HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Plans_20.pdfSTRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS I) All lumber shall be Doug-Fir #2 S4S or belier, all wolmanized lumber shall be Hem-Fir #2 S4S or better (all lumber within 18" of finish grade must be wolmanized). All columns to be continuous bearing to foundation. 2) Versalams (2.0E) are as manufactured by BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION: sec shop drawings and manufacturers standard details. All built-up Versalam beams must be glued with PL400 and nailed with 2 rows of 16d spikes@ 9" oc. Versalams deeper than 11 7/8" must be bolted together with 2 rows of 5/8" diameter bolts spaced@ 48" oc staggered. All alternates to be reviewed and approved by the engineer. 3) Sheath tloors with%" T and G plywood with minimum span rating of 40/20 or better and glue with PL400. Nail plywood with I Od@ 6" oc to all joists. field coordinate screw option. 4) Live loads used for dcsign-·Roof-80 psfsnow. -Floor-40 psf residential. -Deck-I 00 psf I ive. -Wind-90 mph (3 second gust), Exposure B. -Earthquake-Zone C-IBC. 5) All construction must comply with the 2015 International Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail Building Department and the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction" (AIA Document A201). All construction must be completed within the tolerances described in the "Residential Construction Perfonnance Guidelines" as prepared by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS. 6) Construct walls as follows-·Exterior-2x6@ 16" oc. -lnterior-2x4@ 16" oc, unless noted otherwise. 7) All beams, joists, and rafters arc to bear upon walls or beams, or be hung with SIMPSON Strong-Tie hangers or approve equals. 8) All structural members are shown in their final positions properly bmced and supported; during constrnction it may be necessary to temporarily shore portions of the structure while other portions arc being constructed. Contact the engineer for consultation as required. 9) General Contractor is responsible for all non-specified connections, contact engineer for details as required. The engineer is to approve all structural substitutions. I 0) General Contractor is to coordinate all diaphmgm penetrations (i.e., chimneys, plumbing, sewers, etc.) through floors. walls, roofs and foundation walls with appropriate sub-contractors. Gener.ii Contractor is responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures, workmanship, seasonal scheduling and job-site safety associated with this project. The General Contractor is to verify all dimensions and elevations with the architectural drawings. Notify engineer of all conflicts and omissions between various clements of the working drawings and the existing conditions prior to commencing with that portion of the project. Identity of all framing members based upon visual inspection of gutted unit. 11) All materials exposed lo exterior and or moisture conditions shall be treated for these conditions (i.e., chemical treatmenl, staining, painting, damproofing, membranes, flashing, etc.) as required by code. All materials to be treated for fire resistance as required by code. RECEIVED r1AY 1 -, Z018 Town of Vail WALL LEGEND EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN -------WALLS TO BE REMOVED -------~ WALLS TO BE ADDED fowncfVaH OFFICE COPY -=-1-=--=--=--+--1_ EXISTING HEA=D..:E::..R:....T_o_--t::::::::f:=::3--t-------. I I ' I REMAIN TYPICAL ROOF BEAMS IN UNIT #4 ABOVE ----==:::::=----+-----2x4@ 16" o.c. BEARING WALL TO REMAIN @ EXISTING EXISTING 2x12 @ 16" o.c. WALL BETWEEN GARAGEBAYS j BELOW EX. 2-2x12 TO REMAIN~ I 2x12@ 16" o.c. TO REMAIN UPPER LEVEL FRAMING PLAN TO REMAIN -=t--=-OF #1 8x16 BELOW CONTINUOUS IN FLOOR BENEATH BEARING WALL Dt1c., OA.,,. Tll o"7A ... ".o. 1/4" = 1'-0" tvain \NED FOR CODE EDGE OF DE&NCI F CANTILEVER 1.. .S:-/J-ff ode EDGE OF ROOF ABOVE lj. /17 zo1s c.) c: 0 C) ...... ~ Q) ::J ~~ ~a; !;;: E "E' ~~ ~~ Q) ..c: ... Ill C' 0 I Ill a: a: 0 -a: ......... ... a) 1 • ~ z >--<( ~ ......... ......... .0 0 1-i~o >< 0 0 zo~ ozo ::::2: 0 _J c:i:: 0 0 I I-0 0 I ...J-~ S2 <( C\J _J > C\J z :::> en 2 6 • II S1 OF 1 II~