HomeMy WebLinkAboutE18-0045_Approved Electrical Plans_1523893630.pdfP.O. Box 1871 Avon Colorado 81620(970) 390-6550 ric@fieldscape.netc Issue Date Sheet: coverCover SheetThe Olson ResidenceLot 6, Second Amendment to the Lia Zneimer Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, ColoradoCopyright Fieldscape Incorporated All Rights Reserved This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Fieldscape Incorporated and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of Ric Fields D.R.B. July 18,'17 Pricing Aug. 11,'17 The Olson Residence 1726 Buffehr Creek Road Vail, Colorado 81657 DRB/Permit Set February 12, 2018 General Notes: 1. Do not scale drawings. 2. Verify all dimensions, condition, and utility locations prior to beginning any work or ordering any materials. Notify Fieldscape of any conflicts or discrepancies in the area of construction. 3. In the event that additional details or guidance is needed by the contractor for construction of any aspect of the project, they shall immediately contact the landscape architect or architect. 4. The general contractor shall be responsible for satisfying all applicable codes and obtaining all permits and required approvals. This project is governed by the International Building Code and the International Residential Code. Compliance is mandatory. 5. The general contractor shall verify all existing grades and lay out all proposed improvements for the landscape architect's approval prior to beginning any site work. 6. It is the intent and meaning of these documents that the general contractor and each subcontractor provide all labor, materials, transportation, supplies, equipment, etc. to obtain a complete job within the recognized standards of the industry. 7. All construction is to fit within the available property lines, setbacks, and easements without creating easements or exceptions to existing restrictions. 8. The general contractor shall field verify the locations of all existing utilities. All utilities shall be located to minimize excavation and vegatation impacts to the site. 9. The general contractor shall minimize the limits of excavation and take adequate measures to protect all vegetation beyond the limits of excavation. All areas of disturbance shall be re-vegetated to blend with the non-disturbed landscape. 10. The general contractor shall verify all site development with the landscape construction documents. The site plan is for grading and layout; the landscape plan is for planting. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the landscape architect. Project Team: General Contractor: Integrated Landscape Management P.O. Box 115 Avon, CO 81632 (970) 471-6529 Contact: Shelly Mello Landscape Architect: Fieldscape Incorporated P.O. Box 1871 Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 390-6550 Contact: Ric Fields Surveyor: Eagle Valley Surveying P.O. Box 1230 Edwards, Colorado 81632 (970) 949-1406 Contact: Mike Post Structural Engineer: Ewing Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 2526 Vail CO 81658 (970) 949-5153 Contact: Albert Ewing Drawing Index Cover Sheet Survey Amended Final Plat 1:10 Topographic Survey Landscape Architecture L1 Existing Conditions L2 Site Plan L3 Planting Plan L4 Layout Plan L5 Site Details L6 Site Details Structural Engineering S1 S2 Permit Feb. ,'18 04/16/18 Bui l di ng Envel opePr opert y Li neExisting Residence Garage Deck FFE 8211.0' Guest House (8235.5') Deck (8225.1') (8224.8') (8224.2') Entry FFE 8224.6' Entry FFE 8224.5' (8224.2') Concrete Drive (8222.9') Entry FFE 8223.3' (8209.3') (8209.3') Bu i l di ng Envel op e Bui l di ng Envel opeB ri dge Lot 5 Lot 7 J oi nt Acces s and Uti l i t y Easemen t Propert y Li neProperty Line8230 82 4 08210080625' S a ni tary S e w e r Ea seme nt Dr a in a g e a nd U tility E asem e nt Dra inag e a nd U tility Ease m e nt Asphalt Drive 8210 8220 82208230 8 240 8250 48 4 6 4 4 42 38 36 34 32 2 8 2 6 2 4221816 14 12 08 0 6 040 6 0 2 52 B u f f e h r C r e e k R o a d Existing Boulder Wall (typ.) Existing Boulder Wall (typ.) Existing Boulder Wall (typ.) Existing Cobble Drainageway Existing Evergreen Tree (typ.) Existing Evergreen Trees (typ.) Existing Evergreen Trees (typ.) Existing Deciduous Trees (typ.) Existing Culverts below drive Transformer Approximate location of existing Hot TubExisting Stone Stairs Existing Stone Patio P.O. Box 1871 Avon Colorado 81620(970) 390-6550 ric@fieldscape.netc Issue Date Sheet: Of: six L-1Existing Conditions PlanThe Olson ResidenceLot 6, Second Amendment to the Lia Zneimer Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, ColoradoCopyright Fieldscape Incorporated All Rights Reserved This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Fieldscape Incorporated and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of Ric FieldsScale: 1"=10'-0"NorthExisting Conditions Plan D.R.B. July 18,'17 Pricing Aug. 11,'17 Front Steps Front of House House Stone House Logs DRB/Permit Feb. 12, '18 04/16/18 3216 161 8 2022 2426283032 Bui ld i ng Envel opeProperty Line Existing Residence DiningRoom Deck FFE 8225.8' Sun Room Deck FFE 8224.6' Entry FFE 8223.3' Bui ldi ng Envel ope Bui l di ng Enve l opeBri dge Propert y Line 823 0 824 0821008068210 8 220 8220262216 14 12 08 0 6 040 6 52 Drainage and Utility Easement 2 4 Hot Tub Dining Terrace (15.4') (14.7') (15.1') sill el. 25" above grade sill el. 25" above grade sill el. 26" above grade 22.9' (8.9') 14.8' 3 r. @ 7" (18.5')2%9.0' 11.3' 13.05' 14.78' 16.52' 18.26'141 010 16.8' T.O.W. 17.0' 1 2 1 4 16182019.0' Rockfall Limits Garage FFE 8211.0' No r th El evat i o n 601 1213.0' 20.0'1213.5' 14.0'1819.2' 20 18Stone Walk and Patio: Remove the existing walk and replace it with the one as shown. This is a heated stone walk with cut stone on a concrete slab and log handrails to match house log railings and accents in stain and dimensions (see details). Existing stone patio to remain. Remove the existing Hot Tub. 25.1' 24.9' (ver.) 24.0' 22.5' 14.7' 14.7' Informal Stone Path: Provide a 3' wide stone path to match the stone of the proposed patio. Set on road base and sand for leveling. Step as required. Deck Replacement: Replace all or a portion of the existing deck as necessary. All replacement will be to match the existing deck. Existing Landing: Remove the existing concrete walls and slabs as determined by the Structural Engineer. (ver.)10181614T.O.W. 19.5' T.O.W. 16.0' Step in Wall (typ.)1220.0' 21.74' T.O.W. 18.0'16T.O.W. 27.0' 3 r. @ 7" 16.52' 18.26' T.O.W. 19.5' T.O.W. 18.0' T.O.W. 18.75' 3 r. @ 7" 3 r. @ 7" 3 r. @ 7" 3 r. @ 7" 3 r. @ 7" 3 r. @ 7" 3 r. @ 7" 4 r. @ 7" 2 r. @ 7" T.O.W. 27.0' Inlet Rim El. 14.5'2% REL Relocated Spruce 18.0' Fire Pit 2.8% Lawn Area P.O. Box 1871 Avon Colorado 81620(970) 390-6550 ric@fieldscape.netc Issue Date Sheet: Of: six L-2Site PlanThe Olson ResidenceLot 6, Second Amendment to the Lia Zneimer Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, ColoradoCopyright Fieldscape Incorporated All Rights Reserved This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Fieldscape Incorporated and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of Ric Fields Scale: 1/8"=1'-0"NorthSite Plan Fire Bowl: Dubai 45" Copper Bowl by FlameCreations D.R.B. July 18, '17 Pricing Aug. 11, '17 DRB/Permit Feb. 12, '18 Fire Pit Image 04/16/18 Bui l di ng Envel opeProperExisting Residence Dining Room Deck Sun Room Deck Entry Bui ldi ng E n vel o pe Buil di ng Enve l opeBridge Property Li neProperty Line 8 23082108210 82 20 8220B u f f e h r C r e e k R o a d Drainage and Utility Easement Hot Tub Dining Terrace Pinon Pine Trees to create an outdoor space with privacy and mitigates road noise from Buffehr Creek Road. Natural (15.4') (14.7') (15.1') (8.9') (18.5') Rockfall Limits Garage Nort h El eva ti on 601 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Natural Sod Play Area M M M RLC RLC RLC RLC RLC BRD WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR Existing Aspen Trees to Remain (ver.) Existing Boulders to Remain Fire Pit Native Grass Mix to Match Existing Grasses All Disturbed Areas 600 s.f. 1 Gal. Sod 1,500 Sq. Ft. Native Yellow Potentilla Redtwig Dogwood 6 1 Potentilla fruticosa #10 Native Pink Rose 8Rosa woodsiiWR #5 #5 BRD Cornus stolonifera 'Baileyi' Red Lake Currant 8 #5Ribes rubrum 'Red Lake' RLC M Quaking Aspen Montgomery Spruce Colorado Blue Spruce 3 10 Gal. 1 Picea pungens Relocated From Site D w a r f 6 3" Cal. Plant Schedule Common Name Scientific Name Count Size Symbol T r e e sPopulus tremuloides Picea pungens 'Montgomery'E v e r g r e e n sS h r u b s Pinon Pine 14Pinus edulis 10' Ht. Maiden Grass 15G Miscanthus sininsis 'Gracillimus' 1 Gal. Mixed Perennials to be Colorado native Planting Notes 1. The Planting Plan is diagramatic; all plant locations are approximate. Quantities on the Plan take precedence over the quantities represented in the Plant Legend. Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect should any discrepancies arise regarding quantities. 