HomeMy WebLinkAboutB08-0391E08-0291: Entries for Item:190 - ELEC-Final 16:34 01/21/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke NR shahn 12/15/2008 A000121 040 qp shahn 12/15/2008 A000121 065 Total Rows: 2 Page 1 P08-0161: Entries for Item:290 - PLMB-Final 16:35 01/21/2013 Total Rows: 2 Page 1 NOTE: TH/S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT ALL TIMES . . �owrroFVAU. � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B08-0391 Job Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location......: BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN Parcel No....: 210108253016 OWNER LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO 610 W LIONSHEAD CIR STE 100 VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT GEHL HOMES 11/11/2008 PO BOX 5494 VAIL COLORADO 81620 License: 979-B 11 /11 /2008 Phone: (970) 300-2727 CONTRACTOR GEHL HOMES 11/11/2008 Phone: (970) 300-2727 PO BOX 5494 VAIL COLORADO 81620 License: 979-B Description: TENANT IMPROVEMENT-BIG BEAR BISTRO Occupancy: A2 Assembly <1000 with stag Type Construction:VA Project #: Status . . : Applied . . : Issued . .. Expires . ..: Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: �'C43Z>� `6� � � � ISSUED 11 /11 /2008 12/04/2008 O6/02/2009 W. �.i� � � � � v��� � ����� — �� � o'"' $9,864.40 0 ....» ................,,�..�,.,.,.,.......x,>.......<,....,..,,....................,. FEE SUMMARY ,..,,......,....,..............<.x..............,.....,........,<.............. Building Permit Fee------> $181.25 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------------> $303.06 Plan Check--------------------> $117.81 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> $75.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $378.06 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments-------------------°----------> $378.06 Total Calculated Fees--------> $303.06 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 ...� ................................................,.>.....,........x.........<,,.................,.,x.,.........,,,.,.�,............x..,......<.,�,,......>,x,.,....x..,.......,,...... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUEST FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM :0 PM. � �CL , � Signature of Owner or C ractor Da %�'� fC�� C, � �i._ Print Name bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908 •xw�xf#wwww�kfRhRwwf��#�fwww#wffAfwwwwX�>+f��w+wf#��f4www��*�4�wfwwf�f�*kwwk�*lww�wwwk>�ffww+ww#t*e#f#w#f###f+www�lRM�wR�wwff�kw+rt#��f*#wrt���f/�ww+*f���wwWk*����wtlH+fiww*���#wwwx��� APPROVALS Permit #: 608-0391 as of 12-04-2008 Status: ISSUED ♦YwYehsf 1(1r#Yr�A'tr%Yflrtrtrt�l'�kYrkxlR4*khtrh'Rk!lfM�ktrrt:F/t�F�>�RYYr»f�RRrtf f#YrF+*4i`# ��kwfrfrRRltrY�k#'irat t�4rt#w<�k'k�!!fe#Y'/rttrh#rt�f#Y`Yri(�kf R1(#f rtrtrttr****f trrthit*t�lAf rttrYrrt*4k#�k�khhitef 1r#�khRt(R�.F�.Fki#R'R*rtk+Yrtrw fe� �#h'k+�ilrt#YeRw* * Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/25/2008 cgunion Action: CR plan review comments sent F:\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\608-0391 \608-0391. DOC 12/01/2008 cgunion Action: CR SECOND CHECK REVIEW COMMENTS SENT 12/02/2008 cgunion Action: AP APPROVED CORRECTED PLANS ADDRESSING COMMENTS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 12/03/2008 drhoades Action: AP Separate permits (and shop drawings) required for changes/additions to existing fire alarm and fire sprinkler system. Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 12/03/2008 BC Action: AP Plan review completed with letter sent to applicant 11/20/08 approving plans. Opening inspection required for final approval. 4#rtYe***�k�k�k�k+YrA**A4rtYeR#*irrt*�kRYrX�fr*irrtRYr#�k�kRrt*�krtYr#R***�Frtf f#!!**4Y'Yr+Yf ***kkf#�kt�4t(4kYrYrfr4#f�!#fY`tr�k�Ri`f ffiRi�4f�i`YfrwYr**�!4#Y'YeYe*#�F*#rtf f RMf�4k#f f Yf ##i�*f f fyr***44�kwYeRRi�kY`#f �.t�R*f 1rrtYrYeiFk#irYrt#Yf 4t�R#frhki *�frtf See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. b Id_a It_construction_perm it_041908 �kxe�ww�x�x:+��+w�+rxx���+�*+«w+��:xx��+�w�wwxxxxx�+www�w��x�x��wwww�xx�xx���rw+e:xax������*+�xr�+rrw+xwx�txx��w+wwwwxxwx��ww�+w�:r�x����*xxw�f��w+ww+x�+x�www�wkxx��wwwwww+�xxxxw+�• CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 608-0391 as of 12-04-2008 Status: ISSUED ..�,,.,..» ................................<....,�.,,.,........<.<..,...,.�.,..,..,.,....,.......�,...,...,,,�.�>.,x.»........,.............,,,,.........,.�.,..,.»...,.,.........,.... Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0010484 MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY SIGNAGE OF 45 SHALL BE POSTED PER IBC. bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908 ***�********�**************�******************�********************�*****************�****+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +*************************************�********************�*****�******�****+************** Statement Number: R080002308 Amount: $303.06 12/04/200804:44 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: DDG Notation: credit card - Michael Gehl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B08-0391 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No: 2101-082-5301-6 Site Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN Total Fees: $378.06 This Payment: $303.06 Total ALL Pmts: $378.06 Balance: $0.00 ********************************************************+*********************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 181.25 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 117.81 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � � �, � � � �� � ����� � � . ��,�e , � � � �. �-� � , , � W�� � ��,,; , 7 ;� � A � _����� ,���� . � �����. .. . . #H ,... .. , . . ��� _ ,^ . , �,�• i 1 1,. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc Project Address _ . Project # � Q v ^ � � ` � _�' � �r (�qQ �1 � - �v� DRB# l/ Contractor Information ' Building Permit #: �� � ��� n� Detailed Description of Work: ���(�� ��(��� Company: � � � � �� �'( e� Company Address: �� ��� � l � � ; j�YiGI/'C� Z- 1.(.+�ic'i.�S, "( �C�°% �/ 'y S .� 1 7 , City: V +�.Z f State: �� Zip: O�CIS ' � '�/� ��'����L �'1�1 ��/�i . ��r� Contact Name: I�C�J� �% v�'�'1 � i�cl t,�-/.� ���� �� f�i� �� V U�� Contact Ph: y��r j'� ���r7 Cell: 5�-- � � �� � 1 (Use additional sheet if necessary) ' E-MaiL �'�'l�G��� �Q"�� ' �"� Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer� iC� C�C�k°=t �41� I Town of I ontract r Registr tion N: ��� �� , Phone: 3��' `�'g'�� `�°�' �( Fax: � `( o ' � c��� � � 2.C— I.r Q % : C+��'1 Contractor Signature (requi ) E-Maii: �-g t Property Information Work Class: Z ,� � � O �� �� (� ,� b New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel� Repair ( ) Other ( ) Parcel #: __ _ Legal Description: Lot # Blk # Work Type: ��� �� ��� ��t�� � � Interior �} E�erior ( ) Both ( ) Subdivision: �� n,� ^��� ���� Building Type: Job Name: �� �� ; Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Owner Name: �F���'�e " '�J ��i �= �J ���rn ' Commercial (J�" Townhome ( ) Other ( ) t ' Mailing Address: / � �� ' ^ � �'�( �� �( � � # & Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( ) (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or , Gas Log O Wood/Pellet O Wood Burning O visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Valuations Labor & Material #& Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances O i � �� Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( ) Building $ __ . Plumbing $ ��� Electrical $ �^"' � ' Mechanical $ ��?/ Total $ ��'CaDd �°`- Does a Fire Alarm Ewst: Yes �j No O Monitored Alarm: Yes ( ) No �} �' Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes �j No O ' �_._ �,.,.,.:..,. .��..,J,.—. � � � � � Nov 1 o zoos u u ��` � ��2j. ��o ° �'aIV1/N C}� �/�I�.. �a�� ��� (YIcR � /►� /l�s� 5 e� / � � � � / � /� �-� � C y � � � i �� �' , , 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213 8/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 November 20, 2008 Michael Gehl Big Bear Bistro PO Box 5494 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Food Service Plan Review Big Bear Bistro 304 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mr. Gehl: Department of Community Development This letter will serve to confirm the plan review of the above captioned food service establishment. The plans have been approved with the following additions and/or modifications: . .� . Indirect drains from must be installed to the 3-compartment sink and dishwasher shall discharge atmospherically by means of an air gap over a waste floor sink or other approved receptacle. The wells of the three compartment sink must be large enough to accommodate the largest utensil used in the facility. Condensate drain lines from all refrigeration units and ice machine drain lines must have an air gap of at least 2-pipe diameters at the floor sink or floor drain. The hot water generation unit must provide a minimum energy input of 139,116 BTUs per hour. It is recommended that the hot water generation unit be dedicated to the kitchen fixtures. Provide engineering design data for the building use, if the kitchen hot water is to be part of the building system. Properly seal sinks and drain boards to their adjacent wall. Exposed screw heads and bolts are not approved. The minimum acceptable floor finish in the food preparation deli, meat department, and bakery areas are vinyl composition and/or commercial grade floor tile. The junctures between walls and floors shall be coved and sealed. All plumbing, electrical and other utility lines must be concealed in the walls, floor or ceiling. Water service lines extended to sinks may be surface mounted provided they are properly mounted on approved spacers at least '/Z inch from the walls and 6 inches above the floor. • A minimum of two (2) separate shelves will be required for storage of cleaning and toxic materials. They must be separated and labeled by the following requirements: o Detergents and sanitizers and other toxic chemicals (upper shel�. o Insecticides and rodenticides (lower shel�. • Junctures between walls and floors shall be coved and sealed. • Provide a minimum of fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP), or stainless steel on the wall surface behind the three-compartment sinks in the deli and bakery kitchens. • Light fixtures must be adequately enclosed or shielded to protect foods in the storage, serving, or preparation areas from accidental bulb or tube breakage. . The minimum acceptable ceiling finish in food preparation areas is gloss enamel or epoxy-based paint on drywall; or a non-perforated vinyl-coated drywall, lay-in ceiling tile. • A menu review indicates that the Turbo Chef convection oven will only be used for heating sandwiches and cheese melt cooking. o The Turb Chef convection will be reviewed by the Town of Vail Building Department for compliance with the ventilation requirements in the Building Code. If the Building Department determines this unit does not require exhaust ventilation this oven can be installed and operated ventless for all food items except for fatty raw proteins, such as bone-in, skin-on chicken, uncooked hamburger, fat laden steaks, etc. chicken, uncooked hamburger, fat laden steaks, etc. o In the future, if this unit is used for cooking fatty-raw proteins as mentioned above, a properly designed ventilation hood and grease collection system that meets the Town of Vail Building Department requirements will be required. • Under counter surfaces must be finished and sealed to provide a washable surface. . Ice bin and exposed food placed out for serving shall be adequately covered or protected by an approved sneeze guards. • All equipment must be National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) listed or equivalent. Any changes to the plans as submitted and hereby approved must receive advance approval from this Department. A final inspection is required to determine is the kitchen is in compliance with the Colorado Retail Food Rules and Regulations. Please allow a minimum of three (3) days for scheduling this opening inspection. Do not hesitate to call me at 970-479-2333 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, William . Carlson, REHS Environmental Health Officer Cc: Town of Vail Building Dept. � �� �� �.��� � �� � ���� pevelopmen���ReviewCoordir�atc�X' � ° � ��� � , � tl e_ 7� Sc��ath�Front g� ��' � , ` � ^�,,��_' � B g�� � � � �e �„ ��9�'� � � �� ��` ,�^'�� � '. ,�•y% . 2* �,»� °gyp�'�-��a 4, t: _ V � ^"�� ,� ^� � g �'� � , _ s p �. ; ' �; ,# � °' � �*� � �� � R'� �° 3 &" �� � a i ` . �� ���€.�.,,,... .., m,,, w,c.�..<m.: re��,Gai�' ,s.�-�,�'r �€ � °,���T �"�> .,� � ,. e::s. .1�e�.siab�dzbz+.a` ., t ��a2�nti�^,e: Transmittal Form Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to �0���� � �`�_ Project Address: ( ) Revisions Attention: � Response to Correction Letter ����/ L� �ttached copy of correction letter (� � r� ( ) Deferred Submittal ( ) Other Description / List of Changes: 3 a�1 � nd�5� G � I Contact Information ` Company: V� r\ \J�`V r✓ ����\l� ' Company Ph: '—'1 �� 7 a�� Fax: , Contact Name: �,1� �_��` ' Contact Ph: CeIL E-MaiL IQ,i3Y�4.J✓t l� K..��J�J✓v' C�n Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: X ' Signature (required) Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor 8� Materials) '; (DO NOT include original valuation) ' Building $ Plumbing $ I Electrical $ ' Mechanical $ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ ' Total $ ,,, (Use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: __.._. _ .._._ � �c����� �1 D I � DEC o 1 2008 TOWN OF �Ai�L � Department of Community Deve%pment 75 South Frontage Road �ail, Co%rado 81657 BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Aqplicant Gehl Homes Michael Gehl FAX/Email #: mike@vail.net NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect KH Webb proj# n/a Lauren@khwebb.com 3 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 11/21/2008 B08-0391 LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO 304 Bridge Street C-7 A2 VA existing 679 s.f. space The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2008 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The fo/%wing comments wi// need to be addressed prior to issuance of a bui/ding pe�mit: For processing: • Please submit four complete sets of revised construction documents containin4 the reauested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. Partial ulan sets or loose �lan sheets are not acceuted. • Please resqond in writing to each comment with a response letter stamped and signed bv the architect and/or engineer Indicate which plan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the reauested information. Please resubmit comulete ulan revisions, resuonse letter and a Town of Vail transmittal form to the Town of Vail Communitv Develoument Office. . Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the architect's stamp and or enaineer's stamp, sianature reQistration number and date on all sheets of the plans. Buildin4 Deuartment Comments: 1 The application for this re-model indicates an $8000 project valuation. The valuation appears underestimated on the application. The applicant shall be required to provide the estimates and/or contract for the job and a stamped letter from the design professional in responsible charge indicating the building valuation is correct per the scope of work indicated on the construction documents. (IBC 108.3) Clk, s�e attach�� valu�t��n. 2 Please clearly show proposed new walls on the plans. Qk, se� plans. 3 Please provide an accessible route into the space and provide an accessible restroom and an accessible dining surface. Twenty percent of the remodel valuation shall to be used toward accessibility. Provide a financial breakdown on the plans to indicate how much is being used on accessibility. (IBC 3409.6) The scape af work for this proj��� is minima�, T� ��� an accessi�l� ramp ar�d bathrn�m wc�uld cost much more than Z�°1� o�F °�he p�op�se� budget and reduc� th� sea�ing are� significar�tly. We will spend over 20°fo �f the b�dc�t to b�fld an accessible p�atForm with ar� �ccessible table. Table service will �ie avai��b�e. W� v��ill �Is� p��vide �ic�nag� in�ic�tir�g the ��c�tion of � r�e��-b4� �ccessibl� public restro�rr�. 4 Entry stairway does not comply with IBC 1009.4. Revise plans to provide a full depth landing at the top of the new stairs. ak se� �lan A��? . 5 Revise A000 roof/ceiling assembly detail to indicate type C drywall per the UL listing. Q� see r�e��v detai� �n AO��, and �opy of existing str�ctura� detaiE�. 6 Provide handrails on both sides of the stairs with details on e�ensions per ANSI 117.1 section 505 Ok see plan A[1D1, �nd A50�. 7 Please clearly indicate on the plans the proposed use of the oven to determine if a type I hood is required. Refer to the manufacturer's installation instructions and testing for limitation on use of this oven without ventilation. IMC 507.2.1 Discussed with Chris. Add notation that prahibits fatty raw proteins such as skin on bone in chicken, steaks, etc. 8 Include information on the dishwasher to determine exhaust hood requirements. IMC 507.2.2 IMC 5�7.2.2 - Exceptions Under counter-type commercial dishwashing macl�ines. The Hobart LXICS is an undercounter devic� 9 The dish sink will be required to be routed through a grease trap. IPC 1003.3.1 Ok see plan P1.0. 10 Provide adequate information to verify the service counter is accessible. ANSI A117.1, 904.3 Th� ��r-vice cc��nter �rill nt�t �ie �c��ssibl�, but t��r� will b� ��r �c�es�ible platform �r�� table with tab€� �e�vice a�r�ila�l�. 11 Please show the property line on the drawings. The outside air intake shall be a minimum of 10' from the property line. IMC 401.5 V1i� ar� r�t makin� ��y ch�r�ges �c� �i�e a�� in��ke �xis�ing focatian. 12 The roof ceiling assembly provided by the architect indicates 1 hour membrane protection. Please add fire dampers at the new exhaust fan locations and duct penetrations. IMC 607.6 !V� da����rs nec����rY, s�� ���r� A���- 13 Revise sheet E2.0 to clearly show the location of the sub panel and main panel Made note of location in note #7 on sheet E2.0. 14 Revise sheet E2.0 equipment schedule. The oven cut sheet indicates 35A for the 208V model. Per Turbochef technical support the selected oven will operate at 6054W (29A). This is reflected on the schedule on sheet E2.0. 15 Revise main panel load calc to indicate the adjusted total demand amps based on oven revision. Panels have been changed to reflect change from #14. See E1.0. 16 Include cut sheets for all appliances proposed to be installed in the kitchen area. Have forwarded this to Chris. 17 The proposed menu provided includes eggs, burritos and crepes. Please clarify how these items will be cooked and provide cut sheets, plans and ventilation hood(s) for any cooking appliances. IMC 507 Have forwarded menu including cooking methods to Chris 18 Revise P1.0 to show routing of the espresso drain, and any freezer or fridge condensate drains to a floor sink. After further discussion, it was determined that the espresso machine can drain into a bucket as originally shown. The freezer and fridge do not have condensate drains. 19 Revise P1.0 to specify a backflow preventer per ASSE 1022 at the beverage dispenser water connection. See sheet P1.0, Plumbing Fixture Connection Schedule. 20 Provide a drinking fountain per IPC table 403.1 W� wi�i �rr�vide ��rinking �v�ter station with wa��r ��� and plastic cups, s�� �la�s. 21 Clarify location of the service sink on P1.0. Mop sink is shown at same location at the floor sink. See P1.0. 22 Show location of the water heater on sheet P1.0. If hot water is being supplied from a central location, include engineering design showing BTU's and amount of hot water available for the Bistro space per Town of Vail Environmental Health Department. IPC ch 5. See P1.0, Minimum Hot Water Requirements Table for Colorado Retail Food Establishment Calculation. 23 Show air gap and trap at indirect waste connections to the floor sink per IPC 802.2. Sheet P1.0 See P1.0. Existing floor sink has a trap and an air gap has been specified for each indirect connection. 24 Revise P1.0 to specify the connection of the dishwasher waste per IPC 409.3 and 802.1.6 or 802.1.7. See P1.0, sheet detail note 10. 25 Revise P1.0 to specify air gap or backflow preventer at the water connection to the dishwasher per IPC 409.2 and 608. See P1.0, sheet detail note 10. 26 Provide a total proposed drainage fixture unit count for FS-1. Verify existing drain size is adequate for the proposed connected fixtures. See P1.0, sheet detail note 9. Please refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check all requested infonnation is included with the resubmitted plans. Please submit revised plans as a complete set. Partial plan resubmittals will not be reviewed. F:\cdev\CH RIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\608-0391\B08-0391.DOC nvoice � �������,�1 �I �ov �� �oos � �J i j ..�.. �(���$� ��� ��� �:.. TS� S � Gehl Homes Attention: Vidette Gehi, Leslie Mashburn �"���� � f�ai� Owners �� � ��z�; � �.,`� � Big Bear Bistro '� k r •. � 304 Hanson Ranch Road, Unit C-7 �� k� ���� �°' � Vail, CO 81657 Date 11/7108 PO Box 5494 PRO,IECT TITLE: Big Bear Bistro Remodel va�i, co ais5s pROJECT DESCRIPTION: Miscellaneous Updates T 970.376.7811 mike�vai�.net P.O. NUMBER: 110708 INVOICE NUMBER: 110708 TERMS: 30 Qays Platform, Stair , Built in granite countertop and handrail rebuild (materials only) Drinking water d'+spenser Bathroom Door relocate (materials only) Hood dismantle (maCenals only) � � ������ Partition wail extension (materia�s only) �NJ��v Kitchen Closet (ma#erials oniy) W Nv Senrice Counter (materials oniy) ��� Kitchen�Counter (materiais oniy) � Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanicat est. We appreciate the opportunity to earn your business! Sincerely yours, Mike Gehl 1 � $2,000.00 � $2,000.00 1 1 1 1 ;_ 1 1 3 $100.00 $100.00 .��� $100.00 �$100.00 �,�$200.00 .__ $300.� �^_$20Q.00 $2,000.00 ` �W Subtotal Tax y 8.40% _____...�. Total _.$100.00 $100.00 $100.00 y $100.00 $200.00 $30U.00 � $20Q.00 $6,000.00 $9,100.00 � $764.40 $9,864.A0 �' Department ofCommunity Deve%pment Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 South F�ontage Road �ail, Co%rado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www. vailgov. com BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: Building permit plan revisions submitted 11/26/08 TO: Contractor/Applicant Engineer Highland Builders AEC Mark Hallenbeck proj#28940 FAX/Email #: mark@highlandbuilders.com stan@aec-vail.com NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: 2 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 11/28/08 B08-0072 JefF Selby 288 Bridge Street mixed VA 3 10101 s.f. The documents submitted for this project dated 10/21/08 have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2008 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The fo/%wing comments wi// need to be addressed prior to issuance of a bui/ding permit; For processing: . Please submit two com�lete sets of revised construction documents containina the reauested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. Partial plan sets or looseplan sheets are not acceated. • Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creatinQ a response letter Indicate which plan sheet, detail, s�ecification, or calculation shows the reauested information Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the buildina �ermit apqlication number noted. . Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architecYs "weY' stamq, sianature, registration number and date on the cover paae of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the plans For commercial or multi-familv proiects all sheets of the plans must be stamped. Mechanical Comments: 1 Revise sheet M2.0 in provide combination smoke/fire dampers at all duct penetrations into the 1 hour shaft. IMC 607.5.5.1 2 Clarify routing of the bathroom exhaust ducts. Provide fire dampers are penetrations in the 1 hour horizontal floor/ceiling assembly and the fire barrier at the mechanical room. IMC 607.5.2 and 607.6 3 Plans do not indicate any commercial kitchen hood ventilation systems. Please evaluate existing restaurant equipment and appliances for ventilation and hood requirements and revise plans as necessary. Please refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check all requested information is included with the resubmitted plans. Please submit revised plans as a complete set. Partial plan resubmittals will not be reviewed. F • \cdev\CH RIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\608-0072\BOS-0072.11.26.OSrevisions. DOC - k . h . w e b = 'TRANSMITTAL To: (hris Gunion From: lauren fortl (f: ENCLOSED NOTES: Thanks, Lauren 4 stamped signed uptlatetl plans. Date: 12/01 /08 Re: Big Bear Bistro Permit Reply 2 Hi Chris, Here are the last few changes you requested, let me know if there is anything else. 11G WEA LION�NEAD (IRCLE, SUITE A VAII COLORADO 81b57 410.411.2990 970.477.24b5 �F� www.khwebb.cam �i Department of Community Development Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Road �ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www. vailgov. com Second check plan review comments shown below original comment in bold italics BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: FAX/Email #: Contractor/Applicant Gehl Homes Michael Gehl mike@vail.net NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect KH Webb proj# n/a Lauren@khwebb.com 2 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 12/01/2008 608-0391 LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO 304 Bridge Street C-7 A2 VA existing 679 s.f. space The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2008 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The fo/lowing comments will need to be addressed prior to issuance of a building permit: For processing: • Please submit two sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. Partial plan sets or loose plan sheets are not accepted. • Please respond in writinQ to each comment with a response letter stamped and signed by the architect and/or engineer. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the requested information. Please resubmit complete plan revisions, response letter and a Town of Vail transmittal form to the Town of Vail Community Development Office. • Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the architect's stamp and or engineer's stamp, siqnature, registration number and date on all sheets of the plans. � Building Department Comments: The application for this re-model indicates an $8000 project valuation. The valuation appears underestimated on the application. The applicant shall be required to provide the estimates and/or contract for the job and a stamped letter from the design professional in responsible charge indicating the building valuation is correct per the scope of work indicated on the construction documents. (IBC 108.3) Please include the stamped letter from the design professional in responsib/e charge as indicated above Ok, see attached project valuation. 2 Please provide an accessible route into the space and provide an accessible restroom and an accessible dining surface. Twenty percent of the remodel valuation shall to be used toward accessibility. Provide a financial breakdown on the plans to indicate how much is being used on accessibility. (IBC 3409.6) Please include this information on the plans as indicated above Ok, see note on Plan A001. 7 Please clearly indicate on the plans the proposed use of the oven to determine if a type I hood is required. Refer to the manufacturer's installation instructions and testing for limitation on use of this oven without ventilation. IMC 507.2.1 Please include this information on the plans as indicated above. Response indicates note was added to the plans. Note was not found on the revised plan sheets. Please clarify Ok, see revised note on Plan A001 and attached menu breakdown. Please refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check all requested information is included with the resubmitted plans F: \cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\B08-0391\608-0391.secondcheck.DOC v nvo ce ._.. . , 1� i . ., .. .. .. w. . .. , ;l.-.. { i_, i.+��:: � _ i=. . .._. _.. , ,,...,... r. .._. ,... I:r _.... . ._ _. .. . . �.,.. ,.. _ .�� .� r ...,. .. .�'rr, � , . . :.. . ., .,, . n .,_ , :;c1 �.,.rdi�t:i:,r. -,. . _ � . ,< , .,: � . i ` j, ,�r ,!. t ',., �.;,, iir �,. ia,. i_s E, . ... .. . .. .... .._.. ... i . .,- ��. r �,mi:�:, .�,i� . , ,. �..., ... :,.,..� , _;. . . . .. , _,...� . _ � �o�, �..� �: ,:�.: . . �.. : ��,..� r,:` .^ �;:� .:, ._. . '�,.. . �;i L; . ._ �c:; r ,. �,Cc,t x _.,i: r: _ .. �c::. - ^ 's 4., � � . . . .. . . - f�t rhr �°�'a;: . i .. s.:i i.itl � . „ . _ ��w�i a � 5 �� . t <, F� {�,�4,' £t�o` .: . r i , �< �� , ''��� ps, a r � , � � ';rr�n . ,_ . .. ,. � .: � - r ', ..t, i:�71�eENit-bmes �� �. .� ._ .. r� h d p Attention: Vidette Gehl, Leslie Mashburn /� Owners > � ._ �2'� � _ L.� _,_.,._ � tp Big Bear Bistro � r � . _� , .e. . _ �,_ �.... ,�:'s ,�;:;:`, ��! ',€Lp [ 304 Hanson Ranch Road, Unit G7 ._,�� ' _ _ _Y _ _� �, _ `� "�'� ��`'�"�;� � . Vail, CO 81657 Date 11 /7/08 PO Box 5494 PROJECT TITLE: Big Bear Bistro Remodel va�i, CO 81658 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Miscellaneous Updates T 970.376.7811 mikec�vail.net P.O. NUMBER: 110708 INVOICE NUMBER: 110708 TERMS: 30 Days Platform, Stair , Built in granite countertop and handrail rebuild (materials only) ��. � ................_.... �. � d, � � �,. Drinking water dispenser �,,,,�..._ � .___ � � _.�_._..,.,,,_. �.. � _....._.._._,, �.,, Bathroom Door relocate (materials only) _____..........m..._ �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�_. ..._ Hood dismantle (materials only) �� Partition wall extension (materials only) ._.�._... � ,, �, ._ Kitchen Closet (materials only) _,_��.,_,_,�,,,,,�,,,.,,,,,. __,.�,_�.�,.._.______...._,,.._.________.__.__. Service Counter (materials only) ������ e.� ��.s� ��...... Kitchen Counter (materials only) ____._......._.._ � �. � .............. _,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,�. �...,,,,,,,, ,,,.. ,,..._. Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical est. We appreciate the opportunity to earn your business! Sincerely yours, Mike Gehl 1 � $2,000.00' $2,000.00 � � �� 1 � $10000� $100.00 1. � $ � ......_,,,,,,,,,,k��_ � �...._ ._. � ... 00.00! $100.00 .�..__ ..............._.,_.�..._.....�__.__......_.._............... � 1 ! $100.00! $100.00 _ � ..__,, .. � __._ _ .. 1� $100 00` $100 00 _�.�_......_.._.._� �...,.., , ... 1 = $200.00 ; $200 00 �,.� �,,,,.,,..._.,,,, ,.. _....._... 1 � $300.00 ; $300.00 1 ; $200 00 � $200.00 €,.,...._..,._�_„ ;�,,,.,,,,,,,,� . __...._ 3 € $2,000.00 � $6,000.00 � Subtotal� $9,100.00 � Tax 8.40%; �$764.40 ..,,,,�,,..,.�,... _��,,,,,,,,,, _........., Total ;, $9,864.40 Transmittal Form Revision Submittals: 1. "Field SeY' of approved plans MUST accompany revisions 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. _ ... . ...._ .. . _ _ __. ( ) Revisions Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: � Response to Correction Letter attached copy of correction letter � G� 2vGt I O Deferred Submittal a � ( ) Other Project Address: G C � �`�� � ��� ��s� ���� �c� ��� � Contact Information Company: 'v'� � �Q� �S�U Company Ph: 5�"'' 3�� -�8�� Fax: Contact Name: �% �'� � "" � � Contact Ph: � t4, 3• ••�'I 4_ CeIL J�'�-- E-Mail: � ��- l'� �✓ �l " ��� Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: X v Signature (required) Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building $ Plumbing $ Electrical $ Mechanical $ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ Total $ Description / List of Changes: (Use additional sheet if necessary) Date , � � U \�1 �—`� NOV 2 6 2008 1`OWIV �� �'�,I.L� � �..., Printable Details ...�, � � ' ��� ��1� Account Number: R030301 c� �, �'. Parcel Number: 210108253016 �,-9 ��' ,�,� '��'�. t � " �� Tax Area: SC103 �� Mill Levy: 45.5710 Owner NamelAddress: LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO 610 W LIONSHEAD CIR STE 100 VAIL, CO 81657 Legal Description: CONDO: RED LION INN CONDOS UNIT:C-7 BK-0575 PG-0026 MAP 03-13-92 BK-0575 PG-0027 DEC 02-28-92 BK-0575 PG-0029 QCD 03-12-92 R923877 EAS 07-26-05 Physical Address: 000304 BRIDGE ST Unit : C7 VAIL AREA Acres: 0 Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value Value Land 134480 39000 Improvements 304890 88420 Total 439370 127420 Sale History Improvement Information Residential Buildings: 0 Commercial Buildings: 1 Heated Areas RETAIL 766.000 —7 Total 766 � l � �Q,�' All Areas RETAIL 766.000 SPEC PURPOSE 766.000 Building Characteristics (First Improvment In Account) ABSTRACT_CODE COMMERCIAL CONDO IMP ACT_YEAR_BLT 1968 ADJUST 85 AIRCOND NONE ARCH_STYLE RESTAURANT BASEMENTFINISH NO BASEMENT BATHS 0.50 BEDROOMS 0.00 BUILDING RATE BS1-116 SPEC PURPOSE BUILDING_TYPE MERCHANDSNG CAP_RATE_NORM .09 VAIL CONST_QUAL GOOD DEP03 YEAR - 1975 EXPENSE NORM EXP-.05 EXTERIOR_WALL BLK STUCCO FIXTURES 3 FLOOR ASPH TILE Page 1 of 2 � � �� I �,/,% (�' � D �'��� �i� NOV 2 6 2008 ' �' �li�� 'i� 9 �...d Y � 1 �d �..o� � °�.rf ;';�? � e.. http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_details.cfm 10/15/2008 Printable Details FRAME GARAGE HEATING_FUEL HEATING_TYPE INTERIOR_WALL NEIGHBORHOOD ROOF_COVER ROOF_STRUCTURE ROOMS SHAPEO STORIES SUPER_NBHD UNITS USE_CODE VACANCY_NORM WALL_FIN Tax History MASONRY NO GARAGE GAS FORCE AIR DRYWALL RED LION INN BUILT-UP GABLE/HIP 2 N/A STORIES 1.0 VAIL CORE COMMERCIAL 1 COMMERCIAL VAC-.05 N/A Tax Year Transaction Type Amount 2007 Tax Amount 5806.64 2007 Tax Payment: Whole -5806.64 2006 Tax Amount 6323.20 2006 Tax Payment: Whole -6323.20 2005 Tax Amount 5904.78 2005 Tax Payment: Whole -5904.78 2004 Tax Amount 6080.36 2004 Tax Payment: Whole -6080.36 2003 Tax Amount 5933.44 2003 Tax Payment: Whole -5933.44 Page 2 of 2 http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_details.cfm 10/15/2008 � 1003.3.4 Clear width. Protruding obj the minimum clear width of accessible Section 1104. 1003.4 Floor surface. Walking surfaces o shall have a slip-resistant surface and be : MEANS OF EGRESS _..�_- �; � � ;/1 rIc�' § ' t -, r �� C� f� �� : � ��1� ali not reduce 100}�14 Actual number. The actual number of occupants as re uire i � for � h each occupied space, floor or building is de- ��� � � QQa sign� � I , eans of egress �°���%�i��� :,..� � 1003.5 Elevation change. Where changes in-ele�va�"�ir�rrrfies`s than 12 inches (305 mm) exist in the means of egress, sloped surfaces shall be used. Where the slope is greater than one unit vertical in 20 units horizontal (5-percent slope), ramps comply- ing with Section 1010 shall be used. Where the difference in el- evation is 6 inches (152 mm) or less, the ramp shall be eqtiipped with either handrails or floor finish materials that contrast with adjacent floor finish materials. Exceptions: 1. A single step with a maximum riser height of 7 inches (178 mm) is permitted for buildings with occupancies in Groups F, H, R-2 and R-3 as applicable in Section 101.2, and Groups S and U at exterior doors not re- quired to be accessible by Chapter 11. 2. A stair with a single riser or with two risers and a tread is permitted at locations not required to be accessible by Chapter 11, provided that the risers and treads comply with Section 1009.3, the minimum depth of the tread is 13 inches (330 mm) and at least one hand- rail complying with Section 1009.1I is provided within 30 inches (762 mm) of the centerline of the normal path of egress travel on the stair. 3. An aisle serving seating that has a difFerence in eleva- tion less than 12 inches ('305 mm) is permitted at loca- tions not required to be accessible by Chapter 11, provided that the risers and treads comply with Sec- tion 1024.11 and the aisle is provided with a handrail complying with Section 1024.13. Any change in elevation in a corridor serving nonambulatory persons in a Group I-2 occupancy shall be by means of a ramp or sloped walkway. 1003.6 Means of egress continuity. The path of egress travel along a means of egress shall not be interrupted by any building element other than a means of egress component as specified in this chapter. Obstructions shall not be placed in the required width of a means of egress except projections permitted by this chapter. The required capacity of a means of egress system shall not be diminished along the path of egress travel. 1003.'7 Elevators, escalators and moving walks. Elevators, es- calators and moving walks shall not be used as a component of a required means of egress from any other part of the buiiding. Exception: Elevators used as an accessible means of egress in accordance with Section 1007.4. SECTION 1004 OCCUPANT LOAD 1004.1 Design occupant load. In determining means of egress requirements, the number of occupants for whom means of egress facilities shall be provided shall be established by the largest number computed in accordance with Sections 1004.1.1 through 1004.1.3. 1004:I:2 filumber by Table 1004.1.2. The number of occu- �; ,` ;»� �nts computed at the rate of one occupant per unit of area as - �-` =�rescribed in Table 1004.1.2. TABLE 1004.1.2 MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA ALLOWANCES PER OCCUPANT FLOOR AREA IN SQ. FT. OCCUPANCY PER OCCUPANT A ricultural buildin 300 ross Aircraft han azs 500 ross Airport tenninal Baggage claim 20 gross Baggage handling 300 gross Concourse 100 gross Waitin azeas 15 ross Assembly Gamin floors (keno, slots, etc. 11 ross Assembl with fixed seats See Section ]004.� Assembly without fixed seats Concentrated (chairs only—not fixedj 7 net Standing space 5 net Unconcentrated (t�bles and chairs) I S net Bowling centers, allow 5 persons for each lane including 15 feet of runway, and for additional areas 7 net Business areas 100 ross Co�utrooms—other than fixed seatin areas 40 net Dormitories 50 ross Educational Classroom area 20 net Sho s and other voc;ational room areas 50 net Exercise rooms 50 ross H-5 Fabrication and manufacturin areas 200 ross Industrial areas 100 ross Institutional areas Inpatient treatment areas 240 gross Outpatient areas 100 gross Slee in areas 120 ross Kitchens, commercial 2(� ross Library Reading rooms 50 net Stack area 100 ross Locker rooms 50 ross Mercantile Areas on other floors 60 gross Basement and grade floor areas 30 gross Stora e, stock, shi in areas 300 ross Parkina araaes 200 ross Residential 200 ross Skating rinks, swimming pools Rinl: and pool 50 gross Decks 15 ross Sta es and latforms 15 net Aecessory storage areas, mechanica] e ui ment room 300 oss Warehouses 500 �ross For SI: 1 square foot = 0.0929 m2. 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE� ��� ��� — � 1 � � �� � � 1_✓ — �� 195 C_��. � �� �i �✓,� I� - � �_ CHAPTER 29 NOV 2 6 2�08 J� , PLUMBING SYSTE - �-�-� � ��.,_. � ���1 � C,�� ��I��:� ; SECTION 2901 [P] SECTION 2902 GENERAL MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES 2901.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter and the Inter�zn- tional Plumbing Code shall govern the erecrion, installation, al- teration, repairs, relocation, replacement, �ddition to, use or maintenance of piumbing equipment and systems. Plumbing systems and equipment shall be constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with the International Plumbirig Code. Private sewage disposal systems shall conform to the In- ternational Private Sewage I�isposal Code. 2902.1 Minimum number of fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be provided for the type of occupancy and in the minimum number shown in Table 2902. ] Types of occupancies not shown in Table 2902.1 shall be considered individually by the building official. The number of occupants shall be determined by this code. Occupancy classification shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 3. TABLE 2902.1 MINIMUM NUMBER OF REQUIRED PLUMBING FIXTURESe WATER CLOSETS DRINKING (SEE SECTION 419.2 OF THE FOUNTAINS INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING (SEE SECTION CODE FOR URINALS) LAVATORIES 410.1 OF THE BATHUBS NVTERNATIONAL USE OR PLUMBtNG No. CLASSIFICATION GROUP DESCRIPTION MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE SHOWERS OTHER 1'heaters usually with tixed seats and other 1 A-1 buiidiugs for the 1 per 125 1 per 65 1 per 200 — 1 per 500 service perforrnina arts and sink motion ictures Nightclubs, bars, taverns, I dance halls and buildings 1 per 40 1 per 40 I per 75 — I per 500 service for similar u oses sink A-2 Restaurants, banquet � halls and food courts � per 75 1 per 75 1 per 200 — I per 500 service sink Auditoriums without pernianent seating, art galleries, exhibition � halls, museums, lecture � Per l25 1 per 65 1 per 200 — 1 per 500 service A-3 halls, libraries, arcades sink Assembly and nmasiums � (see Sections � 2902.2, 2902.5 Passenger terminals and 1 per 500 1 per 500 1 per 750 — 1 per 1,000 service and 2902.6) transportation facilities sink Places of worship and � A-3 �ther religious services. � per 150 1 per 75 1 per 200 — I per 1,000 service Churches without assembl halls sink Coliseums, arenas, � Per 75 for the 1 per 40 for the skating rinks, pools aod �rst 1,500 and first 1,500 and � A-4 tennis courts for indoor 1 per 120 for 1 per 60 for the ��er 200 1 per l50 — l per I,000 service spoRing events and the remainder remainder sink activities exceeding exceeding 1,500 1,500 Stadiums, amusement 1 per 75 for the 1 per 40 for the parks, bleachers and first 1,500 and first I,500 and 1 A-5 grandstands for outdoor I per 120 for 1 per 60 far the � Per 200 1 per I50 — I per ],000 service the remainder remainder sporting events and sink activities exceeding exceeding 1,500 1,500 (conrinued) 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE� 547 MEANS OF EGRESS D I� ;i�i I c� � �[11�1 SECTION 1009 ` `' STAIRWAYS AND HANDRAIL� ' �.�"�'�9�' 1009.1 Stairway width. The width of stairways shall be deter- mined as specified in Section 1005.1, but such width shall not be less than 44 inches (1118 mm). See Section 1007.3 for ac- cessible means of egress stairways. Exceptions: 1. Stairways serving an occupant load of SU or less shall have a width of not ]ess than 36 inches (914 mm). 2. Spiral stairways as provided for in Section 1009.9. 3. Aisle stairs complying with Section 1024. 4. Where a stairway lift is installed on stairways serving occupancies in Group R-3, or within dwelling units in occupancies in Group R-2, both as applicable in Seo- tion 101.2, a clear passage width not less than 20 inches (508 mm) shall be provided. If the seat and platform can be folded when not in use, the distance shail be measured from the folded position. 1009.2 Headroom. Stairways shall have a minimum head- room clearance of 80 inches (2032 mm) measured vertically from a line connecting the edge of the nosings. Such headroom shall be continuous above the stairway to the point where the line intersects the landing below, one tread depth beyond the bottom riser. The minimum clearance shall be maintained the full width of the stairway and landing. Exception: Spiral stairways complying with Section l 0099 are permitted a 78-inch (1981 mm) headroom clear- ance. 1009.3 Stair treads and risers. Stair riser heights shall be 7 inches (178 mm) maximum and 4 inches (102 mm) minimum. Stair tread depths shall be 11 inches (279 mm) minimum. The riser height shall be measured vertically between the leading edges of adjacent treads. The greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 0.375 inch (9.5 mm). The tread depth shall be measured horizontally between the vertical planes of the foremost projection of adja- cent treads and at right angle to the tread's leading edge. The greatest tread depth within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 0.375 inch (9.5 mm). Winder treads shall have a minimum tread depth of I 1 inches (279 mm) mea- sured at a right angle to the tread's leading edge at a point ] 2 inches (305 mm) from the side where the treads are narrower and a minimum tread depth of 10 inches (254 mm). The great- est winder tread depth at the 12-inch (305 mm) walk line within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 0.375 inch (9.5 mm). Exceptions: 1. Circular stairways in accordance with Section 1009.7. 2. Winders in accordance with Section 1009.8. 3. Spiral stairways in accordance with Section 1009.9. 4. Aisle stairs in assembly seating areas where the stair pitch or slope is set, for sightline reasons, by the slope of the adjacent seating area in accordance with Sec- tion 1024.11.2. �c� ;� r,� �,� � , ;I, \��� �c_, � fi 2008 i � �; ! ,.�, � 5. Ino�� � � ccu�iancies in Group R-3, as applicable in Section '.s� � ��=� �.��01.2, �ithin dwelling units in occupancies in Group ��� �� � "� R-2, as applicable in Section 101.2, and in occupan- cies in Group U, which are accessory to an occupancy in Group R-3, as applicable in Section 101.2, the max- imum riser height shall be 7.75 inches (197 mm) and the minimum tread depth shall be 10 inches (254 mm), the minimum winder tread depth at the walk line shall be 10 inches (254 mm), and the minimum winder tread depth shall be 6 inches (152 mm). A nos- ing not less than 0.75 inch (19.1 mm) but not more than 125 inches (32 mm) shall be provided on stair- ways with solid risers where the tread depth is less than 11 inches (279 mm). C. See the International Existinp Building Code for the replacement of existing stairways. 1009.3.1 Dimensional uniformity. Stair treads and risers shall be of uniform size and shape. The Colerance between the largest and smallest riser or between the largest and smallest tread shall not exceed 0.375 inch (9.5 mm) in any flight of stairs. Exceptions: 1. Nonuniform riser dimensions of aisle stairs com- plying with Section 1024.11.2. 2. Consistently shaped winders, complying with Sec- tion 1009.8, differing from rectangular treads in the same stairway flight. Where the bottom or top riser adjoins a sloping public way, walkway or driveway having an established grade and serving as a landing, the bottom or top riser is permitted to be reduced along the slope to less than 4 inches (102 mm) in height with the variation in height of the bottom or top riser not to exceed one unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (8-per- cent slope) of stairway width. The nosings or leading edges of treads at such nonuniform height risers shall have a dis- tinctive marking stripe, different from any other nosing marking provided on the stair flight. The distinctive mark- ing stripe shall be visible in descent of the stair and shall have a slip-resistant surface. Marking stripes shall have a width of at least l inch (25 mm) but not more than 2 inches (51 mm). 1009.3.2 Profile. The radius of curvature at the leading edge of the tread shall be not greater than 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Beveling of nosings shall not exceed 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Risers shall be solid and vertical or sloped from the under- side of the leading edge of the tread above at an angle not more than 30 degrees (OS2 rad) from the vertical. The lead- ing edge (nosings) of treads shall project not more than 125 inches (32 mm) beyond the tread below and all projections of the leading edges shall be of uniform size, including the leading edge of the floor at the top of a flight. Exceptions: 1. Solid risers are not required for stairways that are not required to comply with Section 1007.3, pro- vided that the opening between treads does not per- mit the passage of a sphere with a diameter of 4 inches (102 mm). 204 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE� ��-' �r^? , , � v � IL , � �-�. l t� , ; �� 2. Solid risers are not required for Group I-3. 1009.4 Stairway landings. There shall be a flo�r or l�ly,n� a� the top and bottom of each stairway. The width of landings`s'fi�all not be less than the width of stairways they serve. Every landing shall have a minimum dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the width of the stairway. Such dimension need not exceed 48 inches (1219 mm) where the stairway has a straight run. Exceptions: l. Aisle stairs complying with Section . � 2. Doars opening onto a la ' g shall not reduce the landing to less tha e- alf the required width. W hen fully ope door shall not project more than 7 . 178 mm) into a landing. 1009.5 Stairway construction. All stairways shall be built of materials consistent with the types permitted for the type of construction of the building, except that wood handrails shall be permitted for all types of construction. 1009.5.1 Stairway walking surface. The walking surface of treads and landings of a stairway shall not be sloped steeper than one unit vertical in 48 units horizontal (2-per- cent slope) in any direction. Stairway treads and landings shall have a solid surface. Finish floor surfaces shall be se- curely attached. Exception: In Group F, H and S occupancies, other than areas of parking structures accessible to the public, open- ings in treads and landings shall not be prohibited pro- vided a sphere with a diameter of 1'/$ inches (29 mm) cannot pass through the opening. 1009.5.2 Outdoor conditions. Outdoor stairways and out- door approaches to stairways shall be designed so that water will not accumulate on walking surfaces. In other than occu- pancies in Group R-3, and occupancies in Group U that are accessory to an occupancy in Group R-3, treads, platforms and landings that are part of exterior stairways in climates subject to snow or ice shall be protected to prevent the accu- mulation of same. 1009.6 Vertical rise. A flight of stairs shall not have a vertical rise greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) between floor levels or landings. Exception: Aisle stairs complying with Section 1024. 1009.7 Circular stairways. Circular stairways shall have a minimum tread depth and a maximum riser height in accor- dance with Section 1009.3 and the smaller radius shail not be less than twice the width of the stairway. The minimum tread depth measured 12 inches (305 mm) from the narrower end of the tread shall not be less than ll inches (279 mm). The mini- mum tread depth at the narrow end shall not be less than 10 inches (254 mm). Exception: For occupancies in Group R-3, and within indi- vidual dwelling units in occupancies in Group R-2, both as applicable in Section 101.2. 1009.8 Winders. Winders are not permitted in means of egress stairways except within a dwelling unit. � �10a��Spir��y�� used as a comps � ing units or from ...'�n a��oa�d servi� ��Teries, cafwalks 1014.6. MEANS OF EGRESS �irways. Spiral stairways are permitted to be ent in the means of egress only within dwell- � space not more than 250 square feet (23 m�) �g not more than five occupants, or from gal- and gridirons in accordance with Section A spiral stairway shall have a 7.5-inch (191 mm) minimum clear tread depth at a point 12 inches (305 mm) from the nan-ow edge. The risers shall be sufficient to provide a headroom of 78 inches (1981 mm) minimum, but riser height shall not be more than 9.5 inches (241 mm). The minimum stairway width shall be 26 inches (660 mm). 1009.10 Alternating tread devices. Alternating tread devices are limited to an element of a means of egress in buildings of Groups F, H and S from a mezzanine not more than 250 square feet (23 m�) in area and which serves not more than five occu- pants; in buildings of Group I-3 from a guard tower, observa- tion station or control room not more than 250 square feet (23 m2) in area and for access to unoccupied roofs. 1009.10.1 Handrails of alternating tread devices. Hand- rails shall be provided on both sides of alternating tread de- vices and shall conform to Section 1009.11. 100910.2 Treads of alternating tread devices. Alter- nating tread devices shall have a minimum projecCed Cread of 5 inches (127 mm), a minimum tread depth of 8.5 inches (216 mm), a minimum tread width of 7 inches (178 mm) and a maximum riser height of 9.5 inches (24l mm). The initial tread of the device shall begin at the same elevation as the platform, landing or floor surface. Exception: Alternating tread devices used as an element of a means of egress in buildings from a mezzanine area not more than 250 square feet (23 m'-) in area which serves not more than five occupants shall have a mini- mum projected tread of 8.5 inches (216 mm) with a mini- mum tread depth of 10.5 inches (267 mm). The rise to the next alternating tread surface should not be more than 8 inches (203 mm). 1009.11 Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side. Handrails shall be adequate in strength and aftachment in accordance with Section 1607.7. Handrails for ramps, where required by Section 1010.8, shall comply with this section. Exceptions: 1. Aisle stairs complying with Section 1024 provided with a center handrail need not have additional hand- rails. 2. Stairways within dwelling units, spiral stairways and aisle stairs serving seating only on one side are per- mitted to have a handrail on one side only. 3. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change of elevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not r.equire handrails. 4. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation con- sisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not require handrails. 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE� 205 ,BXUV.U448 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/LJL 263 BXUV.U448 ����;�; ��' '�' �1� Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/� �,���_ ��� Paae Bottom ' n ��:' �� �� � _ .. � �a `�`� wa.�� ��.: . Design/System/Construction/Assembly Usage Disclaimer Page 1 of 3 • Authorities Having Jurisdiction should be consulted in all cases as to the particular requirements covering the installation and use of UL Listed or Classified products, equipment, system, devices, and materials. • Authorities Having Jurisdiction should be consulted before construction. • Fire resistance assemblies and products are developed by the design submitter and have been investigated by UL for compliance with applicable requirements. The published information cannot always address every construction nuance encountered in the field. • When field issues arise, it is recommended the first contact for assistance be the technical service staff provided by the product manufacturer noted for the design. Users of fire resistance assemblies are advised to consult the general Guide Information for each product category and each group of assemblies. The Guide Information includes specifics concerning alternate materials and alternate methods of construction. • Only products which bear UL's Mark are considered as Classified, Listed, or Recognized. Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 See General Information for Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Design No. U448 ���Y os, zoos Nonbearing Wall Rating — i HR. Q� r �, � [�' ���� �' ;1 `���jl �, .C� [�' _ ' ! �OV 2 6 200� �", _ .� r�-, �1 � ; �_. n iI ���� I� ''��.� � i k`.�"���=��a� ..:°�--� `��rj'-@E , NL'�.°E7�k"'kiiStifi `..';+'�`S^�tt s 1 . ��i ,a �T�'.s; �!kt?%:,�1ai�;.rY 1. Floor and Ceiling Channel — 2-1/2 in. wide by 1-3/8 in. deep channel, 0.021 (25 MSG) 9alvanized steel, attached with screws spaced 24 in. OC. 2. Steel Studs — 2-1/2 in. wide by 1-3/8 in. deep channel sections with 1/4 in. lip on each flange tip, 0.021 in. (25 MSG) galvanized steel studs spaced 24 in. OC. 3. Batts and Blankets* — 1-1/2 in. thick mineral wool batts supplied in 2 by 4 ft batts; attached to wallboard with staples 18 in. OC. ROCK WOOL MANUFACTURING CO — Delta Board. ROXUL ASIA SDN BHD —(Staples optional). ROXUL INC — (Staples optional). http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1 FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 11 /24/2008 BXUV.U448 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 THERMAFIBER INC — Type SAFB. Page 2 of 3 4. Gypsum Board* — 1/2 in. thick, 4 ft wide, attached to steel studs and floor and ceiling track with 0.127 in. diam self- drilling, self-tapping screws, 1 in. long spaced 8 in. OC along edges of board and 12 in. OC in the field of the board. Joints oriented vertically and staggered on opposite sides of the assembly. AMERICAN GYPSUM CO — Types AG-C. CERTAINTEED GYPSUM INC — ProRoc Type C. CERTAINTEED GYPSUM CANADA INC — ProROC Type C. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. GEORGIA-PACIFIC GYPSUM L L C— Type 5. LAPARGE NORTH AMERICA INC — Type LGFGC, LGFGC/A. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — Types FSK-C, FSW-C, FSMR-C. PABCO BUILDING PRODUCTS L L C, DBA PABCO GYPSUM — Type PG-C. PANEL REY S A— Type PRC TEMPLE-INLAND FOREST PRODUCTS CORP — Type TG-C. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. USG MEXICO S A DE C V— Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. 5. Joint Tape and Compound — Vinyl, dry or premixed joint compound, applied in two coats to joints and screw heads; paper tape, 2 in. wide, embedded in first layer of compound over ali joints. As an alternate, nominal 3/32 in. thick gypsum veneer piaster may be applied to the entire surface of Classified veneer baseboard. Joints reinforced. *Bearing the UL Classification Mark Last Updated on 2008-07-08 Ouestions? Notice of Disclaimer Page Top Coovriaht n 2008 Underwriters Laboretories Incp The appearence of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Foliow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright O 2008 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.�" http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1 FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 11 /24/2008 .,BXUV.U448 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Page 3 of 3 An independert organization working for a sater world with integrity, precision and knowledge. /� J--, -.arr--- //�:'�Kf ,���� �,���'�� http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/ 1 FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 11 /24/2008 BXUV.J917 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 �;�� �°� . �, �r �,�� � _; Page 1 of 6 Paae Bottom BXUV.7917 Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Design/System/Construction/Assembly Usage Disclaimer Authorities Having ]urisdiction should be consulted in all cases as to the particular requirements covering the installation and use of UL Listed or Classified products, equipment, system, devices, and materials. Authorities Having Jurisdiction should be consulted before construction. Fire resistance assemblies and products are developed by the design submitter and have been investigated by UL for compliance with applicable requirements. The published information cannot always address every construction nuance encountered in the field. When field issues arise, it is recommended the first contact for assistance be the technical service staff provided by the product manufacturer noted for the design. Users of fire resistance assemblies are advised to consult the general Guide Information for each product category and each group of assemblies. The Guide Information includes specifics concerning alternate materials and alternate methods of construction. Only products which bear UL's Mark are considered as Classified, Listed, or Recognized. Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 See Generel Information for Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Design No. 7917 September 09, 2008 Restrained Assembly Rating — 2 Hr.(See Item i) ��_.�(( il I� �n \� _.r� .I.n �.� r i � o " �,�p %I ��f I �Q� � � ���8 !, i i j € � �_I _,, � s � �,v��;R.E � 's s �,;,, � P Unrestrained Assembly Rating — 1 and 1-1/2 Hr.(See Item 2) Load Restricted for Canadian Applications — See Guide BXUV7 http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/ 1 FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 11 /25/2008 BXUV.J917 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/LJL 263 4 � �} 4 ;� .p�,. �.�,•'.:,��,,;. • • ..a�.� � . , ..,,, ,• ;;y—p-•---,•�...�-.��.. r• •.i."•r..i �.5; :L�::'•',:�.��i.. ,•�•�rf,�_, . :4.y►' r�. '..�',��• �;�%.��J;:I..��,.�_.!.r! � �� �1�...! � ���w�w�ww � Re&trt�i��d �n� �e,a�� v�r�sx����$d �n� ��toil 1. Concrete Topping — 3000 psi compressive strength, 110 to 153 pcf unit weight. Normal weight concrete. Page 2 of 6 lA. Floor Topping Mixture* —(Alternate to concrete topping) 8 gal max water to 80 Ibs min of floor topping mixture* to 220 Ibs max of sand. Com ressive stren th 1000 si. Topping Rating-Hr Thk-In R U Concrete Gypsum 1 1 0 0 1-1/2 1-1/2 1 1/2 2 1-1/2 2 1 HACKER INDUSTRIES INC — Firm-Fill Gypsum Concrete, Firm-Fill 2010, Firm-Fill 4010, Firm-Fill High Strength and Gyp- Span Radiant, Firm-Fill 3310. Floor Mat Materials*— (Optional) — Floor mat material nom 6 mm thick adhered to subfloor with Hacker Floor Primer. Primer to be apptied to the surFace of the mat prior to the placement of floor-topping mixture. Floor topping thickness a min 1 in. over the floor mat. HACKER INDUSTRIES INC — Type Hacker Sound-Mat. Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) — Floor mat material nom 10 mm thick adhered to subfloor with Hacker Floor Primer. Primer to be applied to the surface of the mat prior to the placement of a min 1-1/2 in. of floor-topping mixture. HACKER INDUSTRIES INC — Type Hacker Sound-Mat II. Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) — Floor mat material nom 1/4 in, thick loose laid over the subfloor. Fioor topping thickness shall be a min of 1 in. HACKER INDUSTRIES INC — Type Quiet Qurl 55/025 http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/ 1 FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 11 /25/2008 BXUV.J917 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Page 3 of 6 Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) — Floor mat material nom 3/8 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Floor topping thickness shall be a min of 1-1/2 in. HACKER INDUSTRIES INC — Type Quiet Qurl 60/040 Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) — Fioor mat material nom 3/4 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Floor topping thickness shali be a min of 1-1/2 in. HACKER INDUSTRIES INC — Type Quiet Qurl 65/075 Metal Lath (Optional) — For use with 3/8 in. or 10 mm floor mat materials, 3/8 in. expanded steel diamond mesh, 3.4 Ibs/sq yd placed over the floor mat materiai. Hacker Floor Primer to be applied prior to the placement of the metal lath. When metal lath is used, floor topping thickness a nom 1-1/4 in. over the floor mat. 1B. Floor Topping Mixture* — Alternate to Items 1 and lA, 3 to 7 gal of water mixed with 80 Ibs of floor topping mixture and 1.0 to 2.1 cu ft of sand. Com ressive stren th to be 1000 si min. Rating Hr Topping Restrai�ed Unrestrained Thkns In. 1 1 0 1-1/2 1-1/2 1/2 2 1-1/2 1 MAXXON CORP — Type D-C, GC, GC 2000, L-R, T-F , or CT . Floor Mat Materials* — Floor mat material nom 1/4 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Maxxon Floor Primer to be appiied to the surface of the mat prior to the floor topping placement. Floor topping thickness a min 1 in. over the floor mat. MAXXON CORP — Type Acousti-Mat II. Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) — Nom 0.8 in. thick floor mat material loose laid over the subfloor with Crack Suppression Mat (CSM) loose laid over the floor mat material. Fioor topping mixture shall be min 1-1/2 in. MAXXON CORP — Type Acousti-Mat 3, Crack Suppression Mat (CSM) Metal Lath —(Alternate to Crack Suppression Mat (CSM)) — 3/8 in. expanded galvanized steel diamond mesh, 3.4 Ibs/sq yd loose laid over the floor mat material. Floor topping mixture shall be min 1-1/2 in. Alternate Floor Mat Materials* — (Optional) — Nom 0.4 in. thick floor mat materiai loose laid over the subfloor. Maxxon Floor Primer to be applied to the surface of the mat prior to the floor topping placement. Floor topping mixture shall be min 1-1/2 in. MAXXON CORP — Type Enkasonic 9110 Metal Lath —(Optional) — For use with floor mat materials, 3/8 in. expanded galvanized steel diamond mesh, 3.4 Ibs/sq yd or Maxxon Corp. UL Classified Crack Suppression Mat (CSM) loose laid over the floor mat material. Floor topping mixture shall be min 1 in. MAXXON CORP — Type Creck Suppression Mat (CSM) 1C. Floor Topping Mi�cture* — Aiternate to Items 1, lA and SB, Compressive strength to be 1200 psi min. Refer to manufacturer's instructions accomoanvina the material for soecific mix desian. Rating Hr Topping Restrained Unrestrained Thkns In. 1-1/2 � 1-1/2 � 1/2 1-1/2 UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Type LRK http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1 FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 11 /25/2008 BXUV.J917 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/LTL 263 Page 4 of 6 Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) - Floor mat material nom 0.4 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Floor topping thickness a min 1 in. over the floor mat. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Levelrock Brand Sound Reduction Mat Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) - Floor mat material ranging from 3/8 in. to 3/4 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Min floor topping thickness over the floor mat as required for Floor Topping Mixture*. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Levelrock Brand Sound Reduction Board Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optionai) - Floor mat material nom 1/4 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Min fioor topping thickness over the floor mat as required for Floor Topping Mixture*. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Levelrock Brand Floor Underlayment SRM-25 Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) - Floor mat materiai nom 3/8 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Min fioor topping thickness over the floor mat as required for Floor Topping Mixture*. SOLUTIA INC — Type SC50 1D. Floor Topping Mixture* — Alternate to Items 1, lA, 1B, and SC. Compressive strength to be 3000 psi min. Refer to manufacturer's instructions accom an in the material for s ecific mix desi n. Rating Hr Topping Restrained Unrestrained Thkns In. 1 1 0 1-1/2 1-1/2 1/2 2 1-1/2 1 UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Type HSLRK Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) - Floor mat material nom 0.4 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Floor topping thickness a min 1 in. over the floor mat. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Levelrock Brand Sound Reduction Mat Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) - Floor mat material ranging from 3/8 in. to 3/4 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Min floor topping thickness over the floor mat as required for Floor Topping Mixture*. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Levelrock Brand Sound Reduction Board Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) - Floor mat material nom 1/4 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Min floor topping thickness over the floor mat as required for Floor Topping Mixture*. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Levelrock Brend Floor Underlayment SRM-25 Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) - Floor mat material nom 3/8 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Min floor topping thickness over the floor mat as required for Floor Topping Mixture*. SOWTIA INC — Type SC50 lE. Floor Topping Mixture* — Alternate to Items , lA, 16, SC, and 1D. 4 to 7 gai of water mixed with 80 Ibs of floor topping mixture and 1.4 to 1.9 cu ft of sand. Compressive strength to be 1200 psi min. Min thickness to be 3/4 in. RAPID FLOOR SYSTEMS — Type RF, RFP, RFU, RFR, Ortecrete . Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional)- Floor mat material nom 1/4 in. thick loose laid over the subfloor. Maxxon Floor Primer http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/ 1 FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 11 /25/2008 BXUV.J917 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Page 5 of 6 to be apptied to the surface of the mat prior to the fioor topping placement. Floor topping thickness a min 1 in. over the Floor mat. MAXXON CORP — Type Acousti-Mat II. Alternate Floor Mat Materials* —(Optional) — Nom 0.8 in. thick floor mat material loose laid over the subfloor with Crack Suppression Mat (CSM) loose laid over the floor mat material. Floor topping mixture shall be min 1-1/2 in. MAXXON CORP — Type Acousti-Mat 3, Crack Suppression Mat (CSM) Metal Lath —(Alternate to Crack Suppression Mat (CSM)) — 3/8 in. expanded galvanized steel diamond mesh, 3.4 Ibs/sq yd loose laid over the floor mat material. Floor topping mixture shall be min 1-1/2 in.Alternate Floor Mat Materials* — (Optional) — Nom 0.4 in. thick floor mat material loose laid over the subFloor. Maxxon Floor Primer to be applied to the surface of the mat prior to the floor topping piacement. Floor topping mixture shall be min 1-1/2 in. MAXXON CORP — Type Enkasonic 9110 Metal Lath —(Optional) — For use with floor mat materials, 3/8 in. expanded galvanized steel diamond mesh, 3.4 Ibs/sq yd or Maxxon Corp. UL Classified Crack Suppression Mat (CSM) loose laid over the floor mat material. Floor topping mixture shall be min 1 in. MAXXON CORP — Type Crack Suppression Mat (CSM) 1F. Floor Topping Mixture* — Alternate to Items 1, lA, 16, SC, 1D, and SE. Compressive strength to be 1000 psi min. Thickness to be 3/4 in. min. Refer to manufacturer's instructions accompanying the material for specific mix design. ALLIED CUSTOM GYPSUM PLASTERWORKS LLC — Accu-Crete, AccuRadiant Alternate Floor Mat Material* -(Optional) - Floor mat material nominal 2- 9.5 mm thick loose laid over the subfloor. Floor topping shail be a min of 3/4 in. ALLIED CUSTOM GYPSUM PLASTERWORKS LLC — Type AccuQuiet P80, Type AccuQuiet C40, Type AccuQuiet RSM 20, Type AccuQuiet RSM 32, Type AccuQuiet RSM 48, Type AccuQuiet RSM 64, and Type AccuQuiet RSM 120 SH. Alternate to Items i, lA, 16, 1C, iD, lE, iF, and iH, Floor Topping Mixture* — Compressive strength to be 2100 psi min. Thickness to be 3/4 in. min. Refer to manufacturer's instructions accompanying the material for specific mix design. MAXIT INC — Maxit 493 2. Precast Concrete Units* — Carbonate, siliceous, or lightweight aggregate. 4 or 8 ft wide units with cross section similar to the above illustration. Min strand cover to be 3/4 in. for 1 hr or 1-5/8 in. for 1-1/2 hr unrestreined assembly ratings. Openings may be provided through the units for piping, ducts, or similar services and should be suitably enclosed with constructions having at least equai resistance, acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. IOWA PRESTRESSED CONCRETE INC KNOXVILLE CAST STONE INC OLDCASTLE PRECAST INC 3. End Details — Restrained and unrestrained, — Min Bearing 1-1/2 in. 4. Grout — Sand-cement type, 3500 psi compressive strength. For a grout stop, compressible material may be placed at bottom of the joint before applying grout. *Bearing the UL Classification Mark Last Updated on 2008-09-09 Ouestions? Notice of Disclaimer Paae Top http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/ 1 FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 11 /25/2008 BXUV.J917 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/LJL 263 Page 6 of 6 Coovriaht n 2008 Underwriters Laboretories Inc.p The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright O 2008 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.�" An indepentlent organizaticn e�orking for a safer world with integrity, precision and knowledge. ��c� )� \�{�Yl� http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1 FRAME/showpage.html?name=... 11 /25/2008 Vail Fire Department Asbestos Testing & Abatement Requirements Asbestos testing and abatement protects workers, homeowners, neighbors and emergency services responders from exposure to harmful asbestos. The Town of Vail asbestos abatement program is in addition to the State of Colorado's regulations. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with fhe State. Please contact the State directfy for their requirements at the confact info listed below. When is asbestos testins� reauired? ANY building projects disturbing more than these threshold levels af building materials require asbestos testing: One- and Two-Family Dwellings: 30 square feet Atl Others: 160 square feet � �� �/ 3 �� � r�/�cr / �n .� � � a a. � �'- �/ Asbestos testing results must be provided with your application for a building permit. Tests which identify POSITIVE results at more than 1% require abatement by a State-certified and Vaii-registered abatement contractor. An asbestos abatement permit must be approved, and the ciearance letter must be submitted to the Town of Vail befare the building permit will be issued. Project Checkiist My project falls into the categary checked below: Will not disturb more than the threshold limits identifred above Tested negative, or at 1% or below (2 copies of test results included) � Tested positive at more than 1%, requires abatement (2 copies of test results Tips & Facts: • Even recent construction projects may include asbestos-containing materials, so buiidings of a�r y age require testing. • 'rhe "1989 Ban" on asbestos-containing materials is commonly misunderstood. "In fact, in 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated much of the so-called "Asbestos Ban and PhaseouY' rule and remanded it to the EPA. Thus, much of the original 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce of many asbestos-containing product categories was set aside and did not talce effect." - CDPHE Asbestos test results and abatement permit applications should be submitted to: Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 S�rontage Rd, Vail, CO, 81657. Town of Vail Contact: David Rhoades, Fire Inspector Vail Fire Department 75 S Frontage Rd d rhoades@vailgov. com 970-477-3454 www.vailc�ov.com State of Colorado Contact: Colorado Department of Pubiic Health and Environment Asbestos Compliance Assistance G 303-692-3158 asbestos(�state.co.us D www.cdphe.state.co. us I�C��r;�� � �ov 1 0 2008 Tc��i� r�� �A�� I -,� G�, �.___-�-j-*__—___,.3� 1p� ,,,�„�,.�. , �„ __..�.f,.,__ ; � ���__.r,.� °. __ _�.___ 4, . . �. _.� ___=-' �, � ,,,__„_.__ � �,� �_�.� � C.��r�,�, , �3:�r1�b ��*�:��3�� _ [7d�uy��� �� a.r�'.u�s C:ci�rai�e� � , FaC7�s a�r�.ntex _.__,... .___._--__ Ik�+��+rsast�J C�b. 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L`y**Cr'R".43!" �� � � �tf,s��s q � G�t��n��r �� t�+'�sn�,raq�md# �1�`d csr�l�'�r' �� .�asrak ; ��'w"�� r:� �"�hGr,a ��t�;r�k I ���k I ��`10�� � ._ � � :�pe�d C.r�C�y � jj" rvn �t��xex Cttunte�r��s•,,yr�y � r'#p�tiartc�s Sa�r�;i�rr� Pr�� �;;rat� i � ��,. � 1 Cf°"����a , � , _� _ ..� , r, ---�-� ' �..._.._ __.,_..__.___._ �;� ___�..........� ..___._ __.._, .__�____.�_ � ,._....._ ,...._..,,...�.{.,� „m.n._.. � � ��� ___.,_�_.. ...�.______._�...__._� _�_.__�_____ _,....— _ , r. ,,, _�_. �._,.._.��__.�.�,_ _____.�_,.�_. � Big Bear Bistro Menu Breakfast Espresso, Coffee drinks, Hot Chocolate, Assorted Teas, Juices, Smothies Scones, Pastries, Croissants, Muffins, Bagels (externally sourced) Breakfast Burritos, Crepes, Egg Sandwiches Lunch Coffee & Chocolate Drinks, Teas, Sodas, Juices, Smoothies Soup of the Day, Chili w/ bread Assorted Sandwiches, Paninis, Crepes Green Salads, Pasta Salads Cookies, Brownies Apres All beverages above, Wine, Beer Cheese Plates, Crudites, Antipasti, Bruschettas Pita Chips & Dips !� ; . Department of Community Deve%pment Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Road �ail, Co%rado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www. vailgov. com BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Applicant Gehl Homes Michael Gehl FAX/Email #: mike@vail.net NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect KH Webb proj# n/a Lauren@khwebb.com 3 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 11/21/2008 B08-0391 LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO 304 Bridge Street C-7 A2 VA existing 679 s.f. space The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2008 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The fo/%wing comments wi// need to be addressed prior to issuance of a bui/ding permit: For processing: • Please submit four complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. Partial plan sets or loose plan sheets are not accepted. • Please respond in writing to each comment with a response letter stamped and signed by the architect and/or engineer. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the requested information. Please resubmit complete plan revisions, response letter and a Town of Vail transmittal form to the Town of Vail Community Development Office. • Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the architect's stamp and or engineer's stam� siqnature, reqistration number and date on all sheets of the plans. Building Department Comments: The application for this re-model indicates an $8000 project valuation. The valuation appears underestimated on the application. The applicant shall be required to provide the estimates and/or contract for the job and a stamped letter from the design professional in responsible charge indicating the building valuation is correct per the scope of work indicated on the construction documents. (IBC 108.3) 2 Please clearly show proposed new walls on the plans. 3 Please provide an accessible route into the space and provide an accessible restroom and an accessible dining surface. Twenty percent of the remodel valuation shall to be used toward accessibility. Provide a financial breakdown on the plans to indicate how much is being used on accessibility. (IBC 3409.6) 4 Entry stairway does not comply with IBC 1009.4. Revise plans to provide a full depth landing at the top of the new stairs. 5 Revise A000 roof/ceiling assembly detail to indicate type C drywall per the UL listing. 6 Provide handrails on both sides of the stairs with details on extensions per ANSI 117.1 section 505 7 Please clearly indicate on the plans the proposed use of the oven to determine if a type I hood is required. Refer to the manufacturer's installation instructions and testing for limitation on use of this oven without ventilation. IMC 507.2.1 8 Include information on the dishwasher to determine exhaust hood requirements. IMC 507.2.2 9 The dish sink will be required to be routed through a grease trap. IPC 1003.3.1 10 Provide adequate information to verify the service counter is accessible. ANSI A117.1, 904.3 11 Please show the property line on the drawings. The outside air intake shall be a minimum of 10' from the property line. IMC 401.5 12 The roof ceiling assembly provided by the architect indicates 1 hour membrane protection. Please add fire dampers at the new exhaust fan locations and duct penetrations. IMC 607.6 13 Revise sheet E2.0 to clearly show the location of the sub panel and main panel 14 Revise sheet E2.0 equipment schedule. The oven cut sheet indicates 35A for the 208V model. 15 Revise main panel load calc to indicate the adjusted total demand amps based on oven revision. 16 Include cut sheets for all appliances proposed to be installed in the kitchen area. 17 The proposed menu provided includes eggs, burritos and crepes. Please clarify how these items will be cooked and provide cut sheets, plans and ventilation hood(s) for any cooking appliances. IMC 507 18 Revise P1.0 to show routing of the espresso drain, and any freezer or fridge condensate drains to a floor sink. 19 Revise P1.0 to specify a backflow preventer per ASSE 1022 at the beverage dispenser water connection. 20 Provide a drinking fountain per IPC table 403.1 21 Clarify location of the service sink on P1.0. Mop sink is shown at same location at the floor sink. 22 Show location of the water heater on sheet P1.0. If hot water is being supplied from a central �. location, include engineering design showing BTU's and amount of hot water available for the Bistro space per Town of Vail Environmental Health Department. IPC ch 5. 23 Show air gap and trap at indirect waste connections to the floor sink per IPC 802.2. Sheet P1.0 24 Revise P1.0 to specify the connection of the dishwasher waste per IPC 409.3 and 802.1.6 or 802.1.7. 25 Revise P1.0 to specify air gap or backflow preventer at the water connection to the dishwasher per IPC 409.2 and 608. 26 P�ovide a total qronosed drainaae fixture unit count for FS-1 Verify existing drain size is adequate for the proposed connected fixtures. Please refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check all requested information is included with the resubmitted plans. Please submit revised plans as a complete set. Partial plan resubmittals will not be reviewed. F: \cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\608-0391\B08-0391. DOC � Design No. P510 Restrained Assembly Ratings —1 and 1-1/2 Hr. (See Item 16) Unrestrained Assembly Ratings — 1 and 1-1/2 Hr. (See Item 16) s�° Beam —(Not shown) — W8X13 min size. As alternate to steel beam, Joist girders (Not shown)-20 in. min depth and 13 Ib/lin ft min weight. 1. Roof Covering* — Consisting of hot mopped or cold application materials compatible with insulation(s) described herein which provide Class A, B or C coverings. See Roofing Materials and Systems Directory-Roof Covering Materials(TEVT). 1A.In lieu of Item 1, roof covering consisting of single-ply Roofing Membrane* — that is either ballasted, adhered or mechanically attached as permitted under the respective Classified company's Classification. See Fire Resistance Directory-Roofing Membranes (CHCI). 1 B. Metal Roof Deck Panels* —(Not shown) — In addition to or in lieu of Items 1 or 1A, the roof covering may consist of a mechanically fastened metal roof deck panel assembly. See Fire Resistance Directory-Metal Roof Deck Panels' (CETW). 2. Roof Insulation — Mineral and Fiber Boards* — 24 by 48 in. to 48 by 96 in., to be applied in one or more layers. Boards to be installed perpendicular to gypsum board (Item 4) direction with end joints staggered 2 ft in adjacent rows. When applied in more than one layer, each layer of board to be offset in both directions from layer below a min of 12 in. in order to lap all joints. Min thickness 1 in. (No limit on max overall thickness). When only one layer is used it must be bonded to gypsum board (Item 4) or vapor barrier with adhesive. When two or more layers are used the insulation may be fastened to steel roof deck (through gypsum board) with mechanical fasteners provided at least one layer of insulation is used over the mechanical fasteners. The individual layers may be bonded together with adhesive or hot asphalt. BMCA INSULATION PRODUCTS INC — Permalite. FIBREX INSULATIONS INC — FBX Baseboard and FBX Capboard. GAF MATERIALS CORP — Rigid mineral fiber boards — GAFTEMP Perlite. JOHNS MANVILLE INTERNATIONAL INC — Rigid mineral fiber boards. Copyright OO 2006 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. � OWENS CORNING HT INC, DIV OF OWENS CORNING — Rigid glass fiber boards. SIPLAST INC — Rigid glass fiber boards 2A. Foamed Plastic" — As an alternate to Item 2, polyisocyanurate foamed plastic insulation boards, nom 48 by 48 or 96 in., to be applied in one or more layers. Min thickness is 1.2 in. for the 1 h ratings and 2.0 in. for the 1-1/2 h ratings. No limit on max overall thickness. Boards to be installed with end joints staggered a min of 6 in. in adjacent rows. When applied in more than one layer, each layer to be offset in both directions from layer below a min of 6 in. in order to lap all joints. APACHE PRODUCTS CO CORPORATE — Pyrox. ATLAS ROOFING CORP — ACFoam II, ACFoam IIL CARLISLE SYNTEC INCORPORATED — Types HP, HP-H, HP-N, HP-W. THE DOW CHEMICAL CO — Types Hy-Therm AP, Hy-Therm Tapered. FIRESTONE BUILDING PRODUCTS CO, DIV OF BFS DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTS L L C—"ISO 95+FK", "ISO 95+GL", "ISO 95+GW", "ISO 95+GRF", "ISO 300". GAF MATERIALS CORP — Isotherm R. HUNTER PANELS — H Shield JOHNS MANVILLE INTERNATIONAL INC — ENRGY 2, ENRGY 3, ISO-1, PSI 25. LOADMASTER SYSTEMS INC — Loadmaster Polyisocyanurate Insulation. RMAX INC — Multi-Max FA, Multi-Max FA-3. STEVENS ROOFING SYSTEMS, DIV OF JPS ELASTOMERICS CORP —"Stevens ISO 2000", "Stevens ISO 3000". TREMCO INC — Trisotech G. 2B. Roof Insulation-Foamed Plastic* — Alternate to Items 2 through 2A. Any thickness polystyrene foamed plastic insulation boards bearing the UL Classification Marking, having a density of 2.5 pcf max, installed on top of min 1 in. thick Mineral and Fiber Boards (Item 2) and covered with either the Built-Up Roof Covering (Item 1) or single-ply roofing membrane (Item 1A). See Foamed Plastic'' (BRYX) category in the Building Materials Directory or Foamed Plastic` (CCVW) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for list of Classified companies. 2C.Building Units — As an alternate to Items 2 through 26, polyisocyanurate foamed plastic insulation boards, nom. 48 by 48 or 96 in., faced on the top surface with oriented strand board. Min. thickness of the polyisocyanurate core is 1.2 in. for the 1 hr. ratings and 2.0 for the 1-1/2 hr. ratings. No limit on max overall thickness. Boards to be installed with end joints staggered a min. of 6 in. in adjacent rows. ATLAS ROOFING CORP — ACFoam NailBase Insulation, Vented-R. THE DOW CHEMICAL CO FIRESTONE BUILDING PRODUCTS CO, DIV OF BFS DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTS L L C— Hailgard JOHNS MANVILLE INTERNATIONAL INC — Nailboard. MARTIN FIREPROOFING GEORGIA INC — Perform-A-Deck Nailable Roof Insulation. 2D.Building Units* — As an alternate to Items 2 through 2C, polyisocyanurate foamed plastic insulation boards, min thickness of 1.2 in. for 1 hr ratings and 2.0 in. for the 1-1/2 hr ratings, nom 48 by 48 or 96 in. faced on both sides with mineral and fiber boards. boards to be installed with end joints. Staggered a min of 6 in. in adjacent rows. ATLAS ROOFING CORP 2E. Building Units* — As an alternate to Items 2 through 2D, polyisocyanurate foamed plastic insulation boards faced on the underside (or both sides) with mineral fiber board. Min thickness of the polyisocyanurate core is 1.2 in. for the 1 hr ratings and 2.0 in. for the 1-1/2 hr ratings. No limit on max overall thickness. Boards to be installed with end joints staggered a min of 6 in. in adjacent rows. Adhesive (Item 3) may be applied between the building units and the vapor retarder (or gypsum board (Item 4) if vapor retarder is not used). FIRESTONE BUILDING PRODUCTS CO, DIV OF BFS DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTS L L C—"ISO 95+ Composite". JOHNS MANVILLE INTERNATIONAL INC — Fesco-Foam. 2F. Building Units" — As an alternate to Items 2 through 2E, polyisocyanurate foamed plastic insulation boards faced on the underside with wood fiber board. Min thickness of the polyisocyanurate core is 1.2 in. for the 1 hr ratings and 2.0 in. for the 1-1/2 hr ratings. No limit on max overall thickness. Boards to be installed with end joints staggered a min of 6 in. in adjacent rows. Copyright 0 2006 Underwriters Laboralories Inc. FIRESTONE BUILDING PRODUCTS CO, DIV OF BFS DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTS L L C— ISO 95+ Wood Fiberboard Composite". JOHNS MANVILLE INTERNATIONAL INC — ENRGY-2 Plus. 2G. Foamed Plastic' — As an alternate to Items 2 through 2F, extruded polystyrene foamed plastic insulation boards to be placed on top of Roofing Membrane` (item 1A). Min thickness is 2 in. Max thickness is 8 in. Foamed plastic boards to be covered with crushed stone on concrete pavers at a rate of 10 psf, min. 2H.Foamed Plastic* — As an alternate to Items 2 through 2G (for 1 hr. ratings only). Extruded polystyrene foamed piastic boards to be installed in one or more layers over gypsum board (Item 4). Joints of gypsum board to be covered with 4 in. wide foil tape. Min thickness is 1 in. when a min 1/2 in. thick layer of mineral and fiber board (Item 2) is installed on top of the foamed plastic. Min thickness is 3 in. when the mineral and fiber board (Item 2) is omitted. No limit on max thickness. All joints between layers offset min 6 in. THE DOW CHEMICAL CO 21. Building Units* — Not Shown — As an alternate to Items 2 through 2H, composite polyisocyanurate foamed plastic insulation board with an adhered nailing surface, nom 48 by 48 or 96 in. may be used with the following limitations. These composite building units have ventilation slots internal to the panels. The thickness of the panel depends upon the thinnest portion of the polyisocyanurate insulation. The following dimensions apply to the polyisocyanurate insulation; min. thickness is 1.2 in. for the 1 hr ratings and 2.0 in. for the 1-1/2 in. ratings. There is no limit on the maximum insulation thickness. GAF MATERIALS CORP — Type INSUL-AIR. JOHNS MANVILLE INTERNATIONAL INC — Type ISO-VENT. 2J. Building Units* — As an alternate to Items 2 through 21, polyisocyanurate foamed plastic insulation boards, nom 48 by 48 or 96 in., faced on the top surFace with gypsum board. Min thickness of the polyisocyanurate core is 1.2 in. for 1 hr ratings and 2.0 in. for the 1-1/2 hr ratings. No limit on overall thickness. Boards to be installed with end joints staggered a min of 6 in. in adjacent rows. JOHNS MANVILLE INTERNATIONAL INC — ENRGY 2 Gypsum Composite. 3. Sheathing Material* —(Optional) — Vinyl-film vapor barrier, applied with adhesive to gypsum board (Item 4). Adjacent sheets overlapped 2 in. BMCA INSULATION PRODUCTS INC 3A.Sheathing Material* —(Optional) — In lieu of Item 3, a self-adhered rubberized asphalt roofing underlayment membrane which may be placed on top of the gypsum board (Item 4) or on the roof insulation (Item 2 or any non-polystyrene foamed plastic insulation covered as an alternate to Item 2). W R GRACE 8� CO - CONN CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIV — Grace Ice and Water Shield, Grace Select, Grace Ultra, and Grace Basik. 3B.Sheathing Material* —(Optional) — In lieu of Items 3 and 3A, a self-adhered rubberized asphalt roofing underlayment membrane which may be placed on top of gypsum board (Item 4) or on the roof insulation (Item 2). CARLISLE COATINGS 8� WATERPROOFING INC — CCW-707. 4. Gypsum Board —(Classified or unclassified) — Supplied in sheets nom 2 by 4 ft to 4 by 12 ft, by nom 5/8 in. thick. Min weight 2.0 psf. Applied perpendicular to steel roof deck direction with adhesive. End joints to occur over crests of steel roof deck with end joints staggered 2 ft in adjacent rows. See Gypsum Board (CKNX) category for names of manufacturers. 5. Steel Roof Deck — Min 1 in. deep, 25 in. wide, fluted galv steel deck. Min 0.023 in. thick (24 gauge). Flutes approx 4 in. OC, crests approx 2-3/4 in. wide. Welded to supports with welding washers 12 in. OC. Side laps of adjacent units welded or secured together with No. 12 by 1/2 in. self-drilling, self-tapping steel screws midway befinreen steel joists; or, Classified Steel Floor and Form Units* — 1-1/2 in. deep, 24, 30 or 36 in. wide, galv steet units. Min gauge is 22 MSG. Welded to supports with welding washers 12 in. OC. Side laps of adjacent units welded or secured together with No. 12 by 1/2 in. self-drilling, self-tapping steel screws midway between steel joists. LOADMASTER SYSTEMS INC — Types ED, HD, PS, SS-200, SS-300. MARLYN STEEL DECKS INC — Types B, EF, F, HF. NEW MILLENNIUM BUILDING SYSTEMS L L C— Types B, N. VULCRAFT, DIV OF NUCOR CORP — Types 1.OE, 1.5A, 1.5B, 1.561, 1.5F, 3.ON, 3.ON1 . VALLEY JOIST — Types F, B, BI. WHEELING-PITTSBURGH STEEL CORP, DIV OF WHEELING CORRUGATING CO — Types BW, High Strength B, High Strength BW, N, Copyright OO 2006 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. TF-75, -125, -200. 6. Adhesive' — Applied between crests of steel roof deck and gypsum board (Item 4) in 1/2 in. wide ribbons 8 in. OC at 0.4 gal per 100 sq ft. Applied in 1/2 in. wide ribbons 6 in. OC, at 0.4 gal per 100 sq ft, between gypsum board and vapor barrier and between vapor barrier and mineral and fiber boards, or directly between gypsum boards and roof insulation when vapor barrier is omitted. May also be applied at the same rate between layers of roof insulation. BMCA INSULATION PRODUCTS INC 6A. Mechanical Fasteners —(Not shown) — Any steel naii or steel clip type fastener with metal or plastic washer designed for the purpose, may be used to attach one or more layers of insulation to steel roof deck (through gypsum board). 6B. Hot Asphalt or Coal Tar Pitch —(Not shown) — May be used as an alternate to adhesive between layers of roof insulation at a rate not to exceed 35 Ib per 100 sq ft. 7. Steel Joists — Type 10J4 or 12K3 min size. As an alternate, LH-Series steel joists spanning no greater than 60 ft. may be used. For spans greater than 60 ft. LH-Series joists may be used provided that their vertical deflection under published total load shall not be greater than 1/244 of the joist span. Joists may be spaced a max 72 in. OC and welded to end supports. 8. Bridging — Steel angles or bars, min 1/2 in. diam, welded to top and bottom chords of each joist. 9. Cold Rolled Channels — For joist spacings max 48 in. OC, min 0.053 in. thick (16 gauge) painted cold-rolled steel channels, 1-1/2 in. deep with 9/16 in. flanges. For joist spacings greater than 48 in. O.C. but not more than 72 in., min 0.093 in. thick (12 gauge) painted cold rolled steel channels, 2 in. deep with 1-1/8 in. flanges. Two channels tied back to back with 18 SWG galv steel wire 48 in. OC and wire-tied to top of joist bottom chord. Channels spaced as required to provide attachment provision for ceiling hanger wires. 10. Hanger Wire — No. 12 SWG galv steel wire tied to lower chord of joists or cold-rolled channels tied face to face with 18 SWG galv wire. Hanger wires spaced not over 48 in. OC, along main runners and located at ends of main runners at walls and at corners and midspan along 4 ft sides of light fixtures. 11. Air Duct — Min 0.034 in. thick (20 gauge) galv steel. Total area of duct openings not to exceed 57 sq in. per 100 sq ft of ceiling area. Area of ind duct opening not to exceed 113 sq in. Max dimension of opening 12 in. Duct supported by cold-rolled channels, spaced approx 24 in. OC. 12. Damper — Min. 0.056 in. thick (16 gauge) galv steel, 16 by 16 in. protected on both surfaces with 1/16 in. thick ceramic fiber paper and held open with a Fusible Link. (Bearing the UL Listing Mark.) Damper to overlap duct outlet 1 in. min. 13. Fixtures, Recessed Light —(Bearing the UL Listing Mark) — Fluorescent lamp type, steel housing, 2 by 4 ft size. Fixtures spaced so their area does not exceed 24 sq ft per 100 sq ft of ceiling area. Wired in conformance with the National Electrical Code. Fixtures and ballasts must be considered for these ambient temperature conditions before installation. 13A. Alternate Fixtures, Recessed Light — For Use with Steel Framing Members, Item 156- (Bearing the UL Listing Mark). Fluorescent lamp type, NEMA Type F steel housing, 1 by 2 ft, 1 by 4 ft, 2 by 2 ft or 2 by 4 ft size. Fixtures provided with swing-out steel support hooks near each corner designed to engage the bulb of the steel framing member cross tees. Size of steel framing member module to be nominaliy 2 in. wider and longer than the nominal fixture size. Fixtures to be additionally screw-attached to the web of the cross tees near the center of each long side and at both ends using No. 6 by 2-5/8 in. long (sides) and No. 6 by 1-5/8 in. long (ends) steel drywall screws. Fixtures spaced so their area does not exceed 24 sq ft per each 100 sq ft of ceiling area. Wired in conformance with the Nationai Electrical Code. 136. Alternate Fixtures, Recessed Light — For Use with Steel Framing Members, Item 15- (Bearing the UL Listing Mark). Fluorescent lamp type, NEMA Type F steel housing, 1 by 2 ft, 1 by 4 ft, 2 by 2 ft or 2 by 4 ft size. Fixtures provided with swing-out steel support hooks near each corner designed to engage the bulb of the steel framing member cross tees. Fixtures to be additionally screw-attached to the cross tees near the center of each long side and at both ends using 2 in. long Type S-12 (sides) and 3 in. long Type S-12 (ends) steel screws. Fixtures spaced so their area does not exceed 24 sq ft per each 100 sq ft of ceiling area. Wired in conformance with the National Electrical Code. 14. Fixture Protection-Gypsum Board* — 1/2 or 5/8 in. thick, same as Item 16, 16A or 166. Cut into pieces to form a five sided enclosure for the fixture (Item 13), trapezoidal in cross section, approx 1/2 in. longer and wider than the fixture with sufficient depth to provide at least 1/2 in. clearance between the fixture and enclosure. 14A. Fixture Protection — Gypsum Board" — For Use with Steel Framing Members, Item 15B- 5/8 in. thick, same as Item 16, 16A or 16B. Cut to form a five sided enclosure, rectangular in cross-section, at least 1-1/4 in. higher than the NEMA Type F light fixture housing (Item 15A). The fixture protection enclosure is to be installed in the grid module prior to installation of the NEMA Type F light fixture. The fixture protection side pieces are to be provided with nominal 1-1/4 in. wide by 3-1/2 in. long cutouts to accommodate the swing-out steel support hooks near each corner of the fixture. The fixture protection side and end pieces rest on the Copyright OO 2006 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. flanges of the primary cross tees and are screw-attached to the web of the cross tee with No. 6 by 1-5/8 in. long steel drywall screws. The top piece rests on the top edges of the side and end pieces without mechanical attachment. The dimensions of the fixture protection pieces for the various sizes of NEMA Type F fixtures are tabulated betow: NEMA Type F Fixture Size 1 by 2 ft 1 by 4 ft Top Piece, in. 13-1/2 x 25-1/2 13-1/2 x 49-1/2 Side Piece, in. 7 x 25-1/2 7 x 49-1/2 2by2ft 2by4ft 25-1/2 x 25-1/2 25-1/2 x 49-1/2 7 x 25-1/2 7 x 49-1/2 I End Piece in. I 7 x 12-1/4 � 7 x 12-1/4 � 7 x 24-1/4 � 7 x 24-1/4 14B. Fixture Protection— Gypsum Board* — For Use with Steel Framing Members, Item 15 – 1/2 or 5/8 �n. thick, same as Item 16 or 16B. Cut to form a five sided enclosure, rectangular in cross section, for the NEMA Type F light fixture (Item 136). The fixture protection enclosure is instailed around the grid module prior to installation of the NEMA Type F light fixture. The end pieces of the light fixture protection rest upon the flanges additional nom 4 ft long cross tees placed at each end of light fixture opening. The pieces of gypsum board are secured to both cross tees with three 1 in. long Type S screws, one at the center of the cross tee and the remaining two screws spaced 12 in. O.C. in both directions. The end clips of the two additional cross tees are removed and the cross tee/gypsum board combinations are placed at each end of the module facing the light fixture opening with the ends of the cross tees resting on the flanges of the main runner. Two side pieces of the gypsum board protection are notched at the bottom with three 1/4 in. wide by 1-9/16 in. long notches to accommodate the cross tee bulbs. On each side the pieces are installed vertically, resting on the three cross tees intersecting the 50 in. long cross tees and placed 1-1/4 in from the edge of the 50 in. cross tees. The four side pieces of the light fixture protection box are secured together with 6d nails, one at mid-height, and one at each of the four corners. The top piece of gypsum board is loosely-laid on top of the four sided box and secured at each of the four corners with 6d nails. Holes are drilled through the top piece of gypsum board for the attachment of the hanger wires specified in Item 9. Two 4 ft long cross tees are placed on top of the fixture protection box, equally spaced and secured from the underside of the fixture protection box with three 1 in. long Type S screws equally spaced. The dimensions of the fixture protection nieces for the various sizes of NEMA Type F fixtures are listed below: NEMA Type F Fixture Size 1 by 2 ft Top piece, in. 19 x 31 Side pieces, in 6 x 30 1by4ft 2by2ft 2by4ft 19x55 31 x31 31 x55 6x54 6x30 6x54 �ndpieces in I 6x19 I 6x19 � 6x31 � 6x31 15. Steel Framing Members* — Main runners, cross tees, cross channels and wall angle as listed be�ow: a. Main Runners — Nom 10 or 12 ft. long, 15/16 in. or 1-1/2 in. wide face, spaced 4 ft. OC. b. Cross Tees — Nom 4 ft. long, 1-1/2 in. wide face or 15/16 in. wide face installed at sides of light fixtures (Item 13), installed perpendicular to the main runners, spaced 24 in. OC. When Batts and Blankets" (Item 21) are used, cross tees spaced 16 in. OC. Additional cross tees or cross channels used at 8 in. from each side of butted gypsum board end joints. The cross tees or cross channels may be riveted or screw attached to the wall angle or channel to facilitate the ceiling installation. When NEMA Type F (Item 136) light fixtures are used, nom 4ft long cross tees, 1-1/2 in wide face, installed perpendicular to main runners and spaced nom 50 in. O.C. Two nom 50 in. long cross tees, 1-1/2 inch wide face, spaced nom 14 in. O.C. to accommodate nom 1 by 2 ft or 1 by 4 ft NEMA Type F fixture or spaced 26 in. O.C. to accommodate nom 2 by 2 ft NEMA or 2 by 4 ft NEMA Type F fixture. When nom 2 by 2 ft NEMA Type F fixture is used, nom 26 in. long cross tees to be used to form nom 26 in. module at the center of the nom 50 in. long cross tees. Two additional nom 4 ft cross tees, 1-1/2 in. wide face are installed perpendicular to the main runners outside each end of fixture opening to support the end pieces of drywall fixture protection. Small cutoff pieces of cross tees were installed at the center of the nom 50 in. long cross tees and main runners by inserting the dip end into a cross tee slot on the main runner and securing the other end with a pop rivet to the nom 50 in. long cross tee. c. Cross Channels — Nom 4 ft. long, installed perpendicular to main runners, spaced 24 in. OC. When Batts and Blankets" (Item 21) are used, cross channels spaced 16 in. OC. d. Wall Angle or Channel — Painted or galv steel angle with 1 in. legs or 1-9/16 in. deep painted or galv steel channel with 1 in. legs attached to walls at perimeter of ceiiing with fasteners 16 in. OC. to support steel framing member ends and for screw-attachment of the gypsum board. CGC INC — Type DGL or RX. USG INTERIORS INC — Type DGL or RX. 15A. Alternate Steel Framing Members* —(Not shown) — Main runners nom 12 ft long spaced 48 in. OC. Copyright OO 2D06 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Cross tees nom 4 ft long installed perpendicular to main runners and spaced 24 in. OC. Additional cross tees located 8 in. from and on both sides of each gypsum board end joint and each recessed light fixture. BPB AMERICA INC — Types PDWH, PDWS CHICAGO METALLIC CORP — Types 650, 650C, 670, 670C. 15B. Alternate Steel Framing Members* —(Not shown) — As an alternate to Items 15 and 15A. Main runners nom 12 ft long, spaced 48 in. OC. Primary cross tees (1-1/2 in. wide across flange) or cross channels, nom 4 ft long, installed perpendicular to main runners and spaced 24 in. OC. Additional primary cross tees or cross channels required at each gypsum board end joint, 8 in. from and on each side of gypsum board end joint, and 8 in. from each side of NEMA Type G(Item 13) light fixtures. Secondary cross tees (15/16 in. wide across flange), nom 4 ft long, installed at sides of NEMA Type G light fixtures. When NEMA Type F(Item 13A) light fixtures are used, nom 4 ft long primary cross tees installed perpendicular to main runners and spaced nom 50 in. OC. Two nom 50 in. long primary cross tees installed perpendicular to nom 4 ft long primary cross tees and spaced nom 14 in. OC to accommodate nom 1 by 2 ft or 1 by 4 ft NEMA Type F fi�ure or spaced 26 in. OC to accommodate nom 2 by 2 ft or 2 by 4 ft NEMA Type F fixture. When nom 1 by 2 ft or 2 by 2 ft NEMA Type F fixtures are used, nom 14 in. or 26 in. long primary cross tees to be used to form nom 26 in. long modules at the center of the nom 50 in. long primary cross tees. Additional lengths of primary cross tee to be installed at each end of each nominal 50 in. long primary cross tee to create a nominal 14 or 26 in. by 22 or 24 in. module at each end of light fixture module. Ends of these additional lengths of primary cross tee are to engage cross tee routs at end of fixture and are to be riveted to nom 4 ft long cross tee at opposite end. Additional short lengths of primary cross tee to be installed perpendicular to main runners near center of nom 50 in. long cross tee on each side of light fixture. Ends of these additional short lengths of cross tee are to engage rout of main runner at one end and are to be riveted to nom 50 in. long primary cross tee at opposite end. The main runners, cross tees or cross channels may be riveted or screw-attached to the wall angle or channel to facilitate the ceiling installation. ARMSTRONG WORLD INDUSTRIES INC — Type DFR-8000. 15C. Alternate Steel Members" —(Not shown) — As an alternate to Items 15, 15A and 15B. For use with 1/2 in. thick gypsum board only. Main runners nom 12 ft long, spaced 48 in. OC. Cross channels, 4 ft. long, installed perpendicular to main runners and spaced 24 in. OC. Additional cross channels required 8 in. from and on each side of gypsum board end joints, and 8 in. from each side of light fixtures. Cross tees, 4 ft. long installed perpendicular to main runners to support the 4 ft sides of light fixtures. J-shaped metal trim molding, installed at perimeter of light fixtures to cover and support the exposed gypsum board edges. CHICAGO METALLIC CORP — Type 630. 16. Gypsum Board' —(For use with steel framing members described in Items 15 and 15C)— 1/2 and 5/8 in. thick, 4 ft wide, installed with long dimension perpendicular to cross channels with side joints centered along main runners. Gypsum board fastened to cross channels with 1 in. long drywall screws located 1/2 in. from end joints and 1-3/4 in. from each side joint and spaced 12 in. C along the end joints and in the field. End joints of adjacent gypsum board sheets shall be staggered not less than 2 ft. Wallboard sheets screw-attached to leg of wall angle with drywall screws spaced 12 in. OC. When alternate Steel Framing Members" (Item 15C) are used, gypsum board installed with long dimension (side joints) perpendicular to the cross channels and 4 ft cross tees, and with the side joints centered along the main runners. Gypsum board fastened to cross channels with drywall screws located 1/2 in. from butted end joints, with one screw located at the midspan of the cross channel, one screw located 12 in. from and on each side of the channel midspan, and one screw located 2-3/4 in. from each side joint. End joints of the sheets shall be staggered as described above. Joints to be covered with paper tape and joint compound. Wallboard Restrained Unrestrained Thkns Assembly Assembly In. Rating Hr Rating Hr 1/2 1 hr 1 hr 5/8 1-1/2 hr 1-1/2 hr AMERICAN GYPSUM CO — Types AG-C, AGX-C. BPB AMERICA INC — Type FRPC, ProRoc Type C. BPB CANADA INC — ProRoc Type C. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY—Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. G-P GYPSUM CORP, SUB OF GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORP — Type 5. LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA INC — Type LGFC-C, LGFC-C/A. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — Types FSK-C, FSW-C. Copyright OO 2006 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. PABCO GYPSUM, DIV OF PACIFIC COAST BUILDING PRODUCTS INC — Type C or PG-C. STANDARD GYPSUM L L C— Type SG-C. TEMPLE-INLAND FOREST PRODUCTS CORP — Type TG-C. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. USG MEXICO S A DE C V— Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. 16A. Gypsum Board" —(For use with steel framing members described in Item 15A) — 1/2 and 5/8 in. thick, 4 ft wide, installed with long dimension perpendicular to cross tees with side joints centered along main runners. Gypsum board fastened to each cross tee with five drywall screws with one screw located at the midspan of the cross tee, one screw located 12 in. from and on each side of the cross tee midspan, and one screw located 1-1/2 in. from each gypsum board side joint. Except at gypsum board end joints, drywall screws shall be located on alternating sides of cross tee flange. At gypsum board end joints, drywall screws shall be located 1/2 in. from the joint. Gypsum board fastened to main runners with drywall screws, 1/2 in. from side joints, midway between intersections with cross tees (24 in. OC). End joints of adjacent gypsum board sheets shall be staggered not less than 4 ft OC. Gypsum board sheets screw-attached to leg of wall angle with drywall screws spaced 12 in. OC. Wallboard Restrained Unrestrained Thkns Assembly Assembly In. Rating Hr Rating Hr 1/2 1 hr 1 hr 5/8 1-1/2 hr 1-1/2 hr AMERICAN GYPSUM CO — Types AG-C, AGX-C. BPB AMERICA INC — Type FRPC, ProRoc Type C. BPB CANADA INC — ProRoc Type C. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. G-P GYPSUM CORP, SUB OF GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORP — Type 5. LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA INC — Type LGFC-C, LGFC-C/A. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — Types FSK-C, FSW-C. PABCO GYPSUM, DIV OF PACIFIC COAST BUILDING PRODUCTS INC — Types C, PG-C. STANDARD GYPSUM L L C— Type SG-C. TEMPLE-INLAND FOREST PRODUCTS CORP — Type TG-C. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. USG MEXICO S A DE C V— Type C, IP-X2 or IPC-AR. 16B. Gypsum Board* — For use when Batts and Blankets" (Item 21) and Steel Framing Members' (Item 15) are used - 5/8 in. thick, 4 ft wide; installed with long dimension perpendicular to cross tees with side joints centered along main runners and end joints centered along cross tees. Fastened to cross tees with 1 in. long steel drywall screws spaced 8 in. OC in the field and 8 in. OC along end joints. Fastened to main runners with 1 in. long drywall screws spaced midway between cross tees. Screws along sides and ends of boards spaced 3/8 to 1/2 in. from board edge. End joints of the sheets shall be staggered with spacing between joints on adjacent boards not less than 4 ft OC. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. USG MEXICO S A DE C V— Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. 17. Metal Trim Molding — Min 0.026 in. thick (22 gauge) galv steel molding, measuring 5/8 in. wide with 9/16 and 1-3/8 in. long legs. Placed on gypsum board edges around light fixtures and secured to the cross tees and main runners with 1 in. long drywall screws. Spacing of screws approx 8 in. O.C. along 4 ft side and 10 in. O C. along 2 ft side of light fi�ures. 18. Drywall Screw — Type S-12, 1 in. long, self-drilling and self-tapping, 0.163 in. thread diam, 5/16 in. diam heads. 19. Finishing System — Paper tape embedded in compound over joints and covered with additional compound. Exposed screw heads covered with compound. Edges of compound feathered out. 20. Wall Angle —(Not shown) — Min 0.019 in. thick (26 gauge) galv steel angle with 1-1/8 in. legs, nailed.to the walls along perimeter of ceiling to support steel framing member ends and for screw-attachment of the Copyright OO 2006 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. gypsum board. 21. Batts and Blankets" —(Optional, — Not Shown) - When used ratings are limited to 1 Hr. - For use with Steel Framing Members'' (specifically Item 15) and Gypsum Board* (specifically Item 16B) - Any thickness mineral wool or glass fiber insulation bearing the UL Classification Marking for Surface Burning Characteristics, having a flame spread value of 25 or less and a smoke spread value of 50 or less. Insulation fitted in the concealed space, draped over steel framing members/gypsum board ceiling membrane. *Bearing the UL Classification Mark Copyright OO 2006 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. IVOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T/MES .� TOWNOFYAA. ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149 A�� _�-J ,�, ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E08-0291 ACOM Job Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location.....: BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN Parcel No...: 210108253016 OWNER LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO 12/03/2008 610 W LIONSHEAD CIR STE 100 VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT WEBB ELECTRIC 12/03/2008 Phone: 970-331-3605 P. O. BOX 6986 AVON CO 81620 License: 129-E CONTRACTOR WEBB ELECTRIC 12/03/2008 Phone: 970-331-3605 P. O. BOX 6986 AVON CO 81620 License: 129-E Desciption: TENANT IMPROVEMENT: NEW RECEPTACLES FOR KITCHEN Valuation: $5,500.00 Square feet: 0 Project #: PRJ08-0642 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 12/03/2008 Issued . . : 12/08/2008 Expires . .: 06/06/2009 ,..,,.,�.....***�.*.�.,***«�„�..,,.**.,*«**.,,,,..****.,.*.,..**«**.,,,,...**„ FEE SUMMARY *«*«*�„*„*,.***«.,*,,.*..*««*«.,*.*„**.******.�.*��*«***...*.�******.,..,,,,.* Electrical Permit Fee---------> $131.10 Total Calculated Fees--> $135.10 Investigation Fee--------------> $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $0.00 Will Call Fee--------------------> $4.00 Use Tax Fee-------------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $135.10 Total Calculated Fees-------> $135.10 Payments-----------------> $135.10 BALANCE DUE----------> $0.00 �.*�..�„*.,...,,«**.,,�.*****�....«�*****.,,,.,,,.**,,.****.,,,,�.******,.*....«.**.*,�.,�,..,..,,.*«*.�...,,.«**.,*.*..,.,,�..,,.,*.,*.�,.,..*******,,..,�...,,*„«*,<,..***,,.,. �.,...**.*.� APPROVALS Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 12/03/2008 JLE Action: AP <.,...,.,..*«��....*.*�*.,«��.,,.�.*...��,,.....,,**«�.�,...******.«..*.«*«**«.�*.*.,,.***.,*.*,,.,.*«.,**..«.*..��**«*„**�.,.�.�*«*,,.,,**,,.******.�**�,.*.*..,...,,..«*..*��.,,..#.* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. .�.***«.,*.,,,.,,....*�*�*..,,�,,,..,,«*«,,...,.*,.**«..�.,,.,.*.,*«„*,,.,..*„*.*.«.,..*..,«*,,.*.*...*«*«**,.*.*......,,,,�,,,,.,*«***.*..�,,,.*,.**«,,.,,�.,..�*.****,,...,,,**..*�.,�.�..,..,,*.*�.,. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS F�QfZ INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FR�iMF 8A00 AI�A -� PM? ;:'! , � :,U� y G`�,�', �;�� �L�'' C� Signature of Ow or Cont actor � d ate � ,. ��,.,� � ( C� � � �'= �--.. (;'�.. f'i �.�-- Print Name elec_prm_041908 0 ****##*****�***�*#####*****####**##*******#**#**#*###***#*#**######************:k######*####� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *************************************************************�**************************�*** Statement Number: R080002318 Amount: $135.10 12/08/200809:16 AM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: RLF Notation: Michael H Gehl- Conf #008947 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: E08-0291 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-5301-6 Site Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN Total Fees: $135.10 This Payment: $135.10 Total ALL Pmts: $135.10 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 131.10 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ' ._ � . Project Address Development Review Coordinator 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 970-479-2� 28 : ' Fax: 970-4?9-2172 ' Inspections: 970-479 2149 TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION d �� ��.� � �� S Contractor Information Company: � � � � Company dress 'J� �' City: � State. � � Fax:�/ � L� Contact Name: �' �I /� / / I '�9�1tt �� /�7 „ �/� r� Contact Ph: �7 ! � � �� � C'VTell: �j�i j%'`�J E-Mail: � f' L�.P.- � G� ►�-- - �� �,2%� Town of V il ontr ct Re qation No: ��!� 1 X � �j 1 Contractor Signature (requirea) Property Information Parcel #: 2-I d � C,� � �f � �� � Legal Description: Lot # Blk # Subdivision: Job Name: �C�1 �f�t,+� �1 �'�–("(' ` Owner Name: Project #: �O�j V (I ^ V `E' `{ � Building Permit #: �)� � J I � Electrical Permit #: f'"�(J � — � �v �' � Detailed Description of Work: � Ca�� � I � � ]�2- 5 G-�2-' �,�c �� � (Use additional sheet if necessary) COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Material) Amount of SQ Ft ���� Electrical $ j S v' r U Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (�� Repair ( ) Other ( ) Building Type: Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial ('�' Townhome ( ) Other ( ) Mailing Address: ' Date Received: (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eag lecounty. us/patie) Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer ( ) Name: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: I��<<� � � � � � 11 \yl I.� DEC 0 3 1008 �Q�� �� �%/qrL. } NOTE: TH/S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT : TOWNOFYAIf, ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT ACOM Job Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location.....: BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN Parcel No...: 210108253016 OWNER LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO 12/09/2008 610 W LIONSHEAD CIR STE 100 VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT 2 MILE MECHANICAL 12/09/2008 Phone: (719) 486-0496 314 LEITER STREET LEADVILLE COLORADO 80461 License: 414-M CONTRACTOR 2 MILE MECHANICAL 12/09/2008 Phone: (719) 486-0496 314 LEITER STREET LEADVILLE COLORADO 80461 License: 414-M Desciption Valuation: TENANT IMPROVEMENT: VENTILATION, DUCTING FOR NEW RESTAURANT $800.00 ALL TIMES Permit #: M08-0314 Project #: PRJ08-0642 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 12/09/2008 Issued . . : 12/09/2008 Expires . .: 06/07/2009 ����.,....,.....«„�..�..�....�.�..,�..�.,.........*..�.��....,,...*�.�..�.....,���...,FEE SUMMARY��...*.....��..���...,..�����...��.....,...��..,....�.�..�.,..........,�,. .............��..� Mechanical Permit Fee---> $20.00 Will Call------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $29.00 Plan Check-------------------> $5.00 Use Tax Fee------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $29.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $29.00 Payments-----------------> $29.00 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 ....«.,..�:.�,.�,.........��,,.�.,..,.........�.,.........«.���.,�...��.....:���..:.:,......«...,.��..:�..�...�.�..::...::.....�,.,.�.., ..............:,...........�...........�,....,.>............... APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 12/09/2008 JLE Action: AP .�..�..�:...,.�.,............. �.,��� .,.,......**.�.. �.....�.....�.�.,...,..�...�..,.�............«.,.�.,��:...�.���.:.:,......* ...��...:�......�«..�.,..�..��.,...:.,,«....�.�,..�.......�,.,...........,, CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. �.........�..�..� .>..........,..�..�>,.,>..,« ...................,���...........,�..�.......��..�..........,..�...,..��...,,.,,..,..��,.....��.��.����....�...�...:...«...�..�..�..............��.... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSP CTI N SHAL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM - 4 PM. ����� � Siana re of Owner ctor Date mechcanical_permit_041908 � ********i�******i�***i�i�i�*******i�i�i�*i�****i�*******%k**i�********i�****i�*****************i�****%k***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *******+********************************************************�********************+****** Statement Number: R080002326 Amount: $29.00 12/09/200810:07 AM Payment Method: Cash Init: JLE Notation: 2 MILE MECHANICAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M08-0314 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-5301-6 Site Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN Total Fees: $29.00 This Payment: $29.00 Total ALL Pmts: $29.00 Balance: $0.00 **********************************************+**********+********************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 20.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 5.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION The followinq items MUST be attached to this permit application Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: Mechanical Room Dimensions Combustion Air Duct Size and Location _ Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location Heat Loss Calculations _ �Equipment Cut / Spec Sheets Project Address � � � � � `'�� v�� � � �,o� �,�.��y� � U�� � �I,►,�, �'�- G �- Contractor Information y�n � ,(� / / Company: � I' l ���' I' l Q GVt�d� ((�� Company Address: � � � L1R'�"' '�"'r ��' City�q �� t� Q- State:C� Zip: � ll� Contact Name: , � �- � �5�"� Contact Ph: Cell�� ' ��� �� ` E-Mail: Town of V� ontra tor Regi r'on No: 1��� X ' Cont actor Signature ' Property Information ' Parcel #: ' Legal Description: Lot # Blk # ' Subdivision: ! Job Name: Owner Name: ' Mailing Address: ', (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ', www.eaglecounty.us/patie) ' Architect (�) Designer ( Engineer ( ) Name: � - � � L/�'Q- ' Phone: `�I �' % ^' Z � �'Q '; Fax: �' �' ' 2 �) �O�" ' E-Mail: _ _ �� Project #: �� v � 1(/� � —i � ' Building Permit#: � `�U�-! � Mechanical Permit #: � Q � ^ V � � �` ' Detailed Description of Work: �� � �{{ I (� ' / (� {'� �J . y C�t" � � C� S �,���� �. (Use additional sheet if necessary) Complete Valuation for Mechanical Permit: Mechanical $ �o�— Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( �,}�Repair ( ) Other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) No/Type Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs () Wood/Pellet () No/Type Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances( Building Type: Single-Family ( Commercial ( ) Date Received: ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) ' ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Famity ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) ���c������V�� pF� 0 � 2�C3 TOWN OF VAIL NOTE: �'HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES . .� TOWNOFYAII. ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p.970.479.2139 f.970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149 PLUMBING PERMIT ACOM Job Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location.....: BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN Parcel No...: 210108253016 OWNER LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV C( 610 W LIONSHEAD CIR STE 100 VAI L CO 81657 APPLICANT OUT WEST MECHANICAL, INC. 602 SPRUCE RD, RED CLIFF P.O. BOX 521 MINTURN CO 81645 License: 377-P CONTRACTOR OUT WEST MECHANICAL, INC 602 SPRUCE RD, RED CLIFF P.O. BOX 521 MINTURN CO 81645 License: 377-P 12/08/2008 12/08/2008 Phone:970-827-5702 12/08/2008 Phone:970-827-5702 Desciption: TENANT IMPROVEMENT: NEW SINKS, PIPING, CAPPING OFF OLD WATER LINES. Valuation: $1,000.00 Permit #: Project #: Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: P08-0161 PRJ08-0642 ISSUED 12/08/2008 12/08I2008 06/06/2009 ....,,.....�....,��.«.,..,.......� .............��........«..�.,�������......�....... FEE SUMMARY ..,,.........,���.,.�..�,....���....�»w.....�.��...���.�.....»...�.»....��.�,......�.. Plumbing Permit Fee---> $15.00 Will Call------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $22.75 Plan Check----------------> $3.75 Use Tax Fee------------> $0.00 Additional Fees------------> $0.00 Investigation--------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--> $22.75 Total Calculated Fees--> $22.75 Payments-------------------> $22.75 BALANCE DUE-----------> $0.00 �����. ��....,..:..,..�.....*...,.*.*.«�.��.....�...,.:�:::..,...��...,.......��.....,.�� ...,..�..,...,...�..*..*........,....:.�� .....��.«,.*,*«�.������.....::..,.......�..�.�.�.�..,..,. .............. APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 12/08/2008 JLE Action: AP ......,�.....,.>..,...,,,.> ..................................�....��.............,..��.......,,.�.........,...,,�:�..�.:..,.���..,,...........��....�........,.,,.....,.....,,..��...........,.. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. :............,,,��......:�.....�.......�,..........�„:.:,.�,.�....,..........�.,,.,,:..::...:. .............,,�...:�,,....,,..�.::�......�..........«....�.,,.,...�...:...........,................. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION AL BE MA�TW - UR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM - 4 PM. � � 1� - �-� Date plmbpermtl_041908 � 0 *#**#****##***####*******##******##*****#*#*#****#**#**###*******##***##*******#*#**###***## TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +**********************************************+***************++******+*****+*************+ Statement Number: R080002322 Amount: $22.75 12/08/200801:17 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 2053 OUT WEST MECHANICAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: P08-0161 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-5301-6 Site Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN Total Fees: $22.75 This Payment: $22.75 Total ALL Pmts: $22.75 Balance: $0.00 ************************************************************************+******************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 3.75 PP 00100003111100 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 15.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Project Address: 30`� �3►� � ��. �J�'• Contractor Information Company: V� (NG�1 G��;�:c.�/ �LLC�_ Company Address: � �L>� �� City: �lGN I,LVU state: ��J zip: �`�Y7 Contact Name: Contact Ph: �/U / � 3 � � Cell: E-Mail: Town Cont�actor S red) Plumbing Valuation (Labor & Material� Plumbing $ IIUh� Property Information Parcel #: Legal Description: Lot # Blk # - (/ Subdivision: Job Name: �r IJ `� Owner Name: � !� Mailing Address: (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors O�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty. us/patie) � 22 .'l � Project #: 1 Y�1 V rJ v� + y Building Permit #: �C�CJ � �! l Plumbing Permit #: �U���/ t l(/ ( Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer ( ) Name: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Detailed Description of Work: � {� � /� � � �'C ����-�. o�� Ld�,�'W ( l k.CS (Use additional sheet if necessary) Work Class: New ( ) Addition �,/) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Building Type: Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial � Townhome ( ) Other ( ) Date Received: ��C�I�,C���[� nFr. o� ��4� TOWN OF VAIL 0 12-23-2008 Inspection Request Reporting Page 10 4'24 pm Vail CD Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN A/P/D Information Activity: B08-0391 Type: A-COMM Const Type: Occupancy: 45 Owner: LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO Contractor: GEHL HOMES Description: TENANT IMPROVEMENT-BIG BEAR BISTRO Requested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: GEHL HOMES Comments: W/C MIKE - 376-7 11 Assigned To: JMONDRAGON _��� Action: Time Exp: Comment: ONTRACTOR. Sub Type: ACOM Use: VA Phone: (970) 300-2727 Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM .2 2��' Reque�ed Time: 08:00 AM Phone: (970) 300-2727 Entered By: SBELLM K Gg� � ° ' � C�l�� � Inspection Historv Item: 30 BLDG-Framing "'" Approved *` 12/10/08 Inspector: shahn Comment: Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation Item: 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail "" Approved "* 12/15/08 Inspector: shahn Comment: Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. Item: 90 BLDG-Final 12/22/08 Insp�ector: GCD Comment: CANCELED BY CONTRACTOR. Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: NO NOTIFIED REPT131 Run Id: 8862 � 12-23-2008 Inspection Request Reporting Page 13 4:24 pm Vail, C� - Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL BIG BEAR BISTRO, RED LION INN A/P/D Information Activity: M08-0314 Type: B-MECH Sub Type: ACOM Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy:� Use: Insp Area: JRM Owner: LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO Contractor: 2 MILE MECHANICAL Phone: (719) 486-0496 Description: TENANT IMPROVEMENT: VENTIIATION, DUCTING FOR NEW RESTAURANT Requested Inspection(s) Item: 390 MECH-Final Requestor: Mike Gayle Comments: Bldg final is als c uled, will call Mike 376_7811 Assigned To: JMO�NDRAGON � )/�"� Action: Time Exp: D�-v � Inspection Historv Item: 200 MECH-Rough ** Approved "" 12/10/08 Inspector: shahn Comment: Item: 310 MECH-Heating Item: 320 MECH-Exhaust Hoods Item: 330 MECH-Supply Air Item: 340 MECH-Misc. Item: 390 MECH-Final ��z-���--�� Requested Time: 09:00 AM Phone: 376-7811 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 8862 i____ � i I I/O/ -(o I ��v I ' I I~ —�� , � �— � .i� r � � � o _ � _ _ � �� � 0 \� � / \ � f I97-D_J� �q � ( 99 � 8 TOP aFLEDGE � h ' ' / � i (o � � � � � -� � � �. ap �� Q, I S2 s/M. 6 6� �'� I � I I S� � � � I 4+ � � Q� , � � � � �� I � QQ � 30-3 ( ✓_� ,� .�i ``�, I � � �� /O/� � �N �I '' � �-. -� ��� I J �� ., � h k" a V�i n � ��t' h� ., � I �g , 6y , � ��� ND CONTACT 8T`Y I i I - , � � � � �� � � 7"f�/S �S'L AB AND 8 ( ( I �-'� 6 r S{YU ��� 0� 0 � II � �, � ,-� � I � � � (�� `/.� c� '� Q. J l 2- xrSX yo ; I ,. � p 2� Yt?��.J1� q�j "CY�1'�l ��V �4 � �� �`� ,, � � � � � � __ _m _ ��;�.�,��._" .��. 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SEE � I� -- SECTJON z E � sz 1 / �cr — - °o � s� �, � � �9�'0� . * � � � 6 ( I �o� �� C� � r� (��M r� -� v TYP/CAL - USE � X� - ' � � 99 � 8 D oF DG� ;� �%o wwF iN � ._ ( � �� 2 5 1008 , f ,3 0 TOP�/NG ' � °� S� FOR BEAM � I ( � I � �f"C)�� � #-- ���e i �, . TO WALL CONN. � � 2 � I 3 �j _,_. _ / \ I I SZ I S2 S/ FOR SF/EQR � � I I WACL DETA/L + � � � � � � > � � : \ � � � � �� � �� ' � � � �"(�. A�i� i 7S 5X5x i� — p'X �z �� HOLE FOR CdL . , /DD -� � - �. ��.�._ � �._ �-,? a ' c . . b o � n'. A � :N 4-�xS � 0 ¢ - �4 x B" � DOI�YELS —� 0 _ —' ���'�ltll � illl -- 9/.---�: � , �- . . . ,s - r ��F,��� � I 2 � (o fi0� gASE PL,tJTE sEE o�r �� io 5! _ ,. • a . n : ': a � ° — GRDUT -!i ��CLR �J . � PREGAST � CoNG. CORED SLAB. SEE PL AN ,O � �l�l �= �3 X � %/FS e /Z'� � � �r r: �� - S' � � � - _ �. L.1.. . ,O _ �J \ � ...,�w_ � �.a � a Z � 6 �'O sECT/D/V s, ¢ ��_ / � D � . 3z~;� �„ /¢ '32 �38 � F�TTED S r�FFENERS ;;,E'ACH S/DE � . ��, � :t iro' i2 �. GRDUT' EX/ST//V6 CO/4�C. BEAM �� � 2=6 0 ' �� X` @ /�D C .�/Gb =6 � � #4 � /B "vEF�'T. �.4 � /B•• ��¢ �/Z" /� D O ¢xB"��¢'O �#s ToP�aor '95�0 EX/S T//S/G /D'� CONC. N/ALL � AND 9"SGAB S.�CT/ON S 4�� /' O ¢,�� b,� —/l3'-3 8 �"CONG- SLAB oN ' 4" GRA VEL I��! - 6 / / /Z �.SY"#.�` 'Y,�"« #'w, s +k' ..�. �Y� ,�// � 3 � �-//D `-,3 � � BASE PLATE ¢ X .3z�X O'- 8. SEE DET.�/L 8 S3 Z � `� z � i--r�-rin n � 0 3'� ,� � El4GE OFEX/Si /NG /O' CONC. Gt/�lLL � ,\ =-t�t— lll� �llll IU1=LI�!'= III( �l�U FOR RE//VFQRCEMENT SEE SEGT�ON 3 52 �� � � 0�� Qp ' 99' z�' ir /=o 34 � "—� ALL THRE�40 ROD Gt//EXP. ANCHORS @2`-Q. �O U(�/L ! V! / LVV/ 1 SEE" SECT/ON / SZ 2 ��� GRDUT `Y/� ' :�, � o � �� � � a h 32�� 5" 3z N �7�0 TOP OF EX/ST/NG /O "' CONC. !�t/.4LL UNDER FOOT/NG. TOP OF l�fi�9LL EL EI�qT/D/Y = 96 � O �i , ,. ,-., -r , ., . , 5 3 , .-, �� �� _J r /� 0 /"� GROUT � 1 ,� ��� �� oo O (� - -- I -- � I � � 99 ,3 3..y�. ��¢ I�YEDGE � NCHOR STAGG� � 6 =0 i `-�i� � I 2-L!O'YS"X� XICJ w I �� 8 _ 3� „� EXP. ,BOL TS. SEE 80L 7 � SCHEDULE ON S3 FoR BoLTS Ty�PU �Y�B I �X/ST/NG / " O k � / = O CONC: COL. � SECT/D/V s � �� / � D 8 �� PLYG�DD.D ---� �z \ 3 �_�� 1x /4 -�' - SLOP.ES BLOGl�C�NG AS� f�EQU/RED �l//Z ONF C0�1//yECT/ON. THUS AT EACH EN,O � �/4NT✓/ � FOR Ct�NNECT/ON � k'EQU/RED , SEE SEC T/ONS / 2 S3 S3 �2- 8 "� EXP. BoLTS /N GRDUTED CELLS D�WN TD B�ND BF_AM. SE"E SECT/ON 7 a si � EX/ST/N6 CONC. BLOG/f �YALL ��i--ri� n i � 3 �/ �, � � TYP/GQL BU/L7' UP FLDOR OYER EX/ST//YG SLA � 22 CONCRETE SLAB ON STD. ZS GA. CORRUGAiE,D STEEL f'Ofi'M. RE/NFOrQCE �Y/TH � X�-/D//O 61./�F. AND SlJPPORT WITH 3 8" STD. 2OGA. C-S7"�/��.Z=O o.c. \BRACE C-STU,DS Gv 3= O o•c. . .3". r iz �� ,., ., � , � �.,e - �•';:.:�. TOP OF �"X/ST/lyG _ °-� : a S�AB EGE7!-/GY��U �R GoNNEG - oN eEYD�d, �E SECT. /31 SECT/O/til ��/_ �� � EX/ST//VG /D "� CD/1�C. ft�ALL . v' ' . 's : a.' o-.-..- 9°9'-8 CONT. � 5 x5 x Z K�/ 3yc"�x51NEXF� BdL TS �Z � O 3¢a�X7„EXP. Bo� TS EACH S/dE STqGGERE,D ���0 #-¢X/Z �O � /� O CENTERED OYEf� yl�/JL1 ,BEL Dl�Y F/LL Z � GAP � 1�Y/TN NON � SHRlNK GROUT BU/L D UP EX/ST- /NG /D" CONC. - !�l/ALL TO 99' 6 AND RE�NF. K/� 34 "4 ALL THRE,�JL ROD AS �PEQD. EX/ST/NG FGY�T//Y6 sECT�o�v zX � srvA wQ� �S'EE <SECT/ON �i z'� ,�,¢ x � p G� 2 "O 2-- ��'s ToP �BoT��� CONT. L 3X3X�4 ��,�8„� k�„yA.S @4'0 CO/YT. L�x¢X3B LL l�� W/ j-� "� EXP BoL.TS � -¢' D 3¢ "� ExP ao� T S/�/FL oS � 3 =0 /''=/�D 3� 0 #`SX�� Gd q,� EACH S/DE #4- G /'D �4 G� /O'�CoN .T �� #¢ x 8"1� G� 4=0 ALT D/� OFLfO �- ��(Il�'. TYP/CfJL EX/ST/NG BACKF/LL REMOVED AS SyOf�I�N. SEE SHT. ,54� � x 6 - /O�jO lvl�F SECT/ON „ z PLY`YG�D /O/�� �"--i'o Zx(o S%l�0 /�l/�4LL SEE SECTlON� � _ _L__ � � i i � 97�0 �<9s�D����. �j� Lvi vi vcc. �ON BEYD�D, �'E SEC T 3 SJ ���_ �� Q EX�ST/N�- /D" CONG': !Y'qL.L . �¢ �X7"EXP Bo� TS EAc,y S/DE STqGGERE,D c�'(o�0 !�/ALL TO 94 =6 Y� _� 34 "�f EXP. BOL T AND �4E/N,� !V/ Sh�/FLOS �' 3 = 3.¢ "'9' ALL THRFqp � ROD AS �.PEQD. � .--� E'X/ST/NG FG�TIN6 sEC T/O/�l � /''= / " D ., , . ..�,. ..�� rri v , F�gSTE/V TDP / � O� FLArYGE TO COrP�'D �SECT�O ¢ �%�%. �_ ". _ .. B 8 W�/ 34 "� �-XP. N S2 / c�' . ` 3�0 #�X �, 9,� EACH S/UE E�'/ST/NG / � D x /= O Co�/G. COL, �EYOND .2 ,� �o X 4 x 2 iii�¢ 3�„� ,�XP. ,BOGTS SPACED AS Sf/D`YN �/v SEGT/ON�1 - sECT/o�v 2 / �'- / ' D 2 x� STUD !�l/,4LL . �� :� ,�� � „ SEE SEC T/ON /� Z PLY�YODD S! ' . ' t � . n� �..,� , 2- #,S TDP�' BoT. �4X�AR/ES �z'o llll iI I I �/OD " 6--�_-- TYP/CAL TS 3 x 3 .SEAR/NG ON CONC. wAL L , SEE DETA/L � GROUT---� - -- 2=6 #,¢ x � G� �'- p � 1 � #¢ x B" �_ Ga' 4=0 ALT D/fT OF Lc�O. f`� �'�, .. . �/CAL EX/ST/NG : KF/L L REMOl�ED SHOl�YN. SEE SHT. S4� � X6 - /O�jO 11/lt�F� 2- +�S �4 �/�O- �o st¢ x Vr Ci �f' / O ALTERN.4TE D/R OF LfGS. �„�����► 97= D -(9s'D�Sr�> SE"CT/ON 2 l'� / � D ,SECT��i�l 2 X � STUD GY,4�L SEE SECTlONi// ��/_��� z yPL YGYOOD 95 � D �97' o o Si�� �