HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 20DeQn Review Action FoO TOWN OF VAIL Category Number ProiaaName; /nr 7A, A/.", ". r (h Building Name: Project Description: o"" //zfre (dffinocres" anaenone: 7- * ttl'. . -.-. /, ., . .- .' 7O. 8,*rt t6,lh< Legaf Descripti on:llrr ?\ Block V Sulili,Jlsion ( '.tr-... -'Ju*3PD zoneDistricti Project Street Address: Comments: 6;@tirarrAction Molonfl, 6^ p-,, Vote: Seconded Wi i3 a -, : {, . / {annr*"1 n Disapproval 3 Staff Approval 5-1) Conditions: Town Planner o"", dhhg DRB Fee era-eaia Zfr e , f / 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479 -2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 Dcpartnrcnt of Conmuutity Developnrcnt ,d - ^nI Firc Dcpartmcnt providc a writtcn approval on thc proposcd Public Works Dcpartrncnt providc a writtcn approval on thc Junc 9, 1995 Mr. Pat Dauphanais DMC, Inc. P.O. Box | 515 Vail, Colorado 8l(r58 t ii-, Dcar Pat: Thank you lbr appcaring bcforc thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board on Wcdncsday, Junc 7, 1995, with thc propor"d primary/sccondary rcsidcncc locatcd at 1824 Glacicr Court. Thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board tonditionatty approvcd thc proposcd rcsidcncc. Bclow is a list ofthc conditions placcd on the approval by thc bcsign Rcvicw Board. Each of thc conditions of approval listcd bclow must bc mct by yoursclf, or Dcnisc, pI]Ar to thc application for a building pcrmit for thc structurc proposcd on LoL9. i/-O. l.That thc Town of Vail plans. 2.That thc Town of Vail proposcd plans. Again, thank you for appcaring bcforc thc Dcsign Rcvicw Boad with thc proposcd primarylsccondary rcsidcncc locatcd at 1824 Clacicr Courl' Should you havc any qucstions or .on."-, with rcgard to thc inforrnation addrcsscd in this lcttcr, as always, plcasc do not hcsitatc in giving mc a call. I can bc rcachcd most casily during rcgular officc hours at 479-2138' Sinccrcly, fL--"TQ**-'"'--'t Gcorgc Ruthcr Town Planncr I t.vtrtt,a 7 /14/s4 DESIGN REVTEW -BOARD APPIJTCATION - TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:!r********* PPLICA -i\i , ,r.\: rlFl''LLED . EoR tR tiriigr,tL V "'';':l*********r. A.DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: c. D. Phone i{.NAME OF OWNER(S): NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Mai I ing Address | :",.r4- Phone Mailing Address: I. .1 . APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WTTHOUT OITNER'S ST6NA?UR.g Condominium Approval i_f applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid at therJRB FEE: DRB f ees, as shown above,l are CcLime of submiLlal of Lhe DRB appli[arion.appryrng for a building permit,-prbase identify Lhe accurarevaruation of the proposal. The iown of vail witr adjust. thef ao annnrA i r^ r' ^!es q.-\-LrrLrr.rrg uu the table bel-ow, to ensure Lhe correct. fee LaLer, when i c n: i .l-v Pe*u. FEE PAID: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON t ^ /h . ^ .r^^rP v o r\r. Lrtru$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ s0, 001 $ 1s0, 000 $1s0, 001 $ 500, 000 $s00, 001 _ 91, 000, 000$ over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRESAPPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. /tttl- t ! \ ' , !t,!)vr'"rU'.'.v ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION FEE i ;o:oo $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 X- New Construction (9200.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00)Addit.ion ($50.00) _conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS : l# Z-4- L+c,kz -ie-z- t'-z>i'i r,=r LEGAL DESCRIPTToN: LoL 22.' - Block Lsubdivision v t.' rlf-E- | L-4 =;E;-:i;-tL- -;; + If property is described by a meeE.s and bounds legaldescripEion, please provi.de on a separate sheet ana aLtachLo this applicaL j.on. ZONTNG: NAME OF Mar l rng APPLTCANT:Address: l: Phone z. TT III I A. A pre-applicaLion meeting wit.h a member of the planning st,af f is encouraged to det.ermine if any addi[ionalapplj"cation information is needed. IL is the applicant,sresponsibility Eo make an appoinEment with the st.aff t.odet.ermine if there are additional submi t.taI reguirement.s .Please noLe that a COMPLETE applicat.ion will sLreamline thereview process for your project. In addiLj-on to meeLing'submittal requirements, theapplicanC must stake and t.ape the projecL site t.oindicaLe property Iines, building lines and build,ingcorners. All trees Lo be removed must be taped. Atlsite t.apings and staking must. be compleled prior to t.heDRB site visiL. The applicant must ensure t,hat stakinqdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The revie\^r process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguirestwo separaLe meet.ings of Lhe Design Review Board:.aconceptual review and a final revlew. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on Lheir scheduled meeting dat.e and who have nocasked in advance that discussion on their it.em bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBagenda unt.il such Lime as the it.em has beenrepublished. D.The following iLems may, at t.he discretion of t.hezoning adminisLraLor. be approved by Lhe Communit.yDevelopmenL DeparLmeriL sLaff (i.e, a formal hearinobefore Lhe DRB may noL be reguired) : a. windows, skylights and simil-ar exterioi chanqeswhich do noL alter Lhe exisLing plane of Lhebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any oLher lot.or public space. At the time such a proposal issubmicted, applicanLs must include lett.ers fromadjacenL propert.y owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associ_ationsLaLing Lhe associaLion approves of t.he addicion. If a properLy is locaLed in a mapped trazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, ftood plain. debris fIow,wetland. eLc. ) . a hazard study must be submit.ted andLhe owner musL sign an affidavit recognizing t.he hazard.report prior to Ehe issuance of a building permit..Applicants are encouraged to check with a-fown plannerprior Lo DRB applicaEion Lo determine the relat.ionshipaf f ho nrnnorf \, f .\ -rl1 mr^^^-l t-^---l^vrrerur ;o all mapped hazards. For aII residenLial const.rucLion: CIearIy indicate on Lhe floor plans the insideface of the exLerior sLrucLural walls of thebuildinq; and b. Indlcate w]-Lh a dashed line on Lhe site plan afour foot di,stance from the ext.erior face of thebuilding waIls or supporLing columns. If DRB approves the application wit.h conditions ormodifications, all condiEions of approval must beaddressed prior [o Lhe appJ_icat.ion for a buildinqpermi t B. ? E. F. V LIST OF I'TATERIALS o NAME OF PROJECT: le,:+ Er+-|?r- a.?'tl7r p,)(LE,y LEGAL DESCRrprroN: LorQt' BLOCK L suBDrvrsron Uc$.,,?ipq*-:>ep STREET ADDRESS: t*z* 4t.+-c-te,f_ ("-,iF"* The folrowing informaLion is required for submiLLal Lo the Desiqn Review Board before a finat approval can be given: A. BUII-,DING MATERIAIS: Roof Siding OLher Wall MaLerials Fascia Soffi ts windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Itand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret.aining WalIs Exterior Lightinq OEher TYPE OF MATERIAI, t;L\rAf ic-- fa-r-,$ s,7l-i-- fv\e-rA; e-L-Ltr-, FTahi{ -7,tr .Zr-4' t-xttu + t-[A+itr' FIJL{- ---+ a,4 g+' Atr A|ee-r)-->-f,r-.f1-e- z?t r.l/ c +* u-l / / -,7 dTrEF- t+r IJA- Designer: Phone: fic(E-rt B. LANDSCAPING:Name of PLANr **"Oo. ' PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantity Size* Minimum cal-iper forheight. for coniferoustrees.heioht f r**Indicate 5 qall-cln.size of proposed shrubs. Tvpe GROIJ}ID. COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: Ishow the number of f ixt'i$$dSj{J.-:,iss8$iti#Sr,Uf$Ulighting plan. Identify each fixLure from Lhein t.he space below and provide Lhe height aboveliqht proposed, Iumen ouLpuL, luminous area andLhe light fixrure. (SecLion 19.54.050 J) 6f Square Foot.aoe , please aCelighting plangrade, type ofa cuL sheeL of 1=F+- l-Sap%vaE--' f.+4 *Indicate caliper for deciduous Lrees.deciduous trees is 2 inches.. Indicat,e .o*,t t"*. D.orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (recaining war1s, fences, swimmingpoors, ecc.) prease specify. rndicat.e heights of retaininiwalrs. Maximum height of warts within Lhe front setback is3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6, o\ts.F r f- \l Fs \_ vl t')azHf JE<il. .o-:'i oYEjo-1;o.. o:!'r t4 2e 3o_l ao 'I3 Moovln ----t------ @ t-_---2- II r'H 9l-!-,nI I ;_"I E ci5 j.rI ; t6zI ,4 #Efil ,E EEi Itf;Fle3EH lH g*pF F$:liiil l'"io i il G--.-.------ 4 iJo .J',il ./' vl^ 'o'c ol b. \ec R root Looe.J64 \'\') 25 I t orvs 3"1 'X),\ \\ tt) v,s t I ! I .l I I nse) CoMoutT! 9'1 LEI '8 ,ES E, TU S1 ,Eo/7, IY S: r fto L ?IMAA lla Y LT T/f to k,rtrYt tRIwv o/14 ' LT T/f t k,rt, oRlt E xtsTt,ye ExtsrtNe' Pn o eos ro P Ro Pos eo F ROPOSED 97in,t9' ARY, Mou. I .LE rl I J'\, AUL':.r. I,qcr' i1'R D: FI coNo .Lt f VD 'Ect it I E. .tu 6Ro Et "ht Fae Uxi Co P) i,LE,< 'Fttl 4r- 'ItrDE{ DERt onou o{ -.. r!- -_\ i:. Cotou, (srN CTAIC ---t---- ---i---- \ AOqO * - rso.bn'' -:=--- S4BJ7'02"W - 1824.'-. s48'J9'02"tr 1,;(o \;*\ ^i | ---5' \ W'*'---- - t9 U-=.''.- -o /J/vl7 ) l{ t,; \. ,\\.' ^-i\7tt .,' ' {* '/l I I _-! I I \5 \ .2 | -j--t'1.(rlr,qi /$t .::;.1':4 '1il* -<t^ =l ,,,o,/O t''r . -- L.. -' --l-. --tt'' -\?.,>- 5e."r- l;tr q- its---.".-_::".....-.].....:::::.=.---: s48'Js'02 "w - | 4+?J:--:?z'-*---- ' ''\ \ \- \ \- \ ... -'-'1 1 \ \.\\t '\ |nf 22 \ I 1 srrhpig ''. I tJ.0>' i \ \' ' I I I '\ \\ I I Iri\\\r lli: \ \ \ r i I I., --l'-\ .' t ' \ ,/4.1 -..- : C- 6v.,€ i--.- l._"_- /: )*_ - --,, i---t II I t .,fnt4'\V)7, ,\ltI ;iir.q.. U_J ii\ "Y|L) I I II I I _ .- - '-- _-u' -. - \Xtd'31) .l -r ,'r \1q\: :,.-d,fffolJ),I ' t I i - -so#- -- -- ;aX " -,',',j\)') ) ) ) ) TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 May 18, 1995 Pat Dauphanais DMC, Inc. P.O. Box 1515 Vail, CO 8165E Dear Pat: George Ruthcr Town Planner GR/jr F :\.vcryo!.\g€or8cUalcn\drjpl\j I 8 Departtnent of Connnuniry Development , i,, -i:li"\j\[' ,ir',: bt/$i , Thank you for appearing before the Design Review Board on Wednesday, N{ay 17, 1995 with the proposed primary/secondary residence located a1 1824 Gtacier Court. The Design Review Board conceptually rcviewed the iroposed residence. Below is a list of iszues addressed by the Design Review Board with regard to the proposed residence. b,a.h of the issues indicated below should be addressed by yourself, or Denise, at the time offinal review. L Ifexterior lighting is proposed. please submit a site plan which indicates the location of all exterior lights, as u'ell as manufacturer specifications. This information is needed to insure that all extedor lighting conform with the Town of Vail lighting ordinance. Z. please look at reducing the roofpitch onlhe covered u'alku'ay to the secondary residence. As designed, the roof now inlerferes with two, second s1ory winCorvs on the easr elevalion' 3. Additionally. fenestration should be added to the west elevation on the lower level of the primary unil. As i1 exists. too much bare wall is visible. 4. The front entry door 1o the primary rcsidence should be redesigned. The front en1ry door should be redesigned to be on the sarne anglc as the roofabove. 5. Enclosed for your reference, are copies of comments re ceived from both lhe Public Works Department and the Fire Departrnlnt. Should you have any queslions or concerns rvith regard to the commen8 provided, please respond directty to Terry Martinez at Public Work Department or JeffAtencio with the Fire Department. Again, thank you for appearing before the Design Review Board with the proposed primary/secondary residence localed at t 8-Z+ Glacier -Court. Eachof the issues indicaled above should be addressed by yourself or Denise at the time of final review. Should you desire to be on the .Iune 7, 1995 Desi-en Review Board meeling. I rvill need to see all revised plans by no later than Wednesday, May 31, 1995. Ifyou are unable to meet the deadline eslablished, pleaie do not hesitate to give me a call. I l'ould be more than happy to make alternale alrangements if necessary' Sincerely, A--*t-f,--'tt'^l K[tJ Uo MAI U I I77J -[own Planncr COMMENTS *UUO pcop":cd t..d irr] {* lg , !o\ eo dogrrt rs.\dn cag c*-r:rf t"".f.,r-5 Crctn d crr,=cl l -s-qs, (!.[-. 3 p€ S . $uduxl 6 ,f,r.\,<tt',, u4,rr.\ i\(!.to(\ri'la, {et\ sLc':O br,r+.*,,c.1f 1,r.1, erril 6\p\Lir(', )L> liti \4 1'l"! \rcrrrl ct' -\Evo\rAl/) (<crv. 4tcav!(o{cd foadu-,o'! fto... Ia% rr tt e t\ \AY- s(ddsvr\\\r \ \('\t \', tt c 1",, u rirj r . r\-l\.\. rr\ \ i. r'.\ r' '). Ne&\ \o pn-r{o 3 gank Wr11 arr,r"rrrd.cu 5\M^^^1 on (V\e cltg, ?\(rn ' i t Landscaping: Rcviewcd by:Dalc: Commcnts: Enginccring: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnts: -Tkn u. |.46rrvi ne.u Dalc: BMc\'l \+\5 Datc: Firc Dcpt.: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnls: To: Mll(E McGEE @ T.DD .PPENFTETMER Rclurn,o Gcorgc. RuLhcr INTER:DEPARTM ENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: (4f 4) /;14.,Z DNTE SUBMITTED: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSAL: ! l. ,w Dislribulcd to t'c Firc Dcpartmcnl. public Works, anc, Landscaping on '.. Tq MIKE McGEE \=<--'.--.--- GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Rclurn lo Gcorge Ruther Town Planncr PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:ONTE OF PUISLIC FTE R fNG .<i a_- COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSALJ Enginccring: Revicwcd by: Commcnls: Landscaping: Dalc: Dalc:Rcviewcd by: Commcnls: Fire Dapt.: Rcviewcd by: commcnts: Qleae€ IL.n au-( Dyil,uAy' T*/n** "+" ,kcnnrfrp l/D Vrh;"le hccess o^+o oarc: 6- V 6 -l'/rqrrt f .._ ),reblc + frnch Sy'rnfwr€,,/ Dislribulcd ro r'c Firc Dcparrmcnt, pubric worrrs. and Landscaping o4 TODD OPPENI-IEIMER Rcturn ,o Gcorgc. RuLhcr 'fown Planncr llg!=:c:-r gl n,,ht4ie CnDnrE SUBMITTED: ffic FtEnrruNG coMN4ENrs *uuoil#F BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSAL: : I Enginc,cring: Rcvicw{d by: Commcnls: Datc: Landscaping: Rcvicwcd by:Dalc: Commcnls: Firc Dcpt.: Rcvicwcd ttr: .4Mlei0 oarc: 5 -/ - 15 commcnrs: flertS€ ?nv'd; hy/rz-/o. *-fi'ru5' urAbl( +o 6ss^z-\. uri'[hir', | 6b' "F ALL ,. u@ fornfs a+ t1^psfn/vt-.rd Cron' # tPV"uP fg D.e^d**+ 4& C.,ro-u^vE t Lt+)/wilw lpf aecepl<) i-t ^.r,- 4pp'o*,/-tp. ,+e.{Bcdd.:;;; "''t/-h ^a1,, /Ul ' -f",rnt\P+ir: T'i.'.-.;vrza,.' ,.'.,JLt^ |^ .',.-^1.'..- t ^ *'l:'..-,1-W,4/, only, /f'o f,tctr+1sr Dr;-n'-ry u",/py-,.n c>nde"- +t -V"u,Ot :, D Adeq-yhf.,- l4<zes{ o<- -(l ^ : --€,D PdetT-uhfa,-, E<G5 . o<- !*i'-r-"32 "^$a g."p rlTn-z Distributcd ro r'c Firc Dcparrmcntfpubric worrc, and Landscaping on 4^ir REC'DI |vlAY 0 1 1995 OPPENHEIMER Gcorgc Ruther 'fown Planncr TO: Mll<E McGEE PROJECT: Firc Dcpt.: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnls: TODD Rclurn lo DATE SUBMITTED:NTE OF PUBLIC HENNIruC COMMENTS NEEDEW BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.tE PROPOSAL: i I Engineering: Rcvicwcd by: Comments: $rn r |vlgrrYi6s u Datc: 8t,Acrr t+i5 pcop.rzd gr.'ct i,r-1 {cr p . rrr\ at, 46.:-11 rasv-\ c^pg r.,-^:<} ((]cd.-$$ grln daud r-S-nS. <\.t-. 3 p(S, (i "\ .2,.r,\ " \ ' \'I r1\1: ) \1.) Dr,,,., 'i,t _r '!- !'l€! .^p1.., ' r'-. \a:r"/' ! "\ \t'Jvrj\ !{'\'" {,r."' t\( .r\l!(.r'( { ; t\(,r la%"\,/ \, \r' r\rrrl "l ' i ' I , \. _\ Nezr\ Vo gr.r, d,z I po,nk Ndl arturql.1,41 :\r.r'-r1 tn drte "\ke' C\(rc\ Landscapin0: Rcviewcd by:Datc: Commcnls: INTE R.DEPARTMENTAL R EVI EW- a Dalc: Dislributcd to thc Firc Dcpartmenl, public Worl<s, and Landscaping on TODD OPPENHEIMER Rclurn lo Gcorge Ruther -fown Planncr PROJECT: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSAL: i I INTE R:D EPARTM ENTAL REVIEW Datc: Dalc: Lanclscaping: Enginqcring: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnls: Rcviewed by: Commcnls: Firc Dopt.: Rcvicwcdavt.4/qc,'O oarc: S-l -j5 commcnrs: fler+5tr ?rrrr,d; hydr-*J- /.o.,+lion5ut*ble *o rec.dl-\. to,$rri v. , 6q' {_ 4u et6*; }orr.,f g oEJ7ruc.f,-rd Crr* # tPre@ lr..= D+"*/y^nr*n4& d.,:,.-*'.n):i* f,: f;r"/1^:i**T 9r:r'f ''z:':::*,9P",-;uut/l-It,.;y\ o'-c)er- t ? /)',:,/; t*#o-'-c€ nn-l-a prope.\* >,, Dislributcd ro ,rc Firc Dcparrmcnt/pubric works, and Lanclscaping on 5ingle Family ZONE CHECK , FOR Rcsidcnce, Duplex, ZONE DTSTRICTS Primary/ S econdarY DATE: I,EGAI., DESCRIPTION:Lot zD Block Subdivisior. L,- n, ,--. -.'t-,) - 3Q ADDRESS: OWNER P}IONE PITONEARCIIITECT Allowcd '/..-\,30) k33) ) ,-< 'z <l :, rh -)- t r- lr BUII,DABLE Exis Linq LOT AREA ProDosed To t.al ciL {': /Y\JJ:-\/\J ,t, A 1E 425 20' 15', 15' 4<R4___-J-&--r- i?'/'\' t<' / t<' -J.-l-t----- '.? ' :, -\" .71e/! tI --------+-- ^l( { ancr \ a. -- - .;_J-L /5JJL 3'/6' h Reqrd..+-. 6tr h (3oo) (600) (eoo yr.;@--613i % i1A.'l)+ -t--s_YE zoNE DrsrRrcr P/a PROPOSED USE Pf'--, I,OT SIZE Ileighl: ToLal CRFA /-/'14/4 Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA S c tbacks Front Sides Rear Si t-e Coverage Landscaping ReLaining wa11 IleighLs Parking Caragc Credit Drive:Pcrmj- t ted Slope % Proposed SIope NoComplies wich t.o.v. Light-ing ordinance Yes waLer Coursc SeLbacl<(30) (s0) Do trinish Grades Exceed 2: L (50%)NO_sZ-__ Envi ronmen Lal /tlazards :L) trlood PIain :- -\ L,2\ Percenl- Slopc (< > 30t) 1:D'/o 3) Geologic Ilazardsa) Snow Avalanche AJ/l b) Rockf all ^ri{ ,c) Debris FIow r-t/A 4) weLlanas Nll view Corridor EncroachmcnL: Yes- No , oL Doe.; Ehis req'uesL invoive a 230 ri<i<liLiclrr? Ar,') , / /IIow much of Lhe allowed 250 Adclition is used wiLh Lhis request? u/H Previous condiLions of approval (check properLy file): 10 TO: Mil(E McGEE o tfn r= r- r ri\t,(jI-iLCi IJADL TODD OP\\__.-'.._ _ ,-."* Rclurn lo Gcorgc Ruthcr Town Planncr t\a\r( PENHEIMER PROJECT: DNTE SUBMTTTED:DAI'E oF puLrLtc r-iCnnrrrro COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSAL: Enginccring: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnls: -Ieear v/laonJeL Dalo: llrnctc.tmb Peo^rrde q SgdnV ior<\ o.(o.^A o5 shor.rff\ oert\e gvr.src . Jgnrr prgvt o.,sr1 agprol€d ?\AO Strow s the, er€\rqlt cn q\ lYl..to?ot c,.:r\a to Ue T1 'a1 at t+e Cfx4o( rnc drirrerda'1 Flr Lo+ Zl . Acal*l f (ogoi\c\tto arnend \\ls qlon? 1€ no+, rpgc rej\ler rrne 3fode of ttE d(i \,e'"{\ to( Ylt lirc} lo' i5 1? . A "/o ' wv\'rd\eycc€tl5 \he, f{o-.-\tY\ifl cJfode ' 1t.lo,r dre ?tqn^\nrJ o(\ orr.\mendin3 Joof Q\af\ , gteqa f?e^.:btni t \tE $ho\3 tn$\ - l.Jor lteRov gu. P LeAs€ R€.1rgry111. Landscaping: 7l\(-/ INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Dalc: Dalc: I Rcvicwed by: Commcnls: Firc Dcpt.: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnts: Distribulcd lo l'c Firc Dcparlrncnl, public Works. and Landscaping on !il tril ;itl 'i i) v 'il il iJ i,r l i1! itr i !.r!:j i'i !:'t i:!1,ii !:i i)l i,::, ri i.'lii i.. l'' ta. ) :.i I a i t o oo' L, C,r's-e .q: \ot '| >'< $,' Ot \c\;,NI Nltr--tts lu i'-J /S ,",.is / i ,/ 9 il,/' 4 illiiliii*il \ I :' [. $ 0{ i { l 6 3 $t ei g t $ If$d i*lsiil: t.1 ti.liri B tr \ Fu (.i 'Jasti:tl- :$lr?o. S'll ":a l$iib.r-, \--; tll." t--*#euHr$r i-<'*-X.F $l-r., \--i -t - 'oa,rt5\t:tj)A4tl9* r I r l-T \sl +* c I;'l I sl-rl ,8tst+IQa Ilcll8 l3t\ .,y-bo.t iiiiiii itF-i$;id 6t 1d \R \\B ,\8 F S}RilN FI:88eirr rr!si:' 6l*::; glsti \J {lshlt< |\ io ir)sl^dB "[ ll.liscD -r; j ll$iiR iiiii$vi \$iSs$.{{' i:,;}:Irs$ Eb€nFEPs S [i,Si*Sl :E*SEf)'tiiFxi i.r i\Fk U Rx so l-t -{sakr\\s ot' Snox.^i 9d J|'- -. R'R:tx() sF${.{:r Di \.r 8s(tr. -ra 6te i;l ll T 9. !ii l: /< , dvrk-::=-ffi =/ . ,l "nl" ,'' *{s I t /l / i an l, ^,o" / ;:/ // N.d' / 'a:/ ," *$$" ,' i4liI il \& ' 3!// su / e l, I -'S i L----t ,9 !;l F s *b^ I I I I !lIttiltln ,ot / z.'t. .- 'Y t ,t?'ZB U ,,Ot,tt_gl, Uvno-"Y,) t" d)tn. ''--z/CF7Cl fZ Jo7 '. Hlilii