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They are subject to review and adjustment annually. Fees are based on either RESIDENTIAL or ALL OTHER FEES. Do not use both categories to determine your fees. Please note the Town of Vail still requests you list the valua- tion of work on RESIDENTIAL permits as we report on this data. The State of Colorado allows local jurisdictions to charge up to 15% above their mandated fees as listed below. Inspections: Permit fees include TWO inspections only. For ALL additional inspections, including re-inspection for cor- rections issued by the electrical inspector, a $57.50 fee is required. This fee must be paid before any additional inspec- tions will be performed. Construction Use Tax: See formula listed on page 1 in the Building Permit Fees section. Construction use tax will be applied to any electrical permit with a valuation exceeding $10,000 where there is NO building work. Will Call: $5.00 applied to every electrical permit. When calling for your inspection, simply state that you would like “Will Call” and leave the best contact name and number. The inspector will call you on his or her way to your site. Section A. RESIDENTIAL: This fee (based on the enclosed living area only) includes construction of, or remodeling or addition to a single family home, a unit in a duplex, a condominium, or a town house. If you are only providing or changing a service and not wiring any portion on the above, see section ‘B’ on page 5 for correct permit fee. Square Footage for Living Area State Fee TOTAL Fee with 15% added (1) Not more than 1,000 square feet 1000.00 115.00 (2) 1,001 square feet and not more than 1,500 square feet 150.00 172.50 (3) 1,501 square feet and not more than 2,000 square feet 200.00 230.00 (4) Per 100 square feet in excess of 2,000 square feet 10.00 11.50 Example: 2235 sq ft home The base fee for 2000 sq ft (of the 2235 sq ft total) is $230 (see item (3) above) 230.00 The remaining 235 sq ft is rounded up, per section (4) above, to 300 sq ft (3 x $11.50= $34.50) 34.50 TOTAL $ 264.50 Section B. ALL OTHER FEES including some residential installations that are not based on square footage (not in a living area, i.e. garage, shop, and photovoltaic, etc.). Fees in this section are calculated form the total cost to customer, including electrical materials, items and labor—whether provided by the contractor or the property owner. Use this chart for a service connection, a temporary meter, and all commercial installations. Such fees shall be computed as follows: (See ‘C’ below for the permit fees for a mobile/modular home and travel trailer parks). Valuation of Installation (based on cost to customer of labor, materials and items) State Fee TOTAL Fee with 15% added (1) Not more than $2,000 100.00 115.00 (2) $2,001 and above 10.00 11.50 Example: The cost of the installation is $5,150 (round up to $6,000) The base fee is calculated from section (2) above divided by 1000; 6 x $11.50 = $69.00 69.00 Plus $115.00 115.00 TOTAL $ 184.00 TOTAL Fee with 15% added C. Mobile/Modular home and travel trailer parks, per space 100.00 57.50 D. Re-inspection fee for all of the above 50.00 57.50 E. Add Fee for Extra inspections 50.00 57.50 F. Add Fee for Temporary heat release 50.00 57.50