HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 15February 19th, 1982 Peter Patten Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81658 Attention: Community Development RE: LOT 15, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOIINTAIN SUBDMSION. Request for rezoning from Primary/Secondary to Hi-Density MulEi-Faxoily Gentlemen: In response to your public notice of February 19th' 1982, please be advl-sed: As an "across the street'r neighbor, Lot 13, 2701 Snowberry Drive, I wish to ask the Planning and Environmental Cormdssion to deny the request for these reasons: The Town of Vail had otlglnally zoned all lots on Snowberry Drive as Primary / S econdary in accordance with sound pri-nciples dictated by the slope of the terrain, accessibility and general character of the area. At thls time I an loath to think that our Town would wish to set a precedent in the area by first establishing a well thought out zoning and their backing away. Should higher densities be perrnitted, traffic and particulary parking problems 'especially .iuring the snow season will occur. Extra traffic dust, fumes and noise would be detrimental to our peace and quiet and enj oyment of our inves tment in money and labor. I want Eo assure the Com ission, as well as the owner of Lot 15, Chat I welcome new neighbors, but four (4) units just do not fit inEo the landscape and neighbo rhoo d . q-,"""^'lp"kL/,^,L Box 117Vail, Colorado 81658 Phone: 476-2636 ,,? 1 ,tt:t,Lt&' '..='?4 4-, /..--' J.n | " ' /'! oo-_.=-------rE'rfi Ff -ror.T- o R .[r.rE ND irENr-ro- u r u - z oN riv c - o n;iinaN cn OR RIJQUDST FORA CIIAI'IGE IN DTSTRICT BOUNDARIES This proced.ure is rcquired foror for a request for a a:-stiict A. NA.D{E OT PETITIONBR ADDRBSS /12;,'/l I.any amendment to thebourrd;rry change zoning ordinance f4ll--enoNa VFiWd Avqn, C0.81620 PHoNEg4g 4.646 B.NAME OF PETITIOI{ER ' S REPRESIINTATIVE ADDP.ESS c.AUT}IORIZATION OF PROPERTY OT,TNER SIGNATURE \.,_ s. ADDRESS TOCATICN OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS l---J uoNn4i)d-irc{ D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot Is block 9 filin at , il t, | ;'r E; r. FEE $100.00 plus 136 for each A J.ist of the names of oirneis ofsubject property, and their "rifi"g Subdivlslonp.roperty o?rner to be not:-f:ed. a1I property adja.cent to theaddrcsses. The onners of the subject.lot p'rchased rt_ln 1p r paxtng the pr.rrchase prJ.cefor a 4-p1el 1o!. wrren va11/roir-uro*t rn subd.lvLslon lfas annexed lnto theTown of valr this past year, the zonlng was autonatlcarly rearrcea to prinary-Seconda^ry. Dlseountlng the total area of 4gsgg9 s.f._!X *F r:beLng 4@ grad,e or greater,Leaves a renaLnd.er of 32,930 ".ii *irf"i, allowi 'g,233 s,i7 oi b.'1 1dine;, anplearea to acconodate the 4 unlts we are requestlng. 'fe, therefore ' are requesting that the conmlsslon reconmend. that Lot 15,Block 9' val1 rnterrnoqE+ suurvriton, be returned. to ,rultl-famrry zonlngfor the constructlon of 2 tro fanily *ir.. II. :'-rr (:l cr,;).rr.:; t-ll A. 'r'c pctition :;halr incrudc a summary of _the proposed revisionof tlra rcAulations, or a _complete description of the proposedcltanses in districL bouncla.il"-""a-;-;;p inaicalins-tf,"- existingand proposed district bounclaries-. appricant must submit writte' and/orgraphic marcrial s statj.ng the rcasons for iiquest. fII. Time Requirements The Pl'anning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd an. 4thMondays of each month. A petit:.on witrr-rh.'rr..."sary accompanyingmateri.ar must be subm.itted four . r.J!" nriJ, to the date of the meet_ins. l'ollorving th" ti;;;ing ana nnviioiimJiiar commission mearin.,all amendmenrs to rhe """i"g_"rdinance oi-Iistricr boundar" Efill;must go to the Tovrn Coun.ii-fo. ii""i-..iiJ". Lot .l2, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision Owners: D. K- Hopper Stephen G. Serv.iesp.0. Box 3854Vail, C0 81658 Lot .l3, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision 0wners: Erwin And Dorothy Bachrachp.0. Box ll7Vail, C0 Bl658 Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subd.ivision 0wners: Vail Interrnountain AssociatesP.0. Box 705Vail, C0 8.I658 Lot .'|6, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Sutdivision Owners: David N. Morgan. Mary Ann l,lorganp.0. Box 1483 Vai'l , C0 Bl65g t lrc f oIlo'"'ing j.nformation: ,/, ,;