HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 9 PHASE 1 GENERAL PART 1 LEGALE,. Casolar Del Norte Homeowners Association, Inc.P.0. Box 3796VaiI, Colorado 81658 July 29, 1981 Mr. Jim Lemons, AIA Mr. Bill Sadler 6100 tlestern Place Suite 220Fort l.lorth, Texas 76107 Jim and Bil'l: The architectural review comnittee of the Casolar HomeownersAssociation has met and reviewed your submittal for Site #9.At this time we can grant approval of the relocation, size andconfiguration of_your building envelope. |.te sha'll await yourfurther submittal so we can grant preiimjnary and/or finaiapproval for build'ing design. Sinierelv. A I {riVl.li\-/ ..\ /\ , '---/ victor l'tarY b6hatd#n Di recto r VMD: I rd cc: Town of Vail / f' ZONE CIIECK SFR, R,R for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Legal Description: Owner /\lnt L( Block / Fil ins Architect ,.2 Zone District Z- proposed Use Height Al lowed Front-Requi re O- 2O t'--Froposed Sides-Required l5' proposed Rear *RequireC l5' proposed Environniental /Hazar ds: .Ava'l anche Flood Piain Sl ope Lot Area Setbacks: Corrrnents:'',/\ Z0:t':rlq ; i:1rpl'ilvril,/Di::i..1rl)i0,..i:ti D; t,: : -T,{"j t i- NAIIE OF PROJECT .LIST OF MATIRIALS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT tl -_T- I Cl'#[4_UAfl* DESCRIPTION OF PROIECT The following infornation is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS required for subnittal by can be given: the, applicant to the Design Review Color Roof Siding .Other ( f3uur.) Wall Materials Pascia Soffits l{indows l{indow Trin Doors D,oor Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimreys Ilash Enclosures Greenhouses Other PTANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping Botanical Name Materials including Common Name B.....'. Trees ,Shrubs, uantity and Ground Cover) b Size I 6 -to6.' lu ctL. ?t-+(67 d'mTat-5 btL, CEArs) lf.:,, ll(Retaining Wa1ls, Fences, Swimrning Pools, etc.) Please specify, e;i 'j:. : A. BUI:::i'r l-.-:' -.j.-i l.\ -: _' Ro: f (:i:- - Fas::.e b0:::: s ll::.::. l:--. I i a <- _ - Jlas.'. !:.: - : -.::'t -. G:^e-::.:'-:: :': u I LrL1.l t- \/- - o UTILITY I@ATION VII{IFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME t*qBL -t-ADDRESS The location of ut,ilities,lines, rnust be approved and acconpanying site plan. l.lountain Bell lfesteflr Slope Gas Public Senrice Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc.. Vail Cable T.V. lJpper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District whether they be nain trunkverified by the following lines or proposedutilities for the Authorized Signature Date NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Towr of VaiI, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easernent in the Towr of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pemit nust be obtained separately. Tttis fonn is to verify service availablity and location. Tttis should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. /t"t"t |atu.L a,*t; a/rt"/2 n'& ;' tr ^,n^ brtp tdAi' s'h"W;tb/"rt'4ft*:',,, +96L"'F ttL ]FoRM NO. C.6ooo-rA IFOR USE WITH COLORAOO REtrION AMERICAN LANO TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN oPOLICY r970 (AMSNDEO rO- t7.70) SCHtrDULE A Anrount of Insurance $. l-00 ,000 .00 PolicyNo. 4l-0440 2 Date of Policy !'ebruary l0 , l-9 8 t Sheet I of 4 2:0I P.M. l. Name oI Insured: -I,rrl, ft\/ _, \., il\" -'\ coLLrN couNrY NATToNAL BANK l\\;s fp' ,..f\ n1:,,,\ \t*'''.t <,q'" -oq*'(,1f a..y 2. The title to said land is at tbe darc hereof vesred in: BRYAN LEITCH AND RICI{ARD A. GRAY, JR. as tenant.s in cgrunanin fee simple 3. The nrortgage or deed of tmst, oncl ossignments if any, covered by this Policy are describcd lrs follorvs: DeedolTrustfrorn: Bryan Leitch and Richard A. Gray, Jr. ro the lublic Tnrstee of the County of Eag le lorthcuscof : Collin County National Bank tosecure : $ I001000.00 doterl i January L5 , 19 B Irecorded : February L0, 1981 in Book 3L8 at Page 174 I3f,ii..?;ti'l3rti;ir" *J n"r*,.nN LAN' rtrLs Asso.arroN .oo" o." reTo rA'ENoEo ro.t7-zo) . I FoR use wrrH coLoRAoo nsc'l6x eiisRtclN LANo rrrLe AssocrartoN owNEn's pot-rcy-FoRM B-197o (AMENoEo lo-17-7o) SCIIEDULE A-Contiuued The land refcrred to in this policy is situoted in tLe Stntc of Colorado, Corrtrty of - Eag le ' and is dcscrilrctl as follows: sj-te 9, cAsoLAR VAIL, A Resubdivj-sion of Lots A-8 and A-9, Block A, Lions Ridge Subdivison' accordinq to the map thereof recorded June 19, L978 in Book 27L at Page 2I5.. % $,.v #*, u"e L\,FOFM NO. C-5000'3D