HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0349_REV1 - approved documents_1542384764.pdf 75 South Frontage Road Construction West, TOWN OF VAIL B18-0349/Revision 001 Vail, CO 81657 Issued: 11/16/2018 TOWN of VAILOFOffice:970.479.2139 Inspections: inspections@vailgov.com Property Information Address: 2841 BASINGDALE BLVD(210314310021 ) Unit#: ParcelNumber: 210314310021 LegalDescription: Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV SUB Block:8 Lot:3 Contacts ContactType: Applicant Full Name: Scott Handler Address: 303 South Broadway200-509 Denver,CO 80209 Phone: 3038930086 ContactType: PropertyOwner Full Name: BLUE SKY HAUS LLC Address: 303 S BROADWAYSTE 200#509 DENVER,CO 80209-1559 Phone: None Contractor Contractor Type: General Company: INTERMETRIX INVESTMNTS State License#: Phone: 303-828-7725 Projectlnformation ProjectName: Blue Sky Haus LLC 2018 ProjeclDescription: REV1-Foundationwall height changes,per drawings as drawnfordetails 2,3,4/S1A. /0/-New Single Family Residence with attached garage,to build on a currently vacantlot. Fees Paid Account:001-0000.31111.00-Building PermitFee Fee Amount: $2,393.75 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Building Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $1,555.94 Account: 110-0000.31060.O0ConstructionUseTax Fee Fee Amount: $6,800.00 Account:001-0000.31111.00-Mechanical Permit Fee Fee Amount: $400.00 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Mechanical Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $100.00 Account:001-0000.31111.00-Plumbing PermitFee Fee Amount: $375.00 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Plumbing Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $93.75 Account: 111-0000.31127.00-RecreationFee Fee Amount: $407.85 Account:001-0000.31111.00-RevisionFee Fee Amount: $110.00 Account: 110-23010.00-Traffic ImpactFee Fee Amount: $8,233.00 Account:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Building Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 Account:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Mechanical Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 Account:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Plumbing Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 TotalPaid: $20,484.29 Conditions CONDITIONS UNDERWHICH PERMITS BECOME VOID: If construction is not begun within6 months from the date permitwas issued. If more than 5 months elapses betweeninspections. Ifincorrectinformationis given on the applicationat the time the permitwas issued. --../1., 4's, ChristopherJarecki -Townof Vail Building Official NOTICE: By issuance of this Permitthe applicantagrees to complywithall Titles of the Townof Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law. Failure to do so will void this Permitand the applicantshall forfeitall applicable fees. Ken Hickey Engineering 14405 Weld County rd. 12 DATE: 11/13/2018 Fort Lupton,CO 80621 Phone (303) 669-65019PP� "S ,,F r97c. 17 To: For: InterMetrix Investments LLC DBA Visual Impax, 2841 Basingdale Boulevard .,.,.• 303 S. Broadway STE 200 #509 Vail, Colorado 81657 //-/3'Ii Denver, CO 80209 Inspection Requirements for Permits issued by Town of Vail for the following permits: Permit Review#: B18-0349,New Single-Family Residence with Attached Garage A. Foundation Wall Height Change 1. Walls as drawn for details 2,3,4/ S1A are adequate as drawn per submitted load calculations. Note: Inspections and this inspection report are provided only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Ken Hickey Engineering.All inspections are in accordance to the drawings provided by Visual Impax.Authorization for Property Inspection(s)and Report(s); and Contract for Inspection Services; and reader is advised to refer to the authorization and contract regarding any specific conditions and/or terms in question. Ak Georgia-Pacific DensDeck® Prime Roof Board TECHNICALGUIDE ROOF BOARD AL Iill nOtilinna I111 I111 ... • • iik 1111 mu meow P MI101101111 I :1111 III .........1.1../1111.1111.1. MN 11=1 MIMI NEM.... EE...-7-: Hi In.cal IIII NM=NM M.NM d J! ": 3 =II r r ---- — =--_ 41 ii.... am arm NM IMINI NMI •-•. . .1 'M MILL II ..1 mis•ims um ii RI • . .. MINI MN MI=m jC '. MEM 1 MIN=MI SE fIll - t is 1 1 lis I fi . •_ 9ni -...v ii 1: ......„r- .1111•Irtr,--` A " " 1 ' --* ill1113111...... Milian I I.o.c • ci 4111111in I ii... o " MOM. 1. M. 11111 EMI =MI 1=111 1=1=1 11=11 1111= =IM 111 11 • ism —, ... gm HI.!t I IMMIIIMMINM wwwww 111 il ._ • • IIII • • • ,...,., . ,,iic,t,,„.rat,„0, — -,--- 0_. 4. ... EL- • re MI _ FR. 9 .7._ —a om a )01r. ni Agn- ......M....... .M........."........:- o - . aszres,.r.r....-....st>. -.41 ...i.fr ...-71637.4...._ .C__,..•-r,••L ,... _ . _ _ DensDeck° Roof Boards Atk Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Product Overview Nearly 30 Years of DensDeck®Roof Boards—Proven Performance With billions of square feet installed in a complete range of roofing systems and climate extremes,DensDeck Roof Boards have prov entheir toughness and versatility. The unique construction has been shown to withstand delamination,deterioration, warping and job site damage far more effectively than paper-facedgypsum board and other cony entionalroofing products such as wood fiberboardand perlite. • Prov idessuperior fire protection. • Resists fire and hail damage. • Holds up well under normal construction and maintenance foot traffic while stiffening and stabilizing roof decks. • Easy to install in all types of roof systems. • Ideal product for direct membrane application. • Testedwithin roofing systems for sound isolation. DensDeck®is designed to address persistent challenges inherent in commercial roofing assemblies:fire resistance,strength and dimensional stability when installed in a properlydesigned roof assembly.DensDeck is a fiberglass mat- faced, noncombustible(as described and tested in accordance with ASTM E136), nonstructural,gypsum core panel. DensDeck®Prime prov idesa broader compatibility and higher performance with roofing adhesives.Face mat allows adhesives to be applied more uniformly and consistently and results in a stronger bond with the membrane. For fully adhered and self-adhered"peel &stick"roofing systems,as well as hot mopped, cold mastic and torch-applied modified bitumen roofs,DensDeck Prime prov ides a stronger,more economical installation by reducing the amount of mastic or adhesive,and potentially eliminating the field primer.Consult with membrane manufacturer for actual priming requirements. 1/2" and 5/8"DensDeck Prime Roof Boards are the first and only gypsum roof boards with a limited warrantyfor up to 90 days of exposureto normal weather conditions when applied verticallyon parapet walls.* *For complete warranty details, visit www.DensDeck.com. Georgia-Pacific Gypsum and Sustainability Table of Contents Georgia-Pacific Gypsum's definition of sustainability is meeting the needs of society today withoutjeopardizingour abilityto do so in the future.We are committedto Product Overview 2 using resources efficiently to prov ideinnovativgroductsand solutionsthat meet the Architectural Specifications 3 needs of customersand society,while operatingin a manner that is environmentally and socially responsible,and economically sound. Standards and Classifications 3 We continue to focus on: Fire Resistance 3 • Improv ingenergy efficiencyat our manufacturing plants. Wind Uplift Resistance 5 • Seeking out opportunities to reduce water use,and to reuse water more efficiently. Sound Control 8 • Finding cost effective ways to furtherreduce air emissions. • Recoveringand reusing materials that otherwisewould end up in landfills. Sound Control Illustrations 9 Green building codes,standards and programsare establishingthemselv esacross the Roof System Applications 1 1 country.They promotethe use of productsthat contribute to the performance of the Physical Properties 13 building,along with minimizing environmental and human health impactsoverthe life of the building or home. Because we embrace product performance and operate in an Recommendations and environmentally,socially and economically sound manner,ownersand architectscan Limitations for Use 14 feel good about the structures they build using our products. 0 For latestinformationand updates: CAUTION:Forproductfire,safetyand use information, Technical Service Hotline 1.800.225.61190 r www.gpgypsum.com go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. DensDeck° Roof Boards A Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Many of our productscontribute to LEED°and other green building codes,standards,or programcreditsor requirements.To find out more,please referto the LEED calculator at www.buildgp.com/leedcalc.aspx.For general informationon sustainability,visit www.buildgp.com/sustainability. Architectural Specifications Georgia-PacificGypsum's3-partguide specificationsare downloadable,as rewritable Microsoft°Word documents,in both CSI and ARCOM MasterSpec°formats.Georgia-Pacif icGypsum specificationsand 3-D Rev if compatible models can be found at www.gpdesignstudio.com.Downloadable specificationsare also av ailableonline from Building Systems Design, Inc. at www.bsdsoftlink.com,and ARCOM Product Masterspecat www.masterspec.com. C ode Compliance DensDeck Roof Boardsare manufacturedto meet ASTM C1177 and havethe following approvals: • Florida ProductApproved • Miami-Dade County ProductControlApproved Standardsand Classifications— Fire Resistance DensDeck°and DensDeck°Prime Roof Boardsare excellentfire barriers ov ercombustibleand noncombustibleroof decks, including steel decks.Roofing specificationsfor steel deck installationsoften requirea fire barrieras the component applied abovethe metal to help control and limit the amount of fuel contributed to a fire beneaththe roof. UL FireResistance Ratings.5/8"(15.9 mm)DensDeck°Fireguard°roof boardsare designatedas Type DD by UL LLCand included in assemblydesigns investigated by UL for hourlyfire resistance ratings.5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckFireguard roof boardsmay also replaceany unclassified 5/8"(15.9 mm)gypsum board in an assemblyin the UL FireResistance Directoryunderthe prefix"P". UL 790 Classification.DensDeckand DensDeckPrime Roof Boardshav ebeen certified by UL for use as a firebarrierov er combustible and noncombustible decks in accordance withtheANSI/UL790 and ULCS114 test standard.The UL classification includes a comprehensive Class A,B or C rating.Thistest method and resulting classification measuresthe external fire resistance of the roof systembut does not include an investigation of fireresistance to internal sourcesdirected at the underside of the roof system.For additional information concerning the UL 790 classification for DensDeckRoof Boards,consult the UL certifications directoryundercategories TGFU(RoofingSystems)and TGFU7(RoofingSystemsCertified for Canada). UL 1256 Classification.DensDeck and DensDeck Prime Roof Boardshav ealso been certifiedby UL in roof deck constructions for internal(under deck)fire exposurein accordance with the ANSI/UL 1256 SteinerTunneltest.The UL listing includes the use of%" DensDeck Roof B oards under foam plastic insulation.For additional informationconcerningthe UL 1256 classificationfor DensDeck Roof Boards,consult the UL certifications directory under categoriesTGKX(Roof Deck Constructions),TIAR(Building Units)and TIAR7(Building Units Certifiedfor Canada). FM Class 1 Approvals.1/4"(6.4 mm) DensDeck Roof Boardshav e passed testing under the FM CalorimeterStandard 4450 (Approval Standard for Class 1 Insulated Steel Deck Roofs)and have been approv edby FM for insulated steel deck roofswhen installed per FM guidelines.To achieve a Class 1 designation,the assembly must satisfy criteriaforfire,wind uplift,foottraffic and hail damage resistance.For more informationabout FM Approvals and Class 1 assemblies,consult FM or RoofNa "FM's tool for roofing professionals. Please note,however,that the performance of a roof depends on all components used in the roofing assembly and how the components interact. ASTM C1177.5/8"(15.9 mm)DensDeck Fireguard and 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckFireguardPrime roof boards are manufacturedto meet the"TypeX"requirements of ASTM C1177 for increased fire resistancebeyond regular gypsum board. Flame Spread and Smoke Development.When tested in accordance with ASTM E84,UL723 and CAN/ULC-S102,DensDeck and DensDeck Prime Roof Boardshad Flame Spread°,Smoke Developed 0. Long-termfire protection of roofing systems is a key concern of the design authority,code officialsand building owners. DensDeck Roof Boardswill contribute to the fire-resistant characteristics of roof assembliesovertime. "When using a low-slopemembrane roof system,designers should include in their designs a suitablecoverboard that is consistentwithan appropriate listing orapprovalfroma code-approved testing agency.This recommendation is consistentwith the guidelines already contained in The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition. Furthermore,for mechanically attached single ply membrane roof systems,designers of newly-installed roof systems are now recommendedto include a noncombustiblecov erboard that is consistentwithan appropriate listing or approvalfroma code-approved testing agency.Examp les of noncombustiblecov erboards include fiberglass mat-facedgypsum boards and gypsum roof boards."(January 2006 NRCA/MRCA Technical B ulletin.) See:January2006 NRCA/MBCA Technical Bulletin:Fire Testing of Membrane Roof Systems. C AUTION:For productfire,safetyand use information, For latest informationand updates: go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. Technical ServiceHotline1.800.225.6119orwww.gpgypsum.com DensDeck© Roof Boards Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Standards and Classifications — Fire Resistance continued The design assemblies in thisguide are presented for illustrative purposes only.lt is importantthat you consulta design professional and the appropriate fireresistance directoryor testreportfor complete assemblyinformation and related information.Georgia-Pacific Gypsumdoes not provide architectural,engineering or roofing system services. For additional firesafetyinformation concerning Georgia-Pacific Gypsum's products,visitwww.buildgp.com/safetyinfo. UL Classifications The following are typical configurations with DensDeck°Roof Boardscertifiedby UL for use as a fire barrierov ercombustible and noncombustibledecks and are for illustrationpurposesonly.Please consult UL for additional information. Typical UL Fire BarrierBoard Classifeationon Noncombustible Decking A. UL Classified Roof Cov ering B. Min. 1/4"(6.4mm)DensDeck°Prime Cov erBoard O C. UL Classified Insulation O D. Minimuml/4"(6.4mm)DensDeckRoofBoardserving as anO� insulation thermal barrierunderlayment and an acceptable O code alternative to a thermal barrier. 0 -_ - E. Classified Steel Deck 0 Typical UL FireBarrierBoard Classifeationon Combustible Decking* A. UL Classified Roof Cov ering 0 B. Min. 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck PrimeCoverBoard • O C. UL Classified Insulation(optional) - D. Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeckRoofBoardserving as an insulationthermal barrieroverlayment withall joints staggered a min.of 6"(152 mm)fromthe plywood joints. E. Classified Wood Deck *Note:The UL 790 classification for DensDeck provides that t heuseo f DensDeck roof boards as a barrier board over a combustible deck permits theuseofanyclassifiedroofing system which would otherwise be limited touseovera noncombustible deck. When used, the insulation must consist of on eo f the types specified.For additional information,consult theUL certifications directory under category TGFU (Roofing Systems). FM Approvals DensDeck Roof Boardsare typicallyutilized in these constructions as an insulation underlayment. In some assemblies it will be used as an insulation overlayment or cov erboard(1/4" (6.4 mm), 1/2" (12.7 mm)or 5/8"(15.9 mm)).In other assemblies it will sery eboth of these roles in the same system. The following is a typical configurationof a roof deck for a FM Class 1 fire rating and is for illustrationpurposesonly.Please consult FM or RoofNav(https://www.roofnay.com)for additional information. Typical ConfgurationofDensDeck Roof Boards(Class 1 FireRating) O A.Membrane(various) B. Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm) DensDeck Roof Boards0verlayment 0 C. Rigid Foam Insulation �..- u --- Or— D. Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm) DensDeck Roof BoardsUnderlayment r-� - ■0 E. Metal Deck - ®101P-- 0 For latestinformationand updates: CAUTION:For productfire,safetyand use information, TechnicalServiceHotline 1.800.225.6119or www.gpgypsum.com go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. DensDeck° Roof Boards A Georgia-Pacific Gypsum System Components, Standards and Classifications —Wind Uplift Resistance Wind Uplift Information Wind upliftresistance of roofing assembliesis achiev edby fastening and/oradheringthe roofing components to the structural deck. Upliftresistance testingmay be conductedby several independentlaboratories,in accordance with FM 4470 and ANSI/UL1897 test procedures.The test results show the tested(not design)pounds per squarefoot(PSF)upliftresistance which has been achiev ed. It is the responsibility of the roofing design authorityto comply with code requirements and follow the guidelines in ASCE-7 or FM 1-28 and 1-29 to establishthe appropriate design upliftresistanceand safetyfactor.Severalfactorsare consideredto determinethe design pressure required,including but not limited to,height of the building,ground roughness,exposureand importancefactor. Once the design pressure is determined,the roofing assembly which meets this pressure,with the appropriate safetyfactor,is selected by the design authority. Vertical Pull Resistance Over Structural ConcreteDeck The assemblies listed are a sample of the highest vertical pull valuesavailablethrough FM'sRoofNav®utilizing DensDeck° Roof Boards.The test method used was FM 1-52. Roof System Attachmentto Deck PSF Single Ply FullyAdhered Adhered 915 Multi-Ply Hot Asphalt Hot Asphalt 825 Multi-Ply Torched Hot Asphalt 825 Multi-Ply TorchCap Hot Asphalt Base Hot Asphalt 840 Multi-Ply Torched Adhered 810 It is importantto note that the v erticalpull resultsare for the entire roof assembly,not just the DensDeck Roof Boards.For a comprehensive list of v erticalpull tests and additional information,please visithttps://www.roofnay.com.Actual results may vary depending on moisturelsee page 15), and other factors.Georgia-Pacific Gypsum makes no representations or warrantiesconcerning the vertical pull or uplift resistance of any roof assembly or system. The verticalpull testmeasuresthe upliftresistancein pounds on a four square foot test area.A 2'x 2'assembly is adhered to a concretedeck and the uplift force is divided by four to get the pounds per square foot uplift resistance. UpliftResistance Pressures Achieved With DensDeck®Through IndependentTesting The following are typical roofing systems with examples of assemblies evaluated by FM,UL or other labs for wind uplift resistance.These systems are presentedfor illustration only,and the examples of wind uplift resistance are for the entire assembly tested,not just the DensDeck®Roof Boards.Actual results may vary depending on moisture(see page 15), and otherfactors.Georgia-Pacific Gypsum makes no representations or warrantiesconcerning the verticalpull or uplift resistance of any roof assembly or system. (Check membrane manufacturers'listing including FM, UL andother accredited labsfor thousands of additional uplift assembly ratings with DensDeck products.) Fastener rates shown arefor thefiel dof the roof.Additional fasteners arerequired for perimeter andcorner areas andrequire either additional designer authority calculations or uplift testing.Unless otherwise noted,al lscrews used i n tests arepolymer coated,FM approved,min. 1 2gauge steel andplates are3"(76 mm)diameter corrosion resistant steel. Tests were conducted over 22gauge steel decks.For fastener requirements inwood orstructural concrete decks,refer toFMGlobal Property LossPrevention Data Sheet 1-29. System Type and Description Wind-Uplift PSF #offasteners (4'x 8'board) Vapor RetarderSubstrate FM 1-90 5/8"(15.9 mm)DensDeck 8 FM 1-90 5/8"(15.9 mm)DensDeckPrime 8 A. Any Rated Adhered Membrane B. Min. 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck Roof Board(optional) C. Insulation(optional) 0 D. Vapor Retarder • E. Min.5/8"(15.9 mm) DensDeck Roof Board Components above vapor retarder 0 -. F. Classified Steel Deck bonded with cold mastics,hotasphalt 0 G. Fastener(see chart) oradhesives. .p O CAUTION:For productfire,safetyand use information, For latestinformationand updates: go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. Technical ServiceHotline1.800.225.6119orwww.gpgypsum.com DensDecke Roof Boards Atk Georgia-Pacific Gypsum System Type and Description Wind-Uplift Product #affasteners PSF (4'x 8'board) Fully Adhered EPDM and Thermoplastic Membranes FM1 90 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeckPrime 12 FM 1-90 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeckPrime 8 A. Single ply Membrane FM 1-90 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckPrime 8 B. Min. 1/4"(6.4mm) O FM 1-105 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck Prime 18 DensDecle Prime Coy erBoard C. Insulation 0 FM 1-135 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeckPrime 18 D. Min.1/4"(6.4 mm) O ----4,- FM 1-150 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeckPrime 20 DensDeckRoof i`"i - 'i OD O FM 1-180 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckPrime 24 Board(optional) FM 1-285 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeckPrime 32 E. Classified Steel Deck F. Fastener(see chart) Single plyandEPDM will include both reinforced andnonreinforced. Wind-Uplift #of System Type and Description =II WinPSF Product fasteners (4'x 8'board) Modified Bitumen/BUR FM 1-90 1/4"(6.4mm)DensDeckPrime 8 A. BUR orMod BitMembrane FM 1-90 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeckPrime 8 B. Min. 1/4"(6.4 mm) Q FM 1-90 5/8"(15.9 mm)DensDeckPrime 8 DensDeck Prime .4' 0- - o FM 1-135 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeckPrime 20 C. Insulation © © FM 1-225 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeckPrime 24 D. Min.1/4" FM 1-315 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeckPrime 32 (6.4 mm) t4f � OD Y: UL 150 PSF 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeckPrime 16 DensDeckRoof 40- Board(optional) 0 - UL 195 PSF 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckPrime 16 E. Classified Steel Deck UL 240 PSF 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckPrime 20 F. Fastener(see chart) Modified bitumen withoutbasesheet.ModBit i storched orse ti nho tasphalt BUR i sminimum 3-ply. #of System Type and DescriptionI Wined-Uplift product A fasteners la'x 8'board) EPDM,BUR or Mod Bit with InsulationAdhered with Hot Asphalt FM 1-60(EPDM) 1/2"(12.7 mm)or 5/8"(15.9 mm) 8 DensDeckor DensDeckPrime A. EPDM,BUR or Mod Bit Membrane 0 DensDeck Roof Board(1/2"(12.7 mm)or 5/8"(15.9 mm))and B. Min. 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck 0 ,, fully adhered single ply membranes FM-rated60 PSF with Prime(optional) O insulation attached with asphalt adhesive. C. Rigid Foam Insulation - D. AsphaltAdhesive ® O' 1-90(BUR 1/2"(12.7 mm)or5/8"(15.9 mm) 8 E. Min. 1/2"(12.7 mm) DensDeck Prime / ' P. 0 or Mod Bit) DensDeckor DensDeckPrime v f C DensDeck Roof Board(1/2"(12.7 mm)or 5/8"(15.9 mm))and Roof Board BUR or modified bitumen membranes FM-rated90 PSF with F. Classified Steel Deck insulation attachedwith asphalt adhesive. G. Fastener(see chart) 0 For latestinformationand updates: CAUTION:Forproductfire,safetyand use information, Technical Service Hotline 1.800.225.61190 r www.gpgypsum.com go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. DensDeck° Roof Boards A Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Wind continued GP FastenerPatterns Other patterns are availablefrom system manufacturers or testing agencies. 4 fasteners per board 5 fasteners per board I 8 fasteners per board 4'x8' 4'x8' 4'x8' 4'x8' f 12" 12" 12" 12" O 0 I 0 0 O O -- O O 24" 18" 36" 0 I o O 18" 72" O 21" 0 0 18" Q O 36" 1 O 24" 18" O 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12" 12" 12" 12" — — F-12"4-24"-4-12"-1 F12"-4'—24"--f'-12"HI F-12"4-24"--f'-12"-4 F12"+-24"—+-12"H Note:Preliminary insulation ormechanically attached roof covering requires a minimum of 4 fasteners per4'x 8'board i nF Massemblies. 9 fasteners per board 10 fasteners per board 12 fasteners per board 15 fasteners per board 4'x8' 4'x8' 4'x8' 4'x8' —+— r r 6" 12" 12" 12" O 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 ± 0 O O 12" I 24" 18., 36" 12" 1 0 0 0 o O $ 0 0 0 18" O O 0 24" 24" 0 0 0 O OO O 018" 36" 12" T o Q Q 1 O ± 24" 12" 18 O O 0 O O O O O O O O 6" 12" 12" 12" — I — <12"+12"+12"+12"-4 H-12"+12"-'f-12"+12"-- 1--12"+12"+12"+12"-"I 1'-12"+12"+12"4-12"4 16 fasteners per board 18 fasteners per board 20 fasteners per board 24 fasteners per board 32 fasteners per board 4'x8' _ 4'x8' 4'x8' 9'x8' 4'x8' 00 O 0 0 0 12" O 0 0 0 T 0 0 0 0 72 12" 18" 0000 18" o O Q o O O + o O O + 78" O O O O 12" O 72" 18�� O o 0 O 18'. 0 Q 0 0 12" 0 O 0 0 O 18" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12" 12" O 0 0 0 + 12" 12" 0 0 O ± 0 0 O T 8 0 0 0 0 T 0 Q O 0 12" 'g 'g o 0 0 0 O 0 12" 0 0 O18"O O O O 0 0 0 0 12" 12" 18" 18" o O O co 0 0 O 6 0 0 0 O O O O 12" 0 0 0 0 1 O O 0 O 1 6" s 6 6 6" 6" <12" —12"<16"16"1 6"I6"I 16"I_ 18"—'I`-18"H 6"I 16" 1.