HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 19BI0l,!'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Peterson/Green residences DRB Number: DR8010126 Project Description: Storage shedff rash enclosure Pafticipants: OWNER PETERSON, THOMAS l. & SUE 1.05/2112001 Phone: PO BOX 833 GEORGETOWN CO 80444 License: APPUCANT PETERSON, THOMAS J. & SUE L.05|2I|2OOI Phone:477-Q792 PO BOX 833 GEORGETOWN CO 2854 A Snowberry Drive 804214 License: Project Address: 2844 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location: L€sal Description: Lot: 19-B Block: 9 Subdivision: SNOWBERRY DRIVE DUPLEX t/4, t 7n'TttMA-, t- Parcel Number: 210314301057 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: DENIED Second By:Votei Date ofApproval: Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO llAY-IfY.gg,'PJ,, 19 : ?gnn.vRJl''-.-f,-nl'iFhr SORTS DVLPT-CO'IS APPLICATION FOR. DESIGN N,EVIEW APPROVAL o"#'ll ."t;ti:?.it,"r r*o ., t"r'lirl' I0!r[f frfNEB I,J|*UQI0USIIQN nE onirUiiilon tc ioi orry pmject ruqul/rns Despn Revtew appru\at A4v orelcct rcqutdng drign rw|l* tturt nrrrfue'Desbo Rc-rlory approvel ltftr to subinfttring for a building pc$it. fur $ccilic lnfoma$on, tce $e suDmEal rrnrrh.:rncnG for th'r gorUcr,rbr aiproal 0ut b rerlurctorl. Tha e Itnca(on crnnot be e caeDH untll all tie legultd lr:firrn:tfonharbmitted, llreprrrj*tnayllgonacdtoberevLwtdbfthetrbwnGundl and/orthcPlannlngand lilvlrcnnicntol Cornnttss|on, Oostin noriew Eoard npprcval expfus ono yaar eier 6nal opprovol unlac a bulldint pgrrnlt lc toosed snd ccnFruction le atrrtrd oEscRrFnDN oF'tilri REQrJEsr: ^,.iltx'o- a ..r@Ltxry.l3r4ta6r-til3!4tt E -fu l t) .._-.'..t{..pttts^:- _.,--.---..--.------.---_ roc^TtaN oF PfoFcsAL: rgr,3:B-.. BLoq(:--3- FIuNGi pr{ysrc r. ADDRessL- j+!11,* .j'x uNBEGtrl-P3r MM!:('F I4AIUNG ADDRESS.---.. owr{ En(s) scrlAilRE(S).* ll^l'18 oF APPLIQAI{T:- ?[h-l6q ? MAIUN6 TYFN (IF IU.IVILW AI.ID FEE:L'.1 ilc{r cohrilructior . C20O Comtrrtdlon of a new buildhg'6 Addir.on - gg0 l6ctgdg3 ary addidm trhqire sqwr lbotlgc E ldded to any ruldenthl or cprrunetc'ol buikling.x !*norArtcnrron' r20 l!ru*frftT#:.,HilJo$lt#.ffiJffilililHETl rctatning $al's, efc. t RB f({r aro to Uc pald at thc timo ol Sutmittal. Letcr, 4rtn.applving for a building !.rfii[ Ples FqlW [irj-ocoistevjtusrJbn of tlte proiu- The Tcvrn of \rait wili adjuit' the ftc accordim to tio prdGt Yrlua{on' PIIASE SUBHIT TtlIS APPIJCA?Ioil, ALL Suf|'lrrrat REQUTREMENTE AND TI'IE FE! TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COII{HUNITY DEVEIOP}ITIII, 75 SOUfH FROIIT GE ROAD, VAtrI' col,oRADo 3L6!57, v) c. o. E. F. Cr,}rie pb plncel *r__3Jg?l:lrut1- (Crntrct Eolle cl). r\sscssoF Office at 970.32&9640 fur percsl it) / HAY E1. ,'AT 11!11414 VAIL SORTS D'LFT CO P.1 Msy 21,2001 Tornr of Vril Deaartnoat of Coruaraity Devclopmcnt 75 South FtDqUte RoEd Vail, Colorrdo 81657 . Dear SL or Mrdr4 Ettcloccd ir our applicatiou for Daign Revicw of a tsrch clrcloeur/rhragc shcd locrtcd rt 2854 Snowbcny Drive' Thie cnclooue will servc thp Pott[gor ard Gro€Do llsidetrc?s locatcd on thb proporty. As ]oukaoq tbir rbld hrr drcdy bccn prnialty oolstruct€d olr tts propcrty. we apologizi for 6ie overoigh rnd art scekiry formd rpprovd by the Torn of Vril et flir tirc. Thir rhod ir prinuily bchg conrructcd for tbc purpoec oflroviding r tsrh enolonne for both lceidencos. Thc$ bavc bccl nutctsus inrtrrccr of berrr Lrccli4g ovcr garbage cuu hft on tLc crub thir rpi4 rod all h8t suffipi, In ordcr to rvoid coadbufug to thir ptoblco ia out noigtrborhoo4 *E felt obllgrted ta coD3tmct this encloEr[E. The ebed ir oouegucted with palniod T1- I I rcugb-ssw! plywood rxterior. Our original plrne includc rdding pointed pine tim io e dsrker chide of broer. Both colors v/ere choecn so drct ths Btucture would blcnd into ftc hilleidc foliegc. You *ill norc ftom thc caclorod inprovsmoni loo iot oertlficstc tbrt the ebed is cuncnt$ locetcd m thc Town of Vail's road right of way, on the drivcmy. Thi! ir !n unavoidlbh si?urdor N! Uc cntlt! drlvoway fq botb rocidcnocr ir built in thir righr of way, prcdous to ow occrprtiot of the rosidenoer, Yor dq*rtnprt ruggcsted r $Ey to rvoid lo!