FOR USE W'TH COLORADO o REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE AS5OCIATION LOAN P;I:Y I97O (AM€NDED 1O'I. '7C' SCIlDDUI,I B PART I ovr'', This lrolicy rlot:s nttt insrtrc against loss or danrngc by relson of thc follorving: l. Riglrrs or cluirns of pnrties in posseseion nol sltown by tlro public rccortls' 2. Eascmcnls, or cluints o[ clscnrcrrts' n<tt sltorvtl by rlrc pulrl'rc fccortls' 3, Discrepancies, con[liCtS in bountlary lines, shorrcge in area, encroachrrren ts, antl any facts which a cor' rcct survcy unrl irrspection ol' thc prcnri-'cs rtorrli tlisni'l 'c arr<l which ure not shorrrn by the public rc'cor s' 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for scrviccs, Ial)or' (tI ttl:rt(:rial lv:rclofotc or lrcroaflcr furnishr:rl' inrposr:tl lry Iaw antl,not shorvn by thc prrblic recortls' 5, Taxcs duc anrl payablc; :rntl ulry lax, spccial sscsslllcrrls' clt:rrgc or lir:n inrposcd for wutt:r or scw{)r service, or for any other speciol taxing district' \i '1 p':.*e{ -\.i", ,.\f- \/|-* 6.Right of the Proprietot-9f a Vein or Lode to extract and re:'iove his ore tfrerefrofil-=f.""fa the same be found to penetrate or lnter- sect the Premises hereby granted, and Right 9f ilay for Dltches and canals const;ucted Ly-the authority of the United States as reserved in united states patents iecoided in Book 93 at Page i5 and 30I. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter c]-ause but omitti'g r.=Liictions, if any, based on race' colo{,-religion' or nationar origiil-"=-"""tainec' in instrument recordei' July 25' 1969, in Book 215 at Page 649, .ta First Amen'drnent thereto recorcled o""Litu"i z, L97o' in Book 219 at Page 235' Utilit.yandDrainageEasementasshowncrdescribedonthePlatof said Subdivision. Restrictions,whichdonotcontainaforfeitureorreverterclaus€,but ornitting t"=liictions, le any' based on race' color' religion' or national origin, as contained j-n instrument recorded Februaly 7, Lg79, in Booi, ;6r-"t-e"g"-e14, and in^correction to First supple- ment recorded Marsit-Zi, Lgig, in Book 283 at Page 2Bi' Easement and ri-ght of way lor sewer line purposes grant- l-::,::cwartH. Brown and Deine L. Knox and Leo Payne by instrument recordec .Iune 25, 1979, in Book ?87 auu Page 34I Easement and right of way to construct, reccnstruct' repair' cha:lge' enlarge, rephase, oPeratel an1-rnaintain an undergrounC electric transmission or-lisirinurion ri;;; ;ranred to HOLY cR.osg ELEcrFrc . ASSOCIAT'ION, I}IC., by Cr\SOL'\R VAiL 5y instrument recoro'':d September 27, 1978, in tsook 2?"5 at Page 83'i In so far as it may affect subject ProPerty' 9. @ @ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CIIECK LIST Prelim. Final Approval Approval Connents Bldg location on site Bldg Configuration Appropriateness with Neighborhood Height Irlass Roof Forns Use of Materials Choice of Color Energy Efficiency B. Site Consideration Disturbance of Natural Features Snow Renoval Access onto Site Vehicular and Pedes'trian circulation tandscaping Plan Grading 6 Drainage Erosion Control Irrigation Systen Exterior Lighting Retaining Walls Accessory Structures C. Miscellaneous Cons iderations D.Other Comnents FINAL APPROVAI, S ignaturc / BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PTUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY CONSTRUCTION PE department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT mT D m mT LOT 9 FTL|NG cgs0i-el-bl-l-- BNAME: Colorado Investment Condo r,*^, Omn'i Construction GENERAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESSLECTRICAL MAIL ADDRESSPLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTOR MAtL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACT th. prlrl..t/vail E RMIT ,*, f/ro/f/ pRoJEcr NO.- PERMIT HO. [, I 8 IJ E I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP DrvtstoN GENERAL DEICRIPJION OF WORh :r\ew uuptex I : :'JiHt",rrgi z Ef BUILOING 185,900 ELECTRICAL 9,000 PLUMBING 10.000 MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 3058 204.900 BUILOING PERMIT 695.50 PLAN CHECK 347.75 ELECTRICAL 77 .00 PLUMBING 100.00 MECHANICALNEw( X) ALTERATToN ( ) AoDtrtoNAL( ) REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS -ACCOMMODATION UNITS- G.R.F.A. 3!99-r.o*oo"t COMMERCTAL SYST - RESTAIJRANT SEATING -HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION FEE 458 .7 5 DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 100.00 CLEAN,UP DEPOSIT 200.00 TOTAL PERMTT tFES [197e.00furlpkt INSULATION NING ADMINISTRATOR OATE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R-VALUE Batt 1 fltl R-2q NING NOI LS: Batt 6tt l9 Batt L2"56 HEAT €fI HEREBY A(JX\UIALED(iT: THAT I H'\\'T T^' READTHTs ApplrcATruN AND srATE Tlr{T Tlrt: f"f$ ABoVE IS CORRT:CT AND AGREE TII CO1IPLY A\WITH AT,I. TOWN ORI'|NANCES AID ST.\]'}' ELEC: I GAS: soLAR lwooD; VAIL WAIER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE : SPEC IAL NOTES: o August 20, 1982 Ms. Diane Ferguson Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8I657 Re: Colorado Investment CondoVaiI, Colorado Dear Diane: Please accept this letter as our written authorizationto return the $200.00 deposit to 0mni Construction, Inc. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate tocontact me. Sincerely, COLORADO INVESTMENT COMPANY%vi*Barbara Fife /0fflce Manager - BF/bs ilI McofiND GltrNER o co^rsul},.rc ENGTNEER' P.O. Box tTOZ r Bouldcr, Colorodo 80306 o (303) 413.1677 tr.-L t-Le\-r.-/ L3 , lqg':,-II ()^^'. De_.", q,1-i \lL,oO trr.lc-Ct 7-r- g+ F+. [L).,,J[-, -t-ei. .7Lto2 Re- I tt G,0 Ca-.<,c- lo-r,- D-l tt)o_f.._ Va,'. I , C.o lo-., j6 Ca.^,-*l"- rnn<-^..^- l I h*"- h-.€-r,,.*J ..1-1.*- - I (l - I n , 3!r o-'\i'- -f ro.-r'a'u'^a o-Lc,u<_ r-+-.*J prole-ct *^^-l p.J \ s{-.-c-+L^-ru--l I ' , n , -"\'" t t r r\4- ( r,.-*<-i- - so-f," +^.+,*r1-"t,t 't +L i'^.-{".*...,r- "1 tt<- +t*_ s'lo*i,- c_J i r/^_ C_ (_- r .e_ [.--7/, {"""-/- L, ,fl,**0 Jou.1l- e-, N:"-l , r. g. / ffiilT- CONSTRUCTIOru Pf;NIvIIT DATE ---- PROiECT tlo.- ,,-^.r/ -' \r'-.1i'- -.' t I\'---'.*ri': /' \_f .--r','' / i;iril l: tiiliii' departms t o{ PERI,4IT co;nnruri ity deveioprnent 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCiiON 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP lir AB 12DiViSION TYF}E OF PERfuIiIT EUiLDING ELFCT RiCAL tI ECHAN ICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATiON ONLY f_i:.JT]|-l TION OF WC AF : VALUA"I'iON COMMERCIAL SYST --RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. __- EATHTUB/SHOIVER NO FIREPLACES -_ NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING ALTERATION I At IJ TIONAL i ) REPAIR { DlVELLINIS U NITS -- ACCO I,' LIODAIION UNIT c.ar.t.ffi6 f-rroooot. BiJILD]i..IC -i: tr TIECHAI{iCAL Er ec'i-RlcAl- PLIJI'IEING PERf/rT FEESf 2 2r/1r n ;Ii s,11p6CA50L,$it.jI r]1N.' P ER I, T JOBNAME:^T\\J\J ,PLAI'I CI]ECK OV/NER ARCH ITEC I REcftEATroNou. -/l CESIGii REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOTAL PERMIT FEES uiLoif lG oFi tcrAl - - - 6q1E ONING ADM INISTRATOR NII.iG NOTES: IAIL ADDFESSELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INSULATION THiCKNESS PL UM BING CONTRACTOR uArL AnDRESS l|lrr. Ao)?r;s - -_- l'vl ECli Af'l lC c{--r\TRAC IOR oIri l R CO N IRACTO i t]t.Rt-uY Acl::,{.)r l-l:!)(,i. Tll.\l l H\l t- R IA D Tli t.; A;'Ft,!CAT|r! ,1\ t) ST,., il] 1ti.\',; TItI ABi)!E lS C{)rtl(i:(;'i A!I) Ai-}ai.l' i:J (-a)l'ttl-} \,ll:ll AI-L l()Wlt llRl)lS/rSl tli ^\l) sf.\'It t-Aws R!:GA|tDING A('tl-Dl};(; C()X'!iilal-cTl(!\ vArL TTATER & SAN OIST TAP Ft:ilR f.t ItI AiL ALl DII E 55 l:t I EHI ,0. SPEC!AL NOTES: a Ayp..z Fry A y'*rt tttn, " { Fa",4 To * .v aF V* r t- H*^, b R A-tt- ReqprCtrl dtufe We, respz-c-/Att/r, rz1 a2t:> f ilr_I t _L -leron o€ Va;* h Sra.r,'T Ll s c,- V4-rt'qx- +-un- ft^" Aa.hA r n-4 he-kt*rr-u ,uu., Uo {> ooP fe ce*1 ./z(*,()tu''n^fuu-t<-<9 ao4,c(a k^ 3z-34" la 36 "+ ' /,rt- -{z *7* A -t fe ra +l'r-/r,tlttttAan -t OC a,tu4 n-rA H".- c-nl1 {r* LJ& t1 'fOUr farttt lty d/1/+ /"rCt a,tu4 l,Ma nppr-.tn-{-u T^q,rt,'/U4L- i / 6 a ZAsa z *ra b€z cvoarE- V*r t^ , La, o hiqA e ^ hcqrdr^.!I lht-taa @11 o,*rl , *( -- , | ,,\ J/r+L4Q,^yp"a. G >hz+LtrD r' ,1 /in nr - -vwrcX,/i/t^il-L a.bu->lrrl4 ut-t y.-- du nq, &,1.4 , FJX)-uo, t ''/).. '( "-' / V'., a/ I ,t:lsrD Nor€; i i r'eg {ki P4* u,lz 6t rcs ft*rco I ostr f i 't/-.trtl'_- h[.* &- Pgc. 77L /"//1 4*'t4 ] Iptli set t.* ,.dt J't'Zr'4 #* A"*#'* I I '/ 4. hJl.n /'141/e1'72 ("-nA 7+ j I G.F r*"--- |Pri hn,"- fr, rbz{ h d/-s-ffi4k-, { sit , [* %f,-"' ] |.)th^/- .tu fir,rtrq fuA' '4/""-*i:tI f//-U a{ ?<6 t//zd y,4,- /{t' SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, TWO-FA$ILY RESIDENTIAI t TWO-FAI.IILY LesaL oesJ'ription lor A-? /ioucp,b*e lt tlArchitect Hrtp.)-|D errcyilarf Zone District k. Proposed use aQrlL r,ot Area fr-,7-'/ 4 Height (Actual) Setbacks:, sides tF-A aes C)K Distance Bet\reen W:q : Required Actualt3{lt,AT- -^ /a tffi".R.E.A. Actual az68f Primary Unit i 't Secondary vnj:t ,1/,,',4 $= Otl Parking: G.R.F.A. ALlowed Site Coverage: Allowed-Lot Landscaping: Required-Lot Area Area I e-"1 Ovrner l= OIC Required 4 * Actual 7t"l-f';" Slope ActualDrive: Slope Permitted Environmental,/Hazard :Avalanche \,,__ -tx z.1r$-^-tL? tl> Flood Plain 'r Slope CreekDistance from Trees Removed \,-2 2 t:.o . - /- -Zonini;- Administrator Date 6, aJ- /a, 2o' & .