HomeMy WebLinkAboutB08-0066TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B08-0066 Project #: PRJ08-00 `td Job Address.: 200 VAIL RD VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: LODGE TOWER UNIT 178 Applied...: 04/01/2008 Parcel No....: 210108224002 Issued ...: 04/16/2008 Expires...: 10/13/2008 OWNER EQUITY EXCHANGE 280 FOX DR BOULDER CO 80303 APPLICANT LODGE TOWER 200 Vail Road Vail CO 81657 License: 112-B CONTRACTOR LODGE TOWER 200 Vail Road Vail CO 81657 License: 112-B SERVICES LLC 04/01/2008 04/01/2008 04/01/2008 Phone: 476-9530 Phone: 476-9530 Desciption: ANDERSON - BATHROOM REMODEL: REMOVE TILE IN KITCHEN AND 2 BATHS/ REPLACE FAUCETS (UNIT 178) Occupancy: R2 Type Construction: IB ?_O? Z' Valuation: $12,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 +****++++++*#*++++****+++* **+*+++***++++*+ ++++++**+*+++**++++***++++ FEE SUMMARY **++++****++*+****++*****+++*++**++*+ *****+*****++**++*++*+* Building----> $209.25 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $349.26 Plan Check ---> $136.01 Recreation Fee--------------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------> $40.00 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES $349.26 Total Permit Fee--------- > $389.26 Will Call-----> $4.00 Payments ----> $389.26 BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/11/2008 cgunion Action: COND Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/14/2008 JGG Action: AP Smoke detector must be replaced by heat detector during remodel, to prevent false alarms. ################################################################################################################################################# See Conditions page of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELE ONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 5:00 AM 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B08-0066 as of 04-16-2008 Status: ISSUED Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant: LODGE TOWER 04/16/2008 476-9530 Job Address: 200 VAIL RD VAIL Location: LODGE TOWER UNIT 178 Parcel No: 210108224002 Description: ANDERSON - BATHROOM REMODEL: REMOVE TILE IN KITCHEN AND 2 BATHS/ REPLACE FAUCETS (UNIT 178) Applied: 04/01/2008 Issued: To Expire: 10/13/2008 ***********************************************Conditions:********************************************* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Cond: CON0009887 ALL EXISTING FIRE RESISTIVE FLOOR/CEILING, ROOF/CEILING AND SHAFT AND WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE MAINTAINED PER IBC 3403.3. ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R080000461 Amount: $389.26 04/16/200808:59 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Lodge Tower 37909 ------------------- Permit No: ---------------------- B08-0066 Type: ------------------------- ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT ----------- Parcel No: 2101-082-2400-2 Site Address: 200 VAIL RD VAIL Location: LODGE TOWER UNIT 178 Total Fees: $389.26 This Payment: $389.26 Total ALL Pmts: $389.26 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- Description ------- Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 ----------------------- BUILDING PERMIT FEES ------------ 209.25 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 136.01 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4% 40.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 4 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN Azo g-cx.-4 v Project #: Buildin?I Permit 7 . r stage Rd. ?i Vail, Colorado 81657 OQ; TO F VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION G neral Contractor ?- _Town of Vail Reg. No.: Con ct Person y d Pho a #'s:4/76 CS3C ail dress: -•? Fax M q 74 or -- -- - ct Signature: COMP VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials, BUILDIN G: $ fYy? ELECTRICAL: $ '-- OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ -1 MECHANICAL: $ TOTAL: $ --- Coun ors Dice at 9 . r Parcel #Contact Eagle_ - _ ._-- ,. - o,.?.. ..Assess ice at 9.70-328--_--.-8640 or visit www.eagle-countv.com D? ?I LLO ?.? a Job Name: Job Address: Legal Desanption Lot: A' I Block: l Filing: s ?- Subdivision: ?em _ ... Address -- - Ph ?u A.) a 8U ox i?lc- ?i.er r-n 3 - ArchitecUDesigner: Address: 1 Phone: Engineer: Phone: . tailed descn tw_ 1?!' n of work* 410 /W?rea rip 7L? Work Ciass: New( Addition( ) Remodel (e f Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Type: Work Interior (?J Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No _Type of Bldg.. Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (vf Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( )Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units . in this ' building. No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Gf - ' L ? '/ NofTvDe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (vl Gas piiance YDe aces Proposed: AD s ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ! ) Wood Buminq (NOT ALLOWED) _No(T ? of Firepi es (??) N _?.__-- Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Y No ( ) f Does a Fire Sprink MAL tl& Y4 ( ) y ..... ....................................................... "FOR OFFICEUSE ONLY ... t ? rM. 2 8 100 8 Ll TOWN OF VAIL t ?°DD ?D A,( to 000 F:\akv\FORMS\PenT t *ildng\building-permit 417-2007.DOC Page 1 of 7 04/17/2007 8' l PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT of LODGE SOUTH TOWER AT VAIL TOWN OF VAIL COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO LOCATED AT 200 Vail Road VAIL, COLORADO for WESTSTAR BANK and/or ASSIGNS VAIL, CQLORADO PROJECT NO. A9707CO MARCH 1997 Document ownership: Kinsley Environmental has prepared this document in accordance with a contractual ag."...ent between Kinsley Environmental and the above named client for their confidential use. This document is not to be used in whole or in }cart without the written authorization of Kinsley Environmental. D CC?[?MC ku 1 TOWN OF VAIL a 1c #10405 i_ ?''?S?oCiat?.t?. ' 8 C E.XECU i i VE SUMMARY Kinsley Environmental (Kinsley) has initiated a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) of a portion of Lot AC, Block 5-C, Vail Village, First Filing, Eagle County, Colorado. a.k.a... The Lodge South Tower Site. The purpose of the Phase I is to determine the potential for past and/or current activities at the site, or on adjacent lands, to negatively impact the subject property from an envir..,.,.ental perspective and to identify and record any existing, potential or suspect "recognized environmental conditions" that may impose a liability to, or restrict the use of, the subject property. A visual inspection of the subject site and adjacent properties was conducted by Kinsley in March 1997. On February 28th the building was inspected by the Kinsley representative accompanied by the building superintendent (Mr. Jerry Snively-18 )rs Experience), however, an additional exterior inspection was also performed on March 19'' and additional pictures were taken. The inspection and discussion with Mr. Snively revealed that the subject property is envir.,.....entally clean with respect to visual inspection. As part of the Phase I, three interviews have been conducted with persons knowledgeable of the site as required under the guidelines of ASTM1527-94. The aerial photographs of the subject area have been rev=iewed from 1930,E 1971, 1981, & 1991. Also, a regulatory agency data base search was conducted, and the inspectors walked through the entire property, entering several representative condominiums, and noting all items of envir.,.....ental interest. The investigation has revealed that this property is above gradient to most of the developed land to the north and is below gradient to the base of the Vail Ski Area. The property was used as grazing land until 1962. From 1962 to 1971 property was used for open ground and staging equipment. The construction of the building began in 1971 and was o.,,..lyleted in 1972. Although, most of the 42 condominiums have been remodeled over the years, one unit is the same as originally completed. That one unit contains no asbestos or lead paint, none of either item was used in the original building. The rest of the building was inspected, entering several (but not all) additional condominiums. No envir%JL.-,ental problems were encountered in this building or from the surrounding properties as found in the data bank inspection. We find this to be an environmentally clean property. _? '/ V,' IV rsl t+ •?4 1 g f1 to /<4C+Freer/Skip'Kinsley-CES, CEI, Itgist i o `'F #1044 `? 3 ! ._ EX H4 'd } 1 TO MASTER .EASE r. Be?w enj.l Lodge P'ropertigS, Inc.. (Lessor) and.; Lodge Sout2iInc. (Lessee) ?.1;, ., i De's ipt:ion, of ??ased Premises . A portion of Lot a,;Bl!o',cgk ail Village, First Filing, a subdivision in the.To4tn of Na 1, County of Eagle, State of Colorado described;as?ioCommencng at the SW corner of said Lot a; thence N 89° •?41•' 'S0"i E 4?t 55 feet along the southerly line of said Lot a to the true pint of beginning; thence continuing along said south'erlyjline N 89° 41' 50" E 180.5 feet; thence N 0° 18' 00" W 29. 4 feet; thence N 89° 42' 00" E 3.60 feet; thence, N 01181' ,00W 17.40 feet; thence N 89° 42' 00" E 8.00 fee; thence N 0111, 18' 00" W 16.00 feet; thence S 89° 42' 00" W 11-80'feL-,?; thence N 0° 18' 00" w 16.00 feet; thence S 89°' 42' `00',',?W 166.30 feet; thence S 0° 18' 00" E 17.90 feet; thencei. 89° 42' 00" W 7.70 feet; thence S 0° 18' 00" E 5.20 feet2;:thence S 89° 42' 00" W 19.40 feet; thence S 0° 18-10.0-IF 30.30 feet; thence N 89° ' 42' 00" E 13.10 feet; thence S 0 18' 00" E 25.25 feet to the true point of beginning ?6ntaining 14554.0 square feet or 0.3341 acres more or less.; IE together with an easement fqr i in( from the above described propTrt,l street known as Gore creek Drive, trian traffic across the public '( on the property adjacent to . the ii owned by Lodge Properties, Inc.,! ment for 24 parking spaces on'.tht above described property owned b, subject to the right of Lodge:;Pr< and assigns, to regulate the, J.oci designation of parking stallis. -ess and egress to and to-and from the public -for vehicular and pedes- 7iveways and walkways )ove described property ind together with an ease- property adjacent to the Lodge Properties, Inc. )erties, Inc., its successors :ion of parking areas and 06-10-2008 Inspection Request Reporting Page 35 4:18 Dm Vail, CO - Citj-Of Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 200 VAIL RD VAIL LODGE TOWER UNIT 178 A/P/D Information Activity: B08-0066 Type: A-MF Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupanc : Use: IB Insp Area: CG Owner: EQUITY EXCHANGE SERVICES LLC -AUG HOUSE LLC Contractor: LODGE TOWER Phone: 476-9530 Description: ANDERSON - BATHROOM REMODEL: REMOVE TILE IN KITCHEN AND 2 BATHS/ REPLACE FAUCETS (UNIT 178) Reauested Insoec ' s Ite : 90 BLDG-Final Requested Time: 03:00 PM Reque or: LODGE TOWER Phone: 476-9530 Assigne To: JMONDRAGON Entered By: DGOLDEN K A ion: Time Exp: Insoection History Item: 501 PW-' Item: 226 FIRE Item: 10 BLDG Item: 20 BLDG Item: 21 PLAN- Item: 30 BLDG Item: 22 PLAN- Item: 50 BLDG. Item: 60 BLDG. Item: 70 BLDG. Item: 535 DIA - Item: 536 DIA - Item: 90 BLDG. ngs/Steel + UFER grd dation/Steel ougndation Plan RgMING ation Crock Nail 4Y REMINDER /LANDSCAPING L.,I REPT131 Run Id: 8032