HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 4 LOT 36i7t'"'n T lot 3, blPLf Departnent of Community Developnent75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 March 6, 1995 vail Gas Fireplace and Woodstowe, rnc. P.O. Box 1968vai1, co 81658 Re: Permit. #'s 1120, 7091 , 7089, 7737, 6947 & 7030 Expiration Dear Sir, It has come to our atLenti.on that you have several outstandingrpermits thaL have noL received final inspections. Your permiLs have expired according to Seclion 303 of Ehe L994 Uniform Plumbing Code. These permits musE either be finalized, extended by wriLten reguest or repermitted. I would appreciate your prompt attention to Lo hear from you within 30 days of receipt Chuck FeldnannBuilding Inspector xc: File F : \Everyone\chuck\Fina1 s this problem and expectof this letter. TOWN OFVAIL lttf INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL'i { | PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t JOB NAME 479-2138 CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: rlLOCATION: t' i ' THUR FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND El ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tro tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP" POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr,FINAL tr FINAL E npFHOvEDICORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE .i ' i. /,/,/ --" '/. ,/..,',/, r6Of- ul =U) zo Fc IJJY UJdl ot- F 5o,ccq .L L --r lo-lrHlo=l->ltol'zluJF$toEzo z =e>z l9 z nnfk--'-1.1 P.{Hi€.i z \ = J =Eh= E SIi,dd= F LUo-t!o IJJoz fs)IoF I JFLll :h= dur>(r-OrLoo -uJ6O:> lllJ rL llJ d) F co E -9o ott .=: E Eo|) o E =E,lrlo-zIFof E.Fazoo ctz ts =E UJo- 4bt sr/4il I I l., ,Ft<to I I I, IFt<E zl=t6 l<rtz lr!IF I\'01tl ll Frl I I l- \1, <trlo et|+:l^Frt-rtl(5,z n=o< <F1o (!)uJ(t) =I l! oFo Fz (r rE;:E F e n€!ires*EiE:3 EgEE=$ii:5::E!; Br'=-EF; PE EE. : :;.-c o isil n ESiEEiEy-r-vSifEEo-(!o--:o=-o"(5:o-E .e= o9l-c o -.! '--6E15g 3i s IdiEEEs E6iSE- o;9; q9:::!,!!: = co ? 3oJ3 3 >,= E): '" oo Y;iF'g;*;EqI oor - *eEgg; NOtrvnlvA =>q -I ztr^ u,oFiOZr!< a- !? J i F H.'!-og -l =l zl .. >louto uJ uJz U)F Eu, az Eoo IrtllaltHlI rftlt?ltz'llgl Y.EdI coHll'lll IJ tl(5tz.F': lt! Flpr rq an H UJ z -) -F1 vIE t-.t ,',jE 4 [I]E an UJ l-. L/' I tt -d t- \c ;F F =tr lll o : (J Etr oz otu(r)? t! z39 tr ozri uJ J z3 F l<nlll(-)| '-rI c.) FT 4 F{olrll4oltzF}lolL6 UJ<E JSH,,<Atz =l BEo F\(\ \or\-$ qiJ IJ,JF =Etr oz ti J a t! z3 F =tr oz llJ = oz3oF UJ d EtUz = uJ! E <Frtsor.! <zEUJF(rzoO <o(JF FS ;F =zr.u O >Y =<z.t)zLLO ax:: r--z<)<t iz =g E t-Eir uJ \JZ )<O<t ?,fo --r(lL-J L.J bi] Worlc Class: [ ]-New Iy!--afteratlon [ 3-Additic.r'al [ ]-nepair I J"other Number of Dwelling unitst I Number Qf At;co$rttodatLon Units; Y! ou, rJogs- wut'rtl/Fe1let pERMIE INTORIIATTON * ******* ** * t** *********** BIoch Filing _ i:lf ?91 s_.r ritr,",,o OR IT }TAY NOf BE i O.I'HER| I Elcotrical eontraetor !Town of VaiL Reg. Address;Phone Nunber: Plunbing Addresr: Town of VaiL Reg. No. lteshanit.;a]- Contractor I ![own of vail Reg. NO. Address:Phone Nunber: ******t****** *******************oFFICE USE *************************** VAIL GAS FIREPLACE TOUIN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPTJICATTqN FOBIi 58552A4928 P.S ttF PE8,{IT iI 1'I-Buikling [- ]"Prunbing t "oo-n.*", .Ut,rL;r.\ .(k' rr "&t@,b AddresEr . APPIJICATIoII I{UST BE FILLED *** ** ** * * * * 'A * *** * *** **** * ** * * Legal uescrlPtlon: !,r.rt: riutL,ptNe : .\ddrese: ELECTRICAI: $-lricrrexrcer,tl@ owners Narne: M Address: Architect I Addressi General DescriPtion: contractor: FORI'{ABION ************************ *]. Town of, Vail Phone Nunber: Phone Nunber; roB UUILDING PERMIT TED! PLUI.IBING PERMIT F'EE! I{ECIIANICAL ^PERI'IIT FEE; EI,ECfRICAL FEEI OTHER TYPE OF FEEi DRB FEE: . BUTLDING PLAN CI{ECK FEE: PLUI'TBING PI.AN CHECK FEE; }{DCIIAIIICAIJ PIAN CHECK EEE! RECREATION FEE: CITEAN-UP DEPOSItT TOTAIJ PERI.{IT FEES ! BUILDING: SIGNATIIRD: ZONINGS SIGNATURE: OUf COMPLETEIJ 75 roulh frontage load Yall, coloredo ElB57 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 VHIL GAS FIREPLACE 3SEE2e432e olflce of comnunlly BUILDINq PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FNANE r- tf' thts perm.tt fequlres a Town of VaiI Fire Departrnenl, A;:pruvol, Engl.neer.r's (Puulip l.Jorks) revier^l and approval , a Planning Department reii'ew qr H.eolttl. Uepartment revi'ewt and a review by the Bulldlng Departnent, th:e estitrrated time for a total review ntay take as long as' tlJree |reel(3. A]l commercial (large or small) anU all multl-fadily permits will have to follow'ttie ibove mentioned maximum requirements, Residential and smal Iano slnall proJecEs sngul0 taKe d lesser amounE ur ullrle. rel{ever'! restdential oi srnaller projects lfipact the various above tlentioned jects shpuld take a-lesser amount.of time. However,.if departfients wrlth. regard to necessary reviewr these projects may alio take. the three week period. i Every ati.empt wi.ll he rnade hy'this department to expedite this Petlnit as s,Qon as Posslbl e. I, tlis undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time franc. Conrnunl ty Devc'lopment Dcpartmcnt. VAIL 6A5 FIREPLACE 75 30ulh frontaE9 f06(l vail, qororrdo ul65/ (303) 479-21.3E or 479-2139 3e3328432s offlco ol csmmunlty develo Td: FF,OMt DATET SUDJECTJ ALL CO}IERACTORS CUFRENTLYL RECISTENED WITII IOWN OF VATL rOHH OF VAIL PUDI-,IC IfORKS/COM}{U}TITY DEVELOPMENT IIARCH 16' 1988 COI'SINUCTIOI{ ?ARKING & MATERIAJJ $TOHAGE I (1.a. contractorr owner) TIID flr uumnaryr.orClinance No. si states that it ls unlawful for anyperson to lltter. traclr or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrLsor material , lncluding trash dunpsters, portabla toiLets andworlmen vehicles upon any street, Eidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al] Town ofVail streets and. toads is approxirnately E ft. off Bavenent.This ordlnance wlII be striotly enf,orcEd, by the Toivn of vairPubllc Worl<e Department. Persons found violating this ordlnhneewiII be glven a 24 hour urritten notice to renove said naf.eria-l .In the event the person so notlfied doee not eornply wj.th thenotice withln the 24 hour time specifi.eri, lhe public tforksDepartnent will remova said rnate-r:i.al- at lhe exFensc of personnotlfied. the provisi.ons of this ordinance shlll nob boapplicable to nonetrueti,on, naihteiance or repair projccts ofany street or: allcy or any utillties in tho right-o-way. 1[o review Ordl-nanee No, 6 in fult, trr].€aee utop by the Town ofVail Bul.Icling Departnent to obtaln Er copy, tlanic you f,or yourenoperation on thie rnattcf. ( Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes , NAME: VLICICH GAS FIREPLACE DATE: ll-l-94 ADDRESS: 4957 ruNIPER CONTRACTOR: VAIL GAS VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT; NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQLITRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vait. l. CoMBUSTION ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE l99l UMC. 2. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CHAPTER 21 OF TTIE I99I UMC. 3. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANy EQUTPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF TI{E I99I UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF TI{E 1991 UMC. 5. FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE pER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN.