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No °F P4f z rtio ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL NOTES ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING LIST A- 001 3D VIEWS A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR FTG. FOOTING R.D. ROOF DRAIN 1 . The AIA document A201 "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", latest edition or other contract between A- 002 INFO SHEET 08/04/17 ACOUS. ACOUSTICAL FDN. FOUNDATION RM ROOM Owner and General Contractor,are hereby made a part of these contract documents, except as amended herein. One A- 003 SITE PHOTOS ADD. ADDENDA FURN. FURNISH R.S. ROUGH SAWN copy to be forwarded to architect. A- 004 SURVEY (BY OTHERS) ADJ. ADJACENT GAL. GALLON RCP REFLECTED CEILING PLAN 2. The contract documents consist of the Contract for Construction, the general notes, the specifications, and the A- 101 GRFA/ LOT COVERAGE CALCS AGGR. AGGREGATE GA. GAUGE R.W. RETAINING WALL drawings, which are cooperative and continuous. Work indicated or reasonably implied in any one of the documents A- 102 BASEMENT LEVEL - BELOW-GRADE GRFA CALCS ALT. ALTERNATE GALV. GALVANIZED REF. REFER shall be supplied as though fully covered in all. Any discrepancy between the different parts should be reported to the A 103 SITE AND GRADING PLAN A- 104 LANDSCAPE PLAN ALUM. ALUMINUM G.C. GENERAL CONTRACTOR REFR. REFRIGERATOR architect immediately. A- 105 EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLAN APPROX. APPROXIMATE GL. GLASS REINF. REINFORCE 3. All work shall comply with all state and local codes and ordinances and shall be performed to the highest standards of A- 201 SOUTH AND WEST ELEVATIONS ARCH. ARCHITECT GR. GRADE REBA REINFORCING BAR craftsmanship by journeyman of the appropriate trades. A- 202 EAST AND NORTH ELEVATIONS A.S.A.P. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE GYP. WB. GYPSUM WALLBOARD RESIL. RESILIENT 4. These documents are intended to include all labor, materials, equipment and services required to complete on a A- 203 EXTERIOR MATERIALS BM. BEAM HDWR. HARDWARE REQD REQUIRED turnkey basis all work described or implied herein. It is the responsibility of the contractor to bring to the attention of the A- 301 ENTRY LEVEL FLOOR PLAN BRG. BEARING HD. HEAD R RISER architect any conditions, which will not permit constrcution according to the intentions of these documents. It is the A- 302 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN B.F.F. BELOW FINISHED FLOOR HVAC HEATING, VENT & AC R.O. ROUGH OPENING responsibility of the architect to provide details and/or directions regarding design intent where it is required for A 303 UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A- 304 ROOF PLAN W/ EXT. LIGHTING BET. BETWEEN HORIZ. HORIZONTAL SAN. SANITARY construction. A- 501 BUILDING SECTIONS BLK. BLOCK HP HORSE POWER SECT. SECTION 5. Any materials proposed for substitution of those specified or called out by trade name in these documents shall be A- 502 BUILDING SECTIONS BSMT. BASEMENT HWH HOT WATER HEATER SEW. SEWER presented to the architect for review. The contractor shall submit samples when required by the architect and all such A- 503 BUILDING SECTIONS B.T.U. BRITISH THERMAL UNIT HT. HEIGHT SHT. SHEET samples shall be reviewed by the architect before the work is performed. Work must conform to the reviewed samples. BD. BOARD INCL. INCLUDE SHLV. SHELVING Any work which does not conform shall be removed and replaced with work which conforms, at the contractors expense. STRUCTURAL DRAWING LIST B.O. BOTTOM OF INFO. INFORMATION SIM. SIMILAR Sub-contractors shall submit requests and samples for review through the