HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 2 (2)0qt-18-08 ll:38a4 FrqrTffit 0F YAlt Clm*FllTY EVELofiF[r 3rMrsll5e T-8?t P.002/[08 F-09! ZLojor4 Maau/ 8/66/ trEVELOPER IMPRO!|EMENT AgREEITENT THls AGREEMENT, made and enlered into ihis 29tloay ef Oc tob er ao 05, byandamons George c. sc.oJl _{the "Deleloper"}. ard the Tcnaql of Vail (the Town") afid Sunehinq State Comnunity B4!b-(the "eanfl. WHEREAS, the Devebper, as a condilien ef apprcval of the Temporary Certififfite of Occupancyfoi 1115 A/E.'Fp9lar Drive, Vail,;Qqlgqe4o 41651-Lot A7 Block 2 . - PR 04-0420/pB!_!49:!I . -(address, tegnl descriplion" and projed nurnber) wishes b enter ints a Derielryer lmprwe.nrent Agreement and WHEREAS" the Developer b obligsted to provide seeurit1l or collateral sufficient in ihe judgement of the Torvn h rnake reasonable pruvisione for campbtion of certain imFmvements set forth in the attachad e*timabd bid{s) in aecordance with the approrrred plans and specificatirys flled in ihe offioe of the Communifir Developrnent lleparfrnent of the Tourn of Vail; and WHEREAS, lfte Developer wishee to prwide securi$ to guaran@ petiomence of thia Agreement, including cornplelien of all improverfients refsred tq in this Agreerneft by means of the following: The Devebper agrees to esbblish an irrevs€able letter sf credit # 399t9--Iffithe anrount of$ tt.A75.00_ si$l Sunshi{le State Coqmunity Sank fiqmng@txnkxtriFesbc&r:ntry*gbmh) as the $ecuri$ for the coffptetrbn of al improvemente f€fe*ed b in this Agreernent in tte everrt thete is a default under thiE Agreernent by the Developer- NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the follor*ing mutual covenants and qreemenb, the Derreloper and the Town agme as follows: 1 . The Developer ryrees, at lts sole ooet and experr$e, ts furni*h all equipment and materials necessary ta perform and compleE att improvenpnts refened b ifl thi$ Agtee$slt. Ttte Dweloper esrees tCI complete all impmvemenb refened to in this ASreement on gf before the $Uayof octobeE eQ_A!_. The Developet shall mrn$ete, in a gpod r,,vorlananlikE fitenner, all improvement€ ,efsred to in this Agreerrer4 in aecordance with all approved plans and specificdions nled iq the ofice sf tfie Cornmunity Devebynent Deparhrent of the Town of Vait, and to do all uuork incldental ther€rto according to and in eomplhncc wih the following: Addrw: Devdoper; Ldtersf Credit Expirdti,on Datei /d - pl -AA F:taoaviFoRM9Dl*UllAsEd?ilsmai-1{3w-dlE PaSe r ots 0ct-|8-ll5 ll:3tan 9701?st4t1 T-0?s F.003/006 F-0!0 ' a. All saiel wort shall be done under Ele ingpectlon ol end to the satisfacton of, tlrc Tourn Pianner, the Town Engirleer. the Tonrn Buildirg ffiiql, or sther offeiel fffin the Touun of Vail, as affe{ied by special di$tri(# orservice districh, as ttreir respectue inerst may appear, and shall not be deemed complete untilapprod ard accepbd as completed by the Cofimunily Dwelopment DeparUnert ard PublhWerks Deparknent of theTolvn of Vail, 2. Tq seege and grrarantee pErformence of the obtigafni* as set foltr herein, fre Developer agrees to p.ovide $ecffrity aE follsr'r$i lnevocable letterof dedit*300a-9!9l-jn the mmrrntaf $11'875-00 -(12i% at firc total msts of the attecfred st mflted bid(s) wi$r Sunshine StateComunit set toffio"qrh.. .em6 {noi to eryire lesu than 3O dap after the date set fonth in furagraph 1 of |his Agreernant) as lfia seruity 5or lhe-cornple{hn of all improvemenb rebned b in this Agreement in lhe event tfere ie a default underthb Agreernent by Et€ Developer. 3, The Develeper may at any lime substihrte the searity otiginafty set for& above fi)r anodrer funn of security or collahral accspbble tc the Tmvn h guarantee tte fuittttl en$etion of fio$e improvements rafefred to in thk Agneement *d the perfcrmarne o8&e tenns df thb Agreemerrt. gucfi affipt'nce by tfie Tom of atbmatfue ses|.|rru or mllalerEl $hau be at sre Tovcn's ssle discrction, 4. The Town shall nol nor ehall any offer or empfoyee thet€of, be llable ur responoible for any accidenL lose or damage happening or oecunlng to the wark spedfied in thb Agreeffent piior to the oomplefion and aftepEnce of the sern6. nor shall the Toun, nor arry offcer or employee therepf, be liable fur any persore or property inlured by rcason sf the nafi.re of said work, but all of said frabalilie$ $hall and are hereby assumed by the Devehper- The Derreloper hereby qreee b indernrrifv and hold ftarmless the Town ard arty sf 'lts offcers, agents and enrpla'yeee against any bsBe€, daims, damagffi, or liabilites b sltthfi ille Torrn or any of ils officers, agenb or ernplolcee may become *ubject b, inesfaf as any sudt loss*, daims, damages or liabiEffes (or ac,tions in resped thercof) &at arieg out of or ere based upon any perforrnanoe by trre Devdoper hereuruler: ard &e Di#eloper shall reimburse tte Towl for any and all legal oi other experces rcesorrably hrcrrned by the Tosn in cannedion uiFt isvestigatng or &fendrng any sucfr [c$s. daim, damage, liabinty or action. Thls in&mnity pmrdsion shall be in addition to any ottrer liabilitywhiclt the Deuelopu my ha\te- 5, lt is mutr'ridty agmed that the Devdqar tnay apply for and the Tom rnay aulhorize a partiaf elesse of the security plolid€d b the Tsnrn fore*h ca@ory df imtrovefient at sucfr time as such improv*rnents a't oons{ructed in compliance wih ell plant and *pedficafions a! reigreoced trereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no cordilion shall the dollar amosnt of tfre seordty provided b fhe Town be reduced belsw the doilaf amour* nec*sary to compleG all uncompleted iffiprolrefi€nts referred tc in this Agreernent F:\cde\rlFCtEtliElDtAlDlAdedtfrnnet_ll200aJoc PrAe2ds 0ct-l0$ llrilq trw.ll$l Otr Yilt ry$ilT fiEtmffif giltlft$e I{A 1.00{/U6 F-010 6. lllhe Tovm detennitH. 6t its Bole diE6'reliott fiel any of fte imrstsnea*s refuned !p in tris A$Eement are n6t c{ltt$Frdd in compfiance rrifi tle appfs€d pffi *t}t sp4ifi6ptfonsfiled intreofuof the CorununityXvdeprnerttlepartrr€r*of fieTwtdvEiltr not aceepbd by the Tarrn as cornp$b $r or lefotg tt!6 ffi set ffir h ParagilEFhl d frb A$eernefd, tteTomr rffiy, butstett nd ba requledb. dra*tLqpmthesecsity r€ftr€tl blo [i& Agrgengrtffid Fftdeh &e rpeompteted lnpnruernEnb roferred to hil'*$igrearffL Ptrsuant to Secibr t2-11{, Vall Torvn Code, the Tenrpomry CBrliFFeb of Omupaqp refetred b in tt*F Agreernrs may be rerfiked until all imprueranb refrnd ts heleh are mrnphed by EE Devefoper or the Tcnur in accordafiee with ftk Agreeltettt- $ fte cncts o{ canrpte{ing the rnaornpbbd imprerrumnb refured tl in t& AgrF lEttl excped thedskr E nErs{ef the seanrity prwfuled ta seTarn' lhe €DeEs' @Buterw*Et ittbres et trnelw perEent (1216) per affuri, shdl be I lierr agaias ilra prryefy ard rny be colh*ned by c-ivll suit o'r mqr be ertH b ale Fffisultsr €f EadE Cornff tl be cdledd ln lhe Eatr€ nErnel a6 dellnqued ad rralorsn tar6 lavied ryainst srdr F operg, Fne Oewbper falls ar refrEes b compteb the lmpmnrnerds rgferad b in tlris A8{sefiere sudl fa{lwa or reftsal shall bs conEldercd a uf#fqr of Tide 12 (Zoniqg Hdeforu] d$eVsil Town Cd6, ardftt DeildsPsr slell be subjea to perraltis pruranl b Ssclian 12-3=10 filioftat-ons Perlelhl ard Slepb l-a tGen€rel Fanalty).Vaf Twn Code. 7 . the De€loper shall r,rrarrnty lhe rysr& and rnaterirds d all irprnvsns& refuretl to irt thb Agreonrent tocated on Torrn pmperty orr*iUrln a Torn tQthG'of-twy, Fremtt b Chsnhr 8-3, d lfie Vail Toun Goda, for a period sf bie parv &t fte Tswrfe accE@lcg of safitl improvernanfs- 8. ftIB portes hereb mutra[yagree Uat hb AgpaemBril mey bg efinrutttl tum tfng btirna prwtded tratsudr a/nsldnefe be inrflrilhg snd eilEtrtbd rydpsestgeb- Datdd t}le qand yearftstabonv{tfttsn gilBHSSRffiSeMse STATE OF FIORIDA e0ffim@F:e*ff;F COUNTY OF VOLUSIA ) ) ss. I Effiffi'WtrtT*Yf,ffi Witness rny hand and offcial s€al- My commission effiBs, -l.cl,2Al ?.Dc 5 acltrroryl€da€d bffirg rne tibom," Cl Sto++- suzililer. rilxleeAnm- Mv coMMtsstoN # O0 065865 EXPIRES: oc{ober 30, 200560rd€dlhru oEry fublr undenfis.sF,lcdeytforuial'|AErAcredtFm.t-llruledac Hwlefs L 0ct-10-ffi lt:ller frorlW 0F Yllt Cflnf,ltl ElELfrEtl STATEOFCoLORADO ) )se.couNTYoFEAGLE ) lt\frhess rny hand and offidal seat- My comrnissionB:(@ ThE lb{egdng Derdopar lmprtffernefi Agre€mcnt$s aclmqrh -4t-W* or. h:.,v.r .nItLW €li rc,be&- er0{ru1tt T-tfi P.