-12"+12"+12'.H 6"I 16"F12"-+-12"4-12"-.16"I 6„F,-12"-4'-12"4-12" I 6" C AUTION:For productfire,safetyand use information, For latestinformationand updates:0 go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. Technical ServiceHotline1.800.225.6119orwww.gpgypsum.com DensDeck° Roof Boards Alitk Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Standards and Classifications — Sound Control To block unwanted entryof sound through a roof assembly,multiple layers of DensDeck°Roof Boardswill help efficiently keep outside sound outside.Whetheraround airports,in urban environments or to keep equipment noise from disruptingthe occupants of a building,DensDeck can effectively contribute to sound isolation. Sound Transmission Class(STC),measured in decibels,is the weighted av erageof the drop in sound intensitymeasured in a range of frequenciesfrom80 to 5,000 Hz acrossa barrier.The sound leveloutside is reduced by the STC number and if the result is close to or below the background,interiorsound level,it will not be heard or will not be disruptive. An Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class(OITC)rating is a single number calculated in accordancewith standardASTM E1332 using the Transmission Loss measured at 18 one-thirdoctav ebands from 80 Hz to 4000 Hz.The rating is most appropriate for comparingthe performance of exteriorfacade elements including roofs exposedto typical transportation noise sources. Sound Isolation Example (assembly 9/ 65d 13 Sound Source Sound Source Decibels Jet take-off,rock concert 120 Chainsaw 110 Lawn mower,truck,tractor 90 A. Membrane Freewaytraffic 70 39 STC �Qj� vp�, ����������� B. 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeck Roof Boards Office(background) 40-50 %!;*i1 C. 2-2"(51 mm)Foam insulation tkOtemetwainatigitsomottscitztE4D. Steel Deck 26 dB The followingtable summarizes resultsfrom sound testing conducted on steel deck assemblies with DensDeck Roof Boards.The testswere conducted using a modified versionof ASTM E90 and E413,and the resultsare based on characteristics, properties and performance of materials and systems obtained under controlledtest conditions.Actual results may vary. Sound Testing of Steel Deck Roof Assemblies Tested for STC STC Underlayment Insulation Coverboard Membrane System Attachment 1 28 None 6"(152 mm)ISO None None Mechanical 2 28 None 3"(76 mm)ISO None None Mechanical 3 29-30 None 6"(152 mm)XPS(Extruded) None None Mechanical 4 36 5/8")15.9mm)DensDeckRoof Board 3"(76 mm)ISO 1/2"(12.7mm)DensDeckPrimeRoof Board EPDM Mechanical/EPDM-Adh. 5 36 5/8"(15.9 mm)DensDeckRoof Board 3"(76 mm)ISO 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeckPrime Roof Board EPDM Mechanical/EPDM-Adh. 6 38 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckRoof Board 3"(76 mm)ISO 1/2"(12.7mm)DensDeckPrimeRoof Board EPDM All componentsadhered 7 38 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckRoof Board 8"(203 mm)ISO 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckPrimeRoof Board None Mechanical 8 39 5/8")15.9mm)DensDeckRoof Board 8"(203 mm)ISO 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckPrimeRoof Board None All componentsadhered 9 39 5/8"115.9 mm)DensDeckRoof Board 4"(101.6 mm)ISO 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckPrimeRoof Board SBS Mod Bit Mechanical/ Mod Bit-Torched 10 41 5/8"115.9mm)DensDeckRoof Board 6"(152 mm)ISO Two: None Mechanical 5/8"(15.9 mm)DensDeckRoof Board 5/8"(15.9 mm)DensDeckPrimeRoof Board 11 41 5/8")15.9mm)DensDeckRoof Board 6"(152 mm)ISO One: None Mechanical 1/2"(12.7mm)HD 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckPrimeRoof Board Fiberboard 12 41 5/8115.9 mm)DensDeckRoof Board 6"(152 mm) Two: None Mechanical XPS(Extruded) 5/8"(15.9mm)DensDeckRoof Board 5/8"(15.9 mm)DensDeckPrimeRoof Board *See website for more details an d assembly drawings. 0 For latestinformationand updates: CAUTION:Forproductfire,safetyand use information, Technical Service Hotline 1.800.225.61190 r www.gpgypsum.com go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. DensDeck) Roof Boards A Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Sound ControlIllustrations STC 56/OITC42 STC 57/0ITC43 Membrane Membrane 1/2"DensDeck®Prime Roof Board(cover board) 1/2"DensDeck'Prime Roof Board(cover board) — 3"Rigid Foam Insu lation(ISO) 1/4"Fanfold EPS 5/8"DensDeck Roof Board(thermal barrieru nderlayment) 5/8"DensDeck®Roof Board 22 gau geSteel Deck 3"Rigid Foam Insu lation(ISO) 5/8"DensDeck®Roof Board(thermal barrieru nderlayment) .....mi• 22 gau ge Steel Deck • • NEED Nom • 11 1__/ 1. i S-YVS? wW•AnwwAnww \yi, 1 \ Li, LJ 2 ii()///)/ SR,/,-,, ,„,/, _Li_ L 1/2"ToughRock®Span 24®Ceiling Board IJ R13 Fiberglass Battinsu lation L 1/2"ToughRock®Span 24n Ceiling Board Steel Joist R13 Fiberglass Battinsu lation DrywallFu rringChannel Steel Joist Drywall Fu rringChannel STC 56/OITC41 STC 58/0ITC43 Membrane Membrane 1/4"DensDeck®Prime Roof Board(cover board) 1/4"DensDeck Prime Roof Board(cover board) 1/4"DensDeck.Prime Roof Board(cover board) 1/4"DensDeck Prime Roof Board(cover board) 3"Rigid Foam Into lation(ISO( I 3"Rigid Foam Insu lation(ISO) 5/8"DensDeck'Roof Board(thermal barrieru nderlayment) 5/8"DensDeck Roof Board(thermal barrieru nderlayment) —22 gau geSteel Deck .rte •.. • 2\/ C R/1 ,„/„ 9\( . t (SR/iciSV_ Z; u t1/2"ToughRock®Span 24®Ceiling Board 7 Resilient Sou ndlsolation Clips R13 Fiberglass Batt insu lation 5/8"ToughRock®Firegu arrtC"Gypsu mBoard Steel Joist DrywallFu rringChannel R13 Fiberglass Battinsu lation DrywallFu rringChannel Steel Joist TestsperASTM E9O and ASTM E413,were conducted in 2011 at Riv erbankAcoustical Laboratories.Results are based on characteristics, properties and performance of materials and systems obtained under control ledtestconditions.Actual results may vary. Assemblies are presentedforillustrationonly.It is importantthat you consult a design professional for assembly information.Georgia-Pacific Gypsum does not prov idearchitectural or engineeringsery ices. C AUTION:For productfire,safetyand use information, For latestinformationand updates:0 go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. Technical ServiceHotline1.800.225.6119orwww.gpgypsum.com DensDeck° Roof Boards Alltk Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Sound Controllllustrations continued SIC 59/01TC44 STC 61/OITC 49 Membrane Membrane 1/4"DensDecle Prime Roof Board(cover board) 5/8"DensDeck®Prime Roof Board(cover board) 1/4"DensDeck°Prime Roof Board(cover board) 3"Rigid Foam Insu Iation(IS0) 3"Rigid Foam Insu Iation(IS01 —5/8"DensDeck Roof Board(thermal barrieru nderlayment) 5/8"DensDeck"Roof Board(thermal barrieru nderlayment) _ —2"Mineral Fiber Board • 1 /9 S? /t 1 ;I), ,‘i 5 '1 1 t c 11(1. t , L f Resilient Sou ndlsolation Clips j 5/8"ToughRock®Firegu ardX'"Gypsu mBoard(2nd Layer) •MI•M-M 5/8"ToughRock®Firegu ardX'"Gypsu mBoard Resilient Sou ndlsolation Clips OrywallFu rringChannel I 5/8"ToughRock®Firegu ar0DP"Gypsu mBoard R13 Fiberglass Battinsu lation Drywall Fu rringChannel Steel Joist(spray applied fire proofing) R13 Fiberglass Battinsu lation 22 gau geSteel Deck(spray applied fire proofing) Steel Joist 22 gau geSteel Deck TestsperASTM E90 and ASTM E413,were conducted in 2011 at Riv erbankAcoustical Laboratories.Results are based on characteristics, properties and performance of materials and systems obtained under control ledtestconditions.Actual results may vary. Assemblies are presentedforillustrationonly.It is importantthat you consult a design professional for assembly information.Georgia-Pacific Gypsum does not prov idearchitectural or engineeringsery ices. 0 For latestinformationand updates: C AUTION:For productfire,saf ety and use information, Technical Service Hotline 1.800.225.61190 r www.gpgypsum.com go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. DensDeck° Roof Boards A Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Applications The following are typical examples of roofing system applicationswithDensDeck°Roof Boardsand are presentedfor illustration only.Please consult with the designer,system manufactureror other design authorityforuse and installation of any application. Georgia-PacificGypsum does not prov ideroofing design sery icesand makes no warranties or representation with respectto any particularsystem or any components or materials other than DensDeck Roof Boards.lt is the responsibility of the system manufactureror design authorityto determinethe suitabilityof DensDeck Roof Boards,or the use of other materials with DensDeck Roof Boards,for any particularapplication. C overBoard–DensDeck5 Prime preferred for adhered membrane. DensDeck preferred for mechanicallyattachedmembrane. A. Membrane B. Minimum 1/4"(6.4mm)DensDeck®Roof Boardsplaced directly below the -411111111111111- 14111P` roofing membrane.In this applicationthe product prov idesthe primary ���_ supportforthe roofing membrane and protects insulation. �. - C. Rigid Foam Insulation D. Any Structural Deck Substrate for Vapor Barrier—DensDeckPrimepreferred. A. Membrane 0 B. Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck Roof Boardsfastenedto deck.Membrane attached 0 with cold mastics,hot asphaltoradhesives. C. Rigid Foam Insulation D. Vapor Retarder E. VaporBarrierSubstrate F. Any structural deck Metal Roof ThermalBarrier—DensDeck Prime preferred. A. Standing Seam Metal Roof _ B. SecondaryWaterBarrier 0 C. Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck Roof Boardsprov idea thermal barrier in conjunction with a standing-seam metal or tile roofing system while 0 prov idingsupportfor hail resistanceand noise reduction. ©- D. Insulation(optional) E. Metal Deck Roof Recover Board—DensDeck Prime preferred for adhered systems. A. Membrane 0 B. Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck Roof Boardsutilized as a roof recov erboard. Recoverboardsare placed overthe existing membranesurfacewhere they 4111111 function as a separatorand supportlayerbetween the old roof and a new — roofing membrane. �} - C. Existing Roof Assembly 0 D. Any Structural Deck ThermalBarrier-DensDeck or DensDeck Prime A. Membrane B. Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck Roof Board 0 C. Polystyrene Insulation 0 D. Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck Roof Boardsprov idea thermal barrier installeddirectlyto metal deck for both expanded and extruded O polystyrene insulation. 3 E. Metal Deck The highlighted green circle isintended tocall attention tot herecommended DensDeck board for that particular application. C AUTION:For productfire,safetyand use information, For latestinformationand updates:Q go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. Technical ServiceHotline1.800.225.6119orwww.gpgypsum.com DensDeck,' Roof Boards Atk Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Applications continued Wood Shake/Shingle Underlayment - 0 A. Wood Shake/Shingles B.Organic Felt O - C.Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck Roof Boardas a wood shake/shingle underlaymenton a combustibledeckassemblyto achievea UL Class A fire rating __ O D.CombustibleDeck Parapet Wall Substrate—DensDeck®Prime Roof Board preferred 040 A. Coping B. Minimum 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeck®PrimeRoof Boards* C. Nailer ©•Ø0 D. ConcreteMasonry Unit(CMU) E. Adhered Flashing Membrane F. Nailer O G. DensDeck or DensDeck Prime Roof Board B H. Rigid Foam Insulation 0 AllVe I. Any Structural Deck 1 0 • 0 * O Fastened 8"o.c. 1/2"for 16"metal stud spacing 5/8"for 24"metal stud spacing 5/8"minimum over wood framing,24"maximum stud spacing 0 Vegetative"Green"Roof � ` A. Growing Medium and Plants � . B. Moisture Retention Mat C. Drainage Layer - D. Protection Fabric/Root Barrier 0 E. Waterproofing Membrane F. Minimum 1/2"(12.7 mm)DensDeck Prime Roof Board 0 G. Insulation 0 0 H. Any Structural Deck O 'b A 6OH � Photovoltaic Roofing System A. PV Panels B. Roofing Membrane C. Minimum 1/4"(6.4 mm)DensDeck Prime Roof Board D. Insulation E. DensDeck(optional) - F. Any Structural Deck O - Ale Air The highlighted green circle isintended t ocall attention t otherecommended DensDeck board for that particular application. 0 For latestinformationand updates: CAUTION:Forpraductfire,safetyand use information, Technical Service Hotline 1.800.225.61190 r www.gpgypsum.com go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. DensDeck° Roof Boards A Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Physical Properties DensDeck® Roof Board Properties AIM 1/4"(6.4 mm) 1/2"(12.7 mm) AMIL 5/8""115.9 mm) Thickness,nominal 1/4"(6.4 mm)±1/16"(1.6 mm) 1/2"(12.7 mm)±1/32"(0.8mm) 5/8"(15.9 mm)±1/32"(0.8mm) Width,standard 4'(1219 mm)±1/8"(3 mm) 4'(1219 mm)±1/8"(3 mm) 4'(1219 mm)±1/8"(3 mm) Length,standard 8'(2438 mm)±1/4"(6.4 mm) 8'(2438 mm)±1/4"(6.4 mm) 8'(2438 mm)±1/4"(6.4 mm) Weight nominal,lbs./sq.ft.(Kg/m2)' 1.2(5.9) 2.0)9.8) 2.5(12.2) Surfacing Fiberglass mat Fiberglass mat Fiberglass mat Flexural Strength',parallel,lbf.min.(N) z40(178) z80(356) 2100(444) Flute Spanability2 2-5/8"(67 mm) 5"(127 mm) 8"(203 mm) Permeance3,Perms(ng/Pa•S•m2) >50(>2850) >35(>1995) >32(>1824) R Value',ft2•°F•hr/BTU(m2•K/W) .28 .56 .67 Linear Variationwith Change in Temp.,in/in°F 8.5x10-6(15.3x10-6) 8.5x104(15.3x10-6) 8.5x10-6(15.3x10-6) (mm/mm/C°) Linear Variation with Change in Moisture 6.25x10-6 6.25x10-6 6.25x10-6 Water Absorption,%max <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 CompressiveStrength6,psi nominal 900 900 900 Surface WaterAbsorption,grams,nominal' <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 Flame Spread,Smoke Developed 0/0 0/0 0/0 (ASTM E84,UL 723,CAN/ULC-S102) Fire Classification UL certified UL certified UL certified FM Approvals FM Approvals FM Approvals See page 4 See page 4 See page 4 Bending Radius 5'(1524 mm) 8'(2438 mm) 12'(3658 mm) DensDeck® Prime Roof Board Properties 1/4"(6.4 mm) MM. 1/2"(12.7 mm) 5/8"(15.9 mm) Thickness,nominal 1/4"(6.4mm)±1/16"(1.6 mm) 1/2"(12.7 mm)±1/32"(0.8 mm) 5/8")15.9mm)±1/32"(0.8 mm) Width,standard 4'(1219 mm)±1/8"(3 mm) 4'(1219 mm)±1/8"(3 mm) 4'(1219 mm)±1/8"(3 mm) Length,standard 411219 mm)&8'12438mm)±1/4")6.4mm) 411219 mm)&8')2438mm)±1/4")6.4mm) 4')1219mm)&8')2438mm)±1/4")6.4mm) Weight nominal, lbs./sq.ft.)Kg/m2)' 1.2(5.9) 2.0(9.8) 2.5(12.2) Surfacing Fiberglassmat with Fiberglassmat with Fiberglassmat with non-asphaltic coating non-asphalticcoating non-asphalticcoating Flexural Strength',parallel,lbf.min.(N) z40(178) z80(356) 2100(444) Flute Spanability2 2-5/8"(66.7 mm) 5"(127 mm) 8"(203 mm) Permeance3,Perms(ng/Pa•S•m2) >30(>1710) >23(>1300) >17(>970) R Value°,ft2•°F•hr/BTU(m2•K/W) .28 .56 .67 LinearVariation withChangein Temp., in/in°F)mm/mm/C°) 8.5x10-6)15.3x10-6) 8.5x10-°)15.3x10-6) 8.5x10-6(15.3x10-6) LinearVariation with Change in Moisture 6.25x10-6 6.25x10-6 6.25x10-6 WaterAbsorption5,%max <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 Compressive Strength',psi nominal 900 900 900 SurfaceWaterAbsorption,grams,nominal'<2.0 <2.0 <2.0 FlameSpread,SmokeDeveloped (ASTME84,UL 723,CAN/ULC-S102) 0/0 0/0 0/0 Fire Classification UL certified UL certified UL certified FM Approvals FM Approvals FM Approvals See page 4 See page 4 See page 4 Bending Radius 4'(1219 mm) 6'(1829 mm) 8'(2438 mm) 'Tested i naccordance with ASTM C473,method B. 5Specified values perASTM C1177. 2 Tested i naccordance with ASTM E661. B Tested i naccordance with ASTM C473. 3 Tested i naccordance with ASTM E96(dry cupmethod). 7 Represents approximate weight for design andshipping purposes.Actual 'Tested i naccordance with ASTM C518(heat flow meter). weight ma yvary based on manufacturing location and other factors. MOLD RESISTANCE When tested,as manufactured,i naccordance with ASTM D3273,DensDeck Roof Boards have scored a 10,the highest level of performance for mold resistance under t h eASTM D3273 test method. The score o f 10,i n t h eASTM D3273 test,indicates no mold growth i na 4-week controlled laboratory test. The mold resistance o fan ybuilding product when used i nactual jobsite conditions may no tproduce t hesameresults as were achieved inthecontrolled,laboratory setting.N omaterial canb econsidered mold proof.For additional information,got owww.buildgp.com/safetyinfo. C AUTION:For productfire,safetyand use information, For latestinformationand updates: go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. Technical ServiceHotline1.800.225.6119orwww.gpgypsum.com DensDeck° Roof Boards Atk Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Recommendations and Limitations for Use The followingrecommendations and limitationstogetherwith the delivery,storage,handling and other guidelines contained in this guide are giv ento help assure satisfactory performance from DensDeck®Roof B oards.Failureto adhereto such recommendations and limitations may voidthelimitedwarrantyprovided by Georgia-Pacific Gypsumf or such product.DensDeck®Prime Roof Boards (1/2" and 5/8"only)are backed with a limited warranty for up to 90 days of exposureto normal weather conditions when applied vertically on parapetwalls.Foradditional details and warranty informationfor DensDeck Roof Boards,please go to www.DensDeck.com. Georgia-PacificGypsum does not warrant and does not prov idespecificationsor instructions for any specific assembly or system utilizing DensDeck Roof Boardsor any component in such assemblies or systems other than DensDeck Roof Boards. Any references to assemblies or systems are for illustrationor general informationonly.Consultwiththe appropriate system manufacturerand/or design authorityforsystem specificationsand instructions. In case of conflicting recommendations,system manufacturers and/or design authority's should prevail. Design DensDeckRoof Boardsare manufactured to act with a properlydesigned roof systemfollowing good roofing practices.The actual use of DensDeckRoof Boardsas a roofng componentin any system orassemblyis the responsibility of the roofing system's designing authority.Georgia-Pacific Gypsum does not off erroofng system design services and neitherwarrants,nor is responsible for,any systems or assembliesutilizingDensDeckRoof Boardsor any componentin such systems or assembliesotherthan DensDeckRoof Boards. The need for a separator sheet between the DensDeck Roof Boards and the roofing membrane must be determined by the roof membrane manufacturer or roofing system designer. Confirm any priming requirements of DensDeck Roof Boards with membrane manufacturer. The entryof watery aporand its subsequentcondensation can be detrimental to a roof's performance,including the performance of DensDeckRoof Boards.Vaporbarriers can be used to control migration of watery aporintothe roof system.Determining the need for a v aporbarrier,its compatibility with other materials,such as structural concretedecks,and the details of its construction is the responsibility of the designer. Application When applying solvent-based adhesivesor primers,allow sufficient time for the solventto flash off to avoid damage to roofing components. DensDeck and DensDeck Prime Roof Boards should not be subjected to abnormal or excessiv eloads or foot traffic, such as, but not limited to,use on plaza decks or under steel-wheeled equipment that may fractureor damage the panels.Providesuitable roofing system protectionwhen required. For hot mopping asphalt or coal tar directly to DensDeck Prime Roof Board,follow the manufacturer's recommended system application temperature guidelines and good roofing practices. DensDeck Prime Roof Boardis the preferred substrate for torchapplication.However,the product must be dry priorto commencing installationof torchapplication. • Ensure product is dry.Ensure proper torching technique. • Limit the heat to the roof board.Maintain a majority of the torch flame directly on the roll. • When torching to DensDeck Prime Roof Boards,field priming should not be required. Installation Apply only as many DensDeck Roof Boardsas can be cov eredby a roof membrane system in the same day. DensDeck®Roof Boards of any thickness do not requiregapping. Board edges and ends should be buttedtightly together.When installed on a structural metal deck,edge joints should be located on and parallel to top flutes,so that edges are supported. Independent ev aluationshav e demonstratedthat hot mopping to DensDeck products is an acceptablemethod of bonding membranes.However,the product must be dry priorto commencing installation of hot asphalt application,with free moisture content less than 1% by weight using a moisture meter that has been set to the gypsum scale. For latestinformationand updates: CAUTION:Forproductfire,safetyand use information, Technical Service Hotline 1.800.225.61190 r www.gpgypsum.com go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. DensDeck° Roof Boards A Georgia-Pacific Gypsum • When using DensDeck®or DensDeck®Prime Roof Boards,Georgia-Pacific Gypsum recommends maximum asphalt application temperatures of 425°F(218°C) to 450°F(232°C).Application temperatures above these recommended temperatures may adv erselyaffect roof system performance.Consult and follow roofing system manufacturer's specifications for full mopping applications and temperature requirements. • Follow accepted roofing industry guidelines for full mopping applications such as EV-Itemperature guidelines, brooming and properapplication rates of asphalt. DensDeck Prime may be flood mopped to a substratefollowed by a flood mopped application of membrane using these guidelines: • DensDeck Prime Roof Boards and substratemust be dry. • Asphalt used to install DensDeck Prime should be allowed to cool prior to mopping base sheet to top of DensDeck boards. • Allow base ply to cool before mopping additional plies or cap sheet to limit the amount of direct heat that is applied to boards. Moisture Management Conditions beyondthe control of Georgia-PacificGypsum,such as weather conditions,dew,leaks,applicationtemperatures and techniques may cause adv erseeffectswith roofing systems.All componentsused in roofingsystems,including DensDeck Roof Boards,must be protected from exposure to moisture before,during and afterinstallation.Although DensDeck Roof Boardsare engineeredwith fiberglassfacings and high density gypsum cores,the presenceof moisturecan have a detrimentaleffecton the performance of the productand the installation of roofing membranes. Toensure thattheDensDeckRoofBoardsremaindrypriorto installation,thematerials mustbe properly handled upon receiptRemov e any plastic packaging from all DensDeck products immediately upon receiptof delivery. Failureto remov eplastic packaging may result in entrapment of condensation or moisture,which may cause applicationproblemsthat are not the responsibility of Georgia-PacificGypsum. Any protective,plasticfactorypackaging that is used to wrap DensDeck Roof Boardsfor shipment is intended to providetemporary protection from moisture exposure during transit only and is not intended to provide protection during storage after delivery. DensDeckproductsstoredoutside must be storedleveland off the ground and protected bya waterproof covering.Provide means for air circulation around and under stored bundles of DensDeck Roof Boards.Use adequate supports to keep the bundles flat,lev eland dry. Moisture can cause blistersto form during hot mopping or torchingto any substrate. Because DensDeck Roof Boardsare relatively dense,any excess moisturewill typicallyvaporizeand tray elupwardinto the interfacebetweenthe membrane and substrate ratherthan dissipating within the board.In fully adhered single ply or cold mastic bitumen systems,the evaporation of solventsmay be restricted and may cause solventblisters. Moisture accumulation may also adv erselyaffectthe structural stabilityor bond of roof ingsystemcomponents,including DensDeck Roof B oards,and may significantlydecreasewind upliftand vertical pull resistance in the systemor assembly.DensDeckRoof Boardsexposedto moisture may need to be evaluated for structural stabilityto assurewind upliftperformance. Care should also be taken during installationto avoid the accumulation of moisture in the system.DensDeck Roof Boardsmust be coveredthe same day as installed.Avoidapplicationof DensDeck Roof Boardsduring rain,heavyfog and any other conditions that may deposit moisture on the surface,and avoidthe overuseof non-vented,direct-fired heaters during winter months.When roof ingsystems are installed on new poured concreteor light weight concretedecks or when re-roofing over an existingconcretedeck,a vapor barriershould be installed abovethe concreteto limitthe migrationof water fromthe concreteintothe roof assembly.Always consult the roofing system manufactureror design authority for specific instructions for applying other productsto DensDeck Roof Boards. Finally,care must be taken after installationto avoid and properly manage leaks and other water accumulation.Moisturev apor mov ementby cony ectionmust be eliminated,and the flow of water by gray itythrough imperfections in the roof system must be controlled.Aftera leak has occurred,no condensation on the upper surface of the system should be tolerated,and the water introduced by the leak must be dissipatedto the building interiorin a minimum amount of time. C AUTION:For productfire,safetyand use information, For latest informationand updates: go to buildgp.com/safetyinfo. Technical ServiceHotline1.800.225.6119orwww.gpgypsum.com High-Performance Gypsum Products from Georgia-Pacific DensDecke Fiberglassmat roof board used as the ideal thermal barrierand coy erboardto improv eresistanceto wind uplift,hail,foottraffic,fireand Roof Board mold in a broad range of commercial roofingapplications.LookforDensDeckPrimeandDensDeckDuraGuardRoofBoards,too. DensGlass° The original and univ ersalstandard of exteriorgypsum sheathing off erssuperiorweatherresistance,witha 12-month limited warranty Sheathing against delamination or deterioration during exposureto normal weather conditions.Look for the familiar GOLD color.GREENGUARD listed for microbial resistance. DensGlass° These specially-designed panels are perfect for moisture-prone v erticalor horizontal shafts,interiorstairwellsand area separationwall Shaftliner assemblies.12-month limited warranty against delamination or deterioration during exposureto normal weather conditions.GREENGUARD listed for microbial resistance. DensArmor Plus® High-performance interiorpanel acceleratesscheduling because it can be installed beforethe building is dried-in.A 12-month limited InteriorPanel warranty against delamination or deterioration during exposureto normal weather conditions.GREENGUARDand GREENGUARD Gold certifiedfor low VOC emissions.Listed in CHPS°High Performance ProductDatabase as a low emitting product.GREENGUARD listed for microbial resistance. DensArmor Plus® With the same benefitsas the DensArmorPlus®InteriorPanel,these also offeradded resistanceto scuffs,abrasionsand surface Abuse-Resistant indentations;ideal for healthcarefacilitiesand schools.GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certifiedf or low VOC emissions. InteriorPanel Listed in CHPS®High Performance ProductDatabaseas a low emitting product.GREENGUARDlisted formicrobial resistance. DensArmor Plus® With ev engreaterdurability than abuse-resistant panels,these hav e an embedded impact-resistant mesh f or the ultimate resistancein high Impact-Resistant traffic areas;ideal for healthcarefacilities,schools and correctional institutions.GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certified for low VOC InteriorPanel emissions.Listed in CHPS®High Performance ProductDatabaseas a low emitting product.GREENGUARD listed for microbial resistance. DensShield° Acrylic-coated tile backer stops moistureat the surf ace.Lightweightand strong,they are built for speed on the job site.Conformsto Tile Backer requirements of 2012 IBC/IRCCode.GREENGUARD listed for microbial resistance. ToughRock® Paper-faced line of gypsum panels fora varietyof applications including interiorwall and ceiling applications,abuse-resistant boards,and Gypsum Board panels for use in fire-rated assemblies.ToughRockproductsare GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certifiedf or low VOC emissions. Listed in CHPS®High Performance ProductDatabaseas a low emitting product. ToughRock® ToughRockMold-Guard Gypsum Board productshav e enhanced mold resistancein comparisonto regularToughRock®Gypsum Boards.They Mold-Guard`' are GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold Certified forlowVOCemissionsand are listed in the CHPS®High Performance Product Database Gypsum Board as a low emitting product.The ToughRockMold-Guard Gypsum Board is also listed as GREENGUARD microbial resistant. DensElementrM DensElementBarrierSystemdeliversthe same adv antagesof DensGlass Sheathing while incorporating AquaKORT"'Technology,a water BarrierSystem barriersystemthat maintains high v aporpermeability mitigating the risk of moisture in the wall cavity.With this innov ationbuilt into its core,DensElementeliminates the need for additional barrier(WRB-AB)say ingtime,labor and materials. GP Georgia-PacificUnless UPDATESAND C URRENT FIRESAFETYCAUTION— Unlessotherwisenoted, INFORMATION— Passinga fire test in a Gypsum all trademarks are owned The information in this controlled laboratorysetting U.S.A. Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC by or licensed to Georgia- document may change without and/or certifying or labeling a CANADA Georgia-Pacific Canada LP Pacific Gypsum LLC.LEED, notice.Visit our website at product as having a one- USGBCand related logo are www.gpgypsum.comfor hour,two-hour,or any other SALES INFORMATION AND ORDER PLACEMENT trademarks owned by the updatesandcurrentinformation. fire resistance or protection U.S.A. West: 1-800-824-7503 U.S.Green Building Council rating and,therefore,as Midwest: 1-800-876-4746 and are used by permission. CAUTION:Forproduct acceptable for use in certain South Central: 1-800-231-6060 CHPS is a trademarkowned fire,safetyand use fire rated assemblies/systems, Southeast: 1-800-327-2344 information,go to Northeast: 1-800-947-4497 by Collaborative sInc buildgp.com/safetyinfo or does not mean that either a Performance Schools Inc. call 1-800-225-6119. particular assembly/system CANADA Canada Toll Free: 1-800-387-6823 MICROSOFT is a registeredincorporating the product,or Quebec Toll Free: 1-800-361-0486 trademarkof Microsoft HANDLING AND USE— any giv en piece of the product TECHNICAIHOTLINE Corporation.MASTERSPEC CAUTION:This product itself,will necessarily provide U.S.A.andCanada:1-800-225-6119 is a registeredtrademark contains fiberglass facings one-hour fire resistance,two- of The American lnstituteof which may cause skin hour fire resistance,or any 0„lLo, Architects.REVITis a irritation.Dust and fibers other specified fire resistance ?CV registeredtrademarkof produced during the handling or protection in an actual fire. AutoDesk,lnc.Roof Navis and installation of the product In the eventof an actual fire, MFMBE�^ a registered mark of FM may cause skin,eye and you should immediately take Approvals LLC. respiratory tract irritation. any and all actions necessary WARRANTIES,REMEDIES Avoidbreathing dust and for your safety and the safety AND TERMSOF SALE— minimize contact with skin of others without regard for FFor current warranty and eyes.Wear long sleeve any fire rating of any product orcmanplease go to shirts,long pants and eye or assembly/system. inforntain www.buildgp.com/warranties protection.Always ventilati n.mUse and select the applicable adequate mask or NIOSH/tion.Use product.All sales by a dust or Georgia-Pacific are subject MSHA approvedrespiratoras ap to our Terms of Sale available ventilated areas. atein dusty or poorly venntilate at www.buildgp.com/tc. www.gpgypsum.com ©2017 Georgia-PacificGypsum LLC.AII rights reserved.Printed in the U.S.A.01/17.GP Lit.Item#622602. Design ReviewBoard (DRB) Department of CommunityDevelopment 75 South Frontage Road West TOWN OF VA I L ACTION FORM Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2139 www.vailgov.com Project Name: Moore Residence 2018 Application Number: DRB18-0223 Application Type: New Construction Date Applied: 05/25/2018 Project Description: New Single Family Residence with attached garage, to build on a currently vacant lot. CONTACTS Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: INTERMETRIX INVESTMNTS (Scott Handler) Address: 303 South Broadway 200-509 Denver, CO 80209 Phone: 3038930086 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: MOORE, MICHAEL G. & YOSHIMI S. Address: Phone: None Project Address: 2841 BASINGDALE BLVD (210314310021) (210314310021) Job Site Location: Legal Description: Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN Lot: 3 Block: 8 DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION Parcel Number: 210314310021 BOARDS/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Cahill Action: Approved Second By: Campbell Vote: 4-0-0 Date: 08/01/2018 Conditions: - Design Review Board approval shall not become validfor20 daysfollowing the dateof approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Cha pter12-3-3 Appeals. - No changes to these plans maybe made without the written consent of Town of Vail staffa nd/orthe appropriate review committee(s). - Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) yea rfollowing the dateof final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. - Priorto building permit approval the applicant shallshow where the eastern draininage fromthe curband gutterwill outfall. Must wither connect to downstrearrcurb, or outfall into existing drainage ditch within drainage easement or ROW. - Transportation Impact Fee of$8,233 will be required priorto issuance of the building permit for the project. Planner: Justin Lightfield 2841 Basindgale Blvd HVAC Load Calculations for Visual Impax Design Build 303 So Broadway Suite 200 # 509 Denver,CO 80209 lEkte. *gullt RHVAC Resicilarrim. ____ I-1VAC LoADs Prepared By: Steve Bartunek B&B Heating And Air Conditioning Inc. 4892 Marshall St Wheat Ridge, CO. 80023 303-423-7905 Friday,August 17, 2018 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 2 Project Report General Project Information Project Title: 2841 Basindgale Blvd Designed By: Visual Impax Project Date: 8/6/2018 Client Name: Visual Impax Design Build Client Address: 303 So Broadway Suite 200#509 Client City: Denver,CO 80209 Client Phone: 303-893-0086 Client Fax: 303-223-2898 Client E-Mail Address: scotth@v isualimpax.com Company Name: B&B Heating And Air Conditioning Inc. Company Representative: Steve Bartunek Company Address: 4892 Marshall St Company City: Wheat Ridge, CO. 80023 Company Phone: 303-423-7905 Company Fax: 303-431-6523 Company E-Mail Address: steve@bbheating.com Company Website: www.bbheating.com Design Data Reference City: Leadv ille, Colorado Building Orientation: Front door faces East Daily Temperature Range: High Latitude: 39 Degrees Elevation: 9927 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.690 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: -14 -14.47 n/a 30% 70 44.33 Summer: 81 51 15% 50% 75 -61 Check Figures 1 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,210 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.453 Square ft.of Room Area: 2,671 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,968 Volume (ft3): 25,873 Building Loads I Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 49,614 Btuh 49.614 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 18,360 Btuh 100 Total Latent Gain: -2,073 Btuh 0 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 18,360 Btuh 1.53 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. *- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 3 Miscellaneous Report I System 1 Gas Forced Air Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor IndoorGrains Input Data Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: -14 -14.47 80% 30% 70 44.33 Summer: 81 51 15% 50% 75 -61.23 System 2 Copy of Gas Forced Air Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Input Data Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: -14 -14.47 80% 30% 70 44.33 Summer: 81 51 15% 50% 75 -61.23 Duct Sizing Inputs A Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Outside Air Data Winter Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.320 AC/hr 0.168 AC/hr 138 CFM 72 CFM Infiltration Actual: 0.320 AC/hr 0.168 AC/hr Above Grade Volume: X 25,873 Cu.ft. X 25,873 Cu.ft. 8,269 Cu.ft./hr 4,336 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 138 CFM 72 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM ---System 1--- Infiltration &Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 4.55 = (1.10 X 0.690 X 6.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration &Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: -28.72 = (0.68 X 0.690 X-61.23 Grains Difference) Infiltration &Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 63.73 = (1.10 X 0.690 X 84.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified: 0.280 AC/hr(68 CFM), Construction:Semi-Tight, Fireplaces: 1, 0 CFM, Tight Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.150 AC/hr(36 CFM), Construction:Semi-Tight ---System 2--- Infiltration &Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 4.55 = (1.10 X 0.690 X 6.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration &Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: -28.72 = (0.68 X 0.690 X-61.23 Grains Difference) Infiltration &Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 63.73 = (1.10 X 0.690 X 84.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified: 0.370 AC/hr(70 CFM), Construction:Average, Fireplaces: 1, 0 CFM, Tight Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.190 AC/hr(36 CFM), Construction:Average C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. C 2841 Basindgale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 4 Load Preview Report Sys Net ft. Sen Lat Net Sen Hts Cls Act Duct Scope Ton /Tor Area Gain Gain Gain Loss CFM CFM CFM Size Building 1.53 1,968 2,671 18,360 -2,073 18,360 49,614 934 1,210 1,210 System 1 0.90 1,628 1,317 10,748 -1,039 10,748 24,342 458 708 708 9x14 Humidification 1,405 Zone 1 1,317 10,748 -1,039 10,748 22,937 458 708 708 9x14 7-Master Bedroom 347 1,730 -212 1,730 4,511 90 114 114 2--4 8-Mastre Clst 100 119 -106 119 1,448 29 8 8 1--4 9-Master Bath 211 1,039 -201 1,039 3,325 66 68 68 1--5 14-Great Rm/Foyer 178 2,352 -170 2,352 4,645 93 155 155 2--5 15-Kitchen/dining 481 5,508 -350 5,508 9,008 180 363 363 4--6 System 2 0.63 2,470 1,354 7,611 -1,034 7,611 25,272 476 502 502 8x12 Humidification 1,459 Zone 1 1,354 7,611 -1,034 7,611 23,813 476 502 502 8x12 1-Family/Bed 339 794 -124 794 4,389 88 52 52 1--4 2-Bsmnt Bath 68 70 -36 70 1,117 22 5 5 1--4 3-Utility/Stg 45 60 -31 60 943 19 4 4 1--4 4-Bedroom 2 189 1,270 -156 1,270 3,040 61 84 84 1--5 5-Stairs 112 97 -84 97 1,166 23 6 6 1--4 6-MnLvl Bath/Clst 154 356 -191 356 2,823 56 23 23 1--4 10-Study/Bed 189 3,303 -156 3,303 4,441 89 218 218 2--6 11-Upper Bath 53 157 -38 157 872 17 10 10 1--4 12-Upper Stairs 112 513 -82 513 1,731 35 34 34 1--4 13-Mud Rm 96 990 -136 990 3,291 66 65 65 1--5 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. CrEhm 2841 Basindgale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 5 Duct Size Preview Room or Source Minimum Maximum Rough Design SP Duct Duct Htg Clg I Act. Duct Duct Name Velocity Velocit Facto! L/10C Loss Velocity Lengif Flow Flow Flow Size System 1 Supply Runouts Zone 1 7-Master Bedroom Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 653.2 90 114 114 2--4 8-Mastre Clst Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 90.2 29 8 8 1--4 9-Master Bath Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 502.3 66 68 68 1--5 14-Great Rm/Foyer Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 568.3 93 155 155 2--5 15-Kitchen/dining Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 462.2 180_ 363 363 4--6 Other Ducts in System 1 Supply Main Trunk Built-In 650 900 0.003 0.1 809.6 458.708 708 9x14 System 2 Supply Runouts Zone 1 1-Family/Bed Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 600 88.52 52 1--4 2-Bsmnt Bath Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 53.1 22. 5 5 1--4 3-Utility/Stg Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 45.4 19. 4 4 1--4 4-Bedroom 2 Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 614 61" 84 84 1--5 5-Stairs Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 73.4 23 6 6 1--4 6-MnLvlBath/Gist Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 268.6 561a 23 23 1--4 10-Study/Bed Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 554.3 89.218 218 2--6 11-Upper Bath Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 118.8 17. 10 10 1--4 12-Upper Stairs Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 387.4 35. 34 34 1--4 13-Mud Rm Built-In 450 750 0.01 0.1 478.6 66. 65 65 1--5 Other Ducts in System 2 Supply Main Trunk Built-In 650 900 0.003 0.1 752.5 476Ela 502 8x12 Summary System 1 Heating Flow: 458 Cooling Flow: 708 System 2 Heating Flow: 476 Cooling Flow: 502 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. *- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 6 Total Building Summary Loads Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 95.7 2,010 0 1,210 1,210 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.25, SHGC 0.24 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 144 3,266 0 2,212 2,212 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.27, SHGC 0.22 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 131.9 2,659 0 1,585 1,585 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.24, SHGC 0.24 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 111 2,516 0 1,487 1,487 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.27, SHGC 0.19 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 24 403 0 233 233 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.2, SHGC 0.09 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 27 590 0 279 279 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.26, SHGC 0.22 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 63.3 1,595 0 1,910 1,910 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.3, SHGC 0.3 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 34 799 0 390 390 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.28, SHGC 0.19 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 24 524 0 378 378 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.26, SHGC 0.15 4A-6-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e= 0.20 or less), 72 1,633 0 2,023 2,023 high performance, operable window, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame,u-value 0.27, SHGC 0.28 11J: Door-Metal- Fiberglass Core 21.4 1,077 0 282 282 12F-Obw: Wall-Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 2568.9 14,026 0 1,098 1,098 cavity,no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 15A13-0ocw-6: Wall-Basement, , framing with R-13 sill to 849.1 5,010 0 242 242 floor in 2 x 4 cavity,open core, no board insulation, plus interior finish,wood studs, 6'floor depth 16BR-50: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 1107.7 1,861 0 1,020 1,020 Floor(also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Unvented Attic with Radiant Barrier, Any Roofing Material,Any Roof Color, R-50 insulation Subtotals for structure: 37,969 0 14,349 14,349 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 138, Summer CFM: 72 8,781 -2,073 331 -1,742 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Humidification (Winter)7.81 gal/day : 2,864 0 0 0 AED Excursion: 0 0 3,680 3,680 Total Building Load Totals: 49,614 -2,073 18,360 16,287 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM: 1,210 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.453 Square ft.of Room Area: 2,671 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,968 Volume (ft3): 25,873 Building Loads C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindgale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 7 Total Building Summary Loads (cont'd) Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 49,614 Btuh 49.614 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 18,360 Btuh 100 % Total Latent Gain: -2,073 Btuh 0 Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 18,360 Btuh 1.53 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindciale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 8 Building Pie Chart Roof 4% Humidification 6% Infiltration 18% Wall 38% Door 2% Glass 32% Roof 6% Wall 7% AED Excursion 20% Door 2% Glass 65% C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 11:21- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 9 Detailed Room Loads - Room 7 - Master Bedroom (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 346.8 sq.ft. Supply Air: 114 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.8 AC/hr Volume: 3,814 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 57 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 653 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 653 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 14 CFM Actual Loss: 0.334 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 7 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -Wall-12F-Obw 18 X 10 156 0.065 5.5 852 0.4 0 67 E -Wall-12F-Obw 7.3 X 10 73.1 0.065 5.5 399 0.4 0 31 NW-Wall-12F-Obw 11.7 X 10 44.7 0.065 5.5 244 0.4 0 19 N -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 100%S 24 0.250 21.0 504 6.2 0 148 NW-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.22 0%S 72 0.270 22.7 1,633 15.4 0 1,106 Subtotals for Structure: 3,632 0 1,371 Infil.:Win.: 13.8, Sum.: 7.4 370 2.377 879 0.092 -212 34 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 325 Room Totals: 4,511 -212 1,730 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 10 Detailed Room Loads - Room 8 - Mastre Clst (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 99.9 sq.ft. Supply Air: 8 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.4 AC/hr Volume: 1,099 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 8 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 90 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 90 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 7 CFM Actual Loss: 0.007 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 4 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat escription Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain G D E-Wall-12F-Obw 2 X 10 20 0.065 5.5 109 0.4 0 9 SE-Wall-12F-Obw 10.9 X 10 109.4 0.065 5.5 597 0.4 0 47 NE-Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 0 X 10 0.4 0.055 6.0 2 0.3 0 0 S-Wall-12F-Obw 5.5 X 10 55.2 0.065 5.5 301 0.4 0 24 Subtotals for Structure: 1,009 0 80 Infil.: Win.: 6.9, Sum.: 3.7 185 2.376 439 0.092 -106 17 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 22 Room Totals: 1,448 -106 119 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 11:21- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 11 Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Master Bath (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. &clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 211.5 sq.ft. Supply Air: 68 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.8 AC/hr Volume: 2,326 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 68 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 502 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 502 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss: 0.146 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 7 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain S -Wall-12F-Obw 16.5 X 10 165 0.065 5.5 901 0.4 0 71 W-Wall-12F-Obw 14 X 10 122 0.065 5.5 666 0.4 0 52 NW-Wall-12F-Obw 4.6 X 10 28.1 0.065 5.5 153 0.4 0 12 W-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 0%S 18 0.240 20.2 363 24.1 0 434 NW-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 0%S 18 0.270 22.7 408 13.5 0 243 Subtotals for Structure: 2,491 0 812 Infil.:Win.: 13.1, Sum.: 7.0 351 2.375 834 0.091 -201 32 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 195 Room Totals: 3,325 -201 1,039 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 12 Detailed Room Loads - Room 14 - Great Rm/Foyer (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 178.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 155 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.7 AC/hr Volume: 1,958 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 77 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 568 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 568 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 11 CFM Actual Loss: 0.186 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 6 CFM LItem Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat ascription MQuantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain NW-WalI-12F-Obw 11.7 X 10 23 0.065 5.5 126 0.4 0 10 N -Wall-12F-Obw 18 X 10 150.3 0.065 5.5 821 0.4 0 64 NW-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 0%S 14.8 0.240 20.2 299 16.4 0 243 NW-GIs-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 0%S 6.8 0.240 20.2 138 16.4 0 112 NW-GIs-4A-6-o shgc-0.22 0%S 72 0.270 22.7 1,633 15.4 0 1,106 N -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 100%S 14.8 0.250 21.0 312 6.2 0 92 N -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 100%S 14.8 0.250 21.0 312 6.2 0 92 UP-Ceil-16BR-50 178 X 1 178 0.020 1.7 299 0.9 0 164 Subtotals for Structure: 3,940 0 1,883 Infil.: Win.: 11.1, Sum.: 5.9 297 2.376 705 0.091 -170 27 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 442 Room Totals: 4,645 -170 2,352 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 11:21- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 13 Detailed Room Loads - Room 15 - Kitchen/dining (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. &clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 481.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 363 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.1 AC/hr Volume: 5,291 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 4 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 91 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 462 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 462 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.096 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 12 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain E -Wall-12F-Obw 9.5 X 10 71 0.065 5.5 388 0.4 0 30 SE-Wall-12F-Obw 11 X 10 46.7 0.065 5.5 255 0.4 0 20 S -Wall-12F-Obw 22 X 10 175 0.065 5.5 956 0.4 0 75 W-Wall-12F-Obw 14 X 10 76.7 0.065 5.5 419 0.4 0 33 NW-Wall-12F-Obw 4.6 X 10 37.9 0.065 5.5 207 0.4 0 16 E -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.09 0%S 24 0.200 16.8 403 9.7 0 233 SE-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 0%S 21 0.270 22.7 476 16.5 0 346 SE-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 0%S 21 0.270 22.7 476 16.5 0 346 SE-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 0%S 21 0.270 22.7 476 16.5 0 346 S -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 0%S 15 0.240 20.2 302 11.0 0 165 S -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.22 0%S 15 0.260 21.8 328 10.3 0 155 S -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 0%S 15 0.240 20.2 302 11.0 0 165 W-GIs-4A-6-o shgc-0.3 0%S 63.3 0.300 25.2 1,595 30.2 0 1,910 NW-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 0%S 8.2 0.240 20.2 166 16.4 0 135 UP-Ceil-16BR-50 481 X 1 481 0.020 1.7 808 0.9 0 443 Subtotals for Structure: 7,557 0 4,418 Infil.:Win.: 22.8, Sum.: 12.2 611 2.376 1,451 0.092 -350 56 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 1,034 Room Totals: 9,008 -350 5,508 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 11:21- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 14 Detailed Room Loads - Room 1 - Family/Bed (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 2 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 338.6 sq.ft. Supply Air: 52 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.0 AC/hr Volume: 3,047 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 52 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 600 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 600 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 8 CFM Actual Loss: 0.283 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 4 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 16 X 10 144 0.055 5.8 831 0.3 0 37 SE-Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 4.6 X 10 46.1 0.055 6.0 276 0.3 0 14 S -Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 12.5 X 10 124.8 0.055 6.0 749 0.3 0 38 W-Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 21.5 X 10 191 0.055 5.7 1,096 0.2 0 48 N -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 100%S 8 0.280 23.5 188 5.4 0 43 N -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 100%S 8 0.280 23.5 188 5.4 0 43 W-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.15 0%S 24 0.260 21.8 524 15.8 0 378 Subtotals for Structure: 3,852 0 601 Infil.:Win.: 8.4, Sum.: 4.3 218 2.459 537 0.092 -124 20 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 173 Room Totals: 4,389 -124 794 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 15 Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - Bsmnt Bath (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 2 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 67.5 sq.ft. Supply Air: 5 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.5 AC/hr Volume: 608 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 5 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 53 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 53 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 2 CFM Actual Loss: 0.003 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 1 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain G N -Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 3 X 10 30 0.055 6.0 180 0.3 0 9 NE-Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 12.5 X 10 125 0.055 6.0 750 0.3 0 38 S-Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 0.5 X 10 5 0.055 6.0 30 0.3 0 2 Subtotals for Structure: 960 0 49 Infil.: Win.: 2.5, Sum.: 1.3 64 2.453 157 0.094 -36 6 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 15 Room Totals: 1,117 -36 70 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 16 Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Utility/Stg (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 2 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 44.6 sq.ft. Supply Air: 4 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.6 AC/hr Volume: 402 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 4 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 45 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 45 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 2 CFM Actual Loss: 0.002 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 1 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat escription Quantity Value .. HTM Loss HTM Gain .101 SE-Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 13.5 X 10 135.1 0.055 6.0 810 0.3 0 42 Subtotals for Structure: 810 0 42 Infil.:Win.: 2.1, Sum.: 1.1 54 2.461 133 0.093 -31 5 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 13 Room Totals: 943 -31 60 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 11:21- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 17 Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Bedroom 2 (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. &clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 14.0 ft. System Number: 2 Room Width: 13.5 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 189.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 84 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.4 AC/hr Volume: 2,079 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 84 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 614 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 614 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 11 CFM Actual Loss: 0.216 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 5 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -Wall-12F-Obw 14 X 10 122 0.065 5.5 666 0.4 0 52 W-Wall-12F-Obw 13.5 X 10 101 0.065 5.5 551 0.4 0 43 N -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 100%S 18 0.270 22.7 408 5.3 0 96 W-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 0%S 24 0.250 21.0 504 24.2 0 581 W-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 0%S 10 0.280 23.5 235 19.6 0 196 Subtotals for Structure: 2,364 0 968 Infil.:Win.: 10.6, Sum.: 5.4 275 2.458 676 0.091 -156 25 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 277 Room Totals: 3,040 -156 1,270 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 18 Detailed Room Loads - Room 5 - Stairs (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 2 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 112.1 sq.ft. Supply Air: 6 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.3 AC/hr Volume: 1,233 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 6 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 73 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 73 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 6 CFM Actual Loss: 0.005 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 3 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Description 1 [ Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain G SE-Wall-12F-Obw 1.7 X 10 17.2 0.065 5.5 94 0.4 0 7 S-WalI-12F-Obw 13 X 10 130 0.065 5.5 710 0.4 0 56 Subtotals for Structure: 804 0 63 Infil.: Win.: 5.7, Sum.: 2.9 147 2.459 362 0.088 -84 13 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 21 Room Totals: 1,166 -84 97 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 19 Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - MnLvl Bath/Clst (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 2 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 153.6 sq.ft. Supply Air: 23 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,689 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 23 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 269 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 269 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss: 0.059 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 7 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -Wall-12F-Obw 4.5 X 10 45.3 0.065 5.5 247 0.4 0 19 N -Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 0.5 X 10 4.7 0.055 6.0 28 0.3 0 1 NE-Wall-12F-Obw 12.5 X 10 117.2 0.065 5.5 640 0.4 0 50 SE-Wall-12F-Obw 16.4 X 10 163.7 0.065 5.5 894 0.4 0 70 NE-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 0%S 8 0.280 23.5 188 13.5 0 108 Subtotals for Structure: 1,997 0 248 Infil.: Win.: 13.0, Sum.: 6.7 336 2.458 826 0.089 -191 30 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 78 Room Totals: 2,823 -191 356 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 11:21- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 20 Detailed Room Loads - Room 10 - Study/Bed (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 14.0 ft. System Number: 2 Room Width: 13.5 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 189.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 218 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.3 AC/hr Volume: 2,079 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 109 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 554 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 554 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 11 CFM Actual Loss: 0.137 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 5 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -Wall-12F-Obw 14 X 10 92 0.065 5.5 502 0.4 0 39 W-Wall-12F-Obw 13.5 X 10 63 0.065 5.5 344 0.4 0 27 N -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 100%S 24 0.240 20.2 484 6.1 0 147 N -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 100%S 24 0.240 20.2 484 6.1 0 147 W-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.28 0%S 72 0.270 22.7 1,633 28.1 0 2,023 UP-Ceil-16BR-50 189 X 1 189 0.020 1.7 318 0.9 0 174 Subtotals for Structure: 3,765 0 2,557 Infil.:Win.: 10.6, Sum.: 5.4 275 2.458 676 0.091 -156 25 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 721 Room Totals: 4,441 -156 3,303 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 21 Detailed Room Loads - Room 11 - Upper Bath (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 2 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 52.6 sq.ft. Supply Air: 10 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.1 AC/hr Volume: 579 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 10 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 119 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 119 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 3 CFM Actual Loss: 0.012 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 1 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat escription Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain G D N -Wall-12F-Obw 5 X 10 44 0.065 5.5 240 0.4 0 19 NE-Wall-15A13-0ocw-6 4.3 X 10 43 0.055 6.0 258 0.3 0 13 N -Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 100%S 6 0.240 20.2 121 6.2 0 37 UP-Ceil-16BR-50 52.6 X 1 52.6 0.020 1.7 88 0.9 0 48 Subtotals for Structure: 707 0 117 Infil.: Win.: 2.6, Sum.: 1.3 67 2.455 165 0.089 -38 6 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 34 Room Totals: 872 -38 157 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 22 Detailed Room Loads - Room 12 - Upper Stairs (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 2 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 111.5 sq.ft. Supply Air: 34 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.7 AC/hr Volume: 1,227 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 34 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 387 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 387 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 6 CFM Actual Loss: 0.120 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 3 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain G SE-Wall-12F-Obw 1.4 X 10 14.1 0.065 5.5 77 0.4 0 6 S-Wall-12F-Obw 13 X 10 106 0.065 5.5 579 0.4 0 45 S-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.19 0%S 12 0.270 22.7 272 9.2 0 110 S-GIs-4A-6-o shgc-0.22 0%S 12 0.260 21.8 262 10.3 0 124 UP-Ceil-16BR-50 111.5 X 1 111.5 0.020 1.7 187 0.9 0 103 Subtotals for Structure: 1,377 0 388 Infil.: Win.: 5.6, Sum.: 2.9 144 2.457 354 0.090 -82 13 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 112 Room Totals: 1,731 -82 513 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 23 Detailed Room Loads - Room 13 - Mud Rm (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 2 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 95.6 sq.ft. Supply Air: 65 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.7 AC/hr Volume: 1,052 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 65 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 479 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 479 ft./min. Actual Winter Infil.: 9 CFM Actual Loss: 0.132 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 5 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain G NE-Wall-12F-Obw 7.9 X 10 61.1 0.065 5.5 334 0.4 0 26 SE-Wall-12F-Obw 15.9 X 10 138.1 0.065 5.5 754 0.4 0 59 SE-Door-11J 2.7 X 8 21.4 0.600 50.4 1,077 13.2 0 282 NE-Gls-4A-6-o shgc-0.24 0%S 18 0.250 21.0 378 16.5 0 297 UP-Ceil-16BR-50 95.6 X 1 95.6 0.020 1.7 161 0.9 0 88 Subtotals for Structure: 2,704 0 752 Infil.: Win.: 9.2, Sum.: 4.7 239 2.460 587 0.092 -136 22 Ductwork: 0 0 AED Excursion: 216 Room Totals: 3,291 -136 990 C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. *- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 24 System 1 Room Load Summary Htg Min Run Run Clg Clg Min Act Room Area Sens Htg Duct Duct Sens Lat Clg Sys No Name SF Btuh CFM Size Vel Btuh Btuh CFM CFM ---Zone 1--- 7 Master Bedroom 347 4,511 90 2-4 653 1,730 -212 114 114 8 Mastre Clst 100 1,448 29 1-4 90 119 -106 8 8 9 Master Bath 211 3,325 66 1-5 502 1,039 -201 68 68 14 Great Rm/Foyer 178 4,645 93 2-5 568 2,352 -170 155 155 15 Kitchen/dining 481 9,008 180 4-6 462 5,508 -350 363 363 Humidification 1,405 System 1 total 1,317 24,342 458 10,748 -1,039 708 708 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 9x14 in. Velocity: 810 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.: 0.092 in.wg Cooling System Summary Cooling Sensible/Latent Sensible Latent Total Tons Split Btuh Btuh Btu Net Required: 0.90 111%/-11% 10,748 -1,039 10,748 Actual: 2.20 75%/25% 19,800 6,600 26,400 Equipment Data Heating System Cooling System Type: Natural Gas Furnace Standard Air Conditioner Model: TUH3B060ACV3VA 4TTB4030E1 Indoor Model: 4CXCA024CC3 Brand: XC95 XB 14 Description: Natural Gas or Propane Furnace Efficiency: 95 AFUE 14 SEER Sound: 0 0 Capacity: 57,000 Btuh 26,400 Btuh Sensible Capacity: n/a 19,800 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 6,600 Btuh AHRI Reference No.: n/a 3441944 This system's equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S. Manual S equipment sizing data: SODB: 81F, SOWB: 51F, WODB:-14F, SIDB: 75F, SIRH: 50%, WIDB: 70F, Sen. gain: 10,748 Btuh, Lat. gain: -1,039 Btuh, Sen. loss: 24,342 Btuh, Entering clg. coil DB: (Error), Entering clg. coil WB: (Error), Entering htg. coil DB: 70F, Clg. coil TD: 20F, Htg. coil TD: 70F, Req. clg. airflow: 708 CFM, Req. htg. airflow: 458 CFM C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM Rhvac-Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. B&B Heating and A/C Inc. *- 2841 Basindqale Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page 25 System 2 Room Load Summary Htg Min Run Run Clg Clg Min Act Room Area Sens Htg Duct Duct Sens Lat Clg Sys No Name SF Btuh CFM Size Vel Btuh Btuh CFM CFM ---Zone 1--- 1 Family/Bed 339 4,389 88 1-4 600 794 -124 52 52 2 Bsmnt Bath 68 1,117 22 1-4 53 70 -36 5 5 3 Utility/Stg 45 943 19 1-4 45 60 -31 4 4 4 Bedroom 2 189 3,040 61 1-5 614 1,270 -156 84 84 5 Stairs 112 1,166 23 1-4 73 97 -84 6 6 6 MnLvI Bath/Clst 154 2,823 56 1-4 269 356 -191 23 23 10 Study/Bed 189 4,441 89 2-6 554 3,303 -156 218 218 11 Upper Bath 53 872 17 1-4 119 157 -38 10 10 12 Upper Stairs 112 1,731 35 1-4 387 513 -82 34 34 13 Mud Rm 96 3,291 66 1-5 479 990 -136 65 65 Humidification 1,459 System 2 total 1,354 25,272 476 7,611 -1,034 502 502 System 2 Main Trunk Size: 8x12 in. Velocity: 752 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.: 0.095 in.wg Cooling System Summary Cooling Sensible/Latent Sensible Latent Tons Split Btuh Btuh Btuh Net Required: 0.63 116%/-16% 7,611 -1,034 7,611 Actual: 1.28 75%/25% 11,475 3,825 15,300 Equipment Data Heating System Cooling System Type: Natural Gas Furnace Standard Air Conditioner Model: TUC040C924B* 4TTB4018E1 Indoor Model: C(A,C,D,E)30A24+TDR Brand: XE90 ASPEN Description: Natural Gas or Propane Furnace Efficiency: 92.1 AFUE 14 SEER Sound: 0 0 Capacity: 37,000 Btuh 15,300 Btuh Sensible Capacity: n/a 11,475 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 3,825 Btuh AHRI Reference No.: n/a 3608848 This system's equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S. Manual S equipment sizing data: SODB: 81F, SOWB: 51F, WODB:-14F, SIDB: 75F, SIRH: 50%, WIDB: 70F, Sen. gain: 7,611 Btuh, Lat. gain: -1,034 Btuh, Sen. loss: 25,272 Btuh, Entering clg. coil DB: (Error), Entering clg. coil WB: (Error), Entering htg. coil DB: 70F, Clg. coil TD: 20F, Htg. coil TD: 70F, Req. clg. airflow: 502 CFM, Req. htg. airflow: 476 CFM C:\Users\steve\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 9 Projects\2841 Basindgale Blvd.rh9 Friday,August 17, 2018, 7:26 AM ;.oli3,t ;.. : • ..�a'1 1. f rifiti,.. ,... : ormia i :: s ; ,•• . • ; 'ii34-I "Li'' Our".AC . 1 R ! (..-0 r---- t''... S Im-- OV'e,-5- . 0,0410 . rn - )a•/4 .-p, _ s g_, - +4-.3 zESs z 1 . - -- Ga ri -r)- -(1r.--)9/ate r r4-.1. 4..._ - i —.--,pe. -U=. CM,-) if 7. r.-1\- OW, S m. 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Ne"1 �+ - - l■ .-..,, 'a� /5 i •, , • • V i Ta'7 + • r. • / � r 1 y✓ -t• s' A ` k j kk r� } W ry WIN DOR 450 Delta Ave., , Brea, CA, 92821 Tel: (714) 385-1202 Fax:(714) 990-6200 www.windoronline.com Quote: 6435 Client: Western Pacific- Denver Reference:WestPac- XY Vail Contact: Bryan Karr Phone: 7204256845 Email: b.karr@gowestpac.com Bill To: Ship To: 320 South Lipan St 320 South Lipan St Terms:1% 10 - Net 30 Sales Person:Rod Preston Denver Denver Date Entered:09/11/2018 Colorado- United States,ZIP 80223 Colorado- United States,ZIP 80223 Date Required: 10/10/2018 No. Description Qty 1 Series: 2750 & 3750 3750 5.5.0 15'0" x 8'0" 1 Location: h".437500Frame size: Width: 177.4375 Height: 95.5 1/2"RO: Width: 177.9375 Height: 96 p5.50000O Options Glass Product Type : Folding Door 1/8 366 Temp- 1/8 Clear Temp 7/8 IG I Air+Tube Finish : Painted Paint Color : Black Coated Frame Type : 1 Inch Nail Fin BiFold Frame : KD Outswing or : Outswing BiFold Sill : Standard Bronze Anodize BiFold Style : 1 Pack Left Sash Type : 3.75 Sash Gas&Tube : Air+Tube Handle Type : Sentry Classic- Straight Handle Color : Black Twin Bolt Color : Black BiFold Hinge Color : Bronze Keyed Lock : Not Required WDI-A-34-01821-000011 NOTAAMARATED I U-FACTOR:0.39 I SHGC:0.19 I VT:0.42 I CR:46 Page 1 of 3 09/11/2018 11.03.12 WIN DOR 450 Delta Ave., , Brea, CA, 92821 Tel: (714) 385-1202 Fax:(714) 990-6200 www.windoronline.com Quote: 6435 2 Series: 2750 & 3750 3750 5.0.5 15'0" x 8'0" 1 Location: 11".4375001 Frame size: Width: 177.4375 Height: 95.5 1/2"RO: Width: 177.9375 Height: 96 135 50000 Options Glass Product Type : Folding Door 1/8 366 Temp- 1/8 Clear Temp 7/8 IG I Air+Tube Finish : Painted Paint Color : Black Coated Frame Type : 1 Inch Nail Fin BiFold Frame : KD Outswing or : Outswing BiFold Sill : Standard Bronze Anodize BiFold Style : 1 Pack Right Sash Type : 3.75 Sash Gas&Tube : Air+Tube Handle Type : Sentry Classic- Straight Handle Color : Black Twin Bolt Color : Black BiFold Hinge Color : Bronze Keyed Lock : Not Required WDI-A-34-01821-000011 NOT AAMA RATED I U-FACTOR:0.39 I SHGC:0.19 I VT:0.42 I CR:46 3 Series: 2750 & 3750 2750 4.4.0 1 Location: 1500°°01 Frame size: Width: 119.5 Height: 75.5 1/2"RO: Width: 120 Height: 76 Options Glass 1755000001 I I I Product Type : Folding Window 1/8 366 Temp- 1/8 Clear Temp 7/8 IG I Air+Tube Finish : Painted Paint Color : Black Coated Frame Type : 1 Inch Nail Fin BiFold Frame : KD Outswing or : Outswing BiFold Sill : Standard Bronze Anodize BiFold Style : 1 Pack Left Sash Type : 2.75 Sash Gas&Tube : Air+Tube Twin Bolt Color : Black BiFold Hinge Color : Bronze Keyed Lock : Not Required WDI-A-34-01821-000011 NOT AAMA RATED I U-FACTOR:0.39 I SHGC:0.19 I VT:0.42 I CR:46 Page 2 of 3 09/11/2018 11.03.12 WIN _D R 450 Delta Ave., , Brea, CA, 92821 Tel: (714) 385-1202 Fax:(714) 990-6200 www.windoronline.com Quote: 6435 Quotes are valid for 30 days from date of issuance. Accounts are subject to a 1.5%finance charged on unpaid balances. By signing this order confirmation,you are verifying that each unit's handings, color,and options are accurate. Please note that"handings" are determined from the exterior looking in. X Authorized Signature Page 3 of 3 09/11/2018 11.03.12 2841 BASINGDALE BLVD. nrelecu-if 6 VA General Lighting(3,496 Sq. Ft.@ 3 VA) 10,488 Small App.(2 @ 1500 VA) 3000 Laundry(1 @ 1500 VA) 1500 Dryer(1 @ 5000VA) 5000 Oven/Micro(1 @ 9600VA) 8000 CookTop(10,800 @ VA) 5000 Disposal (1 @ 1800 VA) 1800 Dishwasher(1 @ 1800 VA) 1800 EV Charger(1 @ 9600 VA) 9600 TOTAL 46,188 First10,000VA@ 100% 10000 Remaining VA@ 40% 14,475 AC(1 @4800VA)100% 4800 TOTAL 29,275 INSTALLING 200 AMP SINGLE PHASE SERVICE 29,275/240v = 122 amps - 125 AMP SERVICE 4/0 ALUMINUM FEEDERS REQUIRED 1/0 ALUMINUM FEEDERS REQUIRED 1 Ken Hickey Engineering 14405 Weld County rd. 12 DATE: 10/01/2018 Fort Lupton,CO 80621 Phone (303) 669-6501 o�oo UCFNs'oIf Ups.• �ka11/01••, )7917 I To: For: 9 1•'�., .7• InterMetrix Investments LLC DBA Visual Impax, 2841 Basingdale Boulevard '� SsioNA�stf"= 303 S. Broadway STE 200 #509 Vail, Colorado 81657 ����"��� Denver, CO 80209 �� �� Inspection Requirements for Permits issued by Town of Vail for the following permits: Permit Review#: B18-0349,New Single-Family Residence with Attached Garage A. Steel Grate Assembly for the deck. 1. All assembly for the steel deck framing, to include grating,joists, steel rim,welded and bolt connections, and steel posts and pier support have been designed as shown on the drawing to meet the 100 psf snow load without a reduction for the 77% open grate decking. Calculations on sheet 4 support this design. B. Roof Load. 1. All roof loads have been adequately designed for 100 psf required load. Note: Inspections and this inspection report are provided only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Ken Hickey Engineering.All inspections are in accordance to the drawings provided by Visual Impax.Authorization for Property Inspection(s)and Report(s); and Contract for Inspection Services; and reader is advised to refer to the authorization and contract regarding any specific conditions and/or terms in question. Ken Hickey Engineering 14405 Weld County rd. 12 DATE: 09/13/2018 Fort Lupton,CO 80621 Phone (303) 669-6501 1 611 5Com$ To: For: + InterMetrix Investments LLC DBA Visual Impax, 2841 Basingdale Boulevard 14��� 303 S. Broadway STE 200 #509 Vail, Colorado 81657 Denver, CO 80209 �y Inspection Requirements for Permits issued by Town of Vail for the following permits: Permit Review#: B18-0349,New Single-Family Residence with Attached Garage The Following Inspections are Required Post-Building Permits issued by Town of Vail for the following items: A. Foundation/Open Hole/Excavation Inspection 1. Inspection shall verify that the soils exposed in the foundation excavation are as anticipated by the soils report, and that the proposed foundation is suitable for these conditions.The footing forms and reinforcing shall be inspected for compliance with the foundation design documents and the current building code. 2. Forms for footers and foundation walls with correct rebar have been properly constructed prior to concrete placement 3. Waterproofing has been properly applied to foundation. 4. Foundation drain system has been properly installed. B. Steel Weld Connections 1. Visually inspect all field welds including connections for Size, Length, Profile, Cracks, Slag Removal, Penetration and Fusion. C. Other Inspections Throughout the construction process, the following additional inspections shall occur for compliance with current building code: 1. New floor system. 2. New wall system. 3. Complete exterior wall and roof sheathing. 4. All field modifications to framing have been completed correctly. 5. All wood post and beam connections have been completed correctly and are adequate for the loads supported. 6. All window and door headers are completed correctly and are adequate for the loads supported. 7. All ML beams and posts built correctly and are adequate for the loads supported. 8. All steel beams. Posts,welds and connections. 9. Complete roof system built and completed correctly and are adequate for the loads supported. Note: Inspections and this inspection report are provided only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Ken Hickey Engineering.All inspections are in accordance to the drawings provided by Visual Impax.Authorization for Property Inspection(s)and Report(s); and Contract for Inspection Services; and reader is advised to refer to the authorization and contract regarding any specific conditions and/or terms in question. COLORADO GEOSCIENCE AND DESIGN, Inc. Open Hole Observation Form P. O. Box 68, Franktown, CO 80116 PH: (303) 688-2150, Fax: (303) 688-1295 Colorado Geoscience and Design Job. No. 18-369 CONSTRUCTION SITE ADDRESS: 2841 Basingdale Blvd Eagle County Colorado OWNER/BUILDER NAME, ADDRESS: Visual Impax 303 S Broadway #200-509 Denver, CO 80709 I/we hereby state that observations were made as indicated below and that the items observed were found to be in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications designed for this project and the site where it is constructed. Date Observed by: 11/2/2018 EXCAVATION OBSERVATION MK SOIL REPORT INFORMATION: COLORADO GEOSCIENCE AND DESIGN INC 18-369 Observations Reviewed by: o�OpPDO LICF4,• s ,, i o .• -zuo Ken Wu, P.E. � o s `�� ItiZ/,S ,f 'lit SS/O •�G\���� NOT VALID WITHOUT ORIGINAL SIGNATURE 75 South Frontage Road Construction West, TOWN OF VAIL B18-0349 Vail, CO 81657 Issued: 10/16/2018 TOWN of VAILOFOffice:970.479.2139 Inspections: inspections@vailgov.com Property Information Address: 2841 BASINGDALE BLVD(210314310021 ) Unit#: ParcelNumber: 210314310021 Legal Description: Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV SUB Block:8 Lot:3 Contacts ContactType: Applicant Full Name: Scott Handler Address: 303 South Broadway200-509 Denver,CO 80209 Phone: 3038930086 ContactType: PropertyOwner FullName: BLUE SKY HAUS LLC Address: 303 S BROADWAYSTE 200#509 DENVER,CO 80209-1559 Phone: None Contractor Contractor Type: General Company: INTERMETRIX INVESTMNTS State License#: Phone: 303-828-7725 Projectlnformation ProjectName: Blue Sky Haus LLC 2018 ProjectDescription: New Single Family Residence withattached garage,to build ona currentlyvacantlot. Fees Paid Account:001-0000.31111.00.Building PermitFee Fee Amount: $2,393.75 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Building Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $1,555.94 Account: 110-0000.31060.O0ConstructionUse Tax Fee Fee Amount: $6,800.00 Account:001-0000.31111.00.Mechanical Permit Fee Fee Amount: $400.00 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Mechanical Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $100.00 Account:001-0000.31111.00.Plumbing PermitFee Fee Amount: $375.00 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Plumbing Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $93.75 Account: 111-0000.31127.00-RecreationFee Fee Amount: $407.85 Account: 110-23010.00-Traffic lmpactFee Fee Amount: $8,233.00 Account:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Building Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 Account:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Mechanical Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 Account:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Plumbing Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 TotalPaid: $20,374.29 Conditions CONDITIONS UNDERWHICH PERMITS BECOME VOID: If construction is not begun within6 months from the date permitwas issued. If more than 5 months elapses betweeninspections. Ifincorrectinformationis given on the applicationat the time the permitwas issued. ChristopherJarecki -Townof Vail Building Official NOTICE: By issuance of this Permitthe applicantagrees to complywithall Titles of the Townof Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law. Failure to do so will void this Permitand the applicantshall forfeitall applicable fees. SWAT Environmental,Inc. ��� Colorado Division Headquarters A ' Soil,Water and Air Technologies Serving Denver and Phone (303)466-2 62 6 ENVIRONMENTAL Surrounding Areas Toll Free(800)589-6511 Soil,Water,and Air Technologies www.RadonDenver.com Fax (72 0)42 0-9555 natenowicki@gmail.com September 7, 2018 Mr.Paul Brienza. Visual Impax RE: Proposal for Radon Reduction Services; Sub-Slab Depressurization System; 2841 Basingdale Blvd,Vail CO. Dear Mr.Brienza: Thank you for choosing SWAT Environmental, Inc. for your radon mitigation needs. We appreciate your confidence in our company's long history of radon services in Colorado, and we look forward to installing a sub- slab depressurization system in the quality home constructed by Visual Impax. The property above which will receive a radon reduction system is best suited for sub-slab depressurization via a sealed sump crock or a 4" stub-up line tied into the existing drain tile. The pricing for each system is based upon the amount of pipe necessary to complete the system for each individual residence. Our systems are designed around a quality Radon Away RP2 65 radon mitigation fan, and provide effective radon reduction up to 99%. Here is what sets SWAT Environmental,Inc.apart: 1. We are one of the largest installer of sub-slab and sub-membrane depressurization systems for radon gas reduction in the United States,having corrected radon problems for over 10,000 customers. 2. We have over twenty-four years of experience with radon and other soil gas mitigation systems. 3. We are experienced in the installation of radon mitigation system in a wide range of residential properties. 4. Our radon mitigation systems carry a one(1) year warranty on workmanship and system durability and a five(5)year mechanical warranty on the radon mitigation fans. 5. All of our technicians are employees of our company and are trained radon professionals. We do not use sub-contracted or unqualified"workers"for our installations. 6. Our systems conform to protocols established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Radon Mitigation Standard and meet all building codes. 7. We are an Occupational Safety and Health Association(OSHA)Certified Company. 8. Our company stands behind our products and provides consistent post-installation service and upgrades. Please review the attached proposal. If you have any questions,please contact our Certified Radon Specialist, Adam Williams at 720-399-7312. We have radon professionals available to install radon reduction systems on your schedule. The anticipated time to complete each installation is estimated to be between four and six hours.We look forward to scheduling and completing these installations,and to providing excellent radon reduction systems,with a focus on being on time, on site,and on budget. We look forward to doing business with you. Sincerely, N ate Now icki,President 1 SWATEnvironmental,Inc.—Commercial Division,formerly known as Air Quality Control Agency,Inc,a Division of SWATEnvironmental SWAT Environmental,Inc. Colorado Division Headquarters Soil,Water and Air Technologies . ■ A ■ Serving Denver and Phone (303) 466-2 62 6 ENVIRONMENTAL Surrounding Areas Soil,Water,and Air Technologies Toll Free(800)589-6511 www.RadonDenver.com Fax (72 0)42 0-9555 natenowicki@gmail.com PROPOSAL FOR REDUCTION OF INDOOR AIR CONCENTRATION SOF RADON GAS Mitigation Services For: New Build Residential Construction Date: September 7,2018 ServiceAddress: 2841 Basingdale Blvd,Vail CO 81657. Proposal: Radon Reduction System;Sub-Slab Depressurization; Moderate Volume Mitigation Fan; Soil Gas Collection Mat tie in;Schedule 40 PVC Piping • Install a 4"stub-up line tying into our ownproprietary soil gas collection material(americanwick site drain material). • Install a 4"PVC suction line on the 4"stub-up line. • Route the suction linethrough the ascending floors of the home to the garage ceiling level. • Mount a moderate static pressure, moderate volume RadonAway Model RP2 65 radon mitigation fan on suction line with a flexible coupling. • Safely mount a 4"PVC vent stack to the radon mitigation fan with a flexible coupling and extend the vent stack up through the roof. (roof flashing and installation of such to be provided by roofing contractor). • Safely wire mitigation fan to a 6"black outdoor rated power cord.(Outlet must be provided by electrical contractor). • Supply and install a U-tube differential pressure gauge on the system so that system operation can be monitored. • Provide a short term radon test kits to verify system efficacy. Postage and lab fees are paid. • One(1)year warranty on workmanship and system durability. Five(5) year warranty on the radon mitigation fan. Service fees may apply. • Warranties are transferrable with the title to the property. Systems are designed to reduce radon below 4.0 pCi/L. PRICE IS GUARANTEED& INCLUDES ALL APPLICABLE TAXES, TOTAL PROJECT PRICE: System Installation: $4,145.00 PERMITS,AND OTHER FEES.PAYMENTTERMS:CHECK,CASH,OR CR EDITCARD.PAYMENTIS DUE NET 30 DAYS.A F INANCE CHARGE OF 1.5%PER MONTH APPLIESTO UNPAID BALANCES. Exclusions:Sleeving throughfoundationwalls in locationsA and B on pages 51 and SIA for4"Schedule 40 PVC pipe. Any sub slab material such as rock/gravel or vapor barrierthat may be required by building codes. Any sealing of perimeteror center controljoints in concrete slabs,or around mono-posts and plumbing drains. Offer: The pricing for each installation varies depending on the number of feet of pipe used. Price adjustment will be made to the nearest bracket based upon actual pipe used on the project. Project pricing assumes pre-existing electrical sources and the ability to tie into the drain tile loop or to seal and tie into the sump crock. Other: A. Insurance: We carry full liability insurance,workman's compensation,vehicle,and tool coverage. B. Qualifications: National Environmental Health Association Radon Mitigator NEHA ID#103993RMT EPA Radon Proficiency Program Graduate(University of Minnesota) Colorado Certification 103993RMT; Federal ID#45-4920956 Occupational Safety and Health Association(OSHA)Certified Company If the descriptions, prices,and terms of this offering are agreeable, please sign and date this proposal and return the entire proposal to adamw@radondenver.com or fax to 720-420-9555. Modifications to scope, design,or pricing are subject to review,discussion,and approval by both parties. Opted for By(Print): Signature: Date: 2 SWATEnvironmental,Inc.—Commercial Division,formerly known as Air Quality Control Agency,Inc,a Division of SWATEnvironmental temcn DVIYJbimau - 2C°WINI2f1YfIW6YX'C m 1,f aay. 6oflI4b lloh brmt VMD DEIN! °937-40-009C C•909-1Id-1993 DEWS' COrOISvDO 903114 COVi2JJ nCiIOV1 lk 1HE COb& CH1 nOfDElf 0 tow a09 20 UJ BKOVDMVA 2f9LE 500 1201 l� 0Xb1E22 I%ILLBI CCN?EILL ba1R! pF�IpM •Mira �1O1 LOL7 D2E OE EE&2E IIL'41HE obr2all ndlr' Coro15b'Do Bleu �� 7 6hI5b02E2 own N0 �� 114btrie INC' °LNBS ill tin SBdI BV2INDC'drE BrAD AI H nicer : I W bVXI LOIS Coh21L�lcioi512 BID BA 08\91\I8 2IherE EVWlr l I5E2IDEhCE = : JAI? 2E . Ok DK�MIhC2 12 a>ba�Ienl m Sore Dam wNn Dawbad+ ��:ad..+ -x as vm- Mid. ------- le,-45, lacii, mil, /0\ h- 1ri4 2O:llli (-Ruth -- 4-9I--I �� / / �© L. Iy 7 a h p a • Acc. era, uv JtcffZ L! Q�P_ aA , - '� %s x a,/ " i--ern. 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SII=111111�1 [�I X11 6 - - ++- p N p 5 ar4 —11: 7:1 1=11i —,:t...-714::::: S 1 4 O !... 1 III S\ L _._ 1! _a *I .) a a. T F f - 0 : o _ _ -T 40 1-.3 = R - it 11,1-:: 1 — _ .. 0 vat .v.."Nh55VhVMVRh:"+'::>" 11 1 LI! Id v • V �1 8 a- o Y N a f® 4----4-1,. II -O. ro Ci -1 �, CUjq$ �1 Q �0, ` '' t .- S 5 I- g ]� yg• o coro 1to 414IE. y Y@ g ^ ^ QRS `' JIS -I a II ^ ` I Vf' Siff € - ~ `�� : „ ...•..,-•: 1-l '•...: :•;-•- '- " '.�.. .. y: f. . . , t' - Id1 If.:11' ftp 't-flinf�fl'fffitAM'''l'ftd'1f 1.1 & i F . It/flfif:T' f QiAWi�itit�itifititi. .4N,;(t. 7+r� WAY a 1 z xp,Ny��11 11 k ail. �I -1 a 91 dllr s1Qta egoviz is% 9 1 ir g fg S IT ED RAl NTM STRIP 6000 SERIES americanwick.com PREFABRICATED STRIP DRAINS PRODUCT OVERVIEW SITEDRAIN Strip 6000 Series prefabricated soil drains are constructed by fully wrapping a perforated, high flow capacity polystyrene core with a nonwoven filter fabric. The filter fabric is bonded to the core and prevents soil intrusion into the flow tr 4.,"' channels while allowing water to freely enter the drain core from all sides. SITEDRAIN Strip 6000 Series products are a cost-effective,sustainable,performance driven alternative to perforated pipe&stone systems. SITEDRAIN Strip 6000 Series products are available with filter fabrics meeting AASHTO M 288-06 specifications. Typical Property Values ASTM Test Unit of 6000 6400 6600 6800 Method Measure FABRICs Material 1 I I PP PP PP PP Water Flow Rate D 4491 gpm/ftz 150 150 110 90 Lpm/m2 6,113 6,113 4,483 3,668 lbs 115 130 160 205 Grab Tensile Strength D 4632 — — -----N 512 578 712 912 lbs 320 360 450 600 CBR Puncture Resistance D 6241 — kN 1.41 1.55 2.00 2.66 sieve 70 70 70 80 Apparent Opening Size i D 4751 I mm 0.21 0.21 1 0.21 0.18 Permittivity D 4491 sec-1 2.2 2.1 1.8 1.3 - Grab Elongation D 4632 _ % 70 70 70 70 UV Resistance D 4355 %/500 Hrs 70 70 70 i 70 I —i AASHTO M 288-062 Survivability - - Class 3 Class 2 Class 1 CORE Material 1 HIPS HIPS HIPS HIPS in 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Thickness I D 1777 --- -_ MED 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 Compressive Strength D 1621 psf _ 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 kPa 287 287 287 287 Flow Rate D 4716 gpm/ft 21 -- 21 21 21 Lpm/m 261 261 261 261 1-PP=Polypropylene; HIPS=High Impact Polystyrene 2-AASHTO Designation:M 288-06 Standard Specification for Highway Applications;American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2006. Geotextile survivability classification from installation stresses in subsurface drainage applications. 3-In-plane flow rate measured at 3,600 psf(172 kPa)compressive load and a hydraulic gradient of 0.1. All technical information contained in this document is accurate as of time of publish- r--N American Wick Drain Corporation has received confirmation from ing.AWD reserves the rightto make changes to products and literature without notice. ICC Evaluation Service,Inc.,(ICC-ES),that its SITERDAIN Strip Drain Please refer to ourwebsite for the most current technical information available.Unless complies with the provisions of the International Building Code(IBC) otherwise stated,all physical and performance properties listed are Typical Values asand International Residential Code(IRC),.This confirmation,as evi- defined in ASTM D 4439. .\---- denced by ICC-ES#1107,provides guidance to code officials faced ESR 1107 with approvingstrip Drain underthese codes. AWDThe evaluation reporttheuseis availableofSITEDRAINon line atwww.icc-esarg`‘4i AMERICAN WICK DRAIN 1209 Airport Road,Monroe,NC 28110 • TF 800.242.WICK • PH 704.238.9200 2014 SDS.ST.6000 .-IN n ¢ 0 o Ole.11 H 0 y• N ii.) (7• Ef H H Q W 2 y v v01 O a a .1IIPPIdis a a #� O M �- o L NVW- C # VI � r VD N c0 OI L W ,- - - . • p o 0 0 0 •MIMI N N N # N o : EEEEE N m v v v v LDo H H H4.0 O M N h O CD W id 1tn • • A7 C C C C Q U §in op . poo• Q� N W aaaa of o 0 b1'+ .4 L L ... p U (n Sn (n.0 LUl i5 N M co V ZO N r• d• ZO O N M U pto�O O U c o o V NN Ir.., # # a N LL E E z as Q O. r ra L- Ga) , 0 a a D N 'O b Q co a 4L 4L '' OOOaO '"iyi v ca 01 CIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 U) N NNNN N # # # # # z 3 L VI o _EEEEE ++ Y • a o 0)• � •••• H H H H F-I ca = IL3 _c Q f �, Q c LI o .. .. .. .. d 0)Z N — I 0 0 'B lC a s Q CI .47--, N y_ L L L L N .,..J J-., a--i J-.i ' °� (n (n (n (n -fl O fa c c x E L N N CO d" %JD O a. c # mon cn LO +. N C (n L v Ct. 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R:qqC f�a cd P. o Mi VI g o 0L. • -CSI v DT I �I rzi v o ° j O O roN O t aCO. _1 J QJ O d bA ti W b riV +U p0vl g0 ,a H U Q o / O O fU + t, fl >C 0 d o 0 a, `u .n nA v cd 4 N0i > U � _ +-y E J7. R O at b.0 a> w. + + ux Q LL I 1 f Li- , - t ' 7 r r v 0 i W kZJ1T *1f ± ) . tia\ ' �RR '%IV `4} t i //*/ 2°' , a T IIII I at N w ", .� i ° ,� v �, °' o o 414 N w mm .=, O uOy � emdN 5ZV 6 .�' .iaa� . s. � p uO 1 -0 I N ¢ ,_, mH No O O V 0 R ' k 0 'O .0 +., s 0 ) y ° 0o ) a .•' cd0, d69 m R' 0 ionR0a ti 4 1,-, a) r o • 0 ,4 cd ''; i V V R, to0 co CO9 0 O ]., ,Q O . a CO 0 +. CO rR 14 0 , p OF o� v j LIS o a 0 o -0 -0 m ri • j +v N04 „0 05 0y � a 0 o 1:3 ay +, 4_,O O s o ti o0 , + [ N g oamU ..� A . 0 ° S0 /a) - '» 0 ° 0 • N J o0 a.),� 6 tep as ° cd o O ta, ° m 0 ,4 y O o 0 - 0. 0 I o . a) -d a 0 s, y .-s A. 0 _ ¢ >, F I a) Y O .' if I •O 0 UO L, O Q •• , 'ty 0.> N o0 O 0 a) G • O +al O j 74 0_, o -0 -0 0 a) v 0 - -d 0 cid +'' • o 0 m s-+ 0 0 3 as s, ai a,1 . mU� ` p aj �,, - .NN mi ,«1/4)wti o � aO 4. h° n° iIii pQ _SI,0. Q C� a) jdfliUI ad 1 i E 1 s~ 1 a ° o air ›, > a)0 751 5 � vTi ° ds,, co , O0 Tii ya �^ o I 2 'o 0 (11 0 • ° 5 m -, 0 4 +' m0 0 O ,i) a0. ni R 0 '0 to .r 6a) al " 0 Cd 5 •a O N a) ty 7 p N sU p a) -t cd cC� cd +� s0 3 + U o o sy o r + O tia. UoU— o m 4 .1./ 4 0 o m -0+ ' (_, U a.) 0 m LL_ H .p— O N p p cO! 0 Q sO� VI cd 14 . Adam Williams From: Marlow, Seth <SMarlow@americanwick.com> Sent: Wednesday,August 13, 2014 11:54 AM To: Adam Williams Cc: 'Nate Nowicki. Subject: RE: Rock Springs Phase II - Radon Gas Mat System Adam, !just left you a voice message. My apologies,the references to"9400-T"throughout my email should all have read "6400-T".We do have a 9400-T product,which has a higher compressive strength than 6400-T, but the compressive strength of 6400-T exceeds that of the PDS SGC product so the 6400-T would be the most applicable alternate in this case. SITEDRAIN Strip 6000 Series products may be an acceptable alternative.The geotextile filter fabric on SITEDRAIN Strip 6000 Series products is a 4-oz/sy needle-punched nonwoven.The fabric on SITEDRAIN Strip 6400-T is a 4-oz/sy spunbound nonwoven.The fabric on 6400-T meets/exceeds the fabric on PDS SGC.The fabric on 6000 has a lower tensile strength than the fabric on PDS SGC.We would typically recommend a spunbound nonwoven (6400-T)fabric in this application, but the needle-punched nonwoven (6000)fabric has been successfully used in these applications as well. Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions,or anytime I can be of further assistance. Take care, -Seth- Seth Marlow,PE,CDT Technical Sales Manager Phoenix,AZ American Wick Drain Corporation TF: (866)734-4293 I Off: (623)551-2150 I Mob: (602) 312-6889 I Fax: (623)551-2152 Email:smarlow@americanwick.com I Website:www.americanwick.com A 1t t , DRAIN From: Adam Williams [mailto:adamw@radondenver.com] Sent:Wednesday,August 13, 2014 7:30 AM To: Marlow,Seth Cc:'Nate Nowicki' Subject:RE: Rock Springs Phase II - Radon Gas Mat System Hi Seth, 1 Thank you for all the information and your analysis of these two products.Just wanted to clarify that the first time the AWD product name was mentioned in your first paragraph was a typo saying"9400-T". Also,our local distributor carries the 6000 series as opposed to the 6400.Would this also be an acceptable alternative, and what are the differences in the two? Thank You, Adam Williams Director of Operations—SWAT Environmental 720-399-7312 From: Marlow,Seth [mailto:SMarlow@americanwick.com] Sent:Tuesday,August 12,2014 7:21 PM To:Adam Williams Cc:'Nate Nowicki' Subject: RE: Rock Springs Phase II -Radon Gas Mat System Adam, It was a pleasure speaking with you today regarding your underslab radon gas ventilation project.Our SITEDRAIN Strip 9400-T Series product line would appear to be an ideal alternate to the PDS"SGC" product sent for review. I have attached a product data sheet for reference. I am not clear from the information sent what the SGC product dimensions are.The data sheet says the"core width" is 3%inch and the"core depth" is 5/8", but I'm not sure what that means exactly. It appears from the photos in the installation guide that the core is likely 6"-12"wide.AWD SITEDRAIN Strip 9400-1 Series products have a 1-inch thick core and are available in 6", 12", 18",24", and 36"widths. Our data sheet lists the appropriate model number for each available width. Both products utilize a dimpled polystyrene core wrapped in a geotextile filter fabric.The core of SITEDRAIN Strip 9400 has a higher compressive strength, and the fabrics of each product have similar strength and permeability properties based on the information published. SITEDRAIN Strip 9400-T Series products utilize a spunbound nonwoven geotextile filter fabric meeting AASHTO M288 Class 3 Survivability requirements for Drainage Geotextiles,which is a common specification for geotextile filter fabrics used in heavy civil/highway/DOT market applications.. AWD would recommend using our Tee Outlet as a replacement for the PDS"T-Riser" fitting. Our Tee Outlet fittings allow for connection to a 4" pipe.We also have End Outlet fittings for connecting our strip products in-line to a 4" pipe if needed. I've attached data sheets and installation guidelines for these fittings for reference. I have reviewed the PDS installation literature,and the same general installation process would be applicable to SITEDRAIN Strip 6400-1 Series products in this application. As discussed in the past,AWD does not currently actively target the gas ventilation market, but we do know that our products have been specified and successfully used for gas venting applications in various parts of the US.We are aware of our product having been successfully installed in various residential and commercial radon ventilation applications/projects similar to yours,as well as in a number of methane gas ventilation projects in landfill liner and cap applications.Attached is a project spec that was written around one of our strip drain products for under a flexible membrane liner application at a dairy farm. 2 Hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me directly with any additional questions,or anytime I can be of further assistance. Take care, -Seth- Seth Marlow,PE,CDT Technical Sales Manager Phoenix,AZ American Wick Drain Corporation TF: (8661734-4293 ( Off: (623)551-2150 I Mob:(602)312-6889 I Fax: (623)551-2152 Email:smarlow@americanwick.com I Website:www.americanwick.com AW D AMERICAN WICK DRAIN From:Adam Williams [mailto:adamw@radondenver.com] Sent:Tuesday,August 12,2014 1:00 PM To: Marlow,Seth Cc: 'Nate Nowicki' Subject: FW: Rock Springs Phase II-Radon Gas Mat System Hi Seth, We just talked. If you look at the third PDF,they are specs and install instructions for PDS. Maybe you'll be able to tell easier if they and you adhere to the same ASTM standards in the product data and testing and if the materials are similar enough for the application.The distributor's website is radonpds.com.Thank you for your help in this matter. Thank You, Adam Williams Director of Operations—SWAT Environmental 720-399-7312 From: Nate Nowicki [mailto:natenowicki@gmail.com) Sent: Monday,August 4,2014 11:31 AM To:Adam Williams Subject:Fwd: Rock Springs Phase II- Radon Gas Mat System Forwarded message From: Ty Withee<tywithee cr,shawconstruction.net> Date: Tue,Jul 22, 2014 at 2:31 PM Subject: Rock Springs Phase II -Radon Gas Mat System To: "natenowickic gmail.com" <natenowicki@gmail.com> 3 Nate, Thanks for talking with me today. Attached for your use in pricing are the following: •3 Radon Design (structural and radon revisions) ❖ Product information and installation instructions from the Engineer • The quantity of buildings are as follows(10 total buildings): o (3)Type A Buildings o (2) Type AT Buildings o (1) Type BA Building o (2)Type BB Buildings o (2) Type C Buildings ❖ Original Plumbing drawings. These show the radon vent piping through the building. What I can tell you on the pricing is that the plumber has it priced as follows: ❖ $12,400- Materials included as follows: o Gas collector mat, outlet tee's, flat tee's and elbows o 4" PVC vent piping, couplings, elbows and sleeves o Freight to the project sight •• $40,000 in labor, travel, subsistence, etc. We would need to get things going ASAP. Right now we are scheduled to start installing the mat system in about 2 weeks. Thank you. Ty Withee Pragiect Manager, LEED AP 4 AcaySeries The world's leading radon fan manufacturer Radon Mitigation Fan All RadonAwayrm fans are specifically t` -Ag• designed for radon mitigation. RP Series Fans provide superb performance, run ultra-quiet and are attractive.They are ideal ` for most sub-slab radon mitigation systems. Features • • Energy efficient • Ultra-quiet operation v6—.E. • Meets all electrical code requirements • Waterhardened motorized impeller • • Seams sealed to inhibit radon leakage (RP140&RP145 double snap sealed) • RP140 and RP260 Energy Star'' Rated • ETL Listed - for indoor or outdoor use '` • Thermally protected motor • Rated for commercial and residential use FAN DUCT TYPICAL CFM vs.STATIC PRESSURE WC e MODEL P/N DIAMETER WATTS PRESSURE"WC 0" .5" 1.0" 1.5" 2.0" RP140` 23029-1 4" 15-21 0.8 135 70 - - - ://i 1 RP145 23030-1 4" 41-72 2.1 166 126 82 41 3 , „. cI RP260` 23032-1 6" 50 75 1.6 272 176 89 13 52 RP265 23033 1 6" 91 129 2.3 334 247 176 116 . } RP380" 28208 8" 95 152 2.3 497 353 220 130 38 6 y 'i Made in USA with US 1� ETL Listed E ! ary litModel AEnergy Star Rated RP140 4.5^ 978RP145 4.5" 978 RP260 6" 11.75" 8.6" RP265 6" 11.75" 8.6" RP380 8" 13.41" 10.53" For Further Information Contact 9/12 P/N 02008 Oateit Technical Specification Medium Clear PVC Cement Description • Medium-bodied clear cement for use on all -_ schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings v-a, up to 6" diameter with interference fit. .� `• Lo-V.O.C. Solvent Cement meets CaliforniaCWlor South Coast Air Quality Management District . MEDIUM CLEAR PEy (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 C4M:v and various environmental requirements. a;eowr„rT,'W.:P,::, • Recommended for potable water, pressure pipe, conduit and DWV. ?„, • Recommended application temperature sM1 .}') 40°F to 110°F/4°C to 43°C. • Meets ASTM D2564. Listings R I* NSF Standard 61 for PW, IAPMO Listed DWV and Sewer Waste Maximum VOC per SCAQMD 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40: 510 g/L INGREDIENTS (CAS Number) Acetone (67-64-1),Amorphous Silica (112945-52-5), Cyclohexanone (108-94-4), Methyl Ethyl Ketone (78-93-3), PVC Resin (9002-86-2),Tetrahydrofuran (109-99-9) MSDS Number: 1101E Product Number Size Qtv Wgt Product Number Size Qty Wgt 31017 4 oz, 24 27 lbs. 310173 4 oz. 72 9 lbs. 31018 8 oz. 24 28 lbs. 310183 8 oz. 36 15 lbs. 3101916 oz. 24 50 lbs. 310193 16 oz. 10 28 lbs. '31020 32 oz. 12 27 lbs. 1 310203 32 oz. 6 27 lbs. 31021 Gallon 6 50 lbs. Oatey Co. Phone: 1-800-321-9532 7093 4700 West 160 th St. Phone: 1-800-321-9535 NCir Cleveland, OH 44135 Visit www.oatey.com for Update Page 1 of 3 Oatey , Technical Specification Medium Clear PVC Cement CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Clear Liquid Lap Shear Strength (min. ASTM Standards) Viscosity Min. 500 cps @73° F±2° F 2 hours 250 psi Density 7.74±0.2 lbs/gallon 16 hours 500 psi Shelf Life 3 years from manufacture 72 hours 900 psi date Set Up Time 30° F to 50° F 5—6 minutes 50° F to 70° F 3—4 minutes 70° F to 90°F 1—2 minutes Precautions Read all information carefully before using this product. DANGER!: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION.HARMFUL IF INHALED. MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS OR DIZZINESS. MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY IRRITATION. REPEATED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE SKIN DRYNESS OR CRACKING. Long term overexposure to solvents may cause damage to the brain, nervous system, reproductive system, respiratory system, mucous membranes,liver and kidneys.Contains a chemical classified by the US EPA as a suspected possible carcinogen. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. PRECAUTIONS:Avoid breathing vapors. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Use explosion- proof electrical/ventilating equipment. Use only non-sparking tools.Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Wear a NIOSH-approved respirator for organic solvents. Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. No smoking.Vapors may accumulate in low places and may ignite explosively. Keep container tightly closed and cool.Wear protective gloves and eye protection. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat or drink while using this product. EMERGENCY/FIRST AID:CALL 1-877-740-5015 FOR INSTRUCTIONS. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. Do NOT induce vomiting. Rinse mouth.This product may be aspirated into the lungs and cause chemical pneumonitis,a potentially fatal condition. If IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists,get medical attention. If ON SKIN: Rinse skin with water/shower.Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. If INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Call POISON CENTER/doctor if you feel unwell. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. FIRE: Use dry chemical, foam, or carbon dioxide extinguisher. Water spray may be applied to reduce potential vapors or for cooling. Burning liquid extinguished with water will_oat and may re-ignite on surface of water. SPILLS: Remove all sources of ignition and ventilate area. Personnel cleaning up the spill should wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including respirators if vapor concentrations are high. Soak up spill with absorbent material. Put absorbent material in covered, labeled metal containers. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. Store in a well-ventilated space.Store locked up. Oatey Co. Phone: 1-800-321-9532 ..SO9 4700 West 160th St. Phone: 1-800-321-9535 Cleveland, OH 44135 Visit www.oatey.com for Update Page 2 of 3 Oatey Technical Specification Medium Clear PVC Cement Directions for Use Store and use at temperatures between 40°F and 110°F.At temperatures outside of this range,special care must be taken to prepare good joints and prevent exposure to solvents. Stir or shake before using; if jelly-like, don't use. Do not thin. 1. Cut pipe ends square,chamfer and clean pipe ends. 2. Check dry fit of pipe and fitting. Pipe should easily go 1/3 of the way into the fitting. If pipe bottoms, it should be snug. 3. Use a suitable applicator at least 1/2 the size of the pipe diameter. For larger size pipe systems use a natural bristle brush or roller. 4. Clean pipe and fitting with a listed primer. 5. Apply liberal coat of cement to pipe to the depth of the socket, leave no uncoated surface. 6. Apply a thin coat of cement to inside of fitting, avoid puddling of cement. Puddling can cause weakening and premature failure of pipe or fitting. Apply a second coat of cement to the pipe. 7. Assemble parts QUICKLY. Cement must be fluid. If cement surface has dried, recoat both parts. 8. Push pipe FULLY into fitting using a 1/4 turning motion until pipe bottoms. 9. Hold pipe and fitting together for 30 seconds to prevent pipe push-out-longer at low temperatures. Wipe off excess. 10. Allow 15 minutes for good handling strength and 2 hours cure time at temperatures above 60°F before pressure testing up to 180 psi. Longer cure times may be required at temperatures below 60°F or with pipe above 3". DO NOT TEST WITH AIR. Revision Date: 3/15/2013 itti Oatey Co. Phone: 1-800-321-9532 4700 West 160 th St. Phone: 1-800-321-9535 Cleveland,OH 44135 Visit www.oatey.com for Update Page 3 of 3 Oates Technical Specification Purple Primer — NSF Listed Description • Purple-tinted aggressive primer for use on PVC and CPVC pipe and fittings. 44 • Lo-V.O.C. Solvent Cement meets California South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) J + 1168/316A 1 or BAAQMD Method 40 and various uI. FOR CPVC,PVC environmental requirements. PURPLE PRIMER • �O Iy Removes surface dirt,grease and grime A .. as well as softens the pipe surface to PARA CPVC,PVC IMPRIMADOR PURPURA allow a fast,secure solvent weld. PE , �,. 0� 00 • 1"`` �4,a"�'i.-sneo,vw�`A.vno¢ t10,0#.. For use in areas where plumbing code ���,,�„��¢�u�,7,a,E;��,p�� calls for verification that a primer has g °F ', been used. 1 *A E a °� 0 • N SF and IAPMO Listed. '` 00 i :,,,4W �`�° • Meets ASTM F656. Listings R_' NSF11P0 NSF Standard 61 for PW, IAPMO Listed DWV and Sewer Waste Maximum VOC per SCAQMD 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40: 550 g/L INGREDIENTS (CAS Number) Acetone(67-64-1), Cyclohexanone (108-94-4), Methyl Ethyl Ketone (78-93-3), Red Dye (4477-76-6) Violet Dye (81-48-1),Tetrahydrofuran (109-99-9) MSDS Number: 1402E Product Size Qtv Wgt Product Size Qtv Wgt Number Number 30755 4 oz. 24 8 lbs. 307553 4 oz. 48 8 lbs. 30756 8 oz. 24 14 lbs. 307563 8 oz. 36 14 lbs. 30757 16 oz. 24 25 lbs. 307573 16 oz. 10 25 lbs. 130758 32 oz. 12 24 lbs,'. 307583 32 oz. 6 24 lbs. 30759 Gallon 6 46 lbs. „AftOatey Co. Phone: 1-800-321-9532 (S090 4700 West 160th St. Phone: 1-800-321-9535 Cleveland,OH 44135 Visit www.oatey.com for Update Page 1 of 3 ®are Technical Specification Purple Primer — NSF Listed CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Purple Liquid Density 6.97±0.2 lbs/gallon Shelf Life 3 Years from Mfg. Date Precautions Read all information carefully before using this product. DANGER!: CAUSES SERIOUS EYE IRRITATION. HARMFUL IF INHALED. MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS OR DIZZINESS. MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY IRRITATION. REPEATED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE SKIN DRYNESS OR CRACKING.Long term overexposure to solvents may cause damage to the brain, nervous system, reproductive system, respiratory system, mucous membranes,liver and kidneys.Contains a chemical classified by the US EPA as a suspected possible carcinogen. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. PRECAUTIONS: Avoid breathing vapors. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Use explosion-proof electrical/ventilating equipment. Use only non-sparking tools.Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Wear a NIOSH-approved respirator for organic solvents. Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. No smoking.Vapors may accumulate in low places and may ignite explosively. Keep container tightly closed and cool. Wear protective gloves and eye protection. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat or drink while using this product. EMERGENCY/FIRST AID: CALL 1-877-740-5015 FOR INSTRUCTIONS. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. Do NOT induce vomiting. Rinse mouth. This product may be aspirated into the lungs and cause chemical pneumonitis,a potentially fatal condition. If IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists,get medical attention. If ON SKIN: Rinse skin with water/shower. Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. If INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Call POISON CENTER/doctor if you feel unwell. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. FIRE: Use dry chemical,foam,or carbon dioxide extinguisher.Water spray may be applied to reduce potential vapors or for cooling. Burning liquid extinguished with water will _oat and may re-ignite on surface of water. SPILLS: Remove all sources of ignition and ventilate area. Personnel cleaning up the spill should wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including respirators if vapor concentrations are high.Soak up spill with absorbent material. Put absorbent material in covered, labeled metal containers. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. Store in a well-ventilated space. Store locked up. Oatey Co. Phone: 1-800-321-9532 '. 4700 West 160 th St. Phone: 1-800-321-9535 MP- Cleveland,OH 44135 Visit www.oatey.com for Update Page 2 of 3 Oatey Technical Specification Purple Primer — NSF Listed Directions for Use Store and use at temperatures between-15°F and 110°F.At temperatures outside of this range,special care must be taken to prepare good joints and prevent exposure to solvents. Stir or shake before using; if jelly-like, don't use. Do not thin. Handle with care! Will stain most materials and surfaces. 1. Cut pipe ends square,chamfer and clean pipe ends. 2. Check dry fit of pipe and fitting. Pipe should easily go 1/3 of the way into the fitting. If pipe bottoms, it should be snug. 3. Use a suitable applicator at least 1/2 the size of the pipe diameter. For larger size pipe systems use a natural bristle brush or roller. 4.Apply thoroughly to inside of the fitting socket and to the outside surface of the pipe to the depth of the fitting.Apply a second coat of primer to fitting socket. 5.While primer is still wet use an appropriate solvent cement for the pipe being joined. Follow application instructions from cement can. DO NOT TEST WITH AIR. Revision Date: 3/15/2013 Oatey Co. Phone: 1-800-321-9532 5090 4700 West 160th St. Phone: 1-800-321-9535 Cleveland,OH 44135 Visit www.oatey.com for Update Page 3 of 3 1/16/2018 DVVV-Silver-Line Plastics Q search... 1" „" I" lip IF 11,VP 1111, WI, ,II, ,, viliVel: ' pezlae4 or. Si4ee' -44te (,) • IF is .• , ._ . „ _ _ ,,,, Alik . . i . ter. ------ .111111ii, Alai, . Aim., ask Home(/) / Products By Type I/products-by-type/) / PVC(/products-by-type/pvc) / DWV DWV PVC DWV(Drain,Waste,Vent)is used in sanitary drainage,waste,vent systems,and in storm drainage systems.It can be used in residential,commercial, and industrial applications. • Schedule 40 Solid 10 ft. s. Schedule 40 Solid 20 ft. • Cellular Core 10 ft. • Cellular Core 20 ft. Ae Cellular Core Belled End Schedule 40 DWV Solid Silver-Line's Schedule 40 solid plain end pipe is dual marked for drain,waste,and vent as well as pressure applications. Standard Compliances: • ASTM D-2665,standard for DWV(NSF®-dwv) • ASTM D-1785,standard for pressure pipe(NSF®-pw-G) • Sizes 2"thru 12"also conform to ASTM F-480,standard for well casing(NSF®-wc) DWV pipe meets the requirements of Revision 31 of the FHA Minimum Property Standards Material complies with ANSI/NSF®Standard 14&61 SCHEDULE 40 SOLID 10 FT. Nominal Size Item Number Outside Diameter Min.Wall Thickness Inside Diameter(Value) Max Working Pressure at 73°F Wt/100' Ft/Pallet 1-1/2" 28.151 1.900 0.145 1.598 330 PSI 51 2,250 2" 28.201 2.375 0.154 2.055 280 PSI 69 1,400 3" 28.311 3.500 0.216 3.051 260 PSI 141 750 4" 28.401 4.500 0.237 4.007 220 PSI 200 570 6" 28.601 6.625 0.280 6.043 180 PSI 352 260 8" 28.801 8.625 0.322 7.955 160 PSI 530 140 10" 28.901 10.750 0.365 9.991 140 PSI 750 110 12" 28.911 12.750 0.406 11.906 130 PSI 1000 40 Swipe to see more... *Plain End 10 ft.Lengths https://www.slpipe.com/product/dwv/#cellular-core-10-ft 1/3 1/16/2018 DWV-Silver-Line Plastics SCHEDULE 40 SOLID 20 FT. Nominal Size Item Number Outside Diameter Min.Wall Thickness Inside Diameter(Value) Max Working Pressure at 73°F Wt/100' Ft/Pallet 1-1/2" 28.152 1.900 0.145 1.598 330 PSI 51 4,500 2" 28.202 2.375 0.154 2.055 280 PSI 69 2,800 3" 28.302 3.500 0.216 3.051 260 PSI 141 1,500 4" 28.402 4.500 0.237 4.007 220 PSI 200 1,140 6" 28.602 6.625 0.280 6.043 180 PSI 352 520 8" 28.802 8.625 0.322 7.955 160 PSI 530 280 10" 28.902 10.750 0.365 9.991 140 PSI 750 220 12" 28.912 12.750 0.406 11.906 130 PSI 1000 80 Swipe to see more... *Plain End 20 ft.Lengths Schedule 40 Cellular Core Silver-Line's Cellular Core pipe leads its way as the industry's first I/O rated product.This means better durability,joint integrity,and improved performance with a consistent inner and outer wall. Standard Compliances: • ASTM F-891,standard for cell core pipe&inner/outer wall thickness testing(NSP-dwv I/O) Cellular Core is for non-pressure applications only Material complies with ANSI/NSF°Standard 14 CELLULAR CORE 10 FT. Nominal Size Item Number Outside Diameter Min.Wall Thickness Inside Diameter(Value) Wt/100' Ft/Pallet 1-1/2" 29.151 1.900 0.145 1.598 40 2,250 2" 29.201 2.375 0.154 2.055 52 1,400 3" 29.311 3.500 0.216 3.051 97 750 4" 29.401 4.500 0.237 4.007 135 570 6" 29.601 6.625 0.280 6.043 250 260 8" 29.801 8.625 0.322 7.955 389 140 Swipe to see more... *Plain End 10 ft.Lengths CELLULAR CORE 20 FT. Nominal Size Item Number Outside Diameter Min.Wall Thickness Inside Diameter(Value) Wt/100' Ft/Pallet 1-1/2" 29.152 1.900 0.145 1.598 40 4,500 2" 29.202 2.375 0.154 2.055 52 2,800 3" 29.302 3.500 0.216 3.051 97 1,500 4" 29.402 4.500 0.237 4.007 135 1,140 https://www.slpipe.com/product/dwv/#cellular-core-10-ft 2/3 1/16/2018 DVW-Silver-Line Plastics Nominal Size Item Number Outside Diameter Min.Wall Thickness Inside Diameter(Value) Wt/100' Ft/Pallet 6" 29.602 6.625 0.280 6.043 250 520 8" 29.802 8.625 0.322 7.955 389 280 Swipe to see more... `Plain End 20 ft.Lengths CELLULAR CORE BELLED END Nominal Size Item Number Outside Diameter Min.Wall Thickness Inside Diameter(Value) Bell Depth(Inch) Wt/100' Ft/Pallet 3" 29.322 3.500 0.216 3.051 41/4 100 1,500 4" 29.422 4.500 0.237 4.007 5 140 1,140 6" 29.622 6.625 0.280 6.043 6 250 520 Swipe to see more... *Belled End 20 ft.Lengths INDUSTRY ORGANIZATION AFFILIATIONS&BUYING GROUP MEMBERSHIPS North Carolina Office 800-438-9020 (tel:8004389020) Florida Office 877-335-9770 (tel:8773359770) Oklahoma Office 877-300-8625 (tel:8773008625) Eta (https://www.lin kedin.com/company/silver- line- ©1962-2018 Silver-Line Plastics I plastics) https://www.slpipe.com/product/dwv/#cellular-core-10-ft 3/3 CHARLOTTE PIPE AND FOUNDRY COMPANY` SUBMITTAL FOR CHARLOTTE PIPE® PVC SCHEDULE 40 PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTING SYSTEM Date: Job Name: Location: Engineer: Contractor: ® Scope: This specification covers PVC Schedule 40 pipe and fittings for pressure applications.This system is intended for pressure applications where the operating temperature will not exceed 1400 F. ® Specification: Pipe and fittings shall be manufactured from virgin rigid PVC (polyvinyl chloride)vinyl compounds with a cell class of 12454 as identified in ASTM D 1784. PVC Schedule 40 pipe shall be Iron Pipe Size (IPS) conforming to ASTM D 1785. Injection molded PVC Schedule 40 fittings shall conform to ASTM D 2466. Pipe and fittings shall be manufactured as a system and be the product of one manufacturer.All pipe and fittings shall be manufactured in the United States. Pipe and fittings shall conform to NSF International Standard 61 or the health-effects portion of NSF Standard 14. ® Installation: Installation shall comply with the latest installation instructions published by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry and shall conform to all applicable plumbing,fire, and building code requirements. Buried pipe shall be installed in accordance with ASTM F 1668. Solvent cement joints shall be made in a two-step process with primer manufactured for thermoplastic piping systems and solvent cement conforming to ASTM D 2564. The system shall be protected from chemical agents, fire-stopping materials,thread sealant, plasticized-vinyl products or other aggressive chemical agents not compatible with PVC compounds. The system shall be hydrostatically tested after installation. WARNING! Never test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC pipe or fittings. Doing so can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death. ■► Referenced Standards: ASTM D 1784: Rigid Vinyl Compounds ASTM F 1668: Procedures for Buried Plastic Pipe ASTM D 1785: PVC Plastic Pipe,Schedule 40 NSF Standard 14: Plastic Piping Components&Related Materials ASTM D 2466: PVC Plastic Fittings, Schedule 40 NSF Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components- ASTM D 2564: Solvent Cements for PVC Health Effects Pipe and Fittings 177\ Schedule 40 c� --- Tapered Socket Dimensions PVC SCHEDULE 40-ASTM D 2466 -A-- Bend Eighth BendSchedule 80 and Schedule 40 Socket Diameter Schedule 80 Schedule 40 Quarterg Cross Street Quarter Nominal Entrance Bottom Tolerance Socket Length Socket Length Bend Size A B C(Minimum) C{Minimum) r+ Lemilimsaa 1/2 0.848 0.836 ±0.004 0.875 0.688 3/4 1.058 1.046 ±0.004 1.000 0.719 11)111 1 1.325 1.310 ±0.005 1.125 0.875 11/4 1.670 1.655 ±0.005 1.250 0.938 Male Adapter Bushing Female Adapter Cap 11/2 1.912 1.894 ±0.006 1.375 1.094 2 2.387 2.369 ±0.006 1.500 1.156 21/2 2.889 2.868 ±0.007 1.750 1.750 3 3.516 3.492 ±0.008 1.875 1.875 4 4.518 4.491 ±0.009 2.250 2.000 6 6.647 6.614 ±0.011 3.000 3.000 8 8.655 8.610 ±0.015 4.000 4.000 Plug Tee Coupling 10 10.780 10.735 ±0.015 5.000 5.000 12 12.780 12.735 ±0.015 6.000 6.000 PIPE REFERENCE GUIDE Not all fitting Sizes Available patterns shown Product 1/2 3/4 1 11/4 11/2 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 PVC Schedule 40 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company•P.O.Box 35430 Charlotte,NC 28235•(800)438-6091 •www.charlottepipe.com Charlotte Pipe and Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company are registered trademarks of Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company. FO-SUB-PVC-40(5-28-14) 'RPI 57460 Dewitt Street • Elkhart, Indiana 46517-1078 ROYAL Phone (574)293-9096• Fax (574)294-3450 800-628-2957 ■ Web site:www.rpiroyaledge.com EDGE Roofing Products International,Inc. ROYAL EDGE NON-REINFORCED EPDM MEMBRANE '. TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PRODUCT DATA PROPERTIES TEST METHOD MINIMUM ASTM PERFORMANCE TYPICAL VALUES THICKNESS ASTM D 412 0.0405"(1.028 mm) 0.043"(1.092 mm) OVERALL MEMBRANE ELONGATION,min. ASTM D 412 (Die C) 300% 450% TENSILE STRENGTH,min . ASTM D 412 (Die C) 1305 psi (9.0 MPa) 1425 psi(9.8 MPa) TEAR RESISTANCE,min. ASTM D 624(Die C) 150 lbf/in(26.2 kN/m) 200 lbf/in(35.0 kN/m) BRITTLENESS TEMP.max ASTM D 2137 -49° F(-45° C) -63° F(-53° C) OZONE RESISTANCE ASTM D 1149 pass pass no cracks HEAT AGING: ASTM D 573 Tensile Strength,min ASTM 412 (Die C) 1205 psi (8.3 MPa) 1415 psi(9.7 MPa) Elongation, max,min ASTM D 412 (Die C) 200% 90% Tear Resistance,min ASTM D 624(Die C) 125 lbf/in(21.9 kN/m) 180 lbf/in(31.5 kN/m) Linear Dimensional Change, max ASTM D 1204 ± 1.0 % -0.7% Water Absorption, max,mass% ASTM D 471 +8,-2% +1.8 % Factory Seam Strength,min ASTM D 816, Method B (8.8 kN/m)or sheet failure sheet failure 50 lbf/in(Modified) WEATHER RESISTANCE: Visual Inspection ASTM D 518 pass pass PRFSE,min ASTM D 518 30% 63% Elongation, max,min ASTM D 412 (Die C) 200% 290% RPI Royal Edge EPDM membrane meets or exceeds the minimum requirements set forth by ASTM D 4637,and CG SB 37-G P-52M,for Type 1, Class A,non-reinforced single-ply EPDM membranes. DESCRIPTION: RPI Royal Edge non-reinforced EPDM membrane is a cured single-ply membrane suitable for use in Fully Adhered, Mechanically Attached, and Ballasted roofing systems. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All substrates must be dry, clean, and free of debris and loose foreign materials including oils, grease, and other contaminants. 2. All surfaces must be smooth and free of sharp and protruding edges. 3. All voids greater than 1/4 inch should be filled with an acceptable material. 4. RPI Royal Edge EPDM must be installed according to RPI System Specifications. RPI ROYAL EDGE EPDM NON-REINFORCED EPDM MEMBRANE DATA SHEET 1/2 2-10 PACKAGEING: Thickness Widths Lengths Weight .045" 7.5 ft. (2.3 m) 50 ft.(15.2 m) 0.29 lb/sq.ft. (1.1 M) 10 ft. (3 m) 25, 50, 100, 200 ft. 20 ft. (6.1 m) 30 ft. (9.1 m) 40 ft.(12.2 m) 50 ft. (15.2 m) .060" 7.5 ft. (2.3 m) 50 ft. (15.2 m) 0.40 lb/sq.ft. (1.5 M) 10 ft. (3 m) 25, 50, 100, 200 ft. 20 ft. (6.1 m) 30 ft. (9.1 m) Contact RPI representative for product availability and shipping/packaging information. PRECAUTION: 1. When moving/transporting, avoid dragging rolls. Do not allow membrane to come into contact with objects that can puncture, cut, or tear the membrane. 2 Prevent contact with products such as oils, animal fats, petroleum products, and grease. 3. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)for safety information and disposal. RECOMMENDED STORAGE: 1. Protect membrane from puncture and other physical damage. 2. Before stocking/loading rooftop, check existing structure to ensure dead load limitations are not exceeded. Consultation with a structural engineer is recommended. 3. Do not store material near ignition or open flame sources. Material will burn when exposed to open flame. 0.0 S frb APPROVED c UL us Membrane for Roofing Systems As to an External Fire Exposure Only See UL Roofing Materials and Systems Directory R10073 Information stated on this Roofing Products International,Inc.Data Sheet is intended to provide basic guidance as to storage,application,coverage,shipping,and other product data.Information is subject to change without notice.For more information regarding this product,refer to RPI M SDS,and the RPI Specification Manual.A sneither Roofing Products International,Inc.nor its representatives practice structural engineering or architecture,RPI disclaims any responsibility and offers no opinion as to the structural soundness of any structure on which its products may be applied.The building owner should obtain the services of a competent structural engineer before proceeding.RPI accepts no responsibility for any structural failure or resultant damages.No Roofing Products International,Inc.representative is authorized to vary this disclaimer. 4RPI Roofing Products International,Inc. 57460 Dewitt St.Elkhart,IN 46517 Sales/Technical 1-800-628-2957 Fax:574-294-3450 www.rpiroyaledge.com RPI ROYAL EDGE EPDM NON-REINFORCED EPDM MEMBRANE DATA SHEET 2/2 2-10 paul@visualimpax.com From: tori@cogeodesign.com Sent: Monday, September10, 2018 1:20 PM To: paul@visualimpax.com Subject: 2841 Basingdale Boulevard 18-369 Attachments: Visual Impax 2841 Basingdale Road 18-369.doc Hello Paul, We will do the Open Hole Inspection per our contract signed by you on May 3rd, 2018. Please call us AT LEAST24 hours priorto get you on the schedule. It helps immensely to have the Job number when you call in #18-369 Lori/WhItei E ecutive/AkkOtc vit Colorado--C, av d'De%% vv 303 -688-2150 7601 3urvi Af Mee/Drove' f cuiktowvv, CO 80116 i Colorado Geoscience & Design, Inc. P.O.Box 68 Franktown,Colorado 80116•Phone:303.688.2150•Fax:303.688.1295•CoGeoDesign.Com Visual Impax 303 South Broadway, Blvd., Ste. 200-301 Denver, CO 80209 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION OF 2841 BASINGDALE BLVD EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO REPORT NO. 18-369 July 20, 2018 �pN1�p � ,pO REGh,S�p •••••°° ), 4".." O •• U F / 0 304/52 vo°- y 4h` Mme'c � NOT VALID WITHOUT ORIGINAL SIGNATURE GEOTECHNICAL STRUCTURAL CIVIL ENGINEERS Colorado Geoscience & Design, Inc. P.O.Box 68 Franktown,Colorado 80116•Phone:303.688.2150•Fax:303.688.1295•CoGeoDesign.Com Visual Impax 303 South Broadway, Blvd., Ste. 200-301 Denver, CO 80209 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION OF 2841 BASINGDALE BLVD _ EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO REPORT NO. 18-369 July 20, 2018 . ore RfC,/I,4y OQ • ..0• "ST yy�b 1017,2.- Cdt0 c 30452 o i :1/4, g1"11 V �j r7n� a Q: 14 i, `Zs' e`'��' NOT VALID WITHOUT ORIGINAL SIGNATURE GEOTECHNICAL STRUCTURAL CIVIL ENGINEERS TABLE OF CONTENTS General 1 Site Conditions 1 Field and Laboratory Investigation 1 Foundation Recommendations 2 Criteria for Concrete Slab on Grade Construction 3 Placement of Foundation Fill 5 Subsurface Drainage 5 Surface Drainage 5 Foundation Excavation 6 Radon Gas 7 General Information 7 Location Map Figure 1 Log of Test Holes Figure 2 Swell / Consolidation Charts Figure 3 Summary of Laboratory Testing Table 1 Details of Foundation Drain System Detail 1 Foundation Grading Detail Detail 2 Appendix Information about the Report Subsurface Investigation Visual Impax Colorado Geoscience and Design, Inc. Report No. 18-369 GENERAL This report presents the results of data obtained during the subsurface investigation at 2841 BASINGDALE BLVD, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. This investigation was made to determine the type of foundation required, allowable bearing capacity, and groundwater conditions encountered at the time of the field investigation. SITE CONDITIONS _y. At the present time the site is vacant. It is our understanding a single-family residence is planned for this site. The proposed structure will consist of wood framed construction with a steel reinforced concrete foundation. We anticipate the foundation loads to range from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds per lineal foot of foundation wall. The general topography of the site is steeply sloping approximately 20% or more to the northwest. The vegetation at the site consists of native tree, shrubs, grass and weeds. The weather was warm and sunny at the time of the investigation. If the type of construction changes from that specified above, please contact this office for additional recommendations and/or requirements. FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION Due to site access, one (1) exploratory test hole was drilled on July 5, 2018 at the site shown on the Location Map, Figure 1. The test hole was drilled with a four-inch (4") diameter auger advanced with a CME-45 soil exploration drill rig. At specific intervals, the drilling tools were removed from the test holes and soil samples were obtained with a two-inch (2") diameter spoon sampling tube. The depths at which soil samples were taken and a description of the soil encountered are shown on the Log of Test Holes, Figure 2, and the Summary of Laboratory Testing, Table 1. All soil samples were carefully observed in the field during the drilling operation. These samples were classified in the laboratory through visual observation and laboratory testing to determine the pertinent properties. The natural moisture content and dry density was obtained from relatively undisturbed drive samples of typical soils. Swell- consolidation tests were performed on typical soil samples see Figure 3. These tests indicate the behavior of the soil upon various loadings in a wetted condition. Groundwater was not encountered at the time of the field investigation. These observations represent the groundwater conditions at the time of drilling or measurement and may not be indicative of the conditions at other times. Groundwater levels can be expected to fluctuate with varying seasonal weather conditions and if the sites use irrigation for lawns. July 20, 2018 1 Subsurface Investigation Visual Impax Colorado Geoscience and Design,Inc.Report No. 18-369 Site soil conditions encountered may appear different from the test borings as presented in this report. An excavation observation is required and must be performed by a representative of this office to verify existing soil conditions, and the proposed design bearing pressure. The excavation observation must be performed only after the entire building footprint has been excavated to the bottom of bearing elevation. In addition, it may be necessary to revise our foundation recommendations based upon results of the excavation. The fee for this observation and/or revised foundation recommendations is not included in the cost of the soil report. Failure to follow the observation requirements noted herein may jeopardize the success of this construction project and shall absolve Colorado Geoscience and Design Inc. from any and all responsibility for any damages arising from the failure to obtain proper site observations. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our evaluation of the subsurface conditions, we recommend the proposed single-family residence be founded on continuous concrete footings and pads. The new foundation system shall match the existing foundation system. A professional engineer should use the following design criteria to design the foundations. 1. The footings and pads shall be designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot (DL+ LL). The entire foundation shall bear on the fine- grained, medium dense, very clayey sand. 2. No footing or pad shall bear upon topsoil or soils that contain organic material. All loose and disturbed soil shall be removed before pouring the concrete for the footings or bearing pads. 3. All continuous footings supporting perimeter concrete foundation walls shall be at least 16 inches wide or the width required for the maximum design loads. We recommend footings be reinforced to bridge isolated soft areas up to 10 feet. Exterior footings should be provided with at least 3 feet of soil cover for frost protection, or per county codes. 4. The foundation walls shall be designed for an active horizontal pressure based on an equivalent fluid density of 40 pounds per cubic foot plus any applicable surcharge or hydrostatic loads. 5. In place structural settlements are very difficult to predict with any reasonable accuracy, due to the large number of variable geotechnical parameters involved. However, based upon the currently available methods of settlement prediction, it is estimated that total structural settlement will be on the order of 1" and differential structural settlement will be on the order of/Z". July 20, 2018 2 Subsurface Investigation Visual Impax Colorado Geoscience and Design, Inc. Report No. 18-369 `CRITERIA FOR SLAB-ON-GRADE CONSTRUCTION _ I Virtually all concrete slabs undergo some type of movement. Concrete slabs placed on soils comprised of medium dense or dense granular material or comprised of soft or stiff clays with swell potential less than 1% under a 1000 lb surcharge is considered unlikely to sustain intolerable movement by standard engineering practice. Cracking of slabs-on-grade is difficult to control and should be expected to occur with time. Cracking may be the result of many factors such as concrete shrinkage and daily and seasonal variability in temperature and humidity and not necessarily the result of soil movement. Further, cracks and movement of slabs-on-grade can be transmitted through rigid floor coverings such as ceramic tile. Performance expectations should be taken into consideration in the selection of floor slab coverings. If floor coverings or coatings less permeable than the concrete slab are used, or if moisture is a concern, we recommend a vapor retarder be placed beneath the slab. Flooring installation should be consistent with the flooring manufacturer's recommendations for subsoil and slab construction and moisture testing prior to installation. A change in water content in soils is a major contributor to slab movement. Colorado Geoscience and Design recommends that steps be taken to reduce the possibility of intolerable concrete slab movement due to changes in water content. Properly landscaped yards, drainage from the foundation walls, and the installation of perimeter and/or under slab drainage systems are ways to mitigate changes in the water content of the indigenous soils (See "Surface Drainage"). A slab performance risk evaluation was conducted in general compliance with industry guidelines for the local area. The risk assessment of a site for potential movement is not absolute; rather, it represents a judgment based upon the data available and our experience in the area. Movement of foundations and concrete flat work will occur over time in low to very high-risk areas as the soil moisture content increases. On low and moderate rated sites, slab movements of up to 3 inches across the slab with cracking of up to 1/4 inch in width and/or differential movement are not unusual. The damage generally increases as the risk assessment increases and as the depth of wetting increases. It must be understood, however, that assessing risk is an opinion, and the prediction of heave is not an exact science. Therefore, it may be possible that heave less than or in excess of what is described herein may be experienced. This risk should be communicated to the subsequent homebuyer. We recommend the owner or prospective buyer review "A Guide to Swelling Soils for Colorado Homebuyers and Homeowners", which is a special publication produced (SP43) by the Colorado Geological Survey to assist homeowners in reducing damage caused by swelling soils. July 20, 2018 3 Subsurface Investigation Visual Impax Colorado Geoscience and Design, Inc.Report No. 18-369 Swell Potential Chart Slab Performance Risk Category Representative Percent Swell (1,000 psf Surcharge) Low 0 to <2 Moderate 2 to <4 High 4 to <6 Very High >_ 6 Note: the representative percent swell values presented are not necessarily measured values; rather, they are a judgment of the swell of the soil and bedrock profile likely to influence slab performance. The swell potential of the indigenous soils for the residence at this site meet the criteria for low risk of slab-on-grade movement. Concrete slabs may be used for basement slabs, garage slabs and exterior surface (sidewalks, patios and aprons) placed on the native soil. Furthermore, intolerable movement of any slab on grade may occur at the site as a result of future factors beyond the control of Colorado Geoscience and Design, Inc. If differential slab-on-grade movement is not acceptable to the owner/builder and, if the owner/builder is unwilling to accept the risk of differential slab-on-grade movement, a structural floor above a crawl space is required in the basement. The owner/builder shall be cautioned that problems with mold may arise when floors are built over a crawl space or with a structural floor. In order to prevent such problems, it may be necessary to take specific actions to mitigate the potential for molds, such as installing actively controlled humidistat systems and devices, providing adequate ventilation of enclosed spaces below the floor, and/or treatment of the soils with anti- mold, anti-fungal chemical agents. Colorado Geoscience and Design, Inc. will not be responsible for any and all claims arising from issues of mold or fungal contamination. It is the builder's responsibility to adequately address these issues during construction. If the owner/builder accepts the risk of slab-on-grade movement and chooses a slab-on- grade floor, the following steps shall be part of the concrete slab design: • Any soil disturbed during construction shall be compacted by use of a vibratory plate in the case of loose granular soils or wheel rolled by heavy equipment in the case of soft clay or silt soils prior to placement of the concrete slab. • The soil should be kept moist but not wet during the compaction process as well as immediately prior to the placement of the concrete slab directly onto the soil. Steps shall be taken to ensure that subsurface moisture beneath the concrete slab remains constant during the construction process. • The concrete slab shall be structurally isolated from all foundations and shall be isolated from penetrations by suitable expansion material not less than '/z" thick. The floating concrete slab shall be completely isolated from all utility lines. • Control joints shall be provided in the concrete slab. These control joints must be saw cut or tooled to a minimum of one third of the thickness of the slab. No portion July 20, 2018 4 Subsurface Investigation Visual Impax Colorado Geoscience and Design,Inc. Report No. 18-369 of the concrete slab will have an area greater than neither 100 square feet nor a maximum dimension of 12'-0" in any direction without a control joint. • All non-bearing partition walls shall be constructed with a minimum of 3 inches of float to allow for slab-on-grade movement. • If a hot water heating system is used, the piping may be cast within the concrete slab if the slab is reinforced with steel rebar and special care is taken not to damage the piping during future construction activities. Nails shall not be driven into a concrete slab that has hot water piping. Base plates should be attached with construction adhesive or anchor bolts cast in the concrete slab at the time of placement. • If a forced air furnace is used, a 2" flexible connection should be installed between the furnace and the duct. LPLACEMENT OF FOUNDATION FILL L I Expansive soil is not suitable for backfill material adjacent to the foundation backfill or for retaining walls. Any soil disturbed or imported material adjacent to the foundation walls shall be re-compacted to a minimum of 90% of Standard Proctor Density, ASTM D-698. Compaction of each lift adjacent to walls should be accomplished with hand-operated tampers or other lightweight compactors. Over compaction may cause excessive lateral earth pressure, which could result in wall movement. No water flooding techniques should be used in the compaction of backfill. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE _AN= The installation of an exterior foundation perimeter drainage system is required for any habitable space below grade level. See Perimeter Drain Detail 1, for a suggested method of installing this system. The perimeter drain shall discharge at a daylight location a minimum of 15-feet away from the home. The daylight end shall have a screened end section to prevent rodents from entering the drain. Alternatively, the perimeter drain may discharge into a sump pit with a sump pump. If a sump pit is used, homeowners should perform routine observations of the sump pump system to make sure it remains in good working order. Failure to install and failure of a sump pump system can cause serious foundation problems. Water accumulation around foundation elements is the major cause of foundation stress, therefore proper installation of the perimeter drain is very important. SURFACE DRAINAGE The backfill soil around the foundations should be moistened and well-compacted in 12- inch maximum lifts with hand operated mechanical compaction equipment to prevent future settling. Controlled puddling of the backfill soils is not allowed. July 20, 2018 5 Subsurface Investigation Visual Impax Colorado Geoscience and Design, Inc. Report No. 18-369 Site grading is critical. A simple means of reducing moisture change to prevent water infiltration into the soil is to slope the ground away from the foundation. For proper drainage, a slope of 10% (1' in 10') away from the foundations in all directions is required. This slope must be maintained for a minimum distance of 10'-0". The property owner should inspect the area around the foundation regularly particularly after rainstorms to determine if proper drainage away from the structure has been maintained. The owners are advised to immediately fill in any settled area near the foundations to eliminate containment of water. Roof drainage should include gutters, downspouts, extensions, and splash blocks. Down spouts must discharge onto concrete splash blocks or into metal gutter extensions at least 6 feet away from the foundation walls and beyond any backfill zones directing water away from the foundation. The owners should be cautioned regarding the installation of a lawn adjacent to the foundation walls. Lawn irrigation must be more than five feet (5') from the foundation walls to prevent wetting of the subsurface soils. Lawn and/or plants should not be planted within five feet (5') of the foundation walls. We recommend providing decorative gravel or bark around the foundations, as shown in Foundation Grading Detail 2. This method will prevent ponding of water and provide for proper drainage from the foundations. Non-woven geo textile fabric can be placed under the mulch to reduce weed growth and still allow some evaporation of soil moisture. Sprinkler heads and emitters should not be located or spray within 5 feet of the foundation or patio slabs and beyond backfill zones. Plantings near the foundations should not trap surface runoff. Furthermore, sidewalks or low-water consumption groundcover are recommended to further reduce the risk of water infiltration near the foundation walls. All pressurized irrigation lines and valve boxes should be located at least 10 feet from the foundation or patio slabs. Buried rain gutter discharge pipes are not recommended because of often undetected seepage problems caused by clogging, crushing and adverse grading of the pipes. Similarly, infiltration basins are not recommended adjacent to or upgrade of adjacent structures. If detention is required by statute, infiltration basins should be located down gradient and at least 30 feet from foundations. Changes in site grading by landscapers or property owners can have damaging effects on foundations and concrete basement and garage slabs-on-grade. It is the property owner's responsibility to control water and maintain the site to prevent infiltration near foundations. Additionally, it is the property owner's responsibility to maintain downspouts and buried sprinkler system conduits. FOUNDATION EXCAVATION ! Precautions should be taken in deep excavations for safety of workers and to protect July 20, 2018 6 Subsurface Investigation Visual Impax Colorado Geoscience and Design, Inc. Report No. 18-369 nearby structures. The sides of the temporary excavations should be sloped or benched at a %H to 1V maximum rate. Spoils for the excavation should not be placed within 2 feet of the excavation sidewalls and the excavation should not be subject to excess vibration wetting or drying. The owner contractor should be familiar with the OSHA Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry, 29 CFR, Part 1926, or the appropriate foundation chapters of the International Building Code prior to construction. RADON GAS— --- Most AS __Most counties in Colorado have average radon levels (measured in homes) above the U.S. EPA recommended level of 4 PicoCuries per liter of air (pCi/I). Results of a 1987- 1988 EPA-supported radon study for Colorado indicated that granitic rocks, in particular, generally have elevated levels of uranium. Radon tends to accumulate in poorly ventilated areas below ground level and can accumulate in above grade construction as well. Providing increased ventilation of basements and crawl spaces and sealing of the joints can mitigate build-up of radon gas. This mitigation is best implemented during the design and construction phase of the residence. The Colorado Geologic Survey and the U.S. EPA are both good sources for additional information regarding radon. 1GENERAL INFORMATION_ Based on this subsurface investigation, the proposed foundations appear to be technically feasible to be constructed at the proposed site. The structures should be designed for construction in the direct vicinity of the boring location. If the proposed locations change, additional borings will be required to assess the soil conditions at the new location. Permitting work will be required to obtain any local and state approval, and design work will need to be performed by a qualified professional engineer to bring this project into final design, and subsequent construction. A qualified contractor experienced with similar projects should carry out the construction of this project. The construction process should be carefully observed and documented to ensure the construction is performed in accordance with the design drawings and technical specifications. In any soil investigation it is necessary to assume that the subsurface soil conditions do not vary greatly from the conditions encountered in our field and laboratory testing. Our experience has been that at times soil conditions do change and variations do occur and may become apparent at the time of excavation for the foundation system. The work contained herein was performed by, or under the direct supervision of a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado. Professional judgments and July 20, 2018 7 Subsurface Investigation Visual Impax Colorado Geoscience and Design,Inc. Report No. 18-369 evaluations are presented based on information gathered during the drilling operations, conversations with the owner and/or contractor, and on experience with similar projects. The performance of the project is not guaranteed in any manner, only that the engineering work and judgments rendered meet the standard of care of the engineering profession. The engineering services performed are within the limits set by the Client, with the usual thoroughness and competence of the engineering profession. No other representation, expressed or implied, is included or intended. The parties specifically agree that Colorado Geoscience and Design, Inc. has not been retained nor will they render an opinion concerning any environmental issues, hazardous waste or any other known or unknown conditions that may be present on this site, since this is not in the scope of this report. July 20, 2018 8 I PROPERTY LINE N 5' I B1 A gyp 22� �J P 55GO • .R)P PROPERTY LINE LEGEND OSOIL PROFILE TEST PIT ID GPS LOCATOR ELEV A FOUNDATION SOIL TEST BORINGS 39°37.032'N PERCOLATION TEST HOLES B1 106°25.879'W 7912 nSOIL PROFILE HOLE fliWilillSITE MAP VISUAL IMPAX SCALE 111 = 30' ALL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON SPECIFIC INFORMATION JOB NO. FURNISHED BY OTHERS OR ESTIMATES MADE IN THE FIELD BY COLORADO GEOSCIENCE PERSONNEL.THE LOCATIONS,DISTANCES, DIRECTIONS,ETC.ARE NOT THE RESULT OF A PROPERTY SURVEY BUT SITE LOCATION 18-369 Colorado ARE APPROXIMATIONS AND ARE NOT WARRANTED TO BE EXACT.IT IS THE OWNER/BUILDERS RESPONSIBILITY TO DEFINE PROPERTY 2841 BASSINGALE BLVD. Geoscience & Desi n,lnc. BOUNDARIES PNiTEDSI EANDOUTOFI ALL ON-SITE APPROPRIATEEA EMENTSD EAGLE COUNTY FIG• �� 9 WITHINTHS AND ENSSITEANDOUT OFMPROVEME TS RELOCATE. P.O.BOX 8E FIMKTOYft CO.MIS, ALL DISTANCES ARE TO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. COLORADO `RIORE xne3I 8862160 PROJECT: Subsurface Investigation JOB NO: 18-369 Colorado Geoscience and Design, Inc. CLIENT: Visual Impax LOCATION:2841 Basingdale Blvd. Eagle County Colorado Log of Test Holes DRILLING METHOD: 4" Continuous Flight Auger 1 —100 El. 100 Fine-grained sand, very 100— ® clayey, medium dense, - slightly moist to moist, dark brown to rust brown - _ 13/12 00401 —96 96— —92 281V 92— Fr. Coarse-grained sand, - -88 gravel and cobble, clayey, 88— • ! - dense, slightly moist gray rust brown - 1 _ 50/10• !a C ► !• o — ♦. — . co • —84 50/0 �� ■ .�rJ 84 —80 80— —76 76— —72 72— Notes: Where Applicable- 1. x/y indicates that"x"number of blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 a: s Indicates ground water encountered during the drilling operation. inches are required to drive a 2-inch diameter sampler"y"number of inches. b. Indicates ground water encountered after 24 hours. 2. LI Indicates depth at which soil samples were taken. c. T Indicates auger refusal. d. Indicates caving. Figure 2 SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TESTS Swell/Consolidation under + pressure due to wetting +8 J +6 • +4 0O re O +2 e ZO 0 W 0 -2 7„t, W _• 71 -4 O. z -6 O -8 Water added to sample II 100 300 1M 3M 5M 10M 20,000 28,000 APPLIED PRESSURE (PSF) Test Hole No. 1 Depth 3' Soil Description: Fine-grained sand, very clayey, medium dense, slightly moist to moist, dark brown to rust brown. Swell/Consolidation under ++8 pressure due to wetting J +6 W• +4 CO 0O O +2 o Z 0 O -2 U l3 W• O -4 O. Z -6 0 V -8 Water added to sample I I 100 300 1M 3M 5M 10M 20,000 28,000 APPLIED PRESSURE (PSF) Test Hole No. 1 Depth 8' Soil Description: Fine-grained sand, very clayey, medium dense, slightly moist to moist, dark brown to rust brown. JOB NO. 18-369 FIGURE 3 SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TESTS Swell/Consolidation under ++8 pressure due to wetting J +6 J W +4 Nu. N O re +2 O z e 0 0 O �. w < -2 W JO a z -6 0 C.) -8 Water added to sample _ I1 _ _ 100 300 1M 3M 5M 10M 20,000 28,000 APPLIED PRESSURE (PSF) Test Hole No. 1 Depth 14' Soil Description: Coarse-grained sand, gravel and cobble, clayey, dense, slightly moist, gray rust brown . JOB NO. 18-369 FIGURE 3 w m § 2 a o / � & E E § '- > 0 8 .02) k k 2 G en 0 > / $ 2 - 2 o .0 .0 0. 1 2 8 S E § E22 2 C o o 11 CU.0 C C o 7 � � tk15 co t/ ao of o2 > 1 $ c '22 '2- 2 -a- §• f § co § \ § . § 2720) -0 « cVc � 0 72 % 22 $ 22 Z ' � / . � EcE � J2 �2B � B 0)ILI J. E k E § 2' o % ii- Rir: RoTe) o74 0 O. 7 a0 --k ' R c § O a, Ca § g 2 @ o ¥ q < 0cn ce $ 6 0 Si 2 0 0 o B§ � .- 0 — 2 , co m Cal '2 2 fk ■ o° CO \ q \ § a It kk @ G CO Nr v- (15Co o E @ ' co % 2 0 z ca ) ■ e » 2 U , C Cg $ k f _ N. CO CO / C § ■ 0 c � § .0 ..... k R n co A- a- b 3 k � -o 0 ) — — — \ — 2 § o0 APPENDIX Important Information About the Report The data collected by Colorado Geoscience & Design, Inc. during this investigation was used to provide geotechnical information and recommendations regarding subsurface conditions on the site investigated, the effect of those conditions on the proposed construction, and the foundation type for the named client. The stratification lines indicated on the boring log are approximate, and subsurface conditions encountered may differ from those presented herein. This uncertainty cannot be eliminated because of the many variabilities associated with geology. For example, material and engineering characteristics of soil and bedrock may change more gradually or more quickly than indicated in this report, and the actual engineering properties of non-sampled soil or rock may differ from interpretations made based on boring logs. Quantitative conclusions regarding the performance of geotechnical structures prior to construction are not possible because of the complexity of subsurface conditions. Rather, engineering judgments and experience are used to estimate likely geotechnical performance and provide the necessary recommendations for design and construction. Put another way, we cannot be sure about what is not visible, so the collected data and our training and experience are used to develop predictions and recommendations. There are no guarantees or warranties implied or expressed. The owner and/or client must understand that uncertainties are associated with geotechnical engineering, and they, the owner and/or client, must determine the level of risk they are willing to accept for the proposed construction. The risks can be reduced, but not eliminated, through more detailed investigation, which costs more money and takes more time, and through any appropriate construction which might be recommended as a result of that more detailed investigation. To reduce the level of uncertainty, this report was prepared only for the referenced client and for the proposed construction indicated in the report. Unless authorized by Colorado Geoscience & Design, Inc. in writing, the owner will assume additional geotechnical risk if this report is used for any construction that differs from that indicated in the report. Our firm should be consulted well before changes in the proposed construction occur, such as the nature, size, configuration, orientation, or location of any improvements. Additionally, the knowledge and experience of local geotechnical practices is continually expanding and it must be understood the presented recommendations were made according to the standard of practice at the time of report issuance. If the construction occurs one or more years after issuance of the report, the owner and/or client should contact our firm to determine if additional investigation or revised recommendations would be advisable. Geotechnical practice in the Denver Region must consider the risk associated with expansive soils and bedrock. Geotechnical practice in the Denver area uses a relative scale to evaluate swelling potentials. As stated in the Subsurface Investigation, when the sample is wetted under a surcharge pressure (loading) of 1000 pounds per square foot (PSF), the measured amount of swell is classified as low, moderate, high, or very high. Page 1 of 3 Table 1 presents the relative classification criteria for the percentage of expansion relative to the initial sample height, at the indicated surcharge pressure. Swell Potential Chart SWELL POTENTIAL AT 1,000 LBS. CLASSIFICATION 0 to '/z% Non-expansiveNery low 'h to 11/2% Low 11/2 to 31/2% Moderate 31/2to6% High 6 to 8% Very High Greater than 8% Critical The swell potential classifications are based on the percentage of swell for samples placed on swell/consolidation machines under a surcharge of 1000 pounds per square foot. The relative swell classification can be correlated to potential slab damage as follows: Low-minor slab cracking, minor differential movement, and heave Moderate - lab cracking and differential movement, partial framing void and furnace plenum closure. High to Very High - large slab cracking and differential movement, closed voids, closed furnace plenum, and possible pipe rupture. These effects are based on monitoring and observation by several firms in the Denver metropolitan area and are not limited to the relative swell classification. More or less damage can occur in all classifications because of the uncertainty associated with subsurface conditions and geotechnical engineering. It is important to note that measured swell or soil expansion is not the only geotechnical criteria for the type of floor and foundation recommendations. Additional criteria considered include: • Soil and bedrock type and variability • Stratigraphy • Groundwater depth and anticipated post-construction moisture conditions. • Surface water drainage and features • Post-construction landscaping and irrigation • Construction details and proposed use • Local experience Page 2 of 3 Post-construction landscaping and owner maintenance will greatly affect structures on expansive soils and bedrock. Typically, irrigated landscaping increases the soil moisture content above the pre-constructed water content. Slabs, pavements, and structures significantly reduce evaporation of the soil moisture. Therefore, post- construction heave and resulting damage to buildings and other improvements are likely to occur on sites with expansive soils because of the high probability that subsurface moisture content will increase as the property and surrounding area is developed. Poor owner maintenance, such as negative slopes adjacent to foundation walls and irrigated landscaping adjacent to the foundation, also will significantly increase the risk of damage from expansive soil and bedrock. The property owner, and anyone he or she plans to sell the property to, must understand the risks associated with construction in an expansive soil area and also must assume responsibility for maintenance of the structure. The owner and prospective purchaser also should review "A Guide to Swelling Soils for Colorado Homebuyers and Homeowners, "which is a special publication (SP 43) produced by the Colorado Geological Survey to assist homeowners in reducing damage caused by swelling soils. Page 3 of 3 BRACE WALLS, TOP & BOT,, j PRIOR TO BACKFILLING i WELLSLOPED - 12" PEP, 10 FT. MIN. DO NOT DIKE WITH SOD OR EDGING //\\ii ' TOP 12 OF WELL-COMPACTED V 7-4 BACKFILL CONCRETE GRADE BEAH — E - COMPACTED , � ��� �hAOD�P.AIELY BACKFILL l FLOOR SLAB DAMPPROOFING POLYETHYLENE GLUED TO WALL EXPANSION JOINT AND EXTENDED ALONG THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION. -- - - _ o" 15# BUILDING FELT i,, ,, Uo ;°o•o�o /-------3/4' TO 1 1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL Q .Cy]% " MIN./ oo 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE. SLOPE DRAIN PIPE 1/8" PER FOOT TO 12" MIN. DAYLIGHT, OR TO A SUMP PIT. IF TO DAYLIGHT, COVER END WITH SCREEN. BACKFILL AROUND THE FOUNDATION SHOULD BE MOISTENED AND COMPACTED AND THE FINAL GRADE SHOULD BE WELL SLOPED TO PRECLUDE PONDING OF RAINFALL, IRRIGATION WATER, AND SNOW MELT ADJACENT TO FOUNDATION WALLS. . CAUTION: DO NOT DIKE OR IMPEDE THE FLOW OF WATER AWAY FROM FOUNDATION WALLS WITH SOD, EDGING OR DECORATIVE GRAVEL AND POLYETHYLENE. DOWNSPOUTS AND SILL COCKS SHOULD DISCHARGE INTO SPLASH BLOCKS OR LONG EXTENSIONS. • DRAIN SYSTEM BELOW GRADE AND BACKFILL DETAILS (FOR FOOTING FOUNDATION) DETAIL 1 FOUNDATION GRADING DETAIL 4'—O" MINIMUM • ,,. -%71 \\Y, ./. iii\ //' N.\ DECORATIVE GRAVEL —r---\ 1 OR BARK AREA. Co coo oQ o O'p; O0O!OOo°oQo ° p pQ0 c ��000 %���%\�i/ °���o'oo 11111 GRADE SOIL TO BE '<i��\\\�� SLOPED AWAY FROM FOUNDATION. FOUNDATION WALL ______LAr_i_-- NOTE: 1. PROVIDE A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 6" IN THE FIRST 10'-0" FROM HOUSE (10%). 2. DOWNSPOUTS AND EXTENSIONS SHOULD EXTENDED 5'-0" BEYOND THE FOUNDATION. DETAIL 2 McNICHOLS® BAR GRATING WELDED GW&-GW-2SER IES I 19-W-4 & 19-W-2 (1-3/1S" ON CENTER)SPACING I RECTANGULAR BAR CARBON&GALVANIZED STEEL LOAD TABLE SERIES TYPE BB HEIGHT #/SF CLEAR SPAN &NAME &THICKNESS 19-W-4 199AD 12" 18" 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 54" 60" 66" 72" 78" 84" 90" 96" 102" 108" 114" U 1421 631 355 227 158 116 8 9 70 57 47 39 34 29 25 22 20 18 16 14 GW 75 A 3/4"x 1/8" 4.1 5.0 D 0.025 0.056 0.099 0.155 0.224 0.304 0.398 0.502 0.623 0.752 0.8 8 3 1.061 1.217 1.38 2 1.575 1.8 24 2.064 2.277 2.446 C 710 474 355 28 4 237 203 178 158 142 129 118 109 101 95 8 9 8 4 79 75 71 D 0.020 0.045 0.079 0.124 0.179 0.243 0.319 0.403 0.496 0.600 0.713 0.8 37 0.969 1.121 1.274 1.442 1.610 1.798 1.98 5 U 2131 947 533 341 237 174 133 105 8 5 70 59 50 43 38 33 29 26 24 21 GW 75 3/4"x 3/16" 5,8 6.7 0 0.025 0.056 0.099 0.155 0.224 0.304 0.397 0.502 0.619 0.746 0.891 1.040 1.203 1.401 1.575 1.764 1.987 2.277 2.446 C 1066 710 533 426 355 304 266 237 213 194 178 164 152 142 133 125 118 112 107 O 0.020 0.045 0.079 0.124 0.179 0.243 0.317 0.403 0.496 0.602 0.717 0.8 39 0.972 1.117 1.269 1.431 1.603 1.790 1.994 U 2526 1123 632 404 281 206 158 125 101 84 70 60 52 45 39 35 31 28 25 GW 100 A 1" x 1/8" 5.2 5.1 -D 0.019 0.042 0.075 0.116 0.168 0.228 0.298 0.378 0.465 0.566 0.668 0.78 9 0.920 1.049 1.177 1.346 1.499 1.68 0 1.8 42 _C 1263 8 42 632 505 421 361 316 281 253 230 211 194 18 0 168 158 149 140 133 126 D 0.015 0.034 0.060 0.093 0.134 0.18 2 0.238 0.302 0.373 0.451 0.537 0.628 0.728 0.8 36 0.954 1.079 1.203 1.344 1.48 5 U 3790 168 4 947 606 421 309 -237 18 7 152 125 105 90 77 67 59 52 47 42 38 GW 100 1" x3/16" 7.5 g,4 0 0.019 0.042 0.074 0.116 0.168 0.228 0.298 0.377 0.467 0.562 0.669 0.789 0.908 1.042 1.187 1.334 1.515 1.681 1.867 C 18 95 1263 947 758 632 541 474 421 379 345 316 292 271 253 237 223 211 199 18 9 D 0.015 0.034 0.060 0.093 0.134 0.18 2 0.238 0.302 0.372 0.451 0.537 0.630 0.731 0.8 39 0.954 1.077 1.209 1.341 1.48 6 _U 3947 1754 98 7 631 439 322 247 195 158 130 110 93 81 70 62 55 49 44 39 GW 125 A 1-1/4" x 1/8" 6.3 7.2 D 0.015 0.034 0.060 0.093 0.134 0.18 2 0.239 0.302 0.373 0.449 0.538 0.626 0.734 0.8 36 0.958 1.08 3 1.213 1.352 1.472 C 1973 1316 98 7 78 9 658 564 493 439 395 359 329 304 28 2 263 247 232 219 208 197 O 0.012 0.027 0.048 0.074 0.107 0.146 0.191 0.242 0.298 0.361 0.429 0.504 0.58 4 0.670 0.764 0.8 60 0.964 1.077 1.18 9 U 5921 2631 148 0 947 658 48 3 370 292 237 196 164 140 121 105 93 8 2 73 66 59 GW 125 1-1/4" x 3/16" 9.1 10.0 D 0.015 0.034 0.060 0.093 0.134 0.182 0.238 0.301 0.373 0.451 0.535 0.629 0.731 0.836 0.958 1.077 1.205 1.352 1.484 C 2960 1974 148 0 118 4 98 7 8 46 740 658 592 538 493 455 423 395 370 348 329 312 296 D 0.012 0.027 0.048 0.074 0.107 0.146 0.191 0.241 0.298 0.360 0.429 0.503 0.58 4 0.671 0.763 0.8 60 0.965 1.077 1.191 U 568 4 2526 1421 910 632 464 355 281 227 18 8 158 135 116 101 8 9 79 70 63 57 GW 150 A 1-1/2" x 1/8" 7.4 8,3 0 0.012 0.028 0.050 0.078 0.112 0.152 0.198 0.252 0.310 0.376 0.447 0.526 0.608 0.698 0.796 0.901 1.003 1.121 1.245 C 28 42 18 95 1421 1137 947 812 711 632 568 517 474 437 406 379 355 334 316 299 28 4 D 0.010 0.022 0.040 0.062 0.08 9 0.122 0.159 0.201 0.248 0.301 0.358 0.419 0.48 7 0.559 0.635 0.717 0.8 05 0.8 96 0.992 _U 8 526 378 9 2132 1364 947 696 533 421 341 28 2 237 202 174 152 133 118 105 94 8 5 GW 150 1-1/2" x 3/16" 10.8 11 7 -0 0.012 0.028 0.050 0.078 0.112 0.152 0.199 0.251 0.310 0.376 0.447 0.525 0.608 0.700 0.793 0.897 1.003 1.115 1.238 C 4263 28 42 2132 1705 1421 1218 1066 947 8 53 775 711 656 609 568 533 502 474 449 426 D 0.010 0.022- 0.040 0.062 0.08 9 0.122 0.159 0.201 0.248' 0.300 0.358 0.420 0.48 7 0.558 0.636 0.718 0.8 05 0.8 97 0.992 U 11605 5158 2901 18 57 128 9 947 725 573 464 38 4 322 275 237 206 181 161 143 129 116 GW 175 1-3/4"x 3/16" 12.5 13.4 0 0.011 0.024 0.043 0.067 0.096 0.130 0.170 0.215 0.266 0.322 0.38 3 0.450 0.522 0.598 0.68 0 0.771 0.8 60 0.963 1.064 C 58 03 38 68 2901 2321 1934 1658 1451 128 9 1161 1055 967 8 93 8 29 774 725 68 3 645 611 58 0 D 0.009 0.019 0.034 0.053 0.077 0.104 0.136 0.172 0.213 0.257 0.306 0.360 0.417 0.479 0.545 0.615 0.690 0.768 0.8 51 U 15158 6737 3790 2425 168 4 1237 947 749 606 501 421 359 309 269 237 210 18 7 168 152 GW 200 2"x 3/16" 14.1 15,0 D 0.009 0.021 0.037 0.058 0.084 0.114 0.149 0.189 0.233 0.282 0.335 0.394 0.456 0.523 0.596 0.673 0.754 0.840 0.934 C 7579 5053 3790 3032 2526 2165 18 95 168 4 1516 1378 1263 1166 108 3 1011 947 8 92 8 42 798 758 D 0.007 0.017 0.030 0.047 0.067 0.091 0.119 0.151 0.18 6 0.225 0.268 0.315 0.365 0.419 0.476 0.538 0.603 0.672 0.745 _U 19184 8526 4796 3070 2132 1566 1199 947 767 634 533 454 392 341 300 266 237 213 192 GW 225 2-1/4"x 3/16" 15.8 16.7 -D 0.008 0.019 0.033 0.052 0.074 0.101 0.132 0.168 0.207 0.250 0.298 0.350 0.406 0.465 0.530 0.599 0.671 0.748 0.828 C 9592 6395 4796 38 37 3197 2741 2398 2132 1918 1744 1599 1476 1370 1279 1199 1128 1066 1010 959 D 0.007 0.015 0.026 0.041 0.060 0.081 0.106 0.134 0.165 0.200 0.238 0.28 0 0.324 0.372 0.424 0.478 0.536 0.598 0.662 U 23684 10526 5921 3790 2632 1933 1480 1170 947 783 658 561 483 421 370 328 292 262 237 GW 250 2-1/2"x 3/16" 17.4 18.3 0 0.007 0.017 0.030 0.047 0.067 0.091 0.119 0.151 0.186 0.225 0.268 0.315 0.365 0.419 0.477 0.538 0.602 0.671 0.745 C 118 42 78 95 5921 4737 3947 338 3 2961 2632 2368 2153 1974 18 22 1692 1579 148 0 1393 1316 1247 118 4 D 0.006 0.013 0.024 0.037 0.054 0.073 0.095 0.121 0.149 0.18 0 0.215 0.252 0.292 0.335 0.381 0.430 0.48 0.538 0.596 U-Uniform Load-Lbs.per Square Foot • Spans and I oadingvalues to the I eftof the bol dedbl ackl ine produce a deflection of 1/4"or I essunder a uniform I oad of 100 I bs.per square foot,al I owin4or safe pedestrian comfort.Span and I oading values to the rightof the bol ded bl ackl ine are appl icabl Eto other types of I oadset the discretion of a I icensedengineer. D-Deflection-in Inches • For Grating with a serrated surface(1"bearing bar height or taller),subtract 1/4"from the bearing bar height requirement and reference that I oading information I istecin the table.For exampl e,a 1-1/2"x 3/16"serrated bearing bar height and thickness woul dhave the same strength and I oadingvalues as a 1-1/4"x 3/16"smooth(non-serrated)bearing bar height and thickness. C-Concentrated Load-Lbs.per Square • Loading and deflection values are theoretical and based on a maximum al I owabl fiber stress of 18,000 PSI,E=29,000,000 PSI. Foot of Width at Mid Span • Technical information provided is theoretical and for evaluation by technical l pkilled persons only,with any use thereofto be at their independentdiscretion and risk.McNICHCLS shall have no responsibil itpr I iabil itlorresults obtained or damages resulting from improperevaluation or use of Grating. Superior Service,Quality and Performance ... That's The Hole StoryR! _1-- 800.2373820 sales@mcnichols.com mcnichols.com paul@visualimpax.com From: Roussin - CDOT, Daniel <daniel.roussin@state.co.us> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 5:07 PM To: paul@visualimpax.com Subject: Re:2841 Basingdale Blvd Utility Approval&Verification I have no comment on this. thanks Dan Dan Roussin Permit Unit Manager Trafficand Safety P 970.683.6284 I F 970.683.6290 222 South 6th Street,Room 100,Grand Junction, CO 81501 daniel.roussin@state.co.us I www.codot.gov/ I www.cotrip.org On Mon, Jul 30,2018 at 2:39 PM, <paul@visualimpax.com>wrote: Daniel: Please find the attached revised documents regarding the above subject address. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Paul 1 Paul Brienza Visual Impax Urban Style for the Denver Community Mobile: 303-828-7725 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protectedfrom disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message has been addressed to you in error,please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, copying,or storage of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. 2 UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations,shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM- MENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: 2841 Basingdale Blvd. Vail, CO Lot 3 Block 8 Subdivision: Vail Intermountain Primary C ac /Own epresentative: Visual Impax Phone: 303 828-7725 Plans Dated: 07/27/2018 Primary Con act/Owner Represe�rtative Signature Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK It is the responsibility of the customer to obtain 970.328.8288 (tell utility locates and call to havemovcdany 970.328.8282(fax) /¢- 4 o)y CenturyLink facilities that are in conflict with this 08/1 0/201 8 Contacts: Kelly McClernon projcct. kelly.mcclernon@centurylink.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (te9 303.570.5459(cell) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: John Surette john.w.surette@xcelenergy.com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5425 (te) 970.945.4081(fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom jvroom@holycross.com XCEL Energy 9 70.262.4032 (te9 970.262.4038(fax) Contacts: Britt Mace brittany.mace@xcelenergy.com EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITATION DISTRICT 970.477.5449 (te) 970.845.7218(fax) Contact: Tug Birk dbirk@erwsd.org COMCAST CABLE 970.930.4713 (te) 303.603.1004 (fax) Contact: Michael Johnson Michael_johnson@cable.comcast.com CDOT(Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 9 70.683.6284 (tell Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.roussin@dot.state.co.us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility comp anyand the ap p licantto resolve p roblemsidentified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations,shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM- MENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: 2841 Basingdale Blvd. Vail, CO Lot 3 Block 8 Subdivision: Vail Intermountain Primary C ac /Own epresentative: Visual Impax Phone: 303 828-7725 Plans Dated: 07/27/2018 Primary Con act/Owner Represe�r'tative Signature Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288 (tell 970.328.8282(fax) Contacts: Kelly McClernon kelly.mcclernon@centurylink.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (te9 303.570.5459(cell) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: John Surette john.w.surette@xcelenergy.com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5425 (te) 970.945.4081(fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom jvroom@holycross.com XCEL Energy 9 70.262.4032 (te9 970.262.4038(fax) Contacts: Britt Mace brittany.mace@xcelenergy.com EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITATION DISTRICT 970.477.5449 (te) 970.845.7218(fax) Contact: Tug Birk dbirk@erwsd.org COMCAST CABLE 970.930.4713 (te) 303.603.1004 (fax) / / Approved byComcast Contact: Michael Johnson Michail joh�JM pp 7-30-2018 Michael_johnson@cable.comcast.com CDOT(Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 9 70.683.6284 (tell Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.roussin@dot.state.co.us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility comp anyand the ap p licantto resolve p roblemsidentified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. UTILITY APPROVAL&VERIFICATION l This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan,floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM- MENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact I The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: 2841 Basingdale Blvd.Vail, CO Lot 3 Block 8 Subdivision: Vail Intermountain Primary Cac /Own epresentative: Visual Impax Phone: 303 828-7725 Plans Dated: 07/27/2018 Primary Con act/OwA.ner RepreseWtative Signature Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288(tel) 970.328.8282(fax) Contacts: Kelly McClernon i kelly.mcclernon@centurylink.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077(tel) 303.570.5459(cell) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: John Surette john.w.surette@xcelenergy.com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5425(tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom jvroom@ ho lycross.corn XCEL Energy 970.262.4032(tel) 970.262.4038(fax) Contacts: Britt Mace brittany.mace@xcelenergy.com EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITATION .....7) DISTRICT /104 8- 970.477.5449(tel) �\`\ \\ 970.845.7218(fax) Contact Tug Birk �J dbirk@erwsd.org COMCAST CABLE 970.930.4713(tel) 303.603.1004(fax) Contact: Michael Johnson Michael johnson@cable.comcast.com CDOT(Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 970.683.6284(tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.roussin@dot.state.co.us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval &re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations,shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM- MENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: 2841 Basingdale Blvd. Vail, CO Lot 3 Block 8 Subdivision: Vail Intermountain Primary C ac /Own epresentative: Visual Impax Phone: 303 828-7725 Plans Dated: 07/27/2018 Primary Con act/Owner Represetive Signature Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288 (tell 970.328.8282(fax) Contacts: Kelly McClernon kelly.mcclernon@centurylink.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (te9 303.570.5459(cell) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: John Surette john.w.surette@xcelenergy.com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5425 (te) g/ 970.945.4081(fax) �l/lLfiv `, 7/31/18 Contact: Jeff Vroom / jvroom@holycross.com XCEL Energy 9 70.262.4032 (te9 970.262.4038(fax) Contacts: Britt Mace brittany.mace@xcelenergy.com EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITATION DISTRICT 970.477.5449 (te) 970.845.7218(fax) Contact: Tug Birk dbirk@erwsd.org COMCAST CABLE 970.930.4713 (te) 303.603.1004 (fax) Contact: Michael Johnson Michael_johnson@cable.comcast.com CDOT(Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 9 70.683.6284 (tell Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.roussin@dot.state.co.us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility comp anyand the ap p licantto resolve p roblemsidentified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. UTILITY APPROVAL&VERIFICATION This fo r-rn seves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to Naerif}service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan aid scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the followng utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM- MENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: 2841 Basingdale Blvd.Vail, CO Lot 3 Block 8 Subdivision: Vail Intermountain Primary Cg ac /Own epresentative: Visual Impax Phone: 303 828-7725 66, Q. �� — Plans Dated: 07/27/2018 Primary Cor ract/Owner Represewtative Signature Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288(el) 970.328.8282(ax) Contacts: KellyMcClernon kelly.mcclernon@centurylink.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS ?Qt.( Eng he h/t h�✓ � 970.262.4077(lel) 303.570.5459(cell) .3G5 bele cin ' 50a GFef'c est 970.468.1401 (tax) +1-0_ Mat t—ocede� 6;11 need to -6-to Contact: John Surette 19e c4,lled " oonet lccel E'1cr y O )fie 'ohn.w.surette•xcelener. .com �. 41.., oc &-M ti IO' '-.tk HOLY CROSS ENERGY 80f6me. 970.947,5425(tal) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom jvroom@holycross.com XCEL Energy 970.262.4032(tel) 970.262.4038(fax) Contacts: Britt Mace brittany.mace@xcelenergy.com EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITATION DISTRICT 970.477.5449(tel) 970.845.7218(fax) Contact: Tug Birk dbirk@erwsd.org COMCAST CABLE 970.930.4713(tel) 303.603.1004(fax) Contact: Michael Johnson Michaeljohnson@cable.comcast.com CDOT(Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 970.683.6284(tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.roussin@dotstate.co.us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval &re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations,shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM- MENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address: 2841 Basingdale Blvd. Vail, CO Lot 3 Block 8 Subdivision: Vail Intermountain Primary C ac /Own epresentative: Visual Impax Phone: 303 828-7725 Plans Dated: 07/27/2018 Primary Con act/Owner Represe�rtative Signature Authorized Signature Comments Date CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288 (tell 970.328.8282(fax) Contacts: Kelly McClernon kelly.mcclernon@centurylink.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (te9 303.570.5459(cell) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: John Surette john.w.surette@xcelenergy.com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5425 (te) 970.945.4081(fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom jvroom@holycross.com XCEL Energy Please apply for service at 970.262.4032 (te9 970.262.4038(fax) ���� xcelenergy.com if you are 8/1/18 Contacts: Britt Mace G2C/�- interested in gas service brittany.mace@xcelenergy.com EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITATION DISTRICT 970.477.5449 (te) 970.845.7218(fax) Contact: Tug Birk dbirk@erwsd.org COMCAST CABLE 9 70.9 30.4713 (te) 303.603.1004 (fax) Contact: Michael Johnson MichaelJohnson@cable.comcast.com CDOT(Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 9 70.683.6284 (tell Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.roussin@dot.state.co.us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility companyand the ap p licantto resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. WIN DOR 450 Delta Ave., , Brea, CA, 92821 Tel: (714) 385-1202 Fax:(714) 990-6200 www.windoronline.com Quote: 6435 Client: Western Pacific- Denver Reference:WestPac- XY Vail Contact: Bryan Karr Phone: 7204256845 Email: b.karr@gowestpac.com Bill To: Ship To: 320 South Lipan St 320 South Lipan St Terms:1% 10 - Net 30 Sales Person:Rod Preston Denver Denver Date Entered:09/11/2018 Colorado- United States,ZIP 80223 Colorado- United States,ZIP 80223 Date Required: 10/10/2018 No. Description Qty 1 Series: 2750 & 3750 3750 5.5.0 15'0" x 8'0" 1 Location: h".437500Frame size: Width: 177.4375 Height: 95.5 1/2"RO: Width: 177.9375 Height: 96 p5.50000O Options Glass Product Type : Folding Door 1/8 366 Temp- 1/8 Clear Temp- 1/8 Clear Temp I Air+Ti. Finish : Painted Paint Color : Black Coated Frame Type : 1 Inch Nail Fin BiFold Frame : KD Outswing or : Outswing BiFold Sill : Standard Bronze Anodize BiFold Style : 1 Pack Left Sash Type : 3.75 Sash Gas&Tube : Air+Tube Handle Type : Sentry Classic- Straight Handle Color : Black Twin Bolt Color : Black BiFold Hinge Color : Bronze Keyed Lock : Not Required Page 1 of 3 09/28/2018 09.37.49 WIN DOR 450 Delta Ave., , Brea, CA, 92821 Tel: (714) 385-1202 Fax:(714) 990-6200 www.windoronline.com Quote: 6435 2 Series: 2750 & 3750 3750 5.0.5 15'0" x 8'0" 1 Location: 11".4375001 Frame size: Width: 177.4375 Height: 95.5 1/2"RO: Width: 177.9375 Height: 96 p5.50000o Options Glass Product Type : Folding Door 1/8 366 Temp- 1/8 Clear Temp- 1/8 Clear Temp I Air+Ti. Finish : Painted Paint Color : Black Coated Frame Type : 1 Inch Nail Fin BiFold Frame : KD Outswing or : Outswing BiFold Sill : Standard Bronze Anodize BiFold Style : 1 Pack Right Sash Type : 3.75 Sash Gas&Tube : Air+Tube Handle Type : Sentry Classic- Straight Handle Color : Black Twin Bolt Color : Black BiFold Hinge Color : Bronze Keyed Lock : Not Required 3 Series: 2750 & 3750 2750 4.4.0 1 Location: 1500°°01 Frame size: Width: 119.5 Height: 75.5 1/2"RO: Width: 120 Height: 76 Options Glass 175.5oo0001 I I I Product Type : Folding Window 1/8 366 Temp- 1/8 Clear Temp- 1/8 Clear Temp I Air+Tu Finish : Painted Paint Color : Black Coated Frame Type : 1 Inch Nail Fin BiFold Frame : KD Outswing or : Outswing BiFold Sill : Standard Bronze Anodize BiFold Style : 1 Pack Left Sash Type : 2.75 Sash Gas&Tube : Air+Tube Twin Bolt Color : Black BiFold Hinge Color : Bronze Keyed Lock : Not Required Page 2 of 3 09/28/2018 09.37.49 WIN DOR 450 Delta Ave., , Brea, CA, 92821 Tel: (714) 385-1202 Fax:(714) 990-6200 www.windoronline.com Quote: 6435 Quotes are valid for 30 days from date of issuance. Accounts are subject to a 1.5%finance charged on unpaid balances. By signing this order confirmation,you are verifying that each unit's handings, color,and options are accurate. Please note that"handings" are determined from the exterior looking in. X Authorized Signature Page 3 of 3 09/28/2018 09.37.49 Structural Test Result: PG30 (Performance Grade 30) Test Standard: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101 /1 .S.2/A440-08 Unit Tested: 5.5.0 - 5 Panel Outswing, 143 1/2" x 95 1/2" PG30 5-Panel Dual Glazed Triple Glazed Triple Glazed Thermal Test Results U- SHGC VT Overall IG Thickness Insulated glass unit as tested Factor 0.29 0.17 0.37 1.25" 3mm Cardinal 366 / Argon / 3mm Clear / Air / 3mm Cardinal 189 0.29 0.17 0.37 1.25" 3mm Cardinal 366 / Argon / 3mm Clear / Argon / 3mm Cardinal 189 0.29 0.17 0.30 1.25" 3mm Cardinal 366 / Argon / 3mm Clear / Air / 3mm Cardinal 366 0.28 0.16 0.30 1.25" 3mm Cardinal 366 / Argon / 3mm Clear / Argon / 3mm Cardinal 366 d' Quality Window & Door Systems rni 450 Delta Avenue Brea, CA 92821 c +1-714-955-4489 fi +1-866-457-2826 0 M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PST About Win-Dor Win-Dor has been manufacturing vinyl replacement windows and door systems since 1990. Over the years Win-Dor has created and innovated many systems impacting design and manufacturing processes throughout the industry. Read More Quick Links Home Window and Door Systems Where to Buy Dealer Area Contact © 1990-2018, Win-Dor, Inc..All Rights Reserved. Privacy policy CLICKY ANALYTICS