HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 4 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 LEGAL FILEr- E- e\ f\ k (J f,of o. zoo a a)o i: .:v =z F z : r-\ri \\r -;-*l."i\i\)rcl \T Or a.l z 'l Q ea F--{;\ .l B z Ha z l-.. zF r..l@,2'-1 Z\oa ,] =z-a ;:t.:='7 '- L .,1 e=t4 l-:aa. 6tZtlx FI F{ i>l iHi U) z v) zF z aF\' ia/f-|F.:?H,u.,F(+5-atl'Fg.eF+iv6rr-) +1{-. ci\ 3tl sY rs its t+.a. t;'*a sf trEE€ ^.3 65\F' FFI.lrFIf{A.F-\E' ;fi-. -- ROJECT 7 .loe Nnve rNJPcnoN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF P TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr E tr n UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL Ei' 6.r rtrunl O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT E tr SUPPLY AIR TI tr FINAL tr FINAL ll6veo )ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION HEQUIRED oNs 2-tt-4tlDATE -t c'' ' lNSPEcroR /trtl\,F tlL lr rN,trroN REeuEsr {o -l lr.- .L PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE r. .,,- , r .. ,--lrrr rl r* q TTOWN OF VAIL;\t I L I t t'tr 1v I i-1 ,*.t/ ^aa olee(rct rr7 47e-2138 JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER I } ,,' \MON (TUES WED rO| {Jr ir' t , ift jt 4,( f, l THUR FRIINSPECTION:| ' --/-- I l'f'l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL T] FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBtr ROUGH / WATEB tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n t-'1 O FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr o B FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL ( rrrunl tr tr tr tr ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWEE ROUGH" CONDUIT tr FINAL $4ennoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .4 | / f' 'roarc ?-Fc.,' ) / rNspEcroR ,4 irtr 6,t1.() r'/',.flr [ '$'tNsftnoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: f,/.* /?r' JoB NAME .-* rL1.-(. : .:ti /,/ 479-2138 CALLER ,(),.,,.=,,',n. THUR FRI BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL o tr Dtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL #faoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr HEINSPECTION REOUIRED RRECTIONS: oo= F/s/f / rNsPEcroR// I h\ot.Wud, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor,- -/ ' i /4 JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL(irn - -rr-,.i "--\/t \\-i \J' v- \ wED ruua ,'F{f ,'/ ur.rxil pMINSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESBEADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR w' tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED V.'\an.1 \ I C)r'] (' .i DATE INSPECTOR t piifts",* / 1,.,Ia,itv, t.' < t /\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT )U- Llt IDATE | - - ,-t -''/ JOB NAME t>r,itri r.t.r'( READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED tT INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL ft:') !X'l t tr i' fiHun ) rar.----_--... ir.,,.ir. t )i -)' -t AM'6 LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E D FINAL /r"r_.f,LINSPECTOR il; ;L bttt n" T.,o*y lnviY, lF ;F-zc) u/u I Lr 'r At 1XsftflON REOUE$TrowN_ oE-vAtL /n fPERMIT NU DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: JOB NAME D THUR FRI ?w-'tur, 4.,, 'vQ CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr APPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 12 r'- PERlflIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNslnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL .,- , o79-2138 [l ,",/t,', ,y'rt' /r- , DATE -7 lz-?4 JoBNAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WEP. . s lc..,-,1 THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:/c:r < EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE EI'I trF trC tr- CTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL D FINAL APPROVED ; CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JI /:ll\,'wr'ld INSfrTION REQUEST t'x r,f+.tt 479-2138 4? Lozo'PERMIT NUMBER OE PROJECT o{te ll//VI I I JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER .ET REINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR f .t r(a^(Y ) PERMIT N DATE READY FORtt41 7' .._ l$cATroN: INSPECTION: t/ ,o" *ot, THUR FRI TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 (N) ,, ' \^ ,CALLERIV-,d;.; *.o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING T] POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE '7 - /2 - iW rNsPEcroR rNstTloN REeuEsr --@ PM i- bus PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE tr1 trF tr( tr- MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR/ 0 zttr ,*sQ;*o$, $Fgur PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION:MON 479-2138 oo'. 6-/f JoB NAME (or/rtr" ibs,rl^t *. {A i"r^ FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. E ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NA|L|NG O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK CORRECTIONS: ,*, ta/ t s/7/ ,NSpEcroR hats ] JECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI JOB NAME ,*rfrroN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL o FtalAf*__=-_ ELECTRIGAL: C] TEMP, POWER ,/ MEGHANICAL:( *--:----- --r-F-enrtruc - tr tr tr u ROUGH D tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AJB - =""'3W FINALFINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED{ICORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rNsilbroN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF FROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: (n JOB NAME MON ) *e TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR!GAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor,- 6 ler,lil rNSpEcroR fc;q12 Ce tK' PERMTT NUMBEH OFiPROJECT oor, 5 l; ) JoB NAME *i*rf.,roN REeuEsrTOWN OF.VAIL ,. 479-2138'r,r d,. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON,<:"' CALLER THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-1 BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D n T] FINAL tr FINAL- ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ,F/NAL 5l -,";r, ,4{ r ,. L .,/. ,r*o, .1"-, &- /Oz-r-o-.,i* PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR :,K,'=.:-f;if_-_6 nr+ee-t,;,t__11. !'r;cj___Ck. No.Siax___t' I .,...ve ATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECTU'FMAINTAIITF_ A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC HIGHT-OF.WAY 0 Fence Wdl Landscaping Other X. DATE OWNER OF PROP=RTY NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTiON OF PHOPERTY TO BE SERVED: .-s BLoc K .1- suBDrvrsroN "{R 1/LoT .-3 BLOCK 1- SUBDIVISION / (lf necessary, attach legal description on separate sheet). v Corner lot Inside lot DESCRIPTION OF STRU TURE OR ITEM(S)IN RIGHT.OF-WAY:'x /,',,r( Attach plans showing encroachment, property line, sidewalks, curbs, intakes, hydrants, meters, manholes, any other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (if applicable). Does structure pre:cntly exist? t./(- .'-., Proposed date ior .oiirmun."*@ l'n ..) ] In consideration of lhe issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 2. J. 4. That the strLrcture herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively tc the land above described. That the pernrit is limited specifically to the type of struclure described in this applicalion. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty- four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construclion, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in lnrt by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor o: subconlractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contract(,rr or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the aoplicant. The appiicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto, including court cosls and attorney's fees, whether or not any sucir liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. The applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies ol insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. The applicant further agrees to release tfie Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, clairns, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vaii, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way. 538961 8-642 P-914 06/15/94 04:02P PG 1 oF 4 Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder REC DOC 20 .00 rr ;'--l lli!ii-j ,.il^,' gl 1 _. 1P_!.ee:.9 !y.Pg 5.That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use ot the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a tralfic hazard, or the prcperty upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or struclure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed suflicient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, cbstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and coliect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: 8. Y. 10. ) /lz 'ils ',d< _'i-'t -)</bft--'Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) Plann s/"trr Dhte 'er t, ,t,' Project Date 538961 8-642 P-914 06/t5/94 04:02P PG 2 oF4 PARCEL Av (tl(r. 6 TRACT A N'S RIDGE ING NO.4 tl t462 -IFFSIDE Agti A9, LIoNS BRIAR PAlccl I At\) In I(o ('r ; !)r$ ,.J ,.d q c F 919or. 9O9-.IRACT A 92t .IDGE B4T {i"tD ,or, ,a se3 EREAKAWAY ffi TRACT K N SUBDIVISION 8, According tg :r""":":lt"i"il,''J"J'i:".y:Ll,i:ns.;^:xitT: Jefect in this survey be commenced more thon ten dote of the certificotion shown hereon' G,nn./o \ VAULT <, tolnlorodo . low you must commence ony-. I 1"t,':" J' n ""Y:L xi: nil.;' :""", f.T: " " ll / s LOT 3 .772 AC. )DRESS: 1 179 SANDSTONE DRIVE 4 STORY STUCCO BUILDING (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) E291 .7 { 0.8 coNc. RET. WALL( TYPTCAL ) \ J.r\ 82E6.6'd bo /x E265.8 7 / l") ..\ e, - x-18255.4 c a3 ,/ ur[.o-' &.rruff" DECK rf NOTE: NO ORIVE AT TIME OF SURVE'/ o \q a ff + # \q/:a 'Fl . ,rl..-\.u,'/ " UTILITY VAULTFq ,'" WATER VALVE W sEwER MANHoLE IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE LOT 3, BLOCK 1 LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVIS]ON FILING NI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNry, COL 538961 F,-642 P-914 O6/t5/g4 04:02P PG 4 oF 4 rNst OATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED JOB NAME ./ /141__.---. CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ----@ PM LOCATION:f PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FHAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL b uLo'w-?v O tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED I DATE INSPECTOR l - "U J/"'-L rrvstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 t4't PEHMIT READY FOR LOCATION: NU JOB NAME i CALLER TUES ,//.1.,,' .l'r'. .' /',",i,.-, l-, .,1"t.; ' t... -',WED THUR \ FRIZ PROJECT-'/li AM@ fl:' BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. U ROUGH / WATEH O FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr tr f] n POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o O FINAL D FINAL /'a f /ht ,\'ieenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o =E =G,IIJo- lljF U)oo?zo Fo-ulY uJo oFF Eouto o-b.t b*9frr1gurbkzo trttr z(J9zetoo =2.ffdP EEi =HgXnnEl F ul rlo UJoz fu,o oF E JFtu-h= J!-o- uJ>o-Olr9oi LIJto-:>lJ t-ur -tJrluldl F co €CIoE BIt 'Et E E 8 o E- E =E,lrJo-zoF C)fEFozoo \a lllJIF lo I -rlcrl JI I I t_,, !4Iri ?IE;; to-'.2 se?g ff iEffi* rtig! !EEsg igiii !i5;AE i;Ei€ EE=ic9dF : B2ZtJ-o ootr ^ 6zI5 =eF P oEqoEZ:-O9q n l!<oa-t?H6 c-H Z dNO zl .. >l uJ IUuJzo = ccIuIL J zo Foo q olutlElJI <l>l ttl 3 l 'l ttlolzl3lqH tll-l{r IOIF- |ut; Il\t I.tl Fl 'lI ol-'Z llllf-f-{ El \o H il* elSli IH -1 "lH q eH (Jz =lJ- H Fl 14 zH ii =z tl.lolzl3l9lFI I ElJI <l>l el}IolFI \O+c.F\'lr) zE zzHE = llldlla Il=llFr Itott() |etz IFrl H IZl F-l IE{t IP4l -" I<l F- I9l o, l-lo I zlgat d HJa-tg9 gE d- zo C) oFc) tFzoC) tttrtl. 1 lrTrl E <FEQuJ<zEt!F o C) IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 , - -jv,,:i- f,"t t -@t" lru - {i. CALLER lroN TUES WEDREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: PERMIT NUM FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING; tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING NSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR b;lE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 oor, 3)Jt'lQ4 JoB NAMq CALLER TUES WED THUR tu GDREADY FOR LOCATION:)l lr- .t BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr X e ,trl tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D APPROVED -tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS; o^rE 4- /- ?4 rNSPEcroR ,*rt"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMITNUMBERPROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ,i ir.,I a*lrDATE AM PM CALLER TUES J'lWED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETFOCK rl tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL I ,; t' (t '-, tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r"l O SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL "frppyEsORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR The lteros below glvlng a pernLc Please check off FINAL PLTIMBINC FIL INSPECTIoNIS COMPLETEI)v need to be conplete before a final C of 0. ln the box provlded. DATE: tl n FINAI, MECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVN,IENT SURVEY aa q RESID. AcTrl T-C.E FINAL ELECTRICAI DATE: u T!. .lj FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O il CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCA?ING DUE DATE: FILE NA}IE: l'lHR-3o-1994 A8.X f40l'IROE I t\El^rELL ,' D€WERl/t & Nerrell"Monroe 3A3 623 6642 P.01 Engireers. Itr. lrlo0 l?lJr 3t. . 3ui te llSo l),urver . Col orarlo 8U202(3ct3) 62s-4s2i/ f'Ax (303) Eu3-66t2 Date Projecl # Pages (including transmittal) I,: A T " :IIIIE ILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER ro . t?$ €fidF-L COMPANY PHONE rm t- ys-41?:GH-* - FROM suBJECr Qfratl)F.t- &z^-,*tJ/..z .. MFSSAGF --Tllt= yfle-na ,e-*-a )*F&ttw TAl lf transmittal is not as indioated please notify sender TBTHL P. 9]. CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILb;t6 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER ES WED THUR FRI AMQi) 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER I] FOUNDATION / STEEL R FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEEF- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH o tr E/ EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR ttt./.v't/st /al iL tlzuZ.l/.r7-tr EINAL E FINAL I L-/tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ?ot INSPECTOR -'\ , /.) I /{i-,*r*"toN REeuESrTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138/.: i (,::ll- i:, (-eM ' PM ROFBEMIT NUPERM DATE ECOJ L.J PF ,'.Q T JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED TTHUR FRI Lt READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB f',.:': tr] ____., tr FINAL ',,-' 'r''): tr F|NAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O SHEETROCK NAIL tr ;4leeeaovrl. CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF ;:- 7 -)' L- <-- ,\t/ NJ" \._':- ,1 , \K*"INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL -fi,1 ,:t ,'-DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: PROJECT - -l !-,/-.JOB NAME MON r,lrr ,,,i 'tn'71 ' '/ r' : CALLER TUES THUR FRI ,;y','4, |. /...,'( BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr D tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR <l/ )o trtr FINAL FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED nUtiv.''4/ DATE INSPECTOR niGs"o" ,*t"roN REeuESrTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 I PERMIT NUMBER OF ./lDATE NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MoN ,'_r!/ES wED THUR T JOB EC ,,1 ROJ ;l AM PM t:LOCATION: BUILDINGJ' D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND ..f,I,ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL VED !' RECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED I DATE INSPECTOR tt ^. 4p PERr'irr tt@ DATE: .?.Jil 94 fur/t APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************************** PERMTT INFORMATTON ***************************** I J-Building [ ]-Plurnbinq [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical Ix]-OtherEkvatst_ 1 ^,/\,\\ --/ t, /; nJob Name: Gartner Residence -?'&l d"-b"U Address: 1179 Sandstone Drive. Vail. CO Legal Description: Lot 3 Block I Filing 4th SUgDIVISIONT Lions Ridge l-)TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Owners Name: Dennis Gartner Architect: Collaborative Group Address: Box 730. Minrurn. CO 81645 Ph. 827-4001 General Description. Instgll Roped Hydraulic Residential Elevator owork class: Ix]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Number of Dwelling Units: I Nurnber of Accornrnodation Units: ^ )pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ It********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************rl 4974 LincoTn Drive Address! Minneapolis, MN 55436 (6r2) Ph.933-2s94 BUILDTNG: $;ELECTRTCAL: $ _<___:/ oTHER: 1 -ZZ-+rr-.-A0 ^BLUMBTNG, T- MECHANTCALT$W roiAi; @vilx * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************7 Eeneral contractor: Beck & Associates Town of vail Req. No. ll7-AAddress: P. O. Box 4030. Vai1. C0 81658 phone Number: 949-1800 Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: - phone Nunber: Plunbing Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLIJMBING PERMIT FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail 'i/LzrPhone Nurnber: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI.J\N CHECK FEE: I,IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: MEcHANIcAL PERI.IIT rnn: ---V7h- ELECTRICAL FEE: : OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ,','5' actor: Address: Beck & -,ssoc tdtes --47- tffiI tttJ I t-z l-ttl t-t-lr_t_l VALUATION BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:Connents: CLEAN I'P DEP.OSIT REFTIND 75 soulh fronlage road uail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 oftlce ot communlty devclopmenl BUILDING PERI,iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this peryr:t requl:res a Town of Vai'l fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (.Pyblic Works) review and approval , a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as lonqas three weel(s. All commerci'a1 ('1arge or small) and all multi-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requ.i rements. Resjdentialand small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresi-dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wilI be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 9 denc t3lUAf"Lt zt, /q'i 4 Date Work She€t was turned into the Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 south froniage road Yail, colorado 8'1657 l3osl 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: cllFt TF /rrr, . R Y ead and acknowledged by: onlRelat oltlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH t-5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash -umpsterS, port,abre ioilets and.workmen vehicles upon any street, sid.ewaik, alley or public Pf?:" or any portion theieof. rhe right-oi-r-y Ln all Town ofvar-l streets and. roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillry enforcld by the Town of vai-rPyPli: works Department. persons found villating this ordinance$tlrr be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said materiar.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with tha - noti.ce within the 24 hour time specified, the pultic WorksDepartment will remove said mateiiat at !h" exp"nse of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfralf not beappricabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any util_ities in the right-a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. cr. S.)nt, J f B ILL&LL onship to Pro ect (i.e. contractor, owner) oo oo 7J South Fronttge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 ) 0t -479-2 1 t I / 47 9 -21 J 9 D e p artm e nt of Community D ea e lopm en t COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAL SHF.fT CoMPANY NAME, f,3ecK { n Sqj , FAX PHONE NUMBER: FROM: oerc: ) Itt I4l rtr,rc:t{ # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET): RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL FAX PHONE NUMBER: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PHONE NUMBER: (303) 479-2138 sPEclAt NorES: P;f 11,r , s uJ r-fh- fn ec.hnurc 6l* PaUr^r-1_ N)oT <-' T% nr Cler4€-rq$zcej raA,J AeCeSS rnwsT V-vrA' nJn' .rr€'J *, ). =/rlty *t^E,,"AL. ll enclasutes ate nol as noled, khdly nolily us at oE).\) 1 rrr.* orgo:::,.o..o,Ses,Oc. O rflrc'D ps6 s asfre ilvRANSnn[TT"AL vArL. coLoRADO 81658 TO WE ARE SENDING YOU n Attached n Under separate cover f l Plans n Samples the following items: ! SpecificationsI Shop drawings tr Copy ot letter n Prints ! Change order Il/ \.--\ W c.;zirl DATE NO.DESCRIPTION t 1*br D..._,..\P...,..:C,^\..." F{..v / ,".-*"2 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval n For your use n As requested REMARKS n Approved as submitted ! Approved as noted n Returned for corrections n Resubmit-copies for approval n Submit-copies lor distribution fl Return -corrected prints I For review and comment f fl FOR B|DS DUE_19_ fl pRrNrS RETURNED AFTEKAN TO US CL..k - ---t--L*- i''' Q-'. Yu'' t"'\-'-"'^\''* \ \ t \\ yo,u w\c,v(> c\.^7. C c--.-.-"^,.^ u,"\- Y "n'-.'., c.^\\,:\-Q' COPY TO J(r.:tcrc. ( JeJ9 i!i." if,i.lii-' q. c.( rtt (''r.JHt(}tt I LLU r,r ?'ai -s\ ^r)'fn. 8,,'AL. =/slty ,*rl"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 479-2138 JOB NAME nu\ pM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL i H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL .d Dtr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB D tr FINAL O FINAL .o APPhoVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR BE'K AND AssocrATEei a. P.O. Box 4030 vArL. coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949-1 WE ARE SENDING YOU N Attached ! Under separate cover via_-the following items: I Plans I Samples I Specifications LffiTfr @F TRANSNflITTAL n Shop drawings tr Copy o{ letter n Prints ! Change order OATE '. :l-zg 1q '"""'tool 511994 ATTENTToN' I -- t-,.1( -9a.r../ I ' l u r,ra-!,t"' Tr-"*\+c.2t6 OATE NO.oEscRrPtroN \,1.drq M*\^-L---,^.^-[ ",, D-o-,^- SI-LU THESE ARE TRANSMITTEO as checked below: D For approval n For your use I As requested D Approved as submitted n Approved as noted n Returned for corrections n Resubmit-copies for approval n Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corrected orints I For review and comment tr N FOR BIDS DUE 19 N PRNTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US \uoF *A \o.^^^-\'7 {-oore.^. \.'- \- Q** "A .,.r\o h4"r\^. +p-ce COPY TO .\ aN \".& \o -,r^* -\"t. your crrvr...ur,...\.. .i!' . :r ?,1. .* 'it.' . € ; \..^.e \no p.r'\ I-^**\'7 E-.^'l*1.1 tign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number /? erolecrName: C q' rl tr< | l-'l r','..)ol<,, c -< o^,. tfS/q,l . t'T'IArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: ! ,( L:\ L-'r-'L c?lF l'cT,, )tC - p, /L,ta',,, ._,1 . t\oxT-7c fol,i,{r,rt Cc, grr r/ S 7".-7- {ac / Legal Description: Lot -a' Block / subdivisiont I i t( t :' t ,'c lg { projectstreetAaaress' I 171 3qr',als{c,oQ t)i','e < Comments: Board / $tatt Action Motion by:Vote:s-c ! oisapprovai 3 Staff Approval Conditions: ,n", t /z t /'t '/DRB Fee Pre-paid $6\O Nlf i\'xlu GROUB PC n rrrulri-disci pli r E f inr,,r oI anchirscrune January 4, 1,994 Mr. Jim CornutteVaj-l community Developnent75 So. Frontage Rd.Vail-, cO 8L658 RE: Gartner Residence 1-1-79 Sandstone Drive, VaiI Dear Jim: In response to the above said property, we would like to make aformal request to the staff for reconsideration of the approvedroof rnaterial from 24 cA. green metal roof to an upgraded true lead dip stainless steel system. This metal roof system is the best graded roof available and anytineless architectura] structure usually has a roof of thisquality. The natural aging process of lead cannot be rnatched by any paintable type system. Enclosed is a sample of the materials, however, two good exarnplesare the first two homes on the North side of Beaver Darn Road inVail. If you have any additional questions or comments, please call ny office. Thank you for your tine and consideration. Robert Lundell, AIA RL/hg cc: Ohtner, GartnerBeck and Associates Enc. THE COLLABORATIVE Sincerely 2Of - B MAf N STREET. BOX 7rO. MTNTURN. CO 8164' .IrOr)827-4OOr . FAX IrOllB27-4N2 DATE . JUE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME MON CALLER TUES,WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS I] FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON i STEEL _ FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT.O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o o FINAL A APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .1 '.1 i i I oz == UJ C: c { uJllJu-t uJ *8b.,t/Lf/f/ :ITt!aa Io\C\ I zz EalFI:rIrI lll(J! CJ' LPJ o o o f t!F lin| !,rt6xlz- sl z FI tJ9'I Jzl ) =loOl.-r Yt zzt ^at| \J Iuz3 LIIF ou- F F TUz3o t! L'c) c3 F .c. \i q) c \ o't () CE'r E o c:); -o o c olc CoN 6 3 F c. ; o :, a ll, '- o - c ; 3 F .c.=3 Eo(J o o Dc(g c 't E c .c t> E o 1).c)il li io ;.=F= ;c) OcJ 0) ='nc'; '- o- oO'-rcd *o ;\-=-o.g '- -c';o (tIT):; c)cJ : (6o 9$ ;3o.J L; >.9-oc) -= -o 6 fJo- O c! \'an ol .'tlLalql-l tr EUJ zo =f J E our LU J = (J z tr E UJE og =; IJJE 6 F6o Lllo :)X Flllal F-l F1 F-l 3 U)[J UJLL F E LUo- -J F F (JzoJ:(f J 9 () IJJ z6 = J z = = N0lrvfilv^ c c F E 2 cF c - B o F G LIJ >ca -r.t =(9Ol zzootr^6!?= t;;Oo aoz>-O()QZ ;o ic., z a z tr = 1 i(, f lll G & z Eoo F E F Xx B tltltltl aL lzo.htr r.l<()o< >ii>-R!!5o<z bz z--,4-o =trOI .. >lc tJJouJu.lz U)tr CCtll J z9Loo :l CE r.Jz I f- a 2 eF JlL2z c zY oztraa)@ E oo LIJoo oa 3 F aa $ z(,= =<coo>z Jc)O. LL J."i5\J\,= =r3Y ir J- cor.1l> fltrD tltF U) o_) z F o_ tIJ:< LIJ C3r) F,.F =3LU '--r(L r! -ilol -l>i;l O r'j I IHI rr.r ?lFPo?zo F (r lrJo-t!. IU z aL F - JF h>', e.dtu>arOrr \ LI-Jx-[.-J) u- ll-l oF E EF t: E ul 7 C)Fc):EFazo(J -J o\ r- a-.l I "l=Jolull :lal>l bl 3loH I I I I I I ol =.1(9l uJl((l JJill!lol it '1ol FFIF \T r-6l tltll*lttl J= |..1 .l ffl "lr'rl HlFt -l2rlg3t 4 rr-lAol-t zl ==l0q ctEI FI I ILlo I I J LLI acv J>-<!E(J zl olujl :l <l>lrrtol 3t PI 1l !?l rl<l>l(Ltol =lolH z:i tr- ! az H F-1 d F .4 zF lltltltlttxllo-tlIIdtlktl I7t ")E-l tJ'lMl rJ<t c4. ril Cl,JE3J><<=aEo E F E.Fzo() 2 :r uJ Oz o ;Y ;(J =E)zo-O E <Fc< c)ru< L!F(tz <o l"-<t F LT' =rOE aoau)ul LU Dtrtr o 0 Town of Vail FFNF COPV PIan Review Based onthe 1992 Unifom Codes NAME:GARTNER MECHANICAL DATE:11/29/93 ADDRESS :,1,L29 SANDSTONB RD. CONTRACTOR:GUARANTEED P&HVAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONEOCCUPANCY:R3 ENGINEER:NONE :TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS FEQUIRED The j-tens listed below are not intended to be a iomplete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. rt is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not tobe construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tlie Town of Vail . 1) COMBUSTION ATR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.607 OF THE.1991 UMC. 2OO" OE COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WTTH SEC.7O3 OF THE 1991 UMC. i'i. ' 3) INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. ; t, 4) GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC.1206 OF THE 1991 UPC" 5) GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 uMC. i 1) DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 OF THE 1991 UMC. B) BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBiJSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING 9) FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED FOR CODE CO*IPLTANCE. ;"10) PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POST-ED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. , b$RAilQbo Honeywell TotalH6me-uct. Torn ol \hll GARTNER RESIDENCE I I29 SANDSTONE RD VAIL CO. 81658 MECIIANICAL TNFORMATION: WIRSBO RADIANT INFLOOR HEATING SYSTEM IN I I/2'' GYPCRETE FIEATING BOILER LOAD ITs,OOOBTU SNOWMELT BOILER LOAD 45O,OOOBTU BOILER #l 300.000 BOTLER #2 325,000 TOTAL 625.000BTU DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATING (2) A.O. SMITH FSGIOO WATER HEATERS(l00gal./ 80,000btu) COMBUSTION AIR THRU WALL OF MECHANICAL ROOM (8OO SQ. IN. FLOOR &cErLrNG), 12' B VENTING THRU ROOF (VERTICLE RUN 23). MECHANICAL VENT TOTAL LOAD 785.OOOBTU OFF CE COPY lr-' 303-827-9414 . FAX303-827-5258 . P.O. Box2156 . VaitCO81658 GAS GLASS.LINED WATER HEATER ENERGY SAVER PLUG ANODE 1-TYPICAL I I INSTALLATION FRONT VIEW All Emrly Sar.r mod.lt mo.t o..rc.ad dficioocy r.quir.mrn$ xt torth \ H.U,D.. B.O.C.A, Codr, ASHRAE 9OA-1980 rnd rtrtr cod.t nfl.ctin! lh! trm. rrquil.mrntt. l Inlot/Oull€t on 75 gal.= l"i on l0O grlf i -114" I 16" on 76 and tOO grl. TOP VIEW lrcrAL( ri ^ccoio^Ncr ),-1f p RELIEF3/4" NPT DRA IN OPERATING COSTS ENERGY SA ENERGY SAVER LOWBOY MODELS ENERGY SAVER HIGH INPUT MODELS NOTE: To coinpensate for the sffects of high sltitude €rgas above 2,00O tset, recov€ry capacity should be reduced spproximately 4% for aach 1.0O0 feet above se8 let/el. ALL DIMENSIONS lN INCHES. NOTE: Operating costs are bssed on thenational average cost ol : $.562 per therm (nat, gas ) and $.70pertherm (propane gas). *Recovery capa0ities ar8 based on DOE method of test. glass-lined, Association. a maxtmum relief valve expGed to the Feder.l SUGGESTED SPECI F TCATION (s) shall be Model No.as manufactured by A. O. SMITH. or.n appro/ed equal. He.ter(s) shall bs equipped to burn - gas, design certilied to meet the l.test ANSI Stand.rd by the American Gas Heater{s} shell have an input rating of- BTU/HR and u/ith a rsco/ery c.p.city ol - GPH - oF temp€rature rise. Gas control shall totally regulate the gas supply to main and pilot burners. He.ter(sl shell have ing pressure of 150 psi. a nominrl storage tank capacity ol gallons with I seper.te 3/4" r.pping for and 8 rigidly support€d anode rod for maximum cathodic protection, All int€rnal surfaces of the hsa$r(s) shall be glass-lined lvith an alkaline borosilicate composition fused.tcatsel. Heater(sl shall also be equipped with gas shutoft device to shutoff entire gBs rupply in €vent of dxcessive temperature in tank. Heater(s) shall also be an A,G.A" csrtifisd dr.ft hood. Tank shall be foam insulated 175 and 100 gallon . vermin-proof gless fiber insula.. Outer iack€t shrll heve r beked enamel finish. Heater shall have a {5 or l0) year limited warranty a3 outlin6d in the in a r$idential insttllation, (t or 3 years in 8 commercial inst.llation). Fully illustratsd instruction m.nusl to bc (sl shall meet ASHRAE Standard 90A-1980 for enargy €fficiencios and the minimum energy fictor required by Nationel Applianco Energy Conservrtion Act of 1987." A. O. Smlth W.lor Produc8 Comprny lrving. TX A Dlvidon of A. O. S|nlth Corpor.tlon A. O. Smiih Corporalion res€rves the right to mak. product ciangss or lmprovomsntr at any tim€ without nollco. 4713.2 oA. O. Smlth corp., 1988 Prlnt6d ln U.S,A. SPECIFI L!-E-r-l\J\'7 r c SYonoGsDBTTUE I c..rq.d II n.tr.er I ffi@ )ratings GG SERIES Hot Water Model AND LP. PROPANE GAS RATINGS i .rt MODEL NUMBEBI RANNGS FOR WATER NETI=B=R RATING WATER (Bluh) WATEB (sq. Ft.) A.G.A. D.O.E.INPUT CAPACITY(Bluh) (Btuh) GG-250H GG.275H GG-300 GG-32s GG-350 GG-375 250 000 209,000275,000 228,000300,000 240.000'325,000 260,000'350.000 280,000'375,000 300.000' 181,700 198,300 208,700 226.104 243,500 260,900 211 3 322.0 390 510 620 740 Net rctings arc unusual ptptng t Add su ix"S" torlype ot gas: " A G.A. gross d on a piping and pick-up allowance at 1 15 (hol water). SlantlFin should be consulted betole selecting a bailet lot inslallation havingpick'up requtrcments. Fot elevalions above 2,000leel, reduce rctings by 4y" for each 1 ,OOO teet abov; sea level. rd watet boilet.."P" lot packaged water boilet Add sulfix' E ' lot intermttent pilal ignitior syslem (available cnry w h 24 vdt gas valve).numbet, specly gas by name "Natual, ot'Prcpane. nting (Btuh). NOTE. Allboiles 30O,0OO Btu input are tesled and raled lo( capacity undet lhe IJ S. Dept ol Enetgy (D.O.E )Test Ptacedure lot boilerc A,G.A. O.O.E.INPUT CAPACITY(Btuh) (Btuh) 75,000 64,000100,000 83,000'125,000 103,000150,000 125,000175,000 145,000200,000 167,000225,0@ 186,000 B DRAFT HOODC FLUE COLLARD JACKET TOP T Lnual il Above: i Combinalion!imil and Relay __ Temp. _'I Pressure Ir..-ges. IgI ,L^ Inslatl Valve 5 Floor Follout SaletySwilch 'lncludes intetmittenl pilol and vent damper Annual Fuel Ultlizalion Effi- c|ency based ffi custant ciculation. FIGHT SIDE HOT WATER BOILEF Crcles fo( allmodels 30' wide,38' high, depth 30' (Gc-75 thtu GG-225),3{ (GG-2SOthru GG-375) FRONT DH SpillSw(ch ---l--\ 'T;.;#'''+ GALAXY' DOE Sea3onal Etliciency (AFUE) MODEL EFFICIENCY GG.75 HEO GG-IOO HED GGN25 HEO GG-l50 HED GG-l75 HED GG.2OO HED GG-225 HEO GG.25O HED GG-275 HED a4 78/" a2 78A 82 390,6 82 980k 82 45% 83.r9% 82.51% 83.40"/. 82.57"/" BASIC WATER buill-in air assemb'y; adj and automalic temperature EF (SUFFIX S) includes pre-assembled heat exchanoer with base; flue collector; gas burners; gas orilices and ri'anilold OPTIONAL EOUIPITIENT: Room thermoslat. Mitlivoll (sell energized) controls,' combination gasvalve, combinalion limit conlrols and millivoll thermoslat Air pack- age consisting of diaphragm expansion lank, fill and pressure reduclng va ve, and aulomaliC air venl Combustible lloor kil. lnlerrr.lte^l Oiol ig.ilion System. 'For GG-300 thru GG-375 and GXH-300 These boilers meel or exceed U.S. oovernment A.F.U.E. requirements, etfe clive 1t1192. Before purchasing this appliance read imporlanl energy costs and efliciency informalion available lrom your contractor. oase; nue coteclor; gas DUrneas; gas ofittces anc, manrlold 1 gas valve rncluding manual shut-off, pressure requlator, prlol)Flhermocouple safety: hj limitconlrol; altitude; pressure and essure reliel val\/e (ASME), dratl hood; dfatl hooii soill switch:pre-assembled insulaled s6mi-extended jacket (extendedrollout satety as snown); ar PACKAGED ER (SUFFIX P) includes allequipment tisted tor modelconlrol (hi limit and circulator relay), instead ol hi limit vent damper (excepl cG-300lhru GG-375 and GXH-300) S, plus z-way coflcontrol: circulator:cock. t( ,( *************;k*****************************C.*****rtt(rtt(t(rt:ktrt(rt**********:k**** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hame1, MN 'tt( Copyright ( c ) 1990 Version -J. .7 r, *tk?t2t***********tttttk:t***tlt(***rt*******trt(*t(trtrt(t(t(r(t(t<ttr(tr**rk*tr*t()F********tt**tr***** HEATING REOUIREMENTS SUMMARY Page 1 * !t 6/04/93 r, 11:35 am * tr tr Room I Zone I# | # lRoomName I Heat Required I BTU/hr IBTU/hrlsq. ft. * Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCEx tocation: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1-* VAIL CO.* Instal ler,/* Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. =========================================================================== TOTAL INFLOOR HEAT: A257A BTU/hf. OUTDOOR DESIGN TEMP: -20 deg. F. TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT: 8000 BTU/hr WaIl l- R-Value:WaIl 2 R-VaIue:Wall 3 R-VaIue:Door 1 R-VaIue:Floor R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-VaIue: Max Flr Srfc Ternp: Tube Depth: 23 .00 23.00 23.OO 15.00 4.50 0.20 55 deg. F. 0.00 64.4 deg. F.0.75 in. 14955 8050 2654 601 5337 1185 304 785 10451 41,1"7 6175 4202 1004 620 928 686 4044 371,9 345 7L23 to7 4 4220 Wall 1 Area:WaI] 2 Area: WaI1 3 Area:Door 1 Area:Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat Provided:BTu/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: t158 .0 sq. f t.{t320.0 sq. ft.46.0 sq. ft.l-60.0 sq. ft.794.0 sq. ft.794.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 ft. 965.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 18.868.2 deg. F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 9 10 11 L2 L3 74 15 16t7 1B 19 202I 22 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 7I a 9 9 9 10 GARAGE GARAGE ENTRY BEDRM 1 BATH 1 CARETAKER LIVING RM CARETAKER KITCHEN CARETAKER BATH HALL 1 LIVING RM DINING RM KITCHEN PATIO LANDING HALL 2 LAUNDRY BATH 2 BATH 3 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 HALL 3 MASTER BDRM MASTER CLOSET/HAIL 4 MASTER BATH 18.8 32.7 13.5 18.2 13.6 8.1 6.38.0 21.03r.2x 12.5 34.2* L0-5 L2 .4 15. 0 11.8 27.L 15. 1 5.6 20.8 8.8 18.4===========================================================================,f room requires supplemental heat Roon:1Zone:lGARAGE Heated Floor Area: 794.0 sg. ft.Room Volume: O.O cu. ft.Heat Required: 14955 BTU/hr ======================-==================================================== rt tt tk rt * * * * * * tk tk tk tt t t( *t ***t(*********************tc****r!**r.******trtrrtrttrtrrt********* Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN *Copyrisht (c) 1990 Version 1.7****************************tr?tt(tltrrtt(rltr*******************************ttrk**rttkrt HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY** Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE* Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1it VAIL CO.* Installer/* Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Wall 1 R-ValueWaIl 2 R-Val"ueWindow 1 R-ValueWindow 2 R-ValueCarpet R-ValueCarpet Pad R-ValueIndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-VaIue:Heated Floor Area: Max Flr Srfc Temp:Tube Depth: Window 1 R-Va1ueFloor Cov. R-VaIueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-VaIueHeated Floor Area Room Volume:Heat Required: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 86.3 deg. F. 0. 75 in. WaIl 1 Area:WalI 2 Area: Wa11 3 Area: Door 3 Area:Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:SplmntI Heat Provided:BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wall 1 AreaWall 2 AreaWindow 1 Area hlindow 2 AreaCarpet Area:Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hr/sq. ft. Req:Max Slab Temperature: WalI L Area: Window 1 Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Sp1mntl Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: Page 2 * 6/04/93 ), 11:35 am * rt rt tr 68.0 sq. ft. 25L .0 sq. ft.24.6 sq. ft.43.4 sq. ft.246.5 sq. ft.246.5 sq. ft.0.30.0 ft. 210.0 sq. ft.0 BTU,zhr 32.793.5 deg. F. 1-45.4 sg. 69 .8 sq.4.O sq.40.0 sq.196.0 sq.196.0 sq. 0-30.0 ft.L67.0 sq.o BTU,zhr 13.595.7 deg. Room: 2 Zone: 2 GARAGE ENTRYWaII L R-Va1ue:WaII 2 R-Value:WaII 3 R-Value:Door 3 R-Value:Floor R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-VaIue:Heated Floor Area: 246.5 sq. ft. Room Volume: 2214.0 cu. ft.Heat Required: 8050 BTU/hr 23.00 23 .0A 23.00 3.00 4-50 0.2270 deg. F. 0.00 23.OO 23.00 3 -203.20 0.78 o .6270 deg. F 0.00196.0 sq.ft.ft. ft.ft.ft.ft.ft.'tt -rl ft. F. Room Volume: '1,764 .0 cu.Heat Reguired: 2654 BTU,zhr =================:===============-==================-======================Room: 4 Zone: 3 BATH 1WaIl 1 R-Va1ue: 76.8 deg. F. 0. 75 in- 23.00 3.20 o -2270 deg. F.0.0033.0 sg. ft.463.0 cu. ft.601 BTU/hr79.1 deg. F.0.75 in. 42.0 sq. ft.10.0 sq. ft.33.0 sq. ft.0.30.0 ft.22.5 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr L8 -2 83. 1 deg. F. =========================================================================== ****************rt*****************t(***rk*t(t(*t(rtrtrkrtrtrtrtt(*rt**tt***************** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, HameL, MN * Copyright (c) 1990 Version 7.7 ), )ktk)ttt**tk**tttkrrrt*tktt**tr***tt**)trk******rtJrr(*rt*tt*********trt(*t<rrtr*t(tr**********trt(***rr)t?t HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Page 3 ,T "x* Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE 6/04/93 x* Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BtK 1 11:35 am * 't VAIL CO. rr* Installer,/ 'r.* Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. 'k Room: 5 Zone: 4 CARETAKER LMNG RMWaI] 1 R-Value Wa11 2 R-VaIue Window 1 R-ValueDoor 2 R-VaLueCarpet R-Value:Carpet Pad R-ValueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-ValueHeated Floor Area Max FIr Srfc Temp:Tube Depth: WaII 1 R-VaIue:FLoor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-ValueHeated Floor Area Room VolumeHeat RequiredMax Flr Srfc Temp Room Volume: 3519.0 cu.Heat Required: 5337 BTU/hr Wa]l 1 Area:WaII 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Door 2 Area: Carpet Area: Carpet Pad AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSplmntI Heat ProvidedBTU/hrlsq. ft. Req Max Slab Temperature Wal1 1 Area:tdall 2 Area:Floor Covering AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room PerimeterTube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: Wall 1 AreaFloor Covering AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room PerimeterTube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req:Max SIab Temperature: 186.0 sq. ft.69.0 sg. ft.24.0 sq. ft.84.0 sq. ft.391-0 sq. ft.391.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 f t.328.0 sq. ft.-0 BTU/hr13.6 "l95.9 deg. F.' 117.0 sq.80.0 sq.147.0 sq- 0.30.0 ft.58.3 sq.0 BTU/hr 8.175-8 deg. ft.ft.ft. ft. F. 42 .0 sq. ft.48.0 sq. ft.0.30.0 ft. 31 .0 sq. ft.0 BTUrzhr 6.374.6 deg. F. 23 .00 23.OO 3.20 3.00 0. 78 o .6270 deg. 0.00391.0 sq.ft.ft. 76.8 deg. F. 0 . 75 i-n. WaII 1 R-VaIue:WaIl 2 R-Va1ue:Floor Cov. R-Va1ue:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-VaIue:Heated Floor Area: 147.0 sq. ft. Room Volume : 1,L7 6 .0 cu. f t -Heat Required: 1185 BTU/hrMax FIr Srfc Temp; 74.0 deg. F. 23.0O 23. O0o.2270 deg. F. 0.00 Tube Depth:0.75 in. ==============-============-===============================================Room: 7 Zone:. 4 CARETAKER BATH23.00 o .2270 deg. F. 0. o048.0 sq. ft.384.0 cu. ft.304 BTU/hr 73 .2 deg. F. O. 75 in.Tube Depth: =========================================================================== *rt*****tttt***tr***tr**********rt*rr********t<t<rV****************************rt**** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hame1, MN * Copyright (c) l-990 Version t .'1 t,**********tt*****irtt**rtttttrr*************t(**************rt*****rr********rtt<tr*t(t(t(tr HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY** Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE 'k Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1 'k VAIL CO.* Insta11er,/* Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INc. WaIl 1 R-Va1ue:Carpet R-Value:Carpet Pad R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:SIab Edge R-Value:Heated Floor Area: Room Volume:Heat Required: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Ceiling R-ValueWal1 1 R-ValueWalI 2 R-ValueWa1I 3 R-Value Window 1 R-Value: Window 2 R-Value:Window 3 R-ValueDoor 2 R-VaIueCarpet R-ValueCarpet Pad R*ValueIndoor Design TempSIab Edge R-Value Ceiling R-Va1ue:WaIl 1 R-Value:Window L R-VaIue:Carpet R-VaIueCarpet Pad R-ValueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-VaIueHeated Floor Area: Room Vo1une: 23 . O0 0. 78 o ,6270 deg. F. 0. 0098.0 sq. ft.882.0 cu. ft. 785 BTU/hr74.0 deg. F. 0. 75 in. hlall 1 Area: Carpet Area Carpet Pad AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SLab Temperature: Ceili.ng Area:Wal1 1 Area:Wall 2 Area:WaII 3 Area: Window 1 Area:Window 2 Area:Window 3 Area:Door 2 Area :Carpet Area:Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter:Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat Provided:BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req:Max Slab Temperature: Ceiling Area:WaIl 1 Area: Window 1 Area:Carpet Area:Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat provided: BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Page 4 * ,r 6/04/93 x 11:35 am * rt * rt I120 .0 sq. f t ..tf98.0 sq. ft.98.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 f t.77.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 8.085.2 deg. F. 498.0 sq. ft.160.0 sq. ft.278.0 sq. ft.32.0 sq. ft.40.0 sq. ft.82.0 sq. ft.28.0 sq. ft.60.2 sq. ft.498.0 sq. ft.498.0 sq. ft.0.30.0 ft.420.0 sq. ft.0 BTU,zhr 2L.O109.9 deg. F- 132-0 sg. ft.247.0 sq. ft.184.0 sq. ft.132.0 sq. ft.132.0 sq. ft.0.30.0 f t.125.0 sq. ft. 2000 BTU/hr3t.2 129.3 deg. F. Room: 8 Zone: 3 HALL l- Heated Floor Area: 49g.0 sq. ft.Room Volume: 4990.0 cu. ft.Heat Required: 10451 BTU,/hrMax Flr Srfc Temp: 80.5 deg. F. 40. 00 23.O0 23.00 23.00 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.00 0. 7B o .6270 deg. F. 0.00 40. 00 23. 003.20 0. 78 o .6270 deg. F. o. 00132.0 sq. ft.0.0 cu. ft. Tube Depth:0.75 in. Heat Required: 4tI7 BTIJ/hrMax FIr Srfc Temp: 95.6 deg. F.Tube Depth:0.75 in. =========================================================================== *****************************t(*******trt(****rr***tr*t(*****rtr(tr*t(***rt********** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN l< 't Copyright (c) 1990 Version 1.7 * r**!t*****tf***tktktktr**t(********r(*******t(*************tr*****t(trtr*****rttr***f.*****ttry' HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY** Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE* Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1lt VAIL CO.* Installer/* Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. Page 5 * * 6/04/93 x 1l-:35 am * ,r t ,r Room: l-1 Zone: 5 KITCHENCeiling R-VaIue:Wa]l 1 R-ValueWall 2 R-ValueWalI 3 R-VaIue Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-VaIue Window 3 R-VaIueFloor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value:Heated Floor Area: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Ceiling R-ValueWa]I 1 R-VaIueWal1 2 R-ValueWindow 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Value:Door 2 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-ValueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-ValueHeated Floor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: WaII l- R-VaIue Window 1- R-ValueFloor R-ValueFloor Cov. R-VaIueIndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R*Value:Heated Floor Area: Room Vo1ume: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 40 .00 23.00 23.00 23.00 3.20 3.20 3.20 0.2270 deg. F 0. oo493.0 sq. 40. 00 23.00 23.O0 3.20 3.20 3 .00 o.2270 deg. 0.00123.0 sq. 76.3 deg. F.0.75 in. Room Volume: 4930.0 cu.Heat Required: 6175 BTU/hr ft.ft. ft.ft.ft.ft.ft.ft.ft.ft. ft. F. Ceiling Area:Wall 1 Area: Wa11 2 Area:WalI 3 Area: Window l- Area: Window 2 Area: Window 3 Area:Floor Covering Area :Air Changes per HourExt. Room Per imeter Tube Coverage AreaSpImntI Heat ProvidedBTu/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Ceilinq Area:WaIl 1- Area: Wal1 2 Area: Window l- Area: Window 2 Area:Door 2 Area:Floor Covering Area :Air Changes per HourExt. Room PerimeterTube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wa]] 1 Area: Window L Area:Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage AreaSp1mntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hrlsq. ft. Req Max SIab Temperature 493.0 sq.184.0 sq. 195 . 0 sq.50.0 sq.16.0 sq.29.0 sq.16.0 sq.493.0 sq. 0.30.0 ft.313.0 sq.0 BTU,zhr L2.579.0 deg. 216.0 sq.163.0 sq.336.0 sq.117.0 sq.138.0 sq.21.0 sg.1-23.0 sq. 0.30.0 fr.101.0 sq.6000 BTU/hr 34.294.6 deg. ft.ft.ft.ft.ft.ft.ft. ft. F. 1-4 .0 sq. f t.9.0 sq. ft.96.0 sq. ft.96.0 sq. ft.0.30.0 ft.76.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 1_0.5 89.9 deg. F. F. ft.ft.Room Volume: L23O.0 cu.Heat Required: 4202 BTU/hr 87.1 deg. F.0.75 in. 23.00 3.20 24 .0O 0.2270 deg. F. 0. o096.0 sq. ft.960.0 cu. ft. 75.2 deg. F.0.75 in. Heat Required: 1004 BTU/hr It-******r!*******?ttt***********rtrtrt*t ******trtrlr***Jr**rk******t(t(r(*rkt(**Jr*********** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN * Copyright (c) 1990 Version 1.7 r, ******lr*************trtt**:l!t?t****rk**rt*rtrk*rlt(*?krt*rk**rkrt*rt*rkrk?k**rlrtrt**tr**tr***rrtr*t(* tr rt* rt WalI l" R-ValueFLoor R-ValueFloor Cov. R-ValueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-ValueHeated Floor Area: Room Volume:Heat Required: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: WalI 1 R-VaIue: Window L R-Value:Floor R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Va1ue:Heated Floor Area: Room Volume:Heat Required: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Wall 1 R-VaIue:Floor R-Value:Floor Cov. R-VaIue:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-VaLue:Heated Floor Area: Room Volume :Heat Required: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 23.00 24 .00 o.22 70 deg. F. 0.0050.0 sq. ft.400.0 cu. ft. 62O BTU/hr76.2 deq. F. 0.75 in. 23.00 3.20 24.0O o.2270 deg. F. o. oo 62. O sq. ft.496.0 cu. ft.928 BtU/hr77.5 deg. F.0.75 in. 23.00 24.00 o.22 7O deg. F. o. 0058.0 sq. ft.464.0 cu. ft.686 BTU/hr?5.9 deg. F.0.75 in- WaII L Area:Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:SplmntI Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: WaIl 1 Area: Window l" Area:Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter:Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat Provided:BTU/hr/aq. ft. Req:Max SIab Temperature: WalI 1 Area:Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per HourExt. Room PerimeterTube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hr/sq. ft. ReqMax Slab Temperature: Page 6 tr * 6/04/93 t 11:35 am ** tr* 77.4 sq. ft.50.0 sq. ft.50.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 ft.36.0 sq. ft.o BTU,zhr 12 .478.9 deg. F. HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCELocation: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1VAIL CO.Instal lerlContractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. Room: 14 Zone: 6 LAUNDRY Room: 15 Zone: 7 BATH 2 67.0 sq. ft.10.0 sq. ft. 62 .0 sq. ft. 62 .0 sq. ft.0.30.0 ft.50.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 15.0 8O.B deg. F. 81.0 sq. ft.58.0 sq. ft.58.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 ft.44.0 sq. ft.0 BTU,,Zhr 11.878.5 deg. F. ===============================-=========================================== I trtrt(***tr*rttl*******?t**********************rttrtrrtrtrttrrtrtrltt*********************** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN 'trCopyright (c) 1990 Version 1.7 * *********ttrk*****************t(******rkrkt(t(trrrtitrrrrlt(*rrt(rkt(rt*tr*tr*****t(******ri*Jr***tr HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCELocAtion: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1VAIL CO.Instal lerl Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. Room: L7 Zone: 7 BEDROOM 2 t( rt t( Wall 1 R-VaIue:WaIl 2 R-Value: Window 2 R-Value:Door I R-Value:Fl-oor R-VaIue:Carpet R-ValueCarpet Pad R-VaIueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-Value Heated Fl-oor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: WalI 1 R-VaIueWaIl 2 R-Va1ueWindow 2 R-VaIueFloor R-Va1ueCarpet R-VaIueCarpet Pad R-ValueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-ValueHeated Floor Area: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 23.00 23.00 3.20 3. 00 24.O0 0. 78 o .6270 deg. F 0.00 192 .0 sq. 23.OO 23.OO 3 -20 24-OO o.78 o .62 7O deg. F 0.00246.0 sq. 80.5 deg. F.0.75 in. WaIL l Area: Wal1 2 Area: Window 2 Area: Door 1 Area:Floor Area:Carpet Area:Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:SplmntI Heat Provided: BTU,zhr,zsq. f t. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wall 1 Area:WaI1 2 Area: Window 2 Area:Floor Area:Carpet Area:Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hr/sq. ft. Req:Max Slab Temperature: Wall 1 Area: Window 1 Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splnntl Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req:Max Slab Temperature: Page 7 * 6/04/93 r, 11:35 am * ,t ,t tr 82.6 sq. ft.83.7 sq. ft.18.0 sq. ft.56.0 sq. ft. 192 .0 sg. ft.192.0 sq. ft.192.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 ft.183-0 sq. ft.0 BTU,uhr2r.1110.0 deg- F. 180.0 sq. 140. O sq.30.0 sq.246.0 sq.246.0 sq.246.0 sq. 0.3o.o ft.216.0 sq. O BTU,zhr 15.198.7 deq. ft.ft.Room Volume: 1728,0 cu.Heat Required: 4044 BTU/hr Room Vo1ume: 2214.0 cu.Heat Required: 3719 BTU/hr ft.ft. ft.ft.ft.ft.ft.ft. ft. F..77.6 deg. F.0.75 in. 23. O0 3.20 o.22 70 deg. F. 0-0061.0 sq. ft. 0 .0 cu. ft. 345 BTU/hr72.8 deg. F.0.75 in. )' 1 Wall 1 R-Value: Window 1 R-VaIue:Floor Cov. R-VaIueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room VolumeHeat Required:Max FIr Srfc Temp:Tube Depth: 28.0 sq.9.0 sq.61.0 sq. 0.30.0 ft. 55 .0 sq.0 BTU/hr 5.6 74. L deg. ft.ft.ft. fr. F ************it******t * * * tk * * * * * tt tt * rk * * rt rt rV * rt t( * * * tr rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t( tr tr * * * * 'x Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN * |* Copyright (c) 1990 Version L.7 xl'****tt*t(t ************trtitr*********************rtrk****************!k**********tr* tr HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY * Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE* Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1* VAIL CO,* Installer/* CONtractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. Room: 20 Zone: 9 MASTER BDRMCeiling R-Value:WaIl l- R-Va1ue:Wall 2 R-VaIue: Window 1 R-Value Door 2 R-ValueCarpet R-Va1ueCarpet Pad R-VaIueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-Va1ue Max Fl-r Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Ceiling R-VaIue:Wall 1 R-Value:Carpet R-Value:Carpet Pad R-VaIueIndoor Design TempSIab Edge R-ValueHeated Floor Area Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Ceiling R-VaIue:WaIl 1 R-Value:t{all 2 R-Value:Window l- R-Value:Window 2 R-VaIue:Floor Cov. R-VaIueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-VaIueHeated Floor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 40 .00 23.00 23.00 3.20 3 .00 o.78 o.62 70 deg. F. 0.00 80.4 deq. F.0.75 in. Ceiling Area:WalI 1- Area:hlall 2 Area: Window 1 Area:Door 2 Area:Carpet Area:Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext, Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Ceiling Area:Wa]l L Area:Carpet Area:Carpet Pad Area!Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter:Tube Coverage Area:SplmntI Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req:Max Slab Temperature: Ceiling Area:Wall L Area:WaII 2 Area:l{indow 1 Area: Window 2 Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSp1nntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hr/sq. ft. Req:Max Slab Temperature: Page I ?t rt 6/04/93 t 11:35 am ** tr * 342-0 sg. ft.117.0 sq. ft.77.0 sq. ft.83.0 sq. ft.75.0 sq. ft. 342 .O sq. f t.342.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 ft.284.0 sg. ft.o BTU,zhr 20 .8109.6 deg. F. 122.0 sq. ft.1,05.0 sg. ft.L22.Q sq. ft.I22.Q sq. ft.0.3o.o ft.120.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 8.886.7 deg. F. 229.0 sq. ft.169.0 sq. ft.118.0 sg. ft.44.0 sq. ft.26.0 sq. ft.229.0 sq. ft. 0.3o.0 f t.106.7 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr L8. 483.3 deg. F. Heated Floor Area: 342.0 sq. ft. Room Vo1ume: 3420.0 cu. ft.Heat Required: 7L23 BTV/hr 40. 00 23.O0 0.78 o .6270 deg. F.0.00L22.0 sq.Room Volume: 1098 . 0 cu.Heat Reguired: 1074 BTU,rhr ft.ft. 74.4 deg. F.0.75 in. 40. o0 23 .00 23. O0 3.20 3.20 o.2270 deg. F. o. o0 ft.ft. 79 .2 deg. F .0.75 in. ===========================================================================Room: 22 Zone: t0 MASTER BATH 229.O sq.Room Volume: 2061,.0 cu.Heat Required: 42ZO BTU/hr =========================================================================== ", .qI *Jr*rtjr*rr***tr*it?titrk*Jr****Jr**?t*t tr:tt(*tr*****t(*****rt?tt(t<r(trt(trtr*tr*************tc***** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN * Copyright (c) 1990 Version I.7 t ,k**t{*t(t<tktt*tttk***tr*tt****rk***trtr*********trtrtrtrtrr(Jrrt?kt<**J<t(t(t(trr(**rtrttrt(trtr**rlt(trr(rk***t<* INSTALLATION SUMMARY* 'T Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE* Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BtK 1t VAIL CO.* InstaL ler,/* Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. Tubing Size Tube Area Supply Water TempFloor Fl-ow Rate Supplemental Heat Page 1 * t< 6/04/93 t 11:35 am * t( tr tr r/2" PB/PBOX 965 sq. ft.79 deg. F. 2. O GPM0 BTU/hr ZONE NUMBER: 1 of 10 ZONE TYPE: Infloor Commercial Loops Reguired: 4Loop Length:Total Tube Required: Head Pressure: 241 964 1.9 ft.ft.ft. BTU/hrInfloor Heat: 14955 Rml $lRoom Name Loops Required:Loop Length:Total Tube Required:Head Pressure: lTube I Tube | # of I Tube lBTu/hr/ lDepthl Spacingl Loops I Lengthlsq. ft. 1 IGARAGE 10.75" | 12.0" | 4.0 | 965' I l-8. B Tubing Size Tube AreaSuppIy Water TempFloor Flow RateSupplemental Heat ----- I----- Ior Commerciat '1t =======-=======1/2" PB/PBOX210 sq. ft. 106 deg. F. 1. ]. GPM O BTU/hr 2 2to 420 1.9 ft.ft..t 1- BTU/hrInfloor Heat: 8O5O Loops Required: 1"Tubing Size: 1/2" pB/pBOXLoop Length:Total Tube Required: Head Pressure:Infloor Heat: 267 ft.267 ft.2.4 ft.4041 BTU/hr Tube Area:Supply Water Temp:Floor Flow Rate: Supplemental Heat: 267 sq. ft.105 deg. F.0.5 GPM0 BTU/hr Rml lTube I Tube | # of I Tube IBTU/hr/flRoom Name ioepthispacinsj loopsjr,engthisq. ft.--+------ ---------+-----+-------+------+------+-_3IBEDRM 1 10.?5"1 12.0" | 0.6 | 167'l 13.5i o.i i -z:'i tB.zS|HALL 1 i0.75,,i tz.o" i o.a i tz,i 8.0 rt * ****************************************rlrttl******rtrt*rt****rt**************** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN 'kCopyright (c) 1990 Version L.7 r', *tt:ktr********?ttr*r(****************************************************trtrtrtrt(rttr INSTALLATION SUMMARY * Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE* Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1. 'k VAIL CO.* Instal l er,/* Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. ZONE NUMBER: 4 of L0 ZONE TYPE: lnfloor Commercial Loops Required: 2 Page 2 * * 6/04/93 * 11:35 an * * * Loop Length:Total Tube Required: Head Pressure:Infloor Heat: Tubing Size: L/2" PB/PBOX Tube Area: '477 sq'. ft..lSupply Water Temp: 105 deg. F.' 209 ft.418 ft.1.4 ft. 6826 BTU/hr Floor FIow Rate: Supplemental Heat: 0.9 GPM0 BTU/hr Rml #lRoom Name lTube f Tube l#of lTube IBTU/}:.r/lDepth I Spacing I Loops I Length I sq. ft. 5 6 CARETAKER LIVING RM CARETAKER KITCHEN CARETAKER BATH o.75" 0.75" 0.75" 12.o" 12.0" 72.0" 1.6 0.3 0.L 328', 58' 31' 13. 6 8. l_ 6.3 =--===========================-============================================= ZONE NUMBER: 5 of 10 ZONE TYPE: Infloor Commercial==================-========================================================Loops Required: 5 | Tubing size: 'J,/z't tB/pBoxtoop Length: 265 ft. I Tube Area: 959 sq. ft.Total Tube Required: 1325 ft. isupply Water Temp: 141 deg. F.Head Pressure: 3-6 ft. I Froor Flow RatL: 3.3 GpM _______:::1:::_:""., 24e45 BrU/hr lsupprementat Heat: B0o0 Bru/hr Rnl lTube lTube l# of lTube IBTU/hr/#lRoom Name lDepthiSpacingl Loopslr,engthjsq. ft.--+------- - - - - - - - - + - - - - _ + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ _ _ _ _9|LIVING RM 10.75"| 9.O" I Z.I | 560,i ZL.O' i o.t i t;o'i 31.2" i i.t i ;1;'i L2.5" i o:; i ;o;'i 34.z =================================-===-===================================== ZONE NUMBER: 6 of 10 ZONE TypE: Infloor Commerciat==================================================================:========Loops Reguired: l. I Tubing Size: .J./2,, pBlpBOXLoop Length: 112 ft. I rube Area: itZ sq. ft.Total Tube Required: LLZ ft. lsupply Water Temp: 99 deg. F.Head Pressure: A.Z ft. I Ffoor FIow Rate: 0.2 cpMInfloor Heat: 1624 BTU/hr lsupplemental Heat: 0 BTU,zhr_-----Rml lTube I Tube I # of I Tube IBTU/hr/#lRoom Name lDepthjsp""irrgl LoopslLengthlsg. ft.--+------ + _ _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + - _ _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ _ _ _ + _l3IHALL 2 10.25" I Lz.o" I o.z | 76,| 10.5I4|LAUNDRY io.zs"i 12.0" | 0.3 | 36,1 L2.4 *****rr**********rrr(*******rr?t****rr?t**rtr(*J<t(?t:k?t?t*?t:kJr?trtrttrt<rtrrrrtrtr**************tt* Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN tr Copyright (c) 1990 Version L -7 r, ********tltkttttiltktt*rt********trtr*********rt***rtrtr*rt**?tJi?t*******?tJr**rlrr*tl*****tr****r.. tr tk .t INSTALLATION SUMMARY Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCELocation: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1VAIL CO.InstaI Ier,/Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. Paqe3*r-t'*'{t 6/04/93 t l-l-:35 am * ** ZONE NUMBER: 7 of 1O ZONE TYPE: Infloor Commercial- Loops Required: 1 Tubing Size: 7/ztt PB/PBOXLoop Length:Total Tube Required: Head Pressure:Infloor Heat: 294 ft.294 f1c.3.9 ft. 4972 BTV/hr Tube Area:Supply Water Temp:Floor Flow Rate: Supplemental Heat: 233 sq. ft.121 deg. F.0.7 GPM0 BTU/hr Rml # lRoom Name 15IBATH 2 L7IBEDROOM 2 Loop Length:Total Tube Required: Head Pressure:Infloor Heat: lTube I Tube | # of I Tube IBTU/hr/ lDepthl Spacingl Loops I Lengthlsq. ft. 10.75"1-12.0,, | 0.2 | 50'l 15.010.75"1 9.0" | 0.8 | 244'l21,.1 Loops Requlred: 1 Tubing Size: I/2" PB/PBOX260 ft.260 ft.2.8 ft. 4406 BTU/hr Tube Area:Supply Water Temp:Floor Flow Rate:Supplemental Heat: 26O sq. ft. 1-08 deg. F.0.6 GPM0 BTU,zhr Rnl lTube lTube | # of I Tube IBTU/hr/# lRoom Name lDeprh j spacins i l_,oops jLength isq. f t.--+------ - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - - - - + - _ _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ _ _ _ + _ _16IBATH 3 18 IBEDROOM 3 Loop Length:Total Tube Required: Head Pressure:Infloor Heat: 10.75"1 'J-2.0,' I o.2 | 44'l 11.g10.75"1 1_2.0" | 0.8 I 216'l 15.1 Loops Required: 2 Tubing Size: 1/2" pB/pBOX 459 sq. ft.120 deg- F.1.1 GPM0 BTU,zhr Rml lrube I Tube | # of I Tube IBTU/hr/#|Room Name lDepthispacingI LoopsjL,engthisq. ft. 2O IMASTER BDRM 0.75"1 9.0" | 1.4 | 379'l 20.g 277 ft. 554 ft.2.8 ft. 8541 BTU/hr Tube Area:SuppIy Water Temp:Floor Flow Rate:Supplemental Heat: 21 IMASTER CLOSET/HALL 4 0.75" | 12.0,,0.4 | 120'l 8.8 r************r(************tttr*?ttrrt***tt*rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrkit*rl***rt**:trt****rtrtit*********t(* Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN ?r Copyright (c) L99O Version 1.7 *?t*****?trt**:t*rt*tt*******rk***********************************Jr***tr******tr***** INSTALLATION SUMMARY rt,V Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE* Location: TIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1* VAIL CO. Loop Length:Tota1 Tube Required: Head Pressure:Infloor Heat: 107 ft.107 ft. 1. 1 ft. 4220 BTU/hr Tube Area:Supply Water Temp:Floor Flow Rate:Supplemental Heat: Page 4 't* 6/04/93 t 11:35 am * rt 107 sq. ft. 94 deg. F.0.6 GPM0 BTU/hr * Installer/ rr* Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. 'r ZONE NUMBER: L0 of 10 ZONE TYPE: Infloor Commercial Loops Required: l-Tubing Size: t/2n PB/PBOX Rml flRoom Name Max Head Press. Req:Total Floor Flow: fTube I Tube I # of I Tube IBTU/hr/ lDepth lSpacing I Loops I Length lsq. ft. 22IMASTER BATH I 0.75" I L2.0" | 1.0 | 107' | 18.4 ------=========================================================== SUMMARY --=================================================-========================Total t/2" PB/PBOX Tube Req: 47ZI ft.3.9 ft. Max Water Temp. Req:L1-.0 GPM Water Temp. Drop:141 deg. F.15 deg. F. ,l -.{ F-:i- " '/^" ''t"l/ ,'),,.it/ i T,OWN OF VAIL li'- , .L,..,.z.) 'J .i e) -j,, / j A,-..t- ,Yr-/ 'i -. -/ - A r/ r/"J '/ la 71. ls INSPECTION REQUEST READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT , ,/ ./.1 _galp .// 'J j / ./1 lgg BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER {=or*ooroN / srEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: . tr TEMP. POWER ilECHANICAL: t] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL VED C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR / ,:/'INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER PROJECT oor, / READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .,:./ 1' ; 'i JOB NAME MON CALLER r!l!s -.'THUR PMFRI.;AM t-ti . BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr O FINAL O FINAL ,EL CTRICAL: ,MECHANIGAL:ELEI-trdlr ER trc o_ tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o O FINAL B FINAL E'.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE ,,/'' ,'' ,INSPECTOR o I,l INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR PM (7.lne#oveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BERM I U BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D o tr tr u UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TU8 tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr o ROUGH o tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ' niFsxo" [c; )t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT v INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ,.) JOB NAME /\S.,S C BU dr tr tr Dl tr trl tr ILDING:PL tr tr D tr n n o UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING D tr o ROUGH D o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE -i J-Buitdinqf [ ]-Plumbing i Job Name: ( -1,,-/.,.. t.-,-u Legal Description: Lot Owners Nane: Architect: Oro* oF vArL coNSTRUcrroO PERMIT APPLICATIOI{ FORI.f DATE: Address: Address 3 OUT COI{PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED pERi,tIT TNFORI4ATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrical [\]-Mechanical [ .]-other t I r:lJob Address: it z .l;.!., , { ., / ,.. i l-_l BIock Fil ing SUBDIVIS ION: /t PEzuIIT iI T AHPIYXTION MUST BE FILLED ff *****************************,1 ceneral Description: work class:'[*J-New [ ]-AlteraLion [ ]-AddiLional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other I{umber of Dwellinq Units:Number of Accommodation Units: BUILDING: $ELECTRTCAL: $ OTHER: $ PLUMBTNG: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: I,fechanical Contractor : Address: **********************:t********* BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'IECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: I.IECHANICAL: $ -.; ,.,rii t il TOTAL: $- *************************** Town of Vail Reg. No._ Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. No.t /l l'Phone I'iumber: t ).. '//// Town of Vail Reg. Yg. //k l'j Phone I'iumber: ,l ).t ',"/r- FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI"fBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I"IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:. ..i)/r,'. T,I ,'., RECREATION FEE: i((CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI., PERI'IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZOI{ING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN I]P DEPOSIT RET'IIND (/r //- ^' 75 soulh fronlage road vail. colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 offlce of communlty development BUILDING PERI'iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If'thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer.''s' (.fubl !c Wofks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department feview qr Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as Iongas three weeRs. All commercial ('1arge or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follorv the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand smal l projects should take a 'l esser amount of time. Ho',rever, if fesi.denti'ai or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments rvi.th regard to necessary revierrr, these projects mayalso take the three r*eek perfod. Every.attempt wi.ll be made by.this department to expedite thispermi.t as. sgon as possi.ble. !, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Tran'le.. t Communi ty Development Department. (-xAr"^_ 'ill't rl 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: of f lce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI{I'I OF VAIL lO'ilN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI'Ii"IUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT I.IARCH 16 , 19I I CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.,IATERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlalful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sider^ra1k, alley or publicplace or any poriion thereof. The right-of-way on all Tovn ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic works Department. Persons found wiorating this ordinance.+ri11 be given a 24 hour r+ritten notice to remowe said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tj-me specified, the puf:.ic i.IorksDepartrirent will renove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snlft not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-r,ray. To review ordinance No. d in full, please stop by the Tor+n ofVail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. ftrani you for yourcooperation on this nratter. (i.e. contractor, owner) (- 2.- $t744-- b2 PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT oor= /l It I Qt- JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FoR lNsPEct'g% ,oD .. ruEs/ WED ,ru^ /6-) ---@) t, LocArloN: f l -/ l , '4 nt"a<-*'4 r-^ 2n\= CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: 1) .gl€NDERGRoUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL "-#eeoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nf,Fs,e INSPECTOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT lI79 Sandstone Drlvn t PERMTT No C '- ! i lr -' Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. 1. 2.Publl c Sr:rvlce Publlc Servlce Compen-v Bo:,: 430, IllnEurn, Ctl 81645 's Name, Address, Phone, and Liconso No.) WATER SEWER,GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLEW OTTER LANDSCAPING TEftIPORARYSITEACCESS e l',rj o f (Job Namc of Localion ot Work) Bill to: Paid:Receipt #: (Public Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: {Public Wolks) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED ata> -'3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 t ',rt--t 1.Job Name Legal Description Street Address 2.Excavating Contractor Name 'i TOV Contractor's License Number 4. Start Date Work is for {ckcle one) Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric Telephone Temoorary Site Access Length CAry (Permit Expiration Date) OtherWater Landscaping 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Tolal Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times, A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signalures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-748O) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) y5-::=:-:';.-'..ri; ... .f ' .L- '-t . , '' / -''l Town ol Vaif : ,/ lrrigation (479-2161) t t '" -' Electricians (479-2171) . . /i /' - Public Works (479 -21 58) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction tratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" oJ utilities - (Senate Bil 172\. Permittee must contact Public Works Department al 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contraclor's Signature of Agreement Dale of Signalure ATTACH PLAN OF WORK. INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communrty Development Gold - Contractor '10. 11. 12. .ti INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL :--*- ' '' It-It REQUEST trr,:['J PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME )lt i-.,, --*'.f in'' i : CALLER T.UES onrE lli ii (rl-l BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER V rouruonroN / srEEL tr D tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr F]NAL D FINAL ELECTR!CAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: n o tr tr B HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL tr DISAPPROVED II RETNSPECTION REQUTRED CORRECTIONS: ^^ z2r,// "'J..'n' , .L. "or= z/y'* rNSPEcroR -"i ' 11/S1l93 15:49 13ra3s4s4T l'lthlRtE/l.EhlELL El{i.I PAGE 81 lbnrce & Newell. Fd-sr. Iu. s.r r. rox ot* ".rl:?'#Lt#&c" fililrn usrE(s)ffi )l,t-4??Me ll'I-7? Prlti€ct # IPqoeL (hluding Uiffitttlthl) I FAHS'r/LE TNANSMTTAL LfrTEN COMPANY P}IONE FAX FROM SUB.|ECT MESSAGE lt--L i l '.4+ P INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL or "u.. DATE I'/.T JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR Bl, tr tr tr tr tr D ILDING/PL o tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL B FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING o tr o ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL ffikoveo N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR F{iFisncp LZ/1,L/93 LLl.24 13639494054 Mo.ffi/FEr{ELL Erl PAE gL &Dme & N€mell wa tq-lks Prlc.tf ,PSes t (hdnrilnghrumith[. FAG9/tril.€TFnT#flIlT'.,,|LIf,jrrEN Fe!tu\sn zH. .., \rnrr, b, o.! r. Dc o.-r,J:?'&t ffrq. (Ffc6 Iffir. l$l t8{il .a I) ta L'rc COMPAftfY FTIONE FAX -,,,^ J t^.EEltrflf .a It ,relt 'fTl\rtf ( -4Fif f f SUBEgr nEsgAgE lf tnansmltlal ls not as indlcafied please noflfi aender {vf. ' r r<&..Iri, l--'i f -+'r,,,, --.-T INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O VAIL NAME T JOB PERM DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: ER OF0tUMB0l WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: SouruonroN / srEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Wraoveo tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR niFsrcp INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES ,. WED )THUR'-':i;l''', BUILDING:_--l f?ooi'Ncs / srEEL \ ', .'- ' 'A =-:^-.. tr uNDERGRouND D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,xF?t?FItSi* .r;! "|1! l-iibw r a/j PROJ INSPECTION: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF e/ rtt € rL __@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PTYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION -O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: , " 'e^ , no ( cfut 7/ '.,'? a rNSPEcroR C ''4n''r- DATE ASlL6lS? LAi47 EJ.o|YstIl UAI lStIDr hilr.l !u( trranllhl n|smo itrl e- ww) tlfgN, "l 5-$al PftfT L, c,i l6 INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor,- ' I 13 lQ3 ,o,NAME \i cnur-en \ i\,., / t',e, l( READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:, MON TilE&'l wED , '... i,:ir-t V ( . THUR FRI AM PM u'l -t t.'l -'d^, r BUILDING: fl roorrrucs tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: l'/ STEEL i)r'r r r./:f-' :' i 'Iri,^'. tr UNDERGR.UND ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr o SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRlCAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED D OISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nFs,roP berI INSPECTION REOUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME I -... t n cALLER htv-A I IJ't,.k f Oss"<-.,.-_\ | ,-_\READY FOR TNSPECTTON: MON .TUES_-,rWED THUR FRI (AU .b-PM t, -a./i <' / r- 'Y- \---- LocATloN ll'l "/ )/tnds7z> t-( r'lrz . TOWN OF VAIL BUILD!NG: X roorrruos/, fi rouruonrr tr FRAMING PL tr tr tr tr fl tr UMBING: / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER on t steetNectk o tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL c] o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH E] tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL I VED tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,^-, F/gt/?: ,NSPEcroR ffiscn /-/,!\ ( t d; T NUMBER OF PROJECT V'i q -,F INSPECTIONTOWN OF ,-)- /^'i tr.', , .,Vt'/l f :'' i REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE JOB NAME CALLER ,? ,;, i TNSPECToN: /G*\ ruES wED rHUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: gJllfit{6 PLUMBING: d tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOI / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPTY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL tr APPROVED ISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nTislt o I a.Lf-tt *,l 3,o,*o,.(-i-f i- (- tlt ( (retf PEBMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER t.truspecttbtt://a(l/,1 }eN BUILDING: F\FOOTNGS tr FOUNDATI D FBAMING , "tf /)t''1 o r ill(tiitme, / srEEL tuftA n,'tf"" tr ,NDERGR.,ND ON / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr o tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr D o EXHAUST HOODS rl tr CONDUIT -SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL 'x1hlovED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,/,,'L-/{ t., -r- .' / '' ,i'' ;'DATE,"//.'-, INSPECTOR / .' o INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oorr K/ rt f q g JoB NAME V ufg<qS cALLER t'|/llt( A MoN 6D wEo rHUR FRI Kod@pMREADY FOR INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEE" PLYWOOD NA D INSULATION ILING _--tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trF AccEi(:-l- aLJLUFeT O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL c. tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* G'fl - 11 rNSPEcroR 0,Ll\-lu't7t -pscti iL A8/06i 1993 15:07\8274442 l0l ir lN SlnEE ' 0o|l rro . TCG PAGE A1 A nulrl-dlrclollit flm ol rnchlrrcrurr. vAlL . aefven cREtK . IELIIJRIDE r Mtfr.tfrRN, co FErt .lyfiWa.rorl . rror lx)rlmt'.ooz on,, ..b-'b:.-?-? ',uu { Io' Jtua t*r,a&Ie NI'MRFF OF PA6FS (lncfuding Cover Lstl€r): q- 21h?' FEMARKS: X lransmission r ,f=. l' €er- {\5t* , Tut^- En'lt'^l 1u F;'u: lvlsorflc'a-1tr'^^/ -; GA?'trtlE. futd*+uz. tfr^uc -4^-r. -p^r*"A' awL! rwucoab +V4'* t-rUrdp gryta)fE+'v,i" o4 4cl' fto't'raf Jf-vu AwfreuaL t.e {/pf tPr+t('E- 'l='wclt' bA?J\0t t'!rt?*\ I 4pacg(rp" urr-u ..Bt 4.H +z' 6nte/ftt" i de- f,r{+.- \>@t-;s!dlrtoa,al ,ip sTetl 6rnel P-L ^PPr1r4 + fpa** t+ *ru'r'iit\ cle ' *4-E ^r^rrn t^'r'[L h?lriv*AL St!'-d{ rWrtJu^J O"-L b,E[;lunr:ry* i*. Ct &atft.r.frat, @'-/t/1Uo f /'Aoil< d{rrt . | | rFN rlnN lzz'4oo1 t^r rJo ?r+rfu? ,tu#, AS/06/1993 15: A7 g274gb2 lr $1 x/,il .i .lrttl ,*.'.on+ut t^tto-' t#fr.L$iYn-r, -sEAc:e_ ?"n|/bfrU*.,t "J _l,J t E'o.to "'"tlj vlq I tl,('0l. aa/ ,f, ry -J .t,Irl Fr-.t: //1t*17.!.?lt Et-]16 t1L s ErlL I ueETl*-1 l"l' l/.r \r T\ EI ,/ l,f t4l' BLE F a' -(rs 'Ol+ Ot Ib \l? i\ It .ih l--.-...r\(A) J \\I ,/"- JL I,...1tll tG! #wY#TEr.- \. / tXr WYM 7a s,rf '\ II PUBLIC WAY PE IT o IL RM TOWN OF VAI PERM|T NO. f '.- '".., i \, .J i- u _. .-' Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. 6'o^Y"* bgtt1.(Job Name or Location ol Work) '' :..r:..v. ii): , /; .,. 1...,.t t. ..i , ,,,.. ,,. il() ,l':. r' Work is for (circle one) Permit Fee lt;5. r-r0 (Excavaling Contraclor's Namo, Address, Phone and License No.) WATER SEWER GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE TV LANDSCAPTNG TEMPORARYSTTEACCESS / . 't 4r..,,-._ -_ Bill to: Paid:Recerpr #: '' 'i l' ^ (Public Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: (Public Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED . ,+fldrdr' r,r-\r.r \ PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 ,'. /, , L ,,a. - I ,i {('',1 , I' 1: '/. Street Address 'r' / i/ TOV Contractor's License Number Starl Date 4. Work is for &ircte one) Completion Date Water Sewer Landscaping CATV (Permit Expiration Oate) OtherGas Eleclric Telephone ' Temporary Site Access . . Length Depth5. Trench-width (min. 4') 6. 7. 8. Bond Amounl $ '-/ rPermitFee $ I'Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED, Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works otfice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-74801 Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: frrigation (479-2161)Electricians (479-21 7 1) Public Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 1 72). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters ot Title 12 - Slreets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT, THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Develooment cold - Contractor T 10. 11. 9. '12. ca o0 oz F =E UJ -it.t r\c1 r\ aLU LUu- F t.L, )+-'fulri h/hh//4 o\ IFc! Ir\ 0.)t: .ua o\ I\o trl<Fo q)]J.:<l0i Onz;i IFl F. o t F Flh 4:o =z t1 14 ,u b( 'F{.-t q., auJFoz zoJ d) (, 7z 'r'l lr B qJ q) ! -. o .u b0'rl-t AJ oao I 'd() cJ ]Ja .r{ .ft F '9 oo '.1.-t o CI(t BqJ .-t.ri {J € {.1-1oa q, .Ft F ?- u,z3o ulIF z l!6U) =tr P (r Fz () o uJz B uJ F z o zH E-r h 14 H C/ Fr zF-l < z CJ U)zH c'6A o0) or-D-o0)o- 6.9'(/)o'; o- D'- rB(,O sFco)(!! c(g 0) O .s =f(D E =cl (D C, 3 .9 Q) .E o(J(!, c) f Q .2-c =l c(! ,n 3(! (I, Ec o .g c3 t- (! =3 o (5 c '!(5 t ; =3i c oo t(D Y 'O"' o lJ.;X(!vhlF.= ..r:'- F-r- :1 5:> e-o q)oQ =xx J-.E c) c(! c 0) fo c C' 0) ; E BEo(! ;(s d.9 c) q) E -c oo) q)-o oE C\I cc c c c. C C oo-s-\n \o 1 II c >la.'\:-a-? \ :: ; r\i.-.-ls::J \FC 5 fi L EL!oozo:f(D Y Ioz 9EF z co =ld 9z I() = UJ uJ z tr IJJ UJ o 3uJt UJEz 6 o F -a u,J ?z Q x ulal a LUullJ- = L!o- o zo =l F uJ z = (! =I uJ = NOIIVN']VA :<E BZ ZtL i o- az^ : f, >Y aoez>c)6> 'tdLL < Yrioq +,r'! :i$xEaX?t!:lz _I zIF l cr(, o_lo (J o- t- d d c -'z Eoo zo F EllJF r B z ! 6:-isl- r{r-rq-r. a a) r' X ra:;uJcL oc) }_ :ltt ...' ,:(. L ::zo cc CC I ,) a H*?>og oo3c I I I I I I F (.) F. <lFl =l o uJ uJulz F (r lljo- o Eoo - o.^ =z;;91[6cEco F Ln cn Id f- t-\'o *. tu =odl -? zo F uJY nJo F T frc.;ol r! --{ol 4.1,'\ >{- i l:1 UJFIJi\ l-\Jzo z ze coo>z-- :fJOO- LL .!. xt ti i_zIi=E/a / \ =H>-E e4 -X(Jo'-f -i [+--ur>- IL'1 I tr E c LL P TIJ9>E< o9o)- OIvcr>o =>.E ;>OU^. : :d: 3X 0) F ',, I :>-6:Fo*1rD-v; ao F F lb = l!E, l-lrl -o-zIFo EFazo(J ,r(----\/.xe\ -. ,ll=\"rt-\'! / t€\\_12_ = c\l $ o\.$o\ tlrllllalttlI\o Il|.-ll-'rl:ql.at Iol oltzl Irl uJlH cclAJIg3l { L'l3^l.rl vllzl =l 3lel ol c\ca.+ Is "r'i\.OF] lzl 1l-l >l blzl;lI .4 tI] Fz =Etr I I I I Iol =lolujl 1l al>lrllolzl ..t3t iol 9rFI F c! I I r'JltrlI ool I *l| -'11tltttltoll=lrh ol#91q)*lzJl+atd.l >ld u-lfiolfzl =31 Ic o j I I I g d<lJal>l HF F-1 F-l (J t lilll4lllrtt-Tt1tt.l olqzlcn .tui ol1ul.t -JIJslI Lr-l:Iul7zl =l 3l trl Fl aa IzE tn Fl zHE F zlFtiol()lzi!--1 |il oir-iqi\Tl ,^| ,11Ll.rl <I I <I>] j v '1v1 F.l4z .'1 -=l F](Jz H CN rcztsd LU z d)o:'.) rI1 & an z B J I:<J(D F Fl z J E F Fz =I tlj E =;'-\ = t F Fz ) a F l.L_) zt-;# =F_JZcO() FOt!. =QE E <F u..r <z&UJF(tzo < (_) LL LL.l -lo TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: MEMORANDUM File Jim Curnutte July 27, 1993 Exemption of crawl space from GRFA calculation for Gartner Residence, Lot 3, Block 1, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 4. Due to the excessive slope on Lot 3, we have decided that the approximately 48'x'18'crawl space below the kitchen and guest room shall be allowed to have a head height which may exceed 5 leet in height from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the structural member above. lt should not be considered GRFA. Chief Building Official Hazard Review (DAF) t I scription) Geolog RECD..lt:l ? 0 l99t ,4o Pil,he l/V{e undergtand from.the conclusions that the proposed building is located in a t rt . tnerl se*i'{'f AkeU hazard zone, and ti'rere is the poteniial hazard ot b, k3/ldc-;(dels ing the proposed house,causing damage. We are prepared lo accept these facts and est the T I Bui ing Department grant us-a permit. t ( - .{. 212 zr,,a r9,a r,{z<" (Name, Owner)(Name, Owner) STATE OF COLORADO ) The-undersigned has/have read the L.k&tL Hazard Report, dated couNrY or ?li tt ) ss. ) . The foregoing instrLlmentlv,vas acknowledged belore me this , r)t day ol'\-.r., ,^-.,.a i .ti -4.;' --e- r ' --i:, - -'J:. -- ---, \,t,t.lt l , 19'l 1, by #U_ ilil tru r, , known to me to be the person {hosername is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he , known to me to be the person executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commissioq expires: Llr{/il7 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 19_, by known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: prepared c llorm s\hazard I ln KIUHL:LH LILjH I lNu . ISIANDER Capture a piece of the island sun and use it to guide your guests at night. These Kichler outdoor fixtures draw attention to your home, instead of to themselves. They can gently wash the side of your home with light. You can accent landscaping, showthe way up a staircase, decorate your balcony or porch. In fact, ttrese downlighls and wall fixtures can go prac- tically anywhere you want light at night. @ K-9534 @ K-9530 Len! accosrorlaS, Convert open top unlls to outdoor applications. Heat resistant glass lens with black frame. K-9544 B?lghlnos! control accellorle!... Grooved black plastic batfles achieve low even surface brightnoss. (Baffl€s availabl€ for all fixlures lisled on page 1 16) Number Finish Lamps Dimensi()r)s Hgl. from cenler ol wall opening rK.9234 ArchitecturalBronzetK-9234 BlackiK-9234 White lK-9236 Architectural Bronze 1-R-40, 150-W. tK-9236 Black 1-R-40, 150-W. tK-9236 White 1-R-40, 150-W. 1-R-30, 75-W. Max. (M) l'19t. 7'1 1-R-30, 75-W. Max. (M) Hgt. 7'i 1-R-30,75-W. Max. (M) Hgt. 7'i Max. (M) Hgt.9'i Width 6'1 Max. (M) Hgt.9'l Width 6'l Max. (M) Hgt.9'i Width 6'i 2-R-30, 75-W. Max. (M) Hgt. 12'i Width 4Vz'i 2-R-30,75-W. Max. (M) Hgl. 12", Widlh 4t/2", 2-R-30, 75-W. Max. (M) Hgt. 12'i Width 41/2", 2-R-40, 1s0-W. Max. (M) Hgt. 1s': Width 6': 2-R-40, 150-W. Max. (M) Hgt. 15': Width 6'; 2-R-40, 150-W. Max. (]vl) Hgt. 15'i Width 6'i Width 4r'r': Extension 7" Width 4!/z'l Extensaon 7" Width 41lz'l Extension 7" Extension 872" Extension 8Y2" Extension 81/2" Extension 7" Extension 7" Extension 7" 3" 3" 31/z' 31/z' 31/2" r'K.9244 ArchitecturalBronzet'K-9244 Black 1'K-9244 White o 6" o f 'K-9246 Archilectural Bronze r. K-9246 Black t'K- 9246 White K-9534 Black K-9536 Black K-9544 Black Exlension 8%" Exlension 8Y2" Extension 8Y2" 7 Vz" 71/z' 7Vz" K-9546 Black Heat resistant glass Dia. 43/q", Hgt. r.'4" For use with K-9244 all f inishes Heat resistanl glass Dia 6'i Hgt.3,6" For use with K-9246 all finishes Plastic orooved baftle Dia. 41/a", Hgl.23/s" For use with K'9234 ' K-9244 and K-9834 all f inishes Plastic grooved baff le Dia. 6'i Hot. Zr'e" For use with K-9236, K-9246 all finishes 1-R-30, 75-W. Max. ([i1) Dia.4t/2". Hgt. 8Llr" '1-R-30, 75-W. Max. (M) Dra. 4\/2". l-lgt 8Yz" lllluslraled '/vrlh Black grooved balile. Must be ordcled s€p.rrale 'K-9834 Polished Brass'K-9834 White ''JL listed lor damp location K-9155 N-["0nfl0[\0u0nfl Fixtures lisled on this page spread are constructed of aluminum and feature weather resistanl f inishes.oK.9555 !j, Number Finish Glass Lamps Dimensions 1 ' RK-22 Black 2-pAR g8, 150-W. Max. (M) K-6042 Aluminum 2-PAR 38, .150-W. Max. (M) 1-B-40 or PAR 38, 150-W. (M) Shade Dia. 6'1 tjgr. 12" l-R-40 or PAB 38, 150-\,V. (M) Shade Dia. 6'i Hgt. 12" 1-R-40 or PAR 38. 150-W. (M) Shade Dia. 6", Hgt.12" 1-R'40 or PAR 38, 150-W (M) Shade Dia. 6'i Hgt. 12,, Hgt. trorn cenler of wall openrng K-6051 Antique BrassK-5051 ArchitecluralBronzeK-6051 ElackK-6051 White K-5052 Antiq(re BrassK-6052 Architectural BronzeK-6052 BlackK-6052 While K-9155 Architectural Bronze CIear tempered 2-R'1O or PAR 38, 150-W (M) Shade Dia. 6", llgr. 12" 2-R-40 or PAR 38, 150,W (M) Shade Dia. 6", hgt. 12', 2-R-40 or PAR 38, 150,W. (M) Shade Dra. 6': Hgr. 12,, 2 R-40 or PAR 38, 150-W. (l\,1) Shade Dia. 6", Hgt. 12 1 -500-W. Max. T.3 quarlz halogen lamp (included) 1- 100-W. Max, (M) 1- 100-W Max. (M) K"9211 BlackK-9211 Satin Aluminum White Wh ile Hgl.7th'i Widlh 6'i Extension 7" Hgl.7t,'a", Width 6'l Exlension 7" 3r.z' 31,'t" 1 K-9221 Black Whrre"t K-9221 Satrn Alumtndm Whtte Wh ite White K-9226 Architectural Bronze Smoke K-9214 BlackK-9214 Salin Aluminum K-9224 BlackK-9224 Satin Aluminum While White 1-100-W Max ( tv1) 1- 100-W Max (M) Hgt.7'j Width 41,'2'i Extension 5" Hgl. 7': Width 4rll Extens'on 5" Dia.6", Hgt. 7 1,'4 " Dta. 6", Hgl. 7 t4" Dia. 43iq", llgt. 63r" Dia. 43iq'i Hgt. 63r" K-9216 Architectural Bronze Smoke 1 -100-W. Max. (M)HgL 71A", Width 6'i Exiensron 7" 1 -60-W. lv1ax. (M) 1 -60-W. Max (M) 1 -60-W. Max. (M) 1 -60-W. Max. (M) 1-60-W Max. (M) Dia.6", Hgt.7tit" K-9555 ArchitecturalBronze Canoov for use with K-9155 Dia.4t/q" I Lrsted lor Wel Localions PHODUCT SPECIFICATIONS L] APPLICATIONS I uw level landscape llghllng ollels llghl lrrrle s{]liu ly aod safely a ofg walklvays l)illlos arl(l drivcways Landscape lghttng dlso at]cerlls lllo n.rlriral boauly of gardens sllrrlbs lr.res iIl(J lutatn tJ CONSTRUCTION l\ucrsron dte casl alurllltllllll arl(l llnlslle'l lr) l)rnapldx ll'" lexlurcd greel) ol bla(-k pi)lycslrr pu{vrrer fleat and shock rosrslarll lelllpelud cluar glass globes Ftrll Inoldud tlrfea(is sclew rt| snioulhly agatnst gaskel ld wcalller rL,slslanl seal Poroclarrl sockel wllll l)ldled ||(r,lrum screw'shell and rentorilcd cclltct ci]ntairl Pre red ior qurck Insla lallu(l illlh cxtra long l5' leads llubs lappcd l(n I i 2" NPS oonduil. slerll or spikc ORDERING INFORMATION Max walts l9,l,P L Series Low Level Lights For 112" Pi1rc or Sliikcs L] OPTICS Clcar glass Ulol)c (lul)luIc(j wlllnll llcrtl(l lotlvcrs lot sylttrtt(rlrli:al lylrq V ll()willlrl(l l)lrl drslrbulroll llulet l') Suirl(nl ll lol pl()l(nn'lllic (hlil I ] INSTAL LA] ION lJrrrls iltc ru,l(iy l()r lrljl,lll.itlinl llo (lLsirsstJrrl)ly ru(lrllrur.l I.1l)lrLrl l, :l lltrl).(i('t)l)ls ij{ilxlLlll 5l(xtl ul sl)ik,r Ixlr,] l()rtU l5 lto wlrtxl c'ltls tte p spceli allirlg ll sl.-illJll(tl D LAMP (N()t supplud) Ac(;rll)ls tlp k) 100 wall (deplrxl[]g ott tttirlul) cleal or lrostnj incandes(,efll A l.lrtrt) L55Pt ac(icpls / '.(all Pt illr(rtcsccrll llolur to Scd[)fl I I tor lanrl) dald lrrcq!91()9 fio.l TWO TIER PAGODA T L3O L308 75 75 Mediurn luledtunt Green Black TI]RLE TIER PAGODA lL40 L40A L41 L41B L44 L44B MediLr Il Med inrl N4e(l urn lM odrt lrr] M0drurn lv1 a)( jtr I [] N4edun.l Green Black Green Black Green Black 100 100 100 100 100 100 TI IIILE TIER DOI''IE L55 100 PL Grcen GreenL55PL l5!lji t'qL,44xri w h 0' slrrlrrU lrii lJ5t l'rr l:10 vr)11 (nrlv ACCESSORIES srlt' pagcs /2 & /3 k)r a rr)rrrl)l'rlu r:jlrrrrl (rl ixi(:.,,ljs()rr('s -t- 1lr-0"'1--T- lr'--\l| 4_-----J sf" la$| .rr:[-t g---T 155/L551'L Noflnally carlled lll la(loty sllJ(lk arni"or al kxial te(l()'li|l w'lrollo{lsos 1\{.7afr 140/L408 141 /1418 i or plolontlt!(). lttttlJ JIrl alc(Utt . d.tlJ telet l() Sd( '(tr ' I 5I0tG0 Ij 6e t- i l /D\@ il"J,TJ::,,", VAPOR TIGI{T* Geiling,/Surfuce Mounted up to 200 watts incandescent PFODUGT SPECIFICATIONS tr APPLICATIONS Guards againsl rTlorslure an(j dcbl5 lrl exlci|()r ol rnlailor al)ltl(],1|lo' ls N CONSTRUCTION [)te cast ah/rlnr]utn Prenrurr p(,ru(rl.rll sockr.ll hcat af]d slx)ck rL.jsrsldrtl l/lass (n p(tycilllx)irale glotrL. Sta[]lcss slcol frar(lw,]rc t] INSTALLATION Sockcls aro p(, wrrcd wlllr i]xlfa k)rlg lcads lo save llthti L] LAMP N,4cdrurn base ancandescenl A lanrp clcar or coatcd ORDERING IIIFORMATION tr 4' BOX-MOUNTED FIXTURES Cornplele w h vaporleht dre casl alurT]lnuln box. Four sjdc arld olto lol) h{)lo lapped L!' NPI. Three plugs Inciuded For:,i" condr.ttl, use VK series wllh VXL l3 trrltv{rrsal box I leqhl [)ra VCXLI 1 Box-Mount Adapler VCXL5A Calalog No Max Walts llg$lPlLgllvcrllt 100w $rrlace unil only. Order globe separalely 3" 3V." VCXUII 200W Surface mal only. Order globe separalely 3'l." 4Vr" rvcrLl'tK 100wtvcxulll( 200w Wilh glass globe gVt" 47'a" With glass globe lGL" 4fe" Glass globe, casl guardlvcxLltcc 100wrvcxutlcc 200w 9Va" 4le" Gfass globe, cast guard 10V;' sYs'VKI Fowd Surlace Adaplervcxuta vcxLl0A 50w't00w Wlh Lexan@ globe (100W size casting)O 8%" 41rc" With Lexano globe (200W size casting)O lEli lyi' _\ VKIK Round grrtace Un{ with Glass Gbbe aVKl l00W Surface unil only. Order globe s€paralely 17s" 37r"lVK2 200W Sudace unit only. Otder glob€ sepatalely 1ys" 4%" lvr(l|( 100W With glass globe 7ft" 47a"vKz( 2mw wit OCAUfION Lexatr'.' globes l(rr vurl|cil rIx)urlllng only DSURFACE FIXTURES FOF ROUND AND OCTAGON BOXES (Boxes nol frcltrdsd ) loOW lrxlrxcs lrl all 3tri" round ar]d r)(jlirg(nr l)ox(js i|n(i .lll .1" rolrrl(l t)oxL]s I l(] Ulrt L)u qqlr]gg l.lg. l\rrr Walls_- l)escfiplion llcight l)ra Cdlalog No Ny'ax Wdlls l)usctrplrun vKlcc lmw Glass globo, caS guard 7'3Aa" 4Va" Glass globe, casl guard 9e40" !yo'VKiIGC DSURFACE FIXTURES FOR SQUARE AND ROUND BOXES (Boxes nol included.) 100W tixtures ll all 31,1r" round and oclagotl boxr)s arld all 4" rolxld arr{l souare boxes. VNI Square Surface Adapter VNI GC Square Surface Unrt wilh Casl GuardvN t '100w vN2 200w Sudac€ unii only. Order globB separately 17E" 3y." Surface unit only. Order globe sepalalely 17." 4Vi vNlr( VN2K 100w 200w With glass globe 7lta" 43Aa" Wrth Olass globe gt5Aa" 43/0" VNlGC VN2GC 100w 200w Glass globe, casl guard 1e/rc" 43/e" Glass globe, cast guard lotAo" 5%" 'Vaplrlrghl ftrluf{)s are N()l lor lrsu I hiva.dous localorr:i lSli)ck llcrn N(x'rtally (irrfrl)(, Ii l,(lory stl)(;k an(i ,i,lt l(xiil r(j(t(r'rill wirr{jlr,ru5r)s I t)r Ltl)ol\nth,lt^: ].tr1]/r.{t(l trt:t.lt4).i1 il,tl.t. tdet l() 5r-,(.i\t, J i 5I0H[l r; 47 0 a t, \\g 3$i t {3 \ \{ $t.. *f I.$lsr\t.{r- $t :;{;1 [iHti *{'- $$f $i t $.$t $!cc ul fotrjI()o UJE)F.xlr TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: t MEMORANDUM File Jim Curnutte July 27, 1993 Exemption of crawl space from GRFA calculation for Gartner Residence, Lot 3, Block 1, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 4. Due to the excessive slope on Lot 3, we have decided that the approximately 48' x 18' crawl space below the kitchen and guest room shall be allowed lo have a head height which may exceed 5 feet in height from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the structural member above. lt should not be considered GRFA. Chief Building Off icialpment Director T, T,'^ Co'Jk" OV* bert,rw -&*: fl^< ,rtbL^d ,;'GrQo 1.v,.1\ "'o' STANDARD FEATURES . Meets EPA Phase ll Perlormance Standards lor n€w wood hsaters Flef raclory'Llned wlth r€allstic lan lirebrick Fully insulated lirebox to ksep ths warm air In and lho cold alr oul Tapered f irebox sldes for heat telloction and space savings Basket grate Installed junction box for easy blower installation Large 21 1i2" x 36" opening Conveclive and radianl heat Polished brass lrinr above and below the openlng Provision lor outside air lor combustion Air tight ceramlc doors y/ith polished brass trim on three srdes ft 51,51 .i suggestedProduct Belall Clean Burn System $'t730.00 :' GFK.1604 FILTERS.2 Optlons Fan Kit 160 CFM Alr Supr€{ne liltor lor cFK-1604 $165,00. 35.00 Dimensiohs Height = 38 1/4"Front Width = 41,, Bacl( Width = 26 il2,,Deplh = 21 112' T(EAI.N.GLO FIBEPLACE PRODUCTS. II'IC. 0695 W. HYJY. 13. SAV (6r2)090.0367 r-800'659.H€AT { {R[C'D JUUa 'eer & U*t1WN OF VAIL CONSTRUSTION pERl.lIT Il{FoR}lATIo11 * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPLI * **********t t* **** *** * ***** *** p{-Building [ ]-Ptunbing t Job Nane:Legal Description: Lot Bloc l-Electrical I l-Electrical [ ]-Other I Job Address:FiI Address: Address: k_7 .6zt ^4oc,t - workclass:F<-New[]-AIteration[]-AdditionaI[]-Repair[]-other- Nunber of Dwelling Units: -a- Nurnber of Accomnodation Units, !. Nunber anat Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances- cas Logs- woodr/PelleX a ceneral Description: lfork Class: F<-New t l-AI ation ********************************** VALUATIONS *************r********** ********* BUILDING: ,44 ELECTRICAI,: I.TECHAIIICAL: OTHR: TOTAL: ******************r*******.*-* coNTRAcroR rNFoR*ATroN ****** ********6(l(tP***** -, ,tu,K€.^.turu"lr(*F - q.{?-Teq3 - | r...1 .AGenerat co-ntractort htk + Qssci',-:t*,ili-ri&vrr*) rown of Vair neq. ilo.ll*-AGenefal CO_ntraCtOtS L/LLl\ + L4>>C.t ,I,L\tlttwt4twftr*) TOWn Ot ValI Reqt. NO.lt , rl Address3 P.u. h'n 4n - Phone Number: 'nq'1fi071) rown or Electrical Contractgr: - Town of Vail Reg. NO.-Addresst llUAL1NtllC Phone Number: Plunbing Contractotz (.l,rt<',utr lttt/ ti/ ty' Tolrn of VaiI Regr- [O.-..-- -rAddress: Phone Nunber: 8 -/t''-':d:t lfechanlcal Contractor; Gutltttittt./ /JH Tosn of Vait Reg. No.-Address: Phone Nunber: PLI'UBIIIG: *************************r****** FoR orFIcE usE ******************************* BUTLDII{G PERfiIT FEE: PLT'UBING PER}IIT FEE; I,IECHANICAL PERIIIIT FEE: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUIIBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHSCK FEEs CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL T FEES: BUILDING: ZONING: RECREATION FEE: .[6 sQ.flr. ,.J,JJ./Z-J- VALUATION 1ir'."..el:-V.r € ni-hs,{- l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Signa i4h4 {swpe Lighfie3 irc4(-.&,C1 (Ec alUe-q * {-i6 rcO u<-t'(t t6,< i .4;i;;-# Iig1ie,^,./r5a i=d,'-(- upf.:( ,4d) f0#F*4 iisr]; ?ia-u6*acz ft a-.e.a{ {<.c<tr L,il^h)*E eQc'tq'tocQ' ' .Lrtrl /ty&(r p ar,,i,ltt li.fri= ftrt,tu). i)tii, /tap 1v2t rf,-'&p'4lnz,rr'. I .t Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Va j-1, Colorado 81-657(303) 479-2L38 PIan analysis based onthe l-991 Uniform Building Code Prcject. Number: 071493 Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE Address: 1-1,79 SANDSTONE DR. Date: July L4, 1993 ConEractor: BECK & ASSOC. Occupancy: R3,M1 Archit,ecE.: COLLABORATTVE T\zpe of Const: V-N Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of a1l- possible code requirements in t.he 1991 UBC. It is a guide t.o selected sections of the code. SEPARATIONDIRECTION BOIINDARY AREA TNCREASE FIRE PROTECTION\TnpnH DrnnorFrr ljng 50.0 Feet. 50,0 Feetr r v^,e- eJEAST Property line 35.0 Feet. 36.0 FeeL SOUTH Property line 47.0 Feet 47.0 FeetV]EST Property line 125.0 Feet. 125.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable l-7-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WESTOCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROTR3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr NoneM1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The ext.erior wa11s may be of COMBUSTIBLE mat.erial . Sec .2201,. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot. -- Openings are to be protecEed wiLh 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50? of t.he area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreat.er than l-2 f eet,. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permiEEed in this wa11 ." -- These wa1ls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inchesabove the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the samefire rat.ing as the wall. See sect.ion L?L0. for deLails and except.ions. o FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Master bedroom3 Master bath3 HalIs, closets, eLc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR2 Bedroom #12 Bedroom #22 Bath room #12 Bath room #2 , ninitr.r rnnm 2 Great room2 KiEchen2 Hall-s, closeLs, etc . TOTAL FOR FLOORl- Mechanical room1 Bedroom #l-1 Bath room #11 Caretakers Unit'l l{ai lc nlncarc or.! TOTAL FOR FLOORE GaraqeB Mud roomB EntryE Halls, closets, eEc . TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDTNG TOTAL 290 207 3s3 850 151 1,87 66 64 L22 467 364 f J / 1958 t79 1-59 48 s90 ZIY 12 55 790 96 373 1A IZ I J 4063 29.00 0.00 0.00 ,L:. J.U 18.70 0.00 0.00 12.20 46-70 36.40 0.00 0.00 15.90 0.00 59.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.30 0.00 1.A qn r_0.35 0.00 7 .55 9.35? ?n 3.20 5.l-0 23.35 18.20 0.00 0 .00 7 .95 z ,4u 0.00 0.00 4.80 18.65 0.00 Yes No No Yes YeS No No No No No No No Yes No YeS No No No No No YeS 1 1 1 z 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 'l I 1 1 l_ l- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens direcLly Eo the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet t.he following. -- Sec. L204.l-) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square4) The maximum sill- heighE is 44 inches2) The number of exit.s is based on Table 33-a3) A mechanicaL vent.ilat.ion sysEem may be used openings for ventilaLion. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requiremenE for an egress window in t.he 4^^L (owellings )i-n in lieu of exterior basemenE is based onSec. 1204.5) The requirements for 2 exit,s from the 3rd floor is based onSec. 3303 . (a) exc. 3 . ROOM DIMENSIONS: HabiE.able space shall have a ceiling heighE of noE less than 7 feeE 6inches. KiEchens, halls, bat.hrooms and Eoilet compartmenEs may have aceiling height of 7 feet. measured to t,he lowest projection. If t.he ceilingis sloping, Ehen the minimum height. is required in onl-y L/2 of E.he area.--Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at leasE one room which has not less than 120 square feet. of floor area. Other habiLable rooms excepL kitchens shall have an area of not less Lhan 70 sguare feet,. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other t.han a kitchen shaill not be less than 7 feeE in any dimension. -- Sec. 1,207. (c\ GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety gLazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d)1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sl-iding panels of slidingr door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors ot,her than wardrobe doors.j ) G1 az.i no i n sEorm doors .4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot Eubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any porlion of a building wall enclosi-ng these compartments where the boLtom exposed edge of t.heglazing is less than 60 inches above a sLanding surface and drain inlet,.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent Eo a door where the nearest exposed edge of Lhe glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edgre of the door in a closed posiLion and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 60 inches above Ehe walking surface.7l Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, oEher t.han thoselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, t,han meets aII of thefollowing condit.ions :A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater Ehan 9 square fee*--.B. Exposed boEtom edge less than l-8 inches above the floor.C. Exposed Eop edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizonE.ally of theplane of t,he glazing.B) Glazing in railings regardless of heighc above a walking surface.Included are st.ructuraL baLuster paneLs and nonstructural in-fil-]panels. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke deLecEor is required on the ceiling or wa1l at a poinE centralLyLocated in t.he corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. l-210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4.A smoke det.ect.or is required in the basemenE. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke deEecEor is required on all st.ories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4.ff the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin t.he ceiling of the upper level close to Ehe stairway.-- Sec. l-21-0. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired Eo Ehe building's power source andshall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3.Detect.ors shal1 sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of Lhe dwellingin which E.hey are 1ocat,ed. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4, OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: RF|-:nrppn l-he rraraoe and f he resi dencc. marcri a I s annroved for ihr f ireerre vq!q:jeconsEruct j-on are required on the garage side only and any doors between Lhe garage and the residence are Eo be a self-closing I3/B inch solrd ccre door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS:A stairway in a dwelting must be at l-easE 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maxj-mum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #l- Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above t.he nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i-) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greaLer than 30 inches. Minimum height. = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1112.(a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Encfosed usable space under t.he stairs is required to be protected as :equired for l-hr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:l-) Chutes and dumbwait.er shafts with a cross-secEional area of noE more than9 square feet may lined on the inside wit.h not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal wiEh all joints locklapped. The ouLside must bet hr consLruct.ion. AlI openings into any such enclosure shalf be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1,3/8 inches thlck orequivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping inst.alled in walls passing Ehro'rgh3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly.-- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventifation either by mechanical means or by openings in ex;eriorwalls. Opening shall provide a neL area of not less than l square fooE forear,n 1i0 qcrra-^ c^^' ^c ^-^' in r-rawl sna.tr Oneni nrrs shal l he disE:i-but.edJ\4\.r!tr! s IggL lr! Ctl-gcl -Lrr JIJL.!u. v}J\,rrrr!:j.Jon two opposiLe sides and be locat.ed as close to corners as practical .-- Sec. 251-6.(c) 6. NoEe: Vent openings may be reduced to 10? of Ehe above if ororrnd srrrface a-ea is coverod \^r'i l-h en annroved vanor barri er anl theurr sPP! v v es vs}/vrbuildinq official approves.For a 1-958.0 sq. f t.. crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of venEr_/r_50 13.0s2\ Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening Eo the crawf space area. Note:nnpni nd ma\./ he rer'rrr i red fn lre I arcror if mpchani r-al eorrinmenl-. is ]OCatedvl/er^4rr:rrvqrv\auryin the crawl- space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resist,ance todecay or treat.ed wood, the minimum cl-earance between exposed eart.h andfloor joisc is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :For R3 occupancyThis projecE wiII require a site improvement survey. Such surveyshall be submitEed and approved prior to request. for frame inspecLion. All crawl spaces wiEhin E.he Town of Vail are Limited to a earth to sErucEural floor ceiling height of 5', be earE.h floor only, bevent.ilated as per UBC 2516(C)5 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(C)2 and maxi-mum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more sha]l require an engineer design. Such design shal1 address drainage, soil- reE.ainage and sEructural desiqn. ExcavaLion below slabs on grade shall noE be permitted without prior ^*--^..- lqvP!vvq.l. Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the For Ml- occupancy Slope garage floor to alLow for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain with sand and oi1 interceptor to dry well or to sewer.Any garage floor drain connected to sewer musE be approved by Upper EagJ.e Val1ey Water a Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, Ehe walls of t.he garage wiich arebearing Ehe area above shall be protecEed with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503(B) . t.'. Town of Vail- 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8l-557 (303 ) 479-2L38 Plan review based onthe l-991- Uniform Buildinq Code Project Number: Q71,493 Namer GARTNER RESIDENCE Address': ]-]-79 SANDSTONE DR. Date: July 14, L993 Contract.or: BECK & ASSOC. Occupancy: R3,M1Architect: COLLABORATTVE T\zpe of Const: V-N Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK # SHEET IDENTIFICATTON CORRECTION REQUIRED Ext.erior surfaces with stucco sha11 be provided withexterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required t.o be adequaLely flashed(not wiEh jusE screed met.al). Alath inspection is required prior sEucco rnn'l i na l- i nns}r'v4rvqervrr. Habitable areas requires operable exterior opening(s)having an area equal to 58 or more of the floorarea. -- Sec. 1-205. (c) A bathroom is required to have an openable wj-ndow ora mechanical vent.ilaE,ion sysLem. -- Sec. l-205. (c) Bedrooms requires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue with clear area/dimensionsspecified. -- Sec. 1204. rn bat,hrooms with a Eub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventifation system connecEeddirectly to the outside sha11 be provided. Bathrmswhich conEain only a waLer cl-oset or lav. may bevent.ilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalled as per U"MC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connecEors may not exceed 5' in length and sha11 notbe concealed wit.hin consErucLion. Ducts sha11 t.ermi-nat.e out.side the building and not exceed 14' lengEh. a- 10 11 t2 CrawL spaces are required to be venLilaEed by mechanical means or by openings. Such openingssha1l have a neL area of not. fess than 1sq. fE, for each 150 sq. ft.. of under*floor area. UBC 2516(c)5. Provide a minimum L8x24" underfloor access. UBC 251-6 (c) 2 . Plumbing fixtures wiEh mechanical apparatus shall be supplied wiE.h an access panel for inspect.ion andrepair of equipmenE. UPC 904. In buildings of unusually tight construction (a11 new consErucEion wichin the Town of VaiI), combust.ion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combusEion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. Furnaces not list.ed for closet or alcoveinstallaEion sha11 be insEalled in a room or space having a volume aE leasE 12 t.imes Ehe volume of t.hefurnace. A boiler unit will require a space 1-6 Eimes larger Ehan the boiler. LMC 504(b) Supply a mechanical drawing j-ndicating design of sysLem, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, venE,locat.ion and terminat.ion, and combustion air to becnnnr'i aA nri .\r t-n any inSt,a1la[iOn.v u^,yr !uu On an upper level where rooms are used for sleepingpurposes, a smoke detector is required in theceiling aE the stairs. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on aLl levels wired to an alarm in t.he bedroom area(s). -- Sec. 121C. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required in Ehe basement wiredto an alarm in the bedroom area(s). -- Sec. l-2L0. (a) +. The garage musL be separated from the dwelling bythr fire-resistive construcEion on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503.(d) exc.#3 The door beLween the garage and the dwelling isrequired to be a l- 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20minute self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 The stair(s) indicated does noE provide the required minimum width of 36 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (b) .l- J '1 A 15 J-O L7 t_B rr_seis9L> ZU 2L 22 23 The maximum minimum run of a step is 8 j-nches and treinches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc #l- 25 27 The minimum headroom vert.ically from nosing line is5 feet 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) A handrail is required along a sEairway. It, isrequired Eo be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ofthe steps and if E.he side is open, the maxim':m sizeof an opening in the railing at Ehe stairway i-s 4inches. -- Sec. 3306.(i) & L'7L2. A 36 inch high guardrail wit.h a maximum opening of 4 inches is requied where sEep is greater than 30inches Eo floor or grade below. -- Sec. 7712. The open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc.which are more Ehan 30" above grade shal-I beprotected with a guardrail. Openings can noi: exceed4u. Wit.hin R-l- occ. and all- R-3, height. min. is 36"-out.side R-l occ. height min. its 42 '. UBC LiL2. The design, consEruction, and installation ofelevators, dumbwai-Eers, escalators and theirhoistways shall be as per the requirements of UBC Ch. 5l-. Thi-s incl-udes fire-resistance of enclosure & openings, hoistway ventifation, and vesLibule ral'rrrl ramanr q Unless the lower level- is clearly shown as a basemenE (6' or less from floor above t.o graCe for 508 of building perimet.er) , a 3 level dwellirg willrequire 2 means of exiEing from the 3rd. l-eveL if3rd. Level exceeds 500 so. ft. UBc 420 & UBC 3303 (a) . Elevat.or shafE.s which extend through two or morefloors shall be enclosed in a shaft. of one hr. fireresistive construction. Openings (doors) shall beprotected by a self-closing assembly with a one hr.rating. (Except doors to ouLside.) UBC 1706 (a) (b) AE eaves and valleys an adequate underlaymen'- sha1lbe provided to prot.ect. a sEructure from ice buildup and waLer damage. T\^ro layers of felt. solid rnoppedto sheaEhing and beEween layers or a comnercialwater & ice shield mav be used as per Table 32Bl . Include a copy of the soils report. for E.he site tobe built on. -- Sec. 2905. 28 .....-.,-""'"",'-ENERGY GAS GLASS-LINED SAVER WATER HEATER PLUG ANOOE TYPICAL INSTALLATION A tnlot/Outlot on 75 gal,= l"; on lOO galF 1-t/4" t 10" on 75 and loo gsl,I /2" NPT | .GAS INLET TOP VIEW Alt Enargy Savor mod.l! mael or oxclcd efficiancy r.quinrmonlr $t fonh by H.U.O., B.O C.A' Co&, ASHRAE 90A.1980 .nd tlate cod€! roflocting th. !|mo raquirameni!. r RELIEF 3/4 " NPT DRAIN $Year Modol No. l GYear Model No. OPERATING COSTS Gal. cap. Vent Size NATURAL GAS PROPANE GAS A B c t E.F.Nat.Prop. BTU lnput Per Hr. Gal./Hr.- Recovery 9oo Rise BTU Input Per Hr. Gal./H r.r Facovery 9oo Rise Height Plus Diverter Height Less Divertor Dia. Approx. Ship. Wr.(Lb.) ENERGY SAVEB MODELS FSG-30 PGX.30 .57 s 172 $ 235 3"30.000 30.000 30.3 59 3t4 56 15 314 106 FSG-40 PGX.40 .55 174 244 40 32,500 32.8 32.500 57 3t4 54 18 114 126 FSG-50 PGX-50 .53 185 253 5u 40,m0 40.4 40,000 40.4 57 114 20 114 165 ENEFGY SAVER LOWBOY MODELS FSGL.3O PGXL.3O -5b s 175 $ 239 30 30.000 30.3 27,OW 27.3 47 314 44 18 114 106 FSGL.4O PGXL-40 .54 181 248 40 32,500 32.8 32,500 E.,48 114 20114 136 ENERGY SAVER HIGH INPUT MODELS FSGH.30 PGXH.3O $ 175 $ 239 30 40.000 40.9 37.000 37.9 59 114 55112 15 314 12 FSGH40 PGXH-4O 178 244 40 3"40.000 40.9 37,000 37.9 30 1 18 114 11 FSGH.50 PGXH.SO .53 185 253 4"50.000 51.2 50,m0 51.2 o5 ttz 59 112 20114 171 FSG.75 75 4"75,100 75.9 75.100 /c.Y ot tIz 51 3t4 25112 266 FSG-100 1m 4"80,000 80.8 75,100 75.9 691t4 65 314 261t2 332 NOTE: To compensate tor the eftects of high altitude areas above 2,OOO feet. recowry capacity should be reduced approximately 4% for each 1,000 feet above sea lwel. ALL OIMENSIONS lN INCHES. NoTE : operating costs are based on the nationa l average cost of : $.562 per therm (na t gps l a nd $' T0 pe r therm (propane gos l' 'Recovery capacities are based on DOE method of test. tEnsrgy factor SUGGESTED SPECI FTCATION Water Heater(sl shall b€ Model No.-- as manufactured by A" O. SMITH, or.n approred equal. H€ater(s) shall be gla$-lined, g6s-fired, equipped to burn - gos, design certified to meet the latest ANSI Stand.rd by the American-G-as issociation, Heater(s) shall have an input rating of J- BTU/HB and with a reco/ory cap.city of -:----. GPH at -oF tempereturo rise. Gai controllhall totally regulato ths g8r supply to main and pilot burn6rs. Heererls) sh.ll harrc a maximum working pressure of 150 psi, a nominal storago tank capacity of gallons with. separate 3/4".tlpping tor reliet valve installaiion and a rigidly supfioneO anods rodior maximum cathodic protection. All into.nal surfacc ot tha heatsr{s) oxpced to w.ter shall be glass.'iined with an alkaline borosilicats composition fused-tosteel. Heater(sl sh.ll also bo equipfteq wi,th an .utomatic g15 shutoff iavic,o to shutoff ontire g.t supply in cvent of dxcossivs tempetature in tank. Heater(sl shrll elso bo equipped with-en A.G.A. cortifi€d draft hood. Tank strali be foam insulated {75 and 100 96llon - vermin'proof glass fiber-insul& tiilni or equal. Outer jacket shell have a baked enamel linish. Hsater shall have a (5 or 10) year limited warr.nty as outlined.in th€ writien warranty in a iesidentiat installation, (l or 3 years in a commercial installation). Fully illustrated instruction manual to bo included. Heater(s) shall meot ASHRAE Standard 90A.1980 lor energy efficiencies and tho minimum energy f.ctor rsquired by the Federal "National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987." A. O' Smirh Wltet Ptductt Comp.nY lrying. TX A Divi3ion ot A. O. Smith Corpornion A. O. Smith Corporstion retsrves the righl to makr product changos or improvernants at any tims without notico. ) ) ) ) ) A.@-Snfl[T[N lEnorgg faviing fProdlvett FEATUBES ll/leets or exceedr reguircmentr of ASHRAE 90A'1980 for energy efficiencies. ANSI STANDARD - Design certified at the A.G.A. laboratory to meet the American National Standard lnstitute's stindard for residential water heaters. penmAfOnnitNsULATtoN - Surrounds tank. provides maxi- mum energy savings by minimizing radiant standby heat loss. Thick fiberglass insulation dams around flue. combustion dramber and all tank openings to retain foam, All 30, 40 and 50 gallon models have foam insulation. FSG-75 and FSG-1@ have double density f iberglass insulation. GLASSLINED TANK - Fivs sizes: 30, 40, 50, 75 and 100 gallon capacity. The tankt entire irrterior is coated with glass specially developed ty A. O. Smith cei-amic research for water heater use, Fused to steel at 160CroF, this glass resi'8 corro sion for years of dependable use. D':signed for 150 psi working pressure. DIP TUBE - Carries inlet water deep into tank for improved energy utilization, providing uniform outlet water temperatures. ANODE - Tank-mounted, screw-in :rnode protects against corro' sive water elements for longer tank life. FLUE BAFFLE - Graduallv restrit:ted flue outlet; maximizes thermal efficiency and fuel conservation. ENERGY SAVER THERMOSTAT - Fuel-saving temperature setting indicator. Fingertip control. Safety shutoff provided. Propane models have built-in filter nnd dirt leg. 1l2" gns con' nection. BURNER - All steel multiport; qu iet, deliverc improved com' bustion efficiency. 75 and 100 gallon models have a cast iron burner. ENERGY SAVING Pl LOT - Non-linting. easily tccessible. RELIEF VALVE OPENING - Setnrate, convenient 3/4" side opening provided for installation of a temperature and pressure relief valva. INLET/OUTLET CoNNEGTIONS - All fittinss 3/4" NPT except inlet/outlet on FSG-75 = 1" and FSG'100 = 1-114". DRAIN VALVE - Ball-type; non-metallic' Provides positive on-off operation and full-flow capacity for easy draining. JACKET - Baked enamel finish. Powdered paint is electrG statically applied. then baked. 1O YEAR LIMITEDWARRANTY OUTLINE lf the tank shoul.d leak any time during the fiBt 10 years, under the terms of the warranty' A. O. Smith will furnish a replacement heater' Installation, labor. handling and local delivery are extra. When used commercially. warranty 'rtotL 5 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY OUTLINE lf ths tank should teak any time during the first. S years, under the terms of the w8rranty' A. O. Stnith will f urnish a replacement haater' Installation, labor, handling and local delivery are extra. When used commercially, warranty is for 1 year. THESE OUTLiNES ARE !!Ir wARRANTIES. For complete information, consult the written warranty or A. O. Smith Water Products Company. EIltsNGY SAVER GAS RESIDENTIAL FSG, FSGL, FSGH, 't WATER HEATERS PGX, PGXH & PGXL SPECIFICATIONS: GG SERIES Hotwater Moder ffi@ ) NATURAL AND L.P. PROPANE GAS RATINGS ratings MODEL NUM BE Rt FATINGS FOR WATER NETI=B=R RATING WATER (Btuh) WATE R (Sq. Fl.) A.G.A. D.O.E.INPUT CAPACITY(Btuh) (stuh) GG-75H GG.lOOH GG-125H GG-150H GGN75H GG-2(X}H GG-225H 75.000 64,000r00.000 83,000125.000 103,000150,000 125,000175,000 145,000200,000 167,000225,AOO 186,000 55 700 72.2A0 89 600 108,700 126,100 145,2m 161,700 371.3 481.3 597.3 742.6 840.6 968,O-_ 1078.0 ' I'lel talngs are based on a piping and prck up allawance ol 1.15(hotwarcr) SianllFn should be consulled belore selecing a botler lor nslalla!)on havtng unusual pping and prck-up tequiremenls. Fot elevatrcns above 2.A00 leet, rcduce rclngs by 4y. lat each 1 ,A00 ieet above sea level t.!ddsutfix,'s''|ars|andard\,Jalerboiler'''P,|o,packagedwa!e|bai|e|'AddsUI|lx,'E,|arlnte/ml|!en|potlgnt|onsystem(availab|eon/with24 Type ol gas: Altet madelnumbet. specily gas by name Nalural, ot Ptapane" A.G.A g/oss oirtpu! rcling (Btuh). NOIE: All boilers undet 3AA.0A0 Btu inpul arc tesled and taled lot capactiy undet the U.S De ol Eneel lD A E ) fesl Procedurc lar bale6 dimensions MODEL NUMBERT RATINGS FOR WATER NETI=B=R RATING WATER (Btuh) WATEF (Sq. Ft.) A.G.A. D.O.E.INPUT CAPACITY(Btuh) (Btuh) GG.25OH GG.275H GG-300 GG-325 GG-350 250.0c0 209 000 275 000 228,000300.000 210 000"325.000 260.000" 350 000 280 000" 375 000 300 000" 181 700 198,300 2A8.700 226.100 243,500 260.900 211.3 322.0 390 510 624 744 Combinalion Lim I and FeLay Control GALAXY' DOE Seasonal Elticiency (AFUE) MODEL EFFICIENCY GG.75 HED GGNOO HED GG.125 HEO GG.150 HEO GG.175 HED GG.2OO HED GG.225 HEO GG.250 HED GG.275 HED u 73'/" 82 78'/" 82 39"6 82 g9.h 82.457" 83 19% 82 51"/" a3 40% a2 57% ) 'lncludes inlemflenl Plot and veni dampet Annual Fuel Ulllizalon Elh' ctency based art cooslanl cnculatian Crcles lor all models are 3U wide, 3g' high, depth 3V (cG-/5 thtu GG-225).38" (GG-250 lhru GG 375) OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Room lhermostat. Mlllivolt (self energized) controls' combination oas valve. combination limit controls and millivolt lhermostat. Air pack- age consistin"g ol diaphragm expansion lank, Ill and pressure reducing !€lve and aulomatic air ve. t Combustible lloor krt Inlerrn'llent pilot ignition syslerr 'For GG.30O lrru GG-375 and GXI--3m These boilers meet or exceed U.S. governmenl A.F U.E. reouirements. elleclive 1 /1 192. Belore purchasing lhis appjiance read important energy costs and elliciency lnformation available lrom your contractor FRONT DH Sp I Sw,rch --J-\ r % suppry l--\ l RIGHT SIDE HOT WATEB BQILER MOOELS GG.75 GGNOO GG-125 GG-.t50 GG-r75 GG-200 GG-225 GG-250 GG-275 GG-300 GG-32s GG.350 GG.37s A B E F JACKET WIDTH DRAFI HOOD HEIGHT FLUE COLLAR DIAMETER JACKET TOP TO DRAFT HOOD C]BCULATOB REIURN FLANGE GAS CONNECTION NAT/PROP 137r 46le 5 6.h 1/a '/2/V? 13/ a 53"/a 6 13 1Y. 1/2/V? 137ls 53./. 6 13 'lV1 vt /, 169re 531,/. 6 13 1tAt/tl\b i 6%6 53n 6 13 1l/a Vt'i'h 19,7,; 57 th 7 16 1Ya I9'Yi6 57 /? 7 t6 V?11/, 23'r',e 597eI 17 '| t/'? t/?/1/? 237'c 597eI 17 1t/2 Yrll/? 261l/t 597eI 1t 1t/? Yllt/2 26"1a 5974I 17 11/2 Ylit/z 30lc 66VaI 22/, 1'/, 14/k 30'/to 66tk 9 221/2 1rb %/!a equipment BASIC WAIERBOILER (SUFFIXS) includes pre'assembled heat exchanger with built-in aar eliminatoi base; llue collector: gas burners; gas orifices and manilold assembly; cornbination gas valve including manual shut-off, pressure regulato( pilol adj. and automatic piloFthermocouple safety; hilimitconlrol; allilude; pressure and temperature gauge. pressure reliel valw (ASME). dralt hood; drail hood sp,.l siwircn;rollout salety switch: pre-assembled insulaled semi-exlendeo iac<et (extended asshown); automalic vent damper (except GG-300lhru GG-375 and GXH-300). PACKAGEDWATEB BOILER (SUFFIX P) includes allequipmenl listed lor modelS, plus 2-way combrnation conlrol (hi limii and circulalor relay). instead of hi limrt control: circulator; drain cock. ,*****rt*rtrb*tr********f**************rtrt?k****trrt*f*******ttt(tlrtrlrtrtttttrttttttrrt'(*tt* Infloor System SYzing Program by Gyp-Crete dorporation' Hamel, MN * ,r Copyrighl tcJ fgSO Version 1-7 * *t(t(*tr**r(rkrtJrrtrt.rttrrttrttrt**rt*tr**rkX*rt*tfrt*rtrtttt(trrr**ttrt*******t t!r(t(**tt*tr:t**rt*?ttt*'V*;t*tttt:t HEATING REQUIREMENTS SI.'MMARY tr* Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE* Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1tr VAIL CO. Room I Zone I# | # lRoomName * rnstal ler/ tr * Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. * TOTAL INFLOOR HEAT: 82578 BTU/bx. TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT: .8OOO BTU/hT OUTDOOR DESIGN TEMP: -20 deg- F- Page 1 :t Jr 6/04/93 * 11:35 am * rt I Heat Required I BTU,zhr IBTU/hrlsq. ft- 14955 80s0 2654 601 5337 1185 304 785 10451 4t77 61_7 5 4202 1004 620 924 686 4044 3719 345 71"23 to7 4 4220 ==================== ==============================================* room requires supplemental heat Room:1Zone:lGARAGEWaIl 1 R-Value:WaII 2 R-Value:WalI 3 R-Value: Door 1 R-Value:Floor R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Va1ue:Indoor Design Temp: S1ab Edge R-value: Heated Floor Area: Room Volume: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 23.OO 23.OO 23.OO 15 .00 4.50 0.20 55 deg. F. 0.00794.0 sg. ft.0.0 cu. ft. 64.4 deg. F. 0.75 in. WalI 1 Area: WalI 2 Area: WalI 3 Area: Door 1 Area:Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Sp1mntl Heat Provided:BTu/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: L8. B 32.7 1-3 .5 L.J. Z 1_3.6 tt,r 6.38.0 2L.O 3'J,.2lt 12.5 34 .2,\ 10.5 L5.0 11.8 2L.L 15. 1 5.O 20.8 8.8 18.4 158.0 sq. ft. 32O.O sq. ft.46.0 sq. ft. 160.0 sq. ft' 794.O sq. ft. 794.O sq. ft. 0.30.0 f t. 965.0 sq. ft. O BTUlhr 1.8.868.2 deg. F. 1.) 3 A 5 6 .7 8 9 10 11I2t3 14 L7 18 1_9 20 2L 22 t_ 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 B 7 B 9 9 9 10 GARAGE GARAGE ENTRY BEDRM 1. BATH 1 CARETAKER LIVING RM CARETAKER KITCHEN CARETAKER BATH II.ttL tr l- LIVING RM DINING RM KITCHEN PATIO LANDING HALL 2 T,AUNDRY BATH 2 BATH 3 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 HALL 3 MASTER BDRM MASTER CLOSET/HALL 4 MASTER BATH Heat Required: L4955 BTU/hr 7**********,r*****rr**?*************** ******,"****?*****iY**** *?t*,t'trt*** 't 't'tt(**Infloor System Sizing Program by G11p-Crete Corporation, Hame1, MN Copyright (c) 1990 Version I.7 * rrtrtrt*)k:trtrt?t****iii*rt*rtt<rr**rtt *rt)tt(rt*rt?tr(t<*tl?t*****rkrktt***>(*t(*tt*tvt( * t( ti ,t .t Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp: SIab Edge R-Value: Max FLr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Wal] 1 R-VaIue:WaIl 2 R-VaIue: Window 1 R-Value: Window 2 R-VaIue: Carpet R-VaIue: Carpet Pad R-Value:Indoor Design Temp: SIab Edge R-Value: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: WaII 1 R-Value: Window t R-VaIue:Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Heated Floor Area: Room Volume:Heat Required: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 0.22 70 deg. F. 0. 00 86.3 deg. F.0.?5 in. 23.00 23.OO 3.203.20 0. 78 o .6270 deg. F. 0. 00 76.8 deg. F.0.75 in. 23. OO 3.20o.2270 deg. F. 0.0033.0 sq. ft.463.0 cu. ft. 601 BTU/hr79.1 deg. F.0.75 in. WaIl 1 Area:Wall 2 Area:WaIl 3 Area:Door 3 Area:Floor Area Floor Covering Area Air Changes per Hour Ext. Room Perimeter Tube Coveraqe Area Splmntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hr/sq. ft. Req Max Slab TemPerature Wa}] 1 Area:' wall 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area: CarPet Area: Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTU/}lr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wa11 1 Area: Window 1 Area:Floor Covering Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided:BTv/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: Page 2 * * 6/04/e3 ,\ L1:35 am * ti t( rt 68.0 sq. ft- 251 .0 sq. ft. 24.6 sq. ft. 43.4 sq. ft. 246 .5 sq ' ft. 246 .5 sq. ft. 0.30.0 f t. 210.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 32.793.5 deg. F. 145.4 sq. ft. 69.8 sq. ft.4.0 sq. ft- 40.0 sq. ft- 196.0 sg. ft. 196.0 sq. ft. 0.3o.o ft. !67.O sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 13.595.7 deg. F. 42.0 sq. ft. 10.0 sq. ft.33.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0. o ft.22.5 sq. ft. O BTU/hr L8.283.1 deg. F. HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Job NAMC: GARTNER RESIDENCELocatiON: LIONS R]DGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1 VAIL CO. Instal ler,/ ContrACtOT: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. Room: 2 Zone: 2 GARAGE ENTRYWall 1 R-Value: 23.00Wall 2 R-Value: 23.00WaIt 3 R-VaIue: 23.OO Door 3 R-Value: 3.00Floor R-value: 4.50 Heated Floor Area: 246.5 sq. ft. Room Volume: 22L4.0 cu. ft. Heat Required: 8050 BTU/hr Room: 3 Zone: 3 BEDRM 1 Heated Floor Area: 196.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 1764.0 cu. ft.Heat Required: 2654 BIU/hr 7********rr.***,rrr,rzrrr*nl**********'r*'t***** *******l******"t****:i:il**ii*****il;i;;-il;;;^;;,ins ProsraT PY 9ve-9l:1" corporatio"' t..11?l;.I*Version L-7 x** trJr*ttrt * t( t * Copyright (c) 1990 HEATING REQUIREMENTS ST'MMARY Paqe 3 ?tag tc 6/04/93 * 1L:35 am * ,( tl Job NAME: GARTNER RESIDENCE iocation: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1 VAIL CO.* Installer/ ** Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG' 6' HTG' INC' ==================================================================== ======= Room: 5 Zone: 4 CARETAKER LIVING RM SIab Edge R-Value: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 391.0 sq' Room Volume: 3519.0 cu' Heat Reguired: 5337 BTU/hr Wall l- R-VaIue Wal1 2 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Door 2 R-VaIue Carpet R-Value Carpet Pad R-VaIue: Indoor Design TemP: Max FIr Srfc TemP: Tube DePth: Max Flr Srfc TemP: Tube DePth: Wall 1 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-VaIue: Indoor Design TemP: Slab Edge R-VaIue: Heated Floor Area: Room volume: Heat Required: Max Flr Srfc TemP: Tube DePth: 23.00 23.00 3.20 3-00 o.7B 0.6270 deg. F. 76.8 deg. F.0.75 in. ft.ft. WaII 1 Area: Wall 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Door 2 Area: Carpet Area: Carpet Pad Area: Air Changes Per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperatur.e: WaII l- Area:Wall 2 Area: Floor Covering Area: Air Changes Per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTV/hr/sq. ft- Reg: Max Slab TemPerature: WaII 1 Area: Floor Covering Area: Air Changes Per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTV/h^r/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab TemPerature: 186.0 sq. ft. 69.0 sq. ft. 24.0 sq. ft. 84.0 sq- ft. 391.0 sq. ft. 391.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 f t. 328.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 13. 6 95.9 deg. F. 117.0 sq' ft. 80.0 sq. ft. 147.0 sq- ft. 0.3 o. 0 ft. 58.3 sq. ft. 0 BTUlhr 8.175.8 deg. F. 42.0 sq. ft- 48.0 sq. ft. o.30.0 f t. 31.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 6.374.6 deg. F. ft.ft. = = === = === = == = = == === = = === ====== = = ='- - - RooM: 6 ZONE: 4 CARETAKER KITCHEN Wall 1 R-VaLue: 23.00 Walt 2 R-VaIue. 23.OO Floor Cov. R-Value: 0,22 Indoor Design TemP: 70 deg' Slab Edge R-VaIue: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 147.0 sq. Room Volume: 1176.0 cu. Heat Required: l'185 BTU/hr =========== = = = = = = = = = ==== === ==== = === = = == F. 74.0 deg. F. 0.75 in. 23. 00 o.22 7O deg. F. 0 .0048.0 sq. ft. 384.0 cu. ft. 304 BTU/hr 73 .2 deg. F . 0.75 in. ========= ============ == ====== ====== = ===================================='---Room: 7 Zone: 4 CARETAKER BATH i=================== =====================================================:-- * **** ***********l** * ** * * * it 't it * * tt *rtrt rt tt * ** ** *}, * ** tr 'r ?t *tt t( *** * * * )t ** * tt *** Infloor System Sizins Program Pl evp-clete Corporation' -$lili#r., I Roon: 8 Zone: 3 HALL 1 Wall 1 R-Valuet 23.00 Carpet R-VaIue: 0.78 Carpet Pad R-Value: O.62 tndoor Design TemP: 70 deg' F' Slab Edge R-Value: O'OO Heated Floor Area: 98.0 sg' ft' Room Volume: 882.0 cu' ft' Heat Required: 785 BTU/hr Max Flr Srfc TemP: 74.0 deg' F' Tube DePth: 0.75 in' Ceiling R-Value:Wall 1 R-VaIue:WaIl 2 R-Va1ue:WaIl 3 R-Value: Window 1 R-Value: Window 2 R-Value: window 3 R-VaIue: Max Flr Srfc TenP: Tube DePth: Ceiling R-VaIue: WaII 1 R-VaLue: Window 1 R-Value: CarPet R-value: Carpet Pad R-Value: Indoor Desigm TemP: 40 .00 23.00 23.00 23.00 3.20 3.20 3.20 80.5 deg. F. 0.75 in. 40.00 23.00 3.20o.78 0.6270 deg. F. WaIl L Area: CarPet Area: CarPet Pad Area: Air Changes Per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTU/hr/sq- ft- Reg: Max SIab TemPerature: Ceiling Area: WaIl 1 Area: WalI 2 Area: WalI 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area: Window 3 Area: Door 2 Area : CarPet Area: CarPet Pad Area: Air Changes Per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: SpInntI Heat Provided: BTU/hr/sg. ft. Req: Max Slab TemPerature: Ceiling Area:Wall L Area: Window l" Area: CarPet Area: CarPet Pad Area: Air Changes Per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTU/hr/sg. ft. Req: Max SIab TemPerature: Page 4 tr * 6/04/93 x 11:35 am ** rt rt 120.0 sq. ft. 98.0 sq. ft' 98.0 sg- ft. 0.30.0 f t. 77.Q sq- f1c. 0 BTU/hr 8.085.2 deg- F' 498.0 sq- ft. 160.0 sq. ft. 278.0 sq. ft. 32.0 sq. ft. 40.0 sq. ft. 82.0 sq. ft. 28.0 sq. ft. 6O .2 sq. ft. 498.0 sq. ft. 498.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0 .0 ft. 42O.0 sg. ft. 0 BTU/hr 2L.O 109.9 deg. F' 'J-32.O sg- ft' 247.0 sq- ft. L84.0 sq- ft. I32.O sq- ft. ]-32.0 sq- ft. 0.30.0 ft. ]25.0 sq. ft' 2OOO BTUlhr 3L.2 1-29.3 deg. F' ==================== ============- === == = ====================================RooM: 9 ZONE: 5 LIVING RM Door 2 R-va1ue: 3.0O Carpet R-Value: 0.78 Carpet Pad R-VaIue: 0.62 Indoor Design TemP: 7O deg. F' SIab Edge R-Va1ue: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 498.0 sq. ft' Room Volume: 4980.0 cu' ft' Heat Required: L0451 BTU/hr ========== == = ======-====== = == = ==========================================--":Room: 10 Zone: 5 DINING RM SIab Edge R-VaIue: O.00 Ileated Ftoor Area: 132.0 sq. ft. Roon Volume: 0.0 cu. ft' Heat Reguired: 4IL7 BTU/hr Max FIr Srfc TemP: 85.6 deg. F' Tube Depth: 0.75 in. =================================:--= ==== = == ==== = = === == = = = = = ===== === == === === f * * * * * * * * rk ?k rr rk rc * tr *'t * | T * " * :. i i. I 1. : :-. : :: - : : : : : ?t * * rb tr * ?t ?t rt it * * rk rt t t<)t* tr t( ****n ***iliiiii ***ixi't't't*'tx*tt?trtrvrtit**tk**tt*?t t( '( ?t t'* * * *tr?v* ** ,t HEATING REQUIREMENTS SI'MMARY PAgE 5 ** I "oo Name: GARTNER RESTDEN.E /04/93 * * LOCAIiON: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1 11:35 AM * ?t VAIL CO. : 't Instal lerl _ ** CONTTACTOT: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. ===========================================================================Room: LL Zone. 5 KITCHEN CeilingR-VaIue:40-00lCe-ilingArea:493'0sq'ft'Watl 1- R-value: 23.00 i waf l 1 Area: L84'0 sq' ft' WaII 2 R-VaIue: 23.00 i wall 2 Area: 195'0 sq' ft' watl 3 R-vatue: 23.00 i wal1 3 Area: ?9'::-.'::'wiffi* i il-;:i;:, ';'.;o i window 1 Area: 19': ::' ::' F.,";;i:::T;il.t;;;Til;il.;i-;*:ip:t;:::tt:;:T:iii, .ffi . . _. :* copv'isht t-cl rsso . . ... -Y:::13i-1;l-l Window 1 R-Value a 3.zv I w !'s.'r Window 2 R-Value: 3.20 i window 2 Area: 29'0 sq' ft' window 3 R-varue: 3-2O i ryindow 3 Area: 16'0 sq' ft' Floor Cov. R-VaIue: o.22 i rtoot Covering Area: 491'9 sq' ft'Floor Cov. R-VaIue: U'zz I r -Luur \-L',vsrrrrY "ree' Indoor Design r"rnp, 7O deg. F' i ait Changes-per Hourt O't Stab Edse R-VaruL: 0.00 i u*t' noom plri*:I::: ,.,9':Iilil'"II!'Hl'u"i"I: 0.00 i u*t. Room Perimeter: 0'0 rt' Heated Floor Area: 493.0 sq. ft'i Tube coverlse 1:e1: 3t:'3,n,?9;-tt''"o"'"ll;";"fi;;: 4930 . 0 cu. rt. i sprmntr Heat piovided: 0 BTU/hr Heat Required: 6175 BTU/hr i ' BTU/hr /sq. ft. Req:. !2^'2 Max FIr Srfc Temp; 76.3 deg. F. i Max siab Temperature: 79-0 deg. F' Floor Area: 49J . u sq. rr' I r uuc \-L,vs!qYs "! vr Room volume: 4930'O cu. ft. I SpImntI Heat Provided: Floor cov. R-Value: o.22 | Floor Uoverfng lrred; 'Y': Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. i eit Changes-per Hour: 0'3 slab Edge R-varul: o.oo i s*t-' Ro6m Plrit::::: "?': ::' Tube DePth: 0.75 in. ========lI::=:::=:=========== ============================== ========== ====== Room: LZ Zone: 5 PATIO LANDING Ceiling R-Varue: 40-00 | Ceiling Area: 216'O sq' ft' walr 1 R-Varue: 23.00 i w.11 i Area: 1q:'9 ::' ::'#:ii ; fi-;:i;:; ;;'.oo i watr 2 Area: 336'0 sq' rt' window L R-vaLue. 3-2o i window 1 Area: 111'9 ::' ::'ililE# ; il:;:i;;i a'.;o i window 2 Area: 138'0 sq' rt' -r -i ^ ^- ++;l3} t il:;:i;: ;.;o i ooor 2 Area: 21'o sq' rt' 4. t\ a- 4+ ;:ii"i il:;:i;;; ;;:;; i warl 1 Area: 163'o sq' rt' Wall 2 R-VaLue: 23.OO 1 WatI 2 Area: 336'0 sg' ft' -F+ Floor Cov. R-va1ue: o-22 i rtoot Covering Area: L23'0 sq' ft' Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. I Air Changes-oer Hour: u'J SIab Edse R-vatui: 0.oo i r*t' no5m piri*:l::: '^?': ::' rt r)II\, r EIr!' '.- vvJ' Tube Depth: O.75 in. ---==--=::::=::::========================================================== 'r'i]t'ril.'t'jvii"l, 0. oo i r*t. Room Perimeter: 0.0 rt ' Heated Floor Area: 123.O sq. ft. i Tube Coverage Area: .111'9,":9;-ft'Heated Floor Area: 123.0 Sq. tt. I 'I'UDe Loverdgc frrEct Room Votume: L23O.O cu. tt. i Splmntl Heat Piovided: 6000 BTU/hr Heat Required: 42OZ BTU/ht i - BTU/hrlsq' ft' Req: 3-1'7 Max FIr Srfc Tenp: 87.L deg. F. i Max Slab Temperature: 94'6 deg' F' Room: 13 Zone: 6 HALL 2 WatI 1 R-VaIue: 23.OO I Wall L Area: 14'0 sq' ft' Window 1 R-Value z, 3.20 i window 1 Area: ^:'9 :-"' ::';i;"; t:;;i;:; 2;'.60 i nloor Area: e6'o sq' rt' .\C l\ ^^ .F+rroor'tli: il:;;i;": o.zz I Floor coverins Area: e6'0 sq' rt' t\t ;:#."JFi;;";;;;, e6.0 sq. ft. I rube coverase Area, lg.g_"s. fr- t n itmll /l^ e*i"il"v"i"ill e6o:o ;: ;i- i sprmntl Heat Piovided: 0 Bru/hrRoom Volumg: 9ou.u cu. rf ' I DPrlurLr rr(icrL Mv'! Heat Required: 1OO4 BTU/hr I BTu/hrlsq' ft' Reqt 19':?,E .1 a^4 rr t M=v a].,rlr lnamnaratrrre: 89.9 deg. F'or-* Fil's;;:-i;;, rs.2 deg. F. i Max srab remperature: 89.9 des. F orl-L- r sru, Tube DePth: 0.75 in. ========]]::===:=========================================================== * **** **?t******r**f *?t ** *****?t* * * * * * ?trt*** ra**O***rt** rt * * rt* rt rr* ** rt* ** * *** Infloor system sizing Program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamel' MN- copyright (c) 1990 Version 1.7 * ***trt rtt(rt*******trrtrt*:btrrl*****:ttrrtttrt)trkrtrktkrbJrtr:krbttiriltrrttt*Xttrttt!t?trtrttkt(lr*rf*rkrt'l***** 70 deg. F. o. oo50.0 sq. ft.400.0 cu. ft. 76.2 deg. F. 0.75 in. WalI 1 Area: FLoor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: WaII 1 Area: Window 1 Area:Floor Area :Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat Provided:BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: WaII 1 Area:Floor Area :Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perirneter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat Provided:BtU/hr/sq. ft. Reg: Max SIab Temperature: * Page 6 * * 6/04/93 tj 11:35 arn * * ** 77.4 sq. ft. 50.0 sq. ft. 50.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 ft.36.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr L2.478.9 deg. F. * * * WaII 1 R-Value: 23.00Floor R-Value: 24.OQFloor Cov. R-Value: O.22Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Heated Floor Area: Room Volume: HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Job Nane: GARTNER RESIDENCELocation: LIONS RIDGE FIt 4 LOT 3 BLK 1 VAIL CO.Installer/Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. ===========================================================================Room: 14 Zone: 6 LAUNDRY Heat Required: 620 BTU/hr Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: WaIl L R-Value: Window 1 R-ValueFloor R-ValueFloor Cov. R-Va1ue Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume:Heat Required: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: WaII 1 R-Value:Floor R-VaIue:Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-VaIue: Heated Floor Area: Roorn Volume:Heat Requiredr Max FIr Srfc Tenp: Tube Depth: 23.0O 3.20 24.0O 0.22 70 deg. F. 0.0062.0 sq. ft. 496.O cu. ft. 928 BTU/hr77.5 deg. F.0.75 in. 67.0 sq. ft.10.0 sg. ft.62.0 sq. ft. 62.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 f t. 50.0 sg. ft. O BTU/hr L5.080.8 deg. F. 81.0 sq. ft. 58.0 sg. ft. 58.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 f t.44.0 sg. ft. 0 BTU/hr 1L.878.5 deg. F. ====== Room: 1,6 Zone: I BATH 3 23. O0 24.O0 o.2270 deg. F. 0.0058.0 sq. ft.464.0 cu. ft. 686 BTU/hr75.9 deg. F.0.75 in. l.********rtt *rt*)t)t!trt***f.***rk/r*******rttrit'trtrt't't'trt**f "an ***tr?t**t **rt?t*rttt*tt*** Infloor System Siiing program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamef, MN ?t- Copyrignt (C) rggo version L'7 x tr rt * rt rt it rt tk t t tr tr t( * rk rt J. ?I. ?t t rt rl rt rt it rt :t tt rt rt rt * * * * t( tr t t( t( t( tt t( * * rt tt tt tk tl rt tt rt !k * * rk th * tr tt * ?t * * " * 'r t( )t 'k * * rt ** WalI 1 R-VaIue:WaIl 2 R-Value: Window 2 R-Value: Door 1 R-VaIue:Floor R-Value: Carpet R-Value Carpet Pad R-VaIueIndoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Wall 1 R-Va1ueWaII 2 R-Value Window 2 R-ValueFloor R-Value Carpet R-Va1ue:Carpet Pad R-VaIue:lndoor Design Temp: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: tdall 1 R-Value: Window 1 R-ValueFloor Cov. R-VaIue Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-VaIue Heated Floor Area: Boom Volume: Heat Required: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 23 .00 23 .00 3.203.00 24.OO 0. 78 o .62 70 deg. F. 0.00 BO.5 deg. F. 0.75 in. 23.OO 23.OO 3.20 24.OO 0.78 o.62 7O deg. F. 77.6 deg. F.0.75 in. 23.OO 3.20o.22 70 deg. F. 0.0061.0 sg. ft.0.0 cu. ft. 345 BTU/hr72.8 deg. F.0.75 in. Wall 1 Area:WaIl 2 Area: Window 2 Area:Door 1 Area:Floor Area: Carpet Area: Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Peri,meter: Tube Coverage Area: SpImntI Heat Provi.ded: BTU/hr,zsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: WalI 1 AreawaII 2 Area Window 2 AreaFloor Area Carpet Area: Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:SpInntI Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wall 1 Area: Window 1 Area:Floor Covering Area;Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl lleat Provided:BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Page 'l * * 6/04/93 x 1L:35 am * * rt* 82.6 sq. ft. 83.7 sq. ft. 18.0 sg. ft. 56.0 sq. ft. 1-92 .0 sq. f t. 192.0 sq. ft. 192.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 ft. 183.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 2L.L 110.0 deg. F. 180.0 sq. ft. L40.0 sq. ft. 30.0 sq. ft. 246.O sq. f t. 246.0 sq. ft. 246.0 sq. ft' 0.30.0 ft.216.0 sq. ft.0 BTU,zhr L5. L98.7 deg. F. 28.0 sq. ft. 9.0 sq. ft.61.0 sg. ft. 0.30.0 ft.55.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 5.674.1 deg. F. HEATING REQUIREMENTS SI'MMARY Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE LocATiON: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK ]-vArt co.Instal lerlContractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. Room: t7 Zone: 7 BEDROOM 2 Heated Floor Area: 192.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 1'728 .0 cu. f t. Heat Required: 4044 BTV/hr Room: 1-B Zone : B BEDROOM 3 Slab Edge R-VaIue: 0.OO Heated Floor Area: 246.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 22L4.0 cu. ft. Heat Reguired: 3719 BTU/hr Room: 19 Zone:, 9 HALL 3 7************t rtrt*rt**f **********?t*'tt(t(***tt**tt*ttf*****t*tttrtr"*'v-*'t*****J'***** rnftoor sy=;;;";Eiig Pt"gtam by cyp-crete Forporation, H-amel' MN * ''r copvriqht i'") rgso l****** ** *,r * * rr *rtsrrrr* rt rr?v'rrr'r 'r * -;;;i;;;;;*;;;*;;;;*'trrrt* * * rtrt*?trtt-k 'r tr tr )t rt * * x * *rr* *t' * ,t HEATTNG REoUIREMENTS SLMMARY Page I * t' rl* Job Name: GARTNER RESTDENCE 6/04/93 't' * Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 toT 3 BLK l- L1:35 am **x VAIL CO. * 't InStal l errl rr* Contractor: GUARANTEED PIBG. & HTG' INC' ============================================================-.==============Room: 20 zone: 9 MASTER BDRM"""3"tilrs'il'-ii"r,r": 40.00 | ceitins Area: ?1?-9 "q' ft' wall l- R-varue: 23.00 i wall i Area: LL7 'o sq' ft' wa1l 2 R-varue: 23.00 i watl 2 Area: 77 'o sq' ft' Window 1 R-VaIue: 3.20 i window t Area: 83'0 sq' ft' Door 2 R-value: 3'Oo I Doot 2 Area: 75'0 sq' ft' Carpet R-Varue'. 0.78 i carpet Area: 342'0 sq' ft' Carpet pad R-Value: 0.62 i C"rpet iad Area: 342.0 sq' ft' rndoor Design Temp: ?0 deg. F. i eit Changes-per Hour: g'? Slab Edge R-VatuL: O.0O i n*t. noom plrimeter: 0.9 ft' Heated Floor Area: 342.0 sq. ft. I Tube coverage Area: 281.9 sq' ft' Room volume: 3420.0 cu. tt.i sptmntl Heat Piovided: 0 BTU/hr Heat Required: 7t23 BTU/ht i - BTu/hrlsq' ft' Req:. ?9'B' Max Flr Srfc Temp: 80.4 deg. f. i Max Siab Temperature: 109'6 deg' F' .Jr l.9 r slrlr. ev . - vvJ ' Tube DePth: 0.75 in. = = = = = = = = ] ]::= = =: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========== ======== ======== Room: 2t Zone: 9 MASTER CLOSET/HALL 4 ceiling R-value: 4o.oo I ceiling Area: !77'? =s' ft' ulall l- R-value: 23-OO i wall i Area: 19:'?::'::'[#;"t il:;:i;": 0 .78 i carpet Area: L22 'o sq ' f t ' Carpet pad R-VaIue: 0.62 i C"rpet iad Area: L22.O sq' ft' Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. i ai-t Changes-per Hour: 0'3 Slab Edge R-Valu-e: 0. O0 i n*t. noom Perimeter: 0 ' O ft ' Heated Floor Area: 122.0 sq. ft.l Tube coverage Area: L2o.9-i9l-ft' 'i"tiirg-i'ji"r"l: - 40.00 | ceilins Area: 342.0 11.' A Floor Arga: rza.v sq. !L. I r (rrJE \'rJvsrqYe "-v Room Volume: 1098.0 cu- ft.l Splmntl Heat Provi-ded:Room Volume: 1O9g.O cu. ft.i Splmntl Heat Piovided: O BTV/ht Heat Required: LO74 BTU/ht i - BTU/hrlsq' ft' Reqt ^9'9Max Flr Srfc Temp: 74.4 deg. F.i Max Slab Ternperature: 86.? deg' F' r)ll\/ I srrr], -.- eeY' Tube Depth: 0.75 in- ========]]:====-============================================================Room: 22 Zone: 10 MASTER BATH'J"tiirn"illiiril: 40.00 I ceilins Area: 22e -o ss' ft' Wall 1- R-Value: 23.00 | WaIl L Area: 169'0 sg' ft',E+WalI 2 R-value: 23.00 i wal} 2 Area: 118'0 sq' ft' window 1 R-va1ue:, 3.2o i window L Area: 2!'2 21' t":' R;;";"il;; 26:67'.0 ;: ;;:i sprmnd Heat Piovided: o eru/ttr Heat Required: 4220 BTu/ht i - BTu/hE/sq' ft' Req: 1q'1 Max Ftr Srfc Tempz 79.2 aeg. f.i Max Siab Temperature: 83.3 deg' r' rJtI'r.\, r s^r.!, ,.- sYt. Tube Depth: 0.75 in. trlindow 1 R-va1ue: 3.2O i window L Area: 44'0 sg' ft' Window 2 R-Value z 3.2O i window 2 Area: 26'0 sq' ft' Floor Cov. R-VaIue: 0.22 | Floor Covering Area: 222'9 sq' ft' Indoor Design Temp: 7O deg. F. i eit Changes-peT Hgur: 9':SIab Edge R-VaIuL: 0.00 i S*t. Ro6m P'erimeter: 0.0 ft. lteated Floor Area: 22g-O sq. ft. I Tube Coverage Area: 106'1 "S' ft' -II/v-,/rt*rt*trtrrt**?k?k*?ktr?trt**?t**rt?trt***rtrtrkrk?Lrtrtrtrtitrtrt*?ttrtr*t(tvrt*ir.*ttxx*r.**tt'(t('tt(ttrt********* Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, H-arne1, MN , i,t copyrighi til rsso - version 1"7 r' rt**rt*rtrk**rt?k**rt:tt rt*rl**rt*****rtrtrt****I**tr*rt*rttt*ttt(*rt*t(*trrr?krtrk*)ttt*,'*t'Jr***trtrttt(ttJ'rtrt * INSTALLATION SI,'MMARY PAgE 1 **tr* Job Name: GARTNER RESIDENCE -6/04/93 x * Location: LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1 11:35 am **?k VAIL CO. ** Instal ler,/ ,r* CONTTACTOT: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC.*-::========================================== ZONE Nltl4BER: 1 of 10 ZONE TYPE: Inf toor Commercial - - -.: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = == = = Loops Required: 4 | Tubing Size: '17': '^2/'"r?*;;";";;;;il; z4i' rt I rube Area: e65 sq' rt' Errotal rj;"t";;il; e;; ;;: isupplv water remp: -?e deg' F' Head Pressure: l-.9 ft. i Ffoot Flow Rate: 2'0 GPM Infloor Heat: 14955 BTU,/hr isupplemental Heat: 0 BTU/hr =========================================================================== ZONE NUMBER: 2 of 10 zoNE TYPE: rnfloor commerciar -----:== = ====== = = ==== ==== ====== = == === ========== Loops Reguired: 2 | Tubing Size: '/^?': \2/'2?*i;";-i;;;$; zro rl*. 1 rube Area: 210 sq' rt' Errotar t"i!-fi"qil;;; iro ii: isuppry water remp: 106 des' F' Head Pressure: 1.9 ft. I ffoor Flow Rate: 1'1 9ll1Infloor Heat: 8050 BTU/ht isupplementat Heat: 0 BTU/hrInrloor ngaE: oLrSu Dru/llr l.JuyP.LElrrsr Rml lrube. l-rube | ! "f l-T:l:-12:u/l:/"#inoo* H"^. ioepthispacingi loopslLenqthlsq. ft' --+------- +-----+-------+------+------+ 2 IGARAGE ENTRY | 0.75" | 6. O" | 2.O | 42o', | 32 '7 ===========================================================================zoNE NUMBER: 3 of 10 zoNE TYPE: rnfloor Commercial ---.:========================================= Loops Reguired: L l Tubing Size: ll7': \B-/P2?xi;";";;;il;; 267 rt i rube Areaz 267 sq' rt' < ^? l^- ETotal r"il"i"iiii"ar 267 ft isuppty water remp: 105 des' F' i;;; ;;;;;;;;; 2.4 rt. i Fioor Frow Rate: o'! 9tl1Infloor Heat: 4041 BTU/hr isupplemental Heat: 0 BTU/hrlnlloor tlgaE: 'lu.tf E l' u/ rlr I 'JLrl,I,rErus' Rml lrube I rube I t "f !,r"!:-12\"/I:/ #lRoom Name ioepttrispacingi toopsllengthlsq. ft' 3f BEDRM 1 l{J.'/5" 1 Lz.v" I u'o | 'Y1- I4l BArHt io.zs"i rz.o11 io.rl ??'.1, 1a'2 8IHALL 1 io.75" i 12'0" i o'g | 77'l 8'o 'f- ,trkrb*ry*?t***r.ttrtrt**?trtttr.**?trtrk*rk********rttrrt*trrt*rgtrrt-*tttt*rtrk'ttrtttrktl*,r?t****'(t(*tt**" Infloor system sizing Program by GIP-crete corporation, Hamel, MN copyright (c) 1990 Version 'J-.7 t' r*:f**>trt:t*:t**n-*i**n*?trgrkrtrt*:trt!t*rk*!trkrttttkrtttt!tt*tt*tY*tl******?t*rt*tb* tt ?t * tr Job Name:Location: Instal ler/ INSTALLATION SUMMARY GARTNER RESIDENCE LIONS RIDGE FIL 4 LOT 3 BLK 1 VAIL CO, Page 2 ** 6/04/93 * 11:35 am * * * *Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. ZONE NITMBER: 4 of 1O ZONE TYPE: Infloor Commercial Loop Length: 2og ft. i Tube Areaz 4L7 sq' ft' Total Tube Reguired: 4l-8 ft. lSupply water Temp: 105 deg' F' Head Pressure: L.4 ft. I Floor FIow Rate: O'9 GIY Infloor Heat: 6826 BTU/ht isupplementaf Heat: 0 BTU/hr 5|CARETAKER LTVTNG RM |0.75"I t2-0" | 1.6 328'l 13.60.75" I t2.o"I lLlll(lirnr\lfr{ ll-v,tlllu nr1 lv"J 6 ICARETAKER KrrcHEN i 0.75" i L2. O" | 0.3 | 58: | 9'1O I UAf(E'.t Al\.tr.f( !\J- Iurlrar,{ lv.'.r | -- TICARETAKER BATH io.75" i 12'0" I o'1 l 31'l 6'3 Loops Required: 5 Loop Length: 265Total Tube Required: 1325 Head Pressure: 3.6Infloor Heat: 24945 Supplemental Heat: 8000 BTU/hr ft.ft.ft. BTU/hr Tubing Size: Tube Area: Supply Water TemP:Floor Flow Rate: !/2n PB/PBOX 959 sq. ft. 141 deg. F. 3.3 GPM Rml lTube I Tube | # of I Tube- | # iRoom Name lDepth I Spacing I Loops I Length I ---------+-----+-------+------+------+0.75" o.'15"0.75" 0.75" 9.0" 6.0" 72.O" 6.0" 560' 250', 313' 202' BTU/ht/ t3_-ll: 2L.O 3L.2'J.2.5 34.2 9ILIVING RM L0lDrNrNG RM LL IKTTCHEN12IPATIO LANDING Loops Required: Loop tength:Total Tube Required: Head Pressure:Infloor Heat: LL12 ft. 1L2 ft.o.2 ft. 1624 BTU/hr Tubing Size: Tube Area: Supply Water TemP:Floor Flow Rate: Supplemental Heat: L/21] PB/PBOX L12 sg. ft. 99 deg. F. 0.2 GPM0 BTU/hr 2.L0.9L.2 0.8 =======================================================-===================zoNE NI,TMBER: 6 of L0 zoNE TYPE: rnfloor commercial ========================= Rml #lRoom Name r_3IHALL 2 t 4ILAUNDRY lTube I Tube | # of I Tube |BrU/trr/ inepthispacingl Loopsl Lengthl sq. ft' Io.?5"ILz.O"| 0.7| 76',| 19-qio.75"j 12.0" I 0.3 1 36'l L2.4 **r(rt:trtrt*rt********Y*rtrkrt*rt*rtt *rtitrt,(rk!k**tr*******F******ittt*t(trrbrtrbtt***tt*rt**** Inftoor system sizing Program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamel, MN Copyrlght (c) 1990 Version t.7 * ****rr**rtrL***t tr * * * * rt * * * tr * * t( 2f ?t**t(t(*rtrtrtrtrtr(trrtttttt(:ttttr****rktt***********tl**t(it***rt't rt rh* rt Job Name: Location: InstaI Ier,/X ConTTActOT: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC ZONE NLJMBER: 7 of 1O Loops Required: l- INSTALLATION SIJMMARY GARTNER RESIDENCE LIONS RIDGE FIt 4 LOT 3 BLK 1 VAIL CO. Page 3 * rt 6/04/93 * 11:35 am * * * tr = = ===== == = = == === ====== = ========== ZONE TYPE: Infloor Commercial -------================ Loop Length:Total Tube Reguired: Head Pressure:Infloor Heat: 294 ft. 294 fE.3.9 ft. 4972 BTU/hr Tubing Size: Tube Area: Supply Water TemP:Floor Flow Rate: Supplemental Heat: 1/2" PB/PBOX 233 sg. ft. 121 deg. F. 0.7 GPM0 BTU/hr Rml #lRoom Name Tubing Size: t/2" PIe-/PBON lTube I Tube | # of I Tube lBrU/hr/ ioepthiSpacingl Loops I Lengthlsg. ft' Loops Required: 1 Loop tength: 260 ft.Total Tube Required: 260 ft. Head Pressure: 2.8 ft.Infloor Heat: 4406 BTU,/hr Tube Area: Supply Water TemP:Floor Flow Rate: Supplemental Heat: 260 sq. ft. 108 deg. F. 0.6 GPM0 BTU/hr Rml #lRoom Name 16IBATH 3 18IBEDROOM 3 Loops Required: 2 Loop Length: 277 ft.Total Tube Required: 554 ft. Head Pressure: 2.8 tt.Infloor Heat: 8541. BTU/hr lTube lTube l#ot lTube 'BrU/hr/joepthlspacinsl Loops I Lengthlsq. ft' 10.75"1L2.0" I O.2 | 44'l11.9 lo.75" l L2.O" | 0.8 | 216'. | 15.1 =====================-=====================================================zoNE NUMBER: 9 of 10 zoNE TYPE: rnfroor commercial =-=======================Tubing Size: Tube Area: Supply water TenP:Floor Flow Rate: Supplemental Heat: t/2" PB/PBOX 459 sq. ft. 120 deg. F.1.1 GPM0 BTU/hr Rml flRoom Name 1_9 IHALL 3 20 IMASTER BDRM zL IMASTER CLOSET/HALL 4 fTube I Tube | # of I Tube IBTU/lrr/ ipeptnl Spacingl Loops I Lengthl sq. ft' 0.75" 0.75"0.75" L2.0" 9.0" L2 .0" o.2 L.4 0.4 55' 379' L20' 5.6 20.88.8 l***************l***it)krt*!ttrrt?t?trttktrrttrtt,t******l****rt?t*rt**rtrtrtt(2t**rt?ttt***** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN Copyright (c) 1990 Version t.'l * ***?V*rt*?t**rl**rkrtrk*:t**t(******rtXt(?t*trtrrrJr***rV*rV:trt?ttrt(tr*:trtrl?k*t(*****?trt*)t*?t**?trr**** * rt* tr * Job Name:Location: InstaJ.ler/ Loop Length:Total Tube Required: Head Pressure:Infloor Heat: 1,07 ft. 107 ft. 1. 1 ft. 422O BTU/hr I Tube Area: lSupply water Temp:I Floor Flow Rate: lSupplemental Heat: Page 4 * * 6/04/93 * 11:35 am * * * * 107 sq. ft. 94 deg. F.0.6 GPM0 BTUlhr INSTALLATION SUMMARY GARTNER RESIDENCE LIONS RIDGE FIt 4 LOT 3 BLK 1VAIL CO. COntractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC. =========================================================================== ZONE NIIMBER: 10 of 10 ZONE TYPE: Infloor Commercial ===========================================================================toops Required: 1 I Tubing Size: 7/2" PB/PBOX tunl #lRoom Name lTube I Tube | # of I Tube lBTv/ht/lDepthlSpacingl Loops I Lengthlsq. ft. 22IMASTER BATH 10.75"1 12.0" | 1.0 | 'L07'l18.4 =========================================================================== SI'MMARY Total L/2" PB/PBOX Tube Req: 472L ft. Max Head Press. Reg: 3.9 ft. Max Water Temp. Reg: 141 deg. F.Total FLoor Flow: L1.0 GPM Water Temp. Drop: 15 deg. F. RTC'DJUL2O 199' ,4a Pil,ha The-undersigned has/have read the E /Ifttt Hazard Report, dated 191t, prepared by lNVe undergtand from.the conclusions lhat the proposed building is located in a r ttIterl se,leit+r Uk&t( hazard zone, and ti'erb is the poteniial hazard ot lbclrs/L:oo rJ*rs rgaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to accept these facts and est the T (Name, Owner) STATE OF COLORADO VRI BuilKrS Department granr /4 permit. ffiUNil> v('?a,z*,s 4- ^/ - )ss'couNTY oF (4AU I , The foregoing instrqmentlvyas acknowledged before me nis 2C Oay otqJ,U,l_, 1911, by 'f{4L fl.4/,tnt*a , known to me to be the person {fosername is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration.therein expressed. My commissiorl expires: t! 1.//' /r{ /0aI It-) I I I STATE OFCOLORADO I) ss.COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this - day of 19_, by known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, My commission expires: Hazard Heview (Det.e) (Name, Owner) clto.m sUazard T, T," C^Jk'I It i. br.rI,t* tI: 1l^", ,,tl"L^d,:,GrQ -.t 1. v, -17 F' or Height = 38 1/4" e5 ''' Model Q8S-4,| Dimensiohs FrontWidth =41" gacilwidtl, =26 112' I STANDABD FEATURES . Meels EPA Phaso ll Pertornlancs Slandards for new wood healers . Felraclory.Llned wlth rsallstic tan lirebrick ' Fully insulated lirebox to keep the rvarm air ln and tho cold air out . Tapeled f irebox sldes lor heat rellection and space savlngs Baskel gralc Installed junction box for easy blower inslallation Large 21 1/2" x 36" opening Convective and radianl heat Polished brass lrint abovs and below lhe openlng Provision lor oulside air for combuslion Air lighl ceranric doors u;ilh polished brass trim on three sides 11 51,51 GFK.1604 FILTEHS.2 SuggestedProduct Fetall Clean Burn Syslont $1730.00 Optlons Fan Kil 160 CF[,] $165,00 Alr Supr€m9 filter for 35.00 GFK.1604 Depth = 21 112" }IEAT.N.GLO FIREPLACE PNODUCTS, I}IC. 6665 W. HV/Y. 13. SAVA E, MN 5s378 (61?)090'8367 l-800.669.1{EAT Project Narte:Cor{n*r Ree,'Jeor.e. -. tlrq 'Prolect Application o /o"r" -r/g/qs *-"leioro< b,c.'< Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone o I lAqri b'BO th it - fl6VS owner.Addressandphone: {\eun/ v 0cauyq (<th<f (7/q' 69't- Aoa/ ,l Qrrt LiqG n h. /L4,ir,(7FJr2 , tun , 55.c/ 3 € Archirecr, Addressand phone: €qne qS Cep{OJ f<t*.-c q[o.t? Legal Description: uot 3 , Blocr I Filing .. t {,. '- zon" SF -l ';'-'"-.'"il. Comments: aqq- (9eo Design Review Board '^" 7/t/qs -JG&s?Motion by:A,k<. 4 Do v;* 4 ^et( seconded or' &a()r & APPROVAL p/.e6.rlifits -- 'o,.> 7/c'q i.,", r/s/qz s-te€F ^-re'5w8''lx\ tr'f< J q-1, ^t = V?q,' uE n i' -iiy J, * { t Wy :o!* s{.* 4tl i*^**1s,4. I |1v ^ vrr<-v'/e'r;i,Ji-4;€'h| q #*T;f",JSe'ofPre,eL ' wi{C po{fu i*4 Town Planner Corsdif..qO qf, ..,,oo<,. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE CO!{PANY Representing old Republic National Title Insurance comPany THANK YOU FOR YOIJR ORDER July 07 | L993 our Order No.: V2L477 BUYER/OWNER: DENNIS I{. GARTNER AND DEANNA M. GARTNER SELLER: ADDRESS: PICKED UP FOR DEI.,IVERY AI.T PM COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO FOR TITLE QUESTIONS CALL KAREN FLETCHER 3O3 476-225L FOR CLOSING QUESTTONS CAI.,,L llllillllllllllH-gj OLD REPUBLIC Natlonal Title Insurance Company Commitment To Insure lssued through the Ollice of: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Frontage Road W. Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 (303) 476-2251/ FAX (303) 476-4534 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 600 Denver, CO 80206P O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32r-1880 I FAX 322-7603 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Road Englewood, CO 801 1t ARVADA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 / FAX 423-1365 DRY CREEK 26 W. Dry Creek Circle, #390Littleton, CO 80120 794-5307 I FAX 794-5802 EAST 3300 5. Parker Rd-, f105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336 I FAX 745-2669 ENGI.EWOOD 6041 50. Syra(use Way, Suite 100 Englewood, CO 801 11 770.9596 tFAX 290-9040 FIDDLERS GREEN 6400 5. Fiddlers Green Circle, #103 Englewood. CO 80111 771-4539 I FAX 771-4526 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 80231 750.4223 / FAX 369,6133 J EFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 | FAX 238,2956 NORTH 9101 Harlan, #100 Westmrnster, CO 80030 427 -9353 | FAX 430-1572 SOUTHWEST 3609 5. Wadsworth, #'l 15 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8ss0 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 5. Yosemite, #255Denvel CO 80237 694-2837 / FAX 843-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Bou lder, CO 80301 444-4101 / FAX 786-8423 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox castle Rock, cO 80104 688-6363 / FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 S. Tejon, #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719'1 634-4821 / Direct 595-4'1 13 FAX (719) 634-3190 DILTON P O. 8ox 4288 154 Dillon Mall, suite 5 Dillon, CO 80435 (303) 262-1883 / FAX (303) 262-0390 GLENWOOD SPRINGS 8'17 colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P O. Box 2102 Glenwood springs, CO 81602(303) 945-2610 / FAX (303) 945-4784 PARKER 10841 5. Parker Rd., #110 Parker, cO 80134 841-4900 / FAX (303) 841-1012 VAIL 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Suite 203 P O. Box 357 Vail, cO 81658 1303) 476-2251 / FAX (303) 476-4534 AGENTS BRECKENRIDGE P O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Ereckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 IFAX 453-6014 DURANGO 121 1 Main Avenue Durango, CO 8130'l(303) 247-s860 / FAX (303) 241-9089 Gommitment To lnsure ALTA Commitment - 1970 Rev ifij TITLE INSUFANCE C0|\4PANY 0F MINNES0TA, a M nnesota c0rp0rati0n, here n called the Company, for a vaiuable considerati0n, hereby c0mmits to ssue its policy or pol:cies 0l trtle insurance, as dentified n Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred t0 in Schedule A, upon payment 0l the prem ums and chalges lherefor; all subject 1o the provisions of Schedu es A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. Ihis Comm tment shall be effective only r,,",hen the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount 0f the policy or policies comm tted for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the C0mpany, either at the time 0f the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent efd0rsement Th s Commitment is pre iminary to the issuance of such pol cy or po ic es 0f t tle insurance and a I iability and ob igations hereunder shal cease and terminate six months after the effectlve date here0f 0r when the policy or policies comm tted for shall issue, lvhichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or po icies is not the fault 0f the Company CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS '1. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or olher security instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has 0r acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mo(gage thereon covered by this C0mrnitment other than those shown n Schedule B hereof, and shal fail to dlsclose such knowledge to the Company rn writing, the C0mpany shal be re ieved from liabilty for any loss or damage resu ting from any act of rel ance hereon t0 the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so drsclose such knolvledge. f the proposed nsured shal disc ose such knowledge t0 the Company, 0r if the Company otherwise acquires actual know edge of any such defect, ien, encumbrance, adverse c a m or other matter, the Company at lts option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shal not rel eve the Company from I abi ity previously ncurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditi0ns and Stipulati0ns.3 Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to lhe named prOposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of pollcy or policies commilted for and only for actual loss incurred in rel ance hereon undertaking in good faith (a)to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptlons shown in Schedule B, 0r lc) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mo(gage thereon covered by this Commitment. ln no event shal such liabllity exceed the amount stated in Schedu e A l0r the policy or pOl cies committed for and such iability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exc usions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies c0mm tted for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Cornmitment except as expressly modified herein.4. Any action or actlons or rights of action that the proposed nsured may have or may bring against the Company arsing out of the status of the tltle to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereOn covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provis ons 0f this Commitment STANDARD EXCEPT ONS In addition to the matters containel in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitmenl is also subject to the lollowing:1. R ghts or claims of parties in possession not shown by the publ c records.2. Easements,0r claims of easements, not showf bv the publ c records.3. Discrepancles, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in areas, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disc ose and whlch are n0t shown by the publ c records4. Any l en, or right t0 a ien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furn shed, imposed by Iaw and not shown bv the oubl c records.5. Defects, Ilens, encumbrances, adverse claims 0r 0ther matters. if any, created, first appeating in the public records 0r attaching subsequent to the effective date here0f but pri0r to the date the proposed insured acquires of record fOr value the estate 0r Interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEBE0F, Title Insurance Company of lJllnnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized olflcers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when c0untersiqned by a validating officer 0r Other authorazed sagnatory. OtD REPUBLIC I{ATIOIIAT TITIE IiISURAI{CE COiIPATY A Sto Cantany 400 Secand ATenln South. Mtnnearuhs. l"ltnneslla 55441 i6/2t3/l llil firu f-,t /,o 81 Authonzed Signatory r, oRT 2502 l*- 5eueEry ooALTA COMI'{ITI'{ENT SCHEDI'LE A Our Order No. V2l-477 For Information only - charges - ALTA Owner Policy t133: 33 ****WITH YOUR REMITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OI,R ORDER NO. V21477.**** 1. Effective Date: June 24, L993 at 8:Oo A.l{. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: frALTAtr owner's Policy Lo-L1-92 Proposed Insured: DENNTS W. GARTNER AND DEANNA M. GARTNER 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: DENNIS W. GARTNER AND DEANNA M. GARTNER 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 3, BLOCK ]., LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 4, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COIJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1. SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) Our Order No. V2L477 The follolring are the requirements to be conplied with: l-. Payrment to or for ttre account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: THIS COI{MITMENT IS FOR INFORI.{ATION ONLY, AND NO POLTCY WILL BE ISSUED PIJRSUANT HERETO. THE COI]NTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFTCE REQUIRES RETI]RN ADDRESSES ON DOCTJMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! oALTA CO},TI{ITMENT PAGE 2 o ALTA COI,IUITIIENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our order No. v2 1477 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the sane are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1-. Standard Exceptions l- through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Jlrly 27 , L979, IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 885. 10. RESTRICTM COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRT]I,IENT RECORDED SEPtCMbET 20, L972, IN BOOK 225 AI PAGE 443 AND AS AI{ENDED IN TNSTRUI4ENT RECORDED September 29 | 1972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 565 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRTTMENT RECORDED January 22, 1-974, rN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53. 1I,.. RIGHT OF WAY FOR AN EXISTTNG ROAD, BEING FORTY FEET IN WIDTH, LYING EQUALLY ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE,'OVER AND ACROSS LOTS 20 AND 21, SECTION 1, , TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDTAN, COLORADO, AS ,/ HAS BEEN GRANTED TO THE EAGLE COI'NTY BOARD OF COMISSIONERS, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO UNDER RIGHT OF WAY GRANT COLORADO L4434, AS PROVIDED FOR UNDER THE ACT OF OCTOBER 13, L964 (78 STAT. 1089, 15 U.S.C. 532-538) AS SET FORTH IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JVLY 27, L979 IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 886. 12. TERMS, PROVISTONS, CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN EASEI4ENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED MARCH 18, 1980 IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 290. 1.3. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OITIITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR' RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGTN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI'MENT RECORDED JUIY O1-, ]-985, IN BOOK 41-8 AT PAGE 738. t-4. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF SUBDMSION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT RECoRDED August 01, L980 IN BooK 306 AT PAGE 412. PAGE 3 SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) our Order No. V2L477 15. HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATTON, INC. ELECTRTC EASEI,IENTS AND ACCESS EASEI,IENTS AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FfLING NO. 4. 16. EASEIIENTS AND RTGHT OF WAY FOR ELECTRIC TRANSUISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION PT'RPOSES AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELEqTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1980 rN BOOr{ 3Q_6_.AT PAGE 899. -\ L7. EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESTRTCTTONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FII.,TNG NO. 4. 18. EASEMENTS AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR WATER I.,INES AND OTHER UTILITY PI'RPOSES AS GRANTED TO LION'S RIDGE WATER DTSTRICT AND VAIL VILLAGE WEST WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRWENT RECORDED OCTOBER 9, 1980 IN BOOK 310 AT PAGE 850. 19. BUILDTNG ENVELOPE AFFECTING A PORTTON OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOIiIN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FII.,,ING NO. 4. toALTA COMMITMENT PAGE 4 . LAND OMPANY DI SCLOSI,RE STATEII{ENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxingdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer's authorized agent. c) The information regarding special districts and the boundariesof such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Comnissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer's authorized agent. olTITLE GUARANTEE C :|!{t l ei t A .i.-:' :"i ,t lirr+lfct.t4t.\or1 t, ;i fL'n' in vlLiitr'I L !O l r.Fr. d! ij:iF ;.lii'itii."; ;"F" r it%r'sr" E 3e2'ol lr'!r th'na' t' 6t-le'!t' i-rii.si ;;;-d'; i'rorr"rr i r?e.to llit t -thr h"! ll1:^:l.t:tl." .i-rii.Ei iil;-ilt; i?r7"sl' | 1?e.t0 r.it t' thr trit tlne .or trr't^- --iJ ri, .r-rf,i:ur tLotb.st. ccrrir u! rrtd !t! 2L i*atr 3 o"o"tt I e lt'lto laat allat|llt. :i .-':,r':l" i1i)i1'1:'"11,( 'r r:1 i: '.:: I At:.:r" , l. i.: such ' l;lr \ 1 r{, r,.r l.fr,. I het.tir' . , " :r\rr ', i t::. ' a4r!! )lr t}]e th,rr'.'o'r ' ' n.'rq.' 'l . l1 'fn,'. eI| 9t'tr,' l,' :,lr,rIl !' i-o i,e,r" I ! 1,1X i titrl" t lt,,rJ ), .;l tll,l ner.{tl.b r' _ t (') COlr . 1rClltt,..r, crr|]f iS e(: I . \' .tli nA\ r- i n!:l uLI iri 1 ' 'rl.I r, ' !i(il)Air ,' ,,-.FrIir(, , 5t:'\:C1-,r,, im!r!, by Grl:,, , r '; , :ii .l:i i A!ll:; I ' ,/"' ) (*-?', s'l i':'Ir , ..l,o:.'11 i:,:'l-lNl 1 r:: i .- .r .,1.. . , ;1. , ;1.. ,l- : I rr liQ It' .l''r.. r.( l ti.. !')t ,irt ' t:' : :.'l (]a,I ! t ur''r :::l!, i r r,' : J,i,q. , , , rt ..jr, .,,,-,:, -1-->1r\ ' '' '.rln! ' lr i .,"' , ; ]: JA "1 iffi '{!_ iil EESIC0PY A\|AIIABLE Kilffi; 1,l:" '_-\ru I -'Iri t i L:: ffiri: ztf rc.. r.r +-.r arolr tt-'"l l, t' !. cGt lntrf ft.ll rcnt: " Ul [fi Vtr tArt tb |lIlED mnS 0E mtCf ' In canrl&rrtlqr-- ot ttvr onrtnr.'nS etm lm e llf!. rra It t'l.tr Prt|.ntr m(s CIlt' llo etlil rnt. ttr 3rld Jaf?tty t. Srlby r.rd Lt! Sclbt tli lrnd rbovr.. . . ...Cacrlbdr I0 ltG lill l0 il.D tli !-' tlqttJr" rl tl' rll th. rlghtr.. 9tr|dflF3r lrlltlar' !I r$*rtront ' ot *attc?rr tur.' t|lr'-' tnta bl!r!ho.'rntr fr illd ,a|tf.rr ]rd t! tftlr succtttorl dnda$ltnr. forrr.il and:1i"''t,,1 ''uuntn r[ Estilrn t0 ne urtE, srm.r rnor n€ wD eRAiTtD ' ,, " A ?lgit-ot.ht ttrrnm ?or dl ttlrr md crnlls coasttuctrd,bt . i.- S(ATEGT m I dit{t {t tor }t rllttl|ti Fad, b.lnt l0 f?ct ln rldtlr- lrlre rorl lr-sr rct al& o? tI crrlrl ltr ! ollr rtnl rcro'3 trtr i[ -md-!l; srcilm l. r. 6 s.. t 8l L'.6ut P.l.' colorrdo' rt ' ' '. ,- t r br: rrutil to tJt ta{lc Cqtty lorrd of Gclrrlurrt ' Ergl?- .' :i, a;tr: citinro. rncr d6trt-of'ni trrnt colondo lril3l' rs protlqq-' ,r, ,.:" iortr fi -a of 0ctoir t!. l*a-{ts st t. lc9' 16 u.s.c. 531-538. -{: :l Coiorrtlo 2165J ?r-hb t artrl.tFtfr tdln I'rril[: . Jc?f t t. fllt rr|d hto s.'lbt o[r-{!Fcoo{'a bru ccrt AT TSI t$lN EIAB tt taarffir llcraot, tb rdrr.irra dt*ld odlcld ttr.' t{aa d Lrl tr1..|4 h.cqrr-rc. nA tr Fqttan.( f. Lr oa ,fl 17, lt {l tlll l|L 176). l.|. b lt!. n-. of tL OJld lror G.r|a t|ra bl|ir ro b. r.. P.l6t. r.a tio...' ldaaL LraaLLi.drtira. lr ll. F.t9rar'tJ-nl {l 9.|'a dr. tr! L.'d SarvIca3 Fbt ir5- t *€.f 9q\re T(ic 'ti ?t) . {; 1eG6?r H.:.U;F;*1n.:';iilil,:: l$$ l;,1,;.1' e'l' i r'li n' coNl::t IA!.Cg- ( t_r. j _s t:f1 l- !!' rufS O0I{VETANCE rlatcl thti lith tra': r'f FeLrttarv. 1980. lt fror JEFFREY B. lt!'l,By arrrl .i.r;r lil::t.r. lrui:!.nnd rrnd wlfe ("Granicrs"), co vAl,l-uT .{sScc TATE:i, l.r'0., a crrloratio llult€d partirershlp ("Graritee") f -r;Ei::! ! I,i i ! s i .r '_l l,): Grantors , ior anr! irr c,,rr" ! ,!c r,rti,,rr of t lre suln .,f frtg I $10.00 and oClrer Sood and valirable ccnsi(lcration, the reccipt end ruff lcl,oncv of nlrlch rre heretrv s1 i',rnb l prly',sd , 'lo herehy rcll end ('onva:,r to GrrntG€ n non-excl rr{. ,.'r,, }rerp{.tu{t en((.rnen! and rlgl:! of way under, (rve! , icr()ss r. r,i t i.r,rugh tire rc il Prop?rty (rhe "RtthC Of l.,lay "'| tiescribr I i D ilxlribl ! A attlrcherl hcreto and nede I patt herc,.'f , for the l)iJrt!, sr. rf ci)nstr"':r'tirrf , lnttrlllng, Drlntrinlng, tepairinp;, enllrl:inq, :'r:colletru,'. inl and replaclng fe:llltlas [!r(:\'i(linF, or suplr].'inl'. ut i litir'ir tlrvlcen of alt kirrrls thcrerrpon tncludinp,, l)ut n.)t lln,rt.,l to, $ater, s€ser, elecLr icitv, natural t:rs. cablr l'eleri- jon and telephone servlces gnd for r.lie purrl's.' 1'f s1'1s;1rrct in7', tulntalninB, rcpalring, enl.arl rtrg s'1d 'i c1;rr1; rur ' inp'. a loldtey tlr"rauPon provtdlng r,t{'l:iculrr ;irr.l 1 , .iest ri.rn ln,'. ,'ss end egress beL'ecen clre real pr !;rC' rr./ ( ! p 'l'r()f rr r...") .l. .,.rii.t'.1 ln Ertlrlbi.t l! attrcrled hereto 'r:.,1 r,ra cle ir Irlrt llei r.('i sn,l Llon's RiC;e Loop, - countr r()a,-l lrrr.aic'tl in l.irrile Cou:rr.. . Colora rlo . !l = It I E H A T0 llASf, riND HOLD ralJ earirrnilnl . t: :'l '',t of .,,.,.. uuto Grant.ee Ind lts guccesir)rs and assl'lns. l'r, eAs( r".:'f end riqlrt ( f rttv lr,: reby Rrirntcd chnll .''rrr wi:i, r Lr lar' l .rird ahfll bc xl!fur!.cn6nt !o the llolert-y, i'r.ir, :t .r :r.!n.' r of lcgel tit le to al I or anv pr)rtlon oi tlrr I r-oi , r i-v s.r;r l I rutouattcally tlnns!(':- r p: {ri',.rtlonnte r..?.,-.i.:t r, r:,lti,. alasnent and r{gbt of way. ln considerat lon of ltrls con,( '.rn. , :ir : ir+ r ,n.;idr,r.- acton tiatad lbrrv'r, the Frr-tl.,s lrareto ! r.r t! .. ,r; ,,. -, ,,'-lows: BESTCOPY AI/AIABI{ efrrF*e€fest4;, '$,wt/'4|!3r Ey'.ohs 2. uclltry ccmprny, Soverr,rrcntrl euthorl ty ot qu.tt- g:vcrruaencel luthorlry rrroviding rny of thc uclltty 6arvl€a! ot ornlng lrrrl malntrLnttg it\e rofldv.t :id..rctlbad ilovr, eld {irrntorr, upon th! rrtrtcn }"- requar! of Srrntce, rh.l I dedtcrto by rreordabh lnrtrtncnc tn for' ertt.rfecrorX co Grrnccr rll ot r.halr rlgl t, tltlr end lnEer*st ln tnd to thc P.i6hr Of iLy to th. public for utG r* a puhllc tord. Crlncec. Woh th. nltcen rcqu.lE of Gtentorr. lhrll dcdlcere by rccordrble ln.trunanc ln foro t.tl.factort to Gr|ntorr all of lrc rl8irt, Elelc tnd lntcr.|! ln end to chc f,t8hr Of ',{a}r ro che publ lc f or rrlc r! I public rord. Guntorc rhell applt !t'.clr besc. cfforts co co tiDca conBtructl,oD of e vclrlcukr road (clrr "Road") upon rhc Rlght 0f lley r! .oon tr reesonabll' porribla rrftet rhl atacutlori of rhlr lnrttrnrn!; Ptovldcd, hotcver, thrt Grrntorr, {t ch€ letasr. rhrll colrnrencG eccual conecructlon of the RrarJ by Junc I' 1980. end rhall hevr Eh. Ronil conplecad on or brforc Augus c I lgt'C. The Road rhdll be cons cructrd re Lh" ,ola corc rnd cxpqrsa of Crtntors rnd rhell bc conrlructcd ln rrrlcE cooplltnce vith rtl Councy of Ergle. Sterc of Coloredo, rulcr, regu- latlonr. otdlnrlrcc!, letrt, dplctflcatloha rnd strndirds percrlni.trS ro roadr lncludcd in thc rord sysccru of the Co|lrty of Eeglc. Afccr crrnrttucclo[ of thc Roed irn.l ra cll ruch clg r0 clre Roed k dedicaced t., thc lublic arrd ac:eprcd bv rhe Cor.ucy of Eegle for maintenrnct : urPoe€s t* n oubl ic rord. lf cver. all coets of tl.rlntrtnlng rlta Rord tn good orJcr, condttlon .rrrd rcpelt rhrll bc bornc cquall.i hctwccn (;rtntot$ ;rn,l Grantao. J. 4. SrunCed n|y be carl.tnad bt Grrrrtr6 tc rr{ . .,undcr, o$.r, rirort rnJ throunh thr it4lrt 0f l{ey ftnn eny uttltly crunk llnc lo'-'ated erlJactnL to Llon'e ll,ilge toup roed to . llne lntersectinS, tbe Right Of Trt .c th. polntt r*here thc oriSlnal norchetly Itne of Prrcel A. Llon'a Rtdge Sulrdlvltton, Irllln8 No. 2, Ergli Ccur.ttr Colondo, onc! ltttortoct:ed thc Ittglt Of Tey (atrch port lotl of sald northcrly ltne having bcctr vecatcd by Eeg lc County P.esj,'llrtcion cx€cut€d Febrrrlry 11. t980). f,,ech provlllon of thto lnltrunent, lnd ;rlreem€nt ,, , :;i& grsalrc I covcntnt md undcrt .lkln8 to cofiply t ttir csch provlt!.on '..r,l' ; {.." .J of thl! .Inttnnncnt , end tny necesltry txccptlon (!r regervatlcn or gnnt. of ctcL!. of ctcle, arL.lr, riglrr: or lncerest to effectuat€ any j, i$ nrovfrfon of Shtr Inrtrunent r (i) rhall be r.le e:ned lncorPor.ted tn *ch dred or oth.r lnrtn$rnt by rdrlch rny rl8.ht, rlrlc or .''.Y. tntrrcrt Ln eny pottlot| of thc Rtght of ltay o'. ilre I'roperty ls tll' +]1i B!.nt€d, devl.red or convclnd , vhethrr o' not ser- f orth or . ,f'Af,'" rl'filrcf:rttd to tn guch deed or othcr instrrrnent; (ii ) shall, by ,{. rlfra* of aecrptrnce of eny rlght, t{tte or t"rtercsi ln.ny l?ortloo of tha ntFht of tley ot rtrc Property b1 rn owner th€rdof, ibr drcord ncce;.cod, ratlfd€d. adoprcd snd dcclered a6 f, Pcrsondl i,covcnmt, of Brch ovncr rnd, rr .r pereona) covenint., shalt be btndln* on such onner and hlr.he.lrg, nc-'sonel rerrlosentecl.voo, auccalaori rnd ae*lpns; end, rhall ba deerned a personnl covcnant to, Uttb end for tle bancflt of each crwner of any portlon of f,t8ht Of Try ot tha Proportyi rad (iit) ehall be rJeened e !,rorl to,€ovrnrnt by tht-. prrtt.cr !rrrc'.o, l'or ihcmr'elver, thclr .lucc|floft Ind aatlpnr, |nd rlBo atr aqul:.rhl r serl'{turlr'. runtilng. .tn lrcb Cll.. la f $urden rlth an'l upon t:r. tit le r,r tar'lt lnd pottl$n of thc nt8ht Of r,lay rnrl the i'ron. rly - BESTCTPY I ,1$f --r -r --$;i- - a**-U 5. l c"ntcc rhril rrlaburrr Grentort for rll rrrloneblc i: ard norfidl cottr lnd exptrr3ct (cr.cludlnt tlP frar llrnd wot,chrtgce, ff rny) ecturllv lncurred by 'lY .',Grnntcrr ln lnrttlllng utrllttv llrros nf rny ktnd AIIAII.{BIE rlrir Inr t.rufient Lc €trecutld rac f ort.h dbovt. GRAITTEE: VALLNY .\SSOCIATES, LTD. , T Colorado Litrlrcd per cnorrhlP BY: lAlr R PIOPBRIIES, IllC.. . Dckwarc cnm€nt uas ecknorrledged be ?orc nc \ , 1980, by JcffreY B' SclbY end offlcial eael. €xptrc!: }ty!ond:.f::Ptrt#-'1""1b0t t' l$t -lrat Vl cear a Scnerai. P|Nrtcer of Vall,'ey AttocltcG6, Ltd.. a ColorldollntBsd pErtnaltt,ll. l{llness m-r' hand end offt Itv cofirlsBlon explret : ---Ttii;fr cinl real, ;l BESTCOPY i, GRAIfIOIIS: Ira roFeRornl rndry of - /larrlblA' huabenti en -4-AI/AII."{8LE r;,4::rrii:..'1-.i (At *echri to rtld na tle a nflrt- of Con.reyancr,lf frraffint drted Fcbruart 15, t98c, f ro{iJcffrry E, Sethy rnd Haro setby to Vrtlct ,Aa so-tetal , Lttl , ) t cre I ,!lc-1 cr {2 t:!99 i,. A F|rtal o! l.;id ltin.! ,.& l,<Jt ,, l, secr j.Jn l. T\rv,.},.,r r 1, sr)uth, &rnrtc ;l t{ort !.F. ';'i'tqtp rt t{rrri,Il.rn, lrrttr. ',.vrrt.., Col.,r 1,1_,, nr(l rtt p,trcr.t r,, Liln,li{tdtr l.l qt l'illr€ tlo. 2. e s,:i. rrvr!.iil,r '^,..,,.r,r.r ,, ,.lr|t r\. 2. a s]ri. trvr!.ir1'r rcc..,r.l,\'l rr. r!r: ot!l(re r,f th{. },nglc l-.lil tact t4 lr potnt."fr r\r !,itl ,.,!1. I i,ti,, ,.f-wrt l.n,: rt t,r|'n',"; lrrec r-op. l..*"i'r"ii-.i",'"Iii"ir;,,-j;-j,;..'l;;,.' i:il': ,,;;-:1",1,u"i,,1'..,i:l"li .!Si^f_**_b th. tlgh( ntrlch lur I rrdi.rs of t":;.1r1 [ ,,r., n .. ,rrrrt rn{l{) ot ]6.fo,,-atdtrChord rhich benrr s ta.tl,t2" ft rr.r- ! ', r . ,,c- depart r.n(: Jr.!r.t,rqdr a s Jt_ Jl ' I i'- f: '.:ItrO L tl?.46'(.1' E ?11o.55 f..,_tIti.lr I r,rrt n {/-{5'111- E e1y}.55 f.. ', rh.r, ,.: .i. lt 1,9. l, d.CrO tr,,C.3 4?rft'n1' h 165 (.'1 Io.t r. tllo t\,,rt <,, | .r:lrri.Lr, ,..,rrr.lhlB.r t^t-jrt5sr O.tt8 trcrerr ,irrr\ r"? 1,,,,ri. IBIT A 'ff^'Iffi ir lrtt:l; to, o finc :i,'ti I lqtg $r-ri t I t.nc Iinil lrnol 40- ,(:l H ,. irn., f J6 ,01 ^ eho ;1()1ll(r:r1y J .:.to.0r l'lrc)l tl ts'|c! ing tl 28. b0 .\; l )ri l,ortlr l\"Bt J riltll, '".rln! lcat, {reaq I I liI H,.s I !2 |,r.,r lt pl!^ I 46rirl' l.oi1l ; I 1Jlti] l' I t: i I r. 0.lii,1 ol trc Iti rl I (:(.r )r r i y d'-'s(: r i n r..;rtt"lluiglt{r." , 1r 'l {t I l.ralt !! ':r.tlc l:t' r,r r rY ili$S.r'tltlafa i*l' ofii ! 6rto. :!i(t It.1 t. . :81 a rr$rrdieini(,h toc.rt,t : li 't,t. ,t., , .,1 ll' ','rdc. .rnrl i [.nrt Cf l,r "'. .:"r]t i'I I' 1'^r" '.r .\ t'qr'-i.'! rrf .r.riJ I'r! dt rqril ,.'d .rr- {{rllor.rr t lr. Lrrr,'li:, r ,tt A l.,irr'lrl w. ql f'f ilr.. r;tll I'r rtlrj:t t t I'r..'r"; 1- !' ri I ,ra!' i,' I it fjJ.li,$J.' r: 76.o.1 frr.r; , d(,'rrl' H l:l r.l.l f|--i:t t(' l..t'.rl t rlr.jn,r .. ll. lfltl ri.r: : r: !x'ws,l$rf ,: j r,1rji.'h l, r, ii .,t r'j.t nr' tl l{r.1r.i il .!il.r, I ' l.:' li !(1.' l: i l't,r : fr' '- r.r' lltt) t,$r:,10,l?i r'ri-.s. rf rc or' J,'!; I l,nrc. I i'{ lnttd l''r- !t of th(. 6tl l't ilrci!'il 'r"r' :t' Ll(l.l j : ..'.1: L'r .rc)n l" l rrt'l (:rrrurtl-. ttll .t.r . iirIt ,,'. '' rL !i!! i ,i d .rl L, rllr,. r i' rirrtr;,r; ,tt , l.'l.l . I'l c(rn.'r,'i "ilrl . . ",t,"{(.'.,1' li i:;.'i: .. ',Fti'rc lr.:,r,', t'."t1(!r l(,l r'): '' c{rr- Lo tli' l[9ltl '"] r,'1, .i.l', .rt!l lr 'r.l rt!,i 1. |' { rirrltt'ol-r.l lrttc :' l; '.' 11rq6q'r: S .i'1' la. rt- l" i'.r r',lu:rf{. f(rr'l ': ' l.r'r ' J . l (ir! r"."rhed to rnd lll;t.lt, d psrt of Cor,rcyeocl ' of nl,icnterti dared l'el'r'rrary 1 5 , 19E0, f roi .tc f {r','}' n. Setbt antl l'lnro Sellry to V*tlay ;tls1,, isEes,' l,Cd.) ri rt nrrt t,..{,i! h.t.. l:,t,f IC Cfitr|rtyr !lo. ?r (:slo?. /rt,h' f r)tl(l'r.l:,rtr !r, l ,r,.tr' rll l{( !tt of tlll l.rrLrr,rl ,r lY ,I-r(:rihc.l n* I l' ) ,,t.,.1') ,. . ,t,l _ t,t. ). . ,, t.l I ''' .t i,,rl i' , I t.lr l, ; :'1. : !(.i , '; ! ,,ri'1 irf",! t', r- : :,. . ...ri{lrl,.i t!, . , , ,rr' :r I rl: r'l . , ull,rr l" )t , r,.lft"! i,' . !i,l j, : r ir'i| l,l $ 4l' I ir', rl l,tr.:r', llt d(ra | ,lrJi,'r: tr ir,( l?ft ',.rnir !,:[, I l'+irri{r : L.r. l I |r,-. lt 'l]".|u'tll' .lt'.1 ::,lr.tt, l(.!t ('t. i. ,: {r'h. h,lrq. 'r tost ,., ;'1r, , I ;\, t,;,\r'-i 'r- ,,fri , ,'f r)',' hn.tl't i iri I *,'i, I ,ttt:r!.,l.rl lY | :1 ri,. r,, ,, lhr|r,tlrh. I rlt .1 1,1 . trr. l, . ll I - tr r\' ' ! tr,. ol t, i,'tt 't . :i: ,*l-,.',' i v. lr o cotlFor953 905?Et.ECTR I C IENT 5ALE506- l4- I qg.j 09:43 o'o .iq:a6T6i7itr- RESENT4lr, In PP LtCAr.rTl S RE Actcf r€ra tZU-l TIVEr.r A.r.tE O Ftrr l l l n9 x NAl'tE (.rF OWI{En3 .8IO'IATURf, (5' : tt6illnq Add r4 s Phon€ C')r'rdoml n l\)rn App!ovel t l 6pPl lcabla ' t)RB FEEI ! DP.ts fr.sr At e llo\"'n rbq'v?1 dt'e !o be psld:t- Llre c lrrre or submLi.uil i Ji pRB-apprlcaEion ' Le!!tr' wh€n er,plylng for " "tiiiii"g-ptlirtl'ptttse identlfy thc accur.cc valurtrorl-og ittt ptopoaal '' Tho Town of vetl ;iii';;i";;-t;;-roo-i""o':ai''e'.co thc t'brr bclow' to c,,".rra €ho "orre"i-s""-i"-piia' -.la,,.trtl:ot .D- +o2_._? IJEE .9-gJ!E--qgLEa .- vAt",u^T I O l'l5 O * I 10,000i ro,oot " s 50,9995 f0'oot - $ l50,o0o9150;ool - I 500,ooo S50O, OOI - 91, OoO, OqgI Ov.?r ilr00LtrO00 DfSrqN LDVt Ew Eon.RD At F novA! Dx9rRDAAr;Fo;^t-urLtst I lutLDrNo PtnMtr rg VEEs 20.00I 50.00 s I oo . 005200.003itoo. oo3500.00 olf E yf,,\R ,\ttEn rlNA! ItturD AttD coNoTRUClIon ATA'ITED. .iNo trtl-r(xrrrroN wrLL, r* PROcrlsED wrrfiour owNEn'8 SrGNAruRl o blc DRD I,PDLICI,TION - tOffll Of r/llt" oArE APPLtcA'r I oN REggIYg? iTTATE OF NRE MEETINC: ! tt'1""'i rHJg 'rtDtrl crrtrQr| |?tLL NOT-B',-,\cclDTEo uNr i I ";r,-f iiddinr i rrrro.nxerroN r E suErtl rrr D eB.Qilp-a r-.UU!PBUALII4''A, r,EscRrprroN , htAQt&- ?+r{\lv\ -'U&' B. l'Y?E OT REVINW:'-/*-*.. corrtcruct ton (s2o(l'oof ---Mlnor ,rltarrt-lon tS2o'oo' A(l(llt lon tSSo.oo) -- cotrcef't \'e l 'Rovlcw (90t ;-^;;,;; ; ;,' -: Lrii.'--%Ns w{a-ocwzD. r,E6AL n"n.r,rili.i*-* --h- -- at"dx 'L- - G u bd r v t e i' o n -ELzL+ -lz-/ Llb--ElfutZ-b- I r FroPBsty li rJesi rltre'l .by a mtGts and beundt ltgrt dcBc-rirtllgtr,'Frtiae-piottrtri ot'"'i - ecp" t6t ' ahe't rind .t t teh Lo tlrls aFpllcrt lon ' t'r A.t.1 E C) F APPLICATIl':?.lallltrqt Addren ! | -wl t'a*e eff: zoNrNG ' --fd-Jee;f= 5EJnutXZ{--- . --- LCra AFIEA ; rt ,''qulred, f Pfrl f ::t]t muEt t'rov tr!f-n' dA:H: ""[:l",ll3^:, : i' ;' 3ll : ;i I ; i 3!' : ; : ; : "' :i--:&-iia-*^g, rrvlrotl ,/a/91 coLonAttor, . irgr.__ P.Ol I8 ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R1 R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Height TotAI GRFA Prirnary GRFA 5 q?-f _u.- -A) .-2!7.- I tro? L/ -o r'Llh0 u ^) Permitted slope -Q! Actual Slope 1'/ DaLe approved bY Town Engineer: HO_X- ??? .t1) FIood Plain.,, ., I . 2l Percent SIoPe t?T' \:l Geologic Hazards- a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow - n,4l wetiands Fdl Does thj.s request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the "rio,u"J iso eaoirion is useo witn this request? **Note: under sections (B) and .18.13.-080 (B) of the Municipal codez rots zoneo ito ra*ily and piimary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not "on"ttuit a second dwelling unit' The Communily Developmenl oepartment may grant. an exception to-thl: restriction proviJeJ-tn"'applicani *"5ts the criteria set forth under Sections I8.12.090 (B) and 18 ' 13 ' 080 (B) of the Municipal Code-lncluding permanenlty restri"[i"g the unit as a long-term rental unit for fu]l- time employee" of the Upper: Eaqle valley' Yes 4(6q gLo'b (!,'lrt'lr, DAIE: blt'1lrU LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT PROPOSED USE Setbacks Front Sides Rear Wat-er Course SeLback hzup0 t('/" = ho?l,Site Coverage p^1-t'/Dn.<r.e /o6/a -7 7o o l,andscaPl. ng Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : te7 encbrez tzfleO Previous condit.ions of approval (check property file) (900) (1200)_- J IffiE 5E7HCtr- V Btock I Eirins Ll ADDRESS . I l1q 2' prTlToN( tft t UL / t/At,U/ /o( ' owNER PHoNE (2ttl ub4 -?ozt (n\ ARCHrrEcr (oLLA@eA1tu€ Ggo]P tf'('' PHoNE (2o7\ %2:?-4dDl zoNE DrsT *1g1 Fz wr', '.rn'f' fzzf,.e apoArt 7 **Lor ,116 ,?13, A1/ zt"tt€1L' 6a fT' + 425 =-Vbb-\. secondary GRFA ? l-?D + 425 =3J6- 20, 15', 15' Allowed (30) (33) k7:t1 4?-tr FLft 3' /6', 4{-aeq'a (300) (500) Existinq ProPosed Total -2 - 10 i;u lr 1'/, t\ lr- "*' O' PROJECT: a r. @,.,O- t)5-,1p54 PRoJECT: flAhnuy tl$mwf,-, trraob t?-A,vw crlrrkdtlD[r. LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: tOT-n BLOCK -iL STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVISION The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING }'ATERIALS : Roof S iding Other wall Materials Fasci a Soffit s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fl ash ings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of for submittal can be given: MATERIAL , to the Design a COLOR tilg, 4rAVpodcr\r @aun ?.c. requ.i red approval TYPE OF httil, g.lttt t}lfz gTfflx^ t 'tlt"2 . Des igner : Phone: PI,ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES ffW?- "o f,-,.l ?t@1, PT tr.A €.."P1r,,L8- Common Name Ouantitv Size* 1 et6 U)"-t EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED ID+ U- ID *arf . *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous Botanical Name Prr.tue l.\Ubtta trees. JON sr'f i "S i,S,* h1if1ltiil ,, :. ^", . til'_*: 'rlr "". 'rt j.:.'' 'l "" ':'.r ! ':. i".r- , ': :'. ''":,: l-': .:.; :. r "':r."r i'? ',. . L-sJ L tr$s [" o MATERIALSPLANT PROPOSED SHRUtsS tev. BoLanical- Name CoBnSAj-e&e Ouantitv Size* of proposed slrrubs 'fvpe Square FooLaqe ltctllrg #YbH ALr , PT6 '/-ueo (+).- lru x, 1filr s5€peD D. 1t*vT u\q EXISTING S}IRUBS TO BE REMOVED *rndicat-e size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LATIDSCAPE LIGIITING: If exterior lighting is proposed' please show Lhe number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting pl.an- Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide t'he watLage, height above grade and tYPe of light ProPosed' OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1fs, fences, swimming foors, eLc.) Please specify- rndiiate heights of reLaining walls. Maximum height or walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum heiqht of walIs elsewhere on the property is 6 feet-. oaUTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION Ut otJ I JOB NAI4E LOT Oarz v BLocK I FTLTNG L/ ADDRESs lll? gattr rctf r tac, y'Aru /a, The location and availabllity of utillties, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the fol-Iowing utillties for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature DaLe U.S. West Communications 1.-800-922-r987 468-6850 or 949-4530 PubIie Service Company 949-57 8LGary Hall lloly Cross Electric 949-5892 Ted Hr:sky/Michael Heritage Cablevlsion 94 9-5530 Ste',re Hiatt Assoc. Laverty T.V, Upper Eagle Va1ley water & Sanitation Districl * 47 6-7 480 Fred Hasfee NOTE: * Please bringobtaining Upperflow needs must 1. This form ls to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction with preparlng a utility plan and schedulinginstallations. 2, For any new construction proposal, the applicant must piovlde a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utllity representative-sttoirtO note dlrectly on the utillty verlflcatlon form that there Ls a problem whlch needs to beresolved. If the lssue ls relatlvely compllcatedtlt should be spelled out in detail ln an attachedletter to the Town of Vail. However, please keepln mind that it is the responsibiltty of theutility company and owner to resolve identified problems. If the utlJ.ity verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town w111 presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cuf permit from the Town of Vall, Department of Publlc Works and to obtain uLifitv locations before diqqinq in any put'tic right-of-way or.easement in Ftre town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not astreet cut permit. A street cut permit' must be obtained separately. a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when Eagle Valley water e Sanitation signatures. Fire be addressed. Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0185 INGEFSOLL LANE slLT. coLoRADO 81652 I'.. I t ,j:'jt (3O3) 87S54@ (21 HOURS) l\pril 1S, 1?(t.S IJr i an ,J udo e Col I at:r:lrat-i. vel ['irourn F(] Box 73u Mi rrtl.rrrr , ll0 til ,l A4li FtH: t-.ot ;i, Ltllr, 1, Filinc 4n L.iorr'si Flidc,e liutbdivisinrr-Eartner Dear l"lr-. ,Iuclge r I havp revi ewed the lof referenced above {:or pLtrposes o{ Rock Fal. I review .f or the fown of Vail. 'l"tre site is fairly stefrp between two developed Iots with clevelopment o{ the hillside above aroutnd a clr I -clr:-s.:c. This is irr a loc"rtion where the ri cJcle, containinq the ectttrce o{ 'l-.he {ew potential, {al I ing roc},:F, is at surclr a Iow level with respr:r: L, to thn si tr: that roclrgi wi I I rarel y reach the gi ter, and,if ttrey do, will have very littler energy. Few unstable rockg clc(--r..rr at:ove tfri s proporerl rJetvel trprnen L , and , when the snow meL tts oi.:lrr:se carr be stabi l. l zard; neverthel e:',s, I sutgoest that you :i rrcor- FCr'flt"e wlratever landrcapinq ymll can trr"rh i ncl the home to minimi;:e the cl"rancc! o{ a rclcl,: reachi nlr t-he lrome. Iloclls ot-ltcroP mlrch h:i qher nri t:he hi I I si de as w$1 I br..tt , clure to the devel opment :rbnve, i rrc:l r-rding the ct-r1-.de-s"rc, ancl thm infrequency of rock{all elxpectecl , the €?:iposr.rre i g rni ni maI . 'l'hsr cernstr"utcti nn of this Lrnit wiII. not increase the ha?ard to other pr"trperty or structt.rreiri, or.,tn ;rubl i.c riqhts*of '-wayt br..ri ldings., r-c'ads, streetrii, ea$eflclnts, r-rti I itie:i mr f aci I ities or other prr-opeirti es n{ any h:j.nd. Soi Is f?nqi neH?ri nq $tLtrii es arE sugqF$ted due to the ter-rain at tfre site. If there are qLlesti ons nleage cerntact mm. {$l nrere l aU-(, Ni cho I asi Enn s;rr I t i. Yr h7f7r*' L-ampiri.s ng 6eologist I I 1-t t I I 1 ..' Tt.l 'l-.,I I 'is'l I +'l ..... l! r\ ._' --+ ,J'TJ. 1S!e irs 9.l \\\ lh'll, I t\ I I atj IIr' 'l\- Iv'lalf-l r\,,1t* 1l'1'1 +lC. '.j '\@ sFl(o ,o /b.t1\Yl +l* I A #;l{ $ I li I I \''[' l TOr \ \* \ I .\ ut' r$6 E EI =FE C9 1 It. : I ,S €o oooe o o so+d l)oE Eglr $ d5€ r,.2-f, g 3 -s\too s$r|- I N\ goEI tt h Po E0) E (It '=co (t x(5 E o -oI Jo II t)tgt5 U s h P t-iI + -9CJ E E E0\, d) {I s d A, gt tl 1,TN I s-r-t att \ ,, O,l ,E TO COTLABORATIVE GROUP PC. ^ ruhl-dl$lotlir flnr ol ,rrchirtcrurt. V^IT . BTAVER CRETK . TEI,TURIDE. 2of r| ffi SmEI . 8{u 7r0 ' tllttnrRfl, m &4t ' lxtw.&l ' trx lrDl!ut'{{/J, n re5?57tl t- tt tl frt 16\lehl @F TRANSNflITTAL ! Samples the following items: E Specifications! D tr tr ! ! Prints Change order Plans "^" (" ll..i ( q '9 l'"" n" , rqgS FE, -J C,::&P-7I |iQ-i" Et; s--,,L:.,r-( t, > WE ARE SENDING ,orpfu""hed D Under separate cover via Shop drawings Copy of letter coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 22 tell,lt">l=t ue+, t?e9 ,.?n /t n . f-ta,bg 2 t:rilt >L2tq,/t.r$C 3.t1tC Ip(,+'lL.S I t*l.'t"L, C 4<U,)+142- /4/ r4f9 /laz*e-. L1fo(- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked $+n, approval.J ! For Your use E As requested fl For review and comment fl D FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS below: D Approved as submitted E Approvod as noted tr Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return -corrocted prints tr D ! -.1 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US o'P,fr,* oTti 7Lr Ta7**J t t5n- ,+-,.- 4-e^'-- / COPY TO ,1096 Preoon$nro. Cont€llt . 1(}% Pogtcon$ttF Conld{ste"eo,fr,Lf /.-.le/( PR0uII2a0 ,/i@ ric.. c,!hn. s6. or4il lI anatotu.at rrc not aa n&ad, kindly notity ut .t onca- ,PLEASE MAKE CHECK TOWN OF VAIL DEPART;\{ENT OF CO}{}1Ui'IITY DEVELOP}IENT' S.\LES ACNON FOR}{ 75 SOUTH /FROUIAGE ROAD , ^. /, vcIL, COt.'\ ,4_4-J---- 0t 0c0c11540 zchT\c .d\D A DDR-ESSl,t,,{-PS 0l C{,1042415 | Ln\TfOL\{EUILDh-C CODE 0l 000012415 | UMFOR-\{ ?t-u},45t\6 coDE 0l co00 42.r r 5 i u\lFoR-\t )\iEcHLh'lcr.L coDE 0l cof0{?{15 | uxlFonrtFIREcoDE 0r o:o0 {2.115 | x,tnolr..rL l:LEcTPjcAL coDE 0r co00.{21 }5 i oTiiEii coDE looKs 0l ol00{1543 | BLUEPRD{TSOJYLAITS) 0l C\iCO.12412 | >:taox coP,=s / s'iuDcs 0t 00c{ j23: I jri:NAI.TY FEES / RE.L\-'5PECI0NS 0l 00co.il-132 i i't-,rv nEvtnv RE.cHEcK FI:E lsr0 tEil IiR.] 0 | (.{'00 42i21 CF? l]OUR,S DiSPECT]ON FELS 0l 0000.r1{12 CONTL\CTORS LICL.\S !S FTj:S 0l G000 { 1330 | OT}|ER FTI:-S .01 c\)00111)3 | StGN AppLtcATto.i{ FIE 0r co00 4l{ l3 ADD|TIONAT. SICNAOE ;;E (S).OC psR. SQ.IT. 0r 00ocr2.:r0 l\TcART pF,offcTDoN.{TCN 0t 0c00.tt331 PRE P,TJD DESIGN REVIE1V BOAFO FEE OIA00042412 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERYIT COI.{PL]TER D] *.01 0000 41010 T X 0i 0000 /r2371 INVESTIGATION rEE (BUILDING)TOTAL DUE: .: ::n.:, ii:/ilr: t:.1.....11j:J ::r.i:i1..! .::. ipc:i ipi,je:i:ii o,r: ri: ii 0l 0000 r 1330 NAL USE FER\{IT 0t c9004t330 0l 00c0 .1t 330 R ALTTRAI-ION ILESS ETIERIO;1 ALTI:R.'\TION IIiCRE Tl"l,t.l'l lcO SO.F|. AL DEVELO?.\,[T.YI DISTR.ICT I}.I E\ 0l 0000 4l3i0 ts L D EVELCP.\I E\T DI sT?JCT I I,I JOR A,,'.1 D..D 0l 0000 ,, | :lio S PECLA L DEVELOPTf!\T DIsTRICT [;\flT'O R A]\t L\1) 0l 000041330 tsLRDtvtslo.\ 0t 0000{t330 ;vAR.ttu\cE 0l 0000 .r I -130 lzoM).'c coDE i"vE\DNlEr{Ts 0l 0000 41330 ..:,t.irCOItlUEl * * ** ** * * l -. :- .'.. V RECEIPT- Tht rrcatt /)q /Ng 469,25 s'!. RECEryED ADDRBSS '/ -l t ... ) L T{]lrrr'l flF Lrtrl I t- l4iscel lanesu= Cgsh rjir.- 1'i 'r'f ,YlLli_;i..1 Fl{ ':e i. F, t. + l;j.1i''l::il F;,:::,:,r-rrr i. * l::i,:' l+ TljE ;:r:rl-t _F{Lrrr''}-iT I I. lE. Fniur-iTr t. i.*i-r,je t. *,:l .:. I tetn paid E1 1 rjilrr::tl:14 1 f, :: 1 ilff [i l-:l-, rr,n,: r-F-. i.r lt-j-!Fr-l :r i:;+ r;ili'iri_lF .:'i::E F'ir iri.:[: l ;'-E: 4fi8r, f][i Flnount paid rlt:1F. [Ji:i . t:1. EE -I-HFIF{}i \-ElJ \ri'L-rr '::;sf ri * r l[,:l.l] II FEF-'I Jtr,()E (L orf |D IJ(9o z "'z q uo,, n -...- exI',J \ <l I 66 I E"E Pgpt9z.=o_r :LL oa,/2IY L).naz.>Y- EozH<,^ Iurl 36C Pd e,0 ? \> J sF (Do E E. LlJ E{,- H5n ==H UJ-r FH ar, s K. Oz.fo co -J ll-NC)ozz 2= *.\\t),*o \ \r^\\6 -roo o4 14tlD- u:,i o7 / 1'19.? 131'-l:-r Ettttr-tv' rll:Ilr rY LoeauoN vFRrFIcAIroN suBDrvrsrou UtoN> ApbL A\PQ* p,o, Ll - --- - JoB NAnd lphVlpgL -_Vt2lbgt{&--* ,_ ,. _, _ BLocK I - - )FILING C+ -ADDREss-Ual,- ?4$WfrJX* PzlW- - - -.-?he locatlon and avellebtllty of utilltles, whethsr they b6 mtlntrunk llnes or propoeed llnes, must be approvcd and verlfied byt,he followlng utdlitles for the rccompanying aite plan. Ay_[orlledJFlqnrtura A4gg 'i , :,F I lT Er': Elr..lrll I l:r-JLDF,'FltrLl NOTE: _-l?-DT-91 Dl : l3F-r,1 a:?4 _1D; H I bL,OT ,/ t/u.5. Weat- Communlcatlona' r-800-922-1987{68-6860 or 949-4530 - t{" ot*4- qf44 [y'ubltc SGrvice Company- 9^aA-5+9f 7UZ-q,oqvcary HaII)cx: qt'a6q /)t6ty Crcirc Electrlcv 949-5992Tql Huoky/Mlchael Krr(ty."#3;fff.,. 94 9-s530 .gieve Hiart,,/ (l^7, "-rrrrr.q,r9 YUpper eagle Vrlley waterI Sanltrtlon Dlstriet r 416-1480Fred Haslee 7s^*','-a1iuob4 Aagoc. Irf vg6gy ?.v. 1, ihls form is to verlfy servlce availabtlity andlocation. Thia should be ussd ln conJunction wlthprcparlng c utlIlty plen and schedultnglnstat lations . / 2, for any new construction proposal, the applicantnurt provldc a compl€ted utlllty verlflcationforn. 3. If a utlllty eompany hag conccrns Hith th.proposed constructionr the uLllity r€presentatlvcshould note directly on tlre utlllty verlflcrrlonform th6t there ic a problern whleh nqads to beresolved. If tho Istue ls rclatlvely eompl1ctt,6d,It should be cpelled our In detall ln rn attachedletter to thc Tor,rn of ValI. Howcaerr ploaee kerpln mlnd that lt ls che responribfliry of theutiIJ.ty conpany and owner to resolve ldentlttedproblems. 4. If the utlllty verlfication form hal signatureefrom clch of iht utlllty companioer ond Do eommeDts are mede dlrectly on the torn, the townwlll presume that there are no problcnrg and thatthe devel.op,neng can proceod. 5. ?hcce verlflcatlons do not relltve tbe cont,ractorof hts rerponsibility Eg obtain a street eurpermit lrom the Town of Valll Drpartment of publlg Worlts and to obt,ilnJrblIltv -Iocationr baforgdigqinqLlta town in any publtc llghE-of-xay or cts€nrnto.f ValI. A huildlno parrnlt Le nor a ln breet cut permii nuSC be 1 and eleveelon, whenInitrtion elgnatures. Firt Forl-lt" !16n! far trensmittal memo 76fl A?1 -4oa2- Iii. IT.,;l J 06116/1993 15119 o DO ADDRESS -Uf The locatlon rrrd avallabiltty of utllltlss, vhether they be nalntru'k li."g or pf?pgfed lines, musr be approuud jnA uiiiriea Ev"the following trtll itie-q f or the accompanying siLc plan lu- L,o 2JJeh al-1i: I I F']vI 8?74002 AVON, COLORA Tran Ft-l I PAGE N2 SUBDIVISION J lQ Nc.t JoB N^ME _1!Ag4PCf- E{qpr,ydf<, _tor --7?er,or:x -l )FTLING q- AuLhorlre4 SJqnature qat6 u.S. West Communlcatl.onsl-800-922-1987468-6860 or 94e-d530(F fta4 tlofi1{Publle Servlce Compcnv04{9-5i+l .J.ul,.qo;G Ga ry llr.l .l7rr'- qlti't291 Itoly Crdss Electrlc Aogoc. 9 49-58e2 Ted llusky/Mlchaet Lrverty llerJt6ge Cablevision T,V.949-5sJ0S;cve Hlet. t fnx : 4{1 1t1$Unper Eag)c Valley Water0 SantLation OLstrlcl r tt?6-?480 Fred llasleef,tx" 41v rlosq IJOTE:I . Thi.s f orm is to Ioeat. 1on. 'l'trispreparlng a ut illnstallations, For any new construction proposal, lhe appllcant mrrst provlrJe a completeci uLlltty verificallOnform. 1 f a ut, I I i ty eompany has concerrr-q wlth theproposed collst,ructlonp the utifity represenLatlveshou.ld not,e directly on LlrE utillty verificationfotnr that there is a problen wlrich noeds to beresrrlverj. Tl l-he issue Is relatively compIIcaLedlIt should be spetlecl out ln detall ln an attachedletter to the 'fown of va1l. Howeverl please keepln nrir)d that ir- 1s the responslbil l ty of the r.rt I I I t-y company and owner l-o resolve identi f ied problems. If the utillty verificatlott forrn has cignature6 from cach of the uLility companies, and no comments are made rJlrectly on the forml the Townwltl preaune that there are no problens and that t,tre rlevelopment- can proeeed. these veriflcations do not rellove the contractorof hle respotrsibility to obtain e street cutpermlt from the Town of Va1l, Deptrtment of Publlc worte and to obtajn ulilitv I.oS*l'lons bgfore- djogilno in any pubric rlghl-of'way or easement in Ltre ?own of va i I . A buildin<r permlt.ls not a s! -reeL qut rrq.lmi t . A st reeL cut pcrnlt must be olrtairrcd separalely. ' f)ease brlnq a slte plan, floor f)Ian, and elevationg when .l'!:tl1lg_ull:I ::ql:.,Y^"1)ey t'taLer 6 sanitatlon slsnatures. Flre veri f y ser:vice avrllability anctshoul(l he used in conJuncLion wlLhIty plan and schectullng 2, 06,/ t En]rli?r3 ;5j ^f:, -:a,Alv ^fnol .SUEDTVISION lA Nct TlaG F.1\GE O? L{ DEte 6-e43 }IOTE;l. This forn is to verify Service availabjlif.v andtocarion. This shouii rre uu"J in--;;;j;;;;ion wrrn?f!lalinS. a urillry ptan and scheduling ----- insrallations. 2. For arry new constructltlrr proposalr t,be aprplieantm)st proviCe a completed i.,riilty verifiiirto"forrtt. l If a utility cornpany has concerns wlth theproposed con.struction, tlre utility represenCatlveshor-rld note dlrectly on Ll)e utllj.iy viriticiIionf erm tlrai ihere is a pt.oblen which needs to UJresolved- If t:he issue 1s relatively conpllcated,it shourd be spelred our in dJrait t; ;; iiiiei.aIetter to the fown of VaiI. Hgweverr please keepin mj,nd thaL it ts the responslbtliri;;-;;;'---'ut.j.lity eohpany and orr,ner to iesoJve'iOeniiiteaprcblerns. If tlre utllity vgrlflcat,lon forrn has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and nacomments are made clirecify oir the ior., rhe TownwiJ.I presume thac there ai.e no probJ.ems ano if,Jfthe developrnent ean ptroceed. These verlfieatlons do not relieve thg contractorof hi.: responsibility to obtai., a streeL cutpermiL from lhe Town of Va1t, Defartment of publicWorks and to ofrt 9ig"*!S in -any ,p,r.'bl lc r j.9ht -of-way or easemenr rnure 'Iown of vall . a= bqj&if," permit --iJ ,1oi-"- --' @. A-;troenuFperrntt must beobtairied separately a_site Pl?nt floor p1an, and elevatlons when P:Sl:.varley, l.laLer c sanitatfon siqnitu;;.;. FirElre addressed, 4. ' ilease brlnqnlrt aj.nlng UppJ. f I ^tc ngg69 tngg;. uT r-Lr ?{, LOCATT oN..lLERr rJ cATr ory I t.l I'J(I JoB r'rAME _a t,or 2? Br,ocr( I - F.ILING L ^DDREss -ll_1 The location atrd Evailqbllity of ut. 1tit1e.s, whe.her they be malntrurrk rines or Droposed 1inei, mu-st t,e "ppiovJJ-Jrro verrried byLlre f or Iowing ui tr'i ties ior-ii""'""""orpanying site pran. lJ. S . I.fegt Comntrn-icat i.Onsl-800-e22-198? 458-5860 or 949*4SJO( Av n{,1 \i,rtl PutrJ. i c Servlce Ccrlpany&4{--67&t ,)t,? -qo iCGdry na I I7n'rq1.a,iV'l:foly Crogs Elerjtrir: Assoc.949-5892 Ted tusky/MjchaeI Laverty lleri tage Cablevis-ion T.V.949-s530Sleve lliat tfix : 4{l tlt)$tlpper Eogl.e Valley waterr, Sanitation Disr-rict * 4't 6*7 480Fred llaslee/,tx', trlv rob)l zed Siqlature ,r_ t l8 '9:l l5:33 86116/19S3 15:23 SUBDIVIS ION aFFr-rl'l Fl_lEL I il trf f tt Ir-f B2 74 002 L.]R I L TC{: FHrIE . Or:l3 PAGE B2 gIII/I TY L-OCATION VE,RI FI.CATI OI,I JOB NAI',E ''oT - q ,, ,. BLocK I _-_ ADDRESS '\+1U*)g The locatJorr and availqt,i.l tty of trtil.itie-s, whether they be malnt r:trrrk lines or D.oposed l inei, nust be "ppiou"J-ino ,r"rified byt'e (.rrowins uiiriti;; i;;-;i."'J..onrpanying site pran. l, , .5 . Wes t Commtrn I cat 1oneI -800-922-198? 468-6860 or 94q-45j0f Ar 4<4 . rr;,'r1rtPublle Ser.vlie companv949.-A+*t luZ -qo.;CGary llrlllrt' 114'\281;toly Cro'ss Electrlc Assoc.949-589?. Ted llusky/Michael Laverty ller It.age Cablevtsior) T.V. 94 9-55 30 St eve Jliattflx : rx,l ,1110 UFf)er EagJ.e Valley Water0 Sanitatiolr District * 47 6-7 490Fred Hrslee/tX: ttlv-uob|NOTET 7. Thls form is to verify FII,ING 7 A.UQho_ri zed Siqna!ure Date 6-t€'?" J.oeat ion, Thlg shriul dpreparing a rrtlltty' plinstal lat ions . For any new eonstrucLion proposal, the applleantm'tst provlCe a conrpleteU utillty veriflcitionf orrn. I f a ut i I ity compalry has eoncerns wlth tlreproposecl conBlruction, thp ubi.iity representatlvesltottld note dlrectly orr the uLlfiiy vLriflcallonform that thera is a probtem which-needs to bereEolved. If r_he issue is relatdvely eonpllcated,ii. shoutql be spelled qut in <JeteJ I tn an ittachedletter to the Town of Vait. ltowever, plcase keepln mind thab lt is rhe responsibllity bf tfre ',tt I I J t.y cornpany ancl owner l.o reso.lve idenb If ledprobl,€n9. If the utility verif,icarion form has sl,gnaturesfrom each of the utlllty companies, anri nocommentg arie made dlreetly on the form, the Townwill presume that there are no problems and thatthe deveJopnent ean proceed. These veriflcations do not relieve the contractorof hls responsibi. ltty to qbtain a street cutpernit from the ?own of VaiI. D€partm€nt of Publlchlorks and to olltgi{r-utiIilJ rocatione beforg #qqinrg in ani'publte rlght-of-way or easemsnt inthe Town of vail. 4_buildinq pet$it lE.nqt egtreet-cuL p-e.Jmit, A street eut, perrnit, must beobtalned separaLely. a site planl floor plan, and eleva!lons when Eagle Valley t'later 6 Sa,nitation signatures. Firehe aclrjressed. servtce availablllty andhe used ln conJunctlon withan and scheduliDq 2. I ' ftease brlng|l'r aining Upper f !or.r needg musL 671A711993 L3't27 827Aryj?PAGE OIo ..1 14, 3 ; o 5;;_corunun i ca e rone 158-6860 or 9d 9-4S3o-_t-* tth{t- qrqq,""ffipT.,|;ff""" - '/-?t"t: M4U1,* ii ri;ffi; E re ctric AEs oc . luthorlzed sionatura 'i .. , .-i-i-+._{*_ D.t€ Igd HuBky/Utch.el Laverrvt_/. l"+r, W.-49 -.iii333r3*r€vr31on r.v. 4$i Ji$i;ii.',t*".." lt8lll88tt"" piitrtct ' v .c\ li ,rrfl.,., *7^7-c+<> >S...^i1i1,ilii;-,or 'A'dxlh.{OnL -z ^r:S NOTE;' I. ?his forn is, to veElfy cervice avallrbtllty andlccation. -tnis-ehouii ;-;;; rn conjuncrion )lthprep.ring,a_ utlltry ptan anJ_icnear:rriq _____.. "^".,installat.lone I9I^""" ner conatruction proposrl, tbc applicBnt f ;H. o'""o" a comprered i,t. i j iii-i,e iilili[i-i" If_a Dtirlty cornpany ha6 concerna rrlth chcp,.opased conerrucct6n, tn" rriirIy"iJpr|Ifr,t"riu"srrould note ditectlv ;n the utlllEy vetl,flcation:::i.ihlr rher6 ta I probrer ,h1";,";;;;-i;-;resotved. If the iJsu€. it rc I at lvely -c""iiilr.tea. i:-:lo"ld be spelled ouc.tn aeiJii-ii iiTiil"r,"aJ.ester ro rhe rorn ". ":ll: li.r6"*i, ii"ili.*"*p.lI|,Tlld rhat it 16 the responlrbllity of rbe::1lllv conpanv and osner L" "eroi"e'riiniiir*oproDt€ms - If^the utllity. v€rlflcation forur has rtgnrtures:I:l .g.h of rhe urliiry conrpanics, ani-r,o--- .conm€nra are rrdc direcity ,; -;;;-i.;il i[" tor.,rrr. a l. presute that Lharctt. oi"iiod'e;;-;";T;;":re.no problcns 8nd that 2. 3. 5.:!Tf ""-":f::::l?l:- d". not. reu€vc tho conkactor3i,ll: :::r"::1ryri tf -qo-Jriii"=J-"iil.*iil Pernic froit tbe Torn'oi 'L'GEL cu ;orks and 1., ^h+5r- ...,t,Y:ll: D€Ptstment ot Publ lcadd to{#+:g"il,.llffig1nLhe lor.n of Vif i . ;-b;::':: Etsellcn sEreet .rrr ha--r+ _ _rlqrna qarnlt fB not asg:#:s+;ffi"obtalned ecpiEEEty. suBDrvrrroN UoN+ pip L. €tt rNLe t-b. t{ _JOB Nlnr6 Lo'r '4 srocx I FrrrNc 4_ ;"ii i;t":rofil!. """.i1"' f^r lT:.. tLo9' pi an. and €r€vacr ona rhsnrior. needa rust be _ aodJ:j jg - ".rr. r saniratlon sign"i,ri"il Ffrc I '{' ,r.tIIt, ' ,' I II : I I | .q-..'$ -' . \-/ ')".-a'"o',| -- ' .AoQ' ," 2:19: i i -.'-.-----'-@ i;,4k,,4. i ,' ..../.* ,,o -7ffi'^f:,r,/<. :-"'7r/./': !*) ,a/ : \ .'./ tt rQ' i ;l I SAI i /tfw cAsd-AR I A 165 (-I'\1 fan lit thlt rnlprores drstrihulion of hc:rled rir { FK l7l An ortt,'itjc air krt t.l-K l'l r helpr prer cnt ht'nt loss nr(.rr )t('\ cttcrgr eflit icncr Fun rrrotr,r rlrr'o(lal f()r rartithlc speer! con (';r.' (l'r,r l, r .r'l l',1 lr':trttr t( l)( t,'lti tl, ', 'l t lrirn lits itr t,'ltl {rtli.h to tclllrc Iorrrlr' rtttrl ltrlr.rtltt lltc filcpl {lNr)1) UNIT DiMENSIONS iii'r: CI)6. ' ttlPt't antl lor'. el 'j ; -,U'.JCI ION FOY EITHER All dimensions are in inches, I23' | .1,,. (-lcutr hutn <itrrificlrntlr les' lhitn 5(l'i ()f tllc tir ttlutc entir.irrtr. l'l('(lll(c(l h\ a (lill)tiitr(l \\(rr hrrrning firepl:ret' llrrh e[frcicncr n1(rIe lh:ln l\\i(c lhc e .trrrrtllrrtl rr,r,,ll.ttrttitrr firt'plltrc St.r r'ttLl;rtr lrtr lllhL'\ (r\ll\lrll!l('d r) drrrlhilitr Rc llre totr'lint ti llrt'hL't lot I oLrrr-r rL rrlrr llrlrt 1\'r11lj I lt( rr|olll I irr!( (t,(l (l,r,l I' ll ,'l t.,,'1'.'.|l|l \.llcl\ irt)rl \ t \r'r irl) ((/ I tt \ tllill ( ,rittlcr. rttcl lot cf f ic it rr. r ri'i- (l (cr (,flt('rl\ | r(. ,\lilll r'crillir !llt'. fot ltrl,l, rl ttl ! ( lIl{t\ ll lt rlI rorrri. lrl ! (l-l/Ni rltitttttr'r trt l( Slll) ( lr llllllf \ \\ \lflll r! !,'ltt lirri.h lrtlll trrr I l(lc(l ,ltll;rLlr()rl ci\ l.slc(l attLl li'.tcrl to I'l- lll: ( crtilletl for t nirc(l Slirlr'. Irrc rcrrl lrl]rrlcrl \\rrrtilnl\ Todafuesign lor tomorrow's concerns. lf;ffigllL:xtt''" Fireplace has becn de.i!'ncd to produce a high alnount of l'clrt u hils .igni{icltrtlr rcrltrr tn! lhe irnl( )unt ol ctrtirri<rns lhc N\ rlrrrrl htrfll s)slelll qi'tls hr inicclrng frc"h lrir into thc [ircpllrce lhrottgh "lltrn lesr qtt'cl trrl'e.. Jhir lil lllt'.c' u ith c\i\tinr flttc gr.er t 'ttt.. int lheot t(t igttilc a <eiotttl limc For rott. thic ttttlttls lcss thlrn h:tll ol thc filrli(lrlillr crni.riorr. lrrc rt lc:r,.c,.1 inl(' lhc illlll('(lllcrc ltr tonlIlttcd to lt,.1:tttrl:trrl',r,vrll'tttttittl fitt'fllrtc I ht' <lcqirn of thc N\ \\ r,rrlhtrtttittg l-irepllcc olieri tlrt hcst t,f hoth ui'tltlq a clcltn atltl elfir icltl htttn a' lrcll r\ thr (hrllrr ol lr rr,','ill'tttnittl firefl:ttc 'leeotilotor'.{ Tk [rrt hillrt€ it rtlqhctt Ilc:rl illrl, rt lttt . .^ ll(l\ J\l)l SIRII S('t'trtPrtnr l()l< \\ Sirullllrr' \trrfl llt l'lc;rslrrrt. lorr rr 5lt'.1 I l{tx)/l-lr.(,;ot 1l(r lli< o^ ll t:,\\ lloi llii al:5 lll-AIll.^l(rll r( ir r('rr\lrrt tl tt;rrLttllrtl r'l I li'trt il,rt, 't lr'. Slcr l{i(:llillll( itll(l "Plr('tl\ '11' slthjt'el t(l cltrtttst' ( r'r.rrlt thr' N\ .l Itlttri,. rrl (itlitle ll,r c('nlllelc li\llllF'' tunit lrrrcl rtrqIrtIIrtIiott dtttlcrrstt,tt< l'lrrr.c .,'tt.ttlt 1,,. ll t,rril,.lrrlg cotlc' lrit't l(' ill\tilllil).s 1l i'. ;r1,,11111 I FV trF ft { o'f (D o q)a 'n o -o c / ^ ,,r& - )*n= /.#/ /,\'La+ Etf Ar€-r *ff/s ,{g * f</, c@.,k\2py'e o(;,- Ph*=g E N1":^(/u4a c:s/=-*r-s 9 +- bni=o Q"'eflto.c€ C9^9 7'/'/23 FOR R P/S ZONE DArE: 6 /el hs TEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT 33 Block I 6*,orrr*raf I r'iri. ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height TOIA1 GRFA S/ ;5,d 5VV Primary GRFA trY?U + 42s :E?o-5#*ffi, cnro lJlg +,,jzs Setbaclis Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback site coverase (ts%) Landscaping Retaining Wal1 Heights Parking Garage Credit, Drive: Fentq f 3' /6' t/,5 Reqra (300) (600) (900) (1200) ', Date approvecl by iown engineer: permitted slope gt Actual sropel sr',:' 'lit I 2Qt 15' L5t View C,rrridor Encroachment.: Environnental,/Ha zards : 3) Geologica) Snb) Roc) De4) Wet.lands Previous conditions of approval (check pr Does this request involve a 250 Addition?How much of the allowed 250 Addition is u **NoLe: Under Sections 1a.n.0g0(B) and l.Code, lot,s zoned Two Family and primary/S 1.5r000.s9. ft. in area may not consLruct.. Communit,y Developrnent Department nay granrestriction provided Lhe applicant meeLsSections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) ofpermanently restricting the unit, as a lontime employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. ? s t s h n r c Hazards' now Avalanchockfall p ebris Flow _S AJ< roperty file ? /-Qused with, th 18.13.080 (B) Secondary wha second dwnt an exceptthe criterif the Municing-t,erm rent, .AJC2 _ re a(,'ur,r,., Seye.f'AIO' ' ','9,.'. r , "ggtxl $'fl ., I is reques v ,lt ': ,'1'llof the Municilich.are less tlelling unit. :ion .to t,his,a set forth un<pal. Code inclu<al unit for fu'j I 'r .,:.'Ve$i+'Y.: )'|: 'TF,':f,,ffi,tti .,.tl' . i, 'il 'i;;, .l ;i:i:i.'ir7 f '6;2:';. . ,',; ,; i--!.ttlr,. ;,. ' ,jjl'; il{$'itlti:,:l--l : 1icipdf, ,.,1;,;1i."s Lhan , -l ': . Ther;.ti'.i": : .i 'l - l'r l .til'i, ' -n '' tli ;:,ii cluding ti ,;,:full-' ,' ' ,,. l,il:l: I l i.:. . ' ,: i'i::lir: , 6t ceacla rr (30) (33) L0 o o Fretum ,olTm Cuyrft4 Town Planner fNTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ,-zC .//,2 /t5:' '// / '/ ut''- PROJECT:y"ttt {'n<l DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: il e ,p ffi r-,ar y / *. croloy Fc a rJtrc€ FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewedoy: 4 e-t'<Date: a"Zt2j comments: -r .l-/4 //7/"-,2- -,5 ,/:."€l . ',t"'/' .' ]. ORDINANCE NO. ].5Series of 1989 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 26, SERIES OF ].987, TO ALLOW EMPLOYEE UNITS IN LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 4. WHEREAS, the Town of VaiI re-annexed a portion of the West VaiI area effective May 1, L9B7t and WHERDAS, Ordinance No. 1-3, Series of L98L, specifically permitted an ernployee unit on each slngle famJ-ly lot ln Llonsrldge Subdivision Filing No. 4i and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1987 upon the re-annexation of West Vail . imposed the Slngle FarnJ.ly (SF.R) Distrlct on the Lionsridge Subdivision Flling No. 4 wl-thout reference to an additional ernployee unit; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare, to arnend Ordinance 26 Eo allor,r for ernployee units ln Llonsridge subdlvision Filing No. 4. NOW, THBREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TI{E TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Procedures FuIfi}led The procedures for the determination of the zoning district for Lionsridge Subdivision nlllng No. 4 have been fu1filled. Section 2. An enployee unit (as defined and restricted in Sectlon 18.13 of tire Municipal Code) shall be perrnitted. on each lot in Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 4. The employee unit sha1l nob exceed one third of the total gross residential- floor area aLlowed on the tot per the t Single Fanily zone district density control (Section 18.1-O.09O). Section 3. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be lnvaLld, such decislon shal] not affect the validity of the renaining portions of this ordinancei and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that nay one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 4. The Town Council hereby flnds, determlnes and declares that, thls ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and werfare of the Town of ValI and the lnhabltants thereof. ' <' ' ripal cofas provided : this ordr"i )'vair,' nicipal coOas provided,' this ordinAe shall not ;fect any right which has accrued, any duty irnposed, any violatlon that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecutJ.on commenced, nor any other actlon or proceedlng as commenced under or by vlrtue of the provision repealed or repealed and re-enacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING TIIIS llrh day of ,. July , 1989, and a public hearing chall be held, on this.. . .,., ,.-o=dltance on the llth day of Jrrly , 1989 at ?:,30 p.l1; lp lhe , ,Council chambers of the VaiI Municipal Buildind, VaiI, Colorado. ATTEST: APPROVED ON this lst SECOND READING day AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ust , 1989. R. Rose, Rose, '--\ Parnela A. Brandrneyer, Town clerk INTRODUCED,READ AND ATTEST: .R: fo: PJ.anning and Environrnental Connission FROM: Corununity Development DATE: June 26, 1989 SUB.T: A request to arnend Ordinance No. 26 of 1987 to allowemployee units in single farnily houses in Lionsridge FourthFiling.Applicant: Town of VaiI r. THE REQUEST Ordinance 26 of L987 was written to impose zoning districts onnewly re-annexed portions of West VaiI. It was the purpose ofthe ordinance to apply the same zoning to the re-annexedproperty that had been applj,ed in Ordinance No. L3 of l-981- whenthe property was first annexed. Ordinance No. L3 of 1981.specifically perrnitted enployee units on each single farni.ly Iot.Enployee units were inadvertently left out of the wording inOrdinance No. 26 of L987. rT. STAFF RECOII{MENDATION The staff recornrnends approval of the amendment to OrdinanceNo. 26, Series of 1987 to rectify this unintentional omission. . - - ,\trnrr? | i.t^tt r.tt\ 1 4 Uta uL rr -' ' gIllTlItI "'*?;"1? ur' uL r' 75s' rronta(i(: rg.al . .. .i{a .,{..:\.' -.i ' ' i i .,. '.'\!fili-r-iUCIl.fi'r,v -ANNlixnD lvtisT VAIL ARli.{; ACCEPI'Il;C __ .*i):'-. . .,','!-irlpii:ririplOv,rr,S OF'nrri liAcl.ti cOUN'I'Y COI,tItISSIO:iEnS ,,:, , .-: ''ifr,inirNc-TillinETo; sPlicrrYrlic Alllil'lDllENr pRocEDURE$r 'l':', '!: ,-dUtiiil,c-rbn,gl Coi{nTTIONS RIiLAt}NG 'l'ltERETo;_AI,IENDING ".;- iFalor*crAl ZONTNC ilAp FoR Tlrn TO'VN Or" VAIL: AND -.' .',, '' 'Ca= '.,,,\"1 '.-' .,.-.t.'\ ,I{HIREAS, the torvn of vai}, coloraclo, recently annexed the lYest t,... . :; .':r, ,.'!:.r',-. i'. ''.-- -: ' : Vail area, county'ot'Eiira, '!tot" t;t 'cototaoo, eff ective Irlunicipal Code'of the Torvn ofWIIEREAS, Chapter 18.68 of 'the vaj_L sets forth procedures for ihe in:position of zoning districts on tecentlY annexed areas; and IIIIEREAS, Sectiou 31-12-115 (s) C'R'S, 1973, requires the -Tot'rn to bring the nelv15' annexed l'Iest Vail' area unde:: its zoning orditrance rvithin ninety days after .tbe eff ective on December' (s,0) date of said annexation; and MII1REAS, because- of certain actions for and , the lYest Vail area at relating theleto, lYIl:EnD.^s, the NO\Y, TIINRUFOIII', OIT VAIL, TIIAT: '. talceniby'.rnd aPProtals to the rvittrin sl:ecif ied of. Cdrnmissioners relatiug Towtt Couucil is of thc opi:rion that tbe zoi:ing tlreseareasshouldrecogtlizesairlappror'alsand .'.,. P1 anning and Environurental Conmissj-on of tlie Torvn ofYai1Ilascotrsit]ercdtlrezonitrg1:obeinrposcctorrtlrencrv11'.:rrrtrcxed a public heari:rg antl hirs nr:r'cle a t'ccolnnleudation to the Torvn Corrncil; ar:tl : Tou,rrCouucilcorrsic]-<:rsthlrtitisintj-}cintel.cst of the putr).ic lrealtlr, safety atlcl tl'elf:rrc to so zonc] saiit pIoDcI'L]'; Bti IT OltDr.rllutl) i;'r i'irU 'Ioiili COUNCII., OIr Tllii' 'I'O\'l'l * - Sc,rr1:ion 1 !)r'oc.oclu t'rt s Irrrl f i'l .l etl . i:oni rrf'; disttict:': l;<l lrrt :r$ lr(.) l. f or:t!r i tr Ch:tp l.r:l' J'rr 1. ll 'i .t. .l tl tl . ,l'ltc Il.occrclrtt'c.s for tlr<l clcl:crttti.tt:t.1.io:i t>:i'Lltc itirlr{tsr.rcl r:tt 1:ltc: lrc:l'.l i' lrtlttr':ltrd l'Jt:l-;i: V:ri l ' l''l'(':r 1ti.0{i <l(' 1.lrc \:ir.i.l. trltrrt.it:i1rlt1. (ltltlt' lt;rvcr irt:('l\ pursuirnt Io Ch0ptct 1g.68' bf urc Vili1 llunicipal co<]c, the propcrtics dcscrlbecl in subscctions e, !, g, lt 8r j. belorv rtlc a portion oI !lts,:.' lyesr Vail area.',linfiExea.'iO th61.r52yn tiri'ough tire cnaltmcnt of Ordinance ,.... .''. i:i;ri. r' t.\' )"- No. 43, Series"liif +9a0,'o{ tlie: Tcju'n of-Vai1, Cotorad6, effective on l'l. \j the thirty-fir-st-dai: ot Dqceqpgr;--19s0, -and hgreby zoned ag,fof lows: ' s':""-:l::' :'-ll':; :' ' e.. The dEVblobments and .parcels oI propeity specified belorv in !:^.'- ' Subsections e, f , g, h & i sha1l be developecl in accordance rvitlr the 1:':-- ---prioiaagttement'approvals and actlons of the Eagle County Conrn1ssionels as-th.e''agrdernents, alrprovals ancl actions relate to each developrnent or 'parcel of ProPertY. "tUl:.+fr. aocuteots anct instrunents relating to the prior county ' 'S<:r:1. i orl 1l '-LttU,r.' l!r:.U- o I Z o rri r r t;!-fi'iL t:'+++jqf:!4lf l)itrccls lrn4 iffiettl-l-e-l Llr(.' lt('lv I v :ttt tttls,t:tl lYt::; L v lt t i :l l'n:1 . aplrrovals, actions and agreemetlts are Departmeut of ' Cornmunity Development of approvals, actions and agreements arc 'by the Torvn of Vail. 'c. A11 buildings on the effective date Design Review Critiria of €t'bu j.lcliug permit. -d. The Commurrity Developtnent Depa.Ittnent rnaf issue staff aPpr:ovals for rninor changes in site desigl ol otlter tninor aspects cf t\e plan for' any-of the specif ied cteYeloplncDts or prr1.cels. These propcsed chauges m:I)r be ap1:iol,ecl as presentcd, api;r'ove<l vith conciiti'ol'ts oI denied by the Staff with an a1:pca1 rvithiri 1O clays of thc S.E.tff decision to thc Plannirtg ancl Iinvi1.onrnentll Comririssiotr. Iror tnnjor- chan5les, stlclt aS t3 *.;g.:*ign of a major pa'rt of thc site, cltangcs &s use, density gsnf,ps'l:,':*rei.ght br other developrtrcnt stnt'rCiuidS, a Pl-irnniDg atrtl Envitongrclta.l. Couuuj.ss16tr revicrv shottlcl bc IcquiI'ccl . The prt>eecirtre for. c[r1f';cs shalL be i.rr rccolclatrcc s'ith Chrlpt.cr'1tl .66 o1 thc Ylil lrlrrnic.illel Codrr. ---,----e...-- 'flrc' f o-.1,Iorvi.lg tlt:voLoi'rltr<'ttts r-trtl )'t:t:'ct-'l.l; t>{ 1>roPr>r'1'y slrllI bc srrlrjcol:1.o 1.trcr t.et'ttts <>I tlljs o1'(l.i llllll(1(:: ))lr:t:;r:li 1. l lrt'iiiri;11 1; 'f o\"' l t lt tltll; t'l; ' (lr.r|lrlrtttt i l i trtrl :, presently on file in the the Torvn of Vail and said hcreby accepted aud aPProved for rvhich a building permit has not been issued, of the annexation of \',|'est VaiI shal1 contply rvith of the V:riI ilunleilral Corle prior to the issuance ( 1 ) 'l'ltt: V:t.l..l t't' , ('J) [ipltrrrr: (]r'r't:li (:'i ) ltl,.lrrltru ('t'r't:li --:l-- '8".< oo (4) Iil-il- Ilr-r,cr-arc'uirr:!rn---switn :rnd 'fctrnis CIub ' (5) Drilr Plttclt, Lots G-2, G-5 and G-0 1,..:*: i;;:::::. i. . !.:l'.:'i'.:'-" i ....- : Llonsriclgc Subdivisiort Filtng No ' 2 ' (' C:!C.;'].il ' '. ::.. 'i\t:.': : C'L: :.:. . - (6) Casa Dcl SoL Cclndomit:iums' ''.....,.'i,ii'.:.1\..:i,j]'l]'..-:l:'..-..i,'For any 29,-.]1tS. pulpose beyorrd thc lltgle County Conrrnissloners' approvals' agrccnents or actions, the cleveloprnctrts and p'lrcef s of properry sl i-'' ;;:::' --':.- .onecl Resiclentiar cluster (Rc)'in this sub:ecti,sn ( 9) sha1.I be : ---.--;l-Li;;;;re subdivision, ritius No. 4, shal1 be subject to the ->,j: i;l-. - -.. ' :' terms of this ordinance. For an]' zoning purpose beyond the Eagle County commissioners' approvalI agreement or action, this parcel 0f property - sba1l U. "onua Singl*Iamily Zone District (SfR) rvith a special pro- visionthatan-er.?loy_eel11l(asdefi.ned.andrestrictedinSectionlS.13.( of the va.il \iunicipal.Code) rvi11 be subject to approvals as per section 18.13.080. Tlre seconclary uni't may not exeeed.one third of the total = _.. q o.\ Gros.s Re-si.dentiar rloor Area (GRIA) a]rorved on the Iot as per the Single Far:ri1y Zone District Densit)' control (section 18'10'090 of the - - .---'- -- - :-::--- Vail I'lunicipal code)'-and Greenbelt & Natural Open Space (CNOS) " S. Lot G-4, Lionsridge Subdivision' Iiling No' 2' has been t[:e subject of litigaticlrr in ttre District Court of Eagle cotrnty, and l Cqrr.t order bas been issued reger.rciitrg the developlnent of this plopelttl" The TorvD has furtirer a1:1lr'ovecl Resolutj.on #5 of 1981 in regard to a subse- quent agrecnent rvith the o$ller. The Res j.clcntial Cluster (Rc) zone Dl-strict rvitL be thc applicabl.e zone on thj.s 1:r'ope}ty to guide tire futur-e<leve}oprner:tofthepar.cel,rvor}lingrvitlrintlrebounclssetby the Court Order arnd Resolutiou No' 5' Seric's of 11181' h. Blocli 10, \tai1 IntcrttlountaiD subclj'r'ision arlcl t'l:e lllliott Rlnch . Subcliv!siorr, slrtr].1 be subject to 1:hc ternl.s of this ol.dinat:c:c. For atry rorrirrgpurl)oscbeyorrd.theE:rgleCotlrrt.l'Corntrtissj.oneI.s'apIJrovnl,a[iI.ee- Del)t o1'actj.oD, Dl.ocli 1O irrrd l,hr.: ljl.l.iott Renclr, shtll be zoired Prir.lrtr-v/ .l Secontlirr'1'. Disl;r'ict' Lotl S' 15 li ltl of Dlocli 10' \'lil Intertlrotttrttitt' slrall l.le z-oltecl Gr'ccltrll<:1.! & }llr1:lrr.:r)' oilr,'t.t Slrlrc:c: (C;{os). i..\'iri.J'Ccltn:il()ll:j,Vllj.1l)::s;l]]liltlt:]:.i1irrfliio.4'slrlt.l.ll.ttlsttl.rjt:ct to1:lrt:to]..nl'ioftlrj,:;ot.djtt:rttt:tr.]lc,.r.ltrl}'l:cllt:Ltt{':l)rt.r])osc}>t:1'<lttcllltc' li i:.lct c<.rrrrrLy (lorrrrrrj:;:;.i('t.|(-.I'lit :r11l.<'<'tltr'ttl., ir1-'1'rtrrlr':tl ttl'lrctioll' \tlt:i 1c't'ttltl'ittls; r;lr:t.l 1 l.r<' l'.t.ltt<'cl (;()iltlu':t'(1 iit'l (loI'c lll ((:(ll II) ' -:l- ORDINANCE NO. 9Series of 1987- t/ U I 357735,X, uru*..-4.hL- fl il,fl f i i^ + fi E 0l i i Ii i,^i, o 3 i l+?il., F, fi l, ^ fi E+^ ? | !, I fi "' l^'uu ffilft 'll I n:, REGARD THERETO. l,,i Z,l 2 :e PH'01 wlJEnEAs' on the basis of conrpetent evidence presented in a public hearing on the petition for annexation of the territory more particular. ly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, the Town Councjl nrade certain findings of fact and concluded that: A' The requirements of the appl icable parts of Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12- 105, C.R.S., as amended, have been met, and 8' No election for the annexation of said territory is required under Secti on 3I-IZ-I07 (Z) , and C' That no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed upon said telri tory; and WHEREAS, the Town Council now wishes to annex said territory by ordinance in accordance with Section 31-12-111, C.R.S., as amended. N0W' THEREF0RE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Tolvn of Vail.t\6l Col orado, as fol I ows: r-t 3 Sectjon 1. The territory set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference is hereby annexed to the Town of Vail, Colorado without special ternls or conditions. Section 2. A. A copy of the annexation map with the ori ginal of this annexat.i on ordinance shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail. B. The T<lwn Clerk shall File for recording two (2) certified copies of this annexation ordinance and map of the area annexed containing a legal description of such area with the county clerk and Recorder cf Eagle county, colorado. C. The County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County shall be directed to file one (1) certified copy of the annexation ordinance and rnap with the Division of Local Government of the Department of Local Affairs. Section 3. Within ninety (90) days after the effectjve date hereof, the Town of VaiJ, Colorado shall impose zoning on the annexed area in accordance with Chapter 18.6g of the Municipal Code of the fown of Vail, Colorado. J.987, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on Atttti-L , 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Ttlt Section 4. This annexation shall take effect in accordance with the Charter of the Town of Vail and the statutes of the State of Colorado. INTR0DUCED, READ AND APPROVED 0N FIRST READING THLS Ttlt day of Apn i.L , the 1Lh day of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Coloraoo. Ordered publ ished i n ful I th i s AND ORDERED PUBLI SHEIJ 1987. yor ATTEST: )I{ nston, -2- ln . r-,1 17'*;1, Exhibit A LEGAL DESCR I PT ION All of Locg 20 and 21, Sectlon l, and part of5 South, Range 8I Uest of the Slxrh prlnclpal descr lbed as a vhole as fol lo,ra: the N l/2 Sectlon 12, ell :n Tovnahlp Herldlan, Eagle County. Coloredo, cr) e.!rt Begtnnlng at an exls!tng brass cap oonumenL 'narkrng the N t/4 corner o{ aald sec-tlon l2; thence N00'01'02"v 61.12 feec. aloog trre lrest€rly ltne of Lor l. TheRtdge ac vatl accordlng to the oap thereof recorded at Receptlon Ho. 202g00, to theboundary oI Llon's.'Rrd8e subdtvrsron Frltrg r.ro. 4 occordrng to the map thereofrecorded 8( /RccePt lon llo. ?Q279L; thencc tlre fol toulng tvo coursca along tle eeat-erly and northerly Ilnes o( satd Lton's Rldge Subdtvlston FtItng llo. 1: (l) N00.01,02"!J 1107.66 feet; (2) N87'5i'42"E lltB.lg feer, !o rhe norrlreasrerly corner ofreld Lloo'8 Rld8,e Subdlvtslon Flllng llo. 4; rhence the follovlng sl.x courses alongthe exlscl.ng Tovn of vall boundary: (l) s00'04'19"!J Ill9.52 feet along rhe easrerlyItne of sald Llon's Rldge Subdlvtsion Ftltng No. 4i (Z) Sgg.I7'1.9"W lO0,OO feetalong the southerly Ilne of said Llon's Rtdge subdtvlslon Flllng No, 4, to tlrenorcheasterly corner of Lion's Rldge subdivislon FlItng No. 2 accordlng to the maprhereof recorded ac Receprion No, t2l2l9; 0) S00"01,25"!J 495.Ig feer alonS theeasterly line of sald Lion's Ridge subdivision FiIing No. 2; (4) departlng saldeasterly line and conrinuing s0o"0l'25"u 88.62 feer, t.o t.he sourherly righr-of-vavIlne of Llon's Ridge Loop; (5) c88.61 feer along said right-of-vay on the arc of al77I'95 [oot radius curve ro rhe righr, having a ccn!ral angle of 15"48'04". andhavlng a chord rhar bears S5l"l8'0{"t. 497.t2 feet; (6) S59.12'06,'rJ l24l.l0 feeraIonB sald righc-of-vay line ro the ensrerl). li.c of Lionts Ridge subdtvislonFlllng No. I according ro ttra mrp rhcreof recordcd or Receprton No, lgrlg); rhcncecontlnulng along the exlstlnB Torrn of Vatl boun<Jary and along the east€rly line o(sald Lion's Rtdge Subdivlslon Fil ing No, j N17.09,1t,'l.J 60.t I feet, ro (he norther_ly rl8ht-of-vay line of said Lion's Ridge Loop; tlrence conrinuing along rhe exlsrlngTorrr of vail boundary a.d sar<r norrhcrly rtBh(-of-uay ltrre N59'12'06"E gB0.l.tfeet. to the most casterly corner of said Llonis Rtttge Subtllvlslon Ftllng, llo, llthence th€ [ollovlng nlne courses alorrB tlre exlsttng Tovn of Vail boundary and tlreeasterly and norrlrerly lines of said Lion,s Rldg,e Subdlvlston F ing tto. l: (t)Nl9'5('08"u 339.95 feet; (2) s69"(6'10.'1{ 49.27 feeri (l) 255.16 feet along rlre arcof a I I5.00 foor rad ius curvc to rhe rlght, lr:rving c cenr.ral angle of 108;17'40",and having a chord rhar bears N56'04'ao"\r 2lB.Bi f r.-cr; (a) ss4'55't6"u 621.05 [eet;(5) s50'05'00"\J 110.00 feer; (6) s68.l5,oo,,lJ 990.00 feett (7) s74.45,00"t., 4l0.oofeet; (8) 566't5'OO"u 512.96 feec; (9) lJ,l6 feet alonB rhe arc of a Il0.0O footradlus curve ro the right. havlng n cenrral angle of 05"51'11", and having a chordrhar bears sl0'01'49"1J Il,l5 fcet, !o rhc vesrurty linc uf soi<t Llon's Rtdge Sub_dlvlslon Flling No' 2 also being rhe vr:srerly line of sold sac(ton l2; thence N0l'l5'59"E 1524.16 feet along said vcstcrly lincs, to the northvesIerly corner of saidSection l2; thence N88'19'11"E 247),92 fcer al()ng tlre northerly Iine of scid Lion'sRldge Subdivision Filing No. 2 also being tlre norIherly line oi said Secrion 12. roth€ northvesierly corner of said Lot l, Tlre Rirlge lt VJil; tlrcnce continulng ;llongthe northerly Itne of said Section l2 and thc northcrly tlnc of srid Lot l, li88"t9'1l"E 280.00 feer, to rhe point of bcginning. .-! PROOF $ArE OF COToRADO l !s. COUNIY OF EAGLE ) OF ruBLICAI|oN ALLEN KNOX do solemnlv $r'eor lhof I om fl,. Pub l lshe r - of IHE vnrl TnAlL rhor rhs some is o weekly newsDoDer F rlnlod, In whole or In pod ond publlshod In the Counly of Eqole, Slolo of Colarcllo,orrd hos o go|lotol ckculollon lllorehr; ltrol sold nowsiroFroi hos boorr publlshod conllnuouslt ond unlnlerruplodly In soid County ot Eoole lor o neriodol nrcre lhor]tillv two conlocullve woeks nAxl F lor lo tt\o lkst f$btlaollon ol tlro r'hnered lco.tlnollcc o. (|dvorlisorno^I. llrol soid nowsDopor hos been odrrilied lo lhe tJoilcdSloles mollsos secofid closs rnoller urlder lhe trovlslonsot lhe ncl ot Motch 3, 1879,or ony omendmenls lhergol, ond lllol sold n€'wspoper ls o weekty newspopef dulyquollfled for publislrhg lcgolnollces ord qdvedlsemenlr wllhln the rn€'ontng of lhelows of lhe Slole ol Colorodo. Ihol lhe onnexed legol noilco or odverlisern€nt wss publlshad In lhe regulor ond entlrs issue of sv€ry rnrmber of sold v/eekly newspop€r lor the perloO ot I consecullve Ins€rtions; ond lhot f he alrst Dubllcollon of sold nollcs wos In th6 issue of sold newspoper doted ^P Pi L to AD. 19 I 7 ond thol lhe tosl publlcollon of soid nolice wos ln lhe lsrug ot sold newspoper doiad AD i?-- ^*H.In witn€ss wttereof t hore herdlnlo s€t my trort ttrts l/D * doy ot Wq dD. 1e E7 Subscrlb€d ond s\^/orn to b€lqg me, o notory publelh o}ldj€/'the County of Eogle, stote ot colorodo. tns --!Ei:l oov or t'tA1 AD.p 87 Y" ao-61ss16n gxpkes ! ll I PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: hJ r Tt+ <A&E:IfrI1eps, t/u rT O revlrcd glrlgL DRB APPLICATION - TOTW OF \TAIL, COIPF.ADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ***ttttlttl THTS .}PPLIC}TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTEDttNrIL ALL REQUI*.o..tlnojj}JIoN Is SUBI'IITTED D. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (S200.00)Minor Alteration (920.00) Addirion (s50.00)>ACon..ptua1 Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 Block Subdivi s i on ltrtvtNio + - Lrauts Fltt6€ If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. E. ZONING:?f<rrnAKY - s@ouPFQr G. H, LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survev showinq fot area. must provide a current'?7'a6a s-c- NAJ{E OFMailing APPLICANT: Address: EA lhtttN ttl NAME OFM:i'lino Phone '7t Vq - b35' o?t+ APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE Address: Phone NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Acidress:. +tl 7+ L,pq:oN a/L. lhtplvEAPoLIS lu-tPlv EAPoLtt . lU ll,9$6oa.Fhone -il1 : bts - qs J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tirne of submittal of DRB applrcation. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. r FEE PATD: S A-'_FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,oooI 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50, 001 - s 150,000 9150,001 - S 50o,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over 91, 000, 000 FEEs 20.00$ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 s500.00 r DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPIRES ONE YE.AR AFIER FTNAI TPPRO\IAI, T'NI,ESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISST'ED }}ID CONSTRUCTION IS SIARTED. *iNO APPLICT,TION }TILL BE PROCESSED NITEOUT OI{NER'S SIGNATURE tuoSrOrrE . 93-16-1993' or/Obr --.lttF-t':!F''T; i r.lt*t, t 11r59I ""tttol nt='ELEcrRrc corlPU{r sALEs ' arvlrttl Drt |ttl,tClrl(|t. - rrOtirr (,t VirlL' Col'llDO DA?E A'PLICATTON RECETVED:DAtD Ot Dl:D IttETrtlC r raaaaaaatt lEt3 lttLtcl"rorMt & l€ttr - lt-rccf":r:Dsltii'LI ii6.iiio= r.ry.-;3;yr€n t r Ittut ttrD P.O2PACE 92)l.tlt I.PnoJEct t {r.QFlar:llt : t.DESCRTP"ION: g.tYPE OF '\EVIEW3NaH Con6i ruct lon tddlston t950.00) ADEIF|ESS: :.PGAL DESCAIPTION: SuErdlvl t lon N${E OF APPLICA}'IT:llerllng Adctr-.aa-: rs?00.001 1qc. D.Blgcx toa/ 't f t t'ropariv l6-d.3crtbtd.qy ' In..t'r ond boundr d.rcrlp!1qn, pr.rii-eiovrai on I sePrrr!' tbcct eitiir,- !o shlL .PP1tcfllon. zONrNc; PK r rrn{r T.-gJFo-rrFlQY.. ' . . r.9rltnd E. r. G. I NA}TIE OFu. i I i ne Phone APPLT g1)|"'aJSPRESENTATIVET QAcldr. c ! :9nc ,- ats- !r. NA} E OF OIdNERS: .trclt^tgRt (3) iHrl:1n9 Actdr a F ! t J. Condominlurt APPrcwaI 1l |'pplictblc' x. DRA FEEt DRE fcat, .! lhown-.bovG, ar3 to bG-Prld rt.. inc t Lme of gu6rnii,t,c.t of DRB rPpIicltlon '. - L'tGr' vhrn iiprilng -for-i'ltt,1ld1ttg ;rerrnltr p-Ierrr. ld'nl1ty tI". -iiiuler.S -i,rruirion-it irrt propbrlr_. ?h.-town of vail;itt-id3"ce i>,i-i"e rccording-.to thG !rbl' b'lot" t'o entura ino corrcct frr 16 Ptid'tr|' pAFp: | -.rEiF lc,ltEp_rJlEi VAIJUAT I ON3 0-9 l0,ooo910,o01 -e 50,0003 50, OOI - I r50' 0009150;00r - 3 500,000i5gO, O0l - gl. 00O' OO0t Oiar tI ' 0go, OO0 . Dtttor lFvl3r ttoAr.D rtttlo\rl^! tr(tlRtt oDrt tltn tt3tB ttxr'l ltrr,O^'ilt snr^rri -l- toi-Leiic errrri i- I i r lrqrp lrD Gotf lllDcrr('x t' r9EI 20.00g 50.00Sloo,00taa0 - o0ta00.o0f500.00 atllltD. ..to ltt&lcrEtox .'fi:ir.";il'r.i-:iF': r|!LL !l trocttgtD Itltr9gtt odxtrl Srgt(rTull -a;,, :.Ift '..*rI NtI.lE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:BLOCK _rL STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRoJECT: f^\^u\ tl4\Dlrrf , uroob "e-a$t cti*?EttoiJ. ?he following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING T'IATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Material.s Fascia Soffit s Windows 9lindow Trln Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other for subnittal to the Design can be given: MATERIAI COLOR a reguired approval EOF E.LANDSCAPING:Nane of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATER]ALS: PROPOSED ?REES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Prr.rrl., l4UUi?lttrutetla L#,arptf/\ %tnx-t",*n#e .bnr?e*g Jblr6 . * fndicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous |4tttt L,alz- t o*qt PA *fl6 Cott-o.Pprrrrttf @,opn ?.C. Common Name Ouantitv Slze*r{" 'or.s f,-,-l ?J $ w?A.sA- €.h?eq'? a LO+ b U I2 e.4 Uloot lglz\" t}.t-?4r1 lgu -e 1* tl't-g{l' Indi cate trees. :.'lr+"'- Ei,ry -il ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DArE: 3-S-fs LEGAL DEScRrprroN: Lot 3 Block / rifins 4 ARcHrrEcr (nLt*aaQaTft€ 6,urP PHONE ADDREss, /159 9Applfoue Pfuue , V,+tt- owNER Ew a Y t Etol* 4ffitvg< pHoNE 7rq - 6tt- Ortf ,o, ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE 37 66o fr. 627- #t Existinq Proposed Total I92.5 ' nryt c **LOT SIZE Allowed (30) (33)Height ToIAI GRFA Prirnary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Pa,e r Water Course Setback SiLe Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaIl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: *zt | , tr' n ' -t.min' n I m,n, + 425 +4?5= 20, 15't5' (30) (s0) ?, lcl Regrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) Pernitted Slope 88 Actual Slope Yes No Date approved by fown Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : '>22 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockf al,fc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this requesL involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with Lhis reguest? **Note: Under Sections I8.I2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Prinary/Secondary wbich are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Corrununity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code includingperRanently restricting the unit as a long-tern rental unit for full.-time employees of the Upper Eagle VaIIey, 1n ..o3-16-199312roo61?C3go5eELECrRICCOf',1POhENTSALEsU P.O4 FITE\VAR'I' TtTLI,: ouara rtl oorrar? .!icltsDULli A OITDF;h Nlltrllll:lll : lf 9tlU!l4n g 1.. f.:Fr'F,ICTIVFI D'\?I,: r .gept,ornbrrr I1., 1989 srt Bt00 n.i4. l. l)ol.l'cv on Fot,lelD$ To En f$SoRD! AM()UNT or .tNltortAt{nn n. AlifA OWNERTS POLfCV $ 77,000,0UI,rlot)0griD J Nsutrt:Dr t)ItNNIs trt. c^t('fN!_.lt NNO DIIANNA M. CIARfNNTI il, nJ,l.A r,oAN lrol.L(:y sPnoposl!o 1.ri,$unltD e. AI,,r'A LOAN pOl:lCY $r,R(.'ttros r.l rJ I N$ ult llD :t. ftltl ugtATll ol{ lN't'nnE$T I}t Tlllj tAND Dn$cRll[t]D Oll [(ot'f.:litt$l),I(] JN'l'tll"9 l:ot4iaJ.1fMl,:N'r' ANI) COVST{UD IlSl(ltIN l.$ t!'FtI.l Sl.Mplt{ ANr) 't'r,(,La .fHtlrlfrr) J.si A,f fU|I tll;'Ft)(:tMrj DATII IlUnAOl.' v!!t'f0D lN: JIAN L. ]t/\lllt)t {. Ttl}.i ),ANl) t{litPrttRlJl),t(t IN'fttIs crjmn'l?'MliNt IS Dlt$C{rl|lljD A$ fr)r.!',r)Wfjl LOT J u&oc}( ILfUNr.ri RJO$I; r:Ufil),fvTsl(,N j t'lLlNr, Nt). 4Accordrnq to ttrrc r'r.cordod plnt therrlof rircortled Arr,;3ust | , .lgu0rft llouk lt0tj ;rt, t)rr'ln 4ll an l,tFr-:r'r|t j.t)n Nc,, :10?794 . COUN'J'Y Of:' SACt.li;rfl'A(n ()[' (:ot.()t{AL,o nl ,t'oR Qurjst't0Ns RIIcAnDING t'llI'$ (:()MltI,t,t-l:;N,I,Pr..riAtil:j (jAr,l)'itlir)v'/,3/6 MAI'Atl,isu A,0 30.J-949- r01l . PlifrlMl Uti ! tjllOHl' 1,F,:l([ttrWNllll$: J.l..,t.ttO li'AX Cl rlii'( . .1, tr . U t, sttlth,n t.'l' 'f t'ILl{ , ,: Of;' l.:A(ir,C (:I)UNTYr INC. _- .'.:r.,'i/;-!,r'-.;.,..,t,,',:l'.O. IJOX l !{U Au,l'ltrltt r"t:,fi-l''':"/''i ';' 1'"' VAIti. C(). trl bill r.ot)fJ,J'lrlln-t0NA,lltriili:(30J) {)4rt-I(i1 | '03-15-1993 11:Sg lrccdd rt urrQ. "o=.oGhl - M. -.--- ELEcrRrc .onf.,r ro,-.,P.03 lldartrErlrccPtrc,n lto WARIIAN'I'Y THI$ DEF,D, Uoo rt'" l6th 19 !9,5rrg,rrn JDAN L' HABER of th. Colrrrdo, llonlor, rDd rhoE lal.l dd'trr it . Countt, of rnd slrt(.!l DENNIS W. GARTNIXR AND DEANNA M. GARTNER Ltru:ro 20620 Linlpood Excelalor HN 55331 C(Nntt tll DB}:I) drY lf AP Octobrr "t t"t*rrn*rrrH. Thrt th. trlnt(r fut snd In sonu(l{r$tr'rrt rtl lhu tutn ol Ten DgIlarg and any othg! gooi'-lni'-vaiuiura consideration--------- -oolr'^Rs' thcrrcoiptrnrtruf|ic'!ncyo|9/hichi|hrtb'iN!0t)$|td'tJ'tt.rr1]itlt[r|.htrt9.rtnld'{,ldr||d!9nv('}td.|nby|||($Fr$i :;;;;";;;;.',ru,t."3,nnn.'t,i,tEI1\IndUrrilt|\|l'd\rr'U|||h{'sJlD||||rcltl|(,|t||Ntg|t|||||||'R||!llD|!. ot th3 l,OT.'! BLOCK I Cuurrty ,rl Eagle rrxl Srllt( ul Coltrrldu SlrnLa yd l(0lr ol (irllr;drr dsrcrrhr'l rr lullrrtrr, .TIONIS RIDGE. SUEDIVISION IIT,ING NO. { Accordlng to the secorded PIat theEcof recorded Auguot l' 1980 ln Book 305 at Pagc {1'l ae Reception No' 207794' COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COI,ORADO u Lnornn by rl|lal rrd nilrnbct ls: TOCETHET with rll rn{t ttn}uilr ihc |||.rrdrrlniJlth unJ rlltrlt0irnccr llBrrtil b'l()ntrns (* ln rnyvl$ lpxrlrintnl. d lht BYCni0n ud Gwlri(nt''!n[ind(,r|[di{'n|lnu('t'.Enl\i|t|[rrtrnr|1rottr' ttrnlot Gilh|:r in lu$ of squllt gl in unJ l(r lla 0trrwr hrtgtrrrrr'd lrstlll''t'\' ulllr tll' lrctcrlrtutr|{ttlt lttrj |PDUll(nen( t\ l.0H^vE^t0I0l'()LDthtrirld1tcttttrsrltt.rrr.|ull'ittttr.Jlrtrlt.lsll|tJ' |orcrtt,Andthc1runtl*,|('h,nrrtI,h||h3!rt,r'x||xtrrlnl|ts|rt!\f,||||V(i,&{i'lt' u'|lh.thi||Jt|htitltd0'lh(Gnrr|lltt!|nrld+ltvet1rrtt|r.lv1|l!'ru||tr.hT|rrt|lv!i,td1'||l|r|'r||||tcrr |kllndffcrrth|g.|t||(o[|nht4|.Brt.i[|urr.itllurrttt.p|l'ln.,hl|.||{'|y||l, inmunx.rrndfurntr1||Brt|d,|nd|h{tt||ctd||(irl|||r'(.J|rJ.'.|c.rl|trtrltt|||{)r,l'(t!| lncumbnncdr i|]Kl rcrtlrctrunr of $h]rrcv€? lrnrl tr nuturc \r{'r'!r. radrltl eagementE t fegtrlctionE t toeervrtlOn! and rights of way, ell of record, ancl taxes of the ycrr 1989 not yet a lien duc and Paytble. Thr S'rnror rho rnd trittw RRANI AND FtJRIlVt n l)Ll llNO ttls uhwr'lti'' dulrrtd prcnr|\,rr in th< r,1! it'l d F{3sbla Frr*rtitn of t}r 3rrnul' hirhcirrrndrrri8nr'!f.in[|.l|Mcctt'y[El\(|n0r[stJ{||t|hbru||'c].lirrrinsl|wulr lha ph?rt tic ringrtlar. ond lha ura ot lry $c|l1,(t rlrrll lr 'rppllc'rl'lr lc all 6'ndurr' lN fA'ftNESS llflEnEOF, thc !rrnltt hrn cigrrrl!d tlttt dlt'l on lhs drts \fl trrtth r|r^c JIAN L. HABER sr le ot cotpRADo County oI b{|$rint inrlrunant rr rlnowlcrlxurl kt(tl! tr. t[i^Itly vt . Witrrcrr nrl h.rr[l rlrl ulliriul rcrlMt comrnit.iotr crtitt. tU ln Drnwt, iorcn 'Clty rnd - ;Td,n;?,\ ila, uf^. ilv, ?'f{. walllrTv D}'FD ttrr ltdLfll't'b L'rrll 6 J!JQ A$N)\ a\\ J s F trl(9o tt! r{'- s6ffi ==H t!IFH trJ o- t ozfc) cct -J =u_Nc) ozz 2= O co trl(9o z'*l o"\f .^v\ ou ^lJt e .. 9o' 8X9a -Eco3 utF I EoE eg 22o-rfll- o tl,zI o; dJd ."it Z .'\ruJ a8d 3, (9 o *1 ;s\ -'t''' .au.,J Profect App-[Q$lgn .r,' . ,l l,t ) Proj€ct Name: Poect Description: Conlact Person and Phon€ Owner, Addr€ss and Phone: a ption: Lot ) , Btock r i llr:- FilinsN,zone- 1,i -r-ILegal D€scri Comments: Design Review Board Date r(\.nr V, Town Planner ,J.*,." f/lr* L, 'N\Quu!-u\ - [v'Qt1rr,' IP VntF{-{ ili. i 1,tt, r ti:i o"," \\ /)\ lirt '-) o 75 routh |tonlage rord vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlcc of communltY devsloPmcnl 0ctober 8, 1984 Bill I Pi'erce. F. 0. Box 57 VaiJ , Co'lorado' 81658 RE: Lot 3, Bl k I , Li.ons Ridge Fi 1 i ng 4 Fri th Resi.dence Dear Bi)ll ' 0n I'lovenbef 7, 1984, the Desj.gn Reyi.ew Board gave prel imrnary approval to the Frj'th Resi.dence. The following comments were maoe: l. More detail is needed on the capport and garage facades, 2. Garaqe doors on the carports would- improve the upp"iiun." of the site_itorage would be concealed. 3. A landscaping pocket in between the two garages would improve the appearance of the driveway area ' 4., Investigate pitch of the roof and gravel ' Is th'i s type of"roof treatrnent going to create a problem? 5. The one garage window could be m'irrored on the other garage. 6.Colore]evationscou]dbehe]pfu]butarenotrequired. 7 . An Employee Housing Agreement must be signed by the time i birilding permit is released' o 8. Engineeri ng Concerns: A. Show % grade of drivewaY. B. Provide soils and foundation report by the tjme of building Permit. C. Provide information on numbers ll, 12, 13, 14, 16, It, 18, 19, 20, 22 in the Title Report. D. Walls in R.0' l"J should be shortened, especially on the east side of the site, a Revocable Right of l,Jay Agreement will a'l so be needed. Please call me if you have any questions. I will plan on you for the llovember 21, 1984, meeting. Si ncerel y, .t (i'51- {rth Kristan Pri tz Town Planner KP/ rme o.f '=€ l' Proloct Name: Proiecl Oescription: Profecl Appllcatlon Contect PeBon and Phon6 Ovvner. Addr6s and Phon€: Archlt€cl, Addr$s and Phone:'/E,/?(€ ";a, sq S- rlL faza, f/6f? 'Q1- l?/r\ L€gal Description ,tor 3 Btocr ,/ , riting 4 ,zone Comments: Design Review Board ".," l\lllKul! trll , ^-rMotlon by: t\{' \l ll I Seconded by: tt\rnn,nr*',APPROVAL li r,,l\\/l /'1,lLr! tuY'r l L DISAPPFOVAL E statt Approval o DATE: TO; FROM: REVISED DRB PROCEDURES AND INSTRUCTIONS January, 'l 984 Architects working in the Town of Vail Department of Community Development, Town of Vajl The Design Review Board meets the lst, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdaysof each month at 2:00P. M.. Below are the dates of themeetings and:the deadline dates for submitting applications forthose meetings. Materials must be submitted rro Iater than 4:00PM on the deadline date. Read the submittal SUBMITTALS WILL BEyou have any quest ons, p lease caat 476-7000. MEETINGS January 4, l9B4 January 18, .1984 February l , l9B4 February 15,.|984 requirements with utmost care. N0 ACCEPTED UNLESS THEY ARE COMPLETE: If om Braun or Xri'stan Pritz DEADLI NES December 16th ,.l 98,3January 2nd,.|984 January 16th ,1984January 31st,.l984 l'!a h Ma, 1'1 4 ilt'tf r Il "it l'1ry i'lay May June June July July August August Augus t Sept. Sept. 0ct. 9.t: Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 7 ,.| 984 28,1994 4,.l984 1B,1984 2,1984 16,1984 30,1984 6,1984 20,1984 5,1984 18 ,.| 984 '1 ,1 984 15 ,1 984 29 ,1 984 5,.l984 19 ,1 984 3 ,'l 984 17 ,1 984 7,1984 21 ,1 984 5 ,'1984 19,1984 February March March Apri 1 Apri'l Apri I May May June June July Jul y July August Augu s t Sept. Sept.0.!. 0ct. Nov. Nov. Dec. 20th ,.|984 13th ,'1984 19th ,1984 2nd,.l984 13th ,1984 30th ,.l984 14th ,I 984 21st,.l984 4th ,I984 19th ,1984 2nd,1984 16th,1984 30th ,1984 13th ,1984 20th ,I 984 4th ,I 984 18th ,.|984 .lsl,le81 23rd ,I 984 6th ,I 984 19th,1984 4th ,I 984 o DATE:APPLICATION DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l.lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is stronqly suqqested todetermine if any additional information is needed. No application wiii Oe acceptedunless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning aOminiitrator).It is the applicant's responsibil'i ty to make an appointm6nt with th6 statt to findout about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MpLETE applica-tion will streamlt'ne the_approval process for your project by decreasing thb'numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stiirulatb. -Rtt conditions oi ipprovai mustbe resolved before a bujlding permit is jssued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Descri pt'i on Lot Zoning C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Bl ock Filing AOdress - ,' 'teiephone:' D. NAME OF APPL]CANT'S REPRESENTAT]VE: Addres s F NAME OF OI,JNERS: Si gnature, Addres s tel ephone try''t'tt (azz,.will be paid F/4,2/'at the time a building FEE telephone /IEI& permi t 'i s reques ted . stake the site be removedvisits the $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 Design Review Board at their scheduled postponement will be requjred to be , Brl ZatF. DRB FEE: The fee VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -g 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appricant mustto indicate property lines and building corneis. rrbbs that willsnould als0 be marked. This work must be completed before the DRBsi te. ?. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve tvro separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for thejr approvai. 3. People who fail to appear before themeeting and who have not asked for a republ i shed. o 4. The fol lowing items no longer have to be.presented to the Design Review Board.They' however' have to be presented to the Zoning Administratoi for approval: a. Windows, sky'lights and s'imilar exterior changes that do not alter theexisting plane of the bui'lding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space,which have had letters submitted from adioining property owneis approvingthe addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a'condominiumassociation. 5. You may-be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. you shou'l dcheck with a Town Pl anner before proceeding. o MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEhI CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1 . Li censed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour interva'l s of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres ormore, 'in wh'i ch case, 5r contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or moreone foot above grade. 4, Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large bouiders, i ntermi ttent streans , etc . ) . Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the following; a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type ofculvertsn swales, etc. "b. Exact locations of alI ut'i lities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cable TV Te1 ephone Property lines q 6. 7. o s ewer wa Ier gas el ectri c showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing Pro ys with percent slope and spot elevations A1 I existing and proposed improvements i'nc'l uding structures, 'l andscaped areas,service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, ioadingareas' retaining walls (wjth spot elevations), and other site improvements. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with exjsting grade shown underneath) todetermine height of bujldjng. B. A statement frorn each utility verifying location of service and availabiiity. Tobe submitted with site plan, C. Preliminary t'i t'le report to accompany a1l submittals, to jnsure property ownership''".and all easements on property. . D. Landscape Plan (!" = 20, or larger) - 2 copies 1' Show the location of 4" diameter or;iargerltrees,. othdr'ghiulis,aRd-iiati17e plants thaare on the site and the location and design of pioposed iandscape area:s wi'th-the variet'ies and approximate sizes of plant materjals to be planted. Ir ?. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site pl an, so thatthe inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should beseparate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separateTlp: Il9 appticant must stake the site to show lot lines and bui'lding torners. Treesthat will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should-be completedbefore the ORB site visit. 10. Al I eas\@y/ /*/*^*? *r/ Existing and fin'i shed grades. E. Architectural Plans (1/p= 1'or larger) 2 copies 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion.' Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shal'l be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Community Develop-ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Revjew Board meeting. F. The Zon'i ng Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additjonal p1ans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materjal (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with des'i gn guidefines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERiOR OF BUILDiNGS Photos or sketches that clearly'i ndicate what'i s proposed and the locat'ion (sjte plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide a1l important specificatjons for the proposed includ'i ng colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Or'ig i na1 fl oor pl ans wj th al 1 speci fi cati ons shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan show'i ng existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materjals and color Department of Community Development samples on materials list available at the request of the Design Review Admjnjstrator you may also be requ'ired to submjt: Statement from each utility verify'i ng location of service and avajlab'i1ity. See attached utjljty locatjon verificatjon form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary tit'l e report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a bujlding permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the followingwill be requ'i red before any building receives a framing inspect'ion from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Build'ing locations with tjes to property corners, i.e. djstances and angles. B. Bui'lding dimensjons to nearest tenth of foot. C. Al'l utjlity service lines as-builts showing size of 1ines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 cop'ies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge e1 evations. At ut. o information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Des'i gn Reviewa final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR o -J--- LIST MATER IALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEG/IL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The fol 1ow'ing Board before A. BUILDING Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials ) ::' r ,: Fascia Soffi ts Wi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F lash i ngs Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhou ses 0ther i/" tl ' ,, z',i,1 B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Desiqner: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name ,' 'i :i/ S'i ze* 7l(- " ,4(-------->:--- I r ,lt- t/ 4U zlta_ -'l' . tt 7fltL-.' z 3 ,& ll- t, Common Name Quanity PROPOSED rwes Laasa-elsite trUw@ru 7 lhCzro -t+$IIN--r8€Err0 f?L/-r aW- rt rt 2-4---Z a E---9rMn rrE-ft - - t/PE'\L"vYLr'' M h/rruttoIEnn urz.EyJ--2- tl *Indicate caliper for deciducjous trees. Indicate height for conifers. o PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name lcnn't) Ilt'SHRUBS {IotrelVF ),-|rar,:'r1 Common Name Size It4.r0-,ul Quanj ty @-A-L*- t^4...__EAruL WUr"oat wq 4 4--?7 u Type SOD laetMcArorrrrw,) TXISTiNG ,SHftUTTT0 BE REM0ViD GROUND COVERS Square Footage SEED TYPE OF I RR I GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. ZONE CHECK.FOR,. sFR, R, R P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DtrSdRIPTiONr [6E-Block /FilinsLpuoerz-z 1t^-ADDRESS I Ol,lNER ARCHITE Phone ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Al l owed (30) (33) Prooosed ne He'ight Tota'l GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l.Jater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni.ng Wal'l Parki ng Credits: Garage 20' 15', 15' (30)(s0) Heights Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat '4. Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Corments: (3oo)(600) (eoo) (1200) (50)(100) (25)(s0) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Slope lletl ands Geologic Hazards Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION - whether theyverified by be nain trunk lines or proposedthe following utilities foi the Date ?:1<:tY * For new consl please fill out attached sheet. nffiry NOTE: 'Itrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Torrnr of Vai,l. A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit rrust be obtained separately. Ttris foro is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. IsuBDrvriloN LD/ /.1.>zrrae , 4bv-. F)roB NM rF_ /l-/-! Kh|DEL.CE Lol_g__BrocrJ: _pruwe /-/O,MtELDaE 4L ADDRESS The location of utiJ.ities,lines, nust be approved and accon4ranying site plan. Mountain Bell l -634-3778 }Jestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of GUARANTEE COMPANY lrl Land Titlc Gurranler Company ( s37 (30 P. 0. Box 357 Vail, Colo, 8i657 LANDTITLE Representing: TfM Form 2582 2/7A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT-1970 Rev. a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor;all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien. encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wrse acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. I-iability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements lrereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies com- mitted for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subiect to the Drovisions of this Commitment. In addition to the matters contained in the Condrtions and Stipulations and E,xclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: 4. Rights or claints of parties in posscssion not sllown by the public records. Easements. or claims of easenrents. nol shown by tlie public records. Discrepancies. conflicts in boundary lines, shortagc in arca, cncroacl)nlcnts, rnd any lacts rvhich a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by thc public rccords. Any lien. or right to a lien. for serviccs, labor or matcrial thcrctoforc or hereaflcr furnrshcd. imposed by law and not shown by' thc public rccords. 5. Defects. liens. cncunrbranccs, adverse claims or olher r)rattcrs. if any. creatcd. first appcaring in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to thc datc the proposcd insured acquires of rccord for value the estale or intcrest or nrortgage thereon covered by this Comrnitrncnt. L 2. 3. IN WITNt,SS affixed by its duly or other autho rized WHEREOF', Title lnsurance Conrpany of Minncsota has caused i1s corporatc narlc and seal to be hereunto authorized officcrs on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid whcn ctruntcrsigned by a validating oi'ficer signatory. *."y-* /{-"-:- Sccrctary o r:] j... "i r::1 t..: t.-j lJl !\,r .1, I l'1 l:. I',.i '1" '.:;!:; l lj:.ii:il.il.. l:.: r:i ,:if* F:.1 :i. i ; l ;j ,;,y1 j'11, , \.r'J1)lj.r1.i.:i.:/ iir: ,.., f. i. i..! .l: ,:t! 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Fiti ti,: j::r:j!] .- i l:ri:rlril:: Jr:,1.: .,! " 'I.:iHfr:il|::|F:1"|ti'.l|::i.II,tii-I.{:I,i|.'']|l1'.]i:-.P|I::|i|;]j'].: L i;,:;::r ,, I f..l llr."!|:-ri,i :.::'}:::.. li'l f:'r'{'.ii: "}.l Ii " t"l r rl: r:r l:;i l-i F: il I"!AF:i,i.J l. ,?,, L ':l*E J li iji:,Llli. ::r*q:t " -r i:::'ii:ir-i ...,:;.:ii " {i t.,i+ i:: I,l i"l I'i I, -i r.l :::;i".-iti::.il!..1i..r IJ-::,:: { ll:.'t,: r: r- t :i ,:, r, q ; [i lii -i {1r.:' 1', f i,1; ;1 f i. q,11 {..i,i " I,J 1-i '..i {..)"ji i..i:j:r'r" ! t-i *. i-r t': oo'..t' c 0 D Sor*Mlr--f \..{f4 t}((d ffil 4 ftrnA 6+\ Qpl,h^M. 6t{\ - 16 l r { 3s+z: { o,.uprufi"cdr &.tr l$1 r{ m r-{ l,+s{ t,-mT+ffi-tr( l.f, Itrla for SFR, R, R P/S /O:IE D]STRJCIS (30)(33) 5s|l . Hei ght Total GRFA rJJ Primary GRFA Ma/w Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front )t ces Rea r rJater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng ra rl( I ng l'lechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Stora ge Drive: Slope per;;iitted Envi ronment.ai/Ha za rds : ,s/ 3_lll3-,6v,/" 35)?,.f AL N,4 , 6+"0 533J.rf. t-h )\'- -/ (Lo) Credits: ft'ry.^',1 ,S Ju.l,o1r.Garage I Q0) 15, 15' (30) ( s0) </\Itr I (30o) (6oo) (eoo) (tzoo) ( so) (100) (2s) (s0) ( 2oo) (400) t"/a s)ope Actual Ava'l a nche F'l ood Plain Slope i ^o rlyl Y i l;/,'i Et f -t' -:---/Jf,t.l. Co;;:nts: Zoni ng: Approved/Di s:pproved Da te: o PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: C0I'['IENTS NEEDED By: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC t.lORKS A /Va cNAc.; /,., {,ortt t'v4c.c ( Oe'r 4 eEvo''+68 FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTT',IENT INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI El.l DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Reviewed Ay Brl pa Comments: @ ? P,+*rr^," /)t ((t\^,er, tt(r ir'1:,t/."a: .,i. 9n.lur 2 6z/7 P€- o,J 2Et'tc 12lfi'1 Sof(B lonol , { {q'2actAr'tc"5 C'- ' td'' t.t }(€lf /l&:a tt+/lo - or-t Clac.c'D />=>-' 9 /^t 7,171€ K€W7 Date '04 €.<-t, srl6tler.t €n{, ,^t. Pet.'rrv. 64 c"t6('? /r\ (9 @ Reviewed by: Comments: Date Reviewed by: Comments: Date (ttDl (lt Dr.a ol ttrr of litf. turclDnAfx)fil A(rlllllltlt .Il lcLr| l,d.rn rbn ----l0$--. __ a.t o( -JltlA - --' l'll- ' i-ill|tft'|tf,sAVtN(;[.rtlIl'r,|N(.4lrDtt)AN^ss(x.|AT|orr..l'.|i'l.d.l(l''f.'t,'|||lih.r('n|fi.'r.{t'lJtc||. t{rtt_Inle rrtrte Aank o'*l&nvei. !t.4. - ,--, ift -l'c'i "llt|!l!3rrl!/ul- rnJ- Jefrrev [' s'rhy ldatta t. tr .l.rn(|rtt.'. ' I tl||lllAl. hr.r.t rr lha rto-l ol ?(.i rroP'rll h'rirhatl'r r""]'J (rr 'r ' \t'hlc't Prolxrtr ' ttt ttrt',T..:, lllllAl, hror.t rr lha rto-l ol ?(.r rr,'|P.rll h'rirharl'r r'r"r'r (rr 'r rrrrrc't 'ii &r|n ca -.-_Ellll.c-.* ' -. '.-- ('i rrl" nrd' iP'L r'rll! "'iirrht'lrr Lta I throurh 6 ltlock 1 r. rl l.('tx I throuslr tr ltlt'ck l. LIOqTS RIttCE SL1SDMSlfr\, Fl llnq N{,. 4, accor{lnl t.) the rc(ordr'(l ,,lrt thr.raof. Countv of Elllr', Statr'(,f (:('lorldo. a77o3 s.3&2-a 7)L' ,ri.lrt.t''r ?i'llltl u.r l,l I rl lta'8i * ftg^f. |.,r.,'r.r (rr.urr,l r lrrr,j ' r trurr rn(urnl 'nr|l th. Sub,.(r Pr('F.tl\ rhc lr..!,'l lruir...cutd.r'lon- I---tr!EStLJ- . rej1--.,n B."'r --i-r::.--- rr Prrt-- -A-L----,,t thc rccurdr of rhr €lrl 1rd.:.L.!a.r ot .|.- -- (i'unr! o(-----hllllll- , colorr&, rrr lo tL lrllt ;]1tn-o'fi.-_"----(.ounrrot-_--!rrI,Ir:'---.co.o..do.|o..l.|rof,:_!lt|I_b,ftr rf!_ - -_, to r.!n rhc FF..t Jtl. id.tclec|. h.nr,'n?J rl!.r.rn.. (,,Fr ',f rhrch Dccdof lrur!rrrrre<hrJhcrd,'rndrnrorpr-rtrdh.r.rnhvthl.tlit.ctar ::iith "-J-- rnrr ' tlltllAt, ]"tot.t trrh.tt.Jbortor rnd Lmprttvti.rto lend to !'rr,,w(r !h.run,,'l t - 767' 1"0'o0 . fI|| by I Draa ol Tru.r on lh. Subrc.r Propcnr (urdD..dof Tru{ rhrll bcr frrr ll.n,,f r.ci,rJ,,nthrSub}.<tfroFrt,ard ', llllltAl. rl n ro lh. mut!.l h.n lrt {'l tl' d Tff rd rh. l*n (r..r.d rh.r.l't rorh.Dcilnf Trurr ol E|hFr... crrp) ('tfhlll' D..d tlrur r t|c||.d hrrrrc rnd l i.lryrrf |rol bt thr,..f.t.n(. rt lrhibrr ''----!- lol, tltlltfotD, o conatdal|rxrn ol tha rnrtral bahcfrta a(.rutnl ru rh. l.rrrr h.r.r' .nd oth.r lrDd rnd v.luabla alnadat' dr. aL fcaft aid t|ltfl(|.rry of rht(h arr harcby a(lnovladl.d, rnd rn ordrr rr Indu(. lmprr. r. nrrlr thc lorn kr loatoltt, It||,-.- !'{'"t t.'..-.-r- --,.nJ D(,rnr*.t qftcc rr ioll.*r (ll llr ll.rl ,,ltrur (,rr ih. b.n.trr o( E|r|tr.. r.rd rnt r.n wrlr rh.r.'l rlr.ll lnrondrronrllt l'..nd rcrnrn thiat r ltn or shart. $n tha llbiact ?ropaaty, pr||)r .nd alpnror ro rh. l|.n ur chtrt. ol rha tta.d of Trvx to. thc b.aafr! ot lr tl lrr{rr ol-------i1a1g-14 srL"^ r||||fblddLbr ^...r.|t.{l) llr ltlqdirtnn Ajt..ttrrn A.ll ba r}r rhok rnd only g..n.nr rrrh r.t rd ro lh. rrbordrn.r$n ot ih. ltrr of th. l-l d trre fc thc hrfn ol -----Ilrrt-Lorrt trt. -ro rlr lrn ot th. D.d ol Trunh tL Lraah of tnft!, .na rhr larra|na ||dl fFtda .ri cracl, bur only In5t.r.. rould .l!..r rh. F|orrry xlrt r tlr. La a, cf lcrrufdon rgcci|tcdly &rrtrd, oy t to? .ararrranr .r ro .uch q)rr..Inrt|on In.tlctil bs iot |r'.lta ro, tbc ;rrl&r. I re', colLit a ro th h o{ Trrr la th. b.rll of -f.U$- I '. } rlJ.!.ri ! .aLl ''ovt& for dr alo{ai..r|on ol ih. li.i thr.oa ro rmat r lr.rd ol T,||x o. to rnorhn nonl{. (a, fir &bo.air bo A.'t i..t adl ,.n r ur tdl toft. md.fftcr rud rcrrrrrlrrrd bt llrrrrrllnrrar or r! 2ap!ls b rrli{ o. rml 'rir ?.Lr ot rro.d ot th. DoC oa trtr lo. ltr. b.rflr cf Inprr. ..G aril lliltal 273893TJJTz-s -sat JoltrElrt frfl!ll?3frart c?Y. f,tc0lttF ru 3l ll rt lfl'ltl g.rtr. hrrato thrt f,tnp|.. mrl. 'hc lora dcrrrrl,r,l rbov. lo !.tltola. ||w htt lo .rnorcr, md - w li|| to r.b{drt Bt r|r |tF!r ct lh. t ar|| rh.t c.|trl fdPr.'l lo.t rf, iiirrliirr d llh trr r rrr fr *t:lr or BEST I},IAGE-, POSSIBLE (ll tbir llcr{inp, *J,*t tpo' tFh rrrt r'i.i.l -rFt|' t'!d rtr'F 'n' f(.r-n r|id aalm. tr rrt rnt.rrtrta -d?clutr, {rnr "' rftFrL{'r lh't rr) rr.onrr,|. (r,.nd rppro-* (r).1 prorroonr .,( ih. Nor. .rd D..a o, trer tr rha b..rl|l of !tnPt'' 'i' t ll ) dl itt? Ffll iic|trdii, Dur iot lrnrt.d * ."'. it- J'-t"* r1'G!!n'nl'! rttt*n r"tt"ttt t ttt" tot tht dhbt'i'nr ot tt' trt (r.Ot o( l|'D|..'r b.n. (b) thtttc In hrtrrl dllbuith'nl' turs"nt to lnt r|ch {t"tr'nt t. undt' no obllr' 'n d dslt lo' tE'r hri_lhPt' ttF ' tnrad ihrl n *rlt l.( to lh. rlPlr(rllon "{ r'(h Procccdr by thr Ft'n or Frtnl lo rhon iTrprr 'l[bur'' tu(h tro"'dl' 'id rny applratK,n ,,r ul..rl |u.h pro...<lr l{'r 'ht pu'p'tt oth'r lhrn thor grot'acd 'n tu(h "r'.n'nl r,' 4r"|n'ntl A'll not d'f"ttn rlrok,rr 'n F.lr rh. tllhtdln.ti F \'r''h hrd' ('i, r'i .t,r,n!t".nr hrr l'..h fl'L"d uf"n th' Nor' |.r'rr'd bl thrr'nrrtumf. '.- $lr dnti'lt" rh' ['n('r 'r''rtr ]r rh' ll''i f,{,R Ro$ I N \v rhc lX.Ll ,,1 lrutr t"r !r\ l'(n'lrr rlrrt u!l lXtJ 'rt Tt!tt hrr r 1,1,i li,r 'h. h.n<lrl i,r tnP r' rr rl i\llls ilr ir.l{if )r' l)tl\\'ltf. \.4' ---a-t--'-1:l' * - - - 7r. tl- Tllt tMPlL| 'A\ lfi('s ltt lr l)1\( "\l) | i'A\ ASS{X:lAIl(r\ r(,'liirrtl,r rl,(.rr'rl b' "/ ----,l{*t ll. lll{ rrl 1.". \'i.' r'1t5!L'nt |L.k-- Sa( ratorv lh. l,,rcr,,'nr In|lrxfl rnt J'r. r|')f,'''|t''t l"t"r' nr' rhr! -lil-lt-- - drt 't trr llf I'r,'t r{ li, lr'' M) {ontnr'rr',,n.tIr'* {L iLl; rrSl Addrr.r lh ,4 ( rl r,'r rr: r 'lr . I nvr Wrrn6! ntl h.nd rnrl "!lt(111"'l - ''-'+ . I r _84_, c0 ilr) 10? N,'rrrr Publrt. r , |rlAl') i., j \ ' ti. ly lndrum.ni rfr r.rn(,*r.df.d rrri,r. n\e $tt -;alL- d..t ot - lil:r;'i'i'ii;i fl|rrr * nr*rr m1 hrnd rn,l "ff tcrrl rri (ttAl.) T|r b,roitu fnr?unf.nf r.r ..lnorl.Jr, ' ^, .sn-.7)-&-ary ol -il)W 5#;.-t +:-=-- l'.-t . L ^-:g) - lt/- lrd rncrcd bY ' l/ * - I' L 'r tor tlx Itnpra $vllta l! d"t".nd l.orn A3'llrtlr r Color'do Crtot't x',n Xy ao|nmlon (rP{.r ' ',.Mt /(.5 r '..'-1,L.. t|t|t! nY hari .id cfr|.l .d Ql i.) 'l,.tv | ('r, A,. tq BEST I\fA(lE POSSIBLE BEST INlAGE POSSIBLE BEST INIAGE POSSIBLE *1,o for D..d23, l9t3 I to Subordlnrt lon Atr"mn of Trur! rocordcd D.crmhe r tn Eook 175 dt P!l'o 415 t, . Clrl..a l..t.at DEED OT TRUST 21626-7 Jrn|J|r?ll Cornrt, Coloria. i||ttr1r- | r..& Lrtn .a.r.r'. lata(..lrtr...|' DF l ta . r'ria li 4... It '.|. Ldt., ) -., -.. iU ,Ut, ftr|.t, .futt' 'tor' tbntt's ' colorrdo 80202 i#ti .',.. .."".. ..,",. .-,-..1?!*'i"'' c'r"'!&'l!'P"" r'i "'n5-. lb..r..r|.t r t'.-rit r,{ .Lr.. J"ruury 20 Io l'l t"'br ro 'rt o'*i 'r rr' t^!r' il;; fu HUI|DED 6rrrr srvrN ousx{D ?nRtE rnr,rDRrD Flff $rD no,/loo' ' ' u,'r..r ,.iltrtto..oo. . a . . I I t r ..r, ,acr,r rr,'16. ,.4.6r 'd 'in.|H(r dr 6rn.r .^.r.r t''n. 't.t rtrirrr.r.rri"or Itr' '""r'r|d rr 85 ir.'r,. tor. mlll. F .r.t .{ a' frpl a|..Mt.tr d iul), I li-q Fr.a.-t" t'd 'e co"rr ''t:.91. Ft. t||lrrtoll 'n..furt.ro"r !n' 6d"r'd"$ h"''r rtrdtl, Ind rn' ton"t'r r'r rh' t!'Pr 't {(('nl "'r*'' ''R ll...nc{....|'ti.tot.li.,.'dn|c|.lo'n.'$fr|rdi..|.t.lln.'.o'.d|..t.Ji^rtldJ.nl.r''i.nbF..trll't|llJ'Dot|'|.9'!n.dIt Faa rt td.t lh. P.n.rhrn.' '' '* t"ttt"rt tn'r q"t-n t ul l"t("' rterr ..d rh' ""rhtnr tl r" lltet' ldt"d '(i -.ltxfg,..-i.}r.*...*ir'.t.lh||n.|l,..Jt'!nn'r|,I||i.|'.^'||ni|!nn|'r||n'lv||..i''v|r(|r'orr'.|u''i. tttr I througt 6, rlock I srd t4'tr l throucl 4' F)'cx :' l.tox'| Erx?E t?rBst"lsrt: Fl:tNG N1 a ' rcccllng to t5G !.'otdtri! Fl't lh'!'cf' Ccattt of trgl. Stat' ol colorsdD' uo: . Rldg. subdlvl.rd Col.otrdo 8t6t? tt tt| r t.t rr,h,n, ,n/orrr. ., I'rrcnr !'.t?!i.r....r n,,r rn... ,^r,\.'q |lr i'r arr'd r! .o 't"'r'r' trlltttl f 6nrir. .ttt, ,. Ltt ..fi ..nr.n, e.(.||J ;o rt?,r i.rr a.r n..h r,, r,,.{dn,^r't .rr' 1r' ;rra .rl'4.r..-r {.r.Lr.. r-r{n4l ffiif}**,xl.s,*}rt;:;l:i#.#:xii:i'''ff"lr*;:";rxtrii[fuSg$r;La a!.a a.a ltt.rtr t r,r .t xtwtr.i .-tn.I r.l 16 .''r{'.'' F' '"' rt'rl"r' r'r "''' na I t"st"r'' tl _"t-'r' " |.|' ||r t' -aa - t '.r |.5.a rr drnft rr r-F rv rlrirr -rr .ir .i. .ir r.r, ,r.bt, 'u rh 'r',' .^jId- r.r j i. rt ' r. l.iil' r' 'o|n 'r 'i -i.-|.,'|dl|r||||t|.f|flr.|.|aittrlfid<.|'i|...,||t|.1|.n.'r"r....rr..r','tnt|..lrI.r.|111i1!|1.-r:Tj::] . La.aFd tlff.-||'.,ran|.rdr FF-ra.i.ltLl;|,Fr|: Ht -.. fi5.F"ffi;il;;;*;;;;i -r i.j ri, ii"i, .". a"t:: :!'i'-:?ii"tnt' "r rr'r 'r 'ir't '$t' 'd""',''-"''iiiEiir - r.'..rt ' .,.i'i. t trhi' .r. tr.lqro'd ';'r ''dn' 'l '{ " ' 'n ''Ld' r' '''.'r'"fi;;;; ;;...r, jn|.t . rtsnro d ..r. ... rl-rr-rrr r.rq.q rq.,il r{r' r.{ For.nr ,"i rrr trr.. ru..r ,t .rr r.. ,| lr.. r -. -i ha ilatra |. r| dr 'tt.tan Y ta,dat .. ||, tr.a.nt l{rrt r .r.l ..t ..a .ll .l .! .ll.. ,'nli.|. h.t a(.Dit .ia .rr.n.x..n . xt t.t .'t n.,|il." Lb{{ |- tl *lt.esdai...l.|L.l -lf-ra- rt -r C..i.. F.ar rn ...rll).r.i!. fi.lrnr x|..ra rtrh'f'!t''h I'nGr"rra'i'rtf tOlet'r'i'|.nt'or.l'!irn .d'ful fJlI*rTi- - r lrrrr{ $.lii.r, ta.l .l I hr{n r{.|| 'di' ri' d'irnl 'l rrr' t n'r'ti (r'flr'' r:orr lr' t-ir "''r' t'tfu'& e s' Fat-r-ar.n. b- ralt t|. crad tr{.-rrr..r. r".rrrtrr,.,r.rrt...rr ri. r. 3!. c.a..r.{r (d'a adi r.|..eE...r|.r.' '^r"' o' ----f n i.r.-r - rl Lrl rLn-a .r.t t'r&-l |fi.,1|i'" 'dr '|li' rr..' FF a-Fi |l !|Far a ld.& t-a d !l drt r'itr c-r" .t '. r' {F r"'r "t ""r ri"r_tr! rl "f rii r lrlir f *l -..'.- aE ..r '" '. '- r'c' ..- E 'r'- '- h- r-'d "r -tFi--d; T;-a id e r r r Jirr- ri r..to-r !. t'-'r" ir.r s'." trr" ''q Yr'' r r.ret' .l r- 'l *irrrrr, r.-r r-. aat rl1. J rm.'r .dtta- '. . Frt .t .( ..r ir. r..nt *.r -. r.-a d i.tJri .rl.'.4 .#l!.':tE.:1t53.5'F::fi1#. "l :g r;'T.t.iiisi r-ni,r,ii.:: l;H: : (Couoorctel I Xulti-FuilY) (Flurclaj Strt E.!tl Arri3umt Of Roruf It#3tD ot trwr | * r i ,tttnt;. !t -rl tr .t rn.t ..rddn 'lvrl l t0ttr tElrl d/. tr. t r..i ,r, |rt l.' rr' tr!"r" ' n ;rrrp , * t 3t*a s F. irr{{ '? t- 6r.. _,' 4 .' r' I t9a.€1. ' BEST IMAGE POSSIBLE htFrr'.-r&.u{t Ir'-'o"'.t.'r.t.Fr-.,||.'.,.r,f],i'-'F'E'l'.|J:.fl'l:-!.'".1^,'::,r.'i.'l::'::l'LL:lH:1fi:'i:L:;:-J*ffiiiH:::;1il'iT,'';-,:['';J:*'lll.;-i::i.lt::1"i'j,:'i:1.','ifi.::::li'.",i;:::il:::l-'::;#tr:T;:fl.;g#fr,9r:ll.ril.";l:T;;;l;i:1.'r:tli.:.1:.:ti.i,:t:ll:t1t:::1",i:iiil:::.':::ilj,i:'glF.."lil3{ERrfr.id[!:i':*ri",'lia:,lflt-;,ii:*:ll:*??r::.H::fij'j'l'JiT.ill*;:!lffi.*f.# &5,i;il'T##-"li'iiiii''iii"ii ';'fi 'r'rr7r rrrtt nqwr !'ir'o 'n'c' 'i' 'r'ir d 'l'r' ..r "'" 'F .r].F-'rtrdr t,L.i..'r'.&rr,ri.x3ri.|.f..a1r:::'j:a1(.:l:'.::T.I:.'::'.iili;'j;li"ii:"T::":"!i:,iri:;iffi.:5:ffi:laHiJ;;."J;;;;;-ff;.;;""''*'-:'::.'-::.::j:'g::::1,i:.:1x';','.;$,1il;;:l1,:;i.JHi5;i"!J;:.F.n:iEi::i;,rFaalr::i:::rr.::1.;,::1,:,x,,i:I;t,":::1,"f;;,:::ii:fi#i'''a -tt-tti"i '* 'tr' F;"d^ 'ri'hr r{'tr\'' '(i rrr 'rr.'',h r4tr..r' rq ' 'tsrtdtl; . a-t -t rr lr..a' Lirat i.t tint.t,rsrr.r ... .nb..., b..- '-.- .- "-'Jr'i',r.'"" 'ii "'i i'- '' ' 'r'-"- :g.i:': .:.':'.i11:.1j13'i t1?'3;.l n'l3lf,= ;E #;;;- ;;;;;J; ;;,;i"1 1L'11fl T: ::Ii,'S::J",: il Ti'il3:ffi,5Er.:frEi,:ililij;;i;li,4:i::.:'-rilli:::xri*'."4: .l.H;tJ:::ff;,:lTrsi,l"?lE ;'fril TI;;;;fi ;'il ;.i;'r"ii'- - ""ti1' *'t"' t'-'.,'|x"r" "'ur'n"'n6 "i''' ,'",.' *.a rr -s '| i..e. . r.'",,'.,' r.. ''.'.iJi.rn"'.:::lt'-:':,::'.::'l:,1'#:'i:n:'":',:::l3i:,:"il:11ji*rr r|. r"r.' i ..r t - .r@.r'!i r. |r. tba .d nffi;1x.?ITq;I{ii;1riffii^hE_;!.}'*::l:i::ls:"u1":^:;;rjl:i:5'i.xlL;:'.t1lTr.::.-,lffi'-:::;;tr8';J.:;";iJ;'F'.;;;;.;;;;""';;' !:11;'.:i"il'.:'1.:.1111;l1i:J';'.1:,'.'Ji:.:.::Sl;.:';;E;affi:;;;i;.,"*."-ri.1;tr:l'-;::.1:A-31ll.ll1Llffi.*l5'i:'!ii:::;lii5li.;;t';;;;;i;.-;;;;'i-'"?-'';.r b"'q 6 r'^' n t:1::-:'::3,'.:l:l:'i:.:1-'.:'1.?j:: .?J"fr:l:,Y#;-.;;;; ;.;;;;;- ,, ... .. r-.".,r..,, ,^,..' , ",,.,..,,-, '^, ..ll:,1,::1:i.l.T::.lJi,:' :illr;i;l l;:;"ffi;;,lJ;;;;;,i',;:";''.r'--',r.i.,:-.-:.::_1 ; I^,."t...1...::...:,'Jt':i:'l'.j:i:,::':i1.;.1'lil:'lli:1Sl:::r5'f',i"J:Ii:';';';';.;;' r';;;;.;:;;",. .r::." :"t, : . .:. ::.::t,.:i,i..: l:.':;l:,'1."j.1'l;;,1:1"";:: :'ji:::,-::;.:.;;';;::.ii..;-.:.'....-.':]:..,:::{],,",l:,j.",',.:,l];]|'.::,.:.'i;...::,'i;;;,l.:':,"..i;']',i:.','::;:l', ,il qill.J .t.r l.^J. r' h.rr'J q ,.lr, r l' rit lr.a."t n.r.d, 'rn !' t"x 'r' ' t ' ' lnii l'4 .ir !{" 'r' ir''i v 'ai" ' It t.-d[- r.rn.rh'.r ] .-' l'.r |{.t,'-...tr ai""' L.ai .. otlPx a'nkt.r5n I ^i {rt at .rr I ri...i ui'n. rrFi Lts!,rr,^r r^J tt'r!r ir'r'ir'r'r lt'tl ir l "rl ll, ^ J.larn lr'Ilrrrd. {'r.(Ftr i']r n{h r'frrenr I t.r Ai .rd.r iorr fi.'. 11 (at ll l.dr-r' rn.rr i'i.tlr loi ,r|"r-'tf Ll ..L. . tdr.r ..i'dr re' a.r ra{r.i. (l .iv 6rolrri' I rr' , luFf, rs|t.-r ti,tn5! -.ii.a {laol' !.i.,i .r|t &rr..t .x,'r rnr t.i r.et.J !l rtr{ t.J , I s ,, t. a, r,l'.'rL, !* .tr'l rr\.u|1 .^{ h.r 'nn'rr li. po...," r.'t lr {r,,rk.r.,,i.r^.r.r,{rr.n!r!r.n|.rr}rri.Jn.rtr.'rtr.r..d'r,!,.(|lJ'^t'r' aa. irfaL l t* | r..l F.nF ' "^.r.' .,' i.r'\ "i r t"i l'tl ".' |.{rrr.n i n"i., .'{ t' t'"" '.! r!, .{ ir, ...-r '! .. r!! \ f!!J '1 i. " r. r, ,r, ,In h.t lr c, ol I nr t!n!.nr,rr! tr rJ rr.rr r.Lr'.r'vr'{|nr.I' P"r"''ttti}t'r'l'nr'Ytrr\ '\'rh. b.ri{ !' r,r!d.( '.' r,ltr,e rr.r^l . i. n/.n',rr '$ '' r^ rrrilti'dr ''ri rrv"tr r r.!^r .t rir -r'.r,. . trr.r !'hr ' ! r li t r!'n ri rJ rlr'.! lrrrtrri ''.ir b"|lrtr(r t'o'l'^r' iailr F-rrd nt .ttl..lr r.. l.^.t' $.ll L.itn,J || ., ..i.a. ^t ..-; .a a.tH, rr.{a!*n.r*rt } n..,r ii(r'! rrtrnr ro Lt'otr rit '"rt r!.r|.ll!l{rdrritt'oFr' ..id I r|||.dr_t.a, ri( lr.! ,n lrrn {(re.r l.r'i... $ll i.r' r'! 'Yr! 'o ('l('r , t.r.r^ F.i ,I r. .r rr'r t.r* ai' .'J xt.n|. rt n' I t rrr.at t.r{r $d t.6rdnr,,, r^,.r !r,i '..r F|.$ i . ,,r r^tl i.i.t ri. rt'r.I\ ria r".rlr.rrrl" '.nlr l..rl ri.l,.,'l I-r $r r"L*r.att.*r$dl..6rdnr,,,r^'.r!r'i'..rF|.lri.rrr^rli.i.tri.tt'tI\ri.rr'.rntrrirtrFra, an r.r,.!rr',r,.t hr trr&,ri.r...trr.a,J!',,rrift^r,,fr^.,,rr"tarrqraret ,lr t'ct{r.nJ,urk.'r..!rt..'r.'! -ril It r.. D..J .r r'r* .fi d lNraa Frg{r l6n r i.r rrt'. r.n.n.r 'lnr,t .'rr,' r! tr!"!tr 'rt t,!(.t .r trrrt.^r ''rin!ra bll. rI F.rt-.r .1. t...n" io' rr. t"ri't-a|.- j..*r !i }{'tt.' r ,., n'i!' F!l- ,',Iir.iriJ o ri rr.r*r !i }"',t.' r ,., n,i!' F!l- .'r !r"'|'' u' r'\r' ''I .-a-braia-r.alraa.(tr'...JD.r^i r n vJirltilr'r.tt 'r'lr../! |.r.l Gr d -5 r lriL. h.r ,rttr' ..J r! lir ,{ht|. | "n .nn t ht '1llrh{n'l - -a Fr l..r r.{. r.l. 'r'( r '" '"rr'' ''n'r nrn zFr t,|..rriir.a*. rx..r.tlrrb.ri,,..r,r... rahi., F.r'.r'nurr!,, .i.'r!.r!!r... i i*-tl'i* - rr I ti bE lhr ,rrrar.ri .t-r .rr .r.r..rt ri' rulirDr rr I r.rnarhr' vtlnrr 'r'F'!l *a. a|li-tar FnrhJ,. rii ttaa or t[r.k,l{r,.i t.r^, !rr.r,tr, nr r.(rr tilr.r ritr lrtJ!r l,trLntrlr.'5r r' - -t !'d' r'tft€n.. .*'FrJ'd't " rtrrrrrh' l-. trL 16.l lstbst tl rr'{ lr.{ rl lt.r ..,'r^r'r rorl.rttrb tll'r i' 'n ' ldtrle*r rh' }'^n"tlt-' .; rii* rtdt . ,tr. .'. rrl.{. . tdr.r..rr /..r.r,n, r{, I iv n,rhr , ^./ r!, t r..r rr.rr l.t ',d r., rxr dlnf,,.. 'iJrt'.trLr, . Lr at-l Arl r,rlt.ra.{ rr Iri.Lt'. rr.r' r,^r i.,r n Jr' {i {rian,. .lln"r.J l.r .tt .rr," ,. rir . I lrnr' tr' n1ll aanrr.a r! x.t 'tir ',|.r.Jr li. r'tN.r.rnirata .|xrl|}. |t trr?'l I ol ll ,rrrrara r.r'.!, ir lrn l|rlr et I rert Lr.rar irrtr ..0'|.qtrr *r l|a rrrtr'. tr 1..'rr' ,r r.! rfri.i !t '.6Jr ,r.i(a || lt{ lLr'r :lt'! , )': l d/-- l.r - I-l lE l/t--rd t*r- -€ ' r- D.t tr tnt -ln' t t t- i'a'f,' arl:Effiffiffii?:*7.=.sH!,;5 f -r.I..rt'-nl-it-.t|l rl t taitIrrEttttrtr-tt tna..l aalFa.lf.t .aai*, ia aF ra fa..|l d -,qtrtr a, it H, ttr,. t- .Fr.r-..h ..a,. r| |. L'''' !it'r t JL'' F- rr.' i-t a .- d lb Daa r tlr r - .ttl.ll- t:if r...t Fr.. r trr,t -.t rt L l tta. e l eii. rarr.-5 h.a -a taa.t drt -.'..-*.- '..a.-h1.."-F t-:r,f rf r. ee.. a.a -- Hal ij.L.....|t-|I t. tL ftrr.tt t t5tb' alal-|||||'tl t - lx Jt[ rFrtr r.irrxr r.-a tt atn r w-n fltrnqq-atat Gt_Eb t a l-- a G E tr iE .' aa D.t. t ?t! -3t. rx ?rF ?r LnG d. E F " -ra-fuiil.& i *r..t rt a.lr..l r.h..,.- 'F.l J lt-.lrd-.t.{.d.r .f ..|t! ,l-rF. -.tl- ilr ru -81t1-.-€*Lt tL tdla.trr rot. c D.a ct trrrt .t4.., rt.lt t fa f li. lr, qlo rrrro$lr !.{r.t bt ll|. t t!&t, to .!Dlt '$ Cnf.3l- Eirltt ot tA. santlDLat Etlloaln9 o! 6. l-1. tf r rnlrry c 'rntasco.r llt|r|..tni ql tlx ts*.rt, rll]bolc tb t Lt'arrt. Ittttit.A bY 6j rolr. |ISt. F!.' rr.,.r... r;r D.J.l I'r.' (!i| .l bntaa .a rf .F Lita LLr - na .. iLlt!.f. l. hrt Lfa olltcL lt.fiar O ftlot to lhat l6t. r'rlchrltr lr gr..t.r, .hrll b. rPPll.J !o th. I I 20t! ..r.1 JrDu|r'lt ,rrl{ ,ilil'[i ItI:-I r-ti l.ii,i.i i!ir.i 't II I lfa tdr I lhlor|dt a lloot , ,llrt !to. |tlLc iharot,rt {blda*.,, ?7t0lf,r,-.%,4 Jttqa )l70jot-Wor., <{ '-' Jffltlll:,?ttt&t it ll ll$ll'l{ "L*,lllliln?ltlfirtr I'l I rl llt'ftl I r.f lI r.trlllrtrlr, r rr'' d dLt laa ., tri || *|.t a lr{o |ia l|.tt ...', ta.5 h l$ ,rf.tilar r ffi f:f,:ir fi|t tr'|rt,, rft crrrldt trr..t ltsa* *r r, Jt|lnllral|l...rt{r tlr'r tr lr.io r- drl |ra ral nlrrt ."{*r $lrru^!r.r|tr1 .d.|r rd.| |. r.&r ^Ltfr r r.b fi L|r r Hhi *trl6rr.- lryfi fiIrr LJ ir |*.r.r rtr rn ot l:!,Lill!.]B---f lHti tr.tttt, I rl !|.. r, nl l.ll I. tlr l|.n o, rra ri t|. nFl 'trtt rra dtt f|.| li'to i atl| bi d||3rl|.a.b.{. |. l|lllrtaa-d&rrrfan , erl lr|''rr {rrr l |llrr' nr.r.L.r rn-fl .r.r, -rI ||.||Ihlt |'|.artrrr r. t lr.r fflt |f DFa {rlfl|.r||rdrlr*arb rfrrbbialr.|ftri.i rditsrrDrfer.- nata. -lrIdIE-ir rrrlfiilttt lth[t ISltrrr rrrrtr rrgp, -. -tl-llln*tll!} rr -'- .. - -iEtrrl-'I-r---D..* sata .ObraC..Frbr, fi (|.9,x/ y tllilO4:?t*'- *. . t)attt tror-ifrf rt,'- ioi- ff|f,tr,rf Gdorx .---L7.!h -*ttd---ld--- ' *-- _----'r|llf tf! tr l t$ . ! ll- -l !.! h-S!tt.t r -Env-. r r -lh-l o rr do Hfr,ffi 5 r "O.|rt "l t{ ,t. ;!tlL tit ol tt' Coo'rlv In wlttclr th' nd t"tlv litr5drt lf5 15, ftf oa Caao.rb |r-liaarr .tbttd ro r {nT tt"l llllll!rlXr -b-.ollruf . .. - - CanntY ol holr-- f, DrDCt I AilD ttTs I ?HFtElt lO IIOCX 2 ' LIoNS li-rY.!prrlt|l.: Fr ttHF pFrrtRiFn " l'l fFtrlnt, nnlftfY rl , ,:. i;ii; rlrla rdtri b 80 20? ,=;; d'fr; r,. i& tor t v d'r{n'b ln tnl'tr rq tr" r'r n"ictr ,J -T4l-iXL!fi iiffi l :ffitltq[lFlJ-i i3---3-.1 r r -r. i 1-r- ! -! ! r- ol00.qp-C0!!t!t 'rtt t,'br trrxi r r||||ll -d |ro.nrsry ro |to ilne r nt.tu,rtr d.; or {ugltt f . if83 - --; 'id rny Rn'r'l t rdlol utraslons th.rrof i l|tlAl (lttlo. -lta lo rqr.r tha D'ont,{ P'Ynrtnt ol lh' rlot|r'rd ' ,.rtndii drd dr. lrg'vir t frv *r tiar n rltrtrl to th|| Oid of Tn l n f tfloif, rn oo.riOrrtlqr ol f.n Oolt,t rtd oth|| |pod .rrd t'htu' ,-i, Ontd ha..bv |rrira. Ll l*i, ralh and s'|ilrr unlo ln,|t.. In lrutl lor'v'r tca I tirou(lllttl}tlc lr 1, ot qDlxro. Il-Ont'ra;1, tfi ttairlf.|r iriln ,i.-;i..;',,.,i.ii. ,. -"*-"li dil-li &!.r,rj-d, '^ .|I xlttrde. tUlldl4' so.raida.atlat airl i, ia l a th. r..l toFrtY lcd In ir Colddo, i5:bd r ldlt I lrDol suDlvlllol, nt tlcf,l. <fltt tr..,,rdr,L'r .'irqtr.r ru.rd,i- tDdl 'l r'rro"r alttr' 'Ft-!a ririlrirt ,rtir^rt r.t'.n. 'ir .r' rn. ir'd rr*rdt!^r r_r, ||nrr ''t'n'rr ^ri{Ft'ri n' _q_f i h.r....t.rg'r.,1|^tl''ir4.F/6rtrl.l.l|o.-'!'otr'rr'|'1.'.'^ri..lrr--'6.-.'..o|r-aartfih..r'fi6,*,ra!r,..rr,.r,t.|,'rn.,6irn.dr<!''rhrri..ifi!b"rtl.rt.'r-.alt, Gl:rrr r.{ri idr n 'r', I rD<r ' lrrr' trr lrt a|f 'r'!qil m6P' rl Itatd* r-r t rns"l r t.|br" ' l- a lr. rllnl'd i, ,o.' ,t thtrr"$l r 4tth? .t, i rrr.r'tn'F lrd.!Fr,'r-!FF trirlr't(t lt'd Fa tr rtr^-tlit- rr-d rltlt trr t r, ,^' t rurrr \ l'n'ln tD l.. | "t 'ri tq b l-i t- ?riats ro rdar * !i,r r)tit !n ur nrl 'lrrcr.rli trt rai'Ui' {r tvl thtt-i - tn'l b '{id '( rr' rEat or.{.n ra., r'l n ,* ,9}i |r.nr,,.r",.\'6'tn,'d' tiF r' |'6s'lrl lr t-"{ ln ili 'iFsr - aa.a. t,tr ' rb' 'n't lr' rNd(' nr la t'vrtt 'I -ord ol ' i tal.a |!. r..'. or r't, I rrr .ri. ' I rt.v ^ll tit ,.t ."!{ .' rt\ 'n'rr6l €'6 "L ' n 'tittt'i'it lt!l*t';ln ll!|.at .,r'l .rtdn.'| 1,!'!{Ft ru ioi}vrr "\'| 1ts r"L5! td'r nrt'lr '-to.h l-r"iqtl t a! tr,r|'.)r. n', t c 'N. .*tttn' r sv - t' 'fl |' _'r'r' |l ria r.|. d r-. e, I u"r itrni I t''trrr' t- t'r o'ha FiEr .rlft.i rhr L,ra.a..r r r' r' rr' 'j id P n'i'Jr'r ^rt 'r"'r\ira. lt,tl... qir r''|. r" _ rd rlr' .Fr!.r, n. ... , , hr !r,. r! l'rr !r'''"r r'nqL''rr' 'rl I Frr '! ,,r!!l lar rr rrt_ ' \ .neth Lrxt 1t ^rn ft6 rq r r",r "t! i''t 'r |r.6rdd it...|.lAli'r,!.llto|!\'ljljtt.dl|l.nol'n'-||lhr'-||el}i'l(.|r at. ..t(.r r, ll, -rr.r r'..r, t, t .r,r r( rL,''r ! .rrd hit rt{'.r6 rua rf,l n||. .ra|l' r' l|!rn 'tl I 'r l(t6 f"oldt ro Lrrr* -' r' " r\ " rr' -nlk''rt ri6 /r{r nt'l' oi@l 'r t{r 'r toi rti'd |'dnolrr b! g..{.. !., &r,,!,,?.,Jrn,r,,f,r-rhn.r.o.!tu ro,sr (...rra'rtr, k,,rr.tv,ar-r.r |. 9r-ro .ryt t.ri' 't.t l, ardcr rB "mlh 't' t "' |il.rtsn.'|t.h.l}lrln.DilP'lld6rldll"',|..ni'](i,$h,ln,l.|.ih,.dlv'|F.l| a ih, t-1. |rE llJ' ri'atr l"1o''jr' iil 9nri'"' 'r- !' ! r& cin tt ( i'e st'drr !{'rrtn brrFr e,irr.l 51,.,1i.'|](m.lIn.i.'11]!tr|^:.!'Il'.r,-r!|e,ld-'l'l(|9'!1,.'.6.'l|l|.'{'nlFF',|q',|t}|rl.l|-d|k|r@|n' P.cF.ll'' | ! .,. '...{,r .!'id |o |.,i(|'v hr (i|d.o. i^ |hi. ..||..,1! d(' |n.' .l F|.t lr, ]flr(,rr ,At .r r, q,lo, a||r arr r rhi rri. I,, ll- r.c, r'dr oi Inr r'dJ6ldtr..r 3r, .d hiat o ro r|{ nttiaakF 'n rrlt ., n , l'ur.rt r|.i.Ft or ,rti.. e{ Frr{ni n, Orrlr1r ro ir.l. rhr d ,gv ,r. aari(...f t.l5-r ..rloit.d In rr, ^ri. i'' b,.,,ro k, r .'- Fr 9- ..r|jrtr-o ro, ,r h ..Fr l'{F .ov sr, .-.1. r!.li!nr tu rLrt .n.it n ts r..rl u ra-tr b 0l!|l LrN ||t.| !|'.^to' wrn tx'..i .'!,,1! .ncFht..|.f ,.l.n m.v n.5ll|-lh| |g|o.h.?1. $.l.olc|F''q.|r o n, p..t rf|.r. rt d lnr.rit i...,n .'tn !O<n rilrr.rn{rr r.t'rl-rcr.$alit le Lj|.'tt irl ittr alii..? or.dY ltn l'|' rv rf|.'t r !cr{ r. InrFt trt r !-Ft'.,rr tr hr.an ri. lr\. ,,tr L!' *rr! t,, ln. t*rr.{.d r'.t rrv .r it,..dr.rL rra k' "r Itta. nf {rFl|nt |a.l rl4rlrr a. blht ilti Efif!'nanfr i!4ano.r ?tr.r (i'..|rcr nrr ('rtrcrr -ti d r|t r- cn. 'u-. liF.l.lNF rrt ro'r or "!bd. dr. nirt..r. relr,r. Ow",.,ieir o, i-(..r !-r .ni.i...rr, o. olt|r. .r.tti{a rtt t-r .l {iL.ar o' r.a.tt q' ii Oirr'r rr firrf* ''qr..r ru rx ($,.rr,rr r ,- or oa....r. ir..ro,l. Fd{x. rrd--.. |i.r (}...iri, itQ .G-l trv ulr L-'l,r*,nr/..itt---n-rtit'trr.iri''ol.atoltni"ryro_YtrflolntrLtllFlfr.r I hlonft d Qrtirt ( gg|qr..rt rr'rr )otttY cn t! 'ln q.r6' t.t ttri 'blr.|l l! :"'te' o"r'"'rs'r! or 'ler*rrrl e.r- nd, art rtr er,,r,t ,r. p.,io.i r'r ia.r,i ' .o-.rr . .|'.rtr.r o. -r oi &..rG. rt ttrri- t |,-. tw o.lt ItF.rr -r{|| .*.aa q r..n|ra to lr. d.taarr-. Esr, i..t!l. ti trr 6dtF -t tr.- l, / }f, c|.! to. r,.|r F4t itl i-r. rr,l|rra|.otlllrnrt,rrri.6rt.,t.rt||r.rro.!id!r..Fralrlr,i.l.rh-.-v.dt..bvL-'l'..ro.olnrro i'i|.t ol ln. rb,- ia-rrbd tr.rn[o.r Nonlt{ r'.tl n in d.ltat alr rxl orau..rlh.,r Dl't lO A||rrir .r Ddltitt I f at t... lh.t tl.r'i., lt-. to tr.t irl p.rtiolit oY 'l '('lr Lh"F td trFr- rxs"d i t dt d.:;i,6,'r ;fr-;'ir,i.it. ri. r,""q ",, or o i .,'rcn6 .'rn .dr r t,o.'. r..d.'i or h-,i., ,. if q r.(rr.l o' r*r|tl |o ln b lar trg,tv rr'' lrs d.r, tFl t,,n'rd'r lk'i' 'ntr thi, 'rt l'u'r. o 'nl olL 'r rttrnr q {r'" tr(Ln r| tt ahinl 16 n). ,^r.o|.nr.| 3u'-! h.'rlrv tl kl.srtr lh.|. rr* .-nr ol.,thi' lll -3at In th. lr.tt'r at yrr.i,r or ltr. 4(.ot.d.in\ t-vr.d h...ltY rt .r'Y utt lrtxi'l lr'l h.'+i or *,r.de' 'l . rv or rh. 6trt . |''E i rr d .rr...i.-lr r ui.,tr.d n.'.r' t|tl !.-lr o. .ol.lr<- rr $r ol i\..oi.nrtr ', atttti..t. .o"l..er r' -r I' n''! {'s'|"r F(rtrrl 'Yr'i'x1ne rr ''rd!{ t' 'r'tia-r- -.r- i.alr luil- c!.rd rit|n tt olEa|l. t"- Fr,odl q ftd tftrt r. a. ;!d.tt ot ,lt rat |.abtalit ttq! O.trl@ ro !--l(l'r d trr tr'r rrFr' 'l al -aa r{ L t--.t{ -It- iaqt na lt. ntrtt trr! nn .r dr.. .r rrra .rno.i ol }.r.-t |...xrt-t.1, -d |. -r' fa f far- trarrv ! iJa, || ir txirr al iai tr rn .lt-t a ,l rtr. ^J.-.tt-. rr-l ri.a!,.a r,!.t r.i..,r.d v.s..tt Jrl iifrr lt tiic,| r r- b lt{F. tldh ta.t r b f- t- h rr |,F'!t " si lrrro..n ttc'-o'c "rdr E bf'rf f f f^a- a.trc fta-a a, talrata ll lc.-t al'hf -t€'r ri i"t 'Er'L 'itdinr lL*!.'rt rr"d -- El a aF,r a,i.G- , r.rr irrd-r. rll.tr lt rl,r x|.,|rYi r- tF -.r. ir. c-r.. crrrar. ra rs.r r '.rin..l ro I I lrr.r ,.r-rl i* b t$ bar. . ttr d ii ||ihan Ewi l$tv "'-'t fnl dt ' F'n trn ',||.' '|-'rr_ Flti ;g .r.,. r.;r,,,,*i!rrcrlr.i*, r" , . -,,- r? !'i,,,6rrln. "l I'G,. rl|!'dlel l: rr 'n' r'r. ot iir 0- ol T'!'r *r.lr 'tu! 'ru|lrd" ind "ti! dr"'t' 't ,r-f'Ll-' Fat6.a.r.rt'rs'do'or..rn'"rt'ttttnrolrht'^d'!'nht-'oriitr"!rhxrot"'r'dr't-tlifultYrit-raacl.Ld r! t.tr!! E'l !'u'rrt nrhtr r|.n 'rEh'tF '6ind'o''nF br tt!. ta"' ol iF lcr lrt-l-t ttl|'tio'o.rr.o]'R|..!.'Ih.|l]'l|r'dld.|rllr't...|r.n.|!|nl4|l'!F|o!'d{'||r'.ron-.'}i|E't,.llr|t...:d ....'r||t-i; o. olrh'F .nd' |' ',d r li.r'l. ' I t|r' |o |'t !.-d.F g. ln6 Fto'n..! or ii b.tFF 'i*!v' F| ||l a . -a a"Oa,r..rFF, I oF h. F'u 1{ n'! .eo 'rthr.'di' il r|l F.'l'r!t o' tu- ''t'r{ trEtht t! t|. a'i'"' '|.ntrF f - L i.-|.|r, e.. rl|.aa., ittl| ,*-. -" o"ltt'J- Jot l at"'-to to Lt"t{rtt o' rt!' \aL} oi itt ctnrr"n t' rt'-'t€' or.aar-t rtt .-,-rt tr sr t<i.-4' a.r tt t'rd<'d!r ri''tt ..r'ir'rtit"bb "r o"''|3L frFl rutd t""t*tt'ttl ir t Fi D.d rr, . 'NG- '," ,n. s"rr'-r'"tt';;-;"'; *" gu"rdl'orrn 6-"r 'rr- trr ruclt -,|r "t''lD 'nD- r|. !v lo... r..,nrvE-^t.^o..,-'- t' ''Jtoo''n 't ,it 3c|\ Fr'lr"'rnr ll'rtr'r " 'ntt- ol ".,tl illrt'/r {td I rt|.d i ,|ndin(|otn\rG..r'lqo.4l|ltll|.nd6.ali.r|^oi-,}.-.|!rr.|wlroo|li.r.r.t||'..,a!.f|,|l|r.Gl'l|tr''ir.n.- - |cr,.rit n.{!r lo.} rt(r-, 6n r .rrx rrr l' 'lv ro;i l 'on"rFt lu.tdrrs \'tto"r "r' r"nlEnr(t noi(t rittit lntlilt* ItlSt aJ'to, .,*, rh, -F''t6'nr 4l _r k t '-r'!t' t erv lrr ti|circ L" I tr"QY 'd"6li' ro al: rrnft r_' |i.Farr drdr ra ,rtq, or rtt h'r.||.d r r€trt ldr tt !'rod hr $r I r'( 'i dl t'' dt,tr "d rl'iio'r ol fidt,rl t. r.n!.iii::1".,!11]r,;,,H;,:',.":T,;;J1".T.iJ;i,;r;:;,1':'f::':l,il;:':H-::':H Irrr.l|{ Qt G.'thrr||t|.,. g..r.|d' r ''.11:':.:":;.,::_il' .:-:-,:.,:-. ".. t. o.rd a....i'6 rrtqrorrifni J.o' -d hr vnre. \' sr'rt "! cord,' l.r,'c.tr rrd' ^.- rn. rrtn" ''l s'rre'|t t rD aPtlil r o't'!'r'r\ tth{,r"|E'lo ot ri' .a'-.r. {t.-' r! .F.i.'' ' r -' I i{ trt "'' "r'drn ol d Dtd'n d thn (bi.'| I,|. q. ,' i.t .'r.|dttra| .t;g.t n.'i' ta Xo qg6tttt!. tr'' { '\r Mr' tl'rF "'1'|1 '\v tr'?! r"tlr'"'d L"' ar€t|ntt?rd ao.q:F o' i|lrr{F '( 5r '"Llttrr.'r !n lrar n'rttt ffi'ltitrY 'L "$ ..tia..rltil,.'..tt6'itn)"'r''''"tt'rtr'toll"'t'nollttoinr'rl""t_'/rbl'ttt'drtdtt ta !,.,r !$? h .|,rr" -!| tn., , '. J'"t'v 6r"'rn'''v 'lv '"!rr'^r 'r'-'r'nr '"hd d.td||+'.r a{ o-a or t,6t oL rnt "'6r.ro'v rt"r J r {' rn ('iri r rr@r+t 'rir'^l tr"rr'lnl 6t ..! n a-r r|rto! tt rl rdtr / d i or rta (ot'^tnr *'.. 'r rt't o' od.no. F ir. o..d ol ''l,l ol rn, ',.'!Irro'\ 'lol, l | !l.n |.t.i't l r''g|q' * l ' t'r {,, '|l d .^d ^U t,F h th...| aal E ri.-a. ra.-t q adrr''il .r('oi I'a'^r 'rrJt*tl'i t'^'ltr trY !' -}*' 'r '"r t"rh 16'{ trtt L! rlt.. r}i'' t-olt'5r hr'!.-n ?rl.t'! \i)_r* 'r$ )'n! I | 't '^drr"r"r 'r'rr nor' q''xl n'''n^ rh"r aarr'6ra ra tr, loia tYt .tli | .'rn '"r ' ' r, C-gn|r|.nl. |{'trr 16.'!-n tl.r.^" 'tnBtv 't "''rr r'r rii i'''rin lrerr tri'i' It ruaur'r't '^'l trit n'n lk|t|lo.r....rn'n'llN.h'!'''ft,.'lpll.!t.lidlrn.IF.d',\,$,'ttr,|'ll.|Jbd ol'i.iu Th. tr. ( r|,i lralr' !^! r!' n'' 'r!'oo hv D'Qln''t'I 'r r'"1,rr'''t't|l'\othtr('.rlia 'n rntro.nol t,ua1 i, ar- r r.,.rti.i .r,t' i I r' rrur lrx'tr(lt '" '!t' trd'rF br -dr{,t\ .r r}"tr r'l trltr ^c '! ''* r' alr rr ,i ! rr.?r- tr.F''. 'rb l'ar'''rv -rno-..ltd r. a.r.,. .,r -iilF|I h{ f'-ri o' T'vrt rr'i'^l rb F(tr' Di r' { Fr t{!' -o- r*'{.d r,6'r.a ttr4{r ''!' tr nr4 t' ir'r! t'"\t tnt n'Lt'r-tqr [t lr.(l hldt 1r Ff 'r !r,i&. rnn 'lr '{ratFln.'r srrit tr'tl'r Itrari' "tt!'ra|'t$\ or (!'1r! 'ii!'r'!!'''t rnm , r.,+l.th.! rr r.'r! ! r. ' tr !t r&r' t|r !!,'r \ ()'it I I lri 1" " t'v hl\''rt n* 't r\ ({ ].ro.t .' ru, r'{F or'rrY ''|(| '^ r,.' 4ror ' 'l n'v olt'6'" "{ m'r ''lr||1,''llo!,\rFlL'!'f'.n|ll.llnr.''ill'.rr.'r!U|.nvl'|-no.t.|.u|t!l|,|v^f|.'"a, o, .Lr-, ! ''|r'_ Fd r"| rrrtl i'rttt '' ! o'r""t '!^ "' t';r'*t un '' ''rt rirrt' r'x t tl*n'n! ,rr wtr(k ! ii'' tt(|. Td'!i|l- rht !{'{r'' o' in vr ,'r,r 'n"u(t rnt ' n' . rfir ,&, ' t &"tln '''r $.li 'h'rudt '6v r'l'..r''rr nddr irr 'h' ,r'.t,, |' .r rr. nt ot I r'r rh{ Itit "r t 'rr It P..n. u'f,, rrlt.a' trr r' r (,.ni rrl I'urr 't tr' rtl{'r'r' rl nair ro 6r rrr-t I' na!f' n.t'r r^' 'iq nd'' ' I tn t t"n "l lrutr d tht '&ol'"t o tatlretfro',,r(lalrd rr(P-ror'\rrr" h'id 'v'r-l rtr'lt(rin't! n",.t 'r" In'rr ry'rl"({ti ta.F a..l |otr(r ,n n lr't \' ,rr t'(\ o'i lt 'al'(,.r(l t' t' " rtra rttd lrY L" ?, I'rr or trrn.. l'.r '!nr '\ | 7r |lrt,' tn., r"'| trna "' \' t"'r'n $rr i'rFr" a,l dl..Gl|- q',r Nr'gr rr ('''nrd trlrt- "xt 8t^'r! ntv ta fte..rr t.' trr?"r' r'.t ''i 'i'r r'rtt'rr''rort"f str 'rG't rr"r' r'oitt'l'it f'r"' | ' !!tnr{r' t' trhr. flr llo :rt? !.u,, nr rr'er' Ar|,fl'l! i'nin I'c"r t"'r Jri t'' ' oF "'o'' r.|Ga||| vrar '. ,h'cr $r !| , i I r.!r' In' Nor' *or'! h'r'I'l! "d.rii lbd 'r l'"|l '' tC Cdrrl,{xlrs., klt{. In.! nnt'Ptt r'\ 'rr'r'd ' Si r rt 9 lr lr r rl' r )r t6' Cddt'to I,rildn Ca.rtrt.'.l C-atl ro rn. r" !''r '^ tntr..ttor' 'n(''rrl l'' !r' !' 'r* r'o'rt{.rl i!.rv , -.La..|l r||. ra, tr'' Md !.aa ' t' ' '.t' ' r I f {r*{r Lr.nr.t lh.r r'r ',r!.,lrdt '1 t '' ltrr r' ir.*;,;Id-a-rct "r ll. c.,-.r lrn'r'i'B d ''i' cEt*'l ?r/'" ri I'in' ' i-!ta nL- l. r|r l.t|ll.d t'c-'rl t.rt{tr. .qi,Fr..tl. i'a[.*6 -rd lu'Frin'^4. tl lb ls.gr.r tlr ttf Frt (t.'|(t tr th. Ota{o' ral t'r{l{''" \'nr 5' u'qt r'rr' tt. a!!3rdlt-t.an$r-lf.- I,lrn ttd r^rvlnr' tr'.r' igrF I kt rhi n'!r'rn''r or 't'''-r' i* |.'nn ''t roi'rir rn f 6ltir6cr, tr *i oo.,rtrrv ,.,rrurrirr ervro. | 'r.tr ri. i.'o o! n1. .rrr .bi., rt r.lrn,$.ry \ 'r' u'.^'o r"r c.t ri }....'1. . r'r rd $ t|! '|ri. ''6|l r!.|l .lt |t ..'r l'u P,n'v [ |h.t fi|l '. i| blg'r d' a {l |,. '..,. . , .|| |xt.( in oi .^aI'(. rrr.l i rr*rri. n i- ia r-!,a .a-i!ri ilr a, dt i. tqiid ?to!..rv bl x irlr.ist ny lr.'ir..' v, Inr .r, ornr rirr * r-rn rr b fi ,r.rr. ot nJirir |o t-r b,,. rp ,r!.wit F'd ro rri. ai rar..' ci te.d dn !n.urn. ,cLi t- ra aG! il -cti. d.ar'rl. ra t,r' to b lr.ld !r ..lrl(ltt ro !'t |.d tEtt '61"irtrr -..r n c -ai athrr t tah.a En lrisrt.-n t rry a.lr 6.. b rtar. ro &!.,o. ro.6t r-,o' jl X;i-r. -.tar F r.rtr ndt r - ld. .'et tr irt L n'qlr 'r|n "'!'t'r'r r t's' rv'' l' L-i"'t -F.. ar tl Dt..r trrr-n ,- fr OtE tc ..il!'v 19 tct"r' 'rnn 'nt!''t" "'tr,.t nr' t{ -"rnn s^6' rirl tl,|'-r .|rr r*l E rl'r.ir$ r,t --- rh -t-.-crr' fl.ft ri:r ia5 tr.-, ra ra|'.. L t.tir-Eaf .idi{. r.y b t trrn -l h.i itrr aa i- 'a lr -hr -Hart I -ilarr f h t-.-l\.rrlrn lrr.|..t *- - ia.* * | "c, F'. l|- F t r-lq.l |i - r-rr h ria"l r (x,r- h I c|l- lliinr tF cdr b, L rcl-ir 9.-!r arr - #l tl-r,'r i, lln ht-r r tr.ri a lal|r citt, a. O.trar. t,iin-.hfl b-t r...|-t.r C.r-h hr-. (n|'lll]t-I.. - rr iit- d r ||l t .r| r .t rit do.rq I i. l- #r i. O-'r- | alf- t iri-r a. ldtw Lc|-t. naa t-l-|t -a llltl or i. |'iFd ,n braf, csia i..rlv ,tr |lUr -d rt?ra F ri lLii n a -lll.|. a -hl'r f ryt 9l lrt ft.t tn ^trv{ or ir v, ol .t b^llF ?t-..rr $ar ^ol b ild irlria if tra. tilrn 5, dl l0 qnr. tgrto.l ||t ||rtttl fl{t tto} llalt ctr cor ora n., / '.-r,,' 6- .rft!rrit 'hr l)..d ol li!rr F th' ?t .^rl r..t ltri 4rr,..r '.t rlto- i" ri. 'n,rr6r . | !,o*,.dr.r !.ror.,r rr,r l:f - ., dltrnL .sr1 b >cth1 ^r\L 1v4-r,oru nNt'/?)\U,l1l:S II I ,Ii I -rI Ilo I I rii! EI! I.t I '1, ai ,"23- o'--...- t^owt9 {r4l-, CDths6 ! Ij |{ti, il P B o d H ;i t rt ri tlla-?I Ft rdr|ftdnqfdrrr*Of nmtrl ..,r-iLo,r. .|inrt. .l$tr. ll9r. .h?!Qtr. 99l9lfP . 1010?. r|aa La .G lmno ,.1.1r.l,r.!.,r Lt t.X.. ' ' .d|.'.ab.l rL na.irratr ||nn |'. ..1 .ia t}| ttlr i.t.ri ,r..r.d ],tru'.l ld rh. p.'Pr ol r't'rl .f?.'rii d tL irri, rl. franr ct lt dl.t r i.. ttt |.l.nl tl'rro. ad$n ?d In r..ord.n( trlh rhr ll'd d Trln l' Frf'l lt"tl'rt t r;i ., ti '.-rr|tr... ti.flrtt ol I'r't.. (-r. !.a In rh|r D.ra ol lrr.t. ..{ tnt r.F .r.r .r.it rup..'.r.ii\ trr5F ;iliir*rr d rl. .-r..6... {r..fl ol |i,r..,.r (-r. !.4 In llrh D.ta ol T,r.l. ... In. f.t tir.r .r .it r9rr.r.-rE . "rEf ls-i* ry fr.fr trrr-t r. i|| t.ri|. d r;r D..l of tr.r. rrtror.bl) l'..b rna .en|ryr ro tr{n... i. trtrt. .rl t rn .a r.|. rt t .Flt La.a |. rL c/i..t., . . . Le L J$qaf.? l0 . rr Ql , Fr.rh ro rt ct, t;. l..ar, rtttr [wr t|ioulrrD n|rrr [uNDRtD 'l/rr. rxD NO,/]gO ' r t. bkr. ) tti r..ii 0.r...\ Fnd'q lr h.r.lin itr .l |.t...n rrd/d toi.U.l. tlri l;' t l"n ot ll' li"l"n' itulY L . ' lt 15 lr!.|'rn "Nor'")' f Srori a. ttod II lloe a[Dtvltlo|| .nil tdtr I thlouth 'lr lloch 2, ttt lic No. l,plrt th.rrot. Oolorralo. ' . . |t.tr ol (old.,b 27389{s,37.7_rrJ6l_J ,lof,.UflJ."tt'lAffi Ju3l llull'trl ' (ornl) tr.r ..4 rtp.oa|l to th. raooraral lNL ttlt. o! thrr|.| r3rr|. ca lJql I r v.l I Rl,lo. gub.lvi ri6l tr'rrl, CoLsroo 8155 t irrf.. 'frro r r . rrf .l .f tb l-t{, rttft .iil ra tt rt, (dr i. t tr.ptr't rl trlaart |lnL, tL ..t a- rt J lt {h r.l.|l.|. Har.n..r ria .tP.r...r.n li ..t r., .rFdda d hr't]q tfrdl' dil.rltr, - t|Il, oia.-a t i ttll t ..d ttrr{.r..t..H r. r|| trqnrt lr 'rr.|.naatt{ 11|tt|||.ol tir O..,1el t?- rdl|r.Lt)lI r_a lir.l| raitd ,l|a r . futrr. l*{ iia ttf .r.ri ol I H I r.rl|'n (o|n.t.r.al (rra Tnr torh .c!.t?a n .{{.r .?. iri a h|?l halrt r-a d d* r|.. L.tt (dritrJ.{ lt l|Ltlr|||.'. "'.rordrt lt' tt"'it. rl rL - fi d -|.r. lraib rI tal t lh |t.t nt la.r. at aL- aaa '-'|.r5. |.rt.t-.." ,'u&-lEa--F -t--ti leirlr..oi n.-trr rrrr.rt t kr .u'rl lriarrrt.rr L '|' i. Ltr aai d '|b d l.-.!.4.r{aL |. t|. firytt,... .| dlrr .rft$'-. F |.n a. Lrbt al|..a .qi...r raa I.r. t.* rr lr-ttl|.-*flt J-b..-Jrrt-lr' -di.- rd- ra.--t -$.r atrFl. r- E..b ba - tr] ..i -td-.- {-!-r E- ...-. r br.a a |||.dr b l.ar.rai. € lt |tril.f, . .rr.I. sa.r rL 1.|rI .l rl. Nor. .. th|. D.a ., tlrr, t|| l,.aa, rt ,|| tnara l|i rl flr* if t *.i: i .J a.-aa rL. i.t F.F.lt ). *.!.a ld ..b .ra -aa b r.Gtrar. rh aL rarLd ll' I 5f-r lf rf .rf a.p of t|: tt nt ..a.I .l tL .ttr d. rI |i.t r .l-lL ldnr.r. )- Ltr r.-|' .ia qa.rL-t ..1rrtr*.- tL.. ra.-.t , rt- aia..r.a. t|. ldltrt tt r|...lt f t!at(rrr..-u..ritqF'lh.db.|..f-.r-.uri..i\|.r|rtF.,trtl.r.ibr|,i.r||C,.,nrtrtdtlh.ti.FtIb.a.rl{aaLlrrhr titr r rrir:r rd rL a8i .l r|. lr.n., cebra1 lL trx|t. i.t p.aF. ..f .r .t .' .rt tad.a rt Flr r t r a- tL. ., -t tii.alt r.* * Utta.?. |' lrr-?l5tad. rr.t t..t- t|, notirt .l .tt rr' v.sqa( I raaaDr-| l|r.-E -I.i -lrt.tlh!ftlff =i?il arFrE'rri,iEA..ri --..-Gti JltaIrEartF { fi a.|aa } ft ll.1J frr, lri& .4.[ rrftilt rlc.J h! ]",rr rnr t u. h.r'lnl |.n.hl ll..l rffi 5 aa |. rr taL l.||Lt a rr.||r.t .-Ft|tr xx. ta l.t liaf . . .{1,d. re rL rat-.ar Fr.aa,a I t} t|{ }ai.-- ar tt-ta lli . rft rtrr'i 'trrar I rir.l |. a ,r.a. Fttr|. (l- .-rl, ar t{ldaitr.iti.rr{ r...tt r..n.-.-r-|i r\ri nat rrn- t trtl dtl llfi ri{t |ri|'.nrr tiin r tdr ra{ ltL rh.... rFF|.!r a rlt|||A Fi.I' i-.r{ r $.ti .r{ lhi nr* |t n- tr |,*L. d. rt ha r,'tfi a|rrrt|r trrr .|r 'iJrl..| r*i ttF r..idr. t..rt tll6 .. fr.|, - lt. id. a rf ttflrta ia r.t -|l tair. .rrt r.|r, nur.irr tnn{..r. .i,1 Frnt ''i'r.r rrr) trl & r.||i '{hrl.t r l|iL.rt .a.ar 5.r.'t lr .| l, |' rb il.l" ir, I rih,. rhdir r x'r .1.r. l'..i L ,l.t' .rd '. i..|a Itli .a|lrL. L*r it, rtn 'rlrr t.(.r.r rlr. |.rnril| i&, i.'h '$ nrr' r' ..iF, r.J lr|i-r !t ni r. lh*.arrh.rdrbFiThI It tr.lftt trrr .|r idia.{ r{i t|r |.rr$u '..rt 1116 |fr.|. - l! id.aral Fitar irtFr|.,l r.i. .Fan6h 'iq,.ir Frirt.. .,r.r Aa.fn.F a flnal arrit b * E t.trtd l) fi.lhd nlr|..i.nJ.r, .,.f{irri r!'' {|rlBh}'|ia.,nr..rtqrar tfi '{b$ tYrLr rstt lrn-r .ll i.. rq }fr,,.r' I,' '.F'.{ !i ' {i'iar {. .t. f r6a |.nh*J.atLhr, lir ladr iirf lLn||t.$1,{l}l|k|rrh'f},{l'&!x\r'nrr.itllril,, |.li r.ta !"H|ffi frr:t$$lJi'.T.i'i'!ril,'sHnr''I${'' r' vrf ' }''l"d'1,$: *f,lt,Itf!|i||...|{r|trr.at|[r!..J||.turrir.air.rat.F'rirrt..r'r..ri.,'til.rr'(lrr!.hrrr/*lrlI L an --rar Frxr{ F f- -a rttr.r |. tt r|| trt frmai F. t| Lt tlt f,hF'ra*iar h|r .rora q lr|'alrt' ara.r.{ rr tlr. tnErrlr t.F..{ -.|irr t||. ||| l|.., lr.'ra a.l-a r||lqq.,- qft{if ttih$|i rrd llri, rrJ r*} oi||.r h...5 x t.ntr i|.| E.irr ir.t,. *.ti.r,.""..i t.. { Fr.a.l.-rr ll.t lrLlt aa[ Dl rqtrr th.t rL .ff{.r .l i..t .,irr.t .r.rd ri4 ,xrad rl rrnr.ri r.{{ka rD t,.r tr. rrrn *ra'ra lt rta lt l r Fid||l rl| fixrrir. al.lr L .l*|'r I'y ift rar, rrtFrt t.' .t||.nrrt t.t l...tn nri,.ht ri.r rr,rt.ft,,{rtr rrt.I*{ t- rrr$...lllt| |rdar.a FLrr *all |. FL L lh. tt.|' rtr.i-l thr |.rrr.$ hft{,. i,,i.tt lr.ar,.e t.n1 Ind.i, . .|.l (||-r|J lr.rrirr. tt l r. |tl.t t,.tli ir, rl|. a.. $ir.tb 1o rt* ,ixrrir i rr !t.aarttrial l.tn{.i.ILrbraxirr.srI]riar..Jg.l|..h-.|..it.dfirrr{r.,r..-,.r.r{il .r{|. r..r.''|.ll I f5 t|' tI rr hl lr" ,r{r| aa irral rl|'6a. .d lrrr{tr $.I tGntib f .ri{$ n; t;i*, .rr '.r..1 ftxrd ...1jl an.rt. hfif r, t-, l|itr L{ F ml :||a l. r ne..|' r.rbr .ria'!ri4r l.ra.r r.r .r.1. Fin,/ rir d i.{ |lr a;..aat t fr|.||th,tH||t.rrt|',*ha| rn.|'lr.l5 h tlrl d lr|..f ||fa, * d hi.i |..J. -r lra F..rd ,.L'.r rir. |.r aJ Ftrb tr. I lt r |tr. a ,airr al ..{r n .r b rn r.l r- r.-.ra r.r- . 'ttrlqrtahlhhii rnrn hr. 'r{rt r r.* tr-ia...{.rtr -.r.| 5f l,r rd fr.r. Fr r.,|r.dr ad q.i... r' a.t tr b l..r.a ad E|.r-|l n{r.|.rafa-aL.rbo*.r. l..r }.n.. rS atrr. r||.| l,rlt r..r rr.hlrxh.d-i ydi-llrrbr{r.|.r.tL. q a.|, ia|.al| rat ,. arlrdr!fiJl|.lt \anf .a .|fll .l.in, ler .i.l G.rrrrrir ||r'l,cr.y. tn rir h,|P"D .r rrn .r k..ai*r tatiho.at a lfat bti *lir&|tr ria Lf.i rrl ,irnru .[..i.r ., .ir Fu.trr r 'ft.tr',1 ll ..t r.. .-r-L.r alllir. iiar ltar *f dal b rtra.a r{ l|ri|||r'l , n,ca r'rirn ritrrr ,Lr| {l r-6q J| rnrra,ad a.rtirt ufiat| a- ai.'r.! rl.ll l ara t,,l.iJ.r r{l'. rrnJ.|r.l,.' w|| Jn,t,.dr ll,'.rid }.rrrt aI - -]il. iiar fir *f dal b rtfta r{ l|riqr'l , n,ca r'rirn ritrrr ,Lr| {l r-6q J| rnrra,ad a.rti.lrt udrat| a- ai.'r.I. rl.[ l ara t,,l.iJ.r r{l'. rrnJ.N.l,.' w|| Jn,t,..! ll,'.rid }.rrrt aI -ari r a.-{ l.ltl, r{.r r.l ki lt. l|.ri r.l.r,.Fir .rr {,i r.i ,n. rrt.l '|n,ea.3 rh.l.t ,xr i Fol rt Fr|..at . a.t ,ar |}|'r1 a|. alf i |tF.Ea.t tadr. trr..ttar 9rt.i rl|ia f, idts --dti-iit |' h. firit b aetd b lrrh ri{r t...*" rl a db rfl-. a.|I, ra rd -r_a- F fi Fd ar..f ira- n- aia, ro |I tiFrt t . h f -. rt|'-ar a- F-nr kr|'Fr|.r.-rirF-. ada.-fl-i r.|| l|.rrr.r|f r-aaFrrr.rs{ .ar- trtir --.F- t- E --.lFarr-, --/aa.aa.,a - IIlr-t r-halr-- i l--t -ri at---lttt aiF F E|- -. rt"'rl"|Ft- - 'rt.--r -' -ttr! -.'FI-E{'!r.t-rri-!F-!.!rr -Fr Er-a t-- r r -E t Ltt. a Dtt-l-d-l|lr trF$.r.q ortl*lttr. -tr r .> .-r r--'.iDiir&-rlrr - r..-- .d y# r.'rL.''rdl tr. l-r, a-. i t|c l-r Aa l- rt _a -rart .- F-rd d rrt .fr... ar r- rtritt -l a aa-,5e rian rfi r+l i*r. .r ai- .J !.i.ti-. ra-tt .. .r.t t .F{. :..a. L'|Jri Fr.r .-t F - taf-re rirrtrd -i *n ;r ra-.Ji.i"t;. ra.t'r.. .tr.t t.F., r..a r.'{.t Fr.| r-t F -tah -r--lr '-Lr- l-- .1..1, i-rtrt-., t 6.r'-l -tL l!r,;ii|u ,.rrrr..' ..a tr..- , rr.. r'irrr r&*r.. .rr.rr. 5F ..a..Lr 'ar.'.t d '.6{'-l i.-i- r.ai - .{.t t .s..fie- aira;Fi ..'\r,.r .., d-rr'- .i tr* trrt rr lt-ia'l rd-t 'i.r }t.,* ||dl r.r rb tlF r. - r.ll'ft tr. nia.'r' s r.i { r}'r!\.Fr }; . ., .^.r i f ,i r, r t'.r' '' nrsr.n r"t '..tirhL ..4 *r. S..5.1J rr ',{ .' \ n. ! ,tlttrl '^' t' |F 'r! ht.th.' tl|t.'t "tr.'rF ar-i "\.r{ ! rt'rra \-', -. \'t..nJttrtr'r'u''Jlt tr\! lr...l dl |tl.r ,l rt !i b tiir tl-l * i. rlt!{{ ' t .n-a --.*- ,r,r. t'rtt'r! ', "1 ,, -.rtr..,{t116.l.r,, ,l.rrr:.-sd.5 r! l u,a .. rt n !r rt, ,' .n, rri, oa |i- qf ri i.h' t .r*l.l .. ' i ". .+-t-i-rlFaE..f.fr-.rD ' 'lt .rr r ' lna ;.,fr." ..'...,' .",, ' ".". . (al ^ &r.ul 1., A$ en- ' c, q r Ft' ^'. i[ rr a"ih l.]rr a.r rr. r.n Frn'rr.rb {rli'..rre l.- I rn !r.l' hL ':ar.a.at rx,.-r t l.,r r.r.d lr tr. !rr.l,J I'r( lrtunJd t t..T, i' tl li , o, , ' '1 r,.tr.' inI1,,! rnl,,.nn"'n. '.rt.g\In'|l,r''.nrrl ti- a*t itt a.t Ai,rn,. ,.. I' trn( !. ,, I ,r,/r&.ri'l'rr t.Fr! tr 'nk " 'rii'r..4 lF|€rt |rs tr'.' I .,i, i. 'qn"d r|. t.ft,tFd.,.dr t|'F t* .llrsrh ' ..rr.,,. in,... ! r.li||at.9dFr! lF | 'r Fr{r.,.r'.r i | ! . t,r,a ,l 6aiF. x. ta-ai I F,h r'l 4 rbr lrtr. r r'!! .'t .r(' "ti, aat*r -.-.-n * yh {lr {iiFlr- 1. tn €.! ri.r$. rrnr,i 'Er ,.rq..J.nr 6rr n.{ i,rr. riJ."., *J fall. l|. 'Er.'..af it I Dr.. d ,r.r\ !q .r, r., ,, ri.r. rir!i+? 1r n'r.r r .tr,{}r hr .ptlh.r'. ,.. rlr.il r.l ,arl'.,rr rrilq ! ia'L lrk|lur,,rtrrn,,r, t'r'!tr ,.r'$.lran |.aatllr.- t ..rrxr , rL.J.i'.rlre r.!',n n\ ri{ r\! r..r | "l l.,.i:t.|rr$.to.ht.rlttr'r-rr{.n|.! rn..,,r',, .-.rt .,.r'.J r'. ,' . l!, , ,. r'' \ t ts rl*drt --t l, a,*aa rhll*r., t-_.tr -rqr*fgr, lffiI!4*=r - :rrr ., tr. r L,.---.- r.-., - - -'.Fiq 1ffig*f.fi.S,:f*T"Hi,*-'.3,=-t c rrr*oa' ;';;; ; il'r[:il'4Ti-?i. r--,..L* b -txlt h.rtr-l,:L,-t"::fi iHiE q+-t lllll;iH lf i.f Fi,*il;.ffi ',iff *::ll F. ii iT' ::':f; ' 3lJilo'I il'. fr ','1il "L,D 6t,,hL ro rr,.. , __,a;_."1'J Ir l ot rlr. pror.r. rhrr. of ttl. fqn_rrill.'ffi: ; S'#:-il;;;;."JJ:.::T:i"L'Hf,.:'JT. , br.r t- .r. wl rrr trrd .f ,,n I .'n/.4 DAt|tr rl. sr-.iard t t,* h rr.ih!!nl' t. r.fb' Irit, CO ItOf -F-ifF.L T t, ,r. 7Lta qt t tral. &. , 5ii- -..' . ra C, \r^ Ct ..Gtro lotl 5, .1 I I I I I IItirlil. ;! il-i!it, I!I,lItI I I : : { jiiili a OCED OF TiI'tT ndr drar t lrh Selby df dri5 rh.'at logatl|ernltt ot Crr||lor, lf uy, ADaa, Sranua or allay, Sel by and l,lr ro lt-rtd to I "Gcrlor") .nd $c Publ,c Tr'rr!.. ,,1 lhr r].,unry ,. wh.h lhp rcal prc,tE'tv hcrern.tt.t d6ctibd lfd ColooOo tttcre'n.lt"r r.ltrr.d to .r "Tr'rtl.e r WIT ESSETH Dtod of Trust or the lien hereof fnd shall not entitle Grantorother party to such a re.lease. termination, satisfaction or Ylth lll pre.ent or futurc a19bt,!n rnd to thc trnd lyirg ln th. bd fl q3 . ro 43. bv rdNove$ber lo.i "8.'lefio.rv tarrt!oll'crar 633 Sevcnteenth Street, Dcnver,r& i0270 !'dt C.r r Or" t'otocr thereol mav .tri(F . ,,, wrr,,rs lo' rh. rn,nc,pa, \i,'n or One hundf ed thou.and lars-------- --- ----- -- -- (S 100, 000. 00-'r w,tt' Int.f .rt lh.r.st r h |.d Prdni.rory t'lor..nd hav,,'q a m.rr,.'rv darp)U as provided in said +tromissor]' notc .. Crnbridqe Development GroupLEhl crrcuted onc(.rr.rn Promrtrory Norc. dare(l December 7, 1983 . marre p.yrtLto .-IDterstale Bank c Denver, N.A. crrnra r|.rrres lo rcc,nc th. rxornor |tayhe.r ,,: ir!, al(xes(l In(lchte(lnet3 dnil rhe rrpaym.nl ot ,!v m* lrcsuonr ro tlrrr Dent ol T'r(l ?llt:tof€, In.onirlerarron l,1 T.^ ljotr.n an,l ,)rh,r (r(x).j Jfil vnl,,nlrle consrdcratron anrl tor th. pu.por. (ta|ll!r h...bv qdnl\. trerq.rhr scll!and(.onv'yr{rntoT,urfr'. r.,r!r t,)r.v'r rh€.eal txoperly loc.t?d rn tll' ()(ru,rry o1 Eagle Colo..do. der.nlr.d 6 tollo$r: As per tixhrbit A attachcd hereto Truatr provided that the max imurn prrncipal amount outstanding rC.irrhrll be linited to 5100,000.00 aa aforesaid. It is exPrerrly ? that prior to the surrer,der by B€neficiary to Grantor of {tfaafd proni,rrory note in connection rith the fu}l r.,'prymcnt 1'l lrpalnent in full of the a$ount Becured by this Deed of Truft.ilot effcct the release, termination, gatisfactj.on or discharge Itlt D€ed of Trust rs rntended to secure a maximum princiPalqrtrtanding under said f,romisaory note of S100,000.00. togethcrIttGrcrt thereon and any other suma oring under this Deed of Trurt. illvanc€d under the pronisaory note may be repa j,d, :n whole or ln lad rucr may thereafter be readvanced, repaid and lurther rlinit on the number of tines that repayneit and readvancet nty . All ruch advancea .nd readvancea shall be secured bY tbi3ot opand or proporod, in front ot t* ?hr .d?d!,xt rni Mo.ro'.i 'r t ,r :''1 r l,t!.g.d P.x lolac'|arr Jr " r ' Grarl r. ..,. -,,. e ao.r-raiC t{ \- | ih, rof .r tl nrra p.!od\.', ? Pd',., l.rrt, ar( rI.\, I 3 r,\... A!,'.*!a', 6lr.10r td. ' ,. rn G.r.r, .! l rk'n to B. i^u6hrcrl'- r..i . {gtr.fttnr r* ! |!.',ntfl 6t , rr- ' 10 rri ., f E rt,c,.r! ". !,! l '.rar'n9 r! r4, vri rq.rJ Fr.r,re rr r' f,ti.. , ir rha ifrolF ol tr" r'(l,t,ri d,f1. nr tl r$ rh. llorrq.g.o Plu.r'rr r, n rnriu.rrv lr l.r|(lor!'i :\ 'n(tf I i lr, ",ror-d..d.d(,.d bv I'vr1,* n\ r,."r l ty rh. corr a , tlir or rr'. In rh. qra.ad'n9 nt Fltri..r|. Flr .i at'n.t|.d t^ rwn F'r'$dy N.i. t inii-. t rlt .ar. ol t r .tr.t rh.rr rbn.oBr^ b.rrn r r.-n | !n.r.-r ot rh. ta i' t F niai, tal|ar- ffr tit .tr.r -qdrd talrrv blr-t tr ia a.i. .tU |'J -L|rr fi -qrli. id a..al, d tna r..n. ir.r, |..i, tdii '|a trfi ol rta aa- |-'I r-C. it -.d li..iv r a.i(' 'n tdr. Arl fi rb (|.ri-(r rra..rY |JldE ia r F...!dl . i-r- tl I ld.l li. .tr. rot$. rri dl ih. orMlat.| rid SUn'rf,r.n th.'.u^to Llo,r||nl h rn|n |larffi,l f alrtlnnrt', ||rrr utor\ mr| r 'd .btt..d 'n 8tr^t l'rd t|ri! f^rt.. a ctosod trt t-, n adt 'ta q tJll,tli 0..<, ol ln t...rd |or.d lid dr!oo.. ot.h. lbrrF d,r@.ry 16r trl F t ir.r-l - rtr f tlta- | -ar -'l a,a all rh. ntr, trri rtd 6r..nr ol Grrto. th.r.,n rn th.6r..1 6 dv |h.n n ttonl51" t-a.arol-,F-t tiitLaia rl DU.cn.r., r.u r'r d-d o. c|rrrn.|ii ol r!<tnond ./r n lho h.r b. D.dr!.ld ir t.- l^.- lr.ll. d d-f t FL of rrCi r.l., .lrr nr|t,.vnl tnd rrrr6'na.lr l.n. ch.rg.r rh. corn ol 6.tht rd d. 'rd L.ra.f ii trlll t. - t|'ir'r br. - h-.rn ,.orod. Fv r. !r6.tr'..r ri n d.r ot rgch ,nrt brr<La. -d .|l donnr.Or!.abv aajlart ll--ria.|trl h.r'n q tw t-, wrri '.t.r6r rh.rm..r tt ,.nd.rnqrh!nertatllr,t.nv,.F ittbV -iaalr- I rl rla |rd d..d o. dd ro i.d. rh.ll t . Frrrrud t.! r).rh i. re fttr .c!'rt. .t rn.r G'hro. l!.t da otls !r-al|r. h.rttd trditv o. -v Dtr tn.t.oi {,y. r.f , !n.d{h o' !n.t , G.roro' l-. r.o.l \ol.Lr ot rh. '.!.t6rdr6 dr.v t{.d- t*rtF tq.rt r rry qrr iln ot rd 't rn.rr .o: b. obi,elro.v .lry n,.n !d. to - lc tr Oa $. DrtGh- 66,tr ll . t !.-. rt .d r .ra .'r.d. G'brd h.',bv O.! o. h..a'r '."..b fitl. lo rn. Mo.lt aal P'otFrrv rlitr.ci rr' rr r Mrt rr.y.hr. dd to..r oha. rrlta.l ac r. t.trttt l}? 3.i.f .c'..y I aaLb d lrtaafr isr4 ia ,t!.q.i.t|ri ri- r i.ra,r tlj llr.- d - kr.a.tl|- la.t t'r ,jrat traridti.{ fi nain lctgdrf Ir riat[ , tnrii, t!|-lfara -a G.rrlor iatatr ldrh.' (.rnF lr i t.( *, rdFr n^lr *.,*( I t!!!r!.!y!9!! to e.v rh. o',^, {,.i or rn,! , ''rrAt ' .r!,,t f".!r^.1, v, r4.. , /, r,t ri. P ,'n'!$o'r r.ott k!'.d tr.'..r. ttr ia, '.t ih. tn..{r o.ot'dd |r.r.ln i^d ri, re.r r,- -ts,i ,nri.! 4i.}^r.'! r ',,., ir ' - \tr, h F,6,I"r\ r{or. t.Lnl.i. ,r rt|.rd lo 2. Agtnt ol Crr.'f: ro o.v -^d d .(i.'c '.., (r!. .r!, r' i( 'i6 6t6sn .8. {t'r 'nn .lla l-.r.rtl.l d hu^!.|p.r cnrF. I'nd i(, ,6Fo' r o,t. r',it n^(, ! rr.@prrt dbli-, rh. oftara litartL, ro Lrl,.,r'v p,hdd rtr.r (;r.ard' ^r 'f,'eil { bo4e .o.r.ir.n ,. Fd tit r.al!o. lo. th. n'vd^t !tr..or tr r.d. Itr t'rr'o' n .6..,''! rr' 1t,rr ,i, r . tu x,t t t 3. UtltM to co.r",vortry iiit,I tr ,r.r .i' p, 'rt da,^rt t E...n.r! 'n llfil lo nil r.os'r.- or rr r f,no.o!*nr rtn]y wii.n ds fy o..6|!|na All fiu'an,. rh.rr b. cri'at *rlt ( 6rMn'c\ n{r,twn rtr lt.'!.ir n r '! ., rn.rkl lo' c.rr,lEaLl |o l.nt('.rvr rh.rr Ir nrd bt Lh.t'.ri'r r' .r r.er,' rn ,^d '. lo.m B..pr.lr. tol. rint ol ron G'rnrd . rt 9!. h'n.dt.r. ,'\!nr^).r.r1ra?,!rir ..t oronl'lly bt . :-lr ,n !,-G. .o.nos\ rrft.'n d ,; r.'.hy {!rn ro &n.|tr,*y ntrrr.d 5l a !h-li4nr. rh.' (i'.a' , :!: ,. !t!l_ro In{tcr lhr. B.{t,r'rr t hr.f,t 1 .ta.t- ot InF l' ' a r.d D' ! rp., t t .t!*'i !h. ,,oh r.1., iq,ir'I P. ,66-r. rrli lo. it alr -riadd.t rh. c(\r or (,'.rto' 6. :!rt!nr lr9! ,^ ihrr rrr pdqrF, !r d?.,..r i.:t w.,, ,,^,! i rr M!,,,r.u. L' :r','r ,,.r .r' .i'd! rD't!.6t rctrltalit 1., co.4,nn.ni. o' en.r. lsiqry4 ri dp'.r'| ".-u '\,{ .rt".rr hd rh.,r It da lo l..t'.Gr iio, .r " rpr'd, b.r p't rir s. . rh. rri,r ' (i^ or '"f , ,,r'r'.n -.r .r' \, , ! .|)r !' ro rh. rird.t,6 ., ...rrt d fi t|Ftn dtiQ.it n G'hr,- ,, Frirr lrr ,,k '"r,,''r 1,.'l-," / ( nr.br -\o.*rrl. |,r aa rtr ol ct'|lo ro r(.iv. nlt 9|€ -qurrr.n , lc. oi ri' rrF, ,' tr |o'.. y -rJ | fu4't-rlrlcr *rh Gow'^fr.r.' R.lr.t,on, rni, (; .^t' *' . '.r, v , tl,u,s !irur.r'F. F.t o..a't ot .nlt-rJ. rrn.. In t'.|o.l. r.qrr."- nn'^'ri.r'* o, !,.t{,rr rrrrt ol '.1!r.r.@ oi pF vr}ct $. Orr|o. o. rh. lro"e.!.d Pr.'p. rr'.r (rmior r.r co,r|nr rrv rr.rr 'b, -1. .!l|. r..l :.t'o6 d vd., L^ Fv ,.do4.t'r. m, '.{ ! , r r\ rl.'/r!.r.'v ro.^v ttt ol rh. l}o.rtt-trFrt t bb.ir!.. ot O.1.,. r.d Co-^.n,\ r\.r Bln'li! .., -,,t tu|lr.v o' ir. i.L-rt 3!r.d n r.b I |, ,rrro, h,r'!..t! d u.d.? &v orta al'rrFi no.q. ?rtrnr i^q o, ..r.!ns ro '. rdr ra,o.rr !r ,.r,J '?'.' r !'! 4.6.'(1tv to' !e.h !u'to.. rlrl tir(tril ol lia.!o!r aLf 'nri P',6'r(ry ft.r.ldd |h.ll r* 'M.d..r' ! r,,,. d, r',,,..'. * r', r,, , ' ,(" lO t!t]'n nt ol 0. .1,,,.'y ! ['F.er rr.r G..^nr s'l i hrq! r,] rrrhl.r .*@,r<, bv f.ll*|..y, ,&rua'^a r.bn*r! .rro,n.rr rc .r,r'n! ,r.r , t <,' 6,i n9, ]n -V sv .tit al ci|l, a lo ri. faorl-r,<t P.q-,.r. h. r-f, ,16.r'b.d Pti,-!${,r N.rr r' \ l,r r,.., rt^a .r'd..'na t|th'ra ro rr.n |!rx|nd h.,,.d rr,.ttr ,f Jida ol fu 'd5r.dr..! .rrr- ia.tar rrd rri r.t'r6! rh.r@n .n )0r,o. ol ld{larrr, F (5r- dua ra Fv-. Il fa krl.. tgrrr r. rol.l $ tt '!..n . .d irn rh. sr .li.<r . ,r rh. ,^d.tnrrrrd rd rn |g rd r{ te..r.d urFa ,l arv.ilf , lt lel-na n ria.l tt trrtrr . .sdraaa. ||to.nrv'r h lo FlE.! ,. |n. r.rtsrFlo,r ol r-n rn clqr|.,qr'.taal t ia- ra {a I lr-i. a a Fl ol lla cot ci lo.Gldrrl ll lo.-ldo.a b. bv rr|od 'n c@rt. ..ratalL odr.vr' l- 5 b f- N tb *r a aFr o, ir 6i ol ir.t tr.cror. !.a-4r!t arr rh rno,rvr' r- tr -rr r rlr..in, drrF..a.--..-rl a h tl. ltaai la.ir-ar| a.ll ts !l Edrr a qrr o, rh. ,n(l!..Ci.r. c!r.d r!.16r '.r.lrv ..ral sr . t-n iri dl.. i'-..I.- ia..af. lr q.!!r!! it., ,^ rh..Fht ot., ,.' fil tllHr 5 aa r,n.rv 9.t.rr.ir or t ,-bl.d.nr <!r.d rts'.br ll Frcrrdsorortrrt i. otrti c€rrr.rr o' .e.ttu6r! too'.,^d n.,.," mL Orred Vithin 30 daya OfrDtlc! tlEreof to Grantor ;l l b..-i o. ,ol.r'on ol .^r ol 16. (,,!n.nt\ o' .sr.@,tr. , o.r.!t!' 4 i . ,r 6v"^9, nd.ft'.e o' ..1.r'^l ro riiralDr..lrr. Gr..d n db? lshl..r cer.d rfir. -!r Folclrl. 9i. .rtnrr ., lirl aLta.lr n rh.9.rq.r ol rtv ort*',.Obnd-rr ird G,.nro, ro 8r.rh(..,t.., .nt ir.r lnr.bl, th. ilctrul thar.by interast r.te set forth in Lhe Pronia8ory f,ota aacurad HffigFJ**rfr *H#T#mltlwffiffi !!!! ?h.!. n cr. oa ol.lrrt..n ..tt drr '{hl or ld"ro'r,t' 6cuit t!"o'd': L..n't"v' d trl. iol'|l o' rr o.r. r..d.. r^r r.d ro rh' tk'nt|rt@. x' t!'t 6|o'i'nr otlir ttdro'c<r aY'l' 1! 1! l' 'll1: 1:5F;=I"ffi';';;,;;;;';, -,*,.i or rn .!oru,r Foc..o'r 'rr rh, r'.€.r o' rd6to,'o..,r '!v *,.' fr;;.,-;..-....oc.or,*.rrr'o'.rtrdr,"..:,:a'l'1":,o'*-Y11-'j::.:::':::g5":.4;g.:W;Lii;;;-"l-i -i-J," .' o-rt 6rtrr'd ri-?ro tv $r reF('rrttc'vn ."rr o' t'o:"d'tr' 'id Ll"!'rv SJii'l-,-. r-,n *"'t td2'@'rv 'ndo' 6"h$ i'r,."'6r!ior'r' rh'rror' 'h" 'it.rucrrdr::11:lliT'l'-'11'3;;;;;;-il"r,J,v"-.,,",, e(h 6r,rr.d.r.n,r,.r,ir 't. i.,r.? o',,.r -rho.r '.r'.d,6,,!. ror*'iv fiCfl.io, o. tf ritit not ' or Ii. r.o'r!$<t ''oP"lt "d'' toor r.'"tt *t tlT-t,"-l-t:-:::':1t:|::1::: S#5U':;;;;;';;;;"'"""'r'rrc''no'r'r'! '!n"'-ono^'io3"-t"'r'o' ^onc"hrhrt''^c'''rt'v d..i'l.s,..r'..r.'Ftilchil('r-'.'^'^vlxnto't't'o *'"'*':"'lllll'j:::f3:a::,::::;:: *;;.-;,;;i;iJi....i,"r,-rr,*.rf,rEn.r.,,,-.,d,nqlo h..r',l'.'r'.,! 'idd..rsr dr,''c@'r 15 io c'-yF(! d !ni''b.i .."'.1 l: :* 11::-:_":.:il:.']..,.'".ji:..l"ll l:;i"r.i "il '::li J:J-:l;:;:il,'.,.T; 8",..r' .nr r- 'qr@' rt t'rh d '!.ir. r.r.,,.,r ' 7-""'6lla "'1'r9 o^ rr ou^t 'r 'nr atltlrrlt / ltr rnrr ' ts( t, Cvrll.t * A.l', t".' .' f 4 r\'tt' abtq, t! Hiv .di,. d '.r' I tatik in' l€ t ttqrp- .' L' ri.6ir'd'.l. r. B, ,-' r', c b,..tr.. rri, f,.i -rt d.l''rr l,i 'i ..r 'd.r.,6i,,f ,v! m.virr ot r0.r' lalr ti, prd+.n\ tiarl !l t,o*, Y. r,i.i it " --! ?? l'tu or tr-.1. ||as- i {o i I 12 o-r.n r'! ra. - r.r,' .'n' h 29 c@,, ' "' M,,"{F* lth,ld- C,fr r.it ta t..n..l 5t.|ian' In.r " 'rt d I I tru'' I Lnre r.r r" !..r,J trn?tcr ,n rh. cdq.rr Un,k'm ( rn4.il ! (' F rvrPr rt e)dn i'! t'r dal r,, rh. tldllFtl t'O..lr I'irC. en.r...l, €l - .q trd rsrdrhntr Fr ln Fr.9d.i ol|h4 ?r.|,.ot r;'.^d { th' Ott{or '''d8'''r '"t \'rr'1 tir-!r' ,? tit[!r9.l| t l!.r lu I.Q5 tr{ IniYr.t.. rh.t rubf| ' ri ' '& | I'rrlnt?d r)v B:n't' 'r' | f,'etro -i ana 6 darlor x, eh ,tld|lrt ,-t.,r-ii o.r.tr. e.{r.! !h. r..nr ol rn, ^r,s, r|.w !n*r, Prdn lrott nott G'r{o' '' I o'v tr }..461'..r.,1.,.I|o|\.?q,'!d..ir.dlrd''l|..tI'!|o..fr'uhr|n.l*|l,rrItnlr'|'dfsl|o.l!|t.!)'.|],x'.(|nIn!\!(4|..q.eil...*'.y5.idFd-;Ft|drr6'drln.l,o.r*|,'q'il!|.r|,'6!.i.rn't]vE.d|....'Yidr./lrum! rif rf lar-c CtL lt fi n\.ri. ol 'ttdtr|rr ro 'lot ittd' lF h@ nr !'!d to rnt "'r' 'i'r Mh e'@nd "'!r' !'r!'r' ,afi;. n tra Frnls 3r b..rit (|'1L||r'!1. rd s'tu ro b ttld Iw E {|'l ''v lo tDv *rl 9@^(l rdrr' tnrer'(: p"6{fi L tt Grii| Faorf lh. -r. B.tit d"r{rtttl l' holdnt w'h F mt'n' Stqt(['t rh'lr nor rt ttbl' to Gt.rrrot lot 'nli'61 o' -r.'ri..'r.tt!'|rltc.,rtrrr].dl.ni|'|t.|d'.|.dl'rd'|.tb.6lnd.Ji.|hr...l('.'Y.!ldj|96.t|tl..r|E''t|llrlefflrn.,irr.|}!.'''tF|r!..r''Yc.6lo.ro}nt'..Jltd?o.,r.|l'^rl.rq|F..D.€.|!n.|.|65d.r.r.d.no.<|.'|r.| fattat t|P Gur€tEG of a dcfolt hererntr by o rtto< v.Lt d t.,t ^ tn,r lJql ot .'i ! rn \ l).-4 .i i'!rr { Ll al t,lglr ol F diot,r4:grnll - *5r n t r. -.r -d d, o'.trr rr|,.nr r b iir rH d q- *t lFft..'t.rv ai.rrr r-t b-. ra rlt. -h' -llE h b.br. a Ul-.llt .d h rlr C.lc.d t rtd. C'trrn' CrrCr C-, .t!. ld-q trdc || !||lE, , q, I dt a.n l|G,w to F tsti tw .LLrlltt..ll!l. -a Ca.r.aa F.n! d 3ttur.. llttll tl-l-l(!, . I-$art-..-{e h.. !. ...e. st lO O!h.' ?.or\,o.{ None. l'- e- cl t-!b...E r&r-r+ ...r] li Wlftgsa f,t{f aCOr ri 3ratt of cor oR^r),) Clty and courJr r i I I rrx rq.ro,n{ -, "', L' -.-Al' - rteltf€: B. Selby and Ai Ier Gerstenberger as thi t).i!-tn{"!s of Cambridge Dgvg lglrQe-l:t, Group, a CoIor ado general par:tn'JrshLp, ,,,., l,r,' 5. 11,!: rs lnd Lvl dus I. Wr I r.t SS 6i, '..., ,!,{1 rft .,,6n,s,o. .rr.' lly rddrels t:.: 5lt- I6' Denver, ilr ) I I i illIC IEIo.i; IItr I lli il ti {l:l-t -, :l o I: I ,r)^. r t,ri.tr.r a-r r b r- h r -,r rir 3.rnror |r obl.lti'd ro .r,mbo6. rfr ]dnc'..! h. .unn $rl mi aia-d tlt'|l! rr.u..d t|.?.Oy .ii.r d.t.irlr 6tt t.ldt) to r rrtor.n .or . rdtil ,rtlor.. of - eneral partnershipIl.ivitLoPMENT Gl.ro,iP, ar t ner DGF] r adcr-) CA,qtsR Ia (-'rJ I o nber9er,PAG€rrs , '' '''/ ( ':r i : i>5-:-CF:&OZjrPJl;>99ic B _r:iqr &i'1 =-Ft--: ('ga! q q IIIol (lttt a d'f .t |Jd r!rl' (ll D.!!| o( t?Ir ef litr. ffi eotrrlrxr.,t.r.il r h'r ---'lg!! ---d'r "t : :::i|fo+ -- "f." ffff tftltl SAvlf'l(if , ltllt'Dlt.(; lr.D I OAr| A.$I(X-|ATION r { 'r'|trrrx' ii;;. - ' rft-.. laltrltulllt.-fulnl Jf DGnv'{r L:-;-- .' 5,i;Ifgr.1U*rnqj!r-- rrd --J.clgrJ- n' s"rh)-- - " tt,tllo'.Atxr| AGtll!li I | 3irt.u,' tttlnl l{o. 4. Il/rI tlltao|. r , I ,rado. -_ , rv ll-, h.irrrul!.t ,atatad to ar rfrnad to ai lrator.r totr I throtrth 6 El"'L l t,totr s RIlx l Sl.rBlt l \r ! :r ! r ':.' acc(rrd int l (r l hr' r, ' ('r'rr"r Counl\' ,'f l:;rtl( , \t ," ' r 273E93 -t--3'?l-Jal-.rottt t t tE fr{[Lt?lrt0L? crv Pfccittl ,rr 3l ll rt lll '8,1 llltlfAl. lonorcr rdtlr to br|tto* .ia Itnprt * rtrto Llrd to llo?'or'r rh' arm u1 1 767"110'tttl -a- l, I Dail ot T r ..n lti suDr.{r tru'.rtr it ..d D..d ol lrlr rt,rll o< r frrn lrn oa .r(ord on lh. Srbt (! ?roFir..id t||llt^|,|t||l0th.mrtg.lb.||tl|||h.l'.?t|.th.'noth.t.irp'.'n.|.!h.|.'.n,|<r'$.d|lN|v.to},'..'.|'.nd-- -- 1'l r. r t6l.r"r{r! -.- ra trllq io tltxtCrial' ffi'toih.D..d.,|?ru.rdftdPF.rCop}o'vhrhIt.do.T'rx[|r..h.dh..Glo.idhttil t ll|| aalatan.a .r !thlb,t haa|.xftoa rt 'rr r-'-'r"r- -- Of hxt Ef Fl ratt |ti kt . to a.ttor. r|loor ]h[ l|.bo"|.'tpn A|t'.rrc ' ,lI ff $.|h.L. r|!.. fl -l,|. * fL|| d crlt ||rttrrt trh rir' to rtt. 1Y1::l-t:j1a! -pr.TrrrtnorS.$(o|tl..'r||onolth.nut!|lb.nrl||r.(cru||i|toIh.pr'|l.|h.?.to.,U|h.',ood|ndv.|{|'|..on.d.' d, L t-.,f. rad rffr'ncv ol rhr(h .,. h'rtbv "lnofl?da'd 'nJ.rn ot&' t" l'i'l::,1T11: t" trlc t\' ir'n ro Lrtrotn' , iii,-- ' ot 'al-lar.grar.L--- 'nd l.'rtou'r ltt' d folbr' ||)?h.o...oll.tgtf{'||t.D...t|to|utnp|].'rnd.nt..n.9.hof.rlln...ii.th.l.ol..h|||ri.o|.Npi.||yb..i.''..|t || al ah.r r lr' or rhr;c oo .i. ilbJ.cl lto'rriy, p"" 'ad 'P"lot to lht I|.n ot 'h'tt ol lh' DG'd cl Ttl' td di. htrf ot l._-_--'--' -rrr.. r.r-'-.... .lt ItLalttof rba FatattLr rr|a lttfa'a bar ifr ,G L. ;la,l i u, ,t. u..t of tr", fr rh. b.r{tr ol lD?r. rtu .o.arnlri r lr|t t's ro llr hr oa r|| Dra cl fr|fJ j rotbL;oltrD""f ?rriIfir.e tirrr, rd rtt-..l n.l,brtoot 3rF1-lf*.:!r':!.;t3*l-id FIt t ar.La, ..t ir.. grrr I r. rd .a.raal|L. ff1|.i{. l$ }i| L..a to, ir r|-d=rYJtt-t*J@irf *lrrt..ha...f a.d?ba.,TrIr ' rd "qlt' b fn ta.ra lltn d- d nl-' lt r|;nl lr " rl. rtrrrJrrd-lttEtrd J lI. -rtifigrrdi: ,_ ! (t ) Th I tiqlrr,lrnro rn Altcafi.nr r, l),ndrq opdn rh' ,|'r|.t htnrt 'lid lhrr t't' fi l|.tr' dttrt'l' FD''l 7".t!r'L"'' lra(tttrr I l.$fnr ,l..lat?r .tr..'.t|(l r!ln.rltol r 'r ' l,r,rrrr'nr,rl rh. t^t. rn,1 t|.rd"l lt!'r lrtr rh? l'|rtl.r" ''f t' tt rn'lrxl'llft" .' ..,,,,a {r.rm.nrr h.'!.'. trrd"r'' t^'l tnrprr' rnt tnt l'rr'rttttn'nl ol llt' tftt lbtt'lPt't.]'i[|l.rtl|'|t.Ll..''1.|'lItlIn.nil'.n\i!,|{'..nl.nl.U'|nr.,..,|,|{.t(,r't|'t|||Ild'h.Ilmp'.r.F. l.tl|art tn.r x rrll. rft r, |ht .p!r!t.rr, ' I r!! r lt '! r!1\ l'\ rh' ri'rr'n *1 'n' lnrlrt"lr n tr'r rtl'h Fo'rnlr 'nd riY rpp|rrtrlrlUll''|!1,1'1.|\r.,r,\'.1'.h.n,l'..r'In.r''|.tlj'11!lllIr.m.\il|||1.rfi.''rr|rrIlnl,l{trl..|.|n Itck [. '. l!. r 'r!.01"'r,!,h.r! ', " ' ' 1 "' 'l'nq'l: 'o'i " l)"J 'l Tru t r rrr - -. -,!llal l.ii!l; (,J l.) I !.,.\*nt\ I' rt I rfnt"!.' t*rr, ti(ludrrS bur n,{ lrr.d I 'r dr ol ?trtF'rc r t '.,' brn lr l,L 1., , | .tr, t t" 'r'rrr Jrli D.. ' I' a un.' !,r . ra'l r(rl! l l wrll h. n.,:,,,, r' , ' 1' I n\" "\ inrl 'rholtllr,,,,. ! ..' .l'|r{..|-rt l,r thr inr ,, ,' /! sl rrl( t\a I P --+Ltll {<:z-.et-- ?Nl a||tlfl \A\'lr\('\ rl ll lrl\r' \\l' irrt\ AIXX:IAf li)\ ' ( '|l'tt.'1" ( "r1"'tr " .latat f{. lill'ri, lr'' . \. , , '.5-rlJrttr fh. for.t,"q t^ntud'.^r *.r .1r nt'i r. lf.'l rrl'r' tr!l 1'/1 y :. -!a!l ',Ifr.rl].u- nt .tr.ntnlrt,n.rtt.r Ar ! | ' Addt.$ la,',/, {,r lrt,l',, I |lnraa 'nY h.nd .nJ ollr(|tl rrl f".)irt.t II tl^rr-fdi ,l,t$.J().ar-d.\ ul lt aa tnrrn ar}t.r ' I ^t*rl' L' ' ^ L-14;* 'lfl- nt L ..d otla.l r.l U",^f'1;7;;iflf.tttr lrrn |t y li.nd..d dtft(|.l ...1 rll,Al I ,l ra *rra lt ) tl-'l- '' , r't 'nrletrrrn'tr th rn . r,, ' , r,. 1,.,q tn|d..n.l , ', ,, rrir' thr.h r.'q||l .,,,r t)..,1 ,,1 Ifrrr trl '-!<-t/"!--A: rf; 'il,.rr'l.rrr - _ __*-. re-63-, lot |I.Fr, 10. i l00tr.r J F.n,Sg$i;;J='S. rtl I---r-..1 lqatnct tll)' .l t f rr'rhr ' ' I rl "'rilar or otaotar, l? .'v, ln 'nd 1 ' rt$ l'n r l r " -;;-a: rr r..r rll.Y' or,lr*d rr, r|r br{ a.d r{ } ' -F.-.jd"F " ----.*-n"r'' 1?.L?::'.: 1: i : .:: : : . -'' --a--r-t '' ' 'o-'ri'' - !' l, -.r--'-3:']3,i:g":..= " : :.: j';.' t -r..--<..ierer"rarro' : =.:z::::: : -1'; :. ::,."'.':.''"-'': I /e otat,'i 5.r--|.l-'...'_ t_ --at.r--' F-a ,*rffi lar- -.,..-.-rF.,1+.l-r.- -F d-' tt: ttatsrrltrl--nbal t-ia,,Falt-a- li OFq.tt-qfi? tr |!r! F-.'. '...,....."... DTDCTNT''T 6-l-r- 2 ta:ll-? ,tt ttl .,.. .nqrtr. . .,. tl|b. fd|'' C'b'r- |r'* "1r-'1'i- i;t te, lrr |. rr^ire, r irrijr'iri7.iai. t|-. -r..nr.t, d- .... . l.t G.Id. a.r.! Er.t. tsrr I t a a rl .i |.' '1a ..il r!.r,trra.t lt -.f.r.-.{ r|t.-,.r Fr.t l'tir tt lLx..f rL iS'r-a '.:lt-'a--tta...Juft I . rr ll . o.r..'rlr") ---r...-d .llara ftd{t daiYlrl- b a trr trrja ^l1.. F l|lr ti -a a. tt Fda lr'---b|.-r|'ra. Frrl| it -ar. {qrrnlt t hltt'hrtlYl !|r.r.|r3 ttrnrt Arlrnnrt Ol Rrlrl I lr.l-IFrrb..ia.ttc.-t.' l.lf' t.'r 'l c'.r' ' laa f t'.rcr|t| C, llocl I f|6 tttt f lhroqh '. rlocl 2 'l|t' I llE aulD'vttld llLltG fo. '.a-cirf to ur t\ toaa.' tht thtltot. frlt at lraL ttrt. ot colcr'lo' ..t..rt. .CcLrratoatatt. r rt frr rr-rr rr o-na rr, .ra ..4' ,{.t. .l J tI-aarr- a .aFi-I - r l-el-t lqrq. $r rr rr 'r'rr'rri rri H rr I t|. H d tt- 1.. !- -a -adlbr|l.,ri{F, L..a.m-.''.r.{-.-t q F{.la..aLqt{-' -.a-.lbl --t .' dt- a-r-:.-r-r r.-a|r r hd -b..1rrra-lt-I--a.-l I o -E'-5-.3.-t tll--r.-t- :i\ rt-I- -GtIII--- r---r{ F-.-!--.--r--tr-D-.-r-- t-r--Er-ra-aF -t---i -r --lr- - - i- lrr - - ---l rEr ---Datf,F-.-lta I tl-I!- raq r--' E--'D a-FF-.1*.+r.a xaa drrrat-t.r]ral-Xrddl-. !rrFr,-a ,,l./a E*!F'r{lFJr-rr- -tl aI e-ra-ajarl - - -ltr----tt---r---r-rt|--t-'ErDtrrts t ?,!.- rr -..-1.r,r.. a- -- tra a--a-]--E-!F-- --.'- lr- rG rr-r sri--rr,e .r.E;...!-- h.- -H.gStlfF - t -ih..L.r. r rai -, irri t.,r. rr !,r:. F i.r.r".r...r,.a rrr.' r''r.tr - taf r f f rrrll t t .r- | -. r.r... p .t.rn. r.r-"rr h-'...r hrrr..r. a-..n ni' r r-? ra-. -.--ltEa._-t.'-.tsraF _-Jr-t*rEt.-. ,tr.,rrrrl-r,r,hr..I;r -a5---t-l st a -,,-r -r. +r -i!, tu ni Fnh. rttsfl,r ! ii n.. -- .- !...- fD:trari-a;- . ;.ti,-|IJa-r-at d. lra J ti." lr.rr a.t,-t t ''t!- |. a.r.r.,.., ,o.a i.r ry !..a, _-t?-.q-_if_--..-E-.-'.riirr.-iFrG,ld-!.rrE rrr .r -! . r..br r r-r.- ,SElfi$lS.lF: ffi Faffi r$"'I:ffi #ii,:::fi :t'#.trj J.s.:.,ffi .-i.=lE' - ! t..-l -_=l?=_. :'! r-t E rr-.r ... !'r.F rn .r.na ,trt r d ..v ,-lrt | *r.'.a. .rt.r F r-!-IrEFt-r.lF?. tr- r-_? !r.r n.:!-....f.i..t . - 'r-r rri. rFr orr or ..n qt, irf.l.-.-!!qt !t ---...-Frc f91q1.-.-r.F..r r 'n '. !..-'-rri. t^ r.x.rra r.i.dl.'r. r..-.-r.l'irrrrrra.rr ol L.r-{ .. if..a,.a . -ari.''r L.r.!r , l,nrr |l.l rrq !t -- - --.r-rq -.r -i--.-.!r.i' r.r r 'n,r.r.e,'-.nq,n o5 rr.. *- a*".t '-.iL,- 1i.l;1s -I -;-t-. ai-t q t r-lEd.-tD..re-au-dar, r|6- "1,7-.drea rd.F.r -F---EaDr-.tr-r- lrrlt rr r .rr ar Dr...!t ffifidF[i:::!?.f;ts]:'!!u:'fr o'v^.Ae ! r'r,'d]\ *'p' i*l lffi,tEr,F,::#;H:.t=;tr*f"H*Lljti,;lH,i::i".'|.,'.'..,,,'.r.e ,d,nr.dd.n,r4'',..,n'rrrrroj .- ^!! !!fF- !Ej4-- n :-."rE...r F ..-q a hr "i,ir. o..'.' 'd, .r ,,r i'r,r' ,r.,r..,..-.a- |''!5 etaal. rarar ..rFr-.nlnatl,a.{r.;di.i{..rfi.r1..!.ri.,,{!r..,{r^rx,..n,,!n,rrnat.,r{iFri}.|.ruE at -FJ., lrra.a. 4.. lr-r a.i ... r{.a ri.. rr. .rr-r .r r..i .hi.,. ,., oa , r., .i ,.., n, ,,,{,.r. ,.rrtr.d r u t|, | ,n. rrn ,fr,,.1 i ri. Diad llr. --F-r-.rtt tr{irt -$....l.tl - tir-i |l },t.w r!r.r r,.rn.6y.t ;r !.^d"r ,o,irrd,i., re.6.rrri.tg.l| nrii..r,-..rbr!+lt . l,.t!rr!-.. -,-.. F|r'.r $.rl L Fr . rr. i..6 td{.. s Ir r..l.r" r,.-r..1,.n.a r!..'|rtr, rrr,r r e..d,.i. O,or.a l.16lalFaasr.tI'.r !..t t 'i...tt rd a fr.a. t-.- ra t.. .|L rrrn a $.lr !. !. ,ii r..r/.t.r r. !..-r ..! r[rr, ,^.rvr, . ! ri..,d i.,nrrr! ? , r, ! . r.ti, trr r.d ,n tdi ..nrr.ta l-a l.-.r $d Lr .l tii r. l|ra rh. FL.tr..l n*..r' ri.ior ...1ldr..., rrr.I t,drrir rlrirr r. t.nd. r,,.n..., ^!,,6..a.!,...,r.. LFa r.n- l. n ''i .l l- l-n- tr.ll F thi't .cri. tr rr r.r..i.. ..n,., r.o r..,.i (..r..r nr, i.r. ,!n, I !, nrr,r nu {ttr ,tu-r.h ttLEr -_l!s1!,HI - ltl r a-*xi |.-{ .i tr. ..fir .. rrr D..a.t l.rr . tur .i...tr 6F,.d lt F\n,,10..16. d ,.r., , r...a.. _ | rr!!1t .,1! F.. 1 I't : :-f 1.. "!!.,.. rr. ran..r r'..r.r $.[ t. .rrr.. ,o ir. *h ,,,.r, !, ..tr D{. .r r,er .ni ,r. ..... ll ,r. !. r-!.a l aa iatrt ..4- da || lrrrt'a,..|. lrr.ti tat l' rnF.ra t. !.rrr, rnir ri.r, I to, a.$ tr.n tt. ar,. md . ..i.r, I, !|-.r ,. l| -aa aa |r'ar .,tr aiai |.. l . .ba b |.o'r.i t-trrr, tr.a., |r .|.tdd.a tr r.||.r j .../ .t/l! rrr ru,..rr ,.ida .t !.r.tr | {.r_ .aba- a r!-.4 r|. i.Frt ? t. *.- r|rra t r|r O....r tn ^- !F.{--t!Ea! a!!,-,q ! T! ..r--,r-.rr.n- - r!..c ,. ,?-.,rf,, e.r d .r,.i r Frfq ,.. ., ,..r .r rE .rh!!!.!!.-D r..- !t? q q.aj - -:r -d!!.r I rr rtQ.nr i ..rf. r, !*-, r.,n ..rd- In ,rrr rir rr.. -_t.f:l-:.nl-?_.?-!1.!--.-.-...|.r-''.'...i..fr.,rr|*.rD.,,.ri.r,{F,r,d,.,rer.rrir,rrrrrrF lll a ll i-. a lt - ...r4 t .. ba ., ?nr -x.|.dr F.' r -.e r jr .cr"",,o l--d1--r.r a tt d tnr. d frr-\,th tnr ..a '|.d. . .ra ro r.) r.(a ,...rr... Ft*{r rr.n .i tra .i.lr pr r. .t ,,. -alF_F-*;#:*!l=:::F- b*.rfr., F-,t.8 .r.iri , ,..l ,. r ,!,1 ri,.-r.r..rE!!I- 1l! ! !l!':-i!3^?-. rt :-.r._-.r i.-xn.i r^c t ,.., ta.-F...f. r-.., r.r6,,r..q l..,.r,r,.-aE-----ttr- -rE-. ! aa +r.a- r!-! Dt r- h.. r.ct r- t rr ln-r V.r... tr-r..a -6... r.r.r |. r r-xr..r... ...,ra....i.H*t!! !...:f!!!i ! --.. rn r...J' h ri. c.mtr( r.rnd r-r-n rr -Fu -r r.r.i i.r,.L- -: F.-tF tt-iE-liE r..{ -. Br u. - rr.r.tt.d f rb a! d ,!.--J -.-Ea.f l . .l J a--tt qr. r* ..4 'r.'.r r .ba !. sr r-r. h.rrh . -'rr. r ...F-u.. r-r. ,.,F-l h aaF r.- tr-.t t,n-.. a-Li-,ry a.a lr ar . r|. ri.r ., . ltEt...r .a rt ti.iri, rG.|. r-!t!.rt td r, ,.fi rtrrrrl a. a! '!!!!r alr rl ar.: .Eir . rI r{. .. . n |ff .r ,. .r,i*r .-e,.r ...r,.. r ,r.rr.rt. ?.F { r-t-r rr-rr tr- i.n-r! -.rr -.t rr. -r.{i }rfrr, [ r I l'rrr rrl"rsa.r d t .!.n .r! fl.|r - .a tr. -i{i t ..r.rr .,-'rr rlJ r r t-.', t.-r r-..-.rr.i'i r.'or-.J4.;;;;;ti;;;r.il;;.8;'ff5rr I s rt lr- rt ari.r |i rlr r. -..r,... tr. Irr.ts ...re. rrr. dt t.rri.r, .-{. }. .r Ea l.. r.t - ...r |r k r.ra . -. rrr-r h r 'r-,.aalrr.r. a-{. 1,. .r Ea r. rr r rx.r t-.| r . r--r ,.l.tE.r trtat.- 5r r.- {F r a,a.aa. |r.ar -t 5a- r.- a-.b..rrrdrL.F-tahl-..-.al. r- .r -ra :. r.tr.,.r|rkr.ra . -. rrrd-h rFr-ab l,-r.arFE = -r.F - - - l- - -i-r. -R,-.. -a!t..r- r nl F,dal,rl!, t.I..lt Ar.y.t r rIbA r rt L- -..L brbn!-.-- -r- t $ d. Ftrt, F f} Dr trr rr.bn h-.r r . a...r- t-- r-.-a -r -'.ara.t ..lrr', ra {tta r-.i.*irr'ra-., r.i* t, !.*, |...at|t-i.l-rtqall r _nrtr. r .l|.rtt r..r. .r.ri x -ra . ti... |t.ftt |.a .| trr ra|,Fa r.r.r, -r| -.. ra aataEa at .|.g .l ..r .t !r.l...rt-. rL .h .t rtur a.r L ad r r-.-a-rl'|l.ff-qt-,.iFrtraE.i-l-dar- -.--a D.. l-a.| ..-. arr.a.rr-ah -aD--rrEr--r-}.-lIrraFa. -Jt.l-- a F. -E ...r -. Et r -rFt t-E,. -, --, r|. r F rr.|. r, - -r r-, rir- lc-- Etrq--'F.r-r E - |r,..ar-r-,--rrra.rI-- -- Il-ar-lLr*.il-E bd.4LEIttllrtFltiata- -cIrI-a.r-ta a!t -aal - l--a. r-! r.rir-r - r-.rr d- - rfI - --Jt l*..-r J D .| t.-.t &.{ -. r F.-..-- .{r. rllrl- - rl-t- .r rlr-r -. .--r - -- ! - -r - r t- - r E rF I -.- tiffiiE.ffiag7,g-'s- !-! ! --. :1A= - :- r r- -- ! i-t .,r.-,.-.ri -' -e] .. r rr. -r!-i,.., E,aFl.rF-. FrtrrF- -- t +----.L.t -'_. - r F.rit rrE ar.r-r-r.Lt, -"'-T-t; tll.b t i.Il,d ]'rti{i,ra.tf,.t. n., r t'r,t oNI ]nr'! rl l- a.aa. l|. Nn . , .r..t rrE;:-;;;;i"'.,..-..."r i.,v t.rr, -ii..rr .{r.rrrnrd ri'rl 'oi'n rni 'rr 'ctr'!n dq'rri't ffiS,$ffi'*ftlii}Tll;i*df}-;; -rt& t;-er rr"-{ r" rn rir 'tt i'ti'h -tr''r r-r lrtdlIiar a-.1,1* -t.rt t .,.li tr .d-ra-b-t E grrcrr-i.-ial_i"''r'..'r riri r rr' roft '' r"' 'r 'dr.-t' *'i r. F-dr.-rl ranr. r rrrrirJ ii,.- ii r..qr"r,|. r'.e."r -11:.j:j::::-1lil:,:::,::,-::,:,.:.'r I Fr-r-. :;;;;;-"1;'-l 'tii6 'r'r'16' -.'rr'r('r'r '' '^J ir' 'r" 's'a-turt.l-taar-lr-Frdt .. E . r,li. - rr.e. rt e '-jl;L 't'{'t' rd !t"'' t'r "l'd t' ir"l rtl oollr r' )r l i nt" 'rrrr'n o H**:.:F"*nil: in*F lr; ni il i:i:, 8[:;. r L;cL*ir'!#iljrr-r-|--E r"'v" "E l*EiJ-;;;,;'t6,.. ,rcr.,r.6 r...r }.,r.f. F'im .u,h.' r.6',' .JaI l-it. a5t {?.r- *|. -.r.r.r:Lr-Fn -t -' - -'.--;;i i:-; ;'i'er' "r""dr'"or ".,cri'r "r!.'''r d t'id b .-.-- itt I Fr..s. ---.,. ;;-i;ii:{-!.1!}.'::':i:1a": s:J.l:l :'.::l:.'li:Lii:" l:':li::.:"\-.''r'E'--E..FHa;'fi;';a;iiJ"rr"'''"*'rq't'n&r(t'trr"'t'rr!{ir(inrtuYr5. -rtsr |lr..a lL r.t E.i.r. |.a|. r-tialttF.t.rtrr,r.-r.-if |..--t.. F.rir.l b rt .i"Fat rr,rr.',..Je'd r''l'^ r'F'' d't'ti(d4rtr n ..|.G..Fr..||,.rr.;''1''..fri.-||.i-;|nj|r|[."r.rrt..ll'|}.Ji!L'1,.||,!.'{!li.Jii.'|'f.|'t''(.^U'l,.-. i.r tr.t rrr I Ft.. ,'..w' rlII iiii r*r -t' '" 1.'i 1.';::'l': f.: :-t-'.::'.ll j:.::1' ':'-::i::'::.: ::: -.. =;i=aHi'f fi; ;;:;;;-;;.;1.-:"t ltit.l'. ":. ::.::t1,'1.'""-.'.".., ^i.:;:"- .,;:Jl:: ,:i.: ;:: 'rr nr-..r.ri,r'',. - "...,,r '-';' JJ*''i '"'rrr""''"* " li.:'l:.':::'1i.1:':1;:i';,:lli:'1":i -;:i:i":' l:;ll';:;i :: :,"iiEffi.l3::1j:ji*:"x*:;:il ffiHTiill::::,::.r':t::r;r :1.1T i:'ll:'rr :l .r'i i;" i.: l:::'i .: : ,a-r...aatl-r.'5-rirrr,'rr.art.ttt.J.'r.rlbnI'd''r'6 l''.''l ld tr' rDr' r i r ' nrrl'ri'I iSLI ';. t"...1,, ...'i.|r rt Lti'r't trnr' '{ 'n t'ird'i'i' !r ri \ rt"'/ 'n G-l--. t. ar. tt r .ll t ..t t n ul r||. t'etdlr E:i?liii ."r., rutlt '-t. a t''. -iI; J; i-rF,t rr. f-...,, .ri,-'rJ.n'u' * !'iJ' !r {' r"' Edfr* r||t tt .r.rn t.ir t'i' r' rdo"r l'rtr'!'i' ' rt'rLlori| 5Jr. orr.l. trr.r -tnr { t'o.n{ 'rtrt't r"i " '' 'rr''r{r '\''- F it' t t F.t .lr . .|.ia.,ft r'r ltrn''n "t n 'n'r unr r\ l""r' h ' {'r''r' riJiii-,i. i'r..r,. L.r,a r{i. 'r'n! (ror J' r 'r'( r' J', $ri ''ia'| -; .tr. - ".-.." nFd oirri '|{F{r '' ' 'r'! rr"' ir ' e! t|r ., rr- M. l.{ro"'r-C-..'-r L.i.t rr. r,.i $."',J | 'nr lrrt i n |.{.!.'t..d'|.x.rr,{|.6ntqn!..'.tk.r.9|.'}.(.9l|j.r--.."r;...rr||rl.'|....|.ti|||t,l'^.''|}iU.|.llh"t).|,lli.||i|!!\alrr rrarr rlg rl r' t nt M .rd !t.. n't,, ,|l'r r.! | ,r'.r rrr .^J "r I |.|rrL L..rt..t..r. t..f r t i.& r..r,.5r t'itfi r''r ''ra'n!r "r $' t"P"!' l-ar-ad r|. lrr.'n -r.. f"d r. $r Br' rt d t. rlrr6l r l'n.n{ ..r h-.d drtt, A.a|.rn l>,.|L'rrl l.ll, {!t t-i'r r'l xl,.{ Ol a lrrt , t...l.t rL .r-r .-J{-r ril t.tro "l ri{ ftt'l { lrtr ' ltl A aal..L .. t ..i .( lt. |trrS*.. ryn.ti..$ t'''l(t'i"''l I \'r' u' '^r n 'i' iria 'l ' tat A.t 16., r'r lur.|. nl.r€a |..i .et ,..r/b ,i'J llrh t.{' nr rl lrr-t $.I lrl .tth lrr d .*rn t|, tai ltinnrJ . trrr' t'ts" {e'|!" rr nl "'h"' 'r 'r' r'' '" t r i-l ii,l r.i tr , J.u" Frii,. ' !.ir'rn.r N rrr'rh'r'{ | r'^rr.rr d n,." fi ! r"'^ / i{{t'':':l r--l'!:T.::::::1 :::.'::l':" 1'- trt r|. . r.-d -rid.r 1.. rr. L-ln "r .na|.s -a tba|, -, a.t r-r..r l.r .t ||r l,|r .. .'.t' I-aa rbala - ,t r-r5a -a-t F...t l , lrl t'lr .r ..r-' .rt {lq |t .{r.n.r.&1.r, . rr . F"'n'n l'rJ {r'n l'{'o"t t "r |.^ri!t., .'r, l!.t. tidd ', { r..b'' i..\,t | ,.tn,.Br.r!'' ti r' !'.!'ar'' 'ir i'r' ii t - -r al dda.ltar iat a.r.n.ll ul rit bit r.!,rJ l! ti. D"rl or lil. I |. 'an'l ''tl\ '* 'n/ t't'bl| "'l t' r'!rr' rrt ter'r I!" rJ SiEi tli-a rr rrt.or t' t',ir. ri.tt t . n{,ra r' 'r'['rt 'll nrg'rl' n{t 'n.t ' t,( n'r r" "r rn tr'lr"lharr*.|r.ttr|... ^-{- al L.*at. Ar.alil|...l *irnll i.t.rdr. }ddr i.,.nl .s'l.l i. Lr.Jtt r;t r"( 'hh r'{ t'"lnr "l 'nt t"'F' ,r-:.-r .r. D.a d trr r.q Lruid A.l t i rn. |.rr r. ro||i .i.l ,.r.'. |{,i r..rr .. rht' h'n'd ad 'nJ trr ru' l^iarar r|| D..a ", t|r o(rr.i. a{.'e.d $r! t i rn. ||rr r. ro[,r .i., L.ari .ld l...d.J |. ..|n *. r.r. Pr. r. .r r^J r..tr ri. tre r..rr.. r|\.' h.n'd ad.nJ tr,rl,r. l^ ." iiffi-firr rU |. ..,*a . ..|n r,!. r.|r pnrnor rt rrt rrqr rr. t,ex'r\ .d ri' .on ., '|. '..,. |*r r.d ,'{r'! r 'r' '5i'.r-ilr..l..rrn{rrt,Orl.rrr.riL.alrrrrrer.rr.i,oarrr."rr.li..r.tui'"lrr.t,.r',,...r,u{,.r'r'rii.r'rFa t t- tLa ., ld - - .a r*a :.r-r Urar ..t rtrr tr &tI..l.l.. .lrr.r ,i,o.r. '.n u rrvn.ti r||. t'r r .r t.,t. ..,1 .,r-r b!{. ii,rr t ..r - iii *r-L rple .1. t"ir tt rr lrof n' "J It ri' t" "er 'd ,'ol{r ri'dr'* 'd tr {'- rrrr nrrtr Itin'"' 'r I n"t if,.--a-- a -'r-.r d |.'i|c,,..|, rri r.'rru.,r"'.xrr r,r..J..".., !r..\ rr'{' 'rr..r .i..rt.'. 1':..r'111 1.iiJi---- i -',t r d '|'i.c ,, r, rri r.'g u ' ,r"r!.r r .r. .&.!..r rr ..\ r.,trt ' ,r. .r .(. .r r.!. r|. r r.Jr' !' \ =Jt -a rfr., .at rH..r,..rl t r-.r.n ri.d$.d tr| 'l rr. t.tr{r t '..rd'1l'iiL' I rt'n'-\ |r"r rtr'Jm'rrr'l - td --aa..aai a l,.nli t r iaid .rJ 't rli r.ith{t.ta FxDrror ol rrt r.t^{dnr bln-rtia-|.tars,r*hr..,.N.rn{.rr..r..''l!..&,...!{dt.lL nrrnrD..rrtrld.}t..,n'oir.'o,JFitrrlJnrbrllld.r.drrr.. l,.'.6 re r'* '.r ro, "Dr ' ..r'r' ritrr'' ';'--tia-.4..d t -'r.. lb rt'Xr Jrr i txtai tr. .4..8. Jl I n.s.rt ,..rt &Fr' It. ll daa F 5 r ,t Da .t t{ .. ar.rr .l .ri.trR r. r.r !rr.r rl|| r ni.ar 5a.r o{ 0..1.r tr$ d rtr.,.,rq f a-a.-irlt. r.faallt a i...Fb a d aa.--.. J aa D.a.l l-...rL.i...l rt lFnr '..t el ..L.rr.. drd d ''|.l-rr.-i rrt l'n'!!'' ril lttl b ia a.$ a t ibLi ,.....,f.1 ,Lr.d l|t- .d st l..r rfua t ri I i-t.ar$.r 'r"r'''|rnr' ' La h. lt l-.r |. lt ltr-t . .r.rr.q |.t rltu , F-a, rtttr|+r. . ..r.n|l. .nr5l t! ttttr.rn r" $'r' ^ '1.r..!t,at st|l t i-i ltFfi..,{rt|.rr..r*r|rt.rrr|..rellrrtrs'{t'lt...rtrrrrrlr'J"r^''riiFr.f.rl - -rr d rl*-.r..J h rh Dd r trr.l a-al Lral rn m ta tl ||a.r ll lraJtl d a.r {ar. d ii0l ardrra b| t|l| DtJ ,'l I rtir o. lt ll \'!' li/d.^.r o J -H r i*Fl:r FrH,S*IfiT.eg;Ejffi ;.!.x..:.Ef.5'::g.:..?-? |mg'*-"tird l- "r"'lt- d n-ra.o a.a ILt tr. .t L.rtd .LI L r.r.l r.a cr.l ;rh tt ..?r.nr .n ;.ra"$ .f rnr tr{r.t.N .l tt lt.a .a ltuil ,. lr...i.-.r ..lv ..a { -r ro, ..a |..rrtFi ' "f|.. ' tq td,..r- r.r ,.,r- roi..'r d ...ans .t ti. D...t ol l|tn .' rr. .r?!..rr. tr.t.l t. |.t ,ttn.r t.trt.t.t.rd.r|.l d " r-" ";fr ffi*r:l;::'*:::**,ll'i.Y.l:l'si;":;*1#;$fi ;?:#:*:; b-'u'-..'d'io'd|Fi,.|n.''.l,irl'l'di..!|F.lrl|F'ldq.d'.rdlb!|.'ornl.i&0.||'..n|v',ti.nr..r-l-1fr..r, .ri.a ..a -1, r rt!.r td rtr dhc !, rtn t.r.l rl 1.5 dtrt.r.a o rrr t,.x.. llrr 4.6{ r.ll i.-5 r" .I.-_tt #ij.l;l;..i",rr.,.o,a..6..a.r..,16.rqar'r,i.^'.r..iof,inD..a.r1'$.r,.1.r,r.vrr.a^di!r'.ir.rr..1r'"'r'- ai##i-;d rrl .ntltl.r 'r'crG'ng th' r..n'!'r'r rot' ti- O*fng th. !Gt! ot th' to'n. q)qr ttrrqrrbl' r'grtrt ifot-Ui rnd alocrDatallc.r rrgulrri! tor th' cdrtinu'd |bon rhell ba no rascldrtf o! 'e!rPrrorD'1" fln'Dcinq on Dtioa trlttan cclt'nt 'it lottor.t ir not ln 'Llrult h"'rtrr& ! ' tPon b aDtlc!.a to I Prttlrt rtl'rt' ol t}1' b'd tt{r bad ot ?rrr!. l| cmrld"'tiqr lor t}|' Jt rrorD!: rqual to 8!t of tha tlla. Prlc. or !ry t]hr taotr attrtbutrblr to ?hrt lot, vh:'cl'v'r lnaabt.altrarr r.Pr.t.nt"l by thr :{ot'' rr|t tltNlt1 *lll tI ot tttr."r n.""(!"d tr' l'rr or ti!r' Tu-TFlr-r;'i.t"rTrrii r":Y 1a r- '-'r': I 20th .,\ 6l w, cltt l|ril Danwr tl, lo..,o,t ,.tr.!d.r rn r' r{'br|l'l r"pr pitr ' J.tls.Y l. l.LbY r{-..r l..a .ta .ll {r'i "r rr r-'sd.!t - F..:+rgaa ,-r' / i.r.4 r a{n. l63a C.lllornlr St. btvlr, CO t0202 7 FiA:!xH! ri% 'liHlF. 3IF= 5 rliLrill >iii t: ; Jo a|.F tr o !o o Frts ti lii Ei !lrt irl:13--! : I!;rilQ:liai r; iE rtr:i .li I g i!ii.i or D..ll o7 ?ru.t .9rr! ' at clt by th. Lnd.r, to alDPlY nohlto.lnq ot t}|. lo.|1. tl,. Prop.rty Yl tlout th. LnaLl'l th. 16l. ot 1nd!vtdurl lotc, !orro..r lhl:l ol frui! rrlcrrl'trg tha lot trcri tha liah ot a.har., rt th. cloring o. tlha tndivrdur: lot, llOl c.,t th. pro!at^ 6hrre ot th. 1.$ taPitantaa l! qr..tc!, rhrll bc af,FLI.d to thc J|rrurry /,'-lf 3tI ,ilili rllo-t r||n|.''Ir-'l,ln ot ti & tra Ft rt o! rh-5 FFnr |(.r.'i r. rlr ( 'tnrt 'l f t|tttouth 6 , llocl I *a L ift. rrtd d',ni 't .|fi.r r'oc .r[Dtvt'lcr norffnq to th. r.cord'd .Ltt o! Ltlr ttrt. ot |nd tot. I I hror.rqtr l, Bl nch 2 , Flt,llit llo. ., plrt thtttot, eolora.lo. Lla!'r ll4q. lrodlvt.lo t.,r'r cot s.do 8165 / .llfl .ltF|tr lrlta ll0, q'it, 6lot'lto t0t02 i; d.i| r.*+ Llrr ..,1 r,rl/fkr- r "*''& 'o'r"{ds' (rd'r' t"4n {d I t'.-rt r5r' -..u J'nu'ty 20 --" *t- IUltrtGD 'tt!t stt'lt ltlOttrA n Tiitt lfit nltD cd.rr , frl|..& t|.r.| 'trrt'l '. r|tr .116 i l.ta C.lrtr |.i.|. -rt '. 6a ,..r rhk ' ' 'E 'r-r ul ri' I .r'tr' 7t7rt ttln NO7.o1r ' t udrb. 273891l|377 _f-51L2 ' t. in|rl|.r. q -.&'.|t- .{ rir 'n.Lt.d&. idF 'rrr'd 'n! 'r'' "i5'ili.i rr ,lr br. tr. Frrrr or .r 'it'' {m f i Z: f ;-..". .. ' 's'rrerr ''l {N-m Dr }d'r'r t F!' lJji, i.e i r." '*. tt r..nr' ?dr!'ir tu tr* ''rh 'd tht lr"d r't r''r t t t t " t I rtrt rt{.F.r 'krft$ ttur rq r* nd'lh-n'r ""^rtrti "n"'r Frir'!rrrr 'nh '!ht l''ltn" !r 'i' '"|'l|'rLd' ''i:.n 1 rr R5 .rrnn' Nor' I *r't rr' I i 'rt F{P 'Y 'l r' _"na "PrF trr or rlr' r'rn,..1,. r.(u. lrn.r .rh rhr lr'J'l l''!! I Frr{lt ri' r'rdv q , .- ,;,; it.i .,, !, ,,, ...r rr. "e.td'! 'n 'ir l!ru' "lr'nr" rrr' ,;,;;.,;;'.,.,.', " r. 'n\r,,"1!{" 'n'rlrt 'rrit""''i"r' ttr sag l( vrt I Dbra -a{-thFr} uanr.. ttndt r*t.ll'l rr' t$'. FsLd" r'rtt|tr'rit"dl "t' 'ir" 'fl'rrn["'tr |*r''r''l. rr'E d.l.e li..|| |, arr.dr bt ldos d rr. r...e,.r 'i "'rti $& tl|. t.rt 'L.Nott u' ri' ld '{ tr5 rr' r'i{'' n"tr|.'rtrt" ,r- -.t r ra rrrrr -,1 nr.r",,- .-JE- i rrqr..r r. r.-od l.i rr ..,a -L . x.,.*k. r'r[ rr. x.rrr6 drr' I tbi. ll. 15 J.r I r r*- ," ,ilh. ' rll I L.'+.. rrl .r srrnr .l rl* lr..i. r|. r.xb. *.r.r.r ... rrtr' . b lb ||li r.i|ll ft er, a rr rr rr G rJ u'ir' 'L '-r rix|r ' rr' *r'F dr "! '|t.r r.rx 'o'N d rrr 'r' t'er' F -Erb- dt. -rd !.-.orr Jii - i*ir.. "r d.r.'r'Lr"" 'r' cDr^o'l"'1" t ..1.'ll-" ll..:'-:',f-'I1 Jtltl:ttl ?Htll|'ltrtu ttY. iaoftttl ,u3l llull'E'r d. ,rr .{ tr.Lial n€nrtr, t,rr.6 d rpr{rkn^.r id d nd.ra .r.r.d rhdrd nrr$r'ni r,r' n{ r,E'l.J r" 'll rtg'rrrer t{erF'r' -. r*.r '. r$ rrr. - ..'-rr .rl,,'lr'i'l il, " r' *"' '{ "{ln'n!t rn' rrr" r;i'' ''r"""'k'|n *r"hi'' "'rr'{ Plrib Id'.n'.'e.r.r..l.*..l'lrr,,.e'..a.ot.i.ri||.t-i.rd|F|..rtdur.|..|i.F|.',lM.ir|"'.|i...e['n[lt.f.||d'..!.rn|.d,$, a i.a,.r..r €.,r..;,rq r -,.-r,i, tt .bra |t..ll|.n,l,na.. r.rnirr.r.' ldxte.lDn h.trr!|, |rttl'l.n'l 'l.l?nttt r,| ot rht |, ..a ,.dr -a ,*rro *, r. J-i.,ir;J .|jta-,i-" ; i-a n!o..rr!rs rlF.on .r,.ll|"i{i F'n'.' 'odrsun ('' 5.drF.16'rr.r**.,.-,.*..i.i-ii.-.iii.r.ril.--rrF.{r(n4r|.bt,nrdi...t.!.inn't'hi'dnd'on'itLirr"rbd|{D r.5: p -..f - F'q,.Jr' "1' ta; 511l n r*ti' x' th' '$rr'tuINtk'no t'" hlr''n r" I rnJ'r 'i'olrr' '*r'? -t,-rr .r.rr.. r..a t-...-#i ., -i ir rrr|| cr r,,rni. ".|rr .r::.:1dr reJ r||r *rrr.ltrt' "|t',r .."r'r"'J ....' a -a - |nd.r ..Fl lr -t ..r r.. !'l||ti '"'*"t'r tt-"t-,-i i"rtrr' 'l ol tt*h 'F J'' hd'l r" ' ' ?'d " _tl ,.tb ,rrid, .--.a tL.. .r ..t .1 ;-1-g r1q..a1 rSrrre r'ttr si nrrrr'l|, rl. lrb|. .-t' 'l rr' r'{ ''| I'ai I r ' l - h- if.r.a h x rt. rtq,.rtt fi1ttr#Ii:,"'i.n*;tn'.:;:slji*1;;*:i[ili{.i.{.--'i;:;::i:''r";;l#i E];fi E l;i#;it ;i;iJ.ii r-i"]a - u'r.l' }|r'n'" ts'h'''rr"r'"'""" -b ,hFtrlrtertdt.-hb' - b c.rl.r at ar.h ,, r l lt,,ff firrunr rrt&ti''l rc '] tt'tt ll I m|.rd tlr, tbr'hlol trHul.ttt" t|| '-'-rLr iiEir i."-" rrt{ r . r,rro. rrrrr qir"r'iJ-"q "t 'r' t'''t'r" (*rrd (r{' tL lo' "'{r" rn'$'' " rl' !ffi iuii$:$i:;"i:frF,iflr*H":X.Ifi:;-'" * ii'r' ',''s"' or..'ii''"r"r' b *t{f ibra.*...tttt.-.1'at'#-t -t'- l"''F'?til ::g!:t55!I'fi "?*'.,,:n:.i"H-''=?*L:*lE!':lrllrtr*r |IFlr|-, rb' t: : ..,'.'.....i##lllure)tt rt- ,.. -^i1.i|rii*iul,l^i"icr.- tlt T.T1 :Esr;:ll,3,ffi.U[t'sfjru:'ffii{lH{lrilFffi,ii$ ;Ei5:i5i5i.Ei"ia':;;;; iii"'i"'-j"'** d! r'r'"'i'.r.tx . rh rFrr. r ,.r p r ror prr- - .J;;;;;;; ;;'-''- "'r1 1'1a'l jffi llK i3't*}.?:; &a.; t.i ib tiprv rr r lrrrrdv c'n"r'r r'tr''rh r' r rr*! rrd r'! r'|d nr I E. r...a.al lt-r -r rr - tltt t''n'' Illltti 'nt t\'Fru!' {tr-Lll"'rtu"r'drbUc lr-.t l,'r!.cr'.r l* ',r-' "iH';""*-"' ""' "J{ ''rd bn'r "'rr*a a: blt t|r aF,r.r. 'r'n'', t!I|'l.atr..iar.r..l*n'|!"ntdrd'(!t'n|['nt|r''l 'tl4n'n'ttrt'rI('nrtr'Jr"l ]onrr !'rlrrlo r J r|| ia.. rlr. rt .lta . r,x tu"'t' rlrri'i'''q' 'ir rr"'t'r'r'rL*" n" ltnr'r'r'61 'nrrirr""nD'r\ rn rr! +$h tr lflt b.rc' rr'.rd.(rt'sht |.'r'!r't r,rrr! i" r'"'|q'r 'r"i I 'n rr'\srii d- ta- . taaa h It l. Fr'rF rdlr'tt rrri*r a-r,-.tr r.rry In.r Brh 't''ttf i i r''Lr 'ru "l 'I .*rr*.r-.l*.|.trt|*.l.|^.[.||.A|{firil,.'a'n' r-.t}.'ff....t|,'..|l,irrt.dt'|.'..6|lll.t|l(.h|r'h'rn',n'tl'|h.,othr|.d!'|li|,'n,r']'|.n'|,i,t.'.,f"'1..'fg'.h.f|..1iriiri*l-rii. rr FrFb ,, ;i rh. .r:,r ,n i grr ,J rrrarrr .,t rr., ,!,,,,,,h^r ,.,.'.( ,!, ,n |it .!n' h r*nrr'irr inr.r\r ,r i'nh'i '' ir r'{sl -r 3rr., trr. r- "r'"- - ,-,"i''ih"nr; r'!"ti'rr*r r("'itr r"Kr' nrrrr n" 'rk 'nn':'r:'l'rl'l:-11:1r':::r',:.ll:i.:j111:I*::3,li5,:1ilil;ffir";,,Ji,i"..li.i.,i"iih,r,,n.!ra.,.rrk,..rrur(.rr.r...r{n..r'.&,n,r|np..,.rt.6,o.4't si |.Htir nt to "r'L {r. ri{r't'l n" t''r r't'Jr r' "r d 'll ri rnr t''L}t'" ' !'" tr'*..|| li $ P""||Jl) l'ri}r "r-. a r..Fnrrrtb. ., rir n*.ol f r..",. - f.,i.p.l.trJ rnrri'x b'r'i rPr$ rsi ri.;''! 'nhr' hk ' tn'iLfu'h'' ol $' trt' ol 3i'-J J i;ir -it r,,-,,. i*i . r..,.*i ,,r iIRn, b, 'ri. .s<rr.3, ri.$r.h .' rr. ,,,n rd. ir.g.{' 'r r'. D r..r { LJl-* (.,( {r|| r*r.a-r rar i-irt'' *.r "{';r r.r Lt'Fi"' ' rh''.rl i' t'i&c 'trxr t'If1'"-?'tli:ffi;;5';?';;;i;;;J;.i;,r'ii'*,.'"*i''.' rt'Fnr' 'rhi''ri' t'i&'' "'xr {'"''''i }'u"nto FLt i, rar r.rr, ;.r,, o. .o"-1--,..-r.6r, rh.r.ri !r.t, t, -dda; '{..r1. M r.-.1 ...1 dl 'r. |$ r ..@.1 h.flh ||d t| i;;iai- P.t .', il ,r* r.rrtr.rid 11 .i-i i'r ") 'r ir" r"n1.''t 'rk 'ry"- 'r ]'k*r .t''rr t' i(tul t ' r'F an"i "'n -r rr&. ri.rx. I rr rr rFr-.r *.ti"g r,r, ..li niu. u rriira , r7.If rt ,.* &. .n'l rnr snr.-r rr.L rtriilEffi EA-';;;;;J-'.;;;':;"'v "' i 7i- -'i'r- "r""'''' P- &''nd rnn Mr.'r rr'I tu' i; --tfl d a.'h ll er.r r,r ,r.-ir irli.t r t'ri"r"rr lI tr*ln aer rtlfl f,nk' ro )'l&" 'r"r r'|r *t ''rtF -ttLlr-fi |t t rtH or rts, -iia r|. rrrr*i's e|ttr ra rs'l' 'i||.t 'l Ir",.' c"r'n lcir "' !{rt'r'| '. |! ;- .rt l-. ia.. b ir ..r rrq r-ii.IF-i#r 'l r4'rn' rld"'|}' d 'i' 'r' -ti a1t"' r! 'hi rtd d ?rtd r't'' rr' t*5EfrH,tffiJur.Ifl,:lt $"1'i*;:r'i:iq i.,ii",fi *t":;'Ui{,,qr:':iit' 'rEfrE-Ji.r-i eiir.'.o|tilaf rt| r arrrrt t.rr- r{ rrbi b&- a.l,orn.|r r..r.er rr'dr''r'' 'nd i I' lrlqnrrrf rn nt rq Qnr da lht.t r'' a il. k- h.U !t linidnnn'ltlrrnrt'frr ui'rrr"l |' t *r. ]ri-fl |Jr,h t.r In l.na.' r" irr.rtq ;, 'rnt tr.dol In -i!i'.'n !F 5 tj.a .l rn. 3nrr.1 l't ' h' tt"J i'r r'$r l t 'k!t !' r""nr .r ir l!. !DLt. rrh.trd i.,, .. ', " r . n..hl nl ,nJ i.nl,'trr .at..r I' , r- l.'r,l r.1n*nlr ,t h\rrrr rf..l :. ) 1,,, ;1, llt t rr.....d,"t Ft'r(!rr 'r" r\!'ii ''r!t:.aatrdl All t|,.r,lih,'^ In.('rh,. r, il !.rr |l..l $ q. h h.',r' hr r'' ' $' ' tl.h. lrtitr.6d r.{n'*tr'rr'drrq.l'"trrrrtrrtri rnr ru! 'rfrr"ri' "' :"'' '. '"'rh iJirir ir"r.i" crr.q rlt r;,*{r n ir,,I id.tn;n" rr rh' r.n."I '! r"f' " I'l\ iii J r-.'r.' ,n..,r ,i rn(6.n{rn !'r" h' rr'!r'r'r{'t'.rr"ir-irrfr u r||r r.r.or,'l 16. sit 'r!r'l th rh'r l' lr ol l'!'i "'n"r''r'l\ r""" Lfiaf,it,n t{.rrt*n,{ rinllrn.'r ltln .lr h{' r'r'i!r!!r r"! n, , ',r,' ,',1. rn 'fi,,L.t 0rr,.rrtrrt t liLt .l- nF.-iB r b .d r.t'rt.c|t t (nmP|.'r(I r|{|tr|!tn.'P|q''.,..n.,.,n'.p'.i.'t.rr'i,.. .:''.'''..,...'Itll'l |'nl...rl r'|l |.lniIl'Illn] r3l F.a. u.,dt"rr.k'l rtN In$d'l.t.rhr rf - - d i-.ldt .l tit t>nl r ' -l|. r. f.'lt|r. lor'r''F "'^rF b._bblt!|l- --' '-r_'LL-' ' -'-r "-' ''tl ldle' -r{"or k '''n' "" r Jar 'rn t lI(- r- - rrt.'a..,i.. |l' lrt'nr l..'r-r 'r 't o'|!n i" 'l' 'rr'!i^dn"r"r'Eri. J*!'e t-aFrr bd,'G - "--L' rr tro- t rd'L 'lrrrrr " i i!' rtaaaFl. t-:Ill.D+-aqtrha-.- _-r _tt rr'r'-' rltr-r --- - - - t- rtr'i =t- t ,d,z-. , . tif/d!"i{ia.-..*...1*,"or. , --aM -.raiidl tn i' thr' 'l |lf, Lll'tr dl 'r' tt"Gr ,l| ' ffi.:"Xr.=:-*x*:g ll Fr.. o.l {.i&"h !n },r'.n $.rl Gf-r ttt ..rr'" ' .*' r"'r'qr 'n r r"'rttri I rhr lhlr '!r Id b, tF i Prt.in ' rN r r ,lt J ad.d' fa faarortr Ii4 r! I .4t !r i'r ' racut lr'4 tt- ltunnq th. t.t'rr 'f )lr' I r'n ' q 'f 5IG:1= t''. 'Frinr^i't I' r' rrrltrr I L.D rhrll b. no .ccoh'lary "r 'wr'tr'rr^rth i" ' ' '''tr"r h(l Itr Clty a.rd tL Ln.r ,nr ! iho l.n.ia!rrq Not. r.^n.lrr^' lt r.,lrrql f.rt rh' ('nti') lod , tdj- rrltt.n ccn.cnt 'it fort-t li n.tt ln 1?f arrl r'r'r?rtn ! r, 't; "t' b tttttad to . r'.rttrl rl'i' r'rr' 'l 'l rt 'r'"rl €tlt bad of Trqrl At r'.'lr'i|l''r'^t t'l f 'rr ilrr !| f}'|tlt G{ua) to F't r\t r' srlt" rr '' I !y thc rota rtttthut^t'l' t/ iln' Ior Lr-DtaiL.. r\opr.i.nr'rl frv t\' \'1i' tar54 r'!l! f ornr ^ !jf lFnver , CO rat' ?t" ti I t -o a|r E tr o !oo F ,l 4 Fi7 1,2r, '# i[3i 'E::*gx F5 EI ,i ri.rlir:,}t:ir ttlllrl .r, IatrEiEI : ;t I ,Ld;|l!.ri!q- r . ' l.r 1., i rl ri!'h|qlr .lld rnrt.n 'dkr lrtfr lt, |!n' ."'.i,.ll hrr*r t.r 'li(unr"r"' or ft.d c|f Trutt arlr.)., /|! 'nYh., thc lrnd.r. to .r r')Fl\' htrnlt(.rin.l rt ihe l'tr , h, Propo!ty Ylthorlt ! le !'tnc!'f'l 'f rn.llvl'lrl.l lotr, R.'r'''u'r rhrll r.. l.iq in?l th( loi tr.r. thG Il'n of .1r i,r. l,)\int ',. 'tr+t rn'ltvidu'l lot,1,.r, | '!rr' 1 ,ln rGprtaantaa '\ R\r\ \c"\ ,iirli o $!x)|.DltaArllti aclf, llllil r Loo.&t ol rn. lrgaa o( ttc --f ir.t l!r', of ah. Ind't.dn.s nrL rtr.! r\ 'r I t$$hn .- i\ rhr t|HFtl.\S l. "r' r" I rrr''' r3rr.{ h} . )t.,1 't I futr 'n I h" wlltRlA) 'r 'r r' rli' rtruM ia fh.C ot l!{rt rn,r aataFrtcd h?t!'h l'l 27509b x''-.Jza-.- ^:t -?trta ,'^o|lf 3 I I',?t'otlll"i q ll ll ,.,2 il'8'l n,'ll 'I l ,.r , . 1 n 'h. "ir',.it ?r'rl|ctlr r||d' t'|!'r''rr 'nrt lntl(' *r'h'( I'r r'n(l rt $'r"'e" d' ,t.1t Pt,,P.llt ,l r.'d lX'J "l lrqr rhrll I'r ' rnrl th. l|.n .t..rr.J rh.r.hr tti lh. rhr! r.ttrrrr,. .r ] rhn)" - r-t NOlr, ltltR]-lOrl.',,tr'|l'rr'r'tr'trrnt:r'nlutu'l b'nclrtrr(rurntr"rh'lr'r''\rr'a'r'r8l 'rhfl f "'d rntl rlcrl'l' (o6'o't ..|oqrhlrccctpr.ful'u'|'(l.n\t.Ilvh|(lir.lrcrct,rerIn,,r|<rlSr.lrnt|rn.,r.ltll'L.l|Ui(}'r'p|'1|0|'t.|(lh.l,|.nto}|.rolcr. t4;;, --.,.''--- - - :-l!-r' !'tl t'rr;"''o]'!'- - 'n'l t"rr"t'r 'r'.' ^ r!' I rv r (l) ,1, tr..l ,,! tr!{ r,tr rn. r,.n.r,i or t. r,,r. rn,l rn, ,.q.*.ir rt,.,r, t th.ll un,"hJ'r""trll\ l( 'rlt rittrrr' adrbr.lrnor.hrlconth(!-b)'(rft'pt'i' ptt" rnd ,IPnr'' t" rh' r" '{ thrrt' "l th' t)"J'n trvr' l',l th' lFn'{rr ol ts- --- a rrt-1atgrl4!r'- ---..-'-":- rl tr th' tnt'nl oi lh' P'r'tr'r rh'l v'tr' ItnDrf' ' l.rrn : fcrr.t t r,.r b..r, Fd ," ,.u' tt' oF;Fmlip';-r" .,r l^p" * l (onrrtur' I lr(n prr." to th' lrn ot rl'' D'rl ol Tfrr lrr tlr bcnclrt rr( -- --- -(l' latr rorld r|ol nalt rlr ktrn () lorrorcr r||houl lh|. f,obdd$'tt;n A|r'(o'n' (|) rh'. tr.bo,d,n.rk,n A.'.Gner duil b. ,h' 'h?Jf .tt "tL f;ftTll:::lj::'::--:i:',:'H'l .,,lillilii,'I D|.a ot trrr (or tk b.|.lll cl -- -|I l|a Lraln ot ltnP|'t. rnd ,r,,. 4,tttt^ tUf rF td' rt' 3'n"l' bst onl} rntl" rr rolld rtf'(i ri' Flo'|rt b"L'n ' tdt ol nul h.t?.nllc|.r. rPccrlrcrlly df*rrbcd, tny ptot ttr'ttttn' 't t(' ru(h fbo'drn'ttrl.Ttlfy hrr nol htnllcd to tio' rr5|ta ll rnt. cont.|n.d In th. t aad o' T'url ld i:r btn'll3 o(-- Ii frorr. tor thc rrbotduntron of tha lrr th't'ol to lrrttlt'l D"d of Ttrrt or lo rnoti.l |notlt'lc (a)llrt$oatttlatronAlraaltaia.i.llrtnunntolltorctr||..ft'(ttnlt'ltnn't'dhyduir|l{r'r|nritolrhtP'n*rh'r?_ n r sttt e. r.ol Flo. nh.. ol ..Glrd ot 'h. D..d o' Ttsx fot ttr b"tfl' o{ lhPr' S:q\\ al'ltt l ' ' i tflOffrfr ( | | D..d ol rttr ot ]'i'd{|n' ort trn? ' l/ I I I lt..d ^l T.rd "f EmF?' il t *t ^*. "*.^' " a' : .'. :!'.': : - ;': fu --- *'.:!-fu ,r,,,,,,.,I lr.lt .n TX) tllPrNt \ ^!'lN.('s .P-t1t DllGJll*tJoAN ASrOclAlloN's:i$.# iilgie,*,::ff =-srr -' - - ||.-r!r tj.rrcd to.r 'llrrra*'r !'|llt3Af f,.,rt,,w.r rr rn. t'*t(r ' I r('!I |rt'Ftrt h']G'h'lr't 'cl"t(ri r" rl '\uhl((r Pn'ptrrl O.J A !!9'11 -- -- tirr'r'd. rn'rrt Pcrrttrlit dci(rrb'r' rr t t, t throlqh I qi 'rl l tnrl lrrrt l il rouqh 4 ll(xk I' LIOI'E Ftft:I l rilr'J 'l :r ';, ' rl rl " I' acoordtnq tr, tti rer'')r'k I !^l r!)ftr"i' ' 6Lty of t.adlr'' ''l/ir' r't ii 'r^rrr'' - - r€/, h.rarnaltar rclanad 1o ar h.rrriaft.' llq.....Y- -a !A.!tl.tr na' it lrrnroraTFr|r(itdlF i.lo.. d i. Fr d D..a J Ttt ,t tt Lr'l !' 14't.''(0:!F "l"iif flrlf. |r, r rhrf'ro, ty lrl.G.t?xtF -.t,rr -a llrth tttL atat-a olrh t-'j fidhat'! lIi. . O) Laat i ii.tri altt.Hr t t r. t. rrt td {t-.1 i. ui&? |o oulxp. d arrt to. : bn l{t' t'F , ffa t|r I Sll a. r.t ih. .rttanb. oa r.tt ,,.oc.ra. bt rtr. t ?!tt c. Ftrinr ro tl|oln tatf. aiiir.rt ra Fai", 'd tlt #*a |l' ,|. o( g|ch procilr lc r,ir F F.| 0l|- rh.. rhor ForlL in n.h |ftc.|rnt ot rt..'n.tt| aall .o. &l-a. it l-,lF,lt .rH .rb. i.nu rrd.. (al rr ut( nr Dn ll! rnd unCrridl errlly rrtr.r rahnqr$at tad trbof,rrnrr r rhr hcn , rr chrrtc of rln Daaa d tfsl lc. at It*fn rn lrvot ol rh( lr.,i,r ch.rt. uFn rt. Slubr.ct ?roFly ot rha DG.d ol Tr!fl r,r thr b.n frt oi fnp'r. rid rld-aatdr lhat a |tlricc !F,n, . nrr , ri , .InrNl(r.r x,n .,t, rhrr rrrr.r. r.l'n$rjrD.rr rad arbo:drnr r r , n rpctrlrr l r.nt r.il rdy. nc.t at! hari i||aa alal rtl b. ,n.J. .nd ., t,.ir .n,l p.t(.| rh.ra{. e.cft( 'r|on6.ry .id orhr obll.','nr..( b.l\t rd rrll b. .at..d i|rto ?h'th r.tuu It b< 6r.1. or .nr.r.J 'nr|' [ut t.{ r.d r?l[n.. ut on Ii|. r.w.r ?.lrnqrrditrnt . tul rrhJr dlnrt |dn , rn.l (J) rn .,,.i.trr.n.nr h.. l'."n fh(.'l "pon rh. Nor. ...orcd b' th. t).r.| ,l l.lurr f.tr rii bcn.lrr lhrt ||d D.td.,l lrurr h.r iy th|| rnarum.n' t'..n Ni('r,:rn.r.d r,' rh. l'.o,' .htrr..rt (h. lLad of lru|| l(t rh. bc*lrr r,l tmP'r? L)t R(lt/t k T'al ularr s^t tN(,s 8t lt.l)|I\r(, ANtr l,rAfr A$frClATio\. t ( ,'h'trd, (,{ti,..(t,n ;/ TI|c for.tona In r|lmcnr w., ..in{rvlcdl.d b.|orc m. rhrr +_ drt ol _ Ittoa|i|.|)h.tpr.rfaihl -1 llr ct h.rd.n f oltr('rl *.rirTi'lfftrll 1 ttr |lt ..t|.lbn .rpr6. 1 ./. '.4AaiLr' /.!'l () l r , 't,'- fill-t at l|.d r.a o,trr|l a..l /(' ttrrct' -; ' t tu d. /t xour) tlbha ?|| L.!o|{ lnirrn|c fl. .clrx,rl.dj.d bcl,*c r* thu ---fll,!r..--- dry o,- It r.tt'.t r (.! rv lt aaairLr.rn.rtr.r Aprl I l. l9$7Lr(r, l65A C.l lforn!,i St r.,.'r , t\.nvcr. ( ,rtfr- tnt hrnd .n l o,hci.l |..l \tr '. A't "' -ln-J-r* , , --. t, Norrfr Put lr t , a -_-1'..1-,,rxo|r't ?r18. v' (,1 . teJli- , t rm.rrnr. r.r.diorLdttd brl.r. fi. rhr--r,4s- d.y ot at rb lrrfr Lrt![. L,i .aiDn. . Crlorado CaaFarI|n ENS\ F-l\s rrrtli'{qr\o-Arr=r*.s-.-. r-31.g.s\;C\s\s}r\S\ r_- \q*-q.=-s-*.lt-. r-.9$ -\ ronrl1.i, -'rt'*Sl COLOR'.DO DEED OF TRUST ETCL: it'10 llorl'O flttr l{lotr|Yuif o,if "!t.'l r,r,r,rlr l i'. rr r!r'r 1,,,,, 1Su r 1r' lhiarn.l|r ,.i.rt rr! 1.,.r r lq !ri.t. St!l. ,,t (irlor..l, ,\t.,!,, Ir r i rr,,r -,t! ',,.. rarr.r l-filtarl rxt all ,,! ('rn"l n teSt.bfrrd i;{r r i(l ino. I, .!hf rln:f lgr tl btarr. rrrnn . 6.1 iForttt'*'li ^.! ar r:-l l-- ixilF ..a a iri|.L *htqr r r tralr....l- lrr..,.n.a ri 'lh.l,rl-.ae {ri. !.dr.lr-i5Fr -' |i e |ltn n-1 rtta iri rt - arGJ rtlrFn'i-r. l-- -||-l il, l*lIa, ax.ra tra -r dr or !n rrtr, r*tr ,t, r.afth -a aLt al ar. ah al.I ;a Jr -t -ar.6lrr* 'r nS rn lrdt ln r|..- rLjilta.lv Lai! t-f : O'll||F r-ar 't' .. *,la-..':,-itatre arr'ra !r I (ii.'t .{r - onr'rr.d n' r€n P'6!rdr {,'1. o{r., itEt hita tttaDr ru,tt.., ..'!F6t vr, ,tiit.F'r ' !' e'' t ;--arr llttt ! p.t . rft tr'tid'd ti tYirt! ' r ' ! tld' r-\tLl irl' i h jiffi;.-i.:l;. ry.s.. r?.,-,. .,r!., r.r.{. r"ri.r.,' ^ro|l ''|r..,.'r-dt f i!|!rjt-qf f. t, !r! .)., a,rrra r.!." t{, f,lrjlti.tn t .drt .rr.n r }r } &rrd !'rrrr '". "-'iT rrr' r'|.' 'rrt-l*r aaffi-; .rri<,rr ctr'r. ,!d tt ,F\o!. rnhr r. iar lrct rri. Lo'q.d irt 'tt st '( r'q.tir .Y'-r !x.'L f-i- -i'lr aa -'rla'rv e.o., th.. Crttld d,(l not .\ ,!i *.li rid...r r' to.rl - lrt ,ld i ln-tur i h'! cdiaaaaa tt -lF.tttl|It b lt!. t-r'i:rt ir.r.a' ,r -r- bt O.&ra '. .',5.. i r.rrr't\ | -dr'(3t f. Ut lO .u,rn!o.a,v i...1.N6 rr.-d r|.blnr .d orla. ,a.ttir or *i tr. o. llF..rr ti(r,.n n lra,}' -t tl, l-nIt|rrf."..r ihr,6a.rti.\rr tir o. lr.r.aai. tld-dt atlFi.rr{|oFttd'tit,!.'dtttru .llr r-atn ira,t ta.at.r..l rrt|,.tri,-'a. t,atoi! F ha|o..Y.'a f. dar. !t ta.dr rtull 1, arlltllf |. -l,!a.v' rrrdl t i.t{ br }.''|.a.r -rr n ,,. .tLa- fr..t l- -t ia dc n rr.. oa rra - it- 'r-t t ln Frr al 16. Ortrl.. ilr t!. 'tn..arlb .oi . hr tn.rl i l-|laiart. lta .rt tiatt t-l ^l 16 tl iai 'li rlllt 1l ,r irta.t. aatiat rt .csa.,.a { h.rttl orio.,ttt ,t l .trrla |n n-. trrt rt t! rd ia tltrdr lo }.t ".t 'a- d trt La*rat tondr li. 'nr!,rr t.d..a, fl tr jr I rrt -l,.n t b.taaia tr LJ. rr .l 'o d,|'..r |o nr na-*i d ta*r Gr|r.d nt r., rf, ,ir.rr.l.l. d ro.,.t ih. o.i. rv d-raaaa, or rtL- b o,n|u. r.tuLF *t nIn I llt lbr o|r'ro drar n.{.rri.rr,t ('. t ,*n r-.r..tlrtldr tn Ln lD L.at|F ?'.!.r, - |...1.-}r nd..arlr-. aFa--.| lt e .ilr!r.t Cr\ -r r..r{'r r.t r' .!nr.,, }rt{|.,l .r 'r. -r'ar. a- ai- '-ir$. .i..|r.i-..4 trF. -ral !t td , a. r-r or O.nra r. 3i!|'u lit|!|t|i tti.r.|| r*lturr. .r(,- . { -.'r n kx ,'tlft or .aiat r it x.trlrtd tlg.rt tr ix rta rtEr|r -l|fi. t- a..-;i.r|d. t !Li. rd, ol tr.'!..,r .l.niF r' tr..- r..|-i r. -.d.5r lr (|.ar. 'n 4." -"'.i ta|lt bjalbaa.ll,t,.t{r.r,s! 'n t .rrr ||r rr. |o rrr '.a-5.1 !|. r.i .a-- t .ta rt .ah. .l I rL nrtl. a ip li+ rr.rr ii* er '.trr *./ tvir,rr ro (Ltrc. .,-. ir--.t.rL-ar a r-6 -trt r't r rra.at.-a a l|nri!.rr:, r,r.r- r{ t-.t|rrJE ttr (' toF l'|tr a *i -a. r{t*l r aa- ra.- i-Fl- rla I gtllr ih.i Or..rr.i i.lr r{r arn .t t't r*ltir. -.ar .?.r t rp.., I |lr r c.ra, o ia b,l.ta lr' . ,i ? -f !r-a - lrl.la ftrrii .!t {aon ri-r.d|la.t trt t-- r. -..hrt d,r. rFrntd ti slr lar a.ltt. . t trt|t! t||a l. tK.tr r ||,t 1ll lt .{ir .i -l.t o.t li. Itl!- r.Q.ry it -t 'c|.I La tr D FIGIt*..t I tlt||rr. h.. O.lr.. -t ''rr !a aa.L-t n-.€--ran,rlr r g t-,--t,r t -L.F|l. if F rr {-nrrFlF 1.. rbcl|ar,ar.rr !r-ri.ra,f--.|n.. |b O.e t-fiftJr- r rr reara i!.r Jat ll xa.ah i 5r.1., t .L.n it{ rtr a-tl|||a llt tt.. ldi.'r ri. a |l .t-, -r -? -,r lr t-F t ,: l.l|l a t ,ar-r . ,. rtn r|l -dr' -i. atlrr{ ! aa, O.-a. lr,- t - l -,*.at.*.rl l. rr rff Fra i-, - w Et - l, -r.,|fr b - FFlfa d ll I -sr .|a rra irra.i lF a Fl, -.--l- Fl L-v h ll 5 -r - aa brr!-t t-dra r,d - r-a-lv - ra t-a lLt r.- lrt ortra aar- a d ri rraalr Fr .x -n. dt{. d rF rar- tl|rr.rtt,! hGFllrtfiQ rtr.r,'!-.is fhl,.tQ r-a{t h-.rt, lra -- -tt- arqt.-v J||i, ii h .l t-r. t ir dr I at,6a.l Ed.a, if*'il o tl Lhfr. l|!. ti ir..a.r cl rdt.t ll {3t l| aa tr,rrrt Itst oa l||. l{L--. rir- ir.:t. d rrr Fr irrrol. . ll ll.r a a-n t try .a a. clt dF!.rt a trF rl| oF!.- tr|.- I Ffr r|| ,, al h am {, tn.L ra.rrt n nl otllr .?{r5r *e.nrr. .rr-.aLi o .d€ L .|ll*qdr..t *-.lF-!.-l.c *hlF|lrtrJrIf trr O-F tl*.f, r.||t 'r |i|ael. -dfE r r. a aa cr-.4 h.r. b lr:r,- dltl)r! |It tlfrtitad-rd.r -- tarlr!-r'-ttl--tl-Ir-Er.--.rI-- -ltaI|r|- I --aitl-t-dllrrll- -rDf-lrJ-----a- tZ G$ 9-, Lr.., rt -ll! tt'.r i. r.. .i lt f\- .l t'gr -r rrrts ' sr ruF d 'rE! rti!?.t.l=! -lE-r ..lt*.r t r.r, o! h irr c GFr .r rt ''i-'rtt- t lF t' r a"t GvG !tr- l"itt '4tllFa n lrl. Itr o' F -o'n|t, a-ol rnat.,.tin b' tt'r-ltt 'n'r-t;t-| l lttd'cl it |tt -'-* ih.r, '. .- ot aarr. rlr.at fia ritr .l ld-- |3r iartlat. ;"firrarrtt,rrft Fo.r, t.lia a.at-.r d l- F;;;,;-;;.v,. il,ir..l-t trtn'or-r"din^trtd.i.il..r..-....i. rt r.,'rld: car!a!!-.^!!!a: -t'?1a,drtea.r.rt-cbtral t|| Ftl-iiaiill tranlrr'a{'rlt;l';; r. *;,t;.r,.,aari"'-r,'.r:'r4:e11l:a1f,9^!!1iiFr E ii'-,,ri tlr.'i*r.il.r...flr,"r(atrtt-r,lqlE;;-;-;Ie : .. r- r-* t -e.trtt-r' :--_aaa L;.ffi ;;;';;;: l-i.'t'.ttt-'tt'c ttto'r'tor" r |r i"'s-r'rn-n I.|IIO aa falrat|.a 7rCr,t Or r J"aW rrr rol.t lorCtr rt |r titlr 'd'r' t"trlld 'lrl t.ff l!{.!!tnt lhd n ti lo. F A-.ry d -t Frr rrrtior 4 i'ld (u'ir"' itF tt'' lel f, ta.; t tr oir.r !tro., o' .nrtrv rn. rttrn tnlt'!t!.r ttt rL n''!t m'r ltciti 1g-::;ffi";;;;";, ,o. ."o"'-. csrir*r. r'alrr, re 'no'trl' or p€t \' rl 'liil l't lL lt la.lr. !| b|.lrc|r! lo ,n||. lao rh. tt.'tl F.'anI.E ot trl '-'rlFt "'ibr' lrt ! A;;-; t; ,-r'- r!...i . ro .r.4' Fr oth.,| rl|hr o'irrcl tn.ll ri E r "tiJfEln Jj lJ rr rv ra' t,r*r, - * .*r. Fr*r . .r-'rn r..'n ! c.'.rrid\ iao cor.r6r. r*..ril, t i IFl,F;iI;; ll ;;; il ;; r,J,n u i1-'-r - q9' :':. 1 c::5 a:g.J-3a. =:';=;;;;;;;-;;;' ::-- !i r''..'....^v "o -'' :' F !na^:11*::'g;E;;;';;,, *ii.J'-. ", -'r tL.or i'!'r 'rd r'. h.'i'-.'r xor'Gt'-Errr.l lr| Il d aaLal ii re.r to.at or'r.' ttr.. 'rDlr'l it sttqtnt t"n rnt-r t||.| -n rtit -a rt aav ol L-at,tt a.ar(ad tl. .o t||.r od o' tr.l 'h'll b fla'l'rri' i' 'ldl I r r-t,..f i.-l r.' .nHot ItF. 'Et tt..tr.' tt'irnltr- '' "',.T o' ?-i:1:l;' ;-;;F;'.8--1 i.,.*' or r.r o. o' 'r-.' or ir qih d ''ri"tG 'on'! ror t!" 0'i dl ;l;;;;;;ii J .',;'..,". - tr rern. o!i,rir' rt rr "... F-* -,111:a-1 f:'-'13:;;;;;J;;;, 'lil,'JJi ro, '. tin (r,l o( rrs.r d ^d o' rr"orrt'i 'rrn''. 'r rr' 'n 'q!'rv' d t trit ti.r (rFlo. -n6 f,r (lrr .lrt ...tlr.rY | '.arial. iri lltdlr F -'e'tt' trltt'.\ rr'rl rr' 'Hlo. r. trr F,oadd -F, o{ lrt{ D..a ot i'61 rrtt a dr ftir'l o' tr"rlt 't' lntttit ir' F l dr lt' iloa. n, -..r'bit tt ot-Ln c. .-rtr- .arit\ t!.r rnn....t lrtsr llt {tal'lL"'i' r"!rt' l!"'b i. ll hr l-. Olt r A--trin ti.i n ||'. taLr..|ta.r i..e.n bt..'t or 'l a"a' '''Lr'r ol Or.irld lo lnr.l{rtr 'r ||-' r rffGliE;; ;'-.; .r-.,r or 'rr .i.re, ,!.nr--. lr..{r. trl.r..t r.,- o. t r..a Fc rl.d ri.n 'r-,- ...i*i rr o,r-. o.- l|r. o.ao'o.!. ol rrr{ o..a or r'.rr l, or ,v r|.r tc, at".ltr ;i' ' 'n F||di irrFr tt 'i t l -; itr,, -'iFFL . -|| . ritr t -a or I'srr, .,ri.' .,^ca'r.niv r' |'r*.at rt i ri' rr,. rl tntr 6'ii at rf .,EE;;;iJ,*'.i'-.o,-r!r'hirlorrrrFr'itiosr-t.lo.'Lrliiltflr'cltri'entrrldtclri"!i'l: 5't ijp. .i.r,.. G$|ird rrerxi L, .rairn r-r.e..., o, .rr.ir. o-L.- 5 d r-r.- |.a. nr o.rr.r ..,.n i't r i f. 5|1.t'tl] lrd t,o..!'t ,r ,,i tn F rt .r '.rleo tra (''|a. !.a!t. dtL i! rrlr " C|ra $dl T q"l tr -'. : a - r-irlrri- or 6.hb, .rqJ'o .,{ r.t ir. tr.a L.rr..tt ' t|rdr 'illr- tt -}-f'r t"'t d i!' ndtti'h- _td L i;,Ti-.. ir "r * e...r.J, *,."' -. rDr '.tt r.|r rlroc. .t'v |t.1 tb i't rtin"s- F r 'l tnr tlrt ol lrelt tl -ta tEiL.o-d,rr ln.r 't t! rtr- .{ !to-...r .i irn b.a.l lt6l a iia lt'-..'F ri'rtol lo tlr Frro' d r"trtl5- fl. -i i r-.riilrr-,,'rr'r J"o.''-, -r, ,, ,ncrir rr. '.'.ril. ot.ti{ Gd c' ld.r : .!-:::13"..:t:.t::: 33.: Itt !-r r.c.i lltt ., o*artsr oirr irtr 6c t io tr€a! il '. ialat rv.ld !t '!l!t ..l,t " ti'tl*-L "{'r 'tt b lrtl- rtr"'h tr' eii |i-l rrra.r rt ".{ Od ol l.*r .r.rr L 'rd tr.l t ..rlo.c.d ro nt. turL.r 'irirl F ti'rr.it i'r li . I, hf t. rt <carr. ne,rr'* n'3n -ar l'ra. ta tr. E trrt nd -rtt|lF cotr"" trttr' r rt}rllie trtr,.culqr.ltnnn.r,rrur rq D..F.r trd.*F rrl *rrlo. l'9r1_ tt "itl'c|It ' , . . It ltdl.rt. ri.r ,''t { ,n li. -rd. r'..r p I arar ii D.a ol ri.|l 6!.r rc irt -ia|| I -L r ll|l| - F,ld..tr ird - ir- | olf lt-F ftf U.ldif lr*il-a m.fr;.r tqr t -arla- r*t tatara ttr. h5- t-rt, F laera -' t.. 9t r. arlt|lF tc tid io (r.' -.|| -ir-ro n.l,'!..'Y |.. rtrr't -tr '.G.r ro ln.I..rr'. ic'tt t'n.rt aj l-aE-ifl'ti.- * a. ttn cdo..d., o.i.rd Ar.nttr ror ''t re ,|-i !.1'r rtt th" hi txr t'l' t|. d--" liir'Fitdii- d r.- rrn cco,tr' G.'.'., ar.rtr ro.. r .- tr-i tsFl'- '".' r' f'rr.t!'' :! -d?-" !irrJrf.irD.. ol tttal l|.rxel.a !^1... D,,d ||t.tro rlt llolt a-r't, itrbr 'r Fit '' lllr ''{ rii Fli rt'r|. !s!ulf!r-H:i"5i,81.1; 5::5:tr'!..-;J*ilil "iJH:::$',j,:.,ffi-||{ar-rd lr.btr-}c.rr llt. t*d I tr lFrralar c ta** r-, ,r ,lr !-L.t lt L6.La. rqtr-r- ir lct ol fi a.. -.iil isn -.rr lca, c.xlr d t I tri d if,t ri,laa,*r||a || i|lbara.-d tr.d. o.r rl to.-at tr- i n f ff -r ad ar o aa l.q- tr-tir l-. -rtDr- lt LoLtf l h - n 5 I -- J- aa-ll/! - dr t|r |. t rh r.!r rt r- -l rnt--J-aa-rlt-drr|r |.t rh|.lr iJ |td-rEal- frn. d xr a t tl lr Lbt r. tt .{ ta,'l rlr,'r3- rlflr.(Flt-- .,,1 $EESJ: &gfr$ ffi.I U':i:-;:1',:'1,: i,:l::';. i,il' :,,'Ii ::' rr $'tt ira lra..n "r' t|nr llFq ai5- ta hrit.r.t I'tnf irh'-.. o.ti.. . i. O.E id !'.tt',t n rrt. !' vr" ?trv l.-r rfat n i i,tl.rFr k) F f .E, an - rdl,3"$ta a-. r.!r r|rltn |r.fi- i..!t rl liaitr fa aa-tlD -ut .-lrrr|, Dr ao a.ttu|r! -r 6a.r qrt h i- - r. dir!r rrn lta h aad..t! r t)rul! l* Ai||' t\.tr ri q dl- Fr . rjri.FirEr . .drr.a, r- t.- ts qt!. rt-!al|- lv i r.irt ,^ Ina 'l i tli,ra |. ir c..-* lbfrat Oc.r,iar o.rar C.l. ilr. t..-rt tarar arr t -att,tl --s. ,l 't, ir fi aitioi..v r. F fa.ri trr aah,llra 06l|r oa rt O.trrr . F.|ir- -.. -|r t - ilrrlr -i! CJc.t hld lsrri ll0tll l]1.1. . h 'r ,ia b .r.ad lra ||l aa rrt.l (t nr .tto,nat I h. llr a'..fr fi o,rrc 'r ditaa ta nt'|b.r rarr l'.|arrr't rrr.rr-r aal it |l|fa t-,r .tlr llQf) ol lrtr un!{l 'i.t t.ln a. rvri h.|ti .li, t lilr rt..| r.lrr- ra n drai.t d , -aI |ifh , -ldrrr I Lat .d l,,r trr.r nr rr d i!. l/brrtttd ),e..tv 6.rt .or b .lir.a i|6er rt o.|o FrrFr irr} ath.r.art L 9l|lr.trfin,o.r ll llllal |+l{llo} r,'...,,,, 6n..r,r,(t ih, r,,i' n l,!,, ,,^ ,,n & rnd ,.., r(.r are, !61 .t$- ta?a or cor ooatx I 'T-'' i" I ffiI " ,tuI d,\L'wtoru 1irr.d\ l4tllDs ./ /-t I \, ,EUWWIIJL'LAt f--( /-F;;. 6 a\ i \./ \)rdt , CO Eh36 ir _LIl ! og H,iiI i'iittiiiii li I!'1, -l '" .... .', ;;-ro.";ir[L,.-u--.r , , t 7j '{I* il i3* li! F i !loFETE;ht: tF![:iT FF."'.'--'- - ;r1i,,......,.............. -*r)..r. 2 !6rC-t f-r I tl|touCr 6' tloct t "rd Lott I tlrrough {' Block E. i rroc-ruDrvrsto{ ?r'.tr&: ro' ' ' GL.c to t)t t'cotrd'd Pl't th'r'ol ' =at "; ?.91. strtr ot c-olorrdo' t.!o.rr i \ dq. .qubdlvl lion 27389{q,37.7- 'rllil_JJofilt[l I t ?lilu.t?!tlolt 0TY. it coitcl lu 3l ll rr U'0,1 l..t|'d r{ i6,., N.{.!la, r'.d..l-. -rd L. ,i. nr..' .&r'$ ol val I colorrdo 81657 hdrn rnr.tr b.d.r. I'r'{a '.'ttd""'r^ B' d ha':rft l,::r11 rn's r'r!'r'n' ':' 'rt'r''6 're{Ed -t -arG rr.rb.5 !.a tn'r '{'!' t"gPttt t'r 'r' n"n 'n t'.l'r'ri^' "" rrr' ' l""a't"ri r 'r "!" ., - r'i' P|:r- #ffiimifr*lTi x=t * E#i{*rur :"iiffi 1l{ fi ii{ii1:tur:i n rr- r.r i.'r.... --, ..-,,-,- .liJd r- .;i;';;'-l p- 'i' t'('r 'ddr t'r''|lt 'r h?6"'h s r" r"".r -r. rra lid r.r.'r ' "'"'l '' ri" -i'i'r., ''i^ '"r "i '* "r"-ur"' "r" 'Yr"' '"j '".'""" ' 3'*' r''''' 'o I 'rrt' '! 'rD(' ' 'h' '? .l-.'-.}','d....t.'.||irE-..r;".-l.r''.''.i'...'.a.id'|'lh.JPo|nt.rrl'..ia.1r.rr."d..tii.o.\.n.|'|r'|..Y.....|r'gx(ob.-t.*a- hr,r' -r...a t tr't'd *' frr"tr'f rt-g js rr' <-r'"I "rr 'r" 'ri t F'it rltolrlt{ln'&trt''J'o ''t"!'r' - eir, .r.rh.r ,rr3.rr *."r.r x-l J. iJ u-J-,i t-Fi,..Ir. 'ni g'.! Frr<.,r ro, rrt |.frdr..rr^, n ti{ lr'd tl r'eI nd ' *aa | - li, t fir.a ro r t! F.t'it ?.|.dI.rr.ttrhoF.|'r{.|E-|..t.{.|..!6.t|r..'.r*rr.|l.i.!*.d"|r..{.fP..i..|n|6'h,.'r.'.,Fn.|n$....||'.!'n..i.ti.'.t rt .'r..'.r.r..rri..rdfr.err'l'.r..rr.w...-',-dc1-.:.:il.1a::y,:':;':!5'j..':tj:'.: ,'h:i::,ff:l'ii:tt.n.d,ird..t ri...* -,*. " il;;li itlif',r.ilJ; r,irr J rricr rc rr L...d'"..drn(..{r ,h.'..tr.r.,r|' -.aa || trr, -drttl rr d'{' rir -d'r:,'. t-'r'..'.t !r-.-q-iIJ:;.lFlir*1".:jiif:::9:fJ:T::L'i.?;;;f,1ll.'il'i'ii.';il",,l; i Ft lr-r xtr..t 5.. .. (o&,!l 'LirtlE:ffi1':,r;:iflx.:l',::#-,,11"::.11:i:iJ:i|:"fi'lr.ll;'l:li:.i:i:i.1.,'iil'1.'i:':,'i':1,*;::JT:'-'i:--lE5 ' . hr- I.|.r' tl. !,.. ol t rux .d!x.|g|.r . ll d|'tctoi d.|.,. 5&l |h. t,r'ld n ( ohh.' '.| t !& tltl n ,.' r.o'. |n on |.'". .n. d-'r .r &EIirf r li*..r 6 rr, Lnd.krhb'o rlr '6rr'd'! rri' r'{u'o'6 "''r ot rt' i'rd r hnJ tt. ld.rn.6.dr.rx ].rortt. r.,rrrb f.,r or,', d.'. M.ri,-5*r.a r.. i.r!|r rtN k.tir^t.'{...,dt rlE t'oFrt. r'x ri' :;;;;;;-a.ai rra rr.r r--.,,ri.-..,. a *r.l,,r;-'."' h,,{kiJ,t fr.r.ir r.r.! .r (|.,'r .i. tr'rn.n .r}_Ftrrorf '''rhrr-''raha - ,.*. r*i - .r ,-r. h..dr .ftr h..d - . hi.a.k -r .-. rr.r.r ", .e'ir. 'i J,rr,r.c.t r,r.r "'.rq t .ati | !c't r rlv tto 'lf' - d |ll|i t riirP.. ri lHn a.t tr ... ..F- t rx --rf .!- - fi r?|.. b.iLr rd .oh r rr' rd ..' tr'd.al f.!. F. Lt-a{|.!. .irrr ..r rr;rr "r rt r.4.rtr ..a.! "l tr. 'ltr' r& r.. |fud'r ol rt' ]tt|'d i{ n6t' N'{t!la rE EF L ,.J .rr rr.- |.J ..r. tr. ..'- &it''a 6 rh" ''{x' '{ "l"lr'' ?'cn'iK e' 'n' ek r"r'{-Frrr-'5' u rr- *'-'"" -,;T';::fi!li";;;-;;r d;rirt '"c"il" ' n rt' (b"'' tr'" 'h' Fot'rr' ( ri*r"t 'n"h'r - t- F. Lt 1-n|.! tirlrrr-d ...F .. ,- 1- :- -.,-.,1 ,;":;;; :* f.i.':j"ii l'i.l.y:"* .'H:l:f:"tr; 'i;i*,*:,',;1il:;.F;rl-rH.l;;:ff;i;i;;;:,;;;ii'.'"'-" -r"o"u -r t,'{'r' d t'^&' rd6{r' '" 's(rr" t6' }r"?'d' " "' -k . ll fr f rrrrr*r ].t.nn r.|!.r.I rg.l L*rx..J .r.,ttt!r . tl< }|,?.ni .l|.! otnd .r..^r'k'. "r 'i.. ! r'n'lT ""r"d It,rQrr rrr.I||. rr. rrro to trort lr F rfih,l,.*tFl.t.rdd..i.l*"N'r'l..tlFt'*tlrntdrr'-t t pliilt'JJi..-i.. iJiiii ..,-'r..r. tr. lrrr .. trrr...t c..i,sr!" ld ^rr--r 'rr lr"''- f " rL l..| ,.trya It rt. L. |-||rar|. Lr -( li..a rr. rL L!'ri'ti'r t''ri " f,rod 'tt o/l . Lrr|,'c-r lr*"laa.t A{i-...9'_ r' &f,' rDt I brw.r . r .-t .{q i..fiii.- lrt.. r - dr ttll --t '.r'-d -. r'd '''i'-n 't fr{' '-tt'b..l i. - J b.*r.-... d J; IJJii=;E "oi'r"'"'*--rrr"' -d-d rt"-- a.- tai.-t - . brt i -tFr atra ttt-.f1.lltl,rat|.d{t,..lt'$,|tlo'rtti5t(d'drtt|.o't'ldlrr r,ul''rt h' 'dn'n'r'J rdr r'rslrl{\ot'6t' Strrt Fdr.r*.r. '...1jJiri il'r-i ii'il*' '+"r t'inr'' *'tt"" r.t ]""'-" 'n' '"k'r!n"''n"r| ''ri'lrM |-.b'|3|i..|.'|r'.'|'trldr.l.sJdl|..td.l|,to-ll6r'lf,|l!..P/.n$||.nJ(]l!||.}'!.|',tll|'{'..''.trn|(in.rt}.rli -bb.t.*rlirt-lbEaldatr.ai.rbl,rar'.r.-ttrt.rroFrrlr'r"''6k'hror'ndF'sod"Jt"'!trtl"r"'ir''rl'lldsd'r''dr''tr'rliSalt Li-t *.rer lrl;1 r. tJ;;;; -"-'t "'!"t 'r' d'lnrtu;'"r 'h';t(n'l'1"'r'"f r rr'''n ^'nrrrl'lrr rt litt. itsrr Fter. .r..{ "..o,i'*-i,I -i''i';'-""' r's tf ' ?'!fr''r 'urrrr r"n}'k*rr'"'rk' --Iifu.pt -.t .' r....t 'r..t -..' f-",l l-rt-bt{.a.littr.r.taltrlxlr.act'dLt*"rA'It""rtrh"r!"ltu}!'tr'!"ntrv"r'h'rr't -}}F.t!,...t.,.f.tr.,4-.:--......cd.r|..'n|6.r..Jt''F!.i'n.l||''|,g|.|kld|i.''''!.,1'|!*.||.'l..in(''.'.,ntr'|dE ! F. tr. r. ..r 2.y.u.. -."i-.la'r.-* *r,.o. ^ i..a *r". .'' .".-." .... i.' ", ol r..,L,l '. i."',. 'r.rr $| t.r ig{tr'^t . .n|.' ib,h. F.,. r.r-. a -.,,.r. r-'jJi"ill"r'"-Ji.-.rrrr i. rr,r*,r -.r r,r i't..r.,r k.d.. rh, ' !hr''\ r.tr nrr-.nn"r -ae d fi .rd ..._trtr -**t5 rr rtJr'rd 't{ 'kh'rtr Di'r' r "'r''l.'n'k''"1'ar'^J't 'r '' r!'r'J{ nnt' In'"r' h'rndr$'ll*{ b*ar.abht..r'"" " r".'"- -i iiiiill'i-'-"" '*jr-i'^ r' d &r'n't "r'{'ri'n' nr "' \ r! n " k'n fl "''rrir rhr h ! F'r rD t' r |brlrrrrar ,f dr L. d Lrf.rd.( tr.lr.t trt,.nt tlr rFrtar tr ^.F' t rr.,'r'.. Fc6.r.r r.,..d*dr, &d..r *'i t{s'.'rt.|'41".'Bfl'l86'}"9^r"rl r( r"r 'r}r $''y'il,:,",'j, ll:;i':il| =3*::i.j::.',jil:ff,1t:iT."J,::.];:.,i*J:]T;::-y;.r;-:.;-, ,..' .. n'l'i' "'''',.';"t''dilfii j. rli,. ..r .t t,t ..r'' iL<.."'r 'r.n'!r r' rri b" "F'-'r'r h' irt "{' .-tF}.Frl'..rb!ri'|^.|.Fnntr^|li'.tr'.l{t./l|.t.|t.n..l.{{.l|.'loP..l'llu'.,|rt.mnl'{|ht,l!t b|lt. tr..a.a.,,x{, ..r.d{t t'.'r.u;.nl ru't 'r'a '"'|l 'it*' r-l''r-ri'Yk{rs"al'n'!'r''h'!''r'"'lrns rt r.r., rrira. 'rt.t r.nr., .r.rr rd ^{.;;;;;;;;- 'r '"'t 'r""i' r<o rrrtr-r ol'"r'{F ''e!"'' r' !'' dDr Irt !rgs. r.rr.r Prnn{!r, . n\,{'.1? i.r, l* ! ||l Fn r,r l. nri,r.r r!nl' !,.fPor.l u] tr^J. f F.,l'r rh.',u'r 't!{ ' rl rr'lr ir-!,r' ud'"rdl *taa. AI Frsr "i rn.!,r{!. ?i,h.,.r$.r,n t,ritn,rr6..{rpor&d,rrr.'rjr2r.r'.i."r..;r,.i..1 r'n.l'tt l'| | l"t'/"1| ' lt"oarrlrt'l -.lEFd|.|.t6.nn.! l,\ r,n.i,r!' m.l]ra r.rnrn' 'r'n''!' 'lxtrrrt h' u' 'nu" t ('r'Ei FraFa.a|.ri.kh,'/i,r${..r.,.n,tir.,.r.,,^r,.o,(.n,rtr,.ru.n..,.dr'..o-i..i-'r...rr'-.'a,rr,r'r'r.nr.stfin'in"&trxr0'l!'\ V.L lr....? ..1 a.nr.' '' tt,t ..rt '. '.1'n1 Fgt... t"E trli rh'd bt 'tLJ I' dd i's d cF' J 'r'' t'!dF' I I J'ili{ Fw't'l rr' } ( rq ' rn r r.-r..--i..rrr r..rr'r...,r rr. r,{{t .. drlH.r r'!d. d '""'Y ''F"- n ";;i.':;y:::t",;,:::::,YJ':*:?T."::j,jl: =?l'r:H'J.'::;ff.1':',;'jfi:;i:;;l:;;:,;'-;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;;J''j7rv 'r '"'"""v''-'" r"""'P'F'"i" r rrrdrr r rlr ol r|. n. r.d),i In t||. eh rlrt a !t t}| lt'r' I'er l,.b. la.- -a L.t--t,<r|.rt, ltn r -n{ ..i *r "tlr'tD' nr trrf..rs t''t'Fl rr'll tu' 'r"" t F Fn 'tf 'r {rb'',d'-r' r!'lt"''dl (br*rE d .r.i. ,r.. .*-"r .r *,. -..!*L. 'b. t!'+nrt r "ir! ''r rv r "r' 'I'iil'-'r-' ' ' i" "ir- :r:l-l!h !!rd"r' : J I,r- . d k, -, *,.* r,r "i'.5lli'l"i"j'r;l;;.i;:."r *iri r- lJ.n - ,r. tr.F ' rs r' ' " -$r'i' rt'rr Fs l* ..-.6-r I dr r r r.rna lt ri' l,..'l 't t'5r _"'rrtt t'_ | st 'r d r'lr&ro' t *l ra e, trrf!' d i.| t!-.1 !, t't1r. .lr andF' t rlrt, |trb 'J '^"ttr rt 'r' r' rit ||"'d 1n""" Pkr 6 rr" r' ta'r rl'll "' ro tlt' ?{ fr.a.,r.-, Egtb|r.^-..IC.<..db.}|'U.]|r'dl0Fq.tld.rt.r'J..Ilo|.P'oll'....fuf!....{,{o||....|t[.|k(rda. b Ira ||tl.r,,||. r.u,rrr ,e-..i?1.-1"i.'"'r r''-' * -'---- l'ttt r-'i* 'u rF { '(t Lr"l' to!''rn|."'{ u'r 'nN''k' -a-it d't.Fr|u||'r.!sl,e '.n.. ' {' r''....1.|rt' '-l'b-.'......|'|1.|..,...t.tl|..,xhb..}||dJ..|F||J'|<lrlrlrgrro.",.l"rtn|.|.U|l|.||..t|..'..d.1.n|.....|'l--Fe . -qr.- '-r-; 'lJ"'-;;*'t' r&rr- ' 'r u*Rr t't'n btd' ''l. &frt r'l l'r-'t'iFr'' -l aaa -t - - |.- h.t {, i. |. .a r.|.| rL r.a *-r- i || lr"i tt ttr"r a - .t J L...Lri .a .b o-'a J to.. .l ul r.tn |'' r 'ltr. ti r t'ri' r 'd r"r ?''18 bld"t d !'rr"'| '6;rttt' rkr"'! F bba-. L.r a.ll ?- t6 tL F..L- - lt|| - E.lhF .A-.tl-a.tttn..Fx..r'i{r"rr'Frr'td'r-ol'-.F.n-'rth"rcFntrt6'i""'lt|.tFrrt"J)-|.F.d.t-.F...,.||{rdtrF-rrtd,r..i.+,"fi'*"'t|-rrr'rr*r.iarfgrrrir..'an..'rr'r'r-F't-r'L.r-t.rl 'r t".r".r-.'..-l?;:tl;:-,;'E;;; J'jii-'r-"ii:iiri"rr"'r"*gjl'i5jj.:nadl. I. rr iit it - |. a..nt oa r- *, (r.-r ,' rr. r€-l F ' or I' rrrq'E. - rt ii* a U frif - .., '.a-r.ih... ro-a 1tr.rt-a.l rru.r --ar'lt d', r.a rt.11 '*' 1,.""t'r - 11 -. ad &"i- '.{r rr rr* * iff,l-"F i j.ilir, ,* 'r*'r-' i 't-'r'r'.urrr -r rF! gJ||:-l1frJ':H.ffi*',^is ffi.lfi il;rft;;;ffr;lJ*"'tlirr -r tr.''l- :-tl5ffi;;;Ed;lilri rr - r'*i E tt t J.r rr r.r'{ ' r'5 3"'r- h "'t--" rt l'-r'- ... ....-t .lt. - ry p- t i#.r "*-i rtt -o rirr r" "r'' rrr's d .r t" -... d lr Fr.tr. r-.. r .lr..r J5-rr-di r-rJ' '-a:-'r 13 "- r"*l Eld "rr '.. t-.-. | . !fl e s riji'- ..r-lil-ii r-r-. --:=:i1=:j:31,!g..5;rr--rrr-ra.af,al ..r,- Itil:l' _5'r r r- 'G 'r'rr -'_rt aa a-.-. r al.'* e g t-r'n-r rrr irrrl rr r lcr r ti 'ltLr-t.,t-'r' !"br r r .rr -.l n-- an|, -Frt . - r-rl. fl r -r;tta ; r''r r'tj'- " t- r- -d 5' l- d l;iE-;;'t-,r ;-xa; t 'x;-r;;5 r.t1i' -a-' r r.'- r'r r' iF ' F r'' d "'r --:rr- .ts1-r-E.I.qrt- tE - 'r- '_- ' -qrE "':- '_- t"' l.-Bi.-l.L iL-- rrrri. r;,-. rrf .'e * - -" -"-' r- !r' r- rl!' -t--dl 'r.rrr "r.rqIlFEii- J+-',*-r'-- |r' rit-r ' rx ==EE1;;-i';-a=';;'- bl- b'- - .i- N * x. r''ri'rltg ts' tr':rr:rr{:=-rii-, 5ar.::i:r-:1'9"#.'ffi:rE;EF*-',F,'REFfi ifrlrTt;.##f.:'H.tffi"; arlb-Jtla /rl-h' a.- -'-lF--l. 'b;-'" 'at'dit" "l{r" 'tttt d t''-g '5 =|;E|- fu-i,.F;Td;Ei;-tr-.Julli ,t' r,,r.'.. i-r.Ic. I ,( .||.r.r, rr' ...r...d.r... ..P'r.'|| firE;J;E daZI; ; i;arE;t;E;;;;;Lhi-' '' irr -r'uf L"r' I! Fl-F - a-.. , |.il -!rrl'b- r'tr' -'' r"'t 'r" d 'Lt *iirr " 'r' l 'rsh.- E ra- -.r' r ry f,5liE ii'i'' r r-o rd't' rl t'r "'s''-..r ". ffiffiS#r,H#fiilflffi ,., ,ili^.:ti- ^"..- ,,, !a atlFtFlFL l-.lLr---r-r -d5*altfbL...ndb.ta- l-aiaaarrL|.rd3f5*::3::.i':r-.aa-r'-.F =:r:fi:s? lF,--h- *H I x;a r FFaFtultt...t','lq xrr F-tt :.ffi 1 ffi;i iifijt L*iii.H:-E:, .3; T:*l;j1$;1 ::i lf, l"s;*l1x t:r: Fffg-; i-F#.;; ;''-; ,.,'r t r'. t-r !' ''r.F,€*r" #,s ffir -'r "r'*.,p' rr r"-' t"''n't!r't'tr ftd'r"iJ i' Fr'-tr ! d d'r d a.-l- lrt!-n ith u l'-rr rr. t'lFnt c UUhr'n rl " t{'tt ru -nkh tr'' t'uF') ' s!F' d -t -...' l, !. r!,, ..t| .. --'' "-IL':JH.T'"*t::1"'-J o r|r rru*'nr' r'r'o'r' {'rd 't'' tt' t"n"" n$.!li#.E;liili;irii;;*' r"c''. "t''d'; r'i'&i ,tr 0t r tr lrrrt rrrr.t r,,i-.r. ..t lr.fl r r- rh. Fn.r.itr st ri. !{. -ro'rt r'.Ebr r*lr rd ri. p-l'r f,'i {{rt"' th' b" "t|('ten 'r' tlt-rFlri.--; ".-.d r.--.' lr,.,r .rn.. k, rnr ,.,d,,. h-tr,.i.r r.o'dr r',rr,.'F.r r',rr t'.F,,r (! r rrhrr."! 'ti 'rr.r r' r'?r us#.*.#*:,tr;*i;,x"15,ffi1'j'ii,Tr:::ill'iil,'*;;;;;;'lj;*;"r'""" r"'"*" ''x'r*'".0'r'' --t,r.rr.'...i.&|..s.t,t.nlt{|..JdqrLll{.r'ol.|\.lef.'|tJ9|,r&{1,$dln"'6.||,!|s.{n,,.1''.!.'t.,|'h,|r-arr-arr .ti.t.ertrrtdrtr'"' "' " l;';:;;:i""1""-rtr i'o rrd'r'" 'rr'"r r" rii&' """'"'"'*'"*'i ...- ., -L, A.-Lid. tlk ldlh'|r'if A'[ 'r{n!r] tK!!r nl rH"lr lf /| J.t.* d it$t J 't' r'ri"6rtt|F trt tdFir r|' rrlt rb'd "l I's{ ' .|A...J-h..|J1|lD!|..|..td-.t|.odnl.t.L|.dn.i'..||h.xd.|'...'ttrnio||.'..xrd'(i.|.n.t|ntitr..n''.dR.It a.5. r.l art F da.."t l ifr|. a("tl $ tn tur F'n'|{l' '^'l r'llt P{ 5 I l-rt ? ''.| lt).lJbt ..t (r).r .1 " il;fi to;;l'tc'+uitl*g'x"r*lffiiT:#$Hd'#! ffifit fig: p;ii'.i*"rJ's;,:f;:1l;: :.fr 'f : fil{;.rr-r;1; frniilt1;,l.:*ffiil:i.':.'*.. =5::;?;; ;J.r" br :' ,.' ' n " "'r' "nnr rt' r'r. rh''- rr ' t.ti€rlrrrt*-tr Fflr' Terreq],J5il. ; ?' *!- il!1 :!: ar.'.::ll rllj:lljliLrtr::'H:'::;fr.'i;l'il::5rfl[i Ct rL--da.a.rr.ld",-.1-,'r-r"-'lr'l ti' i'rr''.'l rt rr| lF 'rrrd'"" |T:;:tI;;-;tL;. n'''i -v ''-ri' '*r|.'a r't r I.;Ii i.'..;r b .tL"r|. L' !'dd Lr' tr ..rnr" |. o{"t 'll "t'-r" d' ihr-r-rrr'rr aa *fitr ;iiHHliiitrH*tr. iltr s{ ffi iF::i';il' i:'Hi'g:x "J'r5'}E:j!"ffi::1 Eq;;fi fi gggffi .''"tt't ;;;:r lls$:' s = d*et''l|- -,:-:-*.-l -I itl|-f l.a. *-- Hrt r|h. r|d ., fi 'tt It r'di J .rt ot r'. 'r n"" t{tt' lt tltr lttd nl l rr n l,' rt' rer' a-rfl Al .o*{.o .nd {a.d.nn , b-r A.t b jih d _!.'t. ".:l* 11r' '!.Pr.nr.'n rt at.l lr t t'.tt .a aL H d tir rlrororr.c.dr.JDr |.l drbr!..arh. tiaattr H llrarr tf r.r no. (-.r .r dr- - t g|.a, +r r a. f-i, a.d. al la- - __ _.ff tg b tLrFtE- t i:g.. .t -- rr -- rr--; ;- - ;-;- s rr- - - --. - r, - i-l--r--:-fi.-srrrr*E---=;-.E-----r=?-a-:---=;E- - -.. irF. ..r- d a --r tr- h d tr - t- tr --- b, I btLa.aa r- ab !b: --rIt-. --"- r -- - --r - qr- - c - - r-:---EEi I I tr i rrrrr r* -. a r--.F. -r-'-.r =.G'-.-.i* - -. r.rr. . - ; ---Zi; a _ ; = - Z -;= - ;;-;4fr. ll-1b1Ga bsnr rail all rtltlor a-3|ttlng tr. t nrbrr. E. oa b.rt ot lrut atrx, d rttlf |blg tla tat ol th. lor, uFr tr|,arrbl- r.qrrt by thr L.na!.t, to iggfyl.hnttcr e\t ilollt tlar !.qldr.a toa ii. srtl;rd Erttorhg or tna toe,.laf lbau bl no rcodbra or tr.![touritr ttrrllclnt qr th. prop.rty yluror|t tha Lnd]rralflc ttltt n €(rra.a t.tt t-rwar la hot jn ahtrtrlt h.l!trr(br,b -tld.d to r D.r!t.:. rtl...a ot Url. .Cltt rrral r)",nlr.l D.brr.!r ff.a.frtr |..'"m", ..r.(r-'Lt.l| t'.1 {rnrI '.| ...,. . J.ttr.y B. s{lby trl. ot tndlvtal,|rl lot., lorrcrr rhdl?n.rt r.l.|rl,ng ti. Lot. fr(!| th. ll.n ot th.ol qrar Da.att.lllr bed ot ?ruat. L co.ld.trtiar ?or tt. rtLar|a, lt rh. clo.lng o.r ti. lndtrldu.l tot - Dlt aqtral to l5l al thc :aba Drlca or I lOt ot th. plor.ta rh.rc of dr. Iedr rrp!.r?-.l|l 9t. fda.ttrlbutrbl. to thrt lot, ,rlcbov": l. gnrt.r, rhrll br rpplt.d to rhel"l..l|tacr.aa !.Dr.r]|ntnd tC thr rot . I I?XtL flllllo?. ao',dt.r rrj.r.\t,.r rnn l,..<t.f t'.r | '.,t\ .-\ 20th JaDurry lb.. .t L.a ..4 .,lr..r nl lF.r...rF- rq*J+Jr8+ 6f-I l, tit: ^-i l5!a crtllornlr 3r.hrlrr.. CO 80202 tu+4 5''#- I IFrls 'iill FI I i lrlaeitr;I..l ai !i 8iti I I Ja eLlr lar o 1too A e Ifr EI iiii! iiri!ii"i jtirli 8E?0.t 'j'/J .. :, r,rr,,| 111 lH 'il ICOLORADO DEED OF TRUST st'i:NI ll;io rrtlt y.b1b3 rlll prcrFt(s Qf thtr crrlverr;l(rl' lnlr ,:d$h .x I t(p ldatfil ( lillilri' ,l|rl ,\trintrl.tl lrtl .l9ar(lr' trr ^d', ,!/'i .dutr.i .' ho,i't,' t rrr ' 'r 'nn . rt ' r&, rrq.. t,q' r, ti..r'i! , r h,?t , t i xt , t'{+ rt r, i 't {'i r! t .4.hp,,r4. .!$ rr{,i.'i "r r' {tFr'l "t-a,d tr.rt. h${'}, ,.i!ri aa. 0t6ro 4' ,\. l|.vriF ' raa. It ,ql. 'rF!.rt' !' L I ?i!'rra.6(. er |).i&r'rr . 'i-"r,..li|r.L..r r.r n'..1 r?rbr { "' ' ' r" ' i uol\rntiry .)r t nlr ) I I t ; r ' I I '/ , 'ri rr "' 'i "/ ' f rLlftlirrl, ,/llfY'lt .r^lr rfi | | |t tl l lt '^rrat d trr. .ar. ol rq f.r,rr|br cl ..El.'.rr I l 'P"! r"'i |..rt.(tlt i-lrtd.l t...*&t 'rr'J^trr '"r ! ! ' '.l.i,it to In. b|tqt l ,',t "'r.rar,^r ro t|t h{ird....:e'.d n''i" I I itr..llt lt\.t lrr !91&rr 'i rh. h{rr t' l.l ia-i u ..1..d oltDtl* tlt3Ft to Gtdnt()(; t.J;-i^ d ..t.r.,t or d,r *|tl ,3 '{r-aaaiia -dd Eratr is\'6r ' rtt i i r 1 ! trl -hrr . a.t .ir .l Iir crit' 'r'tDrf,h" '",.,...,."'H\*[rF*r, rrl9', ., t $....r n -rF.'i...5v'n ^'!-'i '{ lb' ".''':l .:' : l. -"::.-:'.:', :;i',:-l:;;. ,,,''." ,1 .;' - .:?"'i.l;:ffiiili.;;;';''*"'l'a-.'i:.'-:,':'i,..":::.'ll '.' 1 .:: ..: ' .' , ,H'"ffi:j;;;;.;;,."--''r1.-,::-]1]::,::,.1::'.,::::;.'.,.:]E:'; I-r i,ri 'p'ot ..''"r tn"'-6:' li ':":1:::'::'ii.';:-: :. :^." ,"H.i,i?:il.lx?i :,$"iI;;;:;" a*i ;;:::,'::: *:.': " . :.1:,' :,:' : :.'' ;::, ; . r.-i,.r trthadatlsltinta(art(atertttr|tthirrtlrPl'{''arr'!o"'i'rr'lrrrrbY. . r .aa!f ,t! tlr: {{r'utrr'rrl' ol I rfctrult lx-:t ci'rrl':t lt Cl|Ilt()r :.': raaJr -a ia |..i aa Crll G-. fi ldtr.a rr.r,|'..! ||| aa flror .l it a - '-.tra{|.lEi--..f ,a Ora,rld h a}!|ltd L aatiterL llrl },r.trr.,t rr.,.on ai rr'Jl 6t 'r"'l lrrr-4 fu ..-Lataaa a-..aa L.-r altt tlhrlt na |.l..tl L .^ .llormt dol ' rtt'rit' tr'rot" or rn' .+rr..|'JJ5.I|...5...!.....!.5r....-{..&t|,.r.,.4..|r d.dr ..! |- .|.|.r.. .r||.., A| P* ...t. .d.} .+ . -aa.riD hl!gl.!!rlgr-=!. Fortidr6 of th vort',agdl t'r"[4rr"' nrr]' I' I'l "rl rt'r Urtt H of Tlutt ln ae@ldanc? slth tlr l(rln (xtrnri tnt-'nt l"t tr ' 111'!i lrrrr '/" l98a tttsn Calk idge ard B4rnf icltry (t-tr' "(:'nmi I n nl ") ' 3I. tdmtitv of lbtr. Tln lr"volvrrq t'irr' ln ttr -affiin1-6fJ rlrii, ooo 'x({rrt'd lrv ( ilnbr tJtr mta te gfncit i(allY i(l-"n'rl I'i; 4!1 rlr' ldcntlf id in th' (.'(nmiurnt. t()le l$ r)r, l(kr, ol 'v,'n ry)l ' r',liI t( (rt r jF ,nr il tN wlttlall wtiria ol 3lltl ot col oN^oa Cnt AD couxrY or Hl'M'l( ttr lS.|rr{ r.alrt|trnt *.r .ar^!il'th'd btlott rt' |n'l J.ttrot, B. 991!t_ _ llt||all irt iarLl ,ta rl||.d .-l F | ,l I aaa.r.rrr|..l atll'| L -L -. -_ Addrcsu: rI .rt/,,.i 'i ' I .nl I ,. "'":. al G |. A.l t. hlbl .. -'r.. -r -tt .. .--t r--(6-{ rr''*rr'{t 'b' 6dr b |nd '*-ocl- l.- at!-'rl'|llll-|l -,-.--l.Gi.rG .,r ,tr83 (.,unrr ^t ttgle atr,?.rrrr,,r|re.frtrr Frr r. ND,t JIAFREy B , SEf.By il lq rd.r,,,. jII l5th Str€et,Suite 410 !t|d r ,,.,, r' .,r Denver tfrh. { .ond rr r. 'l:Tff ih,. tr,. ,i,,t,'*,,y ,,r r, .,.: r..r. 1 tt.t.t .t ,. ,,, ,,r Ten Dollar6r qood and valuabic conar(leration _-____r.FFtF l{t rn,i r,, , \, i,rl,sIrr,t'.,rln r.,., legle .,' Ir,r'! 'it l,ots r, 2, 3, 4, -) and r)8l()ck 1 ,LIONS RIDCE SUi.II)IVISION Fr .[ rn(j l4Ac(:ordlnq t(, tho re(1.rded l)l,rt tli, rr_,()1County of Eaq.].cSLate i): C(r!oradrj I sl:At,l lsl:A t,l ls ti { t.j tsr.At,lsTATI r)] r1)l,t)R^Irr,. I I !-lfuonnr,tn( L'tt tal "' 1"lrototol ||,rrr " nr.nr *rr i(ln,,r.irdh, I l,rt.,r r hr I t,,,r' lllto SELBY b .r"fu.*nr.*nt) hrrd rn.t offi.rrr rrrl f0i. anct u /'/(lt _ft s , r:1 |' 't ,' B!,ST INTAGE POSSIBI,E Jrrue lr.rsuRANcE Co*pANy ot [/|tNNESoTA Owner and Encumbrance Report ORDER NO 0-330 TO: Mark Garrison That according to the indices ofthecounty Recorderof Eagl e Colorado, relative to the following real property: Lot 3, Block 1, Lionsridge Subdjvision, Fif ing #4 A.The recorded owner of said real property is: Jeffrey B. Selby B. There are no mortgages or Deeds of Trust which purport to affect said real property' other than the following: Document recorded December 23, 1983 jn Book 375 at Page 415. Document recorded January 31, 1984 jn Book 377 at Page 582. Document recorded August 9, 1984 jn Book 392 at Page 6. No information is lurnished herein with resoect to covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements. or real estate taxes and assessments. This certificate is dated to include ths 21 st day of Sentemher , 19 84 TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA Authorized Officer or Agent LAND TITLE GUARANTEE CO. 3033 EAST FIRST AVE. SUITE 600 DENVER, COLORADO 80206 Liability of the Company under this certificate is limited to the sum of $45.00 o & E 5 _ c. F. Hoecker co,. Denver Charge $ 100.00 County to-,,, l|al box 100 department of community developmentvail, colorado 81657 1303) 476€Otli z aoo Dear Design Review Board Applicant: Enclosed is-your Design,Review Board project Application showingthe approval/disapproval of your project*incluiiing comments fromthe Eoard. rf you received approval from the Design Review Board, you mustmake any corrections stipulated by the Board and brj_ng the revisedplans to the Town Planner before apptying for a Building permit.No site work may be commenced until- tire revisions are approved bythe Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are submittedto the Building Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call theTown Planner at .476-2000, ext.102. DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT o ,t LTULITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME ror_3_slocK__fl _FrLrNG 7 _ ADDRESS The location of utilities,lines, must be approved and acconpanying site plan. Mountain Bell 1- !44-Ft57 Harry Moyes1-468-2528 ,r,Pub1 i c Service Company Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.Jeff H.qghqs r949-5530 Upper Eagle Val1ey Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek whether they be nain trunkverified by the following Authorjzed Signature lines or proposedutilities for the * l.' v/ Date /6 / * For new const:e/t/fn pl ease f i 1l out/ | attached sheet. NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permi.t frorn the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. F", . ( z:z-n7 verify service availablity and location. be used in conjunction with prepa.ring your and scheduling installations. This forrn is This should utility plan I'to