{nVu -P:f /'L+b' c.TZ Zoning li ,;. | /tt 'oProject Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:t/3o Legal Descfiptio n, tE ,4Q, ,(t st4 +(61,L (l!L { 4 Vtl*,,qtocx, 4 , ,ritins A-L'Lz4-z- tljle- # g Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL o^," 3- /- 7 7 DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Olf icial el Project Name: Project Debcription: Contact Person and Phone Prolect Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legaf Description: Lot Design Review Board Data Motion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL olsRppnovRt ) lnwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 August 11, 1981 Bil'l Sadler 6100 Western Place, Suite 220 Ft. Worth, Texas 76112 Peter Jamaf Town Planner PJ:df department of community development DRB Submitta'l of 8-5-81 Lot 9, Blk. A, Casolar Dear Bil]: At the August 5 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submjtta'lfor a duplex was approved. Approval was for a primary,/secondary residence with a total of 3058 sq.ft. z L529 sq.ft. primary' and 1529 sq.ft. secondary with the following stipu'lations: modification on landscaping, use extra heavy roof shingles (if not available in proposed color use wood shingles). t I Prolect Application 11-e4-q, Il\Jt\Jl Proioct Name: project Description: bu P Ll?-n( & nl Oarn I N I orn^ ' Owner Address and Phon€' Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVALtftL *eaovet L4r# frlnil, L,/ /F ,.\ 6-ooo\6eI Chiet Building Official J) tProject Application 14. / r^ Contact Person and Pnone \'/H toi/ Ale (.,t.e0rc {tllft*r, Dfituns, Tx 7fz,? (q n. t/ /t, Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: 4ra - s?> z- Architecr,Adcfressandphone: /4i// De> /at5 Iyc /"lta Wester,v p/nce . utft 7do t doprr T.r*s 7b,E/7 79/ zjo/ ,T Legal Description: Lot ________: Atl4Block fL Filing "z, i'l a ' { ,- . ton" Gomments: L Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: . Date: own Planner E statt Approval ,+t i,i.i;,i1, lil.', l,r l,l -- Pfuttf6..F4)ts1. . F.T?jEjl L-src7F.4<{6-- P€,r{y._L -.AR.,&E. !F caJ:+u-b',lEFeD DE4<-.^/:t'ryA.trJltJ/= A fl('f ntg'llrt' foll',r'illil itt{orni;tL iott 'i ' 'r',.'r1r: irrrrl {'or ::rrlrnitL;rl lr1' 1}rr: irppl ic;rni to tfuc l)cl; it.,r I1,vi r,.wlloard bclorr.t il I:irral :r|llrovlr I e ;rtr lrcr ,livcll: A. IllJll.l)lii(; l.'lA'l'l:,ltjAl,li ]llllt ;,f;1rr.itll_ (igirrr; Roo I Siding Othcr I'ial t Mat crial s Fasc i a Soffit s Windows l{indovr Trin Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Elicl osures Greenirous es Other 4.d)u18-BaAc.b tl B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Common Name WLt'o LF$-"- (Ezq aylearq\c\t lr Si ze tL-t4', 6A' tZ'/of,t / tt- l-llLtt c/b\L 5 4l tb L Amo.Jrlnchicr-4Lni&lia <''+.r'rgr''FRt<Y I -_ b-E' ad rt5 $5 SHRUBS @t-ercq*+fp.nua-t1 . 6ymflcrirzrpas <rlbus' Ce*runrt 4,rr.<rveeenf. i' 3 irjtijilii:_; LU: r l()-'^--f uu+tot rs.---*gononi4-rspenr sQUAltOo0rACt to fll1F- e zs SQUARE FOOTAGE -\ ttrr..|rs s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE SQUARE F0OTAGE 4w 3n^. F,J\F VtlE, Pq_nfZ:rtte,, W,zt:,- Fe^szLrF-, fEp,r.usltLr,- Rv E, aravep TIMrTH.Y. FFor{F <-a-uMFll uE.,-vl L!. r)AdflE*s, NJ-tD E$)e TYPE OR METHOD 0F ER''I'N .'NTR'L *'n-''^'-.* ^ T * n' ^*P== *O* *' W 4/l Other Landscape Features (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. Cauc.pel-E fA\1Ef{: / En]LDER< ,' L{tPLtEr. E€u{r6vg1z- ig]4 f',:'l '" iltt ')" .' \,' rr ,,.\i .r \ ll t .,-l I I-?- - -1'' 1Ll\i I -,\\i t/ ( ;trt &--t l-:- 2_ :1s I't'. \ \ \{{\ \\ H s\-f -ri r K $\.rr\ ri:t rl s :'{ \' .'l$sd \N \\\ !- .a ru z-I ir\\t. .l a\ \\.'t. "1( \ \0 '5 I ( -:_ \ \\\ \..\ ti) .. ).'t' ,.' \rI l\l li| (' rI \i t\)t\t\ ': !1.("'. -\.\ a. {\IiJ t rii \ ! '\'. )\ ,,; \\\ .1 \' I ..\ 'l'JY; il> i- J <-$'\'r4+ k 1'\ N rt "i'Y/- )-t_ )r:)\st] Nfrt\.JSR2:iv"a$\ r) .r\ !'.$s \r N sf ;\r* \\-\'J_ \.\ n-.$ b\'-lJ N\,\a $ 2_ F\Z \\- d! -Du P- t E, x - . c,0 N-- p--o wr.r rd.l -ujv4. - Eq B_ -csad Laa l ^J u E 5T m E N r 5 ror.__-fl- *___ur.o(;fl A . _.r;l.rN(;_Cf\g6LAt _VAIL/_EA6LL_CA!d_T\!., (aVa. Al)l)lii:Sli 'lhc Iocatiorr oi' rrt i Ii.r i llrtc::i, must. bc :rl)lir'()v(:d accontpatiyini3 sitr: p !rr:r. c:;, i,,'lrt,Lltct tlrcy bc rna jrr irltl vr:t'i I'.icd by thr: fol I t lunk l j.nos or llloposcdowing uLilitics for thc Autlrorizcd Sj grr:r I ulc Date Mountain Bcl l Western Slopc Ca:; l\rb I ic Scrvi.cc Conrpeny Holy Cross l:l ectli c Assoc. Vai.l Cablc'l'.V. UpJrcr [iaglc Val i c)' i,;;rt.('r' ancl Sanitation Dis,tr.ict *qe__re"*natuereu_tp+/A NO'|U: 'l'hcse vcrificetions do not rclievc thc contractor of his rc:jpon:i itril jrv to obt.ain x strcct cut pcr.nrit froni the 'l'orr'n oI' V;ii J , l)c:p;ir'1:nrcnt of Publ j.c ltiorks ancl to obtain rrt il.iti, l.rc:rt iorir; lrt:l:olo d.i.1i1iing .in any public r.ight- rr1 '..,,1r,r., i)l r,::.;'):::o|)r. i:r tlrc 'lirrvn o1. Viri l. A br.r.il cling ltertrrit t -.; n()1 ir ::L j'( cL cul I)('r.lllj t rrlr l :. ir,. | .,n,','..'r..'. A -si-r'cot cut: pcrni.t nrust bc . *- ALL w6T@N St-opE eas 'lhis forrl i-s lo vcr.il';, scrvi.c:c :rvnil:rblity arrd Iocati.on. 'l'h j s shorrl d hc trsr_.,.1 in r:onjrrlrt:t.ion wj.th prePar.ing your util j.t)' PlurD iutcl sclrcdullrrg i I I .s E a 1 I a t i o n s . F&rcrrrK ff Tpr&5TAT€; /lwV. 7a. Ijrlllt)tvll;l():i RE llllllir' L|,.\'l l')'r Il lllll(.4'l ION Sot3Drv\5!a Nl af 'ors A- 0 "A:-9--& ,rolr ri^ur:-- .-DlP-t.Ex-- coN D_om trd l.-urn_F_0._B- cAs_auaJLvJlTFlENTS L0 I Altl)ltl:Sli 'lhc lr.rcation ol' ut. i lj.',. it:;, rvlrt:Llrcr. t.lrcy irr: rnejn I incs, nrust bc approvr.tl iut(l v()ri l'.iccl l.,y thr-' fol I acconr;titttyin1i s itr: lrl rrrr, ! r'unk 1j nes or proposcd orvinl; uti.lities for thc Authoriz ed Si.qnaLulc Dat e Mountain Bcl I }{estern Slopc Gas Public Scrvicc Company Holy Cross Il ectri c Assoc. Vail Cablc'l'.V. Upper Eaglc Vaiicy t{atcr and SanitaLion Dis t r.i c L t/74tl NOTll: 'lhesc vcri f.icati.ons do not ::clievc thc contractor of his responsibiI it1, 1., olltain a str-cct cut pelnrit from the 'forr'n of Vai I , l)c1rer 1:ncnt of [,ub1ic h'orks and to obtairr ut.i liti, locrr t ion:; lrcl:ot'c d.i..r;11i rrg i.n arry publ ic r-ight- cl ...lry, ol r';r.:,r:lt..lll i:r Llrrr 'lorvtr ol: V;ril, A l-ruiltling ltcrntit js nOt tl :tLl'(:ct ctrt pcr.rni t rrlrl:. ir,,.,l L'^,r ', r^ r-., r., 't ! | I ) , A stlcct cut. pct'nlit nlust bc lhis forrn is to r;r,r.i li1, scr.vicc irvail0b1ity ancl location. 'l'lri s shorrl d bc ust cl in conjrrnc:tion with prepat.ing your util it)' irlaD aud sclrcdulirrg ilr.stallations. 7 ,rorl fii\i'Ir:.--. -J)uP-Ug.X- c,dN.D-o.m.t rd l-u-rn*-F!-B_.-cAtdtALt^.tvf :T|ltENTS tll,rrt:t: . - p,tr I l, tN(:4ASauAR VAll,r- EAQTL countT\!,, hLa,r,or --.fl Al)l)ltl:!l-1 'lhc location ol' rrt.ilit i I incs, nlust irc applovr,d acconqrarrying 5i l() l) l:rtr. c s , tvlrt:1,ltt; t' 1.ltcy rutrtl v q: r' j i'-i cd by I j.nc:; or plopos cd rut.i I iL i cs for thc l> c: nvr j rt thc foll t lunk Ol,/l r18 Mountai"n Bcl I }tlestern Slopc Gas Public Scrvicc Company Holy Cross Ilcctric Asst:c. Vail Cablc T.V. Uppcr liagle Val I ey lVirLr:r and Sanitation Distr-ict Datc 4 - ze-E/ NO'l'll: 'fhcsc vcrifjcati.ons clo not lclieve thc contract.or of his rcspon:;ibi -t j t ), t 0 ()[rtain a strcct cut pcr.nrit from the 'forr,n of Vai I , l)c:pilr.t.ncirt of Publ j.c lrlorks and to obtain ut.i i i.1.), Iocir l irrn:; lit'l or.c d.iilgi rrg in any publi.c r-ight- ol .',riry or' (':i.;,r::(.'r)t irr thc 'lowrr oli Vrril. A bu.iJdi.ng pcrmit :i :; rrot. lr :;LlccL crrt pcr.rni t obtri i ncd s cplr rlt r'l;,. n stlc{rt cut pclnr i.t nlust bc 'l'his fornr i..s to v(:t.i {:y scrvicc availablity and location. 'l'h j s shorrl d lrr' rrstirl in con jrrnt:Lion witlt prepar.ing your r,rtil ity p1:rit arrcl scheclrrlirrli irr.stallations. '\ T0 llll: Aio fO mtD tb. rhaO.la rll-rntr rltlri .rlrllit ot r.t uiSo t*a 9r?tt It tL raccrd tr?tr llt rrlaartritor a3rlgns torarar. IItctlTf0 lI0 ofllfEttD tf,|'ar, .rd tr.r tlfrl '|rrtloi.aI bora . stAtt 0r a'tr tlor p I llrT[ 0F c0r0ril00) )County of trglr ) Subrcrlbad rnd rtorn to batorc raJute. 1979 by tf0 PlYlt. l'ly ronr'lr! lon arplrrri Tc-itry -lt{-!ry'r-tc.b.?.r. .. th'r ?lt--ary olIttll? r. rrfit .J thlr __dat .,f slrrt 0f c0r.0RA00) )County ot t.qlr ) Subrcrlbad.ndJunc, l l79 bt DlAlI rrorn to brtora rr thltt. xfiol ,ir a,t ilr corFtrston erptr.ri g/o tl" ::$s, qoror^Do I'Jltd.r l ._ I - trr Clff lttcrrlc AgSOCrltIer, trc,tlll|l[D rto|'-or_||AY TAS|!||!|" E ll& I tt tllL rltf:|'f , th.t th. und.rrl<rned.ffi S1ffi F*;tih,iil.#ri.i#Fi;hiiii.l* ft ffi ,#flf'i;!l,itff :$ff #iiil;,i#i j:$lH*:*ll Aa ...-nt tan (lO):*iil!i,R:i#i,ji rilritjti,$!""it.i;:*i,*: fi:.PFoFrty t. itctt-iil ii^iilii". "Tl^ !!: -ab9ve nentioneiI p.rt h.r.of li ""i.|!iii!i' ^' tttached hereto and nrde Ilt!fii:rylJy,li;i: ::,;":i:io":; i;;o"ii";.i::r bru,n, veect.,ion, ]-.ff::ry :::-!n:. hple&ncatron lnd usc or rhc ,,,11-]'.'.u""n;lri ---" ;:::.:*. - Attcr th€ exerrg::!-_:n"], p.dp.i"-i!iij,;;f;1;i:.Ji fi^:;"jj*H:;, lTj:*:.,;;-:ii.*"::.T;i:il,.:,i"..fracticarre, -inJ-,iuir"p,o.p.ry reprace anv :::ri?: rsrces thar .,, ;.::i::i::'1,::l:;:: :; ::"'"t ri ciiit.!.-"'qc.crtbc(t lrnd! ahrll rer"ii_iil_I-i:::,"1 .:: oy crantce on the abovercDv.ble .t rh. option #tl.:l:"5:"t"r:v c,t cianre,.. and shall be ffii$#it"ii:*'l"i:"j;i:.ilf.:i:i; ;; i;. iffirff "n;Ti"*"#. "'. T9 HAyE AlfD TO HOLD a!j.d ridhr_^r_rrngurar the riqhts ""d .:]:ll:"f-rray and easenent, aucceasora and *sisns,'ri'iireqas i;',,:.'i";;il;':fu '::::tl:I"";::,:j:,'13" ';.';':;':j;i#.rl_-._ :"1; ;" :" be dury 8!TTE OP ) t*-tar*r, t stere or 1, COI',NTY OP ) ss, )The f ore.loi lnatnrEnt yaaacknoH#:y ": -W :;; .,,,".'}H'::","L*'[:E:\:;!t !r by Daxr,Jraffrlvl,lt . rsls.n|olI ctflclrl r..I.IJTI, :l r:; T-T.xts-',T.'l.r-' .*I|r 19. l$2 -{.rll3/7pt tn (odr l&|r5hrl 'al!,on, lto HiJt Y 'e I'ostL '{ rantee. } ,sa acrog sardc. l, L i)e rd t e,1 ltne, orrnt used or:nt atto1, Yeunder, rme rI an) tvei lg, alldrf all andtee, iLs 1y 1978. lxHI8Jl,A o o SCAJ.E: l- - f.OO. SPLICE VAULI Pr.o rcutrED trllaFol[r TNDENGNOUTD E(b]r Lrt! f3lut CASOLAR VAILA RESUBDIVISION OF IOTS ;*!"1,i:i":Blfff,lio". ('- r- rl[r!-il?]?f!Ontlltl-!1, )Al/7a, l- tnAS tttr€ of c_-tliam IOqnty or tActr l.iI'1 . "" "' ' ' 'F' ''- '. f. r' )i r l9l,J.W 'r'-PL Return to:Holy Croea Electric Alsn. P. O. Draeer 250Gleneood Spgs., CO. 81601 ENGiNE[RIIIG CHICK LIST Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing -lAsot-+z V*t,- Pt+t<c - t 9 I (Acceptable) (llot Acceptable)1. Submittal Items 2. Eng j neeri ng Re_gg-1jggelLs_ ,r1 -r-/(rT appncaDreJgreement (A) Topo Map(B) Sjte Plan(c) utility Plan (D) Ti tl e lleport (E) Subdivision A e E5 (A) Culvert Size(B) Driver,ray Grad Source of Utiliti c I lu' (A) tlectri(B) Gas (C ) Ser+er' (D) I'later([) Tclephc(F) T.v. /}. Coinnerrts : 3. (B% max) (Actual ) lcierct # lSl-JL_ty--ZtzSg .._.':tu2 6\rGltSf.ee fuvJo+A to*-t t)?.-tze y'a,acatt"ut 6t /J pro .t71* Ba< Approved: Di sapproved : It-lz?/zJ )r- fr Uq'*+te *n^ l# (on) zst'zt'y n c6 9Fg Publ i c l{orks ! I i i t : ' L"t? an,u{Firins e[Z , t: Owner ZONE C}IECK o for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Architect Zone District Proposed Use Lot Area &rf EA/4'*eisht Anowed 3g, proposed Setbacks: Front-Required 20i'^-pr6ptsed S'ides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required l5' Proposed l,latercourse-required Proposed _ GRFA: GRFA: Landscaping: Parking: Primary A1 l owed Secondary Allowed Primary Propo:ed Proposed / fz7 Site Coverage: Allowed secondary Proposed / i"7 -Proposed Proposcd Prrp*: ed Actual Required Required Drive: Slope Permitted Environmental/Hazards: Ava'lanche Flood P'lain Sl ope Corrments: Slope D l sapprovcd, Zon'ing: Approv Dats : d7/ hl,relfl/eeal /t, o, 7/" l.l.(;At. t,r.:;,..rj 1,'l lr)N: l,()1 _ 4 _ --irr0i:K A - I il.1:i(; chsg\Nf-t,EhAyE AuJ!!!-/ c99-oenDg lrl:s(:ltl,lirr:.; 9l' r,trg,1.t.t'_.-? yIpK1 ,-! BFD Roorn tL-lL 9\1\\tO?ert LlVlFlG RooM Alrp SThl&wEll,/ DtNTNA nooxaf{riote;Jr' grorr.,lqE'Roo'hA, i inn-qAREZE A,iD - C.g*eu-, Fv F a-6 n -rgcK. crNTLlrJ r Nr-6, r!, . llo T - ru B . Tlrc fol lol.'ing inforrr:rt ion js rr:t1rr l,1'p! for srrlrnitt;rl lry tlrq irlrpl j(::'tt to t;c l)r':; itltr ltcviewlloard bcf orc a f inl I approva I c:rrr lrc givcn: A. BUILI)lii(; I't\l'l:nlALS Roof Siding Othcr llal I l-lat erial s F;rscia Soffits Itr rrdows l{indorl Tt ir,t Doors, Door'l'r"im ll,,rnd or ltcck Ila i I s Flues F' rrings | | ,r llnc I osut. es . ('ctrlri,liScs t ile r Liii'IDSCAP I NG e of Oesigner:phone : NT r,Af tiill!S I;3-c_ c1! !!:111_iql.Cc' i or fuei*r.*s. ESpAR-- EXr. eoMft . erTlo FJ - q-1a95-'h: "hlya- -- -&EFI &_eo u rr _ggea p hd rlf l_aAeJ.s. cFoaLr sTl,{\J__ _ MEDTJ/M flNr lTuqcr-/.-PUtUf Z-x-&r [x.4--R.s. cEDA& r tTAlN- fLYw-"oprSrArd wooD-, rKEo . {, -Arr.utu- \3/b" )Nsu!,._6la5qfiLhr1_t:*,, I x 4-F.,-6 --C.EAAP- , 5!lprhl6*woop- w7 7-L lrs.tuL-,-atAsilatNf--l-_ " lx * R.5- cEDAr. th"lt rarr-rrr o-\rFsv naErB.e. cEqAn JTaNFp--r BBE-fAg_ 6AU/, Edr^ br/ 5,,9_,*LItJEn.FruluL_._ u " 6}}V-,-IR d-- lAu:tf.^o*- - r4ALd,_-- LB.odr_ _PAt $ t.p It ll N/A N/a t#s' Doo&,- t7t' Fuuttl 5-, a-51Drrx-:(rxrf6-- "- Botanical llanre Conmon Name QClnlity_ 3. 5-ize- D:17' ?