HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 1 LOT 4 LEGAL (2)lllltl urr ilril ll ln llttt lill ril lll rilr ttll -758 Pag€ : 06/ 06 oo j7, Gs* 845 1 of 13 l2OOl l2:2lP D O .OO PARTY WALL AGREEMENT AND COVENAIITS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS Lot 4A and Lot 48, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Rncrrer,s WHEREAS, Robert D. Hunter as to an undivided 40olo interest, Robert A. Rymer Trust as to an undivided 33olo interest, AMS Development, Inc., a Colorado corporation as to an undivided 20% interest and Mark J. Amsdenas to an undivided 1Yonterest ("Declarants') are the Owners in fee sirnple of the real property situated in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as Lot 4, Block l, Gore Creek SuMivision, County of Eagle, State ofColorado. WHEREAS, Declarants have constructed on the Property, certain improvements, intended for use and occupa.ncy as residential dwelling Units and which are divisible into two Units, to b€ designated hereafter as the "Lot 4N' afr the'I-ot 4B". WHEREAS, Said Lot 4 shall be suMivided into Lot 44. which shall contain Unit 4A and into Lot 4B which shall contain Unit 48. Dncr,lnerrox Declarants do hereby publish and declare that the following terrn, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses, resenrations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land described herei4 shatl be a burden and a benefit to Declarants, their personal representativeso heirs, successors and assigns, and to any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property which is described hereiru and improvements built thereon, thereon grantees, personal relrresentativeq heirs, successors, and assigns. l. Delinitions. Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: A "The Property''shall mean all of the real estate legally described as Lot 4A and Lot 48, Block l, Gore Creek SuMivisio4 Eagle Counry Colorado, according to the Map Sar. J Fisher Eagle, CO 29A R 65. thereof recorded in Reception No. Eagle County, Colorado. ofthe records ofthe Clerk and Recorder of B. 'I,ot" or o?arcel" may be used interchangeably. C. "IJnit" shall mean any Unit 4A or Unit 48 constructed on tlre Property." D. "Owner" shall mean a persorL penions, firm, corporation, partnership or association, otber legal entity, or any combination thereof, owning an interest in the Property. E. 'Map" shall mean the engineering survey of the Property by Peak Land Consultants,Inc., 1000 Lion's Ridge Loop, Vail, CO. 81657, depicting and locating with C;WI Dunf, nb{.ogsl5t66BdcoGPrttweld0c S€0aombd ll, 2(m l|]ilililtililililt]||til]tlfil ilililt|llllllll *?'lil'? ",,,R 55.00 D O.OOSara J Fisher Eagle, C0 298 specificity thereon the [.ots, Units and other irnprovements, zuch land and improvements being herein submitted to this Declaration. Such lvlap shall be recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to the recordation ofthis Declaration. 2. Description and Reservation (a) Every Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or otler instrument may legally describe a Unit or real properfy interest therein as follows: Lot 4.A, or 48 (as the case may be), Block l, Gore Creek SuMivisiorU according to the recorded Map thereof and according to the ParV Wall Agreement and Declaration of Covenants. Conditions and Restrictions for Lots 4A and 4B Recorded in Reception No.ofthe records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. (b) Every such description shall be good and sufEcient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encunrber or otlerwise effect the Lot and all appurtenant rights, benefits and burdens, thereto, as created by the provisions ofthis Declaratioq and each such description slnll be so construed. This provision shall apply to the Properties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration 3. Property Division (a) Declarants hereby suMivide the Properties into two (2) parcels for ownership in fee simple consisting of Lots 4A ard 4B, as more particularly described on the Map thereofattached hereto as Exhibit *A" and made a part hereofby this reference. (b) No Owner sha[ bring any action for partition or division of Lots 4.{ and (c) In the event Lots 4A and 48 are owned by the same entity, the doctrine of merger shall nsf apply. (d) The parties, if rnore than one, having the ownership of each Unit, slnll agree anrong themselves who to share the rights and obligations ofsuch ownership, provided, howevero that if a corporation" pa.rtnership, association or other legal entity shall become an Owner, and there shall be more than one entity, having concurrent ownership of a Unit, then zuch entity of concurrent Owners shall from time to time designate one individual who slnll represent such entity or concurrent Owners in all matters concerning all rights and obligations pwsuant to this Declaration. (e) Any zuch entity or concurrent Owners shall give written notice to tlte other Owners designating the individual to act on its or their behatl and such notice shall be effective until revoked in writms by such entity or Owners. Any act or omission by zuch designated individual shall be binding on the entity or Ownen having designated him in favor of the otler Owner or any person who may rely thereupon. C'.\ y Doom€nb\t€gst\5'l66iBbcfcoFPrtywaf doc S€pbmbsr 'll, 20m lllll ililil[lll !illill||t[||ll[ ffi u|[l,ffi 7"!f;, },,,,ara J Fish€r Eagl6, C0 (0 EachUnit slnll be considered a sepaxate parcel ofreal properfy and stnll be separately assessed and taxed. 4. Encroachments. If any portion of Lots 4A or 4B now encroaches upon the other parcel as a resuh of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result ofsettling or shifting ofany building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of tlre same so long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any building stnll be partially or totally deshoyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of a condemnation or eminent dormin proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other parcet due to rebuilding, shall be permitted, so long as such encroachments are ofnot greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5. Party Wall. (a) The common wall placed equally divided on the common boundary separating Lots 4A and 48 the footings underlying and the portion or roofover such wall are collectively referred to herein as the '?arty Wall". (b) To the extent not inconsistent with this Declaratioru the general rules of law regarding party walls and liability for damage due to negligence, willfirl acts or omissions shall apply to the Party Wall. (c) The Owners of either Unit shall have a perpetual easenrent in and to that part of the other Unit on which the Paxty Wdl is located, for Party Wall purposes, including mutual support, rnaintenance, repair and inspection. In the event of darnge to or destruction of the Party Wall from any cause, then the Owners shall at joint expense, repair or rebuild said Party Wall so repaired and rebuih. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, if the negligence, willfirl act or omission of any Owner, his family, agent or invitee, shall cause damage to, or destruction of the Party V/all, such Owner shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction, and an Owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the Party Wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the full cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. 6. Landscaping, Service Facilities and Parking. (a) In addition to each Owner's individual obligation to rtaintain each Owner's lot at their own expeff€, the Owner's fromtime to time shall undertake such comrlon landscaping and common general outdoor improvements including, but not limited to, driveway and parking areas, as they may mutually and unanimously deem proper for the hannonious improvement of both Units in a common theme, and except for any exp€nse of liability caused through the negligence or willfirl act of any Owner, his familn agent or invitee, which strall be borne solely by such Owner, each Owner shall share all expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor improvements. The Owner of one Unit shall not unreasonably damage the value ofthe other Unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, C:Wy Dod|tlnb[roaN166Bbkcoc+awd.doc S€obmbor 14, 2m0 lllllllltlllllltltllll ]lll illllilil ilt ililt ]]ilt !i#,7ti, ,, ",,Sara J Fish€r Easl€, C0 zsa R 65.00 D O.OO but both Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve barmonious common appearance of the Units. (b) Common utility or service connections or lines, corlmon facilities or other equipment and property located in or on either of the Units but used in common with the other Unit, if any, stnll be owned as tenants in comrnon of equal undivided one-half (l/2) interest by the Owners of each Unit and, except for any expense of liability caused ttrough the negligence or willfirl act of any Owner, his family, agent or invitee, which slrall be borne sole$ by zuch Owner, all expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership. The Ov*ner of the Unit on which such properfy is not located shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part ofsuch other Unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes ofmaintenance, repair and inspection. (c) It is expected that common access frcilities will be provided on a portion of each of the Units. There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each Owner over, across and through that part ofthe parking and access facility located on the other Owner's Unit. The Owners shall have equal right to the use of such access and no Owner shall hinder or permit his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other Owners and no Owner shall hinder or permit his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other Owners and his invitees to the Owner's Unit or park or permit his invitees to park any vehicle on the parking and access facility located on the other Owner's Unit without consent of the other Owner. As designated by the initial plans, sheet number A1.1, dated December 15, 1999, as drawn by TAB Associates, P.O. Box 7431, Avoq CO. 81620. Unit 4A has two (2) guest parking spaces to the west side of the gamge belonging to Unit 44 and Unit 48 has.two (2) guest parking spaces to the west side of the garage belonging to Unit 48. Any other parking in front of garages tbat may hinder access is prohibited. It is presumed that snowplowing will be required from time to time, the costs of which will b€ sharcd by the Owners. Other maintenance, repair or improvement of such parking and access facilities may be required from time to time, and the same shall be undertaken upon the unanirnous agreement of the Owners who shall share all expenses. (d) In addition to the covenants and restrictions set forth in this Declaratiort tbe Property and tlte Owners shall also be subject to the Access and Utility Easernent dated September 30, 1999, Recorded as Reception No.716062 on December l, 1999 with the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 7. Alteration, Maintenance and Repairs. (a) In addition to rnaintenance provided for, the Owners shall, at their joint expense, provide exterior rnaintenance and exterior repair upon the Units and the unimproved portions of the parcel upon which are located tle exterior walls and the roof of the Units; repair, replacement or cleaning of exterior windows shall be considered interior maintenance. Ifthe need for repair is caused ttrough the negligence or \Millfirl acts of any Owner, his family, agent or invitee, such Owner shall bear the entire cost of such repair or reconstruction. (b) In the event an Ovsner at his own expense fails to maintairf preserve, and replace as needed, the trees, shrubs and grass (the plantrngs) within the property boundaries ofhis C:Wy DodmonbU€galsl 66BHco|}Psrly$reLdoc Sspl€mb€r l{, 20m I ililt ilil ltilll lll lilil ilililllil][ lill i.i-i -iFi "r,." Eas l€, co 299 !ill*,ffil''ii; '2,,,Lot cornnensurate with the standards set by the otier residences in Gore Creek Subdivision, the other Owner may, after fifteen (15) day's written notice to that Owner, if within said time the Owner has failed to rnake good faith eforts to bring his plantings into substantial conformity with his neighbor's plantings, contract with responsible parties to bring to standard the offending Owner's planths and charge the Ovmer therefore and such cost shall be added to and become part of the assessment to which such Lot is subject. The Owner hereby grants to the other Owner, its agents and assigns, an irrevocable easenrent to perform the aforesaid work. (c) Each Owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair ofthe inside of his Unit including fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and equiprnent located herein and serving such Unit only; window glass and frames shall be deemed interior maintenance. In perfoming such maintenance and repair, or improving or in improving or altering this Unit, no Owner shall do any act or work which impairs the structural soundness of either Unit or the party Wall or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. (d) Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility equipment and property located in, on or upon either of the Units, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to one Unit shall be owned by the Owner of the Unit using such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be bome solely by the Owner of such Unit, which shall have a perpetual easerrcnt in and to that part of such other Lot or Unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair or inspection (e) No Owner shall make or sufer any structural or design change (including a color scherne change), either perrranent or temporary and ofany type or naturc whatsoever to the exterior of his Unit, or construct any additional building or structure of any type or Dature whatsoever upon any part of his Lot without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other Owner. In case ofdamage or destruction ofany Unit or any paxt thereof, by and any cause whatsoever, the Owner of such Unit shall cause with due diligence the Unit to be repaired and restored" applying the proceeds ofinsurance, ifany, for that purpose. Such Unit shall be restored to a condition comparable to that prior to the damage, and in harrnonious marmer, to promote the corunon theme of both Units. 8. Allocation of Expense. (a) Costs and expenses of common landscaping, service of common facilities, comnn driveway, comrnon alterations, common maintenance and repairs and except as caused by ttre negligence or willful act of an Owner, shall be allocated in the following proportions: Lot4A 50%Lot4B 50% 9. Mechanic'sLiens;Indemnification. (a) Except for item incurred as a common expense as provided for hereiru if any Owner shall cause any material to be furnished to his parcel or Unit tlrereon or any labor to be C:Wy 0Gnnenb!-€0aftSl668bctco|eParly'tlval.doc Soobmb€r 11. 2000 |ilililtililililililililmililililililtil] i,?,tit?,,,,, Sara J Fisher Easle, C0 29A R 65.00 D O,OO other Owner shall not under anv circumstances be ltable tor theperformed therein or thereo4 the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or material furnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the Owner causing it to be done, and such Owner shall Ss solsly responsible to contractors, laborers, material men and other persons firmishing labor or materials to his Unit or any irnprovements therein or thereon; nothing herein contained shall authorize either Owner or any person dealing through, with or under either Owner to charge the encumb,rance whatever; and, on the contrary, (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien encumbrance of any kind against one Owner or against one Owner's Unit for work done or material furnished to the other Owner's Unit is hereby expressly denied. (b) Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or omission of any Owner, any mechanicos or any other lien or order for the payment of money shall be filed against tle otber Owner's Unit or any improvements therein or thereorl or against any other Owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the Owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or other slrall at his own cost and expense cause the saurc to be canceled and discbarged ofrecord or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to zuch other Owner, within twenty (20) days after the date of filing thereol and further shall indemnify and save the other Owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claimso losses or damages, including reasonable attomeys' fees resuhing therefrom. 10. Insurance. (a) Each Owner slrall provide and keep his Unit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils, (including vandalism and malicious mischief) for the rnaximum replacement value thereof, (b) Each Owner shall provide and keep in force, for the protection ofhimself,, general public liability and property damage, insurance against claims for bodily injury or death or property dannge occurring in, on or upoq his parcel Owner in fee sirrple and the improvements thereon, in a limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 in respect of bodity injury or death to any number ofperson arising out ofone accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if possible against tort liability, zuch higher limits shall be canied and each Owner shall name the other Owner as an additional insured party under such policy. Each Owner is hereby rrmde aware that Natwal Haz,afi Insurance may be required by lender to insure said residences against any damage that may occur from a natural hazard flow. (c) Each Owner shall deliver to tle other Owner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be canied under this para$apt\ each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or modify the policies without giving the other Owner written notice of at least thirty (30) days. Each Owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies of the other Ovvner and require evidence of the payment of premiums thereon. (d) Nothing provided inthis paragaph shall prevent the Owners fromjointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more ofthe hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against each Owner. C'.Ult Door|lqlb\L€gatrsl 668H(GoGPrtntddc SeoFnber 14, 2qD iiit llil llill li ii illl li lli llll il !ii"7T,;,, ^,;;;"tii.h". eitt", co zes R 65 ' 00 o o 'oo I l. Destruction of Improvements on Parcel. (a) In the event of darnage or destruction to a Unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the Unit, shall be deposited into a bank account which requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the Owners. The Owner shall then promptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applied by the Owner to defray the costs thereof. "Repairs and reconstruction" or the Units, as used hereirl means restoring the irnprovements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the danr,age wiih each Unit having the same boundaries as before. O) Ifthe insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct any damage Unit, such damage or destruction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the Owner using the insurance proceeds and proceeds ofa special assessment against the Owner of ths damaged Unit. Any such assessments shall be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconsfuction or repair ofthe Unit exceeds the sum ofthe insurance proceeds allocable to such Unit. Such assessrnent shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after written notices thereof. The special assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of the Owner and a lien on his Lot and the irnprovements thereon and my be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in tlre courts. (c) Notwithstanding the above, the Owners and first mortgagee ofany or all of the deshoyed or damaged Units nmy agree that the destroyed or damaged Units shall forthwith be derrolished and all debris and rubble caused by such demolition be removed and the parce(s) re- graded "nd landscaped. The cost of zuch landscaping and demolition work shall be paid for by any and all insurance proceeds available. Any excess insurance proceeds shall then be disbursed to such Owners and their first rnortgages jointly. 12. Right to Lien. (a) If any Owner, at any tirre, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the other Owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after twenty (20) day's written notice unless the circunntances require immediate actiorl rnake zuch payment, on behalf of such other Owner, expend such zum as may be necessary to perfoml zuch obligation including, but not limited to, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the undertaking ofany work required for repair, restoration or maintenance, and zuch other Ownerns Unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or maintenance. (b) All sums so paid or expended by an Owner, with interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent ( I 8%) per year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payable by the Owner so failing to perform (the *Defaulting Owner') upon demand of the other Owner. (c) All sums so denrranded but unpaid by the Defaulting Owner shall corstitute a lien on the Unit of the Defrulting Owner in favor of the other Owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) fiens for taxes and special assessment; and (ii) the lien ofany first mortgag€ or first deed of trust of record encumbering such Unit. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage C:Wy Do(rlme$U€gr[5l ooBbdco|}Prtywaldoc Soolombor ll, 20m ||||iltl on real property upon tlte recording ofa notice or claim thereofexecuted by the non-Defaulting Owner setting forth the amount o111p rrnnaid indebtedness, the name of the Defaulting Owner, and a description of the Unit. In any such foreclosure the Defauhing Owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses ofsuch proceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien ofany first mortgage or deed oftrust, including all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer ofany Unit as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure thLrough the Public Trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure shall extinguish the lien of such ass€ssments as to payments thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any former Owner of personal liability therefore. The mortgagee of such Unit who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not, however, be liable for future assessments on the date it beconps the Owner of such Unit. No sale or transfer shall relieve such Unit from lien tlereof, In the event of the sale or transfer of a Unit with respect to which sums dnll be unpaid by a Defrulting Owner, except transfer to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the pruchaser or other transferee of an interest in such Unit slxall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. (e) Upon written request of any Owner, rnortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transftree of a Unit, the Owner of the other Unit shall issue a written staterrnt setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragaplL if any, with resp€ct to such Unit. Such statement is binding upon the executing Ov,'ner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good fritlr" Unless a request for such statement shall be compiled within fifteen (15) days after receip thereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of making zuch request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. 13. AdministrationandManagement. (a) Both Lot Owners shall be equally responsible for the administration and manag€rnent of the obligations created hereunder. However, in the event that both Owners cannot agree when a decision is required by this Declaratiorl the impasse shall be resolved as follows: (b) Decision required in year 2000 and every second year thereafter: Lot 4,{ Owner's decision is binding. (c) Decision required in year 2001 and every second year thereafter: Lot 48 Owner's decision is binding. 14. Override. In the event any Owner believes, based on the standard of the reasonable maq (i) that an impasse decision has been made incorrectly or contrary to the Declaration as (ii) that the Owner in uhirnate control is guilty of mis-, rnl-, or nonfeasance with respect to this Declaration then the aggrieved Owner may petition the Eagle County District Court for a judicial deternrination of the controversy which decision shall be binding upon both ill]tlSara lililllililllllr ffi;?294 R 65.00 D O.OO ]ililil||til|ilFisher Eagle, C0 t3 l2 i?lP CWy DGm€nb\t€0stt5l oGEHGo|}PstyWsf doc S€olemb€. 14. Am | ||]il ililt ilil||t ilt ]ililtl| ilil ilt iltlSara J Fish€r EagI6, C0 29A llllllll *=*l3l'? ",,,R 65.00 D O.OO Owners. The Court may assess costs and any reasonable attomeys' fees as may have been incurred by the parties based upon the merits ofthe case. 15. Right of Fint Offen In the event that any Owner desires to sell all or any portion ofthe Owner's interest in the Owner's Unit, then such Owner shall notify the Owner ofthe other Unit of such desire in the nunner set forth in Section 17 below. Such notice shall not be an offer, but it shall be in wdting and shall set forth the terms on which the selling Owner desires to sell all or any portion of the selling Owner's interest in such Unit. The other Owner shall have ten (10) days after the receipt of such notice to notify the selling Owner in writing that he desires to enter into negotiation to acquire the selling Owner's interest in such Unit. If the selling Owner does not receive a respons€ from the other Owner to the foregoing notice within such ten (10) day period or if the Owners camot enter into a mutually acceptable binding contract for the purchase and sale ofthe sslling Owner's Unit within twenty (20) days ofthe date ofreceiving the selling Owner's notice, then the selling Owner rnay list and sell his Unit free of the restrictions set forth in this paragraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply and shall not restrict an Owner transferring all or any portion of such Ovvner's interest in a Unit to an imrnediate farnily member, as a devise or bequest upon the death of an Owner, or upon the liquidation of an Owner that is a trust, partnership or limited liability company. 16. Use Restrictions. (a) Each Unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelling as a perrnitted use, and to such uses, as well as conditional and accessory uses as shall be allowed by Zoning adopted from time to time by the Town of Vail and other govemmental authorities with jurisdiction over the Property. (b) No exterior rnounted radio, short wave, televisiorl (excluding satellite dishes less than three feet in diameter), or other tlpe ofantenna whatsoever or tank ofany kind, either elevated or burie4 or clothesline or incarcerator ofany kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property (excluding a gas barbecue and deck fumiture) shall be permitted or maintained on either Unit without the prior written approval of both Owners. (c) No animals shall be kept or rnaintained in, on or upon either Unit, except that each Owner may keep and maintain within his Unit no more than two domesticated dogs and/or two domesticated cats; provided, however, that such domesticated animals are kept under control at all times, each Owner shall clean up after their animals, do not present a nuisance to the Owner and are kept controlled in strict compliance with ail County of Eagle and the Town of Vail ordinances that may apply to such animals. (d) In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in Paragraph 6(c), 'T-andscaping, Service Facilities and Parking", above, each Owner may keep no more than three (3) automobile vehicles permanently on his Lot. Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVs or recreational vehicles on either Unit is expressly prohibited. Parking of rnore than three (3) automotive vehicles by either Owner or his family, agent or invitee on such Owner's lot for more than a forty-eight (48) hour period is expressly prohibited. C:\fayth ns|6lleodsl668dco|}Prtywd'dc S€obmber 14, Am (e) No'1inre-sharing", "interval ownership", or similar interest, whereby ownership of a Unit is shared by Owners on a time basis, shall be established on either Unit without the prior written approval of both Owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed oftrust ofrecord on any portion oflot 4A or Lot 4B, which approval shall be reflected in a docurnent ofrecord. 17. Notice. Each Owner shall notify the other Owner of its mailing address and all notices or demands intended to be served upon Owners shall be sent by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service or registered rnail postage, prepaid, addressed in the name ofthe Owner at such registered mailing address. In the altemative, notices may be delivered in writing, personally to an Owner. Notices shall be deemed received: (i) if sent by an overnight delivery service, upon the next business day; (ii) ifsent by registered mail, upon the earlier ofactual receipt or five days after rnailing; or (iii) ifdelivered in persoq upon actual recerpt. 18. Duration of Declaration. Each provision contained in this Declaration which is subject to the laws of rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and remain in firll force and effect for the period of twenty-one (21) years following the death of the signatories to this Declaration, or until this Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever occurs first. All other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in full force and effect until 2010, and tlrereafter for successive period often (10) year period ofextended duratiorL until this Declaration is terminated by recorded instrunrent, directing terminatiorl signed by all Owners and all liemrs holding a mortgage or deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot 4A or Lot 48. 19. Amendment or Revocation. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only (i) by Declarants so long as Declarants own both Lot 44' and 48, or (ii) upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of all Owners and all lienors holding a mortgage or deed of trust or record on any portion of l,ort 4A or Lot 48. 20. Effect of Provisions of Declaration. Each provision of this Declaration, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaratiorl and any necessary exception or reservation or gmnt oftitle, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provisions of this Declaration; (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed of or other instrurnent by which any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot 4A or Lot 4B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed ofother instrument; (ii) slrall, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot 4A or Lot 48 by an Owner, be deerned accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant ofsuch Owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; and, shall be deemed a personal covenants to, with and for the benefit ofeach Owner ofany portion oflot 44 and 48; and (iii) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarants, for themselves, their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and also equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Int 4A and Lot 48. 21. Enforcement and Remedies. lllllll ffi:t;,.,,",,,, R 65.00 D O.oo ilililt ililt ilililt ilt ]il il]il ililt ilt ilfilSara J Fish€r Easl,e, C0 29A C:\rry Dmmenb\l-e0alsto6SbclGoGPsrlyw6ldoc SoDiambd ll. tt00 l0 (a) Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by any Owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorneys' fees. (b) Each Ov,'ner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be b'rought in and only in the District Court ofEagle County, State of Colorado. (c) Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operate as a waiver of any such provision of this Declaration. 22. Exercise of Rights. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one Owner with respect to the other Owner's Unit, including, but not limited to, the use of any easement granted herein slall be exercised in a rranner which shall not unreasonably hinder, irryede or impose upon such other Owner's use ofhis Unit. 23. Successors and Assigns. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Declaration shall be binding upon and slrall inure to the benefit of Declarants and each Owner and the heirs, p€rsonal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 24. Severability. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions oft}is Declaration in whole or in pad shall not effect the validity or enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration 25. Captions. The captions and heading in this instrument are for convenience only and shall not be considsred in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 26. Construction. When necessary for proper constructio& tlre masculine of any word used in this Declaration shall include the feminine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa. 27. Counterparts. This Declaration may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same inshument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarants have executed this Declaration this 2000. day of | ||lil ililr ilill] ilt ]il tililil ililt ilt ilil|Sara J Fish€r Eagt€, C0 29A lll llll *?,?3i.?',,,,,, R 65.00 D O.OO C:Ut Doq'|tglE\t{sMi 66kcoGPfir1ry{docS.'tmlr ll, Zm ll STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF €AC-LE The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this Robert D. Hunter. Witness my hand and official seal. Mycommissionexpires: ll lt3 IZODS STATEOFCOLORADO ) COUNTYOF The foregoing instrurnent as acknowledged before me this Robert Rymer as Trustee ofthe Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public C:w 00qnr€l|blto0dsl66BbtcGPrwd.doc setrmbsr 11. 2000 ROBERTA. RYMERTRUST i srRrE oF coLoRADo _day of ,2000, by ) ) ss. ) ) ss. ) | ||tilt ililt ililil ilt ]l] il]||t ililt ilt il||lgara J Fish€r EasI€, C0 298 llllll ffiH?,;,1,,, R 65.00 D O.OO h^- -V,t^rL- N.rrrrYvr*'l ip\ auy otfu 2oofrby l. rUtCftnft n'tOSS 12 STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTYOF EAGL-E- )D.tt,. f". The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this la day of AmtLffiA\by t!4arilln*iffi€r€s Trustee of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. )mn EFsf.eT A. IZQ'VIEQ-\J Witness mv hand and official seal. My commission expires: J. I{ICIIAEL MOSS NOTARY PUBLIC ST/rTE 0F C0L0RAD0-.--t-3Jvr-€i-1u4+.lr-4a l,lv Cnrnmrt<inn F r nrreq'fi71J{pl. {trru-ItlrC )z,eo3 STATEOFCOLORADO )) ss. COIJNTY OFDr...,'c,r- ) _ ,The !,regoing instrument as acknowledged before me this fia"V of ilf>,( ,2000, by I\{ark J. Amsden Witness my hand and official seal. Mycommissionexpires: rl L-t\-o\ STATEOFCOLORADO ) COLJNTY oF e)LLLE-. ?-oor The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this lL day of AtArUmOqUy Gregory M. Amsden, President ofAMS Development, Inc. Witness my hand and official seal. Mycommissione4pires:,' l': )zro.: $tt 9*fi;ffiffiil;;t1=;t"^- C:t y Dooinants\Legd5'!66gbckcoePslywd.d0c S€Dbmbor 14, 2000 I llllll llilt ilil||t ilt ]il il]il ililt ilt ilil|Sara J Fish€r Eagle, C0 29A lllllll ffiH?,;,?,,, R 65.00 0 0.oo 13 Deputment of Commulty Developmmt 75 SoUh ftontage Rod Yail, Colorsdo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 wvv,ci.vall.co.us April3,2001 AMfI DwclotrtrentInc. c/o Creg Amsd€o 5fi) S" Flmtrge Rd" E, Ste. 112 Vail,@ t1657 Re: fub fulor Ifr 1, Bleh I, Cion CtvL Strbrilvlslut / 51dd hld eron Dfi,e Dear Geg: Fublic Wcks md Ccurunity owelqmeot *afrbave revie$red tbe pqosed dupler plat fc Ld 4, Block I, Gce Cre* Subdivisio. There are a nunbc of cmctiurs that are requircd pic to agoal: o Under GEMRAL NOIES, thenotio "t,c 4 is sut{ect to the t€rms, omditims...730l38" is inoanectly nunrbcred as '8' $fr€n it rhq{d be '9'. o The CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERIIFICATE should have the following toa addod affa 'reccptio no.': lr book_rtFge- o Lastly, thc l0' (Holy Clcs) utility eas€m€ot shom running thorg! the middle of bch lds does nd aligE with the utility earareat $om m the final plat peparod by Eagle Valley Srrveying and recadod in Janury, 2000. Please €anlre thst thc carot tcatim is id€ntified and tbat the plat is rwieed acccdingly. Ooce tbes€ cqrectios hsve b€€o made, pleaee subinit the folloring infamatim to the Cmnunity Devdqment D@artmcDt: tr T\to (2) cqics of bdh mylars (with all requhed signatures);cl the fnal pty unll agreanent (signed and ndarized);q Proofthat t8x€s have been peid fr 2001; andO A chec;lr ftr $85.00 rnadc flrt to the Eagle Comty Clerk and Recader. If yul bave any questime c ccrcems, please do ncn hesitate to cotact me * 479-2148 c akjerdffaci.vril.co.us. Sinccdy, A0o Kjerulf Plennq I TmmdVail xc. Samuel Ecker, Pcak land Cosultants tr*nnuor ro Poaee,L Numben J* 3zs-8040) - */5qc7 78A i(Af f' Revised 5/2/92 Dale Received by the Community Development Department: APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapter 17.24 Y ail Municipal Code) DtvE MATLTNG eooaess *D.f. FBnufta Pn. FmT, &-. JIL Vnu, ft gtt st ,ro*, | 44{o- BGto B. APPLICANT'S REPBESENTATIVE ADDRESS C. PHOPERTY OWNER'S SIGNA MAILING (PLEASE PR|NT OR TYPE)A. APPLICANT t t\- f. tlrure,"' D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDREsS 5i r-or 4 eLocK--L-suBDrvrsroN E. F. ' ^'^ I1/)AppLlcATloNFEEgi00.00 pAtD lnfl,au oHECK * 05ffi sv: H*f. u MATEBIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submilted lo the Deparlment of Community Development. The plat shall include the following: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other subslantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenly{our by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half lo two inches on the left and one-hall inch on all other sides, b. Accurale dimensions lo the nearest one-hundredlh of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used lo describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easemenls, slruciures, areas lo be ressrved or dedicaled for public or common usss and other important lealures. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, are scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are 1o be determined by an accurale control survey in the field which musl balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. c. North anow and graphic scale. d. A systematic identification of all exisling and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names lor all slreets. e. An identilication of the slreets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or lacilities as shown on the plal, and a dedication lhereof 1o the public use. An idenlification of lhe €as€menls as shown on the plal and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. f. A wrilten survey descriplion oF the area including the tolal acreago lo lhs nearesl appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. g. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a descriplion of all monuments used in conducling the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado stalules. Two perimeler monumenls shall be eslablished as major conlrol monuments, the maler.ials which shall be delermined by lhe town engineer. h. A slalement by lhe land surveyor explaining how bearing base was delarmined. RECEIVEOl. A cerlificale by lhe registered land surveyor as outlined in chanreffi Itln, /Pot -c06 & PHONE JM PHONE Jir'tr FILING /Ec ot oo22- X t. lille as lo rhe accuracy of lh-e survey and prat, and rhar lhe surv€y was performedby him in accordance with colorado Revised statut€s i 973, Trrl€ 3g, Article s r - A cerlificate by an atlorney admined to practrce ln tho state of colorado. orcorporate lille insurer, that lhe owner(s) of record dedicaring ro the public thepublic righl-of-way, areas or facilities as shown lhereon are lhe owners thereoi infee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances excepl as noled. The proper form for filing of the plar with the Eagle counly clerk and recorder. cerlificate o{ dedication and ownership. should the certificate of dedication andownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to lhe public, allbeneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage hoiders on said real property will berequired to sign rhe ceriificate of dedicarion and ownershrp in addition to ih" 1""simple owner thereot. All current laxes must bo paid prior to rhe Town's approval of plat. This includestaxes which have been billed out bul are not yet due. The cerlificale of taxes oaidmust be signed on lhe plat or a statement lrom the Eagle county Assessors ctfficemusl be provided wit the submitlal informarion stating lhat all taies have beenpaid. 