HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Intermountain Block 4 Lot 2'AL lMgr+aourNrnzrlu Lo'r I r huor* 4
75 south lronlage road
vsil, colorado 81557
(303) 4792138
(303) 47$.2139
August 24, 1989
oflice ol communily development
Kris Acklan-KrotrnP.O. Box 3471-Vail , colorado 81658
Dear Kris,
The Town of VaiI does have plans to develop a srnall park in theIntermountain area, but not on the particular piece of property thatyou described in your letter. The Town of VaiI, for several years, has
owned the property on the corner of Frontage Road and Kinnickinnick,
where the old cabin stands. There is a budget of $30,000.00 and we
have recently hired a landscape architect to help us design this park.
Our first step will be to hold a public meeting with the residents ofInterrnountain in order to determine the type of facilities people wouldlike to see in the park. I am assurning that if all goes we)-I with theschedule this neeting will be held sorne time in the first two weeks ofSepternber. It is hopeful that work will start this Fall and will be
cornpleted in the Spring of 1990. We will be sure to contact you when
we set a specific date for this neeting so that you will have anopportunity to let us know your thoughts on this park.
With regard to the vacant lot at 277t Kinnickinnick, the Town of Vail'snext priority in purchasing open space will be in the northwest Vail-area. At present, the Town of Vail does not own any parkland in theVail das Schone/Vail Ridge area. Our next expenditure will be in thispart of town. Since we do own Stevens Park, I don't feel thisparticular piece of property is as great of a priority as the needs ofthe northwest area of town. ft is possible that at some time in thefuture we will be looking for additional parkland in Interrnountain, butat this time our priority lies with developing our existing 1and. Ifyou have any further questions, please be sure to contact ne at 479-
Sincerely, rR** ?r""^JRick Pylnan
Town Planner
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