HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B5 BROOKTREE UNIT 217Ac)oz(n -{Fco =oz !m7 ={ {o @mI4:-- |D t--, h El<x ft! ): rlm: 516^:tid :l!3 :ItrP o14{ in Ol< -r tl-m=r-Q =I=o<1o-6€;!g(;oCE>Q6gm-r -11 !m =--l ;fl8 ti= = ,-a ,,1e>"'t- XITEl -n -OOr- z=q,tD2=ooz IHH rEt-- z -tm Ioo'tt o'n 1'mf, =- -1o @mxm -l z(-o IIm /<), ?,.4 U O.,UE- 9,/a$ -\ b(t ,-<y' ,C'/'2" I m t l"f'lI \o\oo aro-(c)O-?a3qo9d 6',Pgo ii oro--oI:F -R{tEo- =a O.Its€ o:1 J a +**at -rorJlrotg;6 A'f -- ooar=o.aBig+,o=o,-=EE oD!!r -:'-r + ir;*6i'v =.: e.d g.<= <OO =.f c ordr =< =iJ q'= 54=:joroat -,ox o4:i;x=.ii a'3 ERAoi€oo=. or -o ad<_{o -st€o)qr: Ed6' 8E cd oo AU' P3 -'o(o ato3oo+^- o)ff(c)o-- E6o --{ ::{ R<ll-dNolDato5'-(ct3tOf*io\?o 5\g ^.\D6s:rg 9. ssg^.=X\o-it (D69doAOYV'6'f r z F€ H am o_n z iIm €zm Tma =-t zo lanz>m -t>or-7 n -rm -l €zm (!r -n t-zo t!F t E Ft3t3a F Nl-II t!z IT FHH ttfq E rr o=a'do>'r- moT z z-t -{ Oa.2. t--{c3= A=7 mt-m -lno t- o z--l -{ oEr=r<Frp lo fn r I =l I It l€lzlop t> lF IH lelz I' t-.{lol{lzlo l-nt<t> lF lil lF, F I Hr FFt. E e1 td l-rtol€lzb tIt> lF tmloflzlo l-lFl@ l* tr fnloFt€FlzlHhlsFl:tl;hlmFlo fi,lz t-\tvH IPIHtnItsl l?l Iro Itltl \os\o I@\I mlO5t=,'lz t;l.- im le'lzto I I I I IOtr€ r; 26 .z -r z>eRrci*='+< >0o-m:f@o zcz = r -.t z -tT zm cm 'r -.1fro<l'"* =z l- !m =-l U)zmmom l-< ' m x2 z -{ c-.{ X X X X z m o PI P c r! !- x<X! -oOl> -nZoe9o at,o 6t:ck --too22 N@= n< 3 8surz3trE!H-o; -. C)Ef6)! >oEZ n{€HO !Er alol<l-l {l FIrlllFrlzl Frzlol EI EI6)l 3l <lF'IBIrlllzl EH Pr!1li { HFltsxrll c)€ (, =l:lc)lo:+l5rt'-l I I I I t; -tl I I I I I =zt 7 BrE<t>zZ6lz 1.,F nrXrE IH'o lP I tzIFrk II OlPI -l I I I oz2 F F z zo{m(h IoI t-!m =='Tlmm <J) m =z m mt @ |-c3 2 - 2 mu = mv = =-n mmU) $s 2i i o z-.t o o -tto =!z->- ='or ) C)ozan{7 -o{6z 1tFIr'l F;t=el { d @mI6.fobt93:-s3i-igPii56€1o.6tags!1a8:1on!m! = DtrAamo l< 1! rr.r = lri!l i{ r- l;-r 'l r|! l"'=--t v rA1-= t4 EE" IE'l=li!trF 8PcG2=o(D 3=z Ii c, 'B (O CO !m- = z9 fi,1 , l!trzo.f+tt-p lil l$' !D =on\v r,q tt!I "1*5 fii l.J(\ P {o:zonI !ItIzI {o€zon Ftm 9lzI !D =<- a\ T a- {o z o'rt F!m 9'z9 ca Ia 81ETio>nagCt .4t!€I 5z o=m= 6€', ;1 omI 2,3o6<z9oo'llZ{o ^li=9lO rslvt.l-r q,llrt'\ N I =oz F m! =, =ooI to-totocl€o Jo to ooe =ootB.oD ot oo. oc 3 'c ':to 5 o.3ll :o'a 6og ,e CL oo3p.ooC\ot Dooc6rott6 E.oPo!q vtoo,o t= tot o 3'0::o.t:E ai<rd'o C\o6 o:4g. oc\ 6'oorlo:o:_ oo oo ooo3p. !. J,o Jo 3tt =.oto:c\ 9.o tt ol3 o :.tg o{t o o.foIoot,oto,g, I o ri O;i.; la;DftcL 3a lg: -cL )ojg -o Joooo8ooFA 3,8o- 6 O,=-J=qoo{\o=I\3tEtl'Ofr8g 3,egoel\o,Qut lct ps.r.9. 619orcto60-c\=o6-o Bfia: os.o{o!,tt o 6 -c\c ?.o 3 (Dg. c\ 3'rctooC\ooto o,o on ot2m!otooz-lt o{o! o, _r =om|-!t h I II oI2at du o m .t I t\ 75 roulh ttonllg. ro.d vrll, color.do 81657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO! FROM: DATE: su&tEer: oltlcc ol communlty dcvclopmcnl AI,L CO$TRACTORS CT'RRENTLYI. REGISTERED WITIT TTTE TO!{N OF VAII. TOV{N OF VAIrJ PUBIJC 9IORKS/CO!{uLNI!Y DEVEInPMENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARIGNG & Ii{ATERIAIJ STORAGE fn sunmaryr -Ordinance No. 5 states that lt is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposLt any soil, rock, sand, debr-isor naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and.worlirmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpl?ge or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance w111 be strictly enforcid by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordlnancew111 be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said material .In the event the person so notifl.ed does not comply witlr thenotice witlrin the 24 hour tine specified, the pubtic t{orksDepartnent wlll remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrift not beappllcable to constructLon, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rJ_gtrt-a-way. To review ordl.nance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departnent to obtaLn a copy. fhank you for yourcooperation on thLs matter. Read and acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, otner) Date Project Nunber:Name: $rroEfr-ee- o,!"Hlli'LffiI:l:"il::: oVaiI, Colorado 8L657(3O3) 479-2138 Plan review based onthe 1988 Uniform Building Code Address: *Zt7 Occupancy: R3Tlpe of Const: V- I kn' Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniforn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with perroission of International conference of Building officials SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED ft*erbern4:J Date: october 5, L99o JContractor: ttt,l vqlle't Co'+'$' i{1 '"'IArchitect 2 ot'PA't Engineer: lao"r PIANS EXAMiNCT: MICHAEL WHITAKER 1PG. 1 2 **** 7 PG.1 SLIDING DR. clazing in a hazardous location is required to be glazed with safety naterial . -- sec. 5406. THROUGHOUT All electrical work to be complete to the requirements of the 1990 National Electrical Code. 3 **** IIAINTAIN Walls and floors separating dwetting units in the sane building shall be of not less than one hourfire resistive constructions. sec. uBc 1202 (B). 4 PG. 2 TUBISHWR In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system directly connected to the outside shall be provided ifnatural ventilation is not provided. Sec. UBC 3.205 (c) . S pc. 2r3 MAfNTAIN Stairways having 4 or more risers shatl be provided with a handrail. Such handrail sha1l be between 34-38tr ht. above tread nosing, be grippable, and ends shall be returned or tejrnrinate at a newel post. sec. uBc 3306(j). 6 PG.l DRYER Donestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalled as per I,MC 1104 & 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6t in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terrninate outside the building and not exceed 14 I length. OVER RANGE Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking toP of not less than 30rr to unprotected conbustible naterial . Sec. IJMC 1901. Reguired correctiorr" eotOProject Id: Address:# SHEET IDENTIFICATION Pe#2 CORRECTION REQUIRED 8 PROVIDE IAI'NDRY A floor drain sha1l be provided in the laundry room. 9 PG.2 lo PG. 2,3 1L p,9. 1 L2 W. L,2 13 PG. 1 14 PG. 1 AIR GAP No domestic dishwastring uachine shall be directly connected to a drainage systeu without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. Sec. UPC 608. ALL LEVEIS Snoke detectors shall be located outside each sleeping area. A detector shalL be located on eachIevel and in the basenent' Detectors shall be interconnected and sound an a1antr audible in al]. sleeping areas of the dwelling unit. sec. UBc 1210. IIEARTH Factory-built listed wood burning fireplaces shall be installed according to terns of listing. The installer shall leave the installation and operatinginstructions attached to the appliance. Sec. Iruc so4 (a) GUARDRAIL Ehe open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc. which are more than 3orr above grade shall beprotected with a guardrail . openings can not exceed 6r. Within R-l occ. and all R-3' height min- is 36rr-outside R-1 occ., height rnin. is 42rr. Sec. UBc L7LT. No TttB/sIIwR Bathroons with contain only a water closet and/or labatory nay be ventilated with an approved mechanical recirculating fan or sinilar device designed to remove odors fron the air.Sec. UBC 1205 (c) . DROP cI,G Maintain 7rr ceiling height in hall outside laundry. lithere exposed bean ceiling members are spaced at least 48rr on center, ceiling ht. shalL be roeasured to the botton of the deck supported by these Denbers(ceiling) LaEELLE li16T TEo-s17-7?3-752r nuu ftrn )* (rurq Z+ert z i+ e q rrrryVA WeU I tti,N(tlJ1 LarttP I 17 :55 l.lo .001 P .08 fLovtoe I+P44 @e Wrffi'Yd,t)t vl J:.by rtJ cALaAla 6tg-. 1-1u^a4r-V^Ua*I. U* (*r!tt1t.4 s*tr.++, P6"tutffiffiffffi, ratu(EfFlSrAlr'J4 l4lWeH*&w{#W ratvrvqroP- NNXf1r."N futa'ta'! vvett I tl.t t,uvF'a-/, ''fu u?ffiuua,; 4\ttbu- -*iloarrt ffi? HeNFe )Ee?u?- NCI MCaNQ HEFf FD o I slbu v*f tal ro F*(Ea o g- wat- l lrx ap9ra 0r 0l a wr+t-l') wooo e. we,lt-O'l tl llr*ji ' nP;'::_=s$it rrl-11".'.; i '. trJ {&X&\$tE$J^"rF-\-:.:- a;tr ,M\IU? To {Fti WAu,- -/'+t@_H-.4rrtf x+_rrtp+wq._ l|qs e D gt,,' X-t-o gt>l.t rYnuW- sra/-vJ€t;L, seeS(eft)-|' ?e4o\rF gohpt ':tp'w*l wtow ((tN WgAf K'flM**a-wtfi;r oeYwAu-;'- '- ovt v.AUr. AoNLtrt-IaH Q-lXvthlt : --. Plan Builrt ihe..juosdiie!fir. T lis i..: uailcc..ol spec'fticatlons?rtrcth0r ii.r:a ghall olficial trom thsreafter rEq,ii|ing ths said plans, specitications and oihe' r\rl l _--l-. I I ,"'A '._ I -YPnBliW+g8Hw#i 6ex4t Wtr#ffi,1W;WPtr'"o f jvlYrcH, "J"dur*ko Aiwe- 1.H, (puilIeL +lqt4qf@ R,rtrfrf,%ftgffrLL, tr+- v^Lr- lrow; ,.- 0 0 llD l aaov' arn efr'F T-l vYt*r,'t4vrlil'4 gdfo,ffi,tffi[3i*''' E r*a+ aA$$tr@FJ(tv,) f..---J Wr4aunotJ Fi ]Jad vxt-; {,. we+JED 3ctr#A(, I /+u = ncr pr (vwee- w€L)--ru,r'---fi\- .AEEILE MGT.rELosl ?-773-?52r Ftus 2]0 17:56 N0.001 P.09 N6ll no#rl Ylaa *# -tT oe fryrptEo, Wtr#^W#J, fr?vwF^E+!,udl#,r,#8: -! fl { t-t I :< I i_ i.2 I I I ; -tfrl ivz - tqtrv 4)eef ,jglrPffiw''Wv&t, ffifrfr**'tW,5*,-. 'frWffi*- --r.<F\U.c 6 rtfil -:,d|p.-{E 2' "ro AcfuiJtW /fb HAr'tl WAur4, ewr@ LaEELLE l4GT.TElOsr T-??3-?52r , VtIdt+,(4 LEYoo(i,. *-at-F,: /q, a l'-a,, IT { a,t,1o';derpl#'aw ae* Tb" irtc-4 4-ta.l zi" ,Dp., vF$ ; &'L,x ri"ir'tz") /2i,, @ x.tor/l ,24' 'doeteq), aAL+ 4AL tPt r r.tAf 51.> ./2" ut, funh. ,t1tr" 1rt4L4 6,^1rt :, rd.' d, . wAeL. ,,l.-. 1"24" pe.yCe- ca.61t 16'ilt, uh,t- '.448, '.34" 1+t i/o' h. '.nbg-oub"f ' /z'h, ir'y'+ I: tf,t i'$ I onY 57 l'lo 001 P .10 gnpl #1t, ii i -,lBELLE MGT TELos lT- 773-7s2t nuu rfo 7 No.001 P.t1 1Ort, li:il t'lcr'r'ir-r'- P WN Ori vnrr_ a I i I iiiilir:ii;iilr i, :'I,ii ,llri, I;iL Iiltlliri iiu;tl:llilii:,1i !i i I riffi )( ah 0 itLI l i @":l I (t9 l lil I. ll ;, (h' U I tl;li , j :ol Iv..: ilrJ 6Lrt4,t, H=l ffi| lrf..t l I l,i :l'il ii;ll;l.l ,l i; t- ll //i i \ ,q ;1 ,I i / .,4' I I I I tI ll t I @' : \ / iV.'. t,|:I ir,! rt tl/F-r 't/.J...!, ' I z-.. arn---',,-*. il : r'::i BFL I l-;-r rit--1/ ll,l Irl \// I I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. lb l? JoB NAME AI{, r bc rr TOWN O REQUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ruES /v.ft;) rHUR Coyl,Ja; Yi rMON h o:4- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDgB€ROUND E4OUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Pffirvrrr'rc g.*{uc^/ wATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR- I ttt t-t tYUI I {t INSPECTION REQUEST., TOWN " OFTVAIL "^.. /C l{ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER INSPECTION:MON THUR BU trl DI trl IDl trl EIi tr ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER M tr o o tr ECHANICAL: HEATING g,Kro,EXHAUST HOODS tr tr o CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE/0- /l' :t'c ,-.' .* ' \'\\ N\ t*\\\ \ JECT READY FOR LOCATION: *-II INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEREI FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL flneenoveo CORRECTIONS: ,1 O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tIt' I D^rE ,//-2 /-ro rNSpEcroR ftffisnop I,tINSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL \xt I PERMI oo-r=\ -Nl t\ READYFoR|Nq(EcT|o\\\MoNT\S\.G;-,THURFR|-AMPM LocAroN: \-..ti\+ i --r \ t*\oi UMBER OF P^8OJEC -\\-\ T JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: C FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING o o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT trr- SUPPLY AIR Vr,^o.-FINAL d'ippnoveo-,(e tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR The ltens below oeed togivingapernltafinal Please check off la the FINAL PLI'MBING fi r*srncrroNf s couPLETED be complete before Cof0. box provided. DATE: rI FINAI. MECSANICAJ" DATE: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING n M-T- T FINAL ELECTRICAT DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O I Ilr DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCITPAI{CY LAI.IDSCAPINC DUE DATE: