HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL II LOT 10A & 10B- 'l a 4lrt oGgn Revrew Actron F+ TOWN OF VAIL Category Number 7 Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner,AddressandPhone: K €., or-, €+'', J-t.,n.-l 11lr, l I i I I L i i I I i Legal Descriptien; 1-s1 LkJi,-lSlock- Subdivision 1 -e.. l.-..--'Zone District Dt pfi( Project StreetAddress: llfi B .5.o-,,-J-<zL^, r- . Dt-' ,u Comments: Motion by: Seconded by:l ! Approval D Disapproval -y( staff Approval Town Planner o"", 8/-z/e4 DRBFee r,"-o^,o.b.o9r.f,J- r.vlasd 7 /74/94 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPI.,ICATION - TOWN OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:********** Ur'f',r. A DESCRIPTION:[> [Qqa:r=nl tr- tZrAu / q]- r ,...i (r- A,' i --i- tZ" :,-:, B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New consLrucLion (g200.00) _l_Minor Arteration ($20.00)Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: i jsO F, Conceptual neview ($0) S,A ^'i r:] s--r- \.r^l F -D z- | Vr=,o T\ F. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot,BlockSubdivisioD '-..-r r -r r \- <:A < cr L- Are-vAIL- If property is described bydescript.ion, please provide Lo this application. a meets and boundson a separate sheet legaland attach ZONING: NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: -D, : ,-> tlrlA*-) -?\-8 r Fi?-irc,t=i'nA.J tll O'\tA l L- - F,t'sB H. NAME OFMailing c \r- :';APPLTCANT'S REPREAddress:<t. ENTATIVE: ,lv6': 7'>'t4x'l s-\->o €fZtt?Otq44NAME OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address:<). i APPLICATIONS WILIJ NOT BE PROCESSED WIfiTOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I. Condominium Approval i-f applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submit.LaL of the DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please idenuify the accuratevaluation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust thefee according eo Lhe table be1ow, to ensure the correct fee'ic n:iri E PAID: $ :JC)" CT, l*q 11 ,/I FEE SCHEDULEI VALUATION 6 n .h . n n.\^tP \,, P -!V, VVV$ 10, 001_ - g 50, 000$s0,001 -$ 1s0,000 $1s0,001 - $ s00,000 $500, 001 - $1_, 000, 000$ over $1, 000,000 DESTGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAIJ BXPIRES APPROVAI, I'NI-,ESS A BUII,DING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. ; 20.00$ s0.00 $L00.00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE.AR AFTER FINAI ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION II PRE-APPI-,ICAT A pre-applicaLion meeLing with a mehber of the planningstaff is encouraged to deLermine if any additionalapplicaLion information is needed. IL is Che applicant,sresponsibility to make an appoinEment wieh Lhe staff todetermine if there are add.itional submiuual requirement.s.Please note that a COMPIJETe application wil-I streamline thereview process for your project ITT. TMPORTANI NOTICE REGARDING AI.,I-I SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In add.iLion Lo meet.inq submittal requirenents, theapplicant. must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees t.o be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and sLaking must be completed prior to the DRB siLe visit. The appticant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is noL buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUfLDfNGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconcepEual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance thaE discussion on their iten bepostponed, will have their itens removed from Ehe DRB agenda unt.il such Lime as Lhe item has beenrepublished- D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administraEor, be approved by the Communicy DevelopmenL DeparLment. sLaff (i.e. a format hearingbefore the DRB may .not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior chanqeswhich do not alt.er the existing plane of Lhebuilding; and b. Buildinq additions not visible from any oLher loLor public space. At the Lime such a proposal is submi.Eted, applicanLs must include lett.ers fromadjacenL properLy owners and,/or from Lhe agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationstating the association approves of the addibion. E. If a properLy is locat.ed in'a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc. ) , a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner must. sign an affidavit recognizing Ehe hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buitding permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior Eo DRB application to determine Ehe relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residenLial consLruction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the ext.erior structural walls of Uhebuilding; and b. rnciicace wl-Lh a dasned ltne on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding wa11s or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beaddressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. I,IST OF UATERIAIJS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAIJ DESCRfPTION: LOT STREET ADDRESS: rvrsloN The followinq information is Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING IIIATERIAI-TS I Roof 'Th"nJ-?"^d. Siding Other wa11 Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings .rL .: -- ^. --\,rr-L(Lrl Ey 5 Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret.aining Walls Exterior Lighting Other reguired for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ COLOR ?"ott:c 5/--L Name of Designer: Phone: LANDSCAPTNG: Botanical Name "o**ortu*.Ouantilv Size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS *rndicaLe caliper for deciduous trees. Minimurn caliper forIndicate heiqht for coniferous FY.a6c**Indicat,e size of propqsed shrubs.5 qallon.Minimum size of shrubs is Type Square Foot.aqe GROUI{D COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separateIighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the liqhLing planin the space below and provide the height, above grade, tlpe ofIight. proposed, lumen ouLput., luminous area and a cut sheet oft.he light f ixture. (Section 18 . 54 . 050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swirnmingpoo1s, etc.) PIease specify. Indicate height.s of reLainingwal1s. Maximum heighi of walls within the front setback is3'. Maximum height of wal1s elsewhere on the properLy is 6, PLANT MAIENTI: t\ 6l-25-1994 A2: A4FH FROI,I -I'FII'KO IEM,ER Ii,L*14531-59 i; PnoDuc;lr DATA SH-!F.T I 'TA$ri(O AsP$ALt PlioDucrs, rNc. FHtLLr.FsBURc, Kq !i HEBiTAtrE 90 shadoutone series FRODUCT PBODUCT PNODU(!f . col|sTnucrir CENTIFIC'TTI APPBOXIUATE SQUASE3 .I.ENGTHc TIDTH: TYPB 1 ' nprsoxruAte EI(FOSURE i TIARRAI{TYi NOI{IIIAL ITEI GOLORB T h'EATHENED ITOOD i LAIIINAIED, DOUBI E-1AyER, RAIIDOI{-BUTT DESIGN..FIBEAGI,ASS MAT, I ASPTIALT, .CSMIIIG'UINERAL GRANULES, SELF'-SEALIHG THER}IOFLASTIC ADT#,SIVE. UilDbRUBIsERs t,AdonAToR'IBs: HIIID .RESISTAI{T AND CI.ASS A FIRB RESISTAI{T. .FIBhRGiLA.ss BASSI' I.A&IITIATED AS$TAT,iT SHINGLE ASTir!: D-301s-89 .: 'n*roa-gga : D-3161 i'I :FED, SPEC: EXCEFDS .SS-8'o01534 CI,ASS A,:. strrtrcl.Es PER sQuA&Er 80.:4::''36 rlrdHES 12 ililCflE$ s xilfflEs 30+yEAR : 300 LEs LItrITEDJ UARRAITTY PER SQU|SB Po. 8q Jopln,.nx t