-q? tlL u P"*-{*mm; P"Fios *rcnrurbidrgI +_ 5 lt-*b' t1 5__$.. f_ rr l4 & '1 to r'tqAl'h-An*icaeq -Ata*illo. - r;lroiltit) r.r)VI l,tS f'n,r,. r()rilA(;t. s0D SIED .I YPT OF IRRIGATION TYPT SQUARI fOOTAGI _ hc{4e SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR MTTHOD OF ERC)SION CONTROL Other Lancl:cape Features (rctaining wa1ls, fcnces, swinrming pools, etc.) pleasc specify. lll,l ,i I r;r,lflrrvr:;ro:; . KESutsDlVlSf Oil 6F l4f+ A:g { /1-l ''ot| l;,\:'rl;--- .-D-tPl-f- d-- r-aru,Oa yyl l ^/t-uha- -fltl__cAsorA&_fXVESTmFF.lTi. tr I L l\{;45at Dtf;*, vhr4 EAGLE-@+ru(a,rnr_-Q Al)l)lli:S.S 'lhc Io<'rrtiorr ot'Iinc:;. nru..;t bc il( ('i,lll) rri,v itrly :, i trtiljtir.:;, rilrt.l lrt:r. t lrt'ytllplovltl ilrll \'(.1'i l'it.tl lr1' tt: 1i1.s11. bc ne irr t. rtrrrk t ht: l'ol l<rrvirr1,1 I irrc s o r l) ropos cd tut i I it i cs for thc Aut lro l i :: ctl S.i I.I)rr I )'i)l)il t e Iiou;ttlirr llcl l Wcsl crn Sl<'l,c (la s l'trbl ic Sr:r't ict. (lom1r;rrr1 !lo 11' Cros:; l.lcctric r\:;:ro.., VaiI Calrl r '1 .\/. lJppcr );:rglc \ial I ey l{rrt.t.r.antl .Salrit;rt irrrr lri:,t r.ie t q:J9:81 NO'l'll: 'l hcsc verificrrt ion:; clo rrot rcl icvc thc contr;rctor of his rcsponsibil it\. tU otrta.irl a strcct crrt ;rcrmit from the 'l'oNrr of Vai ) , l)r'p:, r I ntcnt of t)rrbl ic ltor.ks and to obtai rrt il i.ty locrrl irlr:; lrt:{,ol'c rl i111iing in any publ ic right- ()i'-rJiry or ,.;..:,'::('!r: irr thi. 'l'r.rr of V;ii ]. A builcling pcrmit i:: rtot o :;Ll'('t't crrl lrc:rrrrit. n -st rcct cltt l)Oftni.t ntust bc <lbt I' i nctl :;cl)iu.itt u l,\ , 'l'his forrn is t o vr.r i l'1' sct'r.ict, :rvlri I rrlrl j ty arrtl locatiorr. 'l'lr.is shoulJ lrt. rrsr,r'l jn corr.j rrrrr:ti r>n wirJr prcplrling your uliIit).piln lrrrrl :..(. lt(,duIinll it))ititl ltrt i ons, AVFILAELE- Fa(- Tll€ A8,av E NPTn FO ?e4 SLputc,€. JE/JI , \l6p-l Ft c.Prldc\ AND t t,w faw - Ar T1IL E}{ru^e\I Po+:t$t,€, mTr . a l5 l^rft+ -vdt-o vEApALLv -l))A1- aeLEftfrnrE- How eil E& | Tl-\€ EN6TFTEEA u.hl dN AvArt ABLI TI VI5lT ]}+E S)TE Le <--A!-116 Nl . L Ar-r + PHv<r ux,.,< vE&f FY F?lAof bJd 0-rrrN a 6N qef(ftJ (t -fltfrlL bl C N Aru rrE FaV- L-l.Ng-D To 'io,.r q6 {, UEvn ta 9 T}}O*, r- A.l,A. lilli!i i lr,. \'t i '; \'l lillrl'.,\'l l()N , lorl n*r\r'rl ;---ptlPvEry. . C{ N eo m l hf l U yh__ fu ,(?= __e&?a@k t uu e<t yvrENT l r,or--Q *---.-.--rtr,n:i'. A , . rir r,t::i: gfiSt(D(L*lLht;.r_f.}16l[_(&_./ C4t-0. AI)I)III,SS 'llrc loiatic,rr oi' rIt i I i t i t.:;, riirr ilrt.r. 11,,.,), l,c nurirr t rr.rrrklint':;, nu:rl bc .ll)t)t'()\(.(l ;utrl \r.r.it'ir.d lrj th,, i.ollorvittili:(:cirnrpilnyi nll :; r tt: lr!;rir. Arr t lrtr r i ;:ctl Sirinrrt ru't-' I j rrcs or proposcd rrt.i I it ics for thc Dat e Me rurrt a i rr ltc I I hestcrn S I olrc Gls Ptrbl jc .Scrvie c, (ionr|r;11r1 lloly Cross Iil cc t r.i c Ar,:roc , Va i I Cabl t: 'l'. V. tJppcr liagl c V. l l cy l,J;r1(.r.and Siarritat iorr Di si lict Llf:El No'rll: 'l'hcsc vcri f icat i.'s rlo .ot r-clrevc thc contractor of his rcsp()llsibi I it.r" t(r ()l)t;tin a st r.cet cut pcr:nr.i"t frorn the 'l'otu,ir of Vli I , l)t'lr:,r l mctit rr(' I,r,rbl ic l{olks and to Obtarn u1 il jty lrrrrrl iorr:; lrtl'or.c ti ir11,i11g jrr lrny publ ic r.i.qht_ (, j -lrav ()l , i.L:,,-'!"'r irr tir.r 'r rrrrrr ol' Vlr j l. A l-ruilrli.nil I)crnit l:, It{rl it :;i t'(.(.t r rrl l)1,1.111 l1 obtl, inrtl lir.j),i I'it t r. l,\. r\ st l'{J cl cilt Pcr.ririt nrust bc EAaue Pp-o Po.'f knt O Fo+lb.re PA-TE . $a1{r- aod t 'llris forrrr ir, 1o r,'t.t.it')' scf \.i!.r, ;lViri.l :rhlity arrd location. 'l'hi s shorrld lr1' 11.i,.,.1 itr co1.j rrlt:t jolr witlt pr6pxl.ing your ttti I !t1' Il:rri ;rrrtl :;clrctlul iul: irrsta I lat.i olls. X UPo r.l V | 6 IT)NJ C,,rt*t+DE?ArYtr M FnlT Fd V'n+f-' Aurtlan ruW al4nrA-ldf-L C *lAlg {e l'O T*AT NEN 'ftArr '" wVf,E gF4Fl 6 P{t.€p['i{'60 Af V Fl,tE '{ E ^i 6 rN at{'l r'l 6 , 6? GFTnx-l 6 br!L^- fl?-t^rF<o'n ?va Pvrl -Ta "/utj T b* llr FrttTtH4--tzArroJ J tl'\^\f.L..Er!^dNt N.l.A' Ar trP#-,wte\I t lll l! l l I lri,:\'l lr)"i Vl lillrl(.r\l lON r;r,r,Drvr:iror -1{Lil-ftnivlSLdn( if _ L0Xb__.kt 4 A-4*_ ,rol) I'rAi4t:-Du.tt ,F--\- -c-r-+i-rJ-0.Jr tlrulur:rj-<z.re--(Jf .61r\t. l)\iirr,{f r1l:iN t"7 wr_-j!___-r1,0(:x..._- A _-riu,rN(;_.iA<; riA* Vkrt,, .Fktr^L rA, qta, Al)l)l{l;.SS 'ihc locatiorr oi' uti lj,t ic.s, t*hc. thcr tlrcy bc nain I inc:;, nr.r..;t bc approvr,d lrrd. r'cri f icd by the liol I accontpany i ng sittl pl.rrr. t lunk l.incs or proposed orrr i rrg trt i I it i cs for thc Autlrorized si SnilLu rc Date Mountain Bcl I Wcstcrn Slopc Grrs Fubl ic Scrvicc Companl, lloly Cross lll c.ctri c A:isoc. Vail Cabic'l'.V. Uppcr Eagl c Val I c). l{irtcr and Slrrrit at ion Di:;t t.ict Z.U -,1 / Nol'li: 'l hcse vcr i f icirt i.ons do not r.cl ievc thc contractor of his lcsportsibi I i tl to obtain u strect cut. p(|rnrit I'rom the 'l'orvrt of va i I , l)t.Pirr 1.mcnt. of l,ubl ic lriolks and to obtain ut i I ity l ocrrt ions licl'orc d igging i,n any publ ic right- .:'-!r.v ()r" ?.r:.;'ri::cr)l i' thc '1.r.,,;t of Vuil . A builtling permit r s trot :r :;L r('(.t crrt pc r.nri t obtliincd scplrrirtcl;,. ,^ strcet cut pernri.t must bc 'lhi.s forrn is {6 v1.1. i{-1. servie c lrvaiI abi ity arrd location. 'l lris sltorrl tl hr. 11q..,1 jn cou.i rrrrt:t ion wjtlr |rcplrr.jng your ltlil it)' i)l:nr inl(l srlrcutul inll instlllirtions. lllll lir l{r.;\ll'}',i Vl lillf l(:,\'l lON -/:Lo'r 61 tl,o(:l. A r.u.l\(; CAA(JR Al)l)l(l;SS t n t, .flfrotL Co - .Aoz',lclat.a 'l'hc loc:atiorr ol' ut iI i t ic.s, I inc:;, nul:;t bc :rl)l)t'r)v('(l i r(l accun]l);r n y.i nJi :;i1t' lrl;rrr. t,'lrr't lrcr tlrcy bc ntaitt rcril'it''.1 lry tht, i'oII I incs or Ir ropos cdtttiliLic:; for thc t rtrrrk 0lv l ll ll Aut.ltorizccl Sjllrrirtur.c Date Mountain Bcl I Itlcstern Sl opc Gas Publ ic Servicc Company Holy Cross [il ectric Assoc. VaiI Cablc'l'.V, Uppcr Eagle Val iey Watcr and Sanil rrl ion l)i:,1.r'ict Wsr No'l'll: 'l'hcsc vcrifications do not rclievc thc: contractor of his rcspon.sibi litl' to otrtai n a strcct ctrt pcrnit from the 'l'ow!r of Vai l, l)cprrr trncut of l,ublic h'orks and to obtairr rrtilily locrrt ions hcFort' tl ijlllitrg in an1, public right- o:'-!,'Jily ()l ri:(in''(\l)r in th,.r i,rr'rr of Vu j. I . A builtling permit is ltOt it :itt'('ct cut l)()rnlit obt;rinccl :;cllirratel ;'. A strcct crrt Pclnrit must bc I'his forrn is to vt,r'.i l'1' servicc avaiiablity atrd location. l'his .shorrlrl hc rrsccl in con.j unction with prep:rring your uf i I ity plan :rrrrl sclrcdrrl irrli irrstlllltions. / a ii r;rfu)rvr;r1):; REsttgurvt:rorrl o" L6Tj A.O {.-A:-t Authorilcd .Si lgtrt Lu l c Mountain Bcl I Western Slopc Gas PubIic Scrvicc Conrpurry Iloly Cross li I cctrit: Assor' . Vail Cabl c 'l'. V. Uppcr [ag,l c Vll I e], l.;irr ( r. and Sanitirt ir.'rr Dist r.ir't io ill L r lr; \'l Irr', \'t l.i ll, lr..\'l l())i , Iorl il^:.lr :__D.UP_t.1.f,at coN O6h^t1t lu M Fog. -CASA|A(LJNV E-(Tril F NTi t,u._ q _-*__ nt.(x:t.. 4 AI)DIiI.SS 'l'he locatitirr of util jt.ics, rrlrr:thcr tlrcy, bc rna_i.n t lurrk l.i.ncs or proposedlino:;, must bc:rppr'ovttl iur(l \'(:ril'icd lry the follorvitrg utilitics for thc accc,mPany i n13 sitt: lr llrrr . Date '6/ Nn'l'l:: lire'sc I'crif ic.rt ions tlo rrot r.cl icvc thr: coltrilctor of his rcsponsibil it.r' to obtlrin :tt!'cct cut lrcrnrit frorn t-hc 'l'ot,'tt of \-it i I , llcp;, r I me.nt ol l'trbi ic hrolks and to obtain u1 j lit)' locrrt iorrs bc{olc digging in an1' publ ic right- oi r'tev or' { :-.r,':::(..n1 irr tlrc 'loriir of Vu:i. 1. A l-ruilding pernit. r :; not a s t l'{.'(.t c rr t llc rrn i t obtlrincd :;cl)ur;rt c l), , n strcct cl.lt pernlit mrrst bc 'l'his form is to vc.r.i fy scrvicc availlrblity and location. 'l'lti s shorrl tl h1' 11.tpil in con jrrrrt:t.ion wi th prcparing your util it1' pllut lurrl sciretlulirrli itr.stallations. Boox .f re:i 2c?{1 4: ]O . r,-. A rr Jrn 4, igiC 193{ t$ Jo}mctre pH,lll'rrs .' I i Jnn.ra tY I iJ(/ li\r\ !, .. .r D*nvcr .,r..ls'",-.-1 | FoYcE i. Ui sEtaBArER rnd Ialtri i) Ht{:3E}lqr.ir it- ,.-_ 'l't o Turt le Crc€kvi I la Fer $ 2. O() ?d r., ,,,,r. F46Ie C.Juntt l l l.i \.; sflVf $tfr r&|rrf Er'rr;. 1111 r,. ..80 _. rndi'i tl. t at \ f,!'rriTL. li.r,r rtu 16. (.r. f , 1.,rr,. ,..i1--a.d.rr:,t,..,(rt,(",n,S|' ftfiDnED lORl'1 51.\ r llcuSrr.\r) ECVE ITJNDRBI-r POit:' ,'l:Dtio,/l0B.i rr., ;. $rr. r.a.a.y a. rir,,trr t'"r!,r, i,,i ,., .r rr,. -.,rr,_,.[.t!,] (,,,!l r,.,! tli. !,r.:t,. .\.r .1,.,.,,, _!..1rir rr{,,i .. i.?,:aF. rn.r r.. ir.,,. nirri,r:i .i}r 91r, ' .+l .-.f .' , tt .,4 In. .. ; rrl r' r ,r .r t. .l' j., ,ii,s r sui t,- 812Drii;G, -X ? 5219, .., ., )atlaE ,*.,.,.,,l.f;$il ,!r,r,.. r,i!i.,. J l.r.r' Erg.le si r-e 9 anJ i0, elSOi,AP 1.'AIL, l,$Crutdli.vistc'n o{ !,ot l.-S dno A-9, Blo..t A,tr.,ns'! Rrdqe Subd:,.'is:..,n. .rccording to t-lre:la')thsrr..t rec$rded iune 19, i9?8 rr Boot 2:l .:r p.rqe 215. , r. .ar-t rt {, r!r,rr" lr, tr tl ] r\1. t I tl.rl l, ijt '..p: :, a r,i.11"i,.:ne!i', .,.r,ti\.r :s -r. - .'( td, ' n+!_d.l l.rc' ''.t r,a'f, t ,,t. . - ,. , ' rti:s ',r: 'l:q :i S.Jb.ii: . t.t. . ,-tIs t lL: '*' I t:,li tr.