HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK PARK LOT 4ACOftIrJ}fiY CEI'ELOFUE'IT Design Review Eoa ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South.Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com o rd Project Name: Project DescripUon: Project Address: 3974 BIGHORN ROAD Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: KENNEDY CHANGES DRB Numben DR8070682 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (LANDSCAPING) Pailicipants: OWNER KENNEDY, MRON & JENIFER TLI26I2OO7 7983 VALMONT BOULDER co 80301 APPUCANT MORTER ARCHITECTS tll26l20}7 Phone: 476-5105 727IN. FRONTAGE RD. W., SUITE C VAIL co 81557 License: C000002076 ARCHITECT MORTER ARCHITECTS rL126l2O07 Phone: 476-5105 Z27LN. FRONTAGE RD. W,, SUITE C VAIL co 81657 License: C000002076 3974 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: Lot: 4-A Blockr Subdivision: GORE CREEK PARK 2101-111-0401-6 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of APPrcval= L21L0J2007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 o Application for Design Review Minor Elcerior Alteratils Department of Crmmurlty DevdoFment 75 Souft Fontage Roa4 Vail, Colora& 81657d: 97O.48.2L28 faD<: 97O.479.2452 rveb: wwrY.vailgw.com General Infionnadon: All pqrects r€quiring deggn revia,v must r€oei\re approval prior b submittirE a fuilding permit applicauon, Please r€ftr b f|€ s"funlEal requir€ments br the particdar apprwal that is requesd. An applicaton br Decgn R€irieut cannot be accepEd unfll all r€qulrcd inbnnatm is recelved by the C.ommmity Dsdopment Department The pfojcct rnay also need b b€ re\rlewed by tfi€ Town Council and/or the Planning and Ervironm€ntal Commlaqon, Dcdgn nvlcw epponrl l?rc unlcl r bqlldlry pcrmit lr lrlrcd rd con Eucton conrmqrcc witlin onc ycer of thc rpprovrl. of tfu.Roquet: Locatbn of thc Propo..l: Lot:sufrivEbntM Plrydcal Addrur: parrct tro.: ZJ ,a | | I ln fOl a (contact Eaete Co. Assessor at 970-328{6{0 fior parcel m.) Zoning: llame(r) of Orner(r llalling Addran: Phono: ----Own€r(r) Signcturu(r): llamc of Appllcrnt: Addnr: Phom: E-mailAddrs: fYpe of Rsvlcwtr Signs .C6t/Y1 oFu,o \, oreA d n4 . \A/ tr tr tr tr Concpnd Review N€IY Constsucuon Addldon Minor AlErauon (m ult-fa mlly/cannnrcial) Minor Alterauon (cnglefamily/duplex) *50 e[E $1.00 per squar€ foot of total sign ar€a. flo Fee S650 For constructjon ofa new buildirq or demo/rebuild. $300 For an additim where sqr.rare fuotagE is added b arry r€sldenual or @mmerdal bdlding (includes 25() additjoris & interior convEnJorB),$50 For minor changes b buildirEs and site improvements, $ch as. r€{oofing, painurE, window addltions, landscaphg, ftnces and retainirE wallE eE.$20 For minor changes b buildhgs and site impro'r€fiFnB, c.!dr as, re<mfirg, paintirE, window additons, landscaping, fencs and retaining walls, etc.$20 For r€yisions b dans alr€ady appro/ed bv Planning Staff or the Detgn Re\rlew Board, o Fee * E. Oranges m Approved Plans D Searatim Reguest ,ff_?odto*.* *o., ?'71 *, (^.r*q Date: 12-, I t-o 7 rvF-iil ?(r$7 \u TOWN OF VAIL JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER as written approval I, (print n.t") !t'a joint owner of property located at ;\ CO provide this letter of the plans ax.a 0 4. 11 ? o01 which have been submitted to the I Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I undertand that the proposed improvements include: Additionalln please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: g I understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the cout* of the review process to ensure complnnce with the Town3 appliable codes and regulations. ,/cK D I request that all modifications, minor or otherwix, which are made to the plans over the course of the reuiew process, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing fufther reuiew by the Town, (Inftia/ here) J/b/r/p/"ape/4 otvre, /e//er rev/Jed /U/8/2006 Er (Signaurre) F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb-addition-8-28-2007.doc Page 2 of 14 ll+**l+++tl'ill***aaalfl+l*****+l'i*tt'|i*********l+++*+*****+**a+a+f+r*af*'|*****t+*at+*+**r*** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€meNrt '|f*+******'tllfl'l+aa*a*'+****t*+f'i'l*'|'}{r********+'}ft+t++*++*f+t*+fi*i'l+t******++++**+*+a**+****Stat,ement Number: R070002587 Amount: $20.00 tt/26/2OO703:09 pM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 9?9/PAVAN E. KRI'BGER Permit No: DRB07O582 Tl4)e: DRB-Ch9 to Appr Plans Parcel No3 2101-111-0401- 6Site Addresa: 3974 BIGHoRN F.D vArLIocation: 3974 BIGHORN RoAD Total FeeE: S20.00This Payment: $20.00 Total AIJL Pmts: $20.00Balance: S0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript ion DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 SII ERRY DORWARD ASLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PO BOX 3766 BUFFEI-J R CREEK ROAD D31 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 November 26, 2007 Mr. Bill Glbson, Plonner Town of Voil Community Development Deportmenf 75 South frontoge Rood Voil, COBl657 Re: Londscope Pbn for Kemredy Residence - DRB Applicolion for MinorAlterolions Deor Bill: This leflerond lhe occomponying moteriols descdbe proposed londscope improvemenfs ol lhe Kennecly Residence on3974 Bighorn Rood. They ore inlended lo complete on eqlier oppllcolbn firom Morler Architecls for minor orchiteclurql ollerofions fo lhe residence. The Morter pockoge included o full sife plon, the improvemenl suwey of lhe prop€rly, ond cut sheeh for outdoor llghting. The enclosed drowings show more deloiled plon enlorgements of the two ouldoor qreos sloted for improvemenl: the fronl entry ond fhe lenoce focing Gore Creek ol the bock of lhe house. Hord surfoces in both creos ore proposed to be lightly tinfed concrete wilh o soncly-lexfured or smoll oggregote surfoce. the seoi woll wll be slucco to molch fhe house, with o cop of butf sondsfone. The proposed gos fire pif is o "Fogolo Gtrrnde" monufocfuied by Quodo-Fire lcul sheel encbsedl. We ore proposing to remove two Lodgepole Pine ond one Aspen lhot ore immediofely odjocenf fo lhe exisflng wooden deck. The pines ore o pofentbl ftre hozord ond hove not lhrived in lhol locotion. 'lheir removol gives the neorby mofure spruce more room qnd enobles us fo creoie o more othoclive krndscope scr€en between the Kenne{'s ond the neighboring house. The plon proposes seven new ospen fo reploce lhe hees lhql qre removed. Other pkrnf moledols ore listed on the following poge. Pksose coll lf you hove ony quesflons oboul lhe opplicolion. lhonks foryour lime. Be;ll regords. lnanntDn,f^^d Sherry Donrord, ASLA CC: Aoron ond Jenifer Kennedy; Povon Krueger, Morler Architects I7 0 .47 6.9 5 3 7 p h o n e / f a x 970.47 0.2930 cell sddorward@msn.com ;l 6-it pLI .r,lztc)f!3tcl5t9!;o()o () Eiz C) EO (l) o -ott op oc) E .C CuJ+c t*Ll- .rl#c(D Eo-R06*go=6ou.3Eg-EEOOJ9?stn.9F'zE 5eE66< *5 pcoU€ U.P E ;*eREx.Ue ss3tYE6 2 PROPOSED LATIDSCAPITIG Cggngn_l|1g3 OuantlH EbBotenlcel llame (VaeqePROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EOSTII{G TREES TO BE REMOVED ?uL-?-- Mlnlmum RequlEnerG fior tan&caplrB: GROI,NDCOVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TY?E OF EROSIOT.I CONTROL tleclduous Trees - 2" Callper Conlftrous Trees - 6'in hdght Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe @@ ^ii-q" A,4t,f reru"rztu tn a.ra a( q,oJ) rnunorrvo&€ifn"hiwd eVd't'+, 42 W dad n0\L --------- rnU,,OrvnO&hlA nrue (Vefu (t F:\cdcy\FoRl,6\P.rmits\Phnning\ONd fu nns\drb_minor_alt_&2&2007.doc Page 7 d 13 PtAltlT MATERIAIIS XENNEDY RESIDENCE IANDSCAPE ITPROVETAEifiS 7 ASPEN Populus hemublies (3 mulli*temmed' 1@ 2-112"1 6 ARO DWARF BLACK CHOKEBERRY Aronirz melooncqrq ebto'lroquois Beoufy' 4COr 6ANTTDOGWOOD Comus stolonlfero'lsonli' 5 SAt CREEPING SILVER WILLOW Solixsenonb 5 POT GOLD DROP POTEMILLA Potenlllb frulicoso 'Gold DroP' Note: All shrubs ore 5 golbn. z ar (rIO V rOitr 3 z I= 3 z 0sil4gr Ei se *E ;xd hHoF urog o \ + c; l- _1 ' *noz2-dtlnrEl1-l =v, NA.i= s*oEOrr Ei :!