HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN ESTATES RESUB 10 & 11 LOT 4 LEGALo= O;m*E*:ss: # NUGGE r LN 'AIL Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax:. 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us ProjectName: HELMERINGRES.CHANGETOAPPROVED DRBNumber: DRB04O418 Project Description: REDUCE SIZE OF DORMER, REMOVE DffERIOR STONE VENEER Participants: OWNER HELMERING, MYMOND J. & DORI08/r6/2004 Phone: 12802 TOPPING MANOR ST LOUIS MO 63131 License: APPLICANT STEVEN JAMES RIDEN, AI/A, ARC08/16/2004 Phone: 949-4tZL PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 816s8 License: Location: Legar Xtccription: Lot: 4 Block Subdivision: BIGHORN ESTATES TOWNHOUS Parcel Number: 210112306004 Comments: SEE CONDnONS BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Motion By: Actaon: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of ApprovaL o9lOLlzA0F. Condi6ons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cnnd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006629 That the applicant and the neighboring duplex owner submit to sblf an agreed upon design for the rear deck railings for review and approval prior to submitting for a building permit. O Planner: warren campbell DRB Fee Paid: 32O.OO a LlJ. lr.lL' LrJ&l Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vaii.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ior Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmint. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envrronmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withinone year of the approval, Location of the Proposal: Lot: # Block: Parce|No.:W(ContactEag|eCo.As5essorat970-328-8640forparce|no.) zonins, z*idn lia,l Llu*ltr- Subdivision: Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : M Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: ! SignsE Conceotual Revlew New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request 0a I tbs, lownl',tAult D . tr tr X tr 23Q $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For OfficelJse OSly: Fee Paid: LU . Check No.: Appfication Date: q -l'a.A 1l iee Paro: an"aa to., tC.r L By: Application Date: ? -/9r) I OR *** **:*'| * * * * * I {.'} {.* * * **l +* * * * * **i.*,} {' *'i*** * * * *'** **** *'}* * 't * * * * * * * *'}* ***,t,r* *** ** * 't * '1. ** **,*** *:*** * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *'r* **'t 'I * {t *:l 't * *,t ** +{.*** *:3 * '* r.* * *:*** * * **,}* * *,t *:** * r.d.l. * ** +* * * * * * * * * ** +**** * ***** *** * {. * *i.*:** **:f '} l' * Statement Number: RO4ooo5435 Amount: $20.00 08/15/2OO4O4:05 PM Payment Method: Check Init: ,JS Notation: +L272/STEVEN iIAMES RIDEN Permit. No: DR8040418 TlT)e: DRB-chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 210112305004 Site AddresE: 4295 NUGGET IJN VAIIJ LocaEion: 4296 NUGGET L,ANE Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AIJL, Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00 ****rt*t +*****:t:i***t **'t*****!t****:t**t|**d'******,r******'l'i*************+r.r.'*****'*!i************{.** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescriotion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 20.00 ,r*ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te* 970.479.2L39 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Project Name: Helmering Addition DRB Number: DRB030487 Project Derription: NEW DORMER ADDMON,NEW DRIVE PARKING EXPAND BACK DECK, INTERIOR REMODEL Pafticipants: OWNER HELMERING, MYMOND J. & DORI10i2B/2003 Phone: 12802 TOPPING MANOR ST LOUIS MO 63131 License: APPLICANT HELMERING, MYMOND l. & DORI10/28/2003 Phone: 12802 TOPPING MANOR ST LOUIS MO 63131 License: Project Address: 4296 NUGGET LN VAIL Locauon: 4296 NUGGET LANE Legal Description: Lot: 4 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN ESTATES TOWNHOUS Parcel Number: 210112306004 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Dave Viele Action: APPROVED Second By: Margaret Rogers Vote: 5-0 DateofApprovaL LZ|IT/1O13 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: CON0006265 That the applicant and the neighboring duplex owner submit to staff an agreed upon design for the rear deck railings for review and approval prior to submitting for a building permit. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Oct e3 2O O8: 3.la ' 0cT-?1-2SO3 14: l3 o'"tl:;i[:'-],'." *,. 311C" -81s2 Application for Design Review Oepartmaot ot Corn''uaiv Devc[.Pm" t 75 storrth F ontaqe Road, Vrtl, Colotado 81657 ter. 970.179.1119 la\; 970.1n.2.52 web: r.rww,q.vril.co.ui Gcnerel lnformltloa: Alt g.olect5 rcqunng d6rgn reviee, muS receiw aggroyot prigr to Sr.romining a bultdog p€rfitt apphcation. Pleasc reler to rhe submrkal .cquiremcntt fiof th! ptruc1Jltt tpgrsval thrt r! raquestcd. An ap9llcat/ofi lor D?3i9n Rcvrcu, (annot ba a(cegtcd unttl all requrred mtormatron rs lccaveo by the Cofimunty Dt€Y€loptn€nt o€panmen! Th€ p.oled rnay also nttd to be rarlerflGd by thc Toyrn Counol Ind/ot lhc nennrnq and Envrronmcntal Cornmissron. Dcrigr, rovirw tpqrovaa l.tjrr snt.... buildir€ tcr at ia isrurd erd dofisdion commcacG within onc ycar af the .pp?oral. p. e P.A? ffi TO}{N AF]yAIL'/ Loc.tien ot thc ProFor.l: Lot: -A-8lock:__ Subdivisionl Physical Addrctt: PfrcGl llo.: zonins: x ra'd, +,hl ( l, <+4't- Meillag lddress: Phone: Owncr(s) $gnaturr(s): il.mc ot Applicanu Flailine lddrcss: €-mril Add.6s: €rt'rt-cS _ ioetmhGlrl> (Contad Eaglc Co. Asseseor at 970-328-8640 lor parccl rn.) Name(s) of Owncr(s)l Typc of Review end Fcc: O Srgnr O Conce9tlral R?YP,,Y E7 New Consruct on6 ndd'ton D Mtttor Altcrahon ( multl-frmily/comtncrqral) O t4rnor Alterzl6n { 'lnqe-ttm,lylduplPx)O Chrn96 (o AgDroved Pltns 150 Pl$ t1.00 Dtr lQuir! foot of totet eqn arc!. No F"f t650 For conJruction of a nee, b'r/ildrtlg or detnoi r?btJild' 3:t{n For rn ofitrtion wheta squtt€ loo|age 6 rdded to tnv .eeldefltBl o' comnnrcirl bullding (includes 250 rodtions a in(erior conversons)' t.450 I'Of m|nof O|.nqca to ttuddingt .nd site rmrrovemenl3, :uch 43, ratoofing, tantiog' tdrdow additEnt' landscatrn!, ttnces and lerrining wtllt, €tc.370 For mhor thatrqc3 $ bulld;ngg .nd trte tmpfgYemenl9, Such al. rcroofifg. ptrnting, wlndow rdd ion', landscaprng, lcnctE eno retatnlnq walls. etc.320 tor tevEtont to pltnt altctdv lgProvcd bY Plannrrg Staff ot th" Dcr.9n Rcvicw 8ot?d. TOTF{- P.E? ,,*ffi JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)joint owner of property located at (address/legal description)+cl B- provide this letter as written approval oF the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review the Town's applicable codes and regulations. RRIEr- Mcg)E process to ensure compliance Page 2 of I2/04A7102 ADb ffi0Nj +rr!v-coNsTRUcTrON SU BMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: The review process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval' I, SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS { r stamped Topographic Survey*d Site and Gradinq Planx/ Landscape Plan;/ Architectural Elevations*d Exterior color and material samples and specifications./. Architectural Floor Plans* d tignting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures -.r Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownerships and easements* r Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable' D Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* r The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a prolect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. PIeose submit three (3) copies o1t the moteriuls noted wilh an asterisk (*). Topographic suryey:g/ Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyord, Date of surveyef f{ortn arrow and graphic bar scaled Scale of 1"=10'or 7"=20')d Legal description and physical addresso Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/0, , and floodplain){ ties to existinq benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyd Propefi boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to ,,the established corner. {..Snow right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. / Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as , indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions.d Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot /, intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. d _ Topographic conditions at two foot contour Intervals a( Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a , point one foot above grade.d Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). Page 3 of LZl02l07l0Z PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildinq Materials Tvpe of Material traa,*sfa a,t I fxtsh;? r,tao{oL, &t t lHrl-;l Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls ' Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please speclfy the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of l2l02l07llz PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantiw Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name w.l"or'"IL 2 I pa^.k-r,,rnq a+{-rv Foo no^^) EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED o Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED iRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') Page 7 of 12102/07/02 From Land lrtle (MY)al l/ vcx lvut uz:JJ;'tl rrvr rvrJl o . evs f vr r landlitbqfftteeOnpny CUSTOMER DIS TRIBU'TTON Date: 10-27-2003 Propcrty Address: 42698 NUGGET I.ANE VAIL, CO EI5'{7 Our Order Numbcr: V500{3169 lf you have any inqdries or r€qulrc fudlEr ssslstance, please contsct oIE or oE nrllsers below: For 'l'ith Assistance: Vsil Title DepL Rogcr AYill loE S. I'RONTAGE RD- w. #203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO EI657 Phone: 970-.176-2251 Ftx: 97O-{16-4534 EMall: ravlla@ltgc.com GATEWAY I-AND AND D E VEI{'PMAIIT DWARDS P,O, BOX 1777 EDWARDS, CO 81632 AfiE JOTN HELMERING Ptluar:970l92G{i177 Faxz Tlll92G?.698 Srnt Yla Fax stluvE XIDEN Fsr: 97O941-0304 Sent Vls Fu .U{N HELMERING Fax; 3ltl-E22'3t2E Ssrt Via Fax l- rom Land lrtle (Mgl [/iono ll vct luu5 uz: J):+/ rlvl lrlJl rcgE a vr 7 LdTitle Date: 10-27-2003 Our Order Number: v5{1003169 Property Address: 42698 NUGGET LANE VAN^ CO EI657 BuJrer/Borrower: RAYMOND.[ HELMERINGAhID DOIIIS A. HU,MEruNG Seller/Ownerl RAYI}IOND J. IIELMERINGAND DORIS A. H!:LMERING Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Clrcck out Lsnd Title's web slte at www.ltgc.com tor directirins to eny of our 54 ollicg locations. ESNMATE€FTITIEE Into rrration Bitder $175.00 TOTA 9175. OO land Trth GUAL{NT IE COMPANY roa conrrcT (3/2003)TIIAIIK YOU FOR YOIIR ORDER! fforn Lafi.l lltl€ Llu:rj ll/lon z/ ULL zuuJ uz;JJ;'t, rrvr rerrl I ove r vr J lAD TIT]ECI'HHFNTE0iIIPAM il$o(E Owrpn RAYMOT'{D J. IIEIJVIERINGAND DORISA- fIELMERING Roperty Adiless t 4?69ts NUG'iGE1'II\NE VAtr4 C0 Er657 Your Refererxe No.: When referrir€ t0 this oder, Paease rcfercnce our Order No. V50003169 . CHARGES. Irtronmtion Bhder $17s.00 --Tots|.-$1?s.oo Pleree nrslre checlcs pryable to; Land fitle Gua'an&e Couryorv P. O. Box 544{l Dtnver. CO 80217 i r'vri Lcri rr..t i I t i€ Lrr,YJ ilrv;i l/ UiL gUUi U!i.)Ja't/ I'Ltl ,irJr Chicrgo TtUe Insuranct ComPanY ALTA COMMITMENT Schedulc A Our Order No. V50003f69 CUL Ref.: Property Addrtss: 42698NUGGETr.ANEVAtr CO E1657 1. Effective Dater October 06, 2003 at5;00 P.trll" 2. Poucy to be Issued, and Proposed Insuredl Lforrnation Birder ProFrsed lrsurcd: RAYMOND J, HELMERING AND DORIS A. HELMERING 3. Th€ estate or interest in th€ lrnd described or referred to in this Commitrnent and covered herein ls: A Fee Sinrde 4, Titl,e to th€ estate or lntet?st covered hereln is at the effective date hereof vested in: RAYMOND J. T{ELMMING AND DORIS A HE,MF.RING 5. The land rcferred to in this Commifinent is described 8s follows: LOT 4, BIGHORN ESTATES, nESUBDIVISION OF LOTS l0 AND 11, ACCORDING TO TIIE PLAT RECORDED FEBRUARY A, INIIN BOOK 223 AT PAGO 235, COUNTY OF EAGI,E STATE OF' COLORADO. il vtrt Laii,,i T ia ie ['!ii)ivlotf r.r' UCi- luiJ Vli i)::i/ i''r, rt,Jl i.tgc i'.: 1 ALTA COMMITMEN T Sche&rle B ' Sccdon I (Requirements) Our Order No' V50003169 The following &re ttre requir€ments to be complied with: Item (a) pnynrent !o or for lhe accortrrt of tlre gnar ,ors or morgagors of the full consideradon for tbe esttle or inicrcst to be irsurcd- Item (b) ItoFr iNtnsmn(s) crcafing the esEltf or intonst b be irlsured [utst be executed ard duly filed for rccord' to-wit.' Item (c) paynrent of all tlxes, charEes or assessnenls l€vied ud assessed against tlE slfr&ct prcmbes wldch ere due ard poyable, Itern (d) Addidorul rcquiErnentr' if ty disclostd btlow: TIIIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO FOLICY WII,L BE ISsUED PURSUANT HF,RETO, ,.v,:r Ld !.I I rrti:r \riJl,I ry! v e, / ALTA CONILIITNlEN'T Scl*dule B - lkcdon 2 (Exceptiors) Our Order No' V5000J169 't he poticy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the tbllo\ving unless the same are disposed of to the satist'action of the Company; l. Rights or claims of paIties in possession not shorm by the pblic reconls. 2. Ersernenls, or clains of easerncnls, not shown by the public recods. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in bourdery lilres, slrortage in arta, encruacknents, ard sny facb which a corftct survey snd inspcrdon of tlrc pemises would disclosc 8td which arc not slxlwn by tlt prHic rtcords. 4- Any lieq or right to a lieI, for sewices, lebor or rrnterial ttreretofore or lpreafbr nrrnislEd, irnposed t'y law ard rpt sfuwn by ttlc prblic rtconds. 5. Det'ecls, liet$, etrcunb rccs, adveEe claims or otlrcr nratteN, if ury, crcated, fitst apFeritE in tl* ptbfic records or aft*birg subequent to the effective date tnrtof but Fior to the daf€ Ule proposed irsured acquires o[ record for value tlre cstrE or int€rcst {rr mrtgage tlrertotr covcted by this Commiumnl 6, Ta-xtls or spccial rcsessrrenls which art not shown as existirE lieru by dr prblic records. o thc Trusurer's officc- 7. Liens for unpaid walar ard. sewer charges, if any.. E. I|r adddoq the owrret's poll(y wiu h subJect 1o tlF mo4gagc, lf any, rn&d in Section I of SctP.lrrle B lpnof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE 'I-IIEROFRONI STIOUII) 'I-HE SAITE BE FOUND 'Ir) PENEI'RATE OR INTERSEC*I'THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNTTF,D STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEIV{BER 17, T902. IIi BOOK t AI'PAGE 492. IO. RIGHT OF llAY FOR DITCHES OR CANATS C.ONSTRUCTED BY TTM AUTHORITY OF TIIE TINTTED SIhTFS AS RI}SERVED IN I]NTIOD STA'I-&S PATNT'I RECOruED NOVEMBER r7, 1902, IN BOOK4E AT PAGE 492, 11. RESTRICTIIT CO!'ENANTS WHICH DO NCI CONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CT-{,USq BUT OIVTITTI}{G ANY COITNANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACq CO{,O& RELIGION, SEX, I{ANDICAB FA}TILI,AL STATUS OR NATIONIAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TIIE EXTENT TIIAT SAID COVM{ANT (A) IS EXEMI'T UNDERCTIAPTER4A SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATFS CODE OR (B) R"M-ATFS TO HANDTCAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP I'ERSONS, AS CONTAINED u-* INSTRUMENT RECORDED IVf,{RCH 25,, 197L, IT'I BOOK 220 AT PAGE 49 AND AS AMU\DED IN INSTRUMENT REC1DRDED OCTOBER 5, T971, IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 875. 12. EASENIENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR C.ORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SU&IECT PROPERTY. from Land lrtle (My) llron l/ uct luvJ vt: J):+/ nrr rrrJl rdgc J vr J ALTA COMMITMENT Schedrde B - Section 2 (Exceptiors) Our Order No' V50003169 The poticy or policics to be lssued will contain exceptions to the following unless the sarne 8re disposed of to the s&tisfaction of the Company: 13. HASEIVIEN'IS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICI'IONS, nESERVATIOTIS AND NO'IES ON TTIE RECORDED PLAT FORBIGHORI{ ESTAT&S, RESUBDIVISION O!-LOTS 10 AND 1I- r luri L.1,lLr r rll< \rvrfrr rrru,f a/ V!! 4VV) Vr:. J).at rt.t tttr I ' lrgs w e' , LAND TITLE CUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATE}IENTS Note: Pursrunt !o CRS 10-11-1X2, nodcc is lrreby given tlutl: .{) the subject rEal ploperty nny be locared in I special tcxiqg district B) A Cerdficate of Tares DtF llsdrE each hrdtB jurisdlcdon rmy be obtairrd fmm the Cottrlty TreasuIeds autftorizcd ugenL C) The infonnatiou rcgsrdirB sFecial disdcts ard ttre bourdsries of such djsoicls [iay be obtalned lmm the Bosrd of C{runty Co|runissior|ers, the County Clerk and ltecorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effccdvr S€ptember I, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requircs tnt ell docrrrmnts received for rccorditg or llliry in the clerli ard recordet's otficr shall contain a iop nnrgin of at least orE inch and s lelg right and bottom nlargin of at l€ast one halt ot a|r inclr. 'l'he cterlt and rccorder rtay rcn$e to mctrd or nle any docttrrEnt thst do€s mt confonry exc€p{ thst, tln requirenrent firr thc trrp r|argin stEll rpt spply to docwrrnts usirg fonm on which spa(E is providcd for retording or fflirg lnfonnation at tlt top rllrryin of Ut docrIrr|rl Notf,: Cololado Dlvlslon of Irsunnce Regulsdonr 3-5-1, Paragreph C of Ardcle Vtr rcgrir€s lher 'Tvery title entity shall be rcsporslHe for dl rnotters which appear of record prior to ttE tinF ol rccordirg whernver lhe tide entif conducb fie closirg srd is rcspomlble for recordirg orlilirg of legal docurnrnls rcsrddng from thc F&rssction wldch was closed". Pruvided |h&t l,ad'n0e Guarantce Cornper,y condrrts dr closlrg of the brsured trsrBscdon and ls lesponsible lor recordlrry the legal docaurnts fmm the trarsactioq excepion nunber 5 will not appear on tlp Orvner's TiOe Policy ard the lrnders Policy wltn isswd Note: Afrirnqtive rlxharlc's lien pnrff,ction for the Owrr nrry be svsihble (tgically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of flle Comrni0ne from the Owrr's Policy to bc issrcd) upon compllance with tlE followitry corditions: A) The lund drscrihd in Schedule A 0t uur* conuritrrEnt must be a sirEle family rcsi&nce which incftdes a cordonrinirnn or lownhouse ulil B) No labor or nrrhriEls have been furnishcd by nrclnrdts or rrr$trial-rnn lor p.]rposes ot consb:rrc[on oD alre lard descriH in Sclrcdule A of lhis C-omn.urrlt within OE post 6 montt6. C) T|t Cornpwry mrst rtrtive aD spp$priale rtfidavit indsnnifylrg ttt Company qaimt urflled npchanic's ard Imtedd-nEn's liens. D) Ttr Company mwt receive payrmnt of lhe Wroprislt premirrn E) |r tlreru lu$ been cons0ucuon, inpmverEnts or nrqjor rcpslrs uiertaken on 0E property t{, be trrch$ed wlthil six uI)nUE prior to tlE Dalc of lln Conrnlhrxl4 tlE ruqdrenEr s to obtsiu coverage for url€cord€d liers Mll irrluds disclosurt of certain cons[rrc0on infornration; financisl itf,orrmlion as to ttrf seller, ttre h,rilder srd or the conFaclor; paFrent of thr appmpri8te prcmlun ftruy ex€cutcd lndfrnrity Agr€cmenE sadsfactiorf, to the compony, sn4 my addlliomJ reqrtrrermrro* s rmy be neccssary rfier an examirution of the sforesaid infomEdon by lhe Conrgany. No coverage ${ll be glven ulder any cirrrnnstarK:es [or labor or Imtfrlol for whlch the lnsurd has conBactcd for or agBed to po,J.. Note; l'ulsusDt to CRS f0-11-f 23, noticc is hcrcby given: This mdce applies t0 ownrr's pollcy comrdnrrenls conlainirg a rnlneral severance Insultrrent cxcepior4 or exceptlorc, irr Schdulc B, Section 2, A) Ttnt llrcrc ls rccorded evidem€ thl s rdueral estate has b€€n s€verc4 l€8se4 or ollEnvis€ convcled ftom orc surface cstde and tb8t UEre is a substrnusl likclihood thaf r $rld psrty hol(s sorrD or all ir*ercst in oil, gss, other miner{ls, or geothernnl emrgt in the pruperty; ad B) Thrt sxh mirrrnl estate rmy indude thc right to entcr ald use tlE p.oFrty withont thc surfre ownet's Frmi^*sion Nothirg lrcrein csntaincd will be dserrEd to obligate the comp y to provide any- of the coverages rcfened to hercln rnless the gbove condltiom gre frrllv satlsfied Fo!{ DI I-G*RE O9/OL1O2 r rvr r !c (.1 | li,rc (,rri_, o ,","r, Lt vrr Lve) eL, o r c,9,: r v' J JOINI' NO'l'tCE Ol' PRIv.{CY POLICY Fldclity \ationul $nantisl Group of Co rpnlniegclri(l|go 'fitlc lrlsuraDcc Cornpcny ulld Land Title Guarantee Co[rpany July l, 2001 We r€cogr ze ard r€spect the prlvacy er?ectadorB of lodsy's colsuners ard dle rwpirrments of ap$icable federal ard stgte privYacy laws. We bclievri that iutriiu vou aware of liow we l$e vour mrtspr.rbflc persorul lnfoinndon ("Fersorul brfo n'ruriori'), ad to whonl it is disclosed'will tonn de basis for a rEladonshii of urit beh{een .ts afd t}E F$liclhat wc setae. 'Ibis Privacy Stslen*nt pmvidca lhrt exdsration. We rtserve ll* rigl{ to chsnge this l]ivry Slrtcrnenl from dme !0 tinre corlsistrr|l wilh applic'aHe privacy laws. br lh€ coursr of our businesg we rnay colloct Persorral Inlbrmation about you from tbt lbllowing sourcs: * lYom apdicalioN or othrr fonns we rrceive fiom you or yotr authorized rcpnesentative;u From ybir u'arsactiolrs wittb or fmm tlP services hirg *rfonmO by, tts, our amnstes, or othrs;r From bur intcnret web sitcsj* From tlx puHic tt"c0rds nrainlgined by g0vcrnrncntal enlities lhnl wc eilhcr ousin dirtclly t'mm thsc enlids. oi fmm our sffiliares or othehiand' l. rorn corr;r.trIrer or otler rtporting agencies. Our Poticirs Regarding the Protection of ahe Contidcntiality snd Security of Your Prrsonal lnformation lYe rmintain phvsical. elec$onic ard procedwal safesuards t0 rotfft vour Persornl Inforrmtion fmrn unuthorized rf,ccsJ or intrision lte lilnit ucctss tri $r Pcrsorul lffonnrtioi orrly ti those ern$oyccs who rrcd such rcr:;s in corDectio[ wlth providiqg prcdlcls or s€rrices !o you or for o0Er legldrBte h$iltss trryoses. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal lntbrmation r^'e rray shart your Fersoml InfortBlion with our affiliales, such c insurance comFnles, agents, srd other rcal estate sittlenrril service poviders. W? also nny disclose yriur Personal Infonrudoril + lo l4acllLs' kukrn ur rcIresentsllvcs tro pruvldr -you wilh scrvitts you huvc rcqrrstrd,z ro dird-porry contrrlo* or serwice proi,iacrs xln provide senic6s or perfonn mad<ritirg or otber trmctiorft oi our betnlf; ondI lo otlEls with whom we entcr into joint nErketir€ agrsernents for prudxrs or settices tlrat we believe you nEy nrd of intsr€sl Ln addifi0rq we will disclUse your ltnioltd lr 'onrution whcn you dircrt or givc us pcnnission, wIEn we are nr+rirtd bv luw to do so. or wllcn wrtusrct l'rundulcnt or crimirul uctivilirs. Wc ulso rrBv disclosc vour PeNorrd Ir-rfonrlBtion whbrr othenvlse mnilueA bry apdlcaHe pdvacv laws such as. for exaindq wheh dlsclosure ls needcd lo enforce our riglrts arisirg irut of any dgre'eirrnl, triusecdon or relatior{hip widr ybu (he oI the inporlsnl EsFrnsitilifies ol some oI our atEliblf,d compdnirs ls to rccord doc|.trmll8 in tlr FrHicdonralu Srrh'docrurtntf may conhin your Personu.l Infornution ' Right to Acctss Your Personal Inforruation urd Ability to Corect Errors Or Request Changis Or Deletiou C€rtain states afrord you the right to access your PelsonBl Infonmtion and ur&r ctrtain circrtrnslanc?s, !o frrd out t0 whom vour Persorfol Inforrdtion trss beei disclosed- Also. certain surei alford you UE risht o requistcorectiori, urErdrDcnt or deleiion of your ttsorul lnfornnlior|. w€ rq;€rv€ SE riSht, whri prrmiGd by lur+', to clurye a rc&sonsHe lec tro cover tlt c(sts imurnd in restr)rdir€ lo such ]e$Bsts. All r€$nsa submitted to atrc Fldrllty Nadornl Flrnrrlal Gmrp of Companles/Cldcago TIUe lnsufice Conrpqny shall be In wrldrg, and d€llyercd 0o the followlrg address: ItiYacy Cbrndiexe (XEccr l.Idcliry Nutional llrlrrri8l, kt, 4050 Calle Real, Suite !ljl0 Santr Barboru CA 93110 ltultiple Products or Services lf we providc you wilh morc lhan one nruncial prudrct or service, you rmy rwelvc morr than one privacy mtice frurn us. $'c apulogize firr my irrorrvenicrruc lhis tnrJ carrsc you. Aoro. PR!V. E,oI,. CH! **** * ** ** ** * +*+l' * + * ** * * * ** a * * ** + * * * ** * * *** ** ******* +**** * * *+* ******* * *l' + + * +* + + + ** + * $ *+ * * *** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprhted or 10-28-2003 at 08:08:41 10/2812003 Statementt** * * ** * * * *** * + ++ *+*+ +* ** **+ ** ** * t * *l* *** *+ * * ++ ++:lr** * ++ ** ++ f* + * + *t + + ** ***+ ****** *+++ ++t+**+1 Statsement Number: R030005019 AnounE: $300.00 LO/28/2OO3O?:3? AItl Payment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: #1158 Permit. No: DR8030487 Tylte: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2fOfl23O6OO4 Site Address: 4296 NUGGET LN VAIIJ Location: 4295 NUGGET I'ANE Total Fees: $300.00 This Paltment: $300.00 Tota1 AIJIJ Pmts: S300.00Balance: $0.00 * **+ + * * *,t *rf *{' * * + *1* ***1.** * l.+ 'i ** +* + *+**{r* * * ** i ** * *** * * * *{' + * * * *'t '} * +*t + 'l * **1't*+ {'* * +tf+***+*** ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Cunnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEh] FEES 300.00 Status: I Approved GomuuUITY DEVELOPMENT ROUTI o NG Fonnn I Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Mike McGee VFD Date Routed:10/03/03 Routed By:Planner Wanen Date Due:10t12t03 Description of work:Addition to an existing duPlex. Address:42698 Nusget Lane Legal:Lot:4 Block:Subdivision:Resub. Of Lots 10 and 11 Bighorn Estates Comments:Date Reviewed: 1 1-11-03 Need additional review by Fire netocateO trees are not allowed where proposed on site plan. Must meet site distance irements standards. Adiust and revise. Show snow storaoe location on site plan per Town of Vail standards ffiurbancefenceonnorthsideof|ottopreventdebris/materia| from ooinq towards Gore Creek. @isrequiredforimprovementswithintheTownofVai|rightof wav. (steps, vehicle parking area, landscapin .lsandoval Status: Approved Community Development Routing Form App roved w ith co nd iti o n s Denied Routed To:Mike McGee VFD Date Routed:10/03/03 Routed By:Warren Date Due:10t12t03 Description of work: I Addition to an existing duplex. Address:42698 Nugget Lane Legal:Lot:4 Block:Subdivision:Resub. Of Lots 10 and 11 Biqhorn Estates Comments:Date Reviewed: 12-03-03 Need additional review bv Fire Relocated trees are not allowed where proposed on site plan. Must meet site distance requirements standards. Adjust and revise. A site distance requirement for backing out onto is measured at 15 ft frorn edqe of asphalt. Readiust and revise... ... A Revocable right of way permit is required for improvements within the Town of Vail right of .lsandoval Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 13, 2003 Steven Riden PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 Re: 42698 Nugget Lane/Lol 4, Re-subdivision of Lots 10 and 1 1, Bighorn Estates Mr. Riden, This letter is being senl lo inform you of several commenls Town staff have regarding your recent submittal for a dormer addition, interior remodel, deck expansion, and new driveway/parking area at 42698 Nugget Lane. The following comments should be addressed in lhe revised materials which will need to be submitted.. The proposed site plan shows the continuation of several boulder retaining walls from the neighboring duplex owner's yard onto your site to creale the slain,ay to the front yard. Unfortunately the boulder retaining walls you wish to extend have been illegally constructed. Staff has been working with the owners of 42694 Nugget Lane to receive a Design Review application. The owners of 4269A havea deadline of November 17, 2003 to submit a complete Design Review application. As drawn slaff cannot proceed with your proposal as a portion of it connects to an illegally constructed improvement which may change upon receipt of a Design Review application and review by the Design Review Board.r Please provide a detail drawing of the hand rail on the deck.. Please show on the site plan the location of a handrail on lhe stairs leading lo the home and provide a delail drawing of the handrail design.. Please show the location of the 50{oot Gore Creek setback and the location of the 100-year floodplain on the survey and site plan. Public Works comments:. The relocated trees are not permitted were proposed on the sile plan. Musl meel sight distance triangle requirements. Please adjust and revise.. Show snow storage location on the site plan per Town of Vail standards. For an unheated driveway/parking area the requirement is for an area equal to or grealer than 30% of the driveway/parking area needs to be designated as snow storage. In situations as proposed the Town of Vail requires five feet of additional space at the head of the parking spaces lor snow storage. Landscaping is not permitted in areas designated as snow storage and snow slorage must occur on the owners property.. Provide and show a limil of disturbance fence on the north side of the lot to prevent debris/material lrom going lowards Gore Creek. {g r"ct"uo" r* . A revocable right-of-way permit is required for improvements within the Town of Vail right-of-way (steps, vehicle parking area, landscaping, etc.)r I vehicle stop must be installed at the end of the parking area which is a minimum of six inches in height. This can be a curb, boulders, ect. Please review these commenls and il you have any questions regarding this letter please conlact me aI 970-479-2148. For Public works questions or comments please contact Leonard Sandoval al 970-479-2198. In order 1o be scheduled on a Design Review Board agenda you must address the above concerns satisfactorily. Upon verification that the above comments have been addressed satisfactorily you will be scheduled on the soonest available Design Review Board agenda. Warren Campbell Planner ll Cc: File Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us December 11, 2003 Steven Riden PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 Re: 42698 Nugget Lane/Lot 4, Re-subdivision ol Lots 10 and 1 1, Bighorn Estates Mr. Riden, This letter is being sent to inform you of several comments Town staff and the Design Review Board have regarding your recenl submittal for a dormer addition, interior remodel, deck expansion, and new driveway/parking area at 42698 Nugget Lane. The following comments should be addressed in the revised materials which will need to be submitted.o I handrail will be required per building code on the stairs leading to the front entry. Please show the design and location of the proposed handrail.. Please show the location of the SO-foot Gore Creek setback and the location of the 1O0-year floodplain on the survey and site plan. Design Review Board commenls form December 3, 2003 meeting:. The Helmering's and McCue's need to work together to establish a coordinated landscaping and paking plan for the front of the duplex residence.. The proposed parking area should be shifted to the west lo provide greater assurances that the existing evergreen trees along the property line will survive.. Suggested lempered glass as a better solution to plexi-glass in the rear deck railing.. Would like 1o see the stone on the east elevation extend further. Suggested the potential for going past the meter and stepping the malerial down.. Suggesled the addition of a mullion in the triangular window in the proposed dormer.. The struclure needs to be repainted.. All railings on the structure will need lo match. Including the rear decks. The Helmering's and McCue's musl agree on a style for the deck railings. Public Works comments:. Must meet sight dislance triangle requirements. The site distance requirement for backing out onlo a roadway is measured at 15 feet from the edge of asphalt. Please adiust and revise. A revocable right-of-way permil is required for improvements within the Town of Vail right-of-way (steps, vehicle parking area, landscaping, etc.) A note has been added to the olat. {S *"n"ttor ro . A vehicle stop must be installed al the end of the parking area which is a minimum of six inches in height. This can be a curb, boulders, ect.. Retaining walls within a front setback are nol permitted to exceed 3 feel in height. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. For Public Works questions or comments please conlact Leonard Sandoval al 970-479-2198. In order to be scheduled on a Design Review Board agenda you must address the above concerns satisfactorily. Upon verification thal the above comments have been addressed satisfactorily you will be scheduled on the soonest available Design Review Board agenda. With regards, r r,ttt t1 [ ll/l 4llmrut',t tfg1tt@ Warren Campbell IPlanner ll Attachment: Copy of letter dated December 10, 2003 to Robert and Harriet McCue Cc: File Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us October 10, 2003 Robert and Harriet McCue 4269 Nugget Lane Vail, CO 81657 SENT VtA CERTIF|ED MA|L #7002 3150 0005 3042 4521 Re: McCue residence located at 4269 Nugget Lane/Lot 3 Bighorn Estales Hesubdivision Lot 10 & 11 Mr. and Mrs. McCue: I am writing this letter to inform you that at the December 3, 2003, Design Review Board meeting, where a conceptual review of your proposal for the approval of the illegal improvements to the front of your residence were presented by your representative Rich Brown, the Design Review Board passed a unanimous motion directing you to remove the soil which was placed within the stream banks of the Gore Creek; to return the rear patio to the design which was approved by the Design Review Board on November 6, 2002 and amended on December 18, 2002; and to complete the inslallation of the railing on the deck which was opened when the stairs were removed. I have attached the previous Design Review Board Action Forms with their appropriate conditions. In addition, the Design Review Board required the retaining wall for your illegally constructed parking area lo be removed from the west side of the existing large evergreen tree and a certified arborist report should be obtained to verify the condition and any damage the tree may have sustained. The Design Review Board, in their motion, required that all the above work and an arborist's report be completed with 45 days of December 3, 2003, which calculates out to be January 17,2004, as the date for having all the issues resolved. The Design Review Board will only review the proposal for the landscaping and parking improvemenls to the iront of the residence after the more immediate issues listed above are addressed. Code Enforcement action will proceed if the items listed above are not addressed and a complete Design Review application forlhe remaining improvements is not submitted by January 17,2003. The Board also directed the representatives for both sides of the duplex to work together to creale a coordinated landscaping and parking plan for the front of the residences. {S r"n*oruo The Board also expressed great concern over the condition of the exterior of the home including a hole in the stucco on the northwest corner of the home and the need to paint the entire structure. The Board acknowledged that the completion of these two items could occur at a later date, however, they should be planned to be addressed in early spring. lf you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. Town staff has been attempting to work towards a resolution for several months and Code Enforcement is becoming the only remaining action the Town can take to resolve this issue. With regards, Warren Campbell Planner ll Attachments: November 6,2002 Design Review Board Action Form December 18,2002 Design Review Board Action Form Cc: File Rich Brown, Brown-Wolin Construction Itwo* Ja'vwat ?<da* A.t. A. Arcltt"ct ?.C. ?,O,90x1298 Vail.C0 Bl6rB't2tB q70-q4Q-4t21 q7O-q4q'OtO4lax sriden@vail,net, ?ecember ll,2OOt Iown of Val 0 e p artnenL ol CatnuniI4 2 ev elapmenN 7, Sanh7radrqeRoad Vatl, Cdorado 81617 aLln; Warren Canpbell 2ear Mr, Canpbell, Ihts leLlnr is Lo conlirn a deeiqn dialqe beLween Raqmmd and 2ris Helnertrg ad Rbert and ?wriet, McCue, 5rh that lhe detiqn vocabulNq ( detaD pre*rited b4 Ihe Aelmerinqt Lo lhe ZetiqnRevtew Ooard of lhe fown d Vail on?ecenber lTth 2OO9 becone lhe cordinated desiqnbatiz lor Lhe duplex at 426q NuopeLLane, V atl, Cdqado Wrne tn include landecapirq, parkirq, ail rdainqe r' the etreeL oide of +he loL and railirqfronl andback as well at lhe extnrtr dd'ail ad cdor of the duplex, 5tncerelq, 5teven James ?'tden A,l,A, NchtlrcN ?,C, ?arLiesbelow tioy, in 4reemert: Raqnad andQqvl,elnerir'o1 ?ate QkerL and\arieL McCue 2atg E/C,L/OR/V ESTATE.TOl,yA il,4i;irt!),; ;:,lii.i:.];i:.:,'/t 1.,.,.'..:i'i'jj .t \ 1. _7 i _7 ;'' !' ;i i:i N i::l ::: .l'.i);:i. rt,jrr;N tf*" 7 ac. trto "ah*7r'a 2ao 5/cY/ ?ra /4ae -(7'y4tm/) ' ,r//1, h"\- \ j.i :, It,) | | t\ ..;\| | t.\ v."--' f/"ie-Itrrt l/a/ o'5o' "1,:v'/ ,""* -z- greos.9-6-- .s s' -- F-=J.*?S:-_=_\ qo o€os qn4 92. oo..€ Aeoo .a.* 'uoe64.a <4/V€ 1-,i'r,'\) .r t-\-rtl t\ \ nfr'fi" t ilttr'2 *,, ,Sosamtnl l-t,, t/ooo I "o-1,E^/1,..., .,tt7. lllull,, ,,ilM 44/4e.ry.rt., o /o{3ac (!, d''-';qF.s'i{,*," i,r z s,bz,t Slrcco y' Framc. \lNi vt(' ''ooS o{!i,titltt,',,rf,lffN 'illt'z s*o / ,'i;l tuen*rf ,tlilV&scn*rf,ftEca I Par.lf,l, llt.tt;?- Al,, ,ttllV o\t 2 Shry .\i €htcco {fro*t'-', )}, :t.'-',ga$,:i:r': -' lPTl0ll3r (l) A portfon of Lot lO, Blghorn Ertatet, Ergla County, Colondo dcacflbcd rt brglnnlng rt tht .ott t{ortcrly cornor of rrld lot l0r thancc 3 35'l7tgg" E along the Souttrm]trrl! llnr ol rrld Lot 28.00 f.at to a polnt of curv.; thcncc 3outhcactcrly 1t.60 foct along thc erc of ! 75.00 foot ; .redlur cuivG brhor. crntrrf anglc ls 3'30'51,' cnd whosc long chord.bcrru 3 l7'02r25r' E [.60 frbtS thcncc il 5t'52ro2r' E 9&.81 fort; thoncc il 40'07tgg't E 70.81 f.3t to r polnt on th. llorthcrrtrrl llnc of rald Lot l0l thcncc il 56'l3t0l" l{ along rrld tlorthaert.rly llnt 17.18 foct to tho,. llorthrlt Corncr of rrld Lott thcnec S 54o43tgq" u along thc tlorthwortrrly llnr of rrld Lotl.',,' t54.19'fc6t'ro thc Dolnt'of 'trtglnnthij, contrlnlng-4678.0 tqurft feGt or 0.1074'cGre3 IFFI o? r,: lctr. ll-r,.r,..rr--,...r.r, (2) A portlon of Lot 10. Blghorn Eltrt6r, Eaglc County, Colorrdo ducrlbcd m cocnnclrig et thr,.-.:/ !'.r..':Tt.."irV mott lftttGrly corner of reld Lot 10, thmca 3 t!'lTtgqrt E rlorg thr Southnrrtrrly llnr of rrtd j /.t j.--.r..r_...?j-jr.!,r, Lot 28.00 fcit to a pofnt ol currc; thrnce Southcrttcrly l.60 icot rloog thc.rc of r 75.00 "'ti'-'l:-ti '',;i-"!\.r rrdlur curya to thr lrft nhorr ccntnl rnglc ls 3r30r5ltt rnd vtiotc long chord bcarss r7'o2t25tt E t.60 f..t to th. truG polnt of bcalnnlng; thcncr lt 5t'52'02" E 9ll.8l fceti thcncr N 40'07tggt' E 70.81 fcct to e polnt on thr llorth.$trrly llnr of rrld Lot 103 thencr S 66'13'01'r E rlong rrld llortheartrrly llno 11.25 fcct; thrncr S ll'l?rtOr' l| 167.5t fart to rpolnt of curvr on thr Southw.rtorly llnc of cald Lot; thrnce tlorthurrt.?lV 15.80 fcrt rlong tho'.i .;,1 .rrG.of ..75.00.footrradlu: curw to thr rlght whole ccntnl anglo lr.ltl59t09'r, drd.rhoto.*lqrg,i ,..F,'.1 ,;.,'.i:,i'",'9j',+tchord bcrrr'il 56'l7i25rt y 45.09 f.ct to thc tnr. polnt of brgtnnligri'oofitrlnlng.55lh!.iiitrrS'.';:'*"-;.'r' -jis.:'ll;'.:. :-fcct or 0;1267 airct mrc or lcrl. t ."r:,. .,'. . ',1'; '" :-'-3??t*" n-,,,r|t,'l' ii:;'ii':fi,:., i,flfcct or 0;1267 aircr mrc or lcrl. t .':: ' .'r{''" ""1 \- (3) A portlm of Lot t0, Blghort Ertotcr, Eaglc Cornty, Colorado dorcrlbrd rr,comnclng at tho pcrforrrd arG corract rnncth E.R I che rdr Rag I rtcrad Profcrr lonel Eng I ncor Land Survryor tlo. 218! ; - )\*_ t' A porclqt ot Lot lqr Blgnom f.ttrtc3, Lrgtc corsrty, colorldo 6rc?lDa6.l|,colnnclng at tno /-_ _ ,. / \ p:t-Y.::.Ilv^arnrr of 1tl Lot 10,-.th1cc-s 35'17'ss" E_rlons.thc southwrttcrtv !ln!:l *ldiO,A,Ae,/+, / ;\ Lot 28.00 fcrt to a polnt of curvc; thcnc. south..rtcrly 50.40 fcct rlmg thr rrc of r 75.00tj}' / ,/ \foot rrdlur curvc to thc lcft rhorc ccntrel anglc lt 38'30'00" rnd whorc long chord burr 'T' / -/- b$.t-'32!00'. E 49.45 fcct to r polnt of tangent, whlch lr thc truc polnt of bcAlnnlngi thGn6 d--,- ll [fTRlO'E 167.5{ foct to a polnt on thc }lorthcsrt.rly llnc of rrld Lotl thcnca S 66'13'01il E along rald llorthcrrtcrly llno 3.lt fcct; thcnc. S 26'l!100" tl 1t9.65 fc.t *i.;rolnt on thc Scpthtcrtcrly llnc of atld Lot l0; thcncc tl 7r'47r00" lf rlorrg reld Soutlrfr llnc,56.15.frat.:to.tho;truc'polnt of brglnnlng, conttlnlng ltll.9 rqurr! fcrt'o? 0;'l0lt{ npro or?lcrto ; :r"' 'i ,',-, .'. rry (4) A portlon of Lott l0 end ll, Blghorn Eltrtcr, Eeglc County, Colondo drscrlbrd er courtnclng.'thc rplt lrcrterly sornrr of rrld Lot 10, th.nc. S 35'17.00rt E alorg thc gouthwrrtrrly llnrtald Lot 28.00 f..t to a golnt of curvc; thcnc. Southcrrtcrly 50.40 fcct along tht rrc of " a 75.00 foot radluc curvc to thc lcft rrrhorc qcntral anglo lr 38"30'00'r rnd nhosc long ctrord ,:.bcarc S 54'32'00" E t9.45 fc.t to a polnt of trngcnt; thmcc S /!'lTtqgtt E rlong rald i,rlsouthrc3t.rly llna 15.26 fcct to th. truc polnt ol bcAlnnlng; thrncc il 26'13'99" E 119.65 frtilfto ! polnt on thc llorthoartrrly llno of reld lot lOi thcnco S 66olttOlt' E slong:rldEo ! POInE gtr tnc ilOfEnattE.rly lln. Ot llld Lof lgi tncncc 5 60-ll'0l" E slong 3rld , 't.',.+;'t{orthcstt.rly llno 6.81 tcct to the llorth.art Corncr of reld Lot 10, whtch lr ihc ltort}nrcttC F* corncr ol: Lot ll; thelcc- coni!;i.r!;g g-1€'t:tnttr t rlalg lhq Northrrrtirlv llnl--Ol.:rld-Lot 18.65 fcstl th.ncc S 23'32r00rr l, 145.20 fect to thc South*rlt cornrr of rrld Lot ll. whldl I ccrtlfy th.t thc survGy of EIGHORN ESTATES T0VNHOUSES wrtl97l rnd that tht plrt and lcgal darcrlptlonr thonn htrconturwy. Proprrty plnt rnd crpr wara lct !r rhorn. .: ia" ' :. .'l €t of I ^.- TO4VA/HOU,SE U4P oF &7 /o I P4tr oF/pr// g/€HOF N Es7/4 TES aUE D/lt/g/r E4€/8 CQU/YTA COLOEIDO. PREPAiEO 8Y RICHARDS - }IUFFSTUTLER ENOINEERSI INc.'P. O. BOX 649; VA|L, COLORADO 6laa' 47A-AO72 SCALE: / ritc'h . zo M suRvEY aY kE,e./a.zrr4 DATE: t.22.7/ DESTON BY: DATE: DRAWN BY: GtrII4 OATE. ,.217/ CHECI(ED BY: /TE.R DATE: 224.7/ SuBl'llTTEO BY: fin** .^Proiect Application Date Aa.'/,,7q i ProJect Name: Project Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone owner. Address ano pnonts, (', '<lt*=T il / ' " ' * Architect.AddressandPhone: 'j,'{,,'! i,,.,'--5'1 i",')1"'"'! ik.( f'/1'''"/4i'/ 2'/'Fiting i ) ,.!.1 | '. //li'J.ZoneLegal Description: Lot Com menls: Design Review Board Date /z'/?- 'r j Motion by: Seconded by: (rl^o.o, ) \__----.-l D ISAPPROVA L Summary: ,,fr ,,rt, Approval 76499r Itl,'rJt,'tl;J IU:OI 'cI'J r.l lKl l'I l, Lt-lKr , F irrse Br i ner tI!JT +IJAU fri!zler.to,.r- l rt'i Auov : A&tbr/ 1,,-J vtn n4y\L W4\t- *uwOp*l n v I'r-- -F\BiatIA .1,.- Wl etu-. Au"^";;,^ alr-^L; I ExTffiFJG- 4EE..aIDENCE _T L --- aL,^N- *'TIZTAZ*- ll ll li ,I liil ii rl li t:t' ii o -MX zr'A"J-,-T :::JFln)+{l | . 7n/.M I-fJfJ 9awa'.&ddctwa-w4 ,a, ,JHH7: I.'-'-rr.t rrf -,.-1 '-i--''':* dt*J+..ir.l ,,1, Y I I Jf>fuf'aY : II,I It,t:I JaLr ! J8 €? Ja I d ' JNr'11 dT {T}IT Jr I z a ! Jl rlClrF Trl11 lLTC.Ct ' .,.;', Tc: nT {:ri,ctt.rlT r E 6i9ltses -7-qt4t+.. a2HAdlaH-9NJJr"ll5,a _r___ _l III DEFRBTMENT EF .E@MMUNITV DtrVEL@FMENT slz siz n|2 sf" irvr ill2 Nv,zs zs zs zs zs as x SALES AcTloN FORM 01 0cc0 41J30 t 00c0 4:54C f z$rrNc AlrD ADC.iESS UApS 1 0c00 42+15 19e3 UNtFoflt Bu[3tNo ccDE 1 CCCC 421i5 frs:: uHrcau PLUHEINC CCDE l CCCC 42+iS 1SE3 UNIiCRII UECITANICAL CCDE 0't 0c30 4z+is lrsae uxricau RR: cclE | 0000 42415 l:saz NAJ]CNAL rCn|CAL CODE 1 0c00 42115 0i:.i11 ccDE EocKs 1 0000 41548 IJJE PRINTS (MI1IRS) 01. 0c00 12+i2 0x coFt:s ./ sruons 1 oooo lztzt RIALTY B / R:-INSTEC]ION 10000 11322 HOURS INSPECNON FE coNTSAgioRs UCA]SES fEES : 0c00 41330 OTHER FEE5 0t 0000 41413 .SIGI lP?Llclflolr COMIfENTS: -.2::;(.)'.4,-/,,i t',.)_. 4::o4t- 4ti74/ z cr,,,. /ol +( a tesuMtut*4z" d r /O d' '// \tr"ti''t\ \". \) //az,b//thv3l G'r'Pcyr/. 111o73,/2t 77 Stra E-, - \ d7r7,/r t **RE|\TISED 6llg/9t** DESIGN REIITEW BOARD AGETIDA intNE 19, 1991 3: 00 P.M. IT|ORKSESSION: 10: 00 l.!1. SITE VISTTS: 1:00 P.M. PITBLIC BEARING: 3:00 P.M. WORKSESSION - 10:00 A.M.: Town of vail Streetscape Plan - Walking tour of Lionshead toEast Village, overview of project and review of materials. Addresses the general area from E. Lionshead Cir. to Ford Park, and includes W. Meadow Dr., E.,Meadow Dr., Willow BridgeRd., Gore Creek Dr., Vail valley Dr., Bridge St., and Hanson Ranch Road. **************t****i*******t*t*t***********:tt*****!r******t**t**** SITE VISITS - 1:OO P.M.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 11 L2 ABC School - 129 Mountain Bell Road King Resid. - 1481 Aspen Grove Lane Chanonix SDD - 2211 N Frontage RoadTinber Creek - 2883 Kianickinnick RoadEernreich -2694 Larkspur Court Breeze Ski Rentals - 541 W Lionshead Circle Lionsbead Miai Golf - Base of Born Free ExPresscurtin/siLl - 244 gtall street Eubcab Brewery - 143 E Ueadow DriveGastoff Gransbamner - 231 Bridge StreetBridge Street Cbarlie's - 304 Bridge StreetEinelfarb/Eelnering - 4269 E Nugget Lane ****i***********************r*************t***********t********** AGENDA - 3:00 P.M. : 1. Charnonix SDD JR/KP 2211 N. Frontage Road/Lot 1, Block A, Vail Das Schone 3rdFiJ.ing, a resubdivision of Vail Das Schone lst Filing. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat HerringtonVOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions. .\ 18. Himelfarb/Helmering - 250 Addition Ji(/$'l 4269 East Nugget Lane/Lot 4A, Resub. of Lots 10 and 11, Bighorn EstatesMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED 19. Timber Creek - Addition of Garage SM 2883 Kinnickinnick Road,/Lot 8, Block 4, Intermountain Swim and TennisMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO JULY 3RD MEETING. MEMBERS PRESENT: EMBERSABSENT.: Ned Gwathmey Sherry Dorward George LambPat Herringt.on Ludwig Kurz (PEC) STAFF APPROVALS: Lot 9 - Mulhearn Group - Changes to approved plan.Lot 9, Glen Lyon Sundial, ParceI #4 - CoLor Change.Parcel 4, Sundial Phase I The Valley II Mitigation Design - Create debris flow berm/ditch. The Valley, Phase II Letven 250 request - Move 14 s.f. from dining room to entry.Lot 2, vail Village 3rd Ball-esteros Dormer - Add dormer to Unit #E-310. Northwoods Condo. Simba Run - Enclosure of breezeway and conversion of storage space into a conference/neeting room of approx. 1605 sq. ft. Lots 5 - 10, Block C, Lions Ridge Subdivision Village on Bighorn - Modifications to Unit *4, expanded dining room and master bedroon, deck addition e window changes.Lot 1, BJ.ock 7, Bighorn 3rd *Tf*-og, /!1,44,,,,,,, EsrcN REx/rEw BoARD AGENDA pn sa b r,( i:"- '': l.lAY 15, 1991 .tt.r /i 3:00 P.M.*Revised 5/L5l9L SITE VISITS12:00 P.u. AGENDA 1 glerthein - 77{ Potato Patcb Drive2 waecherle - 173 Lionsridge LooP3 Days Inn - 2211 N Frontage Roadtl Kloser - 21166 Garcnieb Drive5 Kinball - 1915 West Gore Creek Drive5 Lionshead Uercbants - East t West Lionehead Entries? Concert EaII Plaza - 616 lfegt Lionshead Mall8 Shannon - 245 Forest Road9 Vail vitlage Transportation Center - 24L trrontage Rd W.10 Teuecher - 925 Fairray Drive11 Town of Vail Snow Durnp - 1289 vail Valley DriveL2 Bernardo - ATL8 Meadow Drive Werthein - Satellite Dish ?74 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 11, Block 2, resubdivisionLot ?, Vaif Potato Patch. MOTION: George LambVOTE: 5-0 SECOND: Gena whitten BRof Approved with conditions:1. Plant eight 8t aspen 2" caliPer evergreen 8' minimum height.2. Dish color to blend with Lie wal] rninimum and two behind dish. 2. Iionshead Merchants Banners & Awning BR Located at east & west Lionshead entries and on existing canopy.MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Approved with conditions: 1. The Town of vail will not be responsible for rnaintenance of the banner or awning. 2. Lion logo to be modified. 3. Kimball - New Primary/Secondary Residence AK 1915 west core Creek Drive/Lot 28, Vail village lrlest 2nd MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 5-0 Approved: Design Review Board recommends that the applicant clusterlandscaping in front yard with edging. 4. Waeckerle - New Single Family Resj"dence7?3 Li.onsridge toop/l,ot 1, Lionsridge Filing #2 MOTfON: George Lamb SECOND: Pat HerringtonVOTE: 5-0 Approved with conditions. 5. Conceptual Review of Town of Vail Snow Dump 1289 vail Valley DriveMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual, no vote taken. 5- Timberfalfs Unit *402 - Deck Enclosure 4495 East Meadow Drive, East VailMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: WITHDRAWN 7. Manor Vail - Lobby expansion 595 East Va1l VaIIey Drive/Lot A, vail vi11a9e lsl MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 5-0 Approved. 8. Hime.Ifarb - 250 request JK 4259 East Nugget Lane,/Lot 4A, Bighorn Estates Resub. ofLots 10 & 11.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: AK AK AK AK TABLED TO JUNE sTH MEETING ' ' :-.',i.'';-;i-3- f-< '.-r-- - Elz 5xtsn,v4 Cort/otzaa.tS Vrz/ /7// Phabs frorn u/iz/rm4aty 25o l7plrazia4 .fuV,,/ra kr4 cdr TvtAEAulA-l 4j"s I l7Q t o 4"::'. .." 6^ ,,il.q" t. \2,'' /! / l_:riitr . ' ,n,D l'. q i tit--,- []-''l;i i,l iii t,l ,,1 !.'\' rl 'Lj 'l' i r'::,.J.l-, I-t:t: - a-y:,.' l,:.,.;iJ .T kq \\i ,l4-:- Ir' ; '7'-b'-T----'.i- -- ' n. Fl:) i i ,.1 I t; .za ta,A ',4,-i4.'b "-'-- - ---.---fi "' i'', t '1 -r-';SP.#!-l)1!itE;!| \ t ),.' oo 4\ \ N . 4-a t.l-- " --'/ lill I i I f - i{qi \i+r i,VwP" t=-^--;-----'f\ \ i-1frcj,t-rrJ iel-ftr'aJAu 0u' 0\ ,ln(' V (*:n t^t4x+e:) $o|fr'v ..o( \> ,hNt,+ti* ,:)r\ Pt,., u'J'Y .rfffi{rn.*!.!1,-r $ $t$ { }lr-ll zn i-F- r'l .Nx\r tIF,NIvl I\lr>t U -l---t J J( { \s, f" .t l \l s". Iz S a-I -; \\\ _] Ll 1il-- Ili*7i aii$i\\la. rl ltI:I 1 --: I J \T--4"+r $ $I -- --1 Vr'ti,itr i I I I I I ,I il -- 0\ -"'o i$t t*$$ $r $sao $ j'r \,, Q;4 ir\\- \ '. - 'Jl \ \--i^U\' t.t r-.. .. r\_ _ __--_ \\ --__-- .0 (\ ) Ft 6v I G J $f\-l-i TL Y^Y ,--.--+-< l-(* I L, I *-- f r, r- i--l-frl- $i ..a3 s4 )qI 0 \z $$ilt tli iiil ON 7sx I $ .J X\ :"t ^.\ -\ 0_ l \) ) \\ *\ t..( \\ t:- a -.*-) I I <:-.zt (i Y'i'l t)\$ rO T*q.st\s ho..-$ \t\+' ,*)-.--:=:. '1r'XU _lr'l #'V o f IY af,3\9o$iJ3Jr$(Y o 'I I i I J. 4 d\l {. $ Ks I,,,i\ ;J ,ll llItrlrl 1l $<,( 't \tr qs 6n z 0r I\r c ,'Q'? NIr. .r\(l) ,/ .x \g ^.\' , ' --$,.-'>ffifl'q*rr$ \o ^+ F. r- T--I a" .g ,\-i-i{):X: lr9i \-l;L-{- r- t$ 'J2 F !L J c a {l "JvI Fzn' d j .l++:*, \l I , ,d d + .l z.1--4. -.-)u- Iz 0fI-A \ n 7.J C\ i I I I a o.j \tN,l s.x$i^ \\'.r{. \9: d\ trl:tr ll r-- -. \- ttIi.+- i I i .i I:l i.l I ':::-l ._; i.-.i----- --- . ,- ---. -1rg-bl i tt, I I > .*it ..ta .x.itY ftw.i\-1- '-'f- l_ _t \ sb. $ o\ Jv.+ \ o \N\s -t\\a,,l h' t): ill4.\\ , 4, {l-t' Q; I T,z $$ >t\ riN dlz, i5x sJz[ x\ s. "'/ <\ .\ 0_ _l \) \\ -] ni \) , \ I, $,$.9$\9 j\t: -S4 \.r\\-:.. - ..-\ --- 4 \tt * d I I ,Ll.(* Jg*lgp.::,:' ,:,ffi '!o iffil"* 'id - *# 15,-^r-ir t q-- -----l - -=q*-fs $.-_St$;t l.'o'-*ilffi+,{i'ffi t"rs l*r:*Fffi--i-=fl+ --\_--' , \''. h; ffi :t kll t-----ifl $ Kl lT.i ra)*l I r. t'i .-. - ':*.fi-;.qg$-.r;::'}-.S:,1"{ \ isr lfl '\cti b.{'i $ .x. --1ig=tts: li : zr'fr: - --Tfr-{, ."'l{l "'li,$l il$ :;Nl ll$l ,J,- i-H 'Qi*-"S-:f -_ i . :: : ji :- f'uj'.::L.;r+l-.:.:-i -':l:,';:.1 -:' dj- :.,;. . "^ at&r:';r; ^'!t'' :; ::.'i'iiT{:F-|i;;i'tr's.i;:s&i;i;r*+!c;.sitrj I t-. - '- i -xl:l - II i---.2l-'Il-.:I-',ri .--- .ih=il1 €F-;l-i i :r.$f \ll +- .I i__._ - r-!.-+---..|.--..-.-.-r -- ):7,i rH- '!,!) e. ,,a:e i. -*-)l't'i i,r OO, I21 \ :'@ ols "d,i .F:e + ' ak ii ,nlqoz.n., *l;r i,l.'.1:--ffl .i,---l', \ -\-. / S=c, lfl x ,r F lx\i ifl fr t.'--'fi -' =11 F&:'1f*"'h*Et#rr'srfLs'rufrrrs, .tt - |9u!,sb ,'ia"z ':- .t .-e-/, ff;r- l-*$4ry{ i: o,Ifl l'd r,)-,--=h..--. ^---fi'..; -. w. -t?f$,fi "<.>1d,,ff,fl ?,,?,11^f ,,Q-, ffiii i$'s\rlr-- t-- -t1 :-iz\ ill I lll\. lll | t'li , r.../'' .El --f-- # , ,| | Fi,ibf__-=+ fil , l_-\ffi ,) b? ., ,,':ii.;'i{ .:l,rrll.r.i"j..lii:jirj ,:.1i.j,". ..-. i.:ii , . ' '''lijiij -'"1; "it/, r,':ij'i"-,,, /i:? i.,' i:]' ::i;..: "'i .-- t 66'4-9!3 ,4* 42 ion o5o 0a/toa9t tt oa fi,f s(Nl" {';il; '"ot o $\ at c .tl '1. ,;,#,*r' 'V, f,'\ --.r----____ ;.f ;; . Pf, " ${fr -*nii,,,6oFE *lc 1ffN,t:* -azll \r d T s h s\ \* , r'-1 i"' .... ;.,..i\," ir i ".::; t {t N $co: Pra,J NU6CET LANE Fpr. E'31 if:lE HPF 0I '91 lt:"13 ':r3!-rTE-lgtrl APPLI CAT ION FOR PRO?ERTIES IN '-tr|'lTl ltr' tr:- rFTi- ril f trJl i-Fii:'i EflZ-I4"{f-?E[q P.i FOR ADOITIOfiAL -,,FA gXCESS OF ALLOI/ADLE GRFA Ddte of Appl tcsuon /'8'7/ Date of DRB Heetlng._?/5 q( PRE-APPL I CATION- Q.CriFEithC E A pre.rppl lcatlon ccnference wir;h r. trieriber Of ihe planfllng it0f f ls rtrOnglyencouFaged to dlscuss tie;:'r',rriars.,nder which addltionil GRFA can Uc rdoldt0 i 3lto. It shoulc be ;ndersrocd ii;dt th'l s croin0nae doat no'" assure each groprrtylr^additlonol 25C-gqrrre f eet of .rRFA, Rather', th€ ,,' d jnance o'l1owE for !g t; 3!9, fquar.e tgg! I f s€ria i.'r cor:d i tf ons e.e net. Appl'lcat,iOng f0r additirrr,5 u.Ou. thls s. 'J0n will not bA accepted rrn'l crr ths.y!ra cornPlete. Thig rnclr.rdc$ a'l I 'i nforr:r ion requi red on thi: iorm is t{iit -ii 0cslgn Rtview Board s,.tbrritral requir"eme:ilg. ^ n r(,\A, PcU''ir-[T,,t5CftiF]J.jtr;:f€it-'gc { 'r'!' Snfi ,.,'.'rltr;j" 'ee$'" t 0f Ctrplex L-,"iI lON 0F Adrlress F it,lF;SAt: ,i269 E lV$e: :rne 1,, ,l roa.,.,,.rl,". ;^a i-.,,ri.: lliril ic' _, ^ii*s;ldiviijo. ;1i 1i .i t. 3if;,::..-11 -*atoct--_. _i1) ir!isgr!as D, l{fu!E :. I n.;,rL I cA]iT ;1,.:,. I hrs tbirruriry Addi.rs s Ir/+1t 0F ArJdrgS 5 iffi! t;1r1;13 "'E;q" AP:I.iCANi 5 F.EPFES[\;ATIVEi brrn r"Et f -€. i nJ i':i1,,10. 81657 r. ltAJ4t 0i r;krlER(5 j:Al1", :. f; Ei. . thons 3'3&-7W1 _phonc 476-W tt t --\, Lr^l5lgnaturei s) . _f1 42i-*h:.1,^l_tr__ Il! f!l1o*llg infonrrailon, in Eddttio,r to $RB submittal r"gqurr,61;rents. shall berequlred with thls subrnrttal: l. Vsr{ficltlon that th€ unit has rccelvcd e flnai certiftcotc of occuponcJ,2. Nrmcl and malllng addregses of odJacent prsp€rty cwnerg and of orntre ofunltt on the sani 'lot. tnie lnro'rnatton'rs'iviit;bi; i.om-trra ilgii-ciuntyAisossor,s office. l:Cres s 12.$? i 'r---!:€t :.ine F, f ll {ng Fee of glf,l,Cl is r-equlred at tfnre of suLr:l!,t{,i Condomln'lum rSsociotlon appr-oval (if appl.tcable). Exlgt l"g floor p'lan of sfructure. Your proporal Hil'l be revlewcd for compllance with vail,s compre,;nslve plrn, 3. 4. 6. FPR 65 '9r 11r44 3rg3-4?r-!?,trl APPLICATION FOR PROPERTIES I}I FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALIO|./AELE GRFA oate of nprl icat;on;ff '?/ Date of DRa Meetlng.1'./5.?L PRE-APPL ICATIOII CONFERENC€ A pre-appl.lcati.on conference with i member of the planning staff Js strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which addition;l GRFA can Ue aidldto a slt€. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each propertyan-additionll 25Q-square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for.cp tb?50 square. f€et if certain conditions are met, Applicat-ions for additions under thls section will not be accepted unless thevare.complete. _This includes alt information required on this ?orm ii wiit-iiDeslgn Revier Board submittal requlrsnents, A. PROJECT DESCRIPTIOI{:Erclose entry ared to rEt h '.esr l of duplex B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 4269 E ltugget LarE D. c,NAJ.|E 0F AppLICAilT: Ray & Oris fblrering Lega'l Descrlptlonr Zone Dlstrict ; -'^ ... Elock_Fil ing Address 128@ Toppirq NN'IE OF Address APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE;John tblnening 4496 E. ttsadov Orive Vail, C0.81657 NA'"|E 0F OINER(S):Alan & Breula Himllfarb hone 314-€92-re1 476ffi E. i* F, Ff llng Fee of $'t00.00 is requlred at time of submtttal ,py',ru/- a!. He/r,rrrq y'-ySzd,W.^bThe followtng informationr Jn addition to ORB submittal requirenents, shall be (t?.r,il',requlred wlth thls submittal: ' 'Y'rv ' ',,er I vit ,nr,1u- la\t. Verlflcatlon that the unit has received a finai certificate of occupancy. t$1{1, J2' Nanes and malllng addresses of adiacent property_owners and of owncrs of FtljrAd'il$r;l,ln;riil;.t"r. This jnroimiii6n'ii'iviirili';'i"om-tne Eisii-c6untv urr,. 3. Condomlnlum assocjation appr.oval (if applicable)"4. Existlng floor pian of structure. Slgnature(s ) Address Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's hone 476-n11 G.Comprehenslve Plan. ADJACENT PROPEBTY OWNERS TO 4269A NUGGET I,ANE 42698 NUGGET LANE - Robert G. and Harriet S. McCu"''/ Box 530Eureka, Kansas 67045 4259A NUGGET LANE - Robert L. KandeIL /.319 Fort WashinEton BIvd. l/Fort Washington, NY 11050 42598 NUGGET LANE - Patrick D. and Mary P. Dunahay 3965 South Mariposa Street Englewood, CO 80110 427gA NUGGET LANE - Lawrence C. Harris l./ Box 1714Rosewell, NM 88202 42798 NUGGET LANE - cWP Investnents ,,/X Don Graeber 1301 High StreetDenver, CO 80218 \ut\ \ s\r**o\ \tr\u.\\-R ".}tR-it=\\*N\s\N \-\\t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town ofVail will hold a public hearing on May 15, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an additionaJ- 250 aquare feet of GrossResidential Floor Area for the Hilmelfarb residence located at 4269 East Nugget Lane. Lot 4A Resubdivision of l-0 & L1, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. AIan & Brenda Himelfarb The applications and information about the proposals are availablein the zoning adrninistrator's office during regular office hoursfor public inspection. TOV{N OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VaiI Trail on April 19, 1"991. APPLror0N FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOhIABLE GRFA 'i Date of Appl Date of DRB flt']J,L) ls strongly can be added assure each property lows for .Ug to lcatlon l.leetl n PRE.APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-applfcation conference with a member of the planning staff encouraged to dlscuss the provisions under which additlonrl GRFAto a slte. It should be understood that this ordinance does not an addltiona] 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance a'l 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applications for additlons under this section wtll not be accepted unless they are complete, Thls inc'ludes al'l information required on thls form as well as Deslgn Review Eoard submittal requirements. A, PROJECT by nnving OESCRIPTION: |4ake kithen area Iivable (and duplex ercterior nnre wal l fron 6 feet under eves to end of eves on Bl ock 8. .LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Descrlption: Zone Dlstrlct C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Rav anO Ooris fbtnprirn - Address tznnz rnnning m"*" phone__lgljl-@pl_ D. NME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Jdn l-blrerirg Address 44% F^qr no rku thivp Vait, cn- hone_li03l4z5g0_ E. NME 0F 0I{NER(S): I n+Fi I ins H Signature(s) Add res s hone F. Flllng Fee of $100.00 ls requlred at ttne of submlttal cl*ck r\h: '1T6 po The foll.owing lnformation, ln addition to DRB submittal requlrsnents, shall berequl red wl th thl s submi tt,a l : l. Verlflcatlon that the unlt has received a finai certlflcate of2, Names and mailing addresses of adjacent property owners and ofunits on the same lot. This information is available from the occuPancy. owners of Eagle County 3. 4. Assessor's office. Condominlum association approval (if appl icable). Exlstlng floor plan of structure. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance wlth Vail's Comprehensive Plan, 'a/ / .' iY-c -)L '-/grf/k^ft 20' a=a'do>'t-- =m i €zm z tf = c+o Fo =ooo Z a-) mt-mc)-i ^l- z o-{ Z \')--lmnz>m --l >or- moI zo ozi o--to Zt--tcT< 1Z I (D 'Tlrzo @t-..Blo Flmvtrlcf 10,ld l(Dl-v,Elu lo13 =l><F t>lC]l0 t3 I TI I I l<t>l-t> l9 l;l<FFt> 3 l;l>l0=Co CLot.ol--r :l<1t,: (Dfln =lYo |,.li ot:ot4 tt<=f-at-tr ;. o oo =o ftrE TTtr <gq zn=-;">t-f- 'n 1,Or z< >; o-'2 zr c)ozU'-{nc C) =ozTm7 ={ --{m IIl@l1[\)lorlll@P f,l mo-{zo r= _:),Jl (.C) t z --t € -im L' =6--lI mm = m mo o x -m --i m :io{x n za r i =2 ()zrooo;;e 33F;;-7tzI5i! ? =' 3 d,.1 ..1lllllltttttlcz@r(D> =9:'XPR!d=;se!EF F?5u@9.i'gi i\;a -e 2l||r z.n€ --tm -{ z 5 9 =oz i m! --l m oc -t c --t z ONtsm^ = Hi 4:;mF io -!n=zoth \', \).)lz ln A n ^2 c k29 - Joo o'nzz{ x rl v< l-t(D k3lo l.D llplon-P.Ft' FEH. Al5 Fp trtrPsH.F}p rDr { m I6 zm c sANis j tr.r- I: \ ii l.N =27i = !s\irrs-3n - 4$. (-\;l$N ; +'-NR\-'sq\ - Lor zzozc f1- zz =z6 -l -.1 Nc;\'nl 3r\ N.i\' t\f I NI --{ --.1 f- m ='Tlmma o m 7c mT I 2 2 m m€ (D tn m _-.t z mm 3mox z5 l- c =2 m mc) o z Imo- @c t- m = m 3:'Tlmma VALUATION 1'm7 =zo moI 2.) c =EDz m m -.1 ^ g Oz NJoo Otoo o) o r\)N)s{(Jl o o o o I\J oc oo l\) f\)ut iJ'rtl J]3 4/&r, '6 o ,*rt"noN nLouesr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEI tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .'bAr - \ro t<NoT's snb wtuel{trSTGR or. UlnttlAL tr rr rl L ,-CT(YISTAI, C\trrN*r "rlrrKS K(jl,-k'e,'xf c(.: or _ P ILL sJ LLfa Dato Ord.rpd --b - l.-=.:.- ."'.1 Denvory Dat€ l&t<.,--rP 1:A2:-}! couNTy RoAD 18 so., Box zoe, pnhrdgror.r, ur.r sssti iereiles-;lEi _/-" *:-"- .fLr" u l,i;lf o !r,*fl Rtst,rlboc-2- Efcvatlotr f;-n-€e€*n*z -r'tri'1:..ria-; .l^ r I,t "l o \Ii I f,-fo,'ee( W,il-D Resrclentt &utl, ,€leoqhoi..,,F- lr-f, o rtl't f" &{- T 'lr/;lf, ,?t,,1+..c. Il;';ril .z-!p,.t t i-T-t i Le . DarK u". .l I ni I T-jtlL_l t_ltlIItlL_l Jt ..-./* E"',',th7 ,4,T1 j, /z - ,t, , Jh*" a Project Name: Proj€ct Description: Owner Address and Phon€: o Prolect Appllcatlon ffi: Legal Oescription: Lot F6" B oF L.r- /a *// Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board Moiion by: Seconded by: /3 DISAPPROVAL-{-r+ff'. APPRovAL j:. Vl;ffo F ";li.u ' IrTSrr{ 8h,,..-{.-*- .i Vl;lfo 'ft'u;.Acs. Irli, ri F/*,....f.,. t .. tt/ct fo ltt't+'-.',t ti ! -. : t''- :' ,'-' "') * :'' --\--': ' ?t.to f7*P6( ,t//rc .l- 2 l In L]_l i----lttl_itlr_t