HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE VALLEY PHASE VEAGLE G nnterof f lce nne mn @ rendu mn To: Doug Pileher, Road and Bridge Supervisor subject; subdivision rmprovements Agreement - 0ff-Site Road Improvements From: cltBeth A. Whittier, County Attorney tu File No.:Datel December 1, 1980 Attached hereto is a copy of a Subdivisiqn Improvements AgreemenEwith respect to final plat approval of The Valley - Phase V which rnras executed by the Board on October 29, 1980. Said agreementprovides that vrithin 48 monLhs from the date of recordation ofthe final plat, the County shall upgrade Buffer Creek Road byconstruction of a six foot wide road shoulder on each side of said road. The Subdivider has given the County an amount of $ 105.82 as its proportionate share of such off-site road improvements. Said amount has been placed in the Off-site Road Improvements Fund. Note should be made that this is thethird Subdivision Improvements Agreement approved by the Boardrelative to the County's improvernent of Buffer Creek Road. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contactthis office at Extensi'on 242. xc: Terry LowelI, AccountantMel Atwell, County Engineer Tom Boni, Acting Planning Director o DIVISIONSUB I.\,P P*OVEI'IENT S AGREEIIEI'IT IHIS AGREIiIIENT, made and entered inco chis 29th day of October, 1980, by and between VALLEY ASSOCIATES' LTD.' a Colorado limited partnership, hereinafter called the Sub- divider, and t.he Board of county commissioners of Eagle Ccunc.,-, hereinaf ter called the County ' IJITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider as a condition of approval of the final plat of The Valley - Phase V' wishes to enter into a Subdivision Improvements Agreement as provided for by Section 30-28-137, Colorado Revised Statutes L973' as amended; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the same authority' the Subdivider is obtigated to provide security or collateral sufficient in Ehe judgment of the Board of County Cor'rmissioners to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain public improvements set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, Ehe Subdivider wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement ' including construction of the above-referenced public improvements by means of a promissory note secured by a first deed of trust on real property located in the County of Eagle' State of Colorado; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5'02'15 of the Subdivision Regulations of the County, the Councy has deLermined that the subject subdivision and other probable subdivisions rvill jointlyeffecrcertainoifsiteacceSs::oads-;equirii:gil-"p::...'e- mentsinsuchroadsassetforthinE:ihibitBattac;redhereto and incorPorAted herein; and, I,IHEREAS, the County and the Subdivider have agreed upon a cost sharing Program to upgrade tlr'e off sice access roads by means of the Subdivider pa;ring in cash a proportionate share of the costs of mai''ing the impro'rements set forth in Exhibit B. NOW covenancs agree as I. ON SITE AND CONTIGUOUS II{PROVEI.ENTS 1. The Subdivider hereby agrees, aE its sole cosE and expense, to furnish al1 equipment and material necessary Eo perform and complete, within 18 months from the daEe of recordation of the above-referenced subdivision final plat, in a good and workmanlike manner, all public improvemencs as shown in the final plat documents for the subject subdivision in accordance with all plans and speci- fications for the subject subdivision filed in the office of the County Engineer and/or Department of Community Development and to do all work incidenral thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. AII final plat documents submitted prior to or at the time of final plat approval. b. A11 larvs of Ehe United States of America, State of Colorado, County of Eagle and its respective agencies, affected special districts and/or service districts. c. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifi- cations, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Subdivider to and approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. A1l said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of the County Engineer and/or the County Building Official , respectiveLy, and shail not be deeneci cornpiece untii approved and accepted as compleE.ed by the Board of County Commissioners of the County or said Board's *esrgnee. 2. The estimated cost of saiC worlc and improve- ments is the sum of $20,000.00. 3, To secure and guarantee performance of its obligarions as sec forth herein, the SubdiviCer agrees to THEREFORE, in consideracion of and agreements, Ehe Subdivider follows : the following rnutual and the CountY -2- provide security and collateral in the following form, as approved herein by Che County: a promissory noEe in Ehe amount of $20,000.00 secured by a firsc deed of trust on Loc I of the subject. subdivision. 4. The Subdivider may at any Eime substicute the collateral originally deposited wich the Councy herein for anoEher form of collateral reasonably acceprable to the County to guarantee the faithful completion of those public improvemenls referred to herein and the performance of the terms of Part I of chis Agreement. 5. The County shall not, noF shall any officer or employee thereof; be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the works specified in Part I of this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the County, nor any officer or employee Ehereof, be liab1e for arry Persons or proPerty injured by reason of the naLure of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Subdivider. The Subdivider hereby agrees to indernnify and hold harmless the County, and any of its officers, agents, and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the CounEy or any such of its officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or act.ions in respect thereof) thaE arise out of or are based uPon any performance by the Subdivider hereunder; and the Subdivider shall reimburse the County for any and a1l legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Counuy in connection with invesEigating or ciefending any such loss, claim, damage, liabiiicy or action. This indemniEy provision shall be in addition to any other Iiabilicy which the Subdivider may have. 6. It is mutually agreed, pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 30-28-L37 (3), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as arnended, that the County or any purchaser of any lot, lots, tracE or Eracts of land subject to a plat resEric- Eion which is the securicy portion of a subdivision improve- -3- menEs agreement shall have the auEhoriEy to brln3 an action in any district court Eo compel the enforcement of any subdivision improvements agreement on the sale, conveyance or transfer of any such loE, lots, tract or tracts or land or of any ocher provision of this article. Such authority shall include the right ro comPel rescission of any sa1e, conveyance or E,ransfer of any lot, 1ots, tract or tracts of land contrary to the provisions of any such restrictions set forth in the Plat or in any seParate recorded instrument, but any such action shall be connnenced prior to the issuance of a building permit by the County where so required. 7. It is further mutually agreed that pursuant to the provisions of Section 30-28-L37<2), Colorado Revised Statutes L973, as amended, thaE as improvements are compleged, the Subdivider rnay apply to the Board of County Cournissioners for a release of part or all of Ehe collateral deposited with said board. Upon inspection and approval, the board shall release said collateral. If the board determines that any of such improvements are not constructed in substantial compliance with specifications, it shall furnish the subdivider a list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to withhold collateral sufficient to ensure such substantial compliance. If the Board of County Connnissioners determines thaE Lhe Subdivider will not construct any or all of the i-mprovements in accordance with all of the specificaLions, the Board of County Cornmissioners may roithdraw and employ from the deposit of collateral such funds as may be necessary to construct Ehe improvements in accordance with the speeifi- caEions 8. The Subdivider warrants all work and material for a period of one year after accept.ance of all rvork referred to in Part I of this Agreement by the County. Further, the County shall have a righc to require security or collateral be provided by Subdivider to remain, as deterrnined by the County, sufficient Eo cover any and all claims under Ehis wcll r 4rr LJ . -4- 1r. OFF SITE ACCESS ROAD IMPR'OVEiENTS 1. The C..luncy has deEermined EhaE the cotal cosE of making Ehe improvements set forth in Exhibit B is $2,698.00, with Ehe Subdivider's proportionate share of such cosE being $10s. 82. 2. The County upon execution of this Agreement hereby acknowledges the receipt of $105.82, paid as the Subdivider's full ccst for the impact of the subject sub- division on off siEe access roads to said subdivision, and Subdivider shall have no further obligation for off site impacts ' 3. The County hereby further agrees, at its sole cost and expense to furnish all equipment and material necessary t.o perform and complete, wiEhin 48 ulonths from the date of recordation of the above-referenced subdivision final plat, in a good and workmanlike manner, all public improvements set forch in Exhibit B in accordance with all laws, rules and regulations of the United States of America, State of Colorado, County of Eagle and its respective agencies, affected special districts and/or service districts. If such improvement.s are not completed within the period seE forth above or at any time that such improvements are not completed and the off site access roads referred Eo in Exhibit B have been reoroved from the jurisdiction of the CounEy, the Subdivider shal1 be entitled Eo the immediate return of all money paid to the County under ParE II of this Agreement, as the Subdivider's sole remedy. 