HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 13 PHASE 2 UNIT A LEGALo Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Projeqt Name: Pringle residence Project Description: Addition of 99 sq. ft. each side of duplex; new metal seam roof; new exterior stucco & paint. Participants: OWNER THOMASPRINGLE.19S0DISCRTR04/01/2002 Phone: MICHAEL 43 HARVARD RD FAIR HAVEN N] 07704 Ucense: APPIICANT Don Eggers O4/0U2002 Phone:926-8126 Eggers Architecture, Inc. POB 6041 Avon, CO 81620 License: Project Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Locationi Casolar II both sides of duplex Legal DescripUon: Loe A-7 Block: 13 Subdivision: CASOLAR VAIL Parcel Number: 21030141.1014 Comments: BOARDISTAFF ACTION Motion By: Charlie Acevedo Action: APPROVED Second By: Bill Pierce Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval; 05/15/2002 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please comult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S0.00 ,,-ffi DRB Number: DR8020076 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:'970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Wood residence DRB Number: DR8020077 Proiect Description; Addition of 99 sq. ft. each side of duplex; new metal seam roof; new exterior stucro & paint. Participants: OWNER WOOD, GLEN E. 04/01/2002 Phone: PO BOX 2895 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: APPLICANT Don Eggers 0410U2002 Phone:926-8126 Eggers Architecture, Inc. POB 6041 Avon, CO 81620 Ucense: Project Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Location: Casolar II both sides of duplex Legal Description: Lot: A-7 Block 13 Subdivisionl CASOLAR VAIL Parcel Number: 210301414015 Comrnentsl BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Charlie Acevedo Aetion: APPROVED Second By: Bill Pierce Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval: 05/15/2002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committe{s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005290 That additional landscaping of 15 evergreens and 25 aspens be placed at the east west and south sides of the building Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO **ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development,,- 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970'479'2457 web: www'ci'vail'co'us General Information:ffil.il:il[ffil:'nlo. review must receiye 1??r-o::!fl]?li:-::b::Tiffi'{:'::i,:'J5.'iJ5'.',',;; JJ:L';ii3i?l'fi:',',';Jl[? H:IJ;H[ i::li.';:ffi:l;;;il;ith';i:':s*::;,T"31*'*:i l"i.::'j'11""fi::"#;"J:".:::[:T':?l'ii[iH.!"li#':#1 i5ffi! ?'1, 1'*';l1::'y ?::':"i#:*3ff"1g*'#cannot be accepteo unrll illl Iequrrvu rrrrur r'o!'u" - """ ifarll"r the planning and Environmental Commission. pio;".t ru./ also need to b€ reviewed by th: -T,?11-C:':t-;! ;c icc,,a.t ^,,rt consrructioi.om-en..s -itt inil:5ftT:l':i';"',il:'Tj::,xffii':l :;J'"#lq p;;t ii'i;su"a ana cJnslulion.;ommences within one year of the aPProval'0t7tl Lte,U^' yfl* W.t r{ ett el" Ast' Description of the Request: trJ Location of the Proposal: Lot:iE-Block:fr Physical Address:Llo7olll4og lagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcei no.) Parcef No': M (Lurr.crLt L Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: ,ru, t 'o"r.'n *Ot , 'f*:=+::E -,r* Owner(s) Si gnature(s): Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs E CorcePtual Review tr New Construction { nooition n Minor Alteration ( m u lti-fa m ilY/com mercial) cso Plus $ 1.00 Per (7q0 $20 -+7ol-ozn4!har:12 - such as, E-mail Address: $65Q For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' diftl i"r. in addition where square footage is addedlo anv residential or \--'l commerctal ou'roing tmcild;izsO uioitiont & interior conversions)' Minor Alteration (single{amilY/duPlex) n Changes to Approved fences such as, fences and and the I ***++ +*{.*****,}*****|*+*++++* ** '.,r * *i',t t,t' * ** f* * *++i*,}* * *'++** *t*{'*{.****'t**|**{t*|****|*{' *'|.**f |*'} TOWN QF VAIL, COLORADO SIAIEMENI '*,t***i t**+,tr****++*'t'1.*,1.**+{',t{.****{'!t'+*{"t't'*i'+{tt******li'}*++*t't(l'****+'l'*+*tt+lt**tt*'tt{'*'l'**'!+'l*+*f*l't Statement Nunber; R0oOo02o93 Amount: $300'oO 04/Ot/2OO2O4:38 PM Payment Metshod: check rnl-t: JAR Notati.on: 2343 Glen Wood Permit, No: DRBo20o7? TYPe: Parcel No: 2103 01414 015 SiEe AddreBs: 1145 SAIIDSTONE DR VAIL I-,ocation: Cagolar II both sldes DRB - AddiEion of GRFA of dup1exTotal Fees: Totsal AL,,t PmtE : Balance : $300.00 $300.00 $o.ooThls Pa)rmenE :$3oo. oo ***+r'r+it**+'t:tl{+*t+t++l+*+++**tt+*{.'}*'}*+*{'***+:}*'}'}**d!***'t**+*'r'}********|*!tl'l**f{'*'t*l''}******** ACCOUNT TTEM LIST: Account Code Descni ptjon Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI,.I FEES 300 .00 iiiI !lti t Ot,, iiii !l d tlltl:lrl + Jilc il il oo TXISTING FRilNT TLIVHVATION EXISTING IDE ELEVATION EXISTING PARTIAL REAR ELEVATION oo EXISTING PARTIAL REAR ELEVATION 1146 Sandstone Drive Vail, Colorado 29GA. STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF AMEzuCAN BUILDING COMPONENTS MOSS COLOR PORTER PAINTS 7193.3 PLOVER GRAY PORTERPAINTS 7185-2 CATHEDRAL GRAY ROOF: FASCIA: STUCCO: BODY: ACCENT:PORTER PAINTS 7186-2 GRAY STONE 7187.3 AUTUMN BARKBASE: WINDOWS: EXIST. ALUM CLAD BRONZE o IrlIiIir!lll I I { ilftti! 0t/25/02 tl:{7 FAtr 732 hrr 25 OA OS:.13. t 3t0 0E2r ilEE-NED EANr X'IIITPR4ERTV(N'B' urnrTlEt rF9nov/r|. lErtR @oor F.3t"rU !itecture s"os25?34 rul,'l\lm l.,W+ tzatn Ppttttl , ,,,,--. ,. - 4, HlttoP utnt ar*gJel*a F*4 9. <tttpo aN?u dw-Y-ba I, (pr-nt narm)rll!@ IHA&!3- a }int ouv|Er of pDperry located at (address/legC which have descriptbn) lt4& a+lpc*dre P.rG provide OF lcttrr as wftten appmv€l of thc plans dated be€o submited to theTown of Vail @mmunty DGr€letrnent Degartmentfort'|e FspGcd irnFrol/€nenG !0 be compt€ted at the address notad .bove I understnr*l thrt he proDolcd ifiproamcnts lncluc: ,1. tEtulf al Ewzb.- I futfier undersbnd that mlnor modaficatioils n'ay be made to Src pBrE orer the coorse of tlre rerraew pmcessb engurccqndnnce with theTorynt apflicrbh codes and reguhtbns -,m41 tft- t?r -t-loae) r oo description) tt4& ee*prsorfs DreJa provide this letEr as written approval of the plars aateA 4*/ou which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to be completed atthe address noEd above. I understand thatthe proposed improvements include: oo JOII{T PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print nanel4a{EA ,.Ju.oe , a lbint owner of poperty located at (address/legal ?. €ttuoo e^lftu fuiw.bL 4. PE?h,ntf aF EvriE c-ta..-- I further underctand that minor modificatjons may be made to the plans orrer the course of the rerview process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. nu r ?/cz(Date) / oo PROPOSED MATERIATS Type of Material M qfuLua - E'1r'4lEl-QX''tgL t\ uIr*,, Wrr.a At ^nrl c.&+? Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: fvo,r.rAA et &, Color rQ4.L 1rbc"zL 1113.? '.' 1tt3:? tro-tz6 R:o{r^d 1 ,.,I ^t/* .rl'. YtitmAL $t ,.t lr Nu Nb rrlP Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. rtu i':.. Page 6 of t2l0ll17l02 ALTA OWNER'S POLICY - IO-17.92 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISST'ED BY STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY SI'BJECT TO THB EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, TIIE H(CEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDT'I-E B AND TIIB CONDITIONS AND STIPT'LATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas corporetion, h€rein called tbe Company, insu€xr, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against lose or not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, suslained or incurred by the ianrred by reason of:l. Title to the estste or int€'rest describod in Schodule A being vested otbor rhan ae stated therei4 2. Any dofect in or lieo or encumbranc€ on tte title; 3. Unma*etability of tho title; 4. kck of a right of access to ud from tbe land. The Company will also pay the costs, attoneys' fees and expmses ilcurr€d in defens of the title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditims aod Stipuletionc. IN WTINBSS WHEREOF, Stervart Title Gueranty Conpany has caused this policy to be sigped and sealed by its duly authorized of6cers 8s of the Date of Policy shown in Sch€dule A. STEWART TITLE CUARANTYCOMPANY STEIIYART TITIJ OF EAGLE COI'NTY, INC. Agent ID #050O5E EXCLUSIONS IROM COVERAGE Thc following matt€rs rr€ cxprossly excluded from thc coverage ofrbir policy and tho Compaoy will rct pay IoEc ordrmaSe, costs, attorne,y8' f€€s or Exponses which orise by rcacol of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinanco or govcmracntal rcgulation (including but not limit€d m buildiry and zoning laws, ordinaocee, or reguluiore) rcstricting, rcgulating, prohibitiag or relating to (i) thc occuprncy, urc, or cajoyoent of thc laod; (ii) thc character, dimeasiong or location of any improveocat now or hercaftcr ercctcd on the lard; (iii) a repantion in omcrehip or a cbangc in rhe dinoarions or arca of tle land or any parcel of which tho land is oi was eport; or (iv) anvironneotal prot€ction, or tic offcct of rny violrtion ofthosc laws, ordinmccs or governnental rcgulationr, €rc?t to tbo cxtcat that r mtice of fle coforccncnt thcrmf or a aotice of a defect, lica or eacuobranco rosultiag from a violatlol or allcged violatior atrccting thc land has bcca rccordod in tbo public rccords at Darc of Policy.p) Aly govcmmental police poutot not cx'cluH by (a) abovc, axc€pt to tha Gxt€ot that a notico of thc exoccise thcccof or a noticc of a defect, lico or encumbraocc rcculting fiom a violatioa or alleged violcfun afiecring tho lond has bcpn recorded in tho public rocordr at Dato ofPolicy.2. Rights of eminent domain unle63 notica of thc ercrcise tiorcof has boon rccordcd in tho public records st l)ltc of Policy, but trot cxcluding fmm covcngc my taking *hich has occurrod pri,or to Date of Policy which muld bc bMing on tho rigbtr of a purchaecr for vrluo without knowledgp.3. Dofects, lic,nr, encumbra,nccs, adverrc cloims or otl€r mattors: (a) cearcd, suffercd, assumcd or agrced to by thc iosur€d clsimdt: (b) not krovm to the Company, not recordcd ia tte public records !t Dato of Policy, but klorv)l to th€ itrsurcd claiment aod not disclosed in wdting to tho Company by thc insured claimsnt prior io thc dare the iorured clainsnt bccroc [n iGured udcr thir policy; (c) resulthg in oo los6 or daltrrgc to the hsured claimant; (d) artachhg or crcated subc€qucot to Dato of Policy; or (e) rcsulting ia loss or damagc which would aot havc beco ru*sln€d if thc irsurGd cloimant had paid valuc for thc EEtatc or intcrcst iosured by thir policy. 4, Any claim, whlcb arises out of the trusoction velting il ttc lnsurod the c*m or intc.Gs inrur€d by thl3 policy, by rcason of the of fedcral bankruptcy, darr insolvcnc,y, or similor credlton' rigltr lawr; tha ir brscd on: (a) the taasoction ueating tho ostarc of ilt€rcst hrurcd by thir policy b.ing dcccrcd a fraudulcat convcyancs or frcuduleDt transfer; of O) th€ EEnsscttoo crcating tbe €dato or intqcct innued by thie polr€y bdns dcccrod a prcferontial tton8&r exc€pt whpro tho prefereatial trmsfer resultr from thc failurc: Q) to timcly record tho instrumcrt of tsrnsfcr; or (ii) of rmh recordation to impart notice o a purchas€r for ota or lien credior. Seriaf No. G97Ol-135233 ALTA OWNER,S PIOLICY oo SCEEDALE A Order Number: ooo2822o Dae of Policy: oexober 2s, 2ooo ax 77t77 a.t . Annunt of lwurance: $ Soo,ooo.oo 1- Nanuofhuured: ELETT E. VOOD 2. The estate or interest in the lad which is covered by this policy is: FEE STI'PI'E 3- Tltle to tlu estate or interest in tlu larrd is vested in: ET.EN E. VOOD 4. The land refened to in this policy is dcscribed asfullouts: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTTON oo Pollcy No. : o-97 0 t-13 s233 Order Number: 00028220 O ) ,"rtorun oa LEGALDESCNPNON Those Porxions of Parcei 73 And ttre Comoa Area of CJI.sOI/llR VAIIr II, A subdivieion recorded in the office of the Eagle county. CoTorado cLerk and Reeorder, described ae toTlovet BeginnLng at a poLnt thenee the nost NoEtherTy Cotner of said Casolar VaiT II beats lvorttr 1o25'55' EaBt 59.06 teex distant; theace xhe toTTotting tout coutgea atound tha Eaaxerly Half of an Ertsting Duplez,s(7) souxh 3jo31'18n Easx 40.7O feexi(2) Norxh 56c28'42r Easx 3O.OS feexi(3) Norxh 33037'78* wesx 40.70 teeti(tt) souxh 56o28'12' wesx 30.05 teex To The PoLnx of Beginninq. OTX'NW OE EAC'LE STATE OF COLORADO. oo oat' , ' ; ALTA OWNER,S PIOLICY SCHEDAIE B Order Number: ooo28220 Policy No. : o- 97 o I - I i s 2 3 3 This policy iloes not it$ure against loss or dunage (and the hnpany will nat pay costs, attomeys'fees or ryenses) which artse by reason of: L Rights or claims of parties in possession, wt slwwn by tlte public record,s. 2. Easemmts, or claims of easements, not shown by tlu public records. 3. Discrepmcies, conflias iil bot rrdart litus, slwrtage ln area, encroaclwunts, and any facts which a coftec't survey and inspeaion of tlu premises vwuld disclose and whid. are ttot slnwn by tlp pnblic records- 4. Any lim, or right n a lien, Ior seruices, labor or material leraofure or lwreafierfurnished, inpose.d by lavrt and nat shown by tlw pnblic records. 5. Unpaented mining claims; rcservations or exceptions in patents, or ail act autlorizing the issaance tlwreof; water rigltts, claims or title to water- 6. Atty and a77 unpaid taxes and assesstents and any untedeeaed tax aaiea. 7. Eeservaxione or excepxLona conxained Ln A.S. Paxents, ot in Acxs auxhorizistg xhe issuance xhereof. recorded eugust 76t t9O9 in Book 48 aX Page 542, reserving 7) Righta of t'',e proprietor of a vein or lode xo extracx and remove his ore xherefrom and 2) righxs of vay fot ditches and canals conaxrucxed under the autho8ixy of xhe anixed Stateg. 8. Reatrictions ae contained in instrument tecorded Jaly 25, 1969 in Book 215 at Page 649 as Receptlon No- 777757, and anended in Book 279 at Page 2j5 as Reception No. 114853 . 9. Covenanxs aad RestflcXiong as eonXained in Xhe Anended atrd Restated DecLaraXion of Covenanxs ard Restricxions for casolat Vai7, tecotded December 77' 7992 in Eook 596 at Page 495 as Reception No. 492588. 7O. Anderground right of vay easeaenX granted to EoIy Cross ElecXrjc Agsoc.iaXion by casolar DeI Norta Homeovner's AssociatLon, reeordecl June 20. 7988 in Book 485 ax Page 925 as Reception No. 382796. affecttng the comron areas. 77. Easements thtough the cotmton area granted toW. Scott l{clntyre by Casolar vaiT Home ownera ABEociation, reeorded Eebtuary 7, 1989 in Eook 499 at Page 997 as Recepxion No. i96187, and recorded Eebtuary 7, 7989 in Book 499 at Page 996 aB Reception llo. i96186. 72. EasemenXs, '.esxaictions and righxs-of-vays as stronn on the plat of CasoTar vaiT II recorded Nove ibet 7, 7978 as neception no. 773934. 73. Terms, condltions, taservations, testrietlone and obligations as contained in L'ine ttlaiatenanee Agreement, recorded Eebtuaty 25t 7991 in Book 633 at Paqe 471. Conxinued on next Page ^luv ContinuatLon of Schedule B - AIrfA Orrner's Policy PoTicy Nuaber: O-9701-135233 oo aa Reeeption flo. 529527. effeexs cotnmon area 74. Termg, condixiona, !egetva.xiona, resxtictiona and obTLgationE aB contained i.n Declaraxion of Regtrictive Covenanxs and a9es for The Eaax Anit and xhe Jfest Onix ot Lot 73, ca.Eolar Del Norte II tecorded in Book 3OS at Page 556, and First Amendmenx recotded December 22. 1980 La Book 375 at Page 769 aa Reception No. 211543. 75. Terma, eondixione, reservaxions I resttictiong and obTtgaxiona aB contained ln Parxy fla1.7 Agteemenx tecorded ttay 75. 1987 in Book 462 at Page 7O9 as RecepxTon Eo. 358936. 75. A Deed of TrueX daxed OfiIOBER 23, ?OOO. exequted by GI'EN E. V(X)D. xo the Public Trusxee of Eagle County, to secura an Lndebtedness of $4OO.OOO.OO, Ln tavor of tsAltrllltcrotr IIUTAAL BAM, .FA recordad C\CZ\OBER 25, 2OOO aa RecepXion Xo. 71t2379. o A PAR ENDORSEMENT FORM 110,I ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE OF POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE SERIALNUMBER O- 9701-X35233 ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE (Rev.5/e5) I o GUARANTY COMPANY HEREIN CALLED THE COMPANY Order No.: 00028220 Said Policy is hereby amended by deletilg paragraphs 1-4 inclusive, of Schedule B, This endorsement is made a part of the policy and is subject to all of the terns and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies any of the terrns and provisions of the policy and any prior endorsements, nor does it extend the effective date of the policy and any prior endorsements, not does it increase the face amount thereof. Signed under seal for the Company, but this endorsement is to be valid only when it bears an authorized countersi gnature, EWART TITLB GUARANTY COMPANY CounLersigned: Authorized Countersignature STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY, INC. Agent ID #060058 Serial No. E- 9851-l12382 oo AND SIIPT LATIONS Cofimcd 5. PROOF OF IOSS OR DAMAGE. In lddition to old.ftcrrhc noticer requircd uldcr Scarioo 3 of thcrc Conditionr !d Sripuhdoor blw bcon provided the Corqnny, e proof of 16! or dlm.go EiSrcd ard srpom to by rhc iEur€d cbimrnr .fr.r1 bc ftrntscd ro fbc Coryr4r virhb 90 dayr aicr tho ioarrcd claimad rbrtl ercertain ltc factr gMng rirc io lhe lo$ or dmage. 'Ihc proof of log or damagc fratl dcrcribo 1f,c dofoct in, or lien or ercumbnncc on tho title, or orhcr mlttsr inrcd rgrint by thir policy which contiirts ths br8is of lore or damagc and ihdl 8rde, lo thc cncd poerbtc, 1tro brrir of crlculetiag thc amro: of ibo 106r or demge. tf thc Conpany i8 Ptcjudiccd bt lbc fiilure of thc inrr:rd qlaimant ro provirtc rhe requircd proof of lorc or dmrge, |hc Corymy'r obtlSltioo3 to thc in'|rcd undcr the Polby Sr[ l€rr||ioalc, iocludiqg my lirbility or obligrtion to defend, procecute, or continuc any litigetionn wi6 rsFrd to thc m.lt4 or nrrtterr re4uiriag arch proof of lorr ot daungo' In arldirion, the innFc.d shimrd mty rcaronrbly bc rcquirod !o tlrboit ro cxrnindioo utdc.r 0.|l by any autborized t€Pret€otttive of rhc Comprny rnd rball produce for examinatioq inrpection rnd copyilg, rt qrch r.c|rodrbto timcs rd phca e.s mry be derignrtcd by any authorized !€prcr€dltive of the Coqenn all rccord*' books, ledge6, chcckr, cormrpondelcc aad mcmoraada, whcthcr borring r rlatc befoE or aier Drrc of Fotcy, whloh rcaronably perrain to tto lors or damrge' Furtcr' if tequcst€d by any rurhorizcd rcprorcntativc of tto Coqroy, rhc inarcd chimrd shdl SnDl itr Ftdlrioa, in wrili4g, f(t8lly tulhotizcd ttplsEtrhtive of lhc Coqroy to cxrmire, inspest !trd copy a[ rscordc, books, tcQprs, cb..ct!, corncryordoso ud rmonndr ia the cunody or codml of r third plrit' rAich rElsotrbly P3rilin ro rlro lore or damrge. Alt inforrmrion doeigoatcd ar confirlerid by the inorcd claimeat providcd ro the Cotrprny Put'rr.of io thir Socrion &rll mt bc dis€lorcd to o6crs unlcsc, io tho reronble judguco of thc Compaly, it ir rcc€rsrry in thc edminicratim of lhp ghim. Frflurc of llc iurrcd claimaaa to sbmit for cnoi[ttio! undcr odh' produco othor reeronably rcqucccd information or $r[t pernirsioa lo rccufc lerronrbly ncccrc.ry informrtion fiom third prrtict 11 foquird il thir prngnph rhall tenni te sDy tiability of the C;orylny uoder thi! Policy rs to lhrt chim. 6. OPIIONS m PAY OROTTER}YISESETILECL/UMS; IE*MINATIONOFLI BILITY. In case of a ctrim undcr thir policy, tte Co4any Crrll have lbc follon'iry additionel optioor: (r) To Pry or Tad€r PrD'[cot of |iG Arod ol Imtrc. To pay or tcnder prysr3nt of thc amouol of iotltnra under thir polby trgdhca with rny co€|!, atlorreyr' fcer ld c:pcmcr incurrcd by tho insured chimrtU which wcre au$orized by the Coqrrny, up to the timc of payment or terdcr of pryfiF t and *tioh tho coryuy ie obligaled to pey. Upor thc cxcrcire by the Coopany ofthir oprbn, dl frbiltty lod oblif io6! to rtc innrred un&r fir Policy, orhcrlhao ro |u.!c lho Plymnt n{uircd' rbdl remi!.!e, inctuding rny liability or oblig ion to defcnd, proeccuc, or cmfntc y litig*ion, rd rhc policy Srll bc $rFodetrd ro the Coprny for carelbtion' O) To Psy or Othelivi|o $dle WfrL Fird6 Otter tl.[ tts Ins[rd or Wilt lte Imrcd ClriErd' G)topay 6 orhervirc rcalc wirh odber prrtior fc oc il tip nrc ofrn inercd cldmn aly otaim iurcd rgrin* undcr tbir policy' fogclber wlh |!y aoir' rttomey!, fccs and orgcoser incurred by the innrrd claimad which wc1g autborizcd by thc Coryany up !o tbo li@ of prycnt rrrd which thc Company lr obliStted to p8y; or C0 to ply or ottc{rriso rctrlc vilh fbc irqrrcd chimd tto to|| or droIgc pr,ovidcd for uadcr 6b policy, togFtcr vi|h |n}t coltt' rttotrc)|f, fccr rnd cxpcorcr incurred by the inrured chimltrt wbieb were eurhorized by thc Coogrny up to tte timc of prymcnt erd wbich lho Coryrny is obligstcd !o Pay' Upon rhe excpirc by rho Compnny of ei6er ofthc optiom provirtcd foe h pengnphe O)G) or GD, rhc Coryany'r obligttionr to lhe innrrcd under thir policy for tbc claime.dlossordamrgo'otlrcrtbaatboP|yre!rcquirdrobomrde,gbr|ttcrninatc,incrudfrarry[rbi|ityorob|ig.|i'ontodeEod'Prorcut€orcodirlrerny|irigatn. ?. DETTRMINATION, EXTENT OF LIABILITY AND COINSURANCE. Itrir poticy ir a contract of iodcmnity ogain* rcuul monotary l,occ o damago nrtrinc.rt or lrcuncd by the inarrcd ahitDml who hrs s|ffaed lcr ot darugc by rearoo of mstteru i ured igri$t by thia policy rnd only ro thc ord.nt hcroin desctibcd' (a) Thc liability of lhc Coupany under tlis policy rhall not oxcced thc lcect of: G) the Amounr of hlunnce *atcd ia Schcdule A; or, Gi) the diffcrlacc between the vrluo of the inrur€d catrto or iotalra .s inr|lt.ed rrd the vahrc of tho ioq|ted carrb or inlercit arbjert to lhc dcfcct' licn or cotuc' brance innxcd againrt by this Policy. O)Id the cvc4t $o Anoud of lorursDcc rt{cd ia Schodulo A rt ttp Drto of Folicy ir bs lhrn t0 perccd oftbe vrhF of6c inrrcd edrtc or incloc or the ftlI considcration paid for tbc lrnd, whiohwer ir lers, or if nrbrcquon ro tbo D s of hlicy al imgrovcment ic oroslcd oo tbe tEld whiah irrcrrer the vduc of lhs ion|r€d ertat€ or hterest by !t lcsd m perccol ovcr tho Auroud oflnar6nc6 rt t d in Slchedule A' |hcn 6ir Policy is n$icct to lho 6l!owi[g: G) whec m e$lcqucd lnryrovornent hrs been rrde, ar to aly putirl loer" rte Coquy rhrtl ooly pay lbc locr plo trte ia tlo propottion tbl thc rnoutri of inrursnse at Date of Policy borrr to the total value of the inrucd esfrE of iolerq* d Drts of Policy; or (i) where a rubrequcnt imprcvemsnt har beeo nrade, ri lo roy prrtid lo$, the Corprny Crdl only pry tho loes pro ratt in lhc propo ioa thrt 120 percc of rbe Alnount of Inatrance aaed in Scbodule A bearr ro the nrm ofrbc Amtfi of Insnsc strted in Scbcdutc A rnd tho amounr opcrded for thc iryrcvemear. Tbe provisionr of this paragnph rhall not rpply lo costs, rttorncys' feeE ald e)qreoro for whicb the Co4any ic lfubte under thir policy, and shall only 'pply !o thrt portion of my l93B which exceeds, in tbo aggcgnto, l0 pcrcenr of rhe Amount of Insrarco oatcd ia Schodulc A. (c) Tho Conp1ay will pey only thoee coltr, riorlpys' fe€s and erpcorer imurred b eccordacc wilb Section 4 ofrher Conditionr ad Slipul*ion:' 8. APPORTIONMENT, If the land describ€d ia Sshedule A cooridr of two ot nore pucelr which er! nor urcd ar e ri4gle rito, and a lort ic cltlbliltred rffecting ono or moro of thc parceh but mr 811, tho loso $dl bc ooryuted and realcd 6 t pro tatr brri8 rs if the .murr of iofltlec urd€r lhb policy wrl divided Pm rrt! m to lho vtluc on Date of Folicy of each separate prrcel !o rho wholc, cxclusive of any improvcmontr mrdo erbr€qued ro Dao of Policy, unless r lisbility or Yslue hrr othen'isc been agrced upon rs lo each parcel by tb? Conpmy an<t the isnrred at rhe timo of thc irsramc of rhir policy ard rhown by an expr$ srt€r|ent or by u endonerncrtr rttrched lo lhii polisy' oo CONDITIONS (cmtinucd and coaluded 0n lcst peSe of lhb policy) (ALITA Ovrcr'! EolicY) o3/ 25 / 02 lrar 25 1tr47 FAtr 732 5C0 002!;;;.;"". 1;;l ME-RED EANI( \ i ! !trtune 'OI]ITPROPERTY(NNM,WR,,ITTEJI IPPN,OVAL LETIR, s?os2o32 @ o03 P.3 I0t{,Nm I, (p.rtt narrn) g [!l!!Ellfcr*c4--a joint own€r 0f pEperty located at (addresVhgel description) lt4& a*w+;ru}s R.r€ provide this fetter as written appmval of the plans AaW 4l*/c+ -- which have be€n submitted to the Town of Vail Gommuniry Development Departmcntfor the ptgpGed improrrctrlenB to be completed at the address ooted above, I undersbntl that ute prooosed itnprovermnts incltde: t frrrtier undecbnd that minor modifrcations may be rflade to $e glarls over the coutse of the r€\ra€le process u) eNure compliaffie *ith the Tornt apflicable codes and reguhtbns. tlu- I ?f r, (DeE) 9, gn4oo- alrta aw*.Ae+ -.- , - Itt. Pgstulf ol EwAl^tt- -.. .-- JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print nanrq A|ZA A.roQ ,a joint owner of property located at (address/tegal description) lt4& 6er.*a+nrJte DeeJg provide this letter as written approval of the plans dateO ,lZ*hu which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: e z. 7. +tt t*cp 6?JrIJc Eutw.btL 4. P4p*lf aF Ew€EbL I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the reMew process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. t?t^ | ?/ ot(Date) / Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material M ql^.L(p - t,t2.aut_8,fj.r.'i-t!''- lr LI.o.o \^l<tra Af,r^.r^^ c.t\*+? *r/* l\l,,r{A.a c,,,.h.21 .ll", ttuawr- N} ,.,I' f.t+ Nb NP .' Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other lr Color l//,Ao.Js 1tE-7- ,'hbc"t- t3?- It.tz.z i. Erry*Zz BrrFh,6 ilt- Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12102/07l1z POUCY OF TITLEINSURANCE ISSI,JED BY STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY STJBJECT TO TIIE EXCLU$ONS FROM COVERAGE, TITE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCIIEDULE B AND TTIE CONDITIONS AND STIPI,'LATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANW COMPANY, A Texas corporation, herein called the Coryaoy, insuras, as of Date of Policy shoulu in Schedule A, against loss or not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated iu Schedule A, stutsircd or incurred by the insured by reeson of: l. Title to the estaiE or int€f,e,st described in Schedule A being vested other thrn as stated tberein; 2. Any defect in or lie,n or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unna*etability of the title; 4. I-ack of a right of access to and froo the land. The Conpany will also pay the costs, attoneys' fees and expenses incurred in defease of tho title, as insured, but only to the exlent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Coryany has causd this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of the Date of Policy shoum in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE GUARANTYCOMPANY STEWART TTTLE OF BAGLE COIINTY, INC. Agoot ID #060058 EXCLUSIONS I'ROM COVERAGE Tho foltowing mattets arc cxprcssty oxcluded from tho covorago of this policy and thc Company will not pay lo3s ordsmage, costs, acorneys' fecc or expenses which arisc by roason of:l. (a) Aay low, ordinancc or governnental regulation (hcluding but lot limitrd to building and zoning lawc, ordhaaces, or rogulatiolr) rc*ricting, rcgulating, prohibiiing or rcloting to (i) tho occupancy, usc, or eojoym€nt of tbc land; (ii) thc character, dimensionr or location of any improviment no* or hcreaftEr crectcd on the land; (iii) a separ*ion h owacrship or l chango io tlc dinonsione or orcc of tho land or any parcel of which the tand is or was a prrt; or (iv) covironmcntal protcction, or thc cffcct of aay violetioo of thero laws, ordinanccr or govcrnmcotal rcgularioas, except to the crtcd that r notico of thc Goforccm€ot thcrcof or a mticc of t ddcct, lico ot cocumbnacc rcsultiag fron a violation or altegcd violarion affccting tho la$d has bcco recordcd in the public r€.ords at Dato of Policy. (b) Aay govornmental policc power not excludcd by (i) abovc, erc?t to lle extent that a noticc of tho cxorciso thcc€of or a aoticc of c defect, liia or cacumbraa& rcsulting from e violation or alleged viotatioo afrccting tho lud has bocn recorded io thc public rccords at Doro of Policry.2. Righ:tr of cmincot domain unloss notice of tho cxcrcise thereof hac bccn rccordcd in the public records at Dlto ofPolicy' but not excluding fmn covcragc any taking which has occurrcd prlor to DEt€ of Policy which would bc bMlng on tho rights of e pursharet for valuo without loowledgc. 