2. 3. n. Signature of owner. The plat musl contain the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the lols created by this subdivision are to be treated as ene lo1 with no more than two dwelling units allowed on lhe combined area ol the lgs lots.', The stalemenl shall be modilied lo indicate lhe number of unils and lols proposed_" A copy of lhe declarations and/or covenants relaling lo the subdivision, which shall assure lhe maintenance oi any common araas which may be crealed, The covenanls sharr runwith the land and shall be in a form suitable lor recording with tha Eagle counly clerk and Recorder. \I. 4. SchedulesA & Bof atille report. APPROVAL PROCESS. REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a cornplele submillal along with paymenl of the appropriate {e€, lhe zoning adminislralor shall roule ono copy of the sile map to the town enginear for his review. The zoning administralor shall then conducl this review concurrently. The lown engineer shall reviewlhe submiltal and return comments and notifications 1o the zoning administratoi who shall lransmitlhe approval, disapproval or approval with modilications of the plat within tourteen days to the appllcanl. The zoning administrator shall sign the plal if approved or require modificaiions on theplat for approval or deny approval due to inconsistencies wrlh the onginally approved plan or tailure to make olher required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The Departmenl of Community Developmenl will record the plat and any relaled covenanls wrththe Eagle county clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. T1e Community Development Department will relain one mylar copy of the plat for tireir records and willrecord the remaining mylar copy. H. lf this applicalion requires a separals review by any local, Stale or Federal agency other lhan the Town ofVail, the applicalion fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, bul are not limited to: colorado Departmenl ol Highway Access Permits, Army corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicanl shall be responsible for paying any publishing lees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, al the applicanl's request, any malter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to bere-published, lhen, the enlire iee for such re-publicalion shall be paid by the applicant. Applicatir:ns deemed by lhe Community Developmenl l)epartment to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significanl impact on the communily may require review by consultants other lhan town slaff. .Should a determinalion be made by the lown staff that an outside consultanl is needed lo review any applicalion, the Community Development may hire an outstde consuhant. it shallestimale lhe amounl ol money necessary lo pay him or her and this amounl shall he forwarded to the Town hy lhe applicant al lhe time he files his applicalion with tha Community Development Department. l1poncompletion of the review of the application by the consuhant, any of lhe funds forwarded by the applibant for payment of the consultanl which have not besn paid lo the consullant shall be relurnedlo the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess 01 the amount fonivarded by the applicant shall be paid to lhe'Iown by the applicanl within 30 days of notification by the Town. t oo [and Title Guarantee Gompany YOUR COTIITACTS Dtts 03-n-2n| Property Addrtss: IJOT 48, BI'CK I, GORB CRBBK ST'EDIVISION Buyer/Borrower: ROBERT A. R]MER AI{D MARILY-I{ M. RYMER OurOrderNumber: Vn042-2 Seller/Orrner: ROBERT D. HUNTER, ROBBRT A. RYMER TRUST. AMS DEVELOPMENT, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AI{D MARKJ. AMSDEN Note Once an ortginal commitment has been issued, any subsequent modtftcations will be emphaslzed by undenlining or comments.aall*rtlrt*lrlt*ta*tata*****at!a*tt*ttrt*rt***t**!3*t:ttata**a******rt:lrfl** If you have any Inqulrtes or requtre firrther asdstance, please contacf one of the numbers below: For Clostng Asslslance: For lltle Assistance:KathrFshim VailTitleDept./RA OO3O BENCHMARK RD. Nrc, PO BOX 3480 AVON, CO 81620 108 s. FRoNTAGE RD. W. #203 Phone: 90-949-5099 P.O. BOX 357F*z 90-94948T2 VAIL, CO 81657 Elrfail: t$inn@ltgc.oom Phore:940476-2251 Fax:. 9704764534 ESTIMATE OF IITLE FEES Ala Oumcn Policy lUlT-92 TOIAL form C0ilTlCT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERI ,. / " Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITM BNT Our OrderNo. Vn0432A 'rffriloA' Cust.Ref.: Pnoperty Address: LOT 4B, BLOCK 1, GORE CREEK SIEDIVISION L EffectiveDate: Mg4!4.2@,1at5:00P.M. 2. Poltcy to be Issud, and Proposed Lsured: 'ALTA' Ouncr's Policy l0-n -n Proposeil Insrcd: ROBERT A. RYMER A}.ID MARILYN M. RYMER 3. The estate or tnterest in the land ilescrlbed or referred to in thls Commitment and covercd herein ls: A Fee Simple 4. Tltle to the estate or interest covered h€r€ln ls at the effectlve date hereof vested in: ROBERT D. TUNTER, ROBERT A" RYMER IR,UST, AMS DEVELOPMENT, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION A}ID MARK J. AMSDBN 5. The lend referred to in rhie Conrmitment is describd as follorrs: I-OT 48, BLOCK T, CONS CITEST SUBDIVISION, A RESI,'BDIVISION OF I,OT 4, BLOCK I, GORE CREEK SUBDMSION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED _, AT RECEmON NO. _, couNTy oF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTE: SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION WILL CHANGE IJPON COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE B.SECTION I HBREIN. oa ALTA COMMITMENT .EqhleB -Socdoo I (Requirements) Our Oriler No, Y?:1M32-2 Tlre followlng are the requlrements to be complied wlth; It€m (a) Palm.ent to or br the rccount of the gnntonl or mortgagors of the ftll consideration for the estatc or intcrest to be ilsured. ' Itcm O) Propcr instrumeot(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be execued and duly Eled for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payo.ent of all taxes, charges or assesments levied and assessed against the zubject premibes wnic.t ul eue and payablc. IEm (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosedbelow: 1. PI-AT AND PARTYWALL AGREEMENT, ACCEPTABLE TO TIIE COMPANY, TO BE RECORDED IN BAGLE COUNTY. 2. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED JIJLY 03, 2OOO, FROM ROBERT D, HUNTE& ROBERT A. RYMER IRUST, AMS DEVEIOPMENT, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AND MARK '. AMSDEN TO THE PUBUC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR TTIE USE OF AIJINE BANK VAIL TO SECURE THE ST'M OF $I,OIO,OOO.OO RECORDED JI,'LY 17, 2OM, UNDERRECEPTION NO. 734745. DISBURSER'S NOTICE IN CONNECTION WTII{ SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED JIJLY 17, 2000, IJNDER PGCEPTION NO. 73N 4. 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TIIE COMPAI.IY THAT THE TERMS, CONDffONS AND PROVISIONS OF TIIE TOSAI OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRAI.ITY DEED FROM ROBERT D. HUNTER, ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST, AMS DEVELOPMEI$T, INC., A COIORADO CORPORATION AND MARK I. AMSDEN TO ROBBRT A, RYMER AIiID MARILYN M. RYMER CONVEYING SI'BIECT PROPERTY. AFFIDAVTTRECORDED SEPTBMBER II, 1998 RECEPTION NO. 669032 DISCLOSFS ROBERT A- RYMER TO BB THE TRUSTEB OF TIIE ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST. NOTE: SAID DOCLJMENT MUST BE E)(ECUTED BY THE PRFSIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT OR SECRBTARY OF TIIE CORPORATION. IF AN ASSISTANT VICE-PRESIDENT OR ASSISTAI.IT SECRETARY EXECUTES SAID DOCI,JMENT. A CORPORATE R3SOLUTION MUST BE PROVIDED TO I-AND TITLE GIVING SAID ASSISTANT AUTHORJZATION. L oa ALTA COMMITMENT 0&cfrlcB -Soctior2 (Exceptions) Our OrilerNo. vnM32_2 The poltcy or polides to be issued will contain cxceptlons to the followlng unless the same are disposedof to the satlsfaction of the Company: l. Rights or cl"ims ofparties in possession not shoum by the public records, 2. .. Easmcnts, or clainrs of easements, Dot shown by thc public records. 3. Disuepancies, conflics in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any gcts which a correct srwey anilinspection of the premises would disclose and which arc not shoum by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or maerial theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law andrct shown by the public records. 5. Dcftcis' liens, encrrmbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, createrl, first appearing in rhc public rccords orattaching subsequent to the eftctive datc hcreof tut prior to the date the proposed insureit acq,rir.s of rccord forvrlue the estate or htercst or mortgage thereon correred by this conmiment. - 6. Taxcs or ryecial asscssments v&ich are not shoum as existi"g liens ty the public records. 7 , Lieos for uryaid waler rnd sewer clarges, if any. E. In rddition' the ovmcr's policy will be subjcct to thc mortgage, if any, notcrt in Section I of Scherfule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIBTOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD TTIE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RSSERVED IN I'MTED STATES PATBNT RECORDED SEPTEMBBR 13, 1902, IN BOOK,A AT PAGE 491. 10. RIGTIT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CAI\TAIJ CONSTRUCTED BY TTIE AUTHORITY OF TIIEIJMTED STATES AS RBSERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATtsNT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 13,19q2, IN BOOK48 AT PAGE49I. I I. RESTRICTryE COVENA}ITS WHICH DO NOT COMAIN A FORFEITIJRE OR REVBRTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF AI{Y, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REUGION, ORNATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 10, 1969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 36I, 12, TERMS, CONDITIONS A}.ID PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT DEED RECORDED ruLY 20. I99O INBOOK 534 AT PAGE 2. 13. UTTLITY EASEMENT AND DRAINAGE WAYS 5 FEET IN WIDTI{ ALONG ALL INTERIOR LOTLINES AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK STJBDIVISION, .L ac ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section2 @xcePttons) Our 0rderNo. VnU32'2 The pollcy or polides to be lssoed wln coilaln emcptloru to the fotlowlng untess the some are dtsposed of to the satisfacdon of the Comp,any: t4. BASEMENT AI.ID RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS ST BIECT PROPERTY. 15. EASEMENTS. RBSERVATIONS AI{D RESTRICTIONS AS SHOS'N OR RESERVED ON TTIE PI.AT OF GORB CREEK SUBDIVISION RECORDED JANUARY 13, 2OOO RECEPTION NO. 7zu252. 16. TBRMS, CONDITIONS AI\ID PROVISIONS OF ACCESS AI{D UTIIITY BASEMBNT RECORDBD DECEMBER 01, 1999 AT RBCBMON NO. ?16062 AND MODIFICATION RECORDED DECEMBER2. 1999 RBCEPTION NO. 716/0/. 17. TERIUS, CONDMONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF HOLY CROSS ELBCTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BNBRGY TJNDBRGROTJND RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT RECORDED MAY 19' 2OOO AT RECBPTION NO. 730138. 18. BASEIUENIS, RBSBRVAIIONS AI.ID RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVBD ON TIIB PI-AT RBCORDBD _. t llDER RBCEPTTON NO. 19. TERMS, CONDMONS, AT.ID PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGRBEMBNT RECORDBD I'NDERRECEPTION NO. 20. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF BASBMENT DEBD RBCORDED MARCH 13. 2OO1 ATRECEmON NO. ?51629. PARTY WALL AGREEMENT AND COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS Lot 4A snd Lot 48, Block 1, Gore Cneek Subdivision Eegle County, Colorado Rncrrar,s WHEREAS, Robert D. Huuter as to an undivided 40olo interest, Rob€rt A Rymer Trust as to an rmdivided 33% interest, AM[i Development, Inc., a Colorado corporation as to an udivfoted 2ff/ofuercst ad lvlark J. Amden as to an undivided 1%'rnerest (Declarants") re the Owners in fee sirrple of the real property situated in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as Lot 4, Block l, Gore Creek SuMivisiors County ofEagle, State of Cobrado. WHEREAS, Declararfs have coostnrcted on the Property, certain improvemnts, htended for use and occupar'rcy as residential dwelling Units and which are divisible into two Units, to be designated hereafter as tle'I-ot 4A" and the'I-t 48". WHEREAS, Said Lot 4 shall fs zubdivided into Lot 4A which shall contain Unit 4A and into Lot 4B which sball contain Unit 48. Dncr.mlrrolr Deckants do hereby publish ard declne tbat the following t€,nns, cov€nads, conditions, eas€m€nts, restrictions, uses, reseryations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with th€ land described herei4 shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarants, tleir personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, and to any person acquiring or ovnring an intenest in ttr real property which is described h€reiq and inprovernents built thereon, thereon grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns. l. Definitions. Unless the context shall erpressly provide otherwise, the fonowing terms shell fuys the following rreanings: A. '"The Property'' shall rnean all ofthe real estate legally described as Lot 4A and Lot 48, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivisioq Eagle Cormty, Colorado, according to the Map theroof recorded in Reception No. Eagle County, C-olorado. ofthe records ofthe Clerk and Recorder of B. 'T-ot" or *Parcef'rnaybe used interchangeably. C. "Ilnit" shall mean any Unit 4A or Unit 4B constructed on the Property." D. '3(Dwner" shall mean a person, p€rsons, firrn, corporatio& partnership or association, other legal entity, or any combination thereof, owning an interest in tbe Property. 'lvlap" sball mean the engftrering survey of the Property by C\Xt thontd|bu4d5l66SHca+htlvCdc S.dnD6r tl, 2gD depicting and locating with specificity thereon the Lots, Units and other inprovenrnts, zuch land and irnprovements being herein zubmitted to this Declaration. Such lr4ap shall be recorded in the office of ttre Eagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to the recordation of this Declaration. 2. Description and Reserration (a) Every Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instnunent may legally describe a Unit or real property interest therein as follows: Lot 4A or 48 (as the case may be), Block l, Gore Creek SuMivisiorL according to the recorded Map thereof and according to the Party Wall Agreement and Declaration of Covenants. Conditions and Resfictions for Lots 4A and 48 Recorded in Reception No.ofthe records ofthe Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. O) Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, tansfer, encumber or otlerwise effect the Lot and all appurtenant rights, benefits and burdens, th€reto, as created by the provisions of this Declaratiou and each zuch descripion sball be so construed. This provision shall apply to the Properties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. Property Division (a) Declarants hereby suMivide the Properties into two (2) parcels for ownership in fee sinple consisting of Lots 4A and 48, as nrore particularly described on the lvlap thereofattached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereofby this reference. (b) No Owner shall bring any action for partition or division of Lots 4.{ and (c) In the event Lots 4A and 4B are owned by the sarne entity, the doctrine of merger slnll not apply. (d) The parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each Unit, shall agree anong themselves who to share the rights and obligations of such ownership, provide4 however, that ifa corporatiorl partnership, association or other legal entity shall beconp an Owner, and there shall be rnore than one entity, having concurrent ownership of a Unit, then such entity of concurrent Owners shall from time to time designate one individual who sball represent such entity or concurrent Owners in all rnatters conceming all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. (e) Any such entity or concurrent Owners slrall give written notice to the other Owners designating the individual to act on its or their behal{ and such notice sball be effective until revoked in writirg by zuch entity or Owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shall be binding on the entity or Owners having designated him in favor of the other Owner or any person who may rely thereupon C:Uly DoamonbUrgd5l66Bbckco6+argwd doc S€pbnbr 11, 2000 4B. (0 Each Unit shall be considered a separate pficel ofreal property and sball be assessed and taxed. 4. Encroachments. If any portion of Lots 4A or 4B now encroaches upon the other parcel as a resuh oftlre construction ofany building, or ifany such encroachrnent shall gssut' hereafter as a rezult of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for tbe rnaintenance of the same so long as the building stands, shall exist. Inthe event any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result offire or otler casualty or as a result ofa condernnation or eminent dornain proceedings and then rebuilt, errcroachnrents ofparts ofthe buildfus on tbe otler parcel, due to rebuilding, stnll be permitted, so long as such encroachments are ofnot greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenarrce thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5. Party Wall. (a) The corunon wall placed equally divided on the cornnon boundary separating Lots 4A and 48 the footings underlying and the portion or roofover such wall are collectively referred to herein as the'?arty Wall". (b) To the extent not inconsistent with this Declaration, the general rules of law regarding party walls and liability for darnage due to negligence, willful acts or omissions shall apply to the Party WalL (c) The Owners of either Unit shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other Unit on which tlre Party Wall is located, for Party Wall purposeq including mutual sPPort, mainterr4nce, repair and inspection In the event of damage to or destruction of the Party Wall from any cause, then the Owners shall at joint expense, repair or rebuild said Party Wall so repahed and rebuilt. Notwitbstanding anything contained above to the contrary, ifthe negligerrce, willful act or omission of any Owner, his fami$, agent or invitee, shall cause danage to, or destruction ofthe Party Wa[ such Owrrr shall bear tbe entire cost ofrepair or reconstructio4 and an Owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the Party Wall to be exposed to the elernents shall bear the flrll cost offurnishing the necessary protection against such elenrents. 6. Lendsceping, Service Facilities and Parking. (a) In addition to each Owner's individual obligation to maintain each Owner's lot at their own expense, the Owner's from time to time *ball undertake such cornmon and conrron general outdoor irryrovenrnts including, but not limited to, driveway and parking areas, as they rnay mutualb and unanimously deem proper for the harmonious improvernent of both Units in a comnon theme, and except for any expense of liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any Ov{rner, his family, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by zuch Owner, each Orvner shall share all expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor improvements. The Owner of one Unit shall not unreasonably danrage tle value of tbe other Unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, C:Uly thd!|mnG\t€gaisl66BE(GorBPrlrwsf doc S€obmi€I 11. Am bul both Owners shall make all reasonable eforts to preserve harmonious cornrnon appearance of the Units. O) Common utility or service connections or lines, common frcilities or other equipnent and property located in or on either of the Units but used in common with tbe other Unit, if any, shall be oumed as tenmts in cormnon of equal undivftted one-half (l/2) futerest by the Ownen of each Unit and, except for any expense of liability caused tluough the negligence or willfirl act of any Owner, his frmily, agent or invitee, which shall be bome solely by such Ov,'ner, all expenses and liabilities concerred with such property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership. Ths Owner of the Unit on which such property is not located shall have a pqpetual easement in and to that part ofsuch other Unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes ofmaintenance, repair and inspection. (c) It is expected tlat corunon access frcilities will be provided on a portion of each of the Units. There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each Owner over, across and tluough that part ofthe parking and access frcility located on the other Owner's Unit. The Ownen shall have equal right to tlre use of such access and no Owner shall hinder or pemrit his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other Owners and no Owner shall hinder or permit his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other Owners and his invitees to the Owner's Unit or park or permit his invitees to park any vehicle on the parking and access frcility located on tle other Owner's Unit without consent of the ot}er Owner. As designated by the initial plans, sheet nunber . dated asdramW- Unit 4A has two (2) guest parking spaces to the west side of the garage belonging to Unit 4Ao and Unit 48 has two (2) guest parking spaces to the west side ofthe garage belonging to Unit 4B. Any other parking in front of garages that may hinder access is prohibited. It is presurned that snowplowing will be required fiom tirne to time, the costs of which will be shared by the Owners. Other maintenance, repair or improvement of such parking and access frcilities may be required from time to time, and the same shall be undertaken upon the unanimous agreement of tle Owners who shall share all expenrs (d) In addition to the covenauts and restrictions set forth in this Declaration, the Property and the Owners shall also be subject to the Access and Utility Easement dated September 30, 1999, Recorded as Reception No.716062 on Decernber l, 1999 with the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 7. Alteration, Maintenance and Repairs. (a) In addition to maintenance provided for, the Owners shall, at their joint expense, provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon the Units and the unirproved portions of the parcel upon which are located the exterior walls aod the roof of the Units; repair, replacenrnt or cleaning of exterior windows shall be considered interior maintenance. If the need for repair is caused through the negligence or willfirl acts of any Owner, his frmily, agent or invitee, such Owner shall bear ths entire cost of such repair or recons{ruction. (b) In the eyent an Owner at his own expens€ farls to maintain, preserve, and replace as needd the trees, shrubs and grass (the plantings) within the property boundaries of his C:Uy D0cnn6n6[egdSl668bf G(frPa|ttll*doc s€@ib. t4, am Int cotrmrensurde with the standards set @the other residences in Gore Creek SuMivision, tbe other Owner may, after fifteen (15) day's written notice to that Owner, if within said time the Owner has friled to make good fiith efforts to brinC his plantings into substantial conformity with his neighbor's plantings, contract with responsible parties to bring to standard the offending Orvrer's planting and charge the Owner therefore and zuch cost shall be added to and become part ofthe assessrnent to which such Lot is subject. The Owner hereby grants to the other Owner, its agents and assigns, an irrevocable easerrcnt to perform the aforesaid work. (c) Each Ovmer sball be solely responsible for rnaiftenance and repair of the inside ofhis Unit including fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and equipment located herein and serving such Unit only; window glass and frames shall be deerned interior maintenance. In performing zuchmaintenance ard repair, or improving or in improving or altering this Unit, no Owner shall do My aot or work which inpairs the structural soundness of either Unit or the party Wall or which interferes with any easetrrent gxanted or reserved herein. (d) Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility equipment and property located in, on or upon either ofthe Units, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to one Unit shall be owned by tbe Owner of tbe Unit using such utility or service nnd all expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be bome solely by the Owner of such Unit, which shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other Lot or Unit containing zuch property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair or inspection. (e) No Owner shall make or suffer any structural or designchange (ircluding a color sclreme change), either perrnanent or tenrporary and ofany type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of his Unit, or construct any additional building or structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of his Lot without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other Owner. In case of damage or destruction of any Unit or any part thereof by and aoy cause whatsoever, the Owner of such Unit shall cause with due diligence the Unit to be repaired and restord applying the proceeds ofinsurance, ifany, for that purpose. Such Unit shall be restorcd to a condition cornparable to that prior to the damage, and in harrnonious manner, to promote the cornrnon therrc of both Units. 8. Allocation of Expense. (a) Costs and expenses of common landscaping, service of common frcilities, cornrnon driveway, corunon alterations, common maintenance and repairs and except as caused by the negligence or willful act of an Owner, shall be allocated in the following proportions: Lot 4A 5U/o Lot 48 SU/o 9, Mechanic'sLiens;Indemnification. (a) Except for item incurred as a cornrnon expense as provided for hereirL if any Owner slnll cause any material to be furnished to his parcel or Unit thereon or any labor to be CUtI Dcrf, nbUJed\siffi GorePrlrlvd.ft c S.95|nb{ tl, 2qn p€rfonned th€rein or th€reon, the other Owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the payrnent of any expense irrcured or for the value of any work done or material furnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the Owner causing it to be done, and such Owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, liborers, material rnen and other persons fumishing labor or materials to his Unit or my iryrovemems therein or thereon; nothing herein conained shall authorize either Owner or any person dealing ttroug[ with or under either Owner to charge the encumb,rance whatever; and, on the contrary, (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien encumb,rance of any kind against one Owner or against one Owner's Unit for work done or material fumisbed to the other Owner's Unit is hereby expressly denied. (b) Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or omission of any Owner, any mechanic's or any other lien or order for the payment of money shall be filed against the otbr Owner's Unit or any irryrovernents therein or thereorL or against any other Owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the Ovmer whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or otler shall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be canceled and discharged ofrecord or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to zuch other Oumer, within twenty (20) days after the dare of filing thereoi and finther shall indenmify and save the other Owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees resulting tlrerefrom. 10. Insurrnce (a) Each Oqmer shall provide and keep his Unit and all fixtures tberein insned against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils, (including vandalism and malicious mischief) for the maximum rqrlacement value thereof. (b) Each Owner shall provide and keep in force, for tlre protection of himself, general public liability and property damage, insurance against claims for bodily injury or death or property damage occurring irL on or upon, his parcel Owner in fee simple and the improvements thereorl in a limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 in respect of bodily injury or death to any nurnber ofperson arising out ofone accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if possible against tort liability, zuch higher limits shall be canied and each Owner shall narne the otler Owner as an additional insured party under such policy. Each Owner is hereby made aware tbat Natural Hazard Insurance may be required by lender to insure said residences against any damage that rnay occur from a natural hazard flow. (c) Each Owner shall deliver to the other Owner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this paragraph, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or modify the policies without giving the other Owrpr written notice of at least thirty (30) days. Each Ovmer shall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies ofthe other Owner and require evidence ofthe payment ofpremiums thereon (d) Nothing provided in this paragraph shall preved the Ovmers from jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against each Owner. C:\tly DGrs$\Legd51068HcorlPrw*doc S.trmb€.11, m 1 1. Destruction of Improvements on Parcel. (a) In the event of damage or destruction to a Unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the Unit, shall be deposited into a bank account which requires, for witMrawals, the signatures of both the Owners. The Owner shall then prorrytly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applied by the Owner to defray the costs thereof. "Repairs and reconstructiod'or the Units, as used hereiq rrcans resloring the improvements to substantialb the same condition in which they existed prior to the damage with each Unit having the same boundaries as before. (b) Ifthe insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct any damage Unit, zuch darnage or destruction shdl be prornptly repaired and reconstructed by the Owner usittg tbe insurance proceeds and proceeds of a spe,cial assessnrertr again* the Owner of the darnaged Unit. Any such assessments shall be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair ofthe Unit exceeds the sum ofthe insurance proceeds allocable to such Unit. Such asses$nent shall be due and payable not sooner than thirfy (30) days after written notbes thereof. The special assessment provided for herein shall be a debt ofthe Owner ard a lien on his Lot and the improvements thereon and my be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the courts. (c) Notwithstanding the above, the Owners and first mortgagee of any or all of the destroyed or damaged Units may agree that the destroyed or damaged Units shall forthwith be dernolished and all debris and rubble caused by such dernolition be rernoved and the parce(s) re- graded and landscaped. Tlre cost of such landscaping and demolition work shall be pard for by any ard all insurance proceeds available. Any excess insurance proceeds shall then be disbursed to such Owners and theh first mortgages jointly. 12. Right to Lien. (a) If my Owner, at any tinrc, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the otler Owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after twenty (20) day's written notice unless the circumstances require irmnediate action, rnake such payment, on behalf of such other Owner, expend zuch sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation furcluding but not limit€d to, tlre paynrent ofany insurance prsmfums required hereunder or the undertaking ofany work required for repair, restoration or maintenance, and such other Ovrner's Unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or m,aintenance. (b) All sunrs so paid or expended by an Owner, with intErest thereon at the rate ofeighteen percent (18%) per year from the date ofsuch payment or expenditure, shall be payable by the Oumer so failing to perform (the'Defauhing Owner') upon derrand of the other Owner. (c) All sums so demanded but unpaid by the Defauhing Owner shall constitute a lien on the Unit of the Defrulting Owner in favor of the other Owner prior to all other liens and encumbnances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessrnent; and (ii) the lien ofany first rnortgage or frst deed of trust of record encumbering such Unit. The lien shall sftasfi frsp th6 date when the wpaid sum shall become due and rnay be foreclosed in like manner as a rnortgage C:\tlt Dam€{rb!.ogalt5lo6SHcorsPadtwaLdoc S€pgnter 11, am on real property upon tb€ recording ofa Dotice or claim thereofexecuted by the non-Defrultrng Owner setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the Defauhing Owner, and a descripion of the Unit. In any such foreclosure the Defrulting Owner shall be required to pay the costs and expeilles ofsuch proceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shall be zubordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed oftrust, including atl additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer ofany Unit as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure tluough the Public Trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure shall eniaguisft the lien of such assessrnents as to paynents tbereof which become due prior to zuch sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any forrer Owner of personal liability therefore. The mortgagee of such Unit who acquires title by way of foreclosue or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not, however, be liable for future assessments on tlp date it becorres the Owner of such Unit. No sale or transfer shall relieve such Unit fiom lien thereof In tle eved ofthe sale or transfer of a Unit with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a Defrulting Owner, except transfer to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee ofan interest in such Unit sball be jointly and severally liable with tlre seller or transferor thereof for any zuch unpaid zums (e) Upon written request of any Ovmer, rnortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a Unit, the Owner of the other Unit shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount he is owed rmder this paragrapll if any, with respect to zuch Unit. Such statenpnt is binding upon the executing Owner in favor of any person who rnay rely thereon in good frith Unkss a request for zuch statement sball be corryiled within ffteen (15) days after receipt thereof,, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to tbe lien or other interest ofthe person requesting such statement. 13. AdministrationandManagement. (a) Both Lot Owners shall be equally responsible for the administration and managernent ofthe obligations created hereunder. However, in the event that both Owners cannot agree when a decision is required by this Declaration, the impasse sball be resolved as follows: (b) Decision required in year 2000 and every second year thereafter: Lot 4A Owner's decision is binding. (c) Decision required in year 2001 and every second year thereafter: Lot 48 Owner's decision is binding. 14. Override. [n the event any Owner believes, based on the standard of the reasonable rnan" (i) that an irnpasse decision has been made inconectly or contrary to the Declaration as (ii) that the Owner in uhimate control is guihy of mis-, mal-, or nonfeasarrce with r€spect to this Declaration then the aggrieved Owner may petition the Eagle County District Court for a judicial determination of tbe controversy which decision shall be binding upon both C\ yDoqmflbt€gdtstffrecrcorePrtywafftc Sopt€trbr la, am Owners. The Court may assess costs and any reasonable a:ttorneys' fees as rnay have been incurred by the parties based upon the merits ofthe case. 15. Right of First Ofrer. In the event tlnt any Owner desires to sell all or any portion of the Owner's interest in the Owner's Unit, then such Owner shall notifr the Owner of the other Unit of zuch desire in the rnanner set forth in Section 17 below Such notice shall not be an ofer, but it strall be in writing and shall set forth the terms on which the sslling Owner desires to sell all or any portion ef fts selling Owner's interest in such Unit. The other Owner shall have ten (10) days after the recerpt of zuch notice to notify the selling Owner in writmg tbat he desires to enter into negotiation to acquire tbe seling Owner's interest in zuch Unit. Ifthe selling Ovmer does not receive a respons€ from the other Owner to the foregoing notice within zuch ten (10) day period or if the Owners caonot enter into a mutually acceptable binding contract for the purchase and sale of the selling Owner's Unit within twenty (20) days of the date of receiving the selling Owner's notice, then the selling Ovmer may list and sell his Unit free of the restrictions set forth in this paragraplr. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions ofthis paragraph shall not apply and shall not restrict an Owner transfening all or any portion of such Owner's interest in a Unit to an immediate frmily n€mber, as a devise or @uest upon the death of an Owner, or upon the liquidation of an Ovmer thar is a trust, partnenhip or limited liability coryany. 16. Use Restrictions. (a) Each Unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelling as a permitted use, and to zuch uses, as well as conditional and aocessory uses as shall be allowed by Zoning adopted from time to time by the Town of Vail ad otber govenrmental authorities with jurisdiction over the Property. O) No exterior mounted radio, short wave, televisio4 (excluding satellite dishes less than three feet in diarneter), or other tlpe ofantenna whatsoever or tank ofany kind, either elevated or buri(d, or clotheslirp or incarcerator of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property (excluding a gas barbecue and deck fumiture) shall be permitted or maintained on either Unit without the prior written approval of both Owners. (c) No anirnals shall be kept or maintained in, on or upon either Unit, except that each Owner may keep and maintain within his Unit no more than two domesticated dogs and/or two domesticated cats; provided, however, tlat such doresticated animals are kept under control at all times, each Ovvner slrall clean up after their anirnals, do not present a nuisance to the Oum€r and are kept comolled in strict coryliance with all County of Eagle and the Town of Vail ordinances that may apply to such animals. (d) In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in Paragraph 6(c), "Landscaping, Service Facilities and Parking", above, each Owner may keep no more than three (3) automobile vehbles pernarcntty on his Lot. Parking ofboats, trailers, carryers, motor homes, ATVs or recreational vehicles on either Unit is e4pressly prohibited. Parking of more than three (3) automotive vehicles by either Owner or his family, agent or invitee on such Owner's lot for rnore than a forty-eight (48) hour period is expressly prohibited. C:Wy Docrnng|bt gdrsl6o8bckccPatlwd doc S€rbmb€r 14. Ax)o (e) No "tirne-sharing",'tnterval ownership", or similar interest, whereby ownership of a Unit is shared by Owners on a time basis, shall be established on either Unit without the prior written approval of both Owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed oftrust ofrecord on any portion oflot 4A or Lot 4B, which approval shall be reflected in a document ofrecord. 17. Notice. Each Owner shall notifi the other Owner of its mailing address and atl notices or demards intended to be served upon Owners qhall be sent by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service or registered rnai[ postage, prepaid, addressed in the name ofthe Owner at such registered mailing address. In the alternative, notices may be delivered in writing, personally to an Owner. Notices shall be deemed received: (i) if sent by an overnight delivery servic€, upon the next business day; (ii) if sent by registered mail, upon the earlier of actual r€cetpt or five days aftq mailing; or (iii) if delivered in person, upon actual receipt. 