4. The Subdivider shall not, nor shall any prin- cipal or employee t.hereof, be 1iab1e or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to Lhe works specified in Part II of this Agreement ' nor shall the Sub- divider, nor any principal or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or proPerty injured by reason of the nature of said worlc, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assuned by che County. The county hereby agrees Co indernnify and hold harinless che Subdivider, and any of its principals, agencs and emplovees -5- for a to in against any losses, claims, danages, or liabi-licies to which the Subdivider or any such of ics principals, agents or employees may become sub;ect to, insofar as any such losses' claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based uPon any performance by the County hereunder; and the County shaLl reimburse the Sub- divider for any and all legal or oEher expenses reasonably incurred by the Subdivider in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision sha1l be in addition to any other liability which the County may have. 5. The County warrants all rnrork and material period of one year after completion of all work referred Part II of this Agreement by the County. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The County agrees to aPproval of the final plat of The Valley - Phase V, subject to rhe terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. Parties hereto muEually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and signed by all parties hereEo. 3. This Agreement sha1l be enforceable against the Subdivider provided, however, that in the event the Sub- divider sells or transfers all or part of the subject sub- division, as shown in the final plat (prior to extensive sales of individually platted tracts), the obligations of the Subdivider urrder this Agreenent as Eo Ehat portion of the subject subdivision may be assumed by the purchaser of the parcel, and Subdivider shall have no further obligations hereunder. IL is agree<i, horvever, that no such assumption of rhese obligations sha1l be effective unless the Board of County Commissioners gives its prior approval to such assump- tion, following an investigation of the financial condiEion of rhe purchaser. -6- 4. Nourvithstanding anything ccncained hereinabove Eo Ehe concrary, if at any time che subjecr subdivision is e^nnexed into the Town of Vail or for any other reason is removed from the jurisdiction of the County, Ehe Subdivider sha1l have no further obligations or liabilities under this Agreement and the County shall immediately return the promis- sory note and release the Deed of Trust given as collaEeral hereunder. IN I^IITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the daEe first above written. COUNTY By and BOARD BY: OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDOthrough its 3L49, Vail, Colorado 81657,as AEEorney In Fact for Va11ey Associates, Ltd., aColorado limited parcnership SUBDIVIDER: VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., A Colorado linited partnershipP. O. Box 915Vail, Colorado 8L657 BY:\.!? STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) The foregoing Subdivision .Improvements Agreement was acknorvledged Sefoie me this 1-t2' day of Cc {obpr , 1980, by ltilliai J. Po"t, as Attorffi-fn FLct foi-%TTeyTTsociates,Ltd., a Colorado lirnited partnership. liitness my hand and official seal My cormnissic,n expires: --(;h g, t,.i= qt(, i )n,/7 L.'1 Dn'NoEary Public 8.r) -7- PUBLIC I},IPROVEITENTS FOR PUBLIC ROAD AND RE-ITGETATION AI'ID RESTOMTION OF AFFECTED TERRAII'I Said irnprovements shall include consLruction of road shoulder and retaining wall for contiguous public road and resEoration and re-vegetation of terrain disEurbed by said improvements. A11 of the above as more specifically set forth on the final plat for The Valley - Phase V, and those public improvement maps, plans, and specifications for said subdivision as filed in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder, and/or Councy Engineer and/or the Department of Planning and Development, respectively, of the County of Eagle,stateofColorado,allofsai'ddocumentsincorporaEed herein by this reference' t, EXHIBIT B OFF SITS .\CCESS ROAD 1}IP.D..OVEI"TETITS BUFFER CREEK ROAD construcE.ion of a six foot wide road shoulder (measured from Ehe edges of the existing paved portion of che road) on each side of Buffer creek Road from that point where Buffer Creek Road intersects with the northerly boundary of Buffer Greek Subdivision Eo chat Point rahere Buffer Creek Road inEersects with Lionts Ridge Loop, in accordance with standards for Eagle County roads locaLed in locals similar to said porEion of Buffer Creek Road. LION'S RIDGE LOOP Construction of a six. foot wide road shoulder (measured fron the edges of the existing paved portion of the road) on each side of Lion's Rdige Loop from thaE point where Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Buffer Creek Road to that point where Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Parcel A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, in accordance with standards for Eagle County roads located in loca1s similar to said portion of Lion's Ridge LooP. EAGLE GO NTY nntcroffnec nnemn@remoumn To: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS subject: subdivision Improvements Agreement - The Va] ley, Phase V From : Beth A. l^Jhittier, County Rttorney9\ File No.:Da te: 0ctober 27, 1980 Attached hereto are cop'ies of the fo1 lowing documents with respect to theto the above-referenced matter: a) Subdivision Improvements Agreernent;b) Promissory Note;c) Deed of Trust;d) Power of Attorney; ande) Partial Release of Deed of Trust. Upon review of the above documents, the fo1 lowing are my comments thereto: a) Subdivision Improvements Agreement. 1) The public 'improvements to be constructed by the Subdivjder are set forth in Exhibit "A" attached thereto. The estimated cost of same is $ 20,000.00 and the Subdivider desires to secure the construct'ion of said public improve- ments by a promissory note in the amorrnt',f $ 20'000.00 secured by a Deed of Trust on Lot l of tlre Valley' Phase V. 2) The construction of said public improvements shall be completed within 18 months of the recordation of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. The Sudivider wamants all work for a period of one year after completion of said publjc jmprovements and acceptance of same by the Board. 3) Exhibit "8" attached to the Subdjvision Improvements Agreernent seLgforth off-site improvements as determined by the County. The cost of such off-site improvementsis $ 2,698.00 with the subdivider's proportionate share being $ 105.82. Said agreement, vrhich is identical to those Subdjvision Improvements Agreements previously approved by the Board relative to the Ridge a! Vqll and the Va11ey, prov'ides that the County within 48 months shall construct said off-site improvements. If the County does not construct same or 'i f the subject property is annexed unto the Town of Vajl' the County shall return the monies paid by the Subdivider in the Board of County Commissioners Page Two 0ctober 27, 1980 amount of $ 105.82. In addition, the County warrants such work upon completion for a period of one year. 4) The Subdivision Improvements Agreement, if approved, should be recorded, and a copy and the recorded original submitted to this office. In addit'ion, the check in the amount of $ 105.82 should be submitted to this officefor proper processing. b) Povrer of Attorney. The Power of Attorney should be recorded. A copy of such recorded document should be submitted to this offi ce. ueeo 0T trusr. The County should inquire if such Deed of Trust is afirst. If so, the Subdivider should submit to the Board evidence of a fullv executed part'i al releaseof Deed of Trust signEE-6y-lm-Iunningham relative to Lot 1 of the Valley - Phase V. Such partial release should be recorded and a copy of such recorded document submjtted to this copy. Promissory Note. The original promissory note should be submitted to thi s office. Final Plat. By policy of the Board, the Title Certifjcate thereonis not required unless the Sbudivider is dedicatingpubiic improvements to the County. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at Extension 242. cc: Tom Boni, Acting Planning Director Susan Vaughn, Department of Conrnunity Development Mel Atwell, County Engineer Doug: Pilcher, Road & Bridge Supervisor c) d) e) Ep rss.st_= \r\/[UlJ\J U V fl 16r( frar r: r;( l{ 18,;',,2:\ r---..-\UU UT5\7U VU U Lj(zf? nruemn@remdum Subject:BOARD OF COUNTY COI"IM]SSIONERS Frorn: tseth A. l{hittier, County Attorneyq\ Subdivision The Val 1ey, Improvemen ts Phase V Agreement - eme n ts Attached heretto the above-r a) b) c) d) p) o-are copies of theererenced matter: Subdivision Improv r rornr ssory llote; Ueed of Trust: Po'rrer of Attorney:Partial nelease oi the above documents 0ctober 27, l9g0 fol l owing documents with respect to the Agreernent; and Deed of Trust. , the follovring are my cornments thereto: \'.\Ll.iiy ,.'1;!;0cL','!'Is, i,.l'0. , ,.1(.oior:uiict lir:ri Lcci r):r :Ll)drsitiD By LAIL\R PROI,Ep.t'TES, Il:C. , a Dc'l :r.:ar,e cr'rD(trJtion, ics SOJ.C' Ajlttef ,,t ! D.-r):Lr)€-i- __.,! j- .-.:. ... ll,z : , . .' '!- .' ' ,:.- /"<--- -' irJJei--l:r fiiu-s , '.tcc-ljrc;:.dEnL \ LIpon revierv of ,/,^ -f'.\ /,r\L a)li f,i,' ' '0'(':"' -\-' Subdivision Improvements Aqreement. 