+oqllsnse of thir locrtlm would bs ro lotrt inm tratocahle right of wey pcrmit with the Towo of Vril, which wosld bo rccepublo to botb ouraon. AgriF, u/e rpologire for not cubEitting the propwty permitr before copstnrctioa, It ir ow hopc thrt wc crn oornp to I mrtully agecablc rcrolution b thic ircuc. Jffi^d$,'"-ffi Jonnthso W. Ghccnc Toa PctcffioD I I a , Eq p$g'-s|L3.. ]HY9Zd,sege tEEH3gfE ffi e+)\ % lg*u*T Itrrtl<4FJxF J 3 {-luI g es F t,ai f-rll, *t**+*+*;***f 'r'*+**+*r'rrrt+*al********nt'r!*f 'r*rf i**'r*r*+**'*****,r***{r a * ttl*'t *'** * * ** t:f*ri*+**f ***ttTOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO sbremenr* + **+ I't+ttit'l * i*l ** t*:| * *** 'tt'tl **rt't't**t+'t** t rrt* 't* * | ttr +tt*f | *rrt*!**t tr***rtt*t,it r*r*** *,t**|r,t*+*,t,tstatemenE l{umber: R000000801 Anpunt: g2o.o0 05/2r/200Lo3:20 pr.{Payment [ethod: Cash fnit: JAR Notation: Permit No: DRB01O12G lype: DRB _ Minor Al-terationParcel No: 210314301057Site Addregs z 2844 SNOWBERRY DR \IAILIJocat.ion: Tota1 Fee6 I g2O. O0Ttris paymenE: g2O. OO Tota] AL,L Ehta: S2O. OOBalance: SO,0O'i**t|t* {' *'l't** * 'l * t tttt** ltl't * **'1. *** *'t* * ***t'it* ***!t**'t 'r ** *tf,t +************,t*,}t *rr*t,}***,r**,tttr}ll***** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current hs DR ()O1()()()O31122O() DESIGI,I REVIEW FEES 20 .00 !r:$* i * * * * *;* * * * {t * * + * * * * *{.*+ * * *O* * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * 'r. * * *:t {r + * * * * * ** r. *** l******{.'}f ,r.***{.****** . TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement !*tr * * * * * * *** * rt * * * * * + * * * ** * * * * * * * * 't * *,| * + * *'*'t * * * * * * * * {. '} * ** ** * * * * * *!kd!* **** * + * * ** * * * * ** ** * * * *'l' + ** statement Number: R000000801 tunount: $20.00 05/2]-/2oof03:20 PM Payment Method: Caeh Init: iIAR Notation: PermiE No: DRB01o125 Type: DRB - Minor Alteration Parcel No: 2103143 01057 Site Addreee. 2844 SNOMERRY DR VAIL Location:Total Feee: 520.00 This Pa)ment: $20.00 Total AL,L Pmte: 920-00 Bafance: 50.00 ** * {. * ** * * *** * * *** * {r *'* * * {r ** * ** ** {(* **** ***** * * {. * **'t* *** * * * * {r ** ** ** * * * *{. ** * * * ** *!t** * ** **'} * **,},* * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122O() DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 289 5r":bot'1 sy'z/.r o ILF E COPY TOWN OF VAIL Deparlment of C ommun ity Dev e I opme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.w RE: May 29,2001 Tom Petenon 28544 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 81657 Jonathan Greene 28548 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 81657 Proposed storage shed./trash enclosure located at 2854 Snowberry Drive / Lot l9B, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Dear Tom and Jonathan. The Town of Vail Planning Division recently reviewed the Design Review application for the proposed storage shed/trash enclosure located at 2854 Snowberry Drive. The following is a summary of the comments lrom that review: l. l.The proposed storage shed/trash enclosure must be located within the property boundaries of this site. The proposed storage shedrtrash enclosure must also comply with the setback requtements ofthe Town Code. Section l2-6D-6 of the Town of Vail Town Code requires a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet for all uses, structures, or buildings in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. The current location of the proposed storage shed/trash creates snow and rain shedding from the roofonto the existing retaining wall and Snowberry Drive. This situation is not acceptable based upon the following requirement of Title14 of the Town of Vail Town Code: "Rooflines should be designed so as not to deposit snow on parking areas, trash storage areas, stairways, decks and balconies, or entrryays. Secondary roofs, snow clips, and snow guards should be utilized lo protect areas from roof snow shedding if necessary. " Please be aware that the location of the proposed storage shed./trash enclosure may not encroach upon nor impede access to the four parking spaces required for this site by Chapter 12-10 ofthe Town of Vail Town Code. T I - I I rough-sawn plyrvood exterior siding shall not be allowed on the proposed storage shed/trash enclosure based upon the following requirement of Titlel.l of the Town of Vail Town Code: "Bttilding materials shall be predominantly natural such as u,ood siding, wood shakes, and native stone. Brick is acceptable. llhere stttcco is utilized, gross textures and surface features that appear to imitate other materials shall be uvoided. Concrete surfaces shall be treated with texture and color if used, however, exposed aggregate is more acceplable than raw concrete. Neither aluntinum, steel, nor plastic siding, nor simulated stone or brick shall be permittetl. Pl,-w,ood siding shall not be permitted. " J- 4. {P r""'""'o'^"'" Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us 5. The siding lor the proposed storage shed/trash enclosure must be wood siding that is painted to match the existing duplex based upon the following requirement of Title14 of the Town of Vail Town Code: "The same or similar building materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any accessory slructures upon the site. " A sample and description of the proposed roofing material must be submitted for review. The proposed roofing material must comply with the following requirements of Titlel4 of the Town of Vail Town Code: "Roof surfacing materials shall be comparible with the site and surrounding buildings. The use of wood shakes and metal roofs is acceptable, however in no instance will metals roofs which reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent properq,* be permitted. If metal roofs are used they shall generally have a standing seam in order to provide some relief to the roof surface and be ofa heavy gauge. Asphalt and fiberglass shingles shall be permitted provided that rhey weigh no less than three hundred (300) pounds per roofng square foot and are ofa design and color to be compatible with the requirements of this Section. " ; and, "The same or similar building materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any accessory structures upon the site. " The following requirements of Title14 of the Town of Vail Town Code specifically apply to accessory structues (i.e. the proposed storage shed/trash enclosure): "Design ofaccessory stntclures upon a site shall be compatible with the design and materials of the main structure or struclures upon the site. " ; and, "Accessory buildings generully should be attached to the main building either directly or by means ofa continuous wall, fence or similarfeature of the same or a complementary material as the main building's erterior f nish. " ; and, "Seruice areas, outdoor storage, and garbage storage shall be screenedfrom adjacent properties, structures, streets, and other public areas by fences, berms, or landscaping. " ; and, "Adequate trash storage areas shall be provided. There shall be year-round access to all trash storage areas which shall not be used for any other purpose. " Based upon staffs review, the proposed storage shed/trash enclosure does not conform to the requiremenrs of the Town of Vail Town Code. Therefore, the Design Review application for the proposed storage shed/trash enclosure located at 2854 Snowberry Drive has been denied. 6. {p *""'""""o'u* TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us I am confrdent that altematives to the proposed storage shed/trash enclosure are available to achieve your goals while meeting the requirements of the Town of Vail Town Code. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 4'19-2173 or at bgibson@ci.vail.co.us. Sincerelv. +./)1 ' m. ,.1L- Bill Gibson Planner I Town of Vail {7 *n'"uo'n"'* o ILF E COPY TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 15.2001 Tom Peterson 28544 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 8i657 Jonathan Greene 28548 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Storage shed/trash enclosure located at 2854 Snowberry Drive / Lot l9B, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Dear Tom and Jonathan, Per our conversation ofJune 13, 2001, the Design Review application for the storage shed/trash enclosure at 2854 Snowberry Drive was denied by the Town of Vail. For you records, I have enclosed the Design Review Action Form for the denial of the storage shed/trash enclosure. It is my understanding that you are considering applying to the Town for a setback variance that would allow the storage shed/trash enclosure to be located adjacent to your driveway. As I indicated during our convenatiorl if you intend to apply for a variance you need to submit a complete variance application to the Town on or prior to July 4. 2001. Ifyou do not submit a complete variance application on or prior to July 4, 2001, the Town will consider the existing storage shed/trash enclosure a violation ofthe Design Rcview denial and the Town will begin code enforcement proceedings. If you choose to apply fbr a variance on or prior to July 4, 2001, the Town will allow you to continue the use ofthe storage shed/trash enclosure until the variance application review process is completed. Variance applications are available at the Community Development Departncnt office or on-line at www.ci.vail.co.us. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 4'79'21'13 or at bgibson@ci.vail.co.us. Sincerely, Bill Gibson Planner I Town of Vail {p rr"rruor^ru oo ti,,.r COPY Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 28, 200l Tom Peterson 28544 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 81657 Jonathan Greene 28548 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 81657 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RE:Storage shed/trash enclosure located at 2854 Snowberry Drive / Lot 198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Dear Tom and John. Per my phone conversation with Johl on June 28, 2001; it is my understanding that you have decided not to request a setback variance to allow the storage shedltrash enclosure to be located adjacent to your driveway. As you are aware, the Design Review application for the storage shed/trash enclosure at 2854 Snowberry Drive was denied by the Town of Vail Department of Communify Development. Therefore, the existing storage shed./trash enclosure is in violation of the Design Review denial and must be removed from the premise. It is my understanding that you intend lo relocate or demolish the storage shed/trash enclosure within the next few weeks. The use of the storage shed/trash enclosure must be discontinued and the storage shed/trash enclosure must be removed from the premise at 2854 Snowberry Drive by Noon on Monday July 30, 2001. Failure to due so will result in the Town of Vail beginning code enforcement proceedings in accordance with the provisions ofSections l1-2-4 and l-4-l of the Vail Town Code. I sincerely appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Ifyou have any questions or cornments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2113 or at bgibson@ci.vail.co.us. Sincerelv. +r.Z-.2<-; A?? - -tA.(_ Bill Gibson Planner I Town of Vail Cc: David Rhoades, Code Enforcement Olficer {,7 *'"'"*o 'o'"'