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o. .a. ec • _ fico Worldwide Sall' www.tyco fi x,43 Fire Protection Contacts J-112 10 Products • Vail Fire&Emer ency Services nan7i17 RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Sprinklers 4.4 K-factor Horizontal Sidewall Wet Pipe Systems General which the pipe nipples to the sprinklers must be cut. Description The Series LFII Residential Sprinklers has been designed with heat sensitivity The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series and water distribution characteristics LFI! Residential Horizontal Sidewall proven to help in the control of residen- ' Sprinklers (TY2334) are decorative, tial fires and to improve the chance for Ir fast response,frangible bulb sprinklers occupants to escape or be evacuated. designed for use in residential occu- -.., '1 lie pancies such as homes, apartments, NOTICE '• ' dormitories,and hotels.When aesthet- The Series LFI!Residential Horizontal r ice and optimized flow characteristics Sidewall Sprinklers(TY2334)described are the major consideration,the Series herein must be installed and main- LFII Residential Sprinklers (TY2334) tained in compliance with this docu- should be the first choice. ment and with the applicable standards The Series LFII Residential Sprinklers of the National Fire Protection Associa- are intended for use in the following tion,in addition to the standards of any scenarios: authorities having jurisdiction. Failure • wet pipe residential sprinkler sys to do so may impair the performance terns for one-and two-family dwell- ings and mobile homes per NFPA The owner is responsible for maintain- 13D ing their fire protection system and a • wet pipe residential sprinkler sys devices in proper operating condition. terns for residential occupancies upThe installing contractor or sprinkler tyr / -'4 1 e ; p manufacturer should be contacted with 1 " to and including four stories in height per NFPA 13R any questions. , • wet pipe sprinkler systems for the residential portions of any occu- - Sprinkler pancy per NFPA 13 Identification The recessed version of the Series Number (SIN) LFII Residential Sprinklers is intendndedd for use in areas with finished walls. It • employs a two-piece Style 20 RecessedTY2334 Escutcheon. The Recessed Escutch- NSF eon provides 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of Technical • recessed adjustment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm)of total adjustment from the Data Kw ass, flush mounting surface position. The Temperature Rating adjustment provided by the Recessed Approvals 155°F(68°C)or 175°F(79°C) Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to UL and C-UL Listed Certified to all requirements of Finishes NSF/ANSI 61 Natural Brass,Signal White,or Chrome Plated IMPORTANT (Refer to the Design Criteria section for Physical Characteristics Always refer to Technical Data details on these approvals.) Frame Brass Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER Maximum Working Pressure Button Bronze WARNING" that provides cautionsMaximum 175 psi(12,1 bar) Sealing Assembly. Beryllium Nickel WI TEFLON with respect to handling and instal- Bulb 3 mm Glass lation of sprinkler systems and corn- Discharge Coefficient Compression Screw Bronze ponents. Improper handling and K.4.4 GPM/psitre(63,4 LPM/bart12) Deflector Copper installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its cornpo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 6 JANUARY 2016 TFP412 7 ..4"1.1 . ' 41*15 TFP412 a. Page 2 of 6 ir Components: WRENCH j-11401.1 1' T FLATS 1 - Frame ��i 0l1l11�ly(f���� WRENCH 2 Button ■ !!IpnI11k1111111l11I!IEI{III FLATS I Vail Fire Emer• ncy Services 3 - Sealing - DIMON Ir.,. 09/22/17 Assembly DEFLECTORO 4 - Bulb `�� I{ 111111I11t1{I{I�� 1/2" NPT 5 - Compression ,�� 7/16"(11,1 mm) I�� t��`������ Screw ---�! NOMINAL S '� 1 2 7/8"©IA. 6 - Deflector* } 6* 5 4 2 ; MAKE-IN IM.. (73,0 mm) al: CENTERLINE *Temperature rating �nnm' , OF WATERWAY is indicated on top of Deflector. 7/16" 1 1 STYLE 20 (11,1 mm) RECESSED 1-1/2" ESCUTCHEON END-OF- (35,1 mm)� ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR 2-1/8" PLATE SEATING BOSS (54,0 mm)---.-- SURFACE RECESSED FIGURE 1 RAPID RESPONSE SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL AND RECESSED HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS(TY2334) 7/16±1/8" (11,1±3,2 mm) MOUNTING FACE OF WRENCH RECESS SURFACE SPRINKLER (END"A" USED FITTING FOR TY2334) TOP-OF- CLOSURE DEFLECTOR , rJ f-- FIGURE 3 1 TY2334 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH 1 2-7/8" DIA. ___- (73,0 mm) Iii: - 11 j 1��� yy� 2-1/4"DIA. RECESS ! r 11 (57,2 mm) 7/16" - I /1/0 (11,1 mm) i`I -- f MOUNTING t M! ,pkitiri - PLATE END-OF .401141 - DEFLECTOR1/8" BOSS (3,2 mm) PUSH WRENCH 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) 1/2"(12,7 mm) IN TO ENSURE �~ ENGAGEMENT 1"(25,4 mm) 1/4"(6,4 mm) WITH SPRINKLER FIGURE 2 WRENCHING AREA STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON FIGURE 4 FOR USE WITH THE RAPID RESPONSE SERIES LFII W-TYPE 7 RECESSED RESIDENTIAL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLER(TY2334) SPRINKLER WRENCH