3, Dcfocts, liqrs, encumbnanccs, advetse claimr ot otlcc nrdtcts: (a) crarcd, ruffcrcd, assumcd or agrccd o by tho insut€dl clf,imanti (b) not kaown to the Conpany, not rccorded in thc public tccords ar Da& of Polic.y, but krowa to the insurcd claimsat and not discloscd in writing to thc Company by the iosurcd claimant prior to the dato the insured clainrant bccano an insurpd uder thi* polt"y; (c) rcsulting in no losc or damage to thc insucd claimanq (d) acachiag or crearcd subs.qucnt to Dats ofPolicy; or (o) rcsultint in loss or damagC which rrnuld not havo becn :ustainod if thc incurcd clainrat hld paid vnluo for thp octlto or intcrcst insurEd by thir policy.4, Antcfain, wti,ch ariscs out of tlo ttanrlctiotr vGsing in thc Insurod tlc €saro or iotcrc,* inrursd by thir pol@' by Felson of tho oP€srtiol of fcderal bonlcruptcy, statc insolvengr, or similar crcditors' dgltr laws; that is bascd on: (a) the transaction crerting tho ssatc or iatorc* iasurcd by this poli"y b.ing dccmed a fraudulont colvcyaacc or fraudulant traosfct; 01 p1 the ttansactioa ctcatiag tho csrarc or intercEt insucd by thir pollcy bcbg dcemcd a prcfcrential transfcr cxccpt wh€t€ thc prc_fctcatlal tnnifer rosutts frorn tlro failurc: (i) to tincfy rccord tlro incatumcnt of ransfcr; or $i) of such recotdltion to impart noticc to a puchascr for valuo or c iudsment or lioo Scrial No. o.n0l-135Zl.3 o ALTA OWNER'S POIJCY SCflEDAIE A Order Nwnber: ooo2g22o Date oJPolicy: octobet 25, 2000 at 77217 A.il. Arwunt of Insuratce: $ Soo.ooo.oo 1. Nune oflnsured: GLETI E. N@I) 2. Thc estate or interest in tlw land which is covered by this pohcy ts: EEE SITTPLE 3. Tttle to the estde or interest in tlu land ts vested In: OIrEN E. POOD 4. The lard refened to in this policy is described asfullouts: SEE ATI.ACEED LEGAL DESCRIPTION Polic! No-: o-97o 1-13 523 3 SCHEDALE A Order Number: 00028220 LEGALDESAIPNON Thoge Portions of Parcel t3 And the Comn AEea ot CJISOZA.R VL|L II 'A Subdivisj:on recorded in the otfLce ot the Bagle County, Colotado ClErk and Recotder t descrtbed as foTTowst Begtnning aX a point vhence the mosX Notthetly Cornet ot said casoLar VaiT II beaza Norxh 4o25'56' East 59.06 teex dl.stant i xhence xhe tollowing four courses around the Eastefly HaIt ot an Ez,J'sting Dupl.€x s (1) south 33'37'78n EaBt 40.70 feeti (2) North 56c28'42' EaBx 30.05 feex, (3) Notth 33c37't8' tt€st 40-7O feexi (4) Souxh 56c28'42* tteat 3A.OS teet ?o nhe Point of Beginninq. COANTY OE EAGLE S?AIE OF COIARADIO. ALTAOWNER'S POLICY SCHEDULE B Order Nwnher: ooo2g22o Policy No. : o- 9 7 o I - I 3 s 2 3 3 This policy does not insure against loss or dunage (and tlte Cornpary will not pay costs, attorneys'fees or upenrcs) which arise by reason of: I. Rtghts or claims of partles in possession, not shown by the public records. 2. Easernerxs, or claims of easemews, not sltown by tlu pnblic records. 3. Discrepancies, conflias in bowdary lirus, shortage in area, encroacluncnts, and ary faas wldch a conect sumey and inspeaion of the pranises wonld ilisclose and wltich ue twt shown by tltc pttblic records. 4. Anylien,orrighttoalien, forservices, laboror moteriolheretoforeor hereafierfurnished, imposedhylaut and not slwwn by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reserwtiotut or aceprtons in paens, or an act authorking the issuance tlwreof; water rightt, claims or title to water. 6. Any and a77 unpaid xaxes and assessm€rts and any untedeened tr- sa.Les. 7. Reservat!-ons or exceptions conXainad j''r U.S. PaXents. or 7n AcXs authorizing tlre issuance xhereof, recorded Augusx 76, 7909 in Book 18 at Page 542' reserviag I) Rt-ghtg of the proprietor ot a veln or Lode to exttacx and remove hjs ore therefrom and 2) righxB of way for ditches and canaLs consxtucxed und.er titre authorlxy of tlre United .gtates. 8. Reatrictjons as conxained in instrument recorded JuIy 25' 1969 in Eook 275 ax Page 649 as Recepxion No. 771757, and amended in Book 279 at Page 235 as Reception No. 711853 . g. CovenanXs and Restriexions as conXaiszed in Xhe Anended and Restated Declaration of Covenanta and &estrictions for Casoiar Vail , recotded Decenbet tlt !992 in Book 596 at Page 495 as Reception No. 492588. 70. Undergrounit right of way easemenX gtanXed to Hofy Cross EiecXric Assocja tion by Casolar DeI Norte nomeowner's AssociaXion, recorded Juna 20. 1988 in Book 485 ax Page 926 as Reception No. 382796, affeeting xhe cotupn areas - 11. Easenenxs thtough xhe conmon area granxed Xo il . Scotx ltclntyre by CasoTar VaiT Home Owners AssocLation, recorded Eebruaty 7. 7989 in Book 199 at Page 997 as Recepxion No. 396787. and recorded February 7. 1989 in Book 499 ax Page 996 as Recepxion No. 396186. 72. EasementB, resxrictionl and righxa-of-htays as shorl,n on the plat of CasoTar VaiT II reeorded November 1, 1978 as RecePtion No. 773934. 73. Terms, condixions. reEervations, resttictions and obl-igations as contained in Line plaintenance Agreement, recorded Febtuary 25. 7994 irt Book 633 at Page 471 Continued on next Page continaaxion of sehedule I - AZTA onnet'B PoJicy Poliey Numberl. O-97O7-1352j3 as xeceptioa No. 529527. ettecxB cowton area 71. Terms. eondixions, reseavations, teaxticxions and obligaxions as contalned in Decfaraxion of Resxticxive Covenantg and uses tor The Easx Anit and Xhe Vest anit of T,ot 73, Casolar DeL Norte II tecorded in Book 3OS at Page 556. and First Amendment recorded Decenbar. 22, 1980 Jn Book 375 ax Page 76.9 as Reception No . 21 1543 . 75. TerTnB, conditions, raservations. tesxtictions and obltgatioas aB contaLnad irl parxy wa77 Agreemenx recorded llay 75, 7987 in Book 462 at Page 709 as Recepxion xo- 358936. 16. A Deeil of Tr:ust dated OSI\?BER 23, 20O0t executed by GLEII E. llaoD t xo xhe Pablic Ttasxee of Eagle counxy. to .secure an indebxednegg of $4OO |OOO.00, ln favor of I1ASHINeT€/N EATAAL BAIIX, EA recorded OCjIOAEI 25, 2OOO aa RecePXion No. 7412379. ENDORSEMENT FORM I IO,1 e ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE SERIAL NUMBER O- 9701-135233 ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE 1nev.sre5) | GUARANTY COMPANY HERGIN CALLED THE COMPANY Order No.: 00028220 Said Policy is hereby amended by deleting paragraphs 1- 4 , inclusive, of Schedule B. This endorsement is made a part of the policy and is subject to all of the terms and provisions thereof and of any pdor endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies atry of the terms and provisions of the policy and any prior endorsements, nor does it extend the effective date of the policy and any prior endorsements, nor does it increase the face amount thereof. Signed under seal for the Company, but this endorsement is to be valid only when it bears an authorized countersignature. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY. ]NC. Aecnt ID #060058 Authorized Count ersignature Serial No. E- 9851-112382 CONI)ffONS AND SIIPUIJIIIONS Conlhucd 5. PR,OOT OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. In addition to and rfrer thc mticcr rcquircd undor secrioo 3 of thcrc conditioru ad sripulationr hrvc bcen pmvided thc conprny, r ploof of loos or demrgc rigred rnd swom to by thc iDrurcd chi, shrll bo furdshcd to ths Conpmy wilhin 90 days ricr lbo ingred chirud 6rtl rtcenria lbc frcts Sivi[g riEc to ftc los or drrugc' Tho proof of loss or &nege shall dcrcribo tho dcfcct in, or lion or encusrbnrco oo thc ritlo, or olbcr utrtlr! i ured rgoinrt by thir policy which constinrtcr the brric of losr or damagc and sllall stlrc, b the otc€nt pooaible, the basis of cdcuhthg thc acroud oftho losr or demagc. lf tho Conplny is prejudiced by thc failurc offhe innrred clairDa[t!oprovidcrhorcquirdproofof|orsordarnrgc,|hcCompany'ro,bliptiourothcingrdurrdcrtbepo|l;yrbrllrenni!stc'if|udi4grnylitbilityotob8!f[ to dcfend, proseculs, or continuc any litigetion, with rcgnrd to tho !trlttsr or mrtletr lcquiring rtch ploof of lou or damrgc. ln additioo, thc insur€d claimrnt may rcrronably bc requircd to $bmit to exanioation u[d€r odh by ely rutborized rq]$sontltivc of tlre Conprny and shall produce for examinatiorl in:pecrion rnd copying, s|ch rcagoublo timcr and placor ar may bc derignrtcd by any euthorizcd rcprclantativo of lhe Co4rny, dl recordr' books, lcdge,', cbcat!, corrcqrondcncc ald 6coonnda, whcrhcr bcrinS . drtc bcbro or aicr Duc of Folicy' vhich leuonebly ponain o rbc lor or drmgo' Furrhcr' if rquEst d by any ruthorizEd reprcscnrlfvc of thc Comgany, thc iruurcd chimant shill gnat itr pcrmirsion, in writing, for any ruthoriz€d r€ptlsentative of tc Coryary !o exrminc, inspecl and copy rll rccord!, bookE, lcdgco, chc.ckr, coccryoodclce and npsronodr in thc curtody or contml of r lhird party, which rolconsbly pertsitr to the lors or dlnrgg. All infomratioo dcrigmtcd ar confrl,anrial by thc innrltd chirnrc pmvidcd !o lhc Cof{troy puut to thir Scction rhrll td be di*l'0*d io olhctr unless, in thc riasombtg judgmcnt of the Company, it i* ncccasary in rho rdminirtntion of lho ctaim' Frfura of ths in$rcd shimstto submit for exrminatioa uldqr oqth' produco other ,'ombly requestcd informrtion or grant psnnission to r€curE reasonebly rccrsrry infomation from third pertier ar rcquircd in thig pan8raph shEll reminatc lny liability ofthe Conpany undcr this policy ar to tbat claim. 6. OPflONS TO PAY OR OTEERWISE SETTU CLAIIVT'S; TERMINATTON Or LIABILITY' In cas€ ofa claim uDdcr thi. policy, thc Colryany slutl hrve the following additional oprionr: (a) To Pry or Tender Psymed of tlo Ano|Dt of llsurue. To pay or tcndcr peymcnt of thc rmount of ionronco under thir policy toSdhor xrirh ioy soslt' ltomcyt' frcs rnd c:q|ense I incurrcd by thc iorured claiuum' cttich were authorizcd by the Coflprny, up to lh€ tirrrG ofprym€na of tcodcr of p.ymo[t and wbioh thc oorprny i! obliSrled to Pty. Upon tho cxercisc by lhc Compiny oflhir option, alt lirbility ard obligstionc ro tho instrcd urdcr thir Policy, otler thm !o mlko lho payDont rrquir€d' !br[ lsrmirEte, irrluding any lilbility or obligrrion lo (bfcDd, p$ccutc, or aootiruo iny litigation, rod lbc policy Selt bc nrrcndercd to tbe Co4my for crncelhiion' o) To Pry or othcrrirc se.|re wilr Pof6e! (Xhcr lbn rhs lErod or wll thc Ilor€d orinrd. G) to pcy or oahettyise lcotc with othcr padics for or in tho ramc of an iarurod chiman any olaim ir$rcd agriust under ftls Policy, to8?thcr wilb my coslE NBormy!' fccs and c4reores incured by thc innrred ctainunt which werc aulhorizcd by tho ComPioy up ro tho time of payrrcnt and which tbo Company ir obligarcd to pryi or GD ro psy or otheflris€ lellc with thc inqrrrd claimrnt the lors or &mrgc prwi&d for uadcr thir goliay, rogdber \Yith roy coEt!, rtorFyr' fcct ttrd €'pe[!cr incuned by thc ineured ctsimrnr which werc authorizcd by thc Conprny up ro the rirnc of payronr and vhich the Coryrny ir obliSBbd to Pry' Upon rhc cxercise by rhe ca,gprny of cirhor of rho oprionr prorrided fot in prngnphr OXD or (0, rhc Corngaay'l dligrtioru io 6re inqrrpd undcr thir policy 6r the chimed loce or damagc, othcr than the pryrmts .cquird io bc mrdc, .f'lt rqminrte, irir any li$ility or obligation to defend, procccutc or contimro any litigation' 7. DETERMINATION, EXTENT OT LIADILTTY AI{D COINSTJRANCE. This policy ir a corrnct of indcnDity itrirtrt acturl mourtrly lo$ or drmrgp lud{LFd or ioaurrcd by tho iosured chirunt who h!! rufrcrcd lors or darnagc by rerson of uraccrc innrrcd rgainrt by rhir polby rnd onty to thc cxlcnr hcrcin 'brcribcd'(r) The liability of thc Conrgrny undor thir policy &all rct excccd thc lerlt of: @ the Amount of Insurrnce ltatcd in Schedulc A; or' fi) thc dilference betx,ccn tho vduc of tho ins|rrtd ertatc or intcrc* rs imlrcrt rnd thc vrtue of thc ilsuled Gltrtc or intcFrt a$jcct fo &c dofe4t, Iicn or cncurn- bnncc innrrcd rgaitra by ttir Polisy' O) In thc event the Amount of lnsrarnse ctatcd in Schcdule A al thc Darc of Policy ir lcrr than 80 1rcrceot of the vduc of lho inEut€d .3hr€ or ilrterest or dre frrll co$idcration paid for Uc lrnd, whichcvcr lrlerc, orif qrbscqucnt io tho Dlt of Policy in i[qlro\rcoelt ir crcclert on thc bnd which imrlalot tho vthlc of hc itt$rd ortala o. intercrt by rt lead 20 pclccrt ovcr 6c Anord of Inannrcc latcd ia Schcdulc A, tboo ttir Dolicy it trbjcct to thc following: G) whcre no subsequent irprcLcmont har bcen nnd,e, u to rny partial lors, tho Co@rny shrll only pay the losr pro r?h in rhs pmPortion lhtl the rDount of iosuraneo rt Dlto of Policy berra to the lotrl vrluo of thc insrred csiatr or inlereJt rt Dato of Policy; or Gi) wherc e srbsequeot imprwerncc har bccn nude, rr to eay prrrial los8, ths Corryany Sdt only pry the locr pro ntr in tho proPortion ttrt 120 pcrtear of thc Anounr of L|sunnca std€d in schcdulo A bcrrs to thc lum of orc Amou of Insrntr'o iatcd ia Schcduh A ud thc arnunl cxpcnded for ths imPrDvct[pot' The provisionr of this pffrgnph ltrrll not apply to co,3ts, lttomcys' fccs and oxpenses for which the Company ir liabte utdcr thie policy, and shdl ot y sPPly !D thlt portion ofany losr which excccdr, h lhc rggEgrtE, l0 Pcrccnt oftbc Amount of lDtutancc stlted in Schcdulc A (c) The Coapany will pay only thooc cosir, dtomeyr' fccs rnd o:genrcr irrcuned il rccordaffc witb Scction 4 oftherc Conditinnr and Stipularions' 8. APK)RTIONMEITTT. lf the tand described in Schedule A consicla of wo or rnoro prrcetr which are oot urcd t|r singlc ritc, tnda tost i! catrblirhed affecting om or moto of the parcelr but not rll, th€ los! shall be conputed and letded on ! pm latl basis ar if lhs rmount of innrnre undcr thir poticy wer dividcd Pro r.ta rt to the Yrluc oo Drt' of Policy of elch s€prnlc psrcel io the wholc, cxclusivc of rny improvcnr.alr mrdc srbscquant !o Drts of Hicy, unlesa r liability or valuc har othorrrisc becn sgle€d ulton rt io each parcel by the Company rnd the iosrerl at the tinre of the iisuaacc of thir policy rnd Sown by ar expr€&t rtat m€d or by an cndoBenrent rtt8chcd to this policy' (confiinued rnd coahdcd on hEt I{c of thb Flisy) (iITIJTA Ow*r's Policy) 'l '.I tl../6= (tfarrz) R.c v(\ R $ i F \t ft\ N \ $$ .*) t.t TRUSTEEI S DEED ( Il linois ) PREPAXED BY lllD ltllL lot Howard M. Hoff, EBq, Goldstine, Skrodzki, RuEsian, Nemec and Hoff, IJtd. 835 Mcclintock Drlve/z'ld Floor Burr Ridge, IL 5052L SEND SUBSE0OEfT IIX EI!LrS lO: Michael. T. Pringle 43 llarvard Road Fair Haven, NJ 07704 I|||il ilililil]t ilIil ililf ililt ililtillilLlil] |lll?ltl13 L6/l2llfi9 11:ile lZt Se;r Flrhrrt of I n ?0.@ D 0.00 ll 0.00 Erlh O0 (Tbe Abovc SpacE For Recorder'B ulE only) THIE IllDElrTgRt, made this 20ch day of September, 1999, between ilosEPtl B. PRINGLE, Succeasor Trustee under the TIIoMAS PRINGLE 1980 TRUST under agreement dated June 3, L980, afso kno$,n aB the THOIIA,S B. PRTNGITE TRUST, dated ifune 30, 1980, Grantor. and MICIIAEIJ T. PRINGLE and ifOANt{E POIJJOCK PRINGIJE (or their designated eucceesor) . as Co-TrusteeE of tshe THOMAS PRINGIJE 1980 DISCRETIONARY TRUST FOR MICEAEL, Grantee. lfIrNl$9rl!t rHAT cRtllTORS, in conslderatlon of Ehe sum TEN AI{D NO/100 DOLL,ARS ($10.00) , receipt whereof ie hereby acknowledged, and in purBuance of the power and auEhority vested in the Grantor as said Tru6tee, and of every other power and authority the Grantor hereunto enabling, do hereby convey and quiE claim unto the crantee, in fee glmple, Ehe following described real estate. situaEed in Ehe County of Eagle, in the staEe of Colorado, TO WIT: TTIOSE PORTIONS OF PARCEIJ 13 A}ID TgE COMIiION AREA OF CASOIJAR VAIL' Ir, A SUBDMSION RECORDED IN TIIE OFFICE OF TIIE EAGLE COI'NTY, COLORADO CLERK A![D RECORDER, DESCRIBED AS FOLTLTOWS: BEGfNNING AT A POINT WIIENCE TIIE MOST NoRTHERLY CORIIER OF SAID CASOLAR VAIIJ IT BEARS NORTII 4O25'56'I EAST, 59.05 FEET DISTATiIT; TIIENCE TIIE FOIJIJOWING FOUR COIIRSES AROUND TIIE I{ESTERI.,Y ITAI.IF OF AIV EXISTING DUPLEX:; (1) (2\ (4) sourE 33"31,18n EAST, 40.10 FEET: sourH 56"28'42l' WEST, 30,05 FEET; NORTII 33'31'18" WEST, 40.10 FEET; NORTH 56"28'42'' EAST, 30,05 FEET TO TIIE POItfT OF BEOINNING. gk,Y?WE !' i l. rl Addres. of ReeI ErtrEG: 1145 SandEtone Drive west, vai1. CO 8155? gIrBirEcT TOr Sec Exhibit A attached to and nade a part hereof ' TOGETEIR r.rith a1l and singular the hereditaments and appurlenances thereunto belonging, or i.n anywiBe appurtaining and the reveraj.on, remaindera, renEE, issues and proflE.s thereof, and atl the eFEate, right, title' int.eresE, claim and demand whatEoever of fhe gr:urtor, either in laur or in equity, of in and to Ehe above bargained premiaes, with the herediEamenca and appurLenances. IN WITl[rgE TEEREO', JOSEpH B. PRTNGLE. SucceBaor Truatee under the rEoMAs PRfNGLE 1980 TRUST under agreemenc daEed ,'tune 3, 1980, also knor{n as the TFOMAS B. PRINGIJE TRUST, dated .Tune 30, 1980, as aforegaid, hereunto Bet hls hand and seal the day and year firat. above wrj,Eten B . PRI}IGIJE ,TruE !ee I Lilr ililt lllllll lllll lllll lllll llil lll lllll llll llll ?11!t3 l0ll2ll9|5| llr0Gl f22 Serr Ftrher 2 cJ 4 e z0,m D 0.00 ll 0.90 Errh C0 STATE OF IIJIJINOIS COTJNTYOFCOOK !,|j, I, the undersigned, a NoEary public in and for aaid counEy' i.n the state aforesaid, Do HERtBy cERfIty thaE JosEpH B, PRTNGT.E is the Truet.ee of the TiIoMAs PRINGLE 1980 TRUST under agrecmcnt dated June 3. 1980, a18o known as the TTIOMAS B. PRINGLE TRUST DATED JItl{E 30, 1980, iE peraonally known to me Eo be the aame person whoge name is subecribed Eo the foregoing instrument, apPeared before me thia day in pereon, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the saLd inetrument as bis free and voluntary act as auch Trustee, for the ugee and purpoges therein eet forth, including the releage and waiver of the right of homeEtead. cIvEN under rny hand and official seat, this 20th day of sePtember, 1999. Public tily CorrnisEion |l, \lD\25550t \Doc|iFntr\Trur!..' r Dccd.!r!d, 9,/20l99 ;ornctll.sen[,' LAURAJ, CECIL Nolary PuSc, Strb d lllrolr t,ry Gammisrlon Erfl!? !-ry41 ilililr llilillllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llllllll llll llllrtrlir iortzl1999 lt:otfl l2ll 5lr. Flrhr 3 of I R 2O.@ D 0.e0 il 0.@ Errh C0 1. 2. EXHIBIT A General Taxes for the year 1998 and subsequent years: Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom, should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises hereby granted, as reserved in United States Patent recorded December 29, 1920, in Book 93 at Page 42. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved in United States Patent recorded December 29, 192O, in Book 93 at Page 42. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in instrument recorded July 25,1969, in Book 214 at Page 649, as amended by instrument recorded December 2, 1970, in Book 219 at Page 235- Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Casolar Vail recorded February 7, 1979, in Book 281 atPage 634, correction to the First Supplement to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions recorded March 21, 1979, in Book 283 at Page 281 and First Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions and First Supplement to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions recorded August 3, 1981, in Book 328 at Page 408, Second Amendment recorded January 10, 1990, in Book 520 at Page 928 and Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions recorded December 1'1, 1992, in Book 596 at Page 495. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in instrument recorded July 17,1980, in Book 305 at Page 556, as amended by instrument recorded December 22,1980, in Book 315 at Page 169' NOTE: Notice of Recision and Cancellation of Right of First Refusal provisions recorded December 1, 1988, in Book 496 at Page 209 and Recision and Cancellation of Restrictive Covenants recorded December 1, I 988, in Book 496 at Page 210. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Easement Deed between Casolar Vai I Townhouse fusociati on, a Colorado non- profit corporation, and Norman Laskin recorded May 75,1987, in Book 462 at Page 708. ? 4. ). 6. ., ,a.t a: Jt ) L Terms, conditions and provisions of Party Wall Agreement recorded May 15, 1987, in Book462 at Page 709. 9. Easement and right of way for access purposes, as granted by Casolar Del Nofte Homeowners Association, lnc. to Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. by instrument recorded June 20, 1988, in Book 485 at Page 926, said easement being Southerly 25.00 feet. HrUP'e6S5onDocumenrsuxhiHt A.wpd; 9/2089 !!il!I|'$r,,lllull'tilu.:!I!'IIlt'!',!!!|t!**, rt,i^_{c-4\-A-\-^c q,q_ \ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT C Cc-aotc---U.--\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0171 e6z-@st ?O1, . ooG'L Job Address: I146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location....,: 1146 Sandstone Drive Applied . . : 0610312002 Parcel No...: 210301414014 Issued. .. : 0610412002 Project No : PRsci o wt, Expires . ..: 12/0lD0Q2 o$rNER THOMAS PRINGLE 1980 DrSCR TRO6/03/2O02 phone: MICIIAEIJ 43 HARVARD RD FAIR HAVEN NiI O77O4 License: eoNrRAeToR walrer, Rick 06/03/2002 phone: P.O. Box 3716 Awon, CO 81620 IJicense: 591-B APPIJICAI{m walter, Rick 06/03/2002 phone: 97O-949-7.8'15 P.O. Box 3715 Avon, co 81520 License: Description:remodel kitchen, master bath, downstairs bath, add dry bar Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: V IHR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Fireplace tnformation: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 Building---> 5329.00 Restuamnt Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S213 . 85 DRB Fee---_------> Investigation-> $329.00 Recreation Fe€-------> Will Call->53.00 Clean-uPDePnsit-> # ofcas Logs: | # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY a{i**++:t:ta+a'*lt*******'t**l.i**:r*at*:}'*ll.t*r**+++'},}r*.*'r't:t****** s0.00 Total Cslculated Fe€s-> S874.85 S0. oo Additional Fees----->$0.00 90.00 Total Permit Fea----> $874.85 $0.00 Pa''ments--.--_.---> $8?4.85 90.00TO'TAL FEES----_--> 58?4.85 BALANCE DUE_---> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 05/03/2002 Jwl Actionr AP Item; 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PtBI-,IC WORKS *ttl**:t,t*a**t'|ttt See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. ' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thal I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinanses and state laws, and to build firis $tructue according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review appoved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUF.S IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47F2138 OR AT OUR OFRCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 Plvl. Send Clern+p Deposit To: ry'a SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 'i*'*'}:i:t*'t|*|!t**{.***{.:**:t*********:t*:}*,|'t{t't!****l*'!!t,***1t*{t'}*l.t*!t'}:|.'t't:t*:*|i{t**|t1l******* CONDITIONS OF,{PPROVAL Permit #: 802-0171 as of 06-U-2002 Status: ISSUED:|*{.*{.**|F*:t!t****++++,}********:f:t******{.*:}**:|.*:tt:}*****t***'|*'l't*{t*'}!t'}{.**!t*!tlt**************,***:}*:*{t't:}********* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 06/8A002Applicant Walter, Rick Issued: O6rc4nOO2970-949-1875 ToExpire: 12/01/2002 Job Address: I146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Location: 1146 Sandstone Drive ParcelNo: 210301414014 Description: remodel kitchen, master bath, downstairs bath, add dry bar *{' 't** rt *****:** ***i*************++*!t****:t*{.{.***{.***** COnditiOnS *{.*****r!4.rr,t *{!:t rr{.***:r******,r***{r*{.,r**,}{.,}!r**** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.6.I OF T}IE 1997 UBC. tl TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! NWtl0FVt 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 boz -olCONTRACTINFORMATION General C.ontractor:{?.e\< "' \a\4*s-Town of Vail Req. No,: fot t- g Contact and Phone #'s:I ,-{ 1,^ I slS. g \nD - zQrS Contractor Siqnature:EA{^-oa \)a&{- COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ LZ,3Oc)ELECTRICAL: * \SOO OTHER: $ f PLUMBING: $ z.SOD MECHANICAL: $ F rorAl: s Lb,30O For Parcel # Cona.t Assessorc Offrce at 970-328-864O or visit lob Name: pc..,..q\q R.n^^^.&a-\:{*^e- br - Legal Description f-ot:$'si;f._qO-(O e {^\{,\l \r^-r,,\!.l|rng:Subdivisionr Ca:s\q[- [ owng51 l{E["' .D.,,-.-r ollt€tU Sa."A:*.. -e br- \)a-\ (o Plqqfi-?rrL., At$ffStisnff.d^.+.c-l.*rrojlooflEos-, "ou r rLro-,. (r> . ll tnoh"ir-*,., E\IS\Lf^^.^€€rt'< =,r..-. llAf,q'€% vt{aao,.r Dr- r)^.\ co. ll PhESt-:.r?o Detailed description of work: ${a^^o&q\ C-r \e.l) l.e^,.,. o&q\ oL ,,^cc:$<f tD4\{^- r f.e^*..ra..C- \ ol ts"+d^l.^ r ctbt*.tii:. &o.^r.r:tl.--.Fr \DaI^^, 4&$ crQQ\r<,,-.gq5d+ bar \tos..g cd WorkClass: New() Addition( ) RemodelQQ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior QQ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-familypQ Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs(l) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas AoDliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yo ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 0o q **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** F :/everyone/forms/bl dgperm refi}MAys0z00z TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #: E02-0085 -D04 -O(-i t "367_61 6 \'tu4-ooal- Job Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1146 Sandstone Drive Applied . . : 06/03/2002 Parcel No...: 210301414014 Issued . . : 06/14/2002 ProjectNo , ?qSOI -O \66 Expires. .: t2/r1/2002 owNER SHOI,IAS pRrNGr,E 1980 D]SCR TF.O6/O3/2002 phone: MICI{AEII 43 HARVARD RD FAIR I{AVEN N'J O77O4 License: colrIRAcToR walter, Rick 06/03/2002 Phone: P.O. Box 37L5 Avon, CO 8L520 License:691-B APPIJICANr Walter, Rick 05/O3/2OO2 Phone t 970-949-L875 P.O. Box 3716 Avon, CO 8L620 Iricense: Desciption: remodel kitchen, master bath, downstairs bath, add dry bar Valuation: $ 1.500.00 FEE SUMMARY Electr.ical--> DRB Fee-----> Invcstigation-> wifl calt-> TOTAL FEES.-> Total Calculated Fees-> S53 .00 Additional Fees------>$0.00 BALANCE DUE_--->$0.00 sso. o0 90.00 $0.00 93 .00 9s3.00 Total Pelmit F€e-----> S53 - 00 Palments-----> $53.00 Approvals:Item: 06000 EITECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENI 06/03/2002 JRI| Actsion: AP ftem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIII i *tt ttt*+*tttt *i* CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALI- BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCF-A.'t ot' FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF X **** * * * +++t*++ * * * ** * * *** **** * * * *++ * * * ++ + + + **** '*** ++ * * * +*+***** * * ** + * **+* ** ** * * **+ + + *++ +* ff f t TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement***{ttt * i f * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * *:} * + 'i 't * + + + + * * * * *,}********** **:r*******r}**** * * * * + * * * * * * *:t + + * * t * ** + | + + Statement Nunber: R000002585 Anount 3 $S3.OO 06/L4/200202:50 pM Pay'ment Method: Check Schneider Elec 2098 Init: DDG Notation: Hughes & Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Locat ion : This Pa.yment: 802 - 008s 210301414014 114 5 SAIVDSTONE 1145 Sandstone Ifpe: ELECTRTCAIT PERMIT DR VAIL Drj-ve Total Fees: TOTAI A]JIJ PMTS : Balance: $s3 . 00 $s3.00 $0.00 9s3.00 *1.**+*'l'******+***+rt +**++ +***********************************+***t+***t****++**+++,t++++f++**:f ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Cunrent PmtsDescri pti on EP 00100003111400 |,lc 00100003112800 TEI'IPOMRY POI,,JER PERI4ITS I,IILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 APPLTCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEq Prcject #: E 63.*Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2L49 ( Inspections)+ rcM]OPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 7JL'oo "<CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s:* *'E70471-7q ETown of Vail Reo. No.: a13 ^6 coMptETE sQ. FEET FOR NEW BUTLDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (labor & materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELEcTRIcALVALUATIoN: $ | 50n.4? Conhct Asesgp,rc Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit Job Name: Rs^rq\-e- f4l^^-.oSc\ r"r",""r."r.-,1[r"t' t: ji'"fff lfffitl^"'*** [suucivision: C<:.\r.J- JL [rhe?i_=,ro WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel Work Type: Interior () Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Btdg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex (Q MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: e No. of AccommodaUon Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) NS 0a) , ooes a fire Alarm Exist: ves ( ) No ( )Ng ln forPatel # ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* 3 0 20a2 F:/everyondf orms/elecperm 5^t Efine& TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0062 ftrl'-o(-111pt -otr t Job Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status . . . : AppnOVeO Location.....: 1146 Sandstone Drive Applied . . : 06/03/2002 Parcel No...: 210301414014 Issued. . : ProjectNo : irqloi-o\(b Expires. .: OWNER TIIOMAS PRINGIJE 1980 DISCR TF.O6/O3/2OO2 PhONE; MTCHAEIJ 43 HARVARD RD FAIR HAVEN N.' O77O4 I_,icense : CONTRACTOR Walter, Rj-ck 06/03/2002 plrone: P.O. Box 3715 Avon, CO e152 0 Lricense:691-B APPLICANr Walter, Rick OG/03/20O2 phone: 97O-949-tA75 P.O. Box 37L5 Avon, CO a7-620 Lricense: Desciption: remodel existing sinks, moving Valuation: $2.500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? # ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofcas l-ogs: 12 H of Wood Pallet ?? t,l trt + t t t,i *'tt aa 'ta l Plumbing--> $45 . oo R€stuarant Plan Review-> S0. 00 Total Calculat€d Fees--> $59 .25 Plan Check.--> $11.25 DRB Fee--------> So. O0 Addirional Fees--> 90. 00 lnvestigntion-> S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES--------> $59.25 Total P€rmit Fe+----> $59 . 25 Will Call---> 53 .00 Palments-----.--> $s9.2s BALANCE DUE----> $0. OO IteM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTI{EIiIIf 06/03/2002,JRM Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BI.DG.): FIEI'D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To cIIEcK FOR CODE COMPIJIA}ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOTJR HOURS IN ADVANCE B 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. 7/U ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF FROI'1 : .J:r- A..rl-rl{t: I'f: F&H I f.ra Fq,4 r.fr. ': 9ru32ffi?72 APPLICATION WIIL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UffiMWNOFVINIY ii'i'J,**Tff;,, prtl-V ot Kt -rl,o2. { (-l { ?rsz&@E'ixi- $1q.t( r vAt.uATroil FoR pLuMBrilC pERmIT (Iabor & lrfateriab) Building Permit #; Flurnbing Fermit #: 970-4, I -2119 (Inspections) 'p -/?s !!rygE soudw A#estr/5 offjce at 970-328 k,? !!","#-:,=' " \^=l-g_:_::*]reryr rj prorkrro.arole) Zl O 5b \\ \t 6T( iobNuto'Pr=r.o\o .P--,-^'.&a\Job Addres:: A*"'ii\a- so*^As\=- "- s ;- LegalDacription ll r-ot \j ?ffiffi-ffi*.,^,*^*Subdiviciarlr (a6s\qf Fo*FfnV{t Fr..-^qt-e |(tct1 >iss*.,--.o- sr-ohon*,q?q--? tt It.t,ffiE\" 6..-ffio.<**: br_{?r',^>r.1o Work Class: tUeut ( ) No. of Existing Dweltlng Units tn th;s d.,riiding: J_No. of Accorxfiloddtion Units in this building; Is th is To.nw ff ioj from a-wcrrA-EumfGEF *****-rt***t*****{*tte*ii**irii!i**+i*iiix*FOR OFFICE USE Ottl Ly+*.*r*** +***rl,*i r r ***,ri r * r*i r ***; *** * f /eventcrE/iorm$ drnblerm RE0DMAY 3O2|/rj2 r:.-l? ilii.':(i'5* ar.'r Inspection R+su*st Reportr;T g vAit", c.Q . Tglrrfl{ DF_ i *+grJay. Ll*csir,L*t" 1:, z,iil: -ijirtfitdi i.ANPgl$til: uR !Jt!L'! t4f Sa*rdgtone Srivi' :-.{::il:I!ule!-q li;1iv!l./ r-r'?. i i; | "i 't:ij l|"guti.; :j.'ib i vE$: Aijr-lP r. i.n.:.r - .v,a;. ,.;,.rt,eitr. tJ!s: V 1 i.lFl 'l,.,r.iler ilrt.]Mf i.i i''f'{rh.'i,.l.i ,l\t I:ISCF Tpr-l$ T i..fn Ar;i'iidi,nl 'Jvsltrri. ilr;i irtii.i'e; ','?t:"i49- lt ?5 i..',.: rlt:ici:: '.!e!r*i . 'r l:iq I tfa'CliFtr.'i:" r{imrdti ilil;iiin flnsJ,J l.tli, ia.r"'"|;Erlit.., Eafli. nd{j dfy i"3t l,l*'.ir.e. floLis-rl i;: -tl?iri i-C.{t*tFEiir-i l.lnrr;l+- Tirri i"roit4"t i.unf, fsd tagggr I ffr ft$ lr€trilili. . LCAr'lPB[|.l i::ucr* P+r-ir.i*rted in!ii*{ri I6b. llt gFECi]'J'ir J4f gi!igite.trc*r4ss: '- Alplr.l utiij ' .!R14 " I's,P:$J€o "rp, ! ,-atNtus: lSiiLlED InsF Area' iRF/| !1:-"1*.iiri,!tljt*si'(:n*g$.g; f{:jini+:t:it y';i:i caii .jjii:}5?fl4 j L:2a:1{]4"t,,],tf:iir::I itn:t:t,t*P uriW&. jinr* Lr 50 ]z-l\-o'L I ;r,..qsejr:.1 ;riis. Jts:t)rt l,!Y{ ,1'-n"Z :' ijrv,ir€: J/&ti{&lr'i5 ,1' ;i;tai.ri!Bit. nGC.I,SEN ( U R,',qU€l!r i:t i.l gti L*-i rlrii lF".-:Fr,'i, iiiih i,lln: -\,l.! fil-;..+rf i"qliri$ Liai: i ,-,,i:, i,.*r:eili;iii:Em. SL Sr-j-'r..-rtrnriiiit;clt',*r,;rr i"l $l.L1}-$n9f,t€!. iisiiiS'!1,'l: rri$crle{''"'li€;rr. :i] L-ri. f-)i:- !,rlr:i . ile c: iii $L!ji?' i:ltr:!li*fi,: ; i F r.i,.l',1"1;i-': rr rrr.lttilgtiof, r:liitrlj,e:ii: ?:i ;t:-i.|,i-l;-'- Jt!" trlqltt lier|r] ii:1J. F i. *:',r T:tul;', {:r':l q.Jfir I tr rj4 ;,i Ail fltiil l-- {: ,/ ",-r' .-/- -- =1p- : tr t it!4 _!.t:\-',.. t_ r -: J .l"Run CONSTRUCTION PERMIT tu/n^ Fk plurrrtarr{cI rouruonrtor.t NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE oare J4x94Br .5, leeA trrn department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOB TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT IT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECH AN ICAL LEGAL llesc. lor 13 BLK A FILING CASOI.AR T T --JOB NAME: DICKIE BOILER OWNER pay6 DEON DICKIE rartnoonessl0l0 MICHIGAN AVE 708-864-253sCITY EVANSTON, IIPH ARCHITECT FIRM MAILADORESS CITY PH, G ENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ],-r"t.,.o. CCNTRACTOR FIRM TOITiLOF VAIL f,EG. NO PLUMBING FIRM SIBLEY P&H r34-PTOWN OF VAIL FEG. NOCUN I RAC IOR 827 -5136 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO .OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DtvtstoN GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK ; l t tv v ABEHIRM 122a34 REPLACE EXISTING BOILER PERMIT NO. zoF BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL 6000.00 STERRA 7M95:000- TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES VlHR R-l BUILDING PERMIT 1335 {,s"r$-3 (S. R= \: PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW() ALTERATION () ADDITIONAL O REPAIRI(X)PLUMBING OWELLING UNIIS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL L20.OO/PC 30.00 /l RECREATION FEE INSULATIOI EXT. WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT USE TAX ROOF WILL CALL 3.00 TYPE OF HEAT ELEC, SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 153.00 DAN STANEK I-5-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALriyl lll U|LD|NG OFFtCtAa DATE )NING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKTNG I r I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that allthe information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plol plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according lo the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of thqJown applicable thereto. \-l . fL. 06 '-SIGNATURE OF OWNER OB CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER, r-vv *******************************************tr******************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number! REC-O002 Amount:153.00 07/05/es 09:48 Permit No: M95-0008 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT'Parcel No: 2103-014-13-014site Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DR , Location: CASOLAR 1I #B Payment Method: Notation: TT ENTERED Init:**************************************************************** Account Code01 0000 4131101 0000 4L33201 0000 4L336 Descrj-ption PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES W]LL CALI, INSPECTION FEETotal (This Payment): 153.00 153.00 .00 Paid 120.00 30. 00 3 .00 1s3.00 Total- Fees:Total AII Payments: Balance: .; BUILDTNG: $ - P;IUMBING: F- Address: PER!,ITT APPLICATIOU pQS- UDt. o*v t- 3-4{ , APPLICATION I'IUST BE FTLLED OUT COI.|PL,ETBL! OR-I[,!|AY NOT BE ACCES3ED S***************************** pER!,rrr rNFo*r,rArr"n f llhil]ltlltld-Diy.0iPl*****r****-'[ ]-Bullding rx-nrxoins I J-Electrical ltl-Mechantcal I l-other _ Job Name: Dicfle- F.i[<-^-, ;ou aaare,ss,:. Lesar Descriptton: r.ot- arocr-bfll lkLf.., Number of Accommodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet , * *** * **** ****** ****************** Contractor: OIHER: S TOTAL: I coNlRAgroR INFORI{ATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *N1lry--.------Town. of VaiI Reg. NO._Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO ELECTRTCAL: $r.rrcnaricaii+@Ucsr - I contractor: S.l i i '^,C Torrn of -- '- t3t{-€ r oqo ^^c.\^ sffirbvr3;:1"'f"Iill,f4jli#- oFFICE USE ** ****** *********************** BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLI]MBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE3 RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI. PERHIT FEES: ***************** * ** ************ FORBUUJDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERI'IIT FEE:l'fEcHANrcAt pERl{IT txez WELECTRTCAL FBE: OTHER TYPE OF FEErWtLC.qu- DRB FEE: Comrnents: f l eutlotne: I U r+a I L-t l-l_l srelrerunn:t-l-t_t_l zoNrNc:I-I-I-I-I STGNATIIRE: ?van Stcq t.tLArchitectt _ Address: I =it. -ph._ l:6rrA.-,I naaa*{*{-j ^-- O^J.-- -. . fl' /'t --- ' - - Owners Nane: .l)(Address:[6lt tr-Lla a,,,. Av<- #t ?van stc,> Genera1Description:Mrc,z..fr,d^Nt.dwclIat|uin Worlc Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additlonat X-[ ]-other Nrlmher of Dwelling Units: I *pnler and Ilpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances /f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS x**************il*******I Eeneral contractor: f,-i/ Electrical Contractor:Address: Plunbing Address: CLEAII T'P DTBOSIT NEFI'}{I' TO:St"t., ptu,,"ttt$ " \1. 75 soulh trcnlag. road v.al, colorado E1657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 TO: rROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: Read and rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful f-or anyperson to litter' track or deposit ani ="ir,-"J"i, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding trash iunpster3, poriaui"- toir"ts andworknen vehlcres. upon any streetl siaeiraii, -;u;y or publicplace or anv porti-on theieor. --rrr" right:of-way on arr Town ofvail streets ina.:gags i" alpr""in.t"iv-s-it.*iri pavenent.This ordinance wirr be. "t"iEirv--enf,orced by the Town of vairPublic works Department. persins f9u4d viorating this ordinanceyirl_ be given a 24 hour wri*en n"ii";1"-iilJi"'=.id nareriar.In the event the person so notified does-";t';;ply with thenotice within the-24 rrour tGJ-=p""iii"i,"ii"-ttlic.worksDepartnent wirl remove said nateliat at irr" -.*i""se of personnotiried. rhe provisions Jr-ti,i=-"raii"iliE ;f,5ii not beappricabre to c-onstruction, -rii"i"".nce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any utilities il ii.-;iiii_"_r.v. T".:"yi9I ordinance No. 6 in fult, please stop by the Town ofVail BuiLding Departrnent to ouiiin a copy. rlani< you for yourcooperation on this roatter. offlce of conmunlty dcvetopmenl AI,L CONIrRAEIORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITE TtsETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC lroRKs/coMMrJNITy DE\IELOP!,IENT !,taRcH 16, 1988 CONSTR,UCTION PARKING E }fATERTAL STORAGE acknowledged by: 06c (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: IIEMORANDUM o TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, tgg4 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Qe Date:ebas arding the need for a .public Way permif:. ls this a neiiv residence? ls demolition work being p€rformed that requires ths uss of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecrting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Bight CI Way permit" required? I have read and answered allthe gbove questions. t4 -q{ YES NO X X x l( 1) 2l 3) 4) s) 6) 7l r K 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or K public property to be ussd for staging, parking or fencing? t B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging Y or fenqing plan required by Gommunity Development? l!9u_ algwered yes to any ol these questions, a'Public Way permit' nust be obtained.'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained d the Public Work,s office or atC-o.TTlnity Development lf you have any questions please callCharlie Oavis, ine Tow;of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2159. licK,. t^J. n sB --Job Name Contacto/s Signature Date Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: DICKIE BOILER REPLACE ADDRESS: 1146 SANDSTONE DR E VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR DATE: 1-5-95 CONTRACTOR:SIBLEYP&H ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK 1. CORRECTTONS REQUIRED The iteriu listed betow are not intended to be a complete listing of ail possibte code requireqrents i4 the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be cpnstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. \ CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRm pER SEC. 607 OF TI{E 1991 UMC. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT.JRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDD( C}IAPTER 2I OF TIIE 1991 T'MC. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANY EQUTPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF THE 1991 UMC. GAS APPLIANCES SHAII BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF T}M 1991 UMC AND S}IALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906OF TIIE 1991UMC. BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING]ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED FOR CI)DE COMPLTANCE pER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 UMC. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. 3. 4. 5. 7. -fuwn *f Vni! il.."iliial: i"lng3y';.;ii i\".i,- i-,i1,-/! i #*dA'/t-a'a{ o r]E Boilcr *o'1 ,6chln oNb l'r5''lbh l/,{" -lrl Town r:f Vaif 0Ftff,i: {j',}pY trhfu/-a--?sDeo.n biukie- Aes. t l+b 6 sa,nd,slryte d.., vnit L Vqil @. glbsl ORryYru 8" ct vtta, W{\t l.,r**, sTBLEY PLUMBtNt*". I04OA MAIN ST P O AOX 340. MINTURN. CO 81645 1303) 827 -5 7 36 01-03-1995 Page 1 of 1 Dean Dickie 1010 Michigan Ave. Evanston lll. 60202 (708) 864-2535 RE: 1146 B. Sandstone Dr. Unit E VailCO. 81657 (303) 476-9078 Hydroic Heating Proposal Quote # 159 Mechanical services on the above project, with the following points of consideration: 1. Our HEATING, covers the following: Town of Vail Mecanical Permit and Fees; Demolition of existing "Glo-Core" Boiler; lnstallation of (1)" Weil Mclain" Gold Series GV6 175MBH Gas fired Boiler Boiler exhaust vent, and system combustion air; Reuse existing Air purge, Zone valves and controls' 2. Our EXCLUSIONS, covers the following: All Exterior utilities; and repairs; Replacement of Existing baseboard, controls, piping no retainage on contracts Price for Boiler Replacement as decribed Building Drywall surface cuts, patch and Glycol. $ 5,700.00 T*'.lrn *f Vall l,' ,,J $":ftPVl+,i* \d\f: I '/-f-es- 7 FIL E COPY 75 South Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 t 03 -47 9 -2 | i I / 47 I -21 1 I D e p ntm e nt of Comrnun i ty D eu el o pm ent June 9, 1992 Ms. Kit Abraham Vail Valley Real Estate Brokers 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 RE: Casolar ll Dear Kit: As a foflow-up to Betsy Rosolack's letter of February 12, 1992, I would like to add that duplex development in the Town of Vail is eligible for a garage credit, including the duplexes in Casolar ll, The credit allows 300 square feet of per space, with a maximum of 2 spaces per allowable unit. Please see Section 18.04.130 (N) in the attached ordinance. This garage credit would be in addition to the 1690 square feet per unit of GRFA and the 225 square feet of GRFA credit, as Betsy outlined in her February 12th letter. When you are discussing this issue with any potential clients, please provide both letters from Betsyand me as well as the attached ordinance (Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1991) which is the basis for the garage credit to insure that your client fully understands the GRFA allocation for this development. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ^ffi#*F-*&(Town Planner Enclosure