HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIFTSIDE CONCRETE TEST'964, i. l-;l r :.| CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULT I I{G EIIGII{EERS ANO SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: MECl,l Enterprises JoB tlo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-27-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0.8ox 3149 Jnrcr r ur r Vail, C0 81658-3149 pR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and l,lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road l'Iest, Vail' Colo. PLACEMENT LOCATION:Footings; Z Line between 13 thru 19 Lines. BATCH IICKET II{FORI{ATIOII TRUCK N0. 189 TIIIE BATCHED:4:00 PM SUPPLIER: l{estern Mobi le TtcKET t{0. 10164 l{Ix DESIGN No. B TltfE ARRIVED: +:le ptl TIlr'lE PLACED: 4:28 Pt'l-CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUM: 6/12 FIELD TEST I I{G II{FORHATION TIl,lE TEST TAKEN: 4:36 PM SLUMP: 3 1/4 IN- JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUi{P: l'lax.4 IN. SAI.IPLE TEI'IP: 68 "F AIR TETIP : 70 .F AIR C0NTENT: 5.9X IJET UNIT IJEIGHT: 143.2 AIR C0NTEI{T: 4-8X I{ATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL' CYLINDER II{FORMAT]ON t{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SlZE: 6"x 12"Tlt{E CYLITIDERS CAST: 4:46 Pl'l }IHERE CAST; On-Site CURING i I{FORi.IAT ION It{ITIAL CURE: on-Si te DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-5-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Concrete Ilanket BY: llark Jensen l'tl ll/l'tAX AGE DAY S DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAMETER (rr{cHEs) AREA (sQ rN) COHP. STR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NOER IJE IGHT (LBs) CYLII{OER UNIT VEIGHT (PcF) I I 28 28 28 28 10-5-93 10-5-9 3 10-2 5- 93 t 0-2 5-93 10-25-93 10-2 5-9 3 102 ,500 102,000 133,500 136, 500 132,000 133 .500 6.09 6.08 6.06 b. u/ 6.08 6.08 29. 13 29. 03 28. 84 28.94 29 .03 29. 03 3520 3 510 4630 47?9 45 s0 4600 snear snear con/shear con/shear con/shear con/shear DES IGI{ STREI{GTH 3OOO P5 G 28 DAYS IESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI.{NEL ARE III ACCOROANC SOI.IE INFORI'IATiON OF TEST REPOR IIITH APPLICABTE ASTM HETHOOS UNLESS OTHERUISE NOTED I.iAY 8E PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REMARKS : COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; llestern l'lobi le ; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams BobbY J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y As a muturl Prot.ctlon to cllcnti' th! Publlcclients. and author{zltlon for publlclt{on of pendlng our rltt.n rpprovll. S.nples tllr bGin wrlt lnq.A 'nembcr;f thc !M grotrp ol compln{cs and ourselv€s, !ll rGports st.tement s. Conc l usl ons or dl iposed ot.fter tcst{ng .re submltted cr the confldlentlal property of €xtrlcts frofi or ragardlng our reports l3 r-'scrv'd l3 comDl.t€d unlesr othar lrr6ngeftentr agrs€d to Forn No. C|4E1134 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{sULT I I{G ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a mutult prot.ction to cli€nts, th. public and ourselv.s, .ll r€ports lre subnitt€d.3 th. cohfidlenti.'1 propertv of c.lients, rnd ruthoriz6tlon for pubilcrtlon of strtcmcnts. - conclusions or extrlcts from or regardlng our repdrts ls reserved ii.ii, ^i ' .,i-"iit iin ipprovar. Simptas w l be drsposed of .rter testlns ls complcted !nle33 other arrlngements .sre.d to ;''.:il:;'':i th€ !l! eroup ot companr€s Form No' CME113A 5/st T0: MECM Enterprise5 JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 10-16-93 Attn; Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHTET I 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 pROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of llesthaven orive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMENT LOCAT I ON :tJa11s; Lines C-K and 25-31 BATCH TICKET I NFORI.IAT IOI{ TRUCK ll0. 114 TIt.