HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDAR POINT TOWNHOUSES FILING 1 LEGALMinor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2128 taxt 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design roriew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Community Development Department. The projed may also need to be reviewed by the Torvn Council and/or the Planning and Environrnental Commission' beiign rwiew approval lapses unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction commences within one year of tfie apprcval. a Location of the Propocall Lot-Block: lf SuMivision! Physical Addrcss: Parcel No.: Zoning: 328-86.10 for parcel no.) Nane(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Type of Review and Fee: Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration ( multi-family/commercial) Minor Altention (si ngle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans g J6to 8p ro 6\'tr tr tr tr txlf- tr $50 Plus $1.00 p€r square foot oftotal sign area' No Fee $650 For constuuction of a nern building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addiUon where quare footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addltions & interior conversions). 4a54.. For minor dranges to buildings and site imprwements, sudl as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls' etc.$20 For minor dranges to buildings and site imprwemenB, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revie Board. No Fee Name of Appllcant: Sr:ff* u?"tt o',ecr no.: €-- ey,Ja,'*c- - ^ ^- -li--r -ScrutC uanneo"t"t a'@6' O{ DRBNo.: Ittne22,2005 To whom it may concern: I, Amy lrwis, president and representative of Cedar Point Townhomes, HOA approve.the "same for same'' roof replacemenVconstruction for all 9 units (both buildings) at5I75 and 5117 Black Gore Dr. Vail, CO. 81657 Parcel Numbers:209918:215001 209918?_15002 2099 r8:115003 20991 8215004 2099 r8:215005 209911r:215006 2099182t5007 209918215008 2099 r8:115009 Thank vou.@Amy Lewis Cedar Point Townhomes. i-lOA President '\f'Alt 5TAF,' Ai-r;jiliovAL TOWt\l Or DESll r ' ' evised 2lL9l9L AF^,. Xt!*-'ir r,i i\ - - reVt COIORADO I. DRB APPLIC.ATTON - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DR8 }TEETING: aaaatlttlt !!EI8 IPPLTCAIIION TIIJ! NO! BE ICCEPTED ET|TIL AIJT 8EQUIRED INFORITATION 18 aUBltIEllEDaaala***{t W! A. DESCRIPTION: c. D. B.TYPE OF REVTEW: ;f", construction Addition ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRTPIION: I,ot Subdivision ZONING: Block a meets and bounds on a separate sheet titl.nor Alteration Conceptual Review fegal andIf property is described'bYdescription, please Provideattach to this application. E. F. J. K. IOT AREA: If re$rired, stamped aur:vey showing rnust provide a currentappllcantlot area.{x '..0 s -)G.NA}'E OF APPI,ICANTSMailing Address: H.NN{E OFUailing APPLICANIISAddress: E Phone e>-7 -5,2-33- Phone qz7--975/ I.NA!,IE OF OWNERS: TSIGNAEURE(8' Iltailing Address:Phone Condonlniun Approval lf applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of l-ssuance of a building pennit. FEE SCHEDUI.,E: VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo 91o,oo1 -$ SOrOoo $50,001 -$ 1501000 $150,001 - I 5o0,o0o $5OO,Oo1 - 91,000r000$ over 9lroo0ro0o )-o, o .NO EPPIICIITON 3II.I, 8E PROC888ED 'IIEOUj! ONNERIg AIGNAEI'RE FEE €-SS)$ 50.oo $loo. oo 9200. oo $300.00 REPRESE}flIATIVE: II. PRE-APPLTCATION ITEETING: A pre-appllcatlon meetinE with a nenber of the plaltl+1g etiee li-strongly encouriged to determine lf any idditionalapplication Lnio::nation is needed. It is the applrcantrsrl-sponsiuifity to nake an appolntnent vLth-the staff to det-eruine 1f Lhere are addltLonal subrnlttal reguirenents. Please note that a colilPlETe applicatlon will streamline the- approval process for your proJect- III. IMPORTN{T NOTTCE REGARDTNG ALL SUBMISSTONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to rneeting subnittal reguirements, the applieant must stake ind tape tare proJect site to i-niicate property lines, bultaing llnes- and building- colners. -A11 traes to be renoved uust be taped' A11 site taplngs and staking nust be couPleted prior to the DRB siti vislt. The appUcant nust ensure that staking done during the winter ls not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS nomally reguires two separatl neetings of the Design Revlew Board: a conceplual approval-and a finat qpproval. .Applicantsshout& pfan 6ir presentlng their developnent-proposal at a nininirn of tw-o rneeting- before obtalning final' approval . c. applicants who fall to appear before the Design Review Slird on their scheduled lneeting date and who have not asked Ln advance that discussion on thelr I'tem be postponedrwillhavetheirltemsreroovedfro[theDRBiocXLt uni'it such tine as the lten has been republished. D. The following itens may, at the discretion of the z""i"g ianinistrator, Li approved by the Conmunity Oevet5pnent Departneirt staff (1.".-- a fotmal hearing before the DRB naY not be required): a. Windows, skylights and sinllar exterlor changes vhich ai not aiter the existing plane of tbe building; and b. Buildins additlon proposals not visible from any other t5t or public space' At the time such a ptopo"il is sirbnitted, applicants rnust incLude letters fron adJacent pr-operty olrners and/or from the agent for oi manager of any adjacent conaoniniurn-issoctati5n stating the association aPProves of the additlon. E. If a property I's located in-a Tapped hazard,area (i'e' snow iva-lancire, rockfaIl, flood plain, debris flow' wetland, etcf, a hazard ituay rnust be.sulrnitted and the owner rnust sisn an affidavit-recognizing the hazard ;6;tt;rior-€o the issuance of a building petmit' apiri""itt" ire encouraged-to check with a Town Planner prior to pni-ip;ii;ai;n to deternine the relationship-ot tfre property to all napped hazards' F. For all resl-dential construction: a. clearly lndicate on the floor plan:-the-iTt:ide face oi ttre exterLor etrrrctural walls of the building; andb. inaicat" ulth a dashed line on the site pla! a iour foot diitance frorn the exterior face of the building walls or supporting colunns' o c. If DRB approves the appllcatl.on uith conditlons ornodificatlons, all conditions of approval uust beresolved prlor to Town issuance of a building permlt. rV. NEW CONSTRUCTTON A. Three coples of a recent tooocrraohic su:nrey. stanped bva lLcensed surnreyor, at a scale of 1rr = 2O. or larger,on which the followlng Lnformatlon is provided: 1. Ict area. 2: Taro foot contour Lntenrals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or Dore, Ln which case, 5lcontour intenrals uay be accepted. 3. Existlng trees or ltroups of trees hav5.ng trunkswith dianetere of 4n or Dore, as Deasured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcropplngs and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, Lntetmittent streans, etc. ) . 5. Bazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerll.ne of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, loo-year ftood plain and slopes of40t or Dore, lf applicable. 6. Ties to existlng benchrnark, either USGS landnarkor sewer invert. This information should beclearlir stated on the survey so that aII neasurernents are based on the sane starting point. This is particularly important for height measurements. See Policy On Suntey Infomation,for nore infotruation regarding su:nreys. 7. Locations of the following: a. Size and tlpe of drainage culverts, swales,etc. nust be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed serrrice lines fron their sourceto the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer GasTelephone Water Electric c. Property llneE - distances and bearings and a basl-s of bearing nust be shown. d. All easernents (Title report rnust also includeexisting easenent locations) 8. Existing and flnlshed Erades- 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a minimun of one spot elevation on either slde of the lot, 25 feet out from the side property llnes. B. Site PIan 1. Locations of the following: a. -Pronnsed s'Jt?face dratnag.e on and off slte. o b.Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot elevations uust be shown. 2.All exlsting !.nprovenents lncluding structures, Iandscaped areas, senrrice areasr storage areas, walks, drlveways, off-street parking' Ioading areaB, retalning walle (with top and botton ofwall ipot elevations), and other existing site Lnprovenents. Elevations of toP of roof ridcres fwith existincr and oroposed crrades ehown undernealh). -Theseelerratlons and Erades must be provided in orderfor tlre staff to deternine bul-lding height. All ridge llnes should be lndicated on the site-gIan. -Eleiations for roof ridges ehall also be indicated on the slte plan wLth corresponding finished and exl.sting grade elevations. 3. : c. 4. Driveway grades nay not exceed 8t unless approved by the Town Engineer. Iandscape Plan (1' - 2Or or larger) - 3 copies requlred l. lltre fotlorrlng LnfomatLon must be provided on the Iandscape p1in. The locatlon of existing.4rr diarnetei oi larger trees, the location, size, spacing and tlpe (connon and lati4 nane)-of all eitsttig and plop6sed plant rnaterial. All trees to be sived ana to be rernoved nust also be indicated. The plan nust also differentiate between existlng and proposed vegetation' 2. Conplete the attached landscaPe materials list' 3. The location and tlpe of existing and proposed watering systens to Ue eroployed in-caring for plant rnitellat following lts Lnstallation' 4. Existing and proposed contour lines' In order to clarlfy the inter-relation of the various developnent proposil conponents, please-incorporate as much o? the ;bove informition as possible onto the site plan. Siqn off fron each utllilv conpany Y?tlfY+Ttg !h"ffiiEe and availabllitY (see attached). pgg! nust acconPanY all^ property ownershiP and locat:'on of all easenents on Property. Archltectural Plans (t/9t'= 1r or-larger' -L/A-tt Ls @ ieview) 3 coPies reguired' 1. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the proposed deveiopnent. Elevations Dust show both Lxilting and finished grades. 2.onetetoffloorplansmustbe||red-lined||toshow how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8- L/zn x !'l-nl for inclusion in PEC and,/or Tonn cbuncil DeDoE naY be reguested 4. Extcrlor 5ulfrFltrn 3r-rrlrlalr lnd.rntterial eolorr NOTE: D. E. F. esubnittals, to insure BhaII be specifled on the attached uaterials list. This nater-lals list uust be completed and eubnLtted as a part of DRB applicat.lon. color chJ,ps, sidlng sanples etc., should be presented to tfrJOestgm Revl.ew Board neeting. Zone check llst (attached) must be conpleted if project fs loc€ted uithin tlre Single-Fanily' Prinary/Secondaryor Duplex zone districts. H. Photos of the existing slte and where applicable, of adJacent structures. I. lltre Zoning Admlnlstrator and/or DRB nay reguire the submission of additional plane, drawings'-lecificatl.ons, sarnples a-nd otirer naterials (lncluding a-nodel) if deined necessary to determine whether aproject-will conpty with Design Guidellnes' V. MTNOR ALTERATTONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches whlch cJ.early convey the redevelopment proposal and the locatlon (stt9 plan) - of the redevelopment iroiosat may be subnitted in tieu of the nore fo::rnal ieqirirernentS set forth above, prolided.all irnportant spdcifications for the propoial i cluding colors and mlterials to be used are subnitted. VI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTTAI, OR COMI'IERCIAI, A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/ltt = 1r or larger (L/4" =f isPreferred) c. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and propo=ed-construction. -Indicate roof ridge elevations irit-tr extsting and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of ttre existlng structure' F.Specificationsforallnaterlalsandcolorsarnplesonmaterials list (attached) . At the request of the Zoning Adtninistrator you may also be reguired to subnit: G. A statement frou each utility verlfylng location of sentice and avaitabillty. See attached utllity location verification forn. H. A site improvenent sunrey, stamped by registered Professional' su:rreYor. I. A prelirninary tltle report, to verify ownership of property, nhich lists all easements' VII. FINAL STTE PI.,AN onceabuildingpemithasbeenl'ssued,.and.constructlonl'sundemay, ana Setore the Building Departrnent will schedule a ;;;il;'i"=ii".[i"nl -tr" copies oi an- Improrrernent Location Certificate'surrrey (IIC) slanped by a registeredprofessio".f-""g#,eii-nirst be- subn-itted. The following inforaation must be provided on the ILC: A. Bullding locatlon(s) with tles to property corners' i.e. distances and angles..- . G. B. BUiI diuensions to the nearest tenth of a foot' o dlng c. All utllttv senrice llne as-builts, showing !yP9 of naterlal-u'eea, and size and exact locatlon of lines. D. Dralnage as-bullts. E. Basls of bearJ'ng to tle to section corner' F.Allpropertypinsaretobeeitlrerfoundorsetandstated on I'nProveroent BuIiveY. G. Ali eaEenente. H. Buildlng floor elevatlons and all roof ridge elevations with existlng and proposed grades shown uniler the rldge lines. VIII. CONCE TUAL DESTGN REVTEW A. Submittal recmirernentg: 'l!!re owner or authorized agent ffig desigm aEFroval as-prescribed bv this-cfripier-rniv-""liit ptinE tor conceptual review fi ttte oeslin neviiw Board to the Departuent of Eirtt""fty oE*'.iopt"ttt. Tlre conceptugr revLew Ls intended-to-sive-the appllcant a Lasic underEtanding of tii"-i"rp"iiuiirtv or tirltr proposat.with the Townre o"=ig" EnidellneS. Thfs procedure is reconnendedpiiriirrv roi-ipprfcationi Dore couPrex than singre- iiriiv iira two-iinily residences. However, developers oi irirere-raniry and-two-f3nily projects elrall not be exctuded rret-iir" opportunity Lo request a conceptual ;;;r;;-;.tl"to. corniiete appiications uust be subnitted io aiit prior to a lchedurEd DRB neetlng' The following infornation strall be subnitted for a concePtual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimun scale oi one inch equals twenty feet; 2. conceptual elevations showing exterior.naterials and a J.t."ipiion of the chaiacter of the proposed structure or structuresi 3. Suf ficient infotnation to show the pro-posal ;;;ii;a toiitr tt e derrelopment standards of the zonL district in which the proJect ls to be locatel-ai:;. GR!A, site coverige carculations' number oi Parklng sPaces, etc') t 4. Conpleted DRB application form' B. Procedure: UPon rece{nt of an application-for ffiaptual a"-sign-ieviiw, - the ogrgtngnt of conmunlty Devel;pnent-"tiir ievlew'the subnitted naterlals for creneral a"tpfi"""e-with the appropriate requlrements of Eili--"lii"g;"d".--rr the proposar ls in basic "otpifi""6;ittt the zoning coae reguire-nents' the pioiect srrair-le ionraraei to the ons for conceptual review. ri-tftE-appricatfon ls not generally in .otpff"t.e-trilrt z-o-ntng code requirenents' the ;6ii;;Ii""-'."a "Grr€t"r nateiials shall be returned tb'tne ,ppfr.i"t-rrir, a written e:rplanation- as to why the conmuniii-ii"riir"prJnt Departnent staff has found th; ;;a"ct irot to bL ln conltiance with zoning- code i"qui""6""i"1--o""" i -oropreie application has been received, ifr. OnS shall review tir-e eubDitted conceptual review appiicatton and supporting naterial ln order to deter:mlne whether or not ttri-p.ro5ect r;re'nerallv couplies i wlth tlre desigm gruldellnes. The DRB does not vote on """""pi"ai reit"ie. The property owner or his ;6;eii;aitt t" shall be pies-nt lt ttre DRB trearing' LTSB OF I,TATERTAI,S NAI.IE OF PRqTEqI: IEGAI, DESCRIPTION: IJOT- BIPCK - SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OT PRo.TEqT: The following lnfonatl.on Ls requlred for subnittal to the DesJ.gn ieview Board-before a final appioval can be Eiven: A. BUILDING UATERIALS: TTPE OF UATERIAL COI,R Roof Siding Other Wall l{aterials Fascia Soffits t{indows Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other lxb a./.- no/-" B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: plArflr IIIATERIAL,S: Egl3!-lgglLEsBe Common Name ouantLtv size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTTNG TREES TO BE RII-IOVED *Indicate caliper for decLduous trees. lrlinirnun celipCf"fef' 7 o deciduous trees Ls 2 Lnches. o Indlcate height for coniferous trees. Pr,ANIl IIATERIAI/S: E9IADICALNAn9 Comnon Name ouantitv Size* PROPOSED STIRUBS EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REI,IOVED *fndicate slze of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs Ls 5 qallon. Tvpe Scruare Footaqe GROI'ND CO\TERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONIROL c. oTHER LAI{DSCAPE FEATITRES (retal.ning waIls, fences' swiTning pools, etc.) Fr-i-e tpe.iey. rnaiiate heights of retaining ;;ii;: li"ir,--rrtigbi of wilrs sithin the front serback is 3 feet. Maximun height of nalls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. 8 I IITILTTY I'CATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NA}!8 BIOCK FII..ING ADDRESS The location and availability of utllitles, whether they^be-n3in [*"i lines or p"opJ""a tlt.-", rnust be approved.and verlfiect by ttr" iofrowing uiitities for tire acconpanying site plan' Authorlzed Signature Date U.S. West Conrnunications 1-800-922-1987458-6860 or 949-4530 Publlc SenrLce ConPanY 949-578LGary tlall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5492 Ted lluskY/l{ichael laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 949-5530Steve Hiatt upper Eagle ValleY water- E sanitation District * 47 6-7 4aO Fred Haslee NOTE:These verifications do not relieve theto obtaLn a street contractor ofcut perait from Works and toin any Public . A street his responsibilitYthe Town of Vail, This form is to verifYlocatlon. This shoul.d preparing Your utilitYinstallatlons. * please bring a slte plan, floor plan, and. elevatLons wlren obtaining Upper E;;1; iaiiiy-w"ter-e sinitation signatures' Fire flow needs nust be addressed. senrl.ce availabilitY and be used in conJunction with plan and scheduling t I I' -i ZOI{E CEECK FOR sFR,, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRTqls DATE: I.EGAL DESCRIPTION: I.ot ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHTTEET PHONE PHONE Allowed ExLstLncr Proposed Total (30) (33) ZONE DISTRIET PROPOSED USE I'T SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear I{ater Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping + (850) (425) - 20r 15 1 15r (30) (so) Retaining Wall Heights 3t/6. Parking Garage Credit Drive: Regrd (3oo) (5oo) (eoo) (1200)_ Pernl.tted Slope -..:93- Actua1 Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Bazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) I{etlands Does this reguest Lnvolve a 250 Aitdition? Hou nuch of the allowed 250 Additlon Le used sith this request? l0 I DEFMRTMENT @F ,E@MMUNITV DEVEL@FMENT s!2 v g2 t-ra iryr \i2 \J!2,? t. t- 9a -- -a6) 4lt 4^) zN ZN aS 7uS SAIIS ACTION FORM tc33uN" t .?oTrt AUgr,,lrT 1 gcco'4:330 cc.v. De/. AFFUgiTIcN FE=S I CCCO 41540lZcHrNo Al'10 ADDRESS UAPS 1 0cc0 42+i5 1SE3 UNIFCRU BUIJrNO CODE 10c30 421i5 1EE3 UNIFIRII PLUNSIN6 CCCE I1 CC:C 4?+i3lrs:e unrrcalJ uirtA,\tcAl calg I: c!:i 1z+is lrs:: uxrr-ca.u Fif;: ccc3 I 0cc0 4z+1s lrsaz Hl::cxAL fcfilcAl e3!= I CC:3 121i8lc::i= coDE BOCIG : 0cc0 .481e jeu;= r.twis (M-rrlRs) 01. cc00 421i2 0x ccFtEs ,/ $lrDtES E / Rg-NSFECIION oFF HCURS U.rSp=filoN ti= coNTt g?oRs ucEltsEs tEEs u tt'lii.'t tg3r 0t 0000 4t4t3 .sra prr,rcrnor ot .l X. ..1- |.. .J r-t -, ..r'\ ,',",O )' ^1"'i., Best copy Available C eo/qr Pa,'af ponfsL. /t 4"/ €n-/os"' +J t.'\LT ao .-_______)' $- r-'s +i l{rit5ilrD.:t\s r\Ixsi Ft* t 'I - oi i i l- \"r it\ \Fx N Best copy Available F/NAL PL,4T "i,iYlili, OFEffi Rt Sll i(jl,v;' ?n-.-' 4f T 8, CEOAE PO\NT TOUNh /8, TOWNSq4/P 5 ^OUTH, EA .-\: 'c- \€' ir$ffilr:'{i+';o:1. C-- . -a\ trtr;, / ":;iij:;i:, oo*','/, ,^o!t'.tvrV.Avgv' p R Q_p o_s_ro #^tar'i412r8t7tl " Y'|?iitTtc " \7'1 , oaea i, 7(ol Ce/^. Po,'n/ Du"nfs/"/s4t'/ €aq; \\ Q-""o--. \.. l-<']'l'i",' I' ifro,!:q|t\,-,,,ii :t i.! i',t, rf ' cr,r1, !1t a r'c' t " tuw "' ",; ,;,, "1tri2 6i ;;'t/' "a(,, 0v'rV, hv' $v' --*EXAZ oz tr =Eulo- ooo t\FI (n uJuJtl. ts =E UJo- ( /1U\ 1 6. o t.o/lEElh W;) (Food 1./t ouJ oz zo =ldt c5 ozz tlrlt, lltl- 8lH r3 9r I Iot Il1tl I'i-rgl .dxEIF16l Fl< ii= ilE slF iri3e ai?.61= lo(5lo | 2li ,7 u-JuJo i ol|- (ro Ng AoYZo< $i 1"x 3Ei iT5 ;;* :c SfreE* €fTF€ E\ E €e RE t\l8\3 i1$1"J' E(5'. s,6+{svlas/SJ'E> lrorR dl' c o =l o (U 3 .q o vr: EE\e.sRih -*Eo)3558 EEi$ElEo*.oOcfEoS.)'- O Oi: o -FElde cL (E o--3E; s .,,-oq)Efi:€ ;X- c o ;F€Hi6F:-oEgo o'- .!t;o(/, $€Ef9i=! =u>.=o ct= x :EF9 iE;;9E o -PEgg o occ oo oO) oootr' oo Orot-l oo oNto =e.llJ z Y UJ z Jo- J C)c IIJ tr z6 =J () z UJ = uluJll-z tr ll,leoUJ E o.o 3uJtUJ z(,6ur F IIJ z IJJ x uJo U'ululIL E =EutcJ FoF oz =o J 9E (JqJJUJ oz ao = d z UJ NOrlvn]v^ n (r c at+ t/ C Ic n (+ (+ I n(+ x = z F c. <nu./ J EuJzuJ <5 3Q--rd)fu.t$::Q zzooF^.tq5F9066 =>6Yxsv= L-Qi5;ai {+)lFI Cj 1*t.hlrrrl 1-l 1blI >ll"ll rrl 1q,|tFltol lEll'l1(u|lcl1'FlI r-ltLlt(Ull!ltEll;:l to o.tJ.Po-o E (u tn 5-(u+tao =!c(tt c)(J .F' = z tr fJ lt tr f tllo- F ff { x E uJ J z E 2 tr IJJF.J =UJz tzlz Eul<oo< > iii>ERtr6o<z Fz .. 9z do3trOI utf,JJ (! aa[lz iF zoF 5oz !)J) 3 F uJ ili-l zl zl .. >lo (r uJ az EooI uJCr|-:o UJo zY z FU' .o I <- UIoro (J /l ?---) :.), Ut,) ,41 ulFoooazoF(L u.JY IJJo oF E tc uJo- -lcol\ilOIt-l I\lol IIJF o ll- TLoo I lrJFoz z.-ozzoo =z O- t! ."i5 =F==uJ;dil= = ru 6: ^uJEYE<ctf,60E9B9vccie3tE +r-E b=c, dtr: >o-E 669 itnE XO-t x>6=Fct 'io-i!E u.l(D oF --- ts =E LrJo-zoFo EFazoo [!tr I !(J (u!o(:, l4o(c 6 rl,NFIrf) z =u- I Jto FoJ u-tD d.Ldt l.r')oo=O(-) F=O oIJc, i'i =z 6 -)f an!(I,c =(l., o-+'g'5 -ltldqq'lul =4 +to tnL(l].) .J' rjt (f,,.o IJJ o )- o.,r\t\<\tIr\ror\r !oo =(l, IJ Eo =&tr ql UJ ddq -l = c lF od. 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TU J FoF x F ]Utt, o UJ z u, o 3 ; zg (U z u, o = z = () EF UJ lu z !! z qlNOtlvn'tvAF r-r (\, EEl u, x oFF E llJo- o oo I uJFoz z,-o =< =zJo(l. u- ri9?>0f;f B;E !n! UJ tr- uJ F ;; tn}Zoa E x r! F lrJ rJ =l I5l:lJl::t Iurlvll UJ -Jo- c, o al o(J o o q,--ptr! .e ! o A Mlfu----- gtu p4L* 7a*/22- Vl{ 'zi'z/ a '"' A/ -24 . Z* '4-z-4'o'4 frLT**q'*s .o'f' fE-*4 74'b ee/ /A-a'24-' ''/--&,t-./*ZJ'&1?ft* ;r tQ g*d '-{f+-r<\ } n. i :-..-..,,._ rNs"ftt,oN TOWN OF . , G,+:; ..,'- FIEEUEsiT VAIL Best copy Available oorc !/3t JOB NAME rruenEcerr/eolrr AM PM CALLER I ornen ! pnnrrnl. LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM ! n e tNsPEcr coRREcrloNs, E-l. 'i'i,rtrF tL/F- 7a3 4 uiZ.< 7?--.-t<' )E-t:Te:rt:' ;1.., A);-,.-,-- :.tl't,( tj,t,S 4"'lit c-'S (.^"'";*t*DATE 1, JuLy 29, L977 Mrs. Diana Toughill Zoning Commissioner Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Dear Mrs. Toughill: I want to express my concern to you Cedar Point Townhouses in East Vai-l. relative to Tract C, Adjacent to the existing Cedar Point Townhouses is a foundation for another (third) townhouse build.ing for four units which has been erected by the Justus company. Since then, it is my understanding that same space vras down-zoned to three units. I wish to record my opposition, as an owner of a Cedar Point Townhouse, to -e!y building being erected on that foundation. My opposition centers on two areas: (1) there is no adeguate parking space for additional units in the immediate area, and (2) I understand this foundation is on a flood plain and as such should not have any additional strtrctures on it. I would hope that you would continue to disallow permits for this property and to continue your opposition to any buildings being erected on this foundation. Yo{rrs truly, 5175 Black Gore Drive Vail" Colorado /st t { Itlv $s. Diana Touhill Zoning Administrator Town:-of VailVail , Colorado 81657 Dear l\ts. Touhill: It has been brought to our attention that Tract C" which was formerty pait of Lot 4 of Heather of \rail eis presently zoned for three additional units. This lot is-.located directLy west of our unit" Frost Townhouses - Due to the extrernely marginaL distances' betweeri our tortnhouses and the Cedar Point townhouses, we feel this area to be unsuitable for further fuitaing. W€.further question the area handling another unit or units. It is definately going to produce excessive crorvding in the already heavily buil-t areaf and there is also insufficient parking to accomodate any additional townhouses. I would. therefore, suggest that this area be-, down-zoned. to no building. '-John Painter and myselfj owners of..unit #2, vrould like to thank you for your attention - 6910 Pacific Street.,Suite 315 Omaha, Nebraska 68106 July 7, 1977 Sincerely, .fu,4fut TGFr jw Ms. Di4na Toughill Zoning Cotnmissioner Town of vailVailt Colorado 8L657 JOHN E. DEITURO. M.D.. F.A.C.S, 37OE EAST COLFAX AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO A0206 TELEPHoNE t3()3) 333-O902 June 28, t977 RE: Dear Ms. Toughill: Please be advised that as an oatner of a townhouse in the Big llorn Valley areal sPecifically the Cedar Point, iownhouse Unitr I am concerned about the fol lowing. A partially constructed unit consisting of founda- tion only with planking covering the foundation as a protective means is no\.7 in existence on the Cedarpoint Townhouse Tract C. This unlt is positioned on a parcel of land ln a densely populated area and in addition is also in a low river bed area presenting potential flood control hazards. It is rny personal concern that a multlunit structure shouid-not be approved by the Zonlng Commission for this tract ot llna. I respectfully request that your office not aPProve such construction because of Lhe above Points and beca.tse of the impact that.such a structurl would have on the overall beauty and errvironment of the af€4o If I nay submit further information that would be of benefit to your office, please let rne know. cedar Point, To\.tnhouseTract C fu 1ly JEDIY Delauro r M. D. fr/ IV( FRED J, PFERDESTELLERFRED W, VONDY JAM ES FI. HOFITON ANTHONY L. WORTH SAMU EL CH UTKOW OF COUNSEL AREA CODE 3O3 PFERDESTELLER, VONDY, HORTON E WORTH PROFESS IONAL COFPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW EX ECUTIVE CLUB AU ILOI NG 1776 SOUTH JACXSON SIFEEI AT IHE VALLEY HIGHWAY DENVER/ COLORAOO eO2lO rJ Une zlt LYII Ms. Diana TouhillZoning Admini-strator Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Tract C, Heather of Vail Dear Ms. Touhill: I am writing to you on behalf of myself and my wife, who are the owners of Lot 9, Block 3, Bighorn Fifth ndition, andin regard to Tract C (formerly a part of T,ot 4) of Heather of val-_1 . Our lot is almost directly across the creek from theHeather of Vail property. and it is our understanding that the Cedar Point Toh/nhouse owners wish this property down-zoned toforbid construction and have it returned to its natural state. My wife and I are in favor of this for the followingreasons, to-wit: 1. Additional units constructed in the Heather ofVail area would produce excessive crowding, in an already heavilyoverbuilt area; 2. There is already insufficient parking in the Heatherof Vail subdivision and certainly not enough to accommodate threeadditional units; 3. This property is definitely located in the flood-plain; and4. fn order for the present foundation to be installed,the creek was illegally changed, and it is my belief that the foundation exists within four feetof the actual property line of the property owned by the Voliters, and the Golnicks in the Big-horn subdivision, Very truly yours, AV.'a. JRH,zps cc: Frank W. Van De Water Bob Voliter *K.Horton \|t'*lt/" \'," ,, w' I t't' June 23, 1977 Mrs. Di ana Toughi I 'l Zoning Commissioner Town of VailVail, Colorado Dear Mrs. Toughill, I am writing to you because I have concerns relating to Tract C, Cedar Point Townhouses, East Vail, Colorado. I am a co-owner of unit A-5 at Cedar Point. My permanent city of residence is Denver, Colorado; however, I am on a tenporary assignment in New Jersey. As you know a foundation for another (third) townhouse building, for four units, was erected by the Justus Company in 1973 or 1974. Since then, the properties have been re-zoned to three-unit dwellings. I wish to go on record in opposition to gII building on that foundation. Several reasons are behind this position: 1. With the existing nine units, parking in the summer is a problem. As you well know, Winter snows impact this situationgreatly. Parking for three or four units is simply not available. 2. The property is located on a designated flood plain. I don't care to see existing risks conpounded with the addition of new units to the area and to our Homeowners Association. Your support of this situation will certainly be appreciated. oy ffyman Ceda Point Townhouses Unit A-5 5175 Black Gore Drive Vai1, Colorado Mr. Pleasant Road Morristown, New Jersey i\ ,u[" 07960 f/-^ /-* VOLITER LANDSCAPING P. O. Box 881 Vail, Colo. 81657 June 1f,, 1977 476-3047 "cREATtvtry MAKE9 rHE DIFFEnEwII', Dear Ms Dlana Touhill-, . I am wri-ting to enlist your assistance in the matter of zonlng ln the Heather of vail subdivision. Mr. Larry Lynnott owns Tract c whlch was formerry part of Lot No. 4 of Heather of vail. lhis tract is located directry behind the cedar point Townhouses and directry to the west of the Frost rownhouses. There ls a !s1gg foundation wlth subflooring on that tract at the present time. IIlve at llp8 West Main Gore Drive and woul-d llke to seethis tract returned to its natural state. It is my understandlng thatthe cedar Polnt rownhouse owners arso which to prevent a building from belng erected on the slte. Reasons for down zonlng the area would i-nclude 1) Iocation within a floodplain; 2) insufficient parking to acconnodate J addltlonar units 3) and the fact that addlttonal units wourd only worsen an overcrowded situation in thls area. r would also like to poi-nt out that the strean was irlegal-ry movedto acconodate the foundation that now exists. rf we can not get the downzoiing acconprlshed for the above reasons, r would be interestedln movlng the stream back to lts original location which wourd cut off a portion of the existing buildi-ng. prease advise ne 1f any actlon 1e taken to try to build on the foundation or if r nay herp 1n any other way. Slncerely,; \,|_a-k-_ 'l Iy'r ". t't | | -.n t{ f' ../// I lf r ../t I-lt Mrs. Diana Toughill Zoni'ng Commlssioner Town of Vail Vai1, Colorado Dear Mrs. Toughill: This is to puE into writing the concerns I expressed to you in our meeting of June L, 1977. Those concerns relate to Tract C' Cedar Point Townhouses, East Vailr Colorado. As you know, a foundation for another (third) toe,nhouse building for four units was erected by the Justus Co. Since then' the space was "down-zonedtt to three units. I wish to go on record in opposition to any building on that foundation structure. Two primary reasons are behind my attitude: for three more units is slmPlY not the land surrounding the development. June 16, 1977 l. Parking space available in 2. The property and, as such, Your continued supportI hope we can continue is located in a designated flood plain' should not have buildlngs on it anyway. of this situation is certainly appreciated. to disallow permits for this property. W. B. ROBBINS Cedar Point Townhous es Unit A-5 517 5 Black Gore Drive Vail, Colorado o-4/."9 FRANK W. VAN DE WATER I95 HIGI{ STREET. DENVER, COLORADO 8O2I!June 8, 1977 Ms. Diana Touhill Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear lls. Touhlll: You should have in your possession a Letter of protest from the President of the Cedar Point Townhouse Condominium Association concerning I'Ir, Larry Lynnottr s property at the rear of the units. I believe the abbreviated J.egal deectiption of this plece of propelty is Cedar Point Townhouse filing No. 2, a resubdivision, and concerns Tract C which ls part of formerly designated Lot No. 4 of Heather of Va11. I, personally, wish to file a letter of proLest as ownet of Cedar Point Tosnhouse A-1. The protesE concerns the building of units on Tract C. For the following reasons I consider this area inappropri.at.e for furEher bullding: L) It is definit,el-y in a floodpLain (the lover end of the parking Lot now used for Cedar Point Towr*rouses is under lrater at this time of year and the crawl spaces of the exlstlng townhouses are filled with nacer; 2) There is insufflclent parkLng to accomnodate even three additlonal towrihouses ; 3) The addltional, units would produce excessive crowding in an already heaviLy built areal 4) The units would rise aE least another story above both the Frost Townhouseg and the Cedar Polnt Townhouses aLready in place; 5) The distances between the buildtnge--both from the Frost Townhous e and the exlsting Cedar Point Townhouses - -ls extremely marginal. L would llke to see thLs area down-zoned to no bulldlng. Thank you for your kl.nd attention. Sl.ncereLy, , l,uLt,[Lfl^nW F rank I{. Van De Water STEPHEN DINENBERG, M.O., P.C, 6900 WEST ALAMEDA, SUITE 5O2 T.AKEWOOD, COLORADO Eq226 TELEPHONE 922-8114 May 27, J-977 Diane Toughill Zoning Comrnission Town of VaiI Vail , CoLorado 81657 Dear Ms. Toughill: I am writting you this letter on behalf of myseif and the other menbers of the Cedar Point Townhouse Associatbnt As a group we are unifornily agaisnt construction on the pre-existing founaltion. The reasons are as follows; 1. froma cosmetic stand- point, the pJ.an construction is to be a two story building to match bur ofher uiritaings, but, it is starting from a foundation that is one story higrh aLieiay. itris will nake a very a sery close towering structure which will block the view and cut the light out fromlhe pre-existing buildings. 2., tlr€re is a severe parking probS.em in 6ur section of Vail especiaily during skiing season. At ttepresent time we do not have enough splced to accomnodate the nine members of the Townhouse Association,, Let alone adding three more. As you know the convenance of that section of Vail reguires 1.5 -parfring spaces per unit. Let. nie point out that we do not have that irany pirking spaces now Let alone five more slots for the intended three-more unils. In addition there is another factor to consider and that is that the construction will be on a recongnized fL6ddplain and we object to our mambership building on a flood plain which wiLt make us as a Townhouse Association, responsible for losses to property which will be built as a member of our townhouse. This is irnpoling upon the members of the Cedar Point Townhouse &ssociation an unieasonable burden and we very strongly object to this and are wilJ-ing to take thj-s to the courts. Thank you \ery much for the consideration of this matter. Stephen Dinenberg, M.D.P.C. President, CedarPoint Townhouse Assoc. a . 0t (/,/ J:.:*,'?",, '. - ]6 rd t6 R:;raid I). L"rnn:, Governor February 23, !976 Mr. Mannie ltebert llounta in General Contractors Box !'Vail, Colorado 81657 Director In.'' or'1,, RE: Permit *0773068 Iot 4 Block 3 lieather of Vail Sub. Dear !4r. Hebert: The review of our records on this buildirg pernit is as follows: 1. Application Received July 20, 1973. 2. Permit Issued JuIy 30, 1973, copy enclosed. 3. Foundation spread footing with 2 #5 bars aII footing OK on Septeniber 13, 1973. 4. Stem wall rebar steel in place and pour OK, September 30, 1973. 5. Foundation and stem r^rall vrater seal and backfill October 3, 1973, OK. f'oundation weather caped with floor on October 10, 1973. Change in job supervision from John vanDeKamp to BiIl Hudson, Wy 22, 1974. Change in General Contractors schedule postponeil indefinitely the cornpletionof the building covered by this permit. Verbal notification given to Mr. Hudson that a ner., permit would be required prior to resuming work. The newpermit must be issued by Eagle county prior to any construction resumption on this unit. If I can be of further service, write or caII. (innaralrr (-: Jim lvteye Bui Lding Codes JM/tc 6nd Housing f nspe ctor E nc Iosure cc: Mrs. Diane Thuhi 1I City of Vail BuiLding Department P.O. Box 100 Va i. I, Colorado 81657 6. ., I]: I'/i- r- /BUILDilG P IT APP gtv r Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. \t hlerctl.e lni Sr"tYiSio,9/3 Cls r. ^ r:i^ c H ED . "6'A'l::t9 j1 \) S MAr l- aDoiaSS FHOna IAt MAtt aoolEss ir- Col.,.o o., h LICENSE NO. aiclrltEcl oR oEslcNaR LICEN9E NO. .,{ G IN EEF MAII. ADOiEsS LICENSE NO. l6rt De'" vr" 8O u3E CF SC rl-Clr G LL/ Unt t7,< 8 Ctassof work: ffnew nAOolTloN trnlrennrtOn tr REPAIR trMOVE fl REMoVE flw 10 Change of use from Change ol use to ".o*,rrf. ?5er.5oPLAN cHEcK '# l?q . asl Vatuationofwork: g Y t 3?. OOC2.cC., SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. of -tstorros L(Total) 5q. Ft. Fire Sprinklers Requlred flrl.esz-3e -73APPLICATION ACC€PTEO BY: No. ot iJOw.lllng Units I NOTICE SEPARATE PEFMTTS AREREOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. SOI L REPORT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION RLY VALIOATEO (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERM PERMIT VALIDATION I D Jt INSPECTOR rNT€RNATIONAL CONFERENqE OF AUILDING OFFICIALS.Forrn I O0.1 9-69 Ayynil".-L'Ouu I o0 t.. T*1" Town of VaiIPtanning CommissionP: o. B5x too\r'ail, Colorado 81557 ATTENBION: Diana Toughill RE: '.. Bighorn Zoning - Lots L, .2, 3 and 4 tteither of Vail Subdivision (Cedar Point Townhouses) Gentlernen: . Our client, Justus Cornpany, Inc', is the developer of a townhouse project on ttre .aption-ea_iots. 6e tn. three phases, two have been .completed ana tne'r&aining four unit building located solely on Lot 4 iS under construction. Foundations and subflooring have been compleLed pri""i"t to a buiiei;; permit issued by the colorado Division ot ffousing-ioif"r"ing approvil-p.tttuant' to Senate Bill 35 by Eagle County. it" Uoitaing iilell ha-s been fabricated in the State o? W.6frirrgton ind i*"ft=--ttiil";I to Colorado at an appropriate, time' we understand that Residential cluster zoning as Proposea for^-the ':' area woula p".*if-";iy-a;;" ""ii" on Lot 4. We, therefore, request that at least il; 4--;; zonea t" -ilt.it-compretion of the four unit building on that l-ot. We undersland that tiris end would be accomplished by Low Density M,riti-r.*i1y zonii;:- Th;"gh. such zoning permits densities (calculated on a units per acre-ilisis) grlatei.than are permitted by .,. the proposed Residential Cluster Z;;ilg; existing developments in '' 'rf""ti't"t of Vail Subdivision are denser yet' If any al-ternative to suctr zoning presents itself' we would be aerigiteato"oipJ'"l"-"._*"too-oLjec,ttoexcessivedensity.. " ' SincereJ-Y, McLAUGHLIN & HART cc: C. Peter Van Ness RHr{/ jb WN^W f'lLb +C httn box r0o o vail, colorado 816s2 o 303.476-56i3 August 21, t979 Building Departnent Town of Vail Dear Sirs: 0n August 20, 1979, the Vail Fire Department inspected a property known as Lot 4 I Heather of Vai1, at 5185 Black Gore Drive. This inspection was done at the request of the Chief Building Official, Steve Patterson. the following violations were found to exj-st: t ) Accunulations of wastepaperr haJr grass, etraw, weeds, litter, or combuetable or flamnable waste, waste petro- leun products, or rubbish of any kind shall not be pernitted to renaln upon any roof or in any courtt yard, vacant lot or open 6pace. AII weeds, grass, vines, or other growth, when same endangers property, or is liable to be fired, shall be cut down and renoved by the owncr or occupant of the property. UFC 27.201 2) Persons having charge over or control of any structure, pier, wharf, or other building shaIl not allow the deposi-t of conbustable naterials beneath the structure or pernit any accumulation of conbustable debris or rubbish to remai-n on land beneath such. UFC 27.206 lnun box roo o vail, colorado 81657 o 303.476-56r3 Pag,e 2 3) Upon vacating or abandoning any prenises, the occupant thereof sha1l renove any and all noxious and hazardous naterial or waste naterial which has been deposited, allowed to cone to rest, or perni-tted to accunulate thereon, and such prenises shal1 be left in a cfearr and neat nanner. UFC 27.413 4) Every peraon owning or in charge or control- of any vacant building or structure shal1 remove therefrom alf accumulations of flamnable or conbustable waste or rubblsh and shall securely lock, barricade or otherwise secure all doors, windows, and other openinge thereof . IJFC 27.414 It is the reconnendation of the VaiI Fire Department that this place t al 5185 Black Gore Drive, Lot 4, be alleviated of all hazards as the present condltion presents a life- safety and fire problnn to the existing structures in the surroundind area and a potential for serious lnjury to persons in the vicini,ty. Respectfully, |ltl Capt. Michael McGee Fire Protection Officer t*l|,{D-^, "f u;( ii*l-, a, lmn box l(Xl vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development Novsrber 79, L979 Steve Patterson, hrilding Officlal Toun of VailVail, Oolorado A4657 Dear Steve: This letter is to confirm the inspection of the Jtrstus Buildingsite at Tract C, Cedar Point Tcmnhouses, Filing 1, entirely withinInt 4, Itreather of Vail Subdivision on Monday, Novenber 49, 1979. Altbough the site was covered with quite a bit of snow, I feel that the foundation could provide a harborage for rodents, insects,etc. Wooden boards, utrich were to seal the deck to the base, were either missing or darmged. This exposed the storage area under the deck. The pictures taken earlier in the year by Herb Paddock, the Building Inspector, illustrate the dilapidated condition of thedeck. Thus, the deck surface is a safety hazad in addition to a health problern. The grassy, woody area a$acent to the deck rnay be the natural hore of various aninals. These anirnals could seek rore prctective sheltering sueh as under the deck for the winter mcnths. Sincerely, r(' ( ,|{ clcrta t)Ianra Snyder Erviromtental Ibalth Off icer IS:df .1 I I{JTICS AND ONDDR lOR DEIOLITICN IN lHE MATTER CF THE IUJIIDIITICNS AllD ING/IPLETE EJILDIIGS LrcAf,BD CN I}IE PNOPEftIY XNCI{N A,S @AR FOI}{T IOINIrI\4ES I0: Justus ConPanY, Inc. Iakerjood Taccna Industria"l Park WL6 47th Avenue, S.W' Building 12 Taccm, WA 9YW KINDLY TAIG NOIICT that the Tovyn of Vail Building Official in accordance $/ith the Uniforrn Building Code, 1976 Edition, as adopted by the Tcrmr of Vail and the Uniform Oode for the Abatsrent of Dangerous Buildings, 1976 Edition, has lnspected the follolring described site: ' Iot 4, Heather of Vail conncnly kncnrn as 5185 Black C'ore Dnive. Upon inspection 1t was found that the conditloas of the foundations and partially ccxrpleted buildings on the site render the site dangerous turder section 302 of the uniform oode for the Abatsnent of Dangerous Buildings, . 1976 Edition, as folloqs: (1) lhere is luriber, both attactred and loose on the site, with nails pnotruding frrcrn it. (2) ltre floor asserrbly renaining is dilapidated and would be dangerous to anyone walking on it, and it provides a breeding and hiding area for pests, varmits, and vermin. (3)llrerearerrrrprotectedopeningsandholesinthefloors. (4) There is steel re-bar protruding from the unflnished foundation na1ls. (b) Ttre unfinished foundatlon walls are unprotected, and people in the area could fa11 into rurprrrtected areas. (6) The site is littered with trash, debris, and construction materials whictr provide breeding and hiding areas for pests, vannits, and vermin. (Z) The site in its open and unprotected state is an attractive nuisance for children (g) The litter-ed and r:nfinished site is a health and safety hazard for the residents and visitol's of the Torvn of Vail . 'pp1 NOTICA AND OruER IOR DI.f,UOLITICN 'Ihe Tor,r'n of Vail Building Official has determined that the stmcture is unsafe and shall not be oclnied or othenrise usd in its present condition. You and each of you are hereby ordered to obtain the necessary and proper dennlition permits fron the Town of Vail on or before ltay 31, 1979, and the foundations and structr.res rsnoved wlthin a reasonable tirne. If the required denrolition is not <pnrenced as herein requlred, the Building Official will.order the foundations and structures posted, and he nay cause the vork to be done and charge the costs thereof against the ovners of the property. Any person having any record title or 1ega1 interest in the structlrre may appeal this Notice and Order to tlie Board of Appeals, provided the Appeal is nrade in writing as provided by the Uniforrn C.ode for the Abaterent of Dangerous Buildings, 1976 Edition, and filect with the Buildj-ng Official within thirty (30) daSrs o1 the clate of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will oonstitute a waiver of all rights to an adrrinistrative hearing and deterrnination of the rurtter. Dated: l4utrn- 2,rC19 CTiTIFICAIE OF l'lAILIliG State of Oolorado ))ss County of Eagle ) t f nI,14441)!!)t',:4 hereby certify that I am over the'age of 18 years and an not affi, and that I have caused to be servedty rnaillng, cer-tif ied postage prepaid , return recelpt requestecl, on V )': t:llL 3 , / c/ 7 ',t , a Noti.ce and Order for Denrcl it i.on of the foundations ancl s i,ructules located at of rvhich appears on the foregoing. Said mailingl/ti. o '/t r, / , * r ir,r L'i ( (-.r- ., ; L" r(. {,_!J-L i!J''on or about , at or about L dc Subscribed and sworn to before nrc this /,/( a- day of /-i( ,L_ f,riy Ct:iinrlsslon e;{Filcs Sept' 1' 1l}"i1 |YLL'+ A Jo.-^r 'a F L''"^f L" Lr C".IIVSPECTICIN JO8 NAI\,1E PM CALLE R E orHen E pnnrtar.LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION FIEEUESiT VAILTOWN O BUILDING\.,/^ FoOnNG Y rounonrronr FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL LOGATION:Aht-*utl'- COVER REO. RATII'IG- SHEETROCK VENEEB-_ ROOF FARNA! LOCATION' PLUMBING ROUGH . STANDPIPE'wDcsFINAL PA,RTIAL .. . LOCATION: ,,TPARTIAL 'r : LOCATION: MON COMM E N TS: WED THUR JEaTSAPP BovED AM PM l-l nrtNSPEcrAPPROVED I uporu rHe FO L LOWIN G CORR ECTIONS: CORRECTIONS r D l.vl @ t/et M EA, M,w SPECTOR D .. I e/ tqzf aila"e!"l ift- 't'^fio fl o,-,- l>pz--*;fut We<uL#d^ ru"S"M^;l&,t^ffup/tL"tfu ,be"f*l---/.tnda-*t.,^-_ rusA.( e'a,* ,DD Bb-lazqu. Uer, tQza<d h/-."7W/fuy4*cd, , V--,r-" Ccl^.,.-&. 4 /-4!rffi"arL aza.fu^."."Uufta*-carz K^fu/e D;4'//-*V 'BUILDI a NG PERMIT APPL D/zsoG/ t Ailt rt\lYrrat-rttI -v3 :rreCfiftrJurisdiction o Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I Flerctt e /R,. S \visio,n t'lil.j !]sEE ^ r'r^c x Eo sH I4i, \,F. LECALI DE5C t.b-- -nft ii Il ry.597l fl<t rn Vnir Co Ltt AiCHtTEC'I OR DESI6NER L rc Er{sE No, LlcEtiSE NO. rrv<r 8O USE OF BUILDING LL/ Uru i13 \,r8 C|asso{worK: MNTW tr ADDITION N ALTEBATION ! REPAIR tr MOVE fl REMOVEfl 9 Describework: C.,-rsTfrucT-trr,t, .{ SRin Arulls l0 Change of use from Change o{ use to PLAN cHEcK '# leq . aslt vatuarionotwork:$ t [3/. OOCf ,c:C, SpECf AL CONDfTTONS: ft,p epEE(nC (Torar) Sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnklers Rogulred El\|.esaPPLlCATlOrt aCCEPTEO No. ot LlDwelling Unlts I NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBED FOB ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR COND'TIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORKOR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APEFIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Sgoclty) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION OPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMII PERMIT VALIDATION Q**C ."r'r-;A*A-a"- u B < /4'2", el €-2"-t' r s fs|' " i't' /' L ",aft(1 D IL INSPECTOB tNT€RNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS. MrL! ioao. wxtrttER, c^!''. to.o'Form lOO.l 9-69 a' Pebruary 23, L976 I'tr. UaDnta Elsbsr*.. :. llourtain Gsrsral Coltrac*or'86f Val-l, Colorado A!557 RE: Pe!:Bit S0773068 Iot 4 Btock 3I€ather of Vall Sub. The revlew of our records on thls bultdtrg permlt Lg ae follda; 1. Applicatlon Rocelrred JEIy.2O, 1973. 2. Permtt Isaued July 3O. 1973, eopy encloeed. 3, Fourdatl.on s5rraad fodtng rlth 2 *5 bara all footl.ng OK on Segteuber l-3, 1973. 4. Sten sall rebar steel t.u place arrd pour OK, Seltenrber 30, I9?3. 5. bundat:lon ard ctea ElL Ftar seal arrd bactcf,ill october 3, 19?3, OK. . 5. Fourdat, on rreather caped wl.th floor on October 10, ]973. 7. Charge ln job augnwlslon frm John VanDeIGnp to BllI Eudaon, I/Ety 22, :lg7,!974. Butldtrg anit Eoustr4' Codea IDaIEctor Jrq/tc Enclosure ccs lilrs. Dlare ThuhLllClty of Vatl BuildLrg DepartoentP.o. Box 1O0Vail, Colorado 81657 Change l-n Gerrs:al coDtractors schedule tpstpredl t4ide f tnt-te fy the cmpl.etlon l)an"\- "'/ -'/').t- 4,toVt MW-{l,IX. lutl/' _.--,-I\ ^ C\-\c) Lo.v1 ,n* VcJ'Ja C,O7UVe.^SATto"J u\-)\T\ lt n^,J His A)e^rt {'esfo,-JSlci.',ties. l'le ts rvouJ TA< o""q' \,.u sloulo J'r RecJ Yo!{ tves Tto-s To ,q*r\ TAq o'-'( fAnt i"r(LL t3e ttesfoar.,o." fo,^ CeJa. Po'L^rr-, T -i.a sT;1. l3e o^'.Tke 1oa i{ f..or^e/",s Afrs< Foon^TL',J DA\{ od gireglt/our^ \r"5]rd,r5 T.' $,'.. b\rJso",., -tL-T{t n^"'n \/ I L +\ \U"A as- K&^^f 6t) NSTICTI AND OIIDIR IOB DE\PLITIO\ IN T}IE [lATftrt OT TIIE ren#tr+ets=++o L\@IIPI'ETE \ P:-Y' "tiriioilcs ttr/\TED ct'{ l}lr PFoPErttY roornl ns cmAR POINT T0i\i{I{o\fiis TO: Justus Con{la:ry, Inc' Iakqi'ood T;corna Indu-strial Park 92l6 47th Avenue' S'W' Building 12 Taconr.r, WA 93/99 KINDLYTAKENotlCEthattheTownofVailBuildingotficialinaccordancewith the uniform Building oode, 1926 Edition, as aclopted by the To$n of vail and theuniformcodefortheAbatsrentofDangerousBuildings,lg76klition'bas lnspected the following described site: . Irt 4, Heather of Vail connnnly knovin as 5185 Black Gore Drive' I}poninspectionitrva-sfourrdthattheconditioasoftheforrndationsand partiallycorrpletedbuildingsonthesiterenderthesitedangerousrrnder Section3o2oftheUniformCodefortheAbatemerrtofDangerotrsBuildings, . I ^rr.o ^1 |Ja lg?6 Edltion, as fo11ows, .,^, -^rJ -\.J -ft--a6,-iil;r5s (1) There is lumber' botlr attached and lose ortfussite' with nails protruding frarn it. , .. *- L JI; -r. (2)Ttrefloorasserrtrrlyrgnainfngjsdi.lapidjtedandwouldbedangerous toanyonewalkingonit,anditpr.ovidesabreedingandhidirrgareaforpests' varrnits, and vermin ' | .r,- (3) There are unprotected openings and holes in the floorsl "f 1'.* lt"J&\sj' (4) Ttrer.e is steel re-bar protrud'ing f, t&nfiished fourdation wa1ls' ect"ti, *d PeoPle in tbe area(5) Tlre unfinished foundation rvallsiare unprotr could fatt into unprotccted,T.-ii'*... ,] t*^ sr-*-o-rJj^,1 * ^.,. (6) 'TJSA!} tfrJ.itiuth trash, debri-s, ancl construction nr'aterials rvhicrr provide breedi'B i:i..tHiS:T i[U:"4p$i-f iru ",(7)Thesi*e'ila-itsopttt"t"lunprotectedstatebanattractivenuisance for children. l .r r- .t +-- t .- .-*.,.*-r l*r.. 1 e !'f . cr-< (8) The litter.ed and unfinists6'A;;+ i health and safety hazard for the residents ancl visitors of the To"r'n of Vail' I AND OI]DER IOR DI*IOLI'T'IOI,I -n-{-i..*unsafe and shall not be occupid or otherwise used in i*s- present condition. You and each of you are hereby ordered to obtain the necessaFy and proper5ft6ft5r! o, , d*tl?lili:" permits fron the Toun of Vail on or before-Cpfl, :1gzg, and the ).r..y1{$rywcvs b',*tL\ t- *eJ,*{;p, Q Oc*,1-'tl- ,rfowdations and structules rqnovcd within a reasonabre tjrE. If the required denolition is not correnced as herein,required, the Buildingloc6,.-tLI.. J^^.g*o.^t LJg.'.,rt, r^r.,|l1,1 ,JL-' - Official will.order the4tounclations-and structures'posted, and he nay cause the v,ork to be done and charge the costs thereof against the ouners of the properry. Any person having ary record title or 1ega1 interest in the S!fu ,nuv appeal this Notice and Order to tlre Board of Appeals, provided the Appeal is nBde in writing as provided by the Uniforrn Code for the Abatenrent of Dangerous Buildings, 19?6 Edition, aad fileci with the Building Official within thirty (3O) dal's of the clate of this Notice and Ord.er. f'ailure to appeal will constitute a u'a.iver of all rights to aa a<lrnlnistrative hearing ancl deterrnination of the ;.,...,*r(J" t -/Jvrs q*t 'Ihe 1'own of vail Building official has clcte'nined that the de**"+* ) Dated: [l\r.,-n- L-----u- r\ ilt ^n o ^',' . i,t,tcr \( _ (LLi.5 matter. CEIITIFICATE OF I\{AILI}C State of Colorado ))ss C.ounty of Eagle ) on or about ' / ) ;,ttl .7 . /7V, Subscrjbed and srvorn to before nc this , Z_ day of __ _1, l/,:4!44+i:g.--hereby certify that I am over the'age of 18 years andam not a pa^rty to this action, and that f have caused to be served by nai1inE. cer-ti-fied postfg! prepaid,_return receipt r()quested, on V/:n4_,2, /y'iqaNoticeandor.derforDenp1itionofthefoundationsarras:tfficateFat- oedar Point rorwrhonps,,.4 copy- of..rvhich appears on the foregoing. said nailing ::I_pll::- at 2,t1 ,J t'l&qz/ _;i &; ' ' :-Jdd:zil i i , I"" *--- " , af, or atrout /// t'/,!f /l .\1. -(fu'atNCI'ARY IIIJ]}I,IC t'Jy Ccni';lslioii c:ii'ir35 S:pt' 1, 1!51 BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL APPEAL OF NOTICE AND ORDER FOR DEMOLITION BY RICHARD H. HART AS ATTORNEY FOR JUSTUS COMPANY, INC. Justus Company, Inc. ("Justus"), is owner of Tract C Cedar Point Townhouses Filing No. 1, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eagle and State of Colorado, which is entirely within Lot 4, Heather of Vail Subdivision' County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Justus has received a copy of a document captioned Notice and Ord.er for Dernolition dated September L3, L979' apparently relating to such property owned by Justus. Richard H. Hart, a licensed Colorado attorney' has been retained by Justus to represent its interests herein and to file the within appeal . Justus, by and through such attorn€Yr contends that such Order should be set aside for the following reasons: 1. Such Order is purportedly issued under the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1976 Edition, which, upon information and belief, has not validly been adopted by the Town of Vail . 2. Such Order violates the due process provisions of Article XIV of the United States Constitution and of Section 25 of Articte II of the Colorado Constitution, the right to property of Article II, Section 2 of the Colorado Constitution' represents a taking in violation of either Section 14 or Section 15 or Article II of the Colorado Constitution, reflects an attempted enforcement of a law which if so enforced renders the law invalid under Section 1l .of Article II of the Colorado Constitution' exceeds the jurisdiction of the Town of Vail pursuant to the pro- visions of the Colorado Constitution and the Colorado Revised Statutes of 1973, and represents a condemnation of property without compliance with the provisions of Revised Statutes S38-l-101, et seq. as amended. \ 3. The demand for demolition as opposed to some other rernedy is arbitrary and capriciously extreme in view of the facts in this case. 4. The Town of Vail Building Official is acting beyond any valid power he may have in connection with such Order. 5. No jurisdictj-on over Justus has been acquired to validate the purported acts of the Building Official . 6. The findings of the Building Official as recited in the Notice and Order do not allege a "dangerous building" as defined in Section 302 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Build.ings, 1976 Edition. 7. The findings of the Building Official are so broad and so unrelated to the definition of a "dangerous building" as Provided in such Code that Justus is unable, from the Notice and Order, to determine the particular features of the property which the Building Official has determined require abatement. 8. The Notice and Order is unreasonably and unenforceably vague in that violations are alleged by a "site" and the requested relief is demolition of "foundations and structures", none of which are defined i.n the cited Code or the Notice and Order. 9. Among the findings of the Notice and Order is the allegation that 'rThe incomplete buildings and the surrounding site in their open and unprotected state are an attractive nuisance for children. " Justus is unable to determine from the code what constitutes an I'attractive nuisance for children. " 10. Justus denies that the findings of the Building Official comport with the facts. JUSTUS COMPANY, INC. * Address of Appellant: Justus Company, Inc.c/o Richard H. HartP. O. Box 1788Vail, Colorado 81657 -2- STATE OF COLORADO County of Eagle ss. The foregoing was subscribed and sworn,to, under penaltyof perjury, before me thi-s lad* day of W_, L979,by Richard H. Hart on behalf of Justus Company, Inc. Witness my hand and official seal . ,..1An expires , lll'A,q I ngz - -3- PTJBI,IC NOTICE TWIICE IS HffiBY GI\EbI that the Board of Appeals of the Town of Vai1, will hold a Public Iiearing on the 4th day of Decenber, t979, 10:00 a.m., in the ltrniclpal Erilding, Vai1, Oolorado for an appeal to change the determination by the Erilding Official that property located at'fua.ct C, Cedax Foint Townhouses' filing no. 1, County of Eagle Colorado which is entirely within lot 4, Heather of Vail Subdivision, Oounty of Eagle Oolorzdo, is unsafe and nnrst be dsrplished in accordance with 1976 Uniforrn Code for the Abatenent of Danger.otrs Buildings which was adopted by the Tcnun of Vail. TOI$I CF'VAIL D@AmMmlI CF GMMWITY DE\IH-CH/IH\II Steve Patterson Building Official Rrblished in the Vail Trail on Novenber 23 and Novenber 30,4979. IIIBLIC NCITICE NOTICE IS HBEBY GfVB{ that the Board of Appeals of the Torn of Vail, rvi11 hold a Public Ilearing on the 3Oth day of October, 1979, 10:00 a.m., in the [{unicipal Building, Vail, Colorado for an appeal to change the deterrnination by the Building Official that property located at Tract C, Cedar troint Tovnhouses, filing no. 1, County of Eagle Colorado rvhich is entirely rvithin lot 4, Heather of Vail Subdivision, County of Fagle Colorado, is unsafe and mrst be denplistred in accordance with 1976 Uniform Code for the Abaternent of Darigerous Buildings *hieh was adopted by the Town of Vail. IIII'N OF VAIL DPAEIIIH\IT OF CGII{UNITY DEVEIOPMF}II Steve Patterson Building Official Published in the Vail Trail on October 1:9. 7979. lqBl4c I_o_ryq }'IOTICE IS IIIIREEY GfVBI that the Board of Appeal_s of tbe Toun of Vail, will hold a Public Hearing on the 14th day of Septor!:er, 1979, 10:00 a.m., in the llunlci.pal Building, VaiI, Oolo:-ar1o.7to consider the continuat j on of varj ance request by hrtterwick F,nterlrrises Ltd.laplrroval of loft area- corrpliance l' t. --' (for additional baths. In arldition, an appeal to chalge the detennjnation by the Building Official tllat property located at Tl'act C, Cedar Point Tounhouses, filing no. 1, C-ormty of Eagle Colo:'ado rvhich is entirely within lot 4, Ileather of Vail Sub- division, County of Eagle Cololado, is rinsafe and nmst be dennlished in accnrdance with 1976 Unifoun Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings uhich rvas adopted by the Torvn of VaiI. T0rfl,{ OF VAIL D}PAHIJTIFtrIT OF CO,!'IL]NITY DHMI'FI\{HVI // '';':" -1/ifr_ ftar;--'-__ Steve Patterson Building Officjal Pulrlished in the Vail Ttail Septenber 7. L979 Rrcn-a,no H. H.rnr ATTORN EY AT LAW r, 0, lo,( l79e var !,coLoFAoo alagt \,AIL AFCAOE EE5 WAL|. BIFEST ao! +7G-4644 September 7, 1979 Mr. Larry T. LynottJustus Company fnc.P. O. Box 98300 Tacoma, Washington 98499 Dear Larry: Pursuant to telephone conference with Larry Riderr Town Attorney for the Town of Vail, yesterday, I understand that the hearing on our appeal- previously set for September 11 , L979, has been can- cefled, the fown acknowledges that the date was not set ltithin the tfune frame reguired. by the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. Mr. Rider indicated that Proceedings will again be initiated to require: demolition of the improvements in question. Sincerely, h| ),Vl/,^-/\ Richard H. Hart RHH/jh cc: GIen N. RacichPeter CosgriffLarry RiderJFrank W. Van De Waterr M.D. BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEAI-,S OF THE TOWN OF VAIL APPEAI OF NOTICE AND ORDER FOR DEMOLITTON BY RICHARD H. HART AS ATTORNEY FOR .]USTUS COMPANY, INC. Justus Company, Inc. ("Justus"), is orrrner of Tract C Cedar Point Townhouses Filing No. 1, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eagle and State of Colorado, which is entirely within Lot 4, Heather of VaiI Subdivision, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Justus has received a copy of a document captioned Notice and Order for Demolition dated May 2, Lg7g, apparently relating to such property owned by Justus. Richard H. Hart, a licensed Colorado attorney, has been reLained by Justus to represent its interests herein and to file the within appeal . ilustus, by and through such attorney, contends that such Order should be set aside for the following reasons: 1. Such Order is purportedly issued under the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings which, upon in- formation and belief, has not validly been adopted by the Town of Vail. 2. Such Order violates the due process provisions of Article XIV of the United States Constitution and of Section 25 of Article II of the Colorado Constitution, the right to property of Article II, Section 2 of the Colorado Constitution, represents a taking in violation of either Section 14 or Section 15 or Article fI of the Colorado Constitution, reflects an attempted enforcement of a law which if so enforced renders the law invalid under Section 11 of Article II of the Colorado Constitution, exceeds the jurisdiction of the Town of Vail pursuant to the provisions of the Colorado Constitution and the Colorado Revised Statutes of 1973, and represents a condemnation of property without compliance with the provisions of Revised Statutes S38-1-10I, et seq. as amended. 3. The demand for demolition is arbitrarily and cap- riciously extreme in view of the facts of this case. 4. The Town of Vail Building Official is acting beyond his jurisdiction in connection with such Order. 5. No jurisdiction over Justus has been acquired to validate the purported acts of the Building Official . 6. The findings of the Building Official do not allege a "dangerous building" as defined in the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1976 Edition. 7. The Notice and Order is unreasonablly and unenforceably vague in that violations are alleged by a "site" and the re- quested relief is demolition of "foundations and structures", none of which are defined in the cited code or the Notice and Order Address of Appellant Justus Company, Inc.E Richard H. HartP.O. Box l-788Vai1, Colorado 81657 JU BY STATE OF COLORADO County of Eagle The foregoi.ng was subscaibedpurjury, before me this 31!aay ofand sworn to,under penalty of ' 1979 by RichardH. Hart on behalf of Justus Company, In Witness rny hand and official seal . My commission expires -zh-/ze . ttorney box 1(X) vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development August 28, L979 Jr:stus Ccrnparry, Inc. Lakewmd Tacona Industrial Park 9276 47th Ave., S.lY., Bldg. 12 Taccrm, I{ashington 934W Centlernen: Ttris is to notify you that Tuesday, Septarber LL, 1979, 1O:C0 a.m-,is the tjne that has been set for the Board of Appeals session regarding the Justus Conpany, Inc. Sincerely yours, n ^ /,Jrt*, ruu{4-.-- steve Patterson Gl7) Building Official S:df cc: Richard llart 'l '1 luwn n box roo r vail, color'ado 8165? o 303.476'5613 August 2t, 1979 BuiJ-ding Departnmt Tovrn of Vail Dear Sirs: On August 20, 19?9, the Vail Fire Department inspected a property known as Lot 11 , Heather of Vail, at ,185 Black Gore Drive. This inspection was done at the request of the Chief Building Official, Steve Patterson. the followi-ng violatlons were found to exist: 1) Accunulations of wastepaper, hay, giass, straw, weeds, litter, or combustable or flanmable waste, rvaste petro- leun products, or rubbish of any kind shall not be permitted to rernain upon ary roof or in any courtt yardr vacant lot or open Bpace. A11 weedsr Srasst vines, or other growth, when sane endangers propertyt or is liabIe to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property' UFC 27.201 2) Persons having charge over or control of any etructure, pier, wharf, or other building shall not allow the deposit of combustable materials beneath the structure or pernit any accunuLation of combustable debrls or rubbish to remain on land beneath such. IJTC 2?.206 I .J box 1oo r vail, cololado 81657 o 303'476'5613 Page 2 t) Upon vacating or abandoning any prenisesr the occupant thereof shall remove any and all noxious and hazardous material or waste naterial which has been depositedt allowed to corne to rest, or pernitted to accumulate thereon, and such prernises shall be left in a clean and neat nanner. lJtC 27.411 4) Every person owning or in charge or control of any vacant building or structure shall remove therefrom all accunulations of flammable Or COnbustable waste or rubbish and sha1l securely 1ock, barricade or otherwise secure all doors, windovts, and other openings thereof . lJFc 27 '414 It is the recomnendation of the vail Fire Department that this p1ace, at 5185 B1ack Gore Drive, Lot {, be alleviated of all hazards as the present conditi-on presents a life- safety and fire problnn to the existing structures in the surroundind area and a potential for serious injury to persons in the vicinitY. RespectfullYt +4 Capt. Michael McGee Fire Protection Officer IN 'I'I]lt D.II]TRTCT COI]R'I IN AND l..OH THE COI]NTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLOFADO civit Actlon No. 79cv265 Justus Company, Inc. a hlashinqton Corporation, \IC Town of Vail, corporation; t Pl aintiff ir.inrl and Cedar Poin MJI N (; T E O R,D E R Townhous e As soc i at ig"y"nd an t {XIXXXDRPPRQIXThe Court enters the f Order: Town"of Vail,attorneys,agents and employees are he from demol-ishinq or other wise damaginq thg lrnpgc Drive, Town of Vai1, County of Eagle until furtheq hearinq i case, which by aqreement of co provided in the rules, and is hereby set for Hearing oh JanLla 1980 at 2 : 30 P. M. \ q-fr I)a1,ed 1;fri. s 17th.day of December,, LgJg_. BY DEPUTY CLER? ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS lr|76 EDITII nc$ cerlifr b('cn dem( building ts FePair, V Sr.c. lO tr followt Jxal is tz dlngcrou: L AnY shall eithr rhall bc d' 2. lf tt rnr'diatelY its occuPi Notice tt Scc' 4( rcrved as building' (b) C( hrlfincudg.l tln ccnl cntcr an made lo ron shal quired t tificatc Buildinl misdem 401.402 action of the Building Official to the Board of Appeals' provided the ap oeal is made in writing u'i'*iJtJin thil^93P1:-i.lj filed with th' 'Buildine Official within rO a'avs from.rtr:.d"t" :l :"j::: of such noti" and order; and (iif that faiturel'o appeal will constitute a waiver of all righr il"";;;i;;;iive hearing and diiermination of the matter" --ffi;;;;;;oiiotitt "nJo'd"' rhe notice and o-rl-'j'.""0 anv amen\r \ I ed or supplemental notttt inO-o'Otr' shall be served upon'lhe recot'l I I or"n.r, una po*cd'ornrrdfrrd und on" topy thereof shall be serr r'l I I on each of rhe foltowing i'i i;;*; io the Building Official or disclosr't I I f.o. official public '"to'o''l't'i ttotaer of anv t:ltgi9:. - deed of trrt.'' I I or other lien or encumbran.a oii.ao'ai tntowner or.holder of any lease 'r1 | I record; and the holder "r ""v""trtti tSi"te or leBal iirtere'st of record in 'r' I I l;;i;';;lid;;;;; 'il' runi'- *r'l'r' it is rocated' rhe rairure or trr' I I suitdins official to serve "i't o'Jt*" t"o"i;o lttt::::i: served shall n"r I I invalidare any proceeorngs ii!r'.rnOo "rio."ny other person.dull leryed.;" I I relieve any such person f.";;;;'d",y;t obliiation imposed on him bv tl" I I prouisions of this Section' -.:-^ ^^.r ^,.1. I I tol Method of 5"rviis' $grvice of the notice,ano:1.*t:.l"t bt-T-|": I I upon all persons entitleo ierero either personally-or !v mailing a cop) r'l I I such notice and order by **XlJ-dL po.st a ge prepaid' return receipt I' I| ;;.:i;:'i; ;f:::'-t','#;:*l*:;'u';#i1T',;J;li.li; II 3i;1ff:,ii,'iTT.11i.'3il; 'u't' p"'6n'" uP?:l::or is known to rr" I I guitding official, rhen a c-o; ol-ini noti"t -"na :td:t,':h"ll be so mailc'l I | 'addressed ,o .u"h pt"on'X"it "aait" "l tn: -ol]:1::t involved in tt" I I oroceedings' The failure oilny 'uth pt"on to receive-such nolice shall n'r I | "ff..t the validity of "ny p'-#Jngs taken lnder lhis-section' Service l'' I I cerrified mail in rhe t""JJ;;;il;;ouiata ttt"tt be effective on the d"'' I t ol marrrng. rsr 'tr!"r "'"' -'- . ---tff"t*t ol service' Proof of service of the notice and order shall t- certified to at rttt titt ot 'J'-"itl'Uy a *ritten declaration under penaltl "1 perjury executed by rhe p;;so;;eiiecring seruice' declaring the time' dar'' and manner in \'-hich ttt;;;;;;;' ihe-declarat ion' together wilh a" receipt card rcturned '"-";k";;-l"d;;:"t 9f t:::l?:^b;ucertified mail sh.'l be affixed to the copy o' iftl notitt-"na order retained by lhe Building ("' ficial. Recordalion of Notice and Order Sec' 402. If compliance is not had with rhi-,order within the tinc soecified therein, and no uipt"f has been prgner]v and timelv filed' trc Iiuilding Official shall nft'ii-tttt offitt oi. rttt'Countv Recorder a '-s' tificate describing tnt pio'pt'tv"uni'ltitirvine (il !Y: tht building i: r dangerous building ancl Aiit-ttti tftt "*"tr has been so notified Whene''r the correcrions oroerei"liaii' iit"tt"rt"t .h"ut b":l- completed or :tc building demolished * irt"iii no i""eer exists as'a"dangerous building 'rr the properlv described t"iit t"ttiiii-"it' the Building official shall fik r ( I { 1 Ia 14 BEFOR.E THE BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TO$IN OF VAIL MOTION FOR VACATION OF HEARING BY RICHARD H. HART AS ATTORNEY FOR iIUSTUS COMPANY, INC. COMES NOW, Justus Company Inc., by and through its attorney, Richard H. Hart, and hereby moves this Board for a vacation of the hearing date heretofore schedul.ed for Tuesday, November 13, L979, and as grounds therefore states and shows to the Board that Applicantrs counsel is presently in Puerto Val.l.arte' Mexico, and is unabLe by reason of an airline strike to procure transportation back to the United States and the Town of Vail in time to attend the subject hearing, and therefore respectfully reguests that the hearing date be vacated and rescheduled at a time of mutual convenience to the Board and Applicantrs counsel-. Respectfully submitted, RICHARD II. HART Secrelary INSPECTIctN TOWN OF Ft EGIUEST VAIL t t a r i DATE TIME JOB NAME AM PM CALLER ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY ROUGH FINAL . PARTIAL LOCATION: VENTILATION HEATTNG HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE$lDcsFINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER REO. RATING.- SIlEETROCK VENEER-- ROOF PARTIAL LOCATION' BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: I pnnrtnr-.LOCATIONI orHen AM PM THUR MON COMMENTS: APPROVED ! upos rHe FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: EptsAPPRovED ! REt NsPEcr t'Jgt c/"CORRECTIONS r lhA Ne >-[aEv i/-t/te ------SPECTOR INSPECTI(fN TOWN FIECII U EST VAIL/oorr5/3) ,o, *o* K nnne nec6veo-l@- AM PM cALLER OFa BUILDING_ I roortruc Xrouruonrtorrt FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION:+Bilh,JB?, COVER REO. RATING- SHEETBOCK VENEER - ROOF PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE WDFINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENTILATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY ROUGH FINAL ,.-. PARTIAL LOCATION: D orsEn fl pnnrtnl. LocArtoN READY FOR INSPECTION fl nppRovED D uporu rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: X"'sAPP Rov E D ! nerNSPEcr COMMENTS: (o/eYa.AICORRECTIONS : 'ot)l o ) *lr+*L-Cfi b I );\TE tt/w,,JsW{rt"'P{,?4'efugee4/oae INSPE/lntc/A',h€"l. SExDZlr Cor!?Lt br l, 2, Ada yq .d&!.r b ib. 'REfulN trO" ?s atwatS L Tte follovLrg cwho lr rc$slrod (cb6ct w) .B Slrow ro gUo and drtc delhercd.............---! El st o* to whan, drtc rni rddn$ of d.erry...1€ta : .N RESTEICTED DEIjVTRY'r Shoy to xhor rnd Cata &liwrcd'...........-a' [] REsrRrcrED DEITvERY. Sho* to rrhors, &te, r.td rddno of &lhlcry.t- (coNsrrlT F0cTUASTER FOR FEES)'***ffi.ii./.' ?^Y,=>JW*W*-.-:, I hrvo recatved rhe rrtlclt d€lslibcd $otc. G AX)BEIS (co6ta.i'dt rar-l t UfaAAL€ tg DBLnt€B 3€cAust. P03 7657019 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOED- NOT F()B INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Feverse) 8 oLr. "ilJ,h^'rl H tl*"'t""5i3? d +llPO STJTE AND.ZIP CODE /, r SPEC AL DELIVERY nEsrnrcrEobEr Venv E I srlDw-lWNtf,!ANI!: I 0qf! 0Er v!Ptt ix I sHow r0wN0f,i DArt; I ANIJ A0DRESS CFg I D VFRY ; I sHow l0wri0M ANOOalE.C I OEL VERIO II TH RESTRIIiT = | t)tt vFsY i I slow iownili onn lr,rr.r -' I loosrss or ler vrrr wt-g = a s t/6,f O', C ,46' TOIAL POSTAGE AND FEES POSTTIARK OF OATE ?- r=-zg ldd y6rdd$rh th 'nETUtlt IOP r-. olurcf|a l. Tho fdlwklg rcnlco b rcqurstod (cbcct qr) f,l Sho to whon ad dsrc ddt!u.{L........... .lfsmr to*cn, drto rnd.ddru.ddrl].t LJ RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Shof, to whdl rnd dstr dcliwrld.E nrsrnrcrsDpEuyEnv. Show to vhortr, drt , rad rd&crr of ihltrary.3_ (coNsulr FosrilAsTER FO8, FEDS) {tuw* ' aaTELEDESn|?flO: -ttrEt:D rc. I cEiTtFtED n log'lo,lott Itrve rrcctvcd tho rrddc &rcrtb.d rbdc. nn^ -i 'r-t:'\1 pfUJ ! : ), , -, RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL N() INSURANCE C()VERAGE PBOVI{)E()- }./OT FOR INTERNATIONA! MAIL (See Reverse) o\ A6 E .*{.-,{f#. Co ,Xnc, 1*',1^,r^!P^"4{: f w'tgtq l 7ic-o"^o .liash. %+4q POSTAGE I .r"r,r,ro rr. 6l IE | | SPECTAL OELTVERY - I I RESTFICTED DELIVERY rc I 11? I - | SNOWro'dH0tvANDF l5 | 1? | oArt DELTVERID?t>t=[ ; ls lIl ii8xd8,Yi8$,*"E l= lft lg''*"5 I E I ii I SNOW TC WHOM ANO DAIt z I E | : I DELVtFtow IH RtsTRrcTEo ot l=tOI IFJ SHOWTOWHOM DAIEANDI lEl ADDFISS0F DtLl!,tRY w Tr | | | BESTRTCTED DEr VEFY - //o 801 0 j t'fr c TOTAL POSTAGE ANO FEES '/ 1b 7 ts-t7 ttt :-a al EI sl EI f,l Fl 2ltltl|nlol zo g Bt H'?f*i'.ttr*tt,'tt ro" r?ecc or 1. Thc folhriry rcrvicc b ldiuc.t d (chccl one)', E thov to wbotn rnd drte dcliwrcd-------'."' 15, E Sb",, to whoN!, drrc, e rddno of delircry-' 351 TI RESTRICTED DELIVERY. - sl* to wbon and duc delivtrcd.-.--.-----. 65f T-I RBSTRICTED DELIVERY." Sho. to who6' drtc, ud rddrcrs of delivery 651 1" 1P5a'ua'Su' REOrstttED i|o. I cERTlnEqJLS. I lxsuREO t O' I hrv: rcceivtd tht .nidc dcsibcd ebovc. :Et{ rtnE./- D {t*escc ,! Authorized ereat { ,a-iA\[.:'::']\:'.IL), l r',. c/ t'c. /) '' . . . -<. i../ 5. ADOitt3 (C.,ira.ar cr|'.r, a ui^ltE To oEuwn No.769010 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL tIO ITISUNAilCE COVERAGE PROVIDEt|_ il0T F0R tNTERilATt0ll . flfl_ F (See Reverse) serur rf,!g;o;fi-{6 ( nu,rwnl."E[-Wwsw-wiu*ifi'f -:frrytr':*htalrr;fut#4'' POSTAGE at ect 4 - ct4 -o CEFTIFIED FEE c !:e -o Fo-ct SPEC AL DEL VERY c RESTR]CTEO DELIVERY lrl SHOII TC IIHOM AIID DATI DtLtviRtO ( .Jlrle-e-F e srl0w l0 wNofi. DAMI{D ADORESS OF DTLIVTRY stlow r0 wHoM ANo 0Arr Dt[vtRtD llrlH RtsTRrCttD DTLIVTRY SHOW IO IVNOM, DATI AIID ADOflESS OI DILIVTRY WITH RTSIRICTID DTLIVERY TOTAL POSTAGE ANO FEES $w POSTTARX OR OATE lla/>LIIK FRANK W. VAN DE WATER I EA HIOH 3TREET. DINVER. COLORADO 3O2t A l{r. Jara hrbia Zaslng Adnlnftrstor fonn of, VallVall, Colorado 81657 Dear !{r. Rrbln: llr. Btcbard Eart, attoruy ruprcrentlng Justuslrotbsrr l,a Vall, Colorado, ho. called ng ln refarere to Cedar Polnl lqrnbouse Aoeoctetlon area, Black Gore Drlve, Vat1, Col,orado. ldr. [Brt tolC e tbe lonn of Vatl haa tsgued to Jultut Bmtherr, ormgr of Ttact C, a neuval order for an extetl,ng foundstlon oa fracc C of thl"r assoclatton a!es. lfe souli! appr€cLate a coUI of tbat rwnel order 1f, poeetblc. 19:lscs: llr. Boyd Sobblns Slncercly, 7tt tf, t1''J vau_ M Mohl_ Frgnk If. Van De lfater, Prcsldent Cedar Polat tomboure Asgoclstlon I )At ,f | . .r II ;'\, tlt I 't AJ 7e BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEAIS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL APPEAL OF NOTICE AI{D ORDER FOR DEIi{OLITION BY JUSTUS coMPAlIY, INC. Justus Company, Inc. 1"JUSTUS"), is owner of Tract Ced.ar Point Townhouses Filing No. 1, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eagle and State of Colorado, which is entirely within Lot 4, Heather of Vail Subdivision, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Justus has received a copy of a document captioned Notice and Order for Demolition dated September 22, 1978 apparently relating to such property owned by Justus. .Tustus contends that such Order should be set aside for the following reasons: t. Such Order is purportedly issued under the Uniform Code for the Alaternent of Dangerous Buildings which has not been ddopted by the Town of Vail. 2. suttr Orger is purportedly issued under the "L978 Building Code"; Justus cannot determine to what this reference is addressed. t? it refers to the 1978 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, such Code has not been adopted by the Town of Vail . t3. _ Such Order violates the due process provisions of Article XIV of the United States Constitution and of Section 25 of Article II of the Colorado Constitution, the right to property of Article II, Section 2 of the Colorado Constitution, represents a taking in violation of either Section 14 or Section 15 or Article II of the Colorado Constitution, reflects an attempted enforcement of a law which if so enforced venders the 1aw invalid under Section 11 of Article II of the Col-orado Constitution, and exceeds the jurisdiction of the Town of Vail- pursuant to the provisions of the Colorado Constitution and the Colorado Revised Statutes of L973. 4. The demand for demolition is arbitrarily and capriciously extreme in view of the facts of this case. 5. The Town of Vail Building Official is acting beyond his jurisdiction in connection with such Order. 6. No jurisdiction over Justus has been acguired to validate the purported acts of the Building Official . JUSTUS COII,IPA}IY, INC. By: Address of Appellant c/o Richard H. HartP.O. Box 1788Vail , Colorado 81657 STATE OF COLORADO County of Eagle ss. The foregojng was subscrjbedL}ris 'ta<day of 44.and sworn to before , 1978 by Richard H.me on behalf of Justus Cofr-pany, Inc. Witness my hand and official- seal. My conrnission expires 7/,"-/rt Attorney Notary NOTICE AND ORDER FOR DEMOLITION IN TIIE MATTER OF THN FOUNDATIONS AND INCOIIIPLETE BUILDINGS LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS CEDAR POINT TOWNHOT{ES TO: Justus ComPanY, Inc Lakewood Tacoma Industrial Park g2L6 47th Ave., S.W., B1dg.12 Tacoma, Washi-ngton 93499 KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that -t!re Town of Va1l Buildingwb Official in accrodance with the -+b+&-Building Code as adopted by the Town of vail and the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings has inspected the following descrlbed site: Lot 4, Heather of Vail r,ommonly known as 5185 Black Gore Drive' Upon inspection it was found that the conditions of the founda- tions and partially completed' buildings on the site render the site dangerous under Sectlon 302 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings as foLlows: (1) There is lumber, both attached and loose on the site, with nails protruding from it ' (2) The floor assembly remaining is dilapidated and would be dangerous to anyone walking on it ' and it provides a breeding' and hiding area for pests, varnits and vermin ' (3) There are unprotected openings and holes in the f loors (4) There is steel re-bar protruding from tbe unfinished foundation wa1ls (5) The unfinished foundation wal1s are unprotected' and people in the area could fall into unprotected areas ' (6) Thb site is littered with trash' debris' and con- struction materials which provide breeding and hiding areas for pests, varmits and vermin. NOTlCB. AND OIIDI]K FOR DIiMOLITION (7) The site in its open and unprotected state is an attractive nuisance fot children. (8) The littered ancl unfinished site is a health and safety hazard for the residents and visitors of the Town of Vail The Town of vail Building official has determined that the structure is unsafe and sha1l not be occupied or otherwise used in its present condition. You and each of you al.e hereby ordered to obtain the necessary and proper delnglition permits MA\4 1, tQrlcl from the Town of Vail on or before effi, and the foundations and structures remov.ed within a reasonable tine. If the required demolition is not commenced as herein required, the Building official will order the foundations and structures posted, and he may eause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the owners of the property' Anypersonhavinganyrecordtitleorlegalinterestin the structure may appeal this Notice and order to the Board of Appeals, provided the appeal is made in writing as provided by the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Darigerous Buildings, and fited with the Building official within thirty (30) days of the date of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all rights to an adrninistrative hearing and determina- tion of the matter. DATED: CERTIFICATE OF MAILING State of Colorado ) County of Eagle located at cedar Point Torvnhomes, a copy. of-,u'[ich, lrppears on the 1978, at'or about Subscribed and sworn r, Nl fl.'4(-Il- U\ WJ'xLt-q herebv certifv that f am over th artY to this action, and that I have caused to be served by'ma-iling, certilxq p)ostage prepaid, return receipt rcquested, on-\/!.