18. Duration of Declaration. Each provision contained in this Declaration which is subject to the laws of rules sometirnes refened to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule protnibiting umeasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and rernain in firll force and efrect for the period of twenty-one (21) years following the death of the signatories to this DeclaratiorL or until this Declaration is teminated as hereinafter provided, whichever occurs first. All other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and rernin in full force and effect until 2010, and tlpreafter for zuccessive period of ten (10) year period of extended duratiorl until this Declaration is temfnated by recorded instrunrent, directing termination, signed by all Owners and all lienors holding a rprtgage or deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot 4A or Lot 4B. 19. Amendment or Revocation. This fleclaration may be arpnded or revoked only (i) by Declarants so long as Declarants own both Lot 4A, and 48, or (ii) upon unanimous written approval in recordable form ofall Owners and all lienors holding a rnoflgage or deed oftrust or record on any portion oflot 4A or Lot 48. 20. Effect of Pnovisions of Declaration. Each provision of this DeclaratiorL and agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provision of this DeclaratiorU and any necessary exception or reservation or grant oftitle, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provisions of this Declaration; (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed of or other instrun€nt by which any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot 4A or Lot 48 is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or refened to in such deed ofother instrunent; (ii) sha[ by virtue ofacceptance ofany right, title or interest in any portion oflot 4A or Lot 4B by an Owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant ofsuch Oumer and his heirs, personal represertatives, successor's and assigns; an4 shall be deerned a personal covenants to, with and for the benefit ofeach Owner ofany portion oflot 4,ar and 48; and (iii) shall be deenred a real covenant by Declarants, for themselves, their heirs, personal representatives, succesrnrs and assigns, and also equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with ard upon tlre title to each ard every portion of l,ot 44, and Lot 48. 21. Enforcement and Remedies. C:Uly thcumsnb\b0al51668hctc0l}Prwr[&o Sopbnb€. 14, 200 l0 (a) Each provision ofthis Declaration shall be enforceable by any Ownet by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and orpenses in connection therewittu including reasonable attorneys' fees. (b) Each Owner hereby agrees that any and all actiors in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be b'rought in and only in the Distuict Court ofEagle County, State of Colorado. (c) Faihre to enforce any provision ofthis Declaration shall not operate as a waiver of any such proqtiee ef this Declaration. 22. Exercise of Rights. Any exercise of any right graded hereunder by one Owner with respect to the other Owner's Unit, including, but not limited to, the use of any easement ganted herein shall be exercised in a rnanner which shall not unreasonably hinder, irnpede or irnpose upon such other Owner's use of his Unit. 23. Succe$ors and Assignr. Except as oth€rwise pnovided herein, this Declaratbn shall be bindrng upon and shall inure to the benefit of Declarrants and each Owner and the heirs, personal representdives, suocessors and assigns ofeach" 24. Swenbility. Invalidity or rmenforceability of my provisions ofthis Declaration in whole or in part shall not effect the validity or enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration. 25. Captions. The captions and heading in this instrunrent are for convenience only and strall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration 26. Construction. When necessary for proper construction, the masculirrc of any word us€d in this Declaration shall include the feminine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa 27. Counterparts. This Declaration may be executed in counterparts, each of which strall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constihrte one and tlre sanre instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Declarants have executed this Declaration this 2000. day of Robert D. Hunter CiI, Ood|nsrds\fled6f o8Bfdco.lPrflVardoc S€Frbf4,2U)l1 lvlark J. Amsden AMS DEVELOPMENT,INC.ROBERTA RYMERTRUST By:By: Gregory M. Amsden, President Robert A. Rymer, Trustee STA]EOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. )COI]NTYOF COUNTYOF The foregoing instruneut as acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2000, by Robert D. Hrmter. Wihess my hand and official seal. My connnission expires: Notaryhrblic STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. ) The foregoing inshument as acknowledged before me this _ day of . 2000, b!. Robert Rlmer as Trustee ofthe Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witness myhand and official seal. My cornmission expires: Notarv Public C:Ury D0d|m€n6\LggdrSlfrlBbc*GorePgw*&0 S€lbmb€r i1, Ano t2 STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss.CoIJNTYOF_ ) The foregoing instrum€Nil as acknowledged before nre this - day of . 2000, by N,Iarilyn Rymer as Trustee of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witness myhand and official seal My commission expires: Notary Public STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss.CoITNTYOF_ ) The foregoing instrurnent as acknowledged before me this _ day of . 2000, by IvlarkJ. Amden Witness my hard and official seal My commission expires: NotaryPublic STATEOFCOLORADO )) ss.couNTYoF_ ) The foregoing imtnrment as acknowledged before me this _day of , 2000, by Gregory M. Amsd€n, President of AMS Development, Inc. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: NotarvPubtc C:UltDcnE|ts{redsl66gHcoreP'|t sldoo S€fl3m!{ r{ 20(tr l3 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StTfiCMCNt r*tttftttflltflllfflrtllt*f*tff*rifttt'trttl'll*ti+fltt*tffl+*f*f'|*fl'lil'tt*'t'tlll*'fttt*ll'frtl'l gtatenent llunber: R000000531 Anount: $350'00 $ 123l2oolo4t21 Pll Palment llethod: Check Init: JAR Notation: 0599 Permlt No: Parce1 No: Site Addreae : Irocatldr: Thl.s Palnncnt: P8C010022 2099r52L2004 5166 BIIACK CIORE Type: PEC - Mlnor Subdlvleion DR \TAII.' Total Feea: Tota1 AI,L Ptnta: Balance ! 250 .00 100.00 1350.00 $350. O0 00.00$3s0.00 *rtf*'}tf*ttlt+t*ftttll*ffft*t't*+a*l'i*l+'t|t*t'|t*tl*iftt't't*ttlta*l't*t***tft**rll+ttftttll+ftl*l ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriPtion Current ffis **ilAMD FEES** Pl, 00100003112500 MIVED FEES OTHER FEES.PEC TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO stalanent fftttttt*fffllfftt'lr*lrlll'ltllilt**tlf*iffliatl'lifl*tf*llft+l+t'l+l*tl'rlll'l*tlttf'ltl'tflltrfll EtaEem€nt Nunber I R000000531 Anount: $350'00 Bl23/2ooLo4:24 Pll Palrment llcthod r Check Init: iIARNotatlon: 0599 Pennit No: Parcel llo: Eite Addresg: Iocatidr: Tl Ls Palm.nt : PEC010022 2099L82L2004 5166 BIACK GORB I:/pe r PBC - inor Subdlvlelon DR I'AII. Total FeeE 3 Total ALL Rnte: BaLance: 250 .00 100.00 1350.00 13s0. o0 90. o093s0.00 *rt*'l*!t*l*l***t*tlll*illa**f+li*ri**lt*f*'ttf'ff*ltt'f*'t*tltt*l"lftt'*iitt'|*ff+ti*ft''t'tlt*t'l*ttltt ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts *I,JAMD FEES# P|.| 00100003112500 I.IAIVED FEES OTHER FEES-PEC ||lr? Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Groshire Duplex Project Description: Addition of 13.5 square feet of GRFA Owner. Address and Phone: Project Number: Prj00-0271 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Greg Amsden, Amsden, Davis & Fowler Real Estate Project Street Address: 5166 Black Gore Drive Legal Description: Lot 4, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision Parce I Number : 2099 | 82120 | |BuildingName: Comments: Project#: ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBE STOS ABATEMENT ISSUE S _ 47 9 -2325 * *'('r Board / StaffAction Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans dated 9/18i00 Town Planner: George Ruther Date:9i18i00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\97\l DRBAPPR. FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 T0lth,m Questions? tt onrrins Staff at 47s-213a APPLICATION FdR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION Thb application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring deign review must receive Design Rwielv approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific informatjon, see the submittal requirernents for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted unul all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires on€ year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. B, c. D. E. F. G. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: TYPEvH. pincn * 2I9518Z1LOLL (contact Eagle co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcer #) tr Minor Alteration - I|AME OF OWNER(S): owNER(S) SIGNA NAME OF APPUCANT: PHONE: OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. Mdition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site impro\rements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are b be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identiry the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project \Eluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THrS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMEI{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMET{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL COLORADO 81657. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: MAIUNG ADDRESS: BECDIYDD$F? O 5 fl[ a? ZONE CHECK Lcgal dcscription: Lot Block I Fifing Addrcss Owncr Architcct Zonc district Lot sizc Phone Phone Proposcd use Buildable Allowed E3+Proooscd - Total Remaining Permittcd Slooe %Proposcd.slopedkz-'z Yes -/ No l) Percent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Sctback (30) (5 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanche c) Dcbris Flow Yeszl No b) RocKall OV Prcvious conditions of approval (check properry ne;: fe€. FJr+/ ilor4, rotalcPrA 1d$+ @ =5rgp?*a-.s,ffis l<*.st' Primary CRFA _ + @25) (6tS*1- Sccondary GRFA + (425) (675*) =_ + 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docsthisrcquestinvolvea250Addition? iln, A ZO i= gof pe.r?rifiep Horv much of the allowed 250 Addition is uscd with this rcouest? N l4 - Sitc Coverage Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping RctainingWall Heigbb Parking Garage Credit Drivcway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Environmental4lazards 48!V ffi+ o =3g? t,1o.l (30x33) Front Sides Rear 20' l5' l5' Minimum lql4qo O lg3b1 3't6', nequirea Nl[ ZrJ,6\ 3?. 9o l?,3b1 *la (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Enclosed Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc:r{o ir 5..'' -^,.r:rd DESIGN REVTEW CIIECKLIST Q SURVEY -'i ' ,.ti tr sneprelr -----.'-"' I'., i I i-: I Encroachments Setbacks .1. : Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') Decla/Balconies Garage.connecfion Site Grade\Slope RetainingWalls Scalc Benchmark Leeal descriotion- .... ..- \ .:-:,.' ' Lot Size Easements Topography 100 yr. flood plain --: : stwat# i!&ri=.lb.iddr. i Environmental Hazardi' _! 1€{ Fees. Utility locations Spbt clcvations 250 additional GRFA , Cragl\Attic SpaecL EHU E BI.ILDE{GELEVATIONS Scal e ' .'t- ColorWaterials Roof Pitch ,lt'1t',rl: -'.;tJ r!. ' l to '. .;'.'t. l ' q '."-l; l '.rtt /. - 'FuildingHeight ''l ? i a. Title report (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Pbotos of sitc Building material samples C.O. Verification SunLShade Anglcs Utilities (underground) View Conidors Variances EJ,ANp.ScAPE PLAN Existing tces Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS "- Condo Approval 1; "';i.1t.: Fences Plat reshictions Parking/Garage TumingRadius Driveway (acce Snow Storage Fire Access :ilt l .r I . /r Chicago Tide Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Address: LOT 4A, BLOCK I, GORE CREEK SIJBDIVISION 1. EffectiveDate August 11.2000at5:00P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, anil Proposed Insureil: "ALTA' Owner's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: JEFF MOEDE AND KENDRA MOEDE OurordenNo. V26969+3 Cust. Rd.: $985,000.00 3. The estate or intertst in the land described or rderred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or lntertst covererl herein is at the effeclive date hereof vesteil in: ROBERT D. HUNTER, ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST, AMS DEVELOPMENT, INC., A COLORADO CORPOM^TION AND MARK J. AMSDEN 5. The land rdeneil to ln this Commitment is described as follows: LOT4A, BLOCK I, GORECREEKSUBDIVISION, A RESI'BDTVISION OFLOT4, BLOCK I, GORE CREEK SUBDwISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED _, AT RECEFTION NO. _, couNTY oF EAqLE, STATE OFCOLORADO. NOTE: SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION wlLL CHANGE UPON COMPLIANCE WTTH THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN SCIIEDULE B-SECTION I HEREIN. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our OrderNo. V269694-3 The pollcy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfacfion of the Company: l. Righs or claims of panies in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, eDcroacbments, and any facts whidr a coEect suwey and inspcction of the premises would disclosc and which are not sbown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretoforc or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shownby the public records. 5. Deftcts, liens ercumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in $re public records or attaching subseguent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of reconl for value the estate or intercst or mortgage thereon covered by this Commiment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not sho$m as sxisiiig liens by the public records. 7. Liens for uryaid waten atrd sewer c,harges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schefirle B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT Tl{E PREMISES AS RBSERVED IN UNTIED STATES PATENTRECORDED SEPTEMBER 13, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGB 491. rO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUTHORITY OF THE I.'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTIED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 13, I9O2, IN BOOK 48.AT PAGE 49I. 1I. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURB OR REVERTER CTAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER IO, I969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 36I. 12. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT DEED RECORDED JULY 20, I99O IN BOOK 534 AT PAGE 2. 13. UTILITY EASEMENT AND DRAINAGE WAYS 5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF CORE CREEK SUBDIVIS]ON. ||O ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (ExceTtions) Our Order No. V26969+3 The policy or pollcies to be issued witl contain exceptiors to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 14. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVAIIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF CORB CREEK STJBDIVISION RECORDED JANUARY 13, 2OOO RECEMON NO. 72U)52, 15, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ACCESS AND UTIUTY EASEMENT RECORDED DECEMBEROI, 1999 AT RECEPTION NO. 7T@62 AND MODIFICATION RECORDED DECEMBER 2, 1999 RECEPTION NO. 7I@04. 17. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ENERGY I'NDERGROIJND NGIIT OF WAY EASEMENT RECORDED MAY 19, 2OOO AT RECEPTION NO. 730T38. 18. EASEMENTS, RBSERVATIONS AND RESTRICIIONS AS SHOUN OR RESERVED ON TIIE PLAT RECORDED -. I'NDER RECEPTION NO. 19. TERMS, CONDMONS, AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED I.'NDERRECEMONNO. I oo.D,/ LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSTJRE STATEMEI\N Required by C.R.S. l0-lL-L22 A) The subject red property may be located in a qpecial taxing disnict' B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each axing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The infornation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obaincd ftom the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the C@ffy Assessor. Effective September l,1997, CRS 30-10406 requires that ail documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and rccorder's of6cc shall contain a top margin ofat least one inctr and a left, right and bottom margin of at lease one half of an inch. The clerk and recorda may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, €xcq)t that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents usi4g forms on which space is provided for rccording or filing information at the top margin of tbe doqment. Noe: Colorado Division of Insurance Rcgulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article W rcquires that "Every title entity strntt be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whcncrrcr the title entity coDducts the closing and is responsible for recording 6 filing of legal docomcnm resulting from the transaction which was closed'. Provided that hnd Title Guaranrce Company cooihrcts the closing of the insured transaction and is respolsible for recortliog the tegat docrmcnb from the trauaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lcndcrs Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available(typically by ileletion . of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commiment ftom the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A. The land despribed in Schedule.A of this commitment must be a single family residence which ircludcs a coodoninium or tovmhouse unit. B. No labor or materials have been ftrrnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction oh the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 nonths. C. The Cmpany mrst receive an appropriate affialavit indemnifying the Company against un-filal mechanic's and oaterial-men's liens. D, The Cmpany must receive Eayment of dre appropriate premium. E, If there has been constnrciion, improvements or major repairs undertaken on dre property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Cornmihent, the requirements to obtain covenge for umecorded liens'will include: disclosure of certain construction inforrnation; financial information as to thc seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premiun fully executed Indernnity Agreements satisfactory to 0re company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of ttre aforesaid infornration by the Company. I No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Nottring herein contained will be deenrcrl r.r ohligate the company to provide any of tlte coverages referral to herein unless the ahovc conditions are fully satisfied. "-+ t_LJ_l_LJJ_r. Q H Il l*l$ !illiIi 'l _ ll l*lJ| tli il fl H- lllilil a I|l il q I -A_ _Jrl -nJ -rJl-T"-r H lllilii {ti q I -,-.']- -rl-nl 322Ho 'rt.a py3\\.=gHF - rtl - r-r It--l o\"'- GRTATIROOM 3 99'-11- DECI{'|r) ,q #trs+ GRTAT ROOM llllr' tlt I I|l --_lJ-l--"n I ) I I ..'l _rrl -nl lr-l -"r I _ -!-1 - -nl -! -+rt,-T" -l til lllilii tlt - - -lrl )I J -ljl- T1J -.1In:Iit- -l-t _ _rl - --r i_rl - -nl --!J l!ea d 2sulCA :8 -s =t'U a€r? = IE rl Il il' d I ll' s cl tt $/.N \, e\b _{ g'E= '5 €xga248."--F ,X F 4 g e'6 €eEA I ll/ .n-#r\n',n' \ s\.'r^f'rjd s gcrgslrj jt ) -v 1ltlit* \a llllr' tlt I I|l --_lJ-l--"n I ) I I ..'l _rrl -nl lr-l -"r I _ -!-1 - -nl -! -+rt,-T" -l til lllilii tlt - - -lrl )I J -ljl- T1J -.1In:Iit- -l-t _ _rl - --r i_rl - -nl --!J l!ea d 2sulCA :8 -s =t'U a€r? = IE rl Il il' d I ll' s cl tt $/.N \, e\b _{ g'E= '5 €xga248."--F ,X F 4 g e'6 €eEA I ll/ .n-#r\n',n' \ s\.'r^f'rjd s gcrgslrj jt ) -v 1ltlit* \a . .-t 75 8. Frontago Road - V.!1, cO 81657 Account No. 001 0000 314 11 EOTaoo-d3illl 001 0000 314 11bdtoo-ofu-i4il Tom of vail6'dT!d005iTll r+r crsiriGi'ftarpr *r* 66'TT000-31All DflTE: 9/e7l0e el RErErpT: ill3e45 ffi pEslEil#fillflFE olY ffiIf,-e001 0000 314 1,1 fr|F 0€U Itf, 6dTT6603i411 ffi ff*"*lb* fse.m001 0000 314 1: STE: 9/07/@ rrxrr iiiiiigr06TId0dETat' Torfl- nfcK '-' '--'i5s.m b61 0moTlzT Afrrf{T rEND€fl$ ts0.00 ooi 0006 314 r !l.9t.9'o.o.9g=153( rsfi y{rj Ft]R ynJR FAytrr{Tl001 0000 311 2: ooTToooTiEz ooiaoo-b 3Tfu( gqtl666er27odb l56n afrCrton ree*- - Plea.€ m.k€ chcckr p€yrt c b thc TOtlrN OF Rer Dat VAIL TdeT CB CB CB BF XC MS MS PN CL SP ;eipt No. "22a,.P.a Total $5.00 I' $50.95 i. E60.65 t- s36.00 l. 555:0d-f' $3s.60 I'fu6T'F $42.60 I' 9e.e5 I' Fi6:6d:T; $12.75 I' --,-+-- Ir s7.oo F s0.25 l' $4030 F 00 001 00003124000 Addtond Slgn Applicadon Fee SP 001 0000 3't1 2200 Design Rsvia/v Board Fee (Pr+paid)DR LaQ'g<-/ 001 0000 315 3000 Buildin g Investigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Dowlopor lmprowm.nt Aorsemsnt D€p6lt D2-D€P1 0 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Rostaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. A8sess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000 20'l 1000 Taxable O 4.5% (Stats) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 3101100 Taxabb |o /t.0% fTown] - Relall Sal€s Tar TI Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPUCATION FEES 001 0000 311 2s00 Addfional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 q000 311 2500 Conditonal Use Permit PV $200.00 001,0000 3'r 1 2500 Etedor Alteration - Lese than 100 sq. ft.PV i200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft.PV i500.00 00'0000 311 2500 Special Developmont District - NEW PV $1.500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Major Amend PV $1.000.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Special Dwelopment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivi8ion Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.0000't 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code AmendmCnts PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:fl). commentE: M./,t.a +b / '-, 4r-2,.&*, Gach_ MoneyOrder#Check #Received F:/Ev9DDn./FomdsalasacLo(e 06,!09:1000 Sr^+r4;*,, -fr, tl ll, Ra4;r4 11'f 4 Sixteen Road . Fruita, CO . 8152'l Phone: (888) 858-WALL or (970) 858-9030Fax: (970) 858-0696 Dan Stanek Eagle Coun$ Building Department P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Kevin Gregg Draftsman Subiect:Subfooter Requirements for the Groshire Duplex, located at Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision. Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Stanek,April 13,2000 The sub-footer requirements for the Kennedy residence located at Panorama Heights, Lot 29, are based on an assumed soil bearing capacity of 2000 PSF along with Superior Walls of America's published design guidelines. The soil bearing capacity of 2000 PSF along with a 24" wide by 6" deep gravel sub-footer will accommodate the total load induced by the proposed structure without fail. The subfooter requirements are based on Superior Walls of America's Engineered guidelines based on the assumed soil bearing capacity. lf the soil bearing capacity changes after excavation notify Superior Foundations of the Rockies before construction. Sincerely, ,L?1- c 3 )c WW John Gilmore, PE CivilEngineer 25 Allegheny Square, Glassport, PA 15045-1649 Phone: (412) 6U-7788 Faxi (4121664-7717 k?ru Administrative Offices: Sheet 1 of 13 oI I IcltCllrl .-F Iol3l(Dl (./) | FI <-+ |cl (Dl I I I t=l .-|- |(Dr I I x ,t()r z. C:f a )< )t(x p -D -l=-.yo_= (Dptn f -(Do <-f-(f t=-t -5rtc)pc o_€qc -.c-. rl =(D <-r-(on -- tn <-+ c) .-+ -J op(Drtlr'r af -. -op + -c) (oco .(D Ln <. -F (D-o_ .J- --t)(D <)o- -) -r1 c) f- c1 e (A cd E -1J v, --op-5(Drlc=-Jc -3ir(D(n-_.=o .() (D3.-+P-.(D-(D(-. (D(D <-+ (o u o_- (D -t == = (D = 3 (D '. na <+o o-(D p - <-+ o3 -- O-.. O-= -t(D-.4 " --b F- t!_. \\ -< c)an c) pc) (Dru..o-.J-5.' o..o Q-n oo .. \ ^-< :)-(-)tn urnor=o= = ,'O C) cl -O -.'\ O |_- C)- TU E(D(D C(D (= - lJ'l =\(Do_OLNP(:) <+ a =n (t)'- (^) .- --J I-U - qJ I t= ! 'lHCO <./t A f- | F Io -a c (D o =-! | - |! I ' E(O -5 C p | -. I-I] .-() - '-(D.+(D r (.o ip I o -.- | ir -o= c-)- a-) \A | (,a I(Do (D c o <./, I c I'- a-)- -|- l3 |tn(D(^coccr3l3 '_3 o- t F i-i ln -r = C - \n r - 1o o 3 r-< i<-i -i -F -Cf -! | ipoo()atEl o -!o_ ' - I-.o-.aLntol o-r.ll(o --(o u) | rE I (D = o f ln (D Ltl (_-T--lc)ED>t= 5*-ts5HtsP+ z. T-l -o)(o F\)O@.P(J|lcl - r ctl 5,55,_o-)_or)-q)q)(a)'* C)@(D(J\ @ J '+ +ru-s+++CD<| | r I QO(/) <.1 (a a./) | | O <-l <-t <+. .-l- H FJ <-+c c c c \\oo-oo-F-tsvrl,(n(n p -5 ===(= (..) - LN -'t 3 p vtc-'t (D -t 3 \-srr\J cl o t- tn $ PTI.R STLID !/ITH 2 #4 REBAR VERTICAL s ri l5'? 1/4" 48' X 48' X 12' PRE_CAST PAD SOLID 45 + 3 STUD PACK I LARGE COLUMN PAD CU tn 17', 3/16' --...j-...t-rF.-::!:iga]*r" I - oI I E ai\ I--I Hqr-i + >\rixp NUsIz $$ $$ $N U2 -trlFoH '€o z,E=> e.--.1ct)e'€'+ F' -o -!xt5(r2 -rt I $$F I $\qi:xt =_t-*$*rs{r l$l{"tr q ui I ! n\rl: I Ea-i\ l\f\b ^ --r\+otrllhp b R \)'oz U)q'urtEoF c5cztt .{l6ztno'E -€ tn do(1xrtU) N$t I I I Ih -\: \!'F\s { q \.' Nr- d$* HR $ns $$ N* $*s$ RH* F$' 6\$ F ffi '/zY/zY/tYlf"?'loo)Oroo) .O 9' 10oJOr vx ffiv\X\W E X\X\ri+o ^rllrllxp s =\!'oz s$$.EN $$ dz U) F' o 'Eo =,t=>.+oz,(t2 o'E,€ rt doo!4EItt) $$. HR $3 $* R,+-o--r \ x 3F \u\b $"=qu s3 xir: \ st-F r:. * g s u N\rl $n 1o * * $ 6 $ \ $ ;F- R $_ $$ $$ \ Eot hitU EN ^sFF 5 ai\ F-60x\n\ trllxp bU \)'6z rs$ $s\Ih$r* B $ (t) -tE4oF -let z,t=l>-te =,tt:)o.rl .€ tFl Foo ^t5U) F$ Ii \[tt [$-l sF $$$ $$ $* E $\ n l!b R $ *$$ E* $ at) -tF!aoF 'rElo =,E =o =tto!E .€ rt Eo-E?t) *t N R d H \ *I $$*s N$t \ B N Lr*-lnt- (vw v& W rO Olto Olto Ollo QrrO t^\ r I I I Lt \!tt-\s -t\:$ F \)' F.ot-Fx $ $** e$ $$ 6$ N* E R\ri+ $Itrxp b s \)'6a s$$o8N $R HF-tx : U:) =trllFoiE E z,t=>'€oz,?t2oE '..i1t5 Fooix EB oo fi*r6\ Ih \- \),F'-\\s h FF..< $ s Co:d* "R$i \o ^\ f-r $q $r 6nFri \t ri Fii.v'd -to-.t fr R RxST- 6-{ni \)' $*s$ +tc0 l $ *ri I I ##.I;SH ffirjj-tq ffi[*;itq';itr ,o)q O1o)9 C1 Or'o)6 Oqo +q S ;F EanFXh.'x\ri+ ilx p hss \)' ^z sF$ "RRsp $N dz ?t2.€t5Foa r€o =E' o2,?t2oE ,oo()ooltoo()oO(too()ool HH $3 E$\s s*$ $$ $H E x,Ax\N{o nx \I N s\]'6z \NR ,$H $-o $ ct2.Ert:-to-E =r=!>.de=?t:,or5 '{F 4oo-EI?t:t TAB Associates, Inc. The ArchitectunlBalane P.O. Box 7a31 AYon, co 81620-7431 (970) 74S-1470 (970) 7rt8-1471 f.r trrt.tabassoclatoc.con ltb@Yail.n.t - (o, U':#" ?n^tt. ,/)A rin Fax Transmittal $?q-ozCI, g/4D ProjecL Bl.ck Gorc Duplex Dab: July 27, 2000 RE: SuperbrWall SPtem Firu Into FROM: Peul Birthob, Proied Manager TO: J.R., Tonrn of Vail Building D,ePt We are sending via liax -!g-Pugo> VIA ltg^2#i2 Hard cophs to follo,t via - US Mail .- Fed Ex x None Memo Letter - Drilings x Specifhations Proiec{ No: 98t[4 Other Ila*ription: Superior Wall Svstem Fire Ratino lnformation - for revierv & comment x * requested for your use & information Remarks: Other oc afSaa !l$t Gora\Twfofim{727(x'-dG 0t/t 'd ll]z'0N 'cNl sllVlc0ssv IvI llil Bll 016 fivlf:l 0002 82'lnl I'r,,.tlcl No. 1.55'l.l'996,1.5 Strpr:rior Walls of Amcrica Lld !U:rr(:h Zi, I !)l}i lt;r1:r:,. I N'r'tt()t) u(;1I()NI' "'l'hr' 1rc:rlirrrrlallcr.] ul rr':rlls, columns, floors, urrd olhcr lrtril<lirtg nlenrbcrs .llrdrrr' f it',,' ,,s[,ctsltt't: cottrltLtr,tr; is; itn item ol' n):rjol il lr lr(rrl,attr:r: irt s(jcLllin;] (:on:j(.rr-lati(ur]; l.bilt- r'r re l-afi--, ,rrr<l I.lr:rt :trr.l no[ a Dcnacc to rrcighl,rorrng .structtr r'(.:ii nut' (r,r tht:ptrhlrc. l(r.:cr-rgrrrL olt ,rf' this is rcgister etf irr the coclcs of l'na n.y irut.holitics.nrr-rnicipal irrrd other'. lt is irnporlant Lo :i(:c\lrc balaucc ()l'thc rn:rrry ulriLr, irr ;lsirtgll lrrriltling, ,itttt, ()l'ItrrildiRgs of likc clritrircLer and use in :r ct,rtrirr,-,rri[1 ; rrnrl irl:ro t(t l)t'ottrotc unifirrnrit.y in rrigtri rerrr e n l,r; of various autlrurititrs tlrrouglrorrt thu("rr.rnLr'.!'. 'l'o do tlri:; it is ttecesslry tlrrrL [hu {irc-rvsistivg 1ll'o1lu1Lics oI ntaterirls attd asg(:tnblierr be ntc:t..;ttt ed and spccificd uccording to :r curnrnc,n $r:anriitnl('rltr{rssed in terrns that are applicublc irlikc to a widc variety of rnlrtr,rinls. situations, alrd conditions of exposurc. Such a sl.andard is fourrd in the nrellrods l,hut lbllow. Thcy lrrescribe ir sl:urdar<l cx lrosittg fire ol' controlled extcnt and scvcril,y. Pcrf<rrmance is del-rned as tlrr' pcfiod of resist:rrrce tr':;tantlard cxposure elirpsing bcforr: thc first critical poilrt irr hehir.rior is obscrvcd. Results are reportcd in units in whiclr ficld ex;rostrres ciul bc judgecl and expresscd. Thc rrretltods rnly bc cited as the "Sl.andard lrire Tcsls,'' and the p€:r'forfnar:uc (.ir ex[,(,sru'c shall bc expressed as "2-h," "ti-h," "U2-h," ctc- Wltr',n :t factor of safcty cxcceding that inhcrcrrt irr the test couditions is dcsir-cd, aproltortirrrral int:r'e:,rse slrould bc made in thc spccificd Lirnr:-r:llrssification pcrrocl. Tht ,{lrj'l IU l'11 l9 tcst, jrr-r:cc,dure is idontical or vefy sirnilar to the follt'rvirr11 sl;.rrrclirt'd tcst nr.ethotls: _> rJl,z(fi- LItsC 43.1 NFPA 25r AN.SI A2 I l. *:,ope 1. I 'Tlt,:s,.: trtetltod," iir'() applic{rbla to trssernblies of nrir.sorrry uniLs lrrrd toconrl)rlsitr: assenrblics qrf structural materiarls for buit,Jirrgs, inilrrding tre.rr.irrg:rnr.l othr-'t r'.rall:l arl(l lrlrtitions, colttnns, girdcrs, bearns, slirbs, oncl iornl,o-srtiislnlr nrrd l)etul :rsscrtrblies lbr floors arr<l rocrfs. f5*" ar.c also up;rlicable to ,rthr.rasscrnl>lir:s atrtl slructural units thut constitutc permarrt,.rrt rniegral parl.s ol'lfirrislrcrl building I At,t,,ri,,"rt Sor:rq(.y ftrr'li'sl,i116 and Matr:riuls, lg95 Annuat Book (,f Fj,,;r rr<i ar.ds, rls't,Fl lIl.tg-llf.rstarxlanl llf r:thods of l-t tttj 'l'F).S rs QF IJUil,][Nc coNsTrtuGl'toN ANI) t]tA.l.riluAls- f^"? > lno"o'oJ za- a 9698 €g* 6!6 ' " 'S-l-lt,H 'tlo I ltldl ls-'NoJ I l.l Tt/l 'd lllz'0l,| 'cl'|l slllill)0ssv BVI llll Bll 0/6 j : r.r d Ez: so oa-g=--rnf||mlr., nnnT .47'lnfttf I t'L uuuv Pr,,_1,r'l lio. I 5514-9!X;45 S;:l':.r-r:,r \\'; r l l:. rrt'nnlcrr(:l l,td i\llt'r:lr:15 l: I ll; lrlrlic li &td rz3s9 aa-94--'rnf ilVZl:/ 0002 'BZ'lnl I I J I t I I I l I I I I I I I > LJ ll r,* thc irrt.t:rrt t.lrirt classi licatiorrs .sherll regi.ster Pcr ftrr nr,lnL'e <lurir.g tlrr. i,'.r-'r,iJ ('!'t;:il)r)stlrrl lrr,l slrlrll noi be co,lstt'u,-,tl ls having dctcrrnirrr:tl suil,irlril;iy frrr r.r'.,. :r licr' firt: t.'s110sr.r|t, l:: 'l'lti:: :;tttnilttril sltttitltl Dr: tt.';,lrl kt mrusure un(1. .l.cs.:rtht lltt' 1rt'o1ti rtits tii' tt.-r:i,'rtr:!', J)rt'dIt(!s. r.'r (rrjsalrlblrE..; rr t'.:slronse to ltcol attrl llnttt,' tttt<itr ',,,,t.,111y1| lnbornlt,rt ,'ttntlili<ttts and should not be ustd lo iesrrrlx or olryrrai':il l!:, /ir.' ltn:urd ttr fin' ri.;l: of nntcriols, producls, or a:;:;tinbl.it::i I.rrcler ct.c!u.<tl l'i:'t' t:,,t;; i;liort:;. Htntx't:.'r, /'/..*r,/rs of this lost trttry be used as .-'lernr,ll.r of n fit: risl: ..i-< j.','.isrrr'a/ tt,hi,'h lttl;,'s itt.lo tt<:couttt all of thc foctors uth-ic]t rt, ptrLi,t.t::rt !o trt, .'.-:.t,.:.rtn.,nf of tln lir" hqznnl of n ptrticular cnd use. N.rtc J A rnctlrcxl of'lirc hazard classification based on rilt(! o!'llarnc spr:--ad i-s ..'i.!\'cr..,(l in AS'I'M IVcthud 1i84, 'llcsl for Surface Burrring C lr:r ructcrisl.ics o!' Itrrild ing IHatcrials. l.,i 'l'lrr: rcsults ol Lllclie tests nrc one laclor ilr assessirrg firrr perfornr;rucc otl' brriltling cr'nstrtrclion and assemblies. These rnelhods prc.scribc :r stirnrlard firi' r).\.1)Lrs rr r'-.r for c<.rrnp:rring the perforrnance of building construclion assarnblies.. .r\pplic;rtron of these tcst results to predict. the performarlce ('f :rctual btrilding cr r rr :j t rr rr,'t i en ro(l tr ircrs r:irrc ful cvirlualion of tcst conditions. 2- Signific:rnce > 2.1 'l'lris starrdlrd is intcnded [o cvaluatc thc duration for rvhrc]r the L-ypes cl' rssr.'nltrlies noted in l-l will contain a fire, or retain tlreir st.ructural inttgrit-v or' cslrilrit IroLlr pr rrpcrtii:s dt:pcndent r{purr thc lypc uf arsscrrrbl-v irrvolvcd dttrirtg :.r ll l-(,(l(rtrlr-nr I n ed t(:st exPosurc. 2 2 'l'hc tcsl crxlrosqi ;r spccilncn [o a sltrrzdcrd firc er;rrrsur'.? controllad tr.r achi<:r'c s1rr,,'ilic.: (cmllctrl,r.rres throughouL a specificd timc period- In ..;orne inst.:rnr,,:, tlrt: fin, ,,l'1>i,sura rnly bc followod by thc application of a specifletl slutul.crrtl lir<: lrcr.:r, str rlir rrl. 'l'he exposrrr 1., lruu,evnt', Jrtir_y rrol bc rcprcscntativc of tll fire conditiotrs *.hich rnay vary witlr changes in the arrrount, naturr: :rnd clistrilruLiorr r.f firr: loadirrg, vcntilation. collrpartment size and corrfiguratiorr, arnd heat sirrl: ch:r:'lrctcrisl.ics of the comp{rftment. It docs, howcvcr, providc a relat.ive Ineasr,rre r'rf ilr'e qr€rlirrrrr;rrrt't. rrf corrrpurabla as.semblies under thcsc spccilied l-i rtr (lxposrrre conditiorrs. An.y v:rri:rLion from thc construction or condltions (l"h:rt is. sizc. rrtetlrorl ':,f :tssrltttltlt', lnd mai;eriels) that arc tcstcd mal, sul)stantinlly ch:rn1lc tlr.-r Itt.'r'lit t'trt;tttt:t t: ltaractr:ristics ol the assctnl)l-y. ?.:i 'l'lrt: tc.st stirrulirr-rl prorides f<rr the firllorr,ilrg: 'r.;l I I lr rvalls, parl,ltic,rrs and floor or r.oof asscmblies: !.:3 l.l Mclsr.rrrrncnt of tlre transrnissiorr of heat. !.:1.1.2 Mcasuretttcnt ol' thc trcrnstrtission of hot gases [lrrriuglr tlru arsscrrrlrJ-],*trflicicrtt to irlnile r:otton u:lhtc- 2.;i' l -:'l f'or lo:rd bc<rritrg elemcnts, nleasursrnent of tlrr: load carr'-virrg irbiliLv ot' J*^"? loororoJ sa 'd 0 r/t 'd 9rr99 SSS AJ-6 ' ' ''S-r-lUH'ttuf dldns,zflo3INtirz'oti '3t'|l sllvlcOssv BVI lltl 8ll 010 Pro.;r:cl, No. 15524-99645 Srtpcritrr Walls rrf Amer ica Ltd. March Z1', 1996 Pngr: 3 !ld ee: se 69-92--lnf ilVtl:l 0002'82'lnl l.lrc lr:.st spcc;nl.:n dtrring the test cxposure' Z.:),y F'or irrdividuirl loatl bu:rring asseroblies such as bcarrt,; atrd cirlurnns: IU,:usur.c rrtcrrt o['t-he loud calryiug ability under t]re to:;t exposuro wilh $orr1(! .onsideration for the cnd $uppot'L condiLions ([hat is, restraincd or not rcsLra ine d). 2.4 The tcst stnndard tloes not providc the following: ..:.4.1 Full infornralion as . to pcrformance of assemblies cottsLructr.rd witlr corlrpollents or lcngths other than th0se [esl,cd- 2.4.2 Er':rluatign of Lhe dcgrcc by which lhc asscurbly conbributes to the fire luz.irrr-l by generation of snid.c, toxic gases, or other pt'oducts of combustio;r- 2.4.3 l{easur-erucnL of [hc ,lcgree of control or linifation of tlrc possctge of smokc or products o[ cornbustion through the assembly' 2..1.4 SimulaLiorr of the fire behavior ofjoints between building clcrncnts such as; {loor-wall or rvall-wall, ctc., connections. 2.4-5 Measurcmcnt of flarne spread ovcr surface of tested element. 2-4.6 ,I.he effccb of frre cndrrrnnce of conventional openings in the assernblvt !b"! is clcctr.ical receptacle outlcts, plumbing pipe, etc., unless specifrcally provided for in t]re coustructiorl tested-" TE$-Tl'It(rcEl)Ulut Test Furnace l'lrc te.sL furn4cr: is desigrrcd to allow the spocimcn to be unif<rrmly expo-sed llo [lrt' .pn"ified time-tempe."i,rr" contlitions. It ls htted with 39 syrrrrrre[r'ically-hx-ated p^.opor." gr" b.r.ncirs dcsigncd to allow ar) even hcat flux distribution acro$s the i""e .rf 11 icst spt cinren. Furnace prossuros nr:ry be rn:rintained at arry value fronl +0.0{" W.C. to -0.20' W.C. It, rrru$t ba realized that any full-size vertical frre best: funace will havc a prcssrrre difference between the bottom and top of approxinratcly 0.1 in. W,C. aTlcr opcrutirtg teurperatures are reached. For this .u".on, thc flr.rr:.:rce is uperatecl by controlling the prcssurc rvithin Lhc furnace (with respect to the lal'oratory ambient prcssute) by tcgulating the pres*"ute at r,t specifrc horizontal plane in the furnace. Many times the furnace pressure__will br-r adjrrsted so that thc 'ncutr:rl presaure plane" (that where the pressure difftrlenct: be|vge1 the furrrace interior "nd tlr. laboratory is zero) is at a desired locatiorr: for instance; at the top, at a point V3 ofthe way down from the top, or at the bottom o[ the specinren- 'ftrc temperature within the furnace is determined to be the mathematicaI averagc of thcrnrocouplcs located symrnetrically rvithin the furnace and i"oo'or^ t6-J 0t/t 'd c -ct%o^^ron* 96.r6 8Gg Af,6 ' ' ' 'S-l-'lUFl 'UO r U3dns/ND3 r l.lulz'oN :ct{l sllvlc0ssv BVI lltt Bil 016 Prru,;ctr IIq. f5524-99645 fiuperior Walls of Anrr:ric:r l,td, 2500 225(J 20(x) 1750 1500 1250 March f.5, l gsrii I>a;14 .1 prrriLioncd six inches away from thc. vcrlical face of lhe test specimcn.. l.lrr:rrr;rterials used in tlte construction of thcse thermo_couples are thos'e susd"l"iiiitlre test standard. DuringiFc pcrfornrancc of " nri.'"*p".r,."-t*"t, tft"rtjr"r",,Lenrperatr'rr'cs arc rucordcd-at lcast every 30 scconds and &splaye{ firr the fulrnac.,opo'ator to allorv contr-ol along l,hc spccified ternper:rture curr,e. . Thc fir-c exposura is controlled to corrfcrrm with the standard tirnc-ternpeljaturr.curve shorvn in Figure 1, as determined by the table below: i Tirnc Tenrlxrratrrre(rnin) e11 ! 1(x)0 7fi 500 l!o q, f (E oo- E{t)F 0 5 10ns fl)s 120 1&) 2jn 3mxa4n il80 68 [000, Lj00 L4ff2 1550 1700, lit92 18s0. LE25l 2000, ?,75 2150: zzz,',z\n' 'fhe furnace inlerior temperature during a tcst is cootrollcd such that the,arearrntter tho timeotclnperaturc curvc is within- LOTo of l,he correspo"aittg "t." ii " ji.t the standard time'tempcracure curvc for I hour or less tcr;ts,^7.,srf" for thosrl les.*tlran 2 hours and 57o for thosc tests of 2 hours or *ore rluration- 120 180 240 300 360 420 Time (min) tr'isure I Ternperatures of Unexposed Surfaces Temperatures of uncxposed sur'f::rces are monitored using 24 gage, type Ktherm-ocouples placed under 6 in. x 6 in. x 0.4 irr. thick try, ritt6a'pi,i" n=described in thc standard.. Tcmpcrature rcadings".; t"k=r;"i-iit t""" ttr,..,,nin.points on thc-surface, at intcrvals 'ot exceedingil-0 -in"if- iti" r,u111po""tu:.e .rrtbe unexposcd surf,ace of a tcst specimen during-l.he test ir t"rr"" lo tr" it " .rr.ii"g.value of all nine thermocouples. > f^"? sa -d 0 r/q 'd 9694 asa gt6 Ill z'0ll 'ct'll ?J,a^ .9*o4o16$' - - s-rrufl ' lJol d:.:rns,'llaf, I Ll s11V IJoSSV gvl lit I 8t I 016 !td Ez: 6E e€-92--lflf llvtl:/ 0002'Bz'lnl > March $, tsroc lPogc li Projr:ct No. 15524-99645 Supcrror Walls of Amcnca Ltd. ll'rcqrrir:ed, this test ntethod rnny bc uscd Lo cxpose a vall lo lirc un<i hosc sfrcritn,tests *'hile nr:ritrtatinirrg a cotnpressive load on the wall- Urrlik.e a norf-load be.rring test (in rvhich [trr: specirncn is typically constructcd withiu utrr: bouncls ol'u rnasonry/structur';rl stcel fi'nure, arrd is clfcctively restrained on:rll four pr)rilnet..]r sidcs), a load bcaring tcst rs perforrned by'pinclring" thc tcst wall from lop t,.-t buttour, wlrile lc.rving lhc vcltical sides unrcsbraincd. This is accomplislicd at this laboratory, lry the usc of a load-bcaring frurne whiclr has a rnovuLrlc bbttoursection. 'l'he l"cst wall is pla.ccd (or constructed irr pl:rcc) bctwccn lhc to[ arr,:i bottom beams of the load franre, and lrydraulic :rctual.ors prcss up\a'ards <fr the bottonr bc:rm urrtil tln: dcsircd lold is :rpplierl [o tho wall assembly. The {ntircfrarrre, *'hile rn<riutaining the desiled load, is rnovad inlo position in frorrt ff the vertical fire resistance furnace and the fire exposure and subsequenl hosc sfrcarrr tests are pcrfonncd. > i Applied Load l'ire Endurance I'est The fire cxposure is continued on the specimen with its applied load if applifable, until failure occurs, {rr unlil the specirncn has rvithsLood the test conditions firr thc dcsired fire endurancc rating. l Ilose Stream Test 10-2 Drentption - The hose streaur tcst shall not be rcquired irr lhe ci[se ofcoustluctiorrs having ar resislancc period, indicatcd in Lhe fire endurancc t<lst, of less than t h- j 10.3 optionul Progrutn - 'thc submitter may clact, with the advice and consbnt ofthc testing body, to have thet>se straarrr l,*st made on the specimen r,tuje"["d tr.the fire eudurance lest and immediatcly following the expiralion of-thi fircendurarrce l,est- 19.4 Stream Equiltment nnd Details - 'Ihc stream shall be dclivcrcd thro*nh a2rlz-in. (64-mm) hosc disclrarging thro-ugh a National srandar.d praypib"e ofcorrespondirrg size equipped with a ll/s-in. (28.b-mm) discharge tip'oi tht f^"% 9t -d 0 r/9 'd ( . -a4tt%^r""o 9696 A4€ .r!.6 .' ' - s-l -lHr,t 'HO r A3.lnS/NO3 l r.llltz'0t'l '3t'|I sllvl)0ssv 8vI lill Itl 016 Hd 9Z: qB 66-92--lnrtlvtt:l 0002 '82' Inl I l Project N Supcrior standn press u bclo rvl: 10.5 Nozzla Dtstatrce - 'I'he nozzle or exposed surfacc of bhe tesL specitnen at lho ccr]tcr its axis iG normal to tl loclted, ils distarrce from thc ccntcr sl ft (305 mm) for each 10 deg of deviati TEST SPECIMEN CONS-TRUCTION Thc Lcst clrccimcn arrived gt the Lart 4' long and onc 6' Iong (norninal). I 5000 lrsi conclcte, covered on tlrc i Spacccl 24" o.c. atrtl casl as inlQral p asscrnbly, .rere 2-114" wide by 6-3r diarneter chasc holcs, and cach face 3/4" thick treatcd wood furring strip. face witlr "sprkc cortnectors" and colrneclors". lthe concrete studs an rei nfrrrccnrcrrL- Thc plrrels are dcsil har'tlrrrare, ilt ot)e point on the top ar Lrvr; parrr:ls wcre bolted togcther by L of 3M CP25 WIIM caulk to the joint t ccrrrr:rete wall lhce. A 112" bead of B< joi n t con tacl, area :rppr<;xi ma[ely 3/z faco. As thc wall sysLern containcd first placed at otre extreme end of th,the opposite extreme end to pror walltroard. 'the blind stud consistcd l: lI, l l Ii l t : I I I :|j I lt : I l| o**" "? goo"nro*f J-6 'J 0t/L'd 9694 BgE [tz'0N 8L6 " ' - .S-l-tVM 'UO I:'3dt'ts--NoC I1,l'tNl sll,vlc0ssv €vI llt I 8tl 016 t'l d +Za Sel r-t;:t 'r;1--lnfilVqt:l 0002'82'lnl t No. 15524-99645 iot Walls of Arnerica Ltd. March nrd-taper sn'looth-borc pattcrn without shoulder at Llrc olilicc. 'lhe trr,: and rlur:-rLLiorr r.rf the applical.ion sh:rll bc ,as prescribccl [irr the 't: , l99rj '.9,. 6 ater alrlc Condition s For Hose Streulm Test > Rcsis ta ncc I'eriod WaLcr Pres- surc at Base of Nozzle,psi (kPa Duration of Applical.io nrin/100 112 19 p2) exposed a rea 6 h and ovr:r 4 h and ovep if lqss than 8 ir 2 h and ovcr ifless thnn 4 h 1-1/2 h and over ifless thun 2 hl h and over if less l"hrur l-V2 h Less tltarr l h, if desired (310) (310) (207) (2W) (207) (207) 45 45 30 30 30il 6 5 2-1n L-WI 1 Nozzla Distance - The nozzle orifrce shall bo 20 ft (6-m) from the centrlr ;ed surfacc of bhe LesL specitnen if the nozzle is so located that when di o ccrltcr its axis iG normal to the surface of the test spccimen. -I[ olh, :d, its distarrce from thc ccntcr shall be lcss than 20 ft by an amount equ 5 mm) for each 10 deg of deviation from the normal." LcsL clrccimcn arrived gt the Larboratory in the form of Lu'o tilt-up pancl ng arrd onc 6' Iong (norninal). Each panel consisted of a L-3/4" thick f, t lrsi conclate, covered on tlrc intcrior with a l" ttrick layer of EPS I :atl.24" o.c. arrtl casl as inlQral pal'ts of the coucrete facey' top and botlom rnbly, rvere 2-114" wide by 6'3/4" deep c<lnclcte studs, each containi reter clrasc holcs, and cach faced, on Lhe interior side, with a 2-U4" v Lhick treatcd wood furring strip. The concrete sLuds wcrc tied to Lhc cor witlr "sprkc connectors" and to tha top and bottorn plates with " reclors". l'he concrete studs and the top and botlom plalcs containcd frrrccnrcrrL- Thc plrrels are dcsigned Lo be boltcd together, with 1t2'dia lrrrare, ilt ot)e point on the top arrd one point orr thc boltom of each joint parrr:ls wcre bolted togcther by Laboratory persunnel after applyin g t U2' VI CP25 WIIM caulk to the joint contact area, approxirnately 3/4' back fro 'rete wall lhce. A 1/2" bead of Bcrstik Clrorn.Calk 915 caulk was applicd L contacf, area :tpproxima[ely 3/4" trom the interior side of the concretr. As thc wall systerrr containcd five concrete studs spaced 24" o.c,, rvil placed at otre extreme end of thc rvall asscmbly, a blind sLud rvas instal opposit.) extreme end to provide an attachrnent point tbr thc gy troard. 'the blind stud consistcd oi a nominal 2"x8" piccc of lurrrtrer, ripl rf tlr,r ectcd rwi-seItoI , olle iCC of oard platr-r rg 1" ide x ,cr'ele ;heer rebar neter The bead u tht: ;o thc rvirll h Lhc ctl on p$um red t,r l I I I I l I t I I I I I I t I I I I Pr<rject lio- l5ir24-99645 Srrprrrior Walls of Anrcrica Ltd. a6-J 0 t/B 'd 969Lr ij.;3 ltiz'0N l.tJ !Z : gB [v9t:/ 000 I) lfl tes, -bolted psum sLrrrls- nd ihe d arnd wall romcl- uples. led on drv, lve on face ont of 'l'lre their ity <.rf' ture t lre of tlr ef the ater tcst. lold) aa-92--lnf lhe .ppropriate widtlr, -The stud was c*t 2" short of bolh trrc t.p a'd bort,rrrso trs nr)t. to be inrlrosed with arty l<,rad from the w;rll assenrbty, ""a was lafrorn [he r:.rrcrr:tc lace sidc. of the asscmbly. -Trvo lctyerr uisle;typ" xwallboard rvcre then installcd over the wood furring.i.ip"'"i irr* concrc'l'hc' joirrts lrr:l.rvcen the two layers of gypsuru wallb"oarcl *"." "tngg"re.l,jc,irrL irnd nail hcnds in thc orrier lry*i-*crc covered witlr,l.t;;il"ionrpop:rpr:r joinl. tal.rc. 'I'IIBRMOCOUPLES of' tha rvall at various locali6's (see Fig. B, Thernrocuuple placernent, ApB)ndix All tenrpc't.rrrcs moni[orcd withirr 'nd on the unexposed surfacc ol. th;rsscrrrbly *ere measurcd *sing^ z.r GA., urectricalry-welcled, TyPe x cr:Aluruel, glass-glass insulated (Spcciar Limits of Eiro.: ti.rdi ilrerrnocprrrt:hased witlr c:rlilrration cerLil-rcations and lot traceabili Lv 'i'o rucet llre rcquirements of ASTM E1lg, nine thermocouples lverr: instalhc unexprsed surl'ace of thc wall and covercd with 6 in, x 6 i"-" o-.lo in. thifelted, nrineral fiber pads, hcld in place with a srnall daub of siliconc adhr:;rch corner. l'hese thermocqyplgs were distributed acrdss the unexposed 'l'he Lest wall, cr-rntirincd in a loatlbearing frame asscmbly, w's placed in tthe Lalroratory's vertical lirc resista'ce fur-'ace or -ruror.ir-ic, rcv6.fhcrrnocorrlrle leads rvcrc then connected to ilre data ".q"iritio" systern anotttputs vcrificd. '.fhe laboratory air tcmperalure *u" 62"F, witir a hr.rrni4ooh. AL l:57 p.rn-, tlre furnace was fircd aird thc standard Dl19 rime-temlcur.r'.e follgwe-d for a period of 60 minutes. The p.n."rrro difference betwrnside .f ttre furnace (rneasurc4 bv " pressurc tap-located "pp.u*ii""t"ly vsway dorvn frorn the top of the specimen, on tlro horiru"i.ui ."nter.linefurnace) arrd the laboritory ambient air, was mai'tai'ed at -0.01 in. ofcolur.n ihroughout the entire exposure, fo'llowing the hrst five minutes of th The u,:rll assembly was_loadcd to 8000 pounds per foot (300U0 porrnd total liv[nrouglx)ut t,he enLire lire exposure arrd hose strean Lesl,s- > f*^"? t%"oroJ {rg6 " - - s -l -1!J }l ' :l Ll I tl3 Jtl.l,' }l Lr l l ll '3Nt Sllvl)0ssv BVI uil Bit 016 z'8z tlll l}r4r:c1 lrio. 7 5524-99648 Supcrior Watls of America LtdI I t I I I t I I I I I f)hservations !'inre(lrrirr:scc) 0.0t) L:125 2:3O 9:31 l3:01 22:4.9 27:ll> :i4:10 rrrade during thc test are as follows: mid hcight. ol6 - ' ' 's-t-tc.H 'd0I df Jns,/llof I l,t rlrlr.. L tvils rnblv. tcrn c st:tt t brirrg threr the r.t d sz: s9 g€t-92-.lnf llvgl:l 0002'BZ'lnf Pieces of charred c;rulk falling iiom the ,r*poscd seanr.Sruall ho-i?zorrtal crircks fu.-inf ";i,. .;;;sect face, n -. 86:00 120:(X) 50:00 65:00 '/0:0O 6 t 8 9 Avg I 2 .f 4 5 r8a 179 ltu 180 185 f*^"? ?c%%^r.J be'd 0 r/6 'd 969'' E:Ss utz'0i'| Furnace {ired at 1:52 p_n. 9oul!. in cxposed face scam igniting. 9rlll..in exposed face.searn slvenirig arrd charriug.Audiblc-poppiug from lowcr portion "of "rmpi".bmoke trom the top of the uuexposed face of the wall Small vertical cracks forrning on the exposed facc, nearmid-height. 4"{i!1" popping from sample.Audible popping from sample. l'lames (- l" long) from small horizontal crack onof sanrple. Dxposcd -side concrcl,e cracked across uricl-height; panetseclions leaning into furnace - g". Furrrace extinguished. The standar-d hose scream toperformed, with the load still applied to the wall assAfter the 2-112 minute hose stream exposure, the wallwas iutact and no water strcams or prujections wer.eon the urrexposed rvall face. The uriexpused surfacc te'rperaturcs art tlre e'd of the test were as fo ,ws: IEMPA'I'IIND ib 194 L75 190 During the test, deflection neasureme.ts rvere made belween a taughtstretr:hed ac.oss thc urrexp-osed surface "1ong th" l^;.i;r;;;i';;;ierrine an<Ipoirrts alorrg the center.,ir-thc speci;; An increasirrg rlistance betw-erstring autl thc specimcn indicalcs deflection into the frr.ric*- ----' " -+l,|l sllvl)ossv SvL ull 8il 016 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Prrr.ioct No. 15524-90645 Suprrrior Walls of America Lrd.Marr;h Rov.l, lfl2719 i. t1,! l':r9,1 'r'lME (.br:rrrin) LOC.q'ION #r(30'liirm left side, inches) LOCA'IION #2 (center, indrcs) I,OCATIOh(30'from ri, side, incht f3 ilrt ;) 0:00 3-&8 3-tn 3.v8 0:15 4-y4 4-v8 4-ttz 0:30 4-ln 4-3/4 4-7/8 0:45 4-7tB 5-V4 5-Vti 1:00 5 5-3t8 5 1:15 5-y8 *ln D 1:30 5-U4 5-3/4 5-U8 1:45 &7t8 3-5/8 4 2{X)3v8 3-U4 4 Listings and plots of thc furnace corrtrol tenrperatures and sP(:cimcn un(surface temperatures rnay be found in Appendlx C. A photographic docu'rentalion of thc test has been inclueled in Appendixthc calculations used to determiric the load to apply and the hyrtiaulic p: ncccssary to maintain it havc been included in Appendix E. >coNCLITSTONS The rvall assembly dcscribed i. this document rrret the requircrncnts ol' trj119-952r Fire l'ests of Brrilding Construction and Materials foi 1 loadbeariqpounds total force per stud) fire rcsistance roting of 120 minules. > .!"too ,or^ fctt%n^rod a rSTM (6000 I f,lxi 'r' Q poscd nd re aI -d 9€9O €i98 A16 " " STrUll 'zrLl I UgdnS/NO3 M l.l d 9g:qa €B-g=-.|nf 0rl0r 'd llrz'0N 'tt'|l slIVIc0ssv €vI ltll Itl 016 llvll:l 0002 'Bz'lnl ftmo 23, 20il) Mr. Parl Btutholtz 1 TAB Ascooiatcq lnc. [\' P.O. Box 7431 Avoq CO El62G743l Re: Btact Gorc Duplcx Ld 4, Gor! Crccl( SuMivirion East Vail, Colorrdo Dcrr Paul: NEWKIRK ENGINEERING Connhing StruArd nagitrstryr0 ^dffi;ffi (|ficft1'.e'5*,n55 /qQt''H,,i€v The up'pcr tiangular rcction of tlre concrete scprntion udl botwn tho two unite of this projoct cen bG constructcd using E" CMU in lian of the *Supcdor \Vdl" syrtan. Ibe CMU $ction strould bc rcinforced il *a @ 24" vertically ud horizorttd joic rcinforcirts @ 16". All cclls io the unll sbonld bo gro*cd colid. Thc #4 v€rtical ba$ 6ould bo drillcd ad eponry grouted 6" irfo thc top of tfte ooncrctc well below. Ttre CMU wrll sbuld cntend up to the plywood roof docl with solid wood blocking on each rido of the CMU betwocn thc 1)I rmf joisb. Thir blocking slrorld not bc ryaccd rnorc thur 4'-0" opart for the full length of the wall. Please lct me krcw if yor bavc any qucstions or if I may bc of firtthcr assistancc. Sincaely: NEWKIRKENGINEERING Purl IL Nscrtirt, P.E. Principrl of"* "#Hf"l;l Doveropmenr 75 S. Frontage Road o*.A-23r& Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL -.,D EOF' D.6'z et ttl Et D a'liE€* q.*Dl-F. \* - F..Ct ru t<tl -a {:DF' \-16 00F.- Ge-{o s)o- o-tt-F E|:t-anoE tr-.r ta'-t Fn ts.tnCtP -D Ol?tBE EE'o= =-*- -*(t)E o* IDo\(t -l O -- a5 D -{ g tf,ltlzeD--O-a-a EGDFI l?| =r-" 7lD tt#tf;q E-r1ru Drlt-o\a rratt \ l't T'v 6(,tg-* =t-* ee, -ts E-3il- -=339= :.!3 3e-r-{ E . c)EDFI tn -9 t?l-,?.. ,t O |.t .. = -- rt E€14- -rEol\ tTt EEit| 6l\ tr* t'l l'.1\ .i !rl-F. \*-crru D -xE ru*..< giEqrO\F. <O-{ {6 lYt \tbr- DF. \G - (D cr! -lO (Dlaoo H:E (DE<tr g o "to1= -, tD-ar-5 rra:fio€ -{ El F-re F_.sr<Fl aqt3"f,H=rt D cit FrI C,! I'IJ ruI ]'lHFt .. o 6| t=t HE - (^r. t G E-a--' g* g= ;9-Cn rtnsaurr ta -a orlcaD ctE ollE(EO (D(DO (FO-r O-- r_ tm ..I rurtrunr5ct !D e(DGto 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors Licdrse Fe€s 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 3112200 001 0000 31s 3000 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 3121000 001 0000 230 2000 Taxable @ 4.5%'001 0000 201 1000 '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0% fown) - Retail Sales Tax 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 Exterior Alteration - Mor6 than 100001 0000 311 2s00 001 0000 31 1 2500 001 0000311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 1 0000 311 2s00 1 0000 311 2s00 001 0000 311 2500 1 0000 319 3100 o',oonhk1rb.FliEveryon€/FonBlsalssact.sxe TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FROTiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPIICAI.IT coli[rRAqfoR OWNER OWNER Plunbing- -- - -> PIan chcck- - - > InvoEtsigation> wiIl call----> Resluarant Plan Rcview-'> TOTAIJ FEES----- Togal calculalcd PGa6---> Addibional F.€s---------> Tocal Pehit Fce--------> Pa)|EentE------- CASEY PLITMBING & IIEATING Phone: 970-926-L946p.o. Box 1830, BDI{TARDS, eO, 328-7339/949-3830 8L632 CASEY PII'MBING & HEATING P}rONC: 970-926-L945p.o. Box 1830, EDWARDS, CO, 32e-7339/949-3830 8L632 PRIED ITI{DA C 5124 GROUSE LANE, VAIL CO 8L657 GROSHIRE Description: PLUMBING & GAS PIPING FOR NEW SFR Valuat.ion:28, 900.00 !r*trtttlr*tttrat t,r**t*'rlt*.r*|.***Jtttt*trrrrrr FEE SUITUARY tri*tt**ttt'rttr*trr*tt***att*t'rrrr*trr***i.rt 435 .00 109 .75 .00 3.OO . oo s46.75 545 .75 .oo 546. ?5 s46.75 o DEPARI1IENf OF EOMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON iTOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI'MBING PERMIT Permit #: P00-0037 Job Address: 5166 BI,ACK GORB DRLocation...: 5165 BLACK GORE DRParcel No. . : 2099-LS2-L2-OO4Project No. : PRJ99-0288 ,,,,,,.,-,..THil.lT;;;;;;;.;;::,,.,."-,-,-.;::.., It,EM: 051-OO BUILDING DEPARTIIENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O5/O8/2OOO KATITY AcT,iON: APPR APPROVED PER-KVIrt,e.mi .055q0 FIRE DEPARTI,IENI Dept: FIRE Division:05/08/2000 KATIIy Act,ion: APPR N/A rir'r*!r*raa*rrr*aaarrr*rr***r** * *** * r r t *J * a* * *r * * * + r *. * ** * r t tt r ta * r + * * * * * * 'r * t tt t t + * rr * r * * * * *t t tt * t * * * * * * |} * * * * t t r!r r ** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIAIiICE. trrtrtrrrrrrr*t* rrr*rtt*tttrtt* rrr*rrr*rr*rrr** **r'r'rr'rrrrrrr**t***tt'r'rrr*rrrr*it***1tt DECLAxA*TIONS t h.r.by acknorlcdg€ tsh.t' r hawa r6ad Chia .pplicacion, fillcd outs in ful] tshe info-tlation lcquir.d, couplets.d aD accurate plot. p1an, and sc.tse that all ehe inforoatLon providod.. r.quircd i6 correcc. I agrce tso eodply uith th. infornatsion and plots plan, co coupty yith all Totrn ordinanceo and shce lars, and co build Ehi6 etsrucuur. rccording to gh. Town's zoning .nd subdivision codeg, degign r.vier approved, ltnlfotn Building eod. .nd other oldinanc.d of tshe Totn e Chcreto. REQUEATS lOR INSPEETIONS SHAII, BE IiIADB TWE$TC-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCB BY Afi 5: o0 Pu Status...: fSSUEDApplied..: Os/05/2000Issued...: 05/08/2000 E:<trrires. . : LL/04/2000 OF OWNER OR COIITRAETOR FOR AND O9IIIER v *a**l*ttttttrr*ltlattt+a*r*t**attt*r gtatemnt o |rt***t**ti**altt**rr*tttttt*t IONN OP VAIIJ, COIORADO a****ttla*l****aai************tlal*a*tti*****!tii*t*******tt***t** gtatennt Number: REC-0525 .emount:546.75 05/08/00 11:3o Pa)ment Ittethod: CK Notatio!.: *1443/CASEY PLt,It{ Init: LC Perflit No: PO0-0O37 TlEe: B- PtJIrlB PIiTUBING PR!,IIT Parcel l{o: 2099-182 -7.2-OO4 site Addrees: 5166 BLACK cioRE DR IJocatlon: 5166 BLACK GORE DR Total FeeE: 546.?5 TOTAI AIJJ EbtE: 446.75 446.75 .00 AmouDt 435 . 00 108 . 75 3.OO ltis Pa)ment Balanee : *ta*rt|l*t|lt*+ttttt***tttt**rt******rttttt****t****tr**a**aa*r*** Aciount code DegcrLptLon PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLI'IIBING PRIIIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES tfc 00100003112800 nrLrr eer,rr rNaPEerIoN FBB APPrrcATro* O. Nor BE A..EPTED rF rNcoMPLE G unrr-nr,r.o Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97O- 479-2749 (Inspections) mmt0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Assessorc Offrce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) I O ?2^/92_/Z -eoq rob Name: e Po grq/k rob Address: aur. tskc* &PE nE Legal Description Lot: //Block: /Filing:Subdivision: 6OZs fpeeX Owners Nu ",ap(1sg/pE Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed de'Fription of work:/(rndtt-a +ees zTzina ,6,0 ttlf,,rn SFK WorkClass: ruewld Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Dunlex Xl Mufti-famriy ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) ruoFQ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumhjng Contractor: ..,(is*rr ,{r-4 Town of Vail Req, To.;2,/V-- r Contact and Phone #'s: ?f ?- 7szfu Contractor/Sgnature: r,q\, \- *i**+************:t*********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***+*************r<********rr******tr**r. Date Received: DRB FeES:.Accepted Ev; F/everyone/forms/plmbperm t : .'j'i O, HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Cornmunity Development Department Russell Fonesl Director, (970)479-213e Check all that applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contacil Building Environmental_Housing_AdminPlanning DRB 2. Was your inilial contacl wiih our stafi immediaie no one available ? lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped?_ 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit N/A Please rate $e performance of $e staffperson who assisted you:54321Narne: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of fte Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best lime of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking tlre time to complete this suwey. We are committed b improving our service. _a' or 8. o TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 APPLIEINI R & H MECIANICAL LIJC 1047 CI{ERRYVALE ROAD, CONTRACTOR R & H MECHANICAI LIIC 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD,OhINER FRIED LINDA C OhINER Description: RI]NNIG OF IN 5124 GROUSE I,ANE, VAIL GROSHIRE Fireplace Inf olnation: Restliccedi Y #of eas Appli.anceg t DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MEGIANICAL PERMIT .fob Address. . . z 5166 BLACK GORE DR I-,OCAt,1ON.... ..: 5166 BLACK GORE-PRIMARYParcel No... ..: 2099-Lg2-1,2-004Project, Number : PR.J99-0288 ON .]OBSITE PermiE ALL TIMES M00-0034 303-543 -9894 303-543 -9894 l_6,800. 00 *Of Wood/Pallcg: AT #: BOII-,DER, CO BOI]LDER, CO co 8t_657 Statsus...: ISSITEDApplied..: 0s/08/2ooorssued...z O5/12/2000 E>qgires . .: LL/08/2000 Phone: 803 03 Phone: 803 03 FLOOR HEAT TI]BING ONLY Valuation: *of Gas Logs: tt*t***irrrrrrr IEE suI.lMeRY 340.00 e5 .00 .00 BAlArrIcE DUB---- Mechanical---> PIan check- --> Inwe6tigation> Wilf cafL----> ReBCuaraJrt Pfan Rewien- -> DRB Fc€-------- TOTAII FEES_.. - - ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/1,0/2000 I(ATITY Acti-on: NOTE ROUTED TO O5/1,2/2OOO 'fRM ACEION: APPR APPROVEDITbM:' 0560O FIRE DEPARTI{ENTo5/LO/2000 KATKY Act.ion: APPR N/A PERMIT,PI.ANS AI.ID CODE AI$ALYSIS MIUSI ROOM pRrOR TO Al{ rNSpBqrrON REQUEST. DR.,AINAGE OF MECHANIEAL ROOMS EONTAIil .00 ToEaI calculated Fees---> .00 AddiliorraL FeeE- _------> 42s - 00 Total Pcrtnit Fee--------> PavBenta------- 42S.00 .oo 424 .00 428 . O0 1_.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. '7. 8. COI{DITION OF APPROVAL FTEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIPSD TO CIIBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. COI'IBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TTIE L997 IJMC, ORSEETION 701- OF TIIE 1997 IMC.INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS ATiID DRAINAGE OF MECHANIEAL ROOMS CONTAINING IIEASUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLO1_022 0F firE 1997 IIMC. OR SEC:rION 1004.6 0FSUPPLY BOILERS SHATL BE1-022 0F TIIE 1997 UMC, O AINING IIEATING OR IIOT-WATERWITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion:,JRfI Dept: FIRE Division: TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MCTO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIAI{CES SIATL BE VEIiITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHA,LL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 t,MC, C GAS APPLIAI{CES SIATLGAS APPLIAI{CES SIATL BE VEIiITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHA,LL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 t,MC, ORCIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATTNG EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WTTII CHAPTER 3 ANDSEC.1O]-7 OF TI{E 1-997 T'MC AND EI'APTER 3 OF TIIE ]-997 IMC.ACCESS TO HEATTNG EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WTTII CHAPTER 3 ANDSEC.1O17 OF TI{E 1-997 T'MC AND EI'APTER 3 OF TIIE ]-997 IMC.BOILERS SHALL BE MOT]IITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOilIBUSTIBLE CONST,BOILERS SHALL BEI]NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]IITED ON FLOORSMOItIffING ON COl,lB N FLOORS OF NONCOI'IBUSTIBLE CONSTON COI,IBUSTIBL,E FL,OORING.YSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICCAL 1,022 OF TIIE 1997 IlMe, OR sEerrON 1004.6 OF THE l-997 rMC. +***************************!k*******!t****!*************:r************************* DECI,ARATIONS I hcrqbllt .clnro[lc€c Eh.c f hrva rlrd EhL. aPttlicatiott, fillrd ouc in full th. infon!.tldt rcquind, coqrl.tcd.n .ccu4ta plo!plan. .nd agetss tshrt r11 the inf,or,-e.tion prowidrd a6 rlqulr.d IE corr.ci. t rglaG co coq)ly rLtsh th! iuloarrtsidt and lrlot pl.rr,to cqrly rith dt To[! or4in.ncr' .nd acrt. I.r., rnd to bi,rild Ehis rtructur. iccording co tbr torrr,. zonLng rnd rubdivlaioncodca' dooign rarrLat apptoved' unlfglo Euildlng co& rnd otJtol ordinencc. of tha lronh .ttrlicrbl. th.r!co. 479-2L38 OR AT O(n OFIICB PRo|l a:oo lll sroo Pt EtclraTuRa ot oHlllR oR c9lrnaclllln Pon HI!|aELP lr|D o9NrR REQI,BST9 FOR rrgPBerIOf,E gHrt rr BB lqDl tfllttTf-Poln H(nrnA ff ,L; lrl**rl* *t * t tl !r !r a !l !rajl*rl t*it!r+t***rl*rl *t!t * if* **r *!r+*!t*** !ti*** i **** a * * *!a TOflN OF VAIL, COIroRADO ,.statemnt -aaa*a-**lr***rr*rri*t***.}ll**a**til*tt*****iltttatt*tt,t+tt*rlaaaa Statemt fumber: RBc-0528 .lnount:428.00 Os/1,2/OO L6 t35 Pa)'[c!tt ltethod: L2625|' Notation: RICH CAPLEA Irit : atN . Penu'it No: l{00-0034 Tlpe: B-!|ECII I'IBCSAXICAIT PRUfT Paree]. !fo: 2O99-182-12-004 SLte Addreee: 5165 BLTACK GIoRB DR Irocation: 5166 BITACK GIORE: PRIIIIRY r|ris Payuent Tota1 Feee: 428.00 428.00 Total ALIJ PBta: 428.00 Balanee: .00 aar*ftt***!l*tat**t*tt|l*+rl*t****rlt****tl+*!|*i***rl**l*******tlf**_*a AecouDt Code Degctription uP 00100003111300 uECHeNreArJ PR||rT FBBa PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CEECK FEES rc o010ooo3112800 llILL CAIJr INSPECTIOII FEE 3.00 Atnount 340 . 00 ' 85. OO : i,,i ; lit'l'['l api.rcarroxe.,- no, BE AccEprED rr *.o"",.il*#ffi{&z Building Permit #i_ , Mechanical Permit *: h'lO0.0O3el 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Mechanical Room Dimensions Combustion Air Duct Size and Location Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and LocaUon Heat Loss Calcs. Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets riGEil uu tilAY 0 B Z0G0 D) nl l] Contact Asressrc Otrrce at 97O-328-86ttO or visit for Parel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) TAIe . l[-Z- tZ <()q rob NamZ r n<r ; r,t EL:[Z],JobAddress:zt ua AL.rQ. QareD- Legal Description tot'1f Block:Filing: t/ Subdivision: G .'r, Lrr, /< ownep lamei " .++ 11 4 r+./Addrp2g:, A r, u ? q t a Do a . tt o I u z oll Phoneig 4 L - o-rb /, Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriDtion of work:I nf t .. 4n.,,,l.,n*f tn^* a^,1 14/I t / cnt;ra4.- WorkClass: New-l4 Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interiorpf, Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex,P+ Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflypeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) WoodiPellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $oo CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: fl+t* ho, Lq.rL.'. a I Town of Vail Reg. No.: fht87A Contact and Phone #'s: &-u,',LVou,,o al?- 13?5 Contractor Signature: F: /everyone/forms/mechperm s. ht be:R.H l.|EcHAx l caL LLc A"r-28-.,O g2 r24.tr CoNTRAGTOR; eoOREss: l2J I BTU'9oUIrut EFFICIENCY: K / b2o ALTITUDE: ,1- f.ott 7295630?9 8t o{r,*U,bt o f,c.rc...w.fl,beet / R11-.09 R't9=.052 R3O=.03i3 R?'8= 357 jc 9"4 -RlElue U UA DT E',tr;FECOi4Pt'',m4gqu4RE- ,o1 lt\ft 70 p,Lll FLOORS l,3ro (l ,&7 tls llo (o pl gTo CEILING j,60 3D ,* :L Ld"7o 2o/54'(,3fO t7 I lwrNoows 1to ?'d ',15'I fl6:fa .Tftd'l x.75 %,,fo ?ot {7 I TNFILTRATION 4),pD ADDRESS: PHONE: JOB MME: ADDRESS' PERMIT': -o +t, TOTAL BTUS INPUT NE€OED: GARAGE: SNOWMELT: p.,rCclFlo,tt- ttz-lroi," " f 1'T?J' l ,.- l}C6,a Equipmcnt SPec. ool F ft.F TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARII,IE} T OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENI NOTE: THIS PERMfT MUST BE POSTED ON MEC}ANICAL PERMIT Job Address. . . : 5165 BLACK GORE DRLocation. ... . . : 5155 BLACK GORE-SECOIIDARYParcel No.. . . .: 2099-L82-1-2-004Project Number: PRJ99-0288 St,atus. . IJNITAppIied.fssued.. Extrlires. iIOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit #: M00-0033 ISSI]ED os / 08 /2ooo os/L2 /2000LL/08/2000 APPLICANT R & H MECIIANICAL LLC. . LO47 CHERRWAIE ROAD, COTflTRACTOR R & H MECHANIEAI LLC1047 CHERRYVAI,,E ROAD, OWNER OWNER FRIED TINDA C 5L21 E I,ANE, VAIL GROSHIRE DescripEion: RIJNNING OF IN FTOOR HEAT LINES ONLY Fireplace lnfolEation: Re6tsrictsed: I *of eaa Appliances: BOI]LDER, CO BOIII-,DER, CO co 81657 Phone: 803 03 Ptrone: 80303 303-543-9894 3 03 -543 - 9894 Valuat.ion: #Of caa LogB: 15, 800. 00 *of wood/Palleg: FEE SWMARY Itcchanical---> Pl-an chock-- -> Investsigacion> 320 . OO 80.00 . o0 .00 .oo 403 - 00 403 . O0 .00 403 .00 Reetsuarant PIan Reviel{--> DRB F€6-------- TOTAI FEES. - -. - ToCrI Calculalcd Fcc6- - - > Addifional FeeE---- ----> Total PGrniE Fee-------->Hill carr----> 3'00 ff[:l";-------------] tot:ll *r ara t ra r t * * a ** * rr* *rr* * t.a, *r rirrtt *tt t tattt 'r r at a t t -.- r ra, -" - ITCM: O5]-OO BUITDING DEPARTMENT DEPE: BUITDING DiViSiON:O5/LO/2OOO KATI{Y ACIiON: NOTE ROUTED TO .JRIq05./I2/2OOO JRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVEDrtb.m:'.05600 FrRE DEP.A,R11{ENr Dept: FrRE Division:I5/LO/2OO0 KATIry Actj.on: APPR N/A COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANEB.2. COIIBUSTTON ArR rS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I]MC, ORSEETION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTURBS INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALI. BE VEIiTTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 ANDSTALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, ORCIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO IIEATING EOUIPI4EIiI:T MUST COMPTY WITII CITAPTER 3 AIiIDSEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I]MC AT.TD CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.5. BOII-,ERS SIIAiJIJ BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCO!,IBUSTfBLB CONST.I'NLESS I,ISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COI{BUSTIBI.,E FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI.ANS AI.ID CODE ATiIATYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAI{IEAL ROOM PR]OR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS EONTAINING HEATING OR HOT_WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F TIIE 1997 ilMC, OR SEqrrON 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECI,ARATIONS t blrctDT .donorlc€. th.t I h.s r..d tshi. rl4|lLcrtLql, fill.d ouE la full ehr infoz[.tl,on r.qulr.d. cqrl€tcd atr tccqtrt! plotPlrn, .nd .trtsr th.ts .11 uhc inf,on Etoa proviilad rr tGquilcd Lo correc!. I rgrlc to c(qrly ribh Ch. infot!|rtld! .nd plot pI.!,to coNlt ly righ rll ToIn oatdLnalrcaa .rd tts.!. 1.r., rnd tg bulld chi. llructrE€ accordi.ng !o tha Eora, || roding rlrd rubdlvlrionco&r, draign ravi., rEE ron d' tlnifon BuilrriE Co& .rd otshcr ot:dl,nrncc. of tsh. fonl qrplic.bl. ah.r.go. BEQUEATS Fon IngtEeltolltt AEAJJL BE I|ADB TliElllt-toln, HOunS IN tlrl lcE E Aa a79-2138 OR lT OsR OFFICI pRoNl s:00 | s3O0 lU alq|ATtru oF olltrlR oR @ltTRtctlR loP ll faBlf .eID drf,R .,rlr ,:lili '":1, *iit*t*!li*!tttiltltlaa.la**t!rt*ajltt*ttt***rt*trtt*rtrartttlt***tt*tt*at TOIIN OF VATIJ, @IOR,ADO 'EtateEdt *t*t*tt*i*tll**tt*!t***irat*t**t****t****ll+t**'tiitl**t*ttatt*at+tt*** gtateGrt ltulber : REe- 0628 .Auount :403. O0 05/L2/OO L6.35 Palmellt l{ethod: 125258 llotatioir: RICH CAPITES Inlt : Jlf Pemit lvo: Dt00-O033 Type: B-UECE MBCEAI{IC'AL PERIiIfT Parcel No: 2099-182 -L2-OO4 Site Addre6s: 5155 BIACK (ioRE DR Irocatiotr: 5156 BIACK @RE-SEC0IIDARY UNIT Ilds PalrneBt Total Fees: {03 . o0 Tota]. AIjL PntE: 403.00 403 . OO BaLance:.o0 *tt*ta*tt*!t***ia!a*atti**rl*t*l*tall*!aa!r****a***t**,l*t*ataftat*llf*t Accormt code DeEcription UP 0o1oo0031113o0 !'IECHANIC.AI PERI(IT FEEa PF 00100003112300 PI,AN CIIBCK FEEa ne oo1oooo31128oo . tr4lJtrJ cALr, IltaPEqrIoDI FEE lnount 320.00 80. o0 3.OO llr;,li:rlii,;l '!,rl. i;i:,r: App.rcArro.{l.-,- Nor BE AccEprED rr rncom*rrOn iitftil,r- r*, Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2\49 (Inspections) NWNOFYIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: vide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to i Mechanical Room Dimensions Combustion Air Duct Size and Location Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location Heat Loss Calcs. Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets i I .., 2C r.,l E [., lrir-'l I Asgessrs Otrrce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) lob Name:. S-a--cc-' &-1-"" t:;' ;;l,.'re tllac t 6 ort 0 qt /r r JobAddress: itba f>-tttk (,3.4"-, Legal Description Lo#Ll Block:Filing:Subdivision: (ar, ( rrt ho*1P".1?:; .,,an-.i !14L":'z"v 39t *uo^"ea *udlPhooe: ?t6-0566 Engineer: ' ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: I ^ F/oo, K..',1*'a.'t llc,+*o,'l al/ (,/*+..-e WorkClass: lvery>4-Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior R Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) DuplerQ Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: No/Typeof FireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ 75,8OO. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: [1tF rtLuln^^:.^-l Town of Vail Reg. No.: lnr I QLI A Contact and Phone #'s: Ov:lYou** ?zo-qR-ql gS Contractor Signature: /J^O *ra**^, L,- ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*************************f*** F: /everyone/forms/mechperm 5.nt b9!F.ll ItECLAHICAL LLC l.r-20-eO t2r7a"^frol 7203630?8 f,G.t C.tG$.rlrbect R19-.052 R30=.0i}3 R2'8='357 / b2o ALTITUOE:,1L g) o ?" 3 fr*=Urbt o / R11E'0o I Q ,/L UA DT ffiECELffPt'T p, Lll mgEg RE_RVALUE u I,3ro tl ,o1 Ittft tu CETLING j,&_3c ,&7 tlt 120 (o pl qw ,O* :L Lab 7o 2o/54 wAlls '1,3f,/7 '){O 2.d.,15'I ?16;7a 21d'l l'yINUUUvJ IINFILTRATION 'f),90 x.75 %,,fo 21 ',ft1 ADDRESS: PHONE:-o JOB}.|AME:+r, ADDRESS: f q,r&lP1o,t,t- t!?- lrurr..' x f 6TJJ' Equlpmcnt Spec. ,t- ac6.4 ooy F lqt, roTAL Bru$ NzuI l'EEqEq GARAGE: SNOW MELX tr N.FLl TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Job Address...:Location..-...:Parcel No.....:Project Number: 5166 BLACK GOR-E DR 5166 BI,ACK GOR.E-SECONDARY2099-t82-t2-004 PRir99-0288 Status...: ISSIIED IJNITApplied. . : 05/08/2000 rssued. - -: 05/a2/2000 Exlpires - -: IL/08/2000 o DEPARTtr{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVETOPMEIiIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AL,L TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M00-0033 APPI-,TEAI\TT COMTRAETOR O!'TNER MECIIAI.IICAL LLC Cf,IERRWA],E ROAD, MECHANTCAL LLC CHERRWALE ROAD, TINDA C BOI'LDER, CO BOULDBR, CO co 816s7 Phone: 80303 Phone: 80303 ValuaLion: +Of GaE IJog6: 303-s43-9894 3 03 -543 - 9894 t_5, 800. 00 *of 9lood/PaIlec: R&H L047R&H 7-047 FRIED 5.L21 LANE, VAIL O$INER GROSHIRE Description: RI]NNING OF IN FLOOR HEAT LINES ONLY FireDlace Infordacion: Re6tsrictedr Y *of eaB Appliances: FEE ST'Ti.!IARY MechaDical- - - > Plan check- - - > Inv.6tigatsion> will call--- -> Regcualant Plan Revie$--> DRB Fee-------- Totsal calculacGd Fees- - - > Additional Fce!----- --- -> Total PerniE F€e--------> Palairantlr------- 320. OO s0, o0 . oo 3 .00 . o0 .00 403 .00 . oo {03 .00 403 .00 TOIAI, FEES-. 403 . OO .-"."..,...TH!3.3Y1;;;;;;.;;;;;;:............;::... ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEP.A,R11{ENT DCPE,: BUIIJDING DiViSiON:O5/1,0/2OOO KATITY ACTiON: NOTE ROUTED TO .TRIq0571212000 JRM .A,ction: APPR APPROVEDrt,-b.m:"05600 FrRS DBPARTT{EMr Dept: FrRE Divj.sion:05/to/2000 KATITY Ac!1on: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI ]-. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO C}TECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCB.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 UMC, ORSECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MAI{UFACTTJRES INSTRUETIONS AIiIDTO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIAI{CES SIALT BE VEIVTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AI{DSINLL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, ORCIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.5. ACEESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AI.IDSEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CXTAPTER 3 OF TITE 1997 IMC.5. BOII-,ERS SHAL,L BE MOUNTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I'I{LESS TISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COIIBUSTIBI-,E FLOORING.7. PBRMIT,PIJANS AND CODE AI\ALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN IIECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPE TION REQI'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANIEAL ROOMS CONTATNING HEATING OR HOT-WATER STJPPLY BOILERS SIIALI, BE EOUIPPED WITH A FTOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 OF TTffi L997 UMC, OR SEETION 1-004.5 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECI.ARATIONS t htr.Lty .d<norlc€e th.t I h.rn r..d ghir {rylicrtiqr, fi1lcd out ln full tsh. iofon tiqr rtqul,f,Gd, corqrl.ts.d rn rccur.te plotpl'&, atrd .brbe thrts lll ths inforultidr plovld.d r! rcquiEsd ia corrcct. I .grc. to ccqtly vith tshs iaforlatlqt and plot pl.n,to cooply rlth rll tora ordin.nc.. .nd lt tr l.rE, rid ro bulld thl. elructsu!. tccordiag bo !h. Toen, a roalng rnd rubdivl'lottcodra, draign rcrricr a;4rrovrd, uaifor:u Builait€ Co& .nd othar o Bl0pE8T8 lon ITSPBetIOtrg gm!& B! |0tDB tflElrTC-FO(n nOUnI II* AI@IUEE OF O}IIIER R CO|tIRTqIOR IOR HIIISEI,F AIfi) ONITEi Ar a?9-2134 OR AI OIrR O?FICE FR aTOO AI 5:oO Dtl i.-l ****i**a**rltit*tt***taa***t!rr***t*t*tt*ll***lit***tat**trll}i*taa* TOflN OF VAUJ, CIIORADO '.Statennt ar*a**t*ittt*t*******ttat*******a******t*a*ttait***t*ill}ta**t**rt gtatennt l{urber: RBC-0628 Anount: 403.00 O5/L2/0O L6:36 Paynett [ethod: 126258 Notatioi: RrCH CAPLES Init: iItI Petuit No: U00-0O33 TlDe: B-MECH UBCIIANICAIJ Pm$IT Parcel l{o: 2099-182 -12-OO4gite AddreEs: 5155 BLACK GORE DR I,ocation: 5156 BIASK @RE-SBCaNDARY I,[IT Total FeeE: 403 . 00 Total AI,r, ht6: BaLaDce;.o0 ***ta:a*tt***rl*t!tta**t*tttiilrlt*tr***!rtil*it+rl*rlt**t!l*!l*r*ta***t*!l'l Aceount code Deecrlption IIIP OO1OOOO31113OO I|IBCIIANICAI, PBRTIIT FBES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CEBCK EEEA wc 00100003112800 wIr,L cArJr IItsPBqfIoN PEB This PalrDent 403.00 403 . 00 emount 320 . O0 80 .00 3.OO lltir :.ii'ii ill a ApplrcArroe.,- Nor BE AccEprED ,, ,n.o"".r,l* ii.rfil]€\, - " *- Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) rcWNOPYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: vide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scaleto Mechanical Room Dimensions Combustion Air Duct Size and Location Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location Heat Loss Calcs. Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets \, , , 20 iJ ConEd Asscssts Office at970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name:. S,o=tct'^&'--1'--t;';\:,1,.r, $lcc l-,. Gorc 0 +t /r r JobAddress: irbe f\uiLrL (3,$,-, Legal Description Lott.f Block:Filing: t Subdivision: (nor, ( rr r, ho*Wluti,*,"o^-!fib":'zo w i 9 r *ua n "( a trrr]lvhone: ?26 - 056 6Engineer: ' ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: -t-L,a Ff oor Kr-.',,(.'u,,'t l*c.* *nl al/ U,r,.t-.t^.y- WorkClass: ruegF,4-Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (r-lt. Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Singlefamily ( ) Ouple{ Multi-famaly ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( NofType of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) CoMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMTT (hbor & Materiats) 8oo. CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Mechanical Contractor: A+.t+ rl4nl^^^icul Town of Vail Reg. No.: VhIQLI A Contact and Phone #'s: OaAYon*, I'zo-qt(<tgs Contractor Signature: 2^C *rn*__. L./ F: /everyone/forms/mechperm by rRlH llECH9ll I CnL LLC A.r-28-gO 92 r24"rl l'l tJo 'IL - 4 ALTITUOE: TOTAL BTUS INPUT NEEQED:f,hs GARAGEi f'.on 7205630?a E) o)^!-= 0t rc.rc.rowcrrd."cr / R11=.09 R19=.052 R30-.033 R2'8= 357 ,* AREA SOUARE R VALUE u UA DT Er|I'REG OUTPUT FLOORS x?D't{.o1 .l {o tu 1t 01 (:FIl ING 32d 1J ,ofi lfl"qp 7,G5> WALLS '1 too q ,Ofu 32tl fo 7,d WlNDOWS GtO d 7'3'f],l'l -.t t l.J _-lflfTa INFILTRATION 3<,@ x .75 */,,7b gstz SNOWMELT:.-'-- TOTAL BTUS:/2 Equiprnettt Spcc, Fof'fio I tn lu TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 El.ctricrl- - - > DRB PGe lnvertiEagion>will cil1----> TOrA! rEES---> ilob Address: Location. .. : Parce1 No..:Project No.: 5166 BLACK GORE DR5166 BI,ACK GOPA DR2099-L82-L2-004 PRiI99-0288 DBPARTI{ENf OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOrE: THIS PERIT{rT MUST BE POSTBD ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELBETRIEAL PBRMIT Permit #: E00-0085 SEatus. .AppIied. Issued. .Expires. os /30 /2000 06 / oL/2000 L1,/28 /2000 APPLICANT DA}IICI EIB TRIC PhONE: 719-485-05031838 SILVER EAGLB COttRT, IJEADVILLE, eO 90461 CON:IRACfOR DANICI ELECTRIC Phone: 7L9-486-06031838 SILVER EAGLE COIJRT, LEADVILLE, CO 80461OI'INBR GROSHIRE Descript.i.on: NBlil ELEqIRICAL SERVICE Valuation: tr*ar*+*tr*tr*a*al}r*****rr*rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrratrrrrrr.rr.'rrrii pBE gt uttARy 00 22S.OO .00 .00 3.OO 22S .00 229.OO . oo 22E.OO . o0 22e .OO Tolal crlculatcd F€eE- - - > Additionrl Fccs---------> Total P.roits Fec--------> Prf/Banua-------- BAIANCB DT'B---.- ITC,M: ,O5OOO ELEETRICAL DEPARIIIEIiI:T DCPts: BUILDING DiViSiON:o6/oL/2OOO KATIIY AcEion: AppR APPROVED pER-IOV IEe,qrj ,qlq90 FIRE DEPARTT{ENr Depts: FIRE Diwision:O6(OL/?OOO KATITY Act.ion: APPR N/A *rrttt***taa*****tatl}1*ar*t*t**t*tttttttttttttrttrrr**rrrrrrrrr * * * * * * * a r * * ** rr * r r r *,, t t CONDITION OF APPROVA], 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. t r f * r f t t t i !t t t t !lt t t t t t r r t 'r r tr r ri DECIJARATIONS I h.r.by rcktrovl.dgc uhats I h.vc rced thi! rpplication, fillcd oub in full thr inforutsLon r.quLr.d, coEpleled an accurato plouplan, and Ecaca th-t .I1 tshe inforE tsion providrd.. r.quirad l,a corr.ct, I rgr.. t'o couply uitsh thc inforEation rnd p1ots plan, tso conply vlhh all Tot'n ordinancc. and strt. 1.t.6, .nd lo build thlE structurr rccording to gh. Tor:r,. zoninE and Eubdivisioncodcs, dcaign r.vicr. .pproved, Unlforu tsuildlng Cod. .rrd oth.r oldlnrnc.€ of th. loyn .pplicrblc tih.rcto. bltz Lsgu TOWI| OF VAI!, COIORAITO RcprinCcd! OE ILS IOO LO.2e gCa!@rt tlCrlrun! Nunb.r ! REC-0512 Alount ! 22a.O0 o6llSlOO L0r27 P.ld.trg Hcthod! 1115 NoC.tion ! Dll{ICI E!Ee1?IC Initr it Pcruit lfo: E0O-OO85 Tf7p.: B-BIAC EIBeIRICA' PARXIa P.rc.l No: 2099-142-12-0Oagl!. tdd!...: s166 BtAcr ooRE DR Locrllon: 5156 BIACK (llOR! DR $tis Pq|ocng Toe.l laaa! 229.00 Tot.l AIII, Puts ! Balrnca: 224.O0 230.00 .00 Accor.rnl Codr Dcscriptiql Ep 00100003111400 ELEelT,rCu. 9tR$rT FEES tfc 00100003112800 rfIrJJ crIlL IxaPBerIoN FEE TDounE 225.00 3.00 .r-t-tr.ry-t-lrtrrr.-rrrtlE --ra-Bal:tSE=t--=5E', Er-tlthdH o^n Lo ltz--ioo , re__ ilg rlto0-.-.----T--r REcEIvED cnou \cYn; i Ll-e ol'ri <* ADDRESS Permit Numbers Horv PruD-cash-orcc k | | | 5 Folice Receipt l{umbcrs - w \/ i . ". ,.-. "rt .r AppLrcATroNf.. not BE AccEprED rr rnaorr.r',f* u Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, Colorailo 81657 Contact Asesfirs Oflfce at 97O-or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bfdg. permit # is provided aboielffi Job Name; &,*tk olPcex,rob Address: g LL bLftCk Legal Description ll Lot: ll abck: ll riting:SuMivision: owners Name: p111,11q1t fz,/rfi(ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: = ^Jfu/ A.kfFr-frt- - tls+t ee^-dL WorkClass: NewQ{ Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Temppower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both 0Al Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No p<1 Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex CII Mult'-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Z Is this permit for a hgt tub: Yes ( ) No @Q Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No 0Q Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (/Q COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:g@ ELECTRICALVALUATIoN: $ 32,O7rc CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Ifue. ilatw<q1o 3go- tn3 *t **********tr**************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***ir***************'.J********r.