HomeMy WebLinkAboutEagle's Nest Duplex - Partial Excavation Observation.pdf H-P KU mAR5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Phone: (970)945-7988 Materials Testing I Environmental Fax: (970)945-8454 Email: hpkglenwood@kumarusa.com Office Locations: Denver(HQ), Parker, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Glenwood Springs,Summit County, Colorado November 15, 2018 Revised November 19, 2018 Solaris Redevelopment Corporation Attn: Sharon Cohn 141 East Meadow Drive, Suite 211 Vail, Colorado 81657 sharon(a solarisvail.com Project No. 18-7-43 3.A Subject: Observation of Partial Excavation, Proposed Duplex Residence, Lot 2, Block 6, Filing 7, Vail Village, 1012 Eagles Nest, Vail, Colorado Dear Sharon: As requested by Adam Ostmeyer, a representative of H-P/Kumar observed the excavation at the subject site on November 9 and 13, 2018 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of our observations and recommendations are presented in this report. The services are supplemental to our agreement for professional services to Solaris Redevelopment Corporation dated June 22, 2018. We previously conducted a subsoil study for design of foundations at the site and presented our findings in a report dated August 7, 2018, Project No. 18-7-433. The proposed construction is similar to that discussed in our previous report. Spread footings designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf were recommended for foundation support. Only the Secondary Unit and western portion of the Primary Unit of the duplex are being excavated at this time. On November 9,the excavation was underway with primarily natural granular soils being encountered near design footing bearing elevations. During our visit,we recommended any existing fill be removed below footing areas. At the time of our November 13 site visit, the foundation excavation for the Secondary Unit and western portion of the Primary Unit were essentially complete, and had been cut in three levels from about 3Y2 to 11 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of generally medium dense, silty to clayey sand and gravel with cobbles. The results of a gradation analysis performed on a sample of the sand and gravel soils(minus 3 inch fraction) obtained from the site are presented on Figure 1. No free water was encountered in the excavation and the soils were slightly moist. The soil conditions exposed in the excavation are consistent with those previously encountered on the site and suitable for support of spread footings designed for the recommended allowable Solaris Redevelopment Corporation November 15,2018 Revised November 19, 2018 Page 2 bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. The bearing soils appear fairly uniform and structural fill below the footing areas does not appear needed. Prior to the footing construction, all loose disturbed soils should be removed to expose the undisturbed natural soils, and the subgrade compacted. The bearing soils should be protected from frost and concrete should not be placed on frozen soils. Other recommendations presented in our previous report which are applicable should also be observed. The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and the previous subsurface exploration at the site. Variations in the subsurface conditions below the excavation could increase the risk of foundation movement. We should be advised of any variations encountered in the excavation conditions for possible changes to recommendations contained in this letter. We should observe the remainder of the foundation excavation when completed to evaluate the soil bearing conditions in that area. If you have any questions or need further assistance,please call our office. Sincerely, H-P KU R ow Heil1 io,4.0+.Ri 1, . � io9 OGS• :► . .r •Ca v . .. �:i e s David A. Young, P. 32216 'Q r 4% /(-/' --/ .r ,� DAY/kac -le �' /VAL 44r- ®� attachment Figure 1, dritldtest Results cc: OCG: Design, Construct, Manage-Adam Ostmeyer(adam@ocgdesignmanage.com) H-PMKUMAR Project No. 18-7-433.A HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS TIME READINGS U.S. STANDARD SERIES I CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 24 MRS 7 MRS 100 45 MIN _15 MIN 00/ON MAIM 4MIN 1 IN 8290 6190 860 610/.70 f 0 iq Ie 64 3/9 3/4' 1 1/2' _--S ' e'o 40 e f 40 I I I eo 30 -- — -._ - I 1 — ---- 1 70 • 20 - -- - - -- - —1 1 ' _. _ _, ell I I to -- — 1 - -- I 90 — - - —- --_� 1 __ - — 1 o - —T-T-—rrr 1 --I—I r 1 r ! 1 1 1— 1--- 11-1 1 F TT- I--T-7 n 1 I ill _.-1---1 1 I 1_1 11 T I- 100 .001 .002 .005 .009 .019 .037 .075 .150 .300 I .600 1.18 12.36 4.75 9.3 19 38.1 76.2 127 200 2.0 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS 152 CLAY TO SILT SAND GRAVEL COBBLES FINE MEDIUM COARSE FINE COARSE GRAVEL 44 % SAND 45 % SILT AND CLAY 11 % LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAMPLE OF: Silty Sand and Gravel FROM: Bottom of Northern Portion of Excavation, 11/9/18 E. P 3. These test results apply only to the samples which were tested. The F a testing report shall not be reproduced, except In full, without the written approval of Kumar & Associates, Inc. ? accordancesiwithsASTMID4 erformed In i 22, ASTM C136 2 and/or ASTM D1140. •e 18-7-433.A1 H-P4= GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig. 1