HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 1 LOT 1 LEGAL (2)PLASN IN SLOT-..;=--\ NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE IN ON AUG 14,1991CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT \~~,PERMIT NO.J .;I t of ,ail 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 95.000 DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 z ELECTRICAL 3,000 TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCEOF PERMIT 0 TYPE OF PERMIT GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBING 3,500 NEW GARAGE ADDED TO EXISTING HOUSE,::l ...J 3,500<I:~BUILDING ~PLUMBING NEW DECK,GREENHOUSE,SMALL >MECHANICAL ~ELECTRICAL 2Qg FOUNDATION ALTERATIONS IN EXISTING HOUSE.TOTAL 105,000 ~MECHANICAL no T.ARKSPUR CT.»:TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOTI 1 &)1 BLK 1 '"v R-3 *366 105,000 BUILDING PERMIT 657FILI~INtERMOUNTAIN ')_ESC.PLAN CH ECK 329 •OB NAME :HERNREICH GARAGE ADDITION ELECTRICAL 51 - OWNER NAME BOB HERNREICH NEW ()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONALKXK REPAIR ()PLUMBING 35 ~ 2684 LARKSPUR CT.'Z ~MAILADDRESS DWELLING UNITS __ACCOM MODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL 53 VAIL 6-1433CITYPH.HEIGHT INFT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE 190 D;!ARCHITECT FIRM MlRAMONTI GROUP INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALL UE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 50 <~MAIL ADDRESS BOX 395 FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT :xn 500 EDWARDS PH?26-3262 EXT.WALLSCITY USE TAX FIRM 't1\,<.,~\.l)~ELu ~_~,INC ROOF DbGENERAL<2<'1\..n-\'\\0 -\.TYPE ELEC.GAS $1,865CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO..~~...\'1 TOTAL PERMIT FEES ~"OF~\\\.\()!}SOLAR WOODTELE.D-v v ~1 HEAT DAN STANEK AUG.20,1991 ~\~"-,,&\t ~C ~),,-ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:BUILDING OFFICIAL -- --- -DATE - - --- LECTRICAL s.~INITIAL B.ROSOLACK AUG.20,1991TOWNOFVAILREG.NO."-l.2.5=E~---------- ------NTRACTOR ST.CUT X 70NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TELE.94-9 4061:BLASTING X ZONING &BUILDING NOTES:*v-.:,\\2l\)'"\'\S FIRM -MIN.HI~LUMBING PARKING "","lCO'"...,r.",nT.'n T.'T T.'...T.'.....TTU",TT PLUMBING 131 ~v~X Uaf'aTT('IlI.T ('11<'T('IT TTT\T1<'UAC Ut;'t;'MTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.CONTRACTOR DEMO TELE.9~9 450.0.X FIRM -Mm--lII1311 PLUMBlNe ~I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.II~..agree to comply with the intorrnatlon and plot pla~~,Y with all Town ordinances and stateCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.~~==949-lf5OO"...laws, and to build this structure according to the Tow s zoning and subdivision codes,designTELE.review approved,Uniform B ~ng Code and othe~nc71~Town applicable thereto.,-_- OTHER FIRM J20~I N e--O~_d'JL-'//;,I.CLEAN UP TO:(I...-'u:"........../JTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.I I I I I I I I I I It'''Z)Lj ~r:i .SIGNA""~A-oN NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE.kl'k-&~I~~-:y AND THE O~NER':'".... ..,.NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 8/14/91 REC'D AUG 1 41991t'.~CONSTRU-CTION PERMIT\-..ScJ3C)..•II"-c , I II III I V@ PERMIT NO.-......_-- .~fli 01 I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION &, t department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IcBM BUILDING 95 000 I DIVISION I 2 2.(1)4 z ELECTRiCAl 3,000 ITOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETelYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT@GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK:New garage add PLUMBING 3.500TYPEOF PERMIT .~existing house,new deOk,greenhous :l..JC!i£J BUILDING o PLUMBING all alterations in exi.at.inz house.>MECHANICAl 1 ')00 !i£J ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION ... lKl MECHANICAL On?h ,.f</LA/~e;p'Z(j't'J.t.TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT 1 &2 BLK ,LJ e-)3(.&..BUILDING PERMIT (pS 7 ,aO DESC.FILING I n termountain Dpm:!'-r\~PLAN CHECK 32..'1,DO JOB NAME:Hernreich Garage Addi tic n ELECTRICAl ::;-1 .dO OWNER NAME Bob Herpre;cb NEW ()ALTERATION ( I ADDITIONAL (::>i'REPAIR ()PLUMBING 35".00 MAIL APPRESS 26R4 Larkspur Ct.DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMOOATION UNITS __MECHANICAL 53 ,0-0 CITY Vail co PH.476-143~HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPlACES --RECREATION FEE /7'0 .0 0 ARCHITECT FIR~Miramonti Group INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUI!."')0 ."6.,..WAIL ADDRESS'Box 395 FLoon CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT ~6CJ .oc) Edwar ds PH.926-326~EXT.WALLS USE TAXCITY ROOF ~GENERAL FIRM Atwell Development.Inr ICONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREO.NO.260-B TYPE £lEC.GAS TOTALPERMIT FEES I K"/I,{l,00OF ITELl'476-8700 HEAT SOLAR wooo a:«:«P -ZO -7L :~Hun t Elect ric ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:~ufroi[iG OFFICIAl /.-- - - -'!rAft - - --- ELECTRICAL s:!i ~A:..k S'6.(rk-<,sj2.~'7/ ONTRACTOR ~F VAIL REG.NO.\~h'-1:ST.CUT ~NING ADMiNIsTRATOR - - -I D TE --- T"LE.QL.Q-M)h'BLASTING !zONINO a BUILDING NOTES: X FIRM Mtn.High Plumbing PARKINGPLUMBING\,I~"\-\)TOWN OFVAIL REO.NOCONTRACTOR DEMO TFII=QL.Q_L.<;nn ~~~~t~.~~~JJ~in~I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out In full the Information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the Information provided as required Is correct,I CONTRACTOR FAIL N:=~-~agree to comply with the lntorrnatton and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state TELE.0/.0..t.r:.nn laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zon ng and subdivision codes,design OTHER FIRM review approved,Unllorm Building Code and other.Ananc~~e Town applicable thereto.~.:1;JA/4 .e : TOWN OFVAIL REG,NO,.IGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR rELE.AND THE OWNER. Plan Review Based on the 1988 Uniform Codes PROJECT NUMBER :91991 ADDRE SS : 2 68 4 LARKSPUR CRT . CONTRACTOR :ATWELL DEVELOPMENT OCCUPANCY :M-1,R-3 TY PE OF CON STRUCTION:V ORB APPROVAL REQUIRED: NAME :HERNRE I CH DATE:8-19- 91 ARCHITECT :MIRAMONTI GROUP ENGINEER : PLANS EXAMINER :DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes.It is a guide to selected sections of the codes .The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail . 1 .I HR CONSTRUC TI ON BETWEEN GARAGE AND RESIDENCE REQUIRED. 2.IHR CONSTRUCTI ON REQUIRED ALL STRUCTUAL ELEMENT S IN GARAGE . 3 .GUARDRAILS TO MEET CH 17 OF UBC. 4.THI S PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY .THI S SHURVEY SHALL BE SUBMI TTED AND STAFF APPROVED PRIOR TO A FRAME GINSPECTION APPROVAL . 5 .FROST FOOTINGS MINIMUM OF 48 "BELOW GRADE . 6.STONE VENEER AND LINTELS SHALL COMPLY WITH CH .30 OF UBC. ':. I have read the survey policies stipulated in the Town of Vail memo dated April 3,1991 and commit to adhering to them. '. '.I Si Print Name Date I /~r<.taOU-G~c--,A-;J/)/77o-J Job Name ()[)b03D Permit Number Legal Description:Lot c:\krls~an\memo&\survey.pol ,Block ,Subdivision.__ .' n \' PHONE fI:_+-~::""'-'--L...::.::""';;;==--..L._ NAME OF ADDRESS:,_~~~--:.~=.J.":;"::;..!-..:::.:..!...::._.=.t.....::._ !' PA ID OCT 17 1991 Per...1JY.Must be received and approved prior to issuance of registration. **Submit to the Town of Vail Building Department. CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION PREQUALIFICATION FORM App1icati on rna de by :--~-~~'-/--"'7'....;,..=,""",""""'__ REGISTRATION FEES 55.00 55.00 75.00 55 .00 55.00 NO FEE $125.00 Renewa1 Cos tRegularCost General Contractor A or Construction Management (Valuation over $1.000.000)....•...•.....$175.00 General Contractor Bor Construction Management (Valuation under $1.000.000)...•......••.100.00 Plumbing....................................................75.00 Mechanical .....•.......•......•.•.••.•...................••.75.00 Electri cal..............................................•...NO FEE Special (includes drywall.glass.masonry,concrete,elevator etc....75.00 Excavation...•.......•.....••••.....•...............•..•...~ Owner/Builder.••.....•.....•..•....•.....•......•.......•..~ IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL CONTRACTORS HAVE THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE CERTIFICATES: I L7 IABILITY -Option II:$1.000,000 in the aggregate for Bodily Injury ~$1,000.000 in the aggregate for Property Damage Option 12:Combined single limit of $1,000,000.00 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION -Show that you are covered in the State of Colorado *No Workmen's COIlll.-Provide a letter stating you are the sole owner & will not hold the Town liable for any accidents.At the time you hire SOmeone you will provide us with WC. NOTE:If you are purchasing an electrical or plumbing registration,you must provide a copy of a Master Registration from the State of Colorado. Thank you. Janei1 Turnbull TOV Building Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 Date: May 6,1994 To: Bob Hernreich 2684 Larkspur ct Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs, •,.. Department ofCommunity Development On a recent check of building permits,we find that the belowreferencedpermithasexpired, The Town of Vail Building Department has not received a request for a final inspection on this project,the last inspection request was dated March 25,1992.Please reply in regards to this within 30 days from the date you receive this letter. Your immediate attention is requested.If you have any further questions concerning this matter please feel free to contact meat479-2138. Sincerely,«:«: Dan Stanek TOV Building Inspector Expired Permit Information Inspection was disapproved because of the following conditions:1.No ILC (Imprvement Location Certicate)was approved by Town Of Vail Planning Department.2.Framing inspection was not approved by Town Of Vail Building Department. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INS eTION REQOES';, TOWN OF VAIL r;;.t 479-2 38 • THUR FRI PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS / STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH / WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL / H. TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS• o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ,-,I'.,/~,o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED~r-",...PROVED INSPECTOR ~030 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT eTION REQU 51 TOWN OF VAIL I ' 479-2138 DATE JOB NAME _~~L.L!~--=="'~:-"=""-=-__ CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR LOCATION:-2iPft./L/l,.(K?/'t?K' RI _____AM PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL _ o FRAMING o ~~~~ci'o~H~;~L1NG ....:,\~------- o INSULATION __------li _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ 1;6 FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I D.W.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL I H. TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ o _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 'DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR;-2P 9Y'DATE _---.:....-_~....::........::..--_ INSPECTION REQU ST TOWN OF VAIL fl·£Nt<I II II j(~)(1 ItMb CALLER ~/-(tJ --LJJ(/-rt;;R./V£72 ~UZTl!-Ie-- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /7 ~/) DATE :2-'/~-/r--JOB NAME ----'----L..:-....J~::....L"'-..t.......:.J~~_~~~::1.d..~--____"'_- _ READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:::J fe'V{ MON TUES ?fSD ,THUR/z~/U crt .v FRI _____AM PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATI ON /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING -- ----- - - o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o I:E{FINAL t.:A~A(~l: MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _...:::::=:.._-'---::....-_---,.':...........o~--INSPECTOR / f PRtiTSHOP PM__ __ _AM ~INSPECTION REQU .TOWN OF VAIL NAME ~~adcit.E:l@~, CALLER ll../-'!JL'1ft'/LLI c:Y-... 6J ~03 0 LOCATION :_--...J.L..=--=-'-----'~~~~+P"'<..l.......!..L....L-------'--'''''''''-=--'---'--------------- DATE READY FOR INSPECTION : ;Jw~v PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 1-30 -q .J-.JOB BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL I::7;RAMING11~~OF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H. TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR ...., --- -- -A M .EM- INSPECTION REQU T OWN O F VA IL THUR FRI~\J.~ CALLER READY FOR I N S~~Ct-{~~::MON TU ES E LOCATION:~~~,\~~\,>-s= PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE \-~-~JOB NAME -~~~~~~~~~~..---s:~~~~ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STE EL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOOD NA ILING ---- - ----- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0(_ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ )O OUGH ]CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING . o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ j PPROVED B CO RRECTION S: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR1-29-f2,DATE _~_=-...L.-_..L.-':'-'==--_ rINSPECTIONREQU:'J TOWN OF VAIL ~~\~ CA LLER ~\\&\\c.\\:s~ PERM,\UMBER OF PROJECT DATE -\'\-~JOB. READY FOR LOCATION: FRI ____ __AM @) \\ PLUMBING: _______ ___~1'_U NDER G ROU N D_________1~OU G H I DW .V._ o ROUGH I WAT ER --.-_ o GAS PIPING o POOL I H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTI NGS I ST EEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ------- --- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEAT ING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR T PM eTION REQU TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCAT ION:~~~~--=-=~~~-:::..L.~~...30--~~~~~--------- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE \~--~JOB , o o FINAL BUILDING:PLUMBING: "o FOOTI NGS /STEEL ~N D ERGR OUN D o FO UNDATI ON /STEEL 'r~O UG H I D W .V._ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING 0 GAS PIPING ------------ o INSULATION 0 POOL /H.TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 ---..,.-'--_ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SU PPLY AIR o _ o FINAL _ ~A P PRO VE D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQ UIRED r INSPECTOR! /J~/97cI7DATE.....:.......,~~-+---I~==--_ NAME _ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION:...£2.'!S.J./2-....a...-+-_~;7---#L.!:::~~-e.~~_-.S.....L.~~4---d.~~~_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL '~FOU N DATI ON /STEEL /0 FRAMING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ----- - - --- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIP ING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o F1NAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ -- APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ~j--~_?yL7l o .P ISAPPROVED ,.. o REINSPECTION REQUIRED '/ INS PECTOR/I-/-Ct(DATE _---!...--=------_-.:.....:'------_ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA IL CALLER NAME --4=~.."q.~=-----,,:~_ PERMIT NUM.BER OF PROJECT DATE \\J -\~-'\\.JOB READY FOR INSPECTION:.,»ON TUES LOCATION:at'c gr/{2J2vt!t4p vU't WE THUR 4....-:21 tL ,,-- -- --_...!.((;•..~.PM BU ILDING:I FOOTINGS /STEEL ..o FINAL- J : ELECTRICAL: o T EMP..POWER _ r: o ROUGH o CONDU IT o o FINAL ..::.-- MECHANICAL: o HEATING __~_...o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _-----.:._ APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQU IRED -CORRECTIONS: .,-.. DATE ,M ...71£-'2;L INSPECTOR ,QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS:that U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC. (f.d.a.Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company),a Colorado corporation whose address is 1801 California Street, Denver,Colorado 80202,hereinafter called the "Telephone Company"for and in consideration of ********ONE DOLLAR*****and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid,the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledge,does hereby release, remise and quitclaim all the right,title and interest acquired by the Telephone Company or its assignors under that certain right of way grant,recorded in the Clerk and Recorders office in the County of Eagle,State of Colorado,at Book 393,Page 291 unto the present owner or owners,as their respective interest may appear therein,in the following described property,to wit: An easement being the Southerly 5 feet of Lot 2,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision Filing #1,being a part of the Range 81 WEST County of EAGLE SW 1/4 Section 14 ,Township 5S of the 6th Principal Meridian,situate in the ,in the State of Colorado. And hereby expressly excepting and reserving to the Telephone Company,and any and all interest otherwise acquired in said property,except as above stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Telephone Company has caused these presents to be executed by its duly authorized officers this d;)~day of ~19..:....9_/__ ATTEST,:I :.'-,......:/,*..U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC . ."".."'.'. .I .....:-•".,"•:..•• ;:',"..~'. BY STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE )ss. The foreg9ing instrument was acknowledged before me this.;::l~day of /:J {.-Ie..()5 I ,191L..-.-,by /J.t,4iT L.,U IJ2/('i( as the Manager-Network Facilities of U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS INC.,a Colorado Corporation,on behalf of the corporation. My commission expires:'1 -I.~~-I LJ Witness my hand and official seal. .//~'J "1/I "'7 ,/i/'.-Lte-i..-.--/.L '- '-1i ~) Notary Public . -',........ .".";~"-:,~"'...'....'.~.. Atwell Development,Inc. P.O.Box 2033 [;[31 '-/& VAILR/W #_-=---- EXCH Attn:Mr.Webster Atwell II Attn:Mr.Alan D.Bronson Vail,Colorado 81658 ,,QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS:that U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC. (f.d.a.Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company),a Colorado Corporation whose address is 1801 California Street, Denver,Colorado 80202,hereinafter called the "Telephone Company"for and in consideration of ********ONE DOLLAR*****and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid,the receipt Whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledge,does hereby release, remise and quitclaim all the right,title and interest acquired by the Telephone Company or its assignors under that certain right of way grant,recorded in the Clerk and Recorders office in the County of Eagle,State of Colorado,at Book 504,Page 531 unto the present owner or owners,as their respective interest may appear therein,in the following described property,to wit: An easement being the Northerly 5 feet of Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision Filing #1,being a part of the SW 1/4 Section 14 ,Township 5S Range 81 WEST of the 6th Principal Meridian,situate in the County of__=E=A=G=LE~,in the State of Colorado. And hereby expressly excepting and reserving to the Telephone Company,and any and all interest otherwise acquired in said property,except as above stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Telephone Company has caused these presents to be executed by its duly authorized officers this~;:;::{day of ~19,{-9....:.../__ .../'. •' !•••"AT.TEST':I :..U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC..:~'"'}1'..,<; .:"-.:'.- BY 1Yj;:;;;c L ~ Manager Network Facilities STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE )ss. The foregoing instru~ent ~a~acknowledged before m~thi~,..2..J........J.day of Jh)c,/,'>1 ,19J..L.,by j,,"INI7 £...~/..t-(/6 /,- as the Manager-Network Facilities of U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS INC.,a Colorado corporation,on behalf of the corporation. .. .::1-//-CI LjMycommlSSlonexplres:_~~_Y /_ Witness my hand and official seal . .(SEAL) Atwell Development,Inc. P.O.Box 2033 i.lL..';1'1 / VAI L R/W #_ EXC HAttn:Mr.Alan D.Bronson Attn:Mr .Webster Atwell II Vail,Colorado 81658 .',QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS:that U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS,INC. (f.d.a.Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company),a Colorado corporation whose address is 1801 California Street, Denver,Colorado 80202,hereinafter called the "Telephone company"for and in consideration of ********ONE DOLLAR*****and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid,the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledge,does hereby release, remise and quitclaim all the right,title and interest acquired by the Telephone Company or its assignors under that certain right of way grant,recorded in the Clerk and Recorders office in the county of Eagle,State of Colorado,at Book 216,Page 191 unto the present owner or owners,as their respective interest may appear therein,in the following described property,to wit: An easement being described as the Southwesterly 15 feet of Lot 9,Block 1,Gore Creek SUbdivision,being a part of the NW 1/4 section 18 ,Township 5S Range 79 WEST of the 6th Principal Meridian,situate in the County of__~E~A~G~L~E~,in the State of Colorado. And hereby expressly excepting and reserving to the Telephone Company,and any and all interest otherwise acquired in said property,except as above stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Telephone Company has caused these presents to be exe~its duly authorized officers this~--J(day of ~19.J-2L-/__ ATTEST~. -.'" :>-:~. .. :.:..~~:.....- STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE )ss. BY U S WES T COMMUNICATIONS,INC. Manager Network Facilities The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /')........a-day of j.J UC:u >r ,19..2,L,by j;j.4rr J.../L,(lc.;?,C-I<:- as the Manager-Network Facilities of U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS INC.,a Colorado Corporation,on behalf of the Corporation. My commission expires:.3'-/J -9Lf------'---'----------- witness my hand and official seal. .-·:..:.(5EAL).'..'. Mr.&Mrs.Paul Heiman 5134 Grouse Lane Vail,Colorado 81658 /lfJ-....I .'!.'7:·~til::-:!I.~'!/£"J Notary Public R/W #~~=-=-~__ EXCH :,,,'·~i·;,~._"t"'""~,~~...-~•. -, 1I)'''''~i.·:...="--- COMMUNICATIONS @ August 13,1991 U S West Communications,Inc. Suite 200 Thornton,Co.80229 Attn:Joe Brabham Ph:(303)451-2674 Fax:(303)451-2420 Atwell Development ,Inc. P.O.Box 2033 Vail,Colorado 81658 Attn:Mr.webster AtwQll II HE:Partial quitclaim of easements within Lots 1 &2,Block 1, Intermountain Subdivision Filing #1 Eagle county,Colorado, also known as 2684 &2694 Larkspur Court. Dear Mr.Atwell, U S West Communications,Inc.approves the quitclaim of ~nd relinquishes all rights to the easements,in the lots described above,as follows:The Northerly 5 feet of Lot 1,and the Southerly 5 feet of Lot 2.A quitclaim document will be forwarded after signatures and recording. Please review and if need more information,or have any questions,please give me a call. Th}n~_u-:~v"r.J:C57-t'....I.,t :--) joe Brabham / Manager of Rights of Way ....:;;'::~ ; II I."i -~--".------------.------...- PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION August 12,1991 AGENDA 12:00 Site Visits 2:00 Public Hearing Site Visits Public Hearing 1.Review of a staff approval of a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 22, Garden of the Gods, Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th Filing1365 Vail Valley Drive. Applicant:Margaret Hill Marital Trust Planner: Shelly Mello 2. 3. 7. 6. 4. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A request for a front setback variance for the Tupy Residence,Lot 33, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision/1901 Chamonlx Lane. Applicant:Leon Tupy Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request to amend a development plan approved by Eagle County for Phase III of the Spruce Creek Townhouses,1750 S. Frontage Road WesVSpruce Creek Townhouses at Vail. Applicant:Michael Lauterbach/Carl Dietz Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a conditional use permit for an outdoor dining deck at the Siamese Orchid ,Vail Gateway Plaza, 12 South Frontage Road/Lot N, Block 50,Vail Village First Filing. Applicant:Chai KulveVSiamese Orchid, Ltd. Planner:Mike Mollica A request for a minor exterior alteration, and a site coverage variance for Super Star Studios,Gorsuch (Clock Tower) Building,Lots C, 0 and E, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing/263 East Gore Creek Drive. Applicant:Paul Golden Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No.4, Cascade Village, to change the conditions for development for Area 0, Phase lA, Glen Lyon Office Building. Applicant:Calumet Federal Savings &Loan Association of Chicago/Pierce,Segerberg,Spaeh Planner: Shelly Mello 1. •,ix:/A request to amend the conditions of approval for Phases II and III of /'""""Vail Point relating to revegetation of foundations,1881 Lionsridge Loop. Applicant: Steve GenslerNail Point Condominium Association Planner: Jill Kammerer 5.8.A request for a wall height variance for the Samuels Residence, Lot 11- B,Block 7, Vall Village First Filing/224 Forest Road. Applicant: Bernard Samuels Planner: Mike Mollica 9. A request to amend Section 18.58.020 - Fences, Hedges, Walls and Screening of the Town of Vail Zoning Code Supplemental Regulations regarding enforcement of covenants restricting fence heights. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Jill Kammerer A request to amend Chapter 18.04 of the Municipal Code - Definitions; to add a new definition for employee housing unit, and a new definition for bathroom. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Mike Mollica/Jill Kammerer 12. A request to amend Chapters 18.10 - Single-Family District, 18.12 - Two-Family Residential District, 18.13 - Primary/ Secondary Residential District, 18.14 -Residential Cluster District,18.16 - Low Density Multiple Family District, 18.18 -Medium Density Multiple Family District, 18.20 - High Density Mulitple Family District,18.22 - Public Accommodation District,18.24 - Commercial Core 1 District, 18.26 - Commercial Core 2 District, 18.27 - Commercial Core 3 District, 18.28 - Commercial Service Center District, 18.29 - Arterial Business District, 18.34 - Parking District, 18.36 - Public Use District, and 18.39 - Ski Base/Recreation District; to allow employee housing units as Permitted and Conditional Uses. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Mike Mollica/Jill Kammerer A request to create a new Chapter 18.57 of the Municipal Code - Employee Housing, to provide specific developmenV zoning standards for employee housing units. Applicant: Town of Vail "---__Planner: Mike Mollica/Jill Kammerer---------@ A review of a staff decision (per staff request - this is not an appeal) ,V concerning a request for a wall height variance for Lot 1,Block 1, C~lnte rmo u ntai n Subdivision/2684 Larkspur Court. Applicant: Robin E. Hernreich/Atwell Development Planner:c-Betsy Rosola~ \ \\\ \ \ \ 14. Approval of PEC position letter to the U.S. Forest Service regarding private inholdings. Planner: Mike Mollica 15. Reminder of August 27,1991 housingworksession with Housing Authority and Town Council. 16. A request for a major amendment to Special DevelopmentDistrict No.2, Pinos del Norte, Building C, Northwoods Condominiums/600 Vail Valley Drive. Applicant: Pinos del Norte Condominium Association Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO AUGUST 26,1991 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 26,1991 at 3:00 p.m.in the Town of Vail Municipal Building.Consideration of: 1.A request for a wall height variance for the Chester Residence,Lot 19,Block 1,Vail Village 1st Fi~ing/395 Mill Creek Circle. Applicant:E.B.Chester 2.A request for a side setback variance for the Bigelow Residence,Texas Townhouses,43 Gore Creek Drive,Unit 4B/Lot 4,Vail Village Fourth Filing. Applicant:Thayer Bigelow 3.A request for an e xterior alteration of Crazy Shirts,Unit 2,Bridge Street Condos,Bridge Street Building,250 Bridge Street/Lot 0,Block 5B,Vail Village First Filing. Applicant:The Mainland Co.,Inc. 4.A request for an exterior alteration for the May Palace,223 East Gore Creek Drive/A part of Block 5B,Vail Village First Filing. Applicant:Henry Woo 5.A request for Intermountain Applicant: a wall height variance for Lot 1,Block 1, Subdivision/2684 Larkspur Court. Robin E.Hernreich/Atwell Development 6.Any items tabled from the August 12,1991 PEC meeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on August 9,1991. \ Date 4 ·/0;(;:I,I~rT(o" • ~·C<-1~ al-fN-d1 Project Application rz:i J-k /")'/rei c 1-1- I \. Project Name:---r--:-<------=---"'----------=---=----~--_f_~-=-.::...::..+:L-----=:..:=::~~~~~~---- Contact Person and Phone Architect,Address and Phone: q 2-b - Comments:_ Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by : APPROVAL Date _ DISAPPROVAL ....... S--rJ Date: Town Planner r1/7,/ 71 o Staff Ap proval ,..,..•FILE COpy PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION August 12, 1991 Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at 2:05PM. 1.Review of a staff approval of a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 22, Garden of the Gods, Lot K, Block SA, Vail Village 5th Filing/365 Vail Valley Drive . Applicant:Margaret Hill Marital Trust Planner:Shelly Mello Shelly Mello explained the staff approval stemmed from discrepancies between the original survey,completed by Eagle Valley Surveying,and the Improvement Location Certificate (LL.C.) by Robillard Associates.Pam Hopkins,representing the applicant,said the new building had been located per the survey conducted by Dan Corcoran. They used Robillard and Associates because they were conducting the on-site road improvement surveys and where thus more easily accessible.Pam and Shelly both stated the building appeared to be sited correctly,and the discrepancies were related to lot line lengths. Kristan Pritz explained one survey needed to be chosen for use as the legal description for the SDD Ordinance.Kathy Langenwalter agreed,stating there was a need for documentation. Diana Donovan was concerned how the discrepancies might affect the ridge line height and the corresponding view corridor. Kristan said staff felt the building was in the right location, but staff needed only one base map document.Staff would have the ridge elevation shot when appropriate from the original view corridor location. Shelly indicated a third survey to be performed would determine the survey of record, since neither of the two previous surveyors could find fault with their original surveys. Diana stated there was a need to find the mistake and establish a legal description.Kathy suggested researching to determine if there was more than one title report for the property,and if perhaps that could have been the basis for any discrepancies.Pam agreed to do that research. I • Kathy Langenwalter moved to approve the staff's approval of a minor amendment to Community Development Department No. 22, Garden of the Gods, Lot K,Block 5A,Vail Village 5th Filing/365 Vail Valley Drive with the condition that the discrepancies between the surveys be resolved.Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion.It was approved 6-0-1, with Connie Knight abstaining. 2.A request for a front setback variance for the Tupy Residence.Lot 33. Buffehr Creek Resubdivision/l90I Chamonix Lane. Applicant:Leon Tupy Planner:Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the changes from the previous hearing on the request, and introduced into the record a petition from the neighborhood asking the Commission to deny the request for a setback variance.Staff recommended approval of the variance with conditions as listed in the memo. EJ.Meade,architect for the applicant,explained that the most significant change from the previous hearing was that the primary unit had been moved to the west, out of the setback, and the garage doors had also been shifted to the west. These changes resulted in a decrease of 100 sq.ft. from the building.Another improvement was the landscaping location,which would decrease the visual impact of the structure.Addressing the safety issue, E.J.indicated the building would not block the view from the intersection.EJ.stated the owners had no intention of developing the portion of the lot on the other side of the creek, further reducing the impacts of the development. Since flooding had been an issue raised at the previous PEC meeting, the owners were working with engineers and a hydrologist to protect not only the Tupy residence,but the neighbors as well.Mitigation being proposed included a berm along the side of the structure and the placement of a gravel swale. A neighbor asked if cars would be able to tum around in the driveway, or if they would have to back out.E.l indicated they would back out,similar to the adjacent lot to the south. Neighbor Cynthia Steitz asked what the front wall was for. E.J.said it was terraced to prevent erosion. Loyette Goodell,a neighbor,said that although staff had looked at the development potential during the summer, there were winter impacts as well.Specifically, the Town uses the lot for dumping snow. In addition,it had been indicated to the neighbors previously that the lot was unbuildable. Another neighbor, Marka Moser, was concerned with the safety, given that the lot was being developed in this manner.She said the addition of trees and the fact the sun would no longer warm the road to the same extent in the winter created safety and visibility problems for the 2 ....., • In the interest of time, item 13 of the agenda was considered at this time.. 13. Robin E.HernreichlAtwell Development Betsy Rosolack Betsy Rosolack explained the review was brought to the Commission because the current variance was not the exact variance granted previously by the Commission.However,there was not a significant difference.The consensus of the Commission was to uphold the staffs decision. Item 9 was considered out of order. 9. A request to amend Section 18.58.020 - Fences ,Hedges.Walls and Screening of the Town of Vail Zoning Code Supplemental Regulations regarding enforcement of covenants restricting fence heights . Applicant:Town of Vail Planner:Jill Kammerer Kristan Pritz explained the request.Diana Donovan questioned how any change made to the code would affect the outstanding Chester lawsuit. Kristan responded that Town Attorney Larry Eskwith had indicated it would not affect the suit. Kristan said that the Town did not enforce covenants to which the Town is not a party relating to other issues,and simply wanted to be consistent. Jim Shearer returned to the meeting at 5:50PM. Diana wanted to ensure that any changes made would not affect the judge's ruling on the Chester lawsuit, but would apply to questions regarding fences,hedges, walls and screening which are raised from this point forward. Kristan clarified that Larry Eskwith had given his approval for this zoning change, and that the Town was acting on its ability to change the ordinance. Ludwig Kurz moved to recommend approval to the Town Council of the request to amend Section 18.58.020 -Fences,Hedges,Walls and Screening of the Town of Vail Zoning Code Supplemental Regulations regarding enforcement of covenants restricting fence heights to which the Town is not a party per the staff memo.Chuck Crist seconded the motion.It was unanimously approved,6-0. 12 • 6. A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No.4,Cascade Village,to change the conditions for development for Area D,Phase lA, Glen Lyon Office Building. Applicant:Calumet Federal Savings &Loan Association of Chicago{Pierce, Segerberg,Spaeh Planner:Shelly Mello Shelly explained the request.Staff recommended approval of the amendment with conditions. Applicant's representative Saundra Spaeh explained that the original cost was estimate was based on the anticipation of the Brewery going into the location,Holy Cross expected to gain substantial revenues from that placement,and therefore would be incurring the expense of the undergrounding.With the Brewery no longer being considered at this time, Holy Cross Electric was no longer willing to incur the entire expense. Ludwig Kurz suggested a letter of credit for undergrounding,posted by the applicant,which would have a dollar amount based on the 400 sq.ft.of office space in proportion to the rest of the approved development.He felt such a percentage apportionment would be appropriate. Diana Donovan indicated the need to find out from Holy Cross the cost to underground the portion of line in front of the project. She believed a new escrow of $15,000 plus the percentage of total cost would be appropriate.Shelly asked if it should be the portion of just the office space or the total build-out.Diana said it should be a percentage of the total project.Saundra Spaeh said that sounded fair. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with the condition regarding additional landscaping of the parking area.The consensus of the Commission was in favor of that condition.Shelly asked if it would be okay for staff to approve the landscaping plan rather than requiring it to go to DRB. That provision was consented to.Shelly stated staff recommended some evergreens in addition to the aspens already proposed.Diana believed the landscaping should be concentrated near the entry.Saundra proposed adding 5 spruce trees to the aspens and shrubs already proposed in the landscape plan. Kristan Pritz stated staff would work with the applicant on the specific location of those evergreens. Kathy Langenwalter moved that the request for a major amendment to Special Development District No.4,Cascade Village,to change the conditions for development for Area D, Phase lA,Glen Lyon Office Building be recommended for approval by the Town Council per the staff memo with the conditions that applicant pay the percentage portion of costs in escrow to underground electric lines and adding 5 spruce trees to the landscape plan with staff to determine the exact location of such spruce. The condition to complete all the undergrounding of the utilities would remain for the next phase of the development.If no assessment on the individual property owners for undergrounding the primary service was placed by Holy Cross, the money would be returned to the applicants.Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion.It was approved 5-0. 11 •• the mJ mueller eo,Inc. 6 AUqUst 1991 Mr.Robert Hernreich 2684 Larkspur Lane Vail,Colorado 81657 Subjectl Hernreich Garage Addition Vail,Colorado Dear BobI The purpose of this letter is to confirm that the revised wing retaining wall as shown on plans by the MlRAMONTI GROUP dated 30 July 1991 meets the requirements of the previous letter written by this office dated 8 July 1991 and a letter by Mr. Nicholas tampiris,PhD dated 13 June 1991. If you have any questions regarding this letter,the previous letter or this project,please contact this otfice at the phone number shown below. Civil,architectural and structural engineerIng • p.e.box 2747 vall,colorado 81658 476-2627 .' 75south frontageroad vall,colorado81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 July 29,1991 Mr.Webb Atwell Atwell Development Company P.O.Box 2033 Vail,Colorado 81658 office of community development Re:Lots 1 &2,Block I,Intermountain/Hernreich Dear Webb: When we met with the Public Works staff on the site,t he items discussed and agreed to were the following: 1 .All subsurface drainage systems for the proposed garage will discharge directly into the drainage swale to the northwest, or into the culvert below the inlet.No c utting of the existing asphalt will be allowed. 2 .The e xisting curb and gutter on the south and east s ides of the turnout will be removed,without damaging the e xisting street asphalt.The east side will be replaced with a 4-foot wide concrete gutter pan to facilitate snow removal . 3.The area currently serving as a driveway will become snow storage for the Town .The fence between this driveway and the turnout will be removed . 4 . 6. An area 5 feet behind the existing curb on the south side of Larkspur Court will be regraded level with the curb.Th is will also be snow storage for the Town. None of the property owner's snow removed from the driveway area may be stored in Town right-of-way. The Town will not be responsible for cinder removal from the snow storage areas near the property. ., I 7.New trees shown on the plans which conflict with any of the above items shall be relocated further into the site.In addition,the existing sculpture on the site will also be relocated. A revocable right-of-way permit must be completed and approved by the Town.We have your copy with Mr.Hernreich's signature and will process it when we know your final plans. If your proposed plan is approved by the Design Review Board, please submit a letter of approval of the agreements listed above, signed by Mr.Hernreich for recording with the County Clerk and Recorder.This agreement would then run with the property. If you have any questions,please feel free to call. Sincerely, ~£ls~~L Betsy RJlack Planning Technician xc:Bill Linfield Pete Burnett IlECOpy • PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION July 22, 1991 Present Chuck Crist Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten Absent Diana Donovan Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The public hearing was called to order at 2:00 by Vice-Chairperson Chuck Crist. 1. A request for wall height and site coverage variances for Lot 1,Block 1, Intennountain Subdivisionl2684 Larkspur Court. Applicant:Robin E.HemreichlAtwell Development Staff:Betsy Rosolack Betsy Rosolack described the request.Staff recommended approval with the condition that the vacation of the lot line be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk before issuance of a building permit,At the conclusion,Kristan Pritz added that staff would like an additional condition of approval that the wall be faced with rock veneer and match the rock on the structure.Mr.Atwell,the applicants'representative,stated they would agree to that condition. Jim Shearer asked for clarification of what was necessary for the previously-approved lot line vacation to occur.Betsy said it was ready,but was awaiting signature.Mr.Atwell clarified they were waiting for approval from U.S.West,and that approval was to have been received that day. Connie Knight said she agreed with the recommendations.Gena Whitten found the site coverage reasonable,and that the engineering requirements for the wall height made sense. Chuck Crist asked what the roof material for the garage would be, and Mr. Atwell responded it would be sod.Chuck also questioned if the placement of the garage would worsen the debris flow conditions.Jerry Meramonte,also representing the applicant,stated the placement was designed to maintain the slope at the completion of the project. 1 • Jim Shearer moved to approve the request for site coverage and wall height variances in order to construct an underground garage on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Intermountain Subdivision per the staff memo with the recommendations and findings in the memo, with the additional condition of approval that the exposed portions of the retaining wall be veneered with the same stone as the building. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, 6-0. 2. A request to rewne property from Primary/Secondary to Low Density Multiple Family. generally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane, more particularly described as: Parcel A: A tract of land containing one acre, more or less, located in the South 1/2 of the South East 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; thence westerly along the northerly line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft. distant from and parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, a distance of 200.00 ft.to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft.along a line 200.00 ft. distant from and parallel to the north line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section II,a distance of 50.95 ft.to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of said Section II ,a distance of 200.00 ft. to the point of intersection with the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95 21'00"along the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, being the point of beginning. Parcel B: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No.1,according to the recorded plat thereof. Applicant: Planner: Erich and Lily Schmetzco Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained that the worksession was to determine the general intentions of the Commission, and that the applicants would most likely come back at the next meeting for another worksession, based on the comments made at this meeting. Rick Rosen,representing 2 ·. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION July 22, 1991 AGENDA 12:30 Site Visits 2:00 Public Hearing Site Visits Public Hearing 4. 2. 1. 2. A request for wall height and site coverage variances for Lot 1, Block 1, Intermountain Subdivision/2684 Larkspur Court. App-Iicant:Bobin E. Hernreich/Atwell Development Planner: Betsy Roso ack A request for a worksession to rezone property from Primary/Secondary to Low Density Multiple Family, generally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane, more particularly described as: Parcel A: A tract of land containing one acre, more or less, located in the South 1/2 of the South East 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; thence westerly along the northerly line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft.distant from and parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, a distance of 200.00 ft.to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft.along a line 200.00 ft. distant from and parallel to the north line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a distance of 200.00 ft.to the point of intersection with the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95 21'00· along the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11,being the point of beginning. Parcel B: Tract A,Vail Heights Filing No.1,according to the recorded plat thereof. .. Applicant: Planner: Erich and Lily SchmetzJ<o Andy Knudtsen 3. An appeal of a staff decision concerning a density variance granted to Treetops Condominiums, Lot 6,Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/452 East Lionshead Circle. Appellant: Treetops Condominium Associat ion Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO AUGUST 26,1991 5. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. A request for a conditional use permit and a setback variance for an outdoor patio for Gondo's Restaurant, Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/SOD Lionshead Mall. Applicant: Legends of VaiWail Associates Planner:Jill Kammerer A request for a front setback variance for the Tupy Residence,Lot 33, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision/1901 Chamonix Lane. Applicant: Leon TURY. Planner:Andy Knudtsen A request for a site coverage variance for the Rothbart Residence, Lot 12, Block A,Vail Das Schone First Filing/2349 Chamonix Drive. Applicant: Gary Rothbart Planner: Jill Kammerer 7. A request for a minor exterior alteration, and a site coverage variance for Super Star Studios, Gorsuch (Clock Tower) Building,Lots C, D and E, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing/263 East Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Paul Golden Planner: Jill Kammerer TABLED TO AUGUST 12,1991 8. A request for review of the Vail Streetscape Master Plan for formal recommendation to the Town Council. The Master Plan addresses the general area from East Lionshead Circle to Ford Park, and includes West Meadow Drive, East Meadow Drive, Willow Bridge Road, Gore Creek Drive, Vail Valley Drive, Bridge Street, and Hanson Ranch Road. Applicant:Town of Vail Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO AUGUST 12, 1991 9. A request for a wall height variance for the Samuels Besldertce,Lot 11 - B, Block7, Vail Village First Filing/224 Forest Road. Applicant:Bernard Samuels Planner:Mike Mollica TABLED TO AUGUST 12, 1991 10.Approval of June 8,1991 meeting minutes. 11.Reminder of July 25,1991 gathering. •.. TO: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission •?u~~t1A {lt Uh-/rJ ~ G~Ji f,f- I,· FROM: Community Development Department DATE: July 22, 1991 SUBJECT: A request for a site coverage variance and a wall height variance In order to consuaer an underground garage on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1,Intermountain Subdivision,2694 and 2684 Larkspur Court. Applicant: Atwell Development Company/Robin E. Hernreich Staff: Betsy Rosolack Ili:I':~ I.SCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCES RE UESTED \~\j The applicant is proposing to construct a garage which would be partially uq.denwwnd .~and which will connect ;0 an existing Primary/Secondary dwelling with a covered (l stairway. Included 10 the proposal is the enclosure of a fiot tub and deck.-r«:The average slu2pe of Lots I and 2.~xceeds 40 per.cent,and th.e).ari~l?Ca~ed.in a m~crate uebns fl a.In addition, there has been mud§Iwy ;WPXJ,IY 10 tne ne~~''-.I'r,past just e~st 0 the existing residence.Th.e ~arage is pr~P?sed to b:"onstrU';ted in.~e--:tbrrc I mto the hlllsld~.Pi.retammg WallIS proposed pn tbe ~~west ~ide of the e. The wall would be 13 feet high at the point directly adjacent ~0 the garage, sloping down to a height of 2 feet at its lowest point. The applicant js 1 u tin a wall hei ht variance of 10 feet fro I h i ht lim' . ont setback. The retaining w (a wing wall) will be 20 feet long..... BACKGROUNDII. The second variance requested is that of site coverage. Site coverage allowance on slopes of 30%or £seater is reduced from the norm 20%allowed to 15%.The allowed site coverage for this property, using 15%of the tota site area IS 2,973 square feet. Allowed site coverage using 20%(for slopes less than 30%)would be 3,964 square feet Mr.Hemreich is requesting a site coverage of 3,105 square feet. This is 132 square feet over the 15%allowed, which results in 15.7%site coverage. o r <:v""-L""'C(7 ;r-/I... On June 10,1991,the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a minor subdivision for Lots 1 and 2, allowing the vacation of the lot line between the two lots. 1 The'slope'of the property averages 40+ percent and the property is in a moderate debris flow area. The applicant has a primary/secondary resi~nce~d proposes to t::-tc..{1...~construct a 3-car garage and to enclose a hot tub and deck. e h received permission from the Design Review Board to separate the garage from the residence by a covered stairway. The Design Review Board cited the existing residence and the steepness of the slope as physical hardships which permitted the separation of the garage from the house.Because of the steepness of the slope, and to disturb as little soil as possible,the proposed garage is placed in the front setback. The garage is allowed to be in the front setback because of the slope exceeding 30%. ,•• 0-"'-'-~.8 k :u;~:;~~:0:a.~~nt~;;~;;;:~;~~f;:~s~~~;:;:~~:~e~~:a;~rmThe ~~~M w . The .":--,~:c>I 6nce~in-gille\d;Hri~flo~"hafard recommen e a win . ~-..~.~~at e ~ena ~e garage "to PJ.,0tect the ~¥~e in case of a large flow dow~Q ').h .tin swale to the storm sew mus retainm~v!all will be the same height as C:..£l ~'i.J\:.;rt the front woe g ge eet) and be .backfilled with soil at a maximum 2:1v~t~X;',1/i slope. This wall and associated grading is required t~t~lSExistjpg conditions .~(~'I at the storm sewer and to satisfy Mr.Larnpiris'request."1IRwR~I_also feels that..s»the design of the garage, as well as the retaining wall at the rear of the garage ~lif~increaSe the overall stability of the property.(please see attached hazard report from .Nicholas Lariipiris as well as the letter from MJ Mueller Company concerning the 1 design of the wing retaining wall.) III.ZONING CONSIDERAnONS A.Lot Size: 19,822 sq ft (combination of Lots 1 &2) B. C. D. Zone:Primary/Secondary ~• Density Permitted: 2 du's '\.....r \ Density Proposed:2 du'S)~~ ./\.L I~+-s rz»:1h (x ~u.J!£-s~e;;::r7-v GRFA Allowed: 4145 sq ft"'V '=:..10"'f tA~~t 6LjA.~-r;r fL -Acwee..,0 (U-..,-r GRFA Proposed:2359 sq ft (includes 248 sq ft in garage) ~,29;'3 Ii,!t"t based OIl 15%of lOt size- E.Proposed Garage:1,148 sq ft Garage Credit: - 900 S9 ft Included in GRFA: 248 sq ft 2 •• F.Site Cov Allowed:2973 sq ft based on 15%of lot size Site Coverage Proposed:3105 sq ft (which is 132 sq ft over the allowed,or 15.7%of lot size) G.Height Allowed:33' Height Existing:34'(existing residence) Height Proposed:13.5'(garage),23'(stairway enclosure) H.Wall Height A12wed in Front Setback:3 feet Wall Height Proposed in Front Setback:13 feet sloping to 2 feet *A portion of the cul-de-sac (874 square feet) was vacated and given to the previous owners of Lot 1with the condition that this area not be used to calculate GRFA or density.Therefore,the allowable GRFA is based on a lot size of 19,822 square eet minus 874 square feet, or 18,948 square feet. t IV.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings Section 18.62.060 of the 'Vail Municipal Code. the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variances based on the following factors: A.Consideration of Factors: The relationshiJU)f the requested variance to other existing or...pote~ial uses and structiires in the vicinity."' a.Wall Height Variance and sex;:?!of t~e {frlvn.wflYS in -,T~keeE_the anYe~.irom \ . . Ie the \ ~W~LI2IW;~~·.n the front setback and would be buried into This n tainin wall lac'n the front I setback. On lots of 30% slope or steeper,garages may be ,J cons c d ithin die front setback without a variance. I i II//, • • Staff believes that the applicant's requested wall height variance will have little impact upon other existing or:potential uses in this area. , 2. b.Site Coverage Variance Because the slope of the site is over 30%, the allowable site coverage is 15 percent (rather than 20 percent)of the total lot size of 19,822 square feet,or 2973 square feet. The applicant is requesting a site coverage of 15.7 percent or 132 square feet more than allowed for a total of 3105 square feet.Thus the variance requested is .7%. 1145 square feet or %of the total proposed site coverage wj~e ¥.~rground ancLnoL\Usl e as site coverage.The total site ooverage above grade will be 1,987 square teet or 64%.The staff Can see no adverse effects upon existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal inter retation and en orcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve .CQIDP.atib'ity-and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. a.Wall Height Variance Because of the steepness of the slope, the garage is permitted to be in the front setback without a variance.Placing the garage near the front of the lot reduces the amount of soil that is displaced..Howe~,this requires that a retaining wall be placed in the front setback. The engineer considered stepping the wall, but stated that the 13-foot wall would allow more backfill to be placed behind the wall. This will allow a higher berm to be created which would give greater protection to the property from potential debris flow to the west. , soil conditions and debris flow hazards create a p.sical h Ip or the applicant and that a wall height vanance wou d not be a case of special privilege. 4 ..• V.STAFF RECOMMENDATION .pc Height Variance Th staff recommends approval of the reque ted foo all height variance. The height of the wall is dictated by the height of the garage, the steepness of the slope, and the debris flow hazard to the west of the garage.~oth the Lampiris report and the Meller report dictate a wall of this height for sa{e'!y,and therefore this variance is not one 0 s eel pn ege, and Fm ng o. 1 would be e. inding o. 2 is met in tha the variance will i 1,the P3lblic health, safety and welfare inasmuch as the design'es in 0 account the hazaros and will probably increase the 0 raIl stab' ity of the pro erty", according to the Lampiris re Staff also believes that Finding No.3(AJ is met because there are exceptions and extraordinary circumstances applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties. $Site Coverage Variance 6 QU t 1f-<>G l L-'J-,L / ne condition of aoproval,.is that the lot line vacation m t 2.e scoWed at the Eagle Clerk and Recorder's office before issuance of a building permit. • b. Site Coverage Variance • 3. Tlie effect of the requested variance on light and air,distribution of population,transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The staff can find no adverse effects upon the above considerations. B.The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1.That thegranting of the varianc~will n stitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other projerties-classifled in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c.The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 5 PUBLIC NOTICE , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 22,1991 at 2:00 p.m.in the Town of Vai l Municipal Building.Consideration of: 1.A request for a site coverage variance for the Rothbart Residence,Lot 12,Block A,Vail Das Schone First Filing/ 2349 Chamonix Drive. Applicant:Gary Rothbart Planner:Jill Kammerer 2.A request to rezone property from Primary/Secondary to Low Density Multiple Family,generally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane,more particularly described as: Parcel A: A tract of land containing one acre,more or less,located in the South 1/2 of the South East 1/4 of Section 11,Township 5 South,Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,more particularly described as f ol l ows : Beginning at the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11i thence westerly along t ne northerly line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86°20'W a distance of 167.80 ft.to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft .d istant from and parallel to ttie east line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4,a distance of 200.00 ft.to a point:. Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft.along a line 200.00 ft.distant from and parallel to the nort h l i ne of said SW 1 / 4 of the SE 1/4 to a point on its east l inei Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north l ine of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11,a distance of 50 .95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11,a distance of 200.00 ft.to the point of intersection with the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11i Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95°21'00" along the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11,a distance of 50.95 ft.to the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11,being the point of beginning. Parcel B:Tract A,Vail Heights Filing No.1,according to the recorded plat thereof. Applicant: Planner: Erich and Lily Schmetzco Andy Knudtsen 3.A request for a conditional use permit and a setback variance for an outdoor patio for Gondo's Restaurant,Lot 4, Block 1,Vail Lionshead First Filing/600 Lionshead Mall. Applicant:Legends of Vail/Vail Associates Planner:Jill Kammerer 4.A request for a wall height variance for the Samuels Residence,Lot II-B,Block 7,Vail village First Filing/224 Forest Road. Applicant:Bernard Samuels Planner:Mike Mollica .t Leon Tupy Andy Knudtsen 5.A request for a front setback variance for the Tupy Residence,Lot 33,Buffehr Creek Resubdivision/1901 Chamonix Lane. Applicant: Planner: 6.A request for wall height and site coverage variances for Lot 1,Block I,Intermountain Subdivision/2684 Larkspur Court. Applicant:Robin E.Hernreich/Atwell Development Planner:Betsy Rosolack 7.A request for an exterior alteration and a site coverage variance for the Gorsuch Building,263 E.Gore Creek Drive/Lots C, D and E,Block 5,together with part of Tract B,Vail Village First Filing. Applicant:Paul Golden Planner:Jill Kammerer 8.A request for a variance from the parking requirements for Lot 23,Matterhorn Village/1652 Matterhorn Circle. Applicant:Susan and Wolfgang Herzog Planner:Shelly Mello 9.A request for review of the Vail Streetscape Master Plan for formal recommendation to the Town Council.The Master Plan addresses the general area from East Lionshead Circle to Ford Park,and includes West Meadow Drive,East Meadow Drive,Willow Bridge Road,Gore Creek Drive,Vail Valley Drive,Bridge Street,and Hanson Ranch Road. Applicant:Town of Vail Planner:Mike Mollica 10.Any items tabled from the July 8,1991 PEC meeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on July 5,1991. Paul &_Marianne Miloy 81 01 P im~Beach Lane Brainerd,MN ·56401 Paul and Gertrude Doerle P.O.Box 9230 New Iberia, LA 70562-9230 Alan & Joann Hilgenberg Douglas Kirkpatrick 3995 S. Colorado Blvd. Englewood,CO 80110 Frank Day 1010 69th Street Boulder,CO 80303 ~lizabeth Krehn •.0.box 2767 Vail, CO 81658 Carl A.Davis, Jr. 2690 E.City Line Road Unit B Littleton,CO 80126 Jessie and Melanie Sims P.O. Box 1353 Pensacola, FL 32596 Jeannette Lorch P.O. Box 2122 Vail, CO 81658 ~lIison L. Simmons "Debra G.Garrett 8229 S. Kearny Englewood,CO 80112,. Speare Homestead Trust 1520 Hawthorn Place Deerville, IL 60015 Daniel Douglass Michelle Cahil P.O. Box 1077 Vail, CO 81658 r to ~ Application Da~~_'_'~~_ PEC MEETING DATE ~~~~~~-- APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE c. ADDRESS ?.:~C1vtl-:.T Vk1k ·Co 21~.z=C1: I.,This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance.The Ipplica~ion will not be accepted until all information is submitted. . A.NAME OF APPLICANT ~17 ~~(J.H ADDRES~trRql./L,.'';U7?.I&aJ~"l y,'>c1&f1J ?,Ib ([PHONE &-I.. B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE AwJ..w-,U.w~~'i:4J<!.- ADDRESS 17.O.~X 1o~z .Wet?AnJ~LL VlnL.fkJ"-}l h18 PHONE 41ft;&00 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS UqLI 4 2<v 84 ~va..LbvfC.:l LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT li't.BLOCK I FILING (fJJnuMovtJIAN ~U~T E.FEE $250.00 PAIO~CK'Ji'FROM rz.L...~"r~I cL THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. .~.A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS,and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT HAILING ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO .~D ETERM I NE IFANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED.NO APPLICATION WILL BE .ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR).IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS.\ PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR ' YO UR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION HAY STIPULATE.ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISsTIrrr.. Ill.FOUR (4)COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: ,6rt A.A WRITIEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED.THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1.The r lationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potential uses and structures '1n the Vicinity. 2.The degree to whicn r~llet irom ~ne strlct or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibili1 and unifonmity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3.The effect of the varian~e On light and air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities,utilities,and public safety. 4.How yo~equest complies with Vail's c~eh~nsive Plan. .., .....,.D. j E. ./~. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least 1- -20'stampe by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing improvp- ments. including grades and elevations.·Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas.ingress and egress.landscpped areas and .utility and drainage features • A site plan at a scale of at least 1" • 20'showing existing and proposed buildings • All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicateth~dimensions. general appearance.scale and use of all buildings and spaceseXlstingandproposed·on the site. A preliminary title report to verify~wnership and easements If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association.then written approval from the association in support of the project must be received by a duly auth~rfzed agent for said association. G.Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator., *For interior modifications.an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above)must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEe public hearing.No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator)will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail,the application fee shall be increased by $200.00.Examples of such review,may include,but are note limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc.. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50%of the application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re-pub1ished,then,the entire fee for such re-pub1ication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the COlmlunity Development Department to have significant design,land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the cOlmlunity may require review by consultants other than town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any appLdcat.Lon,the Community Development may hire an outside consultant,it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town . ....,. ' TOWN OF Ut=lIL Miscellaneous Cash (16-28-91 Receipt 1*073302 RccQunt.#C:I<#186 ROB IH HE~:~lF.:EICH'·.RPPLI CAnON I=!m';:lun t tend€'n:>d " 15:~,6:4(1 FEES 25CUlf! Item paid 0100(H341.330000 Chano;jo?roturned .., Rmount paid 250.00 8.00 THt=lNK YOU -...,........~ ;tlk I TOWN OF VAIL ,. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM ;ACf "":I":l I :"l; ;( "'" 'A;."",,:l },m ·j.:'AI-f,(n.,..NO;?:::",.",.:,:"""".,,(:,:1 ,.:,""',,:,\ \::~I( 01 ססoo 41330 COM. DEV.APPLICATION FEES \r('~\'.("(\ 01 ססoo 41yn ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 ססoo 42415 UNIFORM BUll..DJNU \..UUL>$50.00 01 000042415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 to:01 000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 000042415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 01000042415 NATIONAL ELEcrRICAL CODE $30.00 01 ססoo 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 000041548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 ••••• 01 000042412 XEROX COPIES I STUDIES $0.25 •••• 01 000042371 PENALTY FEES IRE-INSPECTIONS 01000042322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES :0 01 000041412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES ,r 01 000041330 OTHER FEES !'01 000041413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 010000 ~\\.~\.1'.."'-r ..D ~~~\\\-('~\~\.-;\"~~"COMMENTS::...;::')':'.':1.. '\\-,\\ \:\~~'\"\'.\.><:.\.'\'\ i r ,:""".. the mJ muellereo,Inc. 8 July 1991 Mr.Robert Hernreich 2684 Larkspur Lane Vail,Colorado 81657 Subject:Hernreich Garage Addition Vail,Colorado Dear Bob: At the request of the Town of Vail this office has been asked to comment on the proposed wing retaining wall to the west of the proposed garage.I have met at the site with Mr.Nicholas Lampiris,PhD concerning the stability of the above mentioned site both before and after the construction of the proposed garage.A swale and storm drain presently exist to the west side of the proposed garage.The purpose of this swale is to drain surface run-off and debris flow from the unstable slide area above the site to the storm sewer on the west side of the garage as mapped for the Town of Vail in 1984.Mr.Lampiris'letter dated 13 June 1991 requires a wing retaining wall on the west side of the garage to "protect the garage in case of a large flow down the existing swale to the storm sewer".This retaining wall will be the same height as the front wall of the garage and be backfilled with soil at a maximum 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slope.This wall and associated grading is required to maintain the existing conditions at the storm sewer and to satisfy Mr.Lampiris'request. If you have any questions regarding this letter please contact this office at the phone number shown below. MJM/tc CiVil,architectural and structural engineering • p.o.box 2747 vall,colorado 81658 476-2627 .:';:-.'." '0ocO10 b 9ooo r<l III £01". 1 \ I I I ""4- (J ..-.,---&-- \ ,, \. \ ...; • •ORDINANCE NO.16 Series of 19a9-- AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALL RIGHT,TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE TOWN OF VAIL IN AND TO THE ROADWAY MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH AND DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF;AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO . WHEREAS,a portion of Larkspur Court, a public roadway within the Town of Va il is not utilized by the general public;and WHEREAS,because of sa id reason,the Town believes that it would benefit the public safety and welfare to vacate said roadway and take the necessa ry steps to allow title to the roadway to transfer to the owner of the adjacent property for owner parking purposes only under the terms and conditions as set forth herein;and WHEREAS,43-2-303 C.R.S.,as amended,provides that a municipality may vacate all right,t itle or Interest in a roadway by the adoption of an ordina nce vacating any roadway or part thereof w1thin the corporate limits of the Town;and WHEREAS ,43-2-302 C.R.S.provides that In the event that a portion of a roadway is vacated,title to the vacated portion of the roadway shall vest in the owners of t he abutting land,each abutting owner taking to the center of the roadway ;and WHEREAS,the abutting landowners of the pertinent portion of Larkspur Court are Larry Roush and Sally Dean. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ,as fol lows: Section 1. The portions of Larkspur Court set forth i n Exhibit A attached hereto are hereby vacated and shall be conveyed by quit claim deed to Larry Roush and Sally Dean (owne rs)subject to the following conditions: A.The Owners shall be obligated to maintain the vacated roadway and to keep It i n good repair.No property described herein shall be used or occupied at any time for any purpose other than pedestrian,bicycle,and motor vehicle ingress and egress for the sole purpose of parking,and for the construction of a garage. B.No property described herein shall be used or considered In determining the gross residential floor area or densitY ,that the Owners would be entitled to under Town of Vall laws and regulations . C.The Owner shall be required to construct a gravel turnaround within one (1) year of the effective date of the ordinance which shall be sufficient in size to accommodate Town of Vail fire vehicles and snow removal equipment.Owner shall be •~ requIred to grade the area,surface i t with an all weather surface ,and place ~an adequately s ized culvert under the area for proper water draInage.All plans for construction of t he improvements required by this parag raph shall be subject to approval by the Town of Vail pr ior to construction . Section 2. If any part,section,subsection,sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance is fo r any reason held to be i nvalid,such decision shall not affect the validity of the remain ing portions of this Ordinance;and the Town Council hereby declares It wou ld have passed this Ordinance,and each part,section,subsection,sentence , clause or phrase thereof,regardless of the fact that anyone or more parts, sections,subsections,sentences ,clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds ,determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper f or t he health,safety and we lfare of the Town of Va il and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and ree nactme nt of any prov ision of the Munic ipal Code of t he Town of Vail as provided in th is Ordi nance shall not affect any right which has accrued ,any duty imposed, any vio lation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof , any p rosec uti ~n comme nced,nor any ot her act ion or proceedings as comme nced under or by vi rtue of t he provision re pealed or repealed and ree nacted. The repeal of any provisi on hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED , READ AND APPROVED ON FIRST READ ING th is ~day of ~J~u~n~e __ 1989, and a public hearing shal l be held on th is Ordinance on the ~day of June June Municipal Building,Va il,Colorado. Ordered publ ished i n full this 20th day of ~~"--, 1989. Ke nt R.Rose,Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk -2- • INTRODUCED.READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED __________this __day of • 1989. Kent R. Rose,Mayor ATIEST: Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk -3- , , EASEMENT DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Robln E.Hernre ich (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor),for FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($15.00 )and other good and valuable considerat ion,the receipt of Vh lCh is hereby acknolliedged,hereby sells and conveys and varrants the title to the same.subject to all instruments of record,to the UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE VAIL VALLEY COnSOLIDATED WATER DISTR:CT,quas l -municipal corporations of the State of Colorado,whose legal addresses are 8~6 Forest Road,Vail,Colorado.81657,(hereinafter referred to as "Grantees"].tbe fo lloving easement to Vlt: A permanent ten 110j foot lltility easement located on Lot I, Block 1 .Vall Intermounta:n Subdivision and a flve (5)foot utility easement located on Lot 11,Block 9,Vail Intermountain Suodivlslon as represented in Exhlbit A.attached hereto and incorporated herein by thlS reference. Grantor ,its.heirs .successors ,transferees,and assigns,shall not erect nor place any permanent bUllding,structure,improvement,fence or tree on the above-descrlbed easement.and Grantee shall not be liable for their removal if they are so placed. It is specifically agreed betveen the parties that the Grantor shall take no actlon that would impair the earth cover over or the lateral or subjacent support for any line and appurtenances within the easement, prOVided,hovever,that upon obtaining the specific written permission of the Grantee,the earth cover over any line may be modified,but normally permission viII not be granted for a modification involving a cover of less than four feet nor greater than ten feet measured vertically from the top of any line and any modification undertaken by the Grantor would be upon terms that would provide for reimbursement to the Grantee of the cost of any alterations to any facility made necessary by the change. Acceptance of this Easement by Grantee shall constitute its agreement and consent as follows: 1.At such time and in the event that the easement described herein shall be abandoned.Grantee's real property interest in the easement shall immediately revert to and be thereafter merged vith the servient estate. •, 2. The facilities installed in the above-described easement shall be installed .maIntained,and operated so as to permit maximum use and enjoyment of t~e surface by Grantor,its heirs,successors,transferees,and assigns. In the event it is necessary to repair or replace the faci lities ,Grantee ,hall restore the surface of the land as nearly as may be practicable to the same condition it vas prior to such repair or replacement,provided no permanent building.structure .improvement,fence or tree shall be placed thereon by Grantor. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF E..:.G LE SIGNED AND S3. _---==..L..-,1991. day of The fo regoIng EASEMENT DEED ~a3 acknovledaed before me th is 5th July 1991 bv Robin E. HerrrreLch----:;----,.---------'----------- Witness ~y hand and off icial seal. (5 E A L) My commissIon expires:7-6-94 .Notary Public 17 Vail Rd.,Vail,CO 81657 ACCEPTED BY THE UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT THIS DAY OF ,1991. THE UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY Of EAGLE ) )ss. ) By:_ Warren M.Garbe,General Manager THE fOREGOING WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE HE THIS ________,1991,by Witness my hand and official seal. DAY OF (SEAL) My commission expires:_ Notary PUblic , FOUND p' \..S.No.0; \11\\.11"(a OR"'IN"'GE E· IsEE HOT~SI / ./ L01 \\ BLOC\<'9 ,. ~~ scp.l.€.~(lslO \ \ \ 0' ;\'04" - 4' ±' 4' O· .N:;8°\4'2.5"E ce· I d 0 \c;O:t s:4J J- \18' g \ 'N \40 ~8'04"W 0' (] ,'02."s :;..'I .1 fA )Ne2."~OI2.\"E If<Q" -J ------ , , FOUND PIN a I..S.No.5441 r-; /............ I ....../......I ............. I ...... I <, I ......I ......<.>BUII.DING <,r <,-<:OUTI.INE I~I I / I Iz..~I......I......I <,I <,I oJ <,'vI LO'\\ BLOCK 9 S 80°14'46"E ffi 29.00' o<:t ~J~..~~":,)F\~.?~5P\,,}~~c~"\·.R\\=.'rrr --:"IF -\~It~(-- ~o SCt>-Ll::'\":2.0' 02." ... 03" ..• 75 south frontage road vail,colorado81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 June 27,1991 Mr.Webb Atwell Atwell Development,Inc. Box 2033 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Lots 1 &2,Block I,Intermountain Hernreich Dear Webb: • office of community development As of this date,two of your hurdles have been completed--the minor subdivision request.before PEe and the request to separate the garage to the ORB. As noted in my letter of May 28th,before we can take this item to Design Review Board for a final approval,we must receive the remainder of the signatures for the vacation of easement so that the minor subdivision plat can be recorded. Mike Brake,our engineer,pointed out that the survey does not show the curb and gutter,and has asked the surveyor for an up-to-date survey. I noted that the hazard letter recommended a wing wall at the west end of the garage to protect the ·st r uct ur e .Is this the same wall that Jerry is showing?If so,this will be a good reason for the wall height variance.If not,perhaps the wing wall should be designed.I'll forward the drawings Jerry brought me yesterday, along with the hazard report to our engineer,Mike Brake,for his review. The Public Works Department has still not signed the revocable right-of-way,but I hope to have this by Monday.One of their preliminary concerns is that of plowing the driveway,keeping it plowed,and storage of the snow that has been plowed in such a way that it does not reduce the width of the street or of the cuI de ."•• sac.We may have to ask Mr.Hernreich to plow the'cuI'de sac as well as his driveway. Their second concern is that of the possibility that cars will be parked in the right-of-way.We request that the "No Parking"signs be left up at all times to ensure that that absolutely no vehicles will be parked in the cuI de sac. When I have the final signed revocable right-of-way permit and know exactly what the Town wants,I will suggest an agreement to be signed by Mr.Hernreich related to the two above items. Jerry Meremonte brought additional drawings yesterday,but there is still an overage of 130 square feet on site coverage and a need for a height variance for the garage wall.I gave Jerry an application for a variance.If Jerry finds that it is impossible to reduce the site coverage,he could ask for a site coverage variance at the same time that he asks for a wall height va=iance.Depending on when we receive the application for variances,we can schedule this for Planning Commission.I thought if we received it by Monday, July 1st,(a week late)I would still be able to get it published for the PEe meeting on July 22nd.(We already have the list of adjacent property owners.) Please feel free to call if you have questions. Since=ely, Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician " ---- •• NIcholas Lampiris,Ph.O. CONSULTINQ QliOLOGI8T 07Q3 V~LLEV ROAD CARBONDALE,COLORAOO 81(123 13031 ~3eoo (24 MOURS) __•"".5 '91 09:~ • W~bste r Atwell II Atw~l)D~v~lopm~nt,Inc. PO BQ;~203.3 Vail CD 81658 ~E~Debris Fl~w Evalu~tionl Lot~1 ~nd 2!Int~rmont~1n Oe.:w Mr.At.well I !visited th~hom~and the above ref&r~nc"d lots at your reguest t o evalu~te the d mb~is flow potenti~l fo~the pt-OpoGldd £\ddi-tion on thc=W~5t side o ·f the home.'this i s in ~he form of ~~hre~car 9~rage dug into a r_ther .te~p hill sice along the edQ~of a potehti~l dgb~i~flow.In ddclition , t h~re h~~been mudulid~~ctivlty in thD nsar past Ju~t e~~t 01 thiii subject:horntt which did ext.enalvrl datna9e!to t.hli! n~1ghbc~in~home, My ret:~mmendat i onG,~-(tC!:'r M1.\vi n~di YCUfiisod YQ~\r pl.&t1S wi toM you and your ~n9in~ar.Mark MUQ11e~1 ~re thbt th~dQ~iQn which you h~ve ChOR2M t~k~~intQ ~c~cunt thQ ha2ard~end Will probably incrQ~~Q th~ov~~~ll stability o~the ·property.The i~pdrt~nt ~~rt o~thn d~Mi~n as you prasented it to me is for t.h~GUr-~ci\~f"4 l.\nd e,.l1"~\.lrfllc::e drainage provisions for run o-ff w~t~r,~nd tho strang ~et~ining wall at the rear cf the ·~Jar·.Q IIJ ,t'~t.h dUl"'irl9 tWU al't.er c:ot'\!>truc::tion.IrJ addition,I .c~m~nd--n -~a l l ~~the W st end of the garage to prot~ct the struc~ure in ~use a large flow down th~eKi5ting ~vl,l11e t.o th~~tQrnJ S;el"!!!!"'f$!"It.;lul d en~ro&ch toward the 9ar8~e. My findings ~re t.hat the a(~dition is on the side (:1f the home whtc::h is aw~y from the PI'"I?V10IHa slic;.itiil and not in the diJ'"ect path of th~d~brin flow h~~ard as mapp~d for th$Tc~n of V~il in 1984.It is my opinion that.thl!'~ddi.t.:l.on 16 in ca I g~ologic al1y sensitive area but the .dQva l a pment d ~e~not \ i r'lc.rease the h?.:.:~nj to other pl~operty or 'dtn.\ctl.\ro!i,cr to public b u i Lo t nqs ,righ'lr,;-·of-w.?y,t"'oadA,st:t"'e(!l:.~f ep~tam~nt:!I, l u t i l i ~i e~or f~cilitie$or othe~prope~ti~e of any kind. If ttH.:r·~11M ~-Fur Lllt=t 'p.H:t!al:i C)ll !~plt'.~«'.5~du 111:>t h(t~it~t~t.o c on t il\C t.mt.'.l . Poat-It..brand ft:tx trMsmittal memo 7671_',¥01 1)ll1lClJ ~1r"flr.A-i LJJ.::JJ lr~ft'I A L_It /..... ....',:- ~...,..'." ••••Architecture ' Interior Design Project Consulting MIR4MONTI GROUP 1-·..··---··-_..'.."-'---'------'~..-- 11011..II~o<? r ~-~-\i JJ ~'4 I !',i~I i:',,~t-,<t~,.I r '. , I \.I :I I •r f t+., :I ,,-----tI I--~-'----_.....--.,......._....-.._.._----~..._._......_~- I .. ~I!~I I ~ ~r ......-....._---- --- ----.I I ~ I I ~1-\). ~~.. -l t_.....~..- - ---4 I I I {\-:l 4 ~I~~-~~~--+-~I ~~,I, I ~\{\!4 I I ~!I-~_._--_._-~--_ .-_.. I I ~~I ~""J. I I I J I\) I J ~ I I I 4~lII,:j~I -:1-~ I I ~-1 - I I ~. : lli 1) I I I I ]i""5 -:9-'Y ---T-r,I~~1 ~I -'/.,c 'i Il ~'I-'---.--'I I ';,I I P.O.Box 395 Edwards.Colorado 81632303-926·3262 I, ••Architecture Interior Design Project Consulting MIR4MONTI GROUP ~~:, :1 ;.'I\~,:I I\.I , ~._------_.-------.-.---ro{' 1>I K ~-~~M , II I It","J~""-T"-,-'--);''7 .-.-~..-r . r-&-:-o--Jo-A~..,,_........,.'I\___-.t~.~ t- ------ -..·- ·..··..".......-..-..... ---~il<1~1 P.O.Box 395 Edwards,Colorado 81632 303-926-3262 • -1 -~I -~-I ~~V o,-I~~f-.I I _-~i II ~ i -:1 I I ~I ,~, I]~"1 4-\Ii II ~1 ~~~ II; -:J. ~jII~~4 .- \UII~~-~ -:L ~ 1.1 -=I ~ \.\~J I I ~~t -=:l -t ~ 4~ill -:1 ~ I I t , ·'Architecture Interior Design Project Consulting • ~~~MIRAMONTI GROUP II~. -tj ~, .Het2W-~e:ICJ+&t>fZ.t>~e::bt:;1::?l-hoJ _w~E:L1o 1.411-1 (;::1 lJ~~ P.O.Box395 Ednards,Colorado 81632 303·926·3262 '. • • •• • ~~t1CeM~N'r ~9rl2tJetrVrGAL 1'AZAWI~. • •• ., • •• s-:\ ""7-0 ..t: .,~ CIJ.''1:1'.c::: .::tJ CO) '0§a ~ .LOr I ..I,81..0 el(9 1..0j J • ._.,/ .. - - •1 '~ ~,I • .1 " j''I I I •Project Application Date ---'---,,L-.-------;'!:.--- .:.....--- tLL-P!-(OP! ~ Contact Person and Phone Owner.Address and Phone:_ Architect.Address and Phone: ClII-Urd7 ~~)(ls-tlfJ 9I~~, Legal Description:Lo t ,Block .Filing . Zon e _ Comments:~d PI"I ~7 /.,a/J I J /'I ce:<U-hrf tb Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by : Date _ p APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL .s.:» /, 7. 3, o Staff Approval 7 / Town Planner 6 /;7/vrDate: ..' , ., • June 14, 1991 Town of Vail -Community Development 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 re:Hernreich Residence Lots 1 &21 Block J,Iniermountain Subdivision Filing #1 Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado. Dear Town of Vail: _670 P03 .JUN 14 '91 16 :29 • My c omm i s s i on e xp i res:/~..n_ This letter is to inform you that The Town of Vail bas informed me that the above mentioned properties are located in a geological sensitive area (GSA).I understand that the land is in a debris flow area and I have enclosed a report from a consulting geologist,Nicholas Lamplris, Ph.D.,evaluating the design of a new structure on the above mentioned properties. ACt<NOWLEDGI~ENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) COU~TY OF SEBASTIAN~ On .t:,h i s ,the Ilf.-da-y Of~,1991,before me ,a Notary ~PUbl i c ,'per sona l l y appeared R~ernreich,to me well known, and ~tat~d the he executed the foregoing instrument for t he -censideiation and purposes and in the capacity herein mentioned and set;·forth. ·I N WITNES S WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year last aforewritten. cAmcJJj D rp~J ~ •• ..J-' .~0-'"~--hru dL Sa r.,c0\--cPd-J-l ';(5 ~;II Ll ,-,fLL-,,,'r-e,')i-&/1 ,-YL '7---1)' ((l ......__~Ci:.'I~- 1'd u ~~~'----'GT e }/tr .i;c(v ('r-.e.~­ a-Q'LuC )1~t ~~'5 <>tf...e <, (J6rt'~D-fU&5 "ty-L/s:I ( (0 'f.I--cl) Yfv 06 o:-fL /?J..--- ~I US hj~f W-.M ~"k~6' YYl~J7)P1\ " ,t-;'-':,i ......--...~..._,.,FH,<.):).:,-.:j ,'t:,-l:::::b I 1 .-.... APPLICATION FOR Rl::\fCCABLE PERMI~'TO ERSC.r OF.1,1,..:rfJTA.i.U A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC ~IGWf-CF-WAx (Please type or print) DATE -¥"/1;' OWNER OF'PROPERT~ Fence Wall LandElcsp:lng Other LEGAL DESCRIPl'ION Of PROP£RT~TO BE SE~VED: LOT,.f)~BLOCK L SUBDIV!S:rON :::Y;1u:n-:..~-v~tr~_$~1' {It necasDary,attach description on separate ahaet.j.---- Carrier lot Inside lot >52 . .I DESCRIPTION OF STRUcTUM O.R ITE.M (5)INTO RIGlI't'....Ol;;-W~\'l: &,JG.e-1 5CV~enl.t.t-l ~~(JA!fY.[c,/d.r{tZt~-a-f-.:......, 1\tt~ch plans showing encroZ1chment,property 11\;e-;-"'i~ewaTksI ourbs,intakes,hydr~nts,meters,manholes,any o~her ~~fected appurtenance in the project area (to sc&l~or dimcn~lonod)and section's)as well as elevation~(if applicable). Does structure presently exist?N.I.~~....._.~ fJropcsed date fo!"Commencement of construction ~{1.1 {t-J..j!{L In consideration of the issu~nce of a revoc bl.a t>~-:'~:"-fc>r the structure above Ind icated,Applic~l1t agrees as foll 1';.:,::';: 1.That the structur~herein &uthorized on a ~ev~c~ble p~L~it basis is r~strlcted exclusively to the land above described. 2.That the permit ie limited speci!ically :to t.h~type ot structure described in this application~ 3.'l'hat the applicant shall notify the Town Ma~LJ..:rr,or his duly authorized agent,twenty-four hours in advance of th~ti1rla for corenencement;of construction,in order tha'i:pJ.·op~r inspection may b~mad8 by the Town._. 4.The l:Ipplicant agrees to inde!l1l)ity llJ,d h~'lC:hanflless th~Tow.n·:·' of vail,1t~oftic&rs,mploy~es and a90nt~from ~hd against' all liability,claims and dem~nds on ~cc~un~~f Injuzy,loss or da~age,'includi ng without li~itation cl~i~g dri~ing from bodily injury,pG~'sonal injury,a Lckncs.s J .;,'_S.~(H;ge,death, property loss 01,'damage,or any other loss {.If tiny :Kind It'hatsoever,\1hich az:!:;e out of 0":'o.re in ~i1Y 1I1~Iln¢r connecr.ed with applicant's .act i vi t i es pursu!:.ll't to this permit,if uuch ;,njIJry,loss,or d~1.ltle.ge is CClup.~d J.n whole or in part by,<"'1'is c).6itoed to ·b~c~used .~11 'wljole or i.n part by I th~act;(omission,'l!:rl"(Jr,protese;i(.~nll~el:'~o:c, mistake I negl iCjel~CF.:or other Cault of t~e appl Lc.am;,his contractor or 2ubcontractor or any offic~r·.~~~1GY6~or rClpreaellt~tive of the:applic('u/t,h I s COr'lti=~~t'.ir o s:hie subcontractor.The applicant agrees to inv~~ti~~t~,handle respond to,.and to provide defonse for 6n~~~tend ~gainBt, any such 1 lab.i1 i ty (c 1a 1ms I or dem<'lndt!at.ella.u :',11 ~oSIxpena e of.the applicarJr...ThE:epplicl1nt alec 49l'ee~t ·...):tle~~r all other expenses l'elat.ing thereto,inclut!j.!1g'Cl·)..,~-e ';!~lat:fJ and attorney's fee5,wh.ather or not any such li!.ib.iJ..!.ty,cl~iJ1\s, or demande allBged are qroundloss,f~lse,Qr tc~ud~l~nt. ,"•• 5, 6, 7.' a. 9. 10, '.ppl icant l\qree'Sl t.")procure urad InClintain,a1;1ts vw.n cost I a policy or policies of insurance ~uffici~nt to en~ura 4gainst all liability cla!tls,delnt\ndG and ether oblJ.gations aGsWIlad by 'the ttpplic~nt pursu:ont 1:.0 th:l.s Par~gri'1ph ". Applicants tuz-thar l19'ree t.o rel-e:es.e the Tcwn of Vail,its officers,gents and employees from any nod ~ll 11~bilitYI claims,dcmanas,Or ~ctions or causes of acticna whatsoever arising out of ~T\Y dl1mage,loss or ird'lJry to th~llpplicant or to the applicant's property C~UQed by th~~o~n of Vail, its offioers,a9£mtE:I1nd ez:oplO:l'~ll\l:f;..hil~;\Jntj:l91.:d in roaintenance or Gl~OW ro~ov~l act.ivltloA$or nny oth{~'t' activities whatsoGver on Town of Vail property,gtreets, sidewalks,or rights-of-way. That the per:mit may tJEl revok':.d ~Yhi:!neve.:-it te d.~c~rNin~d tha·t the encroachm srrt ,obstrl1ct:i~n,or.othl;:;c st'I·UC4,,:,.j.re constitutes It l'l\.l.isance,destroy!)or 1mpe~.t'''th~U&G of the right-of-way by tho public,const1tut~s a trarll¢h~x~rd,or 1;he property upon ~Ihich the encroi:lchment,Ob~lt1"'1.l/.:tic>n,or structur$~y.l~tG ia requir~d !O4,'use by th.~;>1.lblio;or it may be retvoked a t any ,t.ime for ZU1Y reaS01'S ~~~Qn4~cl F;u!f1cl~nt by the Tc)'w-n of Vail. 'l'hat.t.he:applic:ar,t will rel.."lovt',at his G)..-p(m~e,·t he £fneroachl:l2en'r.,O.b~truction,or slructul:(:t.Jith1n tcn ~~ys af~Qr receiving notice ot any revocation ~f ~aid ~~rmi:. ··Th~t the applicant agrees to m~intain any land~a~ping &ssociated with the encroach~ent on t.he ri'Jrlt-.:·t·-w~y. That in the·event 6aid 1:'~mov~l',of .t he ·encl"';.lc'h'm&nt,":: ol>strlJctiorl,or structure i~not accotnpl.iabed "ilthill ten days,the Town is hereby authorized to r~~OV6 ~~~s and have the right to ~ake an ~sses~ment Againat th~prop~rty and collect the costs or remova1 in the same ~anna4 ~&general taxes are collected. That th'l:~pplicant has read and understands ~11 of the tenls and conditions set forth in this applic~ti~n. Special conditions:----..,---1/ 5 '+0 y ~CJ <-0 f .S-/k--~~0)d/J'.kd~_!-_/.-;..,..r_....:...th-~_ .-+0 /.J Vi ,/(U~_-~~I-Jd-c-vv-u .~+4...~_~.K.0 '1 /C4.j'~/~?cv~,L -rl rlt.~~~_.::...'!=-QA-ItV~·iL ~~~.::~·tl_~ck~~~It-~ce ../D,-rl-~&kL , owner ·-#1;1 '1 ( e ignatlJret») APP~OVEO: Director of COInIrl'u:l.i t:i O-evalopJ2lent Director of Public Works T~/&4 . D~te Date ..8-d2 -CJ/. Date .."-·.r·(• !J.!li.,1'I"i r..oCJ1'I'.lQ\:L'yEBI fIC.'i1ION SUBDIVISION :rN~~M.o:~""¥r~JJ~~~_._ JOE N.b.HE f/vA~f..ffll A2JCJt...-_ LOT '(A.1.--.BLOCK J fILING -!._ ADDr<ESS ~1kq4 ~C1vt:-'1-=.__ The location of utilities,whether they be main tr~nk lines or p:t'oposed lines,roust be approved and verified.by tho iollowing utilitio~for the ~r.co~panying site plan. U.S.West Cc~munications l-aoO-922-1!i87 466-6860 or S49-4530 Public S~rvlce Company 949-5781 Cary Hall Holy Cross El~ctric ASSDC. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevi~ion T.V. 949-5510 Cary Johnson upper Eagle Valley Wnter &Sanitation District • 476-7480 Fred Baslee b-~-9/ i '/ HOTE:These verifications do not relieve the conr.r-actcr ¢f hie l:e~pQn=-ibili~y to ol;,t",ill a strf)~t Ctlt [,.~y.nlit frou. the TO\JI1 of VClil f Departm'~nt of Pu.bl Lc Wor;';..,and to obt'.~in \ltD i t'l 19.£!.!.!;J..nll~_~~d1g.tZ.!..'..l.'J in :r.1l'i'putll ie right-of-way or easement in tile Town of Vall.b Q...4.Ud in9•...w.'irmU.......i?noL':LJ;.t.l':Y'&.t_cut _IH~.(,1!.:!.~.r,uLra-at cut permit must b~obtained ~eparutely. This form 1s to verify service availability a~d location.This should be used in conjuncti~ln with preparing your utility plan and sch~dullng installations. i<Ploase bring a $i t e plan when obta.ining Upp~\r Eagl~,Valloy Water &Sanit~tlon signatures. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DATA 5.00' 0,31'04" '.04 1 ' r.681 N 38°14125" E. 51.94 ' 5.00' 7°1610311 '7.121 3.69 1 N 14°38'04:'W,36.08' r"'~,i-(1'OF' I "r;,Kc"r"'l I"~, ..,._1",'...."""',.J'. Rh,HT -~tF -'Nt,Y LOT II BLOCK 9 PIN a CAP No,26598 ." ," " /" ;/: LOT 3 SET 45'WITNESS CORNEF PIN a CAP L.S. No,2659 UTILITY a DRAI~ (SEE NOTES) •• l'4ul cli; EASEMENT LOT 12 BLOCK 9 ----- fOUND PIN 8 CAP L.S .No.5447 (572°29'3'"w,0.42'FRO'"CORNER) 3LOT "'\~~o ~oo~ '\ SET 45'W'TNESS CORNER PIN 8 CAP L.S.No.26598 UTILITY 8 DRAINAGE ""\(SEE NOTESl '\" -,~oo,,,\'00 '\ Date 01 survey:Hay .1991 Bearings ar e based on a line connecting the existing monumenls marking the most northerly and DIl)sl sout herly corners of Lot I being 625°56']6"E (see drawing). P1onuBienta t ion as indicated. St reet address:Lol I -269 4 Larks pur Court 101 2 -2684 Larks pur Court The sale purpose of t hi s plat is to abandon the pr opert y Jill"uetveeu Lot I and 1.01 2 and 10 i ncorpor at e Ihe vacared portion at Larkspur 1:0 111'1 r nt u 1I,t'nevly created lot. There is no di~en5inll given for tbe width of the ut i lily dnd dra inage ease~ent reserved along Ih~inter ior lot linea on the recorded pial lor Vail Inter~ountajn Developaent subdi vI sIcn,Block I.A width of !i leet i s given on t he re corded pl ats for the other Bloc ks of Va il Intermount ain Developlllent ~ul>dj.j sion. »>,/'" f OUND P'N 8 CAP L.S.No.54 47 (S66°'0'03"W,0.54 'fRO".CORNER) PIN 8 CAP No.26598 No.26598 A /"/,/, /-,/, /, /, SET P,N 8 CAP ,/BUilDING ......... L.S.No.26598 '~OUTlINE -, ~// // // <...,<.// ........,/......,/,,/ FOUND P,N 8 CAP /'\L.5.No.5933 LOT 10 \NOTICE:Ac cording '-0 Colorado law you must.BLOCK 9 i n t.his survey wi t.h i n t.hree yoa~t may any action based upon any defe ct fl:o m t he dc.1tc ot t he cc r t i t Lcet i o n E LOT I I BLOCK 9 S 800/4'46"E EASEMENT TO BE I 2 90 'ABANDONED BY 0 .0 J'~00/4 '4~SEPARATE DOCUMENT ::rfOUN~N 8 CAP ~---:,-:::-A-rv/L.\No 5933 -===-~/O~__---.J \---.J..--PROPERTY LINES TO -- BE ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT ! 0\~~LOT o 0.454 Ac.I"~ '-"'~"-=-:..:.:."-=-...:::..~--"-\.\ x.,...·/\I'..."'"I~~ ~'\~;.\~\/8\~ UTll'TY 8 ~ EASEMENT () \§p !'] CI) w ~ !QoNos-> SET L.S. fJ~.;::~·,)F' L,:',2K~,r.lUr~'~1·. R:i,Hr -~Ir-'-wt,'( 4 0'60' ,LE:1"=20' -•I ,"E,17.16' I"W,36.08' 5" E,51.94' LE I. 2. MAP 3. 4. 5. 6. ,I I,, ~ '...~\ r ·"•"I I r I . "t G' • -. ...". ...... ,". '.,~., ."...."!oI~'"~ ," .~' " I •'~':.: '~.... , ",''.I ~. " -',I ...:. ...'..,, '.. • area. The consensus of the Commission was in favor of that condition.'Shelly asked if it would be okay for staff to approve the landscaping plan rather than requiring it to go to DRB. That provision was consented to.Shelly stated staff recommended some evergreens in addition to the aspens already proposed. Diana believed the landscaping should be concentrated near the entry. Saundra proposed adding 5 spruce trees to the aspens and shrubs already proposed in the landscape plan. Kristan Pritz stated staff would work on the specific location of those evergreens. Kathy Langenwalter moved that the request for a major amendment to Special Development District No.4,Cascade Village, to change the conditions for development for Area D, Phase lA, Glen Lyon Office Building be recommended for approval by the Town Council per the staff memo with the conditions that applicant pay the percentage portion of costs in escrow to underground electric lines and adding 5 spruce trees to the landscape plan with staff to determine the exact location of such spruce. The condition to underground the utilities would continue through each phase of the development.If no assessment was eventually placed by Holy Cross, and Holy Cross paid the cost of undergrounding, the money would be returned to the applicants.Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. It was approved 5-0. In the interest of time. item 13 of the agenda was considered at this time. 13. A review of a staff decision (per staff request, not an appeal) concerning a request for' a wall height variance for Lot 1,Block 1,Intermountain Subdivision/2684 Larkspur 19 Court. Applicant: Planner: • Robin E.Hernreich/Atwell Development Betsy Rosolack Betsy Rosolack explained the review was brought to the Commission because the current variance was not the exact variance granted previously by the Commission.However,there was not a significant difference.The consensus of the Commission was to uphold the staffs decision. Item 9 was considered out of order. 9.A request to amend Section 18.58.020 - Fences, Hedges, Walls and Screening of the Town of Vail Zoning Code Supplemental Regulations regarding enforcement of covenants restricting fence heights. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Jill Kammerer Kristan Pritz explained the request. Diana Donovan questioned how any change made to the code would affect the outstanding suit. Kristan responded that Town Attorney Larry Eskwith had indicated it would not affect the suit. Kristan said that the Town did not enforce covenants relating to other issues, and simply wanted to be consistent. 20 ·'.'.' revised 4/26/91 DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED :f )'2.K )~/ DATE OF DRB MEETING:"//"I "I ; ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I .PROJECT I NFORMATI ON: A.DESCRIPTION:Ad d i t i o n/re mo de ]to ex i s t in p-h ous e Ad d a t hree car garage,covered stair way,green house covering over hot tub ,site wor~.see attached plans for better d e s c r i p t i oD B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constr uction Minor Alteration xx Addi t ion ~Co nceptual Review C .ADD RESS:2 094 &2hR4 Lar1(spur Court ,Va i 1 ,cn ~l 057 Intermoun tain nevelonment Suhrlivision If! D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot Subdi v ision 1 &2 Block ----'1:...-_ I f property is d es c ribed by a meets and bounds l eg al de scription,pleas e provide on a s epa r at e s heet and attach to this a p plic ati on . E.ZONING:Primary /Secondary F.LOT ARE A: I f requir ed, appl icant must p rovi de a c urrent stamped s ur vey showing lot area. G.Ro bin E He r n r e i ch 2684 Iarkip-ur Cou rt Viilil CO 81657 ----Phone 303 q76 1/133 I nc . ...\,.. 4 76 ]433 NAME OF APP LI CANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Mai1 i ng Addre s s :-:7"j:::.,..L,l...".1~~;........;..L..l.,,~--"':~~---I,,~...Q...j~~----- *SIGNATURE(S): Mai I i ng Addres :....w~~.l....ll..I:..li..::u.:w.I:.....l~~L..,-......lL.a...L...J....,~...u..-'J.J...l.I...J..J..-- I.NAME OF OWNER H. J.Condominium Approval if applicable. K.DRB FEE:ORB f ee s are paid at t he time of submittal of DRB application. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $°-$10,000 $10,001 - $50,000 $50,001 - $150,000 $15],001 - $500,000-~0 ,0 0 1 -$1,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 FEE PAID: FEE $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 er«.raj Co ~ ~7"L l/f l -;f-I ?T *NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 • with the design guidel ines.The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews.The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB h ea ring . LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:Her nr e icb Re s idence addi ti on/garage LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOTl&2 BLOCK _1___SUBDIVISION IntermQuntain Dev.91 STREET ADDRESS:26R4 &2 (104 Larks pur Cou rt Vail.CO R1657 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:Addition of three car garage,new deck & green house encl osure ,si t ewor k The f o llowi ng information is required for submittal to the Design Revi ew Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials TYPE OF MATERIAL afta-lte underground (sod) r ock mos s stone v eneer COLOR brown Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other ma t ch existing house (cedar) cedar green h OJ 1s e (a 1 J1 W ; '.'ID frame) cedar cedar (~~tGh existing c edar metal Call new,repa ce eXistjng )~ r ock mos s veneer copper n /a n/a ~G,~.--------=;x a lumiumr fame.clear gJ ass B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: to he determine d,arc hitect n ow J e r r y Me r ernonti 9 2(1 -3 2(1 2 PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size* 'H /liil plan~ see plans 7 •• UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION ----Jd/kr-ff2(JUtlZ!d(1l J JOB NAME -~~-=~.Qi,.l'.:...../.-e.-..I..ooC....~------------------ LOT ADDRESS BLOCK I FILING -+-/~__---:;:I\"'"_~~fIV !hv/-I c '~( The location and availability of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. U.S.West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee Authorized Signature 5'/~J11I ~k7 NOTE:The s e verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any pUblic right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *Please bring a site plan,floor plan,and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures.Fire flow needs must be addressed. 9 .'• ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R p iS ZONE DI STRI CTS DATE:5- 28-91 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lo t 1 &2 Block _1__Fili ng Int ermou ntai n Dey .tn ADDRESS:2694 &26R 4 Lark spur Cou r t Va i l ~Q R1n5 7 OWNER Rohin E.Hernreich PHONE 47h-1433 ARCHITECT Jerry Me ramon ti q26 -3262 J .J 8 71~":'I ~.~'-Lvo (IA~~6((,·1 Existing Proposed Total r Allowed .436 a c res ;:LOT SIZE PROPOSED USE __R~e=s .:..i ~d.::.:.e~n~c~i~a~l ....:::-_ ZONE DISTRICT __~P~/~S _ Primary GRFA Height Total GRFA j S(.l.,'I I I (30)(33) '1 /I - +(8 50)(-.4 2-5-) =./!7 ~1../'.. 23 I, I ~r I 2..3 5-1 1 H~.. Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Re ar 2 0' 1 5 ' 1 5 ' Water Course Setback (30) (50) Site Coverage I su)o (</ot/),s ("f0 9 7.3 .( . I s:'f.I q I ?,"1..1..) Land s c ap ~ng - Retaining Wall Heights Parking 3'/6' S-Reqrd 3 ~7 () o 0(300)(600) (900)(1200)_;....;;...._ Permitted Slope ~Actual Slope Co'a I'.Garage Credit Drive: Date approved by Town Engineer: Environmental/Hazards:1)Flood Plain _ 2)Percent Slope 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche b)Rockfall Y,l'-"'-- c)Debris Flow __.:..-~_n 30 1'I J4)Wetlands _ Does this request involve a 250 Addition?~_o~~~ How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?---- 10 •• INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:~vel c H-J1 e.-I-J w d y £.--~''';I, DATE SUBMITTED:$'s--"DATE Of PUBLIC HEARING _~_--,......__ COMMENTS NEEDED BY:-4 ,r .4-P ~v-/c.e (1 L,,~0 Ur 1 {f"/7 D BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:ID(L {5 6 J'\f/7 tv ;/!~C-(r-z-J(f I <.,,'..Jz</(f 0 '1 j'V V-Y 7!~~v{ '." PUBLIC WORKS o Reviewed by:~~I~'~=K~L4~~~~Date:_8 -7 -~.( lj' Architecture Interior Design I Project Consulting I _+-r-.-+1 I I I I I I ~"j. '.--I-r.- ...----.-j'l.' I I I ~\()I !I-I~~1\5'~~_I : -_.--.'/f-I /...!-9 --- --11.,.------'t!---~.. ..J r-~-:)'..-r.--\~.-y-)r:s..~:F.,,~!.-~.~.:,_ j .:-f "r~.,•.•••• I":",.-r '\\.;I .._--[,."."\."",.' :!'-"-..J '-r ~y' ,....--.~"\IJ ,'.:~. ". 1 !.....I MIR4MONTI GROUP i. P.O,Box395 Edwards,Colorado 81632 303·926·3262 .'.. •I • VACAnON AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING EASEMENT THIS INSTRUMENT is made this :I-day of ;fl/}~,19~,by and between ROBIN E. HERNREICH (hereinafter referred to as "Owne '),and HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,MOUNTAINBELLSTATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY d/b/a MOUNTAIN BELL, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO (for itself and as assignee of, or successor in interest to GAS FACILITIES,INC.),THE UPPER EAGLE VALLEYWATER AND SANITATIONDISTRICTS,HERITAGE CABLEVISION (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Easement Users"), and THE TOWN OF VAIL. WHEREAS, a certain easement of record described as: Those portions ofLots 1 &2, Block 1,Intermountain Development Subdivision indicated as a 10' utility easement according to theMap thereof recorded in the Office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, and further described as follows: The north 5 feet of said Lot 1 together with the south 5 feet of said Lot 2 allowing Easement Users the use of such easement for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of sewage, water, television, gas, electric and telephone transmission facilities (hereinafter referred to as "Utility Easement") currently exists; and WHEREAS, the Owner is the owner of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Intermountain Development Subdivision, according to the Map thereof recorded in the Office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder ("Lots 1 and 2"); and WHEREAS, the Utility Easement is not being used by the Easement Users; and WHEREAS, the Owner realized no beneficial use in allowing such easement to remain; and WHEREAS, the Easement Users will realize no beneficial use in allowing such easement to remain; and WHEREAS, the Owner desires to abandon the property line between Lots 1 and 2; NOW THEREOF,in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and other good valuable consideration, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agrees as follows: I • 1.Easement Users and The Town of Vail, on behalf of themselves, their successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forever abandon, vacate, release and terminate that portion of the Utility Easement described as: Those portions of Lots I and 2, Block 1,Intermountain Development Subdivision indicated as a 10'utility easement according to the Map thereof recorded in the Office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, and further described as follows: The north 5 feet of said Lot I together with the south 5 feet of said Lot 2. Easement Users hereby convey all their right, title and interest in and to that portion of the Utility Easement vacated above, to the Owner. is Vacation and Abandonment of the Existing Easement shall be binding upon and e befit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. STATE OF(JffiDa.dn) ) ss: COUNTY OF ~<) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this'L~ay of ?Yl ay ,19.2!,by Robert E.Hernreich as the said property owner. Witness my hand and official seal. 7tL .~,~ Notary pUle My commission expires:7!OW!QQ 2 I I UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS By:_ STATE OF -J) ) ss: COUNTY OF -I) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of ,19_,by __________as of Upper Valley Water and Sanitation Districts. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My commission expires: HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION By:_ STATE OF -J) ) ss: COUNTY OF -I) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of ,19_.by __________as of Holy Cross Electric Association. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My commission expires: 3 •• MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY d/b/a MOUNTAIN BELL By:_ STATE OF ) ) ss: COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of ,19_,by __________as of Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company d/b/a Mountain Bell. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My commission expires: PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, as successor to and/or assignee of GASFZC.,a Colorado corporation, B .~I4!If;:~ STATE OF f?~) ) ss: COUNTY OF£k.-) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisJ3~ay of n'J .iu-,19fL,by Gerald M.Bonser as Dist rict Manager of pUbl~ompanyof Colorado,as successor to and/or assignee of Gas Facilities,Inc.,a Colorado corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. ~~jJui&)., O'Public My commission expires:'1-t13 -9) 4 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 10,1991 at 2:00 p.m .in the Town of Vail Municipal Building.Consideration of: 1.A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No.6,Vail Village Inn,100 East Meadow Drive,Lot 0,Block 5-0,Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant:Josef Staufer 2.A request for a review of a minor subdivision,Lots 1 and 2, Block 1,Intermountain/2694 and 2684 Larkspur Court. Applicant:Atwell Development Company/Robin E.Hernreich 3.A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an 18- hole miniature golf course on property zoned Commercial Core II,generally located south and west of Chair 8 (Born Free Express),Tracts C and 0,Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant:Vail Associates/Charlie Alexander 4.A request for a site coverage variance for the Stanley Residence,Lot 1,Vail Valley 3rd Filing,a Resubdivision of Part of Sunburst/1816 Sunburst Drive. Applicant:Jack Stanley 5.A presentation and discussion by the U.S.Forest Service on the Land Ownership Adjustment Analysis. Rich Phelps/Mike Mollica 6.An appeal of a staff decision concerning a density variance granted to Treetops Condominiums,Lot 6,Block 1,Vail Lionshead First Filing/452 East Lionshead Circle. Appellant:Treetops Condominium Association 7.An appeal of a staff decision not to allow subdivision of a triplex-type building on a lot less than 15,000 sq.ft.in size,Lot 5,Vail Village West,F iling 1/1762 Alpine Drive. Appellant:Bill Post Owners:Howard Bass,Michele Bodner,Harris Chan and David M.Sweetwood 8.A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct a snow dump on the property generally located west of the Town of Vail Shops.The property is more specifically described as follows: That part of the North 1/2 of Section 8,Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian,Eagle County, Colorado,lying north of Interstate Highway No.70 and being more particularly described as follows: •, Beginning.at the NE corner of said Section 8;thence along the northerly line of said Section 8,589 46'27"W a distance of 1500.00 ft;thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8,500 23'03"W a distance of 529.86 ft to a point on t he nor therly ROW line of 1-70;t hence along the northerly ROW line o f 1 -70 fo llowing t wo courses: 1)575 28'18"E a d istance o f 180 .82 f t to a point of cur vatur e; 2)1327.90 ft along the arc o f a c ur ve to the left,having a radius o f 5580.00 ft ,a central angle of 13 38 '04" and a chord which bears N89 36'34"E 1324 .70 ft distance to a point on t he easterly line of said Section 8; Thence departing said ROW line of 1-70 NOO 23'03 "E along the easterly line o f said Section 8,a distance of 572.10 ft t o t he point o f beginning,containing 20 .480 acres more or less . The above description is based on the Town of Vail annexation plats for the property described and is not b a sed on a field survey .The basis of bearing for the above parcel is t he no rthe r l y line of Section 8 being 589 46'27"W as shown on said annexation plats. Applicants:Town of Va il/Vai l Associates Any i t ems tabled from the May 28,1991 PEC meet i ng agenda. The app licat i ons and i n format i on a bout t he propos als are available for publ ic review i n the Community Development Department office . Town of Vai l Commun ity Development Department Published in the Va il Trail on May 24,1 991. - - -r .. -",_.-..- -,. ......~.- 1- --'1..J -,-.':"- « ........:-wtI"~mt~r~tt~l;~:l~~~§~*~t:%~~~~"tJi_:~w ;':, ~~[~~~~::~::~ :~ :I:,::I TOWN OF VAIL .~,II~'::::::::::::~::::::~::::~~::::1m DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~it~j~:;;:;;:;::::::::::::~::::::i:~:f~.........::::::::::SALES ACTION FORM :.:.:-:.;.........oxc-::::~:::!~l!'·:1~~~~~~:;~::!~~~~:-:« .: :::::::;;fj~~~;:i~~:~:~~t::::~:::~~:;:;::::~{::::~::B:tH:::"::::~"':'ilpp.Q'ilT'NQ~11::::::::1:,:1:'::::::~:::;::::::::::::':::1::;:::;1111:11::;1:::: ::::: :::1:::!::::;:':::'::!I' :l'::::: ~:Jlil::!:::!::i:!:'::l, ::: ::::!::':::':::::!::::::!: : :;:':;:::1:: :::: : ~:1:: ::1: :i1'1;::::!::1;: :::::i:;~";::1::::·i:~:Nd.~I:, ,:::l ':i':!: :!¢U$il,~i~:: :l';:::::l:::i~QjixtJ::,::l:'~,:~lJrrtm~~::::~:~:.;.:.:-:f~(1t :~~:::: 01 ooc..0+1:530 COM.DEV.APPLICATION FEES DIZ-()2-0 0 2-00,!f~~~:~:~:~i:~--:~:::~:rmi::~:::~: tf 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 I~~f:::::::::~ill~I:::::::;. $50.00~i~jl 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUll..DING CODE ::~::~::;;;:::.::~: : ::; 1::1::01 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 ::~: : : : : I01000042415UNIFORMMECHANICALCODE$32.00tt· iiil'1l'! 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECfRlCAL CODE $30.00 i~'~1rr::.:.:.:.:~@j~:~:~:~:~:01 ססoo 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS:::.::::.I.:::::::. ;:!:i::01 0000 41548 BLUEPRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 ;~j ~jt 01 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES /STUDIES $0.25 :::;:-::010000 42371 PENALTYFEES /RE-INSPECTIONS :::1':·:~tt 010000 42322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES~ff 010000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES ;~~~~j1!fj~;jj~::;:;~:~:::::~: : :tt 01 0000 41330 OTHER FEES 1ilif I 01 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 mill~~~ 01 0000 i~~~iii ~:~;~f...,...::::~:: : .:::;::;.mif:~: : :::: ill!II!: ;=::::::.2-0 ()It:-~j~~~~~~~:;;:::;:: ::::::::::~:~{:~ :tJ rr Il ~~;@~:.:-:.:.:::::~:::;:::::~::~:~:;:;:::::;::::;tJ ~;~~t~:!:rIt '::11:I~I Ili:l. :.:.;.:.'mt~:~:i~~~:.::::::::I:~::::::@~~~ /Jel-I r.:~tt S-/2-i /fl 7J 1L if'::::::::::h r -e 1 C e::---xcc- 11:1!1( COMMENT:S:: ::~I tiiItr ::::~::';.:.:-:.: / i!li,~::.::: ~~fm t~r~~j~~:~:~~~~~ ~ :::~:::::::::::::s:.:-:.:.:;:::::::::::~~::::::::::: • INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW /'I"{";'.}'"'-r //.t:/(/1~/ /"II re ,'c IPROJECT:(.(.l.-1'-1S'0 I I ,~"t.-'-C f=k r DATE SUBMITTED:~I {,7/D TE OF PUBLIC HEARING ,,/~- COMMENTS NEEDED BY:~~~~~_-_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF T PROPOSAL: /, PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments:6n:;!/J ot-JD ~Vl u/;llle.5 s'if,[off FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:L _ Comments.J Date: POLICE DEPARTMENTReviewedby:Date: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date: Comments: revised 3/11/91 " PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION June 10, 1991 AGENDA 10:30 Site Visits 12:00 Worksessions 2:00 Public Hearing Site Visits Worksesslons 12:00 - 12:45 1.A presentation and discussion with the U.S. Forest Service on the Land Ownership Adjustment Analysis. Rich Phelps/Mike Mollica 1. 5. 4. 2. 2. 1. 2. 3. 12:45 -2:00 A request for a worksession on a major amendment to Special Development District No.6,Vail Village Inn, 100 East Meadow Drive, Lot 0,Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Josef Staufer Planner: Mike Mollica Public Hearing A request for a review of a minor subdivision, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Intermountain/2684 and 2694 Larkspur Court. Applicant: Atwell Development Company/Robin E. Hernreich Planner: Betsy Rosolack A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an 18-hole miniature golf course on property zoned Commercial Core II, generally located south and west of Chair 8 (Born Free Express),Tracts C and D, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant:.Vail Associates/Charlie Alexander Planner: Andy Knudtsen Appeal of a staff decision regarding site coverage for the Stanley Residence, Lot 1, Vail Valley 3rd Filing, a Resubdivision of Part of Sunburst!1816 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Jack Stanley Planner: Jill Kammerer 4.A request for a site coverage variance for the Stanley Residence, Lot 1, Vail Valley 3rd Filing, a Resubdivision of Part of Sunburst! 1816 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Jack Stanley Planner: Jill Kammerer ·5. An appeal of a staff decision concerning a density variance granted to the Treetops Condominiums, Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/452 East Lionshead Circle. Appellant: Treetops Condominium Association Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO JULY 8,1991 6. An appeal of a staff decision not to allow subdivision of a triplex-type building on a lot less than 15,000 sq.ft. in size, Lot 5, Vail Village West, Filing 1/1762 Alpine Drive. Appellant: Bill Post Owners:Howard Bass, Michele Bodner,Harris Chan and David M. Sweetwood Planner: Shelly Mello .. II 3.7.A request for a worksession on the Municipal Complex:Discussion of Site Selection. Town Staff: Ken Hughey,Kristan Pritz, Mike Mollica 8. A request for a worksession on air quality issues related to fireplaces. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Kristan Pritz 9. Approval of the May 13 and May 20 minutes. 10.Reminder of upcoming meetings: * * June 13 - Berry Creek Fifth Filing meeting, 7:30PM June 17 - Master Transporation Plan meeting, 6:30PM June 25 - Municipal Complex public meeting,7:30PM All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers. 11. Planning Committee reports. ~. TO:Plan ning and Environmental Commission FROM:Commu n ity Development Department DATE :June 1 0,1 991 SUBJ:A request for a mi nor subdivision i n order to vacate a lot line between lots 1 and 2,Block I,Intermountain Subdivision ,26 94 and 2684 Larkspur Court. Applicant : At well Development Compa ny/ Robin E.Hernreich I.A DESCRIPTI ON OF PROPOSAL The appl icant h as a Primary /Secondary residence on Lot 2 and wi s hes to c ombine t his lot with t he vacant lot to the west, Lot 1 .Th e lots are in the Primary/Secondary zone d istrict . By c ombining Lo t 1 and Lot 2,the applicant can place a garage a djacent to h i s residence . The Town of Vail zoning code permi ts a g arage only as part of a r esidence in t he Primary/Secondary zone dist rict . I I.ZONING ANALY SIS Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot Allowable f ..GRFA Size Unit s <;I Al l owed(/J,j *10 ,89 0 (11 ,7(..'1 )2 1..'/1'272 2 IJ.-<.tu.--f /8 ,058 2 ,,3 (0)20 14 Combined 1 8 ,94 8 /I?J f L "L 2 I :>1,1 ot--l- 4145 *The p ortion of t he cu L de sac whi ch t he Town o f Vail d eeded t o the own ers of Lot I in 1990 may not be used i n c a lculating allowable GRFA .This portion contains 871 s quar e f e et,and if added to Lot 1 , makes the size of Lot I e qual t o 11 ,764 squar e feet . By t r eat ing the c ombined lots a s one lot,t he allowable GRFA permitted on the combinat ion of t he t wo lots is 4145,or 591 fewe r squa re feet t han if each lot were calculated separately (a total of 4736 square f eet ). The number o f units allowed wi l l be reduced f rom 2 on each l ot (or 4 )to a t ot al of 2 uni t s when the lots are combined into one lot . III.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the requested minor subdivision.The reduction in density is positive .One c ondition of approval is t h at the utility easement be v acated before the Town will sign the final plat . ,.. o-I. :::" LARKSPUR COURT • PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 10,1991 at 2:00 p.m.in the Town of Vail Municipal Building.Consideration of: 1.A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No.6,Vail Village Inn,100 East Meadow Drive,Lot 0,Block 5-D,Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant:Josef Staufer 2.A request for a review of a minor subdivision,Lots 1 and 2, Block I,Intermountain/2694 and 2684 Larkspur Court. Applicant:Atwell Development Company/Robin E.Hernreich 3.A r eques t for a conditional use permit to allow for an 18- hole miniature golf course on property zoned Commercial Core II,generally l ocated south and west of Chair 8 (Born Free Express),Tracts C and D,Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant:Vail Associates/Charlie Alexander 4 .A request f or a site coverage variance for the Stanley Residence,Lot I,Vail Valley 3rd Filing,a Resubdivision of Part of Sunburst/1816 Sunburst Drive. Applicant:Jack Stanley 5.A presentation and discussion by the U.S .Forest Service on the Land Ownership Adjustment Analysis. Ri ch Phelps /Mike Mollica 6 .An appeal of a staff decision concerning a density variance granted to Treetops Condominiums,Lot 6,Block I,Vail Lionshead First Filing/452 East Lionshead Circle. Appellant:Treetops Condominium Association 7.An appeal of a staff decision not to allow SUbdivision of a triplex-type building on a lot less than 15,000 sq.ft.in size,Lot 5,Vail Village West,Filing 1/1762 Alpine Drive. Appellant:Bill Post Owne r s :Howard Bass,Mi che l e Bodner,Harris Chan and David M.Sweetwood 8.A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct a snow dump on the property generally located west of the Town of Vail Shops.The property is more specifically described as follows: That part of the North 1/2 of Section 8,Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian,Eagle County, Colorado,lying north of Interstate Highway No.70 and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 8;thence along the northerly line of said Section 8,S89 46'27"W a distance of 1500 . 00 ft;thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8,SOO 23'03"W a distance of 529.86 ft to a point on the northerly ROW line of 1-70;thence along the northerly ROW line of 1-70 following two courses: 1)S75 28'18"E a distance of 180.82 ft to a point of curvature; 2)1327.90 ft along the arc of a curve to the left,having a radius of 5580.00 ft,a central angle of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 36'34"E 1324.70 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8; Thence depart ing said ROW line of 1-70 NOO 23'03"E along the easterly line o f said Section 8,a distance of 572.10 ft to t he point of beginning,containing 20 .480 acres more or less. The above description is based on t he Town of Vail annexation plats for the property described and is not based on a field survey.The basis of bearing for the above parcel is t he northerly l ine of Section 8 being S89 46'27"W as shown on said annexation plats. Applicants:Town of Vail/Vail Associates Any items tabled from t he Ma y 28,1991 PEC meet i ng agenda. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on May 24,1991. TO:Planning and Environmental Comm ission •.. FROM:Community Development Department DATE:June 10 ,1 991 SUBJ :A request f or a minor subdivision i n order to vacate a lot line between lots 1 and 2,Block 1 ,Intermountain Subdivision,2694 and 2684 Larkspur Court. Applicant:Atwell Development Company/Robin E.Hernreich I.A DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL The applicant has a Primary/Secondary residence on Lot 2 and wishes t o combine this lot with the vacant lot to the west, Lot 1 .The lots are in t he Primary/Secondary zone di st r i c t. By c ombi ning Lot 1 and Lot 2,the applicant can place a garage adjacent to his residence . The Town o f Va i l zoning code permits a garage only as part of a residence in the Primary /Secondary zone district. I I.ZONING ANALYSIS Lot 1 Lot 2 Combined Lot Allowable GRFA Size Uni ts Allowed *10, 890 2 2722 8,058 2 2014 18,948 2 4145 *The portion of the cuI de sac which the Town of Vai l deed ed t o the owners of Lot 1 in 1990 may not be used in calculating a llowable GRFA.This portion contains 871 square feet ,and if added to Lot I ,makes the size of Lot 1 equal to 11 ,764 square feet. By treating the combined lots as one lot ,t he allowable GRFA permitted on the combination o f the two lots is 4145 ,or 591 fewer square feet than if each lot were calculated separately (a total of 4736 square feet). The number of u ni t s allowed wil l be reduced from 2 on each lot (or 4)to a total of 2 units when the lots are combined into one l ot. "J III.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the requested minor subdivision.The reduction in density is positive .One condition of approval is t hat the utility easement be vacated before the Town will sign t he final plat . • ;s £29."2\ \ \ II LARKSPUR COURTJ/-....... --- •r jI~/i 0 I ce-r I TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m . Thursdays. Date:Dept.:_-=_Meeting Date: s-/1'1 I VI Evening Meeting:__Work 5ession:_ Approximate length of time item will requlre:__-:::--.:.._ I. II.Action Requested o ~Council:+ 1\eLf''''Y"'~t1-bt1-\.1"1\n a.,I 'pt'~6 Or-~,J IV.Staff Recommendation: v.Assurances (Legal, ProfessionaTT .:.."~';..r:...'.. .:!. '. I ,. ,I ...., '."';,~J~;~:\>:';::/:.\'.•.•." Outside '~-::-...:.. I '..'....'...;,:.'.'':·.::.·?F~:!;~~,'~;~~;.:;~;}~~~;:::<·,;;·:::;·.'·::\!:'· :\·:·~.··:~}/!,i,'.~:~~.:.,'f:.•....~,t,;:.:.;-.:":';',:, ':.., I.,', ......__.-.-. ~---""C."'~'."'" I.. ~: -I/, r:-- ) --I:L. I ,..•, ORDINANCE NO.16 Series of 19a9-- • AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALL RIGHT,TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE TOWN OF VAIL IN AND TO THE ROADWAY MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH AND DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF;AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. er, 75 south frontage road Yell,colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 May 28,1991 Mr.Webb Atwell Atwell Development,Inc. Box 2033 Vail,Colorado 81658 office of community development Re:Lots 1 &2,Block 1,Intermountain Subdivision Owner:Robin E.Hernreich Dear Webb: The staff has reviewed your application for a minor subdivision for the above property.Before we can present this to the Planning Commission,the plat must include: a.The sentence related to zoning: "For zoning purposes,the single lot created by this subdivision will be treated as one entity with no more than one 2-family residence allowed on the resulting single lot." b.The surveyor's signature and stamp. ~c.A breakdown of the size 'of each portion,i.e.,Lot 1,Lot 2 and the area in the cuI de sac. One condition of approval by the Planning Commission will be that the utility easement be vacated. After PEC approval,and before Design Review Board review,we must receive two corrected mylar copies with the rest of the signatures, along with copies of the tax certificates for Lots 1 and 2. required to grade the area,surface it with an all weather surface,and place an adequately sized culvert under the area for proper water drainage.All plans for construction of the improvements required by this paragraph shall be subject to approval by the Town of Vail prior to construction. Section 2. If any part,section,subsection,sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid,such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance;and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this Ordinance,and each part,section,subsection,sentence, clause or phrase thereof,regardless of the fact that anyone or more parts, sections,subsections,sentences,clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds,determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health,safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in th is Ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued,any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof,any prosecution commenced,nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED,READ AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this 20th day of ~J=u~ne~___ 1989, and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the 20th day of June Municipal Building,Vail,Colorado. JuneOrderedpubl~shed in full this 20th day of ~~~', 1989. I ,"",1// Kent R. Rose,Mayor ATTEST: \~A .~~ Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk ,-2- ./' ..' .':"...~ /,l"" .J ,..."•..~1 ,.., ",..,-~ ,, INTRODUCED,READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED July11thday of ::.=~,1989.by title only •','I''ATTEST: a~4.6rMultW.u4LUJ Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk .'',"..;.' " o.•~.•••."•• -3- ,", Johnson,Kunkel &Associates, Inc. LAND SURVEYING .CIVIL ENGINEERING .MAPPING P.O.Box 409 •113 East4th Street •Eagle,Colorado 81631 " '.7 06 2) .'..' Eagle:(303)328-6368 Metro:(303)287·0835 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LARKSPUR COURT RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION 20695 Inc. Date K.Sc~:2069 •>..::: Senior Vice ~.id~!1t.:.;.l!:::~ Johnson,Kunk~~Jt.A~bC~~,~~Q;,."'.'~~C:)#'~/~,t.'rI1L LfI.~~\-$'.1'11111111I11I1\\\\\\\\'\ Surveyor'a Note:'., Beginning at the most northerly corner o£Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Development.Subdivision;thence along the prolongation o£the northeasterly boundary o£said Lot 1 N.80(114 ~46"W.29.00 £eet to a point 10~£rom an eXisting sewer line;thence along a line 10~£rom and parallel to said sewer line S.02~15~14"W.40.58 £eet to a point on the right-o£-way boundary o£ Larkspur Court;thence along said boundary 49.10 £eet along the arc o£a curve to the le£t with a radius o£45.00 £eet,the chord o£ which bears N.40(115~27"E.46.70 £eet to the point o£beginning. Said parcel contains 789 square £eet or 0.02 o£an acre,more or leaa. The location £or the aewer line uaed in this legal description has been obtained £rom topography mapped by Eagle Valley Engineering and Surveying,Inc.dated January 5,1983. JK/89/119 .....,;:. ;::w::;·;,,:::;~ .::~:":.:"~I;'j~~1 ...,,~;:~,~;,~~~!~~! ::.:. ..,• • 01•"'? § 'tI ~ j u ~~-e-v i-~~'0.........~~~~c.'-~ \t.s, II I '.:...: ..... ::";:.:..:;~:.' ,,: ::'j , ...,,:..~r;().....•... • ,. - PROOF OF PUBLICATION :. ::::--;:.•.... ....'.:."-';-:. ~,11'6~P,1Il~~~~~,~...:.,. .bliCSNotice~.. DIlaNCI'Nb.!;~'~;rl .-·k l..oh:'''':~..s ''t;' 'AN.()ROlNANC£.:VACATlNG -AU.'RIOHT;,~'TTTLE ANDINTEREBT_OFiHE TOWN OFVAL;,~IN"AND'TO 'THE"'"ROADWAY",YORE " I PARTICUI.ARLY SETFORTH ANDDESCRIBED' ,INEXHIBIT AATTACHEDHERETO AND l.IAOE A PART HEREOF:AND SETTING FORTH DETAIlSINREGARDTHERETO..;'' CopIes'of tilII'Ordlriance'al.aval\able 101~IcInapedIon In\he oII1c8,dJhe TownClefll during normalbuIlneal houn..~,,,'..... INTRODUCED.READ ANDAPPROVED ON SECOND 'READING 'AND'~'ORDEREDPUBLISHED,BY..:rITlE.ONLY:thla~lllh day of I JoA'J 1"'~~U:U~"~"'j;l;"'·~"~"":'~.l . • ~..,r~;~~-:.w<'.:-;':','~',.;;"';'.,",.~~;~~~'TOWNI.OFVAl.·-!;t~~.·.cr......,:~!",••~"Kenl R.RoIe : ".~':-~:tr.::'l~~.:i~"",ar ,.~ATTEST:r.·:·;i-i>."'1p~-.EiqY.l !:n.bu:,··ci -:-Panwia A.B!~.,~;5rii:~.:.'-iw t';!; Town.Clefll "_"~'~"".•::,,<~P'-"hed InTheVal Tral .•",•.::;,r~~~.':r;:lor~;,on July 1-4.11lll8t£;,::.~~":;l: ":{";'~-...•,•.....•.it)!Y''':'', ~ss, .. My commission expires _-':....:..........:::-'--__'--_ publication of soid notice was in the issue of sold newspaper dated~//4=AD.wK:l- Subu:ribed and sworn to before me.a notary public in and State of Colorado.this :1j ~day of ~ ~11, In witness whereof ,hove hereunto set my hand thls__....-::.....:....-day of ~AD.19i..:L STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ALLEN KNOX -'. • • p - r onM N~.1l~2 -JI.I\SS r ,. F E D E R A LHONE DEED OF RELEA E CORPORATION ----t.!A Y -2 4 -91 FRI ~ [(NOWN AU :''MEN B Y THEse PRf;SENTS: HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCI ATI ONThntthe_.___...................... . .....1\ corporntlon organized under th~law:!of tho State of .....A.r.~.a()Sa 9 ...nnd doing business UIII.I 'r lind b)" virtue of t\lC Inws 01 the Stnre of ArkonllM,herohy ncknowlodgos rlll1 )'ll\ymcnt and ~lItltl!nction or the c1cb~nd 01111- .Deed of Trust 3rd October 83Itntlon~.Whll;h nre secured by 8 roftl ~..tl\te auutlC~,dated the.,...dny of '".. ,19 .. • and executed by ----~~~.!~p..~!'-~.~.!:.~~.~.~p...CO??~~.~i.~.g ..c:f ..~.obert ..~~En.~e1 c h ,. ....~~~~.g~.~.~~L.~.~.c;:~.f 1~.~.~.~.~ls '?~..'~n.~La ;:.~y C:__.~~.~.~~.c~ .. ........•for th(!princlpal S\!l'l'\0 .... .... . . ....... ..... ._.•••••• ••••••••••••_0 . ••-0'•"~~OJ ' '0 '•'0 _•••• ••.•0 __.11•••••••,•••••• II I :III. iI .j I I :i iIII,. I I III I . I I upon the fol1owin~described land n, o l ol"d 0Stntc:(If •r.ElHllStc<,to-.....it · .... .,~~.-~",- ..',. aka :268.5..J.J\.t:k.!>pu.!-:.L~.O.~. ... ttl tl I!said ......~9.~.~..J.~!?;M.~...~AY.!.~~~~~!:!...~9.~~...~.~S<?~~.~~IO~ Three H.U1:~9J.~.9....~.~.~.~.y...J.b.~~!'!.~ng ~~.~.b~RRn ($....360. '1ltOI\ed In the:City of y.~,U ,County ot Engle Lot.Two '(2) ,Bl ock One (1)J Va il'intermountain Development Subdivi sion, ••,••••••••• •••• • •••-,•••••_•• ,'"'0••• I acc ord tng...~.o ..~~~....~~.9.£l.~~~.4..~~~;..;~.~reofJ ~~.~t:lty of .~a g l.e ,Stat e of C lorado . .... ....,,' •••••••••• •••••• •••• •••• •••,••••• I ...............................................................".. "''''''.. .,"~_-~. ............................._. Deed of Ttustwhl~h sald m:OQ~e III re~~rded In the oWee of the Clcl'k of tho Clr'cult Court of:sold County,In Record Book 370 838 Deed of TruBt...nt pAge.................;end the saId ~ill hereby released nnd dlsehm'ged of record. IN Tr.mMONV Wm:nEOF,Snid ~g,~~!!:~.~~~'f.:t..~A.yI~~S ~~9.~~~~.~OC~.~.!,~.9.~.. b~"Its Pr~s i~.~t:t.~..~...~~.o$.t..,.y.•President lmI'k"aaltblJl\9l;who III'C dUI)'1\\lthorb:ed by Its By.Ll',WIl ,hall hereu nto II III i II iII ! I I ! I I sit:'lIccl Itli Corpornte nnme nnd nWxcd Itll Cernorate scnl,nt Its office In the Cit~·ot Al'knIlM!.on thIs J .~.r.Qjuy oL JI~y'1 10 91. J onesboro .., t ·-.. "- 2 4 -9 1 FR I H O M E F E D ER A A 'y'It-~GS STATf:;OF ARKANSAS......!S~.ACKNOWLBDGM E~I' I, On thi3 ~~.~.~dny oL ~~J......................1~~..,before me ~u~.~..~.~~~E . n l':otlll'Y Publle duly commlssloncd,qunliCl cd and netlnJe,wlthln lint!for lIold County 1\:1c\Stnt~UIIIH'IlITd In pcra on the within nnmed R.~):).J".•..JJ.~ya t;ha.n .. lind .....;.b.r~.~:r:!~H~~~~.!........ ...........to Inc perscnally (')1known,who President As st.V.Pr esid ntqlntcdth:lt th ey were the __JrW'WKt and $~~~,e of t he HOME F~D~ ~AL SAVINGS AND LOAN ..:~&~o.91~!1.9.~_.........,a cerporntlon,and were fu lly nuthori1.cd In t1clr t ()",,)~. tlvc enrnciUell to execute the foregoing Instrument for ond In the nnme and bch nlf of auld corporurien,lind furt ~1' ~tllt{'d nml ackncwlcdzcd thnt they hnd 110 slined,executed and dcllvercd 80id lor('RQint:inst rument for the COli- lIidrrntion,UllC!I and purposes therein mentioned nnd !'It for th, or In Tc~tim oJlll Whl~l'(:ol.J have hereunto Ret my hnnd and 01'ficin~<,~:l3rdI:!~L..........•.....•... ._.•.19..n ~If,!(!irr N" ... cI 'I 'Joy .,J '". My eommlsslcn expires on the dny or O~FICIA~U A... .... ..........'j@ EADAI . tl(J1MN Fluet-It AI'IK..~9Al1 CrtftIOIl£"OCOuNTY lAyComm,s:'Cne'~IfO'e·I~.:.m ,\9 I i :aQ)I~I ... Q I <;I -4 ~~I I ;l~~IIiI0ICEo<~:s ~ A "2 1 ~ffi ... Q ~ ].J0,~":'~ .)IIIQ I ~s:,l ., :J!,;:r. I~ I C~RT!Fll;ATE OF RE CORD 1,.....CICI'k ot the Cirr.\lit Court and Ex·Officio Recorder f IJI'the County n{orclilIld,do hereby certi!)'thQt the annexed and !urep;oln~iMhulncnt ot wrltin$r was filed for record in my office.on the........................ .dny ·of ,..A. D.,19..,at........ o'clock ....... .M.,nnd the et\me III now duly recorded ,with the acknowledgment and ecrtiflcnte tlWI'I,'Un ,in Record Book. Volume ,Page .. III Wit"r~~Whereof,I hnve hcrC\111to set my band nnd l\Hlx(~d the soul (If Mid COl1 rt this ....,__ dny ot _11>. ,Clerk. By .....•D.C. r± •.. .".••TIM Owne~5 Form 2312 1.Policy Datel 2.Nam~of Insuredl File NQ.V0003709 SCHEDULE A OCTOBER 19.1983 at 811)0 A.M. f J,u IIA 1"!I::WI Policy No.AZ383801 Amount $360.000.00 Addr~s5 HHNW,A PARTNERSHIP,A JOINT VENTURE 3.The e!tate or interest in the land described in this Schedule a~d which 1s covered by this policy iSI A FEE 4.Title to the e5tate or interest cov~red bY this policy at the date hereof is vested inl HHNW,A PARTNERSHIP, A JOINT VENTURE 5.The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado,and i5 described as follows. LOT TWO (2),BLOCK ONE (1),VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION,ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO. 1 This Policy valid onlY if Schedule B i ••tt&ch~d. •. TIM Owner Form 2313 Fil.No.V0005709 SCHEDULE B Policy No. AZ383801 This policy does not insur~&9ainst lo~s or damase by reason of th~ follow1n~' 1.Ri,hts or claims of ~arties in po~ses,ion not shown by the public recor-ds. 2.Easements.or claims of easements.not shown bY the ~ublic records. 