******** Date Received: DRB.Fees: , , PlannerSiqn-qff: F:/everyonqforms/elecperm RtcDtaAy 302000 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.. ... : Parcel No...: Project No : osPQrvrxr oF coMMUNrrY DEVELoP*T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ? (SQq-ozw ELECTRICAL PERMIT 5166 BLACK GORE DRVAIL 5166 Black Gore Dr 209918212004 u-/ 08 /2000 Permit #: 400-0038 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 1l/08/2000 Issued. . : llllT/2000 Expires . .: 05/16/2001 Dhana.OWNER FRIED LINDA C 5124 GROUSE I-,ANE vArr_, co 876s7 CONTRACTOR THUL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX s34 AVON, CO 6L6ZlJ License: 112 -S APPLICATIT THIIL EI.,ECTRONTC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO eL620 7L/08/2000 Phone: 970-949-4638 IL/08/2000 Phone: 970-949-4638 Desciption: install low voltage smoke detectors and panel Valuation: $ 1,300.00 *)a,t:|*rt+'l*t**1***)*,|*,t**lt*,t+,**:l****:*,hl+*l*'i**'t,rlt*{'t,*+**:t,l|l*,1'***alt*rtrt*+ FUE sL,\4MARY Electrical----> DRB Fee-----> Inv€sti gation--> Will Call---------> Tolal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> Totsl Pemrit Fee----> Payn€nts-----._> $50.0o s0 - 00 s0 - oo s3.00 s53 . oo $0.00 $53.00 i53. oo TOTAL FEFIS-> Ss3. oo BALANCE DLIE------> 90.00 Approvals:If6m: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAL, DEPARTMEMI It.em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT tt/og/2000 nvaughan Action: AP engineer stamps due prior to final *$****,t,*t*,r*+++,1* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fillcd out in full the information required, complbted an accuate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REeUESTS FoR INSPECTToN SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLIR HOIIRS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. o *+,1* * ** * 'f,t **{< * *,} * * * *** * ** * * r< t< * * * * * *{< * * * ** * * ************* *:t** ****** 'i***** ***** x* *****x'}****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *+ * * * * * * * * '|l * r( * * * * * * ** * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * **+ * * * * * * *+* ** * ** ** * * * * * * ** * * ** * * *** * * * * * ** * ** **:* * ** * * * statement Nuniber: R000000223 Amount: $53.00 rL/fi/2oooo3:00 PM Pa)ment Method: Cash Init : L,C Not.at ion: paid caah Permit No: 400-0038 Type: AITARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2099182L2004 Site Address: 5166 BI,ACK GORE DR vAIIr L,ocation: 5155 Black Gore Dr Tota1 Fees: $53 .00 This Palment: $53 .00 Total ALI-, PmtB: $53 .00 Balance: S0.00 * * *:t *,i* 't * *** * ** * * * * ** * ** * 't * * * * * * * ** * * * ++* *** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * r|:l * *:* * * * * * * * * *< * {. 't * * * {. * * 't * * r( * * * !t * * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Prnts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY PO|^IER PERMITS l^IC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3. 00 MWilWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 AppucAnoULL r{or BE AccEprED rF rr{couplttliilrr"Vh"rq -aZ*f Buildins Permit #: 9\ - o 3ao AtarmPermit *t Wffi 97 O- 47 9- 2135 (I nspl.ctions) Commercial & ResidenUal Alarm shop drawings are required at time of _ application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, 2no page of this llorm. ApplicaUon will not be accepted without thisinformation. Conact OlIfe at 970-328-8H0 or forPatel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) Job Name: ll o *l 'ooooo*'5lGL R\..r Gs,^. D,. Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners N"t"ti.++ lt\ r.\r,Address:,,ta F. gl..-.. <-*Phone:3s3 - Y)s- e..ou Engineer:Address: H.g\.-\r R-^.}. , cs , ll phone:<60l)\ ll Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) E^\;-. Ho,,*. Detailed description of work: T^s\-\\-\.i^ ol ["* ,.:.,\\--r s.r..rct \.i.]o.. q^\ o.^.\ WorkClass: New(f,) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) fther( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-f;amily(1) Two-famity( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) tto (.X1 Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern tuisB Yes ( ) No cY) COMPTETE VALUATIONS FORALARM PERMTT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: g CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Alarm Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.: 5.-^.,, o 5o,-\.,^ 1\1'1L39 tit****t**********'r**i**t:tr**ir**i**,r*iFOR OFFICE USE ONLY******nf**n*i*rrr*r***i**i*r******:!** F:/e\reryone/fu nm/drmperm G;rnF o: ||tF o <; F C'o c F o rEOEoE|.oOIrrl aF d||lF c; F :.JE*8Hrrt{ EEEIoal !lF oo o o c F lr oo<J orlEE Aa Ft{&EF.E0 ocIa o o al.| !!I .l d gd tttHao |: I o I,' qi..EO Er.Hoo rEE 'Ot aa! :E Tota torB FE .ta E tlul6i I GICIi EE: lgI ECrrrl:lta i tEi E9i B.itst1 i izEI r<tI FII Hagti8.IrOEtt!,EIA . :.FD I r{aqt9L r ()OE I ATI i E. cl ol2, 1EiEIEctF:.iAr{lorrt8i.TIotr rHiell.tH rIr!. 'Fl I Ii6r!lFrt.n|t|l.t{I t! 6.; iq g- lr El. rI.{ rt !:, iF EEcro I D ttI\.{.a I lJ aJo{'l I.ls iel:E l*-!t ! qtE8E:BIq O IAAt ' .' 05-1&2001 -9€9-en-*-- AiPrDlntbrmfioq ,tcilfiv mmffi3 TIDG: SEtEcHCoffil TVF: Ocsueirly:ffid: 2(Hlt&ti2lx),1ADoflc.ft RE Hf€CHAlrc.qf LLCCofincion R & H liEcll ldcAt LLCOurp: OROslllRE yffi"HffiinffiT Rccuesbd Inspcct D!te: [orldry, June !t, 20ol- tuamed To! CDAU5tnfDccfrgr Tyre; ilECHtnairocilonl'itt: JRilstb Addr€6s: 5t86 H-ACK GoRE DR vAL 5100 e-AcK GoRE-sEcoslDARY ui{fr Page 11 ott'rten FREDLh&AC Dcecrtslbn; RttlNiE OF Sl FLOOR I'EAT LhlLS ONLYOoflfi'Cd: Wfl.J. BRT.IC hI TIECH LAYOTJT TO gOilPI-ETE PERIfiT . JRM srbrg*: tmur Phon : :[F54$909-fPtsn: 3CK!-SI&9894 Requeitrd Tlme:- Pttnr: Er$c'cd By: Aflbn: PA PAfiTiiAL AFPRC|VIL EzuTRY I} IJPPE|q LEVEL$, 73 PSI gdvcmyr - bo|h $vetflru Ld3d al Cf t|t|e6ah Acllon: AFAPPfIOIED ?U, clrh8td6cl trt aiddit bo$.tth. ftlrrl|ry L,|ll V^ g,ftil,4 tr%"'"n{ f Sbfra: ISStEDfrsplrm: .Rhi 0B:0OAt9xL643.98S4 DFLOREE K hfi: lm [am: trphn: 31O 3,20 3tr1340 [sn: 3q] MECH-Fouoh 'd13,0(r iCofirmrdli oryl&o0 Cfinrmnti; 10,0fY.00 Coflsnonlg: lt|m: nBm: nGm: {O!f,onall(@&oruh {Clbdorrtt) * ADoro\re'd * CD .. Acfofl: APPRAPFftOI€D AcIbN: CO CER'ntrI*ATE OF OCCUPANCY I REPTTSl t' R&HiffiCFoJTIFALLLC Itun Id: 702 /,q '.' -5,L0-Bgr-..-.. PIJ|BJRil AJF,D IntEnnrgol! Aclfvlty: P0SO087 Tttro: SPi.MBcomiT\rlo: Ocurmftv:fr|icd: ?o99ts21ZXXADpIh'r,: CASEY FLUT|SHG & FI€ATI'.IG'bvrner: efiOSllffiEOrn': FREDLTNDACContr#; CASEY PltftlBtlc & HEATIIB stbTm: Nol.rp SE$$: lS$LrEDtsrpArs: JRil Plprn: 97S9?$1946 Phone; 97t)-9?&1946 Dcocdp{oru Pl-thr8$lG & Blli pFil{G FOR NEW $FR lbn commen&: SEUOffiR?"UfiXT IneocctoLljlgto$ It€m: 21O Itsm: ?30 llem: ?40 22O Pi MFRorrfltvD.W.V i(')s{locol)08€2d fnsoecrrr: .lRU {cdofi, Cor ntritr: AftfrR FRth'LFtf SIOE OI\ILY(€/?4'(F ln*p6!'tot: .rRMffim€nir: AFPR $ECOnmlComlnsnir: AFm $ECOim'qJ?Y 6fPLliet-Rsuchr'YYatar iop{ltrnl PAPARTIAL APPROVAI PA PARTIAI AFPRS/AL APAFPTdOIMD O},ILY STRF€TPRESSUN€ llan: 26On m: 260ftdn: 29O _':.ffir*ffffiifiiHY Req$cFH ln$ectDrb: Asilonc<t TollnlFcct6n Typer Insatecdon Are8rSlbAddrccs: Frkby, June 15,20olCDAVIS r 5166 B|.ACKGORE DR VA|L 5166 BI.ACK@RE DR I edJN neruesr$ffil 9983#*u I Er*.ntB! DFLORES K STEA$ EIvUTTEF AND SFiOI'T,FR THRESiPLD D tdSRourtlWntar i0p{hnol} '* Approved * l$tl80f h$D'*ciri;{i JRM ' A{ilon: {n?ftrpr}ts: APFR Fof.$l"l }VATCR ON PRll'rARY SIECfl$?rlefib: ApFfil FOt.K}l"l !1/AT8R ON PRIi ARY SIDE PLMFfras F'ip{ng iofiiondii "" Apprwad "!0,OS/0O Inspectar: JFM Actlon: AFAPPROVED tCOMINAfiBI AFFfl GAS PIPNG BOTH $IC'ES @ 30il TAGS LEFT WCoNrnncron I PLMFPo$t/l"ldTub (AilhndlPlll{srrtac. (ctllkiral)PllriB.Final (R*U..d)Wl{/Ol fmrc{or: CDTVTS Actbn: ONDE}.ilEDCcxruncnts: SEmlS,lRY UN|T -BACI(FLOIV PfiEVE$TOR CERTIFCA1ION NEOUIRED-ADD C/UD AT G4S LhIE FOR ORYER.CROUT,/SF-\I ALL TOI.ET BASES.1'AIRGAP REAIJRED AT MASTER SI.IOWER STEAII EMITTEF AND SIMWER THRESHOLO REPJ131 Run Id: ?13 rc{xno r.c.@ptlfrOROS}GE *n#t BH'T.Dm7 $ilx lggLEDl|pAll: CD \ R.qu.abd Ttnr! 6:{XlAll- PlHr: gTO&ls{FS Ert.|.lry: I)FLORE$ f II601 5{Bt0 bmhn:bm: hrrbn: Lm: lnsD*br CD Acilffi: l.lOnPTFlED SCN-g REFOFT REOLMEDhsD.cbr: cD Acfion' PAPA{T!ff,APPR6/Amlr npoil ncalved irIry.ctrr 9I] Ariloo: l.lOllOTFED +mfilqEb{frfimhrD.cbn CD - lftn: @CERTFEAIEOFOCCITPATTEY 1' AODIL OOnf,l - A rflnD|irbrt too|lls rd hn.Ihl.yrr ifl !. rd l|hb rl. Tbcsf,aar b rqnd b sDnil rrind fu1il d r ht-. fiom TD€ tt|E. Em. of mcofi*, |lo! SLi htrftro Il nFn F r.$t dtpm fr ncnr. Contr|cld lEr D.sr-dbd of|rnffU||flrh*rcbc CD L0on: APPRAPPRCI/EDrrlxthnl. fiartrwrrrlr$hnl.fintuwrlndc fill - Ardon: PAFIAi'ilIAFPRCII||. RECD I."ETTEN NEFEIREINCEtrDchc .fiil Artoo: @CERTnCATEtrOCCIJPAI{CV. SPARATFN TYA.LREOI.ESTED MRE }FO ON SIPERIOR YTII.T TAI ASTNC$TE9PAJI ffiOFIIZ APPRAFPRq'ED PAPAII11ILAI'PROVA Tt ^,i rI' i.1.'-a" l.ll q -- 9,t;3H*t _ *ffiruflffi[fi,f'*' __ t"*" ACO.be@!Is! &srr$L@ef,elfrl lbn: 90 BLOGfhdRsnbc K.c"COlfAMYCodn nE: Urc3g}84l7 ^'Fll'13: ry |nsoco0m tilctorv 0t/1Co{ilnfib:oclsmComg*r:o{1E00Co|rrnors:ofismCmtEls 0,1/2{lmCotlmiil$o?/atmCoilmanb: o?/4v00Co0lrnr8 Csmn*r:wnTtmCot|rrnlr; A'GDEI'ELSIETTPDNSillu(lrohSEECOlDllUtlS-KAilf RS|. ffi h$.atprte: lpcdry, Julttl, Anl' lnrpcdlhn Arr,r: CD3lbAlt'rsr: 5t66 H-aCK @RE DR VA|L5r6t glcf(ooRE DRt E *'lB: u$'Plr||: 97O.Sl&t6€€ Flrm: 47F6810 n|n|Erp; REPTl31 07,/2alm -fnovll*NENT ?98 il :,l ni: ,. t 07-31-2001 Lnf, $ H.DG'Fhl[r'': lsoBl8$frfir i Co|mrs*r: |.r Vh@' lnro:.Ooa rw-relP.C t(r'?4E#lq' hn: ql EtDe*lutrlbn -|!o|ql,rd"lwlTtfD h.F.clo.: Ond uon: PAPARTIIIAFFROI'^LConms{r: SECO|IOIRY(f,iIT (SOUII{ ON RCHDOnI,Y.1lt'/22tfi milbc CI}A\rlE' Ac{ori: APAPPROT/ED AlL llBlr.Alrr{ InCil ARC'IXTI} 6IGNT AT F/P ll{D Efl.ER BrrE}fI rnpfdorEfqqryt AcJon: PAPARITAL APPROVAL -ASFsd AcIhTu PAPIRflALAIPRO/AL "-Ar0rgr,!d "DNI)e}ED I I PA}IiIOHICK@RE DRfJE.t lill POgYtv€ RC[D. JOFOil AttD C;llRCL VAVE TI.{AT fS }GxT TO 4 COT.ICREIE PAlil O[rl ACCESII RCI D. Ar{on: DNIE!{EDb lnrbfr hmhcegfg rfd chft $ rmegh4 t|b. cmus Dlrf DEtGgrvofitcsFtr t BOIH t'tNB il'8T ilAlTH T'PPER FIIISn^|.EI Tf,'ST HAIG A Gfit|8.8 Rfr, 2,, b|tu 60 bm 70 Coltrrcrf: !an: 3l!3 Pl.lf*TEttP.6/1rfill hou 6iYbm {X}9lm: 6{O B llc K DRI 4'.OII @}JCFEIE DRAINACE P TAB Assodatesttrrrdbrl*EErEEzratSIOO A6r.at (17!) 7$t{nb0tqr.lttrat*lLaljl G VE OR 1' ) AIL\/EFT 2 FlAt6rl EEFH D<IgTI}€ DR]VEIIIAY I,l I I I I \\ \ \\ \ ,\ PFA,EGr N rre PxlEgr c atil _.---i/_=--'jj':-- \ t2" covER oN l2r cflP :.V z1,4 - F'- \i Neu ba'-el A€PI{AT DRN€IJAY Pr{ ltE CD T}IEft A1 .1a RE 7/7'A /fnn'0N '1ilI CilVtlne(V qVr r/il An/ n/A ilJHnn:nl nnnT'll'leN Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 97 0-479-2 1 5 8 / Fax: 97 0-479-2 I 66 To: Paul Birkholz, Project Manager Black Gore Duplex RE: Revise Site Plan On March 30, 2000. I called with some issues regarding the project on Black Gore Dr. On March 3 | , I received a fax of the rcviscd site plan, but a couple of issues we had discussed have not bcen addressed. Show length of 12" culvert on site plan Show elevation gades at street and center of new driveway, where I 2" culvert is to be installed. The site plan that was fax on March 3l shows the length of pipe at 27 ft, and a min of 12" of cover on top ofpipe, but no elevations were given to prove this rvould work, nor was the length ofpipe written on site plan. I am going to approve this revised site plan with the conditions that when built, it u'ill meet the above requirements or corrections will be made before T.C.O approval. If you have any queslions, please feel free to call me. Thank you, Leonard Sandoval Town of Vail Construction Inspector tp*"noto'^'o i,:i Ll fs\\t f f.^4 Ctc (-*f,"f u' DEPARTITEIIT OF COMMT'NIF/ DEVELOPMEMT JOBSITE AT ALI, Permit #: TIMES 899-0320 TO$IN OF VAIL75 S. FROIITAGE ROADvArL, co 91657970-479-2t38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev' TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PRO'IECT TITLE: GROSHIRE DttPtEX NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Clean-uP DePosit Refund approved *mamount 4?u' :uglrla. APPLICANT K.C. COMPA}IYP.O. BOX 341, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRA TOR K. C. COI4PANYP.O. BOX 341, AVON, CO 81620OWNER FRIED LINDA C5124 GROUSE I.tANE, VAIIJ EO 8T657OUINBR A&G DEVEI-,oPMENT PTNRS ':{a1.e Buildi,ng-----> gLan Check---> lnwesti.gat.i on > rrill Call----> 3,34O.O0 2 t t7L .OO .oo 3 .00 Addrese:tion. . . :Pe-rcel No..:Project No.: Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N 0s /L7 /L9e6 Town of Rcatuaratrb PIan Reviera- - > DRE F€e-------- R6crcaLion Fec--------,-> Cl..n-Up Dcposit-------- > TOTATJ FEBS-'- -' 5156 BIJACK GORE DR 51-66 BLACK GORE DRIVE 2099-L82-L2-004 PR f99 - 02 89 Statua...: ISSIJEDapplied..: L2/28/L999Issued. . . :Ercpires. . : Phone z 970-926-0566 Phone; 970-925-Q566 Firclrlrca Informati.on: R.Et.rlcUGd: yES {Of 9.6 AppLlrnc.. r *of Oas Log6:#of wood/Pall-et:*rtt***r***rrr*rarrr*aira*rtir FEE St UMARY ,*,rrriaf*rrrirrr Description : New duplexOccupancy Dwellings PrivaE,e Garages Table Date: Phone z 476-86Lo Number of Dwelling Unitss: OO2Factor Sq. Feet ValuaEion97.80 5,400 529,1_20.0025.56 t_,083 27,69L.49Subtot.al| 5,483 555,801.48Totsal Valuatj_on: 555,901.49Vail Adjuet.ed ValuaEion: 750,000. OO0 .00 Tocal calculac€d Fo6s- - - >'t,474.OO 400.00 AddiElonal- Fees---------> .00 910.00 ?oErl Pclul.e p..--------) 750.00 Payncn!.- - - - - - - - 7 ,414,00 BALANCE DUA---- 7 t 474 .OO 7,4't4.OO . o0 t t * a t * * * * a t ' * t t t t t * tt a r, t t * * r t t ta tttt*.r*rt**'rrir*ttr*irirrl*,r*itrrtr*.t***rrri*riri*!r.a* ItsCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI{ENT DCPI,: BUII,DING DiVJ.SiON:t2/29/L999 KATIIY Action: NOTE ROTIIED TO CHARLTEOl/La/2000 CHARLIE Action: AppR see correct,ions tsitIt,EM: O54OO PI.A}INING DEPARTTT{ENT DEPt,: PLAriINING DiViSiON:t2/29/L999 KATIIV Acrion: NOTE ROUTED TO DOiIINTC0L/L3/2000 DOMINIC Act,ion: NOTE NoE, approvedO2/L6/2O00 DOMINIC Act,ion: AppR okIEem: 05600 FIFS DEPARTIIENI Dept,: FIRS Division:L2/29/!999 KATrry Act.ion: NotE RotnED To vAucHN/McGEE0L/L0/2000 MrKE_V Action: AppR apprrEem: 05500 PUBTIC WORKS DepE: prrB woRK Division:L2/29/L999 r(ATl{y Action: AppR SITE,DRAIN EtC TO FOLTOWt2/29/L999 IGTr{y Acrion: CANC OOPSL2/29/1999 KATIIy Action: NOTE SITE,DRATN BTC TO FOr_,LOw02/]-6/2000 CHARLIE Action: NOTE revised routed tso p.w. 04/03/2000 LSAI{DOVA Action: AppR AppRovED wrTlr coNDrTroNsIEem: 05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGTNEER Division: q.L2/29/L999 KATTTY t,lon: APPR SEE PIIBLIC rtrrr*l}att+a**tt*tt**rirrrirrt,ritriatrrt,rtti*!r*t*trrrrr!rrtr,r* I*a'} a,I tt * * * * r * t t a t r r * r f r* r +********,,r**, r *. *r* *i rrti* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thaE. may apply to tshis permiE. o WORKS DECLARATIONS I h.reby acknorhdga thrt I hrv. read thi. applicaEion, flllcd ouE in full th. infometion r.qulred, coDpleLed anpran' and otsacq Ehac '11 th. tnf,o!fiacion ltrovid€d ac roquirod is corr6c!, r rgr.c co couply trlth th. lnfornationeo conltly 'lEh alL Totn ordinrnc.. rnd.!rt. 1ar6, rnd co bui.ld thie gtruclure accordlng to th..ToF,. zoninq .ndcods€, d€sign rcvier apProvcd, tnlforr BuildLng codc and othar ordlnrnces of ths torrd AoolurdA^.A^. REQItBsrg FoR rNgPEglroNg aHAltr BB t'tADE tr{ENr!-FouR HorrRs rN ADrtAlrcE Br rELEpHolt!FRoll E:oo Al{ s!00 PM gend Cl..n-ttfr Dalroclc To! K-C.COMPM OF OWNSR C9NTR.ACTOR FOR HTUSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI,,Permit #: Bg9-0320 as of o4/03/OO status: ISSUED********************************************************************:r*********** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMITApplieant: K.C. COMPAM .TOb AddrESS: 5]-56 BI,ACK GORE DRI.,OCAEiON: 5166 BI,ACK GORE DRIVEParcel No: 2099-192-12-004 aecural,€ plots and plor plan, 6u.bd{vlsion Applied: 12/28/L999Issued: ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS********************************************!&*******************************.**** 1- Tlrrs PRoirEer wrrJrr REQUTRED A srrE TMPROVEMEIi|IT suRVEy. sucHsuRvEY sllALL, BE sIrBMrrrED AND APPROVBD pRroR To R-EeuEsT FoRA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SIATL HAVE A CEILING HEIGTfT OF 5 FEET OR LBSS,As MEASIIRED FROM TIIE ToP srDE oF THE sTRUentR.,aIJ MEIIBERS oFTHE FLooR To rHE t IIDERSTDE oF fiIE srRUcrttRAr, MEMEBERS oF THEROOF DIRBCTIJY ABO\/E, 3 . PER DRB: ROAD SHALIJ BE CONSTRUCTED PER THE PI.,AN PREPARED BYALPINE ENGINEERING WITH TIIE ADDITION OF A 4' WIDE CONCRETBPAII AT EDGB OF ASPHAIJT.4- PER DRB: TIIE DrrcH rN FRONT oF Lor 3 Musr BE RESTORED oRPIPE MUST RE}AIN.5. PER DRB: NO GR,ADING SHALL OCCTR fN TIm FLOODPIATN AND TIIEFLOODPI.AIN SIIALIJ BE INDICATBD ON AI,L PI.,ANS.6 - make not.e of correctlons list suppried with field drawings o **************************** o ************ Statemne !r********************t** TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO****************!t****************t****************'t************* stauerurE Number: REc-0612 Amounti 7,274.00 O4/03/OO 14:35 _ _::T:i: _T::i:i: _ =:I_ _y:=::i: _t: : :: {i:_ ::YTr_ _ :::: : _ ry_Permit No: B9g-0320 \pe: B-BUTIJD l{BW (SFR,p/S,Dttp) pBParcel No: 2099-182-12-004sit,e Address: 5156 BLACK GORE DRLocation: S1GG BLACK @RE DRM Ttris Payment Balance: .00**************************************************************** Total Fees: 7 ,274.00 ToLaI ALrL Pmts: 7 ,474.O0'l ,474.0O AccounL Code Descript,lonBP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDTNG PERMTT FBESDR OO10OO031122OO DESIGN RBVIBW FEBSPF 00100003112300 pr,Al{ cHEcK FEES Amount, 3, 340 . 00 200 .00 2 ,L7L.O0750 .00 810.00 3 .00 AD D2-DEPO8 CTJEANUP DEPOSITSRF 1110OO031127OO RECREATION FEESwc 00100003112800 !|ILL CALL INSpEqfION FEE Pesqq. ozzr rowN o, uo,rQoNSrRUcroN pER",, o#ircAroN F.RM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLNTE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJNCTEI) Contadthe Eagle County Assessorslil"-"3rff*e at e7G32&8640 for Parcet# Parcel # Job Name: BuildinglQ Plumbing ( ) permit# lfig- o3ao Job Address: Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) LegalDescription: ut 4 Block---f- Filins + Subdivision oo "oN*r"'Ai Gfuanu€$rhnu.lt,xesr'fu.J, Ftatqda ta€xr *Jt?-, Vt]. phone# :\fi'8Lil2-- locnttea:-TAb Asorint l.i,ar"u,hy 74i1, Avop Ctt. 8tl2o pnone*748'J47o Description orna: ilEd Plimnq-.fe(NOnt/ p,F{0dJCE Alteration ( ) z Gas Appliances 2 Work Class: New Ozf Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: (po,oob BUTLDTNG: , IMW ELECTRTcAL: $ 35,ddoPLUMBTNC $ ?O,OOO MECIIAMCAT $ S,s/arb CONTRACTOR INFORMANON General Contractor: Town of Vail Registrafion No.qbs. B Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeislration No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Town of Vail Reeislration No. Additional( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet Other( ) h,rr Cprs. *fu aoi ui s,al VALUATIONS Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: [C. Co^p*,g ->1L- Fo Box 3q/ - l,l,ks orHER: st*/'/r Lo'ooororAlsw ?5D,ooo Jqp- 6?q+ Address: Phone # /uon Co (6?o t'"*ot'*=' ^atg RCceiVdil Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Groshire Duplex Project Description: New duplex ProjectNumber: PRJ99-0288 Owner, Address, and Phone: A and G Development Partners c/o Greg Amsden 500 S. Frontage Rd., suite 112 476-86t0 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: TAB Associates PO Box 7431, Lvon, CO 81620-7431 748-1470 Project Street Address: 5166 Black Gore Drive Legal Description: Lot 4 (and 5, lots were combined by plat), Gore Creek Sub. Parcel Number: 2099-182-12-004 BuildingName: Comments: Must revise plans to address conditions prior to application for building Permit. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Board/Staff ActionWoldrich Action: Greenauer Approved 1.RoadshallbeconstructedpertheplanpneparedbyAlpineEn8lneeringwiththeaddition ofa 4' wide concrete pan at edge of aspbalt. 2. The ditch in front of Lot 3 must be restored or pipe must remain. 3. A Building Permit Application shall not be submitted until the plat and all required easements have been recorded. 4. No grading shall occur in the floodplain and the floodplain shall be indicated on all plans. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 12102199 DRB Fee Paid: $200 ott TuW\I0FVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 Fil( 970479-2157 August 16,1999 TAB Associates PO Box 7431 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Groshire Duplex located at 5166 Black Gore Dr./Lots 4 aud 5, Blk. l, Gore Creek Sub. Dear TAB: The Community Development DeparEnent has completed a review of the proposed duplex on this property. Please note that the project is scheduled for the September 15, 1999 DRB meeting as a complete submittal was not received until July 30, 1999. Thc item has been scheduled for a conceptual review by the DRB on August 18, 1999. Below are the Town's comments/revisions for this project. l. The access easements and the approved plat must be recorded prior to final DRB approval ofthis project. 2. Please provide a letter from all affected lot owners agreeing to proposed driveway/access plan. 3. Please provide a plan to restore the existing disturbed area where the current access road is located on the property. You may need to consult a wetlands expert about re-vegetating this area. 4. Please clearly show the limits of sod being placed on the property. Place a note on the plan that sod rnay not be placed beyond the limits ofdisturbance line. 5. Please provide cut sheets for all proposed light fixtures. f6. The proposed driveway does not match the easemeuts as depicted on the plat. Please modify the access to comply with the platted easement. Pase I of2 {g-u"n*r rn 8. The minimum distance rcquired between the garage doors and the edge of tle access drive for parking is24' .' Please conect the plans to comply with this requirement. g. Please show all access road improvements in relationship to the steet pavement. It appears that a concrete valley pan and a culvert will be needed. Additionally, provide spot elevations for both sides ofthe access road where the road connects to the public steet. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 479-2148. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Chiefof Planning Page 2 of 2 Qucstions? O, 0,. Plii;rling Staif r.'.i7:)-- i2.i APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TOWN OFVAII,p({qT- oLtr CENERAL INFORMATION This application i.s for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicrv must rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prior to submitting tbr a building pcrmit. For specific information, sce the subrnittal rcquircnrorts for thc particular approval that is requcstcd. Thc application caffiot be acceptcd until all the requircd inlbrnration is subrniftcd. Thc projccl nray aiso nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrrrrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building p€rmit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:BLOCK: .1 FILINC D. E. F. G. PHYSICALADDRESS: 5Tb6 BUNCL CNNT }dg PARCEL #: ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS:. owNER(S) Sr NAME OF APPL MAILINC ADDRESS: Zf ?a - t I ?'te-P F(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Of,Ece at 970-32E-8640 for parcel #) Avno, C0. Bt62n-T4ll PHoNE: 74A- 1+1\ TYIPE OF REVTEW AND FEE: d Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildine. E Addition - E Minor Alteration - DRB fces are to be paid at the timc ofl submittrl. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identt! thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. The Town ofVail will adjust the t'ee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICA'IION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIIIMUNITY DEVELOPfoIEN'I" 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 816s7. B. :8.P. a€croa7 t/t. H. $50 Incltrdcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsideutial or comrncrcial building. $20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildinp and sitc improvcments. such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, etc. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wal[ Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr . Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs . Flashings Chirnncys Trash Enclosures Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** ' €ther o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERTALS }D !'16' Ti G o TYPE OF MATERIAL: 4ove-. rduinurt corrfusrT€ ITRLT JITdEIF COLOR:+ Snua 6eicr fSoriD (oFg roCID\ r\ h L Flo$r Doo!-/ t toDy ItuFF ?uv,c 3norrr.) EM{ tlor.lg, Atr rdfirr. }-lour}'tED, * Please specify thc manufacfurer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exteritir lighting is proposcd, plcase indicate the nunrbcr of fixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan, Identify each di'ture typc and provide the height above grade, Iumcns output, lunrinous arca and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixhrcs. 'i'. t t$ ' Updated 6/97 ut ?'x4r Jhu tari^lr, ,l/2'*e'pttu8 ps,tr!s!rD) o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nantc Conrnron Namc Ouantity Sizc! LZt fin..PROPOSEDTREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER .SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Afbpeo rcso 28 EvEorrct"r rnna lt td_ 8{d .ilrr,rira rusrtps 5 col.-.-lg_ Spinsa B'$rt6 'l I @ 5 qJ. ---{=t- *Mininrum rcquircnrcnts for landscaping: Typc dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calincr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons Sqlrarc F.ootaqc Srrud ],{|LES U|IEW ,JecE$AA, OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis, fcnccs, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Intlicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. Maxinrunt height of walls rvithin thc front setback i" ? feet. Maxirnum hcight of rvalls elsc'rvhcrc on the propcrty is 6 leet. i. t:-!- uiiiiatcd 6D7 .Vn 3raco { : o T ITILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This fomt is to vcrif, scrvice availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing yourutility plan and schcduling installations. The location and availability ofutilities. whethcr thcy be rnain tn:nk lines or proposcd lincs. must bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc acconrpanying sitc plan. U.S. Wc.st Communications t-800-922-t 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Conipany 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-s892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.l. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc * Plc:rsc brirrg a sitc plan, floor plan. and elcvati signahrrcs. Firc florv nccds rnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: Authorizcd Sienaturc Date 7- 3o -Q7 17 -3o 47 78a-7f l. Ifthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr each conrnrcnts arc ntadc dircctly on thc fbrnt, the Torvn rvill thc dcvclopnrcnt can procced. or tnc utrltty compantes, and no prcsunrc that thcrc arc no problcnrs and If a utility cornpany has conccrns with thc proposcd construction, the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on thc utility vcrification fonn that there is a problcm which nccds to be rcsolved. Thcissucshoulci then bcdctailcd in an attached lctterto thcTown of Vail. Howclc:, pl::se kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility of thc utility company and thc applicant to rcsolvc :j:;liircu 1,. -',1:; r,;. 3,These vcrifications do not rclicvc the contraitor of thc responsibility to obtain a hrblic Way Pentlit fronr thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtaincd.bcforc diggins in any public right-of-way or cascnrcnt within tlic Town of vail. A buildinq pennit is not a Public Way pcrnrit and nrust be obain'e'd sqrarately.'- Uirdated 6/97 fr Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation Fs ,s * isJi )e *is ,fi 7'frr, EIa slg FA Hr) di ,a >J $ $ -.1!!co lfi {-pJ r'9+ \- 5i:N rtlr'ik NOir(t l!4l:r!! oz (9z:t! Q B '3o trJ = J BcL) uoq5 ILo 'd .g .i El 6rlsFgB sa6e Jg tr, u F $i FQ LdE, z 5ES{ 31.6 gl$ '.,\q, ,^<- (/^, ,(:,!1, l"y'_ --l - )..\(b.'.-.NAnnlTri.\|||\J 6) aaje) a a56J ?il, 856J 5l #- il- .--*oq' ,r- -\ '^/cG_$ 4@ r @-\S o QLg) - == (:jj,' 5 ft*i:_ n O b W S ., - Hy:;:t:JStID,:\-NO 1'./ r q1 ;fiff::? €D; q rr,aJ!'u/. _ _J' "_l 6 ..r drr i ,\tfilit*. /--;?e1!r'-,./ r__){:,,,n i -- \_, -::..15 </ . . a3a)a r, \+ -t l1!l!, i.J 6G) €l 51yy1.195 HEATHIR 0F i.ic) vArr c \Q_2_g) -\ .-> \o I \Qi'_c., " O \€ \ tan tJ) n S :E-pec i fil s r.ejr' l | --- l: rl?)a ', ::-',\ l- l(:.:c5.1 | n ''5r.i\\ .10 /- !., 2i 1o* t g#,[::''f \": ,;;tg:'',. -;6 ,/ i ,n.,,.*,"t\ h' 65'"5 / IN\". -. .qC .c -/.,.111P.' g /!\'\ ilot ^nu.- (ni.r/- - ' \ \\ .lf.- ;.'' /'\r\i{ s.,. ',/ -u ,1/ | ., =*il f-€D.. .ci -,r// . .. " / /i ilt---q---!|!-_Qt2 I ;, rNLs336.:r QT])\ (-, t' l* ,| Ilffi ; z o ll rtgo;,, _ ,/" @r)\\ lEd\:.J\' fl+i:tr. . :-t i o l t_ OL,2I v| r.:Xo6i-r- . v't, ET RIoz, (9z J lr. (l l-t- 64 I:!;cHx H oz (9z:ltr (n =oo EI lrlI R:R-fZ.vr#2f"-xS lr tin ,/il!yi[ fl.taE|lff^c..rE ta -, AM ERI CAN I^AN D TITLE ASSOC I ATI ON OWNER'S POUCY (r0-17-92) CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJECT TO TI{E EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGECONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, CHICACO TITLEINSURANCE COMPANY, a Missouri corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Folicy shownin Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained orincurred by the insured by reason of: l. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as statcd therein: 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title: 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. lack ofa right of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in defense ofthe title, as insured, butonly to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. ht Witness Whereof' CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy ro be signed and sealed asof Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, the policy to bccome valid when countersigned by an authorizcd signatory. ISSUED BY: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Frontage Rd. W, Suite 203 P.O. Box 35? Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 476-2251 Fax (9?0) 476-4534 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By:/r--I/2fu .,/ President By; ALTA Owner's Policy (lG.t7-92)06 0067 106 1162 ' Form AOlCgr Order No. V262567 noricfio cltu262s67 Amount $285,000.00 SCHEDULE A Address IJOTS4AND5BIJKlGORE CREEK SUB 1. Policy Date: August 12, 1999 at 5:00 p.M. 2. Name of Insured: ROBERT D. HIJNTER AI{D ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST AND A & GDEVEI-,OPMENT PARTNERS, A COIJORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AND MARK,f. AMSDEN 3. The escate or int,erest in the rand described in t.his schedul_eand which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple 4 - TiE.le Eo t,he est.ate or interest covered by E.his poticy aE thedate hereof is vested in: ROBERT D. HI]IVTER AND ROBERT A. RYIVIER TRUST A}ID A & GDEVELOPMEIiN PARTTVERS, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AND MARKJ. AI4SDEN 5. The land referred t,o in this policy is situaced in EAGLECounEy, Colorado, and is described-as follows: Lors 4 AND 5' BLocK 1, coRE CREEK sltBDrvrsroN AccoRDrNG To rHERECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COIJNTY oF EAGLE, srATE oF coLoRADo. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANYPage 1 This poricy varid only if schedule B is attached.. Form AO,/CHI Order No. Y262557 SCHEDULE B o Po licy No. CTEU262S67 This policy does not insure againsL loss or damage (and the companywill noE _pay cost,s, att,orneysT fees or expense"l -*iri"ii-"iiJ"';;''*^'' fAtCrat.t a\t . General- Exceptions: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by t,hepublic records. 2. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disput,es, or othermatE,ers which would be disclosed- by an acci,rat,e survey anclinspection of the premises. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, noE shown by the publicrecords. 4. Any lien, or riVht to a lien, for services, labor, or materialheretofore or hereaft.er furnished, imposed'uy-raw and not. shownby the public records. 5. I.998 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THETREASURERS OFFICE. 6. LTENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY. 7. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR I}ITERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 1-3, LgOz, IN BOOK 48AT PAGE 491-. 8 ' RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEIrNrrED srATEs As RESERVED rN riNrrED srATEs pATEtflr RECoRDED s-fiemoer r:,]-902, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49L. 9. RESTRICTIVE COVENA]flIS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORF'EITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BIrr oMrrrrNc REs.TRrcrroNs, rF ANy, BASED oN RACE, coloR, nslieioN, oRNATIONAT ORIGfN, AS COr{TAINED IN INSTRIII4ENT RECORDED Novedber 10, Lg6g, INBOOK 216 AT PAGE 36]-. ].0. ROADWAY EASEME}N 20 FEET IN WIDTH ON WEST STDE OF HIGHWATER LTNE OF CREEKALONG THE WEST LOT LINE AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEKSUBDIVISION. Ll. TERMS, CONDTTTONS AIID PROVTSTONS OF EASEMEIfT DEED RECORDED July 20, 1990 rNBOOK 534 AT PAGE 2. Page 2 . : ._,_._ _ _o -. -rorm AO/CHI Order No. V262567 SCIIEDUIJE B Policy No. CT8U262567 (ITEMS ].0 AND 1]. AFFECT LOT 4) L2 ' ROADWAY EASEMEMT-2o FEET rN Wi?ILON WEST SrDE O-F^HT.H'ATER LrNE OF CREEKtir[ffi"E.gfi'rffi;+igi"*i^'riiiuecr-pn6;;Rd;i s'oooN oN rHE neconopo pr.ar r.3. PEDESTRIAII EASEMINT 5 FEET rN wrDTHcoRE cREEx as sHol,ilr or,r-ifre iilco*ro (rT8MS 12 Ar{D L3 AFFECT LOT s) llglc PREVATLTNG sourH BANK OF MArNpLAT oF GoRE cREEr susoivJsr5lr..^, 1-4. IITTLTTY EASEM.E'{IT-AIVD DRAINAGE^IIIS 5 FEET IN WI?TI_ILONG ALL IT'TERTOR LOTLrNEs As RE'ERVEo olr iire*-iifrEo'no"o-pr,ai-or 6ii*il "*r"K suBDrvrsroN.J.5. EASEMENT A}ID RTGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS TT AFFECTS SI]BJECT PROPERTY..'. fifi33Hil3';"lfr3$"33i3.3_3il? 5ffi1+i3i3il: As sHowN oR RESERVED oN rHE Page EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The tollowlng matteF a.€ cxpru3sly exclud;d fmm the coverage ot thls pollcy Bnd ihe Company wi'l not pay loss ot damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenseg vyhich arise by eason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordlnance ot governmental r€gulation (including but not limiled to bullding and zoning laws,ordinances, or tegulatlons) Gstricting, liguleling, prohibiting or elaling to (l) the occupancy, use, or enloyment of the land; (il) the charactor, dimensions ot locatlon ot any improvement now or herealtor eEcted on the land; (ili) a separalion In owneFhip or a change In the dimenslons or area of the land or anyparcel of whlch the land ls or wa6 a parl; or (iv) envircnmental protection, or lhe ettect of any violation of these lawa, ordinances or govelnmlntal rcgulations, except lo the extent thal a notice ol lhe entolcement thereol or a notice of a detect, lien or €ncumbrrnco r€sulting from a violation or alleged vlolation atfecting the land has been recorded ln the publlc ecords at Date ot Pollcy. (b) Any govemmental pollce power not excluded by (a) above, except to the exlent that a notlce of the erercise theGof ot a notlce of a detect, lien orencumbianco |€sulting trom e violation or alleged vlolatlon atlecting the land hes been l€corded In the publlc rccords at Dats ot llolicy. 2. Fights of eminent domain unless notice of the exelcise ther€of haE been recorded in the public rccords at Oate ol Policy, but not excluding trcm coverage any taklng whlch has occurrcd prior to Date of Policy which would be blndlng on tho rlghts ot a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Detecb, liens, encumbrances, adveFe claims or othea matteE: (a) created, suttocd, assumed or agr€ed to by the Insur€d claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not racoadod In thc publlc records at Dale ot Pollcy, but known to tho Insurcd claimant and not dlsclosed in wrltlng lo the Company by tho insur€d claimant prlor to the date ihe in3u.ed claimaht became an Insul€d under thls policy; (c) |€sultlng in no loss or damage to the Inoured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Datc of Pollcy; or (o) rcsulting in loss or damage whlch would not havc bsen sustalned ll the lnsu.ed claimant had paid value tol the estate or Interest Insured by thls pollcy. 4. Any claim, whlch stises outof the transactlon Esting in the InsuEd tho ostate or intercst insured by thls pollcy, by. Gaaon ol the op€ration ot tederal bankruptcy, state ln6olvency, or llmll.r crGdltol:r' .lghts lawg, that is bas6d on: (D the transactlon creatlng the estate or lnteEst inEurod by lhls policy belng deemed a fraudulent conveyance or f6udulent trensfen or (iD the traBaction cr€aling the estete or Intercst lnsur€d by this policy being doemed a preferential trenater except whrl€ th€ pr€feBntial transfet results frcm thc failur": (a) to tlmoly record the Inslrument of transfet; ot (b) ot such r€cordatlon to impart notlcc to a purchas€r tor valuo or a iudgment or lien crcdltor. Policy No ZONE CHECK, on, Elzf qq LegatdescriptiL"tLot 4+ 5 Btock I riting Gore-LreeL 9v b Address . L> rc+,h. Architect Tft g Phone Phone ,onr6h6i.t t^ E-.., 14- Proposeduse Pyple.x-.rotsize A4rO61e4 Btitdabteuea lce,pL* t4 lile-I6slyttt**- Allowed Existine Proposed I@(h@ Remaining .-^ | t ?. rotarGRFA !t6ht+--re2 =5,501,24 o . slf?O =;M 4l*' 615*)= + (425) (6R) - * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? N o . How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?rJ /ft" Site Coverage Height. Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heigh$ Parking Garage,Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:l (50%) Envi rorunental/Hazards tO'rg 3z' 'in'r J3,36H Zfl%84 t)lrr L{ Enclosed ---------?------- AJti.A O .35n= ,fuq lJ44 (30x33) Front Sides Rear a4'20' t5' 15' Minimum UJIILXI WE +atJ/A .nequired 6 O fl ( 3 oo) (60 o) (e o 0I(400-D t,l lt 4 Permitted Slope LO % Proposed Stope e 7o v" Yes_ No ves-!Z- xo l) Percent Slope (< >30%)Llar, 4) Water Course Seback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanche l.JO b) Rockfall rr/O c) Debris Flow MD. 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (checkproperty nfel 5eZ ()L{- l.lk Is the properly non-conforming? Describe:rub Kt"-5 scare Bercbmatk Legal descdption Lot Size Buildable Area EasemenE Topography 100 yr. flood plain - Water Course Selback Environmenhl Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations Building Height Encroacbments Setbacks Site Coverage I}ESIGN REVIBW CIIECKLIST Project: tr SITEPLAN ./(r/ -r/,JL fI FLOORPLANS Scale GRFA ?50 additional GRFA CrawMttic Space EHU fI BIILDINGELEVATIoNS ftale Color\tvlaterials RbofPirch O LANDSCAPEPLAN Exisfing tees Pmposed nees Irsend MISCELI-ANEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) -/;^"aoverhangs (4') J/ oo*alconies Utility verification fo$ i IPhotosofsite \ 1 Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridors Vuiances Plat restricti ons ,,/ -V /6^ c"connection \,/ - rrSite Grade\Slope l/ Reaininswalls -/Jo/ r"*o PartingiGarage TumingRadius Driveway (access and gnde) ,Snow Storage -W FireAccess O rHrs rrEM MAYAFFEcr"or, ,t|rr*r" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEHEBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 28, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance lrom Section 12-60-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setbach located a12657 Arosa Drive / Lot I, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request lor a minor subdivision, to vacate a common lot line creating a new lot, located at\ -5166 Black Gore Drive / Lots 4 and 5, block 1, Gore Creek SuMivision. FApplicant A&GDevelopmentPartner' Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a side setback variance, from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a bathroom and closet addition, located a|2427 Chamonix Ln. / Lot 21, Block A, Vail Das Schone 1$' Applicant: John and Karen BeqeyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a rear setback variance, lrom Section 12-GD-6, to allow for a deck enclosure, located at 2038 Sunburst Drive / Lot 17, Vail Valley 3'o' Applicant: B. R. and Roxanne Boniface, represented by Leslie Davis of RDCPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a minor suMivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located at 2477 ,2485, 24€7, 2497 Garmisch / Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2- Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina TimmPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a T.ype ll employee housing unit, located at 265 Forest Road / Lot 21 , Block 7, Vail Village 1'' Filing. Applicant: Lawrence Flinn, represented by Mitchell Studio, LLCPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of the Development Standards Handbook. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the required side and front setbacks, located at 3003 Bellflower Drive / Lot I, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Mr. Guillermo HuertaPlanner: George Ruther ,ryw#.'-t al tr c information "tr,n" proposats are avaitabte ro, puulitspection dudns regular office hours in the proje_ct planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, lor inlormation. Community Development Department Published June 11. 1999 in the Vail Trail. ','4 '-+.1 I THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PUBLIC NOTICE ERTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public headng in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 28, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A reguest for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located at2657 Arosa Drive / Lot 8, Block D, Vail Hidge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a minor subdivision, to vacate a common lot line creating a new lot, located at 5166 Black Gore Drive / Lots 4 and 5, block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: A&GDevelopmentPartnersPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a side setback variance, from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a bathroom and closet addition, located at2427 Chamonix Ln. / Lot 21, Block A, Vail Das Schone 1s' Applicant: John and Karen BergeyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a rear setback variance, from Section 1?-6D-6, to allow for a deck enclosure, located at 2038 Sunburst Drive / Lot 17, Vail Valley 3'o' Applicant B. R. and Roxanne Bonitace, represented by Leslie Davis of RDCPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a minor suMivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located at 2477, 2485, 2487 , 2497 Garmisch / Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2. Applicant Town of Vail, represented by Nina TimmPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a T.ype ll employee housing unit, located at 265 Forest Road / Lot 21, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Lawrence Flinn, represented by MitchellStudio, LLCPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of the Development Standards Handbook. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the required side and front setbacks, located at 3003 Bellflower Drive / Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. AFplicant: Planner: Mr. Guillermo Huerta George Ruther o PBOP ,rlfl A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 37 (Antlers), to allow for the construction of 24 nevt condominiums, 7 new employee housing units and a new parking structure level, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place (the Antlers)/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: George Ruther A request lor a minor subdivision to vacate a common lot line creating a new lot, and a \_,lariance, to allow for the establishment of an access easement less than 40' in width, located at.IsteS Bhck Gore Drive i Lots 4 and 5, block 1, Gore Creek SuMivision.Y-' Applicant: A&G DevelopmentPartnersPlanner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the proiect planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June 11, 1999 in the Vail Trail. o PROPERTYTHIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Torn of Vailwill hold a public headng in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on June 28, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a minor subdivision to vacate a common lot line creating a new lot, and a variance, to allorv for the establishmenl of an access easement less than 40' in wldfr, located at 5166 Black Gore Drive i Lots 4 and 5, block 1, Gore Creek SuMivision. Applbant A&G Development PartnersPlanner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language intepretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Lob 4 and 5, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision (5f66 Black Gore Drive) Legal Description Lot 16, Block 2, Gore Creek Sub. Lot 17, Block 2, Gore Creek Sub. Cedar Point Townhouses Heather at Vail Condominiums Lot 8, Vail Meadows Filing #2 Lot 3, Block l, Gore Creek Sub. Lot 7, Block l, Gore Creek Sub. Lot 8, Block l, Gore Creek Sub. Property Address 5137 Black Gore Drive 5165 Black Gore fhive 5175 Black Gore Drive 5203 Black Gore Drive 5}02BlackGore Drive 5146 Black Gore Drive 5122 Grouse Lane 5128 Grouse Lane Owner Brice May 5137 Black Gore Drive Vail, CO. 81657 Kurt and Leslie Davis 5165 Black Gore Drive Vail, CO. 81657 See attached owners list. See attached owners list. Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO. 81657 Richard Dilling P.O. Box 1450 Vail, CO. 81658 Linda Fried 5124 Grouse Lane Vail, CO. 81657 Walter and Barbara Huttner 4505 S. Yosernite, #107 Denver, CO. 80237 5rz{ Gous6 r*tE Viir., Co. 8tlSl CAROIJ EI'AI}IE ROSSI+|e||ts}**t*slfi$$ bucr. @uoa,tS-s Vr$u, Co, tk,sT ITAIJTER G., & DE,AR GRAUPNER6 DTJMDIN CIR BELI,A VTSTA AR 72715 IJIIIDA C FRIED NET H*}TLET#ESTEIJIJE R GOTTESFEI,D TRUST.neFAnaH;qgeE 2b 5, Grgr.lcog Dgrlv€L, co. 8p'zzL LINDA DIANE DUI,A+r€+-ai'ft+*gl# 5rg? uRcr crolri oc. *A-6 Vq'n, a, 8o5? WILIJIAM H. MURPHY]-5 PARI(VIEW RD CHATHAM NJ 07928 SCHELRO LTD PO BOX 4037 MIDI,AND TX 79704--403 DAVID W. & KATHRYN M. DE3385 W TANFORAN DR ENGL,EWOOD CO 801_10 .J VA}TDERHEIDEN 6941 SOUTH UINTA ENGIJEWOOD CO 80LL2 .J BRT'BAKER 849 RACE ST DENVER CO 80206 IJ DURBIN 8]-01 E DARTMOUTH AVE DENVER CO 8023]- SEBSO NEIIJ18 WIGHT PiJ TENALRY NJ & ERIC 07670 NOI,AN H. & NA}ICY R. KING9623 LONGMONT HOUSTON TX 77053 iI DONAIIUE 6731 I'RBAI\I CIR ARVADA CO 80004 D KEARNS 32OO CHERRY RIDGIE RD ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 T MCCAIIIIJJ 7727 S VAIJENTIA ST ENGL,EI{OOD CO 80112 CANYON STREET I,I,C 1301 S PEARII ST DENVER CO 80210 IIJET{E M. @OD915 S EIJMIRA ST DEIIVER CO 80231--190 C.B. KNIGHT 385 GORE CR DR vArL co 81.657 MATS G & ATiIDREA 5197 BI.ACK GOREvArL co 81557 .JOAII E. ELDRIDGE5567 S OTJRAY ST AriRoRA CO 80015 KEARNS ENTERPRISES IJIJC 32OO CHERRY RIDGE RD ENGIJEWOOD CO 80110 J MECK283 GARFIEIJD ST DEM/ER CO 80205 KIP HUGHES 1290 HIGH ST B DEliwER co 80218 'JOHN E. & NANCY F. .3745 S ONEIDA WY DETiMER CO 80237 DEIJAI'RO W POIJHEMUS T6528 W ELIJSWORTH GOLDEN CO 80401 AIIDERSSON DR7 C.B. KNIGHT 5197 BIJACK GORE DR A-2vArL co 81657 TOWN OF VAIL75 S FRONTAGE RD WVAIL CO 8L657 MICHELE D. DAVIS 5197 BI,ACK GORE DR A]- vArIJ co 8L657 ALEXAI{DER C. MACCORM]CK 5]-87 BI,ACK GORE DR 1.VAIL CO 81657 TOI{N OF ITAIL B MAY K1RT R. & ITESLIE M. DAVI75 S FROIITAGIE RD w 513? BIJACK GORE DR 516s BIJACK coRE DRvAI! CO 81657 VAIL, CO 8165? VAIIJ CO 8165? R Drr,rrrNc hllNute i lmorre tuNfl, PO BOX l{50vAIIr co 816s8-14s0 DBgWL, 69. gO?31 eagie .County, CO Ia6!oL/L999 08.26:57 STEWART TITLE RE-Source MAY BRICE WESTO DIIJLING RICTTARD DAVIS KURT R. & DONAIIT'E \'EROME HUGHES KIP CAIiTYON STREET IJ VA}IDERHEIDEbI iI. DURBIN IJARRY O. MECK .'OHN F. DEIJAIJRO ITOHN E. SCHEIJRO IJTD DEIJAI'RO JOHN E. BRIIBAKER 'JAl,tESMACCORMICK ALEX KEARNS ENTERPRI KEARNS DOT{AIJD H TOWN OF VAIII TO}IN OF VAIL KNIGHT C.B. POIJHEMUS WILI,IA GOOD ILENE M. DAVIS MICIIEIJE D MI,RPI{Y VIIIJJIA!! GRAUPNER WATTER DI'I,A IJII{DA DIAI{ ANDERSSON MATS KING NOIJAN H. & DE.A}I DAVID W. & SEBSO NEIIJ & ER KNIGHT C.B. ROSSI CAROIT ELA MCCAIIIIJIJ THOMAS ESTEIJLE R GOTTE EI,DRIDGE iIOAN E FRIED IJINDA C 5137 BITACK GO DR5146 BIJACK GO DR5165 BI,ACK GO DR5175 BLACK DR #J.5175 BI,ACK DR #25175 BLACK DR #35175 BiJACK DR #45].75 BIJACK DR #45175 BLACK DR #55175 BIrA DR #B-15175 BI,A DR #B-2 5175 BI.,A DR #B-3 5175 BI.,A DR #B-45181 BI,ACK DR #15181 BI,ACK DR #25181 EI,ACK DR #35201 BI,ACK GO DR5202 BI,ACK GO DR5203BDR# A25203BDR# A85203BDR# 825203 BLA DR #A-15203 BI.,A DR #A-35203 BI,A DR #A-45203 BI,A DR #A-55203 BtA DR #A-75203 BLA DR #A-95203 BLA DR #B-15203 BIrA DR #B-35203 BIJA DR #B-45203 BI,A DR #B-55203 BIJA DR #B-?5203 BIJA DR #B-85203 BI,A DR #B-9slze cPous€ Lrltd 512.6 qtoq{€ LirtE L974 1973 198I L973 L973 L973 1973 1973 ]-973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 L973 t973 L974 L974 197 4 I974 t974 1,97 4 t97 4 t974 L97 4 r974 I9't4 r974 t974 L974 L974 L974 5 4.50s 2.005 4.002 2.OO3 2.002 2.003 2.003 2.002 2,O02 2.OO3 2.002 2.OO3 2.003 2.003 2.003 2.00 2 2.002 2.OO2 2.002 2.002 2.OO2 2.002 2.002 2.002 2.OO2 2.002 2.002 2.002 2.OO2 2.OO2 2.OO2 2.OO 2975 20L6 2609 LO47 115 5 L047 L170 1292 r047 lo67 118 5 1"O67 1r_85 L292 ]-292 L292 1080 L220 L08 0 1080 r-080 L080 1080 ),220 1220 L080 1080 1080 1080 r220 1220 r220 L0 9 7 6 7 5 7 5 5 6'l 6 7 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.4 4 4 4 ilonogt-, trtilTq- Cnt 31 Search Qpe: Address Search -----Salee Amount- -Price/Sp-Average $88, 02o Low $5, 000 High 9L97, 500 Avg s77.07 RE-Sourcebut not guaranteed Low High $2 .48 $156 . 57 Search Criteria STEWART TITLE Data believed reliable 970-949-101_r. tlb 7a .so hF TtrIS DBBD, llade on this day ofbetxeen LINDA C. FRIED WARRANTY DEEI) Ausust 12. 1998 of the county of BACLE ard state of Colorado , of the crantor(s), and ROtsERI D. HITNIER AS 10 At'I UNDnEDD 40t II\UERESI, RCIEIRI A. RUIIER IRUST AS 10 N'l UNDTVIDED 33S NflMEST, A & G DE\iEIOPIVIEbII PARTIiIER^9, A @IORADO GENMAL PART}IERSHIP A.5 IO AN INDIVIDED 20t INIERESI AI{D MARK J. AIvISDEN AS I'O Al{ UNDflEDED 78 INIBEST xhos. [.9a[ addrcss i8: 5(X)S. FROMAGBRDB.#112. VAIL. CO 81657of the VYIINESS, Th8t th6 crantor(s), for ard in consideratlon of the sm of ( $285,000.00 )rtt IVo Hundred Bighty Five ThousEnd snd 00/100 *ir thc rccGipt and eufficiency of rhich is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, 6old ard corveyed, and by thesc pncEcnt3 doc3 grant, bargaln, selt, cmvey ard confirm unto the Grantee(s), his heirs and assigns forever, att tho Ix)LLARS re.l prop€rty, together Hith i[provements, if any, situste. tying and bcing in theEAOLB _ atd state of Cotorado, described 6s foltols! County of s IOTS 4 ANO 5, BI.OCK I, GORB CRBBK SUBDIVISION ACCORDINO TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF BAGLE, STATB OF COIPRADO. STATE OT Colorado atso kmrn as street nurber LOTs 4 &5 BLOCK I, GORBCREEKSUBDMSION, VAIL, CO 81657 ToCETIIER xith att ard singular erd hcn.di taments 6nd appurtenancls thcreto betoruing, or In anptlee appcrtalnlng ard thr rcyarsl on and reverslons, remri nder and renrindere, r.nts, is3ues and profits thefeot; snd alt the estete, righttitle interest, clain ard demnd xhatsoever of the crantor(s), either in lax or equi ty, of, in and to the sbove bargained premlscr, rith the hcredi tarEnts and appurtenances; TO HAVE AND TCI HOLD the said premises above bargained and deecribed rith appurtenances, urto the Grantee(s), hlc helrs and aesigns forever. The crantor(s), for hirself, hie heirs ard pcraona I representat i ves, doe3 covenant, grent, bargain, and agree to ard Hith the crantee(s), his heirs and assigns, that at the tim. of the enseating ard deliveryof th$G presents, he is xeit seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, p€rfect, absotute and irdefeaeible estate of inhcrltance, in [ar, in fee sinple, aM has good right, futt poner and laxfut authority to grant, bargain, sett.ard convey thG same in nEnner and form as aforesaid, and that the iame arc free and ctear from alt former and other grantr, brryelnr, sllcs, iiens, t6xes, aasessnrnta, encmbrances and regtrlctions of rhatlver kitrd of neture socver, E'(CEPI GBNER.AL TAXBS AND ASSESSMENIS FOR TIiB YBAR 1998 AND SUBSEQTJENT YBARS AND SUBJBCT TO EASBMBNTS, RBSTRICIIOT.IS, RESBRVATIONS AND RIGI{TS OF WAY OF RPCORD. Ihe crmtor(s) shalt and xitt IARRAIIT AllD TOREVER DEFEI,ID the above bargain d premises in the $iet and peeceabte pos8e$i on of the crantee(s), his heirs and assigns, against att and every p€rson or persons taHfutty ctaiming the rhote br any part thencof. The singular nn$er shatt inctude the plural, and the pturat the singutar, and the use of any gender ehatl be apticablc to alt gerders. IN WTIIIIESS WtIEREOtr the crantor(s) has executed this deed on thr dete set forth above. LINDA C. FRIED cohty of EAGLE 1""' aaaaaaaaaaae-ttcI l. MIcHAEL Moss II notnnv PUBLIc ii sfAia'orboldiADo tl*arl''--t- - | illll lllll ll|l|il llll lllll lllll llllll lll lllll llll llllCttt93 Otll7llg9€ 02:59P 432 Sue FlrhrrI of I R !.00 D 24.30 N 0.00 Eelh CO rtc rorceorns inltnrms{t'ltaqE&ngf.l"hllilt"fore rm on this day of Ausustt2. tee6 , by LINDAC. FRIED l{y coflnisslon expires lll llltnees nry hand and offlc Pefson Creat ti ted for Reception record llo. of_,A.D. 19_, at or clock_t{, RECORDER8y_______..]DEPUTY. Escror# V262567 llhen Recorded Return to: Titl,€# v26?567 Fom llo. 932 Rev 4-94. ITARRAIIIY DEED (For Photographic Record) t l''\l .'-\dJ.- rormb,o/csr Order No. V262562 o Policy No. CT8U262567 Amounc $285,000.00 SCHEDUIJE A Address LOTS4AIiTD5BtKIGORE CREEK SUB 1 . Policy' Dat,e: August, 1? , 1998 at 5 : 00 p . M. 2. Name of Insured: ROBERT D. IIT,NTER AI.ID ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST AI\TD A & G DEVELOPMEI{I PARTNERS, A COLORADO GENERAL pARTNERSHIP AI{D MARK.T. A}ISDEN 3. The estat,e or interest. in Lhe land described in chis scheduleand which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Sinple 4. TiEIe Eo Ehe est,atse or int,eresE covered by Ehis policy aE thedat,e hereof is vested in: ROBERT D. HUMTER AI{D ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST AND A & G DEVEI.,OPMENT PARTI\IERS, A COLORADO GENERAI, PARTNERSHIP ATID MARK.f. AIIISDEN 5. The land referred Eo in this policy is situated in EAGLECounEy, Colorado, and ie described as follows: LOTS 4 AI\ID 5, BIJOCK 1, GORE CREEK SUBDMSION ACCORDING TO TI{E RECORDED PI.AT THEREOF, COI'NTY OF EAGI.,E, STATE OF COIORADO. === pase 1 rtris fffi"I'Tlit3"ffilf S:il:ffie B is aEEached. Form AO/CHI Order No. V25256? SCHEDULE B Policy No. CT8U262567 This policy does not insure against ross or damage (and. E.he companywill not,_pay costs, aLtorneyst fees or expenses)-which arise by-reason of: General Except,ions: 1. RighEs or claims of parE,ies in possession noE. shown by thepublic records. 2, Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or oE,hermatters which would be disclosed by an accurat,e survey andinspeet.ion of t,he premises. 3. Easement,s, or claims of easements, not shown by the publicrecords. 4. Any lien, or right, t,o a lien, for services, Iabor, or mat.erialheret'ofore or hereaft,er furnished, imposed by law and not. shownby the public records. 5. 1.998 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AI{D ASSESSME\TTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASI'RERS OFFICE. 6. IJIENS FOR I'NPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY 7. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATElrr RECORDED September L3, L9O2, IN BOOK 48AT PAGE 491. 8. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANATS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THETNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 1-3,L902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49L. 9. RESTRICTIVE COVENAI TS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BIIT OMITTTNG RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COI,OR, REIJIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS COI{IAINED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED November 10, L969, INBOOK.216 AT PAGE 361. 10. ROADVIAY EASEME}frT 20 FEET IN WIDTH ON WEST SIDE OF HIGHWATER LINE OF CREEK ALONG THE WEST LOT LINE AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK ST'BDIVISION. 11. TERMS' CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT DEED RECORDED July 20, 1990 IN BOOK 534 AT PAGE 2. Page 2 Fonp AO/CHI Order No. V262567 SCTIEDUIJE B Policy No. CTEU262567 (ITEMS ].0 A}ID 11 AFFECT LOT 4) X2. ROADWAY EASEME}flT 20 FEET IN WTDTH ON WEST SIDE OF HIGHWATER IJINE OF CREEKALONG THE WEST IJOT IJINE OF SIIBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLATOF CIORE CREEK SUBDIVISION. 13. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 5 FEET IN WIDTH AI,ONG PREVAILING SOUTH BAITK OF MAIN GORE CREEK AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SI'BDIVISION. (ITEMS 12 AI.ID 13 AFFECT LOT 5) 14. IIfILITY E.ASEMEIIT AI{D DR,,,AINAGE WAYS 5 FEET IN WIDTH AI,ONG AI,I, TIi(TERIOR I,OTLINES AS RESERVED ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SIIBDIVISION. 15 . EAIIEMEIIT AIID RIGHT OF' VIAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUB.'ECT PROPERTY. 16. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTR,ICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PIJAT OF GORE CREEK SI'BDIVISION. Page 3 A. B. D. E. F. rwbed 10/12192 DATE RECEIVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW CHAPTER 17.20 VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE (4 OR FEWEF LOTS) (please print or type) APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER OWNER'S MAILING ITU SS HONE 4%-86JDC. LOCATION ( LOTS BLOC SUBDIVISION Usb*) FEE $25O.OO PAID cHECK#1zu_ DATE The first step is to request a meeting with the zoning administrator to the applicant in meeting the submittal requirements and to give the proposal a preliminary review. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The applicant shall submit three copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposalfollowing the requirements lor a final plat below. Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator ancl/or the Planning and Environmental Commission il determined not applicable to the project. 2- A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the stree0 WITH COMPLETE ADDRESSES shall also be submitted. In addition, submit addressed, stamped envelopes tor each of the above. 3. Title Report verifying ownership and easements. (Schedules A & B) 4. An environmental impact report may be required as stipulated under. Chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. 5. FINAL PLAT - REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of these requirements may be waived.) a. The subdivider shall submit four copies of the final plat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and any additional material as required below. Within thirty days of receiving the complete and conect submittal for a linal plat, the zoning administrator shall cause a copy ol a notice of the time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town 0f Vail at least fifteen days prior to said hearing. Also, adjacent property owners to the proposed subdivision shall be notilied in writing at least seven days prior to the public hearing. B. Final Plat - Statf Review. The final.plat shall be circulated to and reviewed by the town's departments, including, but not limited to Public Works, Transportation, Community Development, Recreation, Administration, Police and the Fire Department. Comments and concerns of these departments will be forwarded to the PEC prior to the public hearing. C. Final Plat and Supplementary Material - contents. ,/ The final plat and supplementary material shall contain the following inlormation: 1. The final plat shall be drawn in lndia ink, or other substantialsolution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. 2. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. 3. North arrow and graphic scale. 4. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. 5. Names of all adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. lf adjoining land is unplatted, it shall be shown as such. 6. An identification ol the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereol to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. 7. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel' shall be shown in this manner, as well. 8. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. 9. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 1 0. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Stalutes 1973, Tiile 38, Article 51 . 11. A certificate by an ailorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the dwner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereot in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. (see example in chapter 17.32) 12. The proper form for approval of the plat by the PEC chairman and acceptance of dedication and easements by the council with signature by the mayor and attestation by the town clerk. Examples are found in Chapter 17.32ot this title. 13. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as per example in Chapter 17.32. 14. Certificate of dedication and ownership as per example in the appendix. Should the certilicate ol dedication and ownership provide for a dedication 15. 16. ol land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the cenificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereol. Allcurrent taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessor's Office must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. Additional malerial which shall accompany the final plat includes, but is not limited to: a. Complete and linal environmental impact report if required by the zoning ordinance; b. Complete engineering plans and specifications for all improvements to be installed, including but not limited to water and sewer utilities, streets and related improvements, pedesfian and bicycle paths, bridges and storm drainage improvements; c. Maps at the same scale as the final plat showing existing topography and proposed grading plan (contour interval requirements same as preliminary plan), a landscape and or revegetation plan showing locations, type and sizes of existing and proposed vegetation. d. A map the same scale as the final plat depicting all high and moderate avalanche hazard areas, forty percent and high slope areas and one hundred year flood plain areas as defined in the hazard ordinance of the Vail Municipal Code; e. Title insurance company prool of ownership of all lands within the proposal; f. Copies of any monument records required of the land surveyor in accordance with Colorado Flevised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Arlicle 53; g. Any agreements with utility companies when required; h. Protective covenants in lorm for recording; i. Other data, certilicates, affidavits, or documents as may be required by the zoning administrator or PEC or council in the enforcement of these regulations. j. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may i include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, atthe applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the mailer to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town statf that an outside consultant is needed to review I any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, il shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shallbe forwarded to fte Town by the appllcant at the time he files his appllcaton wlth the Community Development Department. Upon conpletion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the' applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess 0f the amount fonrarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. i THE DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THATTHE APPROVED PLAT IS PROMPTLY RECORDED WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AtlD RECORDER. ] 4 Eagle County, CO06/ot/L999 08:33:0L Situs: 5203 BLACK GORE DR #B-5 LndAssd: $1,435 LandAct.: $L3,860fmpAssd: $10,486 ImpActl z $L01- ,220TotAssd: Stt,92t Prev Yr: l-996 Tax Yr : 1997 Prevl-,nd: #14,260Taxes : $539 Prevlmp: $100,500Tax Dietrict: VaiI (Town) STEWART TITLE RE-SourcePage 3 RESIDENTIAIJ SN: 033690Taxpy: ROSSf CAROIJ ELAINE & LEONARD Legal: PARCEI-,2099 L82 13 014 51.97 BI,ACK GORE DR B-5 vAIr_,, co 81657 Subd: HEATHER OF VAIIJ COND.Property Values ----+- - Sales Information ----- Residential Property Characteristics Owner: ROSSI CAROL ELAINEAddr: NOT AVAILABLE wD/$,08/92 $85,000 $/Sr:78.70 Struct, l\pe:WOOD FRAMEExtra Feature #/$:l / gL,sgo Heats Type: BASEBOARDParcel SFz 2,640 Bldgs: 1-ParceL Ac: .0600 Units: 1- Model: Condo SEyle z Q426 Rooms: 4 Bede : 2 Baths z 2.OO YrBuilt z ]-974AdjYrBlt z 1-974Imprvd SF: L080 Ef ftsiv SF: l-080 HeaEed SF: 1080 STEWART TITI-,8 RE-Source 970-949-101i-Data believed reliable but not quarant,eed Eagle County, CO06/0L/t999 08:32:59 Situs: # B-8 LrndAssd: $0 lJandAct: $0ImpAssd: $1, 1L0 ImpActl : $3,830TotAesd: $1,LLO Prev Yr:. 1,996Tax Yr : 1997 Prevl-,nd: $0Taxes : $59 Prevlmp: $4,090Tax Distrj-ct: Vail (Town) STEWART TITLE RE-SourcePage 2 It SN: P022719Taxpy: GOTTESFELD BURTON & ESTELLE Legal:260 S GLENCOE DEI{MER, CO 80222 Subd: HEATHER OF VAIL COND.Property Values ----+- - Salee fnformat,ion ----- wD/$:$/SF:Undef ined Property Characteristics Owner r AddTCSS: GOTTESFELD BI'RTON & ESTELL260 S GIJENCOE DENVER, CO 80222 Struct Tlpe:ExLra Feature #/$: /Heat Type:Parcel SF: Bldgs:Parcel Ac: Units: Mode]:Style: Rooms:Beds : Baths: YrBuilt :AdjYrBlE :Imprvd SF:Efftiv SF: Heated SF: STEWART TITIJE RE-Source 970-949-101LData believed reliable but not, guaranteed Property Values ----+- - Sales Informat,ion ----- Eagle County, CO06/0L/L999 08:59:22 Sitsus: 5203 BLACK GORE DR #A-5 Tar<py: DUL,A L,INDA DIAI{E 5197 BI,ACK GORE DR A-5vArL, co 81557 LndAssd: $1,435 lJandAct: $L3,860ImpAssd: $10,485 ImpAct,l z $LOL,22OTotAssd: $LL,921 Prev Yr: L996 Tax Yr : 1997 Prevlnd: $L4,260Taxes : $639 Prevlmp: $100,500Tax District: VaiI (Town) STEWART TITLE RE-SourcePage 1 RESIDEMTfAI-,SN: 033581Legal: PARCEL 2099 182 13 006 Subd: HEATHER OF VAIIJ COND. Owner: DULA LINDA DIAIiIEAddr: NOT AVAIITABLJE wDl9: 02/90 $82,OOO $/sF: 75.93 Structs 1\pe:WOOD FRAMEExtra Feature #/$:1 / gL,59o Heat, type: BASEBOARDParce] SFz 2,640 Bldgs: LParcel Ac: .0600 Unit,s: L Regidential Property CharacteristicsModel: Condo Style t 0426 Rooms: 4 Beds : 2Baths: 2.00 YrBuilt : 1974AdjYrBlt : 1974Imprvd SF: 1080Efftiv SF: 1080 Heated SF: 1080 STEWART TITIJE RE-Source 970-949-101LData bel-ieved reliable but noE guaranteed Eagle County, CO06/Ol/1999 08:32:55 SlEus:. 5!22 GROUSE LN Taxpy: FRIED IJINDA C. 5124 GROUSE LNVAIL, CO 81657 L,ndAssd: $18, 589 l-,andAct : $180,400ImpAssd: $33,131 ImpActl: $319,800ToEAssd: 951,820 Prev Yr: 1996Tax Yr t 1997 Prevlnd: $L24,990Taxes z #2,776 Prevlmp: $454,600Tax Digtrict: Vail (Town) STEWART TITL,E RE-SourcePage 1 RESIDENTIALSN: 033850 I-,egaL: BLTOCK 1 LOT 7 PARCEL 2099 L82 t2 005 Srlbd: GORE CREEK SUB. Owner: FRIED I.,INDA CAddT: NOT AVAILABLE r{D/9: 02/gg $sss,862 $/sr': 336.0 Ext,ra Feature #/$ r 5 / 9LL ,920HeaC Type: HOT WATER BASEBOARDParcel SF: 16,401 Bldgs: 2Parcel Ac: .3800 Unite: 1 Property Values -+------- Sales Information ----- Residential Property CharacteristicsModel: Single Family YrBuilt : 1973 | Struct Qpe:WOOD FRAMEStyle: 2 STORY AdjYrBlt z ]-979 Rooms: 5Beds z 2Baths: 1.00 Imprvd SF: 3920Efftiv SFz 2475 Heat,ed SF: 1654 STEWART TITIJE RE-Source 970-949-1011Data believed reliable but, not guaranteed Eagle County, CO STEWART TITIJE RE-SourceO6/OL/!999 08:59:25 page 2 Situs: 5128 GROUSE I-.,N RESIDENTIALSN: 030352Taxpy: HUTTNER WAIJTER A. & BARBARA J Legal: BLOCK 1I_.,OT g 4505 S YOSEMTTE ST 107 PARCEL 2099 ]-82 12 0l_oDEIWER, CO 80237 Subd: GORE CREEK SttB.---- Property Values -- -+------- Sales Information -----LndAssd: $9,344 LandAct: $90,200 | Owner: HIIrTNER WALTER A. & BARBAImpAssd: $l-6,395 ImpActl: $158,260 | Addr: 4505 S YOSEMITE ST 107ToEAssd: $25,739 Prev Yr: L996 Tax Yr : L997 Prevl-,nd: $52,500Taxes : $l-, 379 Prevlmp: $L70, 970 Tax DisEricE: Vail (Town) DENVER, CO 80237 lvD/$ ' 0L/ 94 $237, OOO $/Sr: 1sO . O Parcel SF: 9,309 Bldqs: 1Parcel Ac: .2100 UniEs: L Residential Property Charact,eristicsModel: Single Family YrBuilu z ]-9'19 I gtruct, Ty5re:WOOD FRAMEStyle: 3 STORY AdjYrBlt : 1-979 Extra Feature #/$zI / 93,330Heat T)t)e: ELECTRIC BASEBOARDRooms: 7Beds : 3 Baths z 2.50 Imprvd SFz 267tEfftiv SF: 1827 Heated SF: 1580 STEWART TITLE RE-Source 920-949-1011Data believed reliable but. not, guaranteed mY-26-19S L4.77 I hereby acknowledge tRtL 36 4?ffi5.2 TOFRT},I ,REI'RXo 4?92452 P.ZP ttlay 2?, 1998 Re: r-ot,s 4 & 5, Block 1r'Gofe cREelC subdlv' .To Whom it UaY Concern: subdivieion regulations for the Torn of vail allow for an 'application for a rninor enbdivisiort {n order to vacate the "o.nrott lot line. The app).ication would be eubject to approval by Ehe Planning CommigEion' For the purpose qf ealculatini Groae Reeldential. Floor Area (GRFA), the new arca of the eomblned lots wou]cl be uccd. EagteCountyrecordsindieat'etbecorriblned.areais24'058tqi... feeu, which would result ii a GnsA of approximately 5,5oo scluare feet- The aetual area of the combined lots will be confirmed by a iboundary eunreytr ' This ioformation wae cotpiled on behalf of Linda Srled' seller, by E. t{illian l{ilto of RE/liLN( Vail, Inc' to be colrect..infornration *E?bky hmirric. Mauriqllo DeparEment of CortnnuniEy f,leveloPrnent Town of vail l-b'. 6;t|t W.'\lo'-A^ E.r--A ,^.rirlba ra1v,i^eJ'TgfH- P.UP, ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT This Access Easement is made effective as of the ___j:'day of September. I 999, by and among Eagle River Water & Sanitation District ("ERWS"), Richard W. Dilling and lris D. Dilling ("Lot 3 Owner"), NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. ("Lot 7 Orvner"), Walter Huttner and Barbara Huttner ("Lot 88 Owner"), and Robert D. Hunter as to an undivided 40% interest, Robert A. Rymer Trust as to an undivided 33%o interest, A & G Development Partners, a Colorado general partnership as to an undivided 207o interest and Mark J. Anrsclen as to an undivided 77o interest (the "Lots 4 and 5 Owner"). l. Recitals. Lot 3 Owner, Lots 4 and 5 Owner, Lot 7 Owner and Lot 88 Owner, (collectively, the "Lot Owners"), are seised of an estate in fee simple of those parcels ofland located in Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision according to the plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Properties"). The Lot Owners desire to create a twenty-five (25) foot wide access and utility easement across their respective Properties as depicted on Exhibit B attached hereto (the "Easement Tract") for the beneht of one another and ERWS. all in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Easement. 2. Grant of Access and Utility Easement. Now therefore, in consideration of lhe above stated recitals which are incorporated herein and lor other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency ofwhich are hereby acknowledged, each ofthe Lot Owners does hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND COI.[/EY to each of the other Lot Owners and ERWS, their lessees, licensees, successors and assigns, and all employees, customers, guests and invitees of same and in common with all others having like right, a permanent, perpetual, and non-exclusive access easement for purposes of passing and repassing along and over the Easement Tract lrom and onto the Properties or any part thereof and installing a water line and other utilities under such Easement Tracr. The easement granted in this paragraph shall: (i) be permanent, perpetual and non- exclusive; (ii) be for the benefit ofthe Properties or any part thereof, for all purposes connected with going to and from the public roads and rights-of-way to and from the Properties; (iii) be for the benefit of the Properties or any part thereol', for all purposes connected with the installation of a water line and other utilities to and for the Properties; (iv) shall serve to restrict each of the Lot Owner's respective right to erect, maintain, place or leave any obstruction, fence, wall or barricade or to take any other action, that rvould in any way obstruct or hinder the access granted hereby; (v) shall not restrict the use of any of the Lot Owners to use the Easement Tract in any manner not inconsistent w'ith the covenants and conditions contained herein; and (vi) shall constitute a covenant ntnning with the land in perpetuity and shall inure to the benefit of the Lot Owners and ERWS and their successors and assigtrs. The Easement Tract is not a public road dedicated to the use of the public, and its use shall be limited to those parties described herein, their transferees and respective invitees. 3. l/acating Prior Easement. By execution hereof, each of the Lot Orvners and IJRWS hereby vacate and rclease any prior general easements of record or easements created by any other claim across the Properties for the benefit ofthe Lot Orvners or ERWS. 4. Enforcement of Rights. In the event any party hereto fails to discharge its respective obligations hereunder, any other party hereto shall have the right to enforce this Easement by an action in law or in equity (including a suit for specific performance) without thereby waiving the right to also recover in an action for damages any such sums expended by such other party at its discretion in performing such obligations. In the event that any party hereto institutes a legal proceeding against the other party to enforce the obligations arising hereunder, it shall be entitled to recover and the court shall award reasonable attorney's fees (including those incurred on appeal or whether or not suit be filed) and costs if the court determines such pany has prevailed in the legal or equitable proceeding. 5. Repair and Maintenance. The Easement Tract shall be repaired and maintained in accordance with th€ terms and conditions of the Repair and Maintenance Agreement among the parties of even date herewith, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C. 6. Covenarrts Running with the Land. All rights and obligations arising hereunder are covenants running with the land, binding upon and inuring to the benefit of the respective parties and their respective successors in title. 7. Governing Law and Venue. The laws of the State of Colorado shall govem this Agreement. Any legal action instituted hereunder shall be brought in Eagle county, Colorado. 8. Signature. Each party hereto represents and warrants that the person or persons signing this Easement on behalf of such party is duly authorized to do so. Each party is hereby estopped from asserting that it or any party signing below did not legally execute this Easement with all necessary or required authority. 9. No Partnershrp. None of the terms and provisions of this Easement shall be deemed or construed to create a partnership between or among the parties hereto in their respective businesses or otherwise, nor shall they cause the parties hereto to be considered joint ventures or members of any joint enterprise. Each party to this Easement shall be considered a separate entity and no party hereto shall have the right to act as agent for any other party hereto unless expressly authorized to do so by written instrument signed by the authorizing party. 10. Amendments. Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein, neither this Agreement nor any provision may be waived, modihed, amended, discharged or terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by all of the parties hereto and recorded in the Real Properry Records of Eagle County, Colorado. I I . Counterparts. This easement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall hc cleemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have read and executed this Easement effective as of the date first above written. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilline tris D. Dilling Lots4and5Owner: Robert D. Hunter Mark J. Amsden A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST By: Gregory M. Amsden, President Robert A. Rymer, Trustee Marilyn Rymer, Trustee Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MORTGAGE. INC. By: Name: Tirle: By: B I l. Couuterpoils. 'Iltis casemcnt ntay bc cxccutcd in countclpalts, clclr of rvhicfi shall bc dccnrcd an oligirtal and all of rvhich togcthcr shall constitulc orrc nrrtl llrc slnrc instrunrcnt. lN WITNESS WllDltDOF, thc partics have read and cxccutcd this Dusctrrcrrt effectivc as of thc dalc first abovc writtcn. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dillirrg Iris D. Dilling Lots4nnd5Orvncr: Robert D. lluntcr A & G DEVELOPM I]N'T I'AITTNI]IIS D.,'_ Grcgory M. Anrsclcn, l'rcsidcnt Lot 7 Orvncr: Name: Mark J. Aursdcrr lrOllEl(T A. ltYlvl lil('l'lttjs'l' llv: Itobcrt A. l(yurcr','l\'ustcc Marilyn l(ynrcr, Truslcc B By: 'l'itlr: V tc-e- Qresr t,gsr joint ventures or tttetnbers of any joint enterprise. Each party to rhis Easenrelt slall bc considered a separale entity and no party hereto shall have the right to act 0s agcnt lbr.irrry othcr pflrty ltcrcto rrttlcss cxprcssly tuthoriz.cd to do so by writtcn instrurne-rrt siglctl 5v the authorizing party. I l. Amenduenls. Except as otherwise specilically set forth herein. neither this Agreement nor any provision may be waived, modified, amended, dischargetl or terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by all of the parties hereto and recorded in thc Real Property Records of Eagle County, Colorado. 12. Counlerports. This easement may be executed in counterparts, eaclr of rvhich shall be deemed an original and all ofwhich together shall constitute one ald thc sanre instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have read and cxecuted this Easclrcnt effective as of the date first above written. Lots4and5Orvner: Robert D. H Mark J. Amsden ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST President Robert A. Rymer, Trustee GD By: Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilling Dilling By: Marilyn Rymer, Trustee joint ventures or ntcttthcrs of any joint enterprise. Each party to this Eascruent slrall 6c considered a separate entity artd no party hereto shall have the right to act as agcpt for a1r, other party hcrclo tlllll'ss cxprcssly luthorizctl lo tlo so by rvrittcn ir)slrtulcllt sigrrctl lly the authorizing pilrty. I l. Amendments. Except as otherwise specilically set forth lrereil, peither this Agreement nor any provision nray be waived, modified, amended, discharged or terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by all of the parties herero altl recorded in the lleal Property Records of Eagle County, Coloratlo. 12' Counterparts. This easenrent may be executed in counterparts, cach ofrv6ich shall be deenred an original and all ofwhich together shall constitute o1e antl thc sanrc instrument. IN wlrNESS wHEREOF, the parties have read and execured this Euscnrcrrt effective as of the date first above written. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilling Iris D. Dilling A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS Mark J. Amsden ROBERT A. RYMER'TRUST Gregory M. Amsden, President Robert A. Rymer,'frustee By:By: Robert D. Hunter By: Marilyn Rynrer, Trustec joint ventures or mentlters of any joint enterprise. Each party to tlris Easclrclt slall llc considered a scparate entity and no party hereto shall have the right to acr as agclt lbr anv other plrly hcrclo ttttless cxprcssly ruthoriz.cd to do so by writtcn irrstrurlcrrt sigrrctl lly the authorizing party. I l. Amendments, Except as othenvise specifically set forth herein, neirhcr t6is Agreement nor arry provision may be waived, modified, amended, dischargctl or terminated except by an iustrumetrt in writing signed by all of ttre parties Sereto an4 recorded in the Rcal Property Records of Eagle County, Colorado. 12. Counlerparts. This easement may be executed in counterparts, caclr ot'rv5ic6 shall be deented an original and all of which together shall constitute one arrct the sanre instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have read and executerj this Easeruent e ffective as of the date first above written. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilling Iris D. Dilling Lots4and5Orvner: Robert D. Huntcr A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS By:- Gregory M. Amsden, President BERT A. RYMER TRUST Robert A. Rymer, Trustcc RO By: By: Marilyn Rynrer, Trustec joint ventures or ntctubcrs ofanyjoint enterprise. Each party to this Eascnrclt slrull 5c considercd a scParate cntity and no parly hereto shall have the riglrt to act as agcnt lor any other parly hcrclo tlnlcss cxprcssly authorizcd to do so by written irrslrurncrrt siglctl 5v the authorizing party. I l. Amendntents. Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein, neithcr this Agreement nor arry provision may be waived, modified, amended, discharged or. terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by all of the parlies hercto arrd recorded in thc Rcal Property Records of Eagle County, Cotorado. 12. courtterparts. This easement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one an4 tlre sanre instrument. lN wlrNESS wI-lEREoF, the parties have read and executed rlris Easement effective as olthe date first above written. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilling Iris D. Dilling Lots4and5Owner: Robert D. Huntcr A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS Gregory M. Amsden, President Mark J. Amsden ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST By:By: Robert A. Rvm Lot 88 Owner: l-ta- bl*cF EAGLE zuVERWATER & SANITATION DISTRICT By: L)r'-r-,' 6.1v,-Name: Title: STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss.couNTYoF__) Witness mv hand and official seal My commission expires:_ The foregoing instnrment was acknowledged before me this day of 1999, by Richard W. Dilling. Notary Public ./' STATEOFCOLORADO ) '- -' ) ss' COUNTY OF I t-, r...-1-- )-.)- ' \/ tirr\a ,.- -:--.1-i:=i-Z:-:t Tlre foregoing instrument as acknowledged before rne this i tlay ol' 1999, by Richard W. Dilling. Witness nry hand and of{icial seal STATE OF COLORADO MI Commission Expires 04n3/2002 ;, i't-)u..:h-r Notarv Public ffiffitffi-oRoadwsd I I ) ) ss.(' f) COUNTY OF a cr- cr!-r-. TIre loregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this L)eld:S_.l_, 1999, by lris D. Dilling. STATE OF COLOTTADO ) ) ss. COUNTYOF ) 'l'he foregoing instrument as acknowledged before rne this 1999, by Robert D. Hunter. Witrress rny hand and official seal. day of dav oI My commission expires Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. c'oUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1999, by Iris D. Dilling. Witness my hand and official seal My commission expires: Notarv Public STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COLJNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,1999, by Robeit D. Hunter. Witness my hand and offrcial seal. My commission expires Notarv Public STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss. COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1999, by Robert Rymer as Trustee of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witness my hand and offrcial seal My commission expires: Notarv Public STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss.COUNTYOF ) Thc lbrcgoing instrunrcnt as acknowledged belore rnc this 1999, by Richard W. Dilling. Wituess my hand and official seal My commission expires: Notarv Public STATE OF COLORADO day ol' ) ) ss.COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before rtre lhis 1999, by Iris D. Dilling. Witness my hand and official seal My conrmission expires: Notarv Public STATE OF COLORADO day of ) ) ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument as acknowledged befi | 999, by Robert D. Hunter. Witness rny hand and oflicial seal. My commission expires /,/: o STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss. COIJNTY OF-) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of 1999, by Marilyn Rymer as Trustee of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witness my hand and official seal My commission expires: Notarv Public STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1999, by Mark J. Amsden. Witness mv hand and official seal. My commission expires_ Notarv Public STATE OF COLORADO couNrY or @U) ^ r - , - The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3O aay ot NlttLUllU , 1999, by ct"gory M. Amsden, president of AMS Development, Inc., general partner of A & G Development Partners, a Colorado general partnership. Witness mv hand and official seal ll My commission"*v;r"", 5f2/ f 03 l. My Cornmlsdon ExFrires ^ oy 21, 2q)3 l.l1 9ltLtu.t STATE OF.K+rNSTIS' P{tg>dtA STATE OF ITA}ISA3- couNry se{a*cg4'"' r. t , .. The loregoirrg instrumenr as acknowledged belore ,r.," tlrirA? /fi-y ut SePHNll[_, 1999, by Marilyn Rynrer as Trustee of rhe Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witness nry hand and official seal mlsslon cxt)lrcs: mmission "^rir"r, -ftiv ill. ,s/Ut) , f,it lir,r i.,iA\rAllotery F,.ibirc - tioirry Scal- litato of Missouri !,..qglni6Eionsd in Jackson Cou yMy sommission Expires July tO, ZbOO 4zttn " - 4/1/ l/ltl,tc*rtJ IAuu'-- Nolary Publ:c - Notary SealState ol Missouri . . Commissronsd in Jackson Counlytjy Commissron Expiros Juty tO, i'OOO f .,^t, .r.,.,/ The forcgoing instrument as acknorvledged before n.,.,,,,rJt7hof 4|Klt\W, I999, by ltobert Rynrer as Trustee of the Robert A. Rymer Trusr. Witness nty hand and official seal STATE OF WASFIINGTON ) ) ss.COUNTYOF I The lbregoing instrument as acknowledged before rne this 1999, by Mark J. Amsden. Witness nry hand and official seal. day ol' My comnrission expires Notarv Public Dtl iL- STATE OF lS:|tS'AS 1';-.-..,, Thc foregoing irrstrurnent as acknowledgetl bcforc nre thi.-__i=-![gltsw, 6.7 t4t>izt< ,tnrDi,.- r€?_ witrress '"t ttj1'l,.|u,rl"ni. irrrcial seal My commission "*pi'.S.,J&1fl]Jbg$iI{i1ljl%or couNrY or.t rri , l..lir i i " STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss. tl...1 -: t l l ,/- r Ully ()l COUNTY OF---_-) The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before nre this day ol' 1999, by Marilyn Rymer as Trustee of the Robert A. Rvnrer Trust. Witness rny hand and official seal My commissiou expires: Notary Public STATE OF WASHTNGTON ) ) ss.COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrumeut as acknowledged before nre this 1999, by Mark J. Amsden. day o1' Witncss nrv hand and official seal. rFql- My commission expires Notarv Public STA'I'E Ol; KANSr\S ) ,- ) ss. COUNI'Y Ol;-l<-rrr..r.xrJ_ , .r.r{ . [ _ 'l'hc.lirrcgoitrg irrslt'trtucttl was ackuorvlctlgctl bclbrc nrc tlris LLt rl;r], ,,1'Ntrutmzrl -' |',')e, uy -M agK_Lu{ENt__: __ _, Vre_e. {?.\-s.u -,...,,--of NovaStar lvlortg,agc, lrrc., a Klrrsas corlror.atiou. Wiirrcss rrry hlrrtl arrrl ol'licial scal, My conrnrissiorr cxpilcs 3tz -*, .1.-.,t sTnl'|] ol; co|-()tr^Do ) ) ss. COUNTY OI;_- ) My coururissi0ll c\prcs: STATE OF COLOT{ADO ) )ss. COUN'|Y Or_ _._ ) a.----'Ffr rI -ft---Eir^E'6m-miE7l J*,rF"fiHlilud8iel q.-1)-^-u_. otary I'ublio 'l'lrc li.rlcgoirrg irrstrurucnt rvas nckrrorvlcdgctl bclblc rrrc llris. tlrry.l' , | 999, by Waltcl I luttrrcr. Wilrrcss rny lrirrrtl and ollicial scll 'l'ltc lblcgoiug irrslnrrrrcut rvts loknowlcdgctl bctbrc rrrc tlris rlity ol' , |999, by Barbara Iluttncr. Witncss nry lraud arrtl ollicill scal. Notlrv I'ublic My contntissiou cxpircs NotaLv I'ulrlic STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss.couNTYoF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1999, by of NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., a Kansas corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF Z1i N(A Public STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF ?,. ) ) ss. Westshr Bank J$l 8Etflrtds]"ss Road wos ! / . t The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /f auy of il,nf(inAel , 1999, by walter Hutner. Witness my hand and official seal Mv commission expires: sry comfRission Exphes 04/132002 W_e_stStar Bank i$l gEs,Tsrge Roadri6$ No The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1/ auv of 4 ,1999, by Barbara Huttner. Witness my hand and official seal. Mv commission expires [!ry eoiltllfsslon Expires 04/132002 .t. 2fiotlry-t'uUlii, STATEOFCOLORADO I ) ss. COUNTY OF /:,IJE ) The foregoing instmment was acknowledged before me thisJ tl day of,'lo-,r-Lrt--,1999,by i'.)"..,,..,, (,tIa,.., - asthe ,;.--:, -e.-., | | 1,.-,+t.rt- -- of Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Witness my hand and offrcial seal My commissionexpires: i / -r'/.'-7 <'CC EXHIBIT A REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS Richard W. Dilling and lris D. Dilling PO Box 1450 Vail, Colorado 91658 Lot 3, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision according to the plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Robert D. Hunter as to an undivided 400/o interest, Robert A. Rymer Trust as to an undivided 33% interest, A & G Development Partners, a Colorado general partnership as to an undivided 20% interest and Mark J. Amsden as to an undivided 77o interest c/o Greg Amsden, 500 S. Frontage Road East, Suite I12, Vail, CO. 81657 Lot 4 and 5, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision according to the plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. 1900 West 47e Place Westwood. KS, 66205 Lot 7, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision according to the plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Walter Huttner and Barbara Huttner 1409 South Ulster Street Denver. Colorado 80231 Lot 88, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision according to the plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO. 81657 Lot I l, Vail Meadows Filing No. #2 EXHIBIT B EASEMENT TRACT o PROPERTY DTSCRIPTION Thot port of: Lot 3, Btock l,the nop thereoF recorded Inthe Eogte County, Cotorodo, Fo [ [ ows g Gore Creel< Subdlvision, uct,orrlinq toIlook 216, Poge l9l i n thr, ot't' i ce Jt:Cterk qnd Recorder, descr ibed os Beginning of the northeqst corner oF soid Lot 3, tlrence, otont;the eostenty I ine of soid Lot 3, Sl0'43'46'E 83,13 Feet to tlre southeqst corner of soid Lot 3, thence, qtong the southerty lineof sold Lot 3, SB9'04'36'U 5.70 Feetl thence, deporting soid souther Iy Itne, ?7.34 feet otong the qrc oF o curve to the riglrt hovlng o rodtus oF 6e.50 Feet, o centnot ongte oF 25'01]'3ir', ond o chord thot beqrs N23'15'34'U ?7,12 feet, thence Nl0'43'45'V 54,69 feet to the northerty ttne crf soid Lot 3; thence, qlong the northerty tine oF soid Lot 3, I1.55 feet utong the orc oF o curve to the teFt hoving o rodius oF ll3.17 Feet, ucentrot ong[e oF 5'50'47'ond o chord thqt beqrs N74'19'17'l- 11.54 feet to the Polnt llf Beglnnlng, contolnlng U90 srluore fcet, nore or leqs. Dote r ItJO I r:et60 0 60 120 tt/ L9/99 vPa 1459-3 l=-Fr-l-{-}:l-- l-:1 Beginning ot the northwest cornen oF soid Lot 4, thence, olonothe northenty Iine oF soid Lot 4, al.05 Feet otong the orc oF ncurve to the teFt, hoving o rodtus oF 113,17 feet, o cen tr.rr Iongte of l0'39'2a', ond o chord thot beors N66'03'el't ;1 1.0;,feeti thence, deport Inll sotd northerty tine, 7,11 feet otone tlrs onc of o curve to the right, hoving o nodius oF 55.00 Feet, ucentrot ongte oF 6'15'52', ond o chord thot beqrs S03'07'56't_7,10 feetl thence S00'00'00'E a6.85 feetr thence 43,64 Feetolong the orc of o curve to the teft, hoving o rodius oF 55.00Feet, o centrqI ongte oF 45'27'42', ond o chord thot beorsSez'43'51'E 4e.50 feet; thence S45'a7'4?'E l,B0 Feet; thence ?7.77 feet otong the orc of o cunve to the teft, hoving o rotliusof 35,00 Feet, o centro I ongte of 45'27'42', qnd o chord tfro t beons 568'll'33't 27,05 feet; thence NB9'04'36't 2B,78 Feel; thence S00'55'24'E .00 Feet to the southerIy I ine oF soid Lot4, thence the fotto,ring two courses otong the souther ty ondresterly Iines oF soid Lot 4r (l) S89'04'36'l,l 75.U1 feetl (2) PROPERTY DTSCIiIPTION Thot por t ol' Lr.rt 4, ll tocl< I ,the mop therer-r f recorded i nthe Eog [e Coun ty, Cotorodo, Fo t t ows r LOT J 6ore Cneek Subd Iv is ion , qccord irrLl to Book 216, Poge l9l in ttre ot'f ir e trfCterk ond Reconder, descr ibed os Nl0'43'46'V 83.13 Feet to the Polnt 0F Begt3n'l'tlQl,',cpntoin Ing 1900 squore feet, nrore or tess ."l"oii!9..\.t"!.,,;;':.... Do te r I I I IUrl I eet60 (l 60 120 tt/t9/99 vP4 l45B-4 -=-#Ston Hoglq Co I orodo-. P %^,- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Thot port oF Lot 7, tltock l, 6ore creek Subdivision, occo.din<r tothe nop thereof recorded in Book zt6, poge l9l in the of'f it-.t' r_rf'the Eogte County, Cotorodo, Cterk ond Reiorder, descnibed osfo t lows: Beglnning of o point on the northerty tine of soid Lot 7, whencethe southeost corner oF Lot 3, soid btock t, 6ore CreekSubdlvision, beons N89'04'36'E l. 00 feetl thence, otone soiunontherty line oF Lot 7, N89.04,36,E 100.07 feet to thenortheost corner of sord Lot 7i thence, otong the southeoster tyline oF soid Lot 7, 543'45'38't/ 36.23 feet; lhence, deportingsold southeosterty t Ine, 15.75 Feet olong the onc oF o curve t t_rl!:_lqllt hoving o rodtus of 37,50 feet, o centror ongte oFa4'03'eB', ond o chord thot beors N78.53,40,V 15,63 FEet;thence S89'04'36'V ll.28 feet; thence 54.77 feet otong the urcof o cunve to the right, hovtng o rodtus of 6?,50 Feei, o centrofongte of 50'le'29', qnd o chord thot beors N65'49,10,V 53.03feet to the Point 0f Beginning, ccr.tointng 1693 squore feet, noneor tess. Dote: ,[ 60 t?o l8d Ieel o| | / t6/99 vP4 1458-7 PROPERTY DESCRIPTIO}, Thot port oF Porce( B, Finot Ptot, A Resubdivision oF Lot g,Btock l, 6ore Creek Subdivision, qcconding to the nop thereofnecorded in the ofFice oF the Eogte County, Cotorodo, Cterk ondRecorden, descr ibed os fo I tows: Beginning of the northeost corner of soid porce t B, thence, olongthe eosterty line of soid Porcet B, S04'a0'lB,E BA.7l feet rothe southeost corner oF soid Porce I B,; thence, otong thesoutherty t ine of soid Porcet B, S85'39'4A,lJ 30.99 Feet;thence, deporting soid southenly t ine, N00.51 '36,E ?3.25 feet,ithence 44.33 feet otong the orc of o curve to the teft, hoving orodius of 37.50 feet, q centrol ongle oF 67'43'32,, ond o choidthot beors N33'00'10'V 41.79 Feet to the northwestertv ttne oFso id Porce t B; thence, o long so id northwester ty I ine,-N43'45'38'E 36,?3 feet to the northerty ongte pornt o€ sotoPorcet Bl thence, otong the norther ty tine of soid porce t B,N89'04'36'E ?2.00 feet to the Pornt 0f Beginning, contoining2782 squore Feet, more or tess. P.O B. lor .i \ i--o =iPi I lt + n LJ 6060 LOT 7 LOI A PARCEL B Feet 1t/ 16/99r/P4 1458-8 120 r80 EXIIIBIT C RtrPAIR AND MAINTENAI\CE AGREEMENT REPAIR AND I\TAINTENANCE AGREf,MENT AND DECLARATION This Repair and Maintenance Agreement and Declaration (the "Agreernenr and Declaration") is nrade effective as of the ,ic .t'day of September, 1999, by and among Eagle River water & Sanitation District ("ERWS"), Richard w. and lris D. Dilling ("Lot 3 owner"), NovaSrar Mortgage. Inc. ("Lot 7 orvner"), walter I'Iuttner and Barbara Huttner ("Lot 88 owner"), and Robert D. Hunter as to an undivided 407o interest, Robert A. Rymer Trust as to an undividetl 207o interest, A&G Development Partners as to an undivided 20o% interest and Mark J. Amsden as to an undivided 77o interest (collectively, the "Lots 4 and 5 Owner"). l. Recitals. Lot 3 Owner, Lots 4 and 5 Owner, Lot 7 Owner and Lot 88 Owner (collectively, the "Lot Owners") and ERWS are each seised of an estate in fee simple of those parcels of land located in Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision according to the plat thereof, County of Eagle, State o[Colorado, as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (each a "Property," and collectively the "Properties"). The Lot Owners and ERWS (collectively, the "Easement Users") are parties to an Access and Utility Easement of even date herewith under which the Lot Owners created a twenty-five foot access easement across the Properties, as described on Exhibit B, for the benefit of the Lot Owners and ERWS (the "Easement Tract"). The Easement Users desire to set forth their rights and responsibilities with respect to the construction, repair and maintenance of the improvements to the Easement Tract in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. 2. Construclion. The construction to be performed pursuant to the provisions of this Section 2 shall be referred to as the "Improvements." (a) ERWS shall be responsible for one-half and the Owner of Lot 4 and 5 Orvner shall be responsible for one-half of all costs associated with: (i) the surveying, engineering, designing and grading the roadway to be installed along the Easement Tract; (ii) application of a six inch deep, twenty-two (22) foot. wide, gravel road base, and (iii) complying with all drainage and wetlands requirements. The foregoing improvements to the Easement Tract shall be as mutually agreed upon by ERWS and the Lot 4 and 5 Owner. ERWS shall be solely responsible for all costs associated with the surveying, engineering, designing and installing the utility lines along the Easement Tract. (b) The Lots 4 and 5 Owner shall be responsible for the cost of initially paving in asphalt a twenty (20) feet wide roadway constructed with ERWS along the Easement Tract. The construction to be from the intersection of Black Gore Drive to the property line between Lot 88 and Lot 8A. The Lots 4 and 5 Owner shall also be responsible for the cost ofl (i) removing the existing driveway on Lot 3 from Black Gore Drive; (ii) installing berms and landscaping from such driveway removed from Lot 3; and (iii) installing new access to Lot 3 from the Easement Tract alons the eastern boundarv ofLot 3. Repair and Muintenance. (a)ERWS shall be solely responsible for plowing snow onto acljacent lots as ntay be required on the Intprovernents in accordance with the needs of ERWS for access to its Property. Repairs and maintenance shall be nrade from time to time to the Improvemepts as tlte Easement Users holding a majority of the percentage interests set forth below shall determine from time to tirne. Each party hereto shall be responsible for the cost of rcpairing and maintaining the Improvements, other than the plowing and snow removal, in the following proportions: Easement Owner Percentage Interest Lot 3 Owner 20% Lots4and5Owner 20% Lot 7 Owner 20o/o Lot 88 Owner 20o/o ERWS 20% (b) Easement Users holding at least 40% of the percentage interests set forth in Section 3(a) shall be entitled to call, or waive the calling of, a meeting of the Easement Users for purposes of determining assessments upon all the Easement Users for the repair and maintenance of the Improvements, which meeting shall be held in Eagle County, Colorado. Written notice of such meeting, or a ballot or consent containing a waiver of meeting, shall be sent to all Easement Users at their addresses on record with the Eagle County Assessor's office at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting. The decision of the Easement Users holding a majority of the percentage interests set forth in Section 3(a) shall be binding on all the Easement Users. (c) If any Easement User fails to pay any assessment within thirty (30) days of the meeting of the Easenrent Users (a "Defaulting Easement Owner"), then any of the other Easement Users may pay the Defaulting Easement User's share of the assessment. The Defaulting Easement User's share of the assessment shall accrue intcrest at the greater of eighteen percent (18%) per annum or four percent (4%) higher than the prime rate published lronr time to time in the Wall Street Joumal. The Defaulting Easement User's assessment and the interest accrued thereon shall be secured by a lien against the Easement User's Property. To evidence such lien, the Easement User(s) entitled to such lien shall prepare a written notice of lien setting forth the amount owed by the Defaulting Easement User and the legal description of the Lot subject to the lien. Such notice of lien shall be recorded in the real property records in and for Eagle County, Colorado and may be enforced by foreclosure of the lien in like manner as a mortgage on real property, subject to the lien of frrst mortgages and first dccds of lrust, but supcrior lo any ltonrcstcad cxcmption in accortlancc rvith tlrc provisions of Colo. Rev. Stat. 38-41-201 et seq. (d) Each Easement User agrees to provide, r.vithin fifteen ( I 5) days of reccipt of request by any other Easement User a written statement indicating the amount of anv urrpaid charges or assessments due lrom the requesting Easement Uscr under the terms of this .\greement and Declaration. arly existing defaults under this Agreenrent and Dcclaration by the requesting Easement User, and any other information deemecl proper by the respolding Easettrent User. In the event that the Easement User requested to provide such information lails to do so within such fifteen (15) day period, such failure shall be dcemed conclusive evidence that, except for liens secured by a notice recorded in accordance with the provisiols of Section 3(c) of this Agreement and Declaration, no amounts due under this Agreement ancl Declaration are unpaid by the requesting Easement User, and no defaults by the requesting Easement User exist under this Agreement and Declaration. (e) The Easement Users holding a majority of the percentage interests described above may form a nonprofit corporation or other association for purposes of adrninistering their respective rights and obligations under this Agreement and Declaration. 4. Goventmental Compliance. The construction of the Improvements and the repair and maintenance of the Improvements shall be done in full compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws. 5. Ettforcement of Rights. In the event any party hereto fails to discharge its respective obligations hereunder, any other party hereto shall have the right to enforce this Agreement and Declaration by an action in law or in equity (including a suit for specific performance) without thereby waiving the right to also lecover in an action lor damages any such sums expended by such other party at its discretion in performing such obligations. In the event that any party hereto rnust institute a legal proceeding against the other party to entbrce its rights hereunder, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover and the court shall award reasonable attomey's lees (including those incurred on appeal or rvhether or not suit be filed) and costs from the non-prevailing party in such amounts as the court deems proper. 6. Covenants Rrtttning with llrc Land, All rights and obligations arising hereunder are covenants running with the land, binding upon and inuring to the benefit of the respective parties and their respective successors in title. 7. Governing Law Agreement and Declaration. Countv. Colorado. and Venue. The laws of the State of Colorado shall govem this Any legal action instituted hereunder shall be brought in Eagle 8. Signature. Each party hereto represents and warrants that the person or persons signing this Agreement and Declaration on behalf of such party is duly authorized to do so. Each party is hereby eslopped from asserting that it or any party signing below did not legally execute this Agreement and Declaration with all necessary or rcquired authority. 9. No Partncrship. None of the terms and provisions of this Agreement and Declaration shall be deenred or construed to create a partnership between or among the parties hereto in their respective businesses or otherwise, nor shall they cause the parties hereto to be considered joint ventures or members of any joint enterprise. Each party to this Agreement and Declaration shall be considered a separate entity and no party hereto shall have the right toact as agent for any other party hereto unless expressly authorized to do so by rvritten instrument signed by the authorizing party. I0. Amendment. Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein, neither this Agreement and Declaration nor any provision may be waived, modified, amencled, discharged or terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by all of the parties hereto and recorded in the Real Property Records of Eagle County, Colorado. I l. courtterparts. This Agreement and Declaration may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 12. Further Assurances. Each party to this Agreement and Declaration agrees to execute and deliver other documents, instruments and certifrcates which are reasonably necessary to implement fully the provisions and intent of this Agreement and Declaration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have read and executed this Agreement and Declaration effective as of the date first above written. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilling Lots4and5Owner: Iris D. Dilling Robert D. Hunter A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS By: AMS Developrnent, Inc., general partner Mark J. Amsden ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST By: tsy: Robert A. Rymer, Trustee By: Gregory M. Amsden, President Marilyn R. Rymer, Trustee 9' No Partuership. None of tlte terms and provisions ol' thrs Agrccrrrcnt apdDeclaration shall bc dccrued or corrstruetl to create a partnership betrveen or anlong tlrc par.ticshereto in their respcctive busittesses or otherwise, nor shall they cause t5e partics lcrcto to beconsidered joint ventures or nrctnbers of any joint enterprise. Each party to tlris r\grecnrclt and Declaration shall be considcred a separate entity and no party hereio shall have tlre riglrt toact as agent for any other party hereto unless expressly authorized to do so Uy rwittcn instrument signed by tlre authorizing party. 10. Amendment. Exccpt as othenvise specihcally set forth hercil, leithcr tlis Agreement and Declaratiorl tlor any provision may be waived, rnodified, anrendc4. tlischargeclor terminated except by att ittstrument in writing signed by all of the partics Scrcto altl recorded in the Real Property Records of Eagle County, Coloratlo. I l. Counterports. This Agreernent and Declaration nlay be cxccutctl irr counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of rvhich togcthcr shull constitute one and tltc sarrrc instrurnent. 12. Further tlssttt'dnces. Each party to this Agreement and Dcclaration to exccutc and deliver other docutrrents, iustrunrents and certificates which are rcasonably uccessaly to inrplement fully the provisions and intent of this Agreement and Declaration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have read antl executed this Agreement antl Declaration effectivc as oIthc date first above written. Lot 3 Owner: Lots4and5Orvnen Robert D. Huntcr Mark J. Atnstlcrr Lot 3 Dilling 9' No I'ortnershilt. None of thc temrs and provisiorrs of this Agrecrrrcpt aldDcclaration shall be tlecntcd or construed to create a parlnership betrveen or anlong tlc particshereto in their respcctive businesses or otherwise, nor shall they cause the parties lrereto to beconsidered joint vcntures or ntembcrs of any joint enterprise. Each party to this Agrccprcrrt and Declaration shall be considcred a scparate cntity and no party hcreio slralt lrar.e thc rigSt toact as agent lor any otlter party hereto unless expressly authorized to do so by rw.ittcp instrument signed by thc authorizing party. 10. Anendment. Exccpt as otherwise specifically set forth lrcrcin. ncithcr this Agreement and Declaration nor arly provisiou nray be waived, modihetl, antelded. dischargcdor terminated except by an ittstrutnettt in writing signed by all of the partics hcreto antl recorded in the Real Property Records of Eagle County, Colorado. I l. Cortttterparts. This Agreement and Declaration may bc cxecutctl i1 counterparts, each of which shall be deenred an original and all of rvhiclr togctlrcr slrall constitute one and the sarrre instrurnent. 12. Furthet Assruances. Each party to this Agreement and Dcclaration to cxeclte and deliver other docunrettts, iustruments and ccrtificates which are reasonably necessary to implement fully the provisions and intent of this Agreement and Declaration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have read and executed this Agreernent antl Declaration effective as of the date first above written. Lot 3 Orvner: Richard W. Dilllng Iris D. Dilling Lots 4 and 5 Orvner: Huntcr Mark J. Amsden -e-t 9' No Parnrcrship. None of tlte temrs and provisions o[ this Agrccnrcnt arrtlDcclaration shall bc tlccrltcd or cotrstrued to create a partnership betwccn or iunong tlrc 'articshereto in their respcctive busittesses or otherwise, nor shall they cause the par.tics 5ercto to bcconsidered joint ventulcs or nrembers of any joint enterprise. Each party to tlris ;\grcenrerrtand Declaration shall be considered a separate entity and iro putty hereio slratt 6avc r5e riglrt toact as agent for any other party hereto unless expressly authorized to do so by ,uiitte,rinstrument signed by thc authorizing party. l0' Amendment- Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein. peitlrcr thisAgreemcnt and Dcclaration llor any provision may be lvaived, modified, arrrended. disclrargcdor terminated exccpt by alt itrstrunrent in writing signed by all of the partics lereto arrdrecorded in the Real Property Records of Eagle County, Coloratlo. I I. Counterparts. 'Ihis Agreement counterparts, each of rvhich shall be deemed arr constitute one and the same instrurnent. and Declaration Inay bc exccutetl in original and all of rvhich toeetlrcr shall 12. Furlher Assuronces' Each party to this Agreement and l)eclaratiop to executcand deliver other documents, iustruments and certificates which are reasonably nccassary toimplement fully the provisions and intent of this Agreenrent and Declaration. lN WITNESS wFlIlltEOF, thc partics have read and executetl this Aglccprclr arrd Declaration effective as of thc datc first above rvriiten. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilling Lots4and5Orvuer: lris D. Dilling Robert D. lluntcr A & G DEVELOPMENT Byl,-,{d\4S ARTNERS ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST By: Robert A. Rymer, Trustee By:By: (=___jgI+gory President Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MORTGAGE. INC. By: Name: Title: Lot 88 Owner: Walter Huttner EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTzuCT By: Title: STATE OF COLORADO Marilyn R. Rymer, Trustee Barbara Huttner ) ) ss. COUNTY OF---_--) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1999, by Richard W. Dilling. Witness my hand and offrcial seal. My commission expires: Notary Public A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS By: AMS Development. Inc., general parlner By: Grcgory M. r\nrsden, President Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MORTGAGE. INC. By: Name: Title: Lot 88 Orvner: Walter Huttucr EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRJCT Title: ROBERT A. RYtvtER Tt{US'l' Robert A. Ryner, T x'v: Marilyn Barbara Huttner />a.--A,,r-- By: Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MOI{TCAGE. INC. By: Name: title: Vrc.e- - Prr.es,oer-sT Lot EB Orvner: Walter I luttner EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT Barbara I luttner Titlc: STATE OF COLOMDO ) ) ss.COUNTYOF ) The foregoimg instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1999, by Riclranl W. Dilling. Witness my hand and official seal. My comnrission expires: By: Notary l'ublic Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MORTGACE. INC. By: Name: Title: EAGLE zuVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT ST.A,TE OF COLORADO - .t )ss' coUNrY or t aqG tJ ^ Thg foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / f day ot Nofanbl , 1999, by Richard W. Dilling. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Xy Commission boires 04/13'2002 Wesffitar Bank 108 Sou$ Frontase Road Wes l/all. C0 01657 - Lot 8B Owner: Walter Huttner BarYara Huftner Notarv Public STATE OF COLORADO COU}.ITY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of 1999, by lris D, Dilling. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public STATEoFCoLoRADO I ) ss'COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of 1999, by Robert D. Hunter. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public STATEOFKANSAS I) ss.couNTYoF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of , 1999, by Robert Rymer as Trustee of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witness my hand and offrcial seal. My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss.couNrYoF t The foregoing instrurnent as acknorvlcdged before nre 1999, by Richard W. Dilling. Witness nry lrand and official seal. ) ) ss. ) My commission expires: qy commhslen E\pires 04/13/2002 STATE OF COLORADO couNTY oF E --'''-- The forcgoing instrumeut as acknowledgedgr- 1999, by lris D. Dilling. Witness nry hand aud official seal. ;2 STATEOFCOLORADO )) ss. COIJNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this 1999, by Robert D. Hunter. Witness ruy hand antl o[Iicial seal. My commission expircs: l$l SESlt6Sf so Road wosr Notarv Public My commission expires: My Commlsslon Bgircs'$f'21. day ot Notary Public STATEOFCOLORADO I ) ss.COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrunrent as acknowledged before me this 1999, by Richard W. Dilling. Witncss nry hand and oflicial seal. My commission expircs: Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF The foregoing instrunrent as acknowledged before me this 1999, by Iris D. Dilliug. Witness nly halld and official seal. My commission expircs: Notarv Public day ol' ss. day o[ STATE OF COLOT1ADO ) couNTY or Ern' at- t'ss' The foregoing instrumeut as acknowledged before me this J/ lu 1999, by Robert D. Huntcr. Witness nry hand and official seal. My commissi on expircs'. {- P- o} STATE OF KANSAS COLNTY OF The foregoing instrument rvas acknowledged before me this _day of 1999, by Marilyn Rymer as Trustee of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witness my hand and official seal. !1y commission expires: Notary Public ) SS.COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1999, by Mark J. Amsden. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notarv Public STATE OF COLORADO couNrY oF aLrJle-. 1"" r , fhe foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3 0 ,f"y of N0V"L,[\4ht"lL, 1999, by Gregory M. Amsden, President of AMS Development, Inc., general partner ofA & G Development Partners, a Colorado general partnership. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission "*pit.t' .5141 l03 STACEYS M^MON Nolory pubtic Sloteof Cdqodo MiSguq(r, STATE OF IE{T$SFS ) ) ss. {! t"l'' tuti' 'i :.. e*6ail I'i;\:ir'**.L /\a MAFIA NAVANdtry.Ibblic _ Notary Seal ^ Shio of Missour.i - urt",ililii,,l1"#'ri?ltriiilffl i6* Commissioned in Jackson Cotnty My Commission Expires July 10. 2000 day ol'The foregoing instruutent as ackrowledged before ure this 1999, by Mark J. Amsden. Witncss nry hand and oflicial scal. My commission expires: COLINTY OfuN The foregoing ins(rurnent as acknowledgetl before nrc tlri"A'|':iih, S@k,ntzr1999, by Robert Rynrer as'frustce of the Robert A. Ilymer Trust. fftrS(itness'tv ha''l 1l or{icial seal' ion "*pir"sl 77 Notarv Public il-g-:, \t;. M; ii,131,1' 19 srArE o, dk{#f couNry or{anlqrz$ Tlre foregoing instrunrcnr as acknowlcdgcd before nr. tt.,ia:l?/tv $ Sqpfi2tr"tr^by Marilyn Rymer as Trustee of thc Robert A. Rymer Trust. pitness nry harrtl arrd official scal. ,-4,.issionexpircsW/ STATE OF WASHTNCTON I ) ss.COUNTYOF ) Notary P#Sin rrvr Nctary FJblic - Notary Seal Slsts of Missouri Notary Public STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss.COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrurncnt as acknorvledged before nc tlris 1999, by Robert Ryrrrcr as Trustcc o[thc Robert A. Itvmer Trust. Witness nry hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public tlay ol' STATE OF KANSAS COUNTY OF ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrunrent as acknowledged before me this 1999, by Marilyn ltynrcr as Trustee of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witness my hantl and official seal. My commission expircs: Notary Public day ol- t I l.runv) STATE OF r+iFrstttNfrtdN COUNTY OrlNtN KI LI:- ) ) ss. The foregoing irrstrumcnt as acknowledged belore me tnis il^r t'.Q:[tmfu f 1999, by Mark J. Amsrlen. Witness nry hantl antl ofhcial seal. JAN|CE M. TOTII M y comm i ss i on " * p ifi?tfffiff $f, ff#+iff fi 1900- (,ir.r,tr:t- ltr,o'\ Noly'rv Public STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss. ) 'fhe foregoirrg instrument was acknowledgcd bcfore nre this 1999, by Waltcr Iluttner. Witncss nry hand aud official seal. My commission cxpires: Notaw Public STATE OF COLORADO day of ) ) ss.couNTYoF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledgcd belole ruc this day of 1999, by llarbara fluttucr. Witness my harrd and official seal. couNrY orJ.*rs*\-]"' The foregoing instlurrrcnt was acknowledged belorc nre tlris"$#duy ur r>uA(Prg2r-, 1999, by c=-Pne:iD€n\I-of NovaStar Mortgage, Irrc., a Kansas corporation. Witness my hand and ofhcial scal. My conrmission "*pir"r, 3.&r"tcr\ S'TATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF t. My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss.COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1999, by NovaStar Mortgage, Inc., a Kansas corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO day of of ) ) ss. couNrY ou 4&_i"' . t . . , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4 day of llpIULhltg99, by Walter Huttner. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: [lI C0mmission Expires 04n32002 WestStar Bank U,? Effiitdggrte Road wes STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF ) ,At The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /7 day of /U;lVtn-l-o,t , 1999, by Barbara Huttner. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:MY Commission Expiros 04n3/2002 WestShr tertr i&t 86$,r;t9rse Road utrosr STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledgedNc.",.bt- , 1999, by L)"..tr2, t 6c, lv, -Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Witness my hand and oflicial seal. My commissionexpires: /O y'&'- jtlo'O before me this .ft4ttt.day of , as the6,t-.-. ., I t 7e-8,. - of TOWI{ OFVAIL Depanment of Conmtnity Development 75 Sottth Frcntage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June9, 1999 Mr. Greg Amsden A & G Development Partners 500 South Frontage Road East, Suite #l 12 Vail, CO E1657 Re:Minor SuMivision - Lots 4 & 5, Block I, Gore Creek Subdivision Dear Greg: Following af,e comments received this morning fiom the Town's Public Works Department regarding the above-referenced application: r Pursuant to Section l3-l0-9, Town of Vail Code, the required right-of-way width for minor private drives is 40 feet. Please revise the proposed easementwidth accordingly. Additionally, please provide a recorded easement agreement (incorporating all affected lots) at your earliest convinience. A metes & bounds description will zuffice for this purpose. r We will need to verifi grades on the proposed easement to ensure a drive is feasible at this location. Ideally, the-eisement would function as both an access and utility easement. This easement will need to be recorded prior to approval of this plat. In the letter submitted with this applicatiorl the relocation of the existing access easement is mentioned. However, the existing easement still appears on both the title report and the proposed finat plat. Will the "ase.ent remain or will it be vacated? Please revise the plat accordingly if necessary. If you would like to discuss these issues in detail, please contact me-at 479-212E. A copy of the rigtrt-of-way requirements from Section l3-10-9, Town of Vail Code is included for reference. &rn*"rr ro Sincerely, hdfc4 Brent Wilson Planner II oc: Greg Hall, Director ofPublic Works 13-10-9 or local with a right-of-way bulb of fitty foot (50') radius and pavement radius of forty feet (40'). 13-10-9 9. Street Width: Street width shall conform to the followlng: R.O.WClass Width Arterial 70 (Frontage) Paved Design Max.Width Shoulder Speed Grade o/o 12',8506 per lane Min. Curve FutureRadius ADT 650 750 and over 250 300-750 60 150-300 50 0-150 Collector 50 24 4 40 z Local 50 22 3 30 8 Minor 40 22 2 30 9 (Private) Driveway-12 1-20 *Maximum grade for drivewaye may be up to 10% if the Town Engineer's approval is obtained. lf the driveway is proposed to be hoated, the gradg may be up to 12c/o if the Town Engineer's approval is obtained. B.Horizontal Alignment: 1. The maJor considerations in hori- zontal alignment deeign are: safety, grade profile, road type, design speed, sight distanc€, and topography. All these factors must be balanced to produce an alignment that is aafest, most economical, and adequate for the type of road proposed. 