-N =-=:-a|/|iistr: Fr-r,Y?or.6q3-:tn ttt !oE ^>zY2EI =oo!i{r-^t9-F6 6mI tt C'EVt t.ovox ql I iE:EfiEE *EiFHE= ttl2 h:r g I{ 3ro ilo €oi ._roo Eo KENNEDY RESIDENIEMODET 3974 BIGHORN ROAD, VAil., CO CREEKSIDE TERRACE 2 toDGEPd$ .? r ASPEN 0q ro IE REI,IOVED - - --PROPERTY LINE '' a EXISTING SPRUCE EXISTING SPRUCE EXISTING SWALEa-rI ^4/*4fi**ou 9rucco wrTH SIONE CAP,aa EX'G SOD i TO REMATN / 11 - Att- MOUNIED FIXIUREEDGE OF.EVG wooD DEFK /n * 'j__U nI tl--a/l Scole 1/." * l'4" ' sh",ryDorwordlondscopeArchitectwe BOLD Build a grcat outdoor wood flre, or install the opUonal gas log fire klt. Fogata Crande is a focal point for any outdoor setting. FOGATA GRANDE, Whether it's a cool evening with family, friends or neighbors gathered around to reconnect with each other, or a relaxing night alone with a loved one, the Fogata Grande fire pit can wann up any moment. With its appealing ironsmith's looks and bold, daring finishing details, the Fogata Grande is designed to last for many years in any outdoor area as it slowly weathers with the seasons, taking on the characteristics of distressed concrete and iron, and blending with your other outdoor fixtures. 0ffi FOGATA GRANfr FIRE PIT OIM EN SIONS .i:-ffii 18O,00O (NC or tP) Optional Gas Log Kit Thc Fogata Grandc llc pft ls en exellcnt addltl,on for home, cabln and msort owners who w.nt to tum an ubthg ortdoor lMng a]Ga Into a fun, warm gethcrlng placc. Wlth lts large il!! and ablllty to produc! ovlr.to-lnch hlgh flamcs, thc FogAta Grande Provld€s an attractive altrmatly! to ln-ground flr! plts. Plus, its durablc c.$-lron constructlm withstands raln, snor and sun whlle lts casy{o-usc d6lgn mcans years of troublc-ttr€ opcr.tbn. Standard Accessorles. Clarslc lron flnhh wlll ndurally wgthcr end charpc dcpcndlng on cllmatc. 42-lnch dlam€Gr cast lnon bowl. Duratrlc, n.tJralt dlrtlrrstd concrlt! support lcgs. H€aryduty log gratc Optlonal Gas Log Klt Includes:. 2lfhcc log s.t. 3-rlng stalnlcss stld burncr. Volcank lava rock. leva rocl rctalner scrccn (not shown). Srfcty pllot lgnltlon ryrEm. outdoor rafcty plld ontaol valw al-rI-uuf,Dna-flPE 1.t45 North Hlghw.y, Colylllc, W 9911.1 www.qu.d?.fl?€.com . dX!926.4356 (pFt(EtrxE@ TECHNICAL GAS 8TU/llour Input-..........-......... Shlpplng 428 lbs. VoioliotE such ot bnrsh sttrk6 ond snvll pits oe noturdlly occ'Jring in tt|c hond fintshd dplditg prccess tor dre sold cost ion firc pit botd. You sfuud exp6t to 9e noturcl weoth'itlg such os s!./tfoce rust, Nint floking, and stoihing os it is d chordcteristic of tlld tt oteriol ond enlprc5 the dist 6sed ow@tunce ol you frte Fit over tine. TI!€ duabihty od integnty ofpur fiE pit ts not oftected by rtutuml t!/tloce weotheitry. Similot , the notuml ,Eoti pits, ond slalning ol lhe dutuble concEte tupport lqt Is lntentlonol ond odds to the tugged outdoot oftu of lrcur frre pit- Qladr}Fir€ offers a one year wdranty on our outdoor wood and gas headng appliancer to the origlnal purdras€r to b€ ftee fromdfus in mat€dal and workmanJhlp. Forfull warranty details go b www.quadrafire.com. Rcfer to th€ Own€r/lnrtallatbn Manual lo r .om plere c le, mnre requlrem€ntr and rpe.licationt. The in.g€r and des.riptionr in tlir bro<iule are proviH to a5siit )lou in prEduct r€l€ctlon only. Actual p.odrr€t appearance, lftludlng fhm€, may difierlrom pmduct lmaget. Quadra+lre li a rcglrter€d tr.d€marl of lleanh & H om e Tec lnologier. Produd rp€<ittationr .nd prklng tubj€<t to dtange without notice. Available From: