HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0387.001 asbestos report.pdf Environmental Disaster Restoration , Inc . ECOS Environmental - Glenwood Springs 6690 Hwy 82 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Office - (970) 945-4407 info@ecosenvironmental.com www.ecosenvironmental.com ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT -1,11;NT: Walker,Sam )REss: 12 Vail Road #350 Vail Colorado 81657 1L: sam@mntescape.com f ,NE: 970-401-4217 1`r JOB NUMBER G-18-542-AT )1 ECT LOCATION: 12 Vail Road #350 Vail Colorado 81657 1)\I OF INSPECTION: 10-3-2018 1 o s hi irefnmenlal : = - S( "VINIAR_N ECOS Environmental &Disaster Restoration (ECOS) was retained to conduct an asbestos ine.)ection at the above location in reference to determining if there is asbestos containing material (ACK in building materials that are located in the business premise #350.The inspection was performed in accordance with the Standards of Practice of the Colorado Regulation 8 Part 13 in effect at the rime of this Inspection.This inspection is not intended to be technically exhaustive. The inspection i'Ecluded all accessible building materials in the business premise#350 however,should any additional building materials be discovered during demolition,those materials must be sampled and analyzed prior to continuing with the work. six (6) samples were collected of all suspect materials in the business premise #350,as listed in the Lab Data Table located on Page 9 of this report. The Inspector has prepared this written asbestos Inspection Report for the sole use and bene;it of M. client. The asbestos inspection report shall identify,report, and make recommendations for future evaluation. Client agrees to read the entire asbestos inspection report when received and shall promptly call the inspector with questions or concerns regarding the report.The use of this r:port arid information contained herein by others,in whole or in part,is not authorized without the wr'tten mutual consent of the client and EGOS Environmental. 1 his inspection was performed by Yuri Rivera, Colorado State Department of Public Health and Environment Certification Number 24317. SA\IPLE r1: -DLRE; ECOS collected bulk samples of the homogenous materials in a random and representative Manner, a determined by the Inspector. A minimum of one composite core samples that included all layers will is the suspect material was obtained fromeach homogenous area.Samples of soft friable materials wer:. obtained by removing a small portion using wetting techniques. The sampler cleaned equipn lent following collection of each sample to minimize cross-contamination between samples. The assumed that materials in inaccessible locations were similar to those in accessible locations, in ori et limit destruction during the sampling process.All samples were placed in sealed,labeled containers and the sample descriptions and locations were recorded.Samples were delivered under a chain of custody for analysis to Aerobiology Laboratory in Denver,CO. Samples were analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy. Performance of this asbestos inspection is intended to reduce,but not eliminate, uncertainty regardii the presence of ACBM in connection with the above referenced property. No guarantee is expressed '.r implied that all ACBM was identified in the inspection. Therefore, EGOS Environmental cannot be held accountable for restrictions placed on us by the client,conditions or information that remained unknown,or areas that were inaccessible at the time of the inspection. s ,x.:43\71't)£t£11€;t3t 13k,7wl4;r Eis•a;rtr.£i >,1ssr;, TRANSMITTAL OF BUILDING One (1) copy of the results of the building/structure asbestos survey shall be immediately transmitted the building/structure owner as follows: • One copy of the completed asbestos survey shall be sent by the owner or their agent to the local gove_nment entity charged with issuing a permit for such demolition,renovation,remodeling or repair work under applicable State or local laws. • Tb: completed asbestos survey shall be kept on the construction site with the asbestos no:ification and variance,if required,throughout the duration of the asbestos project and any associated demolition, renovation,remodeling or repair project. BUILDING/SI'RtJ it RI ASBESTOS SURVEY INFORMATION asbestos survey shall,at a minimum,identify and assess with due diligence, the locations, antities,friability and conditions of all building material types at the affected portion of the 44iiding/structure. The certified asbestos inspector is responsible for identification and assessment of ype within the affected portion of the building/structure. building.materials visually assessed shall be assumed to be asbestos containing building material (i\.LBM),uriess bulk sampling is conducted as per standard EPA and OSHA accepted methodologies. I he subsequent analysis is performed by a laboratory that meets the requirements and the analyses trsfies brach CO STATE ELAP and federal requirements, including multi-layered sample analyses, to .••.:ument non-asbestos containing material. u, building/structure asbestos survey shall also include the building/structure name,address, the ;.a lking/structure owner's name and address,the name and address of the owner's agent,the name of He firm performing the asbestos survey and a copy of the firm's current asbestos handling license, the ties of the certified inspector(s) performing the survey and a copy of the current asbestos handling i t icate for each inspector utilized, the dates of the asbestos survey, a listing of homogeneous areas • 4itifyin ,which ones are ACBM, all laboratory analysis reports for bulk samples collected,and copies 'ie appropriate certifications for the laboratory used for analysis of samples taken during the t?Otos survey. REMOVAL-R[2,6U1RE:'VMENT • the building/structure asbestos survey finds that the portion of the building/structure to be :nolisheri,renovated, remodeled, or have repair work contains asbestos containing building material ,' '13M),which is impacted by the work,the owner or the owner's agent shall conduct, or cause to ',.,r.'e conducted,asbestos removal performed by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor in ,:,,nformance with all standards set forth. ACBM impacted by the demolition,renovation,remodeling or repair project shall be removed, ,,.to access or disturbance by other uncertified trades or personnel.No demolition,renovation, _l. odeling or repair work shall be commenced by any owner or the owner's agent prior to the 3 1?se?ir(enmmrtai tii,r ;te'.j completion of the asbestos abatement in accordance with the notification requirements.For i ;ulti- phased work, the access restriction for uncertified trades or personnel applies to each intermediate portion of the entire project. Upon completion of the intermediate portion of the asbestos project, oth, trades, or personnel may access that portion of the work site. For demolition projects that are exempi from asbestos survey requirements due to being structurally unsound,the demolition is considered in asbestos project. All building/structure owners and asbestos abatement contractors on a demolition,renovation, remodeling, or repair project shall inform all trades on the work site about the ACBM at the work site. When any construction activity,such as demolition,remodeling,renovation or repair work, •eveals suspect ACBM that has not been identified by the asbestos survey, or has not been identified •)y other inspections as per current OSHA or EPA requirements, all activities shall cease in the area v.'here tho suspect ACBM is found. Unassessed suspect miscellaneous ACBM shall be treated and handled as ACBM and assumed to be ACBM,unless proven otherwise by standard EPA and OSHA accepted methods.To document non-asbestos containing material,analysis must be performed by a lriborato_ that meets the requirements of the DOH;and the analysis satisfies both CO STATE ELAP and feder.t requirements. NI 00°1 An asbestos project is any work that involves the removal,encapsulation,enclosure,repair or disturbance of friable or non-friable asbestos,or any handling of asbestos material that may result it, the release of asbestos fibers. For the purpose of compliance an asbestos project shall include any disturbance of asbestos fibers,and the planning,asbestos survey,design,background air sail piing, inspection,air sampling and oversight of abatement work,cleanup,and the handling of all a bestos material subject to abatement, as well as the supervising of such activities. An asbestos proj€•ct starts with Phase I when the planning,asbestos survey,and design work begins or is required to begin. The project shall not be considered completed until Phase II D is complete. (See Table 1 below). Phase I Phase II (Prior to Asbestos Abatement Contractor) Start->Abatement->End A B A Regulated Asbestos Final Asbestos abatement handling cleaning Final waste survey, Background work area(s) including gross and removal planning, air sampling preparation removal or clearance frcin site and design and enclosure abatement, initial air samples construction cleans,and waste Start->Asbestos Project->Final Clearance 4 ecos Environmental:. Disaster Restoration,Inc. ASR.wSTos Ri s Asbestos Test 011.1011.111 '7 No Action ReR g dditianal Reg. 8 ` Requirements Requiredii Requirements >3r000F i y NO Permit Fermat Project Deign j Required v , i _ %clearance{NOT `1 Clearance Testin Project Manager g Oversight ' required) Manifested 1 Disposal at Approved Landfill ASBESTOS:I/tipJLt_i_ i�'L Large asbestos project:An asbestos project involving the removal, disturbance,enclosure, encapsulation,repair or handling of 160 square feet or more of ACBM,or 260 linear feet or more of ACBM. Small asbestos project: An asbestos project involving the removal,encapsulation,enclosure,repair, disturbance or any handling of more than 10 and less than 160 square feet of ACBM or more than 25 al id less than 260 linear feet of ACBM. Minor asbestos project:An asbestos project involving the removal, disturbance,repair,encapsulation, ntclosure or handling of 10 square feet or less of ACBM or 25 linear feet or less of ACBM. i luinogenous areas sampling requirement:SF=Square Footage. LF=Linear Footage 5 s LIR reltinentdi& 'siier ks.>:'.. HOMOGENOUS MATERIAL TYPE QUANTITIES MINIMUM#OF SAMPLES 0 TO<1,000 SF 3 SURFACING MATERIAL 1,000 TO 5,000 SF 5 >5,000 SF 7 THERMAL SYSTEM INSULATION EACH MATERIAL 3 PATCH<6 SF,LF 1 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS EACH MATERIAL 2 ASBESTOS REMOVAL CATEGORIES Category I Non-Friable ACBM:NESHAP classification-Asbestos-containing packings,gaskets, resilient floor covering,and asphalt roofing products,containing more than one percent(1%) asbest=.: that when dry, cannot be crumbled,pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Category II Non-Friable ACBM:NESHAP classification -Any material,excluding Category T Non- Friable ACM,containing more than one percent(1%) asbestos that,when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Class I Asbestos Work: OSHA term meaning activities involving the abatement of Thermal S.'stein- Insulation(TSI)and surfacing ACBM and PACM. Class II Asbestos Work: OSHA term meaning activities involving the abatement of ACBM which is ; TSI or surfacing material. This includes, but is not limited to, the removal of asbestos-containing wallboard,floor tile and sheeting, roofing and siding shingles,and construction mastics. Class III Asbestos Work: OSHA term meaning Repair and Maintenance operations,where no more than a minor quantity of ACM,including TSI and surfacing ACBM and PACM,is likely to be disturbed. Class IV Asbestos Work: OSHA term meaning Maintenance and Custodial Activities during.which employees contact but do not disturb ACBM or PACM and activities to clean up non-ACBM Just, waste and debris resulting from Class I, II and III activities. • DE=FINITION°, s En,, f ()Nast or IZvstE,r.ttic Abatemer :Procedures to control fiber release from asbestos material. This includes removal, ,,I)capsulation,enclosure, repair,and disturbance of friable asbestos or any handling of asbestos . ,.•tenial that may result in the release of asbestos fibers. \wosite: An Asbestiform mineral of the amphibole group containing approximately 'ii)", silicon and 40% Iron (II) Oxide,and is made up of straight brittle fibers,light gray to pale brown in olor, °.)t tphibole:One of the two major groups of minerals from which the Asbestiform minerals are • -,tved,distinguished by their chain-like crystal structure and chemical composition. +sbestos:A generic name given to a number of naturally occurring hydrated mineral silicates that " ess a unique crystalline structure, are incombustible in air,and are separable into fibers. Asbestos 'udes the asbesti-form varieties of chrysotile (serpentine);crocidolite !:eckitt');amosite (cummington-grunerite);anthophyllite;and actinolite. i,estos Project:Work undertaken by a contractor which at any time involves any aspect of the • !o val,encapsulation,enclosure or disturbance of friable asbestos,or any handling of asbestos =F vial that may result in the release of asbestos fiber,except work in an owner-occupied single- tily dwelling performed by the owner of such dwelling. An asbestos project shall include the lining, design, monitoring, inspection, and air sampling of abatement work,as well as the supervising of such activities. I.ding Owner:The person in whom legal title to the premises is vested unless the premises are held Lind trust,in which instance building owner means the person in whom beneficial title is vested. taectron Microscopy:A method of asbestos sample analysis which utilizes an electron beam to '1tfferentiate between fibers. u ergenc•":An unexpected,unanticipated or unforeseen occurrence,including but not limited to,a chemical, gas or water line rupture, a boiler failure, or a building collapse,which poses (a)an nEninent danger to the health and safety of the public, the response to which will constitute an ?.E stos poject; or (b) an asbestos-related risk to the health and safety of the public from exposure to , stos fibers. l,!hle Asbestos:Any materials that contain asbestos and can be crumbled,pulverized,or reduced to „der by hand pressure. { PA Filter Vacuum Equipment:Vacuuming equipment with a high efficiency particulate air itIon s;.stem. This filter is capable of trapping and retaining 99.97 percent of asbestos fibers greater 0,3 microns equivalent aerodynamic diameter. I omogenous:Evenly mixed and similar in appearance and texture throughout. wf SHAP: `.'J tional Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants ':5HH.A:Occupational Safety and Health Administration 7 e o s hi\irrrnmunt(il :Ms: star• la+ „:. .. Operations and Management Plan (OMP): Specific procedures and practices developed for the interim control of asbestos-containing materials in buildings until it is removed. Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM): An optical microscopic technique used to distinguish bdtween different types of asbestos fibers by their shape and unique optical properties. Repair:Corrective action using required work practices to control fiber release from damaged.asbestr: material. TSI:Thermal Systems Insulation ACBM:Asbestos containing building material Surfacing Material - material that is sprayed on, troweled on, or otherwise applied to surfaces, such as acoustical plaster on ceilings and fireproofing materials on structural members, or other materials on surfaces for acoustical,fireproofing, or other purposes. Thermal System Insulation - material applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, breeching, t1.nks, ducts, or other interior structural components to prevent heat loss or gain, or water condensation,or for other purposes. Miscellaneous Materials - interior building material on structural components, stria( ,:ural members or fixtures, such as floor and ceiling tiles, and does not include surfacing raterial or thermal system insulation. e Os Environmental&Disaster Restoration,Inc. HOMOGENOUS AREAS SAMPLED DURING INSPECTION LOCATION b2 O E„ u Material 1.4 :6"U 0 �- .;•-• w U O Q A.1 T ipe, compound Main closet N Y G L 6 2800sf •• ith paint,joint I + orn,.'ound I pe compound Main closet N Y G L ' th paint,joint c ,npound A-3 1 Compound with Open room N Y G L paint,joint compound r A-4 j Tape,compound Bathroom/Closet N Y G L tti ith paint,joint' c•mipound A-5 Tape,compound Closet brown carpet N Y G L { with paint,joint ctintpo and A t.. i I pe,compound Cleaning are N Y G L ith paint,joint compound,red and white i . tti..111 7a er •I i L — — KEY: CONDITION ' G= NO VISIBLE DAMAGE 9 o s 1',:iviroflfl1entai [)is.,star itcs= __ D= VISIBLE DAMAGE<10% OVER ENTIRE MATERIAL OR 25% LOCALIZED SD=VISIBLE DAMAGE>10%OVER ENTIRE MATERIAL OR 25% LOCALIZED FRIABLE CATEGORY F=FRIABLE MATERIAL;MATERIALS THAT CAN CRUMBLE OR BE REDUCED TO POWDER BY HAND FRESSUhi NFI=CATEGORY I NON-FRIABLE MATERIAL;MATERIALS THAT CANNOT BE CRUMBLED OR REDUCE D TO POWDER BY HAND PRESSURE THAT DO NOT INCLUDE CATEGORY I NON-FRIABLE MATERIALS. POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE L= Low POTENTIAL FOR DAMAGE D= POTENTIAL FOR DAMAGE SD=POTENTIAL FOR SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE INVENTOR.F LOCATION/FUNCTIONAL SPACES INCLUDED IN DESCR.'TION HOMOGENOUS AREA • V) CONCLUSION Visual inspection was completed of building materials in the bathroom and kitchen. Six (6) s :mples were collected and sent to Aerobiology Laboratories in Golden, CO,for analysis using Polar .•ed Li 0H Microscopy(PLM). The samples came back non-detect for asbestos. . • e os Environmental Fr Disaster Restoration,Inc. •• r LAB REST TS'AND COC I i `AERQbiqlOgY w LAFX?ItATORY MB Sawn law: .-�1• Ari CIAITS, INCOR'ORAJED Soft IN `\ c.r.,co.mat Expertise Since 1997 C erlificate of Analysis -' ....411,,... Client Naos ECOS Eneuocammcal • Dew Collected 10'03/18 Street address 6690 tiWY 12 M11-/&° Date Mreccrd 190418 City.State ZIP • Glenwood Spring.,CO 81601 asrwo T Dat Andy d. 1094116 Mn • Yuri Roma !ASADL k,code 2,o0/a0.4 Due Reported 1004.18 • ant Project Name: 12 Vail Rd.,•350.318.CO!WaY4er Sm Project ID: 18037333 I _ rewpaoo.aua: 3102,M aur In BakSaatpies Methoi Paimai Ligia Mtaoscopy'Dtsperion 51110108 WIAQ,Method for the Delwin MAAabaam ma*Building Materials.EPA-80G1-91116 Judy 1993 -- le Idmt6atm — HIM, U3" Non-Asbestos Non-Fibrous Matrix Phiaosl Description of Sampletnet mom 3" Detected Ashes=Percmage Hier Staiecid Material Client _Lb Sample Number ',TN) Percentage Pun Percennze Coonosuim 18037333-IA White Tape N 2% ND 99 1 18037333-1B White Compound with White Paid N 3% ND 100 C • I Al 18037333-IC Moe loin.Compomd N 5% ND 100 C 1 1110P333-1D WhiteT=Drnwall N 905. ND 15 87 G 18037333-'_A While Tars N 5% ND 99 1 Y 1 18037333-28 RL. Compound with Whit PaiWhiteN 5% ND 100 C MZ i 16037333-2C While' JJoint Compounds N 10% ND 100 C 18037333-2D Whiter=Drywall N 80% ND 15 85 G 18037333-3A Whit Compound wilt Mine Paint N 5% ND 100 C t A3 3 1803333-38` White Compound wsth White Paid N 7% ND 100 C AC.Actinot. AIS•Anima]pr 5=8:ndw Q=Qe eco AH=Amoaite CL=Cathgeoe C=Calc T=Toa �`L ,IPA ,..Y°-.44-4. ^�„n.} A AN.AahophOit. PG.Pirw Gino D.Diatoms v•3'annw^dia �/74 rvi� �Qa... !'e"•'•••a' Cfflt:'=Oanwcite NM"=humeral Wool G=GYs.= WhitmireStamm ! - ztdsaat3autr cll.Ceodroht. OT.Ott« N•Miea Lbuatttr Aosly�t Aabenos Lb Sapsviter TN•T..motee 8Y34-bat/attic Ot•Organic • Tcsv•<1°4 11..Tale OP•OP**. i ND.None Dauactad 8.Wotlawoni,. P=P..tit. ' Pame t of • • 11 — e cos Environmental&Disaster Resturaiini ,ot., .\ ARobi logyA �iwouy 700 Sloan Street , ASSOC--IS �U) Stile OMNI,co,eaar Expertise Since 1997 Certificate of Analysis +l net Chem Name ECOS Enwrosno of 1 ��n --- :ane C.ollecled 10,0318 Stew address 6690 HWY 83 5fiVJ Date Received 109'18 s ZI City,StaP Glenwood Spew,CO 81601 TtSTD4O 4 Das Ama5md 10.911 Att.. YmiRv o STVIAP tae 04100SdPa The,Reputed 109418 Client Project Name: 12 Vol Rd,4350 Vail,CO r Wa1Yer Sam Project ID 18037333 TM a.a.ned: 3002,Asbestos is Belk Samples Slelhod Pduimd Usk Summary/Damn=Stewing(Pt5V.Weed fiZ the Deteammm of Asbestos m NA Bwld*Malarial.FPA.6001-93116./11:y1993 StogieratonHaas-x .- Neo-.kabesMa \ou.F:b0000 ]tate. �Phlvrat Description of Sle7ar p.ap.a. Lely Ashram Detected Asbasem Percentage Fiber Material Material Chat Lab Sample Number r„p PercentagePercentage Pw7ein Caogtospc4a A-3 18037333-3C White?m Drywall N 88% ND 15 85 1 Cr 18031333-LA White Composted with White Paint N 2% ND :OD C 18037333-48 While Tape N 2% NT 99 A-4 —- 18037333-4C White 3aml Compound N ?% ND 100 C 18037333-4D \Yhcte'Ten Drywall N 94% ND 15 3:5 G 18037333-5A Tan Compound with White Paint N 1% ND 'h0 C A-S 18037333-5B Whale Compound with White Punt N 14% ND leo C • 18037333-5C White.Tan Drysr.B N 85% ND 15 85 G 18037333-6A Red and White Wallpaper N 2% ND 95 5 13 A-6 18037333-6B White Tape N 3% ND 99 1 AC.Antinolite AN.draw1 Plait B.Rieder._ Q.Quartz'`�-� 4 L`e- // A![=A lsoph CZ=Carotinana C=Cato.c.T=Ta stn ade.�ilj�if tNA., (*(J 0t S AN.S+ahaphrme. TO.Patrons ala. D.Diatom c.Vermiculite GFSRY=C1wwN. Afl1'=Min mal Woof G=G.p..m CI.Croddohta OT.Other 11.Stip SharmSebes a V.Aue re Ideate Le Ohne TR=Teenaotit< 3277=%otb.tic OR=Onpink Lboyatcr}'Amiyst Ashram lab 5'srpscisor TM*•c lK TL.Tale OP•O1>a4w+ ND=Noma Dee.ot.d W=`Naar ooq. P=Par ht. F..2SO • 1l • e ... os Environmental&Disaster Restoration,Inc. f AFRObiolocy IAboRAior7y a®.a S.,. --., ASSOCwES, INCORP 3era� SSW la team 3 aoedt I Expertise Since 1997 rdJ.:7 a,.a 1 Certificate of Mut:49 ^•^'•'^we^... !! Ched NU. - ECOSEteiomor udDat Coasted 10103;18 Streetatldres 6670 HAYS'- W V J Dee Reamed ItiOJelS Stine TIPCity.StOlmtmd sptoa CO 31601 W 4 Jit Analyzed, 1110,118 Atm: Yui Riven �tl:alPLe Cod.»0W)-0 Dm Related 10106/11 Cleat Project name: 13 Ltd lid,4350.fail,CO A'uler S� Project JD 18037333 F Tat rao+ata !0l:,Alberta`Raft Saspks Method Naiad Lige SSaoxrge,Dis}etvm Stiemr a:L]Ct Method kr the De ermeteo et Askance m Huh Blab Mateoala.EPA6002.93.116.July 19993 " Roma- Ni-.ksbm Voo-r:bc Mamc'Ample 84at6ntm Lamer Drscritem of Sacalayer r o Pa«ntsa Asbestos Deemed Asbestos Percom.p F.9* Mani! Mammal lab SarkNumi. y.„ `• Permian. Ptocooare Commencei 18037333-6C 141ite Jour Compound N 59. ND 100 C A-6 18037333-6D White Compaimd tam Whit Pamt N 5% ND 100 C I. 18037333-6E Whalen Drvwtl N 85% ND 15 95 G t r - 1 1 , 1 { AC•Anomie. AH.A eimal Hai 13.Dtadr Q•Quarts I s i .. AM.Annie CL.Cambiae C.fykma': r. =Ter tut, dfif T.�Ca.• m cey AN.A.Aaphytita PG.'Avow Glue D.Diatom. V.Vermiculite CHIT cI:ulna{. NriC.Mineral Waal G.Gypnen 5M o viliar oe Tams Otter CR•Goabtit. OT.Orissa M.hrau Lbtatort Anebet Masa Lb S primr - TR=Ttmsniite ITN•SSvthait OR.LaAnec Trace•<11a 11•Tali OP•Opaques. ND-OJona Nada R'.Wallesi mite P•Paht. Pap 3 Geo •5 4 • • . 13 I, . ecos Environmental&ilis:3,>trsr Restos-0i n AERObiOlOgy LAbORATORY 780 semen Siren 1 A�SSOCIMESi.. INCORPsORATED Golden.CO to 1 1004 Expertise Since 1997 303231 3746 Certificate of Analysis ww,.aerobioto08 net Client Name ECOS Enviromnentalh V Date Collected 10/03/18 StreetWY N address 6690 H 32 LAO Date Receive.- - 10/04/18 City,State ZIP Glenwood Springs,CO 31601 TESTING Date Analyzed: 10/04/18 Attn: Yuri Rivera NVLAP Lab Code 200860-0 Date Reported:` 10/04/18 Client Project Name: 12 Vail Rd.,4350.Vail,CO t Walker Sam Project II) 18037333 General Notes • ND indicates no asbestos was detected the method detection limit is 1%. • Trace or"Q'indicates asbestos was identified in the sample,but the concentration is less than I% • All regulated asbestos minerals(i.e.chrysotile,cenosite,crocidohte,anthophyllite,tremolite.and acttnohte)were sought m every layer of each sample,but onlythose asbestos minerals detected are listed.Atmsite is the common name for the asbestifonn variety of the minerals crmtnungtonite and grunerite. Crocidolite is the cotmmm name used for the asbestiform variety of the miners!riebecltioe. • Tile,vinyl,foam.plastic,and fine powder samples may contain asbestos fibers of such small diameter(<025 microns in diameter)that these fibers cannot be,Qetected by PLM. For such samples.more sensitive analytical methods(e.g.TEM SEM;and XRD)are recommended if greater certainty about asbestos content is required. Semi-quantitative bulk TEM floor tile analysis is accepted under NESHAP regulations. • These results are submitted pursuant to Aerobiology Laboratory Associates,Inc.'s current terms and conditions of sale,including the company's standard warrant';and limitation of liability provisions.No responsibility or liability is assumed for the manner in which the results are used or interpreted. • Unless notified in writing to return the samples covered by this repast Aerobiology Laboratory Associates,Inc.will store the samples for a minimum period of thirty(30)days before discarding.A shipping and handling charge will be assessed for the return of any samples • Aerobiology does not guarantee the results of tape lifts.rnierovacs,wipe,and/or debris samples Accurate analysis cannot be performed due to particle size.men'used,and/or amount of material given.Analysis of these materials should be preformed by a TEM A result of TD does not indicate that/he sample area does trot contain asbestos. It means the analyst could not identiA•asbestos is the specific.sample for the reasons listed above. Notes Required by NVLAP • This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification,approval,or endorsement by NVLAP.NIST,or any agency of the Federal Government. • This test repast relates only to the items tested or calibrated. • This report is not valid unless it bears the name of a NVLAP-approved signatory. • Any reproduction of this document must include the enure document in order for the report to be valid. Page 4 014 • 14 r' J., .. e os 4;4 • Environmentd1 Disaster licstoral I( n,Inc- CERTIFICATIONS • 3N i ,..,,,,,,,:,•,•!,,,,-;;;,,,:::,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,/, //7•J,—,-,// 744,4.40:7.,",',/ xxf'-' /'; .. fir,. 'ry,;c 0 4 J■ ..r �y,& 7y: �.ig 3x vw 0 r a rs �'> ( ofPdoDeparttm, ublic Hesment } n�i and Environment ASBESTOS r / . "� CERTIFICATION* $ ,' • This certifies that � f ` ' Yuri Rivers • ', ;.. Certification No.:24317 ^'`�, has nmt the red I r encs of25-7-507,C.R.S.and Air Quality Control:41.-Jiip,bi•NA: '''''.1'.."‘,,„ - Commission Regulation No.8•Part B.and is hereby cenifed by the r /y state ofColorado fn the folMxing discipline: ,,,� �/ . BuildingInapector* rt Issued: FeMaary t3.2018• 3 . i Espira: February 13,2010 '' Y; ulrW YM h E rna r aitK ,...,,„:6,,,,.....„........... -1 k ;��,,:„,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,',,,,,r,,, , -•,,,, ,,, , -, ,..-1.4,-„,77%,,L,L,NZ *� � *.mom r, �'r . 15 , a '1 . • . .... e . .... Environmental,g',...llis••;:,!ster Rosioi PlirITOC " • w• -'.''',. 7-''''`-'7",•t: '."':',-"-''. ,•'..•. ts...::-.,.~.?:-;- ''.".i„4:Z.,c....."'.,''-4,1%:.*.j„.7_:.(4;",- .,, .;',•;. ,,, ,-,‘,. "",...- ,,.'"V.....- 1"'''',''. .' '' .i,,,.' ' ' ,''-‘‘.:Rt''''.. ''' '.',''''''''.'' ''"-: .''. ''''' '''''':'''''‘!,•:,.... .:'•:".:::'' .'''': i'.‘ ,.;.'1,.'C,':,‘ ' ".''! 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If you have any further questions, or if additional information is needed please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Yuri Rivera Colorado State EPA Asbestos Inspector#24317 ECOS Environmental &Disaster Restoration, Inc. (970) 945-4407