general contractor when work is let through BLDG. BUILDING INSP. INSPECTOR SL. SLIDING him or her. Required verifications and submittals are to be made in adequate time as not to delay work in progress. S - 001 STRUCTURAL NOTES CAB. CABINET I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER SHWP. SOLAR HOT WATER PANELS 6. All requests for substitutions of items specified shall be submitted in writing to the architect and will be considered only S - 101 FOUNDATION PLAN C.L. CENTERLINE INSUL. INSULATION STC SOUND TRANSMISSION if better service facilitates more advantageous delivery date or a lesser price with credit to the client will be provided S 102 MAIN LEVEL FRAMING PLAN CLG. CEILING INT. INTERIOR SPEC. SPECIFICATION without sacrificing quality, appearance, and/or function. Under no circumstance will the architect be required to prove S - 104 UPDROOM LEVEL FRAMING PLAN S - 104 UPPER LEVEL FRAMING PLAN CER. CERAMIC JT. JOINT SQ. SQUARE that a product proposed for substitution is or is not of equal quality to the product specified. S - 105 ROOF FRAMING PLAN CLR. CLEAR JCT. JUNCTION S.F. SQUARE FEET 7. All work shall be erected plumb and true to line in accordance with best practices of the trade and manufacturers' S - 501 STRUCTURAL DETAILS CLO. CLOSET KWH KILOWATT HOUR S.S. STAINLESS STEEL recommendations for the particular item. S - 502 STRUCTURAL DETAILS D. DRYER LAB. LABORATORY STD. STANDARD 8. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the architect for his or her review where called for anywhere in these documents. S - 503 STRUCTURAL DETAILS W. WASHER LAM. LAMINATE STL. STEEL Review shall be made by the architect before work is begun, and work shall conform to the reviewed shop drawings S - 601 STRUCTURAL SCHEDULES r I COL. COLUMN LAV. LAVATORY STRUCT. STRUCTURAL subject to replacement as required for samples in paragraph 5, above. CIVIL DRAWING LIST CONC. CONCRETE LT. LIGHT SUB. SUBSTITUTE 9. The building inspector shall be notified by the contractor when there is need if inspection as required by the uniform ARCHITECTS C.J. CONTROL JOINT MFR. MANUFACTURER SUPPL. SUPPLEMENT building code or by any local code or ordinance. C 001 COVER SHEET CONT. CONTINUOUS MATL. MATERIAL S4S SURFACED 4 SIDES 10. The contractor shall be responsible for the safety and care of adjacent properties during construction for compliance C - 002 LEGEND, NOTES &ABBREVIATIONS COORD. COORDINATE M.O. MASONRY OPENING SUSP. SUSPENDED with federal and state OSHA regulations, and for the protection of all work until it is delivered completed to the owner. C - 101 SITE PLAN CTR. COUNTER MTL. METAL T.B.R. TO BE REMOVED 11 . All dimensions noted take precedence over scaled dimensions. Detailed drawings take precedence over smaller C - 102 ACCESS PLAN & PROFILE e,5 NORTH 4TH STREET, SUITE 5 C/S COUNTER SINK MAX. MAXIMUM TEL. TELEPHONE scale drawings. C - 103 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN GARBONDALE, CO 81623 C.F. CUBIC FEET MECH. MECHANICAL T.V. TELEVISION 12. Contractor shall verify and coordinate all openings through floors, ceilings, and walls with design drawings, and TEL. 910.963.6689 D.P. DAMPROOFING M.C. MECH CONTRACTOR TEMP. TEMPERED structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems. MECHANICAL DRAWING LIST !iliiliil.GREENLINEARG-IITEGTS.GOM DEPT. DEPARTMENT MED. MEDICINE THK. THICK 13. Contractor will assume responsibility for items requiring coordination and resolution during the bidding process. DTL. DETAIL MIN. MINIMUM TLT. TOILET 14. Contractor shall verify all space dimensions as shown with existing job conditions before starting construction. M - 101 ENTRY LEVEL MECHANICAL PLAN O,DIA. DIAMETER MISC. MISCELLANEOUS TPH TOILET PAPER HOLDER 15. Contractor shall, when work is installed or exisiting finishes are disturbed, refinish such areas to match existing. M - 102 MAIN LEVEL MECHANICAL PLAN DIM. DIMENSION NOM. NOMINAL T&G TONGUE & GROOVE 16. The contractor shall check and verify contract documents and field conditions for accuracy confirming that all work is M - 103 UPPER LEVEL MECHANICAL PLAN Z D.W. DISHWASHER N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT T&B TOP AND BOTTOM buildable as shown before proceeding with construction. If there are any questions regarding these or other coordination M - 104 LOFT LEVEL MECHANICAL PLAN M - 501 MECHANICAL DETAILS O DN DOWN N/A NOT APPLICABLE T.O. TOP OF questions, the contractor is responsible for obtaining clarification with the architect before proceeding with work or related M - 502 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES IV DR. DRAIN N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE T.O.F.F. TOP OF FINISH FLOOR question. M - 602 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES, NOTES AND SPECS f DWG. DRAWING O.C. ON CENTERS T TREAD 17. Any questions regarding the intent of the drawings or specifications are to be clarified with the architect beforeIL) 0 EA. EACH OPNG. OPENING TYP. TYPICAL ordering materials or proceeding with the work in question or related work. ELECTRICAL DRAWING LIST n E.W. EACH WAY OPP. OPPOSITE UG. UNDERGROUND 18. All items are new unless called out as "existing". l--1 ELEC. ELECTRICAL ORN. ORNAMENTAL UNGL. UNGLAZED 19. Any discrepancies in dimensions or conditions to be immediately brought to the attention of the architect. E - 101 ENTRY LEVEL LIGHTING PLANZ 0 E.C. ELEC. CONTRACTOR OPP.H. OPPOSITE HAND UNFIN. UNFINISHED E - 102 MAIN LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN EL. ELEVATION O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE FIRE PROTECTION SQUARE FOOTAGE BY USE E - 103 UPPER LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN11-11 ILI ENG. ENGINEER PTN. PARTITION U.B.C. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE E - 104 LOFT LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN >, 0 EQ. EQUAL D PENNY V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD Complete wet pipe fire sprinkler system throughout in compliance with THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS GRFA E - 105 ENTRY LEVEL POWER PLAN (EXG.) EXISTING PERF. PERFORATED VERT. VERTICAL NFPA 13-D and Vail Fire requirements. 4 head hydraulic calculation FOR GRFA SQUARE FOOTAGE REFERENCE SHEET A-101 E 106 MAIN LEVEL POWER PLAN (v O E.J. EXPANSION JOINT PLAST. PLASTER VAT. VINYL ASBESTOS TILE maximum. (0.1 density) E 107 UPPER LEVEL POWER PLANCI 1^� V ^ ENTRY LEVEL E - 108 LOFT LEVEL POWER PLAN +0 u EXP. EXPOSED PLAS. PLASTIC V VOLT CODE COMPLIANCE E 501 ELECTRICAL DETAILS0 LIVING SPACE (NOT INCLUDING MECHANICAL) - 664 SF Z 444 EXT. EXTERIOR PL PLATE W.H. WALL HYDRANT E - 601 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES Type e V-B Construction GARAGE 604 SF I v ix F.O. FACE OF PLEX. PLEXIGLASS W/C WATER CLOSET E - 602 ELECTRICAL LEGENDS, SPECS AND NOTES FIN. FINISH PLMB. PLUMBING WP• WATERPROOF R3 Occupancy 0 0 MAIN LEVEL PLUMBING DRAWING LIST F.P. FIREPROOF PLY. PLYWOOD WT. WEIGHT Occupant Load- 20 LIVING SPACE -1993 SF CKm F.P. FIREPLACE PROJ. PROJECT WWF. WELDED WIRE FABRIC 1.L1 7 FIXT. FIXTURE PROP. PROPERTY WDW. WINDOW Effective January 1, 2016 the Town of Vail will be utilizing the following BEDROOM LEVEL P - 101 ENTRY LEVEL DOMESTIC WATER PLUMBING PLAN E 0 0 FLR. FLOOR Q.T. QUARRY TILE W/ WITH code versions: LIVING SPACE - 1418 SF P - 102 MAIN LEVEL DOMESTIC WATER PLUMBING PLAN F.D. FLOOR DRAIN QTY. QUANTITY W/O WITHOUT 2015 International Building Code P - 103 UPPER LEVEL DOMESTIC WATER PLUMBING PLAN IZ 0 1�1-� 0 FT. FOOT, FEET R. RADIUS WD. WOOD 2015 International Residential Code UPPER LEVEL P - 104 LOFT LEVEL DOMESTIC WATER PLUMBING PLAN WKG. WORKING 2015 International Fire Code LIVING SPACE - 481SF P - 105 ENTRY LEVEL SANITARY DRAIN AND VENT PLAN O _ _1- 2012 International Plumbing Code P - 106 MAIN LEVEL SANITARY DRAIN AND VENT PLAN 2015 International Mechanical Code TOTAL LIVING SPACE- 4556 SF P - 107 UPPER LEVEL SANITARY DRAIN AND VENT PLAN U 2012 International Fuel Gas Code TOTAL GARAGE SPACE- 604 SF P - 108 LOFT LEVEL SANITARY DRAIN AND VENT PLAN N. 2015 International Energy Conservation Code P - 501 PLUMBING DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOLS - i , _ ,,_ A P - 601 PLUMBING SCHEDULES 11 2014 ational Electrical Code P 602 PLUMBING LEGENDS, SPECS AND NOTES 0X SYMBOL LEGEND MATERIAL INDICATIONS 2015 Colorado Plumbing Code 01 O 22:0:1r55 015 Colorado Fuel Gas Code PROJECT DATA 0 —1 100'-0" TOP OF ELEVATION EARTH FINISHES Per 2015 IECC: 75% of permanent fixtures to have (� T.O. PLY X1.1 �// COMPACTED FILL _ GYP BD high efficacy lamps. PROJECT LOCATION 4: — — — EXISTING CONTOUR na ...- 4367 COLUMBINE DRIVE - — — — 11`T °==u=�z.= .==z.= t.Y� BLOCK 6, BIGHORN 3RD ADDITION ® ;2�2iti•2;Y:Yti•Y�I•YKI��K POROUS FILL CARPET NEW CONTOUR = i 2"r='. '. VAIL, CO OWNER 0 BUILDING ENVELOPE UNDISTURBED SOIL CERAMIC TILE 4387 COLUMBINE DRIVE, LLC —I PO BOX 250 - - — - — - — - — - PROPERTY LINE STONE TILE - EDEN, UT 84310-0250 CONCRETE - .. T: 970.688.0539 MARK DATE DESCRIPTION CENTER LINE • - ARCHITECT 4.18.2017 PERMIT CAST ACOUSTICAL TILE ' HIDDEN LINE f -'. � . - GREEN LINE ARCHITECTS A 6.26.2017 BLDG. DEPT. REV. 1 GROUT _ - `, STEVEN A. NOVY, AIA, PRINCIPAL - V\ BREAK LINE ELEVATION MATERIAL ~' _ Y "s F 65 NORTH 4TH STREET, SUITE 5 INDICATIONS .f' CARBONDALE, CO 81623 Y ° _ •;ter s ��. .,, _ . ,, . / A* 'R�° T: 970.963.6689 © DETAIL NO. MASONRY #. SHEET NO. • PLASTER/ STUCCO ", _ -_ - a F: 970.963.0265 ® - • , -t-*:- E: snovy@greenlinearchitects.com �00:: :: :X• CONCRETE BLOCK . - ♦����������♦ Il —l� 4A �olur>>bin D - ,•_ Ali\k ,A _ cSTRUCTURAL, CIVIL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, nr—ii-- STONE VENEER f '�-y. �'� .-.1.4,-1. a�umbineD� ' ''r' AND PLUMBING ENGINEER BUILDING SECTION j/ BRICK I y ; : bY4. •.' ® SHEET NO. TILE cow �, • � I I - e, @ SGM, INC-_ _� - , :I:7 ,• - �. ' ,j 4V, "- oiG� -,,�. CHRIS LEHRMAN-PROJECT MANAGER ... CO� ,STONE JP � �3 .� ` r '� .. ,� , 6; • z' a AM ELEVATION r SHINGLES = ,:t • ,; -.r •K . 1� . CPQ, '' 118 W 6TH ST. SUITE 200 ,i•-- di ;r r { GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 VW SHEET NO. it -, f°". •- "4 - gt A?'r g'- \ T: 970.384.9043 ��.� METAL /N RIVER ROCK N , ` _ . . y Tai - '"'. u� ..404 Er. �- E: chrisl@sgm-inc-com a `� ),.-a .,. ,+y G- .:rt •.- .x '- .tom �6. Lie i XXX ROOM NAME \ -..• y,,: '. 4r�?-. i� ''.; 0 ,. ! METAL ROOFING \ '- • ��- _ _-vow z ,:.„3-:= ,t,,, '.- GENERAL CONTRACTOR . : '.''..- ROOM XXX ROOM NUMBER WOOD -: _,..-'o,..;.-,,#„ i' ' -'' ��- ' �f���r4'° jjjj� STEEL `: °" - '�YrT.1 . _#, _ CRESTONE BUILDING COMPANY N �,,, �' "eh � �� '„'"`� � SCOTT HOFFMAN �`� FINISH \ i' 1;' .-,. . - ,..:.74.4i.,„.. ` � 0 DOOR MARK * ' rte' .;�' k e� ; - . '-,;44W%., PO BOX 3389 0 \ ro��.G�eVAIL, CO 81658 m e INSULATION ROUGH g\9 , T. 970.376.0292 �I WINDOW MARK ' ;'� E. scott@crestonebuilding-com INFO 5T o > 63 M&S BATT BLOCKING \ \ 1 ` - ti71.' ' + NUMBERED 1 ! RIGID \ VICINITY MAP 0 A 4.... 002 REVISION I GLU-LAM 6) Please Recycl.! 1 �, 0 1:2.06 �� '0 PLYWOOD 0