HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUTNAIN BLOCK 8 LOT 2 UNIT 6Design Review Board ACTION FOR]II Depaltment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Veil, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax:97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: DOUGUS REMODEL - FIREPLACE Project Description: APPUCANT ROD HALL COMPANY DBA COLORADO COMFORT 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER co 80223 License: 150-M CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANY DBA COLORADO COMFORT 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER co 80223 License: 150-M Project Address: 2801 BASINGDALE BLVD VAIL CAMELOT TOWNHOMES UNIT #6 DRB Number: DRB080180 061 O2l2O08 Phonet 303-777'7700 06lo2l2008 Phone: 303-777-77OO Location: REMODEL: REPI.ACE FIREPLACE AND CHIMNEY (WOOD TO GAS) Pafticipants: owNER DOUG|-ASS, LOUTSE J. 0610212008 2450 CHERRYRTDGE RD ENGLEWOOD co 80110 Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block 8 Subdivision: C.AMELOTTOWNHOUSES Va.f h\"rnurn{a.ff Parcel Number: 2103-143-1100-6 Comments: MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actaon: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 06/0212008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprcrral, pursuant b the Vail Town @de, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond; 202 (PLAN)l Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approral, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward compleUon. Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Nunber: R08OOOO852 Amount: 920.00 06/04/2OO8O8:52 AIrt Palment Method: check Init: iILE Notation: X591 COIJORADO COITFORT PRODUCTS Permit No: DR8080180 TIE)e: DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103 -143 -1100-6 SitE Addre883 2801 BASINC'DAIJE BIi'D VAII, IJocation 3 CAMEIOT TOWNHOMES I,NIT #6 Total Fees: $20.00lltrie Payment.: $20,00 Total ALJJ Pmts: 920.00Balance: $0. oo *+*+**t***+*+*++*+**tttl'}t*****+++++++********{'t*{r'ttflf+++++**tf++********t*at'}*++**+++++aaa ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3'],I22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 IrFlDll Orl?u Frrlil r Yil! C0llilr ltVBoFEt? tilam$t t lll t.0ll Fa|t l{ lnor Extrrlor Altcratlonr *m 9916161 j &nnu*r, Dlrdllrit*rr foirlr l|!|or ird, rul. Ols.a MObh rn.Tr,ltlr 14 9t4{t,tan rriD! rru.rillir.sail Der$tlr|ottf Loa[rn cf t|F F .tctrlt Lct-Dtah- suldvHon: 'hylclAdar.r, Appllcetbn for Dclgn Rrulew Crrd$lEol*tttaimr*l rryfrf 1;rtn rr- rruc nlc.1; rpErd 9rE b r!.natg.ldilt OrnF p'-!p1.- -t-r*cr i tn stme nAnf|||ll' br lll Drblfif |'rnml ilrI h tEqtrtilt ft TtF.ftn ro. O.'ln rlvFw rinmt lr tcE rrd rn rni o rJtrnrden a rgtrd Dt trc Oil'r|til Dwlbtilttl Dr'..ttErr' nlqtfr nr i|D o:cO t! D. rtild bt tn. Itn qnd .i(t!? !