HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0394_Approved Plans_1541706300.pdf go 0Itti F , Ick Dimension View / (2c S / do 5-4- i 1 19• A 2].fie 6 @ ' -� iy-1- a I Eft hop 11' 1111.1111111111 ,dirmh. 1r ml 9 p• w 111 SIL ILII IIIA I �'"�i II ne cc gill ...111111M or u/ minum 1 1 1! d(( N%r,c ,c Aeet Pr-(.4.s' 4 rie 4oei v✓cv "[ *There are 4 beams each consists of 3 (2"x9")pressuretreated wood. **Posts are shown as a circl e,each are concrete 10 inches wide and are 4 ft deep in the groundwhich support the beams directlyas shown in the pictures included. *** Joist are 2"x9"pressure treated wood 1' on centerwithbeam. **** Load of this structure supports>100psf — .mminodi IP'-''. L • •.-• - :e - ••'• :• L . ,.. P•Lird • ..of'... • .. • ' • ......4..._ . ... 1 :I..' .6-7:1+ t . -. %pm,. 4y0.1.34,..p.• , hie.,..-.... Alt. ;;11;...xt 0 OF g* •, . i..!• .....• .4,04 4....„, I0 ....., -,---....•.„.... . mr. .- _ . •., .-4..." -. ,..... • c '4 r ...11 1: c • ir. :.4; ! 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C5A 353roncA'f of froterr-docartre,,,,I --- •••=NEMEN.1.1.... ...49"1.4. v. E r„..,..\\_4 , , „ ...,,, , i x1/4 fc::) c.t. . 4v --, ---_,,,.._ t.„ *lel i il ... z 0 6P7.1111 '''''',4-r, - s 11/08/18 tt k. i di :,,kiy ',,,,-,,,,,,, , czi i U a ik I I " . .t 4" ' Q '^+!. E. . \ e.t.,,, k „,/'-;:l, , ,a ,l, , , ".-,-;:,,,&': -.1 1--:1—:.,-,!:C3CIs; M � 1 . fS N -4 '4,0 OF ie. 46:40 go 4J IP Oro o ti FOUND/5 REBAR WITH 1,5"ALUMINUM CAP JUMPER LANE(50'R.O.W.) j-1 STAMPED LS 16844 \ FOUND,5 REBAR 010)1° W11H 1.5"ALUM/NUM CAP STAMPED L.S 27598 N5259'OO'W 114.31' _ 11/08/18 •=< 34.5' N525900"W 54.09' R=116 p, Ili Na CWALKWAI Y \ DRIVEWAY 7' Le•32.88' �*w DRIVEWAY i. • �� LOT 3 P.1.. , � @o / / " PARCEL A <cy.4B6O FOUND,{YS REBAR Yw_2 ,`s ,,.,:_;„ ROOF�,�-�� I ' c G c 'a OVERHANG sr LOT 4 tgn ?ra ., � 2 O '� �. �+,.: 4 ''4'� ' �' 1. Parcel B is sub'ct to easements, conditions, covenants, restrictions 3E�s' 3 Lei .., _# �' reservations and notes on the lot of Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition _ N w'8e 0 � 4 S 'r"" a s O P9 $ , 4.4 -* iwot o s recorded November 25, 1966 under Reception No. 105002 5p a t;fir./. LOT 2 ,may �i. ...4.ux'ir � ,, k 2. Parcel 8 is subject to easements, conditions, covenants, restrictions a > $� a ! e �" I g '� 'rA i reservations and notes on the resubdivision plat recorded March 19, 1984 in w Wild! / lot4S4 Book 380 at Page 963. m :CS ;F `R�il� �- S any s n / Nt3,' a'- wage / 3. Property lines and easements shown are based on the aforementioned plots N P �i 8$ �, \ '''''''''' ,f.•,' and t/t/e commitment as listed in the certification below. Monuments found as g 2s4g 1#�a _\ DECK F.. shown hereon. �r \_` --_,/ Q .-8-Ifni 4. The address is posted 49165 Juniper Lane. .-8-I fill 3 `l U �a$ e B ';5 0.266PARCEL ACRES CERTIRCATION _��_ 1N$9 /hereby certify that this improvement location certificate was prepared for Charles W. ,� Bernardi and Margaret E Bernardi and Land Title Guarantee Company, that it is not o 559 land survey plat or improvement survey plot, and that it is not to be relied upon for Q o the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. "' z o o o CJ51 /further certify that the improveme:hot ts on the above described parcel on June 22, b p \\ 2017, except utility connections, ore entirely within the boundaries of the parcel, except `� r' os shown, that there are no encroachmen is upon the described premises by z improvements on any adjoining premises, except as Indicated, and that there is no 0 apparent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part of said § ‘71 o parcel, except as noted 0 0 20' 40' Q m o w 8 This certificate does not constitute a title search by inter-Mountain Engineering to w S N525900'W 42.03' determine ownership or easements of record. For olI information regarding easements, --I a mw rights-of-way or title of record Inter-Mountain relied upon Land Title Guarantee SCALE 1"=20' Company Title Commitment No. V50047847 with on effective date of June 9, 2017 t ai z LOT 18 .'a.\\\ U ZO O 0 REd\1t z o_ z S O - ,,,�--v,i a m 3 Wi z..„'p.M %....9 tt o LEGAL DESCRIPTION J' 7244 .. , r. LEGAL DE�Iltf 1 M9 :'f a: 37934 s Parcel B, o resubdivision of Lot 3, Slack 5, Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition, r,��;03/05/12, �- according to the plot recorded March 19, 1984 in Book 380 at Page 963, County rirs@i.'...,�,,,,0#.4'._ r-sa NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence of Eog/e, State of Colorado. I any legal action based upon any defect in this survey ri\ '°44�"ANQg= "17-a-x3_n within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this 17-0053 John D. McMahan P.L.S. No. 37934 survey be commenced more than ten years from the Colorado Licensed Professional Land Surveyor ' date of certification shown hereon. On behalf of Inter-Mountain Engineering 1 OF 1 ....7404if. la 1 .71. *:,„1."'0 -0 izP 11/08/18 ..F.'''''''r ":-; ........-rd _,....• ...._ ...›....„......,- ri.- , O. _...... .... . . .....•••-.._..,,I,-.'n.P.7 re,.. .?......r.,r_ _.--'5._.r.--.0......::: -+•---.r: ..--- .. e. L'--1' / ,.-- fir ms } -....0?-•-A.-"+ •• 1 7 , r.- _-_EW° ..i. _ ...erfir............e''''''' r r • f- r. , "Filfr''' • 'S lial6i.....411 . . .. . -..w...- 474.741.4elearimem..._. __.. . . _ . . ... .r $ ■ alb 11 lirkms, - r..• IC iIII i * a -i ;I::It: erlliii°11111111: I..' 4.:1 111 . " 4 BEACH DUNE • • A d 'S I . - - I- 6` - - - - - - ' i - r - - 1 " r"'i - - -I r"* " - - - I - O Mail Id ~ 12 :30 PM * O 'zN°�wfek THE HOME DEPOT INC Home 1 Lumber & Composites 1 Decking /11/O8/18' 'g��� Guard min 36" high max 4" openings r7 - AMAIW- - .146 _ _ I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIII u%111111rAIIIIIF Ill, Save to Favorites DeckoRail > Pressure-Treated 6 ft . Aluminum Southern Yellow Pine Rail Kit le Mail II iv' 12 :30 PM 1r * 7 . / OF' jai I THE HOME DEPOT INC �J 400 4PV Search p ç;7 L +} To See Inventory Choose A Store Home I Lumber & Composites I Timber Pressui Plan View +11F , Ji ,a jp41: 4) U 11/08/18 sad y is { 5h� A,, • V • m3� z Viµ,� .,✓.� i «� OFA 3D View c � Ill 4 0 app 1b 11/08/18 c. IUliftulilli tViitIlHlIIIIIIii %\\\\ \ % ;1:44% %%41 ,t%.,46, 1% Ill !IIIIi,'jj .' 1 4141 144144i1:Elio:140144v 14' 184;'111..4 t---, t d 1 f /f 17 X + Is ,. d� lk P.111; 1:'!';'' I s .014111 ._._._.__.__...----- OF lN.Aiiiiile.q, e, Dimension View 'I�5f. / jV f S or 1.61.p:11 zi.lit .11 ■ ; i ti. i ft ft 6 'WI 11/08/18 r m m ., f h F PO - { t MII � 4 Ito ta. INNIMMINIUMIVIMATAIM • I 4 1 cg cg V .'i ft f 4. 7./,8 r- ,/`1 ��e:::C (V`�r C�a c`' f)r 4'C s S•.w re 4,,r( V✓ i.0 C.,( ,\Q:401 °F 1/4/ 1 ,; AtIOts 11108118 GENERAL 17'-0* _______ _ _____ __[-44.