HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 53 COLDSTREAM UNIT 39 LEGAL.pdf6orta" W/La4*fir"*F , lafez DRB Number: DR8050355 Participants: OWNER JAMES M. KAUFMAN TRUSTEE O7I2OI2OO5 3405 DEEPHAVEN AVE WATZATA MN 55391 APPUCANT AKERARCHITECTS-KIRK AKER 07/2012005 Phone: 970-926-6690 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us TOI,[N Project Name: KAUFMAN RESIDENCE Project Description: "2s0 ADDmON" (137 SQ. FT.) PO BOX2762 EDWARDS co 81632 Project Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL COLDSTREAM CONDOS UNIT 39 Location: Legal Descriptaon: Lot:53 Block: Subdivision: COLDSTREAM CONDO Parcel Number: 2103-121-0803-9 Comments: Motaon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalr 08/10/2005 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans mai be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007421 Town of Vail Fire Department approval is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. h^g'*.' 4g1 ,*ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Plede refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Co.nmunity Developmont Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmentral Commission. Design revlew approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construclion commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal: Lot: J / Block: Subdivision: C2ldS-ftEG-a/r ^. .-l physicarAddress: 4fA f'f,lnsl-f.^.". pf . +SS X, parcel No.: 293l2l OLO-31- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) *Zoning: W Location of the Proposal: 3t9N - owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: . Signs . Conceptual Review Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:,a o tx Mairins Address: -fuj-fr-O-r=--EJrssre )1, a o $163T ..*,",,^aa;,1 ffi Type of Review and Fee: c2a6'\ Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approv€d Plans Separation Request $50 No Fee walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already appmved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fe H#[::ry cn*,No., J6]- ur,- Page 1 of 12104101104 FRd : yplaqSygp v\, rrC . u.r lJ FAX tD. i 957ffig,239++AlFl( HRaF Hrohigg6t,3. 166 Jul. 18 2@AS b5:25Pn P1 I I 7O I gac 6O!t4 p. t mhN Application for Design Review Depanmgn4 of Conmr.rniry Devebomenr 75 Sol'}) Fronrage Rd,, va[. coto.rdo g1€57 tol, 070.479.2130 t : 97O.aZ02dSa we5, vwr.vdlgoy corn D.sc ?tpr to n or th. R.su er r :,ArCl<^---aJJ" lt *t--n4p-1_.- Locellon of lhe Proposrt; Lor: _ .___Block__ _ __. SAdidson,_€JdSfua___ Fhyrjrslr Add?rae +fa?__luedlaca Dr . 433_ Puc.l No.: AA.3l?lOAASa- (contact Eagte Co. tsseaaor at 970.3A8-8640 fo, D.lrcot no-l Malling A^rr<---4ry3 9.o 26 tetl + Ov}r{-r(c) Slgnatrrro(rf ' NamC of Appllc.nt Mriling Addrotr: Phonr; 'fia.1'2.L, bLqo -.,;;dd;;EiE:ffi EmaG;__:ffi =*-18ffi E---eay*. s50 elJ' t1.00 p.r squft fEot oa torst sigrr e-.a. NoF€ FJ'corEuucllon ot a ne$/ bulldhg O. demo/rebuitd. 63 Tlpe of Rrview rad F.ci ' SrgE . CorFeptu.l Rsrbw 'r]flillilttfitl 9300J Fo. en addilion h,hc.c rqLaE fcotso€ a rddEg to rny rosidenrlel --- @rnr'6rcial buldrc (inc;ude6 250 eddit:o'te 8 Intcflot 2orwa6;orEl. llll lltillililttffit ff|flililflIfiiltfl il]ilfirnili]tll ilm il ia-$.*,,^ +gry Gcnc''l Intornatlon: Al proitcG regulrho daolgn r€drw nrusl 'ec.iv€ aggrovtl prior to €uFnilllno a building pcnnit rpdic€tion. pt:Ec raler (o ino eubnittgl ioqurcment fpr rhc pNrrbuhr appiwal ,ar re raq;sreo. 'en ,p;rrii,i- lor-if".iiii-nwl" canrpr bc ecptDd urtil sll roq,/lred IniorrrBtion 'L r?it* by the Cc]lrnunir), Oetdop,rrm fieprrroc;rr. ifr" iropl' i"y ".o ,,u"o io be reus$sd by tle ?orn: coirncil ard/or thc Plarnir:g ana Envtonttrnul.csnmicsdn. o.tGn rcntJ "pprorar rupo"u unla... bqlld^g p.flrrt ra lsued rnd c!.rdructlan contrn.ncrs ?lthtn on. ysrr et thi aoorJaL-'' aa'la*+++f+****aa*ftaal'}taa**afa+atalall+ffa*****lflffft*tatt*tttatataafattttftf+t*+r+tttafa* TOWNOFVAIL, COI'RADO Stst€m€nt a**af*flllfafftlat*fllaalalfat't***aaaaa+a+a*f+++fltfftttall+atflalaaaa**+**l**+++***+ftalt*'3* Statement Number: R0500011.12 Palment Method: Check ARCIITBCTS Amount: $300.00 O7 /20/2OO5O3 :49 PM Init : iIS NotatLon: 1534/AKBR Permit No: Parcel No: Site Mdrees: IJocation: This Palment: DRB0s03 55 TIE)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA 2103 - 121- 08 03 - 9 14?6 WESTHAVEII DR VAIIJ COIJDSTREAII{ CONDOS I]NIT 3 9 $300.00 Deacription DBSIGN RE\'I[EI| FBBS ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Accormt Code DR 00100003Lt2200 Total Feee: Total AIJIr Prnta : Balance: $300.00 $300.00 90.00 Current Pmts 300.00 VAIL CASCADE 'CONDOMINIUMS July 19,2005 Community Development Town of Vail 108 S.Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 To Whom It May Concern: The Coldstream Condominium Association has approved the remodeling plans for Coldstream 39 and Coldstream 40 as presented in the enclosed materials. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance. 1476 Westhaven Drive.Vail, Colorado 81657 970.476.6106.8w.543.4801 . Fax 970.47 6.4946 Don lil-aclachlan Building Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Typ-e sl-ldalcrlal Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: N-x Wo.J 4w ttA. tu* t*"tl a",^"-Lt Jj. *J"*A l a .l fr^r Lh. o+,=f* ( Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. u'-J (t'a) ,'[.^-1.t* Fo<,.J" A\r-,.. rcl.J ( ?czzi') Vr. Color V\^"[t" "^prJr,ir".-, "Ll 4 *."J Page 6 of 121041011O4 ffi #€Jr*.r,| | t architects August 3, 2005 Mr. Bill Gibson AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Response for additional information on Unit 39 & 4}Coldstream Condominiums Dear Bill: Pleasc find attached documents relating to each ofthe 8 items you requested as further information to the requested application from your letter dated July 28, 2005. Sincerely, KirkAher, NCARB Aker Architects 0210 Edwards Mllage Blvd, A203 . P O Box2762 . Edwards, CO 81632 . 970.926.6690 . 970.926.6694 fax I 1. Policy DaEe: Nor,'ember 0f , 2, Name of Insured, i .TA.l\'lES M. KAUFMAN , TRUSTEE l 3. The esEate or interest in tfre and which is covered by chip I A Fee Simple i Form AO/CHI Order No. V259190 SCHEDUI.,E A 4. Tit,le go Ehe eseaee or inte date hereof is vested in: ,]A},IES M. KAUFMAN , TR,USTEE The land referred Eo in t.hi County, Co)-orado, and is de CONDOMINII'M T'NIT 39 AND CONDOMINIUMS, ACCORDING JANUARY 2, 1.980 IN BOOK CONDOMINILIM tlAP PHASE II PAGE 544. AND AS DEFINED RECORDED JANUARY 2, 1980 SUPPLEMENIED BY SUPP MARCH 3, 1.980 IN BOOK 299 OF COLORADO. LAND TITLEI GUARANTEtr Policy No. CTEU259190 Amount $435,000.00 Address IJNIT 39 II 1997 aE 5:00 P.M. COLDSTREA}4 PIT land described in t,his Schedule policy is: covered by chis policy ats the policy is situated in EAGLE cribed as follows: UNTT 1O]. COLDSTREAM CONDOMINIUM MAP, RECORDED AT PAGE 725 AI'ID ACCORDI},IG TO THE RDED MARCH 3, 1980 IN BOOK 299 AT THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION BOOK 295 AT PAGE 724, AS CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED PAGE 543, COUN'IY OF EAGLE, STATE 5. PAR, 296 RE IN IN COMPADIY Schedule B is Page This Policy waliid only if attached - Form'AO/CHI Order No. v259190 SCHEDUI.E B Policv No. CT8U259190 11. TWENIY FOOT SET B.A.CK EASEMEI.IT AS SHOWN ON TIIE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED JAhTUART 2, 1980 IN BOOK 296 AT PAGE 725, AND CONDOMINIUM MAP PHASE II RECCRDED MARCH 3. 1980 IN BOOK 299 AT PAGE 544. 12. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENA}ITS AND CONDITTONS, EASEMENTS, AND RESTRICTTONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED January 20, 1980, IN BOOK 296 AT PAGE 724 AND AS.P.I4EI$DED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED T4ArCh 03, ]-980, IN BOOK 299 AT P.AGE 543. 13. DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINII'M MAP PHASE II RECORDED MARCII 3, 1980 IN BOOK 277 AT PAGE 544. 1.4. EXISTING LEASES A}ID TENANCf ES. ITEM NOS, l TIIROUGH 3 OP THE CENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENER,AL EXCEPTIONS IS DETETED AS TO ANY LIENS RESUI-'TING FROM WORK OR IV$TERIAI CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNISHED AT TI{E REQIIEST OF ROBERT R. SI{ORT. CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMpAli"f SHALL HAVE NO I..,IABILITY FOR ANY IJIENS ARISING FRoM wORK OR IvIATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF JAI.IES M- KAUFMAN , TRUSTEE, Page 3 6l0 .r |r(.q Q .to.lJiE (rr O '.{qrlqr:!,ri iqq E l\s .'"t ! or O O t0 -t *o{b to'q i I qsrhQFr O-r O ! Qtr{l a {'J \Ott' S Q.ri .lt l{ o O ron '.t U.c!orI +r ol)cq 6 Ekal t Fl d {o I oE o ott Q.n +roh {tt ao +,roo6 (, a Qt' E E O r\ h!-l h !otr E tBbo'E n i h ir o '.r = q"Hlt.E , I {tr'r hqo \ (.r ""8*'.1 3I Gri * O\oQn U(rO ! P {or |! \oor.r{\) w '*f;54't A n O{ or5hr.q E R 't"a8stgi S I Eii;i$::l- ^X tlEF_.lFoq \f !'il I -o -o o 'tl C S Holriet€{ 66.-86d6-r;Oar E O L l'Ut .!irO'{OCtO!!.lr| (C \ sq Q B o 3"88551u b \ O '"1 \.\ H t{ O t( .| r\. fr| O O(\-n.q a-{! E !|-rH3l,lql.h.|6h.8 e,.,85on.l R"8fi E I H'{Qb+l!' lr-r It O hr F{ -ea lto ioh hla . trtbo!broQ.a40 l,c |\ (JoE O +r€ <b I EBrXd9S.to' 1{[ a H'Fl(or|nrq +r! \ro -{ElooqEosr o or or Hr|qOO ltor+lS (E6FrqU{rE.r(\O-i }r :. OQU) |!3OQ. O! F{A i totts.EEtEt S:E 8E8iFR8ete8 8t E t s ot lt .'{ E t{r i a. I el O O . =l trGt) qlOor iro biHs E-rE Er \o 5|r) \O{i.'"lq Q ):l h C'{qF.! e :'Oro 'rl aua E.v rIo|u.oor Eaoo lirn o tJ-q xo oEO {rEC UOO . 9O .'l ! < \<bl O +t * \(9 |r {q q{rFre.{J O+r EE(O oq Hsot E O rl OE O OEor r( (, q o!tr>E A.\. Ocle I n !r -{ H {o ra a b>€r.r o n b.tl \ llNO !h ttt l, Nll O Fr 10 .rt r! {, q ut F{ aoc loqo O |i.'{ U HOr a lti OOL.t \QO tr o q e ! a o$1{. l alcr f0 O{r t{ trx r: |! O 9{ h}{f{q O1o r or tr Or4 l or Fr 6 >Fl O Oq -rolr\+, 4 ':.l ({ '{ .s{ U \rl r(Cr OrO ! loQ E O rt '!.t O a S '-l O { rql xq a qr I r\ ! c! < oo E (\a E ..{ O O]qOq !q! n t 2|r..\ Ol{ < 01\O.i AOO bOOor '-{ | EOr U ||oa!lF{ OF.O !to -{ ! O.(5 Oa\ {J r' ljtl 6 \'.{ or OqH nrrlnS U | -{ H EAr^lao h\ !l }r +t|{e. $tis{E r.r A|!3 aOO(o r O sI J!( 5 k hC \ !r>EO CE. Fr.tr(04 \\5! AOb -l E Q !(r) 3. s - +r 5 +rt Es\ Odtlt n- q o.{ Irr Noo :' o!Eq tH+r!E \ E lr O-r OEA k -r iJ oo1l ocqio .1 4 IrrE. aEtO c-r rt o o o E c o oo q|kUE '{ql-r h ()\ cr! r.i hl J-t-?tlbt- | -7T€:r*er ! I I architects CONCERNING ITEM 3. AN EXISTING AND PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN. The Association is in the process of examining landscape improvements with LandDesigns by Ellision. However, they are not looking at extensive improvements and are not contemplating improvements to the creek side of the units. The concept at this point as it relates to the overall building improvements as well as the additions Io 39 & 40 is for the landscaping to be restored to its original condition. Please refer to the attached existing pictures of Units 39 & 40 for documentation of existing landscape conditions. 0210 Edwards Village Blvd. A203 , P A Box27E2 . Edwarcis. CO 81632 . 970,926.6690 . 970.326.6694 fax ffi ffiJr*e,| | t architects CONCERNING ITEM 4. AI{ EXISTING A].{D PROPOSED ROOF PLAI.I Please find attached SIIEET A0.3 for o<isting and proposed roof plans forunits 39 & 40. 0210EdwardsVillageBlvd,4203. PQBox2762. Edwards,CO81632.970.926.6690.970.926.6694fax 1:_ #*J*e,! | t architects CONCERNING ITEM 6. *REDLINED'PROPOSED GRFA Please find attached redlined SIIEETS A2.0 and A2.l indicating via redlines the areas of additional GRFA for units 39 & 40. 0210EcfwardsVillageBlvd,A203. POBox2782. Edwards,cO81632.970.926.6690.970.926.6694fax ffi'tL4-l €KJ|ker I | | arri'itects Coldstream Condominiums Units 39 & 40 Additions RE: CONCERNING ITEM 8: CONFORMANCE TO COLDSTREAM CONDOMINIUMS DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS Window Alignments l: New window and door sills and heads align with existing openings. New windows and doors match existing profiles (same window manufacturer is being used as the ongoing overall remodel) and has received the Associations DRB approval Window Alignments 2: Windows are designed to be generally in the vertical orientation as prescribed and has received the Associations DRB approval. Trim Alignments: Original trim is removed and the new construction conforms to existing conditions and has received the Associations DRB approval. Wall Alignments: Generally doesn't apply to these additions. View Corridors 1: These two additions do not extend beyond the combined units LCE and has received the Associations DRB approval. However, an arrangement to trade a minor amount of LCE between Units 39 & 40 is being executed. View Corridors 2: These two additions have been approved by all affected neighbors and have received the Associations DRB approval. Positive and Negative Space l: "Negative space" is not being eliminated at either Unit 39 or 40. 0210 Erivrards Villaqe Blvcl. /t2C3 . p O ?ov.2'i62 . Edwards, CO 91632 ' 970.32e.6S90 ' 970.926.6694 fax