HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 6AI NOTE: THIS PEft{IT I,IUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job AddressLocation. . .Parcel No..Project No. 11{5 SA}TDSTONE DR 1190 CASOL.AR DR T'NIT A2LO3-t2t-0L-007 PRJ95-0248 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 72/04/LgssIssued...: 72/L5/1995Expires . .2 06/L2/L996 GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION2672 A Kinnickinnick Ct., VaiI, CO 81657 GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION 26'12 A Kinnickinnick Ct., Vail, CO BERINGAUSE ERIC2333 BRICKELL AVE APT 2603, MIAMI Phone2 970 476-1690 Phone: 970 476-1690 816s7 FL 33L2924L7 Description: BASEMENT REMODET Occupancy: R3Type Construction: V N Valuation:7 3, 000 Fireptacc lnformation: Restricted:fof Gas Apptiances:flOf Gas Logs:#0f tlood/Pa L Let: *ffirtffiffi*r*ffi*flt*ffi*:tffiffi*t**ffffi FEE SUl'll'lARy ffffi*lif****ffi*****ffififfiff*#*****ffi**** Bu i tdi ng-----) Ptan Check---> 605.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi e!r-->.00 Tota[ Catcutated Fees---) 1,351-25393.25 DRB 100.00 Additional. Fees--------->.00 Single Famity ResidenceTlpe V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: Investigation> .00 Recreationl.li|'tca|'|'---->3.00ctean--t,PDeposi1---__>25o'ooPaynents---_----_-----> ***,****ffi***ffi***#ffiffir*.*]l]li-ff::;.-.-*o****i,o*******kiil;ii--*-*lHH-lH;;;;;;iii******dS*** Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Dj-viEion: Dept: FIRE Dj-vlsion: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTl2/,95/.799s cHUcK Action: ADFR12'/05'/1995 CHUCK Action: AFFnIteln i.,O54OO PLANNTNG DEPARTMENTL2/.O4/.199s LAUREN ectionl AFFRL2/O5/1995 CHUCK Action: AppRItenr'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT\2/05/1995 CHUCK Action: AppRIt€m:' _05500 PUBLIC WORKSL2/O5/1995 CHUCK Action: AppR ffir**tffi *******'t**t**ffi ****ffi ff *ffi ****ffi t*ffi*ffi ***************t-*rttffi *t(ffi * See Page 2 of this Document for any condit,ions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknorrtrdgc that I have read-this app(ication, fitl.ed out in futl. the inforDation requi red, conpl,eted anPtan, and state that att the infornation provided as requircd is corfect- I agree to conpLy Jith tire in'formation l:,::tPll^Y]lh_:.1!_I"!1,9f1i1"n.ces _and state.taus, .and to buitd this structure-accordi ng tgthe roun,s zon,ing anocodes, dcsign ncviev approved, uniform BuiLding code and othcr ordinances of the rggn alp REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIIENTY-FOUR HOURS tII ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: GREY-STONE accufate ptot and ptot ptan, subdi vi sion {g *"n""*r*", CONTRACTOR fOR HII'ISELF o 75 South Frontage Road page 2 Department of Community Developmentxtc*l'btl*€A/sfd'&tr6fit ************************************************************** 97A-479-213ry479-2139 F4X970479-2452Permit *:895-0416******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSas of I2/L5/95 Statu6---: ISSUED Pennit qT)e: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant-- : GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION970 476-t690 Job Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DRLocation---; 1190 CASOLAR DR UNIT AParce1 l{o--: 2lO3-l2L-01-00? applied-- z t2/0a/],9esrEsued---. 12/15/7995To Expire: 06/12/I996 Description: BASEMEMf REMODET * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditions rt*****:************************ 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2, SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.3. PROPOSED LOWER LEVEIJ BEDROOM WILL REQUIRE AN EGRESS WINDOWwrrH MrN sIzEs oF 20"X 24u AND 5.7 SQ. FEET 44" SrLL HEIGHT4. THIS PERMTT IS GOOD FOR AN INTBRIOR REMODEL ONLY.5. S}IIOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.6. IIANDRAILS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SEC.33O6 OF THE 1991 UBC.7. STAIRWAY DoEs NoT MEET CoDE REFER TO sEc. 3306 (c)(d)(i)of rhe 1991- ubc.8. propoeed lower Level bedroom will require 1? sg. of natural1ight.9. SPECIAL CONDITION MECHANICAL CANNOT BE ACCESSED THROUGH A BEDROOM SEE SEC.704 OF THE 1991 UMC. ARCHITECH WILL SEND A REVISED PLANSHOVIING ACCESS THRU GARAGE. {p""nou,,uo o THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONfr MECHANICAT PERMIT JOBSITE Permit AT ALIJ TIMES 1495-0216TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213q47e-2139 FAX97&479-2452 Job Addres6...: 1146 SANDSTONE DRLocation......: 1190 CASOLAR DR UNIT AParcel lgo. ... .: 2103-121-01-007Project Number: PRJ95-0248 Department of Community Development Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: L2/04/t995Iasued...: L2/15/1995Expires..: 06/L2/L996 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: BASEMENT REMODEL Fi reptace Informdti on: Restricted: STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND ,TIINCTION STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH gTH, GRAND ,fUNCTION Phone z 30324250L4 Phone: 30324250L4 81s01 81501 BERINGAUSE ERIC 2333 BRTCKELL AVE APT 2603, MIAI.{I FL 33L2924!7 Valuation: fof Gas Logs:flof 6as Apptiances l l'lechani cat-_)6U.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviey-->.00 Tota I CaLcutatld Fees--->7E.00Ptan Check-> 15.00 DRB Fer----Investigation> .00 TOTAL FEES---- l,li Lt Cal,[__> 3.00 payrncnts--------, Z8.OO BALANCE DUE----***f* ttt**tffr*ffit***tt****f,f#r**f*ffiBrtt*ti***ffiffi* 3, 000 . 00 fof l,ood/Pat Let: Itern: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTL2/O5/L995 cHUcK action: AFFR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIE q-.INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. Q9_UEggrroN ArR I BEOUIRED-pER Snc.--607 bF--rne-rsti--OMe;'--'3. INSTALLATToN_!,JUsr coNFOitM-T0-t"iar.luFeciuneS- rllSrn0etrollii-ano. Tq_AppENDrX CHAPTER 21 OF iHe--r9i1--UMa-.--- --4. qAS APPLTANCES SHALr, BS-VnNtEo-AeeOnDiNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ FE4_L!_TEE$IN4.?E -As_SPECTFTED rN--SEe-. 900-oF-rHE---1te1 uM-C.-s. AggEgs To HSOTING EeurpMENr-MUSr-eoMFi.,i wirn--snc.50s-iiNb7O3 OF THE 1991 UMC:6. -B_qI E8S SHATL EE MOUNTED ON FTOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST._ qN_LEqE I,ISTED,FOR I4OUNTTNG ON e0MsuStrBLE-Fr66RiNG;- ---'--- 7 . E^EEl4r T, E!ANq _ ANp qODE alrAr_,v S t s -Mfu 5T - BE-Fo-sieD- - rN -MECHAN r CAL_ BgoM pRroR To AN TNSPECTTON neouESi: -- -8. PM\_INAGE OF-MECHAN_ISA!-Nd6iiS-t6NT[iIIrUE HEATING OR HOT-WATERqlrBpLy_BgTLEBS _ gHru!_L BE EQU ipFED -virtfr-'A FtttoR Dneru--pen,' sEe-.-2119 0F THE 1991 UMe. *************************************************************:r****************** DECLARATIONS l. hereby icknot l'edgc that r havc read-this applic.tion, fil,Led out in futl, the intormation requi rcd, mrpLcted an accurate ptotpLan, and statc that att thc info.nation proiiUeO cs riquired i_s correct. t agree to conpl,y uith the information and ptot itan,to corpty Yith al'l' Tovn ofdinancrs and state [avs, and io buil,d this structurc according io the tovn,s zoning and subdivlsiim {p*ototo'uo oo uniform 8uiLding code snd oth.r ofdinances ot the Town appl,i cabte thereto, OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 6:00 AT 5:OO Pil8E ITADE IIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 {p *o""uo'^'o OTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Ir PLI'MBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: P95-0192 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47e-2139 FAX970479-2452 Department of Communiry Status...applied.. fssued. . . Expires. . Additionat Fees-------> Total PcrDit Development ISSUED L2/04/Lees 12 /L5 /Lee5 06 /t2 /tee6 VaLuation:7,000 .00 **ff**rtrt**frlrHr******rtrt*htf*rt*t*rti*****rr*l#trJrtrt***t***t FEE SUI{ ARY rhJntlrintlrlnHrtnbt**lr*t****ftr*}H*rct***ir Tota! catculated Fees--> '134.25 Job AddressLocation.. . Parcel No..Proiect No. APPTICANT MOUNTAIN HIGH PLI'MBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HIGH PLT]MBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 OWNER BERINGAUSE ERIC 2333 BRICKELL AVE APT 2603, Description: BASEMENT REMODEL P Lurnbing---) 105.@ Restuarant P[an Revi:v--) TOTAL FEES-----------> 1146 SANDSTONE DR 1190 CASOLAR DR UNIT A 2t03-12]--01-007 PRJg5-0248 Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 MIAl,lI FL 331292417 .00 134.25Ptan Check--> Investigat'ion>tlitL Cal.t----> 26.8 .00 3.00 .00 134.25Payrents-*-----> 134.?5 8AU{NCE DUE--------> . @*t*ffi*t**rffir**Jrtrrt*r*tH*ffi*H.tffiffi*fr*tt***#.:t**ffi*rrfi(*ffif*ffi*twrr*****JnHrlr:Hrt Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTL2/O5/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IAOE TIIEIfTY-'OUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE 8Y TELEPHONE Dept! BUILDING Division: *Hff**t*ft*tft*t*i***ffi**t*rHrffi**if**Lt*rnt**#*fH**thttt****rtrl*lrl**r*,rtt** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **ffi *ftf t.l*ffi ffi *ffi*tc***t***rtffi*ltt DECLARATlONS I hcreby acknovtedge that I have rrad this appticatidr, fitl,cd out in ful.l th. informbtion required, codrptlt€d an accu.ate ptot ptan, and statc that atl thc infofmation provided as required i3 correct. I agree to cofipty rrith thc infornation and ptot plan,to conpty uith att Tor.rn ordinances €nd state [ars, and to buitd this stFucturc according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approvcd, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticable thcpeto- {p""ooto"*o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALt ELECTRICAT PERM]T Permit #: TIMES E95-0280 APPLICANT OLD ELECTRICP O BOX 490, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR OLD ELECTRIC Department of Community Development DR Status...: ISSUED UNIT A Applied..: L2/04/re95Issued...: 72/15/L995Expires..t 06/12/L996 Phone: 3038275918 Phone: 3038275918 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-24s2 DRB fee ->Investigation>t{itt catt-_-> TOTAL FEES--> Job AddresELocation...Parcel No..Project No. -o0 .00 3.00 57.00 1146 SANDSTONE 1190 CASOLAR DR 2LO3-12L-01-007 PRJ9s-O248 OWNER P O BOX 490, l,trNTuRN CO 81645 BERINGAUSE ERIC2333 BRTCKET_,L AVE ApT 2603, MrAMr FL 33L2924!7 Description: BASEMENT REMODET Valuation:3r000.00 **l**ffi***ffi*#*****ffir*****#*tt*#H**iffi* FEE SUllltARy fthkf ELcctri ca t_-> 54.m Tota t Cat cutated Fees---> lddition!1, Fees*___> Totat Pefli t Fee------> PaYnel13----- BALANCE DUE--_ 57.00 .00 57. 00 57. 00 .00 *f*****t*****t*ffi*ll*******t**f,**lnti*****ft**t**ftr*****i**ff.**t*ffi********rt**t**ff***ffi****i**f*f,t***ffi*****#tfi******i Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT72/O5/L995 CHUCK Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: *f,*ffiffi*t**iffi****ffiffi**.lt**ffi*ff**ffi***i***ffi**********fr*****t**ft****r*|ffii*t****fttffi*lrffif,ffr*!t********ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL *fi*tt**t*i**t*ti**t*****f,****ffi******t***r-t***tff****rf****#r*f,n}**trt*****i*ff,**tf,**tffitr*ffitr****t**ril*ffi**ffitr**** DECLAR,ATIONS I-hcreby -acknolrtedge that r havc fead this appl,ication, fil,ted out in ful,L the infornation nequired, conpl,cted an accurate plotPtan, 5nd state that att the info.Dation provided as nequired i.s corrcct. t agrle to conrpLy riith tirc infornation and pl,ot itan,to comPty vith atL Toryn ordinances and state [avs, and to buiLd this structurc according to thc tovn, s zoning and suNivisioncodes, design reviev approvcd, uniform Buitding code and other ordinanccs of the Tovn appl,icabLe thrrcto. REOUESTS FOR II{SPECTTONS SHALL BE }IADE TI'ENW-FOUR HO{'RS TN ADVANCE BY {S*"uo -, :4 - -+t'iy'l.i;PJ#'-.. - .. ..i..r."li: ' O - :....: '*Contact Eagle County AssessorJ officeEagle County Assessori office ' '1 i.' ' t4q-!p,4p fpr^lgrpe_L/f . TowN oF vArt coNsTRucTIoN __PEtlqit8.#!!?yV'\#M,tL, = pERllrr AppLrcArJoN FoRM : oEc 1 1995 .!-:-- 71 OS- t 2^t -a fo67 - - D^rs;- -r477V* - ---' , ,,.,0,,i,,1 r rJri ,, AppLrcArroN lrusr BE FrLr.,ED ou' coMpLErELy oR rr ldv FMVUg'HF*gli\rv I r,t.rll.FI.lI.-{EJ..rI Lr.tC I I .glJ|I .D|(JI .Et.tj A(.i(.;ll.Lt!;ll X***************************** pERMIT fNFORI.IATION **************************i*1tt \..-rF-Bui1ding^1-eru$ingfi-nrectrica1fi1-r'techdnlbaI[].other /Job Narne: Legal DescriptS-on: Lot BIock Owners Name: Architect: General Description: Job Address:i3,//e.d:Z /r- /-faa- /7f- . 'e7;?t443a Number of Accommodation Unlts: worlc class: [ ]-Nevr tX-art""ation t l-Additional [ ]-Repair I J-other Number of Dwelling Units I ^ $-tnber and Ty-p-e_o-f -!i5eg]9ces: cas Appriances_ eas Logs_ wood/pellet_v illJq+oz,lrfib********* **F * **** **** *********** * VALUATIONS ************************.r********t L4''r'') /)'-''-' BUILDING: +T Er,EcrRrcA1,2 l.J ooo OTHER: i TOTAL: I *** * *** * ************* ** * *** Address: Electrical Address: . Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMTT FEE3 PLUMBING PERUTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT TEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: rELUI'IBINGz I TOzO uEcIIANrcALrlW X * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * *-* * * * coNTd8f,of ts"o*o*,r Eeneral contractorz 6EEY1D//Z (b0677t/!rZ.1l/t/M1 rt PLI'}TBING: $ aafrpe Town of vail Beq. No. //Phone Nunber{VE)fu7-34 4-ff-zthtown of VaiI Phone Nvnberz(77o, FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUITTBING PLAN CHECK FEEs!{ECINNTCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECFAATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: BUII,DTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ZONING: STGNATT'RE! No. t77-€ CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT BEFIII|D TO:r a,y - S{-* Cor* ct E IIEST ARCH I TECTS 5954?64185 P. O1 (:ir$l* We$l ?077 f.ro.tb Froltooo Foan $uilo 108 vr , C{,10r8d0 nla57r (303t 4?9 09m TohL,r,{ iSOs) 478 d 1€3 FttlY v t(or ut}.?!be 0'lrarrni' AA C.rra h'aat ArEr!loc!!. P t a $glosto.ol ci0t00|t Lon qdtrtteEd 'i Qoo.!6 ?l'cttoi / \rnh n.O!.8to Rotir Su'b l OE v9'1. ooo|agl llalt RCLo Fax December6, 1€05 , " '- : .1 ' tl,'r''": '. :1t':':: To: Mr- ChuckFeldnpnn BuiHing DePartmenl, Town of Vail Tel. 47s-2138 Fax:4794462 From: Peter M. KolioPoulos, A.l.A GiruleWeat Tcl. 3dl-479.05os Fax. 309476"4183 Number d Pagss includlng ftle sheet: I Deuutlfllon: pealChucK H€oadino the Bgrlngause Rern(Ijel atld our telephona converaciion from vderal we are sdirding Pet your request an addendum b our fiocinneds. lnis addenftim s'how" " lhalryc of entry to tire mechanical room, frorn the hallway. Please, giw mB a call if you have anyquedlons' H#,kp*,^ Direclor CircleWed '--Circle West 'Cirqle West Architects, P.C. 2077 Nor-tfr Frontage Roadr Suite lOO Vail, Colorado 81657 o Lffirtr|loF TRANSnflITTAL Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 479-0503 15 5. ftolJTrEp-VAlu, co wE ARE SENDTNG You ztsSttached D Shop drawings n Copy of letter ,{erint.E Change order #":_ ! Plans n Samples the following items: E Specifications tr COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION \lZ.6.qt t AooFN&l/l^ +l , p{pa1Au tzt{bT F-* Q*r*t. t 1 .28.1i Exl5Tll.lc, Ft?Zf F,wV- PuArrr - ^t\t -dtYo$\rqc\N\ t\\' - THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ,FGo' aPP.ouat 'XFo, ,ou, ur"\^^ ,Dues requested ! For review and comment tr ! n - Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for approval n Submit - copies {or distribution n Return - corrected prants tr FOR BIDS DUE 19 - ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS 4tkzg- tl enclosures are not aa noted, klndly notify us at once. o o flJi$f;"$'?'vg,*ffiw{'Archlbctr Circls Slcst &chirccts,P.C. 2077 N. Frontagc Rd. Suit! 108 Vsil"CO 8f658 Tcl.fi34794fi3 Fax303-4764183 Circle Wcst Arcbitectc P.C.cxpessly disclaims any rcsponsibility froo any unathcizcd uro of thcse plans, drawings, and notes. Any author ization must bc in writiog. This drawing copy may have bcen reproduccd at a size differcnt than originally drawn. Tbe arcbitcct and owncr ass- umc no responsibility for use ofincorrcct scalo. Drawings are not to bc scalcd. Not published all rights rcscrvcd. Proiect Beringause Remodcl I190-ACasolarDrive Vail, Co 81657 Sheet Narne: Existing Fint Floor Plan 1/4"=1'-0" Dste: 7-28-95 Sheet Numher: )l # r :lq l"llhlPoLl N fl'ix'$i,fl rN?o r.r A2-1 I\ ArcLitec: Circle Wcst Architccts. P.C. 2077 N. Frouugc Rd. Suit! l0O VlilCO 81658 Tcl.970-479{503 Fax9704764183 Citclc West Architlcts. P.C.cxprcssly discl"i'ns any rcsponsibility from any unethorized usc of thcrcplans, drawings, oad notcs. Any author- izatbn must bc in writing 'Thir drawing copy may havc bccn rcpmduccd at a sizc diffcrrnt than qidoslly drEwn. Thc atfiiEct aod owner ass- umc no rcqnnsibility for usc of iucqrect scalc. Drawiugs arc aot o be scdrd. Not published dl rights rttcrv€d. Prqrcct Bcringausc Rcmodcl I 190 - A Casolar Drive VaiLCo 81657 ShcctNrlt*: Addcndum#l Patisl Fint Floor Hra l/4'= 1'{' ShcctNunhcr: . Lrllt lf1D6*1E5io'bq*, i(v-l fi)Lt i ?wWhlAL.E rtLl-*a9g1 EP€HEP LltlEbl 9av1s grxw bbr r2#5 Ac-I F; --FFr. [JA{-L-. ra FEFrArq. BfrI'i6 Pffi6Xo*.. --- '*{'j-'|A AiirZLS-lrsilf'^ftfrcn. i.-lffiFffiflr. '- "E--78l'f'\i4., /' FAtrl+1. o"CONSULTANTS, I NC.=.f t=tt KRIU gOt{SuLTAttTg, r{C. P-O. Bo( 457ev fl. coLoRADo 8t638(970) 9{e-939r P X (970) 9t9.1€77 arouL\lrDry keM ^* t/z+/qo e,rsr f.n .S | .. * I oFrcow iurF o RelNFoF4E NoT4HED.Ar gTAtRS: $'2 D<s-Tq, SltxT q,L. No?crl eYErE. 5b:x1 a'r,-aL'-- ADD Llx,lflox u'-o 'N/ (q)- /+" 4 x oL+ LAq 3gl*ewg ADD :EFAI,I AT FOEMER EEABINq. hIALL AT LOFIET. FLOOF FEB. ATTAcjaEP gtsETcH. : i fN ceAllJLSPAce EElrhl .rueU BeAM J ADD 70 Fx6Tq.(+) -utz.l I .';<--N€N FdEt rN 'uNe 4/, foF+aPF EE4- t^l^Lg ExsT€i, (tJ-zxtz ,toa (0-lt/+xllz t\t-, BaLT N/ ?/+'{ rneu. BoLT5e 241 ofr,out LA4 FEoM E4. grDE N/ eAt'+ x E[ L{qs e z+tl r,:\is! A{.4ir,'r;r.r. }@ tr ,1,. r ir.,, l.r}i .Cl. rx! \y7:ri.'r: CHECK REQUEST DATE: q,/r/9/PREPARED BY: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUI\D FORBP #6X5:', NAMEOFJOB:g.*-^'J ACCOLINTNUMBER 01 AMOTINT OF REFUND:sae.D DATE APPROVED: ./=.91- APPROVAL SIGNATURE: I T \l I I '/- ts -9 G Or- To FrruryL- -:;; r :id'.'. r. i. i ' ..,' ,",,, :"3rr'lr : . ..;tt3'1;i 8ZZ8 6t6 026 u30vdr6r06li 0L6xvJ e09062? 026 sNOHd-3'l3r rsg18 oovuol0c'llvn 001 3$ns'ovou 3EVTNOHJ HIUON LLoZ'C'd 'slc3llHSHV Isfrtn 3'lcHlc :lcailqc|v €0t89 nosauug4l's11odueuu1141 r08z ldv enua,ry anenbrep g1g1 asne8ugeg cgg :r€uilto ts9l8 0J .I!UA 3^IrdrEloseJ v - 06lI scueJr!sau asnBbuuog lluued JoJ anssl 966I'SZrequeaoN ..- 'E 0{J ll b- ll ii t:.'. '1:t1'. ';,.;r; r1'r iii".i J" ir;i::irJi .{ j ,-., U ;3,' f j" $l?sH plrng {?td luguldoleAo0 t{ilunuuo3 ltp^ ln rr i,rll PArl :: ...',, 1. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? 4. GENERAL NOTES: General Conlractor to provide ventilation op€nings in crawl space per Town ol Vail and Eagle County Building regulations. Coordinate all openings with Arehitect. The General Contractof shall lake field measurernents and verily field conditions and shall caref ully compare such {ield measuremonts and conditions. Do Not Scale Drawings. See Oullin€ Specifications for additional information. The General Contractor shall carefully study and compare tho contract documents whh each other and with informatin furnished by the owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered. I I I November 28, 1995 Issue For Permit Beringause Residence 1190-ACasolarDrive Vail, Co 81657 LISTOFDRAWINGS O ut li n e Sp ecif ication s Site Plan Existing First Floor Pkn Ae-1 Existing Second Floor Plan !€-2 EistingThird Flaor Plan A2-g A1-1 Agl Atl-t A+2 A$l Building Sectbn Stair Section Stair Section Bathroom Elevations First Floor Framing Plan St-t First Floor Electrical Plan El-l &*z-.4,r4***__ I I t I I t I t I I t I I I I t I t I Division 1; GENERAL DATA sDcrroN 1100. QUALITY CONTROL SERVICES l.l General: A. This Section specifies requirements for qnallry spntrol services. Quality conuol services include inspecdons and tfsts perfonred by independent agencies, governing autborities, as weu as the Contracor.B. Contractor Responsibilites: Provide inspecrions and test specified or requircd by governing authorities, except where they are the Owneds respolsibility, or are provided by anoder entityi service$ include those specified to be performed by an independent agency not by the Conuactor. Costs are included in ttre Contract.1. Employ and pay an independent agency, to perfomt quality control s€ntices.2. The Owner will engage and pay for services of an independent agency to perform inspections and tests specified as the Owner's responsibility.C. Associated Services: The Contractor shall coop€rate with agencies perfoming inspections or tests and provide auxiliary services as requested. Notify the agency in advance of operations to pennit assignment of personnel. Auxiliary services include but are not limited to the following:l' Take representative sanple of materials that require. testing or assist the agency in taking samples.2. Provide acces to t[e Work and fumisb incidental labor and facilites necessary to facilitate inspections and tess.D. The agency shall notify tbe Architect and Contraclor pronptly of deticiencies observed during perfonnance of i$ services.E. Coordinuion: The Contractor and eac.h agency engaged to perfom inspecdons and tests shall coordinaie the sequence of activites to acconrmodate services with a minimum of delay.1. The Conractor is responsible for scbeduling inspection, test, taking sanples and similar acfvities.F. Protect consuucdon exposed by or for quality control service aaivities, and protect repaired construction. Divrsrbn 2: SITEWORK SECTION 2IOO. SITE CLEARING 1.1 General: A. Traffic: Conduct site clearing operations to ensure minimum inErference with roads, streers, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilites. Do not close or obstruct Etreets, walks or otier occupied or used facilites without p€rmission from authorites having j urisdiction.B. Protection: Provide protection for adjacent properties as required.C. Restore damaged work to condition existing prior to start of work.D. Protect existing trees and vegention tbat is indicated to rcmain from pbysical damage. Do not store marcrials or equipmenr within tree drip line. together with subs€quent off-site disposal.F, Strip and stockpile topsoil that will be reused in ttre work.G. Remove existing improvements, both above grade and below grade to extent indicaFd or as otherwise required to pernnit new con- strucdon.H. Fill depressions and voids resulting from sit€ clesing operations. Using satisfactory soil marcrials, place in maxirnum 6 inch deep horizontal layers and compact each layer o density of surrounding original ground.I. Grade ground surface to conform to required contours and to pmvide surface drainage.J. Dispose of waste maerials, including trash and debris, and excess topsoil, off Owner's propeny. ElrlD oF SECTION 2100 ENI} OT SECTION 11OO llarl',C.t&* l.t 1.2 l.l I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I t I I I SECTION 22OO . EARTITWORK General: A. Existing Utilities: l,ocate by hand excavation and provide protec- tion from damage. Cooperate witl Owner and utility companies for naintaining services. Do not break utility connections without notifying fuchitect a minimum of 48 hours in advance and providing accepable rcmporary services.l. Repair damages toexisring utilit€s as direcEdby urility company. Execudon: A. Excavation: Renrove and dispose of material encounter€d to obtain required subgrade elevadons, including pavement, obstruc- tions visible on ground surface, underground srucnres and utilities indicated to be removed.B. Unauthorized excavation (rearoval of materials beyond inilicated subgrade elevadons) may be filled with lean concrete, or coffected by extending indicated bottom €levation of footing to lower elevation, as aocephble to Strucural Engin€er.C. ErcavaE for struchne to elevations and dimensions shown, exEnding excavation a sufficienr disEnce to pemit placing and removal of other worlc and for inspection. Trim bottom to required lines and grades n provide solid base to receive concaee.D. Excavate for renches to depth required and to establish indicated flow lines or invert elevations. Maintain uniform width required for pmicular item to be in$alled, including width to provide ample working room. Outside building, excErvate renches for wat€r beaiing piping so top of piping is not less tban 4'{" below finished grade. EhID OF SECTION22OO SECTION 23OO . DEMOLITION General: A. The General Contractor shall carefully study and coordinare the cotrtra$ documents with each other and with informafion furnisbed by &e owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, inoonsisEncies or omissions discovered. Areas of demolition, but not limited to rbe following; First Floor A. Eristing bedroom to remain will r€quire removal of the ceiling for installation of 5 1/2" batt insulation. Se.e secrion 7300.B. Existing sunrp pump will need to be relocared into mechanical room as shown on drawings.C. Existing walls to be removed are s[own in des.hedl lines on drawings.D. Existing bearing watl will be removed and be replaced by new bering wall. See drawings for size and location.E. Existing shirs ro be removed.F. Removal of existing bot tub.G. Cut bole in existing concrete foundation wall to accomodate 36" x 48" casement window in proposed bedroom. Second Floor Renove existing stair leading to tbird floor and replace with stair shown on drawings. Cut new opening for proposed door to stair. Conven electric cooktop in existing kitchen ro gas. ENDOFSECTION23M #a"are,#e* A B, c. III I I I I t l.l Diveqron 3: CONCRETE SECTION 3100. CAST. IN. PLACE CONCRE,TE General: A- Codes and Standards: ACI 301, "Specifications for Stnrctural Concrete Buildings"; ACI 318, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete"; comply with applicable provisions except as ofterwise indicared.O Mix Proponions and Design: proportion mixes complying wirh mix design procedures specified in ACI 301. Products: B. Relarcd Mabrials: As follows:l. Moisture Brrier: Clear B-mits-thic.k polyethylene; polyethylene-coated barrier paper; l/g-inch-tbick asphalt co're membrane sheeL Execudon: A. Forming and Placing Conoete: As fo ows:l. Fonnwork Consruct so that concrete menbers and strucfires arc of corect size, shap€, alignment, elevation. and posirion.2, hovide openings in formwork to accommodate work of other trades. Acctrately place and securely support iems builtintofomls.3, Reinforcemenu Poeidon, support, and secure reinforce_ m€nt againsr displa@ment, Locate and support with metal chairs, runners, bolsttr, syacem, and hangers, as required. Set wire ties so ends are dirccted into concrete, not toward exposed concrete Surfaces.5. Joints: Provide construction, isolation, ed control joints as indica@d or rcquired locate constuction joints so as not !o impair strength and appeararce of sEucture. place isolation and conhol join6 in slabs on gound to stabiliz€ differential setrlement and random crac.king.6. Ingallation of Enbedded ltcms: Set and build into work anchorage devices and other embedded iams required for other work rhnt is afiached to or support€d by cast_in_plm conaete. Use sening diagram$, templates, and instrucrions provided by ot[ers for locadng atrd s€tting. 7 . Concrete placemenc Comply with ACI, placing concrete in a continuous operadon within planned joints or secdons. Do not begin placenent undl wuk of other Uales affecting concrerc is completed. Divi.sraz J.' METALS SECTION 51OO . SHEET METAL FABRTCATIONS l.l General: A ShopfabricatesheetmeEl.B. Sheet Metal Materials: Use materials selecrcd for their surface flatnes, smmthness, and freedom surface blemishes.C. Miscellaneous Materials: As follows:l. Welding Electrodes and Filler Metal Type and alloy to match metal to be welded.2. Fasteners: Type and alloy to match meal to be fastened: use Phillips flat-head screws for exposed fasteners wbere perattted, unless othemrise indicated.3. Anchors and Insens: Furnish as required for instattadon in other construciton- Use nonferrous or hotdip galv- inezed units for exterior inshltations.D. Fab,rication, General Fabricate iteru from sbeet m€tal ot strengr[ required for inended use and wittr exposed surfaces which are smooth, flat and free of imperfections.l. Fortn sbeet metal in maximum lengths and keep joints to a minimun, with cut edges co cealed.2. Continuously weld all joints and s6ems s1qgp1 65 6fts. wise indicated.E. Heating{ooling Enclosures: Fonn enclosures witb louvers and grilleg removable lops and fron$, hinged access panels, built-in paftitions (bulkhead$) witbin enclosures at panition ends and window mullions.F. Finisheg General Comply wirh NAAMM "Metal Finishes Manual" for application and designation offinishes. Fiaisb louvers after assembly. protect finihsed metal items. 1.3 Execudon: A Locate and place miscellaneous sheet metal iEms plumb and level: in alignment wirh, atrd securely attached to, adjoining consrucdon. ET{DOF SECTTON 51OO 1.2 t I I I I I I I I t t I I t EI\TDOF SECIIONo 3100 4,iar*,e B. c. B. c. D. E. F. I I I I I I I t I t I I t I t t I I I Division 6: WOOD SECTION 6100. ROUGH CARPEMRY 1.2 hoducrs: C. Lumber for Miscellaneous Uses: Unless otherwise indicated" provide "Statrdafd grade light-framing-size lunber ofany species for suppon of other consuuction, including rooftop equipment and support bases, cant strip, bucks, nailen, btocking, furring, grounds, stripping and similar members.D. Engineered Wood hoducts: Provide the following products, in sizes indicated on Drawings, for wbich current model code organization evaluation / research reports exist that evidence compliance witb specifred requiremenb for applicarion indicated and building code in effect for rhis projecr1. PrefabricatedWoodlJoists: Unirsrunufacturcdby boding stress-graded lumber flanges o ApA-perfomr- ance-Rated panel webs with exterior-ttTe adbesives complying with ASTM D 2559, ro produce l-shaped joisrs.F. Fasteners: Of size and type indicated tbat comply with the following requirements. Where rough carpurtry is expos€d to weatber, in gmund contacl or in areas of high relative huni<lity, provide hot-dip-zinc.coated fasteners per ASTM A 153 or AISI Type 304 stainless steel fasEners. G. Adhesives for Field Gluing panels to Franing: Formula- rion complying wirh ApA AFG-01, approved by bori ive and panel manufacturer. 1.3 Execution: A. Install rough carpentry work to comply with N.F.p.A,. "lvlanual of House Framing, Form E30, 'ApA Desigo/Construction Guide _ Reeidenrial & Commercial."B. S€cuely attach carp€ntry work to substr4tes and supporting meNnbers using fasteners of size that will not peresaE members where opposite side will be exposed to view or receive fmish Irurtetrials.C. hovide wood ftaming meurbers of size and spacitrg indicate<t do not $plice stuctural members benreen suppo:rts. Firestop con- cealed spaces wirh wood blocking tror less thatr 2 inches thiclq if not blocked by other framing meurbers.D. Fasten construction panel producB as follows:l. Subflooring: Glue and screw to framing. EI\D OF SECTION 6T00 SECTION 6200. STRUCTURAL GLT]ED LAMINATED UNTTS 1.1 General: Glued laminated timber (Glulam) is defined to include wood members fabricated from 1 inch or 2 inches noninal thicloess Iunber glued face to face o add deptb of four or more laminations. Sundards: Comply with ANSVAITC A 190.1 "Srruqural Glued l,aninated Timber". ManufacturerQualification: Provide factory-glued structural units, ptotluced by AlTC-licensed hmr, qualified to apply the AITC "Quality Inspected' mark. lnsfal lation: ENDOFSECIION 6200 Plan and execute erection procedues so that close fit and neat appearance ofjoints and suucture as a whole will not be impaired. 'When Xoisting rnembers into placg use padded or non-marring slings, and protect comers wit! wood blocking. Adequatoly brace member as they are placed to maintain safe position until full stability is provided. Install miscella$eous steel connectofs, ancbors, and accessories as indicated on Drawings. Cutting: Avoid cutting members during erection, !o greatesl extent possible. Except for fastener drilling and ottrer minor cucing, coat cuts with specified end sealer. Do not remove wrapping on individually wrapped members until it will serve no useful purpose, including protection from weather, soiling and damage from work of other Eades. Repair damaged surfaces and finishes after completion of erection and removal of wrappings, or replrce damaged menbers as directed where damage is beyond accepable repair. #ar/*/€-#.a,tu B. c. D. E. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I Diwsran 7: TIIERMAL PROTECTION SECTION 71OO - DAMPPROOFING Creusal l.l A. Project Conditions: Proceed with danrpproofing work only afier subsEate consruction and penetrating work have been comple&d and when existing and forecast weather conditions will perurit work m be performed in accordance with manufacuuer's recom- meodations. 1.2 Products: A- Reinforced-AsphaltSprayedDampproofing: 2-component product, coosisting ofasphaltic compound and c.bopped glass fiber, produced specifically for spray applicadon andcomptyiag withASTMD l?27,TypI.B. Miscellanmus Materials: In addition to bituminous dampproofing compounds specified above, provide any additional mis€ellatreous materials as recommended by manufacturer rc work in conjuction wittr dampproofi ng application. 1,3 Execution: A. Preparddon: Clean substrate of projecfons and substances defimental to work and install cant stips ar changes in plane. Fill voids, seal joints, and apply bond breakers as recommened by prime materials manufacturer, with pardcular attention at constru- tion joina. B. Installation, General: Apply bituminous dampproofing to all exterior below grade surface ofexterior underground walts in cona$ with earth or other backfill and where space is enclosed on opposit€ side. EI{D OF SECITON 71OO SECTION 7200. VAPOR BARRTERS General: A. Elastic Sheet Vapor Barriers:1. Folyethylene Vapor Barrier: #mil carbonated polyetbyl- ene filn, rated 0.1 penns or less.B. Laninated Sheet Vapor Barriers:1. Lmdnarcd PlasticiPapa Vapor Barriec Scrim reinforced asphast, between Kraft papers, belw€en carbonated polyethylene face fihns; rated 0.15 perms or less. 1.2 Installation: Anchorage: Install vapor barriers with adhesive or fasteners as appropriat€ for suppordng substrate, and of type recommended by vapor barier manufacturer Provide lapped seams and lap vapor barriers onto other work at edges of coverages and at penetration of barrien by other work. Erovide crawl space vendlation per '91 U.B.C. Verify locations witbfuchitecl Crawl space to be tightly sealed from moismre using vapor barrier secuEd along perimeter. Provide vapor barrier to interior framing surface of all living, garage, mecbanical, and slorage areas. END OF SECTION 72OO &a"a&-daa.* I o t I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I t SECTION 7300. B{JILDING INSULATION I.I General: A. Tbermal resistivity or "r-value" repres€nts tie feciprocat of tharnat conductivity (k-value), wbic.h is the rae of heat flow through a homogenous material exactly I inch tbick. Thermal resistiviries are expressed by the temperaue diffeterce in degr€es F bemeen the two exposed faces required to cause one BTU to flow tbrough one sq. fL per hour at mean EDperatures indicated.B. All exterior walls shall receive 3 ln" Waftfaced insutarion blarikes, see drawings for specific locations.C. AII interior plumbing walls and waltA separating bedrooms from each o&er or adjacent living arerB shall receive full caviry un- faced sound attenuation blankeg.D. All floor cavities separaring bedrooms from eacb otier or adjacant living areas receive 5 ll2" ttrick un-faced sound attenuation blankeL E Insulation shall be loosely placed under all threshokls and between window and exrcrior door franes and adjacent framing members.F. Manufactured insulation sheets shall be placed under all electrical device face plans at exErior walls. 1.2 Mucts: A. Generat Provide prefomrcd unirs in sizes to fit applications indicated, seleqed from manufachret's standard thicknesses, wid0q and lengths. 1.3 Executiou A. General Comply with insulation nanufactureds instructions for inselladon of insulation. B. Suppon insulation unirs by adhesive or mechanical anchorage or both as appticable o location and conditions indicarcd. END OFSECTION 73OO SECTION8TOO. WINDOWS I.I General: A. Standards: Perfomrance requiremenB for wood windows are tbose specified in NWWDA I.S. 2.1. Whdow Grade: Comply with requirements of perfonn_ arce Grade 40.B. Testing: Stock units of each grade of required window sball have been test€d in accordance with ASTM E 283 for air infilrrarion, ASTM E 547 for warer penetration, and ASTM E 330 for struc- tural p€rfomance. Test samples shalt comply wirh NWWDA LS. 2 for test sample sizes and metbods.C. Forced Entry Resisunce: Comply wit! perforrrance Level l0 when rcsted in accordarce wiri ASTM F 5gg.D. Insulating Glass Cenificarion progran: provide units permanently mrked wirh lable of the Insulating Glass Certification Council (IGCC) or tbe Associated Laboratories, Inc. (ALI). provide rtre label on spacers or at least one component pane of each unit- 1.2 Products: A. Wood: Clear Ponderosa Pine or other suitable frne-grain lumber kih dried ro 6 to 12 percent moisture conrent at time of fabrication and ftee of visible fingerjoints, blue sain, }nots. pitch pockets and surface checks larger rhan lB2 inch wide by 2 inches long. Lumber shall be water-repelent preservadve treat€d after machin- ing in accordance with NWWDA I.S. 4.B. Aluminum Cladding: Alnminum clad wood, hollow aluminum extusions, or roI-formed trim members in factor-applieG bronze colff, baked-on enanet finish.C. Insect Scrcens: Removable screen panel for each movable glazedqash. Comply n/ith SMA 2005.l. Insect Screens Frarnes: Formed or extrude{ 4trrming6 &urcs, anodized to march v/idow members, and remov ablc vinyl fabric-retainer spline. Comply witb SMA 1004.D. Glass and Glazing Materials: Clear, seale.4 insulating safety ghcing rbat complies with AI.ISI29?.1.E Installadon: Comply wi6 manufacturer's insrucdons and recom- mendations for installation of window units. END OF SECTION EIOO I I(/arZr,e.*Ahtu_ I B. t2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Divisdon 9: FIMSHES SECTION 91OO . GYPSUM DRYWALL 1.1 General: A, Fire-Resismnce Ratings: Provide gypsum drywalt construcdon fire-resistance ratings indicate( conforming to asserrblies Bsted perASTM E 119 by inspecting and testing organization acceptable to auttrorites having j urisdiction. Products: A. GypsunBoard: Provide gyps"- board of types indicated in maximum lengths available to minimize end joints:l. ExposedGypsumBoard: ASTMC36,thicknessas indicarcd.a. Type Type X for fire-resistance-rated assem- blie$.b. Edges: Tapered.2. Wat€r-ResisnnrGypsunBackingBoard: ASTMC630, thiclness as indicated. Execution: A- Install supplemenury frmring, nrnners, furring, blocking and bracing at openings and remrinadons in gypsum drywall and where required for support of ot[a work which canno! be ad- quat€ly Eupported on gypsum boad alone.B. Drywall Finishingr Apply johr tape and joint compowd arjoints bettreen gypsum boards. Apply compounds indicated below at accessory flanges, penetradons, fasErcf heads and surface defects.C. Treat water-resistant gypsum backing board joints with tape and se$ing-type joint compound to comply with gypsum board mfr's directions,D. lnstall cementitious backer uniE where inilicated to recieive thin- s€t tilg and similar rigid applied frnishes at srbs, sho$rers, and similar "wet" areas.E Screw and glue gypsum board to wood $uppons, END OF SECTION 91OO SECTION 92OO . TILE l.l General: A. ANSI Tile Smodards: Comply witb ANSI A l3.l Standard Specification for Ceramic Tile and ANSI 108 series of tile instal- lation smndards included under "Aoerican National Standard Specifications for the Installation of Ceramic Tile," 1.2 Products: A. TiIe Gradel "Sundard Grade" unless otherwise indicated.B. Trim Shapes: Same material, size' color, and texhre as held tile. 1.3 Erecution: A. At showers, tubs, and similar "wet areas," install cemendtious backer units and treat joint$ !o comply with manufacnrer's instructions for type of application indicated-B. Joint Pattem: Use grid pauern with 1/16 incb wide joinu unless otierwise indicated.C. Cleaning: Upon conpletion of placement and groudng, clean all coramic tile sufaces so they are free of foreign matter. END OF SECTION 92OO SECTION ggx}. PAINTING & CARPETING t.l Gsneral: Paint entire interior ofresidence including existing and remodeled ryaces. Paint color to 6atch existing, unless ottrerwise specified byowns. C:rpeting, including padding and insallation will be by owner unless specifi ed otherwise. t.2 Fmishes: Drywall fmish in remodeled arcas are to match existing "Orange Peef finish. Et{D OF SECTTON 93OO d&r*C"&,e** I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Divrsraa 10: SPECIALTIES SECTION 1OOOO. SPECHLTIDS 1.I General: A. &nma to be specified by owner. END OFSECTION 1OOOO Division 15: MECHANICAL SECTION ISMO . MECHANICAL 1.1 Geaeral: A. Proposed mechanical systems will be two seperate systems.l. Gas Forced Air.2. Gas Hot Wuer Baseboard.B. See letrer fumished by yoder Engineering, END OF SECTION I5OOO %a^z',e-A**- I l. I r--, ;.d'z'--:= *(- *-..-'-.. --'- i < h' t I ...\.. \\ r- _-.-_rr- _'*-... --- \-.- '-\i- Architcct: Circle West any responsibility from any unathorized use of ization must bo in writing originally drawn. The arhitect and o$r'ner ass- unc no responsibility fcn use ofincotrect scale. Proiect: Beringause Remodel 1190-ACasolaDrive i Archibcts, P.C. | 2077 N. Frontagc Rd. i "'--- + Suite 108 i vail,C0 8165E'/ i Vait,co 8165Et7 i'- 1' I Tel'303479{503/r, I' /' QZbZ Fax3034764183 I)-li '"+ vH t7e,'4. t'1ta..5 li -,r "/ c .-- . ** -) ---'{'-'*-------5 Jt I€ae tza'agti,UJ <i:.- "- n'-y'1o t. L^a?^wrrq ,, / ;:"::ff::,ff_1iff; ft t ( theseplans,drawings, Ul /.q\, and.notes. A:y.",*:11 I I I I t I I I I I I +oo ./ 1 / --a F This drawing copy may '-: / /-t have beon reProduced at ./ / L\ a size different than I il"*{ aWF ?&Aav*rflas) tJl' \ vaitco 816s7 SheetNanrc: Partial Sitc Plan Deer .- Sle$Nutrbe& \=- :. A1-1 FYrtrftH,q ATB -rF3il 2.: C/'Q. Fr€Ktir -P'.' "-' /' --.--:* ^.T\t'i --e-" tt'- f l't f t'""L,rrb_ (la^z-re-&* ,U _.4Q *rncue UEST ARCHrrEcrs 4@34764 t93 -=-FltE f. h.t*t't P. B5r.f -ffii$Hffiffi:i' $6i. r"T A,Esh[ssl Cirr:bWctt Archipcu.P.C. 20?7 N. Frouugo Rd' Suie 100 YritCO EIoJE Tc!.9704?94503 Flil9trr4?64183 CilclcW$tArcbiacg P.Ccrprcsslydbclriml any nsgoodbility ftnut ast unr$odzrl urc of thclaplanqdrewim* ud uobr. A.uy a$bor- irrtion aurt bc ln ffitins 'lllir &awing copy rnry brvo bara nptoducod rt r eirc. diFtrcnt t5u dbi{tdly drrsn. Thc l'Ef,ltret lrd ourrt.f act nE no tttpooslbility fot uco of Lcca:sct acrlc, Dnwhgr rrc rot to ba t€ded Nrx puLrlblrc+l pll righr tltarrrd. &ls. Bcriogaulc Rcmodel 1190. ACesolu Drirt vrilCo 8165? SldIrnar Ad&rd&B*t P$irlFi$iFhor Eslil.;: 1..0, &r l2-6{5 Slecl l'[un}mj A2-1 l+ F9 .alau5 -ffififs"_L I\ . ht.lt ll.lDg*'re5 ihrb'rEP,,.t.fr) {-- FtrJrrt'##;aAfi,. alfit.]trEll'illU.I! II I ?FnW ESdSTu- lillr*"'pE -"**'TiT-. I I I I I I I I t t I I I l. t t I I I A2-1 vxtSf filG 5LlPtN ?'JAt fiR?,$t?'V'#+MYi{'Archltect: Circle West Architects, P.C. 2077 N. Frontago Rd. Suite 108 Vsil, CO 81658 TeI.3034794503 Fax303-4?64r83 Circle West Ar€hitccts, P.C.expressly disclaims auy responsibility from any unathorized use of tbese plans, drawings, and ootes, Any author- izarion must be in vniting, This drawing copy may have been reproduced at a size different than originally drawn. The architect and owner ass- ume no responsibility for usc of incorrect scale, Drawings are not to be scaled. Not published all righs rescrved. Project: Beringause Remodel 1190-ACasolarDrive VaiL Co 81657 Shect Name: Existing First Floor Plan 1/4"=1'{" Date: 7-2895 Sheet Number: Ir{}Hcll^[hrPorr txB',n-Nc t.llN90tJfoRFllAlH t 4/arZrre"fu*a,t_- Dabr 1-28-95 I I I I I T t I I t I I I I I I I I I Architect: Circle West Architects, P.C. 20?7 N. Fronnge Rd. Suib 108 Vail, CO 81658 Tel.303-479-0503 Fax303476-4183 Circle West Architect$, P.C.exprcssly disclaims any responsibility from any unathorized use of these plans, drawings, and ootes, Any author- ization must be in writing. This drawing copy may have been reproduced at a size different than originally drawn. The arcbitect and owner ass- unc no respo,nsibility for use of incouect scale. Dmwings are not to be scalcd. Not published all righs rescryod. Prolect:.'-. Beringausc Relnodel 1190-ACasolarDrive VaiI Co 81657 $IelNaner Existing first Second Plan l/4'=l'4" Sheet Number: A2-2 o /(/a^^A"rgfu*a* l-ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I __ rr _Jt __ I Fl tyl. Frlt". CFtLtU63#iH#f} HTVE 4.. 14t* aP6''E'f iliHEal.t alr+) 'rlp. Utuei,l. rhiod' ua EAlutt€' Architect: Circle West Architects, P,C. 207? N. Frontage Rd. Suit€ 108 Vail,CO 81658 TeI.3034794503 Fax3034764183 Circle West Architccts, P.Cexpressly disclaims any responsibility from any unatborized use of tbese plans, drawings, atrd notes. Any author- ization must bc in writilg. Tbis drawing copy may have been reproduced at a size difforent tban originally drawn. The arcbitect snd owner ass- ".'re no responsibility for use of incorect scale. Drawings are not o be scaled. Not publisbed all rights rcserved. Project: Beringause Remodel 1190-ACasolarDrive Vail, Co 8165? Sheet Name: Existing Tbird Floor Plan l/4"=l'-0" Date: 7-28-95 Sheet Number: A2-3 &atztC-=4e* oo I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..-ltiiFtFa 4LAEb.. u/{ff*ltrF€ l.l#{)l.lrJLltaut, F*t+rr.1l.{tp F+-oL ffi Ut*ts ?*'tnaH | | t*t, i"---!-eEU' dsFff.B#ff tutr.l- ,-?Ln) FlrtrfrsE IJVIHq Peolrl, I'rltt?, gFphlt lx'|1i FrF? ErnrfiH q FlmtuqI fna"a"E,&** -a Architect: Circle West Architecg, P.C. 2077 N. Frontage Rd. Suilc 108 Vail,CO 81658 TeL303479{503 Fax3034764183 Circla West Arehitects, P.C.expressly disclaims any rcsponsibility ftom any unatborized use of these plans, drawirgs, and noles. Any author- ization must be in writing. Tbis drawing copy may bave been roproduced at a size different than originally drawn. The ar€bitcct and owncr ass- unc no responsibility for us€ of incorrect sc4le. Drawings are not to be scahd. Not published all rigbts reserved. koject: Beringause Remodel 1190-ACasolarDrivc VaiL Co 81657 Sheet Nenrel Building Section ll4='l'-0. Dglcr 7-28-95 SheetNumber: A3-1 ll I +r'ttt I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,-"tauTl{HrF.rtt Architect: Circle West ArchitEcts, P.C. 2077 N. Frontage Rd. SuitE 108 Vail, CO 81658 Tel,303479{503 Fax3034764183 Circle West Architects, P.C.exprcssly disclaims any responsibility from any unathorized usc of tbese plans, drawings, atrd notes. Any author- ization must bo in writing. This drawing copy may have been reproduced at a size differcnt tban originally drawn- The arcbitect and owner ass- ume no resPonsibilitY for use ofincorrect scale. Drawings ar€ not to bc' scaled. Not published all rigbts reserved. Prolect: Beringausc Remodel I 190 - A Casolar Drive VaiL Co 81657 Sheet Nanre: Batbroom Elevations ll4"=1'-0" Dcer 7-28-95 Sheet Numbcr: PAnlWaH FuF./*-ftarlt ll4t'. lLgt F&rf t ulH A5-1 hFfl'lF{sf4 FLIV*?eHb l.lltT I !irgti HrrT H'FT* t#a*a.e,*o€na<q,_ I I I I sl. I I I I ,'. I I t l' I =ffi=-"rl: Architseli Circle West fucbitects, P.C. 2077 N. Fmntage Rd. SuirE 108 Vail, CO 81658 Tel.303-479-0503 Fax303-4764183 Circle Wost Architects, P.C,expressly disclaims aly responsibility frout any uaatborized use of tbesc plans, drawings, and notes, Any author- ization must be in miting This drawing copy maY bave been reProduced at 'h'l 4L a size differelnt than ..1:. !/zL originally drawn. Thc fbu. K ' architect asd owner ass- . . .fl.4:{ ume no responsibility for ,..1, '. rcserved. Project: Beringause Remodel I190-ACasolarDrive VaiLCo 81657 Sheet Name: First Floor Framing PIan l/4" = l,-0" D&t ?-28-9s Shc€tNumherr sl-1 t)i";z",e.Je*- +j:.-f-*\ lt 1lL.v j t {<{rr". lltrfr*q ts9t fi I a' I t t I I t I I l' I I I I I I I I I tl!' i #a^z*e-&**-- Archiesr Circle West fucbitc.ts, P.C' 20?? N. Fmntage Rd. Suitc 108 Vail, CO 81658 TeI.303479-0503 Fax 303-4?6-4r83 Circle W€st Architocts' P.C.expresslY disclaims any resPoflsibilitY frout any unathorized use of these plans, drawings' and Dotcs, AnY author' ization must be in writing. This &awing coPY maY have been reProdueed at a size different than originallY drawn' Tbe rchitect and owner ass- ume no resPonsibilitY for use of incorrect scale, Drawings are not io be scaled. Not publisbed all rights rcserved. k Ject: Beringause Remodel 1190-ACasolarDrive VaiLCo 8165? Sheet Narne: First Floor Electrical PlaD l14"=l'4' Debi 7-28-95 SbrgNttnb$r El-1