--- t 8'--il ` All work shall conform to the requirements of the most recent adopted codes and amendments local authorities. Codas included, but not limited to ►�-10" " are: tJhe Intemat+anal Budin IRO • ,e lute rnatlonol f widen#EaI Code J ; J or oris of the Am ri Concrete Institute JCI A l3D], AC . 18 and ACI3 R; the American Institute of SteelConstruction (AJSC Mcnual of Steel Construction; the American wrest acrd Paper Association/American Wood ram � n i ns ec ion req ' o ec oars � l Nat .i esign , pecifications 1 1 5 ; and the American Welding So�ciet r AWS . If shear wall information is not show y, galls care to be �tructed —\\., 16" 8" per the braced wall section of the IRC. DEEP PIED DEEP PIER Code revision In use: IRC, Notifyengineer IBC 2015ng neer immediately if a different revision is in use. D SQ. Report By Assumed . PAD F — k — DE( {; " cl " ALASKAN _ 7,L,_/..ig_. i• -- D DLII — J L /// Max. o�Is Lamer Soils Max. End Bearing apacit N/A ksf „ /—E)as11Nc FOUNDATION WALL 2000 psf Max. N/Apsf Side Shear f JA psf Min. R psf Iain. ei A psf Minimum total length N A ft 0 I , ' ee r `�' Equivalent Fluid Density pc( (active) -- � _ '-0” It the Contractorsresponsibility to read and understand all portions of the referenced soil report Contact the eotecnlcall=n irreer, riot to Oi S 8 SQ. �- construction, with questions regarding the soil report. 04 g p e I " PADS PAD S 20 SQ- 1 L :' — — I DECK. 3,161x12* ALASKAN p E ;.� An open hale observation is required and shall be performed or ander the direct su per rrsien of, a qualified Geotechnical Engineer. It is the I I CEDAR GLUL contractor/owners respansibilitr to contact the GevteclniI Engineer, a minim of hours In advance f - __ _ -� - conditions which are inconsistent with the soil report mayrequire + to schedule the open hole observation. Soil epeq a additional evaluatxan or a foundation re design, The owner/contractor is respan�le for reporting any inconsistencies to the Foundation Engineer. All foundation elements shall bear a minimum of " below grade, or per local code. and +p.ird t! x10 1 ' O.0- , shall bear upon undisturbed, native sods or on st ctlrral fill acceptable•�������rr� - ep ab#e to the Geotechnical Engineer er and compactedper specifications set # by p approved testing methods..i The bottom of foundations shall be placed at least feet above the maximum seasonal groundwater level unless noted \0 \q.- otherwise by the Geotechnical Engineer. Footing and foundation wall forms and reinforcement will be observed upon the contractor/owners request,, prior POST CAPS I " f412, to the placement of concrete. All construction observations and/or foundation re-desires are an additional 9cost. x'_11- 91-31LOAD \ 24' SQ. I i . Roof: Live Land = 100 psf Dead Load = 15 psf \''' PADS SG• floor. Live Load 40 psf Dead Load = 10 psf ....... - -4- f;•' _ l'AD20' 171.7 Snow: Ground Snow Load = 100 psf _ee I DECK: ALASK N = 4- v .' . I - 1 {BAR GLLJLAM " - ;- XJend: Ultimate Wind Speed fult �- 115 mph, Exposure C �iiiiiii� L, -NI, Seismic Zone B L _. ..1, I 111DECK Poill I 16.0 x 4S� , MATERIAL more#e; All conCrete shall use Type II cement, an air content of + - 11 , and a minii um oda\ \11°11. = D l'1f \'% Concrete shad be proportioned, placed and cured in accordance withall strength f+c of 3000 psi, unless otherwise specified. il 1 applicable sections the current ACI codes. Comets Reinf Shall be defined Grade 60, or better with the exception of ties or • conform to ASTM A615. Reinforcement shall not be wedded• where welding Jas why maybe Grade 40. All rdnforarxg steel stall /_ i8 E c $ Age we d ng is specified, the steel stroll conform to ASTM A706. Minimum concrete cover Her 1 I f , 48' II J�' lc: DEEP PIER DEEP PIED reinforcing steel cost against and permanently exposed to earth is inches. Minimum concrete cover over reinforcing steel exposed to earth or weather Reinforcing steel shall not be heated to fabricate and shall9 p is 17 be bent cold. Anchor Dolts Shall be Grade 36 J-type bolt with a minimum )' diameter and a minimum ernbeddrnent into theI concrete shall ben concrete or masonry of 7 inches. Projections above . r � � such that - • # # . -.i.- � a washer and nut can be placed and tightened over the sill plate. There shall be asection minimum of bolts per sill plate .. DIMCcf " ASA .4%: •- - -.3‘ with one halt located not more man f aches from the end of a plate section or carver and spaced no more than 48' Additional anchor bol A ULAI�I shall bein accordance with the drawing.p. �- t deco s . .�;;Wr . - -}� I trct ,ral $reel. Structural steel plates, angles, channels, gide flange and miscellaneous h shall conform farm to ASAI A3 . Square and rectangular Abe shapes shall conform to ASTM A500, Grade B. Standard and Adjustable steel pipe columns shall conform to AS1l4l A53, Grade B, Schedule 40. Pipe columns shall �c°0 � 10'-4- 2.-„,.. 3' or �' nominal diameter, unless noted otherwise U.fd.G . � be ` ` ' Wood Produ� Dimensional lumber shall be Hem � Adjustable pipe columns shall home the threads exposed; 1` minimum and ` rnmcimum. Fir or better unless noted otherwise on this plan. Laminated Veneer umber shad] have a minimum POST J PAST P POST BASS flexural stress (Fb) of • • allowable 6x6 I 2,600 psi and a minimum modulus of E of (E) of 1,900,000 psi. Glue Laminated Lumber shall have a minimum ally LPC6Z 1Ir �yy��y{❑ �y �y stress Fb of 2,4-00 psi and a minimum modulus of elasticity E 1, 00,000 psi. able 1eural L! �l 121-5* Installation; Minimum beam bearing at wood framed walls or concrete walls skull 66 be the Bill beam width by 3 inches unless noted otherwise INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS UFA TURESPECIFICATIONSl Minimum beam bearings shall be in accordanceon the Ions! g with applicable codes and/or manufacturer's recommendations. Lumber in contact with concrete or earthpshall be Jpressure treated or foundation grade redwood. Install LVL beams in the longest practical lengths available, lap beams as neededper the manufacturer's 0'-S` specifications, Do not notch or bore beams, columns, pists, rafters or trusses unless spawn onufocturer S1�II�PS 1 t POST ASEI AP INSTALLATION! DETAIL - the drawingsor approved in CALE: [ .T.S. used in wood framing shall be installed with steel washers. lip writing bythe engineer. All bolts • All footings o piers to be to placing concrete slab on grade, if shown this pion or in the details, shall not be mistaken as a r�mendation toconstruct • grade, placed upar� expansive says, are not recommended for habitable spate Sods that are a an sive mocause slab on grade for this profit. dabs � to structural and/or non-structural items. Alternate methods of floor construction, d thepotential rfslt should vertical slab movement resulting in darr,ae �_ be discussed between the to confirmdepth , size an re ar acemen andthegeotechnic l erigi