|. tlrlrrg rrt lnfmnrnd Gorlr'lfl-Ofiln rriry ril!fl bFr rnri I Dd|lrt Fr'|lt b |r.d nd orrrrdrn cc|nilE nltfl! rat-ttltar''?oi (OonLilC.gle Co. rrr|lrrt DFfif-ttrt0 tF pr|rl no.) u,f i lrrtJllor Ir{ mn{)dcbir(dr Oril{Dlilrturle)r Irrdlrplc.||! Adiln BD.nfiIr|n: nprollahrldirrro lrr tr'Ed|afiDlleiatr O ll.rdttittdoltO adtlFlt O tlrwllrrlooI,rltfilIlEunrtltl Al{rrmnrt t*.inrfo*l D ChI|t||DrPfor|dtLfit Ct tP'rhlll$rd ,tdar Ptol: flo!bntrtsul 12t0 / aao\It llo llo hr dl f t.co D!' nI3 lor otrd l3o rrr. hr qufrutur ola ||t Dufdlttor olnq,l|hrd.fr rn fu|tbn $|.?t atll Alior lr dfid b ru rtd*nuJ s;fi;dri himiirrdll zro ro-eonr I xsv'rye1utorf. fc mnc drrncr r rrUn'' rnl .lr i|tf'Er|I|rti aE '[';ai'frlt lfifrg, whf* fr}lltt, rndtdig, tlrtl nil n*rh0rJt,rtsE;tfi;;dc.f b h|mi|3rta.'bin tDr.n dt r|dt |*;;.#ini'dtd-ir;rtfr .'F tr,.','ilt, trnil 'drarlil't| r ir &iilr'iiberr-irihn rkodt wrov.d tt ?Lmhl sbli n' in ht; li,hrlco.{ a.d 5S t l4aLSoE tlonPo.rJ a.roJeoa cPrJol o0 lTOfrlfUF VAri' 1'd qzo' 69IILeeeoe slcnpoJd lJoJulo3 opeJoI03 l.ldBZ:' gOOe tI Rehl 691IeAaEOe slcnPoJd9.d tJoJuroS optJoloc tlult:II EOOZ gO hehl ldldlmlhedth PROPO3ED I{AIERHI' re+ of H.trr|rl EnNar Rod SHil19 oths wrll lrttsdals Fasch Sofflts Wlndows WndowTrlm Dgorg DmrTrlm Hmd or Deck Rnlls Fu€s Flashlng Chlrnnuys Tnsh Endcurus Gr:anhol|l€s RcEhlng wdb E(briorUgl$ng Cl$er ?r d;,r^f *xf bt$ck llotB! PleASe Speclfy tltc manulbCurre/g nalnar the @lor name and nUmber and attadr a color Chip' F:\Car\FOOr5\F rilb\p|.ning\pld bdlvtLithot-dL&re2007.d0c P!$ 5 of 13 HUe':II 8002 SO Fel.l2'd 69IIeAAEOg slcnpoJd tJoJuloS opeJoI03 Eos-oo3K May 28, 2008 Town of Vail Community Development, The Camelot Townhouse Association, 2801 Basingdale Blvd., approves the replacement of the fireplace chimney cap for Unit #5. lf there are any questions regarding this matter please contact me. Sincerely, hr* /M- Bryant Roth President Camelot Townhouse Association 97047746/.5 Ervtrlil illl 28 2oo8 lU OF VAIL nre/At-.1 t_E \, tul ln1 MAY |lI TOWN HORIZONTAL WINDGUA May ba raquired whan high winds are present lvav be usad as a safety hEat shigld to prewnt child'en 0r othoc lrom coming into contsct with h6 yBnt tsrnilation cap- For horizontal {ftrough.walll torminations only. Windg uard is us€d wlttr horizontal termination, stock numbers ggt. iZgl.w, 1?82, 984. 1284, 985,,t285. 984SG HIGH WIND TERA4INATION CA May be requied when high winds are gres8nt tor vertic€l installations only. Check the appliance manufact!r. sr's imtuctions to detsrmine whlch caps are apgroved lor use with their appliame. ]-fris i: t?^r- c"p t9."+ .'.r^{d- xplo.+,1+.g tr.€.A-bt^ rr-,,9.,' ilrL ;L .y !,Ao* ,^lo.{ A{rv\-r[r^ir,( , LOW PROFILE TERMINATION Srandard tBrmination cap for vafticar installations only. Oreck 6e appliance manulactuErl iBtructions lo dotermine which caps are appovEd for use with their appliance. I . l.tuot:II Sooe go AeLl 9&l gt/|"6Vl,3tA'l?n' 1250 g1rr6"r 3r/ll1 ft\n' L!- g'd 69I I4eleoE slcnpoJd lJoJuloS opeJoIoS