|E SATCHED: 9:03 Al'l TICKIT NO. OIOS?7 TIt'tE ARR t VED: 9:20 AM SUPPL I ER: lJest€rn Hobi le I,IIX OES IGN NO. 44 TII'lE PLACED; 9:25 All-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 7 /35 FI ELD TEST t IIG II{FORI,IATION TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:30 Atl JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 Ili. SLUMP: Max.4 It{. SAI'IPLE TEI'1P: AIR CONTENT: 4 .5% AIR C0!{TENT: Y. 54 "F AIR TEMP: 40 .F tlET UNIT lrrE I GHT: !,ATER AI)DEO AT SITE .- GAL. CYLINDER I NFORMAT I ON N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYL I NOERS CAST:9:35 At'l l{HERt CAST: 0n-Si te CUR I I{G I NFORIiAT ION INITIAL CURE; 48 hours 0n-Site 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-18-93 FIEL{) ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket 8Y: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) O IAMETER (INCHES) AREA (SQ IN) COMP . STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NOER I./E I G HT ( LBS ) CYL I NDER UNIT llEIGHT (PCF) 7A 7A Z8A 284 28A n tl 10-23-93 l0- 23 - 93 11-13-93 11-13-93 11- l3-93 ll-rJ-vJ 108 ,000 111 ,000 5.98 6.06 28. 09 28.84 3850 3850 s hear shea r DESIGN STRET{GTH 4000 Pst @ 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE I.IITH APPLICABLE ASTM HETHOOS UI{LESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOMT INFORI'4ATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REI'IARKS: Sampled from discharge of truck. COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; I'testern l'lobi 1 e; J V A, Inc.; GwathmeY Pratt Schultz Erian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIELO OESERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COftSULTIIIG ENG I I{TERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! nutudl protectton to ctients, the public lr|d ourselv€s, all r€ports lre submitted as the confidiential Propertv of cllehts, !nd !uthorlz.tion for publication of statement3. conclus'{ons or ertracts from or reg.rdlng our reports 1: l:"::t"oi!,iii,ii'.,i-*;itien ipp"ovar. bamplcs rttl be disposed of after t.stlns is conpleted unless oth€r.rransements asre€d to In wrlti ng.A.;;i;; ;i th€ !1! sro'rp of companres Form t{o' cMEtl3A 6/el T0: t{ECtl Enterprises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-16-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 pRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven orive and lJestin Hotel, South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colo. PTACEI'{ENT LOCAT I ON:\,lalls: Lines C-K and 25-31 BATCH TICKTT I NFORI.IAT I O}I TRUCK l{0. 161 TII'lE BATCHEO: 10:34 AM TICKET NO. OIO834 TIME ARRIVED: 10:40 AM T I l.tt SUPPL IER: llestern Hobi le I.IIX DESIGN I{0. 44 PLACED:10:45 Al'l-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'I ;7 FI ELO TEST I t{G INFORI.IATION TIME TEST TAKEN; 10:50 AH JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUHP: 3 IN 5LUl'iP: l'lax.4 ll{ SAI,IPLE TEI'IP: AIR CONTEI{T: 4.0% AIR CONTENT: % 56 "F AIR TEi{P: 40'F IJET UNIT lJEIGHT: TATER AOOEO AT SITE -. GAL, CYLINDER I NFORHAT I ON N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLIN0ERS CAST: 10:55 AM IJHERE CAST: On-Site CURIIIG I i{FORHAT I ON INITIAL CURE: 0n-Si te DATE RECEIVED AT LAB:I 0 - I8-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elanket 8Y: Joe E. Benedict MIN/I'IAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (tBS) D I AI'1E TER ( r Nft1ES ) AREA (sq Iil) COMP , STR. (Psi) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NDER VE IGHT (LBs) CYL I NDER UNIT llE IGHT (PCF) 7B 7S 288 288 288 288 H H t0-23-93 !0-23-93 1l-13-93 1 1- l3 -93 r I _11-O? 1i-13-93 133 ,000 132 ,000 6.07 6. 06 28 .94 28.84 4 600 4 580 snear snear DESIGN STRENGTH 4 000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCOROANCE !.lITH APPLICAELE ASTM HETHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTTD SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHTRS RtIIIARKS:Sample was taken from discharge of truck. COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Western f"lobile; J V A. Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Erian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIIiG EI{GI NIERS AND SCIEi{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mutual protection to clients, the publlc lhd oursclves, !lt r.ports are submitt€d .5 the confldl.ntiat proPertv of - --cli€nts, and suthorlzatJon for publication of st.tements. Conclusions or extracts from or reglrdlng our r€ports 11-I:.:1"""p"naing "u" Fritten lpproval. Sarnples wlll b. dlsposed of .fter testing is completed unl.s3 oth€r arrtngements agreed ro in wri t i ng.e."i'iii it the !l! sroup of comprnles Fonn No' ct'lEll3A 6/sl T0: |'IECM Enterprises JOB ll0' 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-16-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 3 0F 3 Vail. C0 81658-3149 pR0JECT: Liftside Bui'ldinq, east of Vesthaven orive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMENT LOCAT I ON l,lal ls: Li nes C-K and 25-31 BATCH TICKET I NFORHATION TRUCK NO. I14 TIl.lE BATCHED: 11 :41 AM TICKET NO. OIO839 TIl,lE ARRIVED: 11 :50 A|1 SUPPLIER: ty'estern Mobi l e I.IIX DESIGN I{0. 44 TIME PLACED:11 :55 Al'l-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCUM:7 FIELD TESTIIIG INFORI.IATION TIME TEST TAKEI{: 12:05 PM JOB SPECIF1CATIONS: SLUI'IP: 3 1/2 Il{ SLUMP : l'lax .4 I N AIR AIR SA|.|PLE TEI'IP C0NTENT: 4. 5% CONTINT: 1I 56 "F AIR TEMP: I./ET UNIT I./EIGHT: WATER ADOED AT SITE 40 "F 2 GAL. CYL I NDER INFORHATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINOER SIZE: 6.'x I2'' TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 12:10 PM IJHERE CAST: ON-SitE CURING II{FORI,IATIOII INITIAL CURE: 48 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-5ite 10- 18 - 93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elanket BY; Joe E. Benedict Mll{/t'lAX DAYS OATE TE STE D TOTAL LOAD (L8s ) D IAMETER ( r NCHES ) AR EA (SQ IN) COMP . STR . (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER VEIGHT (L8s) CYLIIIOER UNIT VE IGHT (PcF) 7C 28C 28C 28C 28C n H 10-23-93 10-23-93 n-13-93 11-13-93 1r-13-93 1L-13-93 120,000 120,000 6.05 6.07 ?8.75 28.94 4170 4150 shear shear DES I GII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TTSTS BY LABORATORY PERSONIIEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE I./ITH APPLICAEIE ASTt'i METHODS UNLESS OTHER!/ISE NOTEO SOMT INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sample was taken frorn discharge of truck. COPIES: R.A. lielson & Associates, Inc Town of Va'i I : lrestern Mobi le; J V A, Inc.; GwathmeY Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVTR APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTING ENGII{EERS AIIO SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! rnutuat prot€ction to cltents, th. pub'llc and ourselv.s, !'ll r.ports ar€ subnltt€d !3 the confldlentlal prop€rty of clients, rnd author{2!tion for public.tion of statementi, Conclu6lon! or extructs from or reg!rding our rcports is r.scrv.d ;;;;i;;'.;;-";iil"n ipprov.t. Semplcs w{ll bc dlsposed of rftcr tcstlhg ls cor pl.ted unless other arrangemcnts !gr..d to in wrltlng.A.;;i"; ;i th. E!! group ot coftpln{.s Form No' cHE113A 5/s1 T0: l1EC Enterprises J08 N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-23-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 pROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,/est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.'ITt.IT LOCAT I O1{ :Level 74.9;P-10,9to26&JtoL BATCH TICKET I NFORMAT IOII TRUCK t{0. 150 TIME BATCHED: 9:03 AM TICKET t{0. 010019 TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:20 AM SUPPLIER: lJestern l'lobi I e l,llx DEslGr{ t{0. 2 TItIE PLACED;9:45 Attl CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUM:7 FIELD TEST]NG I NFORIiIAT I ON TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:35 AM JOB SPECIFICATIOT{S: S LUI.IP S LUI'IP IN. IN. AIR AIR SAMPLE TEI.IP: C0NTENT: ---% C0t'lTEt{T: % AIR TElrlP: 70 "F VET UNIT }JEIGHT: T/ATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYL]I{DER I NFORI.IAT IOI{ N0. 0F CYLI I{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLII{DERS CAST:9:3 5 AM IJHERE CAST: 0n-5 i te CURING I IIFORI.IATION INITIAL CURE: ON-SitE FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 9-27-93 BY: Bobbv J. Havs l'{I t{/l{AX AGE DAYS OATE TE STE D TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DIAHETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ rN) COMP ,sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I N OER UEIGHT (LBs) CYL I II OER UNIT I./E IGHT (PCF) 7 7 28 28 ?8 ?8 9-30-93 9-30-93 10- 21- 93 10-21-93 10- 2l - 93 t 0-21-9 3 117 ,500 119,000 147,500 148,000 i59,500 145.000 6. 08 6. 08 6. 09 6.08 6.08 6.08 29.03 29.03 29. 13 29.03 29.03 29.03 405 0 410 0 5060 5100 5490 499 0 con,/ snear con / shear con/spl i t con/sp1 i t con/spl i t con/shear DESIGII STRENGTH ---PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOME INFORI,IATION OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; llestern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FI ELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CO}ISUITtNG ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: l,lEcH Enterprises J08 N0. 4 lZ8 93-3 DATE: L0-13-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Cort i na P .0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT N0. 11 SHEET 10F I pR0JECT: Liftside Euilding east of lJesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road [,/est, Vail, Colorado. ITEATHER CONDITIONS Al{D TEi'TPERATURE: Partly Cloudv - 40 to 50 degrees F' CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: I'IAJOR EQUIPl'|ENT: Concrete Pump, Vibrator ACTIVITIES: Contractor excavated for footings at 14 to 19, X to Y.2. Contractor poured leveling pads for footings. Contractor poured low wall at Y.2, R-18 thru 10.9. Contractor poured elevator shaft "C" to elevation 95. CHEN-NORTHTRN'S 5I TE ACTIVITITS lJe observed footing excavations. l,re requested the contractor remoYe all loose rock and soils before pouring leveling pads. Contractor cleaned all loose rock and soils before pouring. Contractor placed dowel bars in leve1 ing pads. fle samp'led concrete being placed. I'le tested concrete for slump, air content, unit weight and temperature. lJe picked up cy1 inders cast on october 12, 1993. Contractor poured 28 cubic yards. VEREAL COMHUNICATION I.IITH CONTRACTOR, EI{GINEER, ARCHITECT, OIINER COPIES:J V A, R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc. Inc. ; Gwathmey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I ;l Blian Scan lan FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVTD BY As ! mutual prot.ction to cli.ntr, the publlc and ours.lves, !ll reports lre submittcd !s thc confldentlal Property of ou.r.cllcnts' rnd authorizat{on for public!tton of siatcmeirt. conctustons or eitracts lrom or reg!rdtng our r"po.tir" i"i.iv-a i.niring'or. written 'Pprov'l'i;;;i""-;iii be disposed of after t€sttns ls co'npleted unless oth€r.rrlnsements arc lsreed to ln wrltlns' A ne|nber of th. !l! sroup of conplni.s CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING EIIGIIIEERS A}ID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: |.1ECM EnterDrises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-15-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAITY REP0RT ll0' 12 SHEET I 0F I pR0JECT: Liftside Bui'ld'ing east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colorado. \,IEATHER CoNDITI0I{S AND TEI'IPERATURE: Rain 40 degrees F. COI{TRACT0R'S C0|ISTRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES: 0vwidas Bar Instal'lation PERSONNEL: Three llAJ0R EQUIPT'IENT; Concrete Redi-l'lix Truck. ACTIVITIES: Contractor drilled and placed oywidag bar. contractor grouted bar. CHEIl_NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIIS l,lhile drilling bar, contractor encountered a void Contractor blew hole with air and found the void Contractor drilled five additional holes and filled up around the DeJaydag Bar. Contractor vrill grout betYreen2to3Yards. at approxinately 7 thru 9 feet from grade. connected to the east face of this shelf' them with ready mjxed grout. No grout came this bar at a later date. Grout used was VERBAL COI'.II.,!UIiICATION !IITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OVNER David Schreiner with R.A. llelson & Associates vias advised of our observations. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; GwathmeY Pfatt Schultz Town of Vai I ;l I Brian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED 8Y A: a mutual protectlon to clichts, th. Fubllc.nd ouriclvcs, !ll rcports ar€ submltt€d as th. confidential Property of our cllents' lnd .uthorizat.lon for publlcstion ot statemeirt. conclusionsorextr.ctsiromorregardlngourreportiisreierveaienitng'ourerrlttenrpprov'l's;;i;;-;iii be disposed of.ft€r testing is complcted unlcss oth€r .rrlhsements arc rsrecd to ln vrritins. A m€mb.r ot the !I! sroup of comptnl.s CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COISTJLT I }IG EXGII{EERS AIID SCIEI,ITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: MECM Enterprises JOB tl0- 4 178 93-3 OATE: 10-15-93 Attn: Iustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT N0. l2A SHEET 1 0F I pROJECT: Liftside Building east of l{esthaven Dr.ive and tJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l'lest, Vail, Colorado. I,,/EATHER C0llDlTIONS Al{D TEI{PERATURE: Cloudv LOO I CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTIOIi ACTIVITIES PERSONIIEL: Yenter Construct i on MAJoR EQUIPMEIIT: Grout PumP ACTIVITIES: Grouting of repl acernent D},liidag Anchor at the southeast corner of A-l Stai rwel I CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES A replacement anchor hole was dr.ilied and grouted in the southeast corner of the A-1 Staircore. The hole depth is 36 feet. A void was encountered from 6 to 9 feet in depth. The minimum anchor peneiration into competent bedrock is ?7 feet. \t was recorrnended that the entire void be filled with grout in the active and abandoned anchor holes to verify that no voids wi ll be below the proposed footing area. VERBAL COMMUNICATIOil T'ITH COI{TRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT' OI'INER COPIES: J V A, R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc'Inc.; Gwatfnney Pratt Schu ltz Town of Vai 1 ; I I Joe E. Benedi ct FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. AP P ROV ED Cameron BY As 6 mutua] protcctlon to cltents, thc publlc and o_ur:elv.s,. dll r.ports .r. submltt.d as th. confldentJal prop€rty of our cllents' lnd euthor{2atlon for Dubtlcatton of statcment. concluslons or ertractsii"m oir-giralng our rcports is reserved ienilng'o'rr wr,ftt€n spprov6l' ii,iijiil-*iii'u!-ii'p"'"J "r !rt€r t.rting 1s complet€d unle3s oth.r !rransement. .rG rsr.ed to in wrrtins. A member of th. !f! sro'rp of cdp.n{cs CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COXSULT I NG ENGIIIEERS AIJD SCIE}ITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: t,lECII Enterprises JOB t{0' 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-16-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P .0. Box 3149 Vail, C0 8165s-3149 DAILY RtPoRT l{0' 13 SHEET 1 0F I pR0JECT: Liftside Building east of testhaven orive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l'lest, Vai1, Colorado' I,JEATHER CONDITIOI{S AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES PERSONI.{EL: HAJ0R EQUIPMENT: Concrete PumP ACTIVITIES: BTE Concrete poured wal l at Grid Lines 25 to 31, C to K to elevation 7?'. Contractor placec 128 cubic yards of concrete- CHEI.I-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES Lle sampled concrete being placed' temperature and cast three sets of !