3.Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary line!,shortage in area, encroachments.and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of th~premises would disclose and which ar~not ,hown by the public records. 4.Any lien.or ri,ht to a lien,for services.labor,or material theretofore or her.after furnished.imposed by la~and not shown by the public records. ~.1983 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE. 6.LIENS FOR LINPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES.IF ANY. 7.RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APRIL 18, 1934,IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 3. 8.RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APRIL 18.1934.IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 3. 9.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS.WHICH 00 NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS.IF ANY.BASED ON RACE.COLOR, RELIGION,OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 24,1970.IN BOOK 218 AT PAGE 281 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 17,1970,IN BOOK 219 AT PAGE 120 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 28.1971,IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 380. 10.UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE RESERVED ALO~ro ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AS DESCRIBED ON THE PLAT RECOROED OCTOBER 1~.1970 IN BOOK 2 18 AT PAGE 778. 11.OEED OF TRUST DATED OCTOBER 22.1981,FROM ROBERT HERNREICH AND THOMAS ROY HOLBIRD.JR.TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF TIMOTHY C.CADY.DENISE I.CADY.DAVID T. CAP AND SUSAN A.CAP TO SECURE THE SUM OF $30.000.00 RECORDED OCTOBER 26,1981.IN BOOK 331 AT PAGE 132. 12.DEED OF TRUST DATED OCTOBER 03.1983,FROf1 HHNW.A PARTNERSHIP.A JOINT VENTURE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TO SECURE THE SUM OF Pa..2 .TIM Own~r Form 2313 •Fil.No.V0005709 SCHEDULE B PolicY No.AZ383S01 <,, } $360,000.00 RECORDED OCTOBER 18,1983,IN BOOK 370 AT PAGE 838. AtwELL DEVELOPMENT,INC. ••cr",u "\,"l,,~'I\L.J..I ;Y1,t,\r o May 10,1991 Town of Vail -Community Development 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 re:Minor Subdivision Review Lots 1 &2,Block 1,Intermountain Development Subdivision Eagle County.Colorado Dear Community Development: Enclosed is an application for a Minor Subdivision Review for Lots 1 &2,Block 1, Intermountain Development Subdivision.The owner of the properties,Robin E.Hernreich,has hired me for construction management services.Mr.Hemreich is in the planning stages to build an attached garage/addition to his existing primary residence (lot 2) which will cross the interior lot line and existing utility easements.Eagle Valley Survey is coordinating the drawing the Final Plat,"Hemreich Subdivision"for submittal. Currently,I have submitted to the utility companies to vacate and abandon the existing utility easement between the said properties.I have contacted Ted Husky of Holy Cross Electric,Gary Hall of Public Service,Fred Haslee of Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated,Heritage Cablevision, and US West for approval to terminate their rights with the easement.I should have written approval within the month of May.I have included an instrument for the Town of Vail to review for their easement rights.The architect,Jerry Meremonti,has contacted the different departments concerning the design and any impacts it would cause you all.He has informed that things looked good,however the review must take place. If you all have any question or need additional information,please give a call at 476-8700(w) or 949-7808(mobile). Sincerely, Atwell Development,Inc. f;JJiJ~ Web Atwell •ED MAY 13 9 .:~ DATE RECEIVED by COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT_ APPLICATION I'OR INOR 8UBDI~SION REVI CHAPTER 17.20 VAIL KUNICIPAL CODE (4 OR FEWER LOTS) ADDRESS ~f!>q ~U@V(q.Iht.PHONE l{1f,..1'/33 I (STREET ADDRESS)261'1 ;f u,er &11;,,1// 01. MAILING ADDRESS ~-F----";~F-.t:1::::-+~-~:':':::;;'--';~--U-I-~~---- LOCATION OF PROPOSAL I£z L Co R1,5'q--: MAILING OWNER'S B.PROPERTY OWNER -+-'--";""';;"'.f-7-~6'----::II,.....:.....:.:::~....;..-------- C. FEE $250.00 .D. LOTS I t Z-BLOCK _J ,SUBDIVISION ~/~~),~~ PAID AI ->!Ci(CHECK i.. E.The first step is to request a meeting with the zoning administrator to assist the applicant in meeting the submittal requirements and to give the proposal a preliminary review. F.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1.The applicant shall submit three copies,two of which must be mylars,of the proposal following the requirements for a final plat below.Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission if determined not applicable to the project. 2.A list of all adjacent property owners (inclUding those behind and across the street)with their MAILING ADDRESSES shall also be submitted.In addition,submit addressed,stamped envelopes for each of the above. 3.Title Report verifying ownership and easements. (Schedules A &B) 4.An environmental impact report may be required as stipUlated under Chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. 5.FINAL PLAT -REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of these requirements may be waived.) A.The subdivider shall submit four copies of the final plat,two of which shall be mylars,twelve copies of the final EIR (if required)and any additional material as required below.Within thirty days of receiving the complete and correct submittal for a final plat,the zoning administr tor shall cause a copy of a notice of the time,place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the town of Vail at least fifteen days prior to said hearing.Also, adjacent property owners to the proposed subdivision shall be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the public hearing. ,/ c.Maps at the same scale as the final plat showing existing topography and proposed grading plan (contour interval requirements same as preliminary plan), a landscape and or revegetation plan showing locations,type and sizes of existing and proposed vegetation. d.A map the same scale as the final plat depicting all high and moderate avalanche hazard areas,forty percent and high slope areas and one hundred year flood plain areas as defined in the hazard ordinance of the Vail Municipal Code: e.Title insurance company proof of ownership of all lands within the proposal: f.Copies of any monument records required of the land surveyor in accordance with Colorado Revised statutes 1973,Title 38,Article 53; g.Any agreements with utility companies when required; h.Protective covenants in form for recording~ i.Other data,certificates,affidavits,or documents as may be required by the zoning administrator or PEC or council in the enforcement of these regulations. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THE APPROVED PLAT IS PROMPTLY RECORDED WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER. ...-.. If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail,the application fee shall be increased by $200 .00.Examples of such review,may include,but are note limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc.. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50%of the application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re-published,then,the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design,land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside c onsultant is needed to review any application,the Community Development may hire an outside consultant,i t shall estimate the amount of mo ney necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount f orwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. '.."z-•t 1..'4 ~/])~./&r //I Z.gUt!/<I --~.!-----~~/l"f;h:n IJ?'.'L( I nVNt%L{ tJa/?Av't-"f /J1A7'?/J-·~~;11./11,tfrt.;- gJO/~ht-5/tA-d L~(J 3rA7hwd//l1~5/P'liJ)?rw~,4.~~77U'oe..JJ.j)1J~ f'.o.IJq)O q~g;z; A!~~i-<1 /it1 rO~z'-qz-po / 4LA7J?/4A-m1 iJ.JJt..~eN~;' 8zwt/MS J(;ujlk17Lla{ 3'11 S 5.~$?J//::>. Gv~a:p/fh 8'0/10 ;:;Arvt 13.l)Avj lOll?tql'k Sf-r~. Bw/~to gO;!rJ? !tu~btfh J:}(t/It/ItTl j7.I).~)C ~(,r tint-I to ?/t,58 C!.A7'/11.j)Rvf5 /\M.... Zt/?1o 1£.&7 l;nt-;U !lAr!-·J? t·IIILhn /(b oO/~ rrM6':~t /l1bIAnI£S>1t7 ?-(J.8P;</~ j?~ACo~,E£~51(, ..tJ{)3 :3 '" It" / / / 2- ~o J/.i4'l7/v'dt ~8c;W'hjJ#111.?/651 8o~II£/r;/.{fl~ .,. ...• / 2- 1 12- ?Wd.e,& rr~rl/1df~~.~LlII g~)<J Z!Z,Z- J!4,~to ?/~ j)Jt1n~I"~Jd~~ ?o.~-3ti1? YA7l,.-L?o 2/?sJ' 7)A-rltlj ~"'?AY5 /J;l /tJtu.v CpItr j ?().8r lolt 1I:n~Ca 01!?S8 .' '. • .........nno ~:N ~I­ lIJlIJOXtt: :I ~I INTERSTATE 70 B.L.M.B.L.M. B.L.M. / "AL[r,lOo" r=- '---=--iI'OCl O C'O iDD eod r--'-'~;;:;,~I EAlilE V~LLr.r [NGIN£fRlt"a StRVElIHG INC. •..."'.-'l.'\.:"'/,fn 411-4'" • FOUNO PI Ell L.S.o.5447 01'\1.\1''1 Ell ORf<\tlf<GE Ef<SE",Et (SEE tl01E5\ L01 3 L01 \\ BLOC\<'9 ~d SC~L£.:1":20' 02" 0:>" '04" •/ ,/ P·x-:-:·-xcc~,I:'::'I TOWN OF VAIL ".ii:lI'DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I fJ SALES ACTION FORM :::;::::: it ,:..:l :t .:\ .: :f,:. ·.:f::it . I I 01 0000 41330 COM.DEV.APPLICATION FEES \ 01 000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 ()()(~...-T.J.J Ul'lll"UKM BUILDING CODE $50.00 01 0000 42415 010000 42415 01 000042415 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE UNIFORM FIRE CODE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $36.00 $32.00 $36.00 $30.00 01 000042415 OTHER CODEBOOKS 01 0000 41548 010000 42412 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS) XEROX COPIES I STUDIES $7.00 $0.25 010000 42371 PENALTY FEES IRE-INSPECTIONS 010000 42322 01 0000 41412 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES ~,\, \I ~'\~'\\))0"'\\'\.,'\\\.,\,"'\'\'\'Ii'\ \ OTHER FEES SIGN APPLICATION FEE01 0000 41413 010000 01 000041330 rt1-------------- ----------------------1 • 1'1 i see11aneous Ca:..~ •• Pee,,"i p t ii 0-'1:242 Hccount It Ck *I:170 COr~C'EI)FEE5'mt'40F'~;U8 HEF'NRE!CH qrM11)n t t .::-nd.-=r·ed -,2'30 0l.-1 Item paid ~u~Jnt paid --_. ,, VACAnON AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING EASEMENT THIS INSTRUMENT is made this !!-day of ;11A--tt,,191/by and between ROBIN E. HERNREICH (hereinafter referred to as ,,~and HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,MOUNTAIN BELLSTATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY d/b/a MOUNTAIN BELL, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO (for itself and as assignee of, or successor in interest to GAS FACILITIES,INC.),THE UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER ANDSANITATION DISTRICTS,HERITAGE CABLEVISION (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Easement Users"), and THE TOWN OF VAIL. WHEREAS, a certain easement of record described as: Those portions ofLots 1 &2, Block 1, Intermountain Development Subdivision indicated as a 10' utility easement according to the Map thereof recorded in the Office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, and further described as follows: The north 5 feet of said Lot 1 together with the south 5 feet of said Lot 2 allowing Easement Users the use of such easement for the construction,maintenance and reconstruction of sewage, water, television, gas, electric and telephone transmission facilities (hereinafter referred to as "Utility Easement") currently exists; and WHEREAS, the Owner is the owner of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Intermountain Development Subdivision, according to the Map thereof recorded in the Office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder ("Lots 1 and 2"); and WHEREAS, the Utility Easement is not being used by the Easement Users; and WHEREAS, the Owner realized no beneficial use in allowing such easement to remain; and WHEREAS, theEasement Users will realize no beneficial use in allowing such easement to remain; and WHEREAS, the Owner desires to abandon the property line between Lots 1 and 2; NOW THEREOF,in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and other good valuable consideration, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agrees as follows: 1 '. • •I 1. Easement Users and The Town of Vail, on behalf of themselves, their successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forever abandon,vacate, release and terminate that portion of the Utility Easement described as: Those portions of Lots 1 and 2,Block 1,Intermountain Development Subdivision indicated as a 10'utility easement according to the Map thereof recorded in the Office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, and further described as follows: The north 5 feet of said Lot 1 together with the south 5 feet of said Lot 2. Easement Users hereby convey all their right, title and interest in and to that portion of the Utility Easement vacated above, to the Owner. .2 ~~s Vacation and Abandonment of the Existing Easement shall be binding upon and inure to benefit f the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. STATE OFCrevlruio ) ) ss: COUNfY OF f.4 ~) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this PAay of 72t..t3&j ,1991,by Robert E. Hernreich as the said property owner. Witness my hand and official seal. -71[.~Jvn~ Notary Public My commission expires:'7J.:J..C>/qt/- 2 I I '1 I UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS By:_ STATE OF -J) ) ss: COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of ,19_,by __________as of Upper Valley Water and Sanitation Districts. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My commission expires: HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ~~ STATE OF COLORADO) ) ss: COUNTY OF GARFIELD ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 24 day of May ,19~,by David Sage as Pre s~dent of Holy Cross Electric Association . No ub c My ommission expires:4/4/95 3 .'." ORDINANCE NO.16 Series of 19a9-- AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALL RIGHT,TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE TOWN OF VAIL IN AND TO THE ROADWAY MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH AND DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF;AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS,a portion of Larkspur Court,a public roadway within the Town of Vail is not utilized by the general public;and WHEREAS,because of said reason,the Town believes that it would benefit the public safety and welfare to vacate said roadway and take the necessary steps to allow title to the roadway to transfer to the owner of the adjacent property for owner parking purposes only under the terms and conditions as set forth herein;and WHEREAS,43-2-303 C.R.S.,as amended,provides that a municipality may vacate all right,title or interest in a roadway by the adoption of an ordinance vacating any roadway or part thereof within the corporate limits of the Town;and WHEREAS,43-2-302 C.R.S.provides that in the event that a portion of a roadway is vacated,title to the vacated portion of the roadway shall vest in the owners of the abutting land,each abutting owner taking to the center of the roadway;and WHEREAS,the abutting landowners of the pertinent portion of Larkspur Court are Larry Roush and Sally Dean. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO,as follows: Section 1. The portions of Larkspur Court set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto are hereby vacated and shall be conveyed by quit claim deed to Larry Roush and Sally Dean (owners)subject to the following conditions: A.The Owners shall be obligated to maintain the vacated roadway and to keep it in good repair.No property described herein shall be used or occupied at any time for any purpose other than pedestrian,bicycle,and motor vehicle ingress and egress for the sole purpose of parking,and for the construction of a garage. B.No property described herein shall be used or considered in determining the gross residential floor area or density that the Owners would be entitled to under------" Town of Vail laws and regulations. C.The Owner shall be required to construct a gravel turnaround within one (1) year of the effective date of the ordinance which shall be sufficient in size to accommodate Town of Vail fire vehicles and snow removal equipment.Owner shall be •• required to grade the 'area,surface it with an all weather surface,and place an adequately sized culvert under the area for proper water drainage.All plans for construction of the improvements required by this paragraph shall be subject to approval by the Town of Vail prior to construction. Section 2. If any part,section,subsection,sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid,such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance;and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this Ordinance,and each part,section,subsection,sentence, clause or phrase thereof,regardless of the fact that anyone or more parts, sections,subsections,sentences,clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds,determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health,safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this Ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued,any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof,any prosecution commenced,nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED,READ AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this 20th day of ~J=u~ne~___ 1989 ,and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the 20th day of June , 1989,at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building,Vail,Colorado. Ordered published in full this 20th day of June , 1989. Kent R.Rose,Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk -2- •• INTRODUCED,READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUB~ISHED __________t his day of , 1989. Kent R.Rose ,Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk -3- S ELL E R (S)F I A L C LOS I N G ,S T ~T E MEN T SeLl e r t s )..••.. Buye r t s ).....•. Lender .....,,""" Property . Closing date . File Number . Prepa r ed by STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY,INC . P .O .BOX 2000 VA I L,CO 81658 (303 )949-1011 FAX #94 9-771 3 ELISSA SLANGER BOB HERNREICH Lot 1 Block l VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 1 11 /30/90 90006542 SALES PRICE ""."."..""."""""""""""""""""""""""" PLUS CREDITS : TOTAL CREDITS SALES PRI CE PLUS TOTAL CREDIT S LESS CHARGES : COO TY TAXES 01 /01/90 TO 11/30/90 ~~4§:~~/YF..... COMMISSIO PAID AT CLOSI G ...1.0.%••••••••••••••• SETTLEME T OR CLOSING FEE ....................• PAYEE :STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY TITLE INSURANCE """".."..".. PAYEE:STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY RECORDING FEES " "".." ""..""..".."" TRANSFER TAX 1%SPLIT 50/50 . PAYEE :TOWN OF VAIL FEDERAL EXPRESS ..........".."".."......""..........""".... "" .... " PAYEE:STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COU TY TOTAL CHARGES BALANCE DUE TO SELLER 407 .80 2,100 .00 100 .00 360 .00 10 .00 1 0 5.00 40.00 21,000 .00 0 .00 21,000 .00 3,122 .80 17 ,8 77 .20 My signature hereon acknowledges approval of tax prorations . Any DEFICIT in d linquent taxes wi l l be reimbursed to Title Company by the seller .Only the items specifically s e t out a bove have been addres sed as part of thi s c losing .All other matters ,i ncluding but not limited to,water ,sewer ,tap fees a nd special assessments are no t a part o f this settlement and shall be handled between Buyer and Seller .The undersigned further acknowledges that the above i nformation was assembl d from sources other than this company and therefore ,this company cannot guarantee the accuracy thereof .Interest on existing liens is f i gur ed to the date indicated and additional interest may have to be collected, if necessary,to s ec ur e the Release from the lienholder . WE APPROVE THE FOREGOING SETTLEMENT STATEMENT, IN ITS ENTIRETY , AUTHORIZE PAYMENTS IN ACC ORDANCE THEREWITH AND ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COPY HE~REOF ''c: SELLER )(~__~ E issa Slanger SELLER -.-~-- STEWART Tu.:~e-eF EAGLE COUNTY ,1 Escrow D U Y E R (S )N l\L C LOS I NG e S T A TE ME N'I' Prepared by STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY ,INC~ P .O . BOX 2000 VAIL,CO 81658 (303 ) 949-1 011 FAX #949 - 7713 S ~l l er(s )ELISSA L .SLANGER Buy e r (s)BOB HERNHEI CH Lerrd e r ••••••••• Property . Cl os i ng date ..• Fi 1(~Numbe r .... Lot 1 Bl ock 1 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 1 11 /30 /90 90 006 54 2 SAr,ES PR I CE ••.•••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• PLUS CHARG ES: SETTLEME NT OR CLOSING FEE . PAYEE:STEWART TITLE OF EAGL E CO UNTY RECORD I NG FEES DEED $1 0 . 00 QeD 10 •00 ••...•.••••••••••••••••.•.• STATE TAX/STAMPS DEED S 2 . 10......................................... TAX CERTIFICATE •.••...................••...... PAYEE :STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY TRA SFER TAX 1%SPLIT 50 /50 .•••••••..••......• PAYEE :TOW N OF VAIL TOTAL CHARG ES SALES PRICE PLUS TOTAL CHARGES LESS CREDITS : DEPOSI T OR EAR NEST MONEy ••••••••••••.••••••••• CO UNTY TAXE S 01 /01 /90 TO i1 /3 0 /90 $.4.4p ,~9/yt"••••• TOTAL CR ED I TS BALANC E DUE FROM BU YER 100.00 20.00 2.10 10.00 1 05 . 00 1 ,000 .00 40 7 .80 21,000.0 0 23 7 .10 21,237 .10 1 ,407 .80 1 9 ,829 .30 My s i gna t u r e h e r e on acknowl edges approval o f tax pror ati ons .Any DEFICIT i n d e l inquent tax e s will be r e i mbur s e d t o Ti tle Company by t he s el l er .Only the items spec ifically s e t out a bove have been addres s ed a s part of t his c l osing .All other ma t t ers,i nc l ud i ng but not l im i t ed t o,water ,sewer ,tap f ee s a nd s pecial a s s e s s ments are not a part of t his s e t tl eme n t a nd sha l l he handl ed between Buyer and Seller.Tile undersigned further ackno wl edge s t hat t ile above i nfo r mati on wa s assemb l ed from s o urces o the r t ha n t hi s company a nd t heref or e ,t his company can not. gua r an t ee t he acc u r ac y t hereof .I nteres t on e xi s t i ng liens i s figured to t he da te i nd i~ated a nd a ddit i o na l i nter e st may have t o be col l ected, i f n e c e ~sary ,-0 s c ure t he Rele ase from the l ienho l d e r . T E FOR EGOING SETTLEM ENT STATEMENT ,IN I TS ENTI RETY , CCO RDA NCE THEREWITH AND ACKNOWLE DGE RECEI PT OF BUYER BUYER ~~~~~~~AGLE COUNTY • •I'iI ThP prinled portion,ofthilform approved by i 'heColorado R••IE,I,'eCommiuion(CP to·2·811 ...--_._- _.._-----_..._-_._- - -- - -._------~ .I COUNTERPROPOSAL RE:Proposed contract for the purchase of property described as: I THIS ISALEGAl INSTRUMENT.IFNOT UNDERSTOOD,LEGAL,TAX OR OTHER COUNSEL SHOULD BE CONSUtml BEFORE SIGNING. II II Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision,Town of Vail 81657 Eagle Evidence of title shall be furnished on or before November 30,1990. Cash at closing shall be $20,000.00 The purchase price shall be $21,000.001. 2. 3. I ,also known as number 2694 Larkspur Court,Vail,CO situated in the -sai d County of_-=~-=-",--,Colorado.datedII_o..c....t..Q.be r 31 ,19.9.0-between__E..L:Ls-"'s""a'-"'S'-"l'""a....n'-l:g..,e....x.,•Seller, I,and Bob Hernreich ,Purchaser.Ii The undersigned Seller accepts said pr oposed contract,subject to the following amendments: II I i 4. The date of closing shall be on or before November 30,1990 and title shall be conveyed by general warranty deed. 5. The listing broker is Coldwell Banker Timberline Real Estate,Inc. 6.This counter proposal shall be written in counterparts and when put together form a legal,binding agreement. 7. See addendum attached. Ii'I I,All other terms and conditions shall remain the same.If this counterproposal is accepted by Purchaser.as evidenced by Purchaser's signature hereon.and if Seller receives notice of such acceptance on orbefore November 30Ii)9~.the said proposed contract,as amended hereby,shall become a contract between the parties. ,,~C ~. I:.~~*""5-:el"""le-r----------------- --- I Elissa Slanger I:The Iuregoing counterproposal is accepted this 30th day of November .19-2.Q... , " I;urJ;'~ue ;-'--.--- -.- Bob Hernreich Purchaser SellerSeller If this counterproposal is accepted by Purchaser as aforesaid,Seller agrees to pay listing broker a commission of "aL.P_t;!r list ing %of the purchase price for services in this transaction,and agrees that,i~theevent of forfeiture of payme nts and things of value received hereunder and under said proposed contract,such payments and things of value shall be divided between Seller and listing broker,one-half thereof to said broker,but not to exceed the d the ba to Selle *N.B.When this counterproposal is used,said proposed contract is not to be signed by Seller. This counterproposal must be securely attached to said proposed contract. ._- _._-- _..--------------- _._- ---------------_.. No.CP40·2·81.COU:"ITf.RPROPOS.-\l. Bradford Puhli,hin~.1743 Waree 51..Denver,CO M0202-nOli 292·2500 -5·90 ••I'II The printed portion llJ orlhi.rurm approYf·d by I Ih~Colorado Rool E.I.I~Commi..inn ICI'.0·2·811 _0 ..._._ ._• __•• • nilsISALEGAlINSTRUMEHT,IFNOT UNDERSTOOD,LEGAL,TAX OR OTIIER COUNSEL SHOULD BE CONSULmI BEFORE SIGHING. COUNTERPROPOSAL RE:Proposed co ntruct for the purchase or property described as: Lot I,Block I,Vail Int ermounta in Subdivision,Town of Vail I,I III I 81657 Eagle also known as number 26 4 Lark_~pu_r_C9u r t Vail C"-,O,,--,,,~,,-,,<-",--_ situated in t he _saJd Cou nty of _-"'-'~-"'-"'--, Colorado,dated _(k\;_!t~_r 31 ,199_0-.between __E.lls.5_UlaI}g er .Seller, and-------B.UlLJteXJu:.!ucb ,Purchas er. The undersigned Seller accepts said proposed contract,subject to t he following a mend ments: 1.The pu rchase price shall be $21,000.00 2. Cash a t closing shall be $20,000.00 3.Evidence of title shall be f urnished on or before November 30,1990. 4.The da te of cl osi ng s hall be on or be fore November 30,1990 and title shall be conveyed by gene ral war r anty deed. 5.The l i sting b r oker is Co ldwel l Banker Timbe rline Real Estat e ,Inc. 6 .This counter proposal shall be written i n cou nterparts and when put t oge ther form a l ega l ,bindi ng agreement . 7.See addendum attached. Ij,,I I!All cther terms and conditions shall remain the same.If t his counte rp roposal is acc epted by Purchaser,a s evidenced I by Purchnser's signnt ure hereon,and if Seller receives notice of such acceptu nce on orbe fore November 30 I j (0Ii19_'J_.t he said proposed contract,115 anu-uded h ereby,shall become a contract be tween the parties. II .-1.~S&~/". I ~I.r ~~~~S.-;I;-J.-r-------------------- I Elissa Slang~r ,The rOI·egoingcuunl;.'lrpruposalisaccepted t his .30th da y of November .19~. Bob Hernreich Selle r I If this counterp roposal is accepted hy Pu rchaser as aforesaid,Sell er ngrces to pay listing broker a commission of ,a~~...L...l is t iJllL%orthe pu rchase price for services in t his t rans action,and agrees that,inthe eventof for feiture of payments nnd t hings of value received he reunde r and under said proposed contract.such payments and t hi ngs of value shall be di vided between Scllur ann listing broker, on e-halr thereof to said broker,but not to exceed the cornmisaio ••'h,b.'08<11,~¥ •:-:.8.When this counterproposal is used.said proposed contract is not to be signed by Seller. This counte rp roposal must be securely att.ached to said proposed contract. No.cr 1lI-2·81.COl':-;TEI(PIl(JrO~."1.. B••M...J I'"hh,hin~.1743 W.,ee SI..non'·rr,CO MO~02 -,303 1~n·2500 -~.'ltl • e• .__..---,-_.._----_._-- -------------= = ===.=== The printed portions or Ihls rorm approved b)'the Colorado Rral Eslale Cornmi<s1on (CDSSC-S·S9) ----------- _._--_.- -- --_.....-...__._ - - ------_..._._.----,-- --_.,._._----._--._.._-------._- _._-_. THISISA LEGAL INSTRUMENT.IFNOTUNDERSTOOD,LEGAL.TAXOROTHERCOUNSELSHOULDBECONSULTED BEFORE SIGNING. VACANT LAND/FARM AND RANCH CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE Seller's remedy Liquidated Damages or Sllet'iri~PerfHrmaneE (Section 16) (FINANCING SECTIONS OMITTED) / 1. PARTIES AND PROl'ERTY.Bob Hernreich October 31 ____________________________,1Rucl.a.cci(s)(Purchaser),tas jail"lCitdiiU/tcliftiat3 iii (tilillitOiS) agrees tobuy.andtheuntlers~ned~[Seller],agreestosell,on the termsand conditions set forthinIhiscontracl,lhefollowingdescribed realestate in the County of Eage ,Colorado.10 wit: Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision,Town of Vail knownas No,2694 Larkspur Ct.Vai I,CO 81657 (Sired AddrcH,City.State ,Zip) togetherwithall interestofSeller in vacatedstreets andulleysadjacent thereto, all cascmerusandotherappurtenancesthereto,all improvementsthereon and all allachcd fixtures thereon, exceptas herein excluded,andcalled the Property. 2.•...IUNS. The pUieh~le price inffittj~he_l1~I_tn~-tl_~llt,hr~III Ih8PmIl8fl)'llR IRM ,htu IIfIhi~"illllra,,"ligAlintli A8Ulin!!I plumbing,vc ilating. and air conditioningfixtures.TV antennas,watersofteners,smoke/fire/burglaralarms. securitydevices,insidetelephone wiring andconnectingb 's/jacks,plants. mirrors,floorCOvelings,intercomsystems,buill-inkitchenappliances,and sprinkler systemsandcontrols: (b) ifon theProperty whetherat •.ledor noton Iliedale ufthiscontract:built-invacuumsystems(includingaccessories),storm windows, storm doors, window and porch shades,awnings. inds, screens .curtain rods,drapery rods,fireplace inserts,fireplace screens, fireplace grates,healing stoves, storage sheds. all keysand garage ropeners including remote controls;and(c) (d)Waler Rights.Purchase price 10include the following wale .hts: (e)Growing Crops.Withrespect tothe growingcropsSellerand Purchaseragree as follows: The above-described included items(Inclusions)ale to beconveyed10 PurchaserbySeller bybillof sale.~;:---- deedor other applicable legal lnsuumcnus)attltc dosing,freeand clear of all taxes,liensand encumbrances,exceptas providedin section 10, 1~~g_tlltttclled-HlIIUI\..,~uded-fr6tf1-thi:r.SttI<~----------------------------"" ,payable in U.S,dollars by Purchaser as3.PURCHASE I'IUCE ANDTERMS,The purchaseprice shall beS 15 ,000 •00 Iullows(complete the applicable terms below): (a~Earnest Money. S 000 •00 in the formof aper sonaI check ,as earnestmoneydeposit and part paymentof the purchase price. payable10and hel<l by Col dwell Ban ker Tim ber1i ne P,r 0 per ties ,broker, inbroker's trust account on behalfof bothSelle,and Purchaser,Broker isauthorized Indelivertheearnest moneydeposit tothe dosing agent,ifany.at or before closing. (b)Cash at Closinl;; S _,4 ,000 •0 U to bepaidhyPurchaseratclosing incash.electronic transfer funds, certified check, savingsand loan teller's check, or cashier's chcck.SubjectIn .he pm.i~ill"~eLI,~litlft4;-ij:th~e~i~ling 11I1I~Hll~lIe ..rell'!.illg-ilhBIIee tliHo!Fenl r~tlfll Ihe 1611R ell'o~oeeti,'ft-3. 11w-ll8j "!++Ieh~-OOt~ltithHn CAshAl clllsin~1 III'rlllltlws:...__. ._ --_.--_._-- 4.1"-~W!~l&<OONeft·,'t~tH:lIII;f{jh'ft{}Hrof!'.Si:-.------------------------- FINANCING TERMS,l:l'll)HJ01SS.!~.~'1>OIlLlGATlONS,I'EIU'AINING TO SECTIONS 3 AND 4, ,\REATTAl:IIElJ IIYREAL ESTAn:l:OMMISS'i'UNKrI'1tB\I "Ilm:NllliM AS FOLLOWS: (checkas applicable) o New LoanoAssumptionoSellereiPIi.aleThird Par' $,GOOD FUNDS.All paymentsrequiredatclosingshall bemade in fundswhichcomply withall applicableColorado Jaws. 6.N&r ASSIGNAIILE. This contract shallflO'(he assignable by Purchaser withoutSeller's prior writtenconsent. Exceptas so restricted, this contract shall inure10the henefilorand be binding upon the heirs,personal representatives.successors and assignsorthe parties. _._--- -----_.._------=--======--===:.:::=~ No.CBSSC·S·89.VACANTLANlJr.-ARM AND RANCII CONTRACT TO BU\,ANIJ SELL REAL ESTATE (nNANCING SECTIONS OMITTED) Bradford l'ubli,hin~,1743 W.,«SI..Denver,1"080102 -(301,292·2~OO-9·89 =====L========:=========-=======e=:-=----·:::::...-=---- I 12. CLOSING COSTS,DOCUMENTS ANI>SERVICES.Purchaser and Seller shall pilY their respectiveclosing cosls al closing,excepl as 'I otherv.'ise pnl\'idCd hercin.Purcha>erand Seller Shil 2 11 OSitO'UanOd OWIIlPlete all cu,lolllary ur requirl:d docbumenis al or !>cfodre c1oSin 1 g. 1Fee s for(re:11eSlalC ) c1osiu~amiselllcmenlsl'rviees shall not exceed $•ilOd shall be paidal closing hy UYeran seer I eac '-1 7.EVmENCEOFTITI.E.Sellershall furnish10 Purchaser.at Seller'sexpense,~acurrentcommitmentforowner'slitleinsurancepolicyin an amountequal 10 the purchase price llriiI !idler':!("'hit( ,unub:llrllelor tilIeeel liNedI"a torrentdOli,on or before Novemb er 10 , 19-.Ell-.If a title insurance commitment is furnished, Purchaser may require of Seller that copies of instruments (or abstracts of instruments) listedin theschedule ofexceptions(Exceptions)in the title insurance commitment alsobe furnished 10 Purchaser al Seller's expense.This requirement shall pertain only to instruments shown of record in IhL office of the clerk and recorder of the designated county or counties.The title insurance commitment, togetherwith any copies or abstracts ofinsrrumcntsfurnished pursuant 10this section 7,constitute the lille documents(Tille Documents), Purchaser musl requestSeller to furnish copies or ah,;rraCIS of instruments listed in the schedule of exceptions no later than 5 calendar days after Purchaser's receiptof the title insurance commiuncm.If Seller furnishes a title insurance commitment, Seller will have the title insurance policy delivered to Purchaser as soon as practicableafter closingand paythe premium at closing. 8,TITLE.(II)Tillc Review,Purchaser shall have the righ: 10inspect the Tille Documents or abstract.Wriuen notice by Purchaser of unmerchanrability of title or of an) other unsatisfactory lilk condition shown by the Tille Documents or abstract shall be signed by or on behalf of Purch.cer and given 10Seller or Listing Company onor before 5 calendar days after Purchaser's receipt of Tille Documents or abstract,or within rive (5) calendar days after receipt by Purchaser of any TIlle Documcnus)or cndorscrncnns)adding new Exceptionts) 10the lille commitment '.'.lh.'r\\ithawp~'t·ftheTIlleDocument adding newE.\Ccpli'ln(s)to lille.II'SellerorI.islint:Companydo,»notreceivePurchaser's no,'.'....;...~_I.i, s,kcifil:d above,Purchaser shall be deemed 10 haveacceptedthe condition of title as disclosed hythe TItle Documents 3S ~a'isfal'IGry, (h,,\Jallers,Nol Shown hy the I'uhlic Records.Seller shall deliver to Purchascr, uu or before the dale SCi forth in sectinn 7,true copies of all 1e,,,c!s'and survey(s)inSeller's p<1ssessionperlaiuin~tothe PropcnyaIIIIshallllisdn\e to Purchaser allcascmcnts.Jicnsorother title mailers notshown bythe public rccordsof\,hichSellahas actual knll\\'Ie.I~.·.l'urchascrshall havethe ri~hltll inspect theProperly10 determine ifanythird parl)'(slhasany rirlll inthe Pmperty 001 shownhythepublic recordstsuchasanunrecorded casement,unrecorded Icase, m boundarylinediscrepancy),Wriuennotice of anyun\ali,tilclorycondirionts)disclosed bySellerorrevealedhysuchinspectionshallhe siguedhyoron behalfofPurchaser and given10SellerorListing Companyon or before ~.r 20 ,19~,IfSeller or ListingCompany docs not receivePurchaser's noticeby said dale,Purchaser shall he deemed to haveaccepted titlesubject to such rights,if any.ofthird partiesof which Purchaser has actual knowledge, (e)Righllo Cure.IfSelleror Listing Companyreceivesnotice of unmcrchantabiluyofIiilcorauyother unsatisfactorytitleccnditionts) asprovided in subsection(a)or(h) above,Scltrshalluse reasonableeffort10correctsaidunsatisfactory lilleconditionts)prior 10thedate ofclosing.If Sellcr fails 10 correct said unsatisfuctury title conditionts)on or hdllfl:the dale ofd osing,thiscontract shnll then tcnu inate, subject to section 17;provided,however, l'urcl.nser may.by written notice receivedhy Sclk-ror I.isllllgI'ompuuy onor before closing,waive objecuon III saidunsatisfactory titleccndirioms). 9.lIsn:OFCLOSIN(;,The dale of d.lsin~sh;1I1 be Novemb er 2..L ,Ie)~,or b)'lIIutualllgrcemenl at an carlin dille. nc:I..mr alllipl,lcenfd osint:shilll be as llesignatl't1 hy JillLtJl ale OJlSJ~..n.1-QLbllY-EU:__.a.n d sell er . 10,'I'll "NSFER OF TITLE.Subjecllo lender or paymenlund using liS reqnired hcreinaudcompliance hy Purchaser with the olher lermsand provisions hereof,Sellershall exeCllleand'deliveriI good.111<.1 sufficient 9 ene~l deed 10Purcha~er, on c1using,cl'nveying lhe Propcrly Iree ill1d c1car IIf1Il1ta.\l:s e,cepllhct:elH'rill l;I\CS forIhe year ofclosing.andellu fll _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ____ _ _____;free amickarof all liensfor special improvemenlsinstalled as ofIhe date of Purchaser's signature hereon, whethcr lIssesscll,u nOI;eXCl:pl dislrihntiunulilityeaSelllenlS, includingcableTV;except lhose mailers refleclcd hyIhe ' Tille IJ....·umCnls ac.:epled hy Purchaser in accordanl'c wilh suhseclionll(a):e",epl th"sc righls,if i1ny,ofthirdpartil's in the Properly nOI showu b)'the publiCrecords 111 accordance with ;UbscclionS(b):an,1 suhjl:cl lo building and lOning regulatiuns. II.P,\YM ENT OF ENClIMItRANCES.An)'l'n~ul1lhranl'e rC'luirl'd to he paidshallhe paidat or befureIhetimeofselliemenl fmmthe ('mceeds III'Ihis tr,ulsactiunor fmm anyolher source. II I 13.pnORATIONS.Generalla.\es forthe ye;lr01 closing,based on Ihe most recenl levyand lhemosl recentassessment,rents,water and sewer chargcs,owner'sassociatiun dues,and intercsI'1I1 coutinuing luan(s), ifany,1lfld _ ____ _ _ __________________________________shall be proraled to date ofclosing. An)'so.!cs,useand transfer tax Ihilllllay accrueI>eG'uSC of Ihistransilcliun shall !>c paid hy JliJ Yerand s ell er (t each). I~.POSSESSION.Possl:ssion ufIhe Pruperty \h:all be ddiveredto Pureha\(,'r;IS lollows:0eli ver y 0 f deed suhjcci lolhe fllllowing lease(s)or lenancy(s):None , I 11 'II If Sella,afler closing,fail~to deliver possession I'U the dille herein specified, Seller \hall !>c suhject 10eviclion and shall be additionally liable to Purchaser fur payment of $_51)...Oll-.perday frulllihe dale ofagreed possession until possession isdelivered. 15.CONnlTION OF ANt>IHMA(;E TO P1l01'ERTY.The Properly and Inclusions shall be convc)'ed in their presenlcondition,onlinary weal i1fl<1 1ear e\tepted.In the e~ent Ihe Prop..-rly slull beIbmaged h)'fire or ulhl:rl'asualty prior 10 lime of c1l1sing,in an amounl of nol morc lhan len pc'll'c'"l of Ihe IUlal purchilseprice,Sdler shall hcobli!!i11I:d lu rep,tir Ihe same hef"r,'thl:dall' ufc1"siug.In lhe ewnl such damage is nOI r,'paired wilhin said lime or if the dilmilge-e.\ceellsuch \um, Ihi\ntlltracllllilY hc lermi'loIll:d ill Ihe,'plillnllf Purl·haser.SIMluid Purchaser e1eCl III c,lfry ,,"llhis c"mra...c1~'plle ~uch dama~e,1',~,hasc:r sh..11 he I:lIlillc<llo cre,hl fill allihe ilhuril/Ke pm.:~ecls resulting fn'ul sudl damage III Ihe Propeny and In" u I"ns, n,'1 nceeding,h,,\I'1:\'':;,Ihl:ll'lal pur,h;"c IUIl·e.Shllultl imyIndusillu(s)IIrscrlke!s)failor be dallla~c:d h.:tweenIhe dillellf thisn'ulra<·t andIl,c dale lit d osiug or lhe dal"IlfJ'l'''eSSilln,whidll:\cr shall he ciulicr,Ihl:uSdkrshall he:liahle forIhe rcpalr or replacelllcntuf ~nch Ind u\lon(s) I'r ,eflll:c(,)wllh a unil of silllilar Slle,age and lluillily.III ..n eljui....ll·nl ell:t1il,less any insurance pnx:eeds re,cived by Purchaser covering sud. r~pilir IlrreplilCl:menl.Thl:risk(If lnss furanydama~e IIIgrmlin!,!cmps,hyfireorolhcfl';lSnalty,shilllbe borne byIheparty entitled 10 the growingcnlps, if an)'.as provided inscclion 2and 'ueh party ,hall b<:clllilkd lu Sill'll insuralll'e prncel:dsm henefils fllrlhe growiugcrops,if any. 16.1'11\1 E OF ESSENCE/It EI\IEDIES.Time is of the essence hereof.If any note llrcheck received as earne~lllloney hereunder or any olher paynl,ut tlUI:h<'reumler is nut paid,hunmcd or lemlered when due.or if i1ny olher IIhligalinn hereunder is nol performed or waivedilS herein provided, there ,h..11 be lhe following rCllIedles: (a)IF TilE PlJllCIIASElt IS IN nE~~\tJJ :r:IFTIlE BOX INSUBSECTION (I)ISCIIECKED,SELI.Eft'S REMEDIES SIIALL Ill: AS SET H lRTlI lN SUBSECT ION (I)ISpECIFIC pERFOIU,IANCEI.IF SAID BOX IS NOT CIIECKED,SELLER'S REMEDIESSIIALL IlE AS SET l'OIUIiIN SUBSEC.TION (2) [LIQUIDATED D:\M :\lil:S]. o fli Specific I'crformance.~eller IllayeleCliOIreatth is conlr.tct ..s cancellcd.in which case all paymenlsand things of ......Iuereceived hereunder shallloc forfl:itedandrelained nnIll'half nfSel:l:r,a11.1 Sdler Illayrl'rnver sUl'h damal!eSas may be prnp.:f,orSellaIllaydecllo trealthisconlraCIas being in ful!f,lrcc and effl:ct and Sellershall have Ihe ri~11I11I ,pel'ifi"I""fl.rm:mc·e or diulla~es,IIrhllih (1)U 'luidall'd Damal:es.All payments and lhill!!'of yalucrCl'eiwcJ hercuntll'r shall he forfcill:d hy Purchaser and relainedon !>chalfofSellerand hOlh patlies shallihereaflcr be released frumallllhh gilli'lm hereunder.IIis,Igleed lhal such payments alllilhings01 \';I lue arcL1QUIDATEI)DA.\I,\GES ilnd(e\Cepl asprllvid..d in ~uhseclinn (c)) arc SELI.I.R'SSOLEANDONLYREMEDYfill Purdtaser's failure10 perform lheobligalions oflhi~cllnlraCI. Seller npressly waivesIheremedies nfspecific perforllli\llce and addillnnal c1am..~c·s. (h) IF SELI.ER IS IN DEFAULT:Purchi\Scr Illil)'dect 10 Heill this culllraCI;IS ('ancelkd,in which case all payments and things IIf value rCl'e,,·c,t herellnJer hall be relllrtll:dand Purchaser mayrenwer ,"cht1:unages as milY he I'n'p..-r.(Ir Purchaser Illayelect tCllrl:al Ihisconlraclas being in full furcl:i1nd crfecl..ntl Pllrchilscr shallhave Ihe righli ll 'J'l'd fie performanre m .1,ul1i1~l:s .Ilr h(lltl. lc)COSTS ANIl EXI'ENSF..5,Anylhing tcllhe cnntraryherein notwithslanding,in lheeventofanylitigalionor arhilralionarising0111of lhis conllacl,lhecourl shilll aWilrd 10 Ihe prevailing party i111 rCiI,onabk C"' IS;lOd e~rl:nse,ind utling allllrney fces. -------~---------_._-_..---_.-_._------_.= ==== ===--=-=-- - =======-====,._..--._--._----_._-_.• 17.EAHNEST MONEY L>ISI'UTE.---~:lI~t:l andi llg-all~-lerlllinat:~-I~f~liS cI::I~acl'Purchaser a~d Seller agree that,in the event uf :11~'=-1 controversyregarding the earnest money and Ihings of value heldby brokeror dosingagent, unless mutual wriucn instructionsarc receivedIIy the holder "ftheearnest moneyand tlungs of value.I>l{l~el 01 d osing agent shall nol he required Inlakeany action but may awaitany proceeding,or at broker's IIr closingagcuts option and sole discretion.ilia)'interplead all pan icsand depositany moneys or thingsof valueinto acourt ofcompetent jurisdicrion aIll! shallrecover cour tcostsand reasonableattorney fees. 18.INSPECTION.Purchaser or anydesignee,shall havethe right to haveinspection(s)of lhe physicalcondition of the Property and Inclusion-,, at Purcha ser's expcnse.If written notice of any unsatisfactory condition.signed by Purchaser, is not received by Seller or Listing Compa ny on or before Nove mbcr 16 .19 9a .the physical condition uf the Properly and Inclusions shall he deemed III hesatisfactory to Purchaser,If written notice of any unsatisfactory condition.srgncd by l'urchascr,is given 10 Seller or Listing Company as sci fmlh above in this section .and il l'urchascr and Seller have nul reached a wriuen agreement in settlement thereof on ur before Novem ber 2.0 ,II)9a .this contract shall then terminate,subject to section 17. Purchaser is responsible and shall pay furanydamage which occurs toIhe Propertyand luclusion«ats a resultofsuch inspcl'tion..• Ill.M;ENCY IlISCLOSlJIU::.The lislil1~hlol':r,C~rf \"~1.I Banker Timber line Pr ()y ~!'!I_~~II and ilSsalcs ;Igellis (Listing Company) 1"l'rl" ,'1I1 Seller,'1'1,,:1.:'li lli'CI'I"l'ally owes dUl ies of trust, loyalry allli confidence til Sclivr IInly.While rl.e USlin~C!'lIlpany has a duty III Ill'al Pllld",":r hOlII~·.t l",.Ill"I),rillf COll lp,,"y is Sdkr's a~enl and is arlillg 1111 behalf Ilf:l":k l ",,:I 11, )1 I'l1Id 'as.r I BY SIGN~NG BELOW,PURCIIASER ACKNllWLE1KiES PRIUR TII\tELY NUTICE BY LISTING OR SELLING COl\m\NY TIIAr L1STINIi (OIlIl'ANYIS SELLER'S AGENT. The selling broker,_Bill S t nab s,Br okar _ and ils sales agcnrs (Selling Company)represent:(IF TilE BOX IN SUBSECTION (b) IS CHECKED,SELLING COllll'/\NY REPRESENTS PURCHASER ONLY.AS SET FORTH IN SUBSECTION (b).IF THE BOX IN SUBSECTION u»IS NOT CIIECKEO,SELLI;.JG COMPANYREPRESENTS SELLER ONLY,AS .'lEI'FORTHIN SUOSECflON (a).] (a) Seller,The Selling Company owesduties of trust, loyally and confidelice10 Seller only,While the Selling Company has a duty '10 rrc,u l'urchaser honestly,the Selling Company is Sd kr's a!'enl and is acting nil behalf IIfSeller and nul Purchaser.OYSIGNING UELOW,PURCIIASER ,\CKNOWLE[)(iES PRIOll TIMELY NOTICE BYSELLING COMPANYTHAT SELLlNti COMPANYIS SELl.ER'S AGENT, r~(h)Purchuser,If the boxis checked.The Sellin];Company uwesduties Ilfuust,loyalty and confidence III Purchaser only,Whik the Sellill/: l lllllp"ny has a dilly tn trcat Sellerhllneslly.the Seiling Ctllllpall)'isal'ling uu behalfIIfPurchaser and notSeller.SELLER ANIJ LISTING COMPANY :\CKNOWI.E\)(iE PRIOR'1IIlIELYNUTICE BYSaLING COMPANYTHAT IT IS PURCHASER'S AGENT. 20.,\mnTIONAI.PIWV[.'lIONS: (1 .)Town of Vail Rea l Estate Tr ans fer Tax (1%)s hall be split equally between bu yer a nd se l l er (t each). 21.HECOMMENUATION OF LEGAL COUNSE L,Bysigning lhis document, Purchaser and Seller acknowledge that the Selling Company or the Lisling Company has recommended lhal Purchaser and Seller ublain the advice of their own legal counsel regarding examination llf title and Ihi~cmur..ct.~\ 22,TEIV1(NATIUN.) In the event this WIIII;let is tcnninatcd. all payments am]things of value received hereunder shall be returned and Ihe panics sl~(be relievedot : Iobligationshereunder,subject tosection 17. 23,NOTICE 01-'CEI'TANCFJCOliNTEIU'AlrrS.IfIhis proposul is acccptcd by Seller in writing and Purchaser receives notice of'su,h lie ..N L 5 ,19 9..~,Ihisdocument shall become a coniraI.'l bciween Seller aI1l1Iurch3\l'r. IIcnllllaybe ex I'd bye;il'h party,separately,and wheneach parly hascAeculed acupy Ihereof,such copies laken IO~l'lher shallhe ..I eomple Illral"1 'Iween Ihep"r1ies.. ob Her nrei ch DOl'I'urchm< Purchaser's Addr~ss .-2...fi 84 Lar k..s Dur.-Cl..t _'La.i.Lt _G.D.-aL6..5..LZ _ ITU liECOI\lI'LETEO BYSELLER AND LISTINGCOI\\I'ANYJ 2-1.ACCElrli\NCE/COl\lI\lISSION.Srllcr "lTCflls Iheabuvcplupilsallhis .dayof .II)__. Seller shall pay10Ihe Listing Companyal'olllllli,sionof 'd.,llfIhl'~ru,s purchase price or _ as a~rel'd U(XlIl belween Scllerand Lislillg (lllIIl'ally forservil'Cs in Ihis lIansal·liun.In Ihecvenlof forfeilureuf paymeills and Ihings 1,1 value Il'cei\l'll hereunder. such paYlllcnls ;,nd IhillgS of \';rllll'sh..nbe di\'ided bct"een I.islin~CUlllpany ;111..1 Seller. one-half lhereof 10Lisling COlllpany.bUI nul hI e.Kced Ihc cOll1l11issiun,and Ihebalance 10 Sd kr. selic,Dale Srll..-- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --;-;-U.llt Seller's Address The undersigned Sellin!!COlllpany arknowkdges rn'eifllof Ihecarneslmolll')llcposil specified in sel:tillnJ and bulh Selling Clllllpan)"ami Lisling COlllpany confirllllhe rcspecliveagenC)'discl",ull'sCllorth illseclion II). Selling Company Dy: (Si'n.alu'tJ----------- ---------...."n.llt"Address _ Listing COIIIPilllY f),I'''' By: (S"n..lulc)--------------------r;-;: Adthess -.._._._.----_.....__.-.----_..-_._------- _._---.__.-..,- - • Mdcn:hnn to "Contract to &Iy am Sell Real Estate"dated:October 31.199 0 betweeru Purchaser(s)--",B",,-o-'!..b-!l'"'-'Ie=-"r'-'"n"""-r.>:.e:.;.i c"'-'h"'--_ ard Seller(s)El i 5,-,,5=3----,<-5 l=a"-'n~g""'e'-"-r _ of 1.'!he 'urders.iqned hereby ac.J<ro:..lledge arrl un.:lcrstarrl that <X>IlJiVELL IWn<ER TIMBERLINE REAL ESTATE,me,is an irrlep?Jrlently cwned ard ope rated franchisee of OJl dv.'ell B3.nker Residential Affiliates,roc., ard as such i s solely responsible for its l::usinc.ss practi ces ard the acts,errors ard onissi ons of its agents an::i errpl .oyees, 2.Seller(s)r epresents that no part of this property is owned by a foreign interest,either personal ,corporate or otherwise.seller(s) agree t o sign a copy of an affidavit as part of the cl.osirq papers to verify tllese facts for the Intel.1lCl.l·Revenue service ard will irricr:mify Broker'against any mis representations made in said affidavit Which result;in actions against the broker arri/or the seller(s )by the purchaser an:l,!or the I rrtarnal.Revenue Sarvice. OR zx,Seller(s)ackrxwl.edqe ard agree that 10%of net sales price fran any sale of this unit shOJ1d be withheld fran sellers'proceeds of .sale ard remitted tJ;>the U. S.Internal R/fvenue service as a deposit against the sellers 'porent i.al,tax liabilities asscciat.ed with the sale of thi s propertry,(See U.s.Real Prop::.rty Interest (USRPI)defined in I Re section 897C.) 3.In the event the require:l paperwork conce.rnirq this transaction is not CCiTlplet.ed by the closi.rq date then all dates herein shall be autcm3.tically e.>....terrle.d for a pericx:i of _0_days. 4.'!his contract,plus any rro::lifications or arrerdJrents,may be transmitt.ed bY telefax copier ard all parties agree that their origina1 . signatures which are oopi.ed on the transmitted docu;rrents shall be bin:lirq as if they were original signatures.Facsimile oopi.es my be fo11o.-.'O:1 by hard CXJPies with original signatures fran roth parties by ~t~a~t .- 5•Purchaser(s)ackJ1CNlledges (a)that this real property arrl/or struclure is/isxt'£lt.located.within an area that the Tcwn ·of Vail has desiqnated as an area of qeoroqdo sensitivity by Tcwn of Vail ordirance No.5 (series of 1985),(the orctireroe),(b)that the ordinance ard tlle s tudies ard oops referred to in the Ordinance are available for p.lblic . inspection at the Office of 0:JmmUn.ity D::!velq:trerlt cepa.rt::rrent of the To..m of Vail ard (c)that p.1.rCha.ser has been advfsed that said maps,sb.rliC's ard the ordinance shco.ld be reviewed.prior to any party enteri.rq into any aqreement 'or contract with regard thereto. 6.<X>ILHELL IV>.NKER TIMTIERLllffi REAL ESTATE,rsc,advises the Purchaser(s)to inspect the subjoct property or to errploy a professional to inspect the property.We neke no guarantees or representations as to the condl.tIon of tlIe applIances,equiprent,services an::Vor cordi.tions ....1lich may exist in the properly.PIll"ch-:tser(s)ackncJ..Jledges arrl accepts the subject properly in lias is"cordition ard/or per the terrrs of the contract at the too of closinq I COTDVElL BANKER Tll·mERLINE REAL ESTATE,INC.ard __Ih._S.ll_~.l!JLR~..L ,agent ,shall not be rosponsible COl:l-he·repa ir,r ep'Ary''1''''·~t-.or rro:F f~.'."'·1l:~or:')f <:tIT}' def i ciencies or m..1.l functions in the IlY.\tc.rial,·....o rknanship ard rrechani.cal, ccmporenta of the·a~t structures arrl improverrl?nts prior or subsequent to closir-g. 7.In connection with the transaction contenplat.ed by this ~t, Purchaser(s)nay ootain an adjustable rate lJ'Ortgage (~ra'li-a financial institution of Purchaser'6 choice.~(s)"ackrcwl.edqes that Broker has advIsed Purchaser (s)(~)__to-6btain arrl re:vi~a CXY;!j of tlIe "consumer Guide to Mjustable-Rafu lbrtgages"pJblished by the Federal National t-lortsage~iation,an::i (b)to make such further Invest.Iqat.Lon.of-SUCh type of rrcrtgage as Purchaser(s)considers appropriate:"Purchaser(s)further acknc:1Nledges that he or she has rot • TllISISALEGALINSTRUMOO.IFNOT UNDERSTOOD,LEGAL.TAX OR OlliER COUNSa SHOULD BE CONSUlJIO BEFORE SIGNING. Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision,Town of Vail COUNTERPROPOSAL 81657 Eagle .._- - -- - ------ - - - --- The purchase price shall be $21,000.00l. RE:Proposed contract for the purchase of property described as: --------- - - I,r Thrprinlrd porllonl orlhll rorm approvtd b7 the Colorado Rnl I::llal.CommissionleI'40·2·8\l also known as num ber 2694 Larkspur Court I Vail,CO si t uated in the --.S.9 i d County of _-",-~",,-,,"--•Colorado,dated I _<k..LoJLe r 31 ,199.0-bet ween---.El ;!,s sa Slanger ,Seller, and Bob He rnr eich •Purchaser.I:The unders.igned Seller a ccepts said pr oposed contract,su bject to the following amendments:III I 2.Ca sh at closing shall be $20,000.00 3.Evidence o f title shall be furnished on or before November 30,1990. 4.The d ate of closing s hall be on or before November 30,1990 and title s hall be conv~yed by general warranty deed. 5.The list i ng broker is Coldwell Banker Timberline Real Es t p t e ,Inc. 6 .This count e r proposal s h all be written in counterparts and when put t og ether form a legal,binding agreement. 7.See addendum a t t a che d . I.I,I I II II.I: A ll other ter ms and conditions shall remain th e sa me.If t his coun terproposal is accepted by Purchaser.as evidenced by Purchaser's signat ure hereo n,and if Seller receives notice of such acceptance on or before Nov emb e r 30 1 9~,the said proposed contract,as amended hereby,shall become a cont ract between the parties. 30th Ii .~----.r~--:~- Elissa Slanger Th e for cg"oin:g counterproposal is accepted t his S. IIe r day of ..November ----------Pu rchueer Bob Hernreich Stller If this counterproposal is accepted by Pu rchaser as aforesaid, Seller agrees to pay listing broker a commission of a$_p-e r 1i s t iJ1g _%of the purchase price for services in this transaction,and agrees t hat, in the event of forfeiture of pnyments and th ings of value received hereunder and under said pr oposed contract, such payments and things of value sh all be divided between Seller and listing broker, one-half thereof to said broker,but not to exceed the the bal a,l.l:~o Seller.~ Elis s a Slanger "N D.When this counterproposal is used,said proposed contract is not to be signed by Seller. Th is coun terproposal must be securely attached to said proposed contract. -- - ---"---- - ._- ----_.---- :"in.c r 40·2·1l1.COl:'TF.RI'ROPOSAL.-, Dradr",d Publi,hin ~.1743W3lCC 51..Denver,CO RMll2 -13031292·2500 -S·'l() _1'.0.Box2000 Vail,CO81658 (303) 949·1011 FAX (303)949·7713 _SlcWART TITLE 01;EAGLE COUN1Y,INC. CLOSING AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 1990_____, isamongNov~mb-=rTrusAGREEMENT,dated _ ~Li s s?S~3ngp.r Coldwell B3nk~r /Timberli~~------ corpora tion ("Closing Agent"), RECITALS 1.SELLERANDPURCJIASER haveentered intothatcertain Vacant Land/Farm and Ra~ch Cont=act to Buy anL 5011 Real Est3tC ("theContract'l,dated October 31 1990 ,coveringthe sale and purchase ofthatcertain property (the"Property")inEagleCounty,Colorado,andmoreparticularly described asfollows: Lot 1,Bloc~1,Vail Intermountain 2.SELLER AND PURCHASER desirethatClosing Agent closethetransaction contemplated undertheContract pursuant to theterms and provisions of theContract,which terms and provisions arc incorporated herein by reference thereto. AGREEMENT IN COi'llSlDERA110N oftherecitals andthemutual covenants andobligations hereinafter SCiforth,theparties hereto hereby agree asfoll ows: I,SERVICt:S To DErt:IU'ORMW lJy CLOSING AGENT.With respect 10 the closing of title (the"Closing')to the Propertyand pursuant to theagreements of Seller and Purchaser set forthin theContract,which agreementsshall be deemed 10 be instructions10 Closing Agent hereunder,Closing Agent shall do the following: A.INFORMATION GATIJERINC..CiosingAgentshall reviewthe Contract.make telephone notifications and inquiries and obtain verification (in written form.timeand third parties permitting)of existing loan payoffs,homeownerassociationdues, insurance premiumsand ad valorem real and personal properlY taxes, II.I'REI'ARAllON0 ..DOCUr.n:NTS.ClosingAgentshall provide scrivener'sassistance10 Brokerin Ihepreparation of closing documentsrequiredpursuant to theContract, withsuch assistance hcinglimited lU that allowed under Colorado law. C.I'R~:rARATIll/'i OF St:TIJ.EMENT SUEt:TS.Closing Agentshall analyzethe information gathered,determinecalculationsand prorationsand prepare final settlementsheets, 1>.CLOSING.Closing Agentshall coordinate theClosing,present closing documents for execution,explainclosingdocumentation prepared by Closing Agcnl,receiveand deposit funds,record documents,disperse closing documentsand prepareand disperse checks. ":.LOANTRANSACTION.Ifa loan assumption closing or a new loan closing is required pursuanllo the termsof the Contract (as il c,\iSISon the dale hereof),Closing Agent shall prepare IIUD Settlement Sheets,if required,recordloan documents,disperse loanclosing documents and prepareand disperse checks.In the event thata loan assumption or a new loan is made part of the Closing bUI wasnot disclosed as a requirement in theContract, Oosing Agent shall have the right tocharge the Purchaser,in addilion 10 all other feespayable to Closing Agent hereunder, such amount forsuchloan services as is SCi forthinClosing A~enl's Schedule ofFees And Charges ineffect on the dale hereof ami on file with the ColoradoCommissioner of Insurance. F.fo:~CROWS AND 1I0LOING FUNDS.The creationof any escrowfor the holdinganddispersingof any documents or funds byClosing Agent after theClosingshall only be requiredof Closing Agentin the event that Seller,Purchaser andClosing Agcnl enter intoa separate wriucn escrowagreement whereinescrow instructions and C~qOW Ices pertaining 10 suchescrow arcspecifically set fOrlh. 2.SERVICES NOT I'ERFORMED IIv CLOSING AGENT.Thefollowing is a non-exclusive lisl of mailers Ihal Closing Agenldocs not ~lIempt to invesligateor 'Ielermine and for whichClosing Agcnl is nul li~hle: A. Unrecorded mechanic's and malerialmen's liens. II.Cnrrenl personalproperty l:lXes. c.Ulilitychargessuchas eleclric, gas,walerand sewer including. wilholltlimitation,lap fees. n.lIuundarylines, localionof improvemenlsand possession of lhe Prop.:rly. E.Compliance wiLh limitationson useof IheProperly such as zoning and huildingordinances and restriclions. F.Proprl.::d improvementassessmenlS,notyetliens of record. G. E\ istenceandpremiums of fireand casually insurance. I'erlainint;10 informaliongalhcred by Closing Agenl fromsources other IhanClosing Agenl,Closing Agent docs nol guaranlee Iheaccuracyof any such informalionand shallnot heliable as a resultof any inaccuracyin ~n"h infoun.'lion. 3.FEt:S 1'0 UEPAID1'0 CLOSlNG AGENT.Inconsiderationof the above definedservices to be performedby ClosingAgent,the following feesand reimbursements shall bepaid to ClosingAgent at theClosing: A.A"Closing Fcc"in theamount of $100 . 0 0 .__shall he paid by theSellerand $100 •00 shall hepaidhy the Purchaser. B.Notwithstandinganything containedhereinabove 10 tbc contrary. in theevent ClosingAgent performsany services outsideof normalclosing services(called herein"Special Services"),a "Special Closing Fcc,"in additionto theClosing Fcc,in an amountequal to theproduct of $50.00perhour multipliedby the numberofhoursspent by ClosingAgent in performingsuch SpecialServicesshall be paid by the party(Seller or Purchaser) requestingsuch SpecialServices. SpecialServices shall include. withoutlimitation, multiplerevisionsof documentsorscttlcucnt statements,emergencyor specialdeliveryrequests, travelto outsideofficesor localions,duplicationand assemblyof multiple closingpackages,documentsor correspondence,counselingand educationon terminology,practicesor proceduresgenerally knownand accepted in the Colorado real estate,legal andlor lendingcommunity andtimerequired 10 pursueon behalfof a party the remedies 10 satisfy the requirements,provisionsand/or contingenciesof any title commitment,loancommitment orof the Contract, C. Inaddilion 10 theClosing Feeand the SpecialClnsing Fcc,ifany, direct outof pocketexpenses incurredbyClosing Agent including,withoutlimitation,special postageor freight,long distancecalls, recording fees,tax certificates,status reports,hank feesforwire transfersand forcertifiedand cashier's checks and auomcys' feesshall be paid by theparty (Selleror Purchaser)for whomsuchexpense was incurred. D.NOlwilhslanding anylhingcontained herein10 the contrary,illthe event thatClosing Agentincursany allomeys' Icesor other legal costs in the preparationof anyclosing documentsas a result of ClosingAgent being requested to obtainor prepare such documenl andColoradolaw prohibitsClosingAgen:from preparingsuchdocument,such feesor costs shall hepaid by the party(Seller.Purchaseror Broker)requesting that such document beprepared. 4.REPRt:SENTAllONS AND WARRANTIt:s O~·SEtLER ANt) PURCIJASER.Seller and Purchaser herebyrepresent,warrantand covenant 10 ClosingAgent as follows: A. Sellerand Purchaser willdeliver 10 ClosingAgenl alldocumenls. pay 10 Oosing Agent all sumsand do or cause to be done allolhel Ihingsnecessary10 caUSe theClosing tooccur as required pursuant to Ihetermsof IheContract. n.SellerandPurchaser willeach pay lo Closing Agent,on or before lhe Closing, all charges payable by lhemas specified herein. C. ClosingAgcnlshall nol be liable foranyact il lTl.'ly door omil 10 do hereunderwhileaCling in good failhand in lheexercise of its own beSI judgment,and any act done or omilled by itpursuanl 10 Lhe advieeof itsown allomey shall be conclusiveevidencenf such good failh. D. Seller and Purchaseragrcc,joinlly and severally. for themselves. Lheir heirs,personal representatives,sueeessorsand assigns lu indemnify,defendand holdClosingAgent harmlessas 10 any liabilityby it incurred 10any oLhcr personor enlity byreason of its havingacceptedand entered into this Agrccmenl,or inconnl',linll herewilh,and to reimburseClosing Aj!cnl forall ils cxpenses including,wilhoutlimitation.,allomc>t!ts and court costs incurred inconnection herewith;and thatClosing Agentshall have a firstand priorlien uponall deposits madehereunderto secure the performanceof said Agreementof indemnityand the payment of Closing Agent's fees,charges and expenses. 5.AtrrJlORI1.All0N AND DIRECTION TO CLOSING Am:NT.Scllcr and Purchaserherebyspecificallyauthorize and direct ClosingAgent as follows: A.Closing Agentshall pay, fromany fundsheld by it forSeller and Purchaser's respectivecredit hereunder, all charges and obligations payable bySeller and Purchaser respectively,as specified herein. II.Closing Agent may actupon any statement furnishedhy the holderor payee (or collectionagent thereof)of any lien on or chargeor assessment in connection with the Property.concerning the amount of such lien,charge or assessment withoutliability or responsibilityfor theaccuracyof such statement, C. All fundspayable under the Contract shall bepaid toClosing Agent. Disbursementof any funds hereunder may bemade by check or Closing Agent, but Closing Agent shall be under no obligation whatsoever 10 disburse any funds representedby check. draft or other instrumentdelivered to ClosingAgent and nocheck, draft of other instrumentshall bedeemed payment to Closing Agent incompliance withany requirement hereof untilClosing Agent has beenadvised by the bank in whichdeposited thatsuch check, draft or other instrument has been unconditionally honored in immediatelyavailable funds bysuch bank. l), ClosingAgent may reimburse itself forall fees.charges and expensesand for damages or expenses itmay incur in connection herewith fromall of the right, title and interestor Seller and Purchaserin and to thedocuments and moniesdeposited with Closing Agent hereunder. E.Ifat any time in the performanceof its dutiesunder this Agreement it is necessary forClosing Agent toreceive, accept or act uponany notice orwriting purportedto have beenexecutedor issued hyor on behalfof any of theparties hereto, itshall not be necessary forClosing Agent to ascertain whetheror not the person or persons who haveexecuted, signed or otherwise issuedor authenticated the writing had theauthority toso execute,sign or otherwise issueor authenticate said writing,or that they are the samepersons named thereinor otherwise to pass uponany requirementsof such instruments that may be essential for their validity. F.Closing Agent is herebyexpressly authorized and directed to disregard any and all noticesor warnings given by any of the partiesheretoor by any other person or entity, exceptingonly orders or process of court, and is herebyexpressly authorized to comply withand obey any and all orders,judgments or decree of any court.Closing Agentshall not be liable to any of the parties heretoor to any other person or entity byreason of such compliance,notwithstandingany such order,judgment or decree besubsequentlyreversed, modified,annulled,set aside or vacated, or found to have beenentered withoutjurisdiction. G. Ifat any timea dispute shall exist as to the duty of Closing Agent under the terms hereof, the right 10possession, title or proceedsof any item held by Closing Agent,or as to any dispute arising between the parties as to any maUerunder thisAgreement, Closing Agent may deposit this Agreementand items held by ClosingAgcnt with theClerk of the DistrictCourt of theCounty of Eagle,State of Colorado. and may interpleadthe parties hereto, Uponsodepositing thisAgreement and items held byClosing Agent and filingits complaint in interpleader,ClosingAgent shall bereleased from all liability under the terms hereof.If theCourt does not provide forreimbursement to ClosingAgent for attorneys' fees,costs and expenses related to the interpleader action out of -erple&d funds, then Closing Agel't shall havea claim enforcerby separate action inCourt against rhcparties, jointly lindseverally, for said auorncys' fees, costs nrul expenses. Or,if at any time in theopinion of Closing Agent sucha dispure exists,Closing Agent may at its option lindwithout liability toany party hereto or any otherperson or entity. refuse to performany furtheracts hereunder and refuse to deliver any documentsor monies held hereunder untildirected todo so by orderof Court, 6.TERMtNAll0N.If theClosing has not occurred within30 daysof its original scheduleddate, as set forth in the Contract,ClosingAgent,at its option any lime thereafter,may terminate this Agrcerocut.Uponsuch termination,(i) Closing Agent (subject to itslien rights set forth hereinabove)shall return all documents deposited hereunder to the party who delivered the sameexcept documents executed by both Seller and Purchaser, whichshall be markedcancelled and retained in the filesof Closing Agent; (ii) Closing Agent,after reimbursement forall fees, charges and expenses therefromto which ClosingAgent wouldhave been entitled hereunder as if theClosing had occurred, shall return alimonies deposited hereunderto the party who delivered thesame;and (iii) Closing Agent shall be relieved fromall furtherobligationsand liabilities hereunder. 7 ASSI(;NMt:NT,Noassignment, transfer,conveyance or hypothecationof any right, title or interest inand 10 the subjcct maucr of this Agreement shall bebinding upon Closing Agcnr unless wriucn notice thereofshall be SI.'1vcd upon Closing Agent and all Ices,costs and expenses incident to such transferof interest,as determined hyClosing Agent, shall have been paid 10Closing Agent, 8.Noncss,All noticesor deliveries required under this Agreement shall be personally served or given hy certified m.:ildirected to therespective address of the partyset forth at theend of this Agreement. Any noticesso given shall be deemed effective when actually receivedor three workingdays after deposit in the UnitedStax.sMail. postage prepaid, whichever firstoccurs.Any party, by noticesogiven, may change the address to which future noticesshall be sent 9.COlJNTERPARTS.This Agreement may be executed illtwo or morecounterparts,each of whichshall bedeemed to be an 01 i!;inal and all of which togethershall constitute hut one and the same original instrument. 10. Cnorcs lit'LAW.The termsand conditionsof this Agreement shallbeconstrued,interpretedand enforced in accordance wit:l the applicablelaws of the State of Colorado. 11.GENERAl.PROVIStONS.(a) This Agreementconstitutes thesole and entire agreement betweenthe parties and supersedesany and allprior oral representations,promises.covenants, understanding or other agreements, ifany, between theparties and their agents and may nut be modifiedin any mannerexcept by an instrument in writingexecuted byall of theparties hereto, (h) Nofailurchy any partyto exercise any right itnuy have shall be deemed to be a waiverof that right or or theright todemand exact compliance with thetermsof thisAgreement. (c) The Paragraph headings utilized in thisAgreementlire in no way intendedto interpretor define the termsand conditions, hut instead are intendedfor ready referencepurposes only. (d) All termsand conditionsof this Agreementshall he deemed severable.Therefore,should anyone of moreof the same be deemed void and unenforceable,the remainingprovisions shall have full forceand effect, (c)ThisAgreementshall inure to the benefit or andshall he bindinguponami enforceable against the partiesand theirrespective heirs,personal representatives,successors and assigns. (I)The term Seller, Purchaser.Broker or Closing Agent herein. or anypronoun used in place thereof.shall includethe masculine, feminine,singular, plural, individuals,partnershipsor corporations where applicable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF theundersigned haveexecuted thisclosing andSculcrncru Agreement effective asofthedatefirstwritten above, s~~•PURCHASER:EliS~-B-o-b--H-e-r-n-r-e-l:-'c-.,--h--------- -- - ----- - 7>/37 7JPC008 ADDRESS ( )-- ----- Tl-l.I!PlIONl! 1JPCOD6 CLOSING AGENT: STEWART TITLE OFEAGLE COUNTY,JNC"a Colorado corporation By;_ Address:P.O.Box2000,Vail,Colorado 81658·Telephone:(303)949-1011 ••REAL ESTATE TAX AGREEMENT It is hereby understood and agreed between the Buyer (s)and Seller (s)of the property known as: Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Eagle county that taxes for the current year have been adjusted as of this date on the basis of: Taxes have been prorated on the 1989 mill levy of 61.654 and the 1990 assessments of 7,250.00 for~n->, estimated tax of $446.99 for the year 1990,~are to be considered a final settlement. Elissa Slanger This agreement executed this 30~.....day of November 1990 The above figures were obtained by telephone from the County Assessors office and stewart Title Company assumes no responsibility or any liability in the event the County Assessor misquoted the assessments and/or mill levy figures. Taxes subject to either increase of decrease by reason of reassessment by the County Assessor. ********************************************************************** *******Any deficit in delinquent taxes not shown on the attached Tax Certificate provided by the Eagle county Treasurer will be reimbursed to Title Company by the seller. Elissa Slanger REAL ESTATE TAX AGREEMENT It is hereby understood and agreed between the Buyer (s)and Seller (8)of the property known as: Lot 1,Block 1,Vail I nt e r mount a i n Eagle County that taxes for the current year have been adjusted as of t his date on the basis of: Taxes have been prorated on the 1989 mill levy of 61.654 and the 1990 assessments of 7,250.00 for an estimated tax of $446.99 for the year 1990,and are to be considered a final settlement. ~~Elissa Slanger Bob Hernreich This agreement executed this ~day of November 1990 The above figures were obtained by telephone from the County Assessors office and Stewart Title Company assumes no responsibility or any liability in the event the County Assessor misquoted the assessments and/or mill levy figures. Taxes subject to either increase of decrease by reason of reassessment by the County Assessor. ********************************************************************** *******Any deficit in delinquent taxes not shown on the attached Tax Certificate provided by the Eagle County Treasurer will be reimbursed to Title Company by the seller. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ,.. PARCELNO.:0003963ORDERNO.:90006542 VENDOR NO.:80001 ISSUEDTO:STEWART TITLE POBOX 2000 VAIL CO 81658 ASSESSED TO: SLANGER, P.O.BOX TRUCKEE, ELISSA L. 8668 CA 95757 A ~.10U~~TS ReFLECTED ARE Vf,L1D ONLY Ui rr 12/31/90 TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINQUENT TAX FEE FOR ISSUING THIS CERTIFICATE $10.00 THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUDE LAND OR IMPROVEMENTS ASSE~ SED UNDER A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER,PERSONAL PROPERT TAXES, TRANSFER TAX OR MISC.TAX COLLECTED ON BEHALF OF OTHE' ENTITIES,SPECIAL OR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTDISTRICT ASSESSMENTS o MOBILE HOMES.UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION VAIL INTERMTN.DEV.SUB. BLOCK 1 LOT 1 TAX LIEN SALE AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO ENDORSEMENT OF THE CURRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE HOLDER.AFTER SEPT 1,PERSONAL PROP. ~MOBILE HOME AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.AFTER OCT.1 REAL PROP.TAX AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.PLEASE CONTACT THE TREASURERS OFFICE FOR CORRECT AMOUNT PRIOR TO REMITTING. NOTICE I.THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF TAXES DUE UPON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCELS OF REAL PROP· ERTY AND ALL OUTSTANDING SALES FOR UNPAID TAXES AS SHOWN BY THE RECORDS IN MY OFFICE.FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR REDEMPTION ARE AS NOTED HEREIN. IN WlDILESS WHE'ffBVE~HEREUNTO ~MY HAND AND SEAL THIS ~t:fDAY OF AD 19 TREASURER ,EAGLE COUNTY MARY E.WALKER CURRENTTAX 446.99 TAX DUE: INTEREST: ADVERTISING : PENALTIES: MISC: TOTAL TAX DUE TOTAL AMOUNT TO REDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC.ASSMTS DUE ~.yg~WWf~i~.t~~;;fi,(~~~1....._~-". STATUS:PAID 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 •SCHEDULE A ORDER NUM BEI~:0 00065 42 1 .r r r tr-r t vr nv rr .:\"" "II,l>e :'Or".l9'JO .r t n:110 .:>'•.'1. 2 .l'OLIC~OR PuLIC ICS '[0 UE lSS~EU :~~OUNT Of IKS~kA~CC A.ALTA OWNER' S POLI CY PROPOSED INSURELJ :BOB IIERNREICH D.ALTA LOA N POL I CY PROPOSED I NSURED: C . ALTA LOAN POLICY PROPOSED INSUR ED $ $ $ 21,000 .00 3 .THE ESTATE OR INTEREST I N THE LAND DESCR I BED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS FEE SIMPLE AND TITLE THERE'fO IS AT TIl E EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED IN : ELIS SA L .SLANGER 4 .THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VA I L INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMEN T SUBDIVISION COlj:\TY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO TI l TS COMNIT:IEr-.:T WA S PHEP ,\R EI)ON ;-;oVEMBEH 28,1990 .f OR QCESTIOKS PI ,EASE CALL SANDY CAPELL (303 )Y49-]()11 . PREMIUM: m\'NERS: TAX CERT. 360.00 10 .00 ST E\\.\RT TIT l.e OF L\GLE C(ll':-.JTY ,I ;~l_·. ".o .r;o\2l.i I:U \'AI L,co .81 6 ::;n (3U3 )94 9-1011 ~5 ~..i lU'..ED COCNT[RS I G~AT U RE S T E 'VA RT TITLE C UARA N T Y COM P A NY ".' • SCH EDULE B - SECTION 1 HEQlJ 1 RE~IE:\T S TilE rot.i.orv r xc ,\HE THE HEQl'U:[:-IE1\TS TO I3E co ar-t.r ED lVITH: ITEM (~)PAYM ENT TO OR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORS OF THE f ULL CO NS [D ERATI O~FO R TH E ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE I NS URED. ITEM (B)PROPER I NSTRUMENT (S)CREATING THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE I NSURED MUST BE EXECUTED AND DUL Y FI LED FOR RECORD,TO WIT: 1.Execu tion of affida vit a s to Debts and Li ens and its return to Stewart Title Guaranty Company . 2.Ev idence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty Company of pa ylocnl o f a l l outstandJ rlg La xes a nd ass es smnnLs as ce r ti f i ed b y The Ea g le County Trea su r e r. 3 .Execu t i on of Ccrti f ic ~te -Ent i t y Transferor/Individual Transferor and its return to Lile o f f i ce . 4.Ev i de nc e s a t i s f ac tory to Stewart Title Guaranty Company t h.:l t the r e.:ll e s t a te l r a ns fe r tax asses sed by the Town o f Vail hctS be en paid o r t ha I t he transaction i s e xempt from s a id t a x. 5 .Deed fr om E l i ssa L .S I.-lngel·,v e s t j nq [r,•.-.~s imple t i t le,in Bob Hernl'e ich .:-1,-'1'E;NOT..H I ON OF 'f BE LEG..\L .~D D P.E S S (IF Til E CR .-'\NTE E ~IU ST APPEAH OK TH E DE ED :'\S PEn .I.976 .-\t-'lr:"DME1\:T TO STly rUTE 0:,l<ECOHDIi\G Of UEEDS ens -1 8 -35 -1 09 (2). NOTE :This De ed should a lso convey property conveyed in Quit Clai m Deed r ec orded in I30 0 k 510 a t Page 3 46 . NOTE :Fo r an a dd iti o na l c ha r ge ,Stewar t Title of Eagle county wi Ll !'ro\'ide any copies o f exceptions .-lS s hown o n Schedul e 13 - Sec t ion :!. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY • SCHEDU LE n -SECTI ON ~ EXCEPTIONS TIlE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED I~I LL CONTA I~EXCEPTI ONS TO TH E fOLLGI~I NG U:'\LESS T ilE SM1E .·'\RE DISPOSED OF'TO TH E SA T I S F'.I\CT r O ~OF' TIlE CO~lPANY : J • ?-. ...J. 4 . :>• G. RIGHTS OH CLAIMS OF P,'\RTIES IN POSSES SIO~NOT SHOWN BY TIlE PUBLIC RECOR DS . EASEMENTS ,OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS ,NOT SH OWN BY THE P UBLJC RECORDS . DI SCREPANCI ES,CO~F'LICTS I N BOUNDARY LI NES,SHORTAGE IN ARE A, ENCROACmIEN TS ,AND A:-JY FAC TS WHI CII A COR RECT SUR VEY AND INSPECTION OF Til E PREMISES WOCLD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY TilE PUBLIC RECORDS. ANY LI EN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN,FOR SERVICES,LABOR OR MATERIAL HER ETOFORE OR II EI{E:\F"ITR f URNI SHED ,I:vl POSED BY LM~AND NOT SHOWN BY TH E PUB LIC RECOHD S . DE fECTS,LI EN S ,E.'\CCl'lBR/\NCES ,ADVERSE CLAI:"IS OR OTIlER toli\T TERS, IN ANY ,CREATED,FIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OR ATTACHING SU nSEQ C E ~T TO THE EFfECTIVE DATE HEREOF BU T PRIOR TO THE DATE PROPOSED I~SURED ACQUIRES OF RECOR D FOR VA LUE TilE ESTATE OR INT r-:RE:ST OR 1'10RTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THI S C01"1:-l I TME r~T . UNPATENT ED ~lINING CLAIMS; RESERVi\TIONS OR EXCEP TIONS IK PATENTS OR AN ACT AUT HORIZING THE I SSUANCE THER EOF; WATEI{RIG HTS C LAI~S OR TITLE TO WATE R. KOTE :"~l !::CII MJl C'S 1.[EN ":\ND /Cm "GAP"P ROT F:CTI ON (EXCEPTI ONS 4 :\NO 5 ABOV E)MAY n E AVAILABLE WI TH AN OWNER 'S POLI CY Of 'fITLE INSURANCE ON RESI DENT IAL PROPERTY UPON COMPLIANCE WITH STEWART TITLE GUARANTY REQUIR EM BNT S .PLEASE CALL FOR FURT HE R IN FORMATION AS TO THOSE S PECI FI C REQ UIR EMENT (S)NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THIS COV ERAGE. 7.Any and .J 11 u npo i d t a xes and assessment s a nd .r n y u nr e d e c rrmd tax sales . 8 .The e f fec t o f incl us i ons in a ny gen e ra l o r s pec i f ic wa t er c ons o rv.s nc v,fi r e p r o Lec t Lou ,soi l conse r vat ion o r o the r distric t o r i rlc l usio rl in any wa t e r service or s t eee t impr ov ~men t 9 .R ight o ~propri e tor o f a v e I n o r .lode to extract and r emove h i s o r "t hcrcf rom ss ho u l d r h r:S"'lIl,~~...~f o unrl to peuet r a t.e or I nt e r s e c t th,~p r c rni s c-» h o r e l .y qrd nl:e d ;,s r c s e r v e d in United Sl..l t<.:S '>.il.ell l:1·"·C,).·..j.·,J S '~l'i'·llll l,:·I·~I:,j '.I();l in lIo ok J2 -;;d .P."y·3. 10 .Ril.lht 1.lf I'd )'f or Jitch e s or ca na ls c o ns t r uc t e d b y t he au t ho r i t v o f t'h f~t.n i I cd S l~,ltes ,15 1',~s('I'ved i n Un i.te d S t a t e s Continued on n e x t:P,:iS T E W A R T TITLE CUARANTY COMPANY CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULE B -SECTION 2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMB Ell:9000654 2 Pa tent r ecorded Septemher 28 ,1904 in Book 123 at Page 3 . 11.Restrictions a s c ontained in instrument recorded July 24, 1970 in Book 218 al Page 281 as Reception No .113872,and instrument recorded Novemb,~r 17,1970 in Book 219 at Pa ge 120 as Reception No .114 7 34 ,a lso affidavit recorded April 28,1 971 in Book 220 at Page 379 as Reception No .116033 ,a nd Amendment filed April 28 ,1971 in Book 220 at Page 380 as Reception No . 116034 . 12.Ea s eme nt f or utilit y a nd drainage p u rposes 5 f e e t in wi d th along the i nt e rio r lot l i ne s a s set out o n p l at d ated Octob e r 1, 1 970 in Book 218 a t Page 799 a s Reception No .114402. 13 .Easement to Upp er Eagle Val ley San itation Di s tric t , a guas i-munic lpa l corporation recorded August 7 ,19790 i n Book 211l at Page 41 7 as Rec e pt i o n No .114008 . 14 .Terms ,c onditions ,reservations,restrictions a nd obligations as contained in Cons ent to Use i n Book 33 0 at Page 224 as Rece?tion No .226583 . 15 .Terms,condi tions ,reservations ,restrictions and obligations as c ont ained i n Quit Cl aim Deed between Town of \'ail,a Co ln rado mun i c ipa l co rporation d nd S.:lllie Dea n a nd Larry J .Ra u s h r cco rded .Ju I y 25 ,1989 in Book 510 at Page 346 a s Re cept ion No .40 6525 a n(j Ordinanc e No .16 r ecorded July 25, 1989 i n Book 510 at Page 347 as Reception No .406526 . STEWART TITLE GUAIIANTY COMPANY ORDER NO.:90006542 STATE OF COLORADO • _COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE PARCEL NO.:0003963 VENDOR NO.:80001 ISSUED TO:STEWART TITLE POBOX 2000 VAIL CO 81651:3 ASSESSED TO: SLANQER. P.O.BOX TRUCKEE, ELISSA L. 8668 CA 95757 jl.MOlJ,'JTS REF LECTED ARE VAll')ONI U iTIL 12/31/90 TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINQUENT TAX PROPERTY DESCRIPTION VAIL INTERMTN.DEV.SUB. BLOCK 1 LOT 1 TAX LIEN SALE AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANQE DUE TO ENDORSEMENT OF THE CURRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE HOLDER.AFTER SEPT I,PERSONAL PROP. &MOBILE HOME AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.AFTER OCT .1 REAL PROP.TAX AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.PLEASE CONTACT THE TREASURERS OFFICE FOR CORRECT AMUUNT PRIOR TO REMITTING. CURRENTTAX 446.99 TAX DUE: INTEREST: ADVERTISING : PENALTIES: MISC: TOTAL TAX DUE TOTAL AMOUNT TO REDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE STATUS:PAID 0.00 O.00 O.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NOTICE I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF TAXES DUE UPON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCELS OF REAL PROp· ERTY AND ALL OUTSTANDING SALES f'OR UNPAID TAXES AS SHOWN BY THE RECORDS IN MY OFFICE.FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT REdUIRED FOR REDEMPTION ARE AS NOTED HEREIN. IN W~SS WHEWBVEMm HEREUNTO ~MY HAND AND SEAL THIS DAY Oi-AD 19 TREASURER,EAGLE COUNTY MARY E.WALKER 0.00 THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUDE LAND OR IMPROVEMENTS ASSES· SED UNDER A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES.TRANSFER TAX OR MISC.TAX COLLECTED ON BEHALF OF OTHER ENTITIES,SPECIAL OR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS OR MOBILE HOMES.UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED. FEE FOR ISSUINGTHIS CERTIFICATE $10.00 e • TO BE FILLED IN PERSONALLY BY SELLER OR BORROWER IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING INDEMNITY AND AFFIDAVIT AS TO DEBTS,LIENS,AND POSSESSION USE SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH PARTY G F#90006542 SUBJECT PROP ERTY:Lot 1 ,Block 1,Vai l I ntermou ntai n STATE OF Colorado COUNTYOF~Ea~g~l~e~__ Before me.the unders igned aut hority on this da y personally appeared Elissa Slanger Seller or Owner-Borrower? Contractor (if new construction) personally kno"n to me to be the person ..hose name issubscnbed hereto and upon his oath dep osesand sa~s l h.11 no proceedings in bankruptcy or recervership have been instituted by or against him and that the marital stat us of affiant has not changed since the dayofacquisition of said property and represents 10 the purchaser and 'or under in this transaction tha t to my knowledge there arc: I.No unpaid debts for plumbing fixtures.water heaters.floor furnaces.air conditioners.rad io or television antennae.carpeting.rugs.lawn sprinsting systems.venetian blinds.windo...shades.draperies.electricappliances,fences.street paving.or any personal property or fixtures that arc located on the subject propertydescribed above.and that no such items have been purchased on lime paymen t contracts.and thereare no security interests on such property secured by fina ncing statement.security agreement or otherwise nc~pt the following: ~eurrd Part)Appr01imat~Amount "ILL OUT ~A~~--_ ; No loansor Ii~nslincludirlg Federal or State Liens and Judgement Liens)and no unpaid governmental or association taxes or assessmentsof any kind on such propervy nceptthe follo...ing: Creditor Approximate Amount FILL 0U'l')-----LIo~~I__-----_ Swor.to and SUbs~~~gegr~$!.~,,;30.!?,..day of NOVern!::LeZ2r1990 ~_.£-__--~'77.~OFFIQAI.SL:I.L ·~~~~~"~.CHJ\RLES E••JOl;I;;;/l.'1{,:~e~~ "-'.-":\.II)"AAV P1J8LI::.C:AU~~IIr1lf·:1 Notary Public in and r,•7~'8!J nEVADA COUilTY ~~NEVA PA-County,44-'--1 ~tfl./I lI'i= MY car·IM.EXP.oqT:~kW~~ ·NOTE :This 'fS"lf~nRe'd'film-1fgneif6ys~er in case of sale.If no sale.it is to be filled in and signed by the ow ner-borrower.If there is any new construction.the contractor must also join in this form or fill in and sign a separate 0 ne, -If seller is a non -esidem alien.foreign corporation.etc.• call your manager or Houston Legal Department. NOT::TO BUYER:Buyermust retain unti lendoffifth taxable year following taxable year of transferand must file with the Internal Revenue Service if required by regulation or otherwise. J.All labor and material used in the construction of improvements on the above described property have been paid for and there arc now no unpaid labor or material claimsagainst the improvements or the property upon wh ich same are situated.and I herebydeclare that a llsums of money due for the erection of improvements have been fully paid and satisfied. 4.:"0 parties in possession other than affiant except as follows: FILL OUT IZ§____iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)""(If SOI"E write NOSE on blank line) °5.To be fill~d in Ir a sal~-°The Seller is not a non-resident alien.foreign corporation.foreign partnership.foreign trust,foreign estale or other fore ign entity las defined in the Internal RevenueCode and Income Tall Regulations ).Seller's V.S.employeridentification numbcr (or socia l security number)is:,Sel r's address (orrice address. if seller is an ent ity:home add ress if seller FILL OUT ~'s an individual)is:,This affidavit mav -------'4P'edisclosed to the Internal Revenue Service and is furnished to Buyer to inform Buver thai withholding of tall is not req uired under Section .1145 of the Internal Revenue Code.*Stewart Title of Eagle County*INDEMNITY:I AGREE TO PAY 01'DEMASD TO THE K«liC«HXK~ANDOR LE:'o:DER 1:'\THIS TRASSACTION,THEIR SUCCESSORSASD ASSIGNS.ALLAMOU!\'TS SECURED BY ANY ANDALL L1E/liS NOTSHOW:,\ABOVE.TOGETHER WITH ALL COSTS.LOSS AND ATTOR:-;ErS FEES THAT SAID PARTIES MAY INCUR IS CO:"I'ECTlO:,\WITH SUCH UNMEI'TlONED LJE!'\S.PROVIDED SAID LIESS EITHER CURRENTLY APPLY TO SUCH PROPERTY.OR A PART THEREOF.OR AR E SUB SEQUENTLY ESTABLISHED AGAI~ST SAID PROPERTY AND ARE CREATED BY ME.K~OWN BY ME.OR HAV E AI' INCEPTION DATE PRIOR ro THE CO !\'SlJM MATlON OF THIS TRANSACTIOK I realize that the purchaserand or Lender in lhi,transaction are relying on the representations contained herein in purchasingsame or lend ing mon~y thereonand would not pur chases or lend mo thereon unlesssaid representations were made .If Selleror Borrower isan entity,I Ilave"r'y 10 sign on i If./~ )C. INFORMATION FOR REAL ESTATE 1099-B REPORT FILING as Required by the Internal Revenue Service Section 6045 of the Internal Revenue Code,as amended by the Tax Reform Act of 1986,requires the reporting of certain information on every real estate transaction.From the information you provide below,a Form 1099-B will be produced,and a copy of it will be furnished to the I.R.S.and to you no later than January 31 of the next year.If you fail to furnish adequate information (in particular,a taxpayer ID number),then you will be subject to all I.R.S.Regulations,including the possible withholding of twenty percent (20%)of the current sales price. File Number:90006542 Taxpa~er ID Number :4'f-2<6-0203 Taxpayer ID Type-L (1 =business,2 =individual) INDIVIDUAL SELLER NAME First &Middle Elissa-----------------SlangerLast1__=-=-='-='--_ Name Line 2:_ BUSINESS SELLER NAME Name Line 1:_ Name Line 2:_ MAILING ADDRESS:(as of January 31 of next year) 10669 Snowshoe CircleStreet:_ 957 37TruckeeCity:.__~..::.:::.==__State~Zip Code:_ TRANSACTION INFORMATION Contract Sales Price:21,000.0011/30/90ClosingDate:(MMDDyy)__---'-~"""'__'___ Description of Property:Lot 1,Block 1,vail Intermount':\in (Street Address of brief form of Legal) Prior to this transaction,was the subject property the seller's principal residence?Answer Y for YES; N for NO:__~N_,--_ I,..Elissa Slanger Name of Seller certify that the above information is correct and understand that it will appear on a Form 1099 :::':,Will be 5ent to me and the Inte;~s~ c....Seller's Signa're Elissa Slang"r CLOSING AGENT INFORMATION (to be completed by closing agent ) Name:Stewart Title of Eagle County Mailing Address:P.O.Box 1248 City:Vail,State:CO Zip Code:81658 Taz:payer ID Number: 15·DPT·AD FORM TDIDOO-02/90 • REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER DECLARATIC>N Purpose:TIlC real property transferdecl.1ration is used by county assessors to establisb the value ofreal propenyfor property tax purposes and 10 properly adjust J.lles for sales ratioanalysis..Refer to 39-14-]02(4),c.R.S. RequiRmcnts:All CO!l'n:yance documents subject to thc documentary fee submitted 10 the county c1en and recorder for recordation must be accompanie::l by a real proper1y transfer declaration.This declaration mU5tbe completed and signed by the grantor (seller)or grantee (buyer).Rder 10 39-14-102(1)(3).c.R.S. PeMIIJ for NonrompUance:Whenever a conveyance document ispresented for recordation without the declaration,the clerk and recorder notifies the county assessor,who will send a "'Titlen notice to tbe grantee requesting thai the declaration be returned within thirtydays. Failure by the vantee to submit the declaration may result in the assessor imposing 3 penalty of $25.00 or .025%(.00025)oftbe 50Ife price,whichever is puter.This pc~lty may be imposed for anysubsequent year that tbe grantee fails to submit the dccluation,until the propertyisconveyed again.All unpaid penalties are certified to the county treasurer for collection.Refer to 39-14-102(1)(b).c.R.S. Conridcnllalily:Anyinformation uscd by the assessor to determine the actual value of real property,inclUding information derived from the real property transfer decluation isavailable to anytaxpayer or any agent of such taxpayer,subject to confidentiality requirements as provided by law.The assessor is required to make the declaration ava ilable for inspection by the buyer or the seller if the seller med the declaration. 1. Address or legal description of real property.Enter the correct street address or legal description of the real property.D::: not use mailing addresses or P.O.box numbers: Lo~1 , Bl ock 1 ,Vai l I nt ermountain 2.Is this a transact~~~.2o~g related parties?Indicate whether the buyeror the seller were related.Related parties include persons within tbe same f/_usiness affiliates,oraCliIialedcorporations. Yes No---- 3.Total sale price:Indicate the total consideration paid ror the proper1y including real estate,personal propcr1y(carpeting,drapes, appliances,inventory.equipment,furniture)mobile homes,sheds,goodwill.water rights,mineral rights,and any otherappurtenances, $~afJO 4..What was the cash down payment:Enter the amount of the cash down payment,ifany.Ifit is a cash sale,enter the total sales pric:c.. s ;l-/I If}()() No---Yes--- 5.Did total sale price incIu e a trade or exchange?Indicate whetherany other real orpersonal propeny was traded or =b.anged as part of the transactio For example.mark "lcs·ita vaClnt lot was traded as the down payment or it the Ale included an amount Cor repair or the roof. 6..Did the buyer reCriveaf personal property in the transaction?Indicate ifanypersonal propeny as described in #3wasincluded in the total pri=.Ifya..pvc:the approximate value as oC the:date otthe Ale. Yes No '. Iryes,the approximate value:$_ 7.Were mlneral:2*rill 111 .ded In the sale?lDdicate II Uf1porUocl 01w-m riJb~wen trudanwd to the :..f'mc,.)ri&f\t"dcflAed ..aJI In mmcrala II'ucS aodu the laDeS ucS an aa:ompan~~aDdJlriYUep. Yes No ·.. aiee, 8..Vere w.ater rights lnclu ed In the sale?IDc1ic:ate lIaJly....terrilhll~retramferrcd tothepntee..Waterrilht is dcCinaSas &he d1b1to ale the ....te.r01.III Itr'CaDI or ....ler funl~Lhroup a c1i1dl or caul,for wda PVrpoK&u iniptioa,mlnlAlo power,or domestic Ii&C.Waler rilhll arc JUJ rt1wtUcb may be IOIdand tnDde.rn:d acpanlely from &he IaDd. Yes No--- 9.If applicable,you may include goodwill for a going business.II the &ale pne.:included an amount lor JOOC!will 01I n on.pn,business,indicate lhe approxirnale consideration paid.Goodwill isdefined as the beDCCit or advantaecor bavinl an establUhed business 0CClIV,fin,the property.Good,.-i}I rcprcscnu the difTerentc be~cn the purchase price and thevalue or the Del &sSe-II. Approximate value ofgoodwill?-------------- 10.T"vas less than 100%interest in the real property conveyed?Mark '"Ycs·ifonlya partial mlerat isbeini conveyc4. ....."No·~.h,"'"'~T'be"".or.OO%in"rest in 0"'''''''''Y. Yes No Was the Joan new or assumed ?Indicate ifthe grantee obuined a DCW loaD orassumed an exislin~loan on the------property. Date of Closing:Enterthe dale upon which the transfer 01the propcrtywu completed. ///~7J /to~~year IF THE PROPERTY IS FINANCED,PLEASE COMPLETE #12-#15 12. 11. 13.What was the interest rate on the Joan?Enter the rnortp:c mten:st rate tobe applied to the loan u stated in the rmancing agrccmenL %------ 14."'bat was the term of the loan?Enter the lenp of time that...ul expire before the loaD is fully paid ISstated in the financing ap-cc:meuL (10 yean,20yuu.etc.) years '_...------ 15. \Yere any points paid?For the purposeofthis document.a pointisdcfmedIS.fccorc:har&e equal to ODe percentoftheprincipal ame-ol01the loaD which iJcoIkctcdby the lenderal the lime the loan is made.II anypoinllwere paid in ICCUrinI this loaD,indicale bow IIUny \o'1:Rpaid aJld ifthe point,;wc.rc paidby thebuyer,sener,or both.. Yes No--- .-16. (Grantor)(Grantee),L,.....-h~:::~I----.........-------­ (Grantor)(Grantee) •WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED,Made this ~~day of November 1990 ~etwe'en ELISSA L. SLANGER of the County of and State of californIa,grantor,and BOB HERNREICH,whose legal address is 2684 Larkspur ct.Vail,CO 81657 o f the County of Eagle and State of Colorado,grantee: WITNESSETH,That the grantor for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION the receipt and sUfficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,has granted,bargained,sold and conveyed,and by these presents does grant,bargain,sell,convey and confirm,unto the grantee,his heirs and assigns forever,all the real property together with improvements,if any,situate,lying and being in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado described as follows: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION as known by street and number as:2694 Larkspur ct.,Vail,CO 81657 TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging,or in anywise appertaining,and the reversion and reversions,remainder and remainders,rents,issues and profits thereof,and all the estate,right,title,interest,claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor,either in law or equity,of,in and to the above bargain~d premises,with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described,with the appurtenances,unto the grantee,his heirs and assigns,that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents,he is well seized of the premises above conveyed,has good, sure,perfect,absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance,in law,in fee simple,and has good right,full power and lawful authority to grant,bargain,sell and convey the same in manner and f orm as aforesaid,and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants,bargains,sales,liens,taxes,assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soever, except easements,restrictions,reservations and rights of way,all of record,and taxes for the year 1990 not yet a lien due and payable. The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee,his heirs and assigns,against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof.The singular number shall include the plural,the plural the singular,and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the grantor has executed this deed on the d~te set forth above. ~­~~,......, -Elissa Slanger Stewart Title of Eagle County, Inc. -90006542 (932A -FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD) state of California SSe My commission expires and official seal. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3o~day of November,1990,by Elissa Slanger f3~ ,19~,witness my hand Return to:BOB HERNREICH 2684 Larkspur ct. Vail,CO 81657 SSe •QUIT CLAIM DEED THI S DEED,Made this 3 0""""day of November ,1990,between ELISSA L.SLANGER of the county of and state of Califor ni a ,grantor,a nd BOB HERNREICH whose legal address is 2 684 Larkspur ct.,Vail,CO 81657 of the County of Eagle and State o f Colorado ,grantee: WITNESSETH,That the gr a ntor for and in consideration of the sum o f TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION the r eceipt and sUfficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,has r emised,released,sold,conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED,and by these present s does remise,release,sell,convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the grantee,his heirs,successors and assigns,forever,all t he r i ght ,tit l e ,interest,claim and demand which the grantor has in and to the real p roperty,together with improvements,if a ny situate,lying and being in the County of Eagle and State o f Colorado described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 1,Block 1,Vail I ntermountain Development Subdivision; t he nce along the prolongation of the northeasterly boundary of said Lot 1 N 80"14'4G"W.29.00 feet to a point 10 from an existing s ewer line; thence along a line 10'from and parallel to said sewer line S.02t115'14"W.40.58 feet to point on the right of way boundary of Larkspur Cou~t; thence along said boundary 49.10 feet along the arc of a curve to the l eft with a radius of 45.00 feet,the chord of which bears N.4 UtlI5'27"E.46.70 feet to the point of beginning. SUbj ect to the restrict ions set forth in Exhibit A attached and made a part her~of. a s known by street and number as:2694 Larkspur ct.,Vail,CO 8 1G57 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same,together with all and singular t he appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining,and all the estate,right, t itl e,interest and claim whatsoever,of the grantor,either in l aw or equity,to the only proper use,benefit and behoof of the g r ant ee,his heirs and assigns forever.The singular number sha ll include t he plural,the plural the singular,and the use of a ny gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WI TNESS WHEREOF,the grantor has executed this deed on the d ate set forth above. Elissa Slanger State of California County of /v'~~~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~~ay of November,1990,by Elissa Slanger My commission expires ~vlp~~1 a nd o fficial seal. Stewart Title of Eagle Coulty,Inc.-90006542 (CUlT CLAIM DEEO-933) Igf3 ,witness my hand • Attached to and made a part of Quit Claim Deed from Elissa Slanger to Bob Hernreich. a.The Grantees and their successors shall be obligated to maintain the vacated roadway and to keep it in good repair.No property described herein shall be used or occupied at any time for any purpose other than pedestrian,bicycle,and motor vehicle ingress and egress for the sole purpose of parking,and for the construction of a garage. b.No property described herein shall be used or considered i~ determining the gross residential floor area or density that th Grantees and their sucessors would be entitled to under Town of Vail laws and regulations. c.The Grantees shall be required to construct a gravel turnaround within one (1)year of the effective date of the ordinance which shall be sufficient in size to accommodate Town of Vail fire vehicles and snow removal equipment.Grantees shall be required to grade the areaJsurface it with an all weather surface,and place an adequately sized culvert under the area for proper water drainage.All plans for construction of the improvements required by this paragraph shall be sUbject to approval by the Town of Vail prior to construction. r .." ,.•APPLI CATION DATE:_~S-:::..j-L5oL-_9~q _ DATE OF ORB ~EETIHG:S :;,I gq '7-5~}Jj DRB APPLICATION / *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLItATION MEETING: ------,--~--'--- - - A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member cis strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approva l that the DRB may stipulate.ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:s'\~le fa..m ,\.:)'nOYY1e.. -- B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address -J-tog 1..\to.V'lspu r Cv.Y"t)Va;I I;td·eL((Y1L!..ll.!.O~u.:....!.V\±a~I..:...:VV~_ Legal Description Lot~Block I Filing __ Zoning \\--IyW!(~/S eu,M.Jar'j C.NAME OF APPLI CANT:_S?!lh...s:.e~j)",-:ga"""-'-'V'l_...:::l<q,,,-,,rd,,,--_Layy j~J:::!....!-,1?~ou.<L.5z..:h..!.-_ Address }c>x 1[74 \J..alJ Co 81lo5X telephone L[7(o-/(o q2-), D.NAME OF APPLI CANT 1S REPRES ENTATI VE :_ Address telephone _ E.NAME OF OWNERs ,:"IL:eJk .n~~J,ROI"~l Signature r;(a il~~~d........ Address f,o,~x lI,Lf )\loi I,CO f<HoSe,telephone li7 lc- llo q J- F.DRB FEE:The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION $ 0 -$10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:50,001 -$150,000 $150,001 -$,500,000 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 FEE $10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and bu ilding corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This wor k must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will norma lly involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not as ked for a postponement will be required to be republished . •r ,. 4.The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They,however,have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building;and b.Bullding additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for,or manager of a condominium association. 5.You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property.You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. ----- - •1 •LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PR OJ ECT:Doun-~OlL5h ~~s'den(e.. LE GAL DESCRIPTION:LOT \BLOCK I flUNG. STR::::ET ADDRESS:~ta gy__----;:;--_....,....~--;---------_,.__-- DESCR IPTIO N OF PROJECT:SiV\..O)\e -+et m ',lj home The fol lowing information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board befor~a final approval can be fiven: COLOR .,">- \A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof mel D..\--)..q fja.lig L "'Z-l r1 C <j rtl Y Sidi ng -...Lm~a-=S=OD:....L·..!.--'t:.....:e..=----- - - - -9La y Other Wall Materials Fascia ----"1~"~LR~....::c.=Q~d::>.J.a"'-Jc'_____JM---- So f fits ffia.SO11 ·,i e.a~ Win dows .Q("',med S ealr-;te all w ood Low [~ 'I ) Window Trim 6,',ck Yl1 ol d Doors 5 1mp';>00 1Y1~ta I "1:'VlSlL la.teJ 9w....r:=..a+-y _ Door Trim bc\ck mold (6)hd}.-e~_ Hand or Deck Rails ~x Co ,--lea r r(JduJood ~(dll((JqRtl jARt'Y wh,'~r I v T Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LA NDS CAPING:Na me of Des igner:-=La~r....!Od.....!4-~7w'L:t~O~u--':!sc:....:hL--_ phone:"""J 47{o-~O/l PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Co mmon Name Qu anity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTI NG TREES TOBEREMOVED -----t1soenI all the d~{Jd ones L4" *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) ,PLANT ~1ATERIALS:Botanica1 Na me (can't) SHRUBS EXISTI NG SHRUBS TO BE RH10VED CORman Name • Qua nU:ty Size GROU ND COVERS SOD SEE D TYPE OF IRRIGATION ~Square Footage h he '\-e -<'t Yl a.hfltl. c)l ~0-'<eQ5 rb 2+ \)(bed w ',\)be rlavrted \w -;±h \l\ctD\J ("~qJ sse .s ~nJ ui'/d +IO Ul~(5. TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. !J I .",e.ta'm·I,Oj wlllls 111arJ~4-JanJ~~trJ.k,[J -.~-;~---'--...-,-- --...1.-•~~._-...- cJ-n \(s mvn eo.r-k'I):5 --±tLb ()11 S-e VY1 adf 0 f preSSu r-e =iT-eaied \C!V\0..5cQpt:-hYllb~\5 . .. ,~ • UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION ~Q \l 'Lyt€fYY)OUII,i ai n JOB NAME.})e(l f,-K oM~b ~e ~iJeYICe. \ \ • ADDRESS (our' The location of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. 1 800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Publ ic Service Company 949-5781 lO A Gary Hall ""wi)-0"',-/ Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 10'"W ,.I '''~._, Ted Husky/Mi chael Lav erty Her itage Cabl evision T.V. 949-5530 1 A M Gary Johnson 10 M Ay Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District 476-7480 .r",o.......~I I,.,1t I .~( Fred Haslee Authorized Si gnatur e Date 5"-0/ NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Wor ks and "to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement i n the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut pe~mit must be obtained separately. This form is to ver i fy service availabil ity and l ocat i on. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedul i ng i ns t alla tions . *(Please bring a site pl an when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Wat er &Sanitation signatures) •Heritage Cablevision P.o.Box 439 0140 Metcalf Road Avon.Colorado 81620 (303)949·5530 LINE LOCATION REQUEST HERITAGE CABLEVISION REQUESTED BY: DATE: TIME: WHO IS DIGGING: 9:o C)LOCATION SCHEDULED DATE:X -TIME: ASSIGNED TO: ICJ? LOCATION NOTES OR DIAGRAM COMPLETED BY:TIME:CfN It is Heritage Cablevision's responsibility to locate its cable television underground facilities within etghteen inches horizontally from the exterior sidesof the facilities upon request accourding to SECTION 1 Title 9. Colorado Revised Statues 1973,as amended. (~'U f~/DATE Heritage Cablevision does not guarantee the depth of its undergound facilities.If a cable is damaged or cut the contractor may be responsible for a pedestal to pedestal replacement.ALL EXCAVATION WITHIN 18"of UTILITIES."".-~_....SHALL BE DONE BY HAND.All locates are valid f--ar /;48/hours only after location•.,>:-""~:i;:.L_.-</d'/~.//'%......-·v)/./~/=;::.:...::::.------=-__,.......j-~f--- ,';;:'vNAME" / I 1.h!.138'YEARP • 3888 (7-82) MOUNTAIN BELL CABLE LOCATION AGREEMENT EXCHANGE _-+-~LOG NO._ /<0~ 7 TIME DISPATCHED {U (k St >( L ,~( (-,/' ADDRESS PHONE NO.l/';C:-?O// Location to be sketched or described In space below.Indicate paint or stakes and numberthereof. -.g] (I ICATE / z-ORTH!z~·~!~~V ,--s:--I <;~/---=--'-,- I -----.---:---- y ( / NAME I agree that the sketch or description above reuects.tne'Iccation of underground facilities as requested."~~............:",..".:::h'""~.,;,,:./1..__---.3-""/___---/SIQNATURE --PERSON REQUESTING LOCATION ••.;• ,,i .DOICl L· :';~.\ !i,":. ~:! I- t'I' ....... fi ,II' ,~.. ~ I 1~ 'I II ..'.. ~ ~~ ;). • ;: \) .. 0 , ~ 'e r-~0....«:I\,) .Q ..... ,... .c 0 s ..., .. ('\ :: y ',- --,._- ------- /-"-,.. ,j ••" ". ,......,.,1>•••• A g~~~"...tJ /,j'l ~.~g.lD. ~•'\lIIX f ~\II ~~-.-o I ~ I ~C'c -4-..~,...-R ~ I ("\0I~ ". chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS ~CIlO no.1$'GLENWOOD SPRINGS.COLORADO el~1 303'11'~7'$e • SOIL AND FOOi\:UATION INVESfIG\TION PROPOSED RESIDENCL,LOr 1,BI..CCK 1, INfER1'OUNT,UN SUBDIVISION,ViUL,COLORADO Prepared For: Jim Spell P.O.Box 37'-:8 Vail,co 81657 Job No.25,31)::> OFFICES CASPER.COLORADO SPRINGS'DENVER.SALT LAKE CITY June 16 ,1983 i ! .---- .~", n "....•-5-•• " :~ zones.A wet layer was ~ncountered at approxinote depth 18 feet in Hole 1,and other wet layers may be encountered,especially quring spring, runoff.Free ground water was encountered at approximate depth 31 to 33 feet bela-oJ existing ground surface at;the time of drilling.\..'hen checked several days later,the free water level had risen to approximate depth 29 and 25 feet in Holes 1 and 2,respectively. SITE SLOPE AND GRADING RECXMv1ENDATIONS Indications of 'exi s ting hillside 'i nstabi lity other than minor surface creep were not observed at the site.However,due to very steep terrain and erratic.ground wat.er conditions,the hillside at the site should be considered potentially unstable as a result of excavation operations for the proposed developrent.The instability is a consideration roth during construction and throughout the life of the structure. Design and construction considerations ~ust be given to this potential instability in order to successfully construct the proposed structure. A detailed slope stability evaluation and resultant recommendations are beyond the scope of this report.llowevez,general guidelines are presented bela-oJ in order that planning ~~d preliminary design of the site facilities can be accanplishe1 by the project designers.After planning and preliminary design are canpleted,we should be contacted to provide geotechnical review 'of the information prepared so that recarrnendations and requirerrents for additional investigation or consultation can be made. , The following i terns should be included in the design and construction sequence planning: 1) The building excavations should be kept as shallON as possible to reduce the risk of instability both during excavation and throughout .-_..._---------- sm,'...5'm 'geD',"_5 .'tM'S]-.'_......_...._...0"''''''·..1''1:;·,.,;,<;":! '.•-:--.;·tt ,·",:...~-..:.~.~*...""l%""'-""'~_)mz...·........._.. -6- the life of the structure.Generally,cut depths below e.xisting ground surface not exceeding 12 to 14 feet are recarmended.The proposed 20 foot 'Cut depth for the'garage back wull \"ill essentially rrnove nateria1 fran the entire toe of the hillside belON the structure.This wi Ll,increase both .the risk of i nstability during grading and the long term stability throughout the life of the structure. 2)Potential slope instability during construction of the foundation can be reduced by conducting the excavation during relatively dry periods of the year.Relatively deep excavations constructed in the spring or early sumner nay experIence perched water conditions. which could increase the risk of instability and difficulty of excavation. 3)To reduce the risk of slope rrovenent during excavation,the upslope foundation ....'aUs should be constructed,braced and backfilled and the slopes above the residence graded to final configuration withL~ a few days.The entire process should be carefully rrorutored to warn of potential slope instability and should be perforrred by a contractor familiar with this type of construction.Addi tionally, excavation faces greater than an approximate 12 foot height should slope face with 10 foot or shorter benches on an effective 1:1 slope nay'also be feasible to roduce the potential for instability. ] j, Ji be braced or sbored as a part of the excavation,Stepping the 4)P.ll cuts greater than an approximate 4 foot height should be retained by appropriately designed and constructed ~tructures.Pemanent unretained cuts less than 4 feet vertical height rray be 2 (horizontal) SALLIE DEAN P. O. Box 1174 Vail,CO 81658 ~'13,ffI June 12,1989 ~ Bill George General Manager Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sewer 846 Forest Road Vail,CO 81657 Dear Bill, Attached are copies of the surveys and legal description of the proposed vacation area adjacent to Lot 1 Block 1 Vail Intermountain Subdivision (2694 Larkspur Court).There do not appear to be any utility easements in this area which the Town of Vail is considering vacating. If this letter can serve as your approval of the vacation ,please indicate below by your signature and return one copy to me. Thank you. Jeere1Y,s~~ Owner,Lot 1 Block 1 Vail Intermountain 303 476-1692 Approved : Date '.• June 12,1989 Ken Freeman U.S.West Communications P.O.Box 3050 Dillon,CO 80435 Dear Ken, SALLIE DEAN P. O. Box 1174 Vail, CO 81658 • Attached are copies of the surveys and legal description of the proposed vacation area adjacent to Lot 1 Block 1 Vail Intermountain Subdivision (2694 Larkspur Court).There do not appear to be any utility easements in this area which the Town of Vail is considering vacating. If this letter can serve as your approval of the vacation,please indicate below by your signature and return one copy to me. Thank you. Sincerely,.c:«: Sallie Dean Owner,Lot 1 Block 1 Vail Intermountain 303 476-1692 Approved: Date SALLIE DEAN P. O. Box 1174 Vail,CO 81658 June 12,1989 Mike Laverty Holy Cross Electric Association P.O.Box 972 Avon,CO 81620 Dear Mike, Attached are copies of the surveys and legal description of the proposed vacation area adjacent to Lot 1 Block 1 Vail Intermountain Subdivision (2694 Larkspur Court).There do not appear to be any utility easements in this area which the Town of· Vail is considering vacating. If this letter can serve as your approval of the vacation,please indicate below by your signature and return one copy to me. Thank you. Sincerely, ~f}~ Owner,Lot 1 Block 1 Vail Intermountain 303 476-1692 Date M tCA ME:L p.L-A-V...-U.A""-< Printed Name b-lG _-rtX"-I{-. i ,! SALLIE DEAN P.O.Box 1174 Vai l,CO 81658 June 12,1989 St eve Hi at t Her itage Cablevi s i on P .O. Box 439 Avo n,CO 81620 Dear Steve, Attached a re coples of the s u rveys and l ega l des c ription o f the proposed v acation area adjacent to Lot 1 Block 1 Vail Intermountain Subdivision (2694 Larkspur Court).There do not appear to be any utility e as ement s in this area which the Town of Vail is considering vacating . If this letter can serve as your approval of the vacation,please indicate below by your signature and return one copy to me. Thank you. A~~Sallie Dean Owner,Lot 1 Block 1 Vail Intermountain 303 476-1692 Date e-- 5T6u£!:r f-{~r; Printed Name ~J 0;-+~U--~S ::A-e v-e:~\-\'\~.")->did (ledLt.JU!.. ~,4:f,c;'O,~cP-J 'iJ r . ;Io~aq~~,- •Ex.hibd A (page.1 06 2) Johnson,Kunkel &Associates,Inc. LAND SURVEYING .CIVIL ENGINEERING .MAPPING P.O.Box 409 •113 East 4th Street • Eagle. Colorado 8 1631 • Eagle:(303) 328-6368 Metro:(303) 287-0835 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LARKSPUR COURT RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION 20695 Inc. ...... \9 8 9 Date Surveyor's Note: Beginning at the most northerly corner o£Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision;thence along the prolongation o£the northeasterly boundary o£said Lot 1 N.80"14146"W.29.00 £eet to a point 10"£rom an existing sewer line;thence along a line 10 1 £rom and parallel to said sewer line S.02~15114"W.40.5B £eet to a point on the right-o£-way boundary o£ Larkspur Court;thence along said boundary 49.10 £eet along the arc o£a curve to the le£t with a radius o£45.00 £eet,the chord o£ which bears N.40~15'27"E.46.70 £eet to the point o£beginning. Said parcel contains 7B9 square £eet or 0.02 o£an acre,more or less. The location £or the sewer line used in this legal description has been obtained £rom topography mapped by Eagle Valley Engineering and Surveying,Inc.dated January 5,19B3. JK/B9/119 ,_.. -T""-- ~Exhibit A (page 2 06 2)• II I eExfUbil A (page.1 06 2J_ Johnson,Kunkel &Associates,Inc. LAND S URVEYIN G .CIVIL E NGINEERING .MAPPING P.O.Box 409 •113 East 4th Street • Eagle. Colorado 8163 1 • Eagle:(303) 328·6368 Metro:(303)287-0835 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LARKSPUR COURT RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION 20695 Inc. 1989 Date Surveyorls Note: Beginning at the most northerly corner o£Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision;thence along the prolongation o£the northeasterly boundary o£said Lot 1 N.80"14146"W.29.00 £eet to a point 101 £rom an eXisting sewer line;thence along a line 101 £rom and parallel to said sewer line S.02 ~15114"W.40.58 £eet to a point on the right-o£-way boundary o£ Larkspur Court;thence along said boundary 49.10 £eet along the arc o£a curve to the le£t with a radius o£45.00 £eet,the chord o£ which bears N.40 "15127"E.46.70 £eet to the point o£beginning. Said parcel contains 789 square £eet or 0.02 o£an acre,more or less. The location £or the sewer line used in this legal description has been obtained £rom topography mapped by Eagle Valley Engineering and Surveying,Inc.dated January 5,1983. JK/89/119 ~•••t .~ •ExfUb-U A (page.2 06 2)• J MINNESOTA T1T~~~ Aer's Policy AmericanLand Title Association Form B·1970 lAmended 10·1 7-70) PolicyNumber AZ 761638 • SUBJECT TOTHE EXCLUSIONSFROM COVERAGE.THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED INSCHEDULE BAND THE PROVISIONSOFTHECONDITIONSANDSTIPULATIONS HEREOF. TITLEINSURANCECOMPANYOFMINNESOT.\,hereincalled theCompany,insures.as ofDateofPolicy shown in ScheduleA.against loss or damage,not exceedingtheamount ofinsurance stated inScheduleA.and costs.attorneys'fees and expenses which the Companymaybecome obligatedtopay hereunder.sustained or incurred by the insuredbyreasonof: 1.Title to the estate or interest described in ScheduleAbeing vested otherwisethanas stated therein; 2.Anydefect in or lien or encumbranceonsuch title; 3.Lackofaright ofaccess toand from the land;or 4.Unmarketabilityofsuchtitle. IN WITNESS WHEREOF.the said Titlelnsurance Company ofMinnesota has caused itscorporate name and seal to be hereunto aHixed by its duly au thorized officers as ofthedale shown inScheduleA.the policy tobe validwhen countersigned by an authorized officeroragentof theCompany. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA AStock Company 400 Second Avenue South.Minneapolis.Minnesota55401 ~.\Y\~ AuthorizedSignatory .--- TIM Form#130 8186 25M . TIM "Owners Form 23 ~2 File No.V13330 SCHEDULE A POlicye.AZ761638 ~Jount $15,000.00 Address ...r , 1.Policy Date: 2.Name of Insured: April 20,1989 THROUGH BOOK 504 AT PAGE 531 SALLIE DEAN AND LARRY J.ROUSH,as Joint Tenants 3.The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple 4.Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: SALLIE DEAN AND LARRY J.ROUSH,as Joint Tenants 5.The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado,and is described as follows: Lot 1,Block 1 ,VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. === Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. ,, TIM 'Ow~er Form 231t FieNO.V13330 SCHEDULE B ~licy No.AZ761638.". This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1.Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2.Easements,or claims of easements,not shown by the pUblic records. 3.Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary lines,shortage in area, encroachments,and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the pUblic records. 4.Any lien,or right to a lien,for services,labor,or material theretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5.1989 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE. 6.LIENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES,IF ANY. 7.RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED April 18,1934,IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 3. 8.RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED April 18,1934, IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 3. 9.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE,COLOR,RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED November 17,1970, IN BOOK 219 AT PAGE 120 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED April 28, 1971,IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 380. 10.A FIVE FOOT WIDE STRIP ALONG ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES ARE RESERVED FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AS NOTATED ON THE RECORDED PLAT. 11.EASEMENTS,RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION. === Page 2 75 south fronfage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 r~arch 21,1983 Jim Spell Box 3748 Vail,Colo.81657 Dear Jim: RE:ORB Submittal of 3-16-83 On March 16, 1983 t he Des ign Review Board gave preliminary approval t o the design of the PIS Duplex on Lot 1.You should r eturn to the board with detailed soils report in hand f or final approval .Please i nform me ten days in advance of your ORB date. The Board also approved your appl ication for a secondary unit .Yo u should schedule a meeting with Larry Eskwith for the purposes of fulfill ing the requirements for the employee unit . Sincerely, l~~~ Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df Project Application .. Date _ Contact Person and Phone /lA )'(y Owner,Address and Phone:_ Archi tect,Add ress and Phone: I II Comments:_ Design Review Board _",,4.y J. "tlJT t£VSecondedby: Motion by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:---~=t-~r-----------=-....:....:....:!..:....!.==---...:....J.~~:...-:..:~~--.E:=..:....-~~---.J.~~~ I o Staff Approval //fJ l /IDate:-----:.....!.....:-.L--~;L_~.=.::.------ March 16 ,1983 WATER A SAN ITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD .VAIL.COLORADO 81657 (3031476·7480 ,. AGLE VALLEYUPPEI • Mr.Jim Spell 4116 N.Columbine Drive Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision Dear Jim: In response t o your request to c ons t r uct a retaining wall near the District's sewer line,the District has the following comments . The sewer line that runs along t he west end of your property is a permanent s ewer line and t he District h a s n o intentions of abandoning it.If you plan t o make improvements within 10 'of t he sewer line su ch as a retaining wall,the District has no problem with you making this improvement if the District would receive from you an agreement.This agreement would state the District would not be held responsible for restoring the wall if a repair was required on the sewer line .You will also be required to raise the top o f the MH to new grade level. If I can be o f further assistance on this matter,please let me know. Sincerely your s ,/f}cwr4~~ David Krenek ,P .E~ Technical Director DK:pf ~PA RTICIPATIN G D ISTRICTS -ARROWHEAD METRO WATER .AVON METRO WATER .BEAVER CREEK. METRO WATER .BERRY CREEI'.IoIn RO WATER .EAGLE>V AIL METRO WATER .EDWARDS WATER CLEAN LAKE CREEK IoIEADOWS WATER .UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANIT ATION .VAIL VALLEY . CO"601lD';TED WATER .VAi l WATER AND SANITATION ZO;P (1/~C K for SFR,R,R P/S ZON E DISTRICTS 20"r}GJsi...~b£~};IItI"r~-~-+,--~...s'""'~ w -1Ct~6-2iJ I GGJ~ OK -.I2ML $"b I fjA-. r:;3&(13.¥- 20 1 15 1 151 (30)(50) 1'c3) tj a< (300)(600)c;tf.J~ (900)H2 0 ) (50)(100 )0 (25)(50)0 (200)(00 ))LfGv IN ~L #-J A-".sr~"e-: Slope Ac tual Block /Filing «o«:/41'6/2..J1ou}·fft;4/.<J . Arch itect _oL*-K Proposed Use r:C4-n ~t=o/Z- Allowed Proposed ~);'J:S-) (30-}{33)32...)/' ~'2.1'2.~24[0 lfi~~::: 82-1 V pis Rear 'Sides Airlock Storage Solar Heat Storage Drive: Slope Permitted -------- Environmental/Hazards:Avala nc he Mechanica l Lega l Descripti on:Lo t --f- ~~a te r Cou rse Si te Covera qe (:1.:5) Landscaping Pal~ki ng Credits: Garage Pri mary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Heigh t Total GRFA Zo ne District Lo t Size _~f,....::.D-I-}~-=-=_ Flood Plain Slope Comments:;Pvf!::J.AC-• Jt'",,",u . Zoni ng:(A~O Y ed/D i s a p p ro v e d----/Da te :--r-L::-"""':=-!--=:"'::::'-"_-- .. JAMES G SPELL BOX 3748 Vail,Colorado 81658 March 11,1983 Mr.Bill Andrews,Town Engineer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 RE :Lot 1,Block 1, Vail Intermountain Subdivision Dear Bill : This letter is to confirm that I understand and accept full responsibility for any damage to the improvments on the above property that may encroach on the Town right-of-way.Such damage may be as a result of the Town 's performance of their road maintenance,snow plowing, or other mun icipal functions that affect the road ROW. Further,I understand that various utility companies may require access to their utility lines and that modification or damage to the improvements may result from their actions.I accept full responsibility for the costs of any repairs necessary,and in this event I shall not attempt to seek any damage awards from the Town or the util ity companies having services located in the ROW for any damage to the improvements that resulted from the performance of their responsibilities. This comm itment shall be accepted by all future owners of the property. Sincerely, JAMES G SPELL .).... •••;'r-••• '....., -r'->".•ENGINEERING CHECK LIST I SubdivisionLot ~-=~=":";;.L..::;.=:":;~~':"":"__ Block Fili~g ... I 1.Submittal Hems (Acceptable)(Hot Acceptable) .-.... -..:.- ~,;'''..3. Source of Utilities..' :..~:'.,.. (A)Elcctric ""... (B)Gas k(C)Sewer ,/ ~(D)Hater ...""•(E)Tel ephone -C(F)1.V.~ 4.Corrment s: Approved: Disapproved: DeIJartr.;:::'n ·~of Pub)ic '~orks Bill Andr-e ws .' (.\ /' I AI'I'LICAT lO~FOR SU:O:-<lJMY mIlT FOR LOT S OF I.ESS 11IAN IS, OOO SQUAR E FEET IN THE HI:SIL)lXrJ AL ZONE 'DI STRICT AND IN '1111: PRHlARY /SECONDAHY RESWENTlAL ZONE DISTRICT '. I.A. B. C. NAME OF PETIT roNr:R.=&";;_e.:.:;.s_c:;:_.----"'-~~-~-'-;j-!----------­ ADDRESS '1//;/7 ~kh7h/7t:..ftgo J-?'10__PHONE..£! 6 _7,!OO(IN'J) .'17-6 -5S6 3(!;nj NAME or:PETITIONER'S REPRESENTATIVE -X1P7?-",.5 A./oV~ ADDRESS .PHONE._ D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ~DDR ESS zo~i~;-Ir vr c:-I LEGAL DESCRI P TI O:~:Lot /Bl ock g/-/770V'/7i/n--... /Filing,--'-I _ o (}...:..( Zf'~/?$ ~&yV E. F. FEE:$100 plus an amount equal to the then cur r ent first -c lass postage rat e for each property owner t o be notified hereunder. A list of the names and mailing a dd res ses of owner s of all proper t y ad jacent to the sub j ect pr operty. I I.CRITER IA The Communi ty Development Department and Des.i.gn Revi.ew Board may grant an exception to al low the additi on of a s econd dwe l Ling uni t if t he fol I owi ug criter i a arc met : 1.The second unit sha ll not exceed fort )'per cent of t he t otal GRFA a llowed on the lot ;and 2.The Community Development Depar tment sha Ll f i nd that the grant ing of t he exceptlen wi 11 not be-dot r i mcnt n l to the pub l i c wo l far e or Iuj uri ous to o ther pr opcrty in the a rea in whi ch t he subj ect properl y is s itu.it cd,and 3 .That n o vn r i anccs for sctbu cks , hc i nh t ,pa rk .ing ,site cover age o r landsc:lj1ing, site dovel opnu-nt 01'gross rcs Idcn t i n I 1'1001'area would be appr -oved unless t he grant i Il !~of such a va r luncc bene fi t s t he v i suaI :IPI1('a ranee o f the site and surround Iug u rcn ;.uul • ••Pursuant to Ord inance 22,Scri cs o r I ~c;l,of t he Town uf Vail,1,t.hc undersigned,as owner of LotL,310ck.__L-,~~r-/77t:?V/771,/.n---. Subdivision,do hereby agree that: 1.The secondary dwe l Jing unit s ha ll not h<..:sold,tran s ferred or conveyed separately from the pri mary unit for a period of no t l ess than the life of Trent Wil l iam Rude r , a life in bein ~,·pl us t wenty-one (21)years from tile date that the Certificate of Occupancy is issued for said second uni t ,and 2 . The secondary dwell ing unit shall not be leased or r ent ed for any period of l ess than thirty (30)consecutive days ,and t hat if i t shal l be r en t ed , it shall be rented only to tenants who a r e full time employees in the Upper Eagle Vall cy, The "Upper Eagle Va ll ey"shall be deemed to incl ude the Gore Valley,Mi nt.urn , Red Cliff,G.i.lman ,Eagl e-Vai l , and Avon and their"surrounding a reas . A "full-time empl oyee"is a person who wor ks an average of thir ty'(3 0)hours per wec~.and 3.The secondary dwel J ing unit shall not bo divided into an y form of t imcsha rcs , interval owner s hip o r f ract iona l f e e,a nd 4.A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of record in the Office of the Ea gle County Cl e r k an d Recorder in a f orm approved by the TOh11 At t orney for the b en efit of t he TO\\'11 to i nsur e that the restrictions herein shall run with the land.The recording shall oc cur prior to the Issuance of a c ertific at e of occupancy f or sa i.d unit. APPLICANT Lot 1 Block 1 James G.Spell Box 3748 Vail ,CO .81658 ADJAC ENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lot 2 Bl ock 1 Thomas Hol bi rd 2684 Larkspur Ct . Vail,CO .81657 Lot 6 Block 9 Jerald W.Schartenberg 440 Schi ller St . Elmhurst ,Ill .60126 Lot 5 Block 9 Carl A Davis Jr. 7100 S.Lellison st . Littleton,CO.80123 Lot 11 Bl ock 3 Al ice Parsons Box 674 Vail,CO .81658 Lot 10 Bl ock 9 Dennis Cleveland Box 705 Vai l ,CO.81658 Lot 12 Bl ock 9 Danny Harper Box 3854 Vail ,CO .81658 Lot 13 Bl ock 9 Erwi n Bachrach 2701 Snowberry Dr. Vail,CO .81657 s, '-'.oJ'.r:!trl /C;'\.II\<'-/• .;;,\:.".",;"',;,<:1~"'.'~~e"'4 g-..~:,;i;r,{!:. I~El;i\1.IC .'.!:II'T lll:\:WT /I:I.UCK /l'I I.I:;l;/---~.._.-.---_._--.-._--_._._--...--_.. .._--- --- 1;i:::·;U:I :,(If ::;lJF 1'11(J,JU;r 26"o/J-j kyi~J/;-L'I ~/£0 1f/~Sr.,._.---..--_.""-r-'---"..._.-,d-.------.---...-..._-- ------_..-...--- ----""._------.--__._- - - The f'o l J r ,\·:j nl~Informa t i on L r c q u i red for s uh mi t t .t l by the 1Ippl i l':II1L to t he Dc si j;»1:t.:vl c"..J Board IJL'!,l)n~a f inal upprova I C:1I1 he given : A.BlJILrJJ i~l;r,tl\TERIALS Roof Siding Othe r ~al l Mat erials Fascia Soffits Windows Win dow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys .Trash Endosures Gr eenhouses Othe r J:.l &OlyM ~72 s: C t?_D~~-fLrwtt9I2 Ql '111 e~c lfq 1MP..k.b f1 GNz't:cL4,p ,OlIJfLi SAMe B.LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name~h?,.,jv:J ;:$pv;t/), Common Name Quantity /0 Size /"~311 .SHRUBS GROU'0 ·COVERS SOD SQUARE FOOTAGE __ SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL . .C.Other Landscape Features (retai ni ng walls ,fences,swi mmi ng pools,etc.)Please specify. USf D \1 M,6f.:(1j"og R.R,nE CB..lBS (bV L.r .J}121YvJ2I~u OW A I2 AI U\~47j-p--·_ • / J::;/CO J • The location of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is nota street cut permit.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. I This form is t~verify service availablity ,and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. • C)U if.::f)III.L (l '1 ?f:.11 1 F or Inform a t ion Only ~.Ch at"'j l:·!~;- O\ol n vr'1'01 i c '.J _.,.I Ii r('d..'.... II f'1I..Itl"()~Jn.<r·s Po l i r;~ r ()I'III i;-1'I"!LI (tlfllun d ",cl J O:-:l 7-70 ) 'r['.1; 3,.'1ho ,:,:~;t.il t (,or i n-t.(,i'('f>~.i n t.h«1 il n d d ", ~;r r i be<'!01're f o?rr r:, d t o i n th i !, C nfjHt,itIR.~nL.dnd co \,h~r"·::~d h~~r"I.~i n i s ; (~f 1.1: ,.;,.l ii.',.,1..0 th8 "':~;t.<::t o?ur- i n t(!I'('~t Co vel'."d h."re i n i !;at thE'eff.:-(t i YE: r:!d i·,t."l h ..;!t"~of '/ ~-:·.·;t.1.~~r1 i ri ~ l.tj :J I DI.'.O U :.I.,1) i'lIl..(;'I'i'!·::I;')OUiHi)J:N !i;-:i}::·.UW /'li::i-ll ~;I.Jt:,lin!.i ~;U)Nt i"r.t :(11(1 n NG H I IIIt;f~t:CO l,1)(:I.'1'l.IY[r 111.1,i.o r ,COIJ in Y oF [,/1(;1.1.:I !;TATE \ll- e ~)i..:.)t;~[:)Lp.)"I 1', 'I ",c o 1'1 n J 1 f1 E N 1 ~.'L1/I:':Ii 1.11.:.:p,•.l r ()I.I.rn·{i n ~iWc',-;-,h ·"t''"""II.!i r'<,<Ill ',n t !;-;-,0 b ,','.:l1I,)P I j (,rJ !-.I i t.h ; r~Yffi""l i.1.0 ur ft,r i.h ~'2 ~c o u n t t,f tll~~r~n t o r 5 Dr Mor tgngor n o f full 'c llrl 1,i d ",r d l;i on f or Lh •.;8 ·.;t.~to.;o r l n t.e r-e st t o b ,,,i n s u red . t h.., ;",.'I 'r-cr.l~r'ins t r ..um e.n t,(!;)L 1"(-:a t i n1j't hE~8 !-,t ,;;t l~0 1"'i n t ..?r'8 S t t.o be i n s u r e d rou s r,1:".-,">:'"C Ll t.'"oj ;md d u l Y f i l e rj f tlr r "!c or d ,to -~J it: • i ''::n 1'1 J 1 ":I:r:1 :-jt:IIt:.D1,1L~.:t~·_.~~ (I~::(',,'F'L ion ")f~I'I..I.i c s t,i on iln.'h 10U4 6 73 r h",1:<')1,i e'J or-pn I.i c:j '.,!;to b,:,i !;su",rJ \')i 1.l con L~i n P.}:c:c'"F'L i CHl ';;t.o the f co I 1(q.)i n~l u n 1(~!,s I.h"~,.;HI'(:a t",'d i ~,p ()5 "d 0 f '(.0 i.h~s .d.i !.-f ;;r.t.j on f)f th e r.:()III P ,ll !IJ ; o ,l d ):"'~S ;~n rf ~{S~';I.~~;s m ~;Tt.~j.n o L lj l~t dLl t:"~o r P i·~lJ·t~b 1.I.=:ai,d ~P 8 C i d L a SS e 5 S'11 8 r)t ~~ n ot 'J(''L {J!l~t,i {-j (:.;1 tu th·;:ll",,:"~,\H'(,I"'!;o ff i C ~·. »:IU " :I 'I'0::1"I(t)Plnf::'f l)!((if.'(,\) !::W <)I(I..o 1)[.:ro D :rR?ll:T M ID I':b:r-U VE HI :';0:::1:: I m ld .I'·:un i;ll(Jl.IL [).,IHe :;M IL I ~L.r0Ui·Hj r o I ·U~I:.TI~(H I:(JI~l in 1:1·::iE CT '[IH~ P1(1::1-1 .1 ;;::.::;il:'Id':~;(.:I;:VUj XN UN I r[I)H'f f',r F:;l"r,.,.E'ta RECI)RI){·.o ('II"10:I..HI? l :;-.~·i:,'.j~!:(:>()i(u:·;In i 'tol(j!':~. 10,IU ;.:l l i (d'!·!rh r oi,liX 1CHE:;\..1,CM~i'l I.!;(:()j~;,'f !~lJC1 [J)I:,')"uu,i!,UlI1(lIOTY i/j n Ie 11;'1'(IT O };hHU;r',~;I;:t.:::.)1,.:r;:19::f)H I UNITI::D sr(1 IT ~;to {'ITEi-n j-.;EC0 1WED M id L .\(j I .''.,<~"i I XN i ',')(;I;~i~;'ry r I'j'\(i l.::L, i i .I~E ~l'I,lt;r I I}f.':(>.)!)E NMIl'!J J ~HIT.C H Il l')Nor CON IA IN A F<JR FEITU}(t:OR REVEIH EJ, CUll.I:..i ,nut (,1']).11 I1W I,Ftn Id C1 J (IN S f .J I'i:NY,BtlS[[)0i'j kliC E ,COLOf~, 1;:f,:U ,li J l 'i'!J OR Nfi rr ()NM ..:)1(;(I.i .l.NJ fi S CONl(.1 I NED 1.N HIS n :UfftE Nr RECORDEI> ...IU I \',.:~/"j ','70 ,:til i:(l(l!<;U f:li'r I'MH~:·:tij rdW ro s AHENIi I:l.i n~JNSn W i"iUn '~:::C(i :"J U;;·I ()\}f':i·1f'.i~l(1,'J J.','?li J H I g<)()t<',;',I,'"fYI F'A G (~U ll MiD tI S AM ENDLD ).·1~.t',J ~-,:ld.lf'l I::Wf !,L (:OldJU>IWk H ;18 ,!.Y /J ,lI4 Il(J(lI<?:W i~1 h ;(5[38U. L~..:'l (.)(i .! .:,f:ny M,\.l W;r:l!,:'.n,!r :::ld ()I;:[,•.))I.Ji'li:':::;U;DEli IL:H r:l,r'!:l U r It.1.}"( I.,'o ;il.;'11 ii i'i'('I,II ~:;I:(I!:I'LII',I ,JI':i,NI)f"I \J.\}f)f l'ur n.ir ns ("m I.-'j(f~,l N A G E ~JA Y ,; (\:J n")!:"n-:I)(1/1 r 11:..:I::::-:C()I(Ut-:1):-i.or . r "....'0' •APl'l i ca t .i.on D.l¢ W 3 '.'_ l..,.PPLICATION F ORB FOR A VARIANCE I.This p rocedure is r cqu i.r-ed for a ny pro jec t reque s t ing a Va r i a nc e . The application will not b e accept ed until all infor mation i s s ubmitt e d. NAHE OF APPLICANT r S REPRESENTATIVE ..5"4/71t:..~.:S pjt>v e.- A. B. Nl'lME OF AP PLICAN~t!..s &::~// nDDRESS 7"116/1 c;/v/7?t/nt!.f?(fo3:?L/f.) ADDRESS-- ---- PHONE -7I76 - Z Z.0 0 {pt./) 1176 -656.3 ~:) ,__PHONE,._ C. D.LOCA1rION OF PROPOSAL ADDR?SS ;z.o9<z'..k-LJ?-v'r c:l ~d'-h70M-;f;/'1 LEGAL DESCRI PTI ON l ot ~bl ock /Fil ing~ E .FEE .$100.00 p l us an amount equal t o the then current f i r s t c c l as s postage rate f or each pl'operty 0\~11eT to be notified hereunder . F..A lis t of t he n ames of owners o f all prop er·ty a d j ace nt.t o the s ubject p r operty and their addresses. • Lot 1,Bloc k 1,Intermoun tain Subdiv is ion ,on a cu l-rle-suc at the end of Larkspu r Cou rt ,i s on st eep and wooded t errain, as is t he pl atted, but l argel y undi sturbed cul-de-sac in f ront . Va il Zon ing Code Chi pter 18.13 for Res ident ial Primary/Secondary zone dis t rict requires off s treet parking of 4 spaces, t wo covered,for a Primary/Seconda ry dupl ex. Chapter 18.52 of t he Zo ni ng Code reqUi red that "No par ked vehicle shall overhang any pub1ic right of way ." A variance is requested to al low t he ma jor portion of t wo un cove red parki ng spaces to occur in the·cul -de-sac. This request is made to mi ni mi ze the disturbance of t rees and t errain caused by driveway and park i ng area bei ng cut into a 40%slope.Gai ning accesS to entirely on-site parking woul d disturb the same portion of the cu1 de sac as would .a1lowing parklng in the cul -de-sac,plus a s i gnificant portion of the sit e wo uld a1 ~0 be di stu rbed. Gra nting th e var iance would ben efit the visual appearance of the site and of t he surrounding area . --------------- -- .(C'O ~"\9 r " )j ,j. ) I OCK 912, PROVE ENT LOCATIO CERTIFICATE 101 N EI vH SUBDIVISIO T OF JAIL T OL ADO L L T T .J BOCK LOT 1 / / / F- /, I / /1 /I< OT 1,BLOCK LA KSP C U /, U .o.. H It c 2 )R R =75.00' 8 =40-31'04" C1 L =53.04' T =27.68' CH -3 -14'25"E 51 .94' R =45.00' I A =21 59'02" C2 L =17.26' I =8.74' CH =N 82 ,0'21"E,17.16' I R =45 00' 8 -47-6 0 .. C3 L =37.12' T =19.69' CH =14-38 04"W,36.08'