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A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8047' - 0" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8032' - 0" B 0.5 GARAGE 8031' - 0" B1.7 MAIN LEVEL 8042' - 0" 11' - 0" 15' - 0" 6' - 0 1/2" 11' - 0" 895.35 s.f. of lower level/foundation wall 55.76 s.f. of lower level/foundation wall below grade PARTY WALL B 0.5 GARAGE 8031' - 0" B1.7 MAIN LEVEL 8042' - 0" B1.7 MAIN LEVEL 8042' - 0" EXISTING GRADE 9' - 5" 8054' - 0" 8041' - 11" METAL CORNER TRIM 8037' - 0 1/4" 8032' - 10 1/16" 415.29 s.f. of lower level/foundation wall 288.54 s.f. of lower level/foundation wall below grade A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8047' - 0" A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8047' - 0" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8032' - 0" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8032' - 0" 8047' - 3"8047' - 2" 8049' - 7" 8048' - 0" EXISTING GRADE EXISTING AND PROPOSED GRADE 8043' - 0" 8047' - 0" 8038' - 0" 8042' - 0" 8036' - 0" 567.77 s.f. of lower level/foundation wall 558.17 s.f. of lower level/foundation wall below grade 8056' - 0" 8054' - 0" 8050' - 0" A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8047' - 0" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8032' - 0" B 0.5 GARAGE 8031' - 0" B1.7 MAIN LEVEL 8042' - 0" 23' - 9" 899.15 s.f. of lower level/foundation wall 899.15 s.f. of lower level/foundation wall below grade FOUNDATION WALL BURIED FOUNDATION WALL KEY: PARTY WALL AREA OF FOUNDATION WALLS ELEVATION TOTAL FOUNDATION WALL AREA FOUNDATION WALL BURIED SOUTH 895.35 S.F. 055.76 S.F. EAST 415.29 S.F. 288.54 S.F. WEST 567.77 S.F. 558.17 S.F. NORTH 899.15 S.F. 899.15 S.F. TOTAL AREA 2,777.56 S.F. 1,801.62 S.F. = 64.48% BURIED Zone District: Primary / Secondary Residential Lot Area: .362 acres x 43,560 s.f. = 15,769 s.f. • GRFA Allowed: .46% lot area < 10,000 s.f. = 4,600 s.f. .38% lot area < 15,000 s.f. = 1,900 s.f. .13% lot area (681 s.f.) = 100 s.f. Total = 6,600 s.f. • Primary/Secondary Split: 60% = 3,960 s.f. 40% = 2,640 s.f. WEST 'A' Unit (PRIMARY) unit Lower Level Foundation wall reduction calculation (See sheet A0.2) 64.48% Buried Lower Level Area= 1723.0 Area= 1723.0 s.f. X 64.48% reduction= 1111.0 s.f. Garage Allowance reduction -600.0 s.f. GRFA area of Lower Level 12.0 s.f. Main Level Area= 1704 s.f. Upper Level Area = 1227.9 s.f. +16'-0" Ceiling ht 0 s.f. WEST UNIT'A' GRFA total area = 2,943.9 s.f. (<3,960 s.f. allowed) TOTAL AREA OF WEST UNIT, INCLUDING THE GARAGE, WITH NO REDUCTIONS =4654.9 s.f. EAST 'B' Unit(SECONDARY) unit Lower Level Foundation wall reduction calculation (See sheet A0.2) 64.48% Buried Lower Level Area= 1017.2 Area= 1017.2 s.f. X 64.48% reduction = 655.9 s.f. Garage Allowance reduction -600 s.f. GRFA area of Lower Level -238.7 s.f. Main Level Area = 1189.2 s.f. Upper Level Area = 1204.1 s.f. EAST UNIT 'B' GRFA area = 2,154.6 s.f.(<2,640 s.f. allowed) TOTAL AREA OF EAST 'B' UNIT, INCLUDING THE GARAGE, WITH NO REDUCTIONS = 3410.4 s.f. ALLOWED Site Coverage (20% of lot) 3,154 s.f. (includes roof overhangs over 4’ deep) PROPOSED Site Coverage = 3,148.9 s.f. (<3,154 s.f. allowed) TOTAL Disturbed Area Allowed= <60% = 9461.4 s.f. Proposed 10,571.5 s.f. 67 % (undisturbed = 5197.5 s.f. 33%) (7 % greater than allowed.) REQUIRED Landscape Area (60% of lot) = 15,769 s.f. X .60= 9461.4 s.f. Lot Area= 15,769 s.f. Proposed Site Coverage = 3,148.9 s.f. Impervious terrace area = 1400.0 s.f. Impervious drive area= -1,111 s.f. PROPOSED Landscape Area= 10,109.1 s.f. 64.1% (>9,461.4 s.f.) Drive area: West unit: 608 s.f. of drive East unit: 503 s.f. of drive Snow storage = (required =30% of Drive area): West unit snow storage= 182.4 s.f. required, 200 s.f. provided East unit snow storage= 150.9 s.f. required, 175 s.f. provided Parking per unit = 3 spaces, (2 interior and 1 exterior) Average Lot slope under footprint of units greater than 30%: Unit 'WEST' = 100% Unit 'EAST' = 95% Density = Duplex residence Lighting: Dark sky/full cut off, limit on light above 18" a.f.f. is 1/1000 s.f. of lot. 15,769 s.f./1000= 15 lights Maximum Height = 33'. (30' at flat roof) Height proposed 32'-6" (Living Rm roof of West 'A' unit) Parking Requirements: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit = 3 spaces (2 inside, 1 outside) Retaining walls over 4 feet height to be engineered. Boulder retaining wall layback for 4'-0" tall wall = 1'-0" Boulder retaining wall layback for 6'-0" tall wall = 2'-0" Boulder retaining walls in front setback limited to 3'-0" tall 970.328.5151 OFFICE PO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631 www.martinmanleyarchitects.com Project number Date REVISIONS 7/5/2017 3:35:28 PM A0.2 BASEMENT REDUCTION 1670 2655 Davos Trail PERMIT SET 04-28-17 Custom Duplex at Vail Colorado 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 South Elevation FOR GRFA CALC 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 East Elevation FOR GRFA CALC 1/8" = 1'-0" 3 West Elevation FOR GRFA CALC 1/8" = 1'-0" 4 North Elevation FOR GRFA CALC 1/4" = 1'-0" BASEMENT REDUCTION 1/4" = 1'-0" ZONING INFORMATION No. Description Date 08/29/17