HomeMy WebLinkAbout4512 Streamside Circle - Joint Property Approval 101818.pdfFrom:Jeff Long
To:Chris Neubecker
Cc:Quay Bartek; Jeff Long; Jason Kleinert
Subject:RE: 4512 Streamside Circle - windows
Date:Wednesday, October 17, 2018 9:08:10 PM
Chris –
My wife Kim and I own both sides of the duplex. This email shall serve as our approval to replace the
windows in the east unit. The windows being replaced match those we replaced in the west unit
two years ago. You were kind enough two years ago to help me navigate through the design review
process on several items. You were initially concerned the DRB wouldn’t approve our window
selection since they weren’t the exact color as our neighbors. The DRB did a field trip to our home
to look at the proposed color (bronze) compared to our neighbors (dark green). The DRB ruled that
the color difference was minor and approved our request.
We are replacing all single pane windows in the east unit with energy efficient windows that match
the west unit. All windows in the front of the house are being replaced so visually from the street all
windows for both sides of the duplex will match. Existing double pane windows on the sides of the
house are not being replaced. With the color difference so minor (as evidenced by DRB approval
two years ago) we are ok with leaving the existing double pane windows their current green color
and are requesting your approval.
Thank you
Jeff Long
Chairman of the Board | Mobile: (303) 478-7483
Tel: (303) 975-2150 | jlong@long.com
From: Jason Kleinert <jason@rlkmanagement.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 11:23 AM
To: Chris Neubecker <CNeubecker@vailgov.com>
Cc: Quay Bartek <quay@rlkmanagement.com>; Jeff Long <jlong@long.com>
Subject: Re: 4512 Streamside Circle - windows
Quay, can you please elaborate a bit on existing windows (see below).
Also, Jeff can authorize the work in this email chain please. Thank you!
On Oct 17, 2018, at 9:10 AM, Chris Neubecker <CNeubecker@vailgov.com> wrote:
How will the old windows (that remain) be made to look like the new windows? Will they be painted,
or are they currently the same color as the new windows?
Also, we will need a letter from the owner of the west unit. This is required since they are technically
different owners (Happy Place LLC, and Happy Place Too, LLC). Could you have Jeff Long write a
short email to you, or to me, indicating approval?
Chris Neubecker
Planning ManagerCommunity Development Department
<image001.png> <image002.jpg>
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Office: 970.479.2148
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From: Jason Kleinert [mailto:jason@rlkmanagement.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 9:49 AMTo: Chris NeubeckerSubject: Re: 4512 Streamside Circle - windows
Hi Chris, there are a couple/few windows that will be left as is. They are indicated on a few pages of
the submittal. Do you want me to clarify that? The new windows will definitely match adjacent unit.
The adjacent unit is Owned by same Owner. One Duplex, now has one Owner.
Thank you,
Jason Kleinert
Principal - RLK Management
On Oct 16, 2018, at 7:58 PM, Chris Neubecker <CNeubecker@vailgov.com> wrote:
Hi Jason,
I am reviewing the application to replace the windows at 4512 Streamside Circle. Can you tell me if
all of the windows on this duplex unit will be replaced? Are there any windows on this duplex unit
that will not be changed? And can you confirm that the new windows will match the adjacent unit in
design and window color?
Thank you,
Chris Neubecker
Planning ManagerCommunity Development Department
<image001.png> <image002.jpg>
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Office: 970.479.2148
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