't\tl Ine pubt:c improvemglts to be constructgd by the 5ubdivr.Cer .,r.lii.,jll^j":th^jn-rxhjbil ,,4,, uiiui,r.o rhereto. Thp /3ii,jil"j":ll_tl.rl!,oit,n aiia;;.;-;;;.;ioi,,"ri! ;::ll::.1".::: :l;31" i, s zo,oob.'bb jiI,i,l3,,i|.?,.au, ,/fl:;ii.;",: iillf"l:: ::i:iFti;,,i itia.iioiyi.l,lJlii.l T::,1:"3r^l f.:J,l:'::y-note in-irrJ"u,o'"i ir''i'loioJ8?68 Phase V.;;:i:.fl by a Deed of T,ust "; i;i i'"i'l,i uj,iiri .', ..-: 2) The construction of said public. ,rO.o,r.runts shall be.,.completed within tg months-of ine'feco.dation of the, .::9d]vision_ Improvements ng"eerent.' fnu Sudividerwarrants all work,for, ?.pei;oa of one year aftert, comp)etion of said public ir;;o;;r;;ts and acceptancec*-- of same by the Board. 3) Exhibit ,,8,, attached to the Subdivision ImprovementsAgreement setsforth "ii_;i;"";;p.ouir."r, as determinedby the County.i; i t,;;;. o'o '''1il"rf;3'1,3i,;Y;:,?l';:;j:";*;:;:'ili:.beine g i0s.82. -s:ll .;;;;;;;;,'nii.n is identicat tothose Subdivisior approved by rhe ;"jl5'::iT:lj: f|';;l'illin3;;t;,:;r'-and the Vailev- orovidei irr.i-il,u iolntv with.in 48months shal t ionst"rct iaiJ-orilii iJ' improvements. Ifthe County does not construct ,ur.-0r^ .i f the subjectproperty is annexed unto the io*n-oi vair, irre-iirnivshall return the monies pa;J Oy in. Subdivider in the iuli" :l. lc;.,::c,j Board of Countv Commissioners Page Two pt Fi nal Pl at. 0ctober 27, l9B0 the Title Certificate thereon the Sbudjvider is dedicating the CountY. amount of $ 105.82' In addition' the County \'/arrants such vrork upon comp'letion for a period of one year' 4) The Subdivisjon Improvements Agreement' if approved' should be recorded, and a copy and the recorded origina] submitted to-inii oftict' In addit'ion' the check in the amount ot-S iO5.gZ-strouta be submitted to this office for proPer Process ing. b) Porver of Attorney' The Power of Attorney should be recorded' A copy of such recorded docurnent should be submitted to this office. Deed of Trust. The County should inquire if such Deed of Trust is a first. fi so, the Subdjvider should submit to the Board evidenie of a fully execuled partial release of Deed of Tiust signe[-by fim Curlningham.relative to Lot 1 of the Valley"- Phaie V' Such partial. release should be recorded-and a copy of such recorded document submitted to this coPY' d) Promissory Note. The oriqinal promissory note should be submitted to tni s-07?Jc6. By policy of the Board' 'i s not required unless pubiic improvements to If you have any questions regarding this matter' please contact this office at Extension 242' cc : {.qs 5on i',:A,ctiltg1ld6fin-O-t-iffito'r -i;fr.Vi,fi .'D6 pa t t"e n t of cornmun i ty Deve i o pme n t Mel Atvrell, CountY Engineer Doug Pilcher, Road & Bri dge Supervtsor '-r::l.c i-l: iLlLl.^.-'-l-s5- L\, JL- :.r:1C i'3"'.e..i snil I l t, , t l ., -., 'l ''.-, q pri tnllnc(li!Leri'ciluse L ilC vccc oi Vr\LLliY i'llll0Clir'f IIS , L'l'D ' , a Co io):it(jo l-ir;:j t-cd n"t:crre rsirip By, L.\iL\ll PP.OI'EP.i'I'ES, i:lC', I Dc I ar':;i r,e corJior3ci-on ' ics : :t,? rv^,. :;.i_..n ., ] 1,' "' r).,. ".,'/- "' ' ,'1'u ! i;Jue:j-l:ill<[s,-;: cc-F-rcsiEEnT ry^2o,ooooo PROiIISSOR-i NOTE VaiI, Colorado Sepcember 26, I980 VAT.LEY ASS0CIATES, LTD., a Colorado limired parrner-ship ("}'lalier") , promises ro pay to che order of COUNTy OFEAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, SV AI.Ib THROUGI'I ITS coUNTY coi.i}ilSSIONER.S("Pa1'ee"), ac P. O. Box 850, Eag1e, Colorado 81631, chep:inci:a1 sum of $20,000.00, co[echer wich simple inreresrf::orn a.d after che date hereof Ic trre rate of l0- ou.""n.3cr annun, r"irh such principar sum payable in ics entirecyi'rpril 29 f982 is entitled ro che descrip::on of che prope'rtr 9t'n{etea an<1,,,enc;;b;;";-lnereUy,rhc righcs a.d remediei;of ' t)le /-ro!aer hlr;"i-;;"i"una"., arrdche :erms and,condirion6 uB,/n {rry1cn rh#-;;t"-i.- ru",_,r"j chereby\-_ _-___.-_- \-,v \/ /Ac rhe--6prion of che holde/ her:eof rhpnyi-^i^^.r ^c _,-_._"P::tt or trne lo--_z -.,- entire unpaidprincipal- of Lhis nore_ and any. inrer6sc accrueJ -ihuruo' r,ray bedeclared due and payable and Lh" n''rtr.,ricy of this nore accelera!.edr f any' p_a),/rnen t required by chis note is not made when due orif a def aulc (rvheil-yd? in $re- oerf n.,-nratce of any covenants orclre breach of any rfe{resy{,racip", of r.rarran.y oi orherwise)occurs under tbe f,etms .4t+h? lbeed of Trusc" and such paymenror defaulc rs no/ cu{ed -ricniy' cen days of nocice co Maker. Oegd+! Trusc") from Makerz{y,.Xdlorado, of even dacee Dbed/of Trusc for a and assenc ro 1.y, exrenslon-of rime wi_rh resp"". .i-;;;--'pglrient ciue uncierj cbyftot{/tp/u,f ,s@6:riftbr., or ruleaseor corra:erar ar,'F^rojb€ e(rg**fr**_Zf any parry.!:.:f = igrer , gt+LlanEaf ahd/endo(1er ncreor gLraranEeesL:re pa)menc oi 'chis noce according co iEs c6r-ms. No waiver Maker and any signer, guarantor or endorser hereofr..'aive demand, presentmenc, -noticE of dishonor u.,J-pro."...^_ -J o- ,,.v n.v.nlfrrr n r 2nv nrhar- -; -r-r-r- c-,r pa_..,,.=rrL v! __-/ under chis note shalIoper:ate as a i;aiver of any ocher payment riglrts under chisno.'.e shall operace as a vraiver of any ocher"l)a),ment or rights.ilaker- a.d ar.ry signer, guaran.cor or eircro.""r i-,"r"of sharr " pay alI reasonable cosEs of corleciion, i.rirh or without- suic,incL-ud..ng acLorne\"s fees, paid or incurred in enforcing ---' ,-hi c nnio I'lal<er may prepay this note at any cime ancl from cime:o time, r,'i chouc. penalcy. This note and che Deed of Trusc are given as colrateral:rr.lr:suanc co char cercain subciivi. s io. rrrororru*uic. Agreemenc( ihe ".{greer,enf") o;- even cia cc here,.oiif.r^ -"r'ri"r"J-l-nco betr.;eentiaker. aid pa;uee. R.ef erencc ir ;r;;; .."irr""nirJJr"". for aiescripcion of che righcs of the horder hereEf co-receiveta\"ne.a hercunder. Tn: performance in parc of a'y of l.laker,sobligarions sec forch in the Agreement, sha.l. I resulr in a?roporciona:e reduccion in the amount. orving urrcler this noteol9: ii.ac anv rine.,.there is complua" p"rfo.r"n." of IIal<er,so:iigacions u'der_cliis Agrcemcnc,'chis nocc slrall be dcemed:;r:'.c iir fuI] and pa'ee siiai_l imrnedia r_e ir, .o,_rsu che Oced of'I:us: co be full..' :eleascci. V.^Ll.liY ,iSS0CIr\.i'ES, l-TD. , a(loior:acio lini Lecl o;r:crrcrsl.rip By ' LAil,An. PROPLP.I'IES , ilrc. , a Dc L:ria 5c cr.'raor.rcion, icssoLe/ ,yiter;.: i .n;:r crrer -ftu.'- '):/-- ,' "'1'*--6 _\' : itJ u-e il:i L-.tu!,-1,'T c e lt'..-- Ua//a1 /a/ , I r lllilT_,l \| # qerb --+ lL-.-,teu,% E'x.r' - - ltJr i-' I t1lr4en'--Hll Ilf{l +rilllt $:\ tflt i*rl:+lil i #tcn \ r dero tl s lyf {ett y' *i$ # 4e8"* ew t 4etZ'l *se( \ ts*L o,z Z'z o,.if,or,-jllllfl;," tJSr=FS-+ 7t4 bnl sEcT / F3 5K7 2 ilL;$F*i 6e6', ffi*i''g1 .o$"'d 't'6i'9i tuT4 /r/b/ /e;/ , l,--. -- Qt t J !.*t: ti* rQta Zto (' I ffituid EAGTE CO[.3E\ITY Department of Buildinq & Plan P86 ttJ.nro.o RAD. I i 63 1 o nin Eagle Va1 1ey Engineering and Surveyi ng P. 0. Box 1813Vail, Colorado 8.l657 10 September 1980 TELEPHONE 303/3 28-73 l I EOAR O OF COUNTY COI\11\,ll55lONER5Ext 24 | AO I\,1 IN I5T R AT IO N ExI 24 l ANIMAL SHELTER 9 49 -429 2 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILOING IN IN SP ECT IO N Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 217 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENG I N EER Ext 235 ENVIRONPIENTALHEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 25 5 PU B LIC H EA LTH Ergle Ext 252Vail 4 76.5 344 PLAN N INGExt 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSO NNELext 245 ROAO & BR IOG Eext 257 >nExrri Eagle Ext 2l IBi:alt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCI AL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 201 Re: File No. Su-114-80-F2 Enclosed please find a ccpy of the Eagle County Surveyor's 0ffice review of your final p1 at-It is the applicants' responsibility to be certain the items'l isted are changed at least L0 days prior to the County Commissioner's meeting. You or your agent may come to this office and make the necessary changes. If you have any questions' 01 ease ca'l 1 me Si ncerel y, fr-_----=-. Thomas Boni Asst. Director of P1 anning TB/Sg _ ^ 7--\ | = /a\(t#il t=| '----r L--L\\YJ | '-'r I '-----l @U NT V nntercff fl ee nne mme ranGumn ro' Johnson and Kunkel Surveying Mel Atwell, County Engineer Su bj ect: Fi na'l Pl at Check d(rxfiX tseth t,rlh'l tt l er, County Attorney From: Conrmun'i ty Devel opment File No.: Su-114-80-F2 Oate:5 Sept 1980 The enclosed plat for The Valley Phase V 'i s being referred to your for your review and comment. Please advise us of any comments or recommendationsyou might have prior to the 17 September P1 anning Commission meeting at which time the item will be revi ewed. Thank you E)"ll:' il't A r\ parE r--r f l,:rrcc L A, Liorr's; iiirlgc llrrirJ-ivi:;iott, );il.iuii No. ll ,;r srrLrdivisi.on rccordcd in Llrc tlf l Lt:c ol- Llte liirg'lc (iorrrtLy, (irrl oriLd(r ' (il ir rlc ;rrttl ltccorrlcr ' sald part of Pi.rrccl A bci g ttrorc parLictrIarLl' <lc:;cr'ibutl fls f Lrllo\"s: llcglntrlnl',Jtill)ojnLotlLl)tltlorLillillcol.:;;ridl'itrt:t.:l'\rvitcttt:cLltcnorLlrtrcst' corner of Scctio6 12, 'for.rnslrip 5 Sr.rr.rCir, lilrng,e [il l'lcsL of utrc 6Llr t'r'incipal ]leri- dian bears s U3'19'41" N t114.59 tcLrc disLarlt, Llrcncc 1; 11 "59'()6" l'l uB5 '5-i feeE to a poinE on tlle Ilorthcl:ly riglrt-of -r,':ti' Iinc ol: Lion's,llidiic l'oop ' thcnce Elle iollowing eigir! courses ;rlong said rigirr-of -rv;ry .l irrc: (l) N 6r"58'28" Li 4J6 '62 feet; (2) 225' 60 fect a Lrrrtg tltc al'c of a clrrvtl t:o tllc lcfL r"lrich lrits a raclius of 1058.71 ilc"lt, all ilrccri,'r 1,1r1. of .12"12'32", :rttrl a cltor'.1 rvlriclr bc:ars ll 55" 52,L2" E 225. l7 feet-; (3) I,i 49.45'56', u 155.35 fi:<:r; (4) 1(i4.26 Iccc along (:ltc arc of a curve to !llc lel.t tvlrj.ch lul; ;t radi.tt:; of IJB.I .J2 fccC, an interiol: arrllLtr of 6043'411", aud ;r chorrl r,,lrj.cl.r bcrrr:s ll 7,6o211f')tt l',) I.64.16 fccL; (5) N 42;57'0g,' E 102.95 Iccr.; (6) f 5i .20 1-ccL ,'rloirg LIre arr: of ir (:trrvc t.o trlr(r r ii:lrL wlriclr lrirs il l'1(l lu:i t.,t ').64,.16 [t'cL, ;rtr i.nLcr.L<rt' rrttlil t' of 3'J"2t '-]2", ,'rrrrl lt t ltot'<l rohj.ch bc:rrs i.i 59o40'24" li l52.ti2 lcct; (9) N 7tr"2l'/i0" l'l 42.91 t'cut; (r0) 121.19 f ee! aJ-rrng thc Jrc o[ ;r r:urr,,c to Ihc ].cIt wlrit:ir lt;tr; lL r;tcl iu:; of 681.20 feeg, a6 iltterior anglc of -10o11 t35", lnti ;r clrrrtl tultit:1t lrc'ltr:; N 7L'I7'53" I 121.03 feec; (11) N 66"12'05" lrl 6.9.1 fccC, Lhcncc dcpirrcing snl.d righc-of- way liue N 35 "55t58" l,i lilg,7B f ee t to a PoinL on t Irc nortlr Iittc oI said P:rrcel A, cIence aloug said norLh linc: s B6'l-9'1rL" l.I 1.24(;.2fi [(]cL to Clrc po.int oE beginriing, contaiyiqg 676,82I {j(luarc fcc! or 15.53.9, acr-cS, lllQrc or lcss. u"t" : rYagrur_1Q-z-_I28e__ NINETTENTH S RESS LIVAUDCHI v, LD rREo AIS AR DENVER COTORADO 8o2of :03 825 474s CHITECTS 6 February, l 9B0 Mn. Tom Boni Assistant Directo n of Planning Eegle Co. Planning Dept .P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado Bl63l Dear Mr. Boni , The enclosed drawings r,vith this letter are to revise and amplify oun 1 November, 1979preliminary plan submittal for phase 5 of the valley. They reflect nequests by yotr and Mr. Chuck Donelly, Tolln of Vai I Plannl ng, to set more definitive restnictions on the building envelope and concentrate the buildings in a smallen, mone dense area. Dnawings consist of a plan & a ty,pical cross section through this area of the valley. drarvings ane taken from topognaphic sunveys by ln addition to the requinements on drawings, each lot owner is to retain trees within25'of his final building. The model is intended only to show how buildings genenally lay into the land and thein visual , sight line relationship to the road. Cordial I y Jef f l3urleson -- EXHIBIT it PUBLIC I}FROVEiI:ITS FOR PUBLIC ROAD AND RE-VEGETATION AI'ID RESTOMTION OF AFFECTED TERRAIN Said improv€rteots shalL include construcLiort of road slioulder and reEaining wall for contiguous Public road and restoration and re-vegetation of terrain disturbed by said improvements. AII of the above as more specifically set forth on the finat plat for The Valley - Phase V, and those public improvement maps, plans, and specifications for said subdivision as filed in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder, and/or County Engineer and/or the DepartmenE of Plahning and DevelopmenL, respectively, of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, all of said documents incorporated herein by this reference. \ )'t.sztu NINETEENTH srnrf DENVER coroRADo Bo2orfro3 s2s 474s CHILDRESS LIVAUDAIS ARCHITECTS Concelning specific nequirements: 4.02.01 PRELTMINARY PLAN: drawing size 36" x 42", Phase 5 Valley (a) complies (b) on drani ing (c) see enclosed legal dcscr iption and sketch plan of The Valley (d) adjacent ane condominium association common open space and e xisting valley c ondominiums ( e) on dr-aw ing (f) on drawinq, also see reports cnclosed (S) cxisting on dra,,r,ing, r-to new road to be constr.uctcd (h) on dnarving (i) r)one ane neserved or de dicated (j) adjacent lanc to be comnrorr open spilcc dcdicated to the condomir,ir.lm associatiorl (k) 1. The Valiev 2. Or^rner - Jim Cunr-'irrgharn Cunrringlharn (jonstructior-r and Development CompanyP.O. Box 418 V'ail , Colorado 80202 Subd ivider - Same as above Pneliminar^y plat - Childness Livaudais Ar-clritects 1523 1/'2 1 9th Stneet Denver, Colorado E0202 3. t{hite River- National For-est - Nor-th The Valley, Fhase 2 - East The Valley, Fhase 6 - West lhe Valley, Phases 1 & j- Soutn 4. PUD - Rcsidential / see dnan,ing. See legal descr-iption fon ac reage 5. fi ling fee paid by orvner- 6. thene are no r-e servations or dedicatiorrs for- public sites ',1.523% NINETEENTH sr*rO DTNVER coLoRADo B02ozf:03 82s 474s CHILDRESS LIVAUDAIS ARCHITECTS 7. brief description of PD guide: a. bui lding desi gn is to confonm to the architectural planning control committee of the Lions Ridqe Subdivision, Par^cel A. b. maximum building height = 35' c. building setback from road r ight-of-way = I5' (excluding garage) d, thene will be a partywall agreement e. lhe ownens of these lots will have access to the condominium ilssoLiation swimmiI'g oool and ternis courts B. Marketing and planning cr-iteria used in changing fr om B cluster units to 4 duplex units: a. by changing from cluster to duplex sites rve intr-oduce much rviden var-iety into the overall anchitectune of The Valley b. by r.tsing our vast south-facing slopes nor.th of the road, we may place langer units where they have the least impact and rnost sun c. thene is a gencral and predominarrt demand for- duplex sites rvithi n the vic)nity of Vail (l) all adjacerrt land is withirr The Valley 4.02.02 VICINITY SKETCFl MAP: See enclosed copy of Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 Final P lat. 4.02.03 PHYSICAL INFORMATION (a) Geology - see soilsreport enctoseo (b) Soils - see soils report enclosed (c) Vegetation - see inventory and evaluation by Robert L. Howland enclosed; tTee masses shown on drarving, (d) Wildlife - see letten by Kris Moser crrclosed (e) Wildfire - see lettcn by Terry lVatties enclosed 4,02,04 GRAD I NG AND DRA I NAGE : (a) see enclosed schenratic site Iayout (b) see enclosed schcmatic site layout '1..i23v, NINTTEENTH srnrf DENVTR coLoRADo 802ozf:03 s25 474s CHILDRESS LIVAUDAIS ARCHITECTS 4.02.05 (c) see enclosed schematic site layout (d) report by Eldor ado Engineening Company will follow, UTILITY l--LAN: Utilities exist on site; water, sewer., electricity and gas in Lions Ridge Loop Road R.O.!V. (a) [Vater- Supply - see letten from Local Government Management Consultants (b) Sanitary Servage Disposal - same as above (c) Under ground lrVining - see lettens from the Holy Cross Eiectrical Association and Mountain t3ell, Lions Ridge F iling No. 2. {3oth companies have been recently updated to the project and still plan pt-ov ision of scl vicc. (d) [:ir-e frr<-rtection - fi r-e hydnant exists on site. Rf VEGETAT ION: Site aneas distur-bed during construction wiil be r-eseeded and planted to retuf-n to natunal vegetation. Twenty-Trvo (22) copies ane enclosed, 4.02.06 4.02.07 Jeff uur leson, A I A o trVl]T R,TT R OFF SITE ACCESS ROAD IMPROVE}GNTS BUFFER CREEK ROAD ConsErucEion of a six foot wide road shoulder (measured fromthetrdgesoftheexistingpavedpor:Eionoftheroad)on each side of Buffer Creek Road from chat point where Buffer Creek Road intersecgs with the northerly boundary of Buffer Creek Subdivision Eo Ehat point where Buffer Creek Road intersects with Lion's Ridge Loop, in accordance with standards for Eagle County roads located in locals similar co said portion of Buffer Creek Road' LION'S RIDGE LOOP Construction of a six foot wide road shoulder (measured fron the edges of the existing paved porEion of the road) on each side of Lion's Rdige Loop from Ehat Point where Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Buffer Creek Road to that poinc where Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Parcel A' Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, in accordance wich standards for Eagle CounEy roads located in locals similar to said Dortion of Lion's Ridge LooP. @q) Lr' d o, c,,ctaft6o- tuo 5E@o ^ory=cllo JoH() EP3(nzdEuJ o-E a,t, --3 utO!c3!l{ z!! ul4J6(96-- 93 =(oFJX:)o2co8ci o- zut (LZ =m8? (,ruZ\l =trcoz cat;c\I UJ oo Jut January 'll , .l980 RECIi.,/Fi.] JAru l ii i980 Dept. ot pJannrng & Dev€I.E88te. County, calo. l'lr. Jeff Burleson c/o Childress Ljvaudais Architects 1523 1/2 - 'lgth Street Denver, C0 80202 RE: The Va] I ey, Phase V, Prel imi nary llater Rev j ery Oear Jeff: As you are av,are, I finished ny revie\rr comments of phase V and sentyou my col;'lnents on January B. At the Lions Ridge llater District meeting on the even'ing of January 8n an item came up that I ilroughtyou should be alare of. The I'Jater District is p'l ann'i ng to undertake various jmprovemenrs onthe irater systen ilr the upcoming moirtirs arrd years. l'irese improve- ments include: l. A lrel lyater storage tank. 2. L i ne improveinents to senve "Tlte VaJ 'l ey " by grarri ty frontire tan k . 3. Looping a I ine frorn the "Va'l 1ey" to the lower Lions Riclge Loop. 4. Certain valves, pressure reducing valves and meteringequiprnent to tie the above irnprcvernents together. These improvernents will help al1 of the District, yet certain oneswi'i 1 specificaliy upgrade "Tite Valley" area. 'therlfore, wh.i 1e theDistrjct r.rill be undertaking a certajn portion of the costs, it yrasfelt the deve)opers in the Vailey and at other locations should con-tribute an equitable arnount on the improvements. The exact amcuntto be con'uributed by each concerned pirty has not yei been determined. l4r. Jeff Burleson Page Two January ll, .1980 But, it is the intent of the ttistrict to have al'l involved partiespay a fair share. By looking at the future fire storage requirements,fire flovr demand, line lengths, domestic storage requiremants, itis planned to come up vrith an equitable cost for the developers andthe affected Water Districts. It is not the jntent of this vrork or this letter to delay your develop- ment or planning schedule. Yet, I wanted you to be aware of the work and rvhat will be needed by invo'lved parties in the months ahead. ifyou have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact nryse'l for Ed Drager, Presjdent of the Lions Ridge llater District. Yours tru1y, ,----\tz' )(-/ ./ tl6rya^" Yry\ / /r\BryX Duff , P. EU BDlj I w xc: Ed Drager Jim ColiinsJin Bailey/ Ton Boni ../ Inter-Mountain Engineering lra. January Il, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight Eagle County Department of Planning & Development Box I79 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Your File No. Su-114-80-P-2, The Valley Dear Terrill: We represent the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District, vrhi ch supplies sanitary sewer service to the above referenced propert:r. It is our understanding that this devel-opment will consist of four duplex Iots. The District has a main trunk line which follows the valley floor and should be adequate to serve this development. If a main line extension is required, the District will require that it be constructedin accord.ance rrith current District regulations. The District presently has excess capacity in its wastewater treat- ment plant and has begun construction on an expansion that will more than double its present size. Accordingly; upo[ pa].ment of proper tap fees and compliance rrith the District's rules and regulations, the District can and will provide service to this property. ff I can be of any further assistance, please caII. Very trul-y yours, UPPER EAGI,E VALI,EY SANITATION DISTRICT Jr86ry n >Sv,ntlo^ Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. Enqineers for the Di.strict Jeffery M. Spanel Vice PresidentJMS:cjn cc: John Anato Jim'Col1ins J j-m Bailey BOX NO. C-100 AVON, CO 81620 949-5072 DENVER 893-1 531 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 232-0158 gltoG' tf) ct)(tou, Gtco-- ulo 5roU'O 9?