HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 41 LEGALTOIJ{N OF VAIIJ75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co. 81657 970-479-2]-38 DEPARIIVIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEr THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PETMitr #T rfob Address: Location. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.: 1885 BT'FFEITA CNEER ND 1885 BUFFEHR CREEK RD 21,03-123-05-000 PR.t98 - 013 t_ APPTICAI'ifiT WAYIiIE HASKINS CONSTRUCTION INC.P.O. BOX 1913, EAGLE, CO 81531 CONTRA TOR WAYNE HASKINS CONSTRUETION INC.P.O. BOX 1913, EAGLE, CO 81631OWNER MEJ\DOW BROOKS CONDO ASSOCIATION Description: EXTERTOR RBMODEL,NEW STUCCO, WTNDOWS, HANDRAIL RefundOccupancy: R]. 1:4ge ConstrucEion: V NTlpe Occupancy: Building-----> Plan cbcck- --> fnvcstigation> t{i1l CalI----> ,169 . OO 3(l4 . A5 . o0 f.oo Rsstsuaran! tLqn Rcvj.6w- - > DRB Fea-------- Recleat.ion Pec- -- -- -- - -- > dl.s-ttl DqroEit - - - -- --- > {sylai FBES---- - 1, O76 . e5 1.076. Ss 1, Ot6 . a5 .oo t 5t 5t 5t I 0 I 0I 0I mm: 1-2m:L2 lm:L2m: A 2 A e e 0/t /t0/rn 1 0 1 0 1 0 5L995499569955 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 L 9 4I 6 9 5 0 0 0 0 BUILDING DEPARTI,TENT.fRM AcI,ion: APPR OK,D PERPLANNING DEPARTMENT.fRM ACIION: APPR APPR PERFIRE DEPART!4ENIJRM Action:APPR N,/A APPR N.A BUII,DING DiviSion: PLANNING DiviSiON: FIRE Division: PIIB WORK Division:Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS05/L2/L999 .tRM Action: /nildotAbtuK C40s O tsu#e< CKEzK E99r8&4F; Stsatus...: ISSI]EDApplied..: os/Lz/L999Issued...: 05/t2/L999 Ercpires. . : LL/08/L999 Phone : 970-328-8000 Phone: 970-328-8000 Murr.i-Famiry clean-up De fype v Non-i.ated appfOved Valuat.ion:47, 000 Flneplace Infor[ation: ReEtricted:#of Gas ApplianceB:*Of Ga6 Logs:*of wood/Palleb: ri**i.r*r*****t FgE stt mRY ******rirt't**r See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply Eo this permj-t.. I her€by acknowl.alEe thaE I have -ead tlris applicalion, ftlled out i4 full Ehe information required, colFleted an 4ccuratE FIoC plan, and etate lhat a1l. tshe infordatsion proviiled ae requi.red ie correct. I agree to conFly with the iafofla€ion and plot. plan, to coEply triCh all Town ordinances and stat€ laflE, and to build thie struccure according tso the Tow4'B zoning and eubdiviEion codeB. dedign revietf ap!,roved, Iloiforo Building dode and olher ordinanqeE of, the Town appu-cable Lhereto. REQOESTg FOE INSPECTIONS SHALL BB l.tADE lryErfTY-FOrrR HOnRa rN aDVEIICE Br IELEPHONE AT 479-2r.3s OR AT TOV/Comm. Dev. amount Dept: GARYDept: GEORGEDept: Dept.: Add sdH4e . oo 50 .0o . oo 350,00 I , 076 .85 AddiCi.onal Fe6€---------> .oo Total Ferlnit Fee--------> Pal'lllenE6-- --- -- BAIANCS DT'E- 'r|latsffis.*tFd OR COIIaRACTOR FOR HIMSBLF AND OflI{ER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: El99-011-5 as of OS/24/99 Sratus: ISSITED*************************************************************************!r****** Permit, Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMTT Applied: OS/I2/L999Applicane: WAYNE HASKfNS CONSTRUCTION INC. Issued: OS/L2/L999970-328-8000 To Extrrire: L1/O8/L999 'Job Address: LOCACiON: 1885 BT'FFEHR CREEK RDParcel No: 2103-123*05-000 Description: EXTERTOR REMODEL, NEW STUCEO, WINDOWS, HANDRAII-, Conditions:1. FTELD INSPESTIONS ARE REOUTRBD TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLIA.}ICE.2. ATL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEII,INGS,AIiTD FLOORS TO BE SEATJED WITTI AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED TN ALIJ BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6_r_ OF TIIE L997 UBC.4, FIRE DEPARTIT{ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. ".r**"t TOMI OF VAIL, COI/ORADO 8tats€unt *r****tatririr* t * at ar * r* * rt* * *? StsaEcanE flu[ber: REC-0523 AJtrount': Payhenc Mothod: CK NogaBLon: 1554 1,076.85 05/24/99 14t3e IniE: .lRlil PerEit Nor 899-0115 T!'I).: A-MF ADD/}II ItF BUITJD pER Palcel No: 2103 - 123 -05 -o00 SiL€ Addrese: 1885 BUFFEI{R CREEK RD IIOCAtiON i ].985 BUFFEHR CRBER RD Total Fees r abis gayuehc 1,076.ss Total ALIJ p[rt6 i Balance: 1 , 0?6. S5 1,076.85 . oo lllnounE 469 .00 50. oo 304. A5 250. 00 3-OO Accormt Cod€D6scripEion BP OOIOOOO31111OO BUIIDING PERUIT FEtsS DR 00100003112200 DASlBr REVIEW FEBS PE O01OOOO31I230O PLAN CHECK FEBS A.I' D2 -DEPO8 C'JBANI'P DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO3112SOO TgILIJ CAIJ' INS?ESTIOII FEE PREPARED 11n9199, 12 : s0:27 PROGRAIi' MR4I,5U Town of Vail DEPOSTT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGB 1 CIJST-ID CUSTOMER NA}|E DEPOSIT DEPOSIT-AD\T A.DJUSTMBNT AFTER-REFI.INDTX-DAAE AJ-DATE AilOlrNT AMot NT AMOI'NT AltloUNT CTiARGE CODE DE,SCRIPTION L495 899-0115 WAyNE ITASKINS CONSTR D2DEPoS DEPOSIT S,/2s/99 7/09/99 250.00 250.00 250.00- TOTAI FOR CTSTOMER TYPE: D2 G/1, BATCH CREATED: BATCII-01?32 1999/07 USERID-JPOPECK AP HErD COUNT-1. OO AMOUNT- ,00 250.00 250.00 250.00- GRA{D TOTAL: 250.00 250.00 250.00- DEPOSIT COUNT: 1 . oo 250.O0 3 I Permit # Job Name:.-. Building( ) Phore#_a[*rzt2_ Other ( ) BT.JTLDTNG: $ q' toA. oO PLI,JMBING $ . 11 Generalcontractor, llUp l/o"(;., (2rrl. f ". Address: P.O- Number of Accommodation Unit ? Date Received llAY 71999 Gas Logs d Wood/Pellet_lJ__ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $'2, oe',' I'o OTHER: $ 6MECIIAMCAL$ / 6 TOTAL$ T/4fr4B.?O ;'r 6PJ 7,W-, FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contac't the Eagle County Assesso/s Office at 970-328-E640 for parcet # Parcet na/fuQ! -1!!l - a5 - a Date: rowN oF vAilaoNSTRUCTION PERMIT ACICATION FORM TNFORMATTON MUSTBp COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATTON WrLL Bf, RXJECTED 7?7fi1'or,.rt Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Meclunical ( ) Legal Description: Lot Btocklllll* rtrure /A/(d - 2105 /2g6 .*at subdtvision1ih arilt rsr- @/?5i 4u44t M earh..throaK (ru',rla u inr *r. tot xaress: t *?t Bu&r (reeic El, ouerrfl rTlcadae.tBmak Owners Name: {znda. Asgac)et kt-, Address: Architect: Description of Job: Work Ctass: New ( )Alteration ( )Additioml( ) Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances Town of Vail Regtstration No.Phone # Town of Vail Address: Phone # Plumbine Contractor: Town of Vail Regisration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VA]L PI,]BLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE s-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROEIBITEI) A. Unlawfrrl depositsl Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlautrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewallc, alley or public place, or any porfion lhereof. B. Notice: Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who viotates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereoi or who has in the Director's emplol,rnent a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specifi64 the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, rnay Gtuse any such sand, glavel, rocks, mu{ dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley atthe erTense of the notified. C. Exceptions: Tbe provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: 1. Within the immediare area of any constructiorL maintenance or repair project of any street or a.lley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thcreto; 2. To deposits of san4 dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas desiguated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, aty person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a surnmons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guiltyofaviolationhereunderbepunishedas providedin Section l4-1 ofthis code.p. Notiie; Penalty: It is unlawfirl for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the nouce of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereot and any such person shall' m addition to palment of tlte expenso of removal incurred by the Diiector of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found gUilty of a violation hereunder' be punrshable as provided in Section 14-i ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relalionship to hoject: (i.e. colhactor or owner orr" fftftl TOWN OFVAIL Depsrtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roacl Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILI'ING PERMIT ISSUAITCE TIME I'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparftnent review of Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department the estimated time for a total revicw may take as long as three (3) rveeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of timo. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I atso understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must stiil pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: o^r", -/a/r/ Work Sheet was tumed into the Community Development Dept. {p r"no'rror", TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CO}NRACTORS TOWN OF VA]L PIIBLIC WORKS JANUA.N.Y I, 1999 WHEN A ..PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED /. tDAIE: -f//ft? PLEASE ANSWER Tr{E FOLLOWING QT]ESTIONNAIRE REGARDTNG TTIE NEED FOR A "PI,]BLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is this a new residence? YES NO tl No l/J. 2. Is demolition work berng performed that requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?YES No-ll- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existins drivewav? ''LES Noy' Hrt *t *t* b;.inS done that atrects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? k a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES A. Is the Right-of-Way,reasements or public property to be used for staging parking or fencing?YES NO V }nrifME KirP- straging orfencing plan required by Community Development? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtrined- *Public Way Pennit'' applications nray be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works ^t 479-2198. I IIA\€ READ AND ANSWERED AIl, T}IE ABOVE QTIEST]ONS. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. NO |/ /./oate: _;ffi{-Q.__ a o IW$tr 75So*liFrofiagc'Md Yail, Colorafu 81657 fiMn-zr3847v2139 &tEgtuir79-2+52 Pryaryasf@l Dewlopaurt B*ilfrilg Wq e, @+io* Scrllics Ditdsiolr May 3, 1999 trtr. llfupe llmkins IWius Canstnrction, Inc. P.O. Box 1913 Eagle, CO 81631 Re ReplacmtcfVioibvr*asdnepafu ofnandrails BrdCiatdRaik,ilfeadowbreok Ccneminirrc, Nefut @Road atSffer Cffik Rffid DearWalae: -fhanks to you srd five of the rmit wcss-Mingwi& mc'ortie this mrning. Tte issrcs dbcrxs€d, etd mymclwionso are as foflows: t) EdrwmEgrcrt#bdotr. All of tbe,exisring.*idcFr6,#ith& €xcffiou of three bedmfir.witrd{tws. oc.the tff€st leret, wtthetequireffiffi sfllnifcnn Buiiding Code {tIBg) Sectbn3l0.4,wtichrcqrirerh*theyhave a sillhei$taog#6an 44,"net cl€r 4e,qiugside md beigfot of 2V *nd,24i rcslrcctivdR md &at tbrry bave r Det dmr opctritrg erea of dleast 5.7sq. ft. Theffi wi&*t**chmler€I.@ the minimm ffi clffir o'EeBiEg *&hia4fuigft,l9quirm, S* have sill-Seigbts of{bolrt 45" rod rnet ehrqqNdngeref €foqly aborn 5 sqae feeL I amwilling toallwffiree (3)nonconformfogvrindows toterqllsc€dwithwindows of the saue type {horizontal sliders) anil rough qeni4g siza based upou the fictt}at.ftis ism existiag building tiere is a practical difficulty involved in inere*iugee ss4hap€oisg size (&e cxistitrg sin.beighEis barely abye.ibcb;rd.ofthe emcimgade), dfu,wtrafl,rbe life safety ctoarmerisias of ee bdd*cglriE not b€ r*rer$ely iryet€4 bnrcryilt be @srd. 2) Gurdrril* Jls e.xidng grard rails bave a vel*aHy mieuted crmtai pattem hat dms not exeed the'cuneut tiBC asfrmWqcingd4r at thetry eiltffim portion, br1 doestba" qsing-ilrrtBsidde-sdcm- ltisllrqsosedthat brolcer-s€aions of&ecxistinggnnt raf,* be rglaced The gryfu]s rnay teqhcdor rep*id ineeh exising wungrarid" vtich is*grandfiIhm,f a,cmfmiug-b-@ codercq.,ioBips,adis not a kfoB, SRB,pgeZ ffi ffi*ffi:#'#lf,y'n :r* eo Eisins brofter secrioos orq firurnna r&er-istins;__*n:* ** cm*dy exists. **"*.0;#f_mm3FT 2 n -swy,mistiag buirding areffiffiffiffi'#ffiffi1**ix"tr'"r 4: ncoricp,,, ry*us.ffi;uft; "u** **"m,YT bE rppro,Fed ifthev are revis.d as folrors:ui g.-ffiffiffiHffi**t*"e;;'[i;;r**. :;.;,J{rrr.rtz x e ra;f -see s'.tim r oor_r iiirilrffi:trffi ,mmryrff , l " y ft y ft]-\ffirn:"d ary qneaim+sw e*riri@r inrmmtioq p*_ ; _S; r:# r: SR€:grg s: J.R.fumisrCreqge Fsrher, AJC,P" S€ai; H;; Very Trulyyorq, Wayne Haskias Construction Inc. P.O. Box 1913 Fqgle, CO. 81631 Oh) 328-8000 (&x) TO: Town of Vail. geea*men+ 4 eemmu n ity DevelopmentRE: Meadorivbrook Condominiums Pleasefi{4t$e f€'Usvdpg pUetesnctoeedfoethe rem*Laf csndei+iusslopated at 1885 Brtrlpr Creek Road The change to the photo will be minimal and will comply with the DRB. There will nd be window Iedges-Therc witrtesurccobumpq{&d [ 7r inchesar$nd{he-wi{do'd/E-{here will be a sarcco band between the flrst and second floor windolvs, mwing up and over the second floor windows on the West side in$efi€€n tbe eolurrnsody. Thisi+dso v*rerethe+olor will chaege, olr the East side the existing detail will remain the same. The railing will be brought up to code by placing 1 2x2 picket in between existiag ?r.4 railing, aadreSaci:rg-old q'rd brdrenpickets .an4skif$ Thewidng will be cleaned up and rerouted to prwide a clean finished appearance. All windows will be replaced ty Mitgrade Vinyl winde$n- classi'g se*ie+l3 themaf pana Wiadoua will meet lgess & temperi4g issues. Please find the attached letter from Meadoufurook C-ondo. Arsociarion, of their meeting or April 10,1999. Pl$se call with any questions. Sincerely, Wape t{askins , Presidsnt fuT-'-/*z;- #o&Lll,,e oB, o,,ss:::dffdi:!lf!::i!!E!!l:::*=s::::=--==-i$!=::I f,eQivityr 899-S115 7/ ?tLq Type: A-lttFAddrersr l€SS B|FFEHR CREEK RDLocationr 198:i BUTFEHR CREEK RD trarcel r P1O3-183-6S-ABS Eitatusr IS9UED Eonstrc FlllF User U NOeelDrccript ionc EXTERIOR REI{OIIEL, tlElf STUEtrD, l"lINDOl.fS, HFNDFRILApplieantr [.lAYl{E HAtS(INA CON$TRLJCTItlftl ItlC. Phone: s7O-3?B-g@O Onnerr ItERIXtll BHt}C}(S tr{tNIXl F9SOCIRTION Fhone:contractorr llAYhlE HASRINS trIJNSTRUCTIIIN INC. Phones 97A-3aA-8,WA6 lnsp*etidn Requert Requeatorr t{AYl€ lleq Tilrr OBIOOItcrs raqurrted to @O9O BLII€-Final Inforration.,... Phone:Correntg: I'IILL CALLbe Inepectad... Action Corrents 949-7351 Qt t/""7a Tire Exp fnspection History.....Iteri $OS8O FLAN-ILC Site PlenItorr gOOBg BLDG-FrarinqIterl UDO4A * * Not 0n File * +fterr OOOEA BLDE-InsulationIterr. OSO6O BLDG-Bheetrock Nail Iterr SBOAO r. * Not tln File * *Itcrr AOOT0 BLDHlisc.r&lBTlgq Inspeetor: JRll NotT6. gIDES IIT{.Y FTTR LRTHEW/t7fgq Incpectonr JRilItcr: eeQeti 8LD6-FinaI /onn'?lrcy Action: PR APPROVED SOUTH SID I.IEST ININB LRTI{E 0Py Wa Wa Haskins Construction, Inc, ir and replacement of the exterior deck rails, of all exterior telephone and catv w.iring of the dumpster, of the entire building and o EC P.O.1913 Eagle,81631 Meadowbrook Condominiums Exterior Improvements aylle, your letter 6uflining the proposed improvenents to the exterior of the Meadowbrook Condominiums. of this letter i s to provide you with my understanding of the improvements in writing. It is my that the exterior ofthe building will be remodel in accordance with your letter including: installation of new windows all of the same size, r the I the t the t tbe r the TOWN OFVATI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 April 22, 1999 ofthe soffit and fascia around the buiidine. If my nding is inconect, please contact me at your ea.rliest conv€xxience so we tnay resolve your You can reach me by telephone at 479-2145, or simply stop by the office. Q,*aa George. Senior Town €l Wayne llaskins Construetion Inc. P.O. Bo( 1913 Eagle, CO. 81631 (ph) 328-8000 (f$() TO: Town of Vail. Oepa*me* of Gommun ity DevelopmentRE: Meadovrrbrook Condominiums Flease findthe follsrdns photos eaclos€dfor the remodelof csndominiunrs locafed at 1885 Buflrer Cree& Road The clrange to the photo will & aintmal and will comply with the DRB. There will not be window ledgec Therewillbe Euccobtrtrprol{c cf I y: inc.besatourdjhe-wipdoqrs There will be a stucco band bet$eea the first and second floor windouru, moving up and wer the second floor windoqis on the West sieis-be6r@fu+olunn*.rnly Tnis i+etso qAe&e tle edff r riLcbsgp= Qn the Fast sid€ the existing d€tail will remain tlre same. The railing will be kought up to cod€ ry phcing l 2x2 picket in between exi$ingrx4 Eifirgaqd-Eeplacing.dd$rd+rpken picketsaudstiqs* Theur[ring will be cleaned up md reroutod to pror/id€ a clean finished appearance. All windows will be rephcdl by Mlgrade Vinyl wisdor*" chsdc-seriec f'.themat pane \rEads*ewilt meec Egess & tempering issuer Please ffnd the attached letter from Meadovibrmk Condo. Association, dtheir meeting on April 10,1999. Pleasg call with any questions. Sincerely, Wavuellaskins. Prrsident" / t ltrtuav'- /l ^/4,^--u MEADOWBROOK CONDOMINIUMS 1885 Buffehr Creek Road Vail, Ca 81657 April17,1999 Town of Vail 75 N. Frontage Road, Vail, Co.81658 Dear Sirs, At the annual meeting of the Meadowbrook Condominium Association, April10, 1999 it was unanimously decided to go ahead with the rernodel of our condominium huilding at 1$85 Buffehr Creek Road in the Town of Yail. The building contractor chosen is Wayne Haskins. The building will be stucco, the stairs and railings will be painted and brought up to code. Computer enhanced pictures are available for your review. Estimated start time will be early May if all goes according to plan. Very truly Yourco Paul Bennicoff President IJ Design Review Action Form Building Name: Meadow Brook CondominuimsParcel Number: Comments: TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Meadow Brook Condominiums Project Description: New exterior stucco and repaint Ovmer, Address and Phone: Paul Bennicoff, P.O. Box 1358, Vail, Co 81602 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Pmject Street Address: 1885 Buffer Creek Road Legal Description: Lot 41, Buffer Creek Subdivision Board / Staff Action Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Woldrich Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Action: approved That the applicant vary the height ofthe stucco band around the building and that the final exterior colors be approved by staffprior to the repaint. Town Planner: George Ruther Date:3122199 F Tf EVERYONE/DR3/APPROVAU99/ DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 ---:\-. SILL AND TRIM MOULDINGS SHAPES 31 - 37 flil il|| -l-N- -111I t? |r-, llY utl@ *X* -L-lt-NIII tt I L-.' llY uit€@ @ -A-#-. @ .4+g-I U @ .tr-t--.C.c-l U gD ,x+.-^..-i---c. T-r \ @ *X.- }^--Nl{a U€D AI {l IY +lll II ?l IT TI !il Meadow Brook Condominiums Vail, Colorado \c* \\cst ('otttptttcr (ilaphics Irlc. (-10-l ) -lll- | 55(l Meadow Brook Condominiums Vail. Colorado Rcrnodcl proposltl : I tc\tured lo\ cr lcr e l. : \cs rr indos s rr ith nerr milings to nlcct rr hitc colorcd claddins.crerrtc colorctl stLtcco tlrtish s ith cotttrltsttng -1" spacing requircd to nlcet [rtrilding eotle \e ri \\ c:t ( rrrttpLttcr ( intpltre > lo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Meadow Brook Condominiums Project Description: Tree removal and new dumpster enclosure Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Paul Bennicoff, P.O. Box 1358, Vail, CO 81657 Project Street Address: 1885 Buffer Creek Road Legal Description: Lot 410 Buffer Creek Subdivision Parcel Number: Buildine Name: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Action: approved approved per plans submitted Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 7ll4l98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F:\8tr/ERYONE\DRB\AIPROVAL9SWEADOBRO.T 14 t- 7-lE-'1994 3:OlPt4 67-19-1998 Ai:EFll E F. G. FRO\4 EAGLE CO DIST CENTER s7re499aat'uo I 'gr€rta:r{.Itt r ' ua Qrrcsisos? Gtt rlc Pb:aing Stsf,Ilt.'tn' :!2.rt APPLICATION FOR DESTGI{ NNVIIW APPROVAL ELOCIC:- Ergtc Co. tr$cssefi OfiaD $ 9?0+2t'86'o fbr pertd n PI|ONE: D I ZONlr{e NAI.{EOF Orfrtt.GR(S}: MAILI}ic owHEnF) TYIG OF REI/IFWAilD FEEtr NdryCcusrrcdm-glC0g Aeaidoa- 85O /lttrffc&ttndor- l2o,, a r-a .: XPnv I OFUAE, hr.htu rrrootfiw; rrslls.cG I DSPARTI{IIITOfCOIiIMINOY:I v^r6, DdlErg Ocnsit ul3$tdl rrd il{strudim ir I' IA. i oEscRrrngNorTHEr(t:QtrEST:tu l'.-'-'"'B. i LocATlorgFrRogoarl Ldr:- II pntstcrtlaop*msr /*Ff t/A I 6^ BFEi '-.c i rARcELft nta.ttet?k.%t-& gfancvbuildiry- i Includac vbatsqr,uc ftoap it rddctl r9 rry aqidcnrirl t* hrilfiDg; drqgtrtohdldDE: rrdsiE imprsrcocns. Sr[ as; ir6; rrinrh,wrdrfidons, lal4lapnrg. f@csand rclrq.ttte ma Scs rrttotc-fd.ilriednc of ttc *or* vdudiar o'f frE tqi.ct. Tftc plta$s sulurr rH$ APlt tcarlor{. AlJ, ! t$cr- rrl(lr tFpltittt ltr r builqqg ponni( l*'t a lddtrify of vdl dll a6a tnefcercon&rg to lDc trqi*t vrlt4iF. : AI, RSQT'IRETdET TS Ailb THE TbE TO TE ?5EOUTHERONTA@NOAD. 8t6tFt TIlTpt- P,@ P-2 l.si 'i i f*lat r- LU-rf t\: TOWN OFVAN NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/AI,T coMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT Permit AI,t TIMES #:895-0324 75 South Fronuge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community DevelapmentJob Addresst L885 BUFFEHR CREEK RDLocation. .. 3 LIONSHEA MALIParcel No.. ; 2103-723-05-003Project No, : PRJ95-0199 Status...: ISSUEDApplied... 09/25/te9!rssued...t 09/26/I99!Expires . .; 03/24/1991 Phone: 3039495309 Phone: 3039495309 APPLICANT ALI, VALI.,,EY CONSTRUCTIONP O BOX 276, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ALL VALLEY CONSTRUCTIONP O BOX ?76, VAIL CO 81658 OWNER CHARLIE'S SH]RTS INC641 tIoNsltEAD MALL| VAII CO 81657 DescripLion; INTERIOR REMODET MOVE ONE ![ALL Occupancy: 82 BzType Construction: 1LL l-HRNot, in table!Type Occupancy: 700 Add So Ft: #of Gas Appliances:#0t Gas Logs:#Ot LroodlPa t tet: *ffiffi*#rrtsi*ffiffift#tlr*#*ff**Jr*ir*ffi**Jrf$***ff*** f EE SUI'II'IARY *******ffi****tr***t*ffrr****rr*#r*****r.***t**t***#*** Bui Iding----) PLan Check---> Investi g.tion> ui tL Catl.----> 26.00 Restuarant P[an RevieH-->.@ Total Cetculated Fees*-->45.9016.90.OO Recreation Fee*--------->5.0O Clean-Up Dcposi t-------->.00 Total Pernit Fee*------)45.90 Valuation: Fi reptace Infor[ation: Eestri cted: .00 Additionat Fees*------> .00 .00 Payments-----_ Dept,: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Divieion: Dept: FrRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: ]!eTn! ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTp9/25/1995 DAN Action: AppRItENi',O54OO PLANNING DEFARTMENT-09/25/L99s DAN ectionl aFpnIteffli'.05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT09/25/1995 DAN ACriont APPRItqm:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS09/25/7995 DAN Acrion: AppR *********ffi***ffi*ttffi*******ffi*'rlr*f,tffrdrffiff*:ffiffiidirikir**********************#trtk*it*********f,f,***f,i******* see Page 2 of this Document for any condit,ions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATTONS l. hereby .acknou ledge that r have read-this apptication, fitLed out in fuLL the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as riquired i.s correct. I agree to comply r.ii ttr tire in?oimation and pl,ot itan,to.conPl'y lith al't Tovn ordinances -and state tavs, and io buitd this structure according to the rovn, s zoning and subdjvisioncodes' design reviee approved, Uniform Buitding cods and other ordinances of the tovn aipticabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR II{SPECT]ONS SHALL BE }IADE TUEHW-TOUi HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: CHARLIES {S*ot"uo'uo 't't' ************************************************************** CONDITIONSas of 09/26/95 Department of Community Development SIaIUS: TSSUED Applied: 09 /25 /L99sIssued: 09/26/t995To Expire: A3/2a/I996 ***?olrff0F 75 South Frontage Road W86tar&o &9570324 x * tv7bw94I rq|#t l3g* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FAX 970-479-2452Peimit Tlpe: ADD/ALT coMM BUrI,D PERMTApplicant; ALL VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 3039495 3 09 Job Address:I-,Ocation: LIONSHEA MALLParcel No: 2103-123-05-003 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL MOVB ONE WALL Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD ]NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. FIRE DEPARTMENT TO APPROVE FIRE ALARM AND FIRE SPR]NKLER SYSTEMS. {g'*"u*orno, { rL; TOWN AFVAIL THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES ELECTRICAT PERMIT Permit #: E95-021.4 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1885 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Status...: ISSUEDFAX970-479-2452 Location...: LIONSHEAD MALL App1ied..: o9/25/L991Parcel No..: 2703-L23-05-003 . Issued...: 09'/26'/199:Project No. : PRJ95-0199 Expires .. z O3'/24'/L991 APPLTCA'NT ALt VALLEY coNSTRucrroN phorre: 3039495309P O BOX 276, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ALL VALLEY CONSTRUCTIoN PhoBe: 3039495309P O BOX 276r VAIL CO 81658OWNER CHARLIE'S SHIRTS TNC641 LIONSHEAD MALL, VArL CO 81657CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVICESP O BOX 10'1 9, AVON CO 81620 Description: TNTERTOR REMODET, MovE oNE WALL Valuation: 5oo.o0 !tffi**ffi*******iffiffit*tt*rhr****fi**ir**t*r*fi#***,r***** FEE SUl.lllARy *****ffiffi************ti*tff**"trHr*rHr*rt*******ffi* Phone: 3039496013 53.@ 53.00 5t.00 SALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDII{G Division: Totat CaIcutated Fees---) AdditionaI F!es---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> E Iect ri ca t---> DRB Fee Invest i gation> L,i l.L Ca I l.----> TOTAL FEES---> 50.00 .00 3.00 53.00 tr********ffi******ffi******'r|t.I.rt****#rffir********ff******tr*ffi**fffi***ff**********#**ffi***ffi(*****t****ff**** IIe,m:,06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO9/25/L995 DAN Action: AppR ****ff*******fiffi*******ffi**ffi*!t****ff***ttffi****ir**ffiffi*ff#r**#ff.ffirtrffir**r********}t*ft*rrJ*******ffiffi*****tr* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ****fi****ffi#ff*ffi**************rhffit**************ft**********H**ffi***********rt rFFf,*ftt*rt*ff*ffifi*#*****rr* DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowt.dge that I have read this apptlcation, fitl,ed out in ful,L the infornation required, corptetrd an accurate plotPLan, and state that ell the informati.on provi ded as requ'ired is correct. I agfee to compty Jith tirc information and ptot plan,to conpty lrith atl' Topn ordinances and stite Lavs, and io buitd this structure according io the twr.s zoning and subd\v.isibncodes' design reviev approved, Uniforn Euitding code and other ordinances of the Tor.rn aipticabLe thereto- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTI0NS SHALL BE l'tADE TIIENTY-FoI R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47+-2138 OR AT dri OFFICE tRol{ 8:00 Att 5:00 Pll OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF f.P^*'uo'uo ".{ ,, I ***********************************************************.***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ************************************!************************{,*** Statemnt Number: REC-0075 Amount: 53.00 09/26/95 O9t55 Palrment Method: CHECK Notation! *52997 Init: LRD 895-02L4 Type: B-ELEC EI..ECTRICAL PERM;T 2103-L23-05-003 1885 BUFFEHR CREEK RD L]ONSHEAD MALI Total Feea:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: ****************************!&*********************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:Location: This Payment Account Code01 0000 413L301 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAT PERMIT FEES WIIL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53 00 53 .00 .00 Amount s0.00 3 .00 PERI.{IT f r APPLTCaTION UUST BE FrLr.ED OUT CO!,tpLgrEty OR IT ttAY NOtr BE ACCEPTED fi******t**********l*!r***:r*!r*** gEtu{rr rp-FoRr{a11oy **1***********t***********i** F(1-nutratng I l-Plurnbing t ;-Electrical [ ]-Uechanibal I J-Other rob Nane: C-lor!'q SI',"+s .tLut- Job raaressz 8{! L;tdrord /,,',J,,..-- r,esal oescripti onz tnt$1-'g{ffio -- "tttns llfrll lw"*ar#J[,.' .Address:Architect! - tlpnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appllances ' Gas l,ogs_ Wood,/Pe11et_ 1|L********* ************************ VAEUATIONS ***********!t!t******************** .tt inov n^d* 1-_.o ^ -'. ., l, I trOrr - n^d* 1-*.oBUTLDING: I . dV- . EI.,EqIRICAL, i_45W8- OTIIER: I- ' PilffBrNG: ue€xrArrcAr.,: $- roCai: fTY...;...*ffiEtFtiE,f Eenera r "or,"= "iil ;:."*. " ffih'ffi, ' TCITAL': t BUTLDING PI.AN CIIECK FEE: PLI'UBTNG PI.AN CIIECK FEE:I'IECHANICAL PLAI{ CHECK FEE: .NECREATION FEE: CLEAN-I'P DEPOSII3 TOTAL PERI.IIT 'r""{3t;!W.ctorl lCbl '.orn of vailAddress: EAd; r:7 r</ - . \E\T, Phone Nunber: qdq :6W .Plunbing Contractor: )o"fFlE}}V 'f,4L..r Town of VaiI Reg. No.Address: -s-,Q\l#- - --^4 Phone Nurnber: Address: fO6 /0-/q -aV'AI\AI -ffel Aa-- :-Phone Number: * **** * ** ***** * * ** * **** ** * * * * **cE usE ******************************* Mechanicat contrac."", toLiij .r,ls}l\$St ,orrn of vail Res. No.-Address: - 'Nib-!-$\\Er- phgne Nunber:t BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PtI'MBTNG PERUIT FEE: MECHAbIICAL PER}III FEEJ ELEqTRTCAIJ FgE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE; BUTI.DTNG: SIGNATI'RE: ZONING: SIGNATI'RE3 &dl C;,'-CI.EA}T UP I'EPOSIT IEFTITfII IO: 7 tb<1 lnttn ?5 roulh tront ga rordtral color.do 8161i7 (303) 479-2t38 ot 419-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: AI,L COIilTR'ASTORS IOWN OF VAII TiIARCIT 16,1988 ... *'::yiyi_p1!:"T::_I". 6-srares rhat ir is unlarf,rriro" u,r*, , !:r-=oT' to- iitter, track o" a.p.. ii- i_:i "" jir :"":li:':l*ul"I"ill=;:,ffi::'*l*I^*:.:liln !1.:l i,;,r=ttii, -;;t;i!'rlouets anasorknen vehicres li$-:r;;i#{-;ftil"fi;'lii!"Ti.Fliril" ,$l?i"=::-:H *I.i::.!n:i":i:--r+"-;iilili#|=In "u rown or notiried- rne provi=i"ir-ir-Eii=-liaiiJ;: :f;iil"iol'o3"'=o'applicable to clnstruction, -r-iot"r.rrge 9r repair proJects ofany street or atley or any'u[iiiii." in the riehi_"_iray. To review ordl_nance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to "liiin a eopy. riranfr you for yourcooperation on this natter. iail stre.G :iu -;ItaJ"il=li;,Ji!:i:il:;:;;::Iri"nl*l,rown orThis ordinance *,ilr be ;ri;iiy-lnrorceo by the Town of var.rPubr.ic works DeDartmentl--p"i=inl touna rri6ratrni thls ordLnancewilr be siven a 24 houi ",=i;i;;";di;;1;-;;;;:"="id nareriat.rn the event the person so notified.ao""-notliipiv sith thenotice wittrin tn1_:e rro"i-tir"-Ifeciried, the pultic worksl:3ilff:. ffil'-::y?::^::r1.,::#ili-;;ir,J.!"iEile or person (i.e. contractor, owner) luun If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer\ (Public works) revr'etn ana'iof-u"l . a planninn n.n,F+rn6,^+ ;:::H-:l,t'?lln^3:t:lni'!.::,i:!;;;i';-il ie; Lv' ilil;"t"fifi il' as three weeks. Al'l corrnercial fraroe or small) and ail murti-famiry permits wiilhave to-follow dtre iuove mdiioft';iimum r"orircmFnre pocirraa*irr :,1:::""*'|.l]:Y^i*:P::,ryll16dd-*iiffi.;il;i;i"i!i','.rii'ijli''.t:::':Hl]'fl"::i.:j:'il9'l9.li!9';.i#;;;ilil"#H;;:.#:;il:';i, ,oi!:.lTi: ti _:i ll-:: s:.:l,. t lf q"liii-."iiE,,' #;; ;il j ;.H ",il;also talre the three-weet perioJ. Every.attenpt wrll'l be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as posslb'l e. - undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI, the frame. \/t ' q /1 a./4'r n Department.Corununi ty Development *ign Review Action Fln TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Proieci Name: * Building Name: -] ) L- '.-., /.,, i., , .3, vn. o rt- (-.., , ,.4 .12 *,. , n. , * Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: nrcnitfdon-tabnodressand Phone; (F? E , a-,.r-.*rr. .., (J^-r-r-? V/uc-L--,-o Legal Description: Lot I I Bbck - Subdivision Project Street Address: Zone District Comments: Molion by: Seconded by: ! Approval I Disapproval $statrnpprouat Conditions: Town Planner o REVIEW ' ravlr.al T lrller DESTGN BOARD APPIJICATTON ' TOWN T A. DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: New Construction (3 0-9 .^9^0 ) X uinor Al rerarion ( $20 . 00 )Addit,ion (,d_Conceptual Review ($0).- B. c. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTTON:Subdivision Lot? If properEy is described bydescript.ion, FIelase provideEo Ehis applicat.ion. a meets and boundson a separaLe sheeE, 1-egaI and attach ********** MAY NOT BE**trt****** TYPE OF REVIEW: E. ZONTNG: F. NAME OFMailing APPLICANT: Address: NAME OF Mai l ing APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Address: t{NAME OF OhINER(S) : orf rsR rS sIGtrA"uRE.. Mailing Address: / APPIJICATTONS WTLI, NOT ondoninium Approval is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION 4 n a .t n n ^nl, v 9 TVTI.,UIJa4 10, 001 - $ .-50, 000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000_ $150, 001. - g 500, 000 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000$ over $1, ooo, ooo DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRESAPPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are t.o be paid ab EheLime of submiLLal of rhe DRB applilarion. --lliei, wnenapplying f or a buirding permit,-plbase ident,ify Lrr" u".urut.valuation of rhe proposal. The iown of vair will adjust the fge agqording ro tlie cable'be1ow, to ensure Lhe correct tee A.B P.ROCESSED WITHOT]T OWNER'S S.IGNATUR.S if applicable. brof ."""* o, Igvq,^,,,b/hh{^, tW $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YBAR AFTER FINATISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION FEE pbse rud rnaa'abddd AI rpdnrrsllEe F-rqo|ti I50s.lto$4dlsSr-'ElsdontbGrlgro{t$tl oaar lhA,e-,,a*;i--, r1-+:*'-? )i, I Il{ 9 ''i fl'lE,'- :.li ili NAME OF PROT]ECT: TEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following informat.ion is Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING MATERIALS: IJTST OF MATERIALS SUBDIVISION required for submittal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ to t.he Design ,*"/JdRoof Sidins Other WaI1 MaLerials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaining Wal1s ExLerior l_,iqhting OL.her LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: B. Pr,ANr *ruot., PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Bot,anicaL Name co**oillq*. ouanE,irv tt* c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf ext.erior lighLing is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixt.ures and locat.ions on a separaEelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the li;hting planin Lhe space below and provide the heiqht. above giade, -cype oflight proposed, rumen output, luminous area and i cuE shAeL ofthe lighE f ixt.ure. ( SecLion Lg . 54 . 050 J) OTHER IJANDSCAPE FEATURES (recaining wa1ls, fences, swimmingpooIs, eEc.) please specify. Indiiace heighr,s of'retainini D. d.eciduous t.rees is 2 inches. rndicat,e rrffistrees. Minimum heiqhr. for coli_ferous trees is 6'feeE.**rndicaE.e size of proposea shiubll u*t*n-;f -; nr"f" t"5 qallon. TVpe Sguare Foot.aqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED rYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI., walrs. Maximum height of wa1Is r^'ithin the fronE seEback ii'3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on Lhe pioperty is 6, o MEADOWBROOK CONDO ASSOC 1BB5 Buffehr Creek RoadVail Colorado 81657 To whom it may concerni ':li; C F P Enterprize is representing the Meadovbrool Condo Assoc. regardinq any permits regardi.ng reroofingthe propert,y located at the above address. We have hiredC F P Enterprizes to do this sork in accordence with all Town of Vail lavs and codes. e Preside dowbrook Jerome Snively