HomeMy WebLinkAboutROCKFALL HAZARD LOTS 10 12 13 14 15 16I 4 ogulq--eeting of the vail rown council was held on Tuesday, october 6, 19g2, in theCouncil Chambers of the Vail Municipal Builcling. Merv L,apin *uJ tu" -"utiog to orderat 7:45 P.M. MINIITES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGocToBER 6, 1992 7:30 P.M. MEMBER.S PRESEI{T: MEMBER"S ABSENT: Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Menl Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Gibson Tom Steinberg Rob LeVi:ce Bob Buckley Jin Shearer TOWN OFFICIALS pRESEI{I: Ron phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pa-m Brandmeyer, Assistant to tb.e Towa ManagerMartha Raecker, Town Clerk I The first item on the agenda was Citizen Particifation. John Mueller requested Councilr-econsider TOV policy prohibiting street-cuts in r:,mly recoostruchJ roads within the Towu.Oouncil agreed to hear this issue since Mr. Mueller's situation was considered "-"rg""t. ff. Sequired.a street-cut permit in order to access a sewer line for B1B0 Booth f.a[s no-aa. Ur.Mueller indicated he had been given incorrect sewer inlct elevations by IJEWV&S, ,rra ni,access for sewer serwice connection was now too low to conncct. Council, U..y CrJ"f, u11JMr. Mueller reviewed site plans of the lot and area in question, and reviewed in""o opiior6for correet ir:,,: iire situatio_n. During discussion, it becamc clear the ssvrsl inlst, elevationsprcrri:i:..j r...r irlr. Mueller by UEVW&s were incor:rect, and, in fact, caused tne,esJtio!..'.,i'i" r:,oblem. council advised Mr. Mu,;ller to pursue-relief from upvw&s. Afteir'::1':i. ji!!-!r':, Rob LeVine moved to allow Mr. Iv{uelltr a-n cruerg:cncy exceplion to TOV policy ' .;'!rCug street-cuts in newly reconstructed. roads if there iere-no other alternatives fo-rresolving Mr. Muellet's problem, and with the condition that Mr. Mueller try to coordinaGthe possibility of connecting at Lot 11, 3010 Booth Falls Road with UEVW&S. Jin Gibsonseconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-2, Mayor Osterfoss and TonSteinberg opposed. Iten N9. 2 ol the agenda was approval of the minutes of the september 1, r9g2, andseptember 15, 1992 svsning meetings, and app-roval of the scptem^ber zg, rsisi, slJ"lEvening Meeting Minutes. Jim GiLson -o*d to approve the minutes bf tn"r"in e"meetings, with a second from Tom Steinberg. A vote was takcn and the -otio" passeJuaanimsusly, g-Q. Item No. 3 vTss Qldinance No. 10, Series of !99!, first reading, an ordinance ,-eudingSeciion 3.48.40 and 3.48.090 of the Municipal Code of the Town-of V"it to provide tU"t rf,EReal Estate ltansfer Tax may be used for the acq 'isition and. improvement of real p-p",.,ywithin the limits of the Town or within a miliof the Town boundaries; p.oviaingilo;specifrcity as to whal the funds received by the Town pursualt to the Rcai Estate TiansferTax can l:..' uscd for; and setting !,.rth details in regard thcrrcL.;. Mayor Osterfoss read theril!n 1l rl.1;. Larry Eskwith explaincd this ordiaanie would rmcnd tie IfETf ordinance to . .: j'f': i uuds l.o be used within the limits of ihe Town or w.ithin a mile of the Towni)0'rr:Car"ir:s. It would also clarify pulposes for RETT iunds. .lhn Clfson expressed oppositionto tse of-the tgrm 'public rights-of-way" in tbis ordinance. FIc felt the concept imiiied wastoo broad,_and Iandscapinq 9f public rights-of-way was a public works ocpa*mcoi p""j;.tuot something to expend RETT funds on; however, Mayor osterfoss rert'ranascafilg;;appropriate in conjunction with development of recreational bike paths. Bill Witto siia ne lad n9 objection to the use of RETT funds for appropriate projects *itirio a milc of the Towaboundaries, but was str-o1cir opposed to use oi'i;:liTT f;d; on public rights-of-wa1,. Jim $ibson, Bill Wilto, and Jo Brown asked for a clear defrnition of "pnUtic righl-of-way.,; nut.ibrief discussion, Rob Leving-moyed to approve ord.inance No. 10, series of rsgi, on 6rst leading, with the addition oflandscaping ofrecreation paths as an appropriate use ofRETTfunds' Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. A vote was taken and ihe motion passed, E-1, l{t raga.r ol la8pnq :TgT1r^tjy_ir:p ot paqaear spja snsuasuoc FctrnoC .tqa1s.re,roSu4aEpnq oW u-r p"il1:^"_l"i"t rf"+"uA eaagg-palsanba.r osp uo;, .o,ats{s tlsue.rlsrql roJ arueu Sulsseduocua-1p arorrr BJo uo,pops-aql ur 1sa",a1ui possa.rdxa aqs .uorlrpp'uI 'slpsa'r pelldruoc,^eq1 Jo srs,(Jnr .re1e1 pue 1"au1'oaq1 "o.I "ioJ )tsq ?ql 01 'IqEIrBApapBE aq lqaluR4sul rfluns pasodand aql 1"q? palse sso3roliO rodef,t .tiBA ol a11r pBa_J @orj.'Bql 0[Il p'arl Eo{I IIBA o:} srap-rr arour or?ia -ariq1 rql 1n{, ,rrf"i"I s.EoJ o} puodsa.r o4i(arms dgqs.rep.r: e JoJ ap:ul se.,rllsanbar v .snq aq?Jo aJrrBuolurEru puu uoqeJodo.rog iu.utedaIIr pEa.IJo uaoJ, q?Lrt{ .Buuoldxa quoja sB^r Eapr ?Bqt paa"r8e ioo"oo .ajqs.rapg "iIFd;Aas'arcrn pue alo'rdur 01 snq raql.rr' Ea{? 1eo1_ 91 p'q AoJ JI uo^a .araql ua1s,(s doole elerod-rocur o1 pa'e.rnocqa aq arn p'rl pisoao.ro a"J,r"i"rtitto"i, tor,r"q" pasodo.rd aq1 yor$ar^ar l'uoqrpp' .rogy .1u.,.ri V,L!I uB BF alq:tr'^B aq ppo,r salnq ^ou alurs sasnq oArl JoSulqsrq.rnya.r;o,(e1ap ,(e) pue ,uafrisea1 o1 plngo n6"1, sasnq 6Z6I oll1 ,tq pecelder aq plnoraqcnlA alnor aILl^pEaT aql JoJ posn s_asnq o,r,r u1l sosBalJo uorleururel 11; :ualsds d1uno3oqr roJ la'pnq I'uo*s:ado pesodo"rd aqi q rgTq" #1 p";;;rip" o*aru oql parou uoQr'rualsfg {1uno34a3png]^isTll_t l11.1qp"r.s1,.raieuery o,iol, ooli-.saruuf 11Ig ol,uoaygou roJ aqr 1B saJlAras pdprunrygo rorJonq's1oo.rg,c.'fr .o"y*o.rd B poArarAar sdqgq4 uq1 'pasrer a.re.r epua8e aql uo lou sruEr lerolas ,luaunrmofpe aroJog uorlo' arn pu€ uo{E} uaql s'ra olo-i\ v 'olloT^":1j_nj.ror""_L*n3frff":#fr::"tffi1o1 s.urduel .r0 rtrog nl4el ,6,661_,9 ilnf "q+ "o paseq palsanndl-si oBW prBzEH IIE.;rrfroUralsEtr{ saoJ puaEB o} pa oru u1de1 ,r-rary ..-"gadora d"rrraraJar a^oqB ar{l too{ po^oruar aquotleuSrsap llsllcou alBrapow aq1 au5puaur*ocor Jallal p palllEqns flluanbosqns sg$rue1'rC 'ouoz IIEJqco.r {ue ur lou_arord ,u1e1unou.ra1ul IIBA ,6 {colg ,gI puB .gI ,Vl ,ET ,ZI'0r slsl 'uoqsanb ur sarlredord "q1 p"1""oo sea,r 11 ;uog-#ri.".roi?1rr-oo ?uo?or aq1 Euunq't86r uT pa.rederd dery fiegcog aql jo uoqe.reda.rd u1p;i#;" p;ri oqo,,, lsooloea Fullpsuocaql 'sFrduel sBlor{crN '-rq1q:olieFlrsa^ur alrs-uo ruaca-r e o6 pisei uorl'usrsap TIIBFI''QTar'rapow,' ar{l Eo"J serlrado.rd cgneds Suraoqa.r icq dery p"roi11 it"rrt"ou JalsBI^I s.u.,$oJoql puaure ol ser. lsanba.r slqt pau.r_e1dxg ql^:g *q iI;It p*;li IIB;:laoU ra?sBI4I AOJoql puoru' ol qcsrqc'g ur.tr.q luecldde fq 1s-anbar d a"p"6l'a, oorJ.i."rrp s s'^r g .oN EalI uoqlpp' aw w$ ,g-9 .rlsnounuerm pessed uollo* nrr_n.,r_..rnoJro::,P SJif !ilTlff;aql pa[e' urdel a-re141 SuSpuads pue s-oxe1 p.,"poJ.ro 1t"'o*r rue alrnyq lnor{lra srr'p'roloca-rnfw i(1a:arras pFo/r_,r-_"^{_111-pr"*v r.i i:essea aigr".ooi- ,G661 ,zz.raqualdagpal?p .IWC i(q pa.reda.rd luouncop e uo.,3 o'o.1euro.;,r, pp' ol !pi, p"1"o",p uorl? uosqr'Iulf 'uotlEllluI xsl Jo lImoIrIB auos tlll r 'lorlug? Iecol urRt-ar puisuo,1e.1rs leeol ssarppp olsaqrJedrcgunur rog {1lgqpog oq1 pa"e!6 ?1 "r.,r""q 1 .o1q luaupuoqv 01 pareduoc alqeluJedseaa psodord r'qt rtal qou ,oflBq aqiio rba rou pq qclqa (.IWc) an'Ear pdorunl4l op'rorocaq? {q pel"oddns pue pasodoid ier'i 1eq1 a.rnseeul uoqel.urrl x"l raqlou€ .s'n, arar{l EuL(essB procar uo oi o1 polse^lu-rAa qou 'pa^Io^a spepu ieapnq'p"r""*"iiry1 pa.rtnba.r aq plno^l,?Bql sorrrB{arup 3u,r1o1 8_u5p.reiar rrroauoc-papnpul uorsincifo "nqrr,.l .s.re,uod ledrcrunruIBco[ pIrE alru-a'I'oqJo lualulrslmr puualoa s.1- oN luo'puoq" qr* ll'ap qc$Ii^ uorlnlosarslt{l uT suotsrao,rd p.raueS ortros oJa/td a.raq1 palucrpu-r qlIA{sS f1re1 .uap1 s'na alo^ E oJoJ?B're11cng qog uxo' prroaa'-B rnl,n'266_rJosiuag ;;t'.oi{ offi1osq1^nn*&an o1dil;;;i$'tulf 'C66I .ro3 pauueld g fuaaq8p1lJo Furuapl,u prre ql€d e{rg uorrcunf p^{oq arll roJ EwpunJa4'ls pozlprBdoaf go i(1J11q1ssod acl Eulpnpu-r-'r 'wi""'Q""-v i s-{r'qna.rp pgualodlnoqe {ga!'rq a4ods qcr,n're8 aaa4s 'lFu uI- anrl aqr p'ar 1s6g.rasq -:oru4 .roIIBg uorrcolglsJauoC ,Zo66I ,g raqwaAoN oql uo .readde ngu qcg,1a .t oN lia.upoa*y o1 uoqrsoddos.punoC u,uog, genEuFspop uognlosor e ,Z6dtJo sa.rrag ,g1 .oiJ uoqnlos"U ss/f, g .oN EolI Papuaur' aq pl.oc aiuuqc slql palou suru 11,a4o,r oql rolrv .pesoddo rlaq -ory ffifi:;;uortour oql pue ua{4 uaqt serr qoa V .qogsanb aql pal1e,c uosqlC _r ;eeoi:girtil"r,ol.I uo uortcolq [BrauaC ".n_l:_!:::nd ,,luewpriaury acn rg oqr, .1 .ol'I fioupuoruyg l1.re1"cn*ri'sre1o.r pagrpnb prr' quaprsa.r se pegp#s aq pFoc x'l aq1 aurrea srorr,$o ssoursnq asoqlraqlaqd, Surp.re8a.r uorssncsrp gagq .ra15y AOI ol alqeluno-acB (SI^I D p"reog iurlo:1.re1,qdeIIeA L.EA orn Surdaa4 Jo srr'oru e se upuie o1 uorirao.rd rasilsLor rnoJ aql porrr','aoq Palels u$e1 a:etrq 'ue:1e1 seaa. aloa e'i.ro;ag, -ou-r^ql qou Eo,rJ puoaos E q?.r,tr ,aurpsoJlerg uo .A66I Jo salras ,gZ .oN ocuumprg aio.rdde o1 paaou uosqid *f .nry uI altll aqlpeor ssnJra?sg.rode141 iur1o re141roJ asuarn ssoursng IBnurrV - |frg,6jae[i r(ppil"diSurpua?ra 'LreA Jo u/ao{-aq} 1o opog puiirrnry aql Jo ,ooilemiing- 0rl.r0.g uor?ragEurpuaue aarr'Epro uc 'Bugpea-r rt"s 'dooi jo sa".aj 'i6 .o1.I-ec'Ernpro s',ra r .oN E*I 'pesoddo uosqrC Erf TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soutb Frontage Roail Vail, Cdlorailo 81657 t0t -479-2l t I / 47 9-21 t9 o D e p trtm e nt of C ommunity D eu c lopm ent November 10, 1992 Mr. Envin Bachrach PO Box 2236 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Town Council Meeting Minutes Amending Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map Dear Mr. Bachrach: Enclosed please find the Tow-n-Council meeting minutes from October 6, 1992, which amended the Town of Vail's Master Rockfall Hazard Map. This amendment officially removed Lots 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block9, Vail Intermountain, from theirpreviousdesignation as being located in a Moderate Rockfall Zone. Thanks again for calling this matter to our attention. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions that you may have. Sincerely,ffit Tim Devlin Town Planner enclosure xc. Kristan Priiz FILT COPY 75 Sottb Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 t 0t -47 9-2 I t I / 47 9 -2 1 t9 Department of Commanity Dcoclopmcnt August4, 1992 Mr. George E. Miller lsle of Man EducationalTrust 17502 West Hphway 101 Wayzata, MN 55391 Re: Lots 14 and 15, Block g, Vall lntermountaln 2724 Snoveberry Drlve Dear Mr. Miller: The Vail Town Council will meet on Tuesday evening, September 1, 1992, at 730 p.m. lncluded in he agenda will be an amendment to the town's Rockfall Hazard Map to remove your property from rockfall designation. Should you have auny questions or comments, please feel free to contact m€ at the above address or phone number. Sincerely,ffit Timottry N. Devlin Town Planner TND4h February 19th, 1982 Peter Patten Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81658 Attention: Community Development RE: LOT 15, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOIINTAIN SUBDMSION. Request for rezoning from Primary/Secondary to Hi-Density MulEi-Faxoily Gentlemen: In response to your public notice of February 19th' 1982, please be advl-sed: As an "across the street'r neighbor, Lot 13, 2701 Snowberry Drive, I wish to ask the Planning and Environmental Cormdssion to deny the request for these reasons: The Town of Vail had otlglnally zoned all lots on Snowberry Drive as Primary / S econdary in accordance with sound pri-nciples dictated by the slope of the terrain, accessibility and general character of the area. At thls time I an loath to think that our Town would wish to set a precedent in the area by first establishing a well thought out zoning and their backing away. Should higher densities be perrnitted, traffic and particulary parking problems 'especially .iuring the snow season will occur. Extra traffic dust, fumes and noise would be detrimental to our peace and quiet and enj oyment of our inves tment in money and labor. I want Eo assure the Com ission, as well as the owner of Lot 15, Chat I welcome new neighbors, but four (4) units just do not fit inEo the landscape and neighbo rhoo d . q-,"""^'lp"kL/,^,L Box 117Vail, Colorado 81658 Phone: 476-2636 ,,? 1 ,tt:t,Lt&' '..='?4 4-, /..--' J.n | " ' /'!