2. Horizontal alignment must provide at least the minimum stopping sight distance for the design speed at all points. This includes vislblllty at inter- sections, as well as around curves and roadside encroachments. C. Vertical Allgnment: 1. Reference: The grade line is the reference line by which the elevation of the pavement and other features of the road are established. lt is con- trolled mainly by topography, the fac- tors of horizontal alignment, safety, sight distance, design speed, draln- age, and construction costs, The con- figuration of heavy duty vehlcles must also be considered. 2. Grade Line: The grade llne should be positioned with rElation to th6 cross section as follows: a. lt should coincide with the road center line on two (2) lane and multi- lane undividEd roads. Town of Yail TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 28m, 1999 A request for a minor subdivision to vacate a common lot line creating a new lot and a variance to allow for the establishment of an access easement less than 40' in width, located at 5166 Black Gore Drive / Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision Applicant A & G DevelopmentPartnersPlanner: Brent Wilson I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a minor subdivision to consolidate two existing lots in East Vail through the vacation of a contiguous property line. Cunently, the boundaries of Lot 5 surround Gore Creek, the 10O-year floodplain and jurisdiciional wetlands. The proposed plat for this minor subdivision eliminates Lot 5 and delineates the floodplain and Gore Creek setback boundaries, thereby preduding development in these areas. Additionally, the applicant wishes to record an access easement along the edges of Lots 3, 4, 7 and 8 (p/ease referto the attached vicinity map) for the purpose of access to adjacent residential lots and the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Distric{ property. Section 13-10-9, Town of Vail Code requires right-of-way widths for feeder roads (accessing 4 or more units) of 40 feet. The applicant is requesting a variance from this code section in order to establish an access easement width of 25 feet. A detailed description of each request is given in Sections lll. lV and V of this memorandum. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a minor subdivision to vacate a common lot line creating a new lot, subject to the following findings: That the proposal meets the review criteria for a minor subdivision contained in Title 13, Subdivision Regulations. That the proposal is consistent with the Town's development objectives, development standards for adjacent properties and the provisionsfintent of the Two-Family Residential zone distrist regulations. / Staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a variance to allow for the establishment of an access easement less than 40' in width, subject to the following findings: . That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. . That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. . That the strict or literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. The recommendation of approval of this variance request canies one condition: . The proposed new access easements must be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorde/s Office prior to the recording of the proposed amended plat. The easement will be recorded on all affested lots. lf these access easements are not recorded, the amended plat shall not be recorded and become void. III. MINORSUBDIVISIONREVIEWGRITERIA One basic premise of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of a new lot must be met. This project will be reviewed under the same criteria as outlined in Title 13 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The first set of review criteria to be considered by the PEC for a minor subdivision application is as follows: A. Lot Area The minimum legal building lot size in the Two-Family Residential zone district is 15,000 square feet. The Gore Creek Subdivision was plafted in 1969 prior to the Town's adoption of applicable subdivision and zone districl regulations. Both lots affec{ed by this request are less than 15,000 square feet in sizE and are considered "non-conforming." Thus, consolidation of these two lots would bring the property into conformance with this aspect of the subdivision and zone district regulations. B. Frontaoe The Town of Vail Code requires that lots in the Two-Family Residential zone district have a minimum frontage of 30'. This proposal will increase the frontage for Lot 4 from approximately 97.5 feet to approximately 143 feet. C. Site Dimensions The Vail Municipal Code requires that each site be of a size and a shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80' on each side, within its boundaries. The application complies with this aspect of the subdivision regulations. The second set of review criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision rcquest is as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, and is as follows: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intended purpose of Title 13, Chapter 4, the zoning ordinance, and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under Section 13-3-3-3.C. The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town, environmental integrity and compatibility with surrounding uses. The subdivision purpose statements are as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development and proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. Staff Response: One purpose of subdivision regulations, and any development control, is to establish basic ground rules which the staff, the PEC, the applicant and the community can follow in the public review process. The minor subdivision process is the appropriate procedural venue for this application. Requirements and protocol for this process are outlined in Chapter 13, Town of Vail Code. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent property. Staff Response: Statf believes this application proposes a consistent use, intensity and character with adjacent properties. As required during the minor subdivision process, adjacent property owners have been notified. The Town of Vail will require easement recording and the review of a joint maintenance agreement for the re-aligned access route prior to plat recording. Given these factors, staff does not believe this application will conflict with development on adjacent parcels. 3. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the municipality and the value of buiHings and improvements on the land. Staff Response: Staff believes this proposal will not be detrimental to the value of land throughout Vail, nor will it be detrimental to the value of land in the immediate area. 4. To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town Zoning Ordinance, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. Staff Response: Staff believes the proposed minor subdivision will not preclude a harmonious, convenient and workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives. As mentioned previously, the consolidation of Lots 4 & 5 will bring the property into conformance with the applicable zone district regulations. 5. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreational and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Staff Response: Staff believes the proposed minor subdivision will not negatively impact the above-referenced public facilities. Given the criteria and issues outlined in Section V of this memorandum. staff believes the proposed access easement presents a feasible altemative to an existing access problem. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction, design standards and procedures. Staff Response: The proposed plat conforms to the Town's standards and formafting procedures for a minor subdivision. New access easements will be formally recorded prior to plat approval. Construction standards will be addressed pursuant to the Two-Family Residential zone district regulations and Section 12-1 1, Town of Vail Code ("Design Revieu/'). 7. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to enoourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community and the value of land. Staff Response: Through the plafting and establishment of the limits of the 1OO-year floodplain and the required Gore Creek Setback (50 feet from the mean centerline), staff believes this resubdivision will help to ensure no development takes place on environmentally sensitive areas on the property. Additionally, due to the presence of adjacent wetland vegetation, applicable wetland permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be required prior to the issuance of any design review approvals for construction on the property. The recording of an additional access easement to the west should reduce impacts from vehicular use of the existing access easement located within the floodplain. IV. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Size: Lot 4: Lot 5: Required Existino 15,000 sf 11,404 sf 15,000 sf 12,663 sf Proposed 24,067 sf nla Proposed Two dwelling units One Type ll EHU Proposed 5,507 sf nla Densitv Allowed: Existino Lots4&5 GRFA Allowed: Lot 4: Lot 5: Two dwelling units Two Type I EHU's Existino 3,276 sf 3,591 sf Site Coveraoe Allowed: Existino Proposed Lot 4: 2,281 si 4,813 sf* Lot 5: 2,531 sf nla ' Slfe constnints may inhibit the ability to construct these amounts in full. V. VARIANCE CRITERIAAND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Adjacent properties (including the water district site and the Huttner/Sodin duplex residence) are informally accessed via the gravel road located just west of Gore Creek on Lot 5. Although an easement exists for access along this route to the water district property, this easement is located within the 1O0-yearfloodplain and the road (as constructed) does not lie within the existing easement. All of the lots impacted by the new proposed easement receive their primary access from otherroads oreasements. The residential lots receive primary access from either Black Gore Drive or Grouse Lane and the Town 3. of Vail and water district lots (part of a separate subdivision and zoned Natural Area Preservation District) received a primary plafted access route as part of the Val Meadows Filing 2 subdivision. Please refer to the attached vicinity map for details. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. All of the lots impacted by this request are already served by formally 'plafted access routes. Staff believes a requirementto provide an additional secondary access at 40 feet in width to the water district site is somewhat excessive and disproportionate to the anticipated impacts of this proposed minor subdivision. No other properties in the vicinity with secondary access easements have been required to meet minor roadway standards. The efrect of the rcquested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and trafric facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Section 13-10-9, Town of Vail Code requires a right-of-way width for minor private drives of 40 feet. However, the Town's residential driveway access standards require a pavement width of 20 feet (for access between 4 and 11 units) with a required 90 degree comerwidth ol 24 feet. All adjacent lots contain previously platted utility easements on three sides. Thus, staff believes the proposed 25 foot easement is sufficient for the purpose of access. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. B. o 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the follou,ing reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difliculty orunneoessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tide. b. There are excepiions or extraordinary ciratmstances or conditions applicable to th9 same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the Eame zone. c. The strict intepretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other prcperties in the same disfict Figure 1. o Genenl Site Location Map Vicinity Map Lots 4 & 5, Gore Creek Subdivision \ hbr District Property L f.lq BS,-. EE 5 q3 H FR c.,FP HF d*' SBXFrnF3!dpEXE\r(^v5.'\{"sO\AFa *-]Q\ O 58" = s^ l-'Fr f.,ro(\x 'rllf$'ld |ffiffiffffii F a E rii :l; iti i:f I rl Iit;t ta,lr:llt t_*_ i, Iiiiiliiti 8:' fi iliiHi iliilil$il t t: ii-I- !a att !r tii iitri I t'- lil'i'ill 1l| 1:llll iiiiii$iifiii il$rl'1fiilt[t|n lll;! ir i!i'il! i i1 liilli Fl !;iii!'!rflir!iltiliiliill;;ti tl l:flt | ;! d[i Efllirll ,'l ! iiiiir rr f;L-'i + il liii I lt tlilI I IilI| | riill 'r al i-88 'iiiliiliifiii liifiiiitii'i iiiii'ili I iii4lill N hhlA BS,-T = qJ \.1€tr o ".\Fti rI F k c',,FE NF No'FR\Fcr ' ,^ FslEp E;g\x -\-ssci tAt- ,r i-]R\ O SE" = s^ Fr.r C'r -x g qe 8ot $,l :+l_- 5 t: t!x cq :+: i$q' i$ I I.l !9 1H rq a.o5E /"8tl 0rl szl tririil rrt iirttt I l;l iilTI ilr 6 9;HC3 eH*fi3 r3ff"*'^99 e FeE 3frra < E;.e<+ '^.i@ FE - --=--=1 \ . ,v\\ \ l>/\r- !/ .l q-g1t ":fq*,lr^ Date [eceivec 500 South Frontase Road East" Ste. #lI2 'e! Vail, Colorado 81657 Jvne7,1999 Brent Wilson c/o Town of Vail Planning Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO. 81657 Re: Request to Variance from 40' ROW requirement for Minor Private Driveways Lots 4 and 5, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision (5166 Black Gore Drive) Dear Brent: In conjunction with an application to vacate the lot line which separates Lots 4 and 5, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision, and create one lot, Lot 4, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision, the applicant is proposing to relocate an old access road along the eastem lot line ofthe existing Lot 4. This road was granted a temporary easement for it's construction in 1980, but has no recorded easement. The applicant is proposing the following improvements: L Install a new driveway (20'wide hard surface with 25' easement) through 4 separate properties (Lots 3, 4,7 md 8, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision) to create a formal, recorded access easement to the above referenced water facilify. 2. Remove an existing driveway to the residence on Lot 3 and install a landscaped berm (see attached rendering). A new driveway to Lot 3 will come off of newly created driveway in #l above. In reviewing this variance request, several hardships support the granting this variance. (a) The existing road used to access a water facility owned and operated by Eagle River Water and Sanitation District is located outside the platted easement and does not have legal access. The 20' access easiement shown on the original subdivision plat is located along the high water mark of the westem bank of Gore Creek. This area as it exists today is covered with willows. If the access road were installed within the easement, irreparable damage would be caused to the creek basin. (b) The proposed driveway travels through 4 separate properties and has been designed to accommodate vehicular requirements (large trucks) of the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. The effected owners have verbally agreed,to a25' easement, but do not want a 40' right-of-way through their respective properties. voice (970)-476-8610 faxt (97O1-476-a637 .{ '" (c) The existing driveway toLotT is not located within it's recorded easement. The proposed driveway would correct this situation. (d) The location of Gore Creek and it's 50' setback, coupled with standard residential setback requirements, creates a limited area in which to build on Lot 4. The strict enforcement of the 40' right-of-way requirement would create an undue hardship and further reduce the building area on Lot 4. The proposed driveway would service four separate residences while only creating a single road cut in Black Gore Drive. The entrance to this driveway can be bermed and landscaped to create a visually aesthetic curb appeal. The applicant has worked with the effected properfy owners and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District to reach a mutually agreed upon relocation of this access. The new easement will cross Lots 3, 4 and7, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision. It will be 25-feet in width and will accommodate a 2O-foot wide hard surface driveway which will serve as access to said water facility (a rendering is attached showing the proposed access point at Black Gore Drive). In addition to access, the easement may also be used for utility purposes. A copy of the proposed easements (each effected lot will have a separate easement for that portion of the driveway easement which crosses their property) with attached legal descriptions and a Joint Maintenance Agreement (to be signed by all effected property owners) will be supplied to the Town of Vail. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District will also be aprty to all the above documents. If you have any questions or need any additional documents, don't hesitate to contact me at 476-8610. Thank you for your time and efforts in reviewing this variance request! Sincerely, President o UJ MA trl F4o(b V(J JpadEA ca H 2tlt2 3 3 v, + lr5t23€ 6ll,F J J 2<.J A. tuIL L) A25 A & G Development Partners 500 South FrontageRoad Bast, Ste. #ll2 Vail. Colorado 81657 May 30, 1999 George Ruther c/o Town of Vail Planning Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO. 81657 Re: Request to Vacate Lot Line Lots 4 and 5, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision (5166 Black Gore Drive) Dear George: Attached is a completed application for the Planning and Environmental Commission's review of a proposed plan to vacate the lot line which separates Lots 4 and 5, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision, and create one lot, Lot 4, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision. The proposed change will bring the property into conformance with it's existing primary-seconduy zorung (the size of the new lotis24,066 sq.ft.) and reduce the potential GRFAand the number of structures possible on the two lots as they currently exist. Eagle-Valley Surveying has identified both the 100-year flood plain and the 5O-foot Gore Creek setback as it applies to the subject property. As shown, the 5O-foot Gore Creek setback is the most restrictive ofthese two elernents and it will form the eastern limit to construction on the new Lot 4. There currently exists an old access road along the eastern lot line ofthe existing Lot 4. This road is used to access a water faoility owned and operated by Eagle River Water and Sanita- tion District. This road was granted a temporary easement for it's construction in 1980, but has no recorded easement. The applicant has worked with the effected property owners and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District to reach a mutually agreed upon relocation of this access driveway to the west side of the new Lot 4. The new easement will cross Lots 3, 4 and 7 , Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision. It will be 25-feet in width and will accommodate a 20-foot wide hard surface driveway whioh will serye as access to said water facility (a rendering is attached showing the proposed access point at Black Gore Drive). The new access driveway location is shown on the plat. A zoning analysis is shown below: voice (970)-176-861O fax (97O\476-a637 .T Propertv Erirting: Lat4 Lot 5 tu 11,413 sq.ft. 12,653 sq.ft. GRFAI 2,853 sq,g 3,163 sq.ft. 6O16 rq.ft. Denstql I I 2 2 Pr,opoccd:I.ot4 2,066 sq.ft. 4,655 sq.ft Ifyou have any additional questions or comm€Nrts, don't hcsitate to contact me 8. (970)14-76. 8610. I pigues shown do rd inclu& 425 rq.ftArnit crodits or additional sq.fig"'allmamforEllU's. 2 Densig shmrn dc Dot iDclu& EltU pmtial. Sincerely, Dwelopment, Inc. Greg Amsdeo, President Form AOICHI I lo Order No. V252567 SCHEDULE A Address IJOTS4AND5BLKlGORE CREEK SI'B 1. Policy DaE,e: August J.7, 1999 at, 5:00 p.M. 2. Name of Insured: ROBERT D. HUNTER AND ROBERT A. R1MER TRUST AI.ID A & GDE\rErJoPMENr PARTNERS, A coLoRADo GENERAL PARTNERSHTp AND !/IARKJ. AII{SDEN 3. The estat,e or interest in the rand described in this scheduleand which is covered by ehis poJ-icy is: A Fee Simple 4. TiEle Eo the estat,e or interests covered by this poricy at thedate hereof is veet.ed in: ROBERT D. HI'NTER AND ROBERT A. RYMER TRUST AI{D A & GDEVEIJOPMENf PARTNERS, A COIJORADO GENERAT PARTNERSHIP AND MARK.T. AII{SDEN 5. The land referred tso in this policy is situaEed in EAGLECounty, Colorado, and is described as follows: LOTS 4 AIID 5, BLOCK 1, GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGI-,B, STATE OF COLORADO. === ITAIiID TITIJE GUARANTEE COMPA}IYPage 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. Oa PoJ-i-cy No. CTEV262S67 Amount, 9285, 000.00 Form AO/CHI Tlig poricy does not insure against }oss or damage (and t,he companywill not_pay cosEs, attorneys' fees or expenses)-which arise by- ' reason of: General Except,ions: 1- Rights or craims of partsies in possession not shown by thepublic records. 2. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or ot.hermatt,ers which would be disclosed by an accurat,e survey andinspect,ion of the premises. 3. Easements, or claims of easemenEs, not sho\irn by the publicrecords. 4. Any lien, or right, t,o a 1ien, for se:rrices, Iabor, or materialheretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and noE, shownby the public records. 5. ]-998 TN(ES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO TIIETREASITRERS OFFTCE. 5. LIENS FOR I'NPAID 9TATER AND SEWER CHARGES, rF ANy 7. RIG}IT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD THE SAI4E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATEf\IT RECORDED September 13, LgO2, fN BOOK 48AT PAGE 491. 8. RIGI{T OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CAI{AIS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIJ"THORITY OF' THEITNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 13,L902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 9. RESTRICTIVE COVENAIiTTS WHICH DO NOT CO}MAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE,BIIr OMITTING RESTRICTIoNS, IF AIVY, BASED oN RACE, coloR, RET.,IGION, oRNATfONAI, ORIGIN, AS CONIAINED IN INSTRWENI RECORDED November 1-0, Lg6g , INBOOK 215 AT PAGE 351. 10. ROADWAY EASEMEIfI 20 FEET IN WIDTH ON WEST SIDE OF TTIGHWATER LINE OF CREEKALONG THE WEST LOT LINE AS SHOWN ON THE RECoRDED PLAT oF GORE CREEKSI'BDIVISION. 11. TERI'IS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMEIfI DEED RECORDED JuIy 20, 1990 IN BOOK 534 AT PAGE 2. o n", No. v262s67 SCHEDT'LE B o Q"rrcy No cr\v262s67 Page 2 Form AO/CHI on", No. v252557 SCHEDULE B o ?"r.r"y No. crETrz62s67 (ITEMS 10 A}ID 11. AFFECT LOT 4) ].2. ROADWAY EASEMEMT 20 FEET IN WIDTH ON I{EST SIDE OF HIGHWATER LINA OF CREEKALONG THE WEST LOT IJINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED pLAT OT GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION. 13. PEDESTRIAII EASEMENT 5 FEET IN I{IDTH AIJONG PREVAIIJING SOUTH BANK OF MAINGORE CREEK AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI.AT OF GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION. (ITEMS 12 AIID 13 AFFECT LOT 5) 14. IIIILITY EASEMENT AND DRAINAGE WAYS 5 FEET IN WIDTH ATONG ALIJ INTERIOR LOTIJINES AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SUBDMSION. 15. EASEMEIIT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. ]-6. EASEMEIITS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTT{ICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THERECORDED PIJAT OF GORE CREEK SI'BDIVISION. Page 3 hlnter-Mountain A".gineeringLrd. Geosrtr?-c En-o32o SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 4, BLOCK 1, GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COI,oRADO PREPARED F'OR: LINDA FRIED PROJECT NO. 89355 NOVICMBER 1989 Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 9495072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . Phone: 232-0.158 IABLE OF CONTnNTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE SITE TOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE AND GROUND!'IATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS FTOOR SI,ABS GROUND}IATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM REINFORCING CRAWL SPACE COVER BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE MISCELT,ANEOUS TEST LOCATION I 1 1 SUMMARY OF TEST PITS GMIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CHART PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM DETAIL .> 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 Drawlng No. I Figuree No. I Figure No. 3 Figure No. 4 &2 CONCLUSIONS 1. Subsoil conditiona are falrly uniformr over the site with one foot of topeoilunderlain by eandy gravel with coLblee to themaximum depth explored of g feet. 2. The propoeed regidenee should be foundedon the undieturbed granular aoils onconventional spread footinge designed for amaxj,mun eoil baaring pressure of 4OOO paf- 3. The lot is not located in any geologically .sensitive area a3 defined by Town of vair ordinanceNo- 5- Becauee of the proxirnity of the creek,addltional atudy to identify the lOo-year floodplain is recommended- SCOPE Thle report presentg the results of a soits and Foundation rnvestlgation for the propoeed regidontiar structure to be rocated on Lot 4, Brock 1, Gore creek subdivioion, vail, cororado The investigation waa pre1>ared by m6ana of test pite and laboratory teeting of samples obtained fnom theae pits- This lnvestlgatlon presenta a deacriptlo'n of gurface and\eubeurface conditlons encountered at the gibe, recorunended foundatlon systema, allowable design presaures, and groundwater conditiong as well ae deaign and conatruction criteria influenced by the gubsolLs. S]TE TOCATION ANN NESCRTPTTON The site to loeated at 5166 Black Gore Dr- ln Eagt VaIl, colorado- A trlbutary to Gore creek flowe near the eaatern 2 boundary of the lot- Thig wag reratiwery flat and draine to the north- vegetatLon consleted of wirlows and grasees at the trme of bhe inveatigation- Aecording to the uEVcsD as - buirt prans, two waterlines crogg the lot. SITE INVESTIGATION The field inveotigation performed on October 81, 1gB9 conslsted of excavatlng, logging, and sampling 2 teet t>its. The Iocation of the test pits are ehown on Drawlng No- 1. A summary of the teot plt logs are detalled on Figuree No. 1 and Z. A summary of the teat results is ahown on figure No- 3. The test pits were excavated with a conventlonal backhoe. taboratory sa.rrpre were obtained by bulk aarnpring the granular goilg - SUBSUREACE AI{N GROIJNDfiATER CONNTTTONS i Ref,er to the srummary of teet pits, Figures No. l and 2- subsurface condltrons are fairly uniform. one foot of topsoll was underraln by sandy graver with cobblea to the maximum depth explored of I feet. smalr leneee of organic materiar were obgerved in the teet plte. No overrot grading has been done prlor to thls inveetigatlon. No groundwater was encountered ln any of the teet plte at ttme of excavation. 3 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTTON I' No specific deorgn data hae been provided, but for the Purpose of this analyeie, it hae been preeumed that the proposed reeldence wlll consigt of two froore without a baeement, and that loads will be light. If the propoaed project differs siBnificantly from this underetanding, a review ohould be rnade after the plane are more comprete. Because of the proxrmrty of the creek a basement ie not recorrmended for the site. F'OUNnATT ON IIECOI{I{ENDA.nIONS Topsoil and sandy graver with cobbree wlrl be encountered 1n the foundatlon excavatlon. The propoeed reaidence ehould be founded on conventl.onar type epread footlnBe designed for a rnaximum eoir bearing pressune of 40oo psf. At this pressure, settrenents wirl be tolerable- rt is adwisabre to proportion foottngq to reduce the riek of differentiar eiettlenente. The footings ehould be constructed on the undieturbed graver soils. The foottngs .xcavatlong ehould be gmooth, free of debrl-s, organlcs, Iooge oo11, frost, and standlng water. Any over- excavatlons should be backfilled and compacted to loo percent wlthln 2 percent of optlmum moigture aa determined by a etandand proeton teet (ASTM D-6gB). A repneeentatlve of thls offlce should be contactod to inopoct the foundation excavatton to verrfy that the aoil condltions are the €rane aer those anticipated tn thts report. The bottorn of the footlnge shourd be placed a minlmum of 4g inches below final grade for frogt protectlon- Voide left by the removal of cobblee in the bottom footlng excavation should be firled wlth rean concrete granular aoil with a maximun particle sLze of 3 inchee to 1OO percent of Standard proctor (ASTM D-699) within of optlmum moieture- of the ora compacted 2 percent F'TOOR ST,ARS care must be taken to lneure that all excavations made for the foundatlons are properly backftlled with oultabre materlar compacted in accordance with the procedureg outlined in the specificationa. Before the backfill is plaeed, alr water and loose debrls ehould be removed from these excavationg. Prlor to the conatruction of concrete frpore, the subgrade should be thoroughry proof compacted to insure a uniformry hieh denslty- speclar care ghourd be taken in areag where underground utilitiee have been lnstalled. The froor srabg shourd be sultablv reinforced to make it ag rlgi.d ao poeslble, and proper Joints ahould be provided at the Junctione of the grab and the foundation walls, so that a gmarl annount of lndependent movement can occur without causl-ng damage. 5 GROUNDT{ATER AND DRI{TN SYSTNM whire no ground water r,raa encountered at the time the field lnvestigation waa conducted, it ls poeaible that seagonal varlations wiLl cau6e fluctuationg, or a water table to be Present ln the upper goirs durLng tho apring rnonths. or after a prolonged period of rain- Due to the topography and proximity of the creek, it ls likely that shaLlow groundwater wiII be present ln the spring run-off monthg. A bagement is not recommended for the site. rf there is berow grade congtruction, a foundation perlmeter draln ehould be inetalled and discharge to a sump pump. The foundatlon perlmeter drain ie shown on Figure No. 4. RnTNITORCTNG Foundatron walla and grade beame ehould.be werr reLnforced 8o as tq ninimize the effectg of dlfferential movemente- Refer to foundation deslgng for reinforeing detairi. Foundation warrg retalning eanth should be deeigned to resiet an equl-varent fluld Presaure of 30 psf aseumlng a level backfitl conclition- 6 CRATdT. SPACE COVER When moigt soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground Eurface In crawr erpace areas ehoutd be covered with an lmpervious molgture barrLer sealed against bhe footingo. Thle wlll help to reduee humtdity rn the crawl apace area and r,ri.rr prevent the molst foundation golls from drying and ehrinking, whlch could posolbly cauel6 the structure to settle- RACKE'TI.T. ANN SURF'ACE NRATNAGN Backfill should coneist of granurar aoire- clay ehould not be uaed ag backfilr materiar. Backfill shourd be moietened or drled to near its optimum moiature content and compacted to at leaet 9O percent of the maxlmum gtandard proctor denslty. structurar backflrr should be compacted to at least gE percent of the rnaxlmum standard Proctor denslty. Excesaive wettlng or drylng of the expoeed goirs in the foundation excavation and under-slab areag should be avolded. Surface water running toward the etructure from upelope areas ahould be diverted around and away from the bullding by meana of drainage awalea or other gimilar meaaurea- The flnal grade ehould havc a pogitlve Elope away from the foundation wallg on all aldes. A mlntmum of LZ lnchea in the firet 1o feet le recommended. Downapouta and olrr cocko ahourd 7 discharge into aprash brocks that oxtend beyond the rimits of the backfill. The use of long downspout extenaions in place of aplaah blocks is advisable- MISCET.LANEOUS The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and from the ongite field exploration- The informatron obtained from the flerd exploration and raboratory teeting reflecte eubaurface conditlona only at the epecific rocations at the particular timee dealgnated- subsurface conditione at other Iocationg and timeg may differ from the conditiona at these locations. The extent of any varlatione between the teet pits may not appear evident until excavati.on rg Performed- However, only minor variationa are expected- If durtng qonetruction conditione appear to be different, thig office ahourd be advieed eo re-evaruation of the recourmendat iong mav be made. Thie report has been prepared for the excluslve use of tinda Frled for the epecific apprication to the proposed residentiar atructure to be located on Lot 4, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdlvielon, Town of VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado. The findlngs and recommendationa of this reporb have been prepared ln accordance wlth locally accepted profeaeional I engineerlng atandarda is no other rrarranty, I for cl.mllar condlttons at thle tlne. There elther exllresaed or lurplled. Sincercly, INTER.TIOUNTAIII ENGINEERING, LTD. (fu* Chrlatopher Geologiat Rovlewcd By: a O Lot 7 Pir 2I Lot 4 Plc I I Black Gore Dr. TEST LOCAT'ON I.ot 4, Block I, Gore Creek Subdlvtslon Vall, Colorado Pnor.cr not 89355 Mn ttl ltf'o,fEl r.lra,l lra.t I PIT NO. , ,r,r,/'%-S/^0,o€scRrPlrox oF rlr€i|^L aexmrsII' FEETo-r 10 Topsoil Red, sllghtly noist sandy gravel wlth cobbles Snbll organic lenses BoEtom of Tesr at 8 Feet No Groundwater encountered SUMMARY OF TEST PffS Lot 4, Bi.ock.i 1 Gore Creek SubdlvlelonVail, Colorado PioJ€cr xo.! 89355 PtT NA 2 ,i,r/#rYfl oftcirPlrox ot r^rtatl|.REX R15 10 Red, sllghtly molstsandy Elravel with cobbles BoEton of Testat 6 Fee u No Groundwater Encount ered SUMMARY OF TEST P'TS Loc 4, Block I Gore Creek SubdlvlslonVall, CoLorado mo.xcr ra, 89355 II ' llotal lc tarrDcc lu.rrJ.di,|| | t"=[l'E,l| "F 'lrl rl-l I+-,-fi-l-i l "l r l;l"ll-'-H -,[lH dHE '=l'Htr.i:! ,'l$= -llli "lH ;* l_l IE 'l$l!H E 't 3 : 3 g 3,ao,.ttgr.urJfu.er.d rrh(n c@ oz F()t!-o.Ec. (vl c;z tdcf(9 lr FE r C)zIF3g EFo6 lrjN (n I =(r (Jt troo.c'.ft (!Ot{..{ o>F{.r{ o. 'c, q).-r -O,-.}a (nFlO 'r{oJ4 (sF{ O>FCI Ol.r q{.(J o.if rutrul..Bo o. oF1 (JH lU o'r{U' Eo ..1 .{ .{.oZEt,po.'r{ O ot) oodotu "-lrJduto(U 'F{ F{uArt{loc^2 o :- |,) IG E ott Foundation ttall Backfi I I and wel I mo i stened compacted (M1raf1 140N orequivilant) \ Polyethelene Moisture l:iit"r slued to foundation l'linimum of 6n of -3/4 inch gravel 4il dianeter perforated rigldplpe sloped a nininum of T/Anper foot to sewer leteral subdraln,sunp putlp or claylighted. DETAILS OF PERIPHERAL [)RAIN SYSTEM FOR FOOTII{G TYPE FOUIIDATIOI{ FIGURE 4 HOI.-ME ROBER T SAOWE J.'<:llUF.:FILL OW.EN FOBERT J. WEI''ER Fr rER H HOI-ME,.rF JUclsoN w oErFrcx iEO F STOCKM^F J<)HN L (^NE' JF' btr ooN^Lo c. L'uc rus E. wooos - ^ Ec'6^R tENTON J^MES E €'E . i;MEs.. OONIs G WALXER C^NNON Y HARVEY W DEAN SAL'EF LiwFEN€E !, !EvrN PAIJL A JACOBS . ,tlcHARo c. woHLGaNANT CHAl?LES -r, r{Afr. F'dH^RD L, SCHlrEPFERM^! EI' FRANRL,IN ERIsM N w. uoeptsev, ra M^FK E wELCa FICHANOSON G. xEV[r CONWTC( wtLLr^M o.w^rsoN o^vr o r. MTTzNER RAM!,NNo izoo BRoADWAY- oENvER, coLoRADo 8029 o 3<)rJ IO2 NOFIH CASCADE AVENIJE sPRlN6l;. COLOnAOO 40903 January 27, L977 .Mr. wil-tiim PYka, Controller . Town of VaiI Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re.: Bighorn Va1ley Special fmprovement District for Paving Dear Mr. Pyka: ' The undersigned represents Mr. R- A. Gomez who of Lots 4 and 5 of Blgqk I., Gore Creek Subdi ,hctrasffitffioffi. You-will objection which I made in behalf of Mr- Gomez as to is in the stream channel of Gore Creek. I w'ill not the objection made, but ilo ask you to again consider Twohill the unfairness of assessing Mr- Gomez for a' he almost surely will not be permitted to build- r Diana is in charge of the town zoning and ask her to 'attention to Mr. Gomez' unique problem. is the owneras to whichrecall thethe IoL whichhere repeatwith Dianalot on whichrealize thatgive special Ybur careful attention to this matter will be appreciated. Very truly yours' fuPA'L,.+Ted P. Stockmar': TPS : tj ,/'c", 'Ms. Dianacc! .Mr. R. A. Trvohill Gomez l-'L '-'o March 26,1,977 Diana foughillDepartment of CoruounityTorn of VaiL Colorad.o 81557 Developnent .# formalJ-y applying for ain your corresponilence with Gore Creek Subdivision Stoclnar a check has been sent assessment on above 1ot is beins to this. Dear Ms. Toughill: My wife and f are hereby change in zoning as suggestedfed Stochar for: lot 5, 31ock 1, By separate l-etter fron Mr.indicatlng that paynent forpai-il ur-der protest. ^harrk you for your attention Sincerely, R* R.A. Gonez 4920 lJinged^Tucson, trz Foo 85718 I OLME ROBERTS E OWEN I H r700 E|R:.\ owAY oENVE R, COLO r^OO 8O29O IELE PHON E 13( ',lr 573-AOOO TELEX 45-a+60 TEO P. STOCKMAR I02 NORTH CASCAO€ AVENUE coLoRAoo sPRlNGs, coLoRADo 8o9o3 March 23, L977 Mr. Kent R. Rose, P.E.Director of Public Works Town of Vail Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 5, Block 1, Gore Creek Sr,rbdivision Dear l{r. Rose: After receiving your letter of February 2t L977, I followed up on the suggestion that Mr. Gomez pursue changing the zoningof L,,ot 5 to agricultural. I did this by talking with DianaToughill who suggested an approach which the Town Council con-siders preferable. I then wrote I4r. Gomez as you will see fromthe copy of my letter to him of February 8, L977 , which is en-closed. I am now in receipt of checks No. 1586.and 1587 fromMrs. Margaret M. Gomez, each in the amount of $Ir031.02, thefirst relating to Lot 5 and the second to Lot 4 of Block 1, GoreCreek Subdivision. Pursuant to my recommendation, the assess- ment on Lot 5 is paid under protest pending refund under the approach suggested by Diana Toughill. Would you be kind enough to see that. these checks get intothe right hands and 1et me know if we have proceeded correctly. By a copy of ttris letter, I am continuing to ask Diana Toughillto keep us posted if she is the correct one to do so. Thank you for your courtesy and considerations. Very truly yours, HOLME ROBERTS & OWEN TPS: tj cc3 Ms. Diana Toughillcci Mr. Ross A. Gomez "":U P%.1"."".*, ..: HOLME ROBE .' . J.'c*Urct' r!! C'wlra ': tat<l |-. lio!t'.t, Jt. . tCo t.3t0crM^e. o6x^LO C. r|3r l!| L ^Y. ttrcrug i. rroooc - ^- actoar aEl.toaa. !,,^r.ct a. avr : . iitlga c. owaN' Jil. '.1 - arcxaao c. wo|ri€lx^trr'. irc HAad !. !3cr{F|:ttciM^x . .. )6.la.q w. M(5irls€Y, Jtl . '9ox^(o i..^r.l o, rEvrI cortlwrc( . . :r^u|. o. iol !c|'|^.. l. tr.ox^s J ir^xcE .. ^!^ar t. r^1.a.'.'.1..( I . . atlr..olrlo F. No€Lr Ja aFucc . xoalEe.. .: i iryapFcr. G sNyoEi: ' r.',''relirr iortry<t . an.{uar- x, cctl^!i, ra cr.trf't E to-i^x ,' 1 ' o,c'N^LO J. HOPXrN3 arcroit a.. aa actt. , ' ,... -1a;33 r rr,'vxx ': . ', .-. .!:r-1nor.D arlttit', ,.' Jorrt{ n wEE'r - ' .'j Jo ^i|n 3oxa.l -.i' , tt|(rr^:i r cota J Cr( L, f|IC;llal'aZrEF cx,tE|.l3 ^. Ml|.|.aa !ry^tt n. 6Cxr|€ll , aiottrc .r. |.qwl3 J r.f q o. au t!E n J€'FFCY ^, CH^G E irc xr ao ts. toeMlx irlcxo|'al J raYtEF . oavrrt <l sto|'t^ n.lf a.l r v MAN' rtrc RTS A OWEN aoat.? J wclra t .ruttoN s, oatalcx JOtar{ !. t^i.ar Ji. oot||l o. w.Lica caaara6x r. H^avcv w ocar{ !^!"cr r'arvraNea !. !avl N taut a. J.coaa c xarLC 3 J. r(a!! a. 7F^{.|.lx Slltr.axM^el. E. w6LCr.r ' rt{o.aaa :l trc|.^eo3oaa wrL!r^, o. walSo.l o^vro ". M rtlt{cr c xaF(c t /\- aax uNt o TrvohiIl Gomez wtL|.ra.a 5. Hu,tt ttEc r^r couNSE L izoo eaoeowAY- oENVER; coLoRADo 60?90 toj - 37:t'at<)<tQ r6a NoFIH c^scao€ avENUE co!a)raaDo 5PRtNG5, coIonaoo ag903 wattEr r. xocr{ s rLve.l w€c sl e tt aauca L. !rraoFF January 27, L977 '; ' .Mr. wi.lliim Pyka, controller.' .. Town of vail Box I00Vail , Colorado 81657 Re; Bighorn Valley Sfecial Improvement Districtfor Paving .. j. 1 .., .. Dear Mr. PYka: : ' . ' of toti 4 and 5 of-gtocL l, Gore Creek Subdiv , as to which..,:'..he.lrasffit-flE-gdffi6z.'You1^/iIIreca1Itlre ' , '...: ' .otjection which I made in behalf of Mr. Gomez as to the lot which . . ...: i". in the stream channel of Gore creek. I will not here repeat . . . - . the objection made, but tlo ask you to again consider with Diana': :.1 . , .C*1ybhifi the unfairness of assesslng l"tr. Gomez for a lot on which1'..,.' . he almost surely will not be permitted to build. I realize that : : : ,. :.Diana is in charge of the torvn zoning and ask her to give special .. I -attention to Mr. Gomezt unique problem. . :, . ybur careful attention to this matter will be appreciated- ,,. " :VerY truly Yours, . . t/'cc... ccl Diana R. A.