-1 0Joilo ,E ";F(9u, z,6Attt 4E.A -o-o utOE=lU7YE6(9fr-, 'Janua ry B, 'l 980 i:if-CIiVED .riii"l I lgdU Dtpt. ol Plrnning & o'vot' Eaglo, CosntY, 0ot0' 2BFJ)<i88c; .-d t'lr. Jim Collins Local Government Consultants 445 Union Blvd. - Suite 123 Denver, C0 20228 RE: The Valley, Phase 5, Preliminary Plan D ear Mr. Co] I i ns : I have finished review of the pref iminary plan subm'itted by Chi'ldress Livaudais Architects of Denver, Colorado. Since the submitted "preliminary plan" shorrrs no schematic layout of the proposed water mains or service lines, I do not feel I have enough information to comment at this time. I wou'l d suggest that vlhen the plans are done, that due consideration be given to a fire hydrant to serve Lots 1 & Z. Therefore, when a schematic layout is complete and submitted in greater detail than thai, which I have, I would g1ad1y review it. Yours tru1y,f2| \*-/ A/r" Bryan Duff B D/j 1w Burl eson Son;/ zuJ a-z =r!8? (9nJzvE1 HlDz('r =c{Y@-2, u, oo Eoc|Jul xc: TomJeff Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 8i631 lrJ'lr6t'. \,, 7, Eagle County Box 179 Eag1e, Col-orado Xagle County Plaru:erD'l ^n-i -- i't^-+., r.u! [r 15 r-rvP u. UIOJI Jamrary l+, l-9go Eagle County Soil TerriLl: The Va-11ey preJ-inirraty olan rvas sr-rbrnitted .uo theConservation District for revie..rr and conr,tent. I'Ie have no corr.ients conccniilg this request. Si-ncerely, 6-*i /l.l;; Br:.d Gates, Presi-Cent " Afttt" 6;6ik' ),'14'. U rrclnircAr, sPECrIrrcATroN- QVn{.i 4zu (0uz'7/. {-/; tr,,i:',/,,.' -t'gr: /al/l{s TS 1-1 0/ .ri//l,,lt t/,t l;< (rt tvr.:.7Exc ava t ion and Ernbankment h/ 4r-lt' . A. CENEI*AL This Article covers requirements applicable to all excavation and enbankment to be performed for the Fconstruction of I*&#k s*-ad* aqn+4tF+hese--r . o^/ €A6t€ co,ttt r./ zonour//_u1.cocA'-:-! ttut 1. Lines and Grades Llork of this conEract sha11 be performed to the 1ines, grades, sections and densj-ties as shov,rn on the drawings or as specified. I.lo rk not conforming to the lines and grades specified or shor,rn shall be re-worked until requirements are met by the Contractor at no exPense to the ovner. Cornpaction Control a. Testing necessary for determining suitability of materials' mois ture-density relaEions of soils, and field in-place densities being obtained sha11 be performed by Cootractor's testing agency. If, during the course of rhe rvork, required testing is no! bei.ng provided by the ContracEor, the Orn'ne r may engage a testing agency whose cost shal1 be ch€:rged to the Contractor. AobPez'q;a' 84s ee le€ a b. Before installatj-on of# may begi.n on cuc areas within the roadway, the existing material which forms the finish grade of t.he subgrade sha11 be compacred to the densities required hereinafter. Prior to conxr,ence- menE of any fill operacions wiEhin Ehe roadtvay, che exisring material sha1l be scarified to a depth of not less Ehan 6 inches and shal1 be compacted ro the densiEles required hereinafter, c.lloiscure-densic;r releEions of soils sha11 be cieEernined in accordance rviEh ASTI1 Standard D698, which will be referred to as standard density or maximum densic-v hereinafter. Field in-place d.errsiEy cests of compacEed fill' backfi11, subgrade, subbase and base course wili be performed in accordance r,ri th ASTiI D1556 or D2L67 or D2922 nuclear method- lrthere in-place densiEies fall belorv specified rnininums, Ehe CcnEractor ruill be required Eo re-Irorl<' Ehose zones unLil reo.uired densit.ies are obtained, and iF noc obtained, the Concractor shall be required co renove and rccoustruct che deiicient zones aE no adcliEional cosc Eo the Oru'ner. DensiLv tests slr.rLl- be perforne,l otr :;trLri;rade ' s*l"P€FlE{!6f:5;EgrL A^,,/) n*#R.l aggreg:rEe base cour:;e as direcced bli che rlt'tre r bur not less often than (l) tesc per ever'/ 500 Lineal l'eec of road- r..ray. &:nh,''r+r,'or lg*s-irag:one-derlsi E+eei!es-ijrl{.iq-eh9: }ack riiL-otpr:t*i on .K d. - l3 - -/vt L'fl/ During placing and/or compacting operaEions upon earch or earth and roclc mixEures, the moisEure conEenE of material in the layer being compacted sha11 be r'tithin 2 percent (t) of optimum and shal1 be as nearly as uniform as Practicable throughout Ehe layer. Fi1l sha11 not be placed in layers exceeding 12 inches in depth under an;- circumstances. The Contractor shall perf orrn all operations necessary to ensure the proper moisture content, including but not linited to sprinkling, scarifying, aeraEion or drainage. The Contractor shal1 coordinate his placement and compaction operaEi-ons wich the sampling and Eescing oPerations of the testing agency, Permitring proper inspection as Ehe work Progresses. The Or"ne r or Ovmerts Representative may suspend any portion of thi: earEhwork when density requirements are not bei-ng met, or r.rhen satisfacEory resulEs are doubtful. Earthwork compacEion oPerations sha11 not be performed during periods when freezing ternPeratures' excessive moisture or similar factors preclude satisfactory resulEs. !/hen working condit.ions are marginal, the Contractor sha11 obtain the Or^tnert s approval Eo commence or proceed with compaction operaEionsl however, it sha1l be the ContracEor's responsi- bility that the work, when tesEed, will meet the compaction requirements specified herej.n. Should prevailing EemPeratures induce frost in the fil1, backfi1l, embankmen E or subgrade in such anounts that it is conEributing Eo unsaEisfacEory densities, placement shall be suspended and sha11 not be resuned. until conditions are favorable. @d du=r*g;2eciurls--:ziterr==keezi'nq-'=t-€nPeE-'+t'rl{es-q*::==halJ=be coarple++ly-t-ha(7sd ??f drto-' eomm::scilrg Sack'i-i:jj:--at"Gleo{nP6-etatn op e racioo-s. 5. Drainage Control and Dewace ring Throughout a1L worl.l under Ehis contracE, the ContracEor shall maintain drainage in Ehe varicus r,:ori: areas such as to Drcvenc collection of water in excavaEions, pondin3, erosion cncl excessivel:t "/e E or unsEable soil condicions. Operacions to be pertor;re<l by Ehe Concrlccor in acconplishing thc roreSoine shall i:'rclude, bue not necessarily be limired to, the follor'rinq: a. creciing in rhc .'ricinity or and ior -r disl:rncc oi rpproxinately 25 feet outsicle each e::car,,ation, inclr.rciing slopes, shall be conEinuall'/ and cf fecci','el'.' con!roLf:cl to prJvenc surfece rvaccr f-ro:n entcrinq thc excevaclon' b. r\n,v r.'ater .rcculrulacing tn e:<cuvaEions ' :ronl ullaccvcr sourccr sheII be lronlLL,/ rg,rrdvcci b.r thc conErscccr. usinq rlcrvaEerinq r.leEhods acceptcblc E.o che iingineer' I'l'he re tlirecced, der';etering operf E ions ';irrlL bc conEitrur:d -rs ncccssarv for n:intaininqn(NN }IATERIALS suiEable condj.Eions in Ehe excavat.ions EhroughouE backfilling ope rat ions . Dit.ches sha11 be constructed as required for drainage and proEection of the r.ro rk and shall be maintained unobstrucEed and free draining. 1.Sui table l,laterials llaterials for constructing fi11s, embankmenEs and as select structural fi11s or backfills for this ted on the drarrinss are defined as follows: zones designated oroi ec! and indica- Ilaterial excavaEed from within the project right-of-way or consErucEion easements and used as fill or embankment material shal1 be free from perishable matter' debris, frozen maEerial and stones or cemenEed pieces larger than Permitted by the specified gradation. I'laterial sha11 consist of any on-site excavated material conEaining 100 percent parEicles smaller than 12 inches, excluding topsoil, saturated silts and clays 'peac and other organic matter. The rate of placement of fill materials shall be coordinated wit.h the comPacting oPerations and density testing such EhaE Ehe required densities are obtained and verified before further placemenE is nrade on these areas. u-:4 t" " /s trn{ u:r aV rtz{e r '.ar particles finer than 6 incires, a ma:<inun of 25 percent minus 2OO particles an ci. a plascic:,ty index of epproxircately, 10 percenE. Backfill Backfill unLess shown othen,rise on the dra'w-i'ngs shalL consist of Ehe material speci.fied hereinbeiore for Fills exc.pE that 100 percent of ghe particlcs shall be smaller than 6 inches' a. Fill .Pipe Be dcl inq Pipc beddinq shall be a select sanci/grave L t:Tixture r'ri th 100 perccnt ?arEicles passing che 3/4-inch sieve . 35il'-7 5i( passing the l.lo. 4 sic..'e and O,1j-8ii passing the :io. 200 si.eve. ,'Filb r iJ Filtcr t{aEerial Fabric f iLter mlrce rial s;h:rll be "TYPAR" as manut-ecEured by I. E. DuPonc or Jn Ot,rner-unproved equel. m-.:-..lritt 4^""tt'i.iiion,' -desilnaced "seiec'! stiuctural" f.ill on Ehe -'rirawin!s'i6a11 consis-t of inorganiq.s6ils having lO0 percenc s' n(-i5-1t, Unsuitable MaEeriaIs Itaterial conEaining vegetation, rooEs, stones larger than permitted by che class of fill being placed, highly plastic clays or other material having unsatisfacEory conpacEion characteristics sha11 be classed as unsuitable for use and sha11 be disposed of as specified or oEherr{ise directed bv the Ovrner. C. CLEARING AND GRUBBING Trees, brush, buried vegetation, trash, sEumps, subsurface roots larger than th inches in diameter and all matted roots shall be conpletely removed from within and to 5 feet outside of areas to receive fill, gravel surfacing, ocad€F'd'e-P€|ed and to a li.ne 5 feet beyond the top of any cut or loe of any fill or enbankmenL. Except in areas r.rhe re excavatlon will fo11ow, depressions created by grubbing sha11 be fi11ed with suitable material and compacted. 1. rembvat 4o oi.oot.l or. Lhis/,kt.iih shall belconpi"fJa-ilv'cohcrcc{or ry'a "lt"ir'ty'ro 1/p^rt cjr tnis .or(tt^"t'. t \-' D.STRIPPING I l. The ground surface r"rithin and to a distance of ! feet beyond the limits of areas to be occupied by the roadway or areas to receive fill sha11 have all topsoil and soils containing grass' rooEs and other organic materials removed by stripping. The minimum deprh of stripping sha11 be 6 inches. A11 areas requiring stripping shall be scarified to a depEh of 6 lnches and cornpacEed as described hereinbeiore before any fill meterials na-v be placeci. )Toosoil removed by scrippinl shal-l be rcrnoved Eo a si:e designaced by the Or,'ne r and stoclipileC Eor reuse and kepc sep3rate from oEher crnnizni l..d mrr,-r'i r 1 e E::C:'rtrr\T ION 1. Excavation shall be carrieci Eo the elevaEicns end qrsoes required for che subsredes and finish sra.dcs shotu'n on Ehe dr3winqs. E::cavaEion r.r'i 11 noc be cllssif ie,l lnd shaLl consisE of ihe satis- f accory,' reno,zal and disnosition oi all naterlaLs as necessary for nnr--nriirr.r..' oF rh,r r,'orli - rcsrLrCLcss of thc naE.ufc of Chei,!Lr-v!macerisls cncounEcrcd. As rtearly' as practicabic, macerials er<cJvaiei trn<]er this conErilc! anci noE previousl;- specifiei as rrnsuiEabie sliaLl be Er:InsDorced. Eo and urilized in che iill and backiill arcas of the pro.jccc or in .storage areas shot'n on Ehe Crar,;in3s or rlesirnateci byr the u\"Tler. lM -I ire- ?h *se-l -pcrrfrc:r-+r-t rx:- PFft+ee €-jr1l+--8t€i-ferTl:.i-rL't**i*e]=e+ e n tv -3's- e vfr*nl Ct'4Vt'trlI' 7 Bhese--f--sh*+iL_be--seee&p'i4eC hy the Contrector in Ehe area" 'h or^m on the-drawings*. Ptrd9"5f Jrom- the--€wrer:- Ove rexcava t ion Excepc as directed by the or,mer, overexcavation shall be carefully avoided . a. llhen the indicaled limits of excavaEion are reached and the exposed maEerial is found, in the opinion of che O'wner, to have unsuitable qualities, the Or'tner will direct in rn'riting Ehe corrective measures to be talien, and- an equitable adjustmenE in contract price will be made for this additional work in accordance with Eh€ applicable (add) unit price for directed overexcavation in accordance wiEh this contract. Directed overexcavation shal1 include both excavation and filling with suitable materials and compaction Eo the specified density co re-escablish che excavation to the required lines and grades. Quancities as the basis of payment sha11 be established by field measurement and survey of unsuitable materials removed and of suitable fill materials placed and compacted' b. unauEhorized excavaEion and the corrective measures necessi- tatedtherebyvrillnotbeconsideredasabasisforclaimsby the contractor for additional palTnent. l.Ihe re unauthorized excavaEion is carried belorq the elevarions indicated, grades sha11 be brought up Eo indicaEed elevations wj.th fill maEerial ofrhetypespecifiedandconrpactedEotheapplicabledensity specified for the material being placed. I,lhere unauthorized excavation is carried beyond the horizontal limits indicated, thecorrectiverneasutesshallbeasdirectedbyEheot'rner. -3------Exc..avaE-i€'t-fo r-tEEdhsf Trencires shall be excavated to Ehe required rleotlts and widCh,g-as fcllcss. . Trench valls strall be vcrti-cal :or not nor,e -E.han--5 feet and Ehen shall be slopcd or stepPed Eo gr'rde to- Provide ior the saiety oi the woricers. unlcss othcrrrise shorun on the draw-ings, the ttidth at the toD of the vcr:ical, pL)rtion oF thc trench silall be a ma:<inuln of l8 inciri:s on clcir sidc of cht pir:e d i:rr:crcr ror pipes lcss chen J6 inches in diarrecer, l4 incncs- ior :r i)cs bctl.'een i6 incnes rrnci 9(r inches in tlianeCer :1rci 16 incltes for--pipes larger rhan 96 i.nche s in,.dianecer. AII Pipa trenchcs sha-LI l)e overe:(c3vated ilE leasE 6 inches bcior,r the bottom of pipe elevatj.on. unlesr; oEher- .--Ditches shall be excavaEed to Ehe slope and cro-ss-section indiiif6' on Ehe drawings.-Ove_rcxcavatio_n-sha.lI'benackf iLlcd to che requireci grade and slope r;iEh '"ii c jir'="==c=f i -rl--rrC-co n:pac ced - All. dllllt: .shall b,e-mainrCineci by che ConcracEor during che construction pe-ftod ---- -4--E,ca vat-iorl=e++r enehe s- -f7-leot/ r^iise sho',in on the drawings and the overexcavaEed depth bacl9!i11ed with pipe bedding macerial placed in 6-inch lifEs spread-e-venly across the fu11 width of the Erench bottom. Shotild;Le-become necessary to overexcavaEe nore Ehan 6 inches in-order to remove boulders or other obstructions, the re s ult ing--i{epre ssion sha11 be backfilled r.riEh suitable materials and campacled to 90 percent l scandard densiEy before placing of b-edding maEerials' Bedding I materials sha11 be cornpacted aftgr/placement and shall be shaped and graded to provide uni f orm.. bearing and supporE for che bottom Iquadrant of the pipe for-_th6-entire length 9f the pipe except where necessary Eo excavate-,-ddpre s sions for pipe joints' The depressiotlsI ,tr.ff be'of onlv sudtr length, depth and width as iequired for oropeir f iEEing of E-he parEicular type of joinE. t'the re pipe is to be ' , \' insralled-in an area of fi1l, the fill shal1 first be construcled l to t.q,rit.a densj.ty to an elevacion at least one foot above che' --top oi the pipe, Eiren excavated for the pipe as described above' --- (. D^ --^r r 6:=---5 cockoillne pr$aracion and excavaEion of borrow areas, and furEher processing-- of the excavated material if necessary, sha11 be perf-ormed as required to produce maEerial sultable for the intended use' Clearing, grubbing and stripPing of borro\r areas' stoclipiling stripped topsoil, disposal of unsuitable materials and maintenance and dressing of borrow areas. shall' 'as.-necessaiy, be performed aS operations incidenfal- to borrow. Except -aS. o,Eherwise permitted by the Or,rner, borror'r locaEions sha11 be neaEly eicavate-d- and aiequately drlined and ruhen borror'r operations are comp leteid- sha1l be left in neat condition. Borrow areas shall be as shor"n on the -'drawings. ...'--..- I iftere sholh--on lhe drarvings or _r.;here 'directed by che O'u'ne r naterial may be placed in siciclcpil.--s.ll n-if fe...tt classes of materials shall be stockpiled s_eparately. pre!-i:ration and rnainrenance of the ;; " J;;[, ;."a--"r'"r r be ac comp lished b; ]hc--con ura-cls r-at no additional cosE Eo the ftmer. 7. BaclctilLinq Trencncs Backfill sha1l nor be piacecl uotil- :he pipe installation has been inspecEecl , all required Eests ha're been conoleted and -rhe pipe Erench has been approved for bacLcf illinq ' Trenchesshallbeb:rctifillcdwiEhbackfiLlmaterielessoeciFied hereirbciore to rhe rllevaciotls shorln. The backfi11 shall be brotrgirE rrp in 6-inch cornpacEed Lavers evenly on bocir sides oi:he pipe, tal-'ing carc to ensure Ehorcrrgh conpilction under Ehe haunches of thc pipe. Each laver shull 'be Lhoror.ttlirlv comDlcieC be iore pLac!ng Ehc succeedlng la.ler. This necltocl of f i11i.rg :rnrl compacling sha.l-l conrintre rttrc.iL Eirc conD:lcled baclif ill has rcactred an elcvacicn oi - ac le:st lS inc1rcs above Ehe col; oE t6c pipe or f inishcd subgrarie, -i3-4t whichever is less. llinimum compac-t-ed -densi ty-- of- btctFill mat.erial shall be 95 percent-maximun-dendfty. --ftre rest of the trench sha11 be backfilled in accordance with the procedures and- specificationstut4{ir ."...i.r.. Cut and Fil1 To che greaEest extenE pracEicable, cuE and fill operacions shall be coordinaEed so as to minimize haulage and rehandling, and permiE placemenE of excavated maEerials direcEly inro fil1s and embank- mencs being construcEed. However, aE Ehe direction of the Or.tner, borror.r areas mav be worked Eo remove and/or Process material and the resulLing borrow maEerial hauled and stockpiled in other areas of Ehe proj ecL. Fi 11s Genera 1 Fills shal1 be constructed to the lines' grades, sections and densicies shoLn on the dra\.rings or detailed in these specifi- cations. Materials meeting requirements for the Particular use shall be placed and spread in horizontal layers, moistened nr dried ro the snecified moisture contents and compacted to Ehe specified density before placing the succeeding 1ayer. 1)To che greatest exEent PracEicable, fill oPeracions shall be conducEed Eo minimize hauling and rehandling, and to permiE placenenE of e:<cavaEed materials directly into fi11s being constructed. Ithere direct placemenc is not practicable, suitable rnaEerials shaLl be stockpiled fot later placement. The earlhrqorli operacions necessary for conscruction of fil1s sha11 be srrspended at any tine specifred densicies caonot be obteined due to rain, snorJ, f reezing r'reaEher or other unfavorable conditions. Fi1l sha1l nor be placed on frozcn rnareri:rl or surfaccs containing frost and frozen materials shall noc be inccrporateri inEo Ehe !"orli. It shall be che Contractor's responsibili:v co decermj-ne' Eo Ehe saEisf 3ction of the {},-,rer, Eh.GE no f rost or f rozen maEeri.als are presenE in thc fi11s beiore commencing fitt placement. The maceriaL in each layer shall have the moisEure concenE rvichin the ranSe tlccessarv for obcaininq the req.uircd deqree of comoacc ion lnd slurLl be IlreEccd. dricti or ocllerr.J-ise manipuLated Eo secllrc Lhe reqLrircd noiscure conEenc F;' -^,,.,1.^,, F .l'.' I rr'.:r 'l) -19- $e "'/ 5) The ConEractor sha11 be responsible for Ehe stabiliEy of all fil1s construcEed by him, and shal1 reconsrrucE any portion which has become displaced due Eo failure to properly construct or protect the fi1ls' at no additional expense to the Oruner. Where fills are being constructed uPon natural slopes steeper than 3 Eo 1, Ehe natural slopes shall be stepped or benched as the layers of fill are being placed. Where fill is being placed against previously constructed fil1s steeper than 3 to l, the slopes of the existing fi11s shall also be stepped or benched as the material is placed. Benches, where required, shall be ten feet wide r,rith steps not exceeding 3 feet high. Hauling and spreading equipment sha11 be operated over the full widch of the fill and sha11 not follow in the tracks of the preceding equipment. Leveling equipment sha1l be kept in conEinuous operation during placing of the layers to spread, blend, level and comPact the material as ic is bei.ng Placed. The rate of placement of fill materials shall be coordina- ted wirh the compacting operaEions and density EesEing such that Ehe required in-place densities are obtained and verified before further placernenE is made on those areas. 7\ b.Placement and Densities Fil1 marerial , backfill naEerial and select structural material shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose Ehicliness, at optifilun noistur3 conEenE (+) 2 perc:nt, and compacEed to 95 percenE maxinum density. Subgrade Preparation E:<cept where such surfaces consist of undisEurbed roclc or other undisturbeci harci-cenented maEerial lrhose riensities vroulc.l noE be inc:cased by compection. as d.lternincLi by the Otmer. all surfaces to receive iill and ernbarrlii:ren E s or ocher areas Eo be occupied by chc ro:rdr,ray shtrll be sc:rified to a deoth of 6 inches, broughE Eo r''iE.hin 2 percent (+) oi opEimum moisture content. and cotlpactcd Eo noE less th:rn 95 percent maxirlun densiEy- Construclion shall noE be comrnenccd on these coirDacceo surfaces unCil uensity Eests have been complctetl .n.l rnnr-nvn,l ,\f i-or ..\r:n.r.ri n,' ro f hc rnnrri rn/ dr'nsi f \'- f hcJLru dt.r, finished srrbgrrdes for rcacls sha1l be uniformli' snrooEh and shail noE varl,' more thalr 0. I ieet above or bclor'l lraCe :tnd no nore chan tJ.05 teet .rbove che 6','pic:I cross-section ac an;' givetl poinE Ehc recn. 4) 6) a( 4\E ''i"J G. d. Compaction Equipment For constructing fills and embankments composed of earth or earEh and rock mj-xtures, the ConEractor may use any type of compacting equiprnen! r,:hich satisfactorily produces the re- quired densities. Such equipment will be subject to Ehe Ormerts approval and sha11 be suicably modified or replaced r,rich accepEable equipment at any Eime accepcable results are not beins obtained. FINISH CRADING A1l areas of earthr.rork under Ehis congract, including adjacenE Eransigion areas and areas scarred by the Contractorts hauling and parking, shall be left uniformly smooth graded, The finished surface sha1l be reason- ably smooth, compacted anC free frorn irregular surface changes. The degree of finish sha1l be thac ordinarily obtainable from moEor grader operations. The finished and graded surfaces shal1 be not more chan 0.1 feet above or below the required grade or cross-secEion' excepE that this tolerance shall not permit lor'r areas rqith resulting ponding of runoff. PROTECTTON AND }I{INTENANCE OF CO}IPLETED I,^IORK A11 embankments, fil1s' cuts' cut slopes' di+chgs,-'sl+€ir€s and other work hereunder shall be protected from damage by actions of the elements and shall be maintained by the contractor as necessary or as directed by the Or^mer, throughout the effective period of rhis contract. Such mainEenance sha11 include. buE sha11 not be limited Eo, Ehe following: Altr-+ii.c ches-aftd-eulverts-sha1-1-- be -arainEained -i ree--i-r-on -accurnula- t i on s - o€.-E rash;:;e e i s*Ah-d --d c bt i-sl-a n d-from*s i-l ei'ng . Slides, consistjng of marerials originating outside Ehe staked limits of cuE slopes, which move into rhe scaked lirnits of excava- Eion due !o action of the elernents, shall be rernoved and disposed of , and the cut slopes ref inisl]ed. Slides in embanl:ments sltaIl be renlaceC. recornoacteci and Che embanknenE slopes retinisl'.ed fo line and grade. Anv erosj.on or- embankmellts and cut sloPes shall -he repaircd by filling the erodcc arc-rs wich suitcble marerial, corp:rccing, 3nd drcssing Ehe areas to Ehe appro'rcd slope. Road shoulclers r,,hich beconte rutCctl sh:rlL be resEorcd to Eheir oriqinel condition r.rith srritable maf eri:tis :lnd reccrnDact.ed, H;rnd nlecinq :rnci finishinu sh;rLl be pe rf otred ils necessary. Ani' settlernent ctf iinislt qraded are:rs siral1 bc repa:rcd a:nd grades reescablished Eo requircd elevacions, slopcs and (iensicl-es. .,.rrv,culvert nipe or f li rc d'-Ends-alar,aEe-if--on -Ch-d-CD-n-tYal ctro r t= -eq ui Pmen L- ;h+I.L-ire---rem()veci--rnci-replrccu-fiTn-Il.jr..r'mJceri-3{s-*t-no-..:XD"**a*-T n0Gler- ,/ .V I1l ,tA -ir- (lIIfIl v4ll''I TECHNlCAL SPECIFICATION TS I-3 AggregaEe Base Course A. }IATERIAL Aggregate for constructing base course shal1 consisE of crushed stone' crushed and screened gravel, sand or a combination of such maEerials' Base course aggregate shall be free from vegetable matEer and all other deleterious materials. The following tesEing procedures sha1l be used when determining specified properties: Mechanical Analysis AASHTO Designation T27 Base course mix gradation when Eested per MSIITO Designation T27 shall confonn to Class I gradation for It4" nomj-nal size aggregare and Class 2 gradation for 314" nominal size aggregaEe. Sieve Size Class I Class 2 Passing No. 200 Sieve 'l Liquid Limir Plasticity Index Los Angeles Abrasion " TL1 " T39" T91t' T96 10090-100 100 95-100 50-9030-50 30-70 2" L\" 1tt 3/4" No. 4 No. 8 No. 200 3-15 lfinimurn accepEable values of specified properties are Cefined as f o 11o r.rs : Los Angeles Abrasion 35 or less Llquid Limit 30 or less Plasticiuy Index 6 or less B. CONSTRUCTION 1. Base course materi3l shal} be plar:ed only on finished sttbbase meeE.ing all requiremenEs for secEion., densi-ty and smoothness, and which are frce Erom loose or frozen naterial' Base course aggregaEeshallnocbeplacedonEheprepareCsubbcser'rhenthe moisEure contenE o!- Ehc Eop 6 inches oI the subgr:<le exceeds optirnun. The b:rse course maEeriill shrll be placed in uniForm rnii:E.ures and ShaIl be sprceri in layers or r'rirlci ror"s r'riChouE Scgre- garion. Segregared m:rrcrisls shall oe mixed until uniform'k -47- ",,il 0 ^''/ The base course macerial shall be spread, waEered, processed, shaped and compacted as required. Spreadlng may be accomplished using motor graders or other approved spreading devices. Afuer the top surface of the base course has been spread and shaped and before compacEion is conpleted, all surface transverse and longi- tudinaL irregularities shall be eliminated. The finished and compacEed surface of the base course sha11 conform to the grade and typical sections shorm on the draluings. If Ehe required compacted depfh of the aggregaEe base course exceeds 6 inches, it sha1l be consEructed in two or more layers of approximately equal thickness. The maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shall not exceed 6 inches. When vibratory or other approved types of special conpacting equipment are used, the compacted depth of a single layer may be increased to 3 inches upon approval. Unless otherwise indicated or directed, all base course shall be compacted to not less than 95 percent maximu:n dry density as measured by MSHTO TlB0 and sha11 be vrithin * 2 percent of opEimum moisture conEenE. c.CON STRUCT IO}I TOLERA,i'ICE S The top surface of the finished base course sha11 not show any deviations in excess of one-quarter inch rvhen tested r'rith a l0-foot straightedge. The variation above or belcl,r Ehe Eesting edge of the straightedge shall be measured be Er.;een any Ewo contact points. i..he re the ihick-ness of the coinpleted base course is rti thin one-hali incll o f che Ehickness siror.n on Ehe dra'.an13s , Elle base course r.rill be considered to be r,richin accepiable chickness tolercnces provided that no rnore than 50 percent of the Ehickrlesses tesEed are belor'r the uhickness shot'n on the drar'-ings. Lhere the thicl:ness of rhe base course is less tiran the tirickness shown blr more than one-half inch, rhe base course siral1 be correcteci in such ;rreas bv scarifv- ing, placing aCC.i rional naterial. blcnciing ' smooEliini] ind compacting as necessary, I^Ihere Ehe base course is nore Ehan one-'rla1 f inch Ehicker than !lre rhickness shol'n, Ehe base course vill be considercd acceptable provided the surface conforns to Ehe established gr::rie and Ehic!<ness seclion. Base cotrrse construcEcd Eo excess thichness or beyond thc linits shor,rn rrilL noE be the basis for addicional costs. 