$0t/E!6 FSo Witnes myhand ard oftcial seat, ^lr Mymmmirs'nn urywe: { 0 /?€/4os : ...$ryq?4#St ZAI'll'lE K INKLEBAH0EF MY COMM|SSToN # DD 065865 EXPIRES: Oclober 30, 2m5 Boidod ntru Notary Public l.Jnd€i ritero Fi\cdsviFclRi.lgiDtAlDlA?'€dttu!t4_r1&d* hg.4d5 a Jo.ruSrrrrrr€ JU.Ze \o Bank SmKnE)mForcRd{m ) STATE OF FLORIDA )ss.t@rmrDfiEAfi8E ) COUNTY OF VOTUSIA -lt|l$lt f €lltl rltit ltFr vqt||atly \rtrrrart .rr.tA Stock Company With Home'O{ficed in Bloomington, liinoh OECLARATTO;{S pAGE 1555 Prcmontory Gilde€^reeley, CO 8&3&,ft)0t Namcd lnrurud R-r676.F632 F H SCOTT. GEORGE C & CYIITHIA H3018 s PEttiltsurA DRsAYT0f.rA nEACH FL 32118-5912 l,,ll,,,Ll"Jl,',lll"L.ld,hh""lhJJrJlh,l'H.J AIIEM)EO tlAF 991005 FolleyHumbef 86+l-436$5 l2Monthe ttFiff.- The oolicv pedod baqins and en& at 12:01 am standard lime at the fueidence prembes. HOMEOWHERS POLICY Auiomaffc fieneual - lf the pollcu psrlod b shoym as le tl|ontttg, thb policy nill be this polcy b tenew€d eut{act b the rubs and brme in elbd br each succeerf,rs po|iey pedod. ll terminded*rYa wi0 gitro lpu and the lew, LTMITS written notice in comdiance r#lh the or a3 other itema ahown ars gtfiective with the poficy's 2005 renswal M Covereges & Property sEcTloN lA fuvellinu Dwettini Extension uD loB FereonEl PrrooerlyC Lossofllse' - sEcTtoN tr Personal Liabilitv {Each Occureni:e) Damace io Prooedy of OthErs Medioal Pavmenb to Olhers {Ea6h Percon} Los$ $etuement Pr.ov:siqn (!l€a PolbvlAl Replacement Cost - Simiiar CnnetructbnBf Lifliited Replacement Cost - C;overage B fn 6ase of h6$ qnder this poticy, lhe &dtm{bl6s w$ be applied osr occulT€flce and will be deducmd frorn the amount of lftig losr. Ofier deduclibtes rnay appty ' refet to policy. tilfl.tlon Gcverage lndor: t88.8 tlcduc|ibler -Sectbn I A[ Losses Endorsemelrt PF.nrile }NCREASE DiscountB Applied:hlome Al6rt' ' Claim Feeord Lhltsof Uabnh, $ 440.000$ {4:000$ 330:000Actual Loss Susta i ned $ 1,000,000 Glter lbnltr 6nd srctugions tita!, aPply - refcr to your PolieT $ $ 500 5,000 615 - 15 Fonng, Odions, & Endoreements Homeowners Polbv Amandatorv Endoriernent Saecisl Limits - MonevfJf Pblicv Endorsemenl - Funq-us {lncludho Mo[:l] Excl Motdr Vdhicle En-tlorsedrentOrdinance/Law 10%B /+4.000 Increase DwlS Upto $- 88,600 Your poLay oons|3ts d thl3 Ht, 9rry .ndortrfi.ntt and th. Folby fonn. PLas.I(eoP lbc8 togsfltat- FP-?U'1.6C r5€9 t St I CSTERFORD IIIS AGENCY Erc S70-gjl+6800 GEORGE C. SCOTT 3018 SO PENINSULA DRIVE DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, FL 321 18 t-386-7614884 PHONE GCS:cs enclosures Verv trulv vours.-4*,;)ffiq- ' o.or*"6. *"oi-' Consultiag Engineer t-386-30+W2FeX Octsber 20,2005 Elisabeth Eckel Community Development Dep. Tswn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 DemElisabeth: I arn enclosing herewith the new Inevocable Letter of Credit covering the work to be done on the properfy located at 1l5l A/B Casolm Drive in Vail. I have talked with the contractor and he has assured me the price to do ffte stucco'Trurt wilf be tfue same as the cssf of dle wodr akea{g €orf,lg*s$, tfocrdorc, the new Letler ofCredit is the sanrc as the previous letter. I am also enclosing the executed Developer Improvement Agreement and a copy of the current homeowners insurance policy. I am faxing a copy of these documents this date and mailing the originals this dare also. I sincerely appreciate the actions of the Town of Vail and your services. nshine State copY October 29,2005 George C. Scott Town of Vail Department of Community Development $1i,87.5.00 October 29,2006 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 2OO4-O I 3R Effective: Applicant: Beneficiary: Lettel oi Ctedit Air,our,i: Expiration Date: This is to advise that Sunshine State Community Bank, Port Orange, Fiorida is irrevocably held and firm1y bound unto the beneficiary, Town of Vail, Department of community Developrnen! vajl colorado, in the sum of ELEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HLTNDRED SEVENTY FIVE AND 00/100 ($11,875.00) to ensure the completion of stucco application at 1 1 15 Casolar Drive, Unit B, Vail Colorado during the one ( I ) year period from the date of this letter. 11 the event the Department of Cormunity Development, Vail Colorado determines during the one (1) year period that the developer, George C. Scott, has not completed the stucco application relate.d to this letter ofcredit despite notification to the developer, then, and in that event, the authorized agent, is authorize to draw partially or fully fronr Snnshine State Community Bank, Attention: Dennis E. Brinn, President/CEo, 4771 Clyde Morris Blvd. Port Orange, Florida 32129 a sum not to exceed $11'875.00. .A.ll drafts drawn under this letter of credit mrrsl contain the foilowing stats(rent: "Dra$'tr under h-revocabte Letter of Credit No. 2004-tt I 3R dated October 29,2005 ." This tetter of credit replaces Letter of CreditNo. 2004-013 dated October 29^2404. Unless otherwise expressly stated, this letter is subject to the International Chamber of Commerce. Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits: 1993 Dennis E. Brinn PresidentiCEO 4777 Cllde Morio Boulevard (386) 7564600 . . Dort Oran6e, llorida 32129 lax(386) 7564650 r r sfl- lu![l lrf Vltll r,VltrU l UEtELUTUtn I vI94tlar+34 t-d[J r. uutrtr t4 r-Ign IRREVOCABLE L QFCREDIT :Addr6ss: Developer Project Number; lmpuvement Gomplelion Letter of Qredit Expiraffon Dele; 20 o{ Town of WHEREA$, the , as a condition pf appruval af the Temporary Certificate ofQceupanryfor \\t r- C0 8165 {address. Iegal ds$Efipton, and proiect numnerl wi tAgreernent; and WHEREAS, the Developer i5 ohligated to pmvide secufity or cottaterEt sufficient in thejudgement of lhe Town to make reasonable provislone for comptetion of certain improvements *etfodh in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the'approved plans snd specificationefiled in the office of the community Development Departnent of the Town sivait; and' WHEREAS, the Devefoper wishes to provide secunty trr guaradee performance of this fUrge.ry1t, including campletion of all improvements releneO tr ii fris Agreement, by means ofthe following: The Dpvelopqr agrees io establish an irTevocable lelter of credit # 2oc{-o r3in the amountof$ ltFP- . -- .-...,-with Surxrs*,rre Stte Co.**.ilFiJrNK. _(name df bank *@) as the s€curity for the completion of all improvements refuned b in this AgreemenL in the event tliere ie a default under this Agreement by lhe Developer- NOw THEREFORE, in eonsideralion of the hllowing mutual covenants and agreemenls, the Developer snd theTown agree aefollows: 1- The Developer,agrses, at its sole cost and orpense, to furnish all equipment andmaterials neoa$ary to perfonrn and cornplete nll impruvements referred to in this Agreement, TheDeveloper agrees io comptdG all improvements referred !o in this Agreernent on or before the}a:* dayof Srpre.,.esri- ,Eg!S The Danetoper shalf complete, in a good wgrkmanlike msnfier, all impruvernents refened to in this Agreement, in acsordance with all apprcv_ed plans and specifications filed in the oflice of the Commsnfty Development Oepartfient of the Town of Vail, and to ds all work incidental hereto aecording to and in cilmplianea wilh thefollowing: F:\dev\FORM$St4\Dl,\ crctfit format-l 1Ef,Og.dac Fe&e 1 ol 5 I I urit-au-u{ tsriri r rrofi-luni uf l,nll wtmutt I tr gEtllutlf!il I $ttt+tulrl i T-ts83 P. UU4/ut4 F-rg5 Inevoceble letlsr sf predil #jr:g!L_gl3in {he amount of S 125% of thetobl costs of the attached estimated bid(s))with E*,$;,frE-r4-,6 expire on the {name of bank @) set to F:lrddvlFoRMstotAtDtA +.edit fufln8t_11?09?do€ Fage ? of 5 a- All seid evodl shatl be drne und+r the inspa{*iqn sf, and to the satigfactisnpf' the Town Planner. the Town Engineer, the Tor,vn Euilding Official, or &:he;official from the Tswn of Vail, as affucfted by special districts orielice distriets, astheir respeetive interest may appear, and shall not be deefted completa rintilapproved and accepted as eompleted by the community DevElopmsntDepartment and Public lAlork* Department sf the Town of Vail- 2. Tc secure and guarantee perfonnanoe of the obtigations es set forlh herein, theDeveloper agrcee to provlde seeurity as follsws: expire on the Lq\ day of Oqroaerr- . _, ?0oS. tnot to explie lessthan so days after the date set fodh in Faragraph 1 of this Agreement) as the security for tha*ompletiorr of sll improvements refined to in this Agreern*nt, in tt*event lhere i! e default under lhis Agreement by tfte Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the security originally set forth absve foranolher form ot security or callateral acceptable lo the Town to guaiantEe *ri famrru completionof those irnprovernents refend to in thfs Agreement and the p-erbrmance of the terme 'of this Agreement. Suoh aeceptance hy tfre Tnwn of alternatfue security or cflllatefal shall he at the Town's sole discretion- 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any offieer or employee thereel be liabfe or responsible fol any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in thisAgreement prior to the co-rnpletion- and acceptance pf the same, nor shall the Town, nor anyofficer or employee thereof. be llable for any Fersons or property tnjured by reason of the natr.rraof said rrrmrk, but ell of seid liabilities shall and arc hereby asiumig lly the tievelaper. Tne Dlveloper hereby agrees io ind€mnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of itsgfficere, egents and ernptoyees against any losses, claims, damages, pr liabilities to whic!: theTswn pr any of its officers, assnts or'employ,ees rnay becorne suble* to, insofrr a$ any suctr losses. c{aims, damages or liabilities {or actions in respeet thereoD that arise sut cf sr are based uFon any performance by the Developer hereunde[ and the Deveioper shatl reimburse flre Tcyarnfur any and all legal or other expense* teassnably incuned by th'e Town in eenneciion witlinvestigating or defending any such Joss, cleim, damage, liabili$ pr action. This indemnityprovision shall be in addition to any other liability whieh the Developer my have, 5. lt is rnufually agrced that the Developcr may appty for and tha Town mayauthonie 3 Fartial releqse of the sEcsri$ provided to the tovtrn for each cat€gory of improvemantat such time as such improvernents are constructed in cumptiance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and eccepted by the Town- 'Under no condifian shall the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessarv to 6offplet6 alt uncampHed improvements referred to in thir Agrra€ment. L____ I' ry!+t.{I rtu!t-tu{[ 9a yntL 99tttt9|I t I f vEtElut-aEttl FtoerpA STATE OF OCtfrFE4DO COUNTY O Wihess my hand and offrcial seat- My commission Hpires ffilltru:fffiH***":ni:"-€:e{etopmett'iu sl u4t tg+gc r-rEt r. uu0/utq t- fs9 6. lf the Town determinsg, at its sole diserefinn, that any of the impmvemenls refeqgd to in this Agreement are nut construcied in compllance with the approved plans and speciflcations filed in lhe ofice of the Comrnunily Developrnent Department of the Town of Vail ornot accepted by the Tov*n as complete on or before the dste set forth in Paragraphl of this Agreement, the Town ma5 hut shatl not be required to, draw upan the $eftrity refened to in this Agreernent and complete the uncompleted improvements rcfened to in this Agreemenl Pursuantto $ection 12-11-8, Vail Town Gpde, the Ternporary Certifimte of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all imprwements referred to hercin arc eompleted by theDeveloper or the Tom in actordance with this Agrwment. lf the cq€is of completing the uncompleted imprwements referrud to in thie Agreement exceed the dqllar amount of the securi\r provided ts fte Tqwn. the e:ccees. logether with lnErust at twelve percent (12%) per annum, ahall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be mrtified to the treasurer of EaEte County to be colles{ed in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem iaxes levied against $uch property. tf lhe Developer fuils or rcfuses to complete the improvements r€fened to in this Agreeftent, such failure or refussl shall ba considered a violation of Tifle 1l {Zoning Regulations}, of lhe Vail Town Cede, and the Developer shall be slbiect ta penalties pursuant to Seotidn t2-$10 {Violations: Penalties} and Chapter i4(General Penalty), VailTown Code- 7. The Develqper shall warnanty the work and materials of all impnavements refenedto in this Agreement located on_Town property or within a Town dghLof-raray, pursuant to Chapter E-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a perisd of trivo years after the Town's aceephnge of ;aid improvements. I' The parties hereto mufually agr€e thatlhi$ Agreementmay be amended frsm lime to time, provided that $uch amendmenls be in writing and executed by all parties hereh. Dated tha day and year firet above written_ I ) ss. \UoqrrgrAftffiEE --{)c q td-ffi- PATTYTEAGUE MY CoMMISSION # DD 18624s EXPIBES: May 17,2007 8o0d.i lhru l,ldary tublic Unde&rit€rs F:lcdev\FQRta$hAlDlA cmditioimet_tlzo0A,doc pege i of E I V. tg€tt rrs,'r-tulltr 9r yntb !.vir utrtII 9E rELUrtEfl |! r u+r uc*ca f-tDE r.uug/ut4 f-tcc STATECIFCOLORAOo ) )ss.COUNTYOFEAGLE ) TEruX PloaroASTATE OF CffiFttgO )Vorrrt\rA )ss. couNTY oFffitE ) Delreloper lmprovernentvfuttzat&lz*- ,Zodby VVitnese my hand and of$cial seel- My ccmmission expiree: 8o^to ffi.i*t-igFixi**methis Witness my hend and ofticial seal. Mycommission*xpiresr {V\..+_L?, }.:.r-l -- ,,, +,W; ,r.0,il1H,ffiTF,** ?.#."s"*#i$',,il3tJ]#;." FiEdev\FORM5\OtA\Bt4 crGdit fi5rrnel-l llooLdoc Fege 4 ot g ecL-4s-{4 tu;{u [ rr$Ftum ut sAtL LU$ J$Itr ur'vr,LgtaffE$ I FRtFr : STI-ECEI HOFitS FFtrt€ F0. : gf t {JuI0l'4 gre ffi 67tr, T'rDg P.014/!14 F.ISE Bet. eg eW{ 16r41RH Fe Eegle, color€do 81631 r For970-3884701 PROFOSAL February 23. tO04 Propo*al $ulmFted To: GsDrge Ec6tt Phone; *7S-1O4SFax; 38F.AM-g222 -?LL \#N Work te be perforrned a* 1 1 51 C€sotar Del.Strrra Brlve Oeet George: We hereby propoeg ro furnish the materialt arrd porform ths lahor nsca5tsty for rhe cornpletion ofl Application of ons inch, twenty gauge fluaco nefting over dEuble blaek paper. Appliogdon oi ffber-reis#orced plaster ba€B 6ost u'ith el€gtofisrle synthstic finish coHt, , se5oo.oo All mrtadEl k gseraBtsEC t9 bt os, stea|fiEg, sqd fhg pbUW work lo be pertcrmed in {Cc$tdrnce shh the abAr,'inE rnd rgocili*atirne subntitred lot abov& rvo* and ccmpl*sd It Eub€tanFhl n€rkrl'tsallkt mBrner. P$trxlfiB ro be tfildA a6 fofioiAr3; 4SS duE bpen Foraphrhn s, larh. 8{lg6 dus ryon oompletbn cf $scqo. AISY ALTEnATIFil OF DFUIATTOII FROiN ?}& TBOVE *FEC|HCITIOTIIE ilrlut-v|t,Ifi EffHJt gqgTE. WnI BE EXEHJTED ONLY UFOIII III'flTTEI{ OiOESS" AilD WILL BEEOME ATU ErINI CHJEFE OUFN TND AFOI'E THE ESNMATE, IF FATIIfiEIIIT tg rOT M*OE WI4A DUE, OF SU]|r I8 BROU6I{7. TI{E CO!|IRIICTORfOU' EN 'GB€S TO PAY ST€BE5T AT E$ PH MqNTH FUJS NEASOT{AFIs COSTS SFggllEsTloil, lil€tuElNG aTToFSFY'5 FEE$. ALL AffiFaBTE c$m SstT UPO$ sTHr(E5. AGCTDSITS qR bg.Agg BE'rO O OUR SDSTB{TL. OI'I'ISEH TO GABFY FIRE. TOEIIAtrO AHD dTHEN FECESSAHY IIISUBAflEE UFtttr AEOT'E r|t'Cfi*. WOiKl[:nI's COIiJIFESSATIOI{ AltD P{IBUC Lt $rJfV Ss{tHAllCE Sil AETOVE Wffi TB FE TAtEI OUt Ey STUCEE ur6FGE. tr|e neapggHdttv Suprnined.fftq^.\t^*- Kevin Scrlver NoiE - we may withdratrr dtl* proposal if flst ebcspted trnithiil &0 rtays. ASGEPIAIICF 6F FBOFOSAL The above Fnc+*, ep*iflcatlons and condhions arE sadsfactorF and herrby €ccepted. Ypu Efg Huthode€d ro do thews* ac specified, Faymenr will be firsdr as outlinsd sboye, SigrEtuf€ 0arr k unshine State COPY IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 2OO4-013 This is to advise that sunshine state community Bank, Port orange, Florida is irrevocably held and firmly bound unto the beneficiary, Town of Vail, Department of communiiy Development, Vail colorado, in the sum of ELEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HIINDRED SEVENTY FWE AND 00/100 ($11,875.00) to ensure the completion of stucco application at 1115 Casolar Drive, Unit B, Vail Colorado during the one (1) year period from the date of this letter. In the event the Department of Community Development' Vail Colorado determines during the one (1) year period that the developer, George C. Scott, has not completed the stucco application related to this letter ofcredit despite notification to the developer, then, and in ihat event, the authorized agent, is authorize to draw partially or fully from Sunslrine State Community Bank, Attention: Dennis E. Brinn, PresidenVCEO, 4777 clyde Monis Blvd. Port orange, Florida 32129 asum not to exceed $11,875.00. A11 drafts drawn under this letter of credit must contain the following statement: "Drawn under Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 2004-013 dated October 29,2004'" Unless otherwise expressly stated, this letter is subject to the International Chamber of Commerce, Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits: 1993 revision-Intemational Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500' Effective: Applicant: Beneficiary: Letter of Credit Arnount: Expiration Date: October 29,2004 George C. Scott Town of Vail Department of Communify Development $11,875.00 October 29,2005 c\n'l \ /^'. 1lt'\ \ I It\)\\t a+---r-,-(-- I J-\ Dennis E. Brirur President/CEO 4Wl Clyde Monis Doulevard . Dort Oraqge, florida 321?9 (3S6) bG46oO. fax (386) Mrc 9r r- aa-g+ t v r tgallt rrslr-r\|,'ln ga YattL t.vmtlgllt I I rrE rE tt,l.trEn l 9(Uq(tt4sI l-r?5 P.Uaatgl4 f-, U! TUI{![0Fllflt D eparwwnt of Carnfl$ftttry frwelopmerrt 75 Sauth Frontage Road WI, Colornda 81657 979-47e-2,138 Ftx970479-2452 offi,',Yilgtdt*^ Mr. Geoqe Saoti 4fi8 South Feninsula Drive Dqytans Eeach Shores. FL $tl16 Re: 11154/B Casolar Dfveir'ail, CO 8{55/ LoiA-7, Elffik ACaeqlar Va[ DR8040551 Dear Mr, ScotL Thank you {or your application tor dEs'rgn review ot a tropotrd su.rcc-6 apph'ffition to &te exbrfu of }orrr re8ldenee. Per our celwer$ation' Totvn of Vail polic? requires tirar both unitrn be improved witlr fie sarne matEriel$ at the Ferne lifie. HouJeyer! thE Town of vait ts ofien'ng jfou the qF$0{1 ts enter into a Oeveloprnenl lrfiprovement Agreerfl€nt (hBrrd) whicfi lrouH ensure that the work is compteled within a yEar Ff the b{rnd isluancs. Therei}fe. I afi enelosing copiee of ttio (2} gBvetoFer lmpt$rErfient AgreemenE that would allout you ro proceed wlth th€ Btu$sr6 applicatisr En yeur unit grd linislr OIE stuoDo gpplicEtion of fie B unft n€,rt spring. One o.l the EgreEment$ is entitled an 'lnevocable Letbr of CrEdit Foftnat". lt rhis is ths wsy you prefer to pay lor the bond,plerse re m he form comptete wilh your sagnatj{e {wlbressed by a natary) dnd the tett€r of ffedil issue{t by rhe bank, lf you choose to pay in a cssh forffrat, please tll sut the lofm eilluert 'Cash Deposit ForfiAf and re[.rm it with your signatrre {6gsjn, wlb1ss€ed b,y q, notary) and a per€ona} cfreok As fia agraemen$ staF. ihe bond amfrrrnt must be equivalent to 145% ot the construction bid for Unft E, TlIat emount may be eifier $9,1e5 {1257c pf $65S0, whictr Sruccoworks