/e tested concrete for cyl i nders. slump,al r content , uni t weight VERBAL COMMUNICATION I./ITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER' ARCHITECT' Contractor was advised of test results. Ot.lNER COP IESJ V A, R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Torvn of Vail;l I 8ri an Scan l an FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY As a,nutu{t protection to clients, the pubttc and o-urs€tves,.rll r€port3.r. subnJtted.s the confid.ntirl property of our-cllent3. rnd .r6F brhtl.stion of strt.m€nt. conclusions or extrlcts irorn or regrrding our rcporti ls rcserved ircnrilng-our wrltten 'PProv!l'iiiiilr'iiii'r. ii.-*t"J "i iit"i itsttng is completed unl.ss oth€r lrrangenents ri€ agreed to ln wrltlng. A menber of th€ !f! srouF of companl'e r55 150 145 ZERO AIR VOID CUiVES SPECFIC ) An GRAVTTY SPECIFIC t 7n GRAVITY SPECFIC : 2.60GRAVTry l!(-) I tsoz tJ,lo o 40 e4 1ta 120 115 0 5 10 15 MOISTURE CONTENT - PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT LocArloN: LIFTSIDE MOISTURE.DENSITY RELATlONSHIPSt-|oLE tr'to:l,ETIr|:SAMPLE NO: SOL DESCFFTON: Siltv Gravel with Sand Import) MAX. DRy DENstry 1127 -4 7g7 oPT, r,,rosr. cor''ITENT r 9'5 x PROCEDUFE: ASTM D698-9 1 MEthOd C 27LOUIO L[vt[ :PLASTICTTY NDEX : b JoB No.: 4 178 93-3 -l FG' No' DArE: 0ctober 7, 1993 | i- CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COiIS:IJLT I N6 E}IGII{EERS AIID SCIEHTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: ttEcll Enterprises Jots No. 4 178 93-3 DATE: t0-20-93 Attn: EustaquioCortina P.0. Box 3149vait, co 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT llo. 14 SHEET 1 oF 2 PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding East of llesthaven Drive and ilestin Hotel, South Frontage Road tlest, Vai[. cotorado. REPORT OF: STRUCTURAL STEEL The fittet re(ds rere visuaLty obsefved on the stairs from gro$)d level to the roof betHeen Grid Lines 15 - 18 and S.5 - V. A[[ the connections rere Helded 8nd fosd to be acceptable. The e|rH at the foufth [eve[ on 15 Line ras misaLigned and a T6trplate xas rel.ded to the enbed rith a 1/4rl fitl.et Hetd to make the stair connection. coPIEs: R.A. l{etson & Associates. Inc., Attn: ilr. Rick Agate; J v A, Inc.; Grathmey Pratt schuLtz; ToHn of Vail, Attn: l{r. Dan Stanek; Darre t I Huss FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. carnefon APPROVED BY I As ! mutu!] prot€ction to cllents. thc ptrblic lnd ours.lves, lll reports lre subnitted !5 the confid.ntl.l ProPerty of our cll'nts' 'ndauthorizlt{on for gubt icatton of stat€nent. Cancluslons or ixtrrcts fromor reg.rdlng our r€ports ii res€rvod pendlng our wrlttcn approval' Samples wJll b. disposed of after t€stin9 is completed unl€ss other rrrrngcin€nts rr. agrced to Jn nrltlhg. A ;enb€r of the !.1! group of companies 'lnF o'€r'2a 6^l CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CO}ISULTII{G ENGINEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: I'lEcl'l At tn:o.t Vai t, PROJECT: Enterpr i ses Eustaquio Cort i na Box 3149c0 81658-3149 Li ftside Bui Iding East JoB No. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 10-20-93 of lresthaven DATLY REPORT NO. 14 SHEET Z OF 2 Drive and gestin Hotet, south Frontage Road lJest, vail, Cotorado. GAUGE INI TIAL 1.000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 3800 3900 READ I II G T I IIAL 3800 3900 4000 4000 4000 3900 3800 3900 REPORT OF: ROCK BOLTS PU,{P fJ45818 GAUG€ flE 10 RAr{ #A 365 creeo 500 tb. i nc rements Nu$er 1 Has in the P tl|.nbers2thruBHere it area on q Line in the northHest o a o cofne t.o4 o o a o a a a o o coP I ES: R.A. lletson & J V A, I nc.; Toen of Vai l, Associates, Inc. , Attnr l'lr. cHathtney Pratt schul tz; Attn: Mr. Dan Stsnek; Rick Agate; II Darrel t Huss I FIELD oBS€RVER F.ed R, cameron APPROVED BY As . hutuat prot€ction to clienti, th€ publlc lnd olrselves, al l reports rre subnltt€d .s th. confid.ntl.l Propcrty of our cllents' lnd authorization for oubtication or itltlm€nt. conclustonr or e)(tr"rcts irom or regaratng our r€port. ls r.scrved F.ndlng our rrlttcn apProvrl S;;;i..-;iii be ot-sposea of rfter restlns l5 complet€d unless other.rransements.r! asreed to in $,riting. a i'nemter or the !!! group of compani.s rd 's' ('|tro2 6/er