HomeMy WebLinkAboutSmyres 5115 black goreTOWN OF VAIL EIUILEIIIUG PEFIMIT EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLTCATION 7 /.? z; 19 NEWJf ALTERATION ( I ADDITION I IREPAIR( I USE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLOG.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORI ES NO. OF LIVING UNITS ED AIF { } ELEC{ )UNITI ) BTK'/ FILING EXT. WALLS 1. TypE OF CONSTFUCTTON r ||r tV @tHR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A A C D E F G H() DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK F EESSPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS SMOKEPROOF €NCLOSURE ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AFEA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICA SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR +TO WN OF l,A IL EIIJILtrIING PEFIMIT BUILOING EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION 19 CLASS OF WORK NEW('ALTERATION( IADDITION(} REPAIR ( IMAIL ADDRESS USE OF AUI L DI NG OFF ST. PARKINGHEIGHT IN FT. OFF ST. LOADI NGNO. OF STORI ESMAIL ADDR ESS NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO, FT. COMMERCIALMAIL ADDRESS TYPE OF HEAT WATER( I FOBCEO AIR { }ELEC UNIT(I COVERINGLOT BLK FI LING EXT. WALLS INT. WALLS BUILDING PERMIT.I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2, OCCUPANCV GROUP A B C D E F G H i J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 PLAN CHECK F€ESSPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS ORY STANDPIPE3. USE ZONE CLEAN UP DE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE AREA SEPARATIONERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTEO PLAN CHECK APPROVAL //8v/ PERMIT # I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I IIAVE READ TIIIS APPLICATION AND STA'f E 'I'HA1' THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH AI,L TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, $*rttfirutp uf (Drrupunru @uurtr (Df liluil ffuililing Brpurtnpnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYING THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE I+'AS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGULATING BUILD_ ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR THE FOLLOVIING: Smyres/Oaks Duplex Use Classification Two-Fanlly ReELdence Building Permit No.L99-77 Type Construction a Fire Zonc " Use Zone Steve Smyresuwnel oI |tuuolng Building Address 5115 Black Gore Building hffi0mJuly 28, 1978 o\ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE rNseGtS* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen I panrrar LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS; ' - r' t. ! nppRovED ! uponr rHE FoLLowrNG D orsnpPRovED COR R ECTIONS: ! nrrNSPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR a -- ' :- :ri rNst"{bt TOWN OF FIEBUESiT vAlL : r f,oe r,Jatile M CALLER E orHen I penrrel.LocArfoN 5 // f READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI ti\t 7 /-//?,.'\/ (';D corurh-flitrrs, \r*. TUE AM PM n flnppRovED ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS D orslppRovED I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOB rNst*tC* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL i ..: AiDATE TIME RECEIVED AMIPM JOB NAME ., ] CALLER I penrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI tI OTHER,, /. { MON COMMENTS: !+..' I nrvr,FrvrTUE D eppRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS florsnpPRovED E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsplcrGru o WN OF {"_. FIEBUEST VAIL cnLLeR aRECEIVED- AM f]ornen E pnnrtal lo i r ..r ',__ MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTIONf---:---:- .''r'wED , THUR E eppRovED [l unol'r rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ,;; - .J e-:e :Z D orsnpp RovED .(nerNsPEcr rruspecro-n rNs"Gt0* TOWN JOB NAME L at, PM CALLER h A. II A- \ FIEOUEST VAIL DArE /,/ , OF () TIME IVED ! ornen MON COMMENTS: i-. -1.."- 1 '. .1--. (: t' i:. .i_.) 1{.-- BMFRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION n pnnrtal LocATroN /&f'+.- 13c.2-"- 5 r t>' i) WED ,{"u*- )'AM APPRovED ! orsnppRovED REINSPECT LI UPOITI THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: 12'tt'u iras + t. "tit FRrNf "q/ DATE ,/ -^i ,'-s (t I J .i - /- /_.1-.-t--t-,L-,c, oo rNsG.'|bt FIEOUEsiT VAIL ol;re /y' o TIME RECEIVED PM CALLER I orxen ! pannnl MON i-- \ '-*-'- COMMENTS: D npiRovED fl nrrNsPEcr D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS . t' ' ;::ur,., .'.1-, .;;,---':" .' (, ..' .'" ;r'l't' (-'. READY FOR INSPECTION DArE i- /' -'.._r-"t € o DATE TIME RECdIVED AM PM CALLER TIOWN OF VAIL- ! pnnrrll. LocAiroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: *.o (::t;TUE APPROVED I orsapp Rov ED D netNSPEcr E upom THE FoLLowlNG coRRECrloNS: CORRECTIONS rNseGrlru TOWN OF TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER- FlEEL,EsiT VAIL I ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnnal.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR tr APP ROV E D ' f] uPoN rHE CORRECTIONS n orsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: D nEtNsPEcr PLUMBTNGi.TMECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL 'P( to \g{rr"ou.o il orsappRoveo USE OF BUILDING: LAss oF woRK: E ".* [ eoorron ! neuooel E nepntR PTION OF WORK: PLUMBTNGT NUMBER 74 O MECHANICAL: NUMBER. vALuArfoN $ Z,eAo VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: ----''---\L/. \ PERMIT FEE ,af U.4)/PERMIT FEE @"aiTi,{'1 ToTALFEES: f /P oorc /a '/6 ,77 rt rNsrGtl*FlEEUEsiT TOWN OF VAtL ,_t..,,-:;-..L.r/, DATE .f' r,.'.''. /7 ? TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrrnl.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM flaeeRovED I upon rue CORRECTIONS D orsepp RovED FOLLOWING COR RECTIONS: fl nrrNsPEcr DATE o rNsecr(bru FIETIUEST (.'.. - TowN oF vAlL JoBNAME,,'i,.,i I c//2E5,,.k)z)lz'SDATE TIME /O' t/.':z= RECETVED_ AM pM CALLER .j.,:./f 4 , J;L/< -e., 4/^",:,F .E S//,3' ! orHen ' MON COMMENTS: ,;-E E panrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE AM PM E eppRovED florsappRovED I nrrNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: coRRECTf ONS 1i,.:; - . 6l.'= i0' t? . ?r** oo rNsPG'G* FtEBUEsir VAIt DATE TIME R D ornen JOB NA il pnnrrar-. LocATloN MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION .?T-\TUE wED ..4nue ..!( ..-'rnt 6.'htri g''a{aoveo f]orseppRovED E netNsPEcr D upott rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS /StnlK#/&Ke Town of Vail EI.nCITIICAL Pm,MIT .,or Name. .4 pt.l .-9-tk ?- (*y /4:fuy- Date of Application.... .. -. .. -........7. :..25.. .. -.... 441,'Erectricar contr actot -..L -AK&Y.... 0-4-xS /) ll /) $.----...--...---.-.--...---- ^O'rr.*rr---rffi'fu--,1.s*F sl'rtur' APPROVALS P"*-- N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Dat. 7 z5'z7 THIS FORTI 13 TO BE POSTED ON JOB 3ITE DURII{G GONSTRUCTION 2A HOTJRS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS *...12 '.Do-... i l?, rhl a, F. Hrrarll !o,, il o rtstctot REouEsr *'GF!-4ra&r' .j,l Lr al<ru'!*, '-Pfll tV A.(.'AK&wN o F v A I7-z/JoB NAME L o! AM\PM CALLER DATE TIME RECEIVED n orurn E pannnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION COMMENTS: !..-r-, CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr "./-5-' APPROVED ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: .4. ^...U - DATE OT MEETING: DRSTGN REVI-EW BOARD e"'6 ABSTENTION: THE LIN l,lEltBE Rt 4.5.T'll. A.S.C.E. cEc ACI Soil Mcchon icr Fosodolion Evoluolion Motorio ls TeIts CorrcrGla Mix Dcs ign As pho lr Mlx Dcr l9n Gcologic lnlo.p..lotlon Groundwoler Hydroloqy by Rcalltcred Profess lonEl Englnccrs & Goologistr Colorodo 5prin9r, Colorqdo Puoblo. Colorodo Glcn-ood 5prings r Colorcdo Gunnlron, 'Colorodo lloilt c.. Colorodo' Roct Sprlngr. lf yomlng ..-.,.,..r4 o co i-o LN-DeVORE TESTING o LA ORY o ORAT Gcorgr D. Alortr, P.E.l5l0 Oba Avrnor Gl.nwo.d SFlnr.. C.l.Fdo ll6ol 9,ll{020 JuIy 73r 1977 Mr. Box Vall, Rer Elle No. CS-533 So1ls fnspectlon at Iot '{'b' Elock '-F2 Blghorn Subdlvlslon' Va1l, CO Dear llr. Snqrrest Personnel of thls laboratory have lnspected the fourdatlon exca- vatlon at the above r.eferenced slte to doterrrdne subsurface solL cordltlons. Reconnaendatlons for thls site ara lrdlceted beIow. So11 Clesslfleatlont Sol.ls on thls slto wete fourd to eonsist of a Rdt v-ryffi'ous SAl , wlth 11ght to noderate gravel.arf,l cobblest 1oca1ly cllr.lved fron Gore Creek. Also pros"nt are thtn (24) layers of htgbly p]_astla elay. Ttrese clay layers should be renoved befote place- nont of the fourdation. l{an-nads fll1: }lon+--afl so1ls ere netlve to the slte. !{olsture eorrlltions at tlne of tnspectlont l4o<Jerate to hlqh. Fourrlatlon tyDe reconmerderlt Ttre stendard sPread footer should teke the on-slt€ soiLs into consideratlon. Votds beneath fourrlatton wa11st llot reqrlred. Rolnforelngr Relnforcing should conslst of flve *5d rebarst P:Lace con- -,-.-fficouyrl the UgfiOlng w'lthout any geps or breeks. -ftio bars should U" ff"c"i wlthln 14rr of the Iop of the wa11 ard threo should be p1-aced_ wltirls 8'r of the botton of the vall. Addttlonal ll|:rebar should be placed it +S" at any steps tn the fourdatlon wall, and ell relnforolng should' have a mlnknrn 1ep of t5rr. Dralnase ard 3rarltnat Cracllng shoul-d be acconpltshed to ensure that all ;ilffi;ft1'u"-Fc-'relned awiy frour the vlcinlty of the butldlng as- rap-ld]y as posstble. Hater should nodbe allowed to collect !n ereres of bacldlll' l-pi":ln"t"t ctrain 1s elso highly r€colrnerxi€d, due to the high-runoll 1"1:].twbich can be ocpectal 8t vadous tlrnes of the year. A tyaical sectlon of'' I per{.neter ard french dralns are €ncfos€d. If erv questlons erlso conc€rnlng ttrls letter, pleaso do not hesltate to contaet tlte Laboretory at your convenlence. Respectf,trlly sutnlttecl,T,* F.nn{ nacrr.l nn Gcoloallgt /iit:.:t'17,,?il i,24?, /'.?r',,ti:t /zii'22 CoN i2',.ar) ;;.*F,= !to oaa\::-ooctaa---l G FoaTtNa TYPE NOTES: .Size of perforated pipe Qerpe Coptple].'o rr N+ttvaa PoLYentV SEx'o{ trc "oorax tl tt-'l , F Spsll gA^r DFtLTCe, G z.n,ysa c.oLL.aafoe- 4"azt!'Przs 4J. Atat,Ay Fr4pl CrN€,|z"sr€ {arALL Na Faur! D{ztaN - tr, EA1N 3) 50Pl filter = t2 to 58 50Pl" base filter life. l- c.^leaerei'aror,tqr\fr\\)/ | |\\N\\),rti)\\ii\.\ \ \\'/ I \\ ro.v.rrt{.,. e, 7o t,/.JarL cazEy S HO,aN. 5A.., A,LIl''t. ,ALL ,ii t:)t- i3 :iinfio5t t N,4!fo sL.?c AwaY Fc-a a-l CON ?.c,CT,g 4ltoc Ltt ptpE sand filter varies with amount of seepageexpected. 4" diameter is most common. .Gravel size depends on size of pipe perforations: 85% gravel > 2 x .diameter of perforation .Sand filter must depend on native soil and must follow the Terzaghi- Vicksburg Criteria:I) 15% filter = 4+ 15% base 2) 15% filter < 4 85% base This is required for stability and length of .AlI pipe to be perforated VCP, PVC or Orangeburg. .Flelible pipe may be used to depth of 4-L/2 feet, but must be carefullygraded. - .Figid pipe onlv to be used below a depth of 4-L/2 feet below ground'surfac .AlL pipe to be laid at a minimum grade of 1.4% around buil"ding foundations .Outfall to be free, gravity outfall if at all- possible. Use sump andpump only if no gravity outfall exists..IN SOME CASES - ONLY MINOR AMOUNTS OF WATER - TIIE PIPE IVIAY BE ELIMINATED ENTIRELY. ,Where pipe is not used, gravel dimension should be computed as if a 4".-.pipe were used. .Conditions can vary considerably, and each site may be variable as toquality of sand or gravel required. All sites should be inspected to determine the amount and quality of sand fifter required. 7t'litl iT,i/i;7ti *i!:, --:-'---'-'-=:-zz -----? gOea =a--rt"-":-'-'-i TYPICAL SECTIONS PERIMETER DRAIN & FRENCH DRAIN THE LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTING LABORATORY COLoRAOO: Colorodo Springs, Pueblo, Glonwood rirYOMlNO Rock Springs Springs, Monlrose, Gunnison. o o DATB OT }!E[{BETTS ITIEETING: PRESENT: ACTION AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: APPROVED: DI SAPPROVIiD: SUIilllAllY: ,1, o DESICN NEVIII'I BOARD ABSTENTION: Au 24.t 7