HomeMy WebLinkAboutAbatement letter.pdfI Environmental Development and Training ACM LLC. April 20, 2018 Mike Dowling C.A.E Abatement LLC Box 5110 Eagle, Co 81631 CC: Crockford Builders P.O. Box 4893 Vail, CO 81658 P.O. Box 452 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Phone 303-638-3778 Site: 2289 Chamonix Lane Unit 1, located in Vail, Colorado. Abatement was conducted for Crockford Builders of Vail, CO. Contractor abated identified asbestos containing ceiling wall and ACM flooring materials were abated within a single full containment system. Clearance testing post removal of identified asbestos containing materials prior to planned repair and renovation of unit. Task 1 -Field Work: 1.0 Asbestos Clearance Project Scope of Work Conducted during Air Monitoring: A. Contractor conducted abatement according to Colorado Regulation 8, EPA, and OSHA containment work practices for OSHA clearances. B. Completion of final inspections, for applicable ACM removal, and removal of all materials, within the regulated areas. Environmental Development & Training, ACM LLC (EDT) conducted a post abatement visual investigation at the above-referenced site. The investigation was conducted to discern the successful removal of ACM material using applicable State of Colorado Regulation 8, OSHA, and EPA regulations. 2.0 SAMPLE COLLECTION METHODS EDT ACM LLC used NIOSH method 7400, 40 CFR 763 AHERA and OSHA 29CFR 9010 methodology during activities to support abatement activit FINAL AIR SAMPLES: Clearance air sampling was conducted according to Colorado Regulation 8. All of the clearance samples collected within the work area were less than 0.01 F/CC, (fibers per Cubic Centimeter. No concentrations were observed in excess of the Maximum Allowable Asbestos Level (MAAL). 3.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on observations during the site visit, and the laboratory analytical results, EDT LLC ACM concludes the following: All Environmental and Final work Area or Clearance Air samples collected outside and inside the regulated work area clearance criteria indicated; fiber concentrations less than or equal to 0.01 flee (fibers per cubic centimeter of air sampled). No fiber concentrations were observed in excess of the Maximum Allowable Asbestos Level (MAAL) per CDPHE. Based on sampling and analysis results attached, no further action is recommended or required for this phase of the project for the impacted areas. As additional abatement items are addressed environmental and clearance air monitoring should be performed according to Colorado and EPA Regulations. 4.0 LIMITATIONS Limitations Environmental Development and Training ACM LLC prepared this report, for the exclusive and present use of CAE Abatement and Crockf ord Builders. This report addresses certain physical characteristics of the site with regards to the release or presence of asbestos in limited, client determined, areas only. These services were performed in a manner consistent with practices common in the environmental health profession. The information and conclusions provided herein are valid only with respect to the specific locations and analytes investigated at the time this report was prepared. The findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented here are based on information available at the time the site was evaluated. In the event of any reuse or publication of any portion of this report, Environmental Development and Training ACM LLC shall not be liable for damages arising out or such reuse of publication. Any reuse a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions made are the responsibility of such third party. Environmental Development and Training ACM LLC accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as the result of decisions made or actions taken based on this report. ~'U4 7. 1(Jif4o.t, Kris Thomas Wilson President Environmental Development and Training ACM LLC Environmental Development and Training A CM LLC Phone 303-638-3778 •• Bob Regan 210-1349 5177 South Ventura Way Centennial, CO 80015 R2 Sam:Qle # Xl-BL-01 Xl-BL-02 Xl-CLR-03 Xl-CLR-04 Xl-CLR-05 Xl-CLR-06 Xl-CLR-07 A/HA Laboratory Certification Colorado Laboratory Certification R2 Analytical Job Number -Client Client Project Number Date/ Time Logged In Analysis Due Analysis Requested f/mm2 flee R2LABID Volume(L) #Fields #Fibers Fiber Density Fiber Concentration BL-I 0 100 0 BL-2 0 100 0 2289Cl-3 611 100 3.5 0.006 2289Cl-4 611 100 2.0 0.006 2289Cl-5 611 100 4.5 0.006 2289Cl-6 611 100 2.0 0.006 2289Cl-7 611 100 6.0 0.006 *BDL-Below Limit of Detection #156492 #14903 R228904202018-l 2289X-1 2289DX-l 04120120 l 8@1840hrs 2 Hour Rush NIOSH 7400 A-Rules flee & f/mm2 Detection Limit 0.003 BDL 0.003 BDL 0.004 BDL 0.003 BDL 0.005 BDL