HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 3RD ADDITION BLOCK 9 LOT 9Deoign Review Eoad ACTIO]I FORII De0artment of Cornmunity Oevelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cobrada 81657 te|r970..179.2139 fax:970-479-2452 web: www.vailgov.com Profect Name: WISEMAN REROOF Prctect DescripUon: REROOF EAST HALF OF DUPLEX WTII{ DUROLAST SYfiEM 3- CI.ASS A Participants: OWNER WISEMAN, ERIC & PATRICLA C.O5l23l2me 1011 S COVE WY DENVER co 80209 APPUCANT KIEHL CONSTRUfiON INC 4093 E, Spruce Way, #37 Vail co 816s7 License: 205-A CONTRACTOR KIEHL CONSTRUCNON INC 05/2312008 Phoner 970-904-1230 05 I 23 | 2008 Phone: 970-904- 1230 4093 E. Spruce Way, #37 Vail co 81657 License: 205-A PrcjectAddress: 4145 SPRUCE WAYVAIL Location: EAST HALF Legal Description: Lo* 9 Block Subdivision: BIGHORN 3RD ADDfiON Parcef Numbert 2L0L-I22-0702-4 Comments: SEE CONDmONS DRB Number: DR8080170 BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPP Date of Approval: 05/2312008 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 dalrs followlng the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-31 APPEALS. Cond: 202 l,lotion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: (PLAN): Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become rcid one (1) year bllovrrlng the dab of final apprwal, unless a building permit ls lssued and @nsffucdon b commenced and is diligently pursued tomd completftn. Cond: CON001fi)23 THE APPUCANT SHATI REPAIR AND PAINT TO MATCH ANY STUC@ THAT IS CI'RRENTLY DAMAGET OR BE@MES DAMAGED DURING @NSIRUCTION WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ROOF INSTAILATION. RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $2O.0O **{"}***:t'l't*'}*************'}*t**+*'}***t**++*****'t'a't'}**********+***'t'tt+**!t{,********{r*'}*t*!t!t**** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€m€ot *'F |*1.*{.'*:t**'1.***f ******+t*************'}****,t'},}*t**+**+*tr**!*****i!**t*tf f *,}***{!{r,},},irtrf rittrii:}**t,i Statement Nuiber: R090000292 Amount: 920.00 0S/23/200904:21 pM Pa]rment Method: Ctreck Tnit: RLFIilotaeion: 565 KIEHIJ CONSTRUET ION IIIC Permit No: DR8080170 TIE)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUPParcel No: 2L0L-L22-O7Oz-4Site Address: 4145 SPRUCE WAY VAIIJ IJOCAIiON: EJAST HALF Total fee6: $20.00This Payment: $20.00 Total AJJIJ pnts: 520.00Balance: S0.00****{'********'}***a++*+++++++****+aat++++++++{'******tt*'t!******'}'}*{!'}{t**r****'}t *'t**'}'t'}'a*'}'}'}'}'**!* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmtE DR 001000031]-2200 DESTGN Rt\iTEVf FEES 20.00 t.Additions-Residential or Com $sll Parcel No.:AOl - t?- cr+ - Of4 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) zonrng: \ ) N\rx Name(s) of Owner(s); Mailing Address: Mailing Address! E-mail Addressl $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot ol tobl sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any resklential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addihons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee o tr Application for Design Depaftment of Community Development 75 SouE Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer tothe submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or fre Planning and Environmental Commission, Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apptoval. Descripuon of the Request: Locataon of the Proposat ..-J Physical Address: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signstr Concepfual Review n New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteraton (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Reguest u rown or YA!! Owner(s) Signature(s): Fax: 4?t-- 8O€Z- 1 Afuch{neil. /f.5 lts Stvi :'::d,' ffr. I itaitfl iflLkilLd. r-an roEt||r u d Fr * fty*ir*!r trdn frh, ffi-r.(l.ral}{d*.inega*r *rr /hi rr* *tg'rt5ft nilt*'Fi i+Wtt* I -* u 22.2O08 ftobert H. .nd Marcia E Altscnre 39t I West 120 Tcnrce l*awootl. Ks. 66209 .i c xrhom it $av concem_ i{oben and Marcia Alromare rrpmve of the plrn$ eod grvE EEroval to Edc and httiwir*nan to rcpimz thc cx.isting roof sc rhcir bdf uf tLc dup!{:x al 4145 B Sgruce Wav. La$t Vril. If there am any frnher qtccrionr, rxr home ghone aumtrcr in Kansas isI i 3-319-971 .l . rrncerely. .riEt-ga Allomefe PAi'I. ,hlr /IE OV L: -V BC v IF ]E PF ot ol R PF I lcI N A a i1//ti SiGI ^t)l -t.'l .L- - I ::\)l AF, 5l )E TA a tnll hCQ!r STAF \IL EW VAI. *. . Page 5 of12 E8R-1660 TABLE I-}IECHANICALLY ATTACHED ME BRANE ROOFING CLASSIFICATIOi{ (Condnued) ]TEII OUROI.AST SYSTEU ito. cl-ossl SUBSTRATE,,!]{AX. SLOPE EX|STI{G ROOF BARRIER, INSULATK)N AilD/OR COVERBOARD Barrier lnrulatlo#''Coverboonl' or .' 16 3 A Noncombustilbe 'l;.12 Class A, B or C roof None (Optional) Any thicknsss, Atlas ACFoam ll (Optional) Any lhickness woodfiber / 17 EI C6rY,'h".lihla 2:12 Nono lLCltrifir f{one_/ mineral-surfaced roll roofi ng followed by two layers Atlas FRlO thickness glass fibsr 18 4 A Min.3/.-inch Pl),wood 'lo:12 Class A roof Nono Non€None 19 4 P6r exisung roof Noncombustibls 'lr:12 Class A. B or C roof (classifi cation retained) None Min. 1-inch UL Classmed polyisoqEnurate Leggett & Platl Nova Rollout 20 4 A Combustible 31i12 None Four layers Atlas FR10 (Optional) Any thlckness glass fiber, Atlas ACFoam ll or Rmax Multl-Max None 21 5 A Noncombuslible No limit None None None None 22 B Noncombustibls 3:12 Non€None Any thlcknoss, Rmax Multi-Me)( None IJ A Combustible la:'12 Class A, B or C gravel surface roof with gravBl at 400 lbs/sq Ona layer ASTM D 226, typ6 ll, or D 4601, type ll telt, Atlas FR10. Amocor P14. PB4 or PB6, min. r/2-inch wood fiber or min. 'L-inch DensDeck or DensDeck Prims Nono None 24 A Combustible 31i12 Class A, B or C smooth surfaced BUR Two lavers Atas FR10 None None l5 I A Combustiblo ?:12 None UL Classified Class C mineraFsurfaced roll roofi ng followed by four layers Atlas FRl O (Optional) Any thickness glass fiber None zo R A Combustible 1:12 Class A gravel surface roof with gravel at 400 lbs/sq None Carpenter Insulation Foamfold None 27 A Combustible No limit Class A, B or C roof lvin, r/2-inch Type X gypsum or min. '/.-inch DensDeck or D€nsD€ck Prime None None 28 I A Combustible No limit None None Any thickness, UL Classified polystytene or polyisocyanurate Min. r/r-inch Type X gypsum or min.1/.-inch DensDeck or DensDeck Prime 29 9 EI Noncombuslible No limit None None Any thickness, Atlas ACFoam ll One layer Atlas FR5O 30 10 A Noncombustible 1:12 None None Min. 1 -inch-thick Atlas ACFoam ll None 31 10 Noncombustible 3:12 Insulatod or non- insulated ballasted single ply membrane with or without ballasl femoveo One layer Atlas FR10 or Elk Versashi€ld 1S or min. '/4- inch DensDeck or DensDeck Prime None None J''10 B Combustible 1:12 N one One layer Atlas FR10 or min.r/o-inch DensDeck or DensDeck Primei7-. ,., - Min. 2-inch Atlas ACFoam ll, Firestone ISO 95+GW or Rmax MUIti-Max FA None J5 B Combustible 1:12 None One layer Attqe FR50 ',,lona'None 34 tl Noncombustible No limit None None , -- '' -lv f]., i.iFi: APF z-- / / EnytlEttFs uL reteArvsrvrene One layer Allas FR10 or min. r/4- inch DensDeck or DensDeck Prime Jg .lrotq&- EF trXN KN $i$$[ +o.taIrs {$Btis$s$ F Rr G6 E $ *s 3 5t 16:t cDr'" F $F$l g$Ffls rd XDJ $$ [Fil fiq f r0' L._z NJ I I n sir f? ={)>-.|'flm3 i' lbHsc h-F tiq l*l- gsr lltttlIt... o)o 4-9--------> -Tiiiitrl,tr{rl st ll tT il A\J |\R$Eto lD ato I $ $ $r ; tl a o Eq il:t ng otn+ e(\LI It sU\n ttlE Ro { Q :r6C9-i! 1=bfii:r{t'- I lo' ! o-r! R6- 8 g=- n ; ':,/ r .' r ('; - I J ; f