-(A&---4:*tJJ -14-, .I Notice and Order for Dcmoli-tion of the foundations and structures ttr! )ss fqrgg5oing^ Said m9i ling took pl acei'f--( l)At l. .(l{!e4 A LQ __, on or about_ to before NOTICE AND ORDER FOR DEMOLITION IN THE MATTER OF THE FOUNDATIONS AND INCOMPLETE BUILDINGS LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS CEDAR POINT TOWNHOMES TO: Justus Company, Inc. Lakewood Tacoma Industrial Park 9216 47th Ave., S.W., Bldg.12 Tacoma, Washington 93499 KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Vail Building Official in accrodance with the l* Buitding Code as adopted by the Town of vail and the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings has inspected the following described site: Lot 4, Heather of Vail commonly known as 5185 Black Gore Drive. Upon inspection it was found that the conditions of the founda- tions and partially completed buildings on the site render the site dangerous under Section 302 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings as follows: (1) There is lumber, both attached and loose on the site, with nails protruding from it. (2) The floor assembly remaining is dilapidated and would be dangerous to anyone walking on it, and it provides a breeding and hiding area for pests, varmits and vermj-n. (3) There are unprotected openings and holes in the floors . (4) There is steel re-bar protruding from the unfinished foundatlon walIs. (5) The unfinished foundation wa1ls are unprotected, and people in the area could fa11 into unprotected areas. (6) The site is littered with trash, debris, and con- struction materials which provide breeding and hiding areas for pests , varmits and vermin. NOTICE AND ORDEH FOR DEMOLITION (7) The site in its open and unprotected state is an attractive nuisance for children. (8) The littered and unfinished site is a health and safety |1azatd for the residents and visitors of the Town of Vail The Town of Vail Building Official has determined that the structure is unsafe and sha11 not be occupied or otherwise used in its present condition. You and each of you are hereby ordered to obtain the necessary and proper demolition permits from the Town of Vail on or before October 6, 1978, and the foundations and structures removed within a reasonable time. If the required demolition is not commenced as herein required, the Building Official will order the foundations and structures posted, and he may cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the owners of the property. Any person having any record title or legal interest in the structure may appeal this Notice and Order to the Board of Appeals, provided the appeal is made in writing as provided by the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days of the date of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing and determina- tion of the matter. DATED: CERTIFICATE OF MAILING State of Colorado ) County of Eagle I,hereby certify thata party to this action, and that I have catrsed to be served byprepaid, return receipt requested, on a Notice and Order for Demolition of the oundation6 and structures Iocated at Cedar Point Townhomes, a copy i1ing, certifigd postagenl. aJ, /77,( , fqrggoing^ Said mTiling took pJ-ace /ZUU/J..,U-A-U4A-42 , on or abou ,a and )ss tnjsA2- day ofSubscribedsworn to before \ boylo enginroring, Inc. 143 e. mesdotfl dr. $lb |r.IO cro$roads thopping center vail, colorado 81657 3/,,3/476-2170 P. 0. Box 100 VaiI;-eolorado 8T55? *tr: Steve- Patterss* THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED : Town of Vail Buildilg_ Pgp?,rtneqt Insoected foundation inside and out and also inspected the existing first floor deck. Specifically I was looking for possible heave cracks in the foundation walls and exposed reinforcing steel . Could not see ""6-27-80 l'b%b"eao.r '*""" cedar Point rgnnhomes L'' ^a"'\ Eas-- v"[J"i"""d";",,*-^..i;- r;;;;-*--- -le:|r,,--JuIrnY BO " ",':l'il:lt AM6z)0 eu evidence of either. Did notice a couple minor hairline cracks above the access openings in the sten walls under the party walls between units. Do not feel that these represent any structural problems. Also noticed cold joints where the same sten walls meet the perineter frost wall. Again, providing that the lap reinforcing bars were properly installed, these should not present any structural problens. Since the backfill was in place up to within 5" of the top pf perimeter frost walle, could not tell if the perineter drainage system was instal-led properly or not. gbviously, since I did not perforn an lnspection on the original rebar placenent, there is no way for me to comment on its adequaCy. The frarned flrst floor deck is i.n very poor condition due to water da.nage and definitely will require replacement. COPIES TO FORV24 2 arr'l.ble k)r \.rlr r: G.oloi M.s! lll.l'iri III TITE DISTRICT COURT II'l At{D S9& r" th€ oistrtcr courr rHE couNry oF EAGL{'S"';'"1'fij,SilXlllo'n "no to' sr^'l'ii 0tr coLOMDo srPg 19U0 civil Acrion i'lo. 7g}v265 ffi JUSTUS COMPANY, INC., a Idashington corPoration, Plainciff vs' TOWN 0f VAIL, a nruniciPalcorporation; and CEDAR POII'IT TOWI'IIIOUS]I ASSOCIATIOI{, Defendant. TuIs.MATTlll{ is coming before che court for trearing regarding (a) plainciff's cornpliance with rhe CourE's order o1. January 2, l9[J0 concerninlr, Ehe securing of the unfinished improvenrent-s lclcate<l on TracE C, LoE 4, I{eather of Vail, County of Eagle and Scace of Colorado (che "ProperLyl') and plainCiff 's acEion to exl-iausE iCs administracive remedies' (b) Tl're motion to dismiss of defendant Town of Vail (thet'Town"), and (c) 'The motion Eo dismiss of defendant Cedar Point Townhouse Association ( tlie "Ass;ociation") I'>l;rinriff wils re[)rcsclrted by PcEcr Cosgr:iff' Tlre Town was represgnted by Lawrence Eskwiuh. The AssociaEion was represented by Jack L. Richtsmeier. All parcies st.ipulated Ehat Che macter coul<l be hearti without a rePorber or oEher recordaEion of Ehe Proceedings. After hearing arguments of counsel and examining certain phoCogrzrphs ancl doculncnCs submitCed by plaintiff, the CourE I rncls : l. PLaj'rrcif f will suf fer irr:eparable lrarm if the Town is pcrnri rr-e<i to dcur<-rlisli Elre found:rtion loca'Eed on the Propcrty prior to a trial on tl re cletims of plainCiff ChaC such acEion would be an unconstittltional ex posE faqto 1aw. 2. Tlre unf inir;lred intprovemencs on tlre I)roperty are fuazardous ancl <langerous, particularly to c[ildren and should be surrounded by protective barriers. )) ) )\ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER AND AWARD OF COSTS AND FEES D .1,. 'l'1r,. 1,trrlr.r'l tv( ttr''.1::tll L':; llrltr'tr lry l'lrrlrrCllt t(' secure Clie Pr:operty are nof. adequate and more sisnificanC barrlers should bc erccfcd as soon irs rltere is ei suf ficienc snow melc to l)crmit i.nst-alla[ion <ll- such b:tr:riers' i , 4. Plainciff lias failed to take acqion' such as applying for a building permit, to exhausL its adminisLracive remedies as required by Ehe Courc's order of January 2' 1980' 5. Plainciff has failed to notify the Colorado AEtorney General thac part of ics claim involves the alleged unconstitucionalicy of one of uhe Town's ordi-nances. 6. Plaintiff, as security againsc potenEial damages claims againsE the 'Ifowr-r, slroulcl provide a bond or liabilicy insurance for fhe benefiE of Etre Town for as long as the Town is en-joi.ned from demolistring Ehe improvements on the PropercY. 1 . TlLe AssctciaCion has nO inrerest or poLenEial inEeresE in the Property because, by tlie Eerms of Etre Parag,raph B' Arricle XV of the Restrictiops, Easements and DeclarACion for Ce<lar PoinE 'fownhouses, which enctrmber ttre ProperCy, plainEiff rnay be rcquirecl in che fucure co convey undivideci incerescsin the Propercy co intliviclual unit o\drlers but noE to the Associacion' 8. Tire maintaining of an action against the Associlrt i.on by Plainri {-1., wlriclr executed said Declaration, and tlrus lrac.l kno"ulcclg,c ol- ics contencs, r'as groundless ' lT IS' TllEl{itFORIi OltDljl{ED : A. That porcion of the Town's rnoEion to dismiss direcced by Che claims of pl4inCif f for which there .tu 'a.l*inlstrative reme<lies is gr:anted, and those porEions of plaintiff's firsc claim for relief arer hereby disrnissed- , B. Plaintiff is directed to noEify che Accorney General of Colorado wichin 10 clays of its claims of unconscitutionalicy and i,f :.;uch noticc i.s not 13iven, those claims will be dismissed upon al'l)I-opriater nt<-lt:iott by clre l'own. C. Tlie injuncrion entered on January 2, 1980' which DL'cv('11 tli t lrc' 'l'<lwtt [-L'()lll rill(i lll', ilr)y acti()rl to <lcttrtol ish tirtl impr:overucrrts locaCed orr tlrc I't:ol)erEy, is cotrEinued, provided Ehat such injunction will bq dissolved unless plaintiff, witl-rin ten days, either obtains liabiliry insurance for the Property in che amount of at lea,st $300,000.00 which names thd i' Town as a co-insured and files evidence thaf'such insurance with the Court or files a cash or corporate surecy bond with the Court in the amounc of $300,000.00 D. Plainciff's second claim for relief is hereby dismissecl and the Associagion is hereby dismissed as a ParEy Co this ac Cion - E. Plainriff is granted leave to file an amended complaint naming as defendants all persons rsith a potential interest in th6 ProperEy, namely che individual owners of units in the real property which is subject to che DeclaraEion' F. Pursuanc to C.R.S. 1973 $13-17-101 et !e9., as amended, the Association shall reeover from plainciff che st.rrn of $l ,009.22, represencing $920.00 in reasonable atcorneysr fees an<l $89.22 Ln costs, and che Clerk is ordered, uhirty days from this daEe, to encer judgment in favor of tl're AssociaEion and againsc plainciff in that amount. -+ DaLed thrs / day of ffi, 1980, NUNC PRo TUNE I'larch 7, 1980. Approved as to form: COSGRIFF, DUNN & FRENC}I BY:Peter Cosgriff 1iL420Attorneys for Plaintiff LAWRENCE C. RIDI1R, 1177L LAWRENCE ESKWrrr{ 1i5976 BY:Attorneys for Defendant Torvn of Vail BY THE COURT: OTTO, PETERSON & POST Frederick S, Otto /i'3577 PORTERFIELD, RICHTSMEIER, & WHEATLEY Jack L. Richtsmej-er 1t5894 BY:-To- Counse I Cedar Poinr As socia Eion for Defendants Townhouse -3-