HomeMy WebLinkAboutB17-0010.001 Transmittal Vail Marriott Revisions Signed.pdfDepartmeれt Of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 丁eI: 970.479。21 39 WWW.Va i I gov.co m TRANSMI丁 Use this fom when submitting additionaI info「matio This fom is aiso used for 「equesting a revision to b fee of $1 10 wiIi be cha「ged upon reissuance of the Submit this form only to: CdevL§ubmittaI@vaiIg ment or upIoad you「 「evised/corrected plans to the ApplicationIPemit ♯(S) iれformation appiies to: 締Revisions 椰Deferred SubmittaI B17-0010 FORM 旧S & inspection 「eports fo「 bu曲れg pemits. e「mits. A two hou「 minimum buiIding 「eview Delive「 pape「 plans to Community Deveiop- riate prqiect in P「qjectDox, When requested. e to Correction Lette「 __Jattached copy of co「rection lette「 Project Street Add「ess: 715    West Lionshead Ci「cIe (N u m ber) (St「e et) BuiIding/CompIex Name:Marriott Lionshead (Suite #) Applicant lnformation (a「chitect. cont「actor, OWne「/owne十s rep) contact Name: Kariin Vaessen/Neo Studio Add「ess: 3560 Walnut Street’Unit A Denve「 Contact Name: stat。:皇9_ Zip:些 Karlin Vaessen contact phone: 303 587-9920 c。nta。t E_Maik ka「iin@neostudioa「ch"COm i he「eby acknowIedge that l have 「ead this application,刷ed out in full the info「mation requi「ed, COmPleted an accu「ate pIot pian, and state that aII the infomation as requi「ed i§ COrreCt. I ag「ee to comply with the infomation and piot plan, tO COmPly with a= Town O「dinances and state Iaws, and to buiId this st田cture aCCO「ding to the town’s zoning and subdivision codes, design 「eview ap- ProVed, intemational Bu脚ng and ResidentiaI Codes and oIhe「 applicable the「eto. r/Owner’s Representative Signatu「e (Requi「ed) Cription of Transmittai/ Ljst of Changes, Items Attached, ate changed pぬn pages: St Room 364 - Showe「 and Vanity replacement St Room 51 0 - Showe「 & Vanfty replacement dditionaI sheet if necessary) Sed ADDITIONAしVaIuations (」abo「 & Materials) NOT include o巾inal vaIuation) $ 4,000 21-Apト2017