quot€d to ftre this moming) sr $1{,875 (125% of l[9500, whrch you quoted ro me yeslontay}. Fless€ clsrtty the amount rdth Stuccowo.ks ior Unit B afid $ubmn payment accoldirrEV. As you l€now' if Unh B E sold b€tv€€n nsw snd lfie expir€|tiafl 0f the bor)q or if any othsr obstagle atises that prevenll$ tftg pomFletion of the apps$ih unit, ypur F€yrnent will not be retunded snd me wor* will be finished by the lown sf Vsil st thg tirne of h6nd cwirdiorl onF tear hrm ns igqrence, Unhrtunately, we are unable h ac$ept cspiss 0r fatgE q1 sidl*, bond egrFemerlE TherElsle, all woIk wilt havE b ,€miin on hold unfl we receive ofiginal copies cf fte nmeeeary forms and Fayou have any futher copies af fte n8cEseary torms and FaynrBfll rnefiod. Please feBl free tt CgiiAct rne shoukf or soncerns. F$$enn0.e, fiank you tor wOrklng with the Town on this issu€, heldflg rjs tO maintain lhe oi residential dFvElopfiEntwhicfr we ajf \ralue- Eckel s70,479-2454 enclosureJr: DIA-CashEepffsitFormat BIA - lffevoedbte Leter ot Cfpdh Format $tuocoworks birl dated 10129/04 h€t dlo"o*'o**" Deparlment of Community Ddvelopment 75 South Frontage Road I/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com .November 1,2004 Mr. George Scott 3018 South Peninsula Drive Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 Re: 1115A/BCasolarDrive/Vail,CO 81657 tot fr7, gtock Z/Casolar Vail DR8040531 Dear Mr. Scott, Thank you for submitting original copies of the Developer Improvement Agreement which we discussed in detail last week. I have enclosed a copy ol the completed agreement for your records. Furthermore, I have enclosed the copy of the design review approval form which will permit your contractor to continue with construction. Again, thank you for cooperating with the Town on this issue and please don't hesitate to conlact me shoulQ you have any remaining queslions or concerns. Best wishes lor a fantastic season! ll /)| *'/ ,. /' {,r'n( Elisabeth Eckel 97A.479.2454 enclosures: Developer lmprovement Agreement Letter of Credit Format - copy Stuccoworks bid dated t0t2Sl14 Sunshine State revocable letter oi credit DR8040531 approval form Cc: Dennis Brinn, Sunshine State Community 8ank1386.756.4650 (fax) Kevin Scriver, StuccoWorks/970.328.6701 (tax) {tp *u"""."o "r""n October 4, 2006 Mr. George Scott 3018 South Peninsula Drive Daytona Beach Shores, FL 321 18 Re: 1 115 A,/B Casolar DriveA/ail, CO 81657 Lot A-7, Block ?Casolar Vail Dear Mr. Scott. Our records indicate that a Oevelopment lmprovement Agreement in the form of an $1 1,875 Letter of Credit was issued for the remainder of the scope of exterior work at the referenced address on October 5, 2005. As of tomoffow, the Letter of Credit will have expired. The Town would like to ensure that the scbpe of work has been completed and would like to be able to close the Letter of Credit and refund the money to you as soon as possible. Please call me at your earliest convenience to inform me of the status of the stucco work on the opposite side of the duplex. Thank you for your continued attention to this matter. Please don't hesitate to conlact me with any remaining questions or concerns. Best Regards, Elisabeth Eckel Reed, Planner Town of Vail 970.479.2454 TOMIOFIrl{IT Department of Community Dnelopment 75 South Fronuge Road Vail, Colorada 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 wtlw.uailgou.com January 27,2009 Mr. Dennis E. Brinn, PresidenUCEO Sunshine State Community Bank 4777 Clyde Morris Blvd. Port Orange, FL 32129 Re: Letter of Credit Number 2004-013R and 2004-013 George C. Scott Dear Mr. Brinn, The above mentioned letters of credit have been released as the project has been completed. Please find the original letters enclosed. lf you have any questions please call Warren Campbell, Chief of Planning, for the Town of Vail at 970-479-2148. Sincerely, / /\,&Qqtu-\:s+z^-<--*-tf Lynne Campbell Office Manager Enclosures {E un"r* r*n