HomeMy WebLinkAboutAsbestos_16.pdfCLIENT:
E nvi run n1 en ta I Disaster Hestoration, Inc.
ECOS Environmental -Glenwood Springs
6690 Hwy 82
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Office -(970) 945-4407
Lionshead Services
1153 Horn Silver Circle
Vail CO 81657
Lu is:ri; Li onshea dServ ices.cnrn
PROJECT LOCATION: 1153 Horn Silver Circle
Vail CO 81657
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ECOS Environmental & Disaster Restoration (ECOS) was retained to conduct an asbestos
inspection at the above location to determine if asbestos is present prior to remodeling. The
inspection included all accessible building materials however, should additional building
materials be discovered during the demolition, those materials must be sampled and analyzed
prior to continuing with the work. Eleven (11) samples were collected of all suspect materials
identified throughout the building, as listed in the Lab Data table located on page 8 of this
This inspection was performed by Brian Guzman, Colorado State Department of Public Health
and Environment Certification Number 21876.
ECOS collected bulk samples of the homogenous materials in a random and representative
manner, as determined by the Inspector. A minimum of one composite core samples that
included all layers within the suspect material was obtained from each homogenous area.
Samples of soft friable materials were obtained by removing a small portion using wetting
techniques. The sampler cleaned equipment following collection of each sample to minimize
cross-contamination between samples. The sampler assumed that materials in inaccessible
locations were similar to those in accessible locations, in order to limit destruction during the
sampling process. All samples were placed in sealed, labeled containers, and the sample
descriptions and locations were recorded. Samples were delivered under a chain of custody
for analysis to Aerobiology Laboratory in Denver, CO. Samples were analyzed by Polarized
Light Microscopy
One (1) copy of the results of the building/ structure asbestos survey shall be immediately
transmitted by the building/ structure owner as follows:
• One copy of the completed asbestos survey shall be sent by the owner or their agent to
the local government entity charged with issuing a permit for such demolition,
renovation, remodeling or repair work under applicable State or local laws.
• The completed asbestos survey shall be kept on the construction site with the
asbestos notification and variance, if required, throughout the duration of the
asbestos project and any associated demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair
e OS
The asbestos survey shall, at a minimum, identify and assess with du~1di1igienooJ the,lo.ra-ti<uns,-.1tiun, Inc.
quantities, friability and conditions of all building material types at the affected portion of the
building/ structure. The certified asbestos inspector is responsible for identification and
assessment of all type within the affected portion of the building/ structure.
All building materials visually assessed shall be assumed to be asbestos containing material
(ACM), unless bulk sampling is conducted as per standard EPA and OSHA accepted
methodologies. The subsequent analysis is performed by a laboratory that meets the
requirements and the analyses satisfies both CO ST ATE ELAP and federal requirements,
including multi-layered sample analyses, to document non-asbestos containing material.
The building/ structure asbestos survey shall also include the building/ structure name,
address, the building/ structure owner's name and address, the name and address of the
owner1s agent, the name of the firm performing the asbestos survey and a copy of the firm's
current asbestos handling license, the names of the certified inspector(s) performing the survey
and a copy of the current asbestos handling certificate for each inspector utilized, the dates of
the asbestos survey, a listing of homogeneous areas identifying which ones are ACM, all
laboratory analysis reports for bulk samples collected, and copies of the appropriate
certifications for the laboratory used for analysis of samples taken during the asbestos survey.
If the building/ structure asbestos survey finds that the portion of the building/ structure to be
demolished, renovated, remodeled, or have repair work contains asbestos containing material
(ACM), which is impacted by the work, the owner or the owner's agent shall conduct, or cause
to have conducted, asbestos removal performed by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor in
conformance with all standards set forth.
All ACM impacted by the demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair project shall be
removed, prior to access or disturbance by other uncertified trades or personnel. No
demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair work shall be commenced by any owner or the
owner's agent prior to the completion of the asbestos abatement in accordance with the
notification requirements. For multi-phased work, the access restriction for uncertified trades
or personnel applies to each intermediate portion of the entire project. Upon completion of the
intermediate portion of the asbestos project, other trades, or personnel may access that portion
of the work site. For demolition projects that are exempt from asbestos survey
requirements due to being structurally unsound, the demolition is considered an asbestos
All building/ structure owners and asbestos abatement contractors on a demolition,
renovation, remodeling, or repair project shall inform all trades on the work site about the
ACM at the work site.
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When any construction activity, such as demolition, remodeling, renovation or repair work,
reveals suspect ACM that has not been identified by the asbestos survey, or has not been
identified by other inspections as per current OSHA or EPA requirements, all activities
shall cease in the area where the suspect ACM is found. Unassessed suspect miscellaneous
ACM shall be treated and handled as ACM and assumed to be ACM, unless proven otherwise
by standard EPA and OSHA accepted methods. To document non-asbestos containing
material, analysis must be performed by a laboratory that meets the requirements of the DOH;
and the analysis satisfies both CO STA TE ELAP and federal requirements.
An asbestos project is any work that involves the removal, encapsulation, enclosure, repair or
disturbance of friable or non-friable asbestos, or any handling of asbestos material that may
result in the release of asbestos fibers. For the purpose of compliance an asbestos project shall
include any disturbance of asbestos fibers, and the planning, asbestos survey, design,
background air sampling, inspection, air sampling and oversight of abatement work, cleanup,
and the handling of all asbestos material subject to abatement, as well as the supervising of
such activities. An asbestos project starts with Phase I when the planning, asbestos survey, and
design work begins or is required to begin. The project shall not be considered completed until
Phase II Dis complete. (See Table 1 below).
Phase I Phase II (Prior to Asbestos Start-> Abatement-> End Abatement Contractor)
A B A B c
Regulated Asbestos Final handling Asbestos Background abatement including gross cleaning
survey, work area(s) and
planning, air preparation removal or clearance sampling abatement, and design and enclosure air initial cleans, construction and waste samples
Start -> _,l\_~_~_e-~!g~_f roject -> ~i_rial Clearance
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Asbestos Test I
Large asbestos project: An asbestos project involving the removal, disturbance, enclosure,
encapsulation, repair or handling of 160 square feet or more of ACM, or 260 linear feet or more
of ACM.
Small asbestos project: An asbestos project involving the removal, encapsulation, enclosure,
repair, disturbance or any handling of more than 10 and less than 160 square feet of ACM or
more than 25 and less than 260 linear feet of ACM.
Minor asbestos project: An asbestos project involving the removal, disturbance, repair,
encapsulation, enclosure or handling of 10 square feet or less of ACM or 25 linear feet or less of
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Category I Non-Friable ACM: NESHAP clnssification -Asbestos-containing packings, gaskets,
resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products, containing more than one percent (1 % )
asbestos, that when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand
Category II Non-Friable ACM: NESHAP clnssification -Any material, excluding Category I
Non-Friable ACM, containing more than one percent (1 % ) asbestos that, when dry, cannot be
crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
Class I Asbestos Work: OSHA term meaning activities involving the abatement of Thermal
Systems Insulation (TSI), and surfacing ACM and P ACM.
Class II Asbestos Work: OSHA ternz meaning activities involving the abatement of ACM
which is not TSI or surfacing material. This includes, but is not limited to, the removal of
asbestos-containing wallboard, floor tile and sheeting, roofing and siding shingles, and
construction mastics.
Class III Asbestos Work: OSHA term meaning Repair and Maintenance operations, where no
more than a minor quantity of ACM, including TSI and surfacing ACM and P ACM, is likely to
be disturbed.
Class IV Asbestos Work: OSHA term meaning Maintenance and Custodial Activities during
which employees contact but do not disturb ACM or P ACM and activities to clean up non-
ACM dust, waste and debris resulting from Class I, II and III activities.
Abatement: Procedures to control fiber release from asbestos material. This includes removal,
encapsulation, enclosure, repair, and disturbance of friable asbestos or any handling of
asbestos material that may result in the release of asbestos fibers.
Amosite: An Asbestiform mineral of the amphibole group containing approximately
50% silicon and 40% Iron (II) Oxide, and is made up of straight brittle fibers, light gray to pale
brown in color.
Amphibole: One of the two major groups of minerals from which the Asbestiform minerals
are derived, distinguished by their chain-like crystal structure and chemical composition.
Asbestos: A generic name given to a number of naturally occurring hydrated mineral silicates
that possess a unique crystalline structure, are incombustible in air, and are separable into
fibers. Asbestos includes the asbesti-form varieties of chrysotile (serpentine); crocidolite
(riebeckite); amosite (cummington-grunerite); anthophyllite; and actinolite.
e OS
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Asbestos Project: Work undertaken by a contractor which at any time involves any aspect of
the removal, encapsulation, enclosure or disturbance of friable asbestos, or any handling of
asbestos material that may result in the release of asbestos fiber, except work in an owner-
occupied single family dwelling performed by the owner of such dwelling. An asbestos
project shall include the planning, design, monitoring, inspection, and air sampling of
abatement work, as well as the supervising of such activities.
Building Owner: The person in whom legal title to the premises is vested unless the premises
are held in land trust, in which instance building owner means the person in whom beneficial
title is vested.
Electron Microscopy: A method of asbestos sample analysis which utilizes an electron beam to
differentiate between fibers.
Emergency: An unexpected, unanticipated or unforeseen occurrence, including but not limited
to, a steam, chemical, gas or water line rupture, a boiler failure, or a building collapse, which
poses (a) an imminent danger to the health and safety of the public, the response to which will
constitute an asbestos project; or (b) an asbestos-related risk to the health and safety of the
public from exposure to asbestos fibers.
Friable Asbestos: Any materials that contain more than 1 % asbestos and can be crumbled,
pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
HEPA Filter Vacuum Equipment: Vacuuming equipment with a high efficiency particulate air
filtration system. This filter is capable of trapping and retaining 99.97 percent of asbestos
fibers greater than 0.3 microns equivalent aerodynamic diameter.
Homogenous: Evenly mixed and similar in appearance and texture throughout.
NESHAP: National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Operations and Management Plan (OMP): Specific procedures and practices developed for
the interim control of asbestos-containing materials in buildings until it is removed.
Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM): An optical microscopic technique used to distinguish
between different types of asbestos fibers by their shape and unique optical properties.
Repair: Corrective action using required work practices to control fiber release from damaged
asbestos material.
TSI: Thermal Systems Insulation
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Sample Suspect Material
White joint
compound, white
AI tapC', white texture
• with white paint
White/tan drywall
i White joint
compound, white
A2 t<lpe, white texture
, with white paint, tan
: drywall
White joint
i compound, white
A3 tdpe, white texture
. with white paint, tan
White texture with
A4 white paint, tan/ green
White texture with
white paint, white
Bl tape, white joint
compound, tan/white
: White texture with
B2 '. light green paint,
: white/tan drywall
White texture with
light green paint,
B3 white tape, white joint
compound, white/ tan
Cl Tan granular material
White resinous
C2 material, gray
granular material, tan
granular material
Tan/ green fibrous
material, white
Dl ' compound with white
paint, vellow mastic,
ivhite ceramic tile
White compound,
D2 yellow mastic, white
ceramic tile
e OS
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Detect Non Percentage Friability Condition Appx. SF Detect
2 (>~)
')0' '{('S C(iod
70; -/0 Yes Good l')O/ -/0
2"' /<l
2tX) Yes Cood
x 100% Yes Good
x 100% Yes Good
x 100% Yes Good
x 100% Yes Good
x 100% Yes Good
x 100 Yes Good
70; -/i) Yes Good
x 100% Yes Good
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Homogenous Material
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Orange peel lt''<lure -bedroom I, bathroom \,vest end, bedroom 2,
bdthrnom middle, bedroom,), bathroom <>ast end, loft and upstairs
Heavy trowel texture -master bedroom upstairs
Master bathroom tile floor grout
Slwwcr in bdthrnom 1"'<1" tdc dil bathrooms
Visual inspection was completed of all building materials to be affected during the interior
remodeling. Eleven (11) samples were collected and sent to Aerobiology Laboratories in
Golden, CO for analysis using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Four (4) of the samples
came back detecting for 2% chrysotile asbestos. These materials are made friable during
removal and must be handled in accordance with Colorado State Regulation 8, OSHA, and the
EPA If these materials are to be disturbed they must be removed by a certified abatement
contractor to protect the health of the property owner, the public, and the workers.
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Brian Guzman
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Building I nspt'ctor*
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This report represents the opinion of the reporting asbestos inspector at the time of the
asbestos assessment survey. If you have any further questions, or if additional information is
needed please do not hesitate to call.
Brian Guzman
Colorado State EPA Asbestos Inspector #21876
ECOS Environmental & Disaster Restoration, Inc.
(970) 945-4407
co 0 !hill
Single Family Residential Dwelling (SFRO) Public and Commercial Building, School, and Single-Family
> 50 LF or 32 SF or a 55-gal. drum, but ~ 260 LF or 160 SF or a 55-gallon drum Residential Dwelling:> 260 LF or 160 SF or a 55-gallon drum
[code 200] $0
[code 205] $60
[code 210] $60
[code 230] $180
[code 290] $300
[code 265] $420
[ code 180/280 ] $55
Courtesy Notice [code 100]
Non-Public Access Notice (Opt Out) [code 105]
Notice [code 110]
30-Day Permit [ code 130/232 ]
90-Day Permit [ code 190/292 ]
365-Day Permit [ code 165/267 ]
Notice or Permit Transfer [code 177]
Colorado Department
of Public Health
and Environment
Abatement Contractor Abatement Site
Company Name Building Name
C.A.E. Abatement 1153 Hornsilver Circle
$0 Courtesy Notice
$80 Non-Public Access Notice
$80 Notice
$400 30-Day P&C/SFRD Permit
$800 90-Day P&C/SFRD Permit
$1200 365-Day P&C/SFRD Permit
$80 Phase __ of Multiple
Phase Permit #
Building Owner
Owner Name
:Gibson Family Generation-Skipping Trust.
Street Address Specify location in the building where work will take place (e.g. Contact
19984 Elk Place 4 bathrooms
floor, room, wing, etc.)
City State Zip Street Address
Denver Co code 1153 HornSilver Circle
(720) 883-5750
Project Supervisor
Oswaldo Trevino
( )
CO. Cert#
Project Personnel
CO Project Mgr. Name
Cell Phone# CO Project Designer#
Building Contact
Zip code
Cell Phone#
Luis Navarrete . (970) 366-7540
Project Information
Start Date End Date
June 1,2018 June 10, 2018
Start Time 'End Time
Jalene Manske
Street Address
1153 HornSilver Circle
(214) 629-0111
; Stat Zip
; e code
Co 81657
(214) 629-0111
Disposal Site
Landfill Name
Street Address
( ) 8 AM AM 6 3500 S. Gun Club Rd.
CO Project Designer Name
Cell Phone# CO Project Designer#
( )
Consulting Firm Name
A.M.S Name
Kris Wilson
Registration #
Check the day(s) of operation Su M Tu W Th City Stat Zip
F Sa
I Linear Feet I
y Type of ACM: TSI, Texture,
VAT, etc.
500 square feet drywall texture
Square Feet I 55 gal Drums
500 square feet
drywall texture
Aurora e code
Co 80018
CDPHE Use Only
Postmark or Delivery date Approved by:
Form of Payment & # PM req'd?
Re\. 01 /30/2008
Cell Phone#
(303) 638-3778
CO A.M.S. Cert#
Permit# Record
# i
Date Issued:
Please describe below the work practices and procedures to be employed in conducting the abatement of asbestos. BE SPECIFIC. Indicate
type(s) of ACBM to be abated (e.g. VAT, ceiling tile, TSI, etc.). Use another page if necessary.
The drywall with drywall, drywall texture with attached tile will be removed with full engineering controls in full containment as outlined in Regulation 8 including
criticals personel and equipement decontamination units-and Hepa Filtered -0.02 negative air, loadout and manifested disposal to approved landfill (hand tools
use: crow bars, hammers and airless sprayer)
h11rn :\ANPAU8
Re\ Ol/30/2008
Asbestos Permit/Notice Application Form Information and Instructions:
1. There is a 10 working-day advance notification requirement for permit applications. Day 1 is the 1st
business day following the postmark or hand-delivery date. (Working Day means Monday through
Friday and including holidays that falls on any of the days Monday through Friday.)
2. If you wish to request a deviation from Colorado Regulation No. 8, Part B, a Variance Request
Form must be completed and submitted to the Division with a $50 review fee. Variances must be
submitted on the Division's form to be accepted.
3. Please be specific on the types of materials to be abated and the work practices to be used.
4. All spaces must be filled in on the permit. If the information is not applicable, please write N/A.
Incomplete information may result in a delay in processing the application, which may delay your
5. In the "Abatement Site" box, we must have a building contact telephone number on the permit
application before it can be processed. This must be someone other than the GAC or its employee
who can provide the Division access to the site if the GAC is not on site.
6. If there needs to be modifications to the notice after the application has been submitted, notify the
Asbestos Unit by fax at 303-782-0278 or e-mail at asbestos@state.co.us before the end of the next
regular state business day following the modification. Project modifications include changes in
scope of work, AMS, supervisor, the scheduled work dates or scheduled work times. Please use
the Permit/Notice Modification Form.
7. Supporting digital photographs or documentation may be e-mailed to: asbestos@state.co.us
8. Prior to the start of any asbestos abatement in an area of public access of a non-school building, in
which the amount of asbestos-containing material to be abated exceeds 1,000 linear feet on pipes
or 3,000 square feet on other surfaces, a Project Designer certified under Regulation No. 8, Part B,
shall develop a written project design.
9. Prior to the start of any asbestos abatement in a school building in which the amount of friable
asbestos-containing material to be abated exceeds 3 linear feet on pipes or 3 square feet on other
surfaces, a written project design shall be developed by a Project Designer certified under these
regulations, in accordance with paragraph IV.G.7 of Regulation No. 8, Part B.
10. A Project Manager is required on all projects where the amounts of friable asbestos-containing
materials to be abated exceed 1,000 linear feet and/or 3,000 square feet. The Project Manager
requirement may be waived; please see section 111.B.6 of the CAQCC's Regulation No. 8, Part B,
for more information.
11. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work shall be complied with whether
specified herein or not. Abatement permits or approval notices appearing to give authority to violate
or override the provisions of any other laws or ordinances shall be invalid. Furthermore, abatement
permits or approval notices issued in error or based upon incorrect information supplied to the
Division shall also be invalid.
Form r\ANPAU8
Rev 01 /30/2008