2. Landscape Contractor shall apply an organic contact herbicide where weeds are present prior to commencement of any planting or irrigation work. Weeds shall be allowed to completely die back, including their roots, prior to beginning work. 3. Plants shall exhibit healthy growth and be free of diseases and pests. 4. Prior to planting, the irrigation system shall be fully operational and planting areas shall be moistened. 5. All plant material shall be placed in pits having a minimum diameter of 150% of the plant's total root ball or container volume. 6. Perennial beds shall be backfilled with a ratio of 3:1 topsoil and compost to a depth of 8". 7. Trees and shrubs shall be planted with the root collar 2" minimum above finish grade. 8. Trees shall be free of twine or other binding material from its root ball and crown. All burlap and other binding shall be pealed back to a minimum of 13 from the top of its crown prior to backfilling. 9. All shrub beds and tree wells shall be mulched with 2" minimum shredded hardwood bark mulch. Perennial planting beds shall be top-dressed with 1" compost. 10. All deciduous and evergreen trees greater than 16' ht. shall be staked with 5' steel T-posts and guyed with 12-guage galvanized wire and 1.5" wide nylon tree straps. Stakes shall be removed 3 years from the date of installation unless otherwise approved by the Landscape Architect or Owner. 11. All trees shall receive a 4" "earthen saucer" at their base. Saucers shall be provided on the downhill side if planting is on a sloped site. 12. All newly planted trees and shrubs shall be fertilized at the time of planting with Biosol Mix, all-purpose fertilizer at the manufacturer's recommendation. 13. Unless noted on the drawings or specifications, all planting beds shall be separated from native grass and sod areas by steel or composite edging. All sod areas shall be separated from planting areas with edging. Steel edging shall be 18"x4" galvanized steel roll top, tacked in place with 12" edging pins spaced evenly, three per 10' of edging. Overlap edging by 14" and secure overlapping with three pins. Edging shall not protrude above surrounding grade by more than 14". 14. All planting shall occur during the normal growing season. No planting shall occur during inclement or freezing weather. 15. Landscape Contractor shall supply and distribute compost to the site. Topsoil native to the site is preferable. If topsoil is needed from off-site, the topsoil and compost are to be approved by the Owner and Landscape Architect prior to delivery. Till 6" topsoil and 2" compost and top-dress with 1" compost for all perennial beds. Spread topsoil to a depth of 4" to establish turf areas, shrub beds, and trees. A depth of 2" for all disturbed areas to receive native revegetation. Scarify the existing soil surface prior to the addition of topsoil to form an adequate bond. For finish grading, soil surface should be a loose, moist surface. Planting shall occur within 10 days of surface preparation. 16. Contractor is responsible for the preservation of existing landscaped areas. Damage incurred shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. 17. All seeded areas shall receive 10-5-5 organic fertilizer. 18. A 15-foot defensible space for fire mitigation is required around any built element of the home. If an evergreen is planted within this space, it will be considered an extension of the home and the 15' nzone shall extend from the outer crown of that tree. No clusters of evergreens are allowed within this zone. All evergreen planting within the secondary zone (between 15'-75' from the home or structures) shall be planted with a minimum of 10'n between the crown of individual or cluster of proposed trees or existing trees. A cluster of proposed evergreens shall not exceed 3 trees within the secondary zone.P.O. Box 1871 Avon Colorado 81620(970) 390-6550 ric@fieldscape.netc Issue Date Sheet: Of: six L-3Preliminary Planting PlanThe Olson ResidenceLot 6, Second Amendment to the Lia Zneimer Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, ColoradoCopyright Fieldscape Incorporated All Rights Reserved This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Fieldscape Incorporated and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of Ric Fields D.R.B. July 18, '17 Scale: 1"=10'-0" NorthPlanting Plan DRB/Permit Feb. 12, '18 04/16/18 Bui l di ng Envelope Existing Residence Dining Room Deck Sun Deck Entry Bridg e 82108210 Hot Tub Dining Terrace Garage Nort h El evati o n 601 Provide H.T. outlet per local codes 15" treads (typ.) 5'-9" 2'-3" 11'-5"21' -9" 2' -0 " 20" 20 "10'-8"20" 5'-7"12'-6" (ver ify)4" ( t yp.) 7'-6" (ve rif y )6' -0 "6' -0 " 3' -0 " 3' -7" 7"15" Hot Springs "Grandee" set on heated stone paving Seatwall Section504 3' -10 " 5'-0 " 7'-7" r. 3'-11" r.18 " 6"22"15"(typ.)9' -6 " 6"4'-9"3'-1 1 "3' -11" 3' -10 " 5' -0"18" 2'-0"23' -9 " Fire Pit: 45" dia. copper fire bowl with automatic ignition, set within a 3-4" dia. cobble bed. Dubai model by FlameCreations. 10'-10" 6'-0" 11'-1" 7'-3" 7'-8" 24'-0" 3'-0" 7'-6" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4 '-0" 15" treads (typ.) 15" treads (typ.) Log Rail (see elevation, sheet L-?) 8'-0"45"14"6'-4" 8" FX Luminaire Recessed Wall Light LF-1LED-FB4 Lighting Schedule Qty. Sym. Manufacturer Description Model Number B-K Lighting 15 Pathway Light: Staff Star Denali style C Staff Star Solid State Power of E with 45d. shroud to comply with Dark Sky SF-30-L-DE-LED-x60-WFL-BLP-9-11-A-HP2INC-MT P.O. Box 1871 Avon Colorado 81620(970) 390-6550 ric@fieldscape.netc Issue Date Sheet: Of: five L-4Layout/Lighting PlanThe Olson ResidenceLot 6, Second Amendment to the Lia Zneimer Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, ColoradoCopyright Fieldscape Incorporated All Rights Reserved This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Fieldscape Incorporated and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of Ric Fields D.R.B. July 18, '17 Scale: 14"=1'-0"NorthLayout/Lighting Plan Rev. Aug. 24, '17 DRB/Permit Feb. 12, '18 04/16/18 2'-6"1'-6" 1'-6" 6" 1'-6" Stone veneer to match house stone 3" Stone Cap Swale Finish Grade Stone back, ground smooth to eliminate all rough edges. Grout to smooth transitions between stone veneer. 3" Concrete Seat 1% 12" eased edge Concrete slab. Refer to Structural details. 15" Min. See Plan 1/2" 7"Adjacent Pavement. 95% Compacted Subgrade Mortar setting bed. Single stone tread (entire step width) Note: 1. Slope each tread away at 2% from riser. 2. Layout Plan refers to riser to riser, not overhang. 2-2 1 2" New Mexico Buff sandstone treads and risers. Infield stone shall be New Mexico Buff sandstone in a random pattern. Tie concrete slabs as described by Structural Engineer. 4 1 2" d. Top and Bottom Rail Log with tenon joinery to Posts 3"2 1 2" d. Log Pickets with tenon joinery to top and bottom rails 8" d. Log Posts with a 1" bevel 3"38"Handrail Section 502Note: 1. Stain to match house log stain. 2. Logs to match existing house log material and pattern. See Sheet L-1 for image.37.5"(typ.)Stone Steps: New Mexico Buff single treads with New Mexico Buff risers on concrete and mortar setting. 1 12" Projection maximum 3 12" Log Post beyond Log post secured by knife plate, doweled into the concrete slab Top Rail 1 12" d. Log Handrail 3"Bottom Rail 36"Finish Grade Finish Grade P.O. Box 1871 Avon Colorado 81620(970) 390-6550 ric@fieldscape.netc Issue Date Sheet: Of: six L-5Site DetailsThe Olson ResidenceLot 6, Second Amendment to the Lia Zneimer Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, ColoradoCopyright Fieldscape Incorporated All Rights Reserved This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Fieldscape Incorporated and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of Ric Fields D.R.B. July 18, '17 Stair Section 1"=1'-0"503 Pricing Aug. 11, '17 Log Rail Elevation 3/4"=1'-0"501 Log Rail Section 3/4"=1'-0"502 Seatwall Section 3/4"=1'-0" 504 DRB/Permit Feb. 12, '18 04/16/18 T.O.W. 16.0' T.O.W. 18.0' T.O.W. 19.5' B.O.S. 14.8' Site Walls at the Front Door 20 18 16 12 10 22 24 26 28 T.O.W. 27.0' T.O.W. 18.0' T.O.W. 19.5' T.O.W. 16.52' 14 Landing El. 20.0' Fire Pit Seatwall Stepped concrete walls with stone veneer to match the house stone and 3" stone cap with a 1 2" overhang all sides. No wall shall exceed 6' in height. See Sheet L-1 for house stone images. Steps beyond Fire Bowl Hot Springs Grandee Finish Grade P.O. Box 1871 Avon Colorado 81620(970) 390-6550 ric@fieldscape.netc Issue Date Sheet: Of: six L-6Site DetailsThe Olson ResidenceLot 6, Second Amendment to the Lia Zneimer Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, ColoradoCopyright Fieldscape Incorporated All Rights Reserved This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Fieldscape Incorporated and is not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of Ric Fields D.R.B. July 18, '17 Pricing Aug. 11, '17 North Elevation 3/8"=1'-0"601 DRB/Permit Feb. 12, '18 04/16/18