HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 53 COLDSTREAM UNIT 40 LEGAL.pdf6aru*W'llt4e ff"un-}, Ut az Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: KOELBELRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8050354 Project DescripUon: '2s0 ADDmON' (122 SQ.FT.) Pardcipants: owNER KOELBEL, SHERRILL S. O:..72OI2OO5 5291 E YALE AVE .DENVER co 80222 APPUCAI,IT AKER ARCHITECTS-KIRK AKER 07/2012005 Phone: 970-925-6690 PO BOX 2762 EDWARDS co 81632 ProjectAddressr 1476WESTHAVEN DRVAIL LocaUon: CoTDSTREAM CONDOT UNIT 40 Legal Description: Loh 53 Block: Subdivislon: COLDSTRFAM CONDO Parcel Number: 21O3-121-0804-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:08/10/2005 Condltions: @nd:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007420 Town of Vail Fire Department approval is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO,OO r0t4,Nm Apptication for Design n ri"ndt-a- #4' Department of Community Development 75 South Ftontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnformatlon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Pl€ase refer to the submittal requirernents for the particular approval that is requ€sted. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all r€quired information b received by the Cornmunity D€velopmont Dopartment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Aanning and Envlronmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unloss a buildlng permit is lssued and conslructlon commences within one yoar of the approval' 6l@l{ -+Fowner(s) signaru re(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee:. Signs . Concaotual Review Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request h $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area.k;;;";;,,;;;,",,,, n16 .72U.b6 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or $250 mmmercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiors). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, sudt as, rermfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the D€sign Review Board. No Fee 3rl o w Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: a.AYtr_ For Office-p;gpt8: Fee paid: oZ_ Ched! l,l*tins o"t", _F:Q- 95 ^o., !4L ,r, Page 1 of 12lo4l0'llM JIJL-IA-2993 ga=42 Pn Ju.l lE OS 02:06p KOELBEL |(lPk hkrF firohllectrr lnc 50376 19955 t9?0) 926-c6t{ P. 02 p.2 D.oedftn ot coilruil! Dr€bpm.il 75 goLrll F|t'ntto fra.l VJ, Cdo.S 31t51 bl: 070.a7e.21s l,.J,': 9ro.f'0.2&r-: trx,El bcY.dtl Addnrr + t'att +;rnrrtr! BtJnrru rr{rl r Uailtnr Addrce*: tioi 'E ii.'L i' 'u-nil<. ':-. t-z * l+ + -' Prmni: -.-{11,p- .2 fl-Q- . O Aao ri.-.-,i' rr.r-. .-. i. - l, -,. ,.' -? *r,..., :t ra.; ir'-!= - r-=... ei-!21 '1i2 i."..:'/-AqL d5lvr\ t:rpg nr llBvruw urat FI9; ' srona . ..,v..,Gl.ieo; ; ac--- YA$-#*' Appllcatlon for D*lgn Revlcw G.||...l loto?rnrtlon: Al p|DJd tqurhg d.d$ rirLr, fird rFalf, |9D.u/rl Fr,ld b .tlmfilry r bi/fitt[ F.rrn[ applatol' nbD ffit lo lh. rarlfrrl nq&afffi fo' tha DadluF fFDd lhrt b 'qt/G*d. Ar rB&dct tot D..bn &\rl!s c.|rtDt ba qil un0l dt nxulDd mrr.tb b lnhnd by ha cq|lmunlv brSgmnt o|Fflyrant. ft. D|tidt my .lo nd bb illd byfia?flt ArUlr$/o, tL FEilhg rd En honmrrd Cdr|8m. D..lon |lvlcf .pg.or|l Lt-. unla- a H|.|tc F nll L lrLrt rd ortncdon conr't|.l|Car ultliln cr Fr cf th. urovrl hsfprbnorrh.n qurr trJ"d..JJil; A- t& a.1:- '.*t-t*rr.r-t, -,- Blocl: s,-,**;U+L6l; - , pmc.f eodfr.., 1416 t,r.4luar.,^.f :-fu-- prrd rfo.: ?lo?l2;l O-&*:)- (cont*t ErCt Co. Amr .t e7o-3:t8-8640 for pet€l no.) ltrrno(rt o0 orrrr(rlr €haffilll:--Cauc) lSffAlh.rtito if ?r|lh-|!|'.;lv/+'r'In||'.i-.1! )!u lnl9 | |,uJ rrcr :qu8rE lDo! n' bt!! €rgn cr.r. FOf COmSlJCtrOn Cr : ':9W BUlstE Or Olmg/raDudt. ":'j'::''"':' iifi., tir mnnr r':n*vrn-rn |r rlnrJ[ i'rr| lt!! |lt!frrt |nerrti ilrJt fG ,Fr.$liF !. $Miil!4. wlnqllt a,jdtienf, iarigtalrA. !a'!Cg-. -rtU relliltina wrr$, llt:. i.all ? ..--. . , i-. ,: i--|!.r.,,- , . . . ! j : . -- : .. .. . . - ... ... : \,rEn-oG (o r.oortwo I ttfr; ..-..i{^-'li-t'.', nl3. .ic-lzu J o? rcH3oi\i ir'i O:ini :iini"'irri ;rFFvr,v6d '6rln'. r. r.ta./. ry Y|.lnnlnd lii,-';t f,f ii,'i l tuii' r*n ih.: I D4,i?:'l f.i.-a : ir,h?tttt! l*t: r4r:rl-.rl, p€r/frollz04,Dlrc{' TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement *+***{"}*+*****at'}l**f**+*ft++f*t**+*lltf+++*tt'}++rlf'}tt*****aft*t**+++**+af*'}f**++****+|'+*** Statenent Number: R050001111 Amount: $300.00 O7/20/2OO5O3:40 PM Palment Method: check Init: iIS Nouation: 1534,/AKER ARCHITEqTS Permit No: DR8050354 Tl4)e: DRB - Addttion of GRFA Parcel No: 2!O3-12L-O804-7 Site AddreE6: 1476 YIESTIIAVEN DR VAIL IJocation: COLDSTREiAI,I CONDOS , t NIT 4 0 ThiE Palment: $300.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM UST: Accorrnt Code Deacription DR OO1OOOO3LI22OO DESIGN RTVIEW FEES Total FeeE: 5300.00 Total AIJIJ Pmta : S3 00 . 00 Balance: $0.00 Current Pmts 300.00 VAtL CASCADE C ON DOMI N IU M5 July 19,2005 Community DeveloPment Town of Vail 108 S.Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 To Whom ltMayConcern: The coldsheam condominium Association has approved the remodeling plans for coldstream 39 and coldstream 40 as presented in the enclosed materials. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance' 1476 W6tharren Dtit€'Vail, Colorado 81657 970.476.6106 ' 8@'543'4801 'fax 970.476.4946 General Manager Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Itateraal Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fecia Soffits \Mndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flmhing Chimnep Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: N* U""J A\t.*,^ ' c, lo J ( P"zir I t'[*^l-t F"<.,nJ" A\u".. cl"J (Pczzi) 4w Vr {4. tl.Ac t$* f^tl k -,-LL Jj' *^U..a y"r l.k on 'l* (IrA Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. V\tu[t" eaprJr,^r" \-J 5 lli wv .Ll Page 6 of 12104101|0d. *rr* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 28, 2005 Kirk Aker PO Box2762 Edwards. CO 81632 RE: Kaufman Residence - 1476 Westhave Drive, Unit 39/Coldstream Condominiums Koelbel Residence - 1476 Westhave Drive. Unit 4olColdstream Condominiums Dear Kirk, The Town Staff has preliminarily reviewed the design review applications for the proposed additions to the Kaufman and Koelbel residences at Coldstream Condominiums. The following additional items must be submitted to complete these applications and to clarify the proposal: 1. Title reports, schedules A and B 2. An existing and proposed site plan. 3. An existing and proposed landscape plan. 4. An existing and proposed roof plan. 5. Fully dimensioned elevation plans. 6. One set of fully-dimensioned floor plans "redJined" indicating how the proposed gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 7. A proposed exterior lighting plan and fixture cut-sheets. 8. A written description demonstrating conformance to the "Coldstream Condominiums Design Guidelines and Standards." lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, '4t> Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail Enclosure: Coldstream Condominiums Desion Guidelines and Standards fp 1".""r", t t"" r,T1 *7*Jt*.er | | | architects Augrst 3,2005 Mr. Bill Gibson AICP Town Planner Town ofVail 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Response for additional information on Unit 39 & 40 Coldstream Condominiums Dear Bill: Please find attached documents relating to each of the E items you requested as further information to the requested application from your letter dated July 28, 2005. Sincerely, KirkAker, NCARB Aker Architects 0210 Edwards Mllage Blvd, A203 . P OBox2762 . Edwards, CO 81632 . 970.926.6690 . 970.926.6694 fax fffJnrcr I I t architects CONCERNING ITEM 1. TITLE REPORTS, SCIIEDULES A AND iB. Please find attached the Schedules A and B for units 39 & 4L,Coldsueasr Condominiums. 0210 Edwards Mltage Blvd, 4203 . P O Box 2762 . Edwards, CO 81632 . 970.926.e690 ' 970.926.6694 fax Form AO/CHI Order No. V259190 SCHEDI'LE A 1. Poliey Date: November 0 2, Name of Insured: JAl"lES M. KAUFMAN , TRUSTEE 3. The estate or interest in Address UNIT 39 COT,DSTREAI"|II , L997 at 5:00 P.M. e l-and described in policy is:this Schedule st covered by Ehis policy at the policy is situated in EAGI-,E cribed as follows: ING I]NTT 101 COLDSTREAM EONDOMINIUM MAP, RECORDED AT PAGE 725 A}ID ACCORDING TO Policy No. CTEU259190 Amount. $435,000.00 THE 299 AT PH and AFe ch imp Ih rF I I r.hi is covered by 1e whi eS Tit1e to the estace or intse dat,e hereof is vest.ed in: JAMES M. ICAUFMAN , TRUSTEE The land referred to in thi Countsy, Colorado, and j.s de CONDOMINIIJM UNIT 39 AI\ID CONDOMINIUMS, ACCORDING JAIIUARY 2, 1980 rN BOOK CONDOMINIT'M MAP PT{ASE II PAGE 544, AND AS DBFINED RECORDED ,'AI{UARY 2, 1980 SUPPI,EMENTED BY SUP MARCH 3, 1980 rN BOOK 299 OF COLOR.ADO. RDED MARCH 3, 1980 IN BOOK THE CONDOMINITJ}4 DECLARA'TION BOOK 295 AT PAGE 724, AS CONDOMINIUM DECi.,,ARATION REEORDED PAGE 543, COUMIY OF EAGLE, STATE COMPAIfI Schedule B is attached. 5. IJAND TITIJE] GUARANTEtr Poliey wal[d only if I I P TO 296 RE Page This Form Ao/cHf ].0. UTILITY EASEMENT AS INSTRUMENT RECORDED : Order Np. V2591-90 Policy No. CT8U259190 .l SCHEDUI,E B 2. This policy does noE insure against loss or damage (and Ehe Company will iroe ply costs, atgorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: General Exceptions: 1.Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. EncroachmenEs, overlaps, boundary i-ine disputes, or other matsters which would be disclosed by an accuraue survey and inspectsion of tshe premises.. Easements, or claims of easlements, noE shown by the public records. Any Iien, or righE Eo a lien, for services, labor, or material he-retofore or hereafler furnished, imposed by 1aw and noE shown by Ehe public records. 5. 1997 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR EAYABLE AND ASSESSMET'TTS NOT YET CERTTFIED TO THE 5. TREASIIRERS OFFICE. 6. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE }IIS ORE TTIEREFROM SHOULD THE SA}48 BE FOU}ID TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMbET 29, 1920, IN BOOK 93 AT P.AGE 42 AI\TD F.ECORDED AUQUST 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542 A}TD RECORDED OCTOBER 2, 1946 rN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 405. RIGITT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANA],S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Augl|llst, 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542 , RESERVATION AS To THE NORTr{WEST 1/4 SOUTHEAST 1-l4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 aouTi, RANGE 8i. wEST oF TH$ RIGHT oF THE lrNrrED srATEs, rrs PERMTTTEE oR L,rcENiEE, To ENTER uPoN ocfuPY AI{D USE Ar{Y PART oF ALL oF sArD LAND FoR THE plrRpOSES pROVIDED IN TIiE ACT OF JUNE 10, L92O (41 STAT. 1053), AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2, 1946 IN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 405' RESTRICTTVE COVENA}ITS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE' BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IIF A}IY, BASED ON RACE' COLOR' RELIGION' OR NATTONAL ORIGIN, AS COI{TAIfino rW INSTRUMENT RECORDED Apri} 04, 1978, IN BOOK 258 AT pAeE 698 AS AMFNDED BY INSTRLIMEMT RECORDED MAY 2, 1990 IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE 154. ' TO HOIJY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN 15. T978, IN BOOK 292 AT PAGE 792' t,, t- Page Form AO,/CHI Order No. V259190 SCHEDUIJE B Policy No. CT8U259190 1I. TWENTY FOOT SET BA.CK EASEME}ilT AS SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINIT'M MAP RECORDED JANUARA 2, 1980 IN BOOK 296 AT PAGE 725, AND CONDOMINIUM MAP PHASE IT RECORDED MARCH 3, 1980 IN BOOK 299 AT PAGE 544. 12. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENAT'IIS AND CONDITfONS, EASEMEIiTIS, Al$D RESTRICTfONS, WHICH ARE A BIJRDEN TO TI{E CONDOIqINIT]M UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS COTqIAINED IN INSTRUMEIflT RECORDED January 20, 1980, IN BOOK 296 AT PAGE ?24 AND AS AJ4EIIDED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED MATCh 03, 1-980, IN BOOK 299 AT PAGE 543. 13. DRAINAGE EASEME}ff AS SHOWN ON :rHE CONDOMINIUM MAP PHASE II RECORDED MARCH 3, 1980 IN BOOK 277 AT PAGE 544 ].4 . EXISTING LEASES A}ID TENANCIES. ITEM NOS. l THROUGH 3 OF TTIE GENERAL EXCBPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAI' EXCEPTIONS IS DEI-,ETED Ag TO AI{Y I-,IENS RESUL,TING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL COIITRACTED F'OR OR FIJRNISHED AT TI{E REOUEST OF ROBERT R. SHORT. cHICAcO TrTLE INSURANCE COMPANY SIIALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY i,IENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAI FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF JAI\'IES M. KAUFMAN , TRUSTEE. Page 3 ATNIOWNBR'S POUCT !frnwwaA Maltwtfur: 96ot37ot-c:2 P{,fqiloJ ugtot't2azt DacdPotlcl: Stnutrlt a?t 1997 .t zrt? p.t. 'lnwnofhtwtittu: $ 6oorooo.oo I. Ifurrc$Iuttd: ftIttB I. ROlfJ,Eil. tR. .nd SEBRRILIT 8. XOELBAL 2, n?r ME ar httrrttst rn dr. Iad wlfir ls M hy ihlt pdcy b: EEA StgPLE 3. TAII to tle e8& or htcrcs ln rte bt d ls wstd ,rr 4. TrE tarut rcfuren b b ilils ad{tct ls &scrllrd u frlo*r: €|'a !trrrt..'|'tt tr.,Alt. nI,gc.ttprrr',fr ao -.44 € !l io+ric .!r O bl o!qqtl Er .Gl r\ g I f\S .*lt or O o O-t ,.o{ gl (D '.1 rE \E ttl h A. r')O.tU nl Q$€ t {'} \OlO g qrntl h o o ron ..t lr{l!o!t +r o o qQ 6 qkn ! '{d {o r IEOOtr o.€ rrOh .'l ! ao +,()oo u !t (I!cco N lr .r{'il k t ot s o U h re a Ffl889 q b6r| a O *r h_ t{q O t- l! 'tr \|!t'{ = lt O EN-{orar rli & O\o !l q' UroU -t = Aor Ct \ O o\.tl !l l5 €.\€'ek6.'.h rJ W Qri 6 +r A ?a O{ orsFt.O a; I\l ..t o Q.ul e n o D * O -o.oor.a +rl h lra : bQt-rbt L) { E OC.6 ,X :{sF-.!Eq9 - lf p.>tt-ooo.'{E tI b-'l-!:r{o . 83S.3 Blr (, or E O t l-O'{6irO'{OurO!t.J!| EC \ aE Q. t O 3*8E35lu b \ O '"1 \ r\ H \ O !( {t a\. tn Q Ot\-n{ oE!C!t'-{H3+JQkF{rDh..{ tc {!F) oE c u B|arotto {o!o{Jq c I H..tQ\rrvoEor o h.q *CE tro loh rla a bbotbroQ.a{o t'c r\ uoE o .{J € {r rvr tor !'{oEl+r $ r{c F{ Ogtr|lql iO (() H.'{rCOknnlE +tE L \o Er(HUO&COor O Ot or HT.EOO '.{ -'lq {, C C I 6 Fr h U .1r E {r N lJ q '{:. oab: rt.! o Q. oc tih i S"StEqEEtnt S:€ 858i5R8&8;8 8E E s 6 ALTA OWNER'S PTOLICY SCIIEDAI.A B Ordcr Number: 9607378 1-c2 Policy No. : o- s7 o I - 3 2 4 2 2 Ihfu polity does tnt iwun agairct loss or damage (at d tlv @Wany wtll rut pcy coflts, atornets'lea or eryases) which arlse by reason of: 1. Rigftrs or claims of pantcs ln posscsslan, no, slnvat @ the public records. 2. Easemznts, or claims of easen;unts, ttot slown by tlu publlc rccords. 3. Dkcrepancles, cotlflicts tn bomdary lbus. shonage ln area, encroa.hflcnts, .and any 'f.ans which a mrrect surwj and iaspcction of the prenrises ++ould disclose and wttid, arc rnt slwwn by the publlc reconls- 4. Any llen, or right to a lien, for semices, labor or nanrial horero;fore or lurea$er fitntshed, imposed by law and rct slnwn by tlu public records. 5. unpatefied mhing clalnx; nesenoltons or exceptlons ta puents ' or a" act awhorElng the lssuance thcreoJ: wuer rtghts, dains or tltlc to water. 6. Any and a7l unpal-d taxes and asaesaments and untcdcened tax stles' 7. ''ihe eflect ot incluet-ons Ln any genetal ot specttic vatat consetvancy 1 fitc protection. goif eonscrvatTon ot oXher distrl"ct ot Lncluslon in any vaXet scrvl-ce ot gttcat tmProvefrrant araa. 8. R€s€reaelorg Ot exceptLons in Pat'.ntB, ot in ActE aathotizing the iasuance thereot, ineludlng tDa rerervat ion of a tLght of way for dixches or eandls conatnucX.d by th. autltotlty ot Xhe Anited State', ag raserved ln Anited States Prtent tecorded Decefl,ber 29, 1920 ln Book 93 aX P.gc 42 d'ld recorded OcXober 2' 1916 it Book 132 ax P^ge 405. 9. ReserveXiona es to trre w1/1s81/1 ot Section 12, Torrnship 5 South. 8,ange 81 llest ot the rLght of tha UnlXed SCates' lta pet',tttea ot Licenaee' Xo enter upon oceupy .rd use any Part of eil ot Eaiil Tand tor the putposes ptovided in tl6 tct ot Jun€ 10, 1g2O (41 SnAX. 7063), .8 reserved in the P€tarzt tecotded ocxober 2, 1946 in Sook 132 at Page 105. 10. Reatricxive Covanants, vhl,eh do not conttlned e fotf€ltute ot rev€tX€t cLauae' as conXained in lnsxtament recotded N)ril, a, 1978 in Book 268 at Page 698 and as amdnd.ed by Nnendnent tecorded ,|dy 2, 199O in Book 528 ax Page 15{ as nec€ptJon No- 421315. 77. Uadatgtound tighX of uay ear,e,aadt gtantcd to flofy Crosa ELecttic Aaaoclazion 'Inc., recordcd ocxobar L6, L979 tn Book 292 dt Page 792. 72. tarms, conditions, resarvatjons, testrlctLons and obltEations aE ConXtined in xhe Condomlnium Declatatlon fot Coldsttcam recoriled J anuary 2. 1980 in Book 295 at page 721 as Recsptior, 19j117 aad SupplcaenXa! Declatation recotded ltarch 3, 1980 in Booh 299 et Pege 513 as Reeeptton No- 195933. contLnued on next page s ot rt .'l C E" 6 e.r, a.! O . -r l6U qSOor irO b!H()EF.tt - E{ ro 5.t) ro,{-r '.1 orO rlhE-r E-.|! &:'Oro 'fl qlUG E.t }lOAI .OOr. hAOo IrEro o tJi c! xo oco .r lo E!OOb ! IIO .'a q 4 r{."1 O il q \o ||€ a. q .r'Fr o.+! o.r llEqo lr! H50u qo {oto Oqor t(U E FaR "tEn a i! \Fr H n o { { b-' €rqo n&!ar \ aNo \rE nt t .\ll o Rro t rl {q!!r.{ lOC SOqO O Or ''l t Fr E!q I r o ot r \qo x o &o i 6 0 {J tr,l ! lr|or a O {,1 r{ ix \l (o q Nhk Q Oro r or Ea O'4 I or c! o! !.r O ll(\ -. tr dt\+r 4 'H lr.l { C'!a U \F{ {C.. OrO fr \o{ C O }t ''{ On ri'.{ o < ket tq q E\t rr ! E! < oo c q a'"r o b*!o'.|qlT { t E|J.r\ ok Oq A6O bOOol xlgoru+roo\5 *r O Fr O .lt \Fl to *l ! O.o Or\ {J r $rJ(o I {or U\rr nEin6 (, | '{ H ta&}Ito h\ { }.+rl.Q. r'E\q r.{ olq{ aOO(o! gsl 5X tr \ I.E l{ O-EO 68. Fr.A{o{ \bit taob rt F Q 'qq q tr -+r3 +Jt qor OA!!G- q o'ltro r.:l o o I O!Eor t r.r.lt q\ Eko-r olieh ''l O gOlt OCOO rr! lOe. Al.tU s-r !ooo EEro OO Ilk(,- ,{ ot-l h Uq di il ira ffi 4f*Jarc'! ! t architects CONCERNING ITEM 2. A}.I DilSTING A}ID PROPOSED SI]}, PLANI Please find attrcfrcd SHEET A0.l Orcmll rite plan forthe ColdCneam Condominiums and also SHEET A0.2 for larger scale site plans of exi*iog and proposed as it nNaes to the areo adjacent to units 39 & ,$0. 0210 Edwards Village Blvd, A2Og . P O 8ox2762. Edwards, CO 81632 . S70.926.6690 . 970.926.6694 fax t--1--+ I Al- t €T€Jr*er f I ! architects CONCERNING ITEM 3. AN EXISTING AND PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN. The Association is in the process of examining landscape improvements with LandDesigns by Ellision. However, they are not looking at extensive improvements and are not contemplating improvements to the creek side of the units. The concept at this point as it relates to the overall building improvements as well as the additions to 39 & 40 is for the landscaping to be restored to its original condition. Please refer to the attached existing pictures of Units 39 & 40 for documentation of existing landscape conditions. 0210EdwardsVillageBlvd,4203. PA8ox2762. Edwards,CO81632.970.926.6690.970.926.6694fax HH ffi$- [i:-+ii ''.i'-.'., 'i'' f ,1;iii;'i ''i 'J::..;.,. '.t,t -. -', .:i.u* j :r],"' r ,:*".;;i 'i:tl.', !-:,. :: ' . i.r f .::' .':.'ll.'.,''lii l.-r,':l: l 'tl -,j'if 'iil r,,1':l= ;fi'1 ;';':',i, ,r,.:...!ijll;t ''"',.o'o-'. , ,..i,,;iiii,'r, 'r1, l.;;;ri , :..1j. .;r]l:1:! i! i-. ,lli i.1 ji. ' .1r , !. t: t, l.l'ii;g l'-i;,:l j.il--t. rr:ll'': :''ri.. "r i:1._ i ,:. :: 1: ,.i:': li'I:l' #€Jt*.r,! | t architects CONCERNING I]EM 4. AhI EXISTING AND PROPOSED ROOF PLA}I Please find attached SHEET A0.3 for existing and proposed roof plans for units 39 & 40. j O210 Edwards Village Blvd, Azff! . P O Box2762 . Edvvards, CO 81632 . 970.926.6690 . 970.926.6694 fax L*r, fFfJAker | | I architects CONCERNING ITEM 5. FULLY DIMENSIONED ELEVATION PLANS Please find attached revised SHEET A3.0 for dimensioned elevations relating to the additions for units 39 &40. 0210 Edwards Mllage Blvd, A203 . P O 8ox 2762 ' Edwards, CO 81632 . 970.926.6690 . 970.926.6694 fax lif-t -lEEh! -,qrTJAKer f | | architects CONCERNING ITEM 6. *REDLINED" PROPOSED GRFA Please find *taohed redlined SHEETS A2.0 and A2.l indicating via redlines the areas of additional GRFA for units 39 & 40. 0210 Edwards Village Btvd, A2O3 . P O Box2762 . Edurards, CO 81632 '. 970.926.6690 . 970.926.6694 fax r,1-1 ffiiltxer ! | | architects CONCERNING ITEM 7: PROPOSED EXTERIOR LIGHTING Please find attached redlined SIIEET El.0 for exterior lighting locations as it relatcs to the additions to units 39 & 40. Note that these are lights requircd by the building code. The fixtures will march those chosen for the rest of the overall building imprcvements. 0210 Edwards Mllage Blvd, 4203 . P Q 8ox2762 . Edwards, C0 81632 ' 970.S26.6690 . 970.926.6694 fax Aker #i architects Coldstream Condominiums Units 39 & 40 Additions RE: CONCERNING ITEM 8: CONFORMANCE TO COLDSTREAM CONDOMINIUMS DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS Window Alignments l: New window and door sills and heads align with existing openings. New windows and doors match existing profiles (same window manufacturer is being used as the ongoing overall remodel) and has received the Associations DRB approval Window Alignments 2: Windows are designed to be generally in the vertical orientation as prescribed and has received the Associations DRB approval. Trim Alignments: Original trim is removed and the new construction conforms to existing conditions and has received the Associations DRB approval. Wall Alignments: Generally doesn't apply to these additions. View Corridors 1: These two additions do not extend beyond the combined units LCE and has received the Associations DRB approval. However, an iurangement to hade a minor amount of LCE between Units 39 & 40 is being executed. View Conidors 2: These two additions have been approved by all affected neighbors and have received the Associations DRB approval. Positive and Negative Space l: "Negative spaceo'is not being eliminated at either Unit 39 or 40. 0210EdwardsVillageBlvd.A203'POBox2762. Etiwards,COB1632.970.926.6690'970326.6694tux Positive and Negative Space 2: Not applicable to this addition as we are not infilling "negative space." Positive and Negative Space 3: While the deck on Unit 39 does not create a shadow line as "subconsciously" expected, it was discussed at length between the architect and the Coldstream Architectural Control Committee that as this condition "negative space"(deck) over "positive space" already existed that it was the best most conforming solution. The configuration has received the Associations DRB approval. Positive and Negative Space 4: Refer Back to "Positive and Negative Space 3" for further discussion. It was felt the desigr as approved by the Association DRB was in keeping with the original design intent as the existing deck on Unit 39 was over "positive space" with no overhang. Positive and Negative Space 5: Refer Back to "Positive and Negative Space 3" for funher discussion. We have created "positive space" in both Units 39 & 40 and while maintaining "negative space" (deck at 39). Positive and Negative Space 6: We are conforming to this standard in every instance. We have not lost any "negative space." And we have created "positive space" which is deemed an enhancement. In summary, this addition has been scrutinized and Approved by the Association Architectural Control Committee (indeed, one member of the Committee, Bill Pierce, wrote the standards). The additions have been examined by all neighbors and has received their approval. The additions have been approved by the Associations Board of Directors and have been approved. The Board of Directors has directed the property manager to write a letter of approval to the Town of Vail stating such approval (The Town of Vail is in receipt of this letter). Kirk Aker, NCARB Aker Architects