temperature must be 50 90°F (10 32°C) during application and for 24 hours after installation. All substrates must be structurally sound, clean and free of dirt, oil, grease, paint, laitance, efflorescence, concrete sealers or curing compounds. Make rough or uneven concrete smooth to a wood float or better finish with a underlayment. Do not level with asphalt based products. Maximum deviation in plane must not exceed 1/4" in 10 ft (6 mm in 3 m) with no more than 1/16" in 1 ft (1.5 mm in 0.3 m) variation between high spots. Dampen hot, dry surfaces and sweep off excess water installation may be made on a damp surface. See DS 663.5 for information on installation over concrete. 1. Surfaces must be structurally sound, stable and rigid enough to support ceramic/stone tile, think brick and similar finishes. Installer must verify that deflection under all live, dead and impact loads of interior plywood floors does not exceed industry standards of L/360 for ceramic tile and brick or L/480 for stone installations and L/600 for all exterior veneer applications where L=span length. 2. Minimum construction for interior plywood floors. SUBFLOOR: 5/8" (15 mm) thick exterior glue plywood, either plain with all sheet edges blocked or tongue and groove, over bridged joints spaced 16" (400 mm) o.c. maximum; fasten plywood 6" (150 mm) o.c. along sheet ends and 8" (200 mm) o.c. along intermediate supports with 8d ring-shank, coated or hot dip galvanized nails (or screws); allow 1/8" (3 mm) between sheet ends and 1/4" (6 mm) between sheets edges; all sheet ends must be supported by a framing member; glue sheets to joints with construction adhesive. UNDERLAYMENT: 5/8" (15 mm) thick exterior glue plywood fastened 6" (150 mm) o.c. along sheet ends and 8" (200 mm) o.c. in the panel field (both directions) with 8d ring-shank, coated or hot dip galvanized nails (or screws); allow 1/8" (3 mm) to 1/4" (6 mm) between sheets and 1/4" (6 mm) between sheet edges and any abutting surfaces; offset underlayment joints from joints in subfloor and stagger joints between sheet ends; glue underlayment to subfloor with construction adhesive. Refer to Technical Data Sheet 152 Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick Over Wood Floors for complete details. Bonding to TCNA Compliant Poured Gypsum Underlayment Poured gypsum-based underlayments must meet TCNA requirements for compressive strength and the performance requirements of ASTM C627 for the anticipated service level designated by the design professional. Poured gypsum underlayment thickness and application varies, consult the manufacturer for specific recommendations. The underlayment must be dry and properly cured following the manufacturer's recommendations to achieve a permanent installation. Surfaces to be covered must be clean, structurally sound and meet the maximum allowable deflection standard of L/360 for ceramic tile and L/480 for stone under total anticipated load. Expansion joints must be installed in accordance with ANSI/TCNA guidelines. Prime all surfaces to receive HYDRO BAN with properly applied manufacturer's sealer or with a primer coat of HYDRO BAN, consisting of 1 part HYDRO BAN, diluted with 4 parts clean, cool tap water. In a clean pail, mix at low speed to obtain a homogeneous solution. The primer can be brushed, rolled or sprayed to achieve an even coat. Apply the primer coat to the floor at a rate of 250 to 300 ft2/gallon (6.1 to 7.5 M2/L) of diluted HYDRO BAN. Allow the primer coat to dry completely (approximately 24 hrs., depending on substrate and air temperature and humidity). When dry apply two full coats of HYDRO BAN® to the primed area following the guidelines in this data sheet and DS 663.5 HYDRO BAN Installation Instructions. Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.laticrete.com. DS-663.0-0515 Pre-Treat Cracks & Joints Fill all substrate cracks, cold joints, and control joints to a smooth finish using a Latex Fortified Thin-Set. Alternatively, a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN applied with a paint brush or trowel may be used to fill in non-structural joints and cracks. Apply a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN approximately 8" (200 mm) wide over substrate cracks, cold joints, and control joints using a paint brush or roller (heavy napped roller cover). 6" (150 mm) Waterproofing/Anti-Fracture Fabric can be used to pretreat cracks, joints, curves, corners, drains and penetrations with HYDRO BAN. Pre-Treat Coves and Floor/Wall Transitions Fill all substrate coves and floor/wall transitions to a smooth finish and changes in plane using a latex fortified thin-set mortar. Alternatively, a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN applied with a paint brush or trowel may be used to fill in cove joints and floor/wall transitions <1/8" (3 mm). Apply a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN approximately 8" (200 mm) wide over substrate coves and floor/wall transitions using a paint brush or roller (heavy napped roller cover). Pre-Treat Drains Drains must be of the bonding flange or clamping ring type, with weepers and as per ASME A112.6.3. Apply a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN Waterproofing Membrane liquid around and over the bonding flange or the bottom half of drain clamping ring. Cover with a second coat^^ of HYDRO BAN. When dry, apply a LATASIL bead where the HYDRO BAN meets the drain throat. Install top half of drain clamping ring. Pre-Treat Penetrations Allow for a minimum 1/8" (3 mm) space between drains, pipes, lights or other penetrations and surrounding ceramic tile, stone or brick. Pack any gaps around pipes, lights or other penetrations with a Latex fortified thin-set mortar. Apply a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN liquid around penetration opening. Cover with a second coat^^ of HYDRO BAN. Bring HYDRO BAN up to level of tile or stone. When dry, seal flashing with LATASIL. Crack Isolation (Partial Coverage) Crack suppression must be applied a minimum of 3 times the width of the tile or stone being installed. The tile installed over the crack cannot be in contact with the concrete. Follow TCNA Method F125 for the treatment of hairline cracks, shrinkage cracks, and saw cut or control joints: Apply a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN to a minimum of three (3) times the width of the tile using a paint roller or paint brush and allow to dry. After the first coat has dried to the touch, install a second liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN over the first coat. As an alternative; Apply a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN liquid, 3 times the width of the tile over the crack using a paint roller or paint brush and immediately apply the 6" (150mm) wide Waterproofing/Anti-Fracture Fabric into the wet liquid over the crack. Press firmly with brush or roller to allow complete bleed through of liquid. Immediately apply another liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN liquid over the fabric and allow to dry. When the first treatment has dried, apply a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN to over the first wide coat, using a paint roller or paint brush, and allow to dry. Treat closest joint to the crack, saw cut, or cold joint in the tile or stone installation with LATASIL. Main Application Allow any pre-treated areas to dry to the touch. Apply a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN with brush or roller over substrate including pre-treated areas. Apply another liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN over the first coat of HYDRO BAN. Let topcoat dry to the touch, approximately 12 hours at 70°F (21°C) and 50% RH. When last coat has dried to the touch, inspect final surface for pinholes, voids, thin spots or other defects. HYDRO BAN will dry to an olive green color when it's dry to touch. Use additional HYDRO BAN to seal defects. Movement Joints See HYDRO BAN Installation Instructions DS 663.5. Note: Apply a liberal coat^^ of HYDRO BAN, approximately 8" (200 mm) wide over the areas. Then embed and loop the 6" (150 mm) wide Waterproofing/Anti-Fracture Fabric and allow to bleed through. Then top coat with a second coat^^ of HYDRO BAN. Protection Provide protection for newly installed membrane, even if covered with a thin bed ceramic tile, stone or brick installation, against exposure to rain or other water for a minimum of 2 hours at 70°F (21°C) and 50% RH. Flood Testing Allow membrane to cure fully before flood testing, typically 2 hours after final cure at 70°F (21°C) and 50% RH. Cold and/or wet conditions will require a longer curing time. For temperatures 50 69°F (10 21°C) allow 24 hours after final cure prior to flood testing. Installing Finishes Once HYDRO BAN has dried to the touch, ceramic tile, stone or brick may be installed by the thin bed method with a Latex Thin-Set Mortar. Allow HYDRO BAN to cure 2 hours at 70°F (21°C) and 50% RH before covering with, thick bed mortar, epoxy adhesives, terrazzo or moisture sensitive resilient or wood flooring. Do not use solvent- based adhesives directly on HYDRO BAN. Drains & Penetrations Use LATASIL and foam backer rod to seal space between drain or penetration and finish. Do not use a grout or joint filler mortar. Control Joints Ceramic tile, stone and brick installations must include sealant- filled joints over any control joints in the substrate. However, the sealant- filled joints can be offset horizontally by as much as one tile width from the substrate control joint location to coincide with the grout joint pattern. Movement Joints Ceramic tile, stone and thin brick installations must include expansion at coves, corners, other changes in substrate plane and over any expansion joints in the substrate. Expansion joints in ceramic tile, stone or brickwork are also required at perimeters, at restraining surfaces, at penetrations and at the intervals described in the Tile Council of North America, Inc. (TCNA) Handbook Installation Method EJ171. Use LATASIL and backer rod. ^^ Wet coat thickness is 15 22 mils (0.4 0.6 mm) consumption per coat is -0.01/gal/ft² (-0.4 ℓ/m²); coverage per coat is 100 ft²/gal (-2.5m²/ℓ). Use wet film gauge to check thickness. Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.laticrete.com. DS-663.0-0515 Spray Application of HYDRO BAN® Follow all installation and surface preparation requirements outlined in this document and DS 663.5 and TDS 410. The sprayer being used for the application of HYDRO BAN® should be capable of producing a maximum of 3300 psi (22.8 MPa) with a flow rate of 0.95 to 1.6 GPM (3.6 to 6.0 LPM) using a 0.521 or a 0.631 reversible tip. Keep the unit filled with HYDRO BAN to ensure continuous application of liquid. The hose length should not exceed 100' (30 m) in length and 3/8" (9 mm) in diameter. Apply a continuous HYDRO BAN film with an overlapping spray^^. The wet film has a sage green appearance and dries to a darker olive green color. When the first coat has dried to a uniform olive green color, approximately 45 to 90 minutes at 70°F (21°C), visually inspect the coating for any voids or pinholes. Fill any defects with additional material and apply the second coat^^ at right angles to the first. The wet film thickness should be checked periodically using a wet film gauge. Each wet coat should be 0.015 0.022 inches (0.4 0.6 mm) thick. The combined dried coating should be 0.020 0.030 inches (0.5 0.8 mm) thick. Check application thickness with a wet film gauge periodically as the HYDRO BAN is being dispensed to ensure that the appropriate thickness and coverage is achieved. Bounce back and overspray will consume more product. To achieve the required film thickness, the coating must be free from pinholes and air bubbles. Do not back roll the spray applied coating. Allow the HYDRO BAN to cure in accord with the instructions in this document, DS 663.5 and TDS 410 prior to the installation of the tile or stone finish. It is important to note that areas not scheduled to receive the HYDRO BAN should be taped off and protected from any potential overspray. Expansion and movement joints should be honored and treated as outlined in this document, DS 663.5 and TDS 410. Cleaning While wet, HYDRO BAN can be washed from tools with water. 6. AVAILABILITY AND COST Availability LATICRETE® and LATAPOXY® materials are available worldwide. For Distributor Information, Call: Toll Free: 1.800.243.4788, ext. 235 Telephone: +1.203.393.0010 For on-line Distributor Information, visit LATICRETE at www.laticrete.com. Cost Contact a LATICRETE Distributor in your area. 7. WARRANTY See 10. FILING SYSTEM. DS 230.13: LATICRETE Product Warranty A component of: DS 230.05: LATICRETE 5 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.15: LATICRETE 15 Year System Warranty for Steel or Wood Framed Exterior Facades (United States and Canada) DS 025.0: LATICRETE 25 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.99: LATICRETE Lifetime System Warranty (United States and Canada) 8. MAINTENANCE Non-finish LATICRETE and LATAPOXY installation materials require no maintenance but installation performance and durability may depend on properly maintaining products supplied by other manufacturers. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical Assistance Information is available by calling the LATICRETE Technical Service Hotline: Toll Free: 1.800.243.4788, ext. 235 Telephone: +1.203.393.0010, ext. 235 Fax: +1.203.393.1948 Technical and Safety Literature To acquire technical and safety literature, please visit our website at www.laticrete.com. 10. FILING SYSTEM Additional product information is available on our website at www.laticrete.com. The following is a list of related documents: DS 230.13: LATICRETE Product Warranty DS 230.05: LATICRETE 5 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.15: LATICRETE 15 Year System Warranty for Steel or Wood Framed Exterior Facades (United States and Canada) DS 025.0: LATICRETE 25 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.99: LATICRETE Lifetime System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 633.0: LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 663.5: HYDRO BAN Installation Instructions DS 6200.1: LATASIL TDS 152: Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick Over Wood Floors TDS 410: Spraying HYDRO BAN TDS 157 Exterior Installation of Tile and Stone Over Occupied Space. ^^ Wet coat thickness is 15 22 mils (0.4 0.6 mm) consumption per coat is -0.01/gal/ft² (-0.4 ℓ/m²); coverage per coat is 100 ft²/gal (-2.5m²/ℓ). Use wet film gauge to check thickness. 254 Platinum DS-677.0-1215 Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.laticrete.com. DS-677.0-1215 1. PRODUCT NAME 254 Platinum 2. MANUFACTURER LATICRETE International, Inc. 1 LATICRETE Park North Bethany, CT 06524-3423 USA Telephone: +1.203.393.0010, ext. 235 Toll Free: 1.800.243.4788, ext. 235 Fax: +1.203.393.1684 Internet: www.laticrete.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, porcelain tile, thin porcelain tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. 254 Platinum, designed to just mix with water, has a long open time with unsurpassed adhesion and workability. 254 Platinum is a LATICRETE approved substitute for 211 Powder mixed with 4237 Latex Additive. Uses Excellent for exterior and underwater applications as well as providing superior bond to exterior glue plywood (interior only) and concrete. The ultimate thin-set for porcelain, thin porcelain, and glass tiles. Advantages § Ideal for thin porcelain tile and thin porcelain tile panels § Equipped with anti-microbial technology. § Exceeds ANSI A118.4, A118.11 and ANSI A118.15. § Conforms to ISO 13007-1 with a classification of C2TES1P1. § Ultimate adhesion for porcelain and glass tiles. § Incredible bond to exterior glue plywood and concrete*. § Superior for exterior and submerged applications. § High shear bond strength. § Smooth creamy formula. § 25 Year System Warranty**. § ASTM C627 Extra Heavy (TCNA) § Unique color options are now available in all LATICRETE® grout colors when mixed with PERMACOLOR® Select Color Kits.* (Interior dry installations only)¥ * See limitations. ** When used as part of the LATICRETE 25 Year System Warranty DS 025.0. ¥ LATICRETE makes no guarantee on color match to our grout color card and color tools. This process/method can be used to create a colored adhesive mortar to facilitate the installation of translucent, transparent, opaque glass mosaics and other finishes where cleaning thin set mortar out of the joints is a challenge. Do not use colored adhesive mortar as a substitute for grout. Always conduct a test area to validate performance and results. Suitable Substrates § Exterior Glue Plywood^ § Properly Prepared Vinyl Tile^ § Concrete/Masonry § Concrete Block § Cement Plaster § Cement Mortar Beds § Non-Water Soluble Cut-Back Adhesive*^ § Cement Terrazzo § Cement Backer Boards^^ § Gypsum Wallboard^ § Plastic Laminate^ § Existing Ceramic Tile and Stone ^ Interior use only. ^^Consult cement backer board manufacturer for specific installation recommendations and to verify acceptability for exterior use. Packaging 50 lb bag (22.7 kg); 56 bags per pallet Color: Grey and White Approximate Coverage 8095 ft2 /50 lb bag (7.48.8 m²/22.7 kg bag) with 1/4" x 1/4" (6 mm x 6 mm) notched trowel. 5060 ft2/ 50 lb bag (4.65.6 m²/22.7 kg bag) with 1/4" x 3/8" (6 mm x 9 mm) notched trowel. 4045 ft2/ 50 lb bag (3.74.2 m²/22.7 kg bag) with 1/2" x 1/2" (12 mm x 12 mm) notched trowel. Coverage will vary depending on trowel notch size, type and size of tile and substrate. For Installing STRATA_MAT or HYDRO BAN® (105-115ft2 /50 lb bag (9.7-10.6 m2/ 22.7 kg bag) with ¼ x 3/16 (6mm x 5mm) notched trowel Shelf Life Factory sealed containers of this product are guaranteed to be of first quality for one (1) year*** if stored off the ground in a dry area. ***High humidity will reduce the shelf life of bagged product. Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.laticrete.com. DS-677.0-1215 Limitations § For veneer installations using this product, consult local building code requirements regarding limitations and installation system specifications. § Not for use directly over particle board, luan, Masonite® or hardwood floors. § Adhesives/mastics, mortars and grouts for ceramic tile, pavers, brick and stone are not replacements for waterproofing membranes. When a waterproofing membrane is required, use a LATICRETE® Waterproofing Membrane (see Section 10 FILING SYSTEMS). Note: Surfaces must be structurally sound, stable and rigid enough to support ceramic/stone tile, thin brick and similar finishes. Substrate deflection under all live, dead and impact loads, including concentrated loads, must not exceed L/360 for thin bed ceramic tile/brick installations or L/480 for thin bed stone installations where L=span length (except where local building codes specify more stringent deflection requirements) Cautions Consult SDS for more safety information. § Some marbles and other stone have low flexural strength and may not be suitable for installation over wood floors. § During cold weather, protect finished work from traffic until fully cured. § Contains portland cement and silica sand. May irritate eyes and skin. Avoid contact with eyes or prolonged contact with skin. In case of contact, flush thoroughly with water. § Wait 14 days after the final grouting period before filing water features with water at 70°F (21°C). § DO NOT take internally. Silica sand may cause cancer or serious lung problems. Avoid breathing dust. Wear a respirator in dusty areas. § For white and lightcolored marbles use 254 Platinum WHITE. For green marble, resin backed tile and stone and other moisture sensitive marbles and agglomerates, use LATAPOXY® 300 Adhesive (refer to Data Sheet 633.0). § Keep out of reach of children. § When mixed with PERMACOLOR® Select Color Kits do not use in submerged applications or steam rooms. 4. TECHNICAL DATA VOC/LEED Product Information Total VOC Content of product in unused form is 0.00 g/L. Applicable Standard ANSI A118.4, ANSI 118.11, ANSI 118.15, EN 12004, ISO 13007 Physical Properties Test Test Method Results Specification 28 day Cure Porcelain Tile Shear Strength ANSI A118.15 7.2.5 475520 psi (3.23.6 MPa) >400 psi (2.76 MPa) Shear Bond Porcelain Tile Water Immersion ANSI A118.15 7.2.4 275-300 psi (2.0-3.6 MPa) >200 psi (1.38 MPa) 28 day Heat Aging Tile Shear Strength ANSI A118.15 7.2.7 650-800 psi (4.5-5.5 MPa) >400 psi (2.76 MPa) 28 day Cure Quarry Tile to Plywood Shear Bond ANSI A118.11 4.1.2 250-300 psi (1.7-2.1 MPa) >150 psi (1.0 MPa) Test Test Method ISO 13007-1 C2 Specification Results 28 Day Cure Tensile Adhesive Strength ISO 13007-2 4.4.2 1 MPa (145 psi) 1.8 2.6 MPa (261-377 psi) 7 Day Cure 21 Day Water Immersion Tensile Adhesive Strength ISO 13007-2 4.4.3 1 MPa (145 psi) 1.3-1.5 MPa (174-221 psi) 14 Day Cure 14 Day Heat Age Tensile Adhesive Strength ISO 13007-2 4.4.4 1 MPa (145 psi) 2.4-3.0 MPa (345-438 psi) 7 Day Cure 21 Day Water Immersion 25 Freeze/Thaw Cycle Tensile Adhesive Strength ISO 13007-2 4.4.5 1 MPa 145 psi) 2-1.7 MPa (171-247 psi) Open Time After 30 Minutes ISO 13007-2 4.1 0.5 MPa (73 psi) 1.3-1.9 MPa (190-283 psi) Slip ISO 13007-2 4.2 Less than or equal to 0.5 mm (0.02 inches) 0.5 mm (0.02 inches) Transverse Deformation ISO 13007-2 4.5 Greater than or equal to 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) and less than 5 mm (0.2 in.) 3.2-3.6 mm (0.13-0.14 in.) 254 Platinum is ISO 13007-1 C2TES1P1 Working Properties Open Time 40 minutes Pot Life 2 hours Time to Heavy Traffic 24 hours Wet Density 103 lbs/ft3 (1653 kg/m3) Specifications subject to change without notification. Results shown are typical but reflect test procedures used. Actual field performance will depend on installation methods and site conditions. 5. INSTALLATION Surface Preparation All surfaces should be between 40°F (4°C) and 90°F (32°C) and structurally sound, clean and free of all dirt, oil, grease, paint, concrete sealers or curing compounds. Rough or uneven concrete surfaces should be made smooth with Latex Portland Cement Underlayment to provide a wood float (or better) finish. Dry, dusty concrete slabs or masonry should be dampened and excess water swept off. Installation may be made on a damp surface. Concrete slabs must be plumb and true to within 1/4" (6 mm) in 10 ft (3 m). This product has been certified for Low Chemical Emissions (ULCOM/GG UL2818) under the UL GREENGUARD Certification Program for Chemical Emissions for Building Materials, Finishes and Furnishings (UL 2818 Standard) by UL Environment. Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.laticrete.com. DS-677.0-1215 Note: 254 Platinum does not require a minimum cure time for concrete slabs. Expansion joints shall be provided through the tile work from all construction or expansion joints in the substrate. Follow ANSI specification A108.01-3.7 Requirements for Movement Joints: Preparations by Other Trades or TCNA detail EJ-171 Movement JointsVertical & Horizontal. Do not cover expansion joints with mortar. 1. Installer must verify that deflection under all live, dead and impact loads of interior plywood floors does not exceed industry standards of L/360 for ceramic tile and brick or L/480 for stone installations where L=span length. 2. Minimum construction for interior plywood floors. SUBFLOOR: 5/8" (15 mm) thick exterior glue plywood, either plain with all sheet edges blocked or tongue and groove, over bridged joints spaced 16" (400 mm) o.c. maximum; fasten plywood 6" (150 mm) o.c. along sheet ends and 8" (200 mm) o.c. along intermediate supports with 8d ring- shank, coated or hot dip galvanized nails (or screws); allow 1/8" (3 mm) between sheet ends and 1/4" (6 mm) between sheets edges; all sheet ends must be supported by a framing member; glue sheets to joints with construction adhesive. UNDERLAYMENT: 5/8" (15 mm) thick exterior glue plywood fastened 6" (150 mm) o.c. along sheet ends and 8" (200 mm) o.c. in the panel field (both directions) with 8d ring-shank, coated or hot dip galvanized nails (or screws); allow 1/8" (3 mm) to 1/4" (6 mm) between sheets and 1/4" (6 mm) between sheet edges and any abutting surfaces; offset underlayment joints from joints in subfloor and stagger joints between sheet ends; glue underlayment to subfloor with construction adhesive. Refer to Technical Data Sheet 152 Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick over Wood Floors for complete details. Mixing Place clean, potable water into a clean pail. Use approximately 5.5 qts (5.2 L) of water for 50 lbs (22.7 kg) of powder. When using to install Large Thin Porcelain Tile use up to 6 qts (5.7 L) of water for 50 lbs (22.7kg) of powder. Add 254 Platinum. Mix by hand or with a slow speed mixer to a smooth, trowelable consistency. Allow mortar to slake for 510 minutes. Remix with out adding any more water or powder. During use, stir occasionally to keep mix fluffy. DO NOT temper with water. Note: For use as a slurry bond coat; mix 7 quarts (6.6 L) water to a 50 lb (22.7 kg) bag of 254 Platinum. Refer to Technical Data Sheet 143 for more information. Mixing with PERMACOLOR® Select Color Kits (254 Platinum White only) Requires 2 PERMACOLOR Select Color Kits. (Each Color Kit contains 2 individual color packets, use all 4 color packets) Place water in a clean mixing container. Remove color packets from the cardboard container as well as the protective plastic sleeve. The internal bag is a water dispersible packet when using the 50 lbs. (22.7kg) bag of 254 Platinum, drop all color packs directly in to water in clean mixing container. Mix with a drill mixer until pigment is dispersed evenly in container and the dispersible packet is no longer visible. Add 254 Platinum and mix as directed above. Please note that additional water may be necessary when using PERMACOLOR Select color Kits. Application Apply mortar to the substrate with the flat side of the trowel, pressing firmly to work into surface. Comb on additional mortar with the notched side. Note: Use proper sized notched trowel to ensure full bedding of the tile. Spread as much mortar as can be covered with tile in 1520 minutes. Back butter large tiles >8" x 8" (>200 mm x 200 mm) to provide full bedding and firm support. Place tiles into wet, sticky mortar and beat in using a beating block and rubber mallet to embed tile and adjust level. Check mortar for complete coverage by periodically removing a tile and inspecting bedding mortar transfer onto back of tile. If mortar is skinned over (not sticky), remove and replace with fresh mortar. Grouting Grout installation after a minimum of 24 hours curing time at 70°F (21°C). Grout with SPECTRALOCK® PRO Premium Grout, SPECTRALOCK PRO Grout , PERMACOLOR Select or PERMACOLOR Grout^^^ Cleaning Clean tools and tile work with water while mortar is fresh. 6. AVAILABILITY AND COST Availability LATICRETE® and LATAPOXY® materials are available worldwide. For Distributor Information, Call: Toll Free: 1.800.243.4788 Telephone: +1.203.393.0010 For on-line Distribution information, visit LATICRETE at www.laticrete.com Cost Contact a LATICRETE/LATAPOXY Distributor in your area. 7. WARRANTY See 10. FILING SYSTEM DS 230.13: LATICRETE Product Warranty A component of: DS 230.05: LATICRETE 5 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.10: LATICRETE 10 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.15: LATICRETE 15 Year System Warranty For Steel or Wood Framed Exterior Facades (United States and Canada) DS 025.0: LATICRETE 25 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.99: LATICRETE Lifetime System Warranty 8. MAINTENANCE Non-finish LATICRETE and LATAPOXY installation materials require no maintenance but installation performance and durability may depend on properly maintaining products supplied by other manufacturers. Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, visit www.laticrete.com. DS-677.0-1215 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical Assistance Information is available by calling the LATICRETE Technical Service Hotline: Toll Free: 1.800.243.4788, ext. 235 Telephone: +1.203.393.0010, ext. 235 Fax: +1.203.393.1948 Technical and Safety Literature To acquire technical and safety literature, please visit our website at www.laticrete.com. 10. FILING SYSTEM Additional product information is available on our website at www.laticrete.com. The following is a list of related documents: DS 230.13: LATICRETE® Product Warranty DS 230.05: LATICRETE 5 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.10: LATICRETE 10 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.15: LATICRETE 15 Year System Warranty For Steel or Wood Framed Exterior Facades (United States and Canada) DS 025.0: LATICRETE 25 Year System Warranty (United States and Canada) DS 230.99: LATICRETE Lifetime System Warranty DS 230.1: 4237 Latex Additive DS 236.0: 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 239.0: 211 Powder DS 250.0: PERMACOLOR® Grout^^^ DS 260.0: STRATA_MAT DS 281.0: PERMACOLOR Select DS 410.0: HYDRO BAN® Sheet Membrane DS 633.0: LATAPOXY® 300 Adhesive DS 663.0: HYDRO BAN DS 681.0: SPECTRALOCK® PRO Premium Grout DS 685.0: SPECTRALOCK PRO Grout TDS 143: Slurry Bond Coats When and What to Use TDS 152: Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick over Wood Floors ^^^United States Invention Patent No.: 6,784,229 (and other Patents) United States Invention Patent No.: 6,881,768 (and other Patents). __________________________________ MORE THAN A LINEAR DRAIN. THE SOLUTION FOR SHOWERS & WET AREAS. ProLine ProLine by QuickDrain USA™ is a linear drain that is unlike any other. Providing style in design, flexibility in installation, and superior drain function. Perfect for the discerning homeowner as well as the hospitality and healthcare markets. ProLine provides beauty, function, and affordability all in one easy-to-install linear drain. And, it’s made in the USA. PROLINE STYLE FUNCTION FLEXIBILITY FUNCTION The ProLine Sure Flow System Guarantee means no water is left behind. QuickDrain USA has created a system that adapts to job site conditions. Patented Sure Flow System™ FLEXIBILITY On-Site Adjustability Our unique stackable spacers allow you to easily adjust the height of the drain cover post installation to be flush with the floor. Our fully-sloped linear drain bodies allow for 100% water and debris evacuation. Vertical-to-Vertical Surface Coverage Our trough extensions and covers ensure a perfect install each and every time, vertical- to-vertical surface. Both are trimmed at the job site after drain body installation. Barrier-Free: Back Wall Wet Rooms Curbed Barrier-Free: Entry Health Care Wet Areas, Pool & Outdoor Hospitality Sink Drain 18 Gauge 316L Stainless Steel Fully sloped, low-profile 1” deep and 1” wide trough 2” I.D. schedule 10 stainless steel down spout waste outlet See chart below for outlet location - 3" offset or centered Standard flow rate with single outlet is 10 gpm, and 5 gpm when used at the entry to a curb-less shower as a primary shower drain Site adjustability: Our unique cover and spacer system allows for the height of the cover to be adjustable, even after installation Expandable by use of trough extensions Height-adjustable spacers Standard Drains Drain Assembly Kit A D B C (A+2) ProLine Drain Body Dimensions Model Number Height Adjustable Spacers Cover Length PLD26-N, PLD27.5-N 4 COVER 32 PLD30-N, PLD33-N, PLD36-N 4 COVER 40 PLD40-N, PLD44-N, PLD46-N 6 COVER 48 PLD48-N, PLD52-N 6 COVER 56 PLD57-N 8 COVER 64 PLD63-N, PLD68-N 8 COVER 72 Model Number A B C D PLD26-N 26 13 13 28 PLD27.5-N 27.5 13.75 13.75 29.5 PLD30-N 30 12 18 32 PLD33-N 33 16.5 16.5 35 PLD36-N 36 15 21 38 PLD40-N 40 17 23 42 PLD44-N 44 19 25 46 PLD46-N 46 23 23 48 PLD48-N 48 21 27 50 PLD52-N 52 23 29 54 PLD57-N 57 25.5 31.5 59 PLD63-N 63 31.5 31.5 65 PLD68-N 68 34 34 70 At QuickDrain USA, we pride ourselves on our ability to work with our customers to customize the right linear drain solution. Our industry-leading technical support can make recommendations for virtually any installation condition, allowing for custom shower drains. We offer many options to ensure a perfect fit for your project, whether constrained by code requirements or challenging retrofitting situations. ProLine linear drains can be manufactured in any size increment from 10" to 100". Keep in mind that drain bodies longer than 70" require two waste outlets in order to preserve the built-in slope in the drain trough. Additionally the location of waste outlet(s) can be customized. Waste outlets can be made in custom lengths from 2" to 14" below the trough. Commercial facilities often require longer waste outlets due to issues with fireproofing. Longer pipes for waste lines go through the whole concrete floor and the plumbing connection is made below the fireproofing. Water flow of greater than 10 gallons per minute can be addressed with additional outlets on the drain body. The appearance remains the same as that of a standard linear shower drain, however, the capacity can double or triple. Any amount of flow volume can be achieved with this system. Resinous flooring drains are suitable for epoxy, urethane and sheet vinyl flooring, providing a 3/16” high frame to which to pour or run the flooring. This drain body does not require and therefore does not include spacers. However, as with our standard linear drains, the resinous drain can be custom sized from 10” to 100”, include additional waste outlets and can include side or commercial. Primarily used in retrofitting situations, the side waste (or "horizontal") outlet can eliminate the need to drill through concrete. Where there are limitations on the space and location of existing floors and outlets, the side outlet drops and turns 90 degrees. Made of 18 Gauge 316L Stainless Steel. Fully pitched trough with 1.5" I.D. schedule 10 stainless steel waste outlet. The total length of the drain with flanges is 20"; the finished length is 18". The PLD18S is not suitable for use as a floor drain. Custom Drains MULTIPLE WASTE OUTLETS RESINOUS DRAINS IRREGULAR DRAIN SIZES AND OUTLET LOCATIONS COMMERCIAL WASTE OUTLETS SIDE WASTE OUTLETS SINK DRAINS World-renowned architect and designer Michael Graves and QuickDrain USA have partnered to introduce two of the most alluring cover designs in the industry – Stream and Cosmo. Both designs are crafted from durable 18 Gauge or solid 304 Stainless Steel. Made with the quality you’ve come to expect and proven virtually indestructible. Per code, the slim drain cover is removable. Custom lengths are available from 72 -120" for Cosmo, Vertical and Horizontal. Luxury & Style Standard Sizes Brushed or Polished Stainless Steel STREAM COSMO *A Michael Graves Design *A Michael Graves Design ** Not recommended for curbless entry ** Not recommended for curbless entry ** Not recommended for curbless entry LINES HORIZONTAL VERTICAL TILEIN 32" 40" 48" 56" 64" 72"trimmable lengths Sized for Vertical-to-Vertical Surface Installation All ProLine drain bodies are made of 18 Gauge 316L Stainless Steel, with fully sloped troughs. ProLine drain bodies ship prepped and ready for a liquid waterproofing installation, with the components listed below: 12 11 8 7 6 1 2 4 3 5 13 16 14 15 9 10 Drain Accessories Shower Pan Accessories 1. Stud Wall 2. Backer Board 3. Wall tile and Grout 4. Thin-set (for wall tile) 5. Second Layer of Liquid Waterproofing 6. Reinforcing Fabric 7. First Layer of Liquid Waterproofing 8. Quick Slope 9. Thin-set 10. Subfloor 11. Transition Tape 12. Drain Cover 13. Spacer 14. Drain Body 15. Extension 16. No-hub Coupling • Placement Brackets • Short Leveling Brackets • Long Leveling Brackets • 4" Trough Extensions • Stainless Steel Spacers • QuickSlope One Way Panels • QuickSlope Flat Panels • ADA 48" QuickSlope Kit • ADA 64" QuickSlope Kit • Curbs • Trough Extensions • No-hub Coupling • Height Adjustable Spacers • Transition Tape • Inside Corners • Outside Corners • Reinforcement Tape • Cover Removal Keys Installation Cutaway Drain at Entry Drain at Back Wall Since 2006, QuickDrain has been a woman-owned business, built on the belief that people can achieve great things. Our promise is to provide continuous innovation, uncompromising quality, and to deliver linear drain systems that combine form, function, style, and affordability into one easy-to-install product. Today, you’ll find our linear drain solutions in hotels, metropolitan hospitals and homes across the globe. Headquartered in Frisco, CO, with manufacturing in Denver, CO, QuickDrain is proud to be made in the USA. All QuickDrain products are designed and manufactured to meet all Uniform Plumbing Code and International Plumbing Code standards (UPC & CUPC listing#: 6181 and PMG listing#: 1042 - Meets or exceeds ASME A112.18.2-2005) Our technical support is second to none with on-site instruction and support. We also help by providing early design drawings of your projects to help you get started on the right path. Easy installation starts with great planning. To get your ProLine installation started on the right path, we suggest the following: 1. Make a sketch of your layout with measurements noted. 2. Determine: a. Curbed or curb-less installation b. Number of fixtures c. Thickness of floor d. How will the floor be pitched The ProLine is easy to order and consists of 4 simple steps. Step 1: Select Your ProLine Drain Body Choose a standard drain size that will fit comfortably into your space. Or ask QuickDrain to help customize a drain body to accommodate non-standard sizes, multiple waste outlets and more. Liquid waterproofing accessories are included in the drain assembly kit (inside corners, outside corners, reinforcing tape, transition tape). Step 2: Choose Drain Cover Design Six different cover design options, including designs by Michael Graves, with a variety of finishes and lengths to choose from to accommodate both standard and customized drain body options. Step 3: Choose Your ProLine Shower Pan Accessories A variety of full kits are available that include panels (both sloped and flat) to help with the ease of installation. Step 4: Choose Your Optional Drain Accessories, if needed If you need brackets, corner connectors, spacers and more, you can order them all from QuickDrain to help ensure your ProLine installation runs smoothly. Planning Ordering About QuickDrain USA Awards and Recognition Our dedication to achieving great things has helped us win several awards from our peers in the industry, including: ADEX Gold Award, Design Journal A+ Popular Vote AND Jury Award Architizer Best Bath Product Award International Builders Show Judge's Choice K+BB Innovative Product Award Architectural Magazine 2014 2015 USE OUR QUICKDRAIN ONLINE PLANNING CONFIGURATOR Find us on the web at QuickDrainUSA.com QuickDrain USA 101 West Main Street, Ste. 206 P.O. Box 1358 Frisco, CO 80443 Made in USA© Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved 700-2300 6.21.20161 SPLASH!™ 300 POOL LIFT S.R. SMITH, LLC CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS P.O. Box 400 • 1017 S.W. Berg Parkway Canby, Oregon 97013 USA Phone (503) 266 2231 • Fax (503) 266 4334 OWNER’S MANUAL & MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 700-2300 6.21.20162 DECK PROFILE SHEET CONFIRMATION Aquatic access lifts are application specific. A completed Deck Profile Sheet helps to ensure the lift purchased for the application will work in accordance to ADA guidelines. S.R. Smith reviews all submitted Deck Profile Sheets as a service to our customers, free of charge. Before installing the pool lift, the installer must review and confirm the information provided on the Deck Profile Sheet. If the description of the application does not match the installation site, a new Deck Profile Sheet must be completed and submitted to S.R. Smith. NOTE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE AN ACCURATE DECK PROFILE SHEET MAY RESULT IN THE LIFT NOT MEETING ADA COMPLIANCE GUIDELINES. To complete the Deck Profile Sheet online, visit www.srsmith.com/liftprofile, contact Customer Service at (800) 824-4387 or email sales@srsmith.com. 700-2300 6.21.20163 TABLE OF CONTENTS Splash! 300 (300-3000/K)/, Splash!300 Hi/Lo (350-3000/K), Splash!300 Spa (375-3000/K), Splash! W/Round Anchor Stem (300-0000R/K) INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 4 WARNINGS AND SAFETY SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 5 PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 6 SPLASH! 300 - PRODUCT COMPONENTS ................................................................................................ 7 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 7 UNPACKING & ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................... 11 POOL DECK INSTALLATION FOR THE SPLASH! LOCKING ANCHOR ................................................. 13 USING THE Splash! LIFT ........................................................................................................................... 14 TRANSFERRING ........................................................................................................................................ 15 STANDARD ACCESSORIES/OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ....................................................................... 16 MAINTENANCE and CLEANSING ............................................................................................................. 17 TROUBLE SHOOTING ............................................................................................................................... 18 LONG-TERM STORAGE ............................................................................................................................ 19 WARRANTY INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 19 SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 20 1. Dimensions/Capacity ........................................................................................ 20 2. Actuator ......................................................................................................... 20 3. Motor ............................................................................................................. 20 4. Battery .......................................................................................................... 20 5. Range of Motion .............................................................................................. 20 6. Noise ............................................................................................................. 20 7. Materials and Finish ......................................................................................... 20 PARTS LIST (SPLASH! 300) ...................................................................................................................... 21 PARTS LIST (SPLASH! 300 Hi/Lo) ............................................................................................................ 22 PARTS LIST (SPLASH! 300 SPA) .............................................................................................................. 22 Appendix - A ................................................................................................................................................ 23 Appendix - B ................................................................................................................................................ 24 700-2300 6.21.20164 READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS IN THEIR ENTIRETY BEFORE BEGINNING INSTALLATION INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to provide information relating to the safe operation, care, and maintenance of the Splash! 300 Pool Lift. INTENDED LIFT USER All of S.R. Smith’s lifts have been designed to assist anyone who has problems entering or exiting a swimming pool or spa - the only restriction is that the User does not exceed the weight limit of the product (300 lb/136 kg). It is the responsibility of the lift Owner to ensure that the correct safety procedures have been put in place and a risk assessment carried out. If a User is mentally challenged or has severe physical disabilities these issues must be taken into account to determine the number of persons required to complete the transfer onto the seat and the number of persons required to be in the water, ready to receive the User. The seat belt must be attached to the seat and fully fastened and used during each transfer. Our goal is to provide our customers with the most advanced and innovative designs offering exceptional quality at affordable prices. All of our lifts meet the specifications set forth by the Access Board - ADAAG 2004 (US only), Medical Device Directive, 93/42/EEC, RoHS2 Directive 2011/65/EU, EN 50581:2012 and ISO10535:2006 including repeating the lifting cycle of the hoist (lift) for a total of 11,000 cycles. The lift system and AC powered battery charger complies with EN60601-1-2, 2007/03. US Patent No. 5,790,995 Splash! and the Splash! Logo and LiftOperator are registered trademarks of S.R. Smith, LLC. Model / Product No.______ Product Name ___________ S.R. Smith, LLC PO Box 400 1017 SW Berg Parkway Canby, Oregon 97013 USA Phone: 503-266-2231 Fax: 503-266-4334 www.srsmith.com Made in USA SN S QNET BV Kantstraat 19 NL-5076 NP Haaren The Netherlands qnet@ce-mark.com qnet@ce- authorizedrepresentative.eu 24 VDC 700-2300 6.21.20165 WARNINGS AND SAFETY SUMMARY DANGER – FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE WARNINGS, INSTRUCTIONS AND THE OWNER’S MANUAL MAY RESULT IN SEROUS INJURY OR DEATH ADA GUIDELINE SUMMARY* (USA Only) 1009.2.1 Pool Lift Location Pool lift shall be located where the water level does not exceed 48”. If entire pool water level exceeds 48”, place pool lift where convenient. 1009.2.2 Seat Location In the raised position, the centerline of the seat shall be located over the deck a minimum of 16” from the edge of the pool. 1009.2.3 Clear Deck Space On the side of the seat opposite the water; a clear deck space shall be provided parallel with the seat. The space shall be 36” wide minimum and shall extend forward 48” minimum from a line located 12” behind the rear edge of the seat. 1009.2.4 Seat Height The lift shall stop at 16” – 19” measured from the deck to the top of the seat surface when in the loading position. 1009.2.8 Submerged Depth The lift shall submerge the seat a minimum of 18” below the stationary water level. *Compliance with ADA is the responsibility of the pool owner. Visit www.ada.gov for complete guidelines. 700-2300 6.21.20166 THE SPLASH! AQUATIC LIFT SYSTEM STANDARD SPLASH! 300 PRODUCT OVERVIEW The Splash! Aquatic Lift is a semi-portable lift system designed so that individuals with disabilities and mobility impairments can have universal access to any type of swimming pool or spa. The Splash! is powered by a 24 volt rechargeable battery. The lifting motion is provided by a screw driven electronic actuator and an electronic gear motor provides the turning motion. S.R. Smith has designed the safest possible lift system, following all instructions in the owner’s manual, and all product labels is necessary to achieve safe, reliable and proper performance of the lift and avoid injury. This design ensures consistent safe operation and minimizes service problems. The Splash!300 is available in a Spa version, for use with above-ground pools and spas; and a Hi/Lo version, for facilities with both above-ground and ground level pools and spas. Although the Splash! must be operated from a stationary deck anchor it can be transported using the Splash! Caddy. The Caddy is designed to facilitate lifting the Splash! out of the deck anchor and also serves as a storage rack when the lift is not needed. The maximum lift capacity for the Splash!300 is 300 lb/136 kg. Only persons healthy enough for water activities should use the Splash!. Users should consult with their physician to determine if water activities are appropriate for the User. 700-2300 6.21.20167 SPLASH! 300 - PRODUCT COMPONENTS SPLASH! 300 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION The Base Assembly is made up of several components described below: Base Assembly - Mounts to the pool deck or concrete boat dock. Base Insert Stem - Slides into the anchor sleeve that is installed on the pool deck or dock. Housing - ABS plastic cover shields base assembly components from weather. Must be in place prior to installing the mast assembly. Attachment Cover - Slides down over housing to cover hardware (bolts and washers). Control Box - The LiftOperator available with an optional Activation Key feature that provides a higher level of security by allowing control operation only with the use of the activation key. The unit controls all lift operations identical to the user hand set. Three cables connect to the bottom of the Control Box to enable operation of the lift. The largest connector is for the hand control. Connector # 1 is for the motor cable (red stripe). Connector # 2 is for the actuator cable (green stripe). Touchpad Control – The touchpad control arrow keys can be used in the event that the hand control is out of reach or fails. Simply press and hold the arrow for the desired action for one movement at a time – Up, Down, Left, Right Releasing the Arrow stops movement. CONNECTOR 1 (MOTOR CABLE) CONNECTOR 2 (ACTUATOR CABLE) 700-2300 6.21.20168 Battery Level LED Indicators – The Battery Level LED Indicators show battery charge levels. The LED’s will illuminate when either the touchpad control or the hand control is activated and will stay lit for 10 seconds. At greater than 50% the LED glows Green, at less than 50% the LED glows Amber, and less than 25% the LED glows red and indicates the battery requires charging. If the less than 25% LED glows red, do not operate the lift. Remove the battery and fully charge before use. Service Required LED – The Service Required LED will illuminate when the battery pack has been removed/replaced 120 times - approximately once every 4 months. This indicates that required maintenance for the lift must be completed. Please see the maintenance section of the Lift Owner’s Manual for the requirements. The Service Required LED can be reset by inserting a standard FAT-formatted USB mass storage device (not included) into the USB Port on the bottom of the controller. When the service light is illuminated the lift must not be used until required maintenance is performed. Emergency Stop Button – In the event of an emergency, or if you need to stop lift movement immediately, pressing the Emergency Stop Button (red button on the control) will stop all lift movement. At the same time an audible alert will sound for 10 sec. then pause for 5 sec. and then the sequence will repeat until the button is reset by turning it in the direction of the arrows on the button (clockwise). The Emergency Alert LED will also flash Red when the button is pressed and will remain flashing until the button is reset. The Emergency Alert (audible and LED) can be activated by pressing any two buttons on the hand control at the same time (provided with the lift). This will stop all lift movement and activate the audible alert and the Red LED will flash. Once both buttons are released, the lift will return to normal operation and the emergency audible alert will silence. Activation Key – The Optional Activation Key provides a higher level of security by allowing control operation only with the use of the optional activation key. To enable operation slide the Access Key into the slot next to the touchpad control arrows. To disable operation remove the key. When the key is inserted or removed the Battery Level LED will illuminate for 10 seconds. USB Port – The LiftOperator control contains a USB port that is used to download the performance log of the lift. Using any standard FAT file formatted USB memory stick (widely available through retail outlets) insert the stick into the slot on the bottom of the control on the far right hand side. Press any of the touchpad control arrows; all three of the Battery Level LED’s will flash. During downloading the Green greater than 50% Battery Level LED will flash. If the unit has a problem downloading the performance log the Red less than 25% LED will flash. Remove the USB from the port and re-insert it. If the Red 25% LED flashes again, confirm that the USB you are using is FAT file formatted. The information from the USB can be downloaded to a PC for review and/or copied to a spread sheet. The performance log will retain approximately 7,600 events. Once the file is full it will remove the oldest event and replace with the newest. After the summary data, the events are shown with the oldest first. The first column is the time in seconds from that last event. The second column is the text describing the event. The third column is duration of the activity noted in seconds. Activation Key (Option) 700-2300 6.21.20169 An example of a short log file: Activity Description dev_id_upper,0 Programing data dev_id_lower,1 Programing data fw_rev,90 Firmware rev. batt_volt_float,24929 Non-loaded battery voltage in millivolts batt_volt_load,21487 Loaded battery voltage in millivolts batt_capacity,99 Estimated battery capacity in % charge_starts,8 Number of times charging was attempted charge_completes,1 Number of times charging was finished successfully 0,power_on,1 Connecting Battery Pack 0,key_enable, Inserting Activation Key 2,alert_pressed, Emergency Button pressed 3,alert_released, Emergency Button released 8,lift_up,2 Lift movement - up 5,lift_down,2 Lift movement - down 11,lift_up,2 4,turn_left,2 Lift movement - turn left 3,turn_right,1 Lift movement - turn right 308,key_disable, Removing Activation Key 3,log_write, USB File Download Battery Pack - The battery pack is located on top of the Control Box and is removable. To remove - pull the battery pack away from the mounting plate so that the latch on the battery pack clears the side tabs on the mounting plate - then lift the battery pack up and away from the Control Box. To replace - align the battery pack with the mounting plate so that the latch will drop over the center tab and that the bottom of the battery pack will fit in the recessed area on top of the Control Box. Lower the battery pack in place so that the latch is fully captured by the mounting plate and the battery pack drops fully seated onto the Control Box. 700-2300 6.21.201610 The battery must be completely removed from the lift and located away from the pool deck for charging. The battery pack should be charged daily. Do not allow battery to fully discharge, as it will shorten battery life. The battery pack has an LED indicator near the plug-in-port. It will glow Red when first plugged into the transformer. If the LED remains Red this indicates the battery pack needs charging. When fully charged the LED will glow Green. If the battery is fully charged and is plugged into the transformer the LED will glow Red for approximately 10 sec. then glow Green. If the LED flashes Red when plugged in this indicates a fault with the battery and indicates the battery pack should be replaced. All batteries are inspected prior to shipment. See warranty policy regarding battery replacement for problems after sale. Batteries have a normal lifespan of between 2-3 years, depending on use and care. A fully charged battery will provide approximately 30 to 40-lifting cycles, depending on the weight of the users. Prior to use the battery charge level should be checked by observing the LED indicator above the charger plug to ensure sufficient charge level. The charger must be connected to the battery to view the LED. It is not necessary to fully discharge the battery prior to charging. Battery should be charged daily and cannot be overcharged. It takes up to twelve hours to fully charge depending upon battery usage. Do not allow battery to fully discharge, as it will shorten battery life. Do not drop the battery, as it could cause the unit to fail. If the battery case is cracked do not use and replace the battery. During temperature extremes beyond the range of 41 F (5 C) to 104 F (40 C) remove battery and place in a controlled environment or battery life may be shortened. Battery Disposal - The batteries located inside the battery pack are recyclable and shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable local, state/provincial or federal/national regulations. Locking Plate Assembly - The battery pack can be secured to the mounting plate using the provided lock plate assembly. To install open the lock plate so that the bottom tabs are moved close to one another to allow the lock plate to be inserted into the slots on the mounting plate secured to the lift. Close the lock plate assembly so that the tabs are captured by the slots. Insert a padlock (not provided) through the holes on the lock plate assembly to secure it. 700-2300 6.21.201611 Hand Control - The four button unit controls all lift movements. The arrows indicate direction of movement. Control is fully waterproof and meets IP67 standards. Mast - This vertical piece is bolted to the base assembly. Actuator - Attached to mast, this part powers the up and down movements of the lift. Rotation Motor Assembly - Consists of mounting plate, 24-volt motor and small gear. Hub Assembly - Consists of hub, bearings, shaft, large gear and mast mounting plate. Horizontal Support Arms - These two support arms connect the mast to the seat support arm. The longer horizontal support arm (actuator arm) connects to the actuator and initiates the lifting movements. Seat Support Arm - Connects seat to the horizontal support arms. Seating System - The seat is manufactured from roto-molded plastic with a stainless steel frame. The seat belt must be used during each use. The footrest is removable and will float upwards to prevent damage if the seat is lowered too far. It is recommended that the seat be rinsed off with fresh water between each use and cleansed daily with a disinfectant solution of 1:100 dilution of household bleach to fresh water and then rinsed with fresh water. In the event of a contamination incident such as patient/user excreta - cleanse seat and seatbelt immediately with the above disinfectant solution. Do not use seat or seatbelt if it is damaged or becomes worn out. Armrests are included as a standard item on all S.R. Smith lifts. The armrests are designed so they can be rotated up out of the way during transfer. This lift seat assembly is designed to be used exclusively with S.R. Smith aquatic access lifts. UNPACKING & ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS REFER TO THE DIAGRAM (page 7) FOR PARTS IDENTIFICATION. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS IN THEIR ENTIRETY BEFORE UNCRATING THE SPLASH! Prior to opening the pallet, inspect the external condition for any visible damage. It is important that any damage be noted on the Bill of Lading. Immediately notify S.R. Smith or your Authorized Reseller of missing or damaged parts. Ensure mounting anchor has been installed in the correct location in the pool deck for proper lift operation. It is recommended that the anchor be installed by a person familiar with installing pool deck equipment. The Splash! is shipped on a covered pallet and is VERY HEAVY. You will need the following tools for unpacking and assembly: 3/4” or 19mm socket wrench 9/16” or 14mm socket and 9/16” or 14mm wrench small flat blade screwdriver knife or cutters to cut shrink-wrap/bands 700-2300 6.21.201612 Unpacking & Assembly Procedure for the Splash! 1. Cut open enclosure bag around the pallet - carefully remove plastic. 2. Cut bands around components. 3. Remove the accessory box and seat assembly. DO NOT remove housing cover. It is attached to the base. 4. Lift the base unit and insert it into the deck anchor using the metal handle located on the top of the Housing. DO NOT LIFT BASE UNIT USING PLASTIC HOUSING. Make sure that the tab located on the side of the Splash! base is aligned with the threaded tab in the LiftLock deck anchor. Use the 3/8” hex bolt, lock washer, and flat washer to secure the Splash! base to the LiftLock anchor. If you are installing the lift in a pre-existing anchor that does not include a threaded tab, contact S.R. Smith for information on a retrofit kit. Once the lift base has been placed into the deck anchor, unfasten the nuts and remove and discard the metal handle. 5. Position the mast assembly onto the housing cover by lowering the mast base onto the studs protruding from the housing. Attach the washers and lock nuts onto the studs and fully tighten using a 3/4” or 19mm socket wrench. Slide attachment cover to cover the bolts. 6. Remove plastic from mast assembly. Remove 3/8” (10mm) bolt and nut from actuator arm end. Following the illustration - attach actuator end to end of actuator arm using the same 3/8” (10mm) bolt and nut. Fully tighten bolt and nut using 9/16” (14mm) socket and wrench. Deck to Water Edge Lift Lock AnchorSplash! Base Tab 700-2300 6.21.201613 7. Remove twist tie and uncoil cable on top of housing. Insert plug (with red stripe) into connector #1 on Control Box. Insert cable into wire chase on front of mast, then push to close/lock wire chase. Make sure plug is secure. 8. Remove twist-tie and uncoil actuator cable at bottom of mast. 9. Insert actuator cable plug (green stripe with the “o” ring) into connector #2 on the Control Box. Make sure plug is secure. 10. Remove and unwrap hand control from accessory carton. Insert plug into large connector on the Control Box and hang hand control on handle. Make sure plug is secure. 11. Attach battery to Control Box. To remove battery pull slightly away from mounting plate and lift battery pack off of the Control Box. 12. Cover Control Box and battery with Console/Battery Cover to protect from moisture. 13. Check up and down controls for proper operation - both touch pad and hand controls. 14. Check side to side controls for proper operation – both touch pad and hand controls. 15. Check Emergency Stop button for operation/activation of internal sounder. 16. For Controls with the optional Activation Key – Key must be inserted into slot for operation. When Key is removed lift with not operate. (Note – Emergency Stop button and alert will operate without Key inserted into slot) 17. Attach seat assembly with bolt and thumbnut in appropriate hole. For storage, seat can be attached facing inward for less space. 18. Attach foot rest to seat with bolts and thumbnuts. POOL DECK INSTALLATION FOR THE SPLASH! LOCKING ANCHOR Ensure Locking Anchor has been installed in the correct location in the pool deck for proper lift operation. It is recommended that the anchor be installed by a person familiar with installing pool deck equipment. The optimal mounting distance for the deck anchor is between 12”/30.5 cm to 18”/46cm from the edge of the pool. Please call S.R.Smith with any questions concerning deck anchor placement or if the SPLASH will work in your installation. 700-2300 6.21.201614 INSTALLING AN ANCHOR IN A CONCRETE DECK The proper installation of the anchor depends on the construction and condition of the deck. If the deck meets the thickness and re-enforcing requirements shown in Appendix A then the anchor can be installed according to the instructions outlined in Appendix A. If the existing deck does not meet the requirements outlined in Appendix A then the anchor can be installed per the instructions in Appendix B, or you can consult with an engineering professional. The deck anchor reaction loads can be found in the Specification Section of this manual. Properly bond the anchor socket using the attached bonding screw per local codes. USING THE Splash! LIFT Obey all User Instructions listed in the Owner’s Manual whenever using lift. Obey all Caution, Warning, Operating Instruction(s) and Labels located on the lift whenever using. It is the responsibility of the lift Owner to ensure that the correct safety procedures have been put in place and a risk assessment carried out. If a User is mentally challenged or has severe physical disabilities these issues must be taken into account to determine the number of persons required to complete the transfer onto the seat and the number of persons required to be in the water, ready to receive the User. If the Splash! will be used by a disabled person living on their own, a communication device should be installed in the area of use to call for assistance in the event of an emergency. Only persons healthy enough for water activities should use the Splash!. Users should consult with their physician to determine if water activities are appropriate for the User. Keep fingers and hands clear of lift arms during use. DW EDGE Locking Deck Anchor (Install the anchor so the locking tab is perpendicular and furthest away from the Deck to Water (DW) edge), see Appendices A and B for details. 700-2300 6.21.201615 Splash! Transferring Diagram TRANSFERRING Once the unit is positioned for use, use the following procedure to transfer to the seat and into the water. Only persons healthy enough for water activities should use the Splash!. Users should consult with their physician to determine if water activities are appropriate for the User: Keep fingers and hands clear of lift arms during use. Rotate the seat to either side of lift for best transfer position. Raise or lower the seat to proper transfer height. Transfer onto the seat, ensuring that the user’s weight is centered on seat. Armrests can be rotated up if necessary. If user has a wheelchair, keep the wheelchair close by for easy retrieval. Fasten Seat Belt - thread loose end of belt strap through buckle - pull tight - to close - press latch down on belt material. Raise seat to allow enough leg room for rotation. Rotate seat to the 12:00 position, over the water. Lower the seat into the pool. The waterproof hand control can remain connected to seat if swimmer is operating lift. Unfasten Seat Belt - grasp latch and lift up, pull loose end from latch. When finished, return to the seat, ensuring user’s weight is centered on seat. Fasten Seat Belt. Raise seat to allow enough leg room for rotation. Rotate seat to original transfer position. Raise or lower seat to proper transfer height. Unfasten Seat Belt. Transfer off of the seat. 700-2300 6.21.201616 IN CASE OF HAND CONTROL FAILURE Lifting failure - In the event of a lifting failure, there are control buttons built into the control box. Press the appropriate up or down/left or right button located on the front panel of the control box. If the Splash! will be used by a disabled person living on their own, a communication device should be installed in the area of use to call for assistance in the event of an emergency. If the Splash! will be used by a disabled person living on their own, a communication device should be installed in the area of use to call for assistance in the event of an emergency. STANDARD ACCESSORIES/OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES The following items are included with all pool lift models: Seat Belt Assembly - Nylon water-resistant belt for added security. Battery/Charger – 24-volt rechargeable battery. Optional accessories may be purchased for your Splash! lift through your Authorized Reseller. The following accessories are available: Console/Battery Cover – P/N 910-1000: Protects battery and control unit from exposure to moisture Total Cover - P/N 920-5000: Made of weather resistant nylon material to keep unit protected from elements when not in use. Spine Board Attachment - P/N 500-1000: Can be used to convert lift for use with any standard spine board. (Spine Board not included) Splash! Caddy - P/N 400-0000 - Facilitates handling, transporting and storing the Splash! Simplifies both insertion and removal from deck anchor and can be used as a storage rack when lift is not in use. 700-2300 6.21.201617 Anchor & Cap – P/N 300-6200L – Lift Lock deck anchor measures 2.875”/ 7.30 cm OD, 2.75” / 6.98 cm ID. Includes cap and bonding screw. Console/Battery Cover – P/N 910-1000 – Protects battery and control unit from exposure to moisture. MAINTENANCE and CLEANSING Minimal maintenance will prolong the life of your lift. Keep all electronic components clean and dry. Keep the Console/Battery Cover installed at all times to prevent moisture from collecting on the Control Box and battery. Excessive moisture collection can affect battery and lift performance and could lead to battery failure and/or the lift failing to operate. If the lift is used outdoors, an optional full cover is available and recommended. Owners of lifts should be aware of any applicable local, state/provincial or federal/national regulations regarding the inspection and or testing of lifts. The following schedule shall be performed to insure proper operation with the Daily items performed before each use: Maintenance Performed Daily Weekly Monthly Check battery level before each use / Charge battery daily Wipe Control Box and battery connection with a clean dry rag Examine lift for any damage, loose or missing hardware Test for normal operation Spray gear assembly with a heavy-duty rust inhibitor/lubricant such as LPS 3 - Heavy-Duty Inhibitor Make sure all cable connections are properly secured Inspect lift frame, mast, support arm and seat assembly for rust Cleansing Performed – after each use Rinse seat and seatbelt with fresh water between each use - Cleanse seat and seatbelt with a disinfectant solution of 1:100 dilution of household bleach to fresh water and then rinse with fresh water and dry entire lift daily. In the event of a contamination incident such patient/user excreta - cleanse seat and seatbelt immediately with the disinfectant solution* Cleanse all battery connections with a nylon scouring pad Cleanse all metallic surfaces with a cleaner wax to maintain the finish of the lift * When using the disinfection solution avoid direct contact with the skin and eyes. In the event of a contamination incident - immerse the seat belt in the disinfection solution for 10 min. and then rinse thoroughly with fresh water. 700-2300 6.21.201618 TROUBLE SHOOTING Be sure the battery is fully charged before troubleshooting. Lift does not rotate Does lift raise or lower? Yes. 1. Check connection to Control Box. Be sure plug is pushed in all the way. 2. Check hand control connection to Control Box for damaged pins. 3. Check connections on terminal block located on frame for loose wires. 4. Check connection cable for damage. 5. Try operating the lift using the control buttons on the front panel of the controller. If the lift rotates when using the buttons on the control box, the hand control is likely the problem. 6. If the lift does not rotate when using the buttons on the control box, reverse the motor cables as follows: Locate the area on the Control Box where the cables are attached. Swap the actuator cable from connector #2 with the 24v motor cable from connector #1. Activate the up and down buttons on the hand control. If lift rotates, the problem is likely the hand control. If lift does not rotate, the problem is likely the 24v motor. 7. Contact your Authorized Reseller or S.R. Smith for replacement information. Does lift raise or lower? No. 1. Check battery charge level. 2. Check battery connection. 3. Use another fully charged battery. If lift continues to not function, replace the Control Box. Lift does not Raise or Lower Does lift rotate? Yes. 1. Check connection to Control Box. Be sure plug is pushed in all the way. 2. Check hand control connection to Control Box for damaged pins. 3. Check connection cable for damage. 4. Activate the up and down buttons on the front panel of the control box. If lift raises and lowers, the problem is likely the hand control. 5. If the lift does not raise and lower when using the buttons on the control box, reverse the cables as follows: Locate the area on the Control Box where the cables are attached. Swap the actuator cable from the connector #2 and the 24v motor cable from connector #1. Activate the left and right buttons on the hand control. If the lift raises and lowers, the problem is likely the hand control. If the lift does not raise and lower, the problem is likely the Actuator. 6. Contact your Authorized Reseller or S.R. Smith for component replacement information. Does lift rotate? No. 1. Check battery charge level. 2. Check battery connection. 3. Use another fully charged battery. If lift does not function, replace the Control Box. 700-2300 6.21.201619 LONG-TERM STORAGE When storing the lift for an extended period of time: Wash seat with disinfectant solution and then rinse with fresh water and dry entire lift Spray gear assembly with a heavy duty rust inhibitor and lubricant such as LPS 3 - Heavy-Duty Inhibitor Keep the battery on the charger in a dry temperature controlled area Cover unit and store in a dry location away from pool chemicals Questions/Comments - Contact us at 800.824.4387 or 503-266-2231 or info@srsmith.com. For information regarding Authorized Resellers worldwide visit www.srsmith.com WARRANTY INFORMATION The S.R. Smith warranty becomes effective on the date of manufacture. To initiate a warranty replacement, Please follow the process outlined below. 1. Take photos of the damaged product. a) The photo must include the entire unit b) Also include one photo or more of the damaged area. 2. Write down or take a photo of the serial # sticker from the product. S.R. Smith provides a serial # for every pool lift we produce. The sticker with the serial number can be found at the bottom of the mast near the base. 3. Attach the photos and the serial # to a written request for replacement under the S.R. Smith warranty. Please include the following information: a) Product name and description. b) Date of purchase and/or date of installation. c) Description of damage. d) Shipping address with a contact name and phone number. 4. Send photos, serial # sticker and your written request by email or mail to warranty@srsmith.com or: S.R. Smith, LLC PO Box 400 1017 SW Berg Pkwy Canby, OR 97013 Attn: Warranty Specialist **NOTE: Missing information will result in a processing delay and possibly denial of your claim. Should you have any questions regarding this process, please contact S.R. Smith's Warranty specialist at 800.824.4387 or 503.266.2231 or email warranty@srsmith.com 700-2300 6.21.201620 SPECIFICATIONS Splash! 300 1. Dimensions/Capacity Overall Height 66.25”/168cm Base Dimensions 19.25”/49cm Dia. Total Weight 160 lb/72.5 kg Overall Length (footprint) 90”/229cm (fully extended, with footrest) 68.75”/176cm (fully retracted, with footrest) 40”/102cm (in stored position, no footrest) Power 24V DC Battery Life 30 cycles (approx.) Lifting Capacity 400 lb/181 kg - 300 lb/136 kg (Splash! Extended Reach) Anchor Reaction Load Vertical 430 lb/195 kg Torque 1280 ft lb/1735 NM Seat Width 23”/58.5cm 2. Actuator Lifting Screw Type Mechanical Actuator Max. Thrust 1680 lb/7472N Voltage 24V DC Max. Amp 9 Max. Speed 0.59 inch/sec./1.49cm/sec. 3. Motor Rotation 24 VDC, 13 RPM Gearing Ratio 9:1 4. Battery Power 24 VDC, IP65 Gel Lead Acid Temperature Range 41 F (5 C) to 104 F (40 C) 5. Range of Motion Lifting Variable to configure to each pool. 44”- 58”/112cm – 147cm total travel from highest to lowest point w/standard actuator. Seat Depth 18-20”/46cm – 51cm below water line. Rotation 359º 6. Noise Noise level below 50 dB (A), measured according to DS/EN ISO 3746” 7. Materials and Finish Frame Powder Coated Stainless Steel Housing Vacuum Formed ABS Plastic Arms Powder Coated Aluminum Mast Powder Coated Stainless Steel Seat Assembly Seat: Roto-Molded Plastic Frame: Powder Coated Stainless Steel Covers Urethane coated nylon 700-2300 6.21.201621 PARTS LIST (SPLASH! 300) Item # Part # Description 1 100-5000A LA34 Actuator 2 1001499 4 Button Control Unit 3 1001555 4 Button Control Unit w/Activation Key (not shown) 4 1001495 Battery Pack 5 1001530 Battery Charger (not shown) 6 100-4000A Hand Control 7 120-1100 24v Motor 8 135-1000 Hub Assembly 9 120-1000 Motor Mount Assembly 10 800-5065 Small Gear 11 150-1100A Mast Assembly 12 150-1200A Actuator Arm Assembly 13 150-1300A Support Arm Assembly 14 150-1400A Seat Arm 15 160-8000A Seat Assembly 16 160-2300A Foot Rest 17 300-1100 Splash! Base Assembly 18 300-5200A Mast Collar 19 300-5000A Splash! Housing 20 900-1000 Seat Belt 21 910-1000 Console Cover (not shown) 22 940-1100 Splash! Mast Cover (not shown) 23 970-5000 Seat Cover (optional accessory, not shown) 24 900-6000 Stability Strap (optional accessory, not shown) 700-2300 6.21.201622 PARTS LIST (SPLASH! Hi/Lo or SPA) Item # Part # Description 1 100-5000A LA34 Actuator 2 1001499 4 Button Control Unit 3 1001555 4 Button Control Unit w/Activation Key (not shown) 4 1001495 Battery Pack 5 1001530 Battery Charger (not shown) 6 100-4000A Hand Control 7 120-1100 24v Motor 8 135-1000 Hub Assembly 9 120-1000 Motor Mount Assembly 10 800-5065 Small Gear 11 150-2100A Splash! Hi/Lo Mast Assembly 12 150-2200A Splash! Hi/Lo Actuator Arm Assembly 13 150-2300A Splash! Hi/Lo Support Arm Assembly 14 150-2400A Splash! Hi/Lo Seat Arm 15 160-9000A Seat Assembly Hi/Lo 16 160-2300A Foot Rest 17 300-1100 Splash! Base Assembly 18 300-5200A Mast Collar 19 300-5000A Splash! Hi/Lo Housing 20 900-1000 Seat Belt 21 910-1000 Console Cover (not shown) 22 940-1000 Splash! Mast Cover (not shown) 23 940-2000 Splash! Hi/Lo Mast Cover (not shown) 24 160-8000A* Seat Assembly* (Not Shown) 25 970-5000 Seat Cover (optional accessory, not shown) 26 900-6000 Stability Strap (optional accessory, not shown) *For Spa model only 700-2300 6.21.201623 Appendix - A 700-2300 6.21.201624 Appendix - B Product Specifications - Written Product Name: Splash! Series Aquatic Lifts Part Number: 300-0000/EU (Splash), 350-0000/EU (Splash Hi/Lo), 375-0000/EU (Splash Spa), 370-0000/EU (Splash ER), 385-0000/EU (Splash ER-Hi/Lo), 395-0000/EU (Splash ER-Spa), 300-3000 (Splash 300), 350-3000 (Splash 300 Hi/Lo), 375-3000 (Splash 300 Spa), 300-0000R (Splash W/Round Post) It shall be battery powered, comply with Americans with Disabilities Act Access Guidelines (ADAAG), and have a lifting capacity of 300 or 400 pounds depending upon the model. Product shall include battery, charger, battery console cover, waterproof control, stainless steel anchor socket with cover and spanner key, armrests, footrest and seat belt assembly. Model # Description Weight Capacity 300-0000 Splash 400 350-0000 Splash Hi/Lo 400 375-0000 Splash Spa 400 370-0000 Splash ER 300 385-0000 Splash ER Hi/Lo 300 395-0000 Splash ER Spa 300 300-3000 Splash 300 300 350-3000 Splash 300 Hi/Lo 300 375-3000 Splash 300 Spa 300 300-0000R Splash W/Round Post 300 a. Manufacturer to provide technical support and assistance to confirm pool lift satisfies pool geometry or if another lift model is more appropriate. b. Have a LINAK (approved for medical applications) screw/spline type actuator to provide a safe and stable stop at any point in the lifting cycle. Capable of: i. Not only having a stopping point that is a minimum of 16 inches and a maximum of 19 inches measured from the deck to the top of the seat surface when the seat is in the raised position (accessibility guidelines), but also providing additional stopping points at various heights to accommodate users of all ages and abilities. ii. Submerging the seat a minimum of 18” below the surface of the water. c. Configured to facilitate ease in user transfer within clear deck space of 36 inches wide by 48 inches deep starting 12 inches from the back end of the seat (Ref. ADAAG). d. Have a 24-volt gear motor to power side to side rotation to allow for ample clear deck space for transfer on both sides of the lift. e. Seat: i. Width of 23 inches (ADAAG Requires 16 inches). ii. Back that extends 24 inches high (ADAAG Requires 12 inches). f. Be structurally capable of providing a stable user transfer and pass a static load test equal to 1.5 times the rated load capacity. g. Metallic parts (stainless steel and aluminum) to be passivated, pretreated and powder coated using a 5-step process. The process is to be validated by samples undergoing a 4,000 hour Salt Fog Test (ASTM D1654), by a recognized independent laboratory, and achieve a rating of 10 (highest possible rating). (Note: The test is the equivalent of 10 years exposure to this harsh environment.) h. Warranty: For current warranty information go to www.srsmith.com Have the following optional equipment: Specification Number: 1206 S.R. Smith P.O. Box 400, 1017 SW Berg Parkway Canby, Oregon 97013 Tel: (800) 824-4387 (503) 266-2231 Fax: (503) 166 4334 www.srsmith.com Product Description: Splash! Aquatic Lift S.R. Smith Part Number: 300-0000/EU, 350-0000, 375,0000, 370-0000, 385-0000, 395- 0000, 300-3000, 350-3000, 375-3000, 300-0000R Revision: B Date: 07/01/16 Page 1 of 7 Proprietary and confidential: The information contained in this specification is thesole property of S.R. Smith LLC. Any reproduction in part or whole without the written consent of S.R. Smith LLC is prohibited. Part # Description Part # Description 900-6000 Stability Strap 920-5000 Lift Cover 500-1000 Spine Board Attachment 970-5000 Seat Saver Cover Product Specifications - Drawing Specification Number: 1206 S.R. Smith P.O. Box 400, 1017 SW Berg Parkway Canby, Oregon 97013 Tel: (800) 824-4387 (503) 266-2231 Fax: (503) 166 4334 www.srsmith.com Product Description: Splash! Aquatic Lift S.R. Smith Part Number: 300-0000/EU, 300-3000, 300-0000R Revision: B Date: 07/01/16 Page 2 of 7 Proprietary and confidential: The information contained in this specification is the sole property of S.R. Smith LLC. Any reproduction in part or whole without the written consent of S.R. Smith LLC is prohibited. 01213456 789®¯°±®²³´µ°¶·¸¹µ®²°º°»®¼¹½µ®´°¾8¯¿°À´8Á³Â²¼ ò²Ä¼Å11½8¯¿Â8³´¼®¿³´µ¹¼Ã¹µ½¼ÆÂ8Ç1Ä´8Á³Â²1²89®¯È´®²³´µÈ·¸¹µ®²ÈÉ1 513 ÊËÌÍÎÏËÐÎÏ ÑÒÓÔ°Õ°Ö×ÓØ°Õ°×ÙÓÚ ÛÜÝÞßÜà°áÛâàãäßå ßâæÜÝ°ÛÜßãÛç°äÞèéçÜß êÐëÍìíîïðñîòóÊ ôõöð°Êöî÷õòñ øùúûüùýþÿúĀ°āĂ㥠øùúûüùýþÿúĀ°āûąÿĆ ćĈĉĈĊ°ĉĈċĈČĊčĎď ĐđĒē°ĔĕĖĐĔüāø°ėûĄÿĘĂúęÿăē°ĔĂÔÿĆ°ĐĄûĄęĂąăĚ°ĔĂÔÿĆ°ĐĄûĄęĂąăě°ĔúûÚęĄęĂąă°Đÿúęÿă Ĝ ĝöĞğöñî°÷°Ğğïîö Ġö÷îğĝöñ ñóöġõĠõġ÷îõïĢñ ģ Ĥ îÐĥÍì°ĝÍĦħĨΰñĦĩĦËÐÎ êÐëÍìíîïðñîÊ îÐĥÍì°ġĩĪËÎÍĦ°ðËĦī ĝÍĦħĨÎ êÐëÍìí°îïðññòóî° îÐĥÍì°ĝÍĦħĨΰñĦĩĦËÐÎ êÐëÍìíîïðñîî îÐĥÍì°ĝÍĦħĨΰñĦĩĦËÐÎ êÐëÍìíîïðñî 01213456 789®¯°±®²³´µ°¶·¸¹µ®²°º°»®¼¹½µ®´°¾8¯¿°À´8Á³Â²¼ ò²Ä¼Å11½8¯¿Â8³´¼®¿³´µ¹¼Ã¹µ½¼ÆÂ8Ç1Ä´8Á³Â²1²89®¯È´®²³´µÈ·¸¹µ®²ÈÉ1 313 ÊËÌÍΰÐÍÑÒÓÔ°ĬÕÖ×ÔÍÑ°ØÍÕÑÒÓ×ÔÙ Ú°ÑËÌÍΰÜÝÍÎÞÍÜ°ÕÔß°Ü×ÔÙÎÍ°ÓÍÑÒÓÔ ÒÔ×Ñà°°ĬÎ×ĭá°ËÔ°ÑÝ×Ü°âÓËßÒĭÑ°ÑË°ÜÍÍ ÑÝÍ°ĭËÔãÙÒÓÕÑËÓ°ÑË°ÍäâÍÓ×ÍÔĭÍ°ËÔå ÜĭÓÍÍÔ°ÑÝÍ°ÕÞÕ×ÎÕÖÎÍ°ĭËÎËÓ°ËâÑ×ËÔÜà 01213456 789®¯°±®²³´µ°¶·¸¹µ®²°º°789®¯°¶·»»¼°º°½®¾¹¿µ®´°À8¯Á°Â´8»³Ã²¾ IJ²Å¾Æ11¿8¯ÁÃ8³´¾®Á³´µ¹¾Ä¹µ¿¾ÇÃ8È1Å´8»³Ã²1²89®¯É´®²³´µÉ÷¸¹µ®²1 513 ÊËÌÍΰÏÍÊÐÏÑ°ÒÓÔÕÑÍÊ Ö×ØÙÚ°ÛÙÜÝÞß°àáâãßÙÜ°äÞ×å°æÙçãèßÙÞ°é×Úä°êÞ×ëÝìÜç°ãç°ëÙçãèßÙë°ØãÜí°â×Üí°çÜîÚÙ°áßë°äÝßìÜã×ßáÚãÜî°ãß°åãßëï°ðÞ×ñãëãßè°èÝÙçÜç°ØãÜí°äÞÙçí°Ü×ØÙÚç°áßë Ùßì×ÝÞáèãßè°ÜíÙ°ÞÙÜÝÞß°×ä°ÝçÙë°×ßÙçò°Öíãç°Ú×ØóðÞ×ôÚÙ°Ü×ØÙÚ°ñáÚÙÜ°ãç°çÝãÜáâÚÙ°ä×Þ°ãßë××Þç°ãß°ÜíÙ°ôÜßÙçç°ìÙßÜÙÞ°×Þ°çðá°×Þ°×ÝÜë××Þç°áÜ°ÜíÙ°ð××Úò õÐÏÓÔÎÍ°ÓÑõ°ÒÐöÊË÷ÕøÓÔÎÍ ÖíÙ°ùãèßáÜÝÞÙ°ùÙÞãÙç°Ü×ØÙÚ°ÞÙÜÝÞß°ìáâãßÙÜç°áÞÙ°áñáãÚáâÚÙ°ãß°ÞÙìîìÚÙë°ðÚáçÜãì°æÝÞáúÝåâÙÞû°×Þ°Ùü×Üãì°íáÞëØ××ëç°Ü×°ì××ÞëãßáÜÙ°ØãÜí°î×ÝÞ°×ÜíÙÞ°è×Úä°ÞÙç×ÞÜ ðÞ×ëÝìÜç°×Þ°ì×ÝßÜÞî°ìÚÝâ°äÝÞßãçíãßèçò Ö×ØÙÚ°ÞÙÜÝÞß°âãßç°áÞÙ°åáëÙ°ãß°ÜíÙ°ýòùòþò°äÞ×å°ëÝÞáâÚÙ°áßë°Ùì×óäÞãÙßëÚî°åáÜÙÞãáÚçò ÿáĀÙ°Üíãç°Ü×ØÙÚ°ìáëëî°î×ÝÞ°×Øß°ØãÜí°è×Úä°ì×ÝÞçÙ°Ú×è×çò ÊËÌÍΰÏÍÊÐÏÑ°ÒÓÔÕÑÍÊ āĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊĊċČč° ĎďĐĉ°čĐćđďċĊ ° Ö×ØÙÚ°ÛÙÜÝÞß°àáâãßÙÜ°äÙáÜÝÞãßè°Ē°Ü×ØÙÚ°çíÙÚñÙç°áßë°çãßèÚÙ°ÞÙÜÝÞß°ÝßãÜò°°àÚãìĀ°×ß Üíãç°ðÞ×ëÝìÜ°Ü×°çÙÙ°ÜíÙ°ì×ßôèÝÞáÜ×Þ°Ü×°ÙüðÙÞãÙßìÙ°×ßóçìÞÙÙß°ÜíÙ°áñáãÚáâÚÙ°ì×Ú×Þ ×ðÜã×ßç æÝÞáúÝåâÙÞû°ê×çÜ æÝÞáúÝåâÙÞû°êáßÙÚ ú×è×°ēðÜã×ßç ĐĔĕĖĄă°āĄĔėą ĘęĚęě°ĚęĜęĝěĞğĠ ùġýĢ°Öēģùùúêæ°àáÜÙè×ÞãÙçĢ°Ö×ØÙÚ°ùÜáÜã×ßçï°Ö×ØÙÚ°ùÜáÜã×ßçóùãèßáÜÝÞÙ°ùÙÞãÙç°ÖáèçĢ°ôÜßÙçç°ìÙßÜÙÞ Ü×ØÙÚ°çÜáÜã×ßçï°×ÝÜë××Þ°Ü×ØÙÚ°ñáÚÙÜï°Ü×ØÙÚ°ìáâãßÙÜï°Ü×ØÙÚ°ìáëëîï°Ü×ØÙÚ°ç×ÚÝÜã×ßçï°Ü×ØÙÚ°ñáÚÙÜ Ĥ ĥĐĦħĐĊć°đ°ĦħĈćĐ čĐĊĨĥďČćďĈĩ ĪĐđćħĥĐĊ ĊČĐĨďĪďĨđćďĈĩĊ ĥĐĦħĐĊć°ČĥĈčħĨć°ďĩĪĈĥāđćďĈĩ ī Ĭ COLOR ONLY 01213456 789®¯°±®²³´µ°¶·¸¹µ®²°º°789®¯°¶·»»¼°º°½®¾¹¿µ®´°À8¯Á°Â´8»³Ã²¾ IJ²Å¾Æ11¿8¯ÁÃ8³´¾®Á³´µ¹¾Ä¹µ¿¾ÇÃ8È1Å´8»³Ã²1²89®¯É´®²³´µÉ÷¸¹µ®²1 313 ÊËÌÍÌ°ĭÏÐÌÑ°ÍĭÒĭÓÏÔÍ°ÒÕÌ°ÒÖÒÓÑÒ×ÑÌ°ÓÔ°ÍÌÖÌÕÒÑ°ØËÏÓØÌÍ°ÏÙ°ØÏÑÏÕÍÚ°ÒÔĮ°ĮÛÏ°ĭÏÔÌÍÜ ÝÒÑÑ°Þß°àáââã°äåâæçäáè°ĭÏ°ÍéÌÒê°ĭÏ°Ò°ëÌÍÓìÔÌÕ°íÏÑÙ°îÕÏĮÛØĭÍ°éÕÏÜ ïðñòóðô°öï÷ôøùóú ûüįýþ°ĀýāĂ㥰ąāĆāćüĄ ĈüĉýþĊûċČąč ûüįýþ°ĀýāĂ㥰İĆĎćĄýā ĈüĉýþĊûċČąûďĐû ûüįýþ°ĀýāĂ㥰ąāĆāćüĄ ĈüĉýþĊ°ûċČąą° ÊÏÐÌÑ°ÖÒÑÌĭ°ĭÏÐÌÕ°ÓÍ°ÍÛÓĭÒ×ÑÌ°ÙÏÕ°ìÏÑÙ ÕÌÍÏÕĭÍ°ÒÔĮ°ØÏÛÔĭÕđ°ØÑÛ×ÍÜ°°îÝÑÓØê ÏÔ°ĭËÓÍ°éÕÏĮÛØĭ°ĭÏ°ÍÌÌ°ĭËÌ ØÏÔēìÛÕÒĭÏÕ°ĭÏ°ÌĔéÌÕÓÌÔØÌ°ÏÔæ ÍØÕÌÌÔ°ĭËÌ°ÒÖÒÓÑÒ×ÑÌ°ØÏÑÏÕ°ÏéĭÓÏÔÍÜ ûüįýþ°ĀýāĂ㥰ąāĆāćüĄ ĈüĉýþĊûċČąûč