1. ') e(_48_ d8 i;/; t lt t"tl R C. GASION BASKET CONSTRUCTIO}I Lengch, widEh, depth of gabion ce11 and diaphragm dimensions shall be as shor.m on Ehe drar.rings , The rec tangular , cot'.tpartmented containers shal1 be constructed from hexagcnal rnesh wire. The longer dinension of the nesh openings shall nor e:<ceeci 4 inches. llesh vire gage shall be noc less than .10 inches and sirall neet Eile requirenents of Federal Specificacion OQ-ti-461g. The rrire nesh f or::.ing Ehe container and all other maEerials used in the construc:ion oi the basl<et shall be gal- vanized and shall contain noE less chan 0.8 oz. /square foot of rhis zinc coaEing, I.Ihere Ehe height of che gabion baslteE exceeds one-third Ehe dept.h, wires connecting opposiEe sides of Ehe baskec shzr1l be instalLed. Connecting r"'i-res sh:l-1 be locaced in the baskec as re- quireC by che Or.mer. Connecting r;ire gage sirall be noc less Lhan .lO inches in diameEer. Each basket shall be anchorcd Eo the subgrade by noc lcss Ehan 2 slakes which shal1 be ciriven in ad.ilccnt or opposite corners of ",he basket ancl sha11 have a lenqEh not iess Lhan 4 Eeet' Tho ion of the sf;rl-:es shalL not uxEend farther belolr che top of Ehe basker Chan 2 inches and shall be of a naterial aopro.,'ed by Ci]e Ouner. Di.roirraqms shall bc rcqui.reci r*,he re Ehe lcngtir of the lleskeE el:ceeds ti.ricc Ette t.Jidtt. Di:rpnr;r3rns sir:rIl l>e ccnstrucEe(i of lhc sarqe nesh naEeriilL as :l)e baskec and sirall be sp:rccd :juch tilat tllc bcsl(c! length is 'l ivi'lcci inco ;rppro\':-r:::rcel" 'lqu:lL f\'1ris \"it:l :lo P:l:t cxcceriinq Elte r.rid c h of chc biisket. o I a._af ;t r'.. ,.! { C.1l ; it7.r ..7.. ., Cl 7t1t/,tf i17i,r P{(:f tn t t,/l|nr-ta. A. GE}IEfu\L Gablon baskets shal1 be installed as ca11ed for on th€ contract drarvings. €lopes'-of4-:.1-or-f'1aE eer--ehal-l-be-sonsLE$cte.d-,unde"rne+t-h-ea1-gebiorr' baske t-ins tall.a I'ions. GABION FILL }TATERIAL Gabion fill material shall consist of hard, durable rock or stone. The rock maEerials shall conforn to the following gradation: Maxinum Stone I,Ie ight (pound s) 50 Gabion fill material may vi-ding that the height of baskec being fi11ed does TECIINICA], SPECIFICATIOI TS 2-3 Gabion Baskets Minimum and l4aximun Range in lleight of qr^noc t'nn"n.lcl 5to50 l0 to 50 be hand-placed or placed by machine pro- rrron from hnnner or bucket to bgEEom of not exceed 3 feet, trle ight Range ^F 75 narr-anrvA,/i,erve..! of Stones (pounds ) - 5r - t:tiiia !oo;38 s:9= qg99 <;b"- Os€.-bi E3E=-6 < t! *t= "gE_(,, af, E* 3.s;l: .!S." i {r o:ii E:: - ur ": s -{rt Rt9F trJ Z.J Irr fDF< <r- UJ E.F zu-o.:ao< e l/).3 t-i ,z s<! .fre _Hi "FI! '5!l 'q,\6H I I i s P ri iiii isiii i$iii all-lzl =l zlol col<l "lJI<l()I StiiE _:r , ! lis E: :ii ';!iii, =iii$ li il=Ito io- lo ii0.i=l lioic) li' E Tz z 64 trJEFa(L ) o o_ t- -ll tsl 'z\6l @l<l(,l-rlol<l:l-lal L.IJ IEl =lgl l-lOI 9ltlol "l*l :l <l EI \ \ .-* : tr.-s--i\ i ii ;"r1-t"-irlf - - - F-------'------1-1 -1\ ii*rj ,lo, .. .fi'1, \l^ \l,r'd',8r'\l nlii j , .'$ \l\\--\F: ]-u i N\ N\--{ Iiol\uhtdti \r \l , !li--l I ri_]--. ,r-a.:---:-nr -:**+_-1 €A$ [\K/$ iiiil.,.-*-\ l".5iis -"r+i"-j \ l'i -:lH ,'\,)tr 5t-!r]*\i t--\\-\F ll ,'', i {ti {}irs j='.i \r, \]l , bii .r I I 'l'r'!3 *---i---f---.t .! 5 rn-'t----nt -:*$--l \J --\ ---_1-/ z LrJ F lrJ F F lrJ F =NtJ I LFs drl t <f;I: \lr'tn= I E O z.s U) t { * {t 3I ! F: $ \ Fzt! l- UJ F l! ( i s3 \ s 41, :: ;:Nr€ f3 \! ;il.o*" s ! 's s T t $d ri Q i COLORAOO OEPARTMEIT 1210 EAST OF HEALTH IITH AVENUE , OENVER,COLORADO Frank Traylor, M.D 80220 . PHONE 320-8333., Executive Director DATE: SUBJECT: TO: PROJECT TITLE 2 rhe Va71es, STATE IDENTIFIER: N/A December 27, 797 9 NON.STATE ASSTSTANCE REVIEW AND COMMENTS TertiTT Knight EagTe Countg P TanninglBox 779Eagie. CO otoJt F;ECTiVED tilt ,i r i979 Licpt ol | ,rri: il & Dcvel tagle, Co!nty, Cclo. Phase V. PteLiminarg Plan FiTe #Su-774-80-P-2 CoMMENTS 2 (Due Januatg 16, LgSO) Air poTTution control_: The effectof a singTe deveTopment of this size mag be verg EnaTL on the total airqualitg Tevel in the area. The cumuTative effect of numerous deveTopmentsof thjs size is of concern. Activities during the normaT consttuctionphase such as earth-moving ate relativeTg short in duration and can beeffectiveTg controTTed bg various measures. The same is not true for theongoing air quaTitg impacts such as reenttainment of dust and dirt fromboth paved and unpaved roads, direct automobile emjssjons , and emissionsftom fitepTaces. These emissjons added to simitar emissions for otherdeveTopments, coupled with the unique meteroTogg of mountain communities,mag have a considerable air quaTitg impact. This has been seen in a numbetof areas, incLuding Aspen and vai7. The air qualitg impacts of a singTesubdivision cannot be deait ulith effectiveiq from the State Leve7. rt isTocaL governments who must weign ttte cuiuTiive environmentaL inpact ofgrowth and deveTopment in Tight of Tocal needs and desires and ovetal,l,environmentai standards. In a number of our comments (Colotow at SguawCreek, June 22' 7979) ' we have pointed out the basic sources of poTTutionfrom subdivision deveTopment and some conttol measutes which can be used.our comments woul-d be the same for ang major (over 25 acres) deveTopment.Furthetmote t out concerns for cumuLat,ive impacts, especiaTTg with tespect,to auto-telated emissions, continue to grow. Name,TitleMickiBarnes, SOC-3, Jan 79 Eagle County Department and Development Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ()neParkCentral - l515 Aropohoe street P. O. Box 84O Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (303) 534-1261 December 19, L979 . .-.n:r-,\ r:'r\'.- - '...1t_, .r-..1 ,.-.t rl. ' :1 I la:'q I :.:i. !; : i,"i:'r ! ! l€Yel' c';!ia, CcrntY, cclo' of Planning Re: Preliminary Development Plans su-114-80-P-2 The valleySU-I27-80-P hperial Development Gentlemen: We have examined the above captioned plot plans and find that at this time Western has no facilities on the land to be plotted. Please note that we are a transmission utility and our approval does not reflect our ability to serve sr:bject subdivisions. very truly yours, Associate Right-of-Way Agent LLR:plf BICHARO O. LAMM Governor ffi\# DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Oepartment ol Natural Flesources 1313 Sherman Street ' Room 818 Denver. Colorado 80203 Adrfl ,nrst€rion {303} 839.358 1 Ground wate. (3O3) 839-3587 December 18, 1979 W. R. SMITHActing Stata Engincar Drili. rit Piir,ni;rg & 0evel. Ealle, Couniy, cclo. 'tJ' rJ Mr. Terrill Knight, Director Eagle County Department of Planning and Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 8163I Re: The Valley at Vail , Phase 5 Dear Mr. Knight: This is to acknowledge receipt of preliminary plan material for the above referenced subdivision. The Lion's Ridge Water District has been designated as the source of water and a letter of commitment for service has been submitted. Information available in our files indicates that the Dlstrict has sufflcient water available to serve this development and we recommend approval of the Valley at Vail , Phase 5. Very Jeris A. uty State Danielson Engineer IAD/GDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. ''1 523.t, NINETETNTH SrREo DTNVER COLORADO 802orfr03 82s 474s., IcHTLDRESS LtvAUDAts ARCHTTECTS I November 1979 Mr. -l-orn Lioni Assistant Director^ of P larining Eagle County Planning Dept .P.O. uox 'l79 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear lvlr'. i3oni, We ane subnritting hr:re,,vith prelinrinar.y plan nequincments fon Tlre Valiey atVail, Phase 5. This information is supplemental t<; the Lions {iidgc filirrg ll data submittedto Eagle County on 1 ti lvlay 1972. Consistent with onigi rral intentions of I'he Valley, the gneat major.ity of theland nemains ur'ttouched (85 o overall). This phase consists of four duplex lots rvhich vvill b.: sold for other-s to develop. P.D. guide is enclc.ised. Possibilities for par.king and building arc- shown, but rvill be constnucted by each individual developer. We have attempted to comply with subdivision regulations to f agle County(as amended 1 August I976) anticle 4.02 as closely as possibte. /..-'tt4'8a'/' e''I'-t= q-.tvr t ' ' \sD ,,".,-.,... ..' // raa OK. / -t o All lv I i I id ;5 it 6l lr Ilr: ir tl '1 ff A\)/ 55 1oro d dnI f lrrli s-/, 1:=)!:r-l ,-J i---i I i' ;.i ;' _: -<t 3ro Jll = F3 6 (D .' cra,.'t 3{3 fDJ rD:J-O-:rrrD=- o o >k nl: oor!ao!.r.--. ocf :!> c-il. 1.J E-a.. I ^ q--:= a 3 3 o - -r o 'o e - -r,do do n 6 0 -3 0 = == o b o.. = -., ok 3 =rD- (- cr')i, -looq -rD3a .-1 q, 3o \ a a-; o cro q cr -n o o- o,.rt o tt o, -l -11oo,-r=ca,o* - --cr-',o-.,o- 1.r-t do *.r-o-qfl; qF:39 5 '? fl.:3 i3 e g f3E€F -"3333 =;r'.-AdB:6-1|lD irc-n:.rq -! ?,o lD J alD>(o r.) .D <i-<t -. jo-n @:, =@ .D-6.1;; i; r,? c 3-",.3,39 3-3 5 t i.3113 .6 -;;?;J 39.Do,<n!l.'c..3 !.oo-.i d-o-.. I o=oo; ooa..-is:;d3€i-.; 3=9ilil-,; ;q eJ*i;-,F E3i;*eq+-Fd 6:jE'< -t. o- a9)rJ. 1 oo' 5 -r d o! rfurnr-+ o{:1_:oo--'o! o =:r {d-;31 JJ:'!-3.- ;.3.oA=_....g or?(Drc\o rod{-,'tu ai..)rtco rDo:.': I333,?-;--{' $3 3--'s;alK3. -;3€;:',;;'X- 3 =e;ilijg 5.5 36 3 e3;;:.9 -9 =fr; €g :.5 3; g 1:.-r;:.1o @ .:_(r^o I o.=...b i.o f .:o_r:-9311.! 3", r-Fi;i'F ; gt'sig"3 {3.*3o^,?Zro.D=!a.)o/= o5:ooclh od!, i odrfuod9a-'9q;r13,3 -:"€"3-:i3 f .Drc!o, ". Jo o::E r;l ho j-.o!-J, rrr:, poc,.-E:r,o - d:i o :I o >., o r,-Qch-rd'r' 'rf .D dro:t ri __,o =:oo:rrri'o, xo.. o _: J.J.@ o adcouJ.r-,,, !r:l _,.,. ., c= (r.J.1ooaAr:i. .) I ! dir)-.oar.'o-. a 6),a-.ooo:o-.+f, iDrt.oini<rD c._r co o,., _j.i';il-.;:; +6:13i? = 23 ii='".ii -;ta.':: -.,,-€;1.s :t.. r! f,--r r /.: f l-: or! _J tDc' 1) :r^(3e.D-t<.rru :Jr-oo@ - o hnlriflJ-Jrt :..:t - ;.@ d--..-.:-.1oaj'l:".J .- '. :r: 1- J" 6. 1- cro- -b= :l- < :: fto6 (idda-,r I \_, a ,1, -. co-J -. <r o ,t :;.:t o-tuC- .i :f o :': \| r;o'j:r .o x rn r! -.--., -.) ii, ---. .i.o.rt -l e ,D !r j (r a, r, -.:r!) ": :l o 3 t - - 7'--\ Tl T-------l..- /.\ //1]ll lt-l=/a\t (qlll l=| '---r L--U\:J | '--- | '----r U V firnlka-:,ar##frraraU UU UT5\=U \Y/I.I U U\\2\7 cnn@randunn ro: Johnson and Kunkel , Surveying Mel Atwell. County Enqineer Subiect: Final Plat Check - 5u-6-79-F The Valle.y XiP)0X Geo. Rosenberg, County AttorneyFrom: Dept. of Planninq and Development File No.:Oate:t 1 May 1979 The enclosed Final Plat is for your review and comment. Please advise of us any comments or recommendations that you might have prior to the 16 May 1979 Planning Commission Meeting at which time the item will be reviewed. Thank you 7.f'' o.r\,!o.102 ,.!Fnot ! .1tv! ?.otr ot-.r.lu r\ot9r^tqcntItorl glro r'1 lo Y, '1 t ":rA \dA\\'il\ \\\\\i A:ll lV 6l t4itt> I ,E' \\\5 \r\! vln piI st io lFr5 e$ 64 3a rifil r! fip ,\ \\t"t \ -">\'q,"\ (t ! 3 0 g, t{ tYl t!th 'r : =z9 stilt|lr.)tv 5rv(]iv t I ssllto Il]:] ./> r---.r,//o, ,l// \ tr-( \----r_ |\./ :q\- :tr (.,x,/? \32 \\ ) *'; 1\,\.\\t\ \ \- o o